#get the old fb layout
pinkprettycure · 2 months
cuz why are people out here trying to say that back in the old internet we used to all have extreme and unique gorgeous custom profiles on (without learning HTML and CSS somehow) on social media lmaoo. no the fuck we didn't.
Myspace, Tumblr, Youtube, and DA were the only Popular sites with heavy customization and including DA on this list at all is a stretch bc my girl was never a mainstream social media player.
myspace died out of the game early on. Youtube custom profiles was not something "everyone" was doing bc not "everyone" made videos to begin with. and of those four only tumblr and DA let you get extreme with the actual code and layout itself. (and DA was still more limited than tumblr.)
FB and Twitter never let you do more than mild tweaks to customization at most and IG never allowed it at all.
everything else ppl name were never popular or mainstream to begin with. gaiaonline at its peak never even touched tumblr much less fucking facebook. why r u waiting for neopets to reach mainstream relevance to make a petpage? it never hit that point to begin with it certainly will not happen now. just admit u prefer scrolling to coding!
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amorgansgal · 2 years
Oh my god, these past few weeks have been absolutely insane. We finally completed buying a house and had to sort out all the electrical wiring, the plumbing, and will now have to get the gas meter/boiler sorted - property was previously owned by a landlord, so he's illegally boxed in the gas meter. The house is a mess: it needs repainting badly and we've had to buy a new cooker and ask the council to pick up the old, manky fridge the landlord so kindly left! The layout of the kitchen makes no sense, there's a weird number of mirrors in the bathroom, etc, etc. BUT it's our first little house and that's so exciting, we don't have to rent anymore and have our hard earned money disappear into some landlord's pocket!!
We did the move entirely by ourselves by using a van from partner's workplace, we had to drink coffee from a gravy jug on our first day here because we couldn't find any cups, the shower doesn't work properly so we've had a bunch of baths and bucket washes, the fridge we brought on fb marketplace is stupidly big and smelt awful (doesn't anymore thanks to two thorough cleaning sessions I did, bicarb of soda and coffee grounds), we had to go to a laundrette because we don't have a washing machine yet and I've almost unpacked all the boxes.
We also thought we had found the perfect venue for our wedding, but they then put up their prices by 70% (at least that's what they said, but they didn't, it was over 100%, so fuck that)! Looked at another venue this week, which is gorgeous and only 15 mins from our house! But we're going to keep things cool, have a look at another venue next week, then see how things go. I'm only going to be all 'We found the one!' once we've booked it.
So yeah... :D
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lapeaudelamemoire · 7 months
It's Monday again and the dread 'I want to die' is back; and the weight, and the guilt.
Again, I don't think this is normal, and I don't think this is okay.
Thoughts are messy and this fucking text box is slow and it's annoying the fuck out of me but -
So I'm supposedly in the mental health sector, right. But no one is talking about Gaza and Palestine. Where do we go to talk about what we're witnessing in the world, mass death and genocide going on in real time? Why are we not talking about it? Why are we supposed to just turn up to work and school and somehow... not talk about it?
And then there's the utter and absolute anxiety because going to work (placement supposedly, but it is work) or any social event means no one is bloody wearing a mask, and I fucking know that they haven't been wearing one at any time outside. And I still have to drink water and eat, at least. I've been dehydrated for most of the last week because I've had to be outside, which means I don't drink water while I'm walking around.
And the community health place - ironic, I know - I'm on placement at has the fucking open office cubicles set-up, and that means I can not only hear everyone all of the fucking time, and people are on video calls at their desks, and also what the fuck what about client notes and privacy?, but also that that means everyone is fucking breathing into the same space, and no one is wearing a mask. So I can't drink water because that would mean having to take my mask off, and since we don't get to just have a room to ourselves the whole day, I guess I won't be drinking water the whole day somehow either.
I'm so fucking tired.
And I got a new laptop because my old one was whining - literally making a high-pitched whine when it was plugged in and charging and on at the same time - but this new one I got off Marketplace (FB) I don't seem to have taken to quite as well, I have to press hard to type and I keep missing keys, and the keys are spaced further away than before, and the keyboard layout is a little different, and so it's not as good for me to type and frustrating too, and also, well,
I got given a work laptop tablet thing so now I have to carry both of them around because even the cubicles are technically ones you need to book for the days you're there, like the rooms you have to individually book each time for each individual session with clients, so I can't leave the work laptop there,
and I don't have Microsoft Office on this laptop, and so I'm trying to learn how to use LibreOffice finally, but some of the formatting doesn't translate, and
even backspacing on this fucking text box is so fucking slow and it's driving me insane, and
remember when technology was fun?
I think my brain is shutting down a little.
It's Monday and I haven't heard back from any of the places I sent an application to and frankly it's not like I was expecting to hear back I guess, but more importantly
it's Monday and that means the workweek is started again and that means I have to Get Things Done today and that includes stuff like thinking about what I need to do about the rent increase which, when I rang the rental agent to ask something about, they answered me with an immediate 'So you're moving out?'
but really what I wanted to say is - and here is another tangent because I'm definitely going crazy, this text box isn't keeping up with my typing speed so it's slow and lagging and that means that I can't see mistakes and typos as they happen and letters keep dropping and there are so many mistakes my g-d and I have to type so hard and I'm going insane, I'm going insane, I'm going ins-
what I really wanted to say is - actually maybe I should just go back to using my old laptop oh my g-d this is all too much trouble and too much change to handle all at once and I'm tired and my hands are tired and my wrists are tired and my fingers are tired and I -
Well. What I really wanted to say is that. It's Monday and I am being crushed by the weight on my chest that is the thing that says "You have to email the place today and call the organisation today and respond to the conversation thing today and get back in touch with that friend you said you would catch up with last Thursday or Friday but then you got busy and didn't hear from each other and -"
but instead I am going to fucking play some FF.
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femboi-milk · 9 months
Listen it's fine if you don't find the Discord update intuitive but it isn't some moral injustice Discord has inflicted upon their poor userbase.
Some people find it more intuitive, genuinely.
It'll suck for a little bit, but you'll adjust faster than you think.
And folks my age, please remember when FB would do a layout change and everyone flipped their shit and pushed petitions to get old versions back. It has never worked and it will never work. Discord put time and money into this update and they aren't gonna just roll it back because some people are mildly inconvenienced for a small period after the change.
Just fucking roll with it. At the end of the day it's just a fucking messenger program on your phone. There's multiple ways to talk to the people you love.
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kaoarika · 1 year
I still think this new grid layout looks... so crowded. And the fact that it basically follows what twitter has been looking like in the past 5+ years (and a grid that FB also copied in 2020? Aaaaand insta now has it too, so... 🤔) doesn't help either :)
Why does it has to be... on the left (again) and static (AGAIN)?
The fact that this isn't really... neat to eye, is kinda awful.
I said in my other post that I dunno why it looks like EVERY SINGLE UI/UX web designer forget that not everyone uses a big screen. I have taken screencaps of when Tumblr used to look too wide with spaces before, because I did have a bigger PC screen (1920x1080) that I stopped using in late 2017, but once I had to move to a smaller screen (1366x768) it somehow looked a little "smaller", and while it wasn't AS crowded as it is with this new layout, at least there was still some space on the left that was "OKAY" to me. This is just an eyesore, lmao.
I'm pretty sure they just wanted to make it look "uniformized" as it looks in mobile (MAYBE not in the app, but accessing it through a normal web browser, I meant), ig.
Sure, instrictively I don't find "wrong" clicking some things on the left (but I kinda blame Twitter for the physical memory), but... I DO miss when the menu (or some elements of the menu, at least, everything concerning your Account's blogs like the likes, followers, ppl you follow, drafts, etc.) was on the RIGHT side of the screen. I don't know why they wanted to make it into a menu... but I'm pretty sure old posts from way back when from staff kinda might illustrate WHY.
OH, I SEE I have to make ANOTHER click to look at my drafts and activity and queue. WOW. HOW USELESS...
SURE, being an old time tumblr user (circa 2009), I know we have been complaining from every single change this website makes from the more "sillier" ones (the classic blue in the background) to the not so much silly ones (the change of size of the posts), to the more "i kinda? get it, but at the cost of what" ones (the nsfw ban)... but MY GOD, I wish, SOMEHOW this site would just stop "following the leader" in these sort of aesthetic web design changes (that also goes in hand with that one post of "their expectatives as a platform in the future" from last month).
Wish I would find that one old post of someone comparing Tumblr as an apartment owned by a landlord and all the unnecessary changes they make EXCEPT in fixing or prioritizing the problems we complain about -bugs, spambots, the mobile app's experience, what you have it), which they make REALLY obvious in the aforementioned post I mention in the point above.
Also, this grid might work on old geocities fansites from the old internet? when it was about their menus, but that was by choice of the owner of those sites, not.. you know... whatever the hell social media platform thinks it works as perfect.
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2. Don’t you love to eat watermelon on hot, sunny days? I’ll eat it anytime really
3. Does your hair change color with the seasons? it gets natural blonde highlights the more it’s in the sun 
4. Have you ever made a CD with music that reminds you of someone/something? yep several times
5. Do you watch Saturday Night Live? What do you think of it? not really I’ve seen it in the past and I’ll see occasional clips but I was more a huge MadTV fan. I think it’s alright, some are funny and some aren’t. 
6. What is your favorite sporting event to watch during the summer Olympics? What about the winter ones? I never really watch em but if I do, I definitely love the gymnastics and snowboarding...curling too
7. Do you play the Sims? Would you say you’re addicted to it? I used to so much in the early days of it I’m so far behind!! I wanna play it so bad to see how different it is!
8. Name the last five artists you listened to. Jesse McCartney, Eppic, Michael Jackson, Tyga feat. Chris Brown, Skillet
9. Do you know anyone who is lactose intolerant? Do you know anyone who is allergic to wheat? I mean I don’t think so personally, at least they never told me or made it obvious for either one? 
10. Do you usually make plans for the week ahead, or do you just make them as the days come? nope never really make plans at all except figure out what I’m craving for dinner to DoorDash...I play it by ear
11. Is there an animal in the same room as you? yeah my passed out with full belly cat 
12. What language do you take in school? Is it boring to learn it? I took mandatory Spanish like everyone, and once I was able to choose my own I took Italian for a few years. It wasn’t boring really, I loved it...just wish I remembered more than a few words :(
13. Do you remember what the last kind of gum was that you had? Ice Breakers Cubes, Spearmint
14. Do you tend to grow out of things fast? ...meaning like, emotionally and mentally? unfortunately I lose interest in a lot of shit I normally love due to my severe depression so I guess in a way yeah...
15. Do you like to eat cinnamon rolls, or do you find them disgusting? I love em especially if they’re real moist and creamy
16. What is the approximate time and date? May 19, 2023 Friday, 8:10am EST
17. When was the last time you went on Facebook? a few days ago I’ve been too sick
18. Who is your favorite survey maker on Xanga? What about layout maker? I think I’m the only person I know who never went on Xanga! *hides*
19. What is your favorite kind of salad dressing? tie between ranch and balsamic vinaigrette 
20. Do you know where your favorite band/singer originated from? If so, where? Which one? JoJo from Mass., Tay Swift from right here in PA, Eminem from Detroit, Alexz Johnson and Avril Lavigne both from Canada...
21. Do you tend to take or make more surveys? take
22. Isn’t it revolting when big hairy old men walk around with their shirts off? And also when women wear clothes that don’t fit them? Fuck this question???
23. What color are your earphones? white
24. Do you remember the last photo you took? What was it of? What about the last photo you put on a website? I believe it was a selfie on FB, and took was of my cat
25. Do you like long surveys or short ones? long
26. Have you ever used a silver Sharpie? What’d you think of it? no I’d like to though
27. Do you enjoy Japanese anime? Have you ever seen the Miyazaki films, like Howl’s Moving Castle, Kiki’s Delivery Service, or My Neighbor Totoro? hellllll yessssssss omg don’t get me started!!
28. Do you like to eat out more or eat in? Which do you do more often? I love getting take out or going out to eat but we mostly DoorDash and stay home...
29. Do you believe you’ve gotten better at making surveys? I’ve never made any, only taken em
30. Do you enjoy watching shows about survival? Why/why not? meh not really, just not my thing really...I’m more about the crime shows and docs so complete opposite :P
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fbpurity · 4 years
Tumblr media
Added Revert Site to my browser and got the old Facebook design back! If you hate the new Facebook layout & want to have the old site design back, get Revert Site! revertsite.com
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journalgirl · 3 years
I have never angsted about a journal size like this in my life
If I can’t come and post about issues I’m dealing with about journal sizes here, where can I go?
I’ve been working in an A5 sized book since December, the blue one up there with the whale on the cover — a cute and good purchase from Notebook Therapy. But when I found out I could get a B4 sized one from Archer & Olive, I was ecstatic. I’ve always loved working in composition book sized journals, and make most of mine to be that size when creating handmade journals. So I ordered one — I’m about 15 pages from the end of my current book, but figured I could still add to it while working in the new one.
With bated breath, I awaited my delivery. Refreshed the tracking. The arrival of my package was going to lift my spirits after days of feeling sick from my first shot. When it arrived, I cut it open and took out that beautiful white box you see on IG and FB ads (well, on my ads). Pulled the book from the box and ran my hands over the cover. It’s gorgeous.
There are pages in my current book that I wished I’d had more room for. So getting the larger one has been a thought in my head for weeks.
But then, I saw my current book out of the corner of my eye, and a wave of sadness washed over me. I love my book. The pages are full of so much. Writing and drawings and collages. It called to me like the toys from Toy Story when Andy was talking about donating them.
I’ve worked on a few pages in the new one and was like, I have to fill this whole page? Like, there’s so much room? Maybe I should go back to the old one? But then I’ll be switching to this one at the end?
Here’s the thing — I don’t have to fill the entire page. I can draw in the middle and leave the rest blank. I can make fun layouts and have lots of white space (I like white space. Look at the blog LOL). The paper quality is amazing, buckling less under watercolors than the Notebook Therapy one. And I found a cute book cover at the knockoff Daiso in town to keep it clean — I do tend to spill water on the rolling table, and today at the park, the ground was damp-ish under the blanket and made the bottom cold. Spent this much on it, gotta keep it nice!
With all the stuff on my mind, it’s kinda fun to focus on the little things.
This is still a developing story. Come back for updates on the 10pm news.
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thepropertylovers · 3 years
This Movie is Giving Us Major Inspiration for the Kitchen at Holiday House
Good morning, friend.
The birds are chirping. The sun is shining. The coffee is hot. It’s a beautiful spring morning here at Holiday House! So, let’s do something fun and talk design, shall we?
My favorite part (and maybe PJ’s, too) of any renovation is the design process.
Though the time for picking out the finishings is still a ways off, I thought it would be fun to show you kind of where our heads are at as far as kitchen layout/style/feel for Holiday House. Have you seen the Nancy Myers’ classic It’s Complicated? I have always been so in love with Meryl Streep’s character’s kitchen in that movie, from the freestanding island with the marble countertop to the open shelving and sink skirt. What’s crazy, though, is that the layout of this kitchen matches Holiday House’s exactly, down to the stove up against the right wall (though, admittedly, the kitchen in the movie is a lot bigger than Holiday House’s and is nestled within a ginormous California Spanish-style ranch home that Grace, a baker, lives in).
I think the thing we both love about her kitchen is how pieced together it feels, like someone just put this here and that there and it magically turned out magazine-ready (though, obviously, it most definitely wasn’t, and a lot of precise care and design went into creating it on a soundstage). It just works. It’s not overly fancy, but it’s obviously gorgeous. It’s not pretentious, but it’s definitely sophisticated. It’s just a stunning, functional space where everything seems to fit in its place.
Similar layouts, right?
We’re both envisioning a sort of very European-inspired kitchen when it comes to colors and overall feel, but one that also lends itself to the green, rolling hills of the farm and the sense of nature they bring.
We want open shelving on the left side of the sink for easy access to the dishes we use the most. Upper cabinets almost always make a kitchen feel smaller (we have two big ones on the sink wall in our kitchen back at home, and while we love them, we’ve talked for years about removing them and putting open shelving there instead). We’ll also be putting a much, much bigger window over the sink area to let in even more light and to get a better view of the land outside.
PJ found an island on FB Marketplace a few months back that fits perfectly in the kitchen and is giving us so much more counter space. For a few months we weren’t able to use it because of the heater that was there before (and there was also an issue where there was a giant hole in the floor where a wall had previously been- an entirely different story- but PJ fixed it and all is well now), but thanks to PJ (always thanks to PJ!), he demoed and moved the heater so the island fits perfectly. It’s now where we all eat and where I make meals and it’s so nice to have more counter space. It also makes the kitchen feel like an actual kitchen! Weird how that happens.
The new island will separate the kitchen from the dining room (again, just like the kitchen in It’s Complicated), similar to the picture below.
PJ was working all weekend on Holiday House reframing walls and tearing down old paneling. I absolutely love to watch him work and come up with new ideas in his head that he then implements in almost lightning speed. We’re both so excited to have a functioning, enjoyable-to-be-in kitchen at Holiday House that the whole family can cook and eat in.
One day at a time!!!
(all images via Pinterest)
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raqmedia1 · 4 years
How to Switch back to Classic Facebook 100% Working ((New))
New exclusive method on how to switch back to Classic Facebook without Chrome extension. Switch to classic Facebook missing? How to switch to Facebook classic option not available 100% Working easily without software. This is how to change Facebook back to classic view and change Facebook layout back to normal. Get Back Old Fb Layout. How to switch back to Classic Facebook from New Facebook. Read more here: http://bit.ly/raqmedia ✅  For the switch option to appear you must have a Facebook page of at least two months since creation. 🔔
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illyria-and-her-pet · 5 years
My Browser Extensions & Userscripts
The browsers I’ve used are Opera (& Opera GX), Firefox, Brave, Google Chrome, Ungoogled Chromium, Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi, and Waterfox. These are the extensions I use on them. For any extensions that have to do with downloading videos, see my Video Downloaders post that includes not just extensions, but also download managers, websites, and more. 
Notes for Opera, Brave, Vivaldi, Waterfox, and Ungoogled Chromium:
Opera has it’s own add-on store along with the capability to download Chrome extensions. To download Chrome extensions all you have to do is download this extension.
Brave and Vivaldi don’t have their own add-on stores, but you can download any extensions in the Chrome store like you would in Chrome without having to do anything beforehand. 
Waterfox is a fork of FIrefox that works with legacy add-ons and most current Firefox add-ons in the Firefox store. To get legacy add-ons, download the classic archive XPI from GitHub.The legacy add-ons that I use that aren’t usable in Firefox are Simple Add-On Manager (it lets you enable/disable extensions, themes, and plug-ins easily), Chrome Store Foxifed (converts Chrome CRX extensions into Firefox XPI extensions), and BarTab Plus (automatically unloads inactive tabs). For any current Firefox extensions that say they aren’t compatible, you can just got to see version history of the the add-ons in the Firefox store and download an latest older version that is compatible and if none are compatible, check the classic add-ons.
For ungoogled chromium, you have to change chrome://flags/#extension-mime-request-handling to Always Prompt for Install and get the .crx files from sites like crx4chrome or crxextractor.
AdBlocker (ESSENTIAL TO HAVE ONE... Also don’t use AdBlock or AdBlock Plus... Please choose EITHER AdGuard or uBlock Origin)
AdGuard (Available for Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi/Yandex, Opera, Firefox, Edge, & Safari on computer + they also have a free app for Android & iOS [Safari on iPhone & iPad])
AdGuard is my favorite adblocking browser extension. I used to use uBlock Origin + Nano Defender, which are also excellent, but then I discovered AdGuard, which I liked even better and uninstalled those since you shouldn’t use more than one adblocker in your browser. The reason I love AdGuard is because it works while still enabled on sites where you would have to disable uBlock Origin to get the site to work (ie. stream.nbcsports.com, youku.com).
The default settings of AdGuard are already great (just AdGuard base filter enabled), but you can enable even more filter lists and settings for the best browser experience. The ones I enable to block the most ads/annoyances/get the best privacy, while also not breaking sites I use are: AdGuard Base Filter, Peter Lowe’s List, AdGuard Tracking Protection Filter, Easy Privacy, AdGuard Social Media Filter, AdGuard Annoyances Filter, Adblock Warning Removal List, Malware Domains, Spam404, NoCoin Filter List, and Filter unblocking search ads and self-promotion. I also have Phishing & Malware Protection and Stealth Mode (Self Destructing 3rd party cookies with 2880 lifetime, Hide Referrer from third-parties, Hide your search queries, Send Do-Not-Track header, Remove Tracking Parameters) enabled.
Social Media/Enhancers
Good Twitter (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi), Firefox/Waterfox)
Light extensions that change your user agent to Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 9.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) on only twitter.com to give you the previous twitter desktop layout back. 
Tumblr media
If you have Firefox or Waterfox, you can also change your twitter back without an extension by going to about:config, find the general.useragent.site_specific_overrides setting, right click, choose new string, enter general.useragent.override.twitter.com as the preference name, and Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 9.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) as the string value.
New XKit (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox, Safari) 
Note: For Firefox there is a version in the Firefox add-ons store, but it is only version 7.8.2 instead of the latest 7.9.0, so I’m linking the github xpi instead. You can just click on the xpi and Firefox should display continue to extension from github, click continue, and then the normal add add-on pop that you get for any extensions should show up and just click add/confirm your installation. If that doesn’t work, you can save the xpi to your computer, go to your Firefox add-ons page, click “install add-on from file”, choose the xpi, and then the normal add-on pop up will appear and you can click add/confirm your installation. 
An amazing extension that makes using Tumblr 1000x better and allows you to add Tumblr enhancement extensions to tumblr.com. XInbox, One-Click Postage, One-Click Reply, Tweaks, and XCloud are already installed by default. The other extensions I have installed are Go-To-Dash, Don’t Stretch Photosets, Timestamps, Soft Refresh, Search Likes, Mutual Checker, Find Inactives, Outbox, Post Archiver, Post Limit Checker, Show Picture Size, Activity+, Anti-Capitalism, Drafts+, Mass+, Read More Now, Quick Tags, Reply Viewer, TagViewer, and View on Dash. 
Chrome IG Story (Opera/Ungoogled Chromium)
Note: This was originally an extension for Chrome, but got removed from the Chrome web store. I already had it installed from the web store on Chrome and it continued to work even after it was removed. However, you can’t install it for Chrome or Brave or Vivaldi anymore even with the CRX file because it will give you  a “CRX Header Invalid” error. From the site I linked, you can still install it for Opera though by simply clicking "Download from Google CDN” or “Download from Crx4Chrome.” You can also install it on Ungoogled Chromium, if you have chrome://flags/#extension-mime-request-handling set to Always Prompt for Install like I mentioned in the note at the beginning of my post.
An extension that lets you view, download, and get direct URLs for instagram stories and live videos on the web version.
Reddit Enhancement Suite (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox, Waterfox (use version 5.12.8), Edge)
Reddit Enhancement Suite is a suite of tools to enhance your Reddit browsing experience. It includes features such as: - Never Ending Reddit - never click "next page" again! - Inline Image Viewer - adds buttons to view images without leaving the page, including support for imgur albums and more - Keyboard Navigation - browse reddit more efficiently than ever before with keyboard shortcuts for most functionality - Uppers and Downers - see the hidden vote totals that Reddit provides behind the scenes - Account Switcher - switch accounts easily and quickly - User Tagger - keep track of users you run across frequently, complete with color coded tags, etc.
An extension that makes your reddit experience way better. It works best when you use the old reddit (you can opt out of new reddit design in your account or you can just go to old.reddit.com) aka the superior reddit.
Enhancer for YouTube (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox, Edge)
Tons of features to improve your user experience on YouTube™: 
 ✔ Control volume level and playback speed with the mouse wheel   ✔ Remove ads from videos (automatically or on-demand)   ✔ Whitelist channels to not automatically remove their ads   ✔ Remove annotations (automatically or on-demand)   ✔ Automatically play videos in 4K, HD, or any other preferred format   ✔ Loop videos (in part or in whole)   ✔ Use custom themes   ✔ Use a larger video player   ✔ Pin the video player   ✔ Execute your own actions using JavaScript ✔ Disable next video autoplay
Social Fixer (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox, Safari, Userscript) 
Social Fixer for Facebook fixes annoyances, adds features, and enhances existing functionality to make FB more fun and efficient. Filter the news feed, hide sponsored posts and political posts, hide parts of the page you don't want to see, and more!
Thread Reader (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
This adds an “Unroll in Thread Reader” option under the arrow with the more options in a tweet, which directly takes you the unrolled thread, making it easier to read twitter threads without having to tweet at the thread reader bot or manually enter URLs on their website. 
You can use userscripts by downloading the userscript manager extensions: Tampermonkey (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox, Edge, Safari) or Violentmonkey (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox). 
On Chromium browsers, Waterfox, and  Edge I use Tampermonkey because the AdGuard Popup Blocker only works with Tampermonkey for me and VK Media Downloader still works with it. On Firefox, I use Violentmonkey because VK Media Downloader stopped working for me with Tampermonkey on Firefox on both my Windows 10 and Linux computer. AdGuard Popup Blocker doesn’t work with Violentmonkey for me (or on my Windows 10 computer even with Tampermonkey, though AdGuard Popup Blocker does work with Firefox/Tampermonkey for me on Linux), so I also use Popup Blocker (strict) (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox, Edge) on Firefox.
The userscripts I use are:
AntiAdware- Remove forced download accelerators, managers, and adware on supported websites
AdGuard Popup Blocker- Blocks popups on all websites
Resize Image On “Open Image In New Tab”- Super useful userscript that automatically opens images in their original/largest size (especially useful for tumblr images from text posts that get cut down to like 500 width, but with this they go back to their original size like 540 or 1280)
AdsByPasser- Skips countdown ads or continue pages or shortened links
Local YouTube Downloader- Shows all direct YouTube googlevideo URLs under each YouTube video 
VK Media Downloader- Adds a download button to VK videos and allows you to view or download direct VK video URLs
KissAnime Anti-Adblock Blocker- Removes the cruft, obtrusive advertising and their Anti-Adblock nuisance screen
KissAnime Complete captcha removal- After installing this script you'll probably forget about captchas in Kissanime for good, because it jumps directly to the video without passing by the captcha's page. The only catch is that you'll be using Rapidvideo server as long as this script is activated. (In case you choose a different server you'll have to manually answer the captcha)
Extensity (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi)
A LIFESAVER and MUST HAVE extension for anyone who uses a Chromium based browser. It allows you to quickly enable or disable any extensions (so you don’t have to go to your browser extension page and manually enable and disable there), turn on and off all your extensions at once, and create different profiles for which extensions will be enabled or disabled in them. If you’re someone who uses a lot of extensions like me, it’s absolutely essential, especially since some extensions may break some sites and this lets you easily turn them off if they do. 
Google Translate (Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox) or Translator for Microsoft Edge
These give you the ability to translate entire pages in the same tab/page just like Google Chrome’s built in feature
PageZipper (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
A super useful extension that makes it so pages like photo galleries, articles/slide shows with “next”, forum posts, search page results, comment pages, basically anything with multiple pages, etc. loads all on the same page when you scroll. It’s so convenient to not have to constantly click next and spend time loading new pages. All you have to do to enable the extension is click on the icon in your toolbar (you can tell when it’s on when the icon turns green).  
The Great Suspender (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi) or Auto Tab Discard (Firefox)
Extensions that automatically suspend tabs you aren’t using, so they don’t use CPU or memory while they’re open
AutoplayStopper (Chrome/Opera/Vivaldi, also works in Waterfox using Chrome Store Foxified)
Note: Not necessary in Firefox or Brave. In Firefox, you can change media.autoplay.allow-muted and media.autoplay.enabled.user-gestures-needed to false in about:config settings to stop autoplay. As of Firefox 69, Firefox automatically blocks autoplay of both audio and video by default without having to change anything in the about:config settings! :D Brave automatically stops autoplay by default. Both allow you to whitelist sites where blocking autoplay makes videos fail to play. In Waterfox, you can set media.autoplay.enabled to false, but there isn’t a whitelist option and this can break sites, so I prefer to use AutoplayStopper since you can choose to allow autoplay on sites with the extension.
An extension that stops autoplay of HTML 5 and flash videos (you can also allow autoplay if it breaks any sites like rabb.it for example)
Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox)
Buster is a browser extension which helps you to solve difficult captchas by completing reCAPTCHA audio challenges using speech recognition. Challenges are solved by clicking on the extension button at the bottom of the reCAPTCHA widget. 
f*ck overlays (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi) or ffCk Overlays (Firefox)
Right click on any element or overlay in a page and choose “fuck it” to get rid of it
Peek (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox) 
An amazing extension that lets you view downloadable media without having to download it! It works for me to watch mediafire videos without downloading them for example.
Page Cache Archiver (Firefox, Waterfox [use version 1.7.0]) or Wayback Machine (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi)
Page Cache Archiver is the best of the page archiving extensions because it lets you save current pages and get previous archived pages using basically all the archiving sites. It does have a Chromium version, but it’s not nearly as good as the Firefox version, so I only recommend it for Firefox. On Firefox, you see all the options when you right click the extension icon on the toolbar. On Chromium browsers... you can’t see any of the options and when you try to change the action on click it automatically goes back to default settings, so all clicking does is save current pages to archive.is. 
Wayback Machine is my preferred archiver extension for Chrome/Brave/Opera. It only uses Wayback Machine, but it allows you to save and get previous archived pages for any site. And if a site has a 404 not found error, it will automatically ask you if you want to find archived versions. You can also choose between the first archived version or the most recent one.
Volume Master (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi)
An extension that lets you adjust the volume for each tab and lets you increase the volume up to 600%. Super useful for any videos with really quiet audio. 
User-Agent Switcher and Manager (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox)
This extension allows you to reliably spoof your browser "User-Agent" string to a custom one. The extension provides a list of all well-known "User-Agent" strings for different browsers and operating systems as follows:
Supported operating systems: Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Chromium OS, Ubuntu, Debian, Android, iOS, AmigaOS, OpenBSD, BeOS, Haiku, Solaris, NetBSD, FreeBSD, Slackware, SUSE, gentoo, Fedora, Gentoo, Mageia, CentOS, Mint, DragonFly, Kubuntu, Mandriva, Zenwalk, Unix, GNU, OS/2, AIX, QNX, BEOS, RISC OS, Symbian, Nintendo, OpenSolaris, Kubuntu
Supported browsers: Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, WebKit, Avant, Maxthon, Arora, Mozilla, Epiphany, Camino, Chimera, Chromium, Dragon, conkeror, Conkeror, Dillo, Links, Firebird, Swiftfox, Netscape, Flock, iCab, Iceape, icecat, IceCat, IceWeasel, Iron, Meleon, Konqueror, Lunascape, Lynx, MAXTHON, midori, Midori, KHTML, Mosaic, NetSurf, OmniWeb, Tablet, Mini, Phoenix, RockMelt, Safari, Browser, SeaMonkey, Slim, Webkit, w3m
Super useful, especially for Opera. For me, DisneyNow can’t be played on Opera because it will say my browser doesn’t support HLS Streaming, but I just change my user-agent to Chrome with this and then it works perfectly!
Picture-in-Picture (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi)
Note: Not necessary for Opera or Firefox. Opera already has video pop out enabled by default and Firefox picture in picture can be enabled in about:config settings by changing media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.enabled, media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.video-toggle.enabled, and media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.video-toggle.flyout-enabled to true.
For some video sites in Chrome/Brave (the well known ones like YouTube for example), you can just right click and see picture in picture built in. However, the extension is much better for working on nearly every site. The extension works on rabb.it and DisneyNOW for example, while the built in right click doesn’t. For the extension you just have to click on the icon in your toolbar. 
OpenVideo - ad-free streaming (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
You can... ...watch every video on the internet without ads or popups (even on sites which block adblockers) ...download every video ...watch every video in theatre mode (useful for annoyingly bright websites with too small video players) ...watch videos over a proxy for more anonymity and to surpass geo-blocking (eg. Indonesia) ...add subtitles easily from url or hard drive ...watch videos again over the library (starts video where you left) How it works: ► when OpenVideo detects a video on your current site, the number of detected videos will be shown on the OpenVideo extension icon ► click the icon to watch these videos without ads or popups The OpenVideo player is automatically used on the following streaming hosts: ► OpenLoad ► FrutStreams (Streamango / Streamcherry / ...) ► RapidVideo ► MyCloud ► Mp4Upload ► Vidoza ► StreamCloud ► Vivo ► VidTo ► SpeedVid ► FlashX ► TheVideo
The Camelizer (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Shows price history while viewing items on Amazon
Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Gets right click and copy and paste to work on sites that disabled it. For any site that blocks right click and/or copy, just click on this extension and enable copy mode and absolute mode. Unnecessary on Chrome/Brave/Opera if you have the feature to block websites copy and right click protections in Browser Plugs Fingerprint Privacy Wall.
Privacy and Security
Privacy Badger (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox)
Privacy Badger automatically learns to block invisible trackers. Instead of keeping lists of what to block, Privacy Badger learns by watching which domains appear to be tracking you as you browse the Web. Privacy Badger sends the Do Not Track signal with your browsing. If trackers ignore your wishes, your Badger will learn to block them. Privacy Badger starts blocking once it sees the same tracker on three different websites. Besides automatic tracker blocking, Privacy Badger removes outgoing link click tracking on Facebook, Google and Twitter, with more privacy protections on the way.
Privacy Badger is an awesome extension that blocks trackers. For the most part, it doesn’t break sites, but if it does, you can easily just disable it for the site, if you’re not tech savvy. My favorite thing for those that are tech savvy though is you can adjust each individual tracker, so you can enable the one needed to unbreak the site, while still blocking the rest of the trackers. 
Decentraleyes (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Protects you against tracking through "free", centralized, content delivery. It prevents a lot of requests from reaching networks like Google Hosted Libraries, and serves local files to keep sites from breaking. Complements regular content blockers.
Excellent privacy extension that has never broken any sites for me
HTTPS Everywhere (Chrome/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox, Waterfox [use version 2019.6.4])
Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites. HTTPS Everywhere is an extension created by EFF and the Tor Project which automatically switches thousands of sites from insecure "http" to secure "https". It will protect you against many forms of surveillance and account hijacking, and some forms of censorship.
NOTE: Unnecessary if you use Brave, since HTTPS Everywhere is already built into Brave’s Shield. Also, for Opera most extensions download fine directly from the Chrome store, but for some reason this one is super buggy and doesn’t work for me a lot. But downloading from CRX4Chrome or CRX Extractor works fine for me.
Another privacy extension that has never broken any sites for me :)
Cookie AutoDelete (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox, Waterfox [use version 2.2.0])
Automatically deletes cookies from closed tabs or windows and lets you whitelist sites to keep cookies on, so you don’t have to constantly log back in and out
NoScript (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox, Waterfox [use version through Classic Add-Ons Archive])
Note: You should only use this if you’re willing for a lot of websites to break because it disables javascript on all sites by default. You have to enable the scripts on a page to get the pages working yourself. I love this because it allows me to have only the scripts necessary for the website to work running, while all the other scripts get blocked. 
I don’t care about cookies (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox)
Allows only cookies necessary for the page to work and gets rid of annoying cookie notices on websites
CanvasBlocker (Firefox/Waterfox) or Canvas Fingerprint Defender (Chrome/Opera/Vivaldi)
Note: Unnecessary on Brave, since Brave Shield has the option to block 3rd party fingerprinting or all fingerprinting. In Brave, you can also change the settings per site in the shield to all device recognition allowed, if it breaks a specific site.
Fakes canvas fingerprint value to protect you from sites trying to fingerprint you
Browser Plugs Fingerprint Privacy Wall (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi)
Privacy extension that blocks font fingerprinting, webGL fingerprinting, can remove right click or copy restrictions, etc. There’s also a white list, if any sites get broken (for me I had to add youku, discord, and dailymotion to the white list to unbreak them). 
minerBlock (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Blocks cryptominers, which is very useful when visiting torrent sites 
CSS Exfill Protection (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Guard your browser against CSS Exfil attacks! CSS Exfil is a method attackers can use to steal data from web pages using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This plugin sanitizes and blocks any CSS rules which may be designed to steal data.
ClearURLs (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Removes tracking and other extra unnecessary parameters from URLs using around 130 rules
Don’t touch my tabs (rel=noopener) [Firefox/Waterfox]
Prevent tabs opened by a hyperlink from hijacking the previous tab by adding the rel=noopener attribute to all hyperlinks (excluding same-domain hyperlinks).
Privacy Oriented Origin Policy (Firefox, Waterfox [use version 0.3.0]) 
Prevent Firefox from sending Origin headers when they are least likely to be necessary, to protect your privacy.
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operativesurprise · 5 years
Dreams I’ve had recently enough to find with a quick scroll on my fb wall
was dreaming about a cave last night. With lots of shallow pools of water along the floor. I feel like if I'd seen the layout from above it would have looked like paisleys. There was a creature there tending the pools. Sweeping detritus away, skimming the surfaces of the water. It took moss that was growing too thick in some places and put it into bare areas, and it was very gentle with the little frogs and salamanders living on the walls.
There was the sound of bats and the dripping and echo of water, and a low hum in the background, but the creature itself made no sound. You heard the bristles of it's broom, and the soft shift of stones it touched, but no footsteps, no breathing, no nothing but a soft chiming noise as it looked in each pool.
The waters all glowed, some white, some pale blue, others pulsed through light pink to deep magenta. The whole dream had this aura of calmness, of being content. It was like being in a giant zen garden but dial the peace up even more. I'm not really sure where -I- was in the dream. My POV was kinda hovering over the figure as it tended to the pools, but I'm fairly certain I wasn't the figure itself. I was like, 6 inches up and to the left.
I've been trying to sketch an image I had in a dream last night and it's just not setting up right. It was like. Honestly it was like the first few seconds of the Adventure Time intro animation - that super fast 'drone camera' POV that swoops down through trees and stuff and focuses in on a character with their back to the camera and then they turn and look?
I was swooping through this orchard of blooming apple trees - and I took note bc for some reason I was surprised they weren't pear and peach trees like 'they were supposed to be'.
But as the camera/I got closer to this feminine figure standing under the branches and the flowers and these really almost black-green leaves in this rich green velvet textured dress (it's totally the dress that's on the original golden book cover of Ella Enchanted), with big free fall bouncy waves of BLOND hair, they turn and instead of it being that kinda anime "turn and wink/smile" and the camera goes to the next, she turned around and it was a dead eyed marionette.
My camera POV just slammed to a halt with the freeze frame of this... entity (which I 'knew' in my dream was The Druid) (Even though this wasn't really an MJ dream) looking up and over their shoulder at me, like they'd become aware of the camera and were looking straight at ME. The branches with the flowers and the leaves above it framed it really close and I couldn't see much other than the scribbly ovals of it's eyes. Then the colors all got desaturated except for the apple blossoms.
And then that dream was over.
Vivid dreams last night about being on house hunters. With Lithrick as the realtor.
Also had a very ominous dream about standing in a misty open field, feeling the sawgrass scrape my bare arms and shins, staring up into the grey sky while sharp winged birds with broken bodies 'flew' through the air. It looked like how a washcloth you are swirling in a tub of water looked. There was no sound for that one but I could feel the rain on my face as I looked up.
Then I was dreaming about being on the beach in Belize with the chitons and baby hermit crabs and the breeze and I was watching the sunrise.
I've been having zombie nightmares since Sunday. Sunday and Monday were taking place in the shopping mall (which is a relatively new venue for my dreams), Sunday being the Beginning of the outbreak (and star trek themed) and Monday mostly about life starting up in the 'colony' of this gigantic shopping mall.
But last night I dreamed about the collapse of the colony and then survival in the forest.
There was a man in a wheelchair who had arrived at the shopping mall with his mother - both of whom were injured but not infected. We let them in and the mother succumbed to her injuries shortly after.
This left the man in the wheelchair distraught and he would wheel around the open plaza in the center of the mall mumbling. It was not concerning - until other weird things began to happen.
Like how one of the dorm areas had mysteriously become locked, how some people were going missing (presumably they left to try and find their families), and how some older people were getting injuries in the night - explained away by "well, old people have delicate skin and maybe they bumped themselves".
But then the man in the wheelchair wheeled up to the mezzanine and shouted for attention. And then he collapsed, and clouds of mosquitos erupted from his wounds and began to attack people.
Flash forward to a weird mix of irl and larp characters living in the woods behind my house in an abandoned homestead - I had gone from dying by mosquito to being Sano and a group of us avoiding Velociraptors in the long grass as we made our way back to the relative safety of this bombed out building husk.
But then The Rattler Gang came - horribly tattooed and violent and they ransacked through the homestead and were almost into our barricaded room when not-quite-Malaki and sorta-Allison with an ancestor spirit wig on saved us.
The dream ended with us all in a cave explaining to a horrified Morgrym that "see what happens when you're late?"
It was so weird bc as the dreams progressed and became more MJ and less Real World but with Zombies the zombies became less of an issue (I mean, repel undead is a thing)
Last night I dreamed about Ridge Road being a swamp instead of a road. The fields on either side were the same, but the road itself was a Louisiana/Florida/Bayou/Swamp thing with hot, moist air, dragon flies, grasses, alligators, everything you could want (though the water was clear as day).
And I was walking along the broken up boards that served as this sorta river trail following the path of the road. Slats were missing in places and it was a distinctive walnut color, and it was rickety and I could smell the heat of it like being on a dock in the summer time.
And as I was walking along I knew I was heading toward Harris Hill farm but instead of the farm it was the Pirate Tavern bar that I dream about fairly often.
(as I'm thinking about it, it kinda has the air of a setting in a Curse of Monkey Island game crossed against Diablo II)
But before I can get into the tavern there was a crowd of tourists wading through the water nearby. Like, the most stereotypical hawaiian shirt white-sunscreen-on-nose and flyfishing capped tourists you could imagine. And they were lost looking for their fan boat but I didn't know where it was - but I also didn't want them to find the Pirate Tavern bc it's a secret and my co-owner Matt Sch would be mad if we had to relocate AGAIN bc non-pirates had found us.
And in my dream I am DISTINCTLY aware that LAST TIME there were also VAMPIRES there, but Skye Collins had bought out their half of that Pirate-Vampire Tavern to own it outright as JUST a Vampire Tavern so this time I went into business with Matt. Not Lithrick, Matt.
And I was -upset- in my dream until I 'remembered' that I hadn't skipped out on Skye and the Vampirate Tavern, I'd just opened another location with a different partner after reaching an amicable business deal. We still traded aligator blood grog for peat moss from the other location to serve a certain cocktail with at THIS one.
Had a dream last night that I was diving on a whale fall. But either I was minuscule or the whale was super gigantic bc the rib bones were these looming spires like I was watching a stroll under redwood trees through a low fisheye lense.
Thinking about it I can totally piece out the different dives that meshed to make this dream up.
The stalactites from the Blue Hole, The gelatinous muck on the bottom in the St. Lawrence The cold from the Brownstone Quarry
If we want to talk about a fever dream... last night I had a dream about being trapped on a volcanic island while the whole chain of volcanoes were erupting.
The evacuation was happening but I went back to the house for the animals and got stuck there. And other neighbors who couldn't get out in time were coming over with their pets and supplies.
I was watching the lightning and the ash fall outside when I saw three red colored golden retrievers but I could only get two of them to come inside and I spent the rest of the dream upset and trying to find the third one. I found other animals trying to hide from the ash and storm, but I woke up before finding that 3rd golden.
The lava flows were coming down the mountain too.
Dream time. So. A classical vampire and an actual bat demon are out on the town looking for something to do when they come across a nail parlor.
What a great idea, they think! We'll get manipedis and then do brunch over at IKEA.
But when they go into the nail parlor there is far too much religious imagery to be comfortable and the demon doesn't want to stay anymore so they go back outside all sad.
Vampire suggests they just kill and eat the occupants of the nail parlor and find something else to do with their day off.
Demon agrees to the plan but they have this 'thing' where when the two of them murder a bunch of people they leave a haiku written in the blood on the wall.
They begin to argue because they both have different accents and can't decide on the syllable count for a certain word.
So there's a string of tall, skinny houses in Litchfield after 'The Church' that usually feature in any nightmares I tend to have. Last night did not disappoint.
The lineup was this:
🏚🏠🏡🏠 An empty house, My house, the neighbor's house, and then for some reason my grandmother's house.
And we had gone next door to the neighbor's house for dinner, even though we knew it was dangerous to be outside of our house after dark. But as we gathered in their entryway the spotlights on the rest of the neighborhood started turning on and we knew we had stayed too late.
"They" were out there. You were safe in the daylight, you were safe at night as long as you didn't open your doors. BUT now it was night. And we had to get home.
So we slip out the door and we can hear the neighborhood using birdcalls to communicate the 'all clear'. As we are going down this overgrown embankment toward our house we see it.
One of them.
And then we hear someone sound the alarm, a series of owl hoots. It distracts the thing for a moment and we think we could slip away but it turns and starts trying to get into our house so we run to the empty one next door and JUST barely make it.
Dream me's mother and little sister make it into the screened in porch just ahead of me and I fall in and turn and only just get the door closed in time when It attacks.
It was a zombie. Or a ghoul. Or something. a woman with a bloody face and terrible teeth and honestly it looked like Reagan from the Exorcist and she launched herself against the screen door which I'm trying to keep closed.
I know she can't get in the door but then she makes this horrible noise and says,
"You won't be safe for long. We're getting stronger,"
And the door is almost coming off its hinges but I -know- as long as I keep the door closed at night we are safe and then she laughs and presses her face to the screen and says,
"I'll just get in tomorrow morning. Before you're awake. Because, really, what difference does the sun or stars make? I'll get in tomorrow,"
And then I woke up.
My dream last night was so complicated I can barely keep it straight.
I was some grizzled, older ex-con dude pulled out of my soft retirement as a school bus driver because a child genius was being used as the catalyst for the robot war apocalypse by his wealthy mother's greedy board of directors.
And somehow I had a time machine that I was gonna use to bring the kid back to the beginning of all the issues and he was gonna start sabotaging the dangerous inventions so he could just be a regular child genius instead of responsible for global-scale mass murder.
At one point I had thrown the kid's manifesto at him but he hadn't actually read it bc it was too big and there were no pictures but also bad language and he asked me what "twat" meant and the kid was horrified that they would use that kind of language. Like he was ambivalent about the murders but bad language was crossing a line.
And as part of my "wait. He's just a kid I can help him instead of kill him" epiphany for some reason I looked out the time machine window and saw my old motorcycle which was painted in blue tiedye pattern and that memory moved me enough to offer to help the kid.
So the kid grabbed his froggy backpack and offered to give me all of his science fair winnings (which was like. Hundreds of thousands of dollars and two telephoto camera lenses for some reason. And a green and purple feather boa) but I just took enough to buy a new motorcycle and told him to hide it from his past mother so they're not suspicious.
Okay subconscious, doing laundry with the elves of mirkwood is NOT becoming a reoccurring dream. Three times is enough. Stop now. ____
I was an undercover secret agent posing as the nanny to a royal family's children. The children had a pool party for the oldest's birthday, and I was in charge of the yacht rides in the aquarium tank. Halfway through the dream, Pirates attacked with large assault rifles, trolls, and fire elementals. I managed to save some of the children, but then Katina was healing the ones that had been injured when a Shadow quick deathbed them and I had to resort to Improv comedy to keep the remaining kids from screaming as their friends turned to ghosts around us. None of the adults would listen to me that the attack had been planned, they were convinced that it was random, and despite the fact that I had a way to turn back time and catch the one woman who had started the fight they refused to do anything but complain that dinner had been delayed.
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Small company SEO - How SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Consultancy Can Benefit Your own personal Business persianas
How can a good SEO consultant service advantage your company? For some sort of small business SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING is usually marketing strategy that is definitely totally necessary. Why do My spouse and i say this kind of? It may be difficult to remain competitive contrary to the big, well-known people in the field of assistance. Generally a local WEB OPTIMIZATION consultant provider can profit because of having community knowledge of how men and women are seeking services as well as purchasing goods.
web aquí
Commercial enterprise SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION - It's Positive aspects.
Below is a list involving reasons why small company SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION is necessary:
SEO is actually marketing, not web layout. Really how your will sell your own products and servcies. There is no employ having a slick shopping web site if nobody can easily find it. A specialist SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING consultant will be ready to ensure you get a excessive Google ranking to have anyone there. You need brand-new customers going to your company, which will in switch cause you to be more money.
A SEO advisor will appearance after the whole course of action. Time is money, based on small business SEO you actually don't have to expend one minute away via your business.
In comparison with old fashioned advertising SEO commercial enterprise solutions provide great affordable.
Final results can be obtained reasonably quick. A professional WEB OPTIMIZATION service will usually get you onto the initial page on the search applications between 30 rapid ninety days.
Return on investment decision is quickly. Small firms who use SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION agency services usually create again their investment in ninety days days and within one hundred twenty days they can possibly two times and triple typically the purchase
How Search Serp Optimization Works
Prior to recognize what you are having to pay for, you need to know precisely how SEO works. Normally, a person can be fooled straight into investing in something and with regard to services you do not really want or that normally are not doing work. Here's the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION fundamentals:
Research your business connected keywords that people are generally already applying, but in which have medium in order to very low competition.
Audit your web site to be able to incorporate these keywords as part of your website in a all-natural technique. A professional SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING consultant would not used techniques like 'keyword stuffing', which often can have a damaging effect on your all round Google position. The reviewed keywords are likewise used throughout webpage descriptions and also games.
Write articles based upon all these keywords and have these people published on line. All these present great exposure regarding your site.
Use public media platforms similar to Fb, Twitter and Google+ for you to increase exposure.
Build inbound links.
Send you monthly information and that means you know how your current investment is used.
Though the SEO essentials look simple, an WEB OPTIMIZATION agency expert knows how to help rely on them in the almost all effective ways together in order that you get a higher Yahoo rank.
Free SEO Companies
Usually, a professional SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION consultancy support will present some free rewards along with will take a personalized interest to produce your enterprise profitable. Because all things considered that they need you to help to make money to be able to make dollars.
If you are planning to hire a great specialized SEO consultant, just be sure you verify his credentials thoroughly. Just about any affordable SEO service can offer you a free of charge internet site audit report so as to view what is needed and you will be spending for. This review likewise keeps the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION providers transparent. You know what exactly they are doing in addition to what form of results an individual can expect.
So ahead of anyone hire any variety of SEO specialist question for a free web page examine.
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The best way to Rank Increased In Google's New Engines like google
The latest modifications to Google causes it to be appear to be Google is no more only one online search engine but a mix of six or seven diverse engines like google all rolled into one particular. Your Search engine optimization initiatives need to now be geared to ranking higher in these search engines like google and yahoo and also in classic organic search.
A short while back I wrote an post entitled "The 5 Pillars of Google Look for" and experienced I recognised how vital Those people pillars would develop into, I would've paid out much more awareness to them. What I didn't aspect in to the equation was Google's entire re-structuring of its SERPs interface or landing website page. It truly Digitalninja is a complete new Google with not just 1 search engine but a mix of 6 or seven search engines like google all competing for your personal focus.
The new remaining aspect column with its new functions and displays, opens up new options for site owners to receive their listings within just Google on that every one critical first site. You will also find lots of new solutions to see the final results which include view almost everything or you are able to perspective with kind of shopping backlinks. Moreover You may as well see Google success for guides, maps, weblogs, updates and conversations - all new approaches to get your internet site or inbound links into Google. Toss in the Speculate Wheel and factors are in fact seeking really unique throughout the new Google SERPs.
As an entire-time on the internet internet search engine marketer, I should have envisioned a thing like this however the the latest variations within just Google has been thoroughly unprecedented. We have now observed key updates ahead of, a number of them very disruptive similar to the Florida update, but with Google Caffeine, MayDay Update, new layout and also the current shakeup of its Algorithm, Google has fundamentally adjusted how its organic search are ranked and utilized.
Before I start out sounding as well cryptic, these new modifications seem to be a "coming collectively" of all the differing types of queries in Google which have existed for quite a while. Now it seems With all the new interface architecture... Each individual form of search is specified extra importance or instead extra of the equivalent billing or footing inside Google. There are actually now multiple methods to get your links seen and hopefully clicked in just An important online search engine on the planet.
To start with, I usually check out to start out any piece on Google or the various search engines that has a disclaimer. Primarily, in the midst of operating 9 or ten Internet websites, I preserve a day-to-day checking from the keywords which create revenue, some of these key phrase phrases are already monitored by me for six or 7 decades, but They may be only a little sampling of key phrases and from time to time drawing or building conclusions with these kinds of a little sample is often deceptive or downright Erroneous. So choose any of the following information on Google with this particular level in your mind, only one webmaster observing what is going on with Google and Placing in his two cents really worth.
Now, The key reason why I say "Google's New Search engines like yahoo" is the feeling which has step by step crept into my day-to-day advertising and marketing - it looks like you happen to be not handling one particular organic and natural internet search engine but 6 or seven different search engines like yahoo. Allow me to describe, for years Google is presenting effects for not merely static webpages but also for visuals, films, information, weblogs and purchasing/products and solutions - but new adjustments have shaken up points substantially.
Using the new adjustments Google is apparently placing more importance on these new ways to look. Videos have taken a huge phase ahead and may now pop up on the 1st site and stay there. Producing a video clip is now one of many speediest strategies to get on the first page of Google, even for quite aggressive keywords. Whilst several on line marketers are Profiting from this fact, it is pretty new and you can Have a very far better potential for rating for a video clip as opposed to a normal Web content in Google. It may occur Nearly promptly.
Individually, I like utilizing the YouTube System mainly because it can be owned by Google and they without a doubt can easily tap into many of the track record stats on a video for instance comments, viewer ratings... and so forth. Quite simply, Google has generally favored approaches to produce their SERPs much more democratic and person generated/rated videos are the perfect in good shape.
So as well are blog posts and entries, these might be simply monitored and (comment spam apart) are more democratic because it's more difficult to phony Diggs or Re-tweets. All these social bookmarking methods and web pages provide the search engines, Particularly Google, with some really useful person-produced rankings and ratings. Blogs now also have two subcategories - Twitter/Fb Updates and Discussion board Conversations, that are now currently being displayed individually.
Google is apparently inserting more value on popular Posts, Diggs, Tweets... of their SERPs. Once more, I find making use of a straightforward Google owned plan like Blogger to get a successful way of ranking significant in Google. As an example, my posts in Blogger are indexed in Google inside of minutes, this a short while ago seems to are actually speeded up and we've been moving a lot more towards fast search results.
A different prompt method of getting your written content onto the initial web site of Google is to utilize a Information Launch. Google has generally mentioned News Items on the very first web site but this now seems to Perform a far more essential role, particularly when you concentrate on all the new options while in the remaining aspect column. Surfers will probably remain on that initially webpage lengthier and you've got a much better possibility of receiving your information item read.
Within the very last few decades, I've started out undertaking Press Releases, largely as a result of PRweb but there are lots of free plans You need to use. I also like submitting my posts to American Chronicle since Google News picks up and displays a great deal of these things. Once again, like movies, obtaining your News merchandise stated is sort of fast and within seconds you can have visitors flowing to your site.
Photographs and image search has usually been a significant element of Google Lookup. One which on the net Entrepreneurs and webmasters have taken advantage of by generating images to match the leading goods or key phrases of their sites. Now graphic research by itself is considerably more different and has lots of much more selections to re-described your picture lookup, one example is you could possibly concentrate on a specific colour or line drawings. Regardless, images could be an uncomplicated method of getting targeted traffic from Google.
Throughout the searching outcomes is definitely the spot to be featured if you have an item to promote. This is the old item listing (Froogle) which Google has renamed to Purchasing or Products Research. For people into online marketing, this is most likely An important listing as you happen to be sure to entice certain consumers that are in the appropriate thoughts-set to purchase. To learn more about publishing your merchandise to Google Item Search go below: http://www.google.com/intl/en_us/products/submit.html
Though all these lookup possibilities is usually considerably perplexing to grasp even for the online marketer, every one of these possibilities do current alternative ways for getting on that 1st web page in Google look for. And even though the number one location in organic and natural research will always be your most important objective, position for the top location inside the shopping final results, movie success, news outcomes, blog site benefits, update effects, discussion benefits and image effects are all really worth aiming for in the Web optimization efforts. Some of these are short-term or rapid going, but you will find certain strategies You need to use which can increase your existence in The most crucial search engine which provides by far the most look for website traffic online.
Make sure you take a holistic method of both your articles and Website positioning. Generate videos and images geared in direction of your internet site's subject matter and keywords and phrases. Be sure you have a blog plus a Discussion board on your site to reap the benefits of these sorts of listings. Similarly, fully integrate your web site with all of the social bookmarking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google Excitement... and grow to be an Lively A part of those websites. You should definitely're developing information related goods for your internet site or key phrases, to keep your web-site in the whole combination of points on the net. Ensure you have a steady flow of new content staying added to your site consistently and connection this content to the "Q&A" varieties of web pages; There's a increasing emphasis remaining put on these aid-dependent websites by the major search engines.
Finally, I am a agency believer in owning all your material/web-sites/packages interconnected with one another. A thing as simple as utilizing a Google Profile to listing ALL your on the web applications and web-sites is A method of constructing them ALL reachable by your visitors and Google. But go for that overkill, do precisely the same detail to your Fb web site, your MySpace website page, your LinkedIn web site... and in addition interconnect all of your different material by referencing your films in the Information Releases, your Twitter profile in the articles, your Facebook site with your posts... nicely, you can get the picture.
Just be certain the various search engines, and especially Google, have no trouble acquiring you or your written content. Be certain this information is diverse and shown in several mediums for instance movies, photographs, news, tweets, website posts and buying inbound links. Achieving that initial web page in Google has become a good deal more challenging in numerous ways, but Additionally, it has grown to be a lot much more simpler to do. Just Select it.
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oosteven-universe · 6 years
Appalachian Apocalypse #1
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Appalachian Apocalypse #1 Cave Pictures Publishing 2019 Written by Billy Tucci Illustrated by Ethan Nicolle Lettered by Ben Gilbert      After the ancient staff of Lilith, mother of the damned, reanimates the dead, country boy J.B. and his estranged upper-crust wife Anne must come together to stop the zombie hordes and save the people of Appalachia.      Any time Billy is attached to a project I am going to read it. He is a buddy of mine and while it’s mostly a comic book association, seeing each other at conventions or chatting on FB, I still think he’s one of the most stand-up guys I know. Plus the man is just incredibly talented and this time around he is writing this one and someone else is illustrating it, in this case Ethan Nicolle who’s the artist of Axe Cop. For me the way this book comes across reminds me of Mad Magazine and that is definitely not a bad thing just one that took me by surprise.      I love being surprised I really do, at least when it comes to my comic books. Also I am a sucker for a zombie tale and it isn’t easy to come up with a new premise behind how all that comes about. So when I read this one and by the last page we get a decent idea of what, how and why this one is coming about I was in hook, line and sinker. The opening here had me scratching my head and thinking what the heck but as you keep going it all makes sense. The fact that I was wondering what the heck was perfectly done in my humble opinion. It grabs the readers attention and makes them want to see more which is exactly what it’s supposed to do.      I really enjoyed the way that this book is being structured. From the opening, during the civil war, we jump to the present where we are introduced to Dr. Aslan who has discovered where the civil war folks has buried themselves in. First I love scientists and I love PhD’s who traverse the world looking for these very things because most of the time these people thrive on the fame of the discovery and don’t really take time to ask if this is something that should be done. Or they do it half arsed and create a mess out of something that could’ve been handled in such in a different manner. Still in today’s society it’s all about Me, being famous and being first—not asking yourself is this the right thing to do.      The interiors here aren’t the type I normally gravitate towards. It is more cartoonish than I usually care for but this has this undeniable charm to it that grows on you with each panel you take in. The way people are depicted makes me giggle in some aspects and yet by the end of the book I couldn’t possibly see them looking any other way. What kind of evil spell has Ethan put me under I wonder, just kidding. I really enjoy the mood, tone and feel of what we get from the visuals, and I’m sorry but Bill Mills there’s something about that crazy old coot that you just love. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels shows off a solid eye for storytelling. The way that we see backgrounds being utilised here expands the moments and show a size and scope of the story. ​     You are going to have to read this to fully understand the reasoning behind what is being said about this zombie uprising. That this had not only some great pacing but solid plot & story development and stellar characterisation alongside this wonderful interior artwork make this one of those unexpected delights that you have to experience.
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bergbandcompfin · 3 years
Descargar sony vegas pro 13 por mega 無料ダウンロード.sony vegas pro 13 使い方
Descargar sony vegas pro 13 por mega 無料ダウンロード.Descargar Sony Vegas Pro 13 gratuito
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                                                                          Descripción general de Sony Vegas Pro 13.Sony Vegas Pro 13 Crack (Free Download)
     · Vegas Pro is a video editing software that is jam-packed with controls and attractive features. The software aims to offer users an intuitive and fast workflow. It is developed by MAGIX Madison (originally by Sonic Foundry) and was first released in In this article, we discuss some of the software’s key features, as well as some additional information.4,7/5(31)  · mmo descargar sony vegas pro 13 full espaÑol 32 y 64 bits | หาเงินออนไลน์โดยไม่ต้องลงทุน  · Sony Vegas Pro 13 is full-featured video editing software for Windows, designed for professionals or those, who want to produce high-quality HD has many features similar to such outstanding programs as Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro. Nevertheless, Vegas Pro 13 has a unique workflow that is different from Premiere or Final ted Reading Time: 2 mins    
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