#get ready for the sufin one next
drowning-in-dennor · 4 years
The Prix draws to a close, and it is time for the dancers to reap the rewards of their week of hard work. [A continuation of this.]
  As the rest of the dancers finish up their variations, Henrik takes his friend (or are they boyfriends now?) down to the theatre cafe. They split a chocolate muffin, stuck in their costumes and stage makeup until the prize-giving ceremony is over. Stellan clearly has forgotten about this fact, because halfway through eating, he gets a smear of dark chocolate across his cheek. He glares at Henrik while getting a napkin to wipe it off.
 “Who do you think are going to be the prize winners?” Henrik asks.
 “The Prix’s been all that’s on my mind this past seven days. Can we talk about something else?”
 “Okay then.” He racks his brains for a topic. “What if you told me about yourself?”
 Stellan gapes at him. “What?”
 “We literally kissed each other ten minutes ago, and I don’t know anything about you that isn’t related to dance.” Henrik leans forward. “Where in Norway are you from? What’s your favourite colour? I want to learn about the guy behind the dancer.”
 Setting down his mug of coffee, he answers, cheeks slightly pink, “I live in Trondheim, and I’ve only left three times — twice for summer intensives in Stockholm and Oslo, and once for this. Um…” Stellan pauses for a moment. “My favourite colour is blue. Now you answer those questions.”
 Henrik smiles and nibbles at his muffin. “I live in Odense and I go to the branch of the Royal Danish Ballet School there. And my favourite colour is red.” Then he prompts, “ask me some questions.”
 He takes another drink from his mug. “Let’s see.” He blinks up at him, big blue eyes captivating as always. “Do you have any siblings other than Berwald?”
 “Nope, he’s the only one. He’s a total weirdo who was pretty much useless this week, but I would die for him. How about you?”
 “I have a younger brother, too. Harald is twelve and trains at my studio with me.” Stellan blinks. “I brought the topic back to dance again. I’m sorry.”
 “No, no, it’s fine.” Henrik folds up his muffin wrapper. “It’s my turn to ask, anyway. What’s your favourite subject in school?”
 “I’ve always loved literature, and sometimes I consider being an author as a second job. How about you?”
 “My favourite subject is music,” Henrik says. “I always thought it was a bit boring until I started learning the cello.”
 That gets his attention. “You play the cello?”
 “I’m not very good at it, since I’ve only been playing for two years, but yeah.”
 “I’d love to hear you play one day,” Stellan adds.
 He can feel his cheeks prickle with heat. “Thanks.”
 “It’s my turn to ask..” Stellan thinks for a moment. “When’s your birthday? Mine is the seventeenth of May.”
 “My birthday is on the fifth of June,” he replies. “They’re not too far apart.”
 After that question, the two of them fall into an easy silence. Henrik goes on his phone, occasionally glancing up at Stellan. He’s stunning even when idle, one dainty hand playing with his fine soft hair while he watches something on his phone. Henrik gets away with looking at him until an alarm suddenly goes off.
 The sound makes them both jump. Stellan turns off the alarm and drains his mug of coffee. “The prize-giving ceremony is in five minutes.”
 He already knows he won’t be getting an award. Surely, that honour will go to another of the twenty finalists. But no matter — being a finalist isn’t half-bad, either. Henrik wipes his mouth and follows his fellow dancers towards the stage area.
 They line up in two rows, facing the jury as well as the many people below the stage. The Prix’s artistic director is giving a speech of some sort, a thick stack of envelopes — each one containing a prize — in her hands. She passes them to the head of the jury, and he begins by announcing the winner of the “Best Swiss Candidate” award — that goes to 101, Erika Zwingli.
 Two more prizes are given away before the main event starts. The head of the jury takes the envelope holding the name of the eighth scholarship winner.
 Eighth place goes to Sandor, who half-stumbles his way towards centre stage. He clearly wasn’t expecting to win a prize. His shocked smile rivals the spotlight shining above them in brightness.
 Seventh, sixth, fifth and fourth place are announced, but none of those titles go to either of them. But then the artistic director reads off the third-place winner: “Stellan Grieg, dumber 407!”
 He rushes out to bow to the audience’s cheers, practically glowing beneath the lights. Stellan takes the envelope that proves his talent and goes to stand next to the rest of the prize winners.
 After the second and first prizes are awarded, the curtains close. Everyone drops their composed masks and rush to congratulate the winners. Henrik approaches Stellan, sweeping into a mock-bow. “I knew you could do it.” He tires to press down the disappointment welling up inside him.
 “I wish you could’ve won a prize too.” Stellan runs his fingers over the envelope. “Your performance really was nice.”
 “Too bad they’ve got that rule,” Henrik agrees. “Imagine how much of a power couple we’d be if we were both prize winners.”
 “We can still be a power couple.” Stellan places his hand on his arm, playing with the golden sequins on the sleeve. “Seeing how you’re the only Danish candidate here, I’d say you’re the best the nation has to offer.”
 He grins. “So you admit I’m good?”
 “Well…” He half-pouts up at Henrik.”I suppose you’d have to have a bit of talent to make it to the finals.”
 “Aw, that was almost a compliment.”
 “Don’t expect any more.”
 Somewhere across the stage, one of the prize winners bursts into laughter, her arm around a finalist’s shoulder. Henrik speaks above them. “Well, the finalists get prizes too.”
 “If I remember correctly, you get a cash prize, right?”
 “And bragging rights.” He momentarily gets distracted by the sight of his brother emerging from backstage, looking around in search of somebody. “I’m a special finalist, though, so I also won a boyfriend.”
 That gets a smile from Stellan. “A prize like that comes with a lot of perks. Let me demonstrate.”
 Before Henrik can question anything, Stellan grabs his wrist and pulls him down for a kiss.
 The Prix is over. Everyone is saying their goodbyes, snapping photos left and right. Henrik finds Stellan sitting by a window, trembling slightly while bundled up in a scarf.
 “Don’t have a jacket?”
 “Left it at the hotel.” He rubs his arms. “And I can’t dance to warm up.”
 Henrik sits next to him and wraps an arm around his waist. Outside of the studio, he hardly looks like a glacial ice prince. The tip of his nose is red and his hair ruffled, and he’s never looked so adorable.
 Wordlessly, Stellan nuzzles up to him. “You’re warm.”
 His heart skips a beat when he places his head down on his shoulder. “Which school are you planning to choose?”
 Stellan plays with the tassels on his scarf. “I have a month to make my choice, but my teacher and I have already decided.” He raises his head and looks at Henrik. “We both agree I’d do best at the Royal Danish Ballet School.”
 “The Royal — “ He starts. “That’s my school.”
 “Yes, that’s quite obvious.” He pokes Henrik in the nose. “And I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that I’m so sweet, picking this school just to spend time with you. But I’ll have you know I didn’t just choose the Royal Danish because you go there.” Stellan places his head back on his shoulder. “My teacher wants me to keep training in the Bournonville method, and your school is the best place for that. Your happening to go there as well was merely a secondary factor.”
 Henrik presses his nose to Stellan’s forehead. “If you say so. I’m still excited to be training alongside you, though.”
 “As am I.” He takes Henrik’s hand. “We won’t be apart for long, too. I’ll see you in person again this September.”
 “Oh, don’t talk about separating just yet.” He dares to kiss the crown of his head. “Your flight is at one, so we still have a few hours together. I want to make the most of them.”
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fireandspiceland · 2 years
I once made a post about my headcanons for a nordics orgy but today I thought OH MY GOD ✨NORDICS POLYCULE✨
Basically it would be DenNor x SuFin but each of the couples they build has a slightly different relationship dynamic. It’s all about having needs that can only be satisfied by one specific person here (be it sexually or romantically or just generally).
SuFin: Do I have to explain anything about them? Relationship goals. Wholesome and sweet with each other. Husbands.
DenNor: Same as above, is there anything I have to say? They are boyfriends. Maybe fiancés. May not look like it but are a very balanced couple.
But now to the fun part: the dynamic between each of the couples in the polycule 🥰💕✨
DenSu: Finland and Norway aren’t sure what exactly connects Denmark and Sweden but it works for them. These two together? Lots of energy, like a hurricane. Sweden doesn’t seem like it but he’s a force of nature and Denmark is the only one who he trusts will still stand after the storm. They are passionate and animalistic, feral even when they let themselves go completely. The kind of couple that wrestles each other to get things out of their system then fuck in the shower afterwards.
SuNor: When these two get together you know it will be an expensive night. Be it high-end food, clothes, or having to pay for damaged hotel property the next morning, Norway and Sweden indulge in things that their partners just don’t appreciate so they happily let them go on hour long dinner dates where during dessert the tension is already thick enough to be cut with a knife. But it’s only when they are alone that the real game starts, because they will play with almost anything. Toys, costumes, gender presentation and whatever else they can think of. It’s something that Sweden only starts to explore with Norway.
DenFin: When these two are together they leave all their brain cells at the doorstep. Sweden and Norway might never understand what they get out of it, but if you leave Finland and Denmark alone at the end of the night you will find them high, drunk, naked, sometimes covered in body paint, chocolate, or honey,… They might not always be able to recall the entirety of the evening but know it was a good one when they wake up on top of each other, ready for a sloppy [whatever-number-they-were-at] morning round.
FinNor: Like Denmark and Sweden, Finland and Norway trust each other deeply and express feelings to each other that the others can’t understand in the way they do. They are not as violent about it tho, these two are very soft with each other. It’s all big hugs and cuddles, sleepy kisses with a long forgotten movie playing in the background, quiet giggles and gasps and moans as if they have to keep their encounters a secret. Except for when they go out to concerts together. Then it’s screaming to the music, hard liquor from the bottle and a quickie in the car or a dirty bathroom stall.
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fireandiceland · 2 years
-End of the year review-
Thank you for the tag @kitaychan! I was already thinking about making an end of the year/new year post but now this is the perfect opportunity :D
1. What fandoms did you create for?
I only created stuff for Hetalia this year :)
2. How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
I recently collected all the drabbles from my nsfw account in a google doc and that alone is overwhelming.. I posted 8 fics on ao3, a total of 21 drabbles on tumblr (on this blog and @fireandspiceland), I made 2 playlists on spotify (but didn't make posts for them) and 2 moodboards! Oh and I cosplayed as Norway and Kugelmugel (but I only posted one edit of me as Nor).
3. What are you most proud of?
There's a lot of things I'm proud of! I'll try to name a few:
I actually kept up with writing for more than 6 months now :D I tend to start hobbies but not keep up with them on long term, so this is kinda big for me.
I went out of my comfort zone a LOT this year. Posting the things I write, joining discord servers and actually talking to the people there, and making friends both there and here on tumblr! You might think I'm an outgoing person, but I always put off posting my fics out of fear of critisism and it's not that easy for me to make the first step and ask someone for their discord or message them.
I started creating my own universe with it's own laws for my fic How'd I ever get so lost? It's my first 'big' project with multiple chapters that are telling one connected story and there's some world building involved that I invested a lot of thought into.
4. Any stats you wanna tell us about?
Here's some numbers I guess! I only had this blog for 8 month, I recently reached 200 followers, and my most popular work on ao3 is about to have 500 hits. ^-^
5. What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
Almost everything I created last year was inspired by a song from one of the playlists I made or by other people's art or AUs.. I also had some very inspiring and interesting talks with mutuals and then there's the requests I get! The sheer amount of content that there is in this fandom and that people keep creating is firing my own imagination and without it I wouldn't be able to create the things I did and do. Tagging everone would go beyond the scope, but my biggest inspirations this year were..
@breitzbachbea who is always ready to support my with her historical knowledge and do some brainstorming on discord <3 from our talks I learned a lot about topics I never knew I would be interested in!
@plz-let-me-nap and her SuFin blog! Our talks inspired some great AU's (that I still haven't made posts about) and simping for the nordics is a lot more fun as a group activity <3
@kitaychan with her amazing writing style and stories that leave you begging for the next chapter. Her thoughtful comments had/have a big influence on How'd I ever get so lost? <3
@modernday-jay who introduced me to mint chocolate (my beloved) <3 and is always giving me food for thought with his posts and his characterisation of Allen.
@ironicorange with his stalker Alfred AU and @neon-spirals with his Arthur and his tentacle boyfriend AU. I just had to mention these two because I love these AU's and it's amazing to be able to contribute something to them <3
6. What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Every single drabble on @fireandspiceland! If half a year ago you told me I would be fullfilling requests for nsfw drabbles, I would have thought you were insane.
7. What are you excited to work on next year?
Well it's this year now, but I'm looking forward to continuing the demon Arthur AU! I have lots of ideas for it and can't wait to flesh them out more. What I also want to do is get more into the teenage dirtbag AU and the bible camp AU. I love both of them dearly and I think there's lots of dynamics between the characters to explore in the future.
Tag some people!
Many people are already tagged above, but I also would like to tag @amber-isnt-a-precious-stone @starflight-blog @j-ellyfish @koolkat9 @cocasoula who are very dear mutuals who I love seeing around and interacting with.
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scarlettlillies · 6 years
Hetalia- Early Bird (SuFin)
Drabble 3 of 3! Another one from the game put on by @hetaliawritersdiscord! Prompts were Morning, Birdsong, Luck, and Chance. I was cutting it very close with the timing so this cuts off rather abruptly. I’m sorry. ;;
Between the two of them, Sweden was always the early bird.
It was a blessing everyday to see Finland next to him whenever he arose from his slumber. It was like old times although the circumstances were different. His kings were rulers over Finland's home and they lived together because they had to. But his feelings towards Finland were just as real as they were now and he did his best to keep him happy, even at the risk of disobeying his bosses.
At the time, Finland did not feel the same way. And that was okay too. He was just grateful to call Finland a friend.
But the mid-20th century brought a change to their relationship. The day Finland told him he loved him will forever be burned in his mind for as long as lived. He will never forget the kiss Finland gave him while they were getting ready to part ways after a long meeting. Finland had later told him he had done it on the fly. He had a strong suspicion that Sweden's feelings hadn't changed since they were young and ultimately took a chance. Sweden was glad that he did.
Sweden got up to open the windows. A cool breeze rolled in and the birds greeted him to their usual morning song. It was going to be a lovely day, and Sweden could feel that strongly in his bones.
He made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen and got the coffee started, just as he had always done. As he went through the cabinet, he noticed all that was left was instant coffee. Not exactly what he had in mind but it would do the trick for the time being. They had plans on doing a grocery run later today anyhow.
Finland was still asleep when Sweden returned with the two cups of coffee. He left both mugs on his end of the bed while he slipped back into the sheets. He watched over Finland while the man quietly snored the morning away. Even in his sleep, he was just as beautiful. He truly was the luckiest man alive.
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sufin5ever · 6 years
How about number 15 ("Hang on. You're gonna be okay. Just keep breathing.") with DenSu? (guilty pleasure...) If not that, maybe SuNor? Otherwise, from you, just plain old SuFin will be fine, too. ;) Thank you!
This request has been siting here for so long, omg. I’m so sorry.
I hope you like it!
You can read here in ao3!
Berwald was somehow astonished when Magnusreached to him. He was barely able to breath, his face was so red that itlooked like it was about to explode. Berwald wondered what could possiblyhappen that could be so urgent.  Nothinggood, he guessed.
“Calm down, Magnus” He put one of his handsover his shoulder.
But Magnus took a couple of steps away fromhim. He was losing his mind and he couldn’t control himself.
“We need to escape, Berwald!” Magnus finallymanaged to say after some minutes of silence.
“Why?” Berwald was confused.
They were on a tower, where Berwald was doinghis daily watch. He had met Magnus in the army and even though at first theyhad quite a rough start, somehow they ended up falling in love with each other.
“I’m…” Magnus couldn’t even pronounce thewords.
All of the sudden, Berwald held him in hisarms. Whatever Magnus knew or heard, he felt like they could just move on orhandle it together. They had survived a war that took a lot of lives. Berwaldbelieved that they could accomplished anything they wanted to.
“Hang on. You’re gonna be okay. Just keepbreathing” Berwald tried to make his lover feel better.
“A group of soldiers are going to be send tofight the rebellion” Magnus said. He looked down, like he was hoping that thefloor could help him finish the news that he was supposed to tell his boyfriend“I’m one of those”
Berwald didn’t say a word. For years, almostsince he was a teenager, he had fought in numerous wars. He had neverunderstood those nobles that decided that they wanted the power for themselves.Battle after battle, peace seemed to be impossible to reach.
Magnus grabbed him by the hand. He was a proudwarrior, survivor of the hardest battles that their reign had ever seen. Yet hefelt that if he left with the rest of those soldiers, he would never see hislover again. Maybe it was time to consider the retirement.
“When are you supposed to leave?” Berwaldremained calm. He needed to find a solution.
“Tomorrow afternoon” Magnus replied like it wasa death sentence.
They didn’t have a choice. They could say goodbyeand to hope that destiny would reunite them again. But what was the chance ofthat? Neither of them wanted to give up their relationship.
“Do you remember when I told you that I wantedto be a carpenter?” Berwald took a deep breath.
Magnus raised an eyebrow.
“What does your dream have anything to do withour current situation?” Magnus was perplex. While he enjoyed listening to hisideas, that wasn’t the moment to talk about it. Maybe that moment would nevercome if they didn’t come back with a plan.
“Let’s do it. I’m ready to give up this life.What about you?” While he had never met another kind of life, Berwald wastired. Battle after battle, the rich people only cared about the results, neverabout the soldiers that gave their lives for their stupid reasons. It was timeto think selfishly.
Magnus had the same idea but he knew thatBerwald loved that life. Would he give up everything just for him?
“Are you sure? Maybe we could try along-distance relationship” Magnus jokingly said.
“What do you want to do? A lot of soldiersadmire you and you told me that you wanted to get somewhere inside the army”Berwald reminded him “What if you get tired of me?”
Magnus laughed and then he touched one of hispartner’s cheek. He couldn’t imagine his life without him and even though, thearmy was a huge part in his life, he knew where his heart was.
“Then, we should build a life together, faraway from all this bullshit” Magnus explained before kissing his lover on thelips.
Neither of those two men knew what could happennext, yet for once they truly felt like the owners of their lives. A newadventure was waiting for them.
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levyfai · 6 years
Girls night out
Warring: Language 
           The meeting of countries was taking place in London England. This meant that their children would come with them also. Which was why Whittney or the American state of Indiana was with her friends, Bella and Tina Oxsternia the capitals of Finland and Sweden.
           The three had deiced they were going to out on the town. So, they were getting dressed. It was taking long because Bella was the tallest of all of them and it was hard to find things that fit.
           “Come on Belle, if we don’t go now my parents will see us.” Whittney stated.
           Whittney was wearing a fishnet top with a dark blue tank top underneath. Her skinny jeans were black which matched her work boots. Whittney’s hair was pulled into a bun with strands curled against her cheeks.
           “Yeah, we don’t want papa and mama to find out.”
           That was the voice of Tina Oxsternia, the youngest of the twins. Her golden hair was lose and went to her back. She wore a black dress which reached her knees, and gold high heals. Like Whittney she had makeup on her face which showed off her lavender eyes.
           “Okay, here’s the last outfit.”
           Bella walked out and both girls smiled. Bella was the eldest and was the hardest to get on board with their plan. The tall girl was dressed in a one sleeve tank-top which was a_ light blue which was cut to show her belly. She wore a pair of white shorts which had blue leggings underneath them. Her shoes were flats which were white, and matched her head band in her hair.
           “Alright where are we going?”
           “Avalon.” Whittney replied with a smile.  
           Avalon was an underground club in middle in London. A place known for its dance floor and great drinks. Whittney had heard about the club when her eldest brother complained about it. She didn’t know why London didn’t like the club, but she and girls wanted to have fun and they deiced to go here.
           “I’m so ready to drink.” Tina stated with a smile.
           “Not to much.” Bella replied as adjusted her glasses.
           “Belle, your no fun.”
           “I am, I just don’t think is a good idea.”
           “But your already here.”
           “Bella, Tina, were at the door.” Whittney stated to the two.
           “ID.” the bouncer stated.
           Whittney smiled and gave him her ID. She was now thankful learning magic from her uncles, Aunt, and mother. She was one of the few children of the countries who had magic, another was Bella who apparently got hers because of her mother’s job as Santa.
           “Okay all of you can go in.”
           The three went in and gasped in awe. The club was filled with lights and had a raised platform for dancing. There was two bars and tables in the middle, and then on top there was a platform all around with a set of stairs that went up to it.
           “I’m going to get a drink.” Tina stated and ran to one of the bars.
           “Tina...”            “She’ll be fine Belle, how about we dance?”
           “Were here to have fun, and if we’re lucky we might find some men.”
           “I don’t...”
           Bella didn’t an answer because Whittney had left her also. The blond sighed and deiced to on the 2nd floor. She knew that if she was up high she would able to see both Whittney and Tina.
           Tina was at the bar and ordered vodka and cheery mixture. She smiled as she drunk it, a smile on her face and redness in her cheeks. Once she finished she asked the bar tender for more.
           Whittney was heading to the dance floor. The brunette was happy to start dancing with other figures that populated the dance floor. The way the music thumped through her body caused her move quickly.
           Unknow to three girls, Avalon had caught the attention of other countries. Namely the Awesome trio. The men all were ready to party all dressed in their street clothes.
           “So where is everyone going?” America asked.
           “I will go to bar, I need a drink.” Prussia stated.
           “I’m going to drink a little then maybe I’ll go dancing.”
           “Alright, I’m going dance floor.”
           “Don’t forget your married.”
           “Yeah, don’t drink too much.”
(With Bella upstairs)
           She was nursing a pint of beer, watching other figures talk and drink. She relaxed and found herself smiling seeing an arm wrestling match between two men. The winter blond had seen a match before, but it was between her uncle and papa.
           “’ello, just who are you, darling…” Bella looked up and saw a man who was clearly drunk.
           “Kukaan yrityksestäsi juopunut.” (none of your business drunkard)
           “Not from around ‘ere, maybe I can help…” he walked closer.
           “Jätä, tai sinulla on päänsärky ja rikki nenää.” (leave, or you'll have a headache along with a broken nose.)
           The man didn’t get the hint and moved even closer. Bella sighed and stood up, showing her full height, about a foot taller than the man. The man laughed and then proceeded to try to touch her chest. She moved out of the way and gave him a punch and smiled when she heard his nose crack.
           The man fell to the floor and he looked at her. He got up and growled, he ready to attack her again. She moved out of the way and his hit caught the man behind her.
           “Bastard.” The other man stated and hit the man with the broken nose.
           Broken nose tried to relate and then winded up hitting another patron. So, Bella was now in a middle of a bar fight in the upperpart of the club.
(Bar with Tina)
           Tina was flirting with men and women at the bar. She would giggle at jokes and make small talk. Her eyes looking at all the beautiful people she didn’t notice that two more came up.
           “So your name is Tina, what a cute name for a cutie.” Said one woman.
           “Ja, and you best forget it.”
           Tina froze and turned to see the red eyes of Prussia. She giggled nervously and backed away.
           “Hello, Mr. Gilbert…”
           “Wait if you’re here…..”
(With Whittney on the dancefloor)
           The music was still thumping around her. The brunette smiled as she would sing a few words that she knew from the songs that were playing. Whittney was so busy dancing to the music that she didn’t notice that the crowd was thinning out and only a few stayed in the same place.
           “Whittney Victory Kirkland?!”
           Whittney froze and turned to see the figure of her daddy. She then was grabbed by him and was lead off the dance floor.
           “Don’t start, I know the only way you had get in here is by using magic. I thought we talked about responsibility in using magic.”
           Then he stopped when they all heard a smash. Alfred pulled Whittney close as a man fell from the upstairs to a table at the bottom floor. Then there as a yell, a Viking yell. Alfred cursed, and looked to see that Gilbert and Tina were heading toward them.
           “Matthias….” Gilbert started.
           “Ota se, kuka seuraavaksi?” (Take that, who is next?)
           The two men shivered.
           “That’s my sister.” Tina stated with a small amount of pride.
           “Gilbert, isn’t Matthias up there…”
           “Verdammt.” (Damn)
           Bella was fighting men and some buff women why she was upstairs. She was enjoying fighting, that was until she was punched in the eye. She winced but before she could relate another fist hit the man then she heard a voice.
           “Hold dine hænder væk fra min niece.” (Keep your hands off my niece.)
           “Uncle?!” she stated in English.
           “We’ll talk about this later.” He replied as he hit another man.
           “Ja.” She replied hitting another man.
           “Glem ikke at følge igennem.” (Don't forget to follow through.)
           “idiootti klo 12.” (idiot at 12 o'clock)
           The fight only stopped when the police came in. Everyone was taken to Scotland Yard, and parents or in some cases mothers were called. The three countries were scolded by their wives, while they checked over the three girls.
(Sufin family)
           “My sweet babies, are you okay? Of course, you aren’t Belle has a black eye and my little Tini is wasted. You two are grounded, and don’t think you can go to a magic lesson with uncle Nor, Bella you are going to miss for 3 weeks.” Finland told the two blonds.
           Sweden on the other hand nodded agreeing with his wife, but slightly proud of the damage that Bella had done to the man who tried to take advantage of her. Even Denmark gave the girl a thumbs up, though got scolded by Norway when he caught it.
(UsUk family)
           “Whittney I’m disappointed in you, not only did you sneak out. You dragged your friends into also.” England stated with a frown.
           “I’m sorry mum...”
           “You will be, no magic lessons for 4 months and your grounded for 6. I not letting you out of my sight during that time.”
           “Okay mum…”
           England sighed and then took his family home.
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sufin5ever · 6 years
Hey! I would love to see the prompt " your soulmate's feelings about you is written in your body" for sufin(^ω^)
This is the last one that I’ll write for a while! I managed to write the five soulmates au that I said I was going to! I’m going to take a break this week though, so I won’t spam annymore (?)
If your prompt was choosen for this week, don’t worry. I’ll write them in the near future :)
SuFin/Dennor College AU.
Link to ao3!
Tino was looking at himself on the mirror. He couldn’t stop looking at the words that were written all over his torso and arms. Since they had appeared, some time ago, he was curious to meet his soulmate.
I wish I could talk to you, but I’m too shy for that.
That was one of the messages that was on his chest. He had several more, such as: You are probably going to reject me; You are way out my league; You are too cute and fun.
While he was a little bit concerned, maybe because his other half was too shy to talk to him, he couldn’t stop thinking about them. How would they look? Who were they? When he was going to meet them? He had so many questions.
He shook his head and went to get dressed. Whoever that person was, he was excited to meet them. He told himself that he would anything that he could so make them feel more secure about themselves.
He grabbed his stuff and went to classes. On the bus, he found Sigurd, his best friend and he immediately sat down next to him. He realized that Sigurd also had a lot of words written all over his skin. He had to contain himself, because there was a sentence on his forehead.
“It’s not funny” Sigurd wanted to cover himself.
“Come on! You have to admit, it’s really hard not to do it” Tino responded, trying to not hide his giggles.
Sigurd rolled his eyes. In his forehead, the sentence said: “So freaking handsome!!!”
“I swear, I’m going to kill them” Sigurd was really embarrassed. Like Tino, he still hadn’t met his soulmate. But unlike his friend, he wasn’t really excited about it. Each sentence that appeared just annoyed him even more.
“Come on. That person finds or will find you handsome. It’s not a lie” Tino replied and then he shrugged.
Sigurd didn’t reply. He wanted to hide in a hole on the ground and to never come back. Though, on the inside, he was slightly curious about his soulmate. Every sentence that appeared was adorable. He wasn’t going to admit it at all.
After almost an hour, they finally reached the campus. Tino was in a really good mood. He took a deep breath.
“See you a lunch?” Tino asked Sigurd.
“See you at that time” Sigurd replied before running away. He wished he could erase those damn words from his skin.
On another place of the same campus, Berwald was trying to comfort his brother. He looked really devastated because of all the words that appeared on his skin.
“Do you think I’m really annoying?” Magnus was looking at the floor. He was so sad.
“No. Maybe they are wrong. When they get to know you, that will change” Berwald put one of his hands on Magnus’ shoulder. He wasn’t really good at giving advice, but he couldn’t leave him like that.
The Dane was too sad. He stood up and then smiled at Berwald.
“I’m heading home” Magnus lost his happiness. After all, even his soulmate didn’t like him at all.
“Magnus, wait” Berwald grabbed him by the arm. He didn’t want his brother give up so easily.
“I’ll come to class tomorrow” Magnus told him before leaving. He couldn’t handle anything on that day.
While walking towards the exit, he crashed with Sigurd, who wasn’t even looking his way. He was hiding behind a book, so nobody could notice the words on his face. They both fell down to the ground.
Magnus shook his head and tried to help Sigurd immediately.
“I’m so sorry” Sigurd apologized without even making eye contact with Magnus.
“No, I’m really clumsy. Sorry” Magnus explained and then he gave him his hand so Sigurd could stand up.
In that moment, all the words resonated between them. Sigurd opened his eyes widely. He felt so bad when realized that Magnus was the one who had all those feelings for him. He never thought he would meet his soulmate like this, so he didn’t have a clue on how to explain Magnus his true feelings.
“Oh…” Magnus took a couple of steps back. His heart was so happy, but he was still sad.
Sigurd looked away. He knew he had screw it up.
“I don’t hate you” Sigurd said but it wasn’t enough for Magnus.
“I’m sorry for being so annoying!” Magnus just ran without even looking at Sigurd. He knew he was being childish, but the thought of his soulmate hating him was too much for him.
Sigurd couldn’t believe that his day could be this bad.
During lunch, Tino noticed that something wasn’t going well with Sigurd. He was being way too quiet and the words on his skin had changed. Sorry; I’m sorry for being a burden; I don’t deserve you.
“I messed up” Sigurd finally managed to confess “I met him and I broke his heart” He wished he could even know where to find him. He was really worried about Magnus, he was so surprised for feeling that. But he wanted to make amends with him, somehow.
“Oh. So you found your soulmate” Tino was jealous but he tried to not think about it. It was not the moment “Well, i think he will understand you once you get to know each other” Tino was making an effort on being positive. He didn’t want to see his friend so sad.
Sigurd nodded. He was barely touching his food. He had lost all his appetite and he could only think about Magnus.
“Well, if you found here, then it means that he goes to classes here. All you’ve got to do is just search” Tino told him. He was hoping to cheer him up.
“What do I say to him if I ever see him again?” Sigurd asked.
“Your heart will tell you” Tino was concious that he just said something really cliché, but he thought that Sigurd needed to find that answer for himself.
A week had passed, Tino and Sigurd were walking on the hall when the former stopped all of the sudden.
“What?” Tino looked at where Sigurd was pointing.
“That’s him” Sigurd whispered. He wasn’t prepared for that at all.
“Go!” Tino pushed him “You have to do this. You love him, right?”
Sigurd wasn’t ready to admit it, but since their first encounter, he couldn’t stop thinking about Magnus. He took a deep breath and decided to talk to him.
Tino watched from a distance. He shook his head, he turned around. He had to respect their privacy, even if he wanted to know how things were going. It wasn’t his relationship.
Magnus stopped when he noticed that Sigurd was walking towards him. Truth be told, he was really expecting to talk to him again.
“I’m sorry” Sigurd apologized immediately, but without making eye contact “I… I don’t hate you”
Magnus dared to touch one of Sigurd’s cheek.
“You truly are handsome” Magnus responded. He was enchanted with his beauty “I’m sorry if you were embarrassed about my feelings”
Sigurd looked up. He could stare at those big blue eyes for hours. It was just so peaceful.
“Let’s start this over” Magnus proposed “I’m Magnus, I’m so glad to meet you” He explained. He decided that he was going to forget those hurtful words.
“I’m Sigurd. Nice to meet you too” Sigurd replied. He was so relief. Their relationship still had a chance.
Over the course of the days, Berwald noticed that more questions were appearing on his skin. Where are you? Will I ever find you? Do you feel the same way than i do? Will I be a dissapointment?
Berwald felt almost the same. Magnus told him about his encounter with Sigurd and how things were going. They decided to take things slowly, to get to know each other before taking another step. He was genuinely happy for them.
He sat down next to them on the cafeteria. He felt like a third wheel, but Magnus didn’t want him to leave.
“So my friend is going to join us too” Sigurd announced.
Tino was so excited to finally meet Magnus. But when he saw Berwald, he let his food hit the ground. His face turned red. It was so weird. His full attention was to that unknown man. But he recognized the questions on his face. Those questions belonged to him!
Berwald stood up. He contemplated Tino for a while. He was as cute as he thought he would be.
“Are you okay?” Berwald asked him on a whisper.
“I…” Tino felt like the words on his face where burning “Yes, I guess…” He smiled. He was so nervous because he finally met him.
“Let me buy you another lunch” Berwald was really curious about Tino. He wanted to use every single moment that he had with Tino. His heart was telling that.it was him.
Tino didn’t even know what to say. He just nodded and then smiled. He didn’t care that some people were staring at them.
“I’m so glad I finally got to meet you” Tino whispered and he dared to gave Berwald a small kiss on the lips.
Berwald noticed that the words on his skin changed completely. Instead of questions, there were sentences like: I’m so happy to be with you finally; You are everything that I always wanted;  Can’t wait to get to know you better. This was truly happiness.
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romaniassexdungeon · 7 years
Who fortune could not save
Pairing: LadKug
Summary: As his relationship with the eccentric Franz Edelstein grows, Lars Oxenstjärna contemplates how little he knows of the man's past, why that could possibly be, and how much of his own past is worth revealing.
Notes: Well, this is the first in a series of one-shots involving APH ships based on various Pogues songs that are all pretty sad and melancholy because most Pogues songs are depressing as fuck. This one's LadKug and although it could be argued most of these stories take place in the same universe (with the exception of the RoBul and aph Australia ones), the two that are definitely linked to this are the AusHun and SuFin stories, so please look out for those. A lot of these stories are epistolary too, because that's something I want to explore more and I like using them for historical fics.
This particular song is based on 'Thousands are Sailing' and parts of this song also inspired the SuFin and AusHun ones, though they get their own songs too.
Read on AO3
"In manhattan's desert twilight In the death of afternoon We stepped hand in hand on broadway Like the first man on the moon"
Franz - Kugelmugel Lars - Ladonia
18th October, 1952
Franz, my dearest friend,
You said you do not have anyone to send letters to. Well now you have me! I mean, you already had me but now you have me and a letter to read whenever you please. Maybe I can even write to you about things my stupid mouth refuses to say aloud. Or, you know, about the important things. Or about you. Or all three?
For example, I wish I knew what to say about so many things. I wish you were less alone. Where are your parents? Do you not have brothers or sisters? I cannot even believe you came to this country alone. Were you scared? You travelled to England as a child. To live? Your parents let you live on your own like that? Like a grown up? You were so lucky!
I did not mean to make this a letter prying into your personal life. Tell me when you want to.
The truth is, I have no idea what to put in a letter. We see each other every week. I suppose I could complain about Peter, but I do that in person already. Is there anywhere you would like us to go? I feel there is still so much of this city we have yet to explore – and I have lived here since I was three!
All the best,
Your good friend Lars
19th October, 1952
Dear diary,
Trying to recall my earliest memories reminds me of drowning. Like I am surrounded by inky water and clawing my way towards the light. It is like staring at a half-finished painting. Or an abstract work of art whose meaning you have not quite yet grasped.
Trying to put dates and time spans to these memories would be like tearing the pages of this diary out and throwing them on the floor, only to spend days putting them back in order.
This is how I feel trying to remember my papa.
I have one memory of his face. His living face, that is. Warm. Stern, but kind. He was proud of me, I think. Maybe I had taken my first steps? Or fed myself? But he was overjoyed. Was it back in Sweden? Maybe that is my only memory of Sweden, but I have long forgotten everything in the image that was not papa.
In my other memories, he is a corpse.
I remember wondering why papa was sleeping on the table. Why was the blanket covering his face? I was never allowed to hide under the covers – Mr Tino said I might suffocate in the night. He always worried about things like that.
He was crying. I wondered if it was because papa was sleeping under the covers. And on the table.
Papa was a strange man, or so I have since been told.
They put him in a box and buried him in the ground. I tried to climb in after him, wake him up and get him out of there or he’d be scared when he woke up. Mr Tino cried and pulled me out. I thought he might get angry, shout at me and tell me to stop playing, but he never; he just cuddled me as I screamed to get papa out of there.
He didn’t like the dark. What were they doing?
Peter threw flowers into the hole after him. I remember little else.
I have yet to think of the reason I write all this down. Why would I want to document such an event? Then again, these are the only memories of papa I have.
Mr Tino told me to call him Isi. He said he was our new papa, that our real papa had asked him to look after us as if we were his own children. It was something we accepted without much thought, and something I will always accept.
Lucky I have more memories of Isi. He truly was my second father and I only wish Franz could meet him too. They would get along, most likely, travelling all the way from Europe.
I think I now accept I cannot remember a thing about Sweden.
28th October, 1952
My own dearest friend,
I feel there are many things I have never explained to you, things I felt I did not need to and things I did not want to speak of. Not right now. I have told no one for thirteen years and will do at some point, but I want to know I can trust you with such information. Do not speak of Kindertransport again until I am ready to explain, or do your own research for the time being and think of what you truly wish to ask.
Regardless, I agree with your wish to be less alone. I have had no one, really. Not in a good while.
Prying aside, I did enjoy your letter. I have not had post in a long time – even my foster family in England have moved on – but now I not only have a beautiful letter but something of you I can hold and keep with me! Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Franz Edelstein
31st December, 1952
My diary,
I should invite Franz over. We always go to his apartment and he cooks for me and fusses over me so much. I love it but sometimes I feel bad that he does so much work. I mean, he has that job at the theatre and still makes time to care for me like we are married?
I will cook for him! I will make him something Swedish – he likes Swedish, so he was telling me. No, wait, I don't get paid for a few more days... cupboard leftovers it is, I'm afraid. Sorry, Franz.
I will make sure Peter is on his best behaviour too. Or, preferably, not home at all. Is there not someone he can go out drinking with? He certainly is going nowhere near the kitchen.
I wish I had somewhere more impressive to bring you, Franz. A one-room apartment… what to do? The tour would be rather a disappointment:
“So this is where I sleep, and I eat in that chair with the creaky leg, and that dark stain on the ceiling is from where my adoptive father blew his brains out.”
No! We will have a good time! I just have to believe in my abilities as an entertainer.
1st January, 1953
Dear diary,
So I burnt dinner.
Franz tried his best to spare my feelings and eat a lump of spam and chips that I blamed on Peter – yes of course he cooked and left just before you showed up, it is completely his fault that they burnt – but, soon enough, I could see your gourmet stomach was aching.
So we went out to a bar, not the same bar I’d convinced Peter to go it, no, one to more our… tastes. After getting something to eat, of course.
I hope Franz doesn’t think I’m here for his money, though it was lovely sitting in a top-class restaurant, with rich, expensive food and wine. I would love Franz if he wasn’t an actor. He could be homeless and I’d love him all the same. After all, he loves me though I sweep roads for a living.
We stayed at the bar until last year rolled into this, holding each other close and dancing like we were the last two people on earth. Honestly, the way things are headed, we could find wake up and find ourselves the last two people on earth, or that we’ve become nothing but dust and ash, so why not grab every opportunity to live our lives and go out with no regrets? I sang louder and danced harder and held Franz closer at the thought.
A strange way to go about life: both living for the moment and be damned with the consequences; and secrecy mixed with caution because as much as I want to say to hell with everything, there is still a chance of life ahead and I don’t want that life to be spent in prison.
Or, more importantly, I couldn’t bear to see Franz in prison.
Why am I talking about this? I’m here to talk about the best night of my life!
When Franz and I eventually stumbled into the street, it was still night. Morning couldn’t have been far off though and things had an otherworldly magic to them. Or maybe I was too tired and plonked to see properly, but a drunk artist is still an artist, after all. Few cars were about, even as we walked along Broadway, holding each other up and laughing and at some point we danced. Stupid, lively dancing. No music, but no matter.
Lucky for us, Franz’s hair is so long, and he’s so small compared to me. That mess of blond was tied into a ponytail, swishing everywhere and whacking me in the face as he spun. His coat ballooned like a pleated skirt, and he took his hand in mine, leading me in a waltz.
Neon lights overhead were our spotlights, the distant rumbling of cars our cheering audience. He even climbed a lamppost as he sang singing in the rain.
He kissed me before we parted at the end of the night. He caressed my face before disappearing with a wink, wishing myself and the city a good night.
When I got home, I may have cried.
24th May, 1953
Meine Liebe,
I shall give you this letter personally and you in turn will promise to keep it safe and hidden. Written word removes the risk of unwanted ears hearing what I have to say, but creates cold, hard proof that I love you. There, a man condemned. I love you, Lars Birghir Oxenstjärna. What of it, world?
I would ask you to destroy this letter after reading, but I suspect you would like to keep it. After all, I worked hard on making it aesthetically pleasing. Cherish this, but hide it.
Keep it next to your heart, next to me.
You’ve changed my life, you know? You’ve filled it to the top and made it better than I could ever hope for. The colour you brought into this world saved my artist lungs and soul, and it's is starting to push back the tide of grey. It's no longer everywhere I see. I can love the twinkles of light all around me, like I'm walking in a fairy wonderland. I now notice the headlamps of cars that dance across puddles in the road. There is magic in this city and in you, please remember that.
I believe we will last forever, that the love of an artist can never be killed, not truly. We may not see it now, but our relationship will leave its mark on the world.
Until we meet again tomorrow and I can tell you all this in person,
Your dear Franz xx
1st August, 1953
Dear diary,
Franz is the best thing to ever happen to me.
Yes, everything about our relationship must remain a secret, but I’m still so happy to have this gentle, loving man in my life, to caress and hold and swear to protect. We have pockets of moments, between work and trying to sell my paintings. We have nights and whispers and kisses and he tells me he doesn't mind quiet, secret. He hates being exposed, out in the open with everyone knowing everything, like they could use it against him. He is a whirlwind too, but he has his limits.
Franz does look after me, maybe a little too much – I am supposed to be a grown man – but I have promised that nothing bad will happen to him either, not if I can help it. Something tells me he just needs a break in life.
I love his hair so much. It's a wave of ice but the softest things. And his eyes! They look like little jewels and he has a mole on his cheek that is so cute. Anywhere I put my hands is soft, smooth, perfect. Every smile he gives is so genuine I cannot believe I can make a human look at me in such a way! He is an expressive man, must be to work on stage, but every emotion he rides, even the ones he would rather avoid.
Sometimes, at night when he is awake and I'm almost asleep, he looks like he will cry.
I still don’t know much of his past. I don’t know about the kindertransport or the Shoah or any of those words he hesitates in telling me, hesitates more before saying now isn't the time. I understand, I think.
Something evil happened.
I asked Peter, but he knows nothing. Typical. He told me to go to the library, and I suppose, if I have no other option, then I could see what a few hours reading can tell me.
I’ve heard to talk about the Shoah a lot, now that I think of it, not with me, but with older people, other immigrants with haunted looks and old scars. Franz doesn't share the look, but rather one of loss, fear. It ages him before me, and I want to know what was taken from him. If I cannot get it back, I could avenge Franz, right?
I need to know. I have to know what hurt him! I have to be able to protect him properly so he doesn't become like those other people. Is that a possibility?
That’s it! I should ask them instead! Then I will know what to say to Franz, and how to talk to him without causing him to, well, clam up. Maybe I can help?
2nd August, 1953
I understand now. Oh God, I understand now.
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sufin5ever · 7 years
Could I have “Can I sit here? The other tables are full.” with SuFin please?? I love your blog and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the prompt! ❤️
I hope you like it :) 
Berwald was looking for a place to eat lunch inside the cafeteria. It wasn’t unusual that he had lunch all by himself. Hewas used to that. But he often sat in a particular spot, where no one couldever bother him and nobody would notice him at the same time.
But theplace was full for some reason and he started to get anxious. He wasn’t surewhere to sit.
His olderbrother was one of the popular boys but he didn’t want to go there. He alreadyhad to deal with him at home so that wasn’t an option.
Maybe hecould wait there until someone left. It wasn’t the best the plan but what hecould possibly do?
“Move away”Someone dared to push him and his drink almost spill out.
He had tofind somewhere to sit. He took a deep breath. Being a shy guy was really hardin high school and most people felt like he was really scary, so the vastmajority avoided to even talk to him.
After awhile, he found a spot. There was someone in front who was also lonely for somereason. He was doubting.
He recognizedthe boy.  They had some classes together.It was true that they have never exchanged more than a couple of words. ButBerwald always thought he was interesting and different.
Some of hisclassmates made fun of him on his back because he was somewhat eccentric.
Anyways hetook the courage and went where Tino was sitting.
“Can I sithere?” Berwald timidly asked.
Tino was sobusy sobbing that the swede had to repeat the question.
“You arenot going to mock me, right?” Tino was trying to hide the fact that he wascrying. He could’t stand up because he was sure that someone would notice itand he wasn’t ready to face another bully.
“I’m not”Berwald promised and when Tino nodded, the Swede sat down.
But hecouldn’t eat his lunch with his fellow classmate in that state.
“Whathappened?” Berwald realized soon that he had asked a very personal question “I’msorry, maybe you don’t want to talk about it”
Tino blewhis nose before answering.
“They stolemy lunch money and then…” Tino took a deep breath before continuing “They told methey were doing me a favor. That I needed to lose some weight anyways” The Finnlaid down in the table, he didn’t want the swede to look at him.
Berwaldtried to think in something.
“Can youtake care of my stuff for a while?” Berwald couldn’t stay there without doingsomething for Tino.
The Finnnodded. He didn’t give a lot of thought about it.
He put hisplate in the middle of the table and then he went to look for an extra plate,knife and fork. He asked the lady that served lunch for them.
“Let’sshare it then” Berwald explained as soon as he returned to the table.
Tino wasn’tsure how to react. Why that guy was being so gentle with him?
“Are yougoing to make fun of me? Does the food have something in it?” Tino inquired.Maybe it was rude, but he was so used to people being assholes with him that hewas suspicious of everyone there.
“No. I don’twant you to starve because of those bullies” Berwald explained with patience.
“I…” Tinodidn’t have words to express how he felt in that moment “Thank you. Thank youso much. People said that you were creepy and…” Tino noticed that Berwaldchanged his expression to a sad one.
“Creepy?”He had heard and read a lot of stuff that his classmates said about him butthat was the first time that someone referred to him as creepy.  He was hurt because he wasn’t sure what washe doing wrong to gain such fame.
“Oh, no! I’msorry. I don’t think you are” Tino apologized immediately “I don’t believe whatpeople of this damn school said. You are really nice and I’m sorry people don’tnotice that” He responded.
Berwald wasrelief when he heard the explanation.
“Thanks” Hereally appreciated his kind words and for the first time he saw the beautifulsmile that Tino had. He could stare at him for a very long time and wouldn’tget bored.
After thatrough start, they both talked about their experiences. Well, Tino was the onewho did most of the talk while Berwald listened to everything. He said.
When thebell finally rang, Tino was slightly disappointed. He wanted to talk more withhis new friend.
“Can wemeet up in the morning?” Tino asked.
“Really?You want to hang out with me?” Berwald was astonished. He wasn’t halfentertaining as his older brother, so he was quite surprised.
“Yes! Youare pretty cool!” Tino shouted “What do you say?” The Finn felt excited for thefirst time in a long time. He wanted to know Berwald better.
“Yeah, sure”Berwald smirked and Tino didn’t hide his surprise.
“See youtomorrow then!” Tino waved his hand before going to his class.
“See you”Berwald replied without stop staring at the Finn. For the first time he felt hehad something to look forward the next day.
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sufin5ever · 7 years
number 6 with sufin, please??
“Please don’t. Please don’t die”
Warning: Death of a character. This one can be hard for some people so if you are in a bad place, don’t read this. Not every story has a happy ending. 
This one was written based on a personal experience. 
Fifty yearstogether. They had a life together. Tino knew that and yet he felt that heneeded more time with his partner. He wasn’t ready to let him go.
He sat downnext to him while grabbing his hand. He kissed him gently.
“Wake up”He asked to his husband who was lying there in the bed.
Peter andOskar were near the door watching all the scene.
“We shoulddo something. I’m afraid Pappa is not going to make it and dad could reactreally bad when it happens” Peter tried to hide his tears. Even though he wasn’ttheir biological son, Berwald and Tino always provided for him. They supportedhim when he decided to take a break from college and when he moved to theirhouse again for a while because he couldn’t find a job.
“He doesn’twant to go. He is too stubborn, you know how he is, Pete” Oskar replied. He wasmore mad than sad. If their “Pappa” listened to him on time, maybe nothing ofthis would happen.
Tino washoping for some sort of miracle. His husband was dying in front of him andthere was nothing that he could do to stop it.
“Please. Ineed…” His voice was broken and he could barely talk but he was doing an effort“I need to hear you one more time” He begged.
Berwald wasstruggling. He was so tired. Just tired. He took a deep breath and looked athis husband. He recognized his face and gave him a small smile.
“Why areyou crying?” Berwald had to use all the strength to talk.
“Why thehell do you think I’m crying?!” Tino shouted. He didn’t care that they were ina hospital.
“Don’t”Berwald knew he was requesting something that was nearly impossible.
Tino shookhis head. No. He was refusing to accept what was going on in front of him.
“Tino, it’stime” Berwald closed his eyes for a while. He was having a really bad headache.
“It’s not. Westill have a lot of stuff to do!” Tino complained even though he knew that itwasn’t negotiable “No. You are going to get better and then we will be laughing…”Tino said a loud. Maybe it was still possible. It had to be.
Berwaldopened his eyes one more time and tried to reach his face.
“Rememberwhen people thought we were crazy?” Berwald looked at the roof of the hospital “Orwhen they told us that two men shouldn’t be dating?”
Tinonodded. He felt like his heart was breaking in small pieces, like life wasescaping in his own hands.
“I need youto be strong like back then. We survived that” Berwald coughed before trying totalk again “I know you are strong and I’ll still be there for you”
Tinorefused to say goodbye. He was his partner for half a century and as soon asthey could, they had gotten married. He couldn’t do it.
“I can’tlive without you” Tino begged him “Please don’t…”
“You haveto. Peter and Oskar need you, Tino” He was feeling way too tired.
Peter wasabout to enter the room because he was worried that Tino could collapse in anyminute but Oskar didn’t let him.
“He won’tforgive us, Pete. I know it’s hard to watch but he needs this…” Oskar had toheld his older sibling in his arms.  
“But Pappa-“Peter hided his face in his brother’s chest and quietly cried.
Berwaldclosed his eyes.
“I loveyou. I love you since the first day I saw you” He couldn’t do it anymore. Heused every strength he had still but his body wouldn’t let him continue. It wastime.
Tino puthis face against Berwald’s chest. He closed his eyes.  
“Please don’t.Please don’t die” He asked and begged, even though his words wouldn’t be heard.He repeated until his throat was dry enough to not be able to talk.
Tino didn’tremember anything after that. His mind was completely blank and his chest wasempty. His heart was ripped into pieces.
When theyarrived home, Tino went straight to their room. He sat down in the side of the bed where Berwald usedto sleep.
“What thehell I’m supposed to do without you?”  
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sufin5ever · 7 years
Double proposal:
Based on this prompt.
AU. Fluff.
 Tino and Berwald were ready to take the next step. But neither of them knew that the other one felt exactly the same way.
SuFin // Sweden x Finland
Link in ao3!
Both of them were quite nervous that night because they had been planning to propose to each other that same day… The problem was that neither of them knew about the plans that the other had.
They decided to spend the night in a remote hill, in the forest, away from any sound that could even bother them. While it was Tino’s idea, Berwald thought that it was the perfect place to propose and Tino obviously felt the same way.
The trip was too awkward, which was strange considering that they were already living together and Tino always made most of the conversation. But the Finnish couldn’t talk in that moment, he was rehearsing in his head the small speech that he had prepared for that night.
Berwald would have notice that behavior if he wasn’t busy thinking the same. Matthias suggested to do it in a party, in front of everybody, so he could help him if Tino said no. But the Swedish man couldn’t disagree anymore. He barely could talk in front of people, how he was supposed to propose to Tino if he felt that everyone was judging him?
Tino put some music and smiled to his boyfriend. He was sure about his decision. He knew that he wanted to marry Berwald almost at the first date and he finally was able to admit that. He never thought that he would meet the love of his life, yet Berwald was sitting next to him. He couldn’t ask for more.
Once they parked, they grabbed the stuff from the back of the truck and began to walk. They could easily find their way, since that place was their favorite spot to camp since they have started dating and they could never change it.
Like the trip, the walk was also almost in silence. Tino thought for a moment that maybe there was something strange between the two of them but them he shook his head. Maybe they were too tired to have a conversation in that moment.
Anyways, even though he was a little bit confused by his partner’s silence, Berwald thought that he had never looked as handsome like in that moment. Well, he always felt that way for him. He didn’t need to hear anything to realize that Tino was the one and he couldn’t believe still that the Finnish agreed to go on a date with him in the first place. He was lucky guy, for sure.
When they finally reached to the spot, they began to take everything and to start making the camp. It wouldn’t take too long anyways. Berwald touched one of his pant’s pockets to be sure that the small box was still there.
The Swedish man was giving him the back so Tino decided to give a quick look to his backpack. He grabbed the small box and put in the pocket of his jacket. He tried to do it very quickly so Berwald wouldn’t ask questions.
After they settled, they went fishing for a couple of hours. Both of them agreed that it was the best way to keep thinking in their own plans. It was an excuse to not to talk.
The night came way too soon for both of them. The time was getting closer and closer and the tension could have been cut in that moment. They were staring at the small fire that Tino prepared. They have already eaten dinner and now it was a matter of how had the courage to do it first.
Tino took a deep breath and moved so he could be next to Berwald. He grabbed his hand and tried to remember the speech that he had prepared. But he was so nervous that he had all the words messed up.
“I… You know, I thought you were special since our first date” Tino tried to not look directly at Berwald’s face because he was so embarrassed.
“Really?” Berwald raised an eyebrow. Was Tino going to break up with him or something?
“Yeah, I knew you were different and I knew that… “ The Finnishs tried to remember but he was afraid of the rejection.
“I felt like I loved you since the first date” Berwald was planning to do it in a more subtle way but for some reason Tino started to mumble. He had to grab the moment before it disappeared.
Tino laughed which made Berwald feel bad. He didn’t think it was that funny. But maybe he was seeing things that actually weren’t there.
“Well, I think I can win this competition. I thought you were perfect to be my husband” Tino awkwardly said.
Berwald looked shocked for a couple of minutes before trying to remain calm. Tino was talking in riddles or something like that.
The Finnish man couldn’t wait any longer. He needed an answer so he started to dig in his pockets.
“Tino, I love you and I’ll always do so…” But Berwald realized that Tino wasn’t listening to him “Is something wrong?” He finally asked.
“I spent so many nights thinking about this and I ruined it” Tino said before finally grabbing the box “I’m sorry. I tried my best but I got nervous…” The Finnish apologized. He was making an effort to not to cry.
Berwald tried to hug him but Tino got in one knee.
“So, what do you say? Will you marry me, Bear-Ber?” Tino was about to cry, maybe from happiness. Well, he was hoping that.
But instead of Berwald giving him an instant answer, he stood in silence for a while.
“Oh…” Berwald was so surprised that he couldn’t even understand what was happening. He was supposed to propose to Tino, not the all the way around.
“Oh?” Tino was confused. Why wouldn’t Berwald say yes? He was feeling more and more embarrassed.
“The thing is…” The Swedish looked for the ring that he had on one of his pockets and then showed it to Tino “I was planning to ask you to marry me” He explained.
Silence. Complete silence.
And then Tino burst into laughter. He couldn’t believe.
“Oh my…” Tino lloked at the ring and then looked at Berwald.
“So will you marry me?” Berwald popped the question anyway, even though it wasn’t the proposal that he had rehearsed.
Tino sat in his lap and gave him a kiss.
“But you still have not given me an answer, Mister!” Tino demanded. He was in shock.
Berwald looked away before nodding.
“Yes, I’ll marry you” He was still wasn’t sure what the hell was going on. Did they just propose to each other?
Tino kissed him one more time before putting the ring in this finger.
“Then I accept” He replied really excited.
Neither of them couldn’t describe what they were feeling in that moment. It was a mixture of confusion and excitement.
“I guess we are engaged!” Tino yelled even though he knew that nobody could hear him.
Berwald smiled before hugging him tidily.
“Yes, we are” He replied.
It wasn’t the proposal that they had planned for months, yet it still felt like it was just perfect.
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sufin5ever · 7 years
And here’s the prequel for this drabble that nobody asked for! 
I needed to do this, lol
Warning: NSFW/AU/Swearing. 
Tino was completely devastated. His world was shook in just a couple of minutes. He didn’t want to believe anything of what Berwald just told him. It was a damn nightmare and he wanted to wake up.
Berwald refused to look at Tino’s eyes. He felt so guilty that he know that he deserved every mean and spiteful word that came out of his boyfriend’s mouth.
“I wasn’t enough in bed. I couldn’t satisfy you so you went and had sex with Matthias, right?” Tino couldn’t hide how mad he was. He was trying to look for a reason that could explain the Swede’s actions.
“No. I…” Berwald didn’t have any answers to those accusations. Nothing could be enough for Tino.
“Then explain me. Why the hell did you go and jump into Matthias’s bed when Lukas and I were gone? We were just three days away!” Tino was walking nervously. He was ready to punch Berwald in the face if he decided to come near him.
“It was a mistake” Berwald was sitting in the couch, looking at the floor.
“Really? So you just accidentally fall in his dick or something?” Tino was losing his control. H eknew he was about to do something very stupid. But he was hurt. So hurt that he wanted to rip off his own heart so he couldn’t feel anything anymore.
The Swede decided to keep quiet. That night, they were both drunk and one thing lead to another… And all he could remember was laying naked with Matthias the next morning and the remorse took over his thoughts.
“Well, I hope it was worth it” Finland suddenly said before going to the master bedroom that they shared.
Berwald immediately stood up and followed him. Those words couldn’t mean anything positive.
“Tino, please…” Berwald begged.
“Fuck you. Fuck you and fuck Matthias” Tino turned around and the way that he looked at Berwald was the same way that a lion stared at his prey, ready to jump “Don’t you dare come near me. I don’t want anything to do with you”
Tino kept walking to their bedroom and he went straight to the closet. He started to grab all Berwald’s clothes and then he proceeded to go to the window and threw all of it. He didn’t care about Berwald’s reaction or where he was going to sleep that night, but it wasn’t their house for sure.
“I want you out. I don’t want to see your face any longer” Tino warned him before going to the drawers and pulling everything that belonged to the Swede. He looked one more time to Berwald before repeating the same action than before.
“Tino, can we talk?” But it was pretty clear that Tino wasn’t going to listen to him at all.
The Fin stood there for a while before turning around.
“Get the hell out from here. I don’t want to see you anymore” Tino was struggling. He wanted to be strong even though he knew that the tears were about to come out.
Berwald nodded. There was nothing he could do. He grabbed a suitcase and obeyed.
Tino followed him to the door, just to make sure that the Swede did what he was asked to. Berwald put his key on the table before leaving.
“I know it’s hard to believe but I do love you, Tino” Berwald  said before looking one more time to his ex “But you deserve better that this piece of shit”  He left and closed the door, not knowing where to go from there.
Tino sat in the floor staring at the door with his eyes full of tears.
“Then why do I feel like my love wasn’t enough for you?” He asked, knowing that he wasn’t going to receive an answer.  
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