#light of the jedi
amarcia · 2 months
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✴ ✴ I wanna be a white, WHITE, LIGHT ✴ ✴
it's a commission of Avar Kriss for @verdika !! Tysm!! :D
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
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bioluminesced · 1 month
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i read like 5 high republic books in a week.
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nataliabdraws · 9 months
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Collecting Star Wars women to be my mother like they’re Pokémon lol
Today it’s Avar Kriss
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elivanto · 10 months
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renesassing · 4 months
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we're getting a high republic show so it's time to read light of the jedi
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soneakyr · 3 months
Avar Kriss, Elzar Mann and the beauty of expressing their feelings and love through their hands:
Light of the Jedi:
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The Rising Storm:
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The Fallen Star:
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The Eye of Darkness:
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Love, pain, comfort,expectation, anticipation and even denial. Everything is in their hands.
So, what will be the next one?
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arriettyspin · 8 days
I've wanted to get into The High Republic era for quite some time now, and the Acolyte ending finally pushed me to start reading Light Of The Jedi. I have to say, this passage cracked me up.
"She was reading something on a datapad, her eyes rapt. Probably one of the Jedi romances she was always obsessed with. Merven didn't get it. He'd read a few-they were all set at outposts on the far Republic frontiers, full of unrequited love and longing glances...the only action was the lightsaber battles that were clearly a substitute for what the characters really wanted to do."
Now imagine this with all the rumours circulating of Anakin and Padmé during The Clone Wars. Wartime calls for shallow entertainment, and the corny romance novels explode in popularity. Padmé is affronted by the damsel-in-distress role she is often forced into whilst Anakin laughs at the exaggerated macho demeanor he is written to have and mocks it, though secretly he enjoys all the attention.
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lightsabergirl · 21 days
head empty, just thinking about Jecki watching over ahsoka as one with the force, helping her throughout her life as ahsoka even surpassed her own age.
helping her train against the clones with Anakin's tough training, as she took up her second saber, when she went on all those suicide missions, when the Jedi cast her out, when she wandered the galaxy on her own and felt abandoned by all, during order 66, getting her white sabers the age Jecki was when she died
when ahsoka has no one Jecki was next to her, supporting her as the force
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arirter · 4 months
The descriptions of the force and the Jedi in the High Republic are truly beautiful and magical huh
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amarcia · 7 days
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Into the sea breeze, heart full Going, going, I breathe in and out Ready to set off on our journey Now you and I dash on through these many miracles Making our way through the moment
(Lyrics: Hitsujibungaku - Hikaru Toki)
It's a commission of the Firebrands for @verdika !! Thank you twice now! :D
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
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bioluminesced · 25 days
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nataliabdraws · 5 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day from the galaxy’s star crossed lovers!! ✨💕
Check out my shop for prints and stickers!
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darth-memes · 3 months
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inquisitor-apologist · 9 months
Started reading Light of the Jedi, and it’s been really good so far—the pacing is good despite the POV shifts, the characters are distinct, and the worldbuilding is very good, especially for an established setting. It feels like someone could read this as a stand-alone sci fi novel with no background with Star Wars and get along just fine.
But one of the things I like the most so far is this kind of general ‘people are inherently good’ philosophy that the whole book kinda has.
Idk how to explain it exactly, but all of the characters feel very realistic and human, and they all try to help others. The captain in the first chapter likes and cares for her passengers, and even knowing she’s going to die, she does everything to save them. The scan techs are scared and have lives and people they want to see again, but they put out the warning first, even though they might’ve survived if they hadn’t. The elected official guy stays behind with to coordinate the evacuation and tries to get everyone else out first. And, duh, the Jedi are Jedi.
It’s just really refreshing for a Star Wars project to have that faith, since most of Star Wars is set in some of the worst times possible: civil war and descent into fascism, life under fascism, rebellion against fascism, civil war, post-war and post-fascism reconstruction, the resurgence of fascism. Those are times where it’s hard to trust anyone, let alone have a hopeful outlook on humanity. For most of Star Wars, the elected officials are corrupt and power-hungry, the normal people feel like it’s everyone out for themselves, and the Jedi aren’t allowed to just be Jedi.
It’s also pretty good worldbuilding; like Yoda said in Clone Wars, the prequel Jedi couldn’t take the right path, they had to take the only available path. But in this time, the Republic is working, people are helping each other, the Jedi are allowed to be Jedi. The Jedi have the ability to take the right path, to stay behind on Hetzal and stop the explosion—in the prequels, Palpatine and the Senate wouldn’t have let them stay behind, and even if they did, they might not have been able to move the Tibanna, because the Dark Side would’ve been clouding everything and making it harder to use the Force.
That the Jedi are able to help and that other people are willing to help really helps emphasize that this is a completely different time period and landscape than most of Star Wars. It really sells the idea that this was the galaxy’s golden age.
Idk I’m rambling, but I really like Light of the Jedi so far, and if it stays good I might get into the rest of the High Republic
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soneakyr · 11 days
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The Song & The Sea
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Elzar winked at her. Avar rolled her eyes, but the side of her mouth lifted up in a little smile. She couldn’t help it.
"Should we go dance, Jedi Master Elzar Mann?"
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You made it. I was so afraid you hadn't / I knew you were alive. You had to be.
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Avar had left him. But Elzar never let go of her. Even across the Stormwall, countless light-years, misunderstandings, anger, failure, loss, a year of grief and struggle—no, more than a year—he had never let go.
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"I love you, so much"
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"She felt the planet under her feet, alive and aching. The entire galaxy was here with her. And— Elzar."
"A star exploded in Elzar’s chest: Light and Life, so brilliant there was no room for anything else, not even a shadow. Avar."
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apollodreams · 3 months
Avar Kriss/Elzar Mann are obviously a straight ship but it feels queer in the way that all jedi romances feel queer. It's because Avar is the perfect jedi except that she's in love in a way she's not allowed to be, with someone in love with her in a way he is not allowed to be and that's queer to me except for the fact that the two people involved are a man and a woman
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