#get back the old fb design
dollya-robinprotector · 3 months
you work as an artist 24/7 :D that’s super cool, do you just get your income from commissions or do you do other work?
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sooo yeah, I don't think I have enough wisdom to pass, but I'll answer what I can.
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Yes, for now, 100% of my income comes from commission. I used to work for corporations as a character design artist or as an assistant to another artist. But I quit both since my physical and mental health drastically went down because of stress from the jobs, and the corp heavily underpaid me. Imagine working 8 to 7 for a whole month only to receive ~300$ :D
2. How did I start making money? Well, the client found me :D
I still remember it like yesterday, I was drawing fanarts for Miraculous Ladybug, and a girl from the fandom asked me to draw her ML sona and her kwami! And I asked for money and she happily paid me through PayPal! :D After that she continued to ask me to draw her a comic to honor the memory of her grandpa, and I did it with paper and pencil, took photos, and sent her :D Yeah, they're super sketchy now that I look back, but that's my first commission and client.
Now you still see that's what I do daily: I draw fanart for fandoms I enjoy to attract mutual fans and potential clients. Almost all of my regular clients now have been with me for years, and they follow me from fandom to fandom because they like my drawings :D My friend told me "People came to you for fandoms, but stay for original content" and honestly that's the highest compliment she gave me. That's why I draw so much and post almost daily: to maintain my own "fanbase", from FB to Tumblr to Twitter.
3. I don't really have any recommendations about what to begin with, but I do know one thing: You need "fame" to sell stuff. Take time to build your style, your signatures, and your network,... Then and only then you'll know what people want to buy from you. other than that, good luck ig :D It took me years, hell my old Twitter account almost had 30k when I dumped it, and now I have to build it again :'''D
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valyrianfreehold · 11 months
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Meleys, the Red Queen
Sporting glamazon status cheekbones there, Mel.
I relied more on hotd's design and gave our queen here tan horns instead of FB's copper because honestly it was going to look better in this piece. I'm all for continuing to shill my Dreamfyre and Mel are Tessarion's moms theory and Mel having copper horns feeds my insanity fuel.
Mel had only two riders: Alyssa and Rhaenys Targaryen, two women with big personalities and I think Meleys is no different. Famous for her swiftness, Meleys was in her 50s during the Dance and the second eldest on the field before her death. Killed in a trap by Vhagar and Sunfyre, this tough fuckin broad went down fighting. She took Sunfyre out of commission by nearly ripping his wing off. Archmaester Gyldayn claims she could have had a chance facing Vhagar alone which gives you an idea of her size. I often wonder why Rhaenys chose to stay and fight instead of trying to flee, considering Meleys's famed speed. I don't doubt she could have outpaced Vhagar without any trouble and if found alone I don't think Aegon would have changed taking her on. Alas, we will never know their minds!!!
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I originally wanted to do a profile shot because next to Syrax miss Mel has my favorite snout profile and I wanted to show off the back of the cool headdress I was envisioning but I was most happy with the face structure I was getting from a front view so scrapped the old sketch. I also was first planning on something a bit sleeker and was looking at ff dragoon armor but I was vibing so hard on her rizz that I went in another silly anime direction with a rad grand mantle. Unfortunately shit was just not coming out how I wanted it and I was getting frustrated and had to cut out her pauldrons for the sake of my sanity. Just gonna add on to my forever things I want to draw to do list doing maybe silhouette outfit studies of all the dragons I did
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whattraintracks · 2 months
Adventures in Turtle-Sitting - I have been warned that this episode is nothing like the ‘87 ep of the same name. Sad day.
uh, Leo, quick q: what does it mean to get turtle waxed?
ahhhhhh, it’s double-mutated Donny already 😭
holy heck, he’s HUGE
April and Casey dressed up for each other in different directions
they’re so sweet and clearly didn’t communicate their plans, I’m cracking up
can Donny not be trusted at home alone??? why did they drop him off at April’s???
honestly, one of THE most sibling things to me in this show is April’s willingness to drop everything for the turtles and how often this gets in the way of Casey romancing her
sickly mutant ninja turtle lol
gosh, Casey is so sweet with Don here
good future big brother-in-law behavior
why was it so easy to black out the city, though? seems like a serious design flaw
ahhhhhh poor Donny
Stockman lives
true comic book character behavior
rude. how come double-mutated Donny gets a tail but not normal Donny
I’ve heard about this, but gosh 😭 I can’t believe Don goes down to Kirby’s old apartment
like he's so scared and stressed and in pain, but he still remembers this is a safe space
probably also knows it's somewhere he can go where no one will get hurt
ack my heart
mad respect to Casey for fist fighting double mutated Don
okay April, I get that you’re stressed and kind of in danger, but you could have explained that so much better
“why couldn’t you let me finally rest in peace!” oh really love that Baxter says this
good to know he’s tired and done with this, too
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this might be my fav shot of the episode
no, no, Leo, let Raph finish, I wanna hear what he’s gonna do to Bishop
had to check it wasn’t my imagination, but yeah LH does have a new voice actor in this ep
darn, I really liked FB Owens’ voice
and now Don’s trying to go home 😭😭😭
Mikey verbally gulped lol
this has got to be bringing up so many bad memories for LH
really glad we have optimistic, hopeful, fearless leader Leo back for all of this
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loveislandthegame · 5 months
thoughts on todays volume! in case you are unaware, android users got to play the volume very early, while ios users were given a late release. lmao. (i have both ios & android, but my phone is old & i didn’t want to add “slideshow frame rate” to a game that’s already glitchy af) somehow i managed to escape the horde of unmarked spoilers 🙏🏽
first off, felicity is stunning !!! i'm surprised she had an actual sprite rather than getting the zeph & cassius treatment . if she's not coming back that's such a waste of a really cool & pretty design
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friend is really generous, jin . i get OG LI is trying to be nice or whatever but be so fr 😭 the only thing that sienna has been is a boring antagonist, she’s not shown not one single ounce of personality besides being delulu and coming at MC sideways (and it’s mainly because FB now struggles with writing multi-faceted characters…which is why they have AI allegations in the first place…)
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speaking of delulu : theo , girl... how many times do i gotta tell you i'm all in on claudia unless they actually let us be poly at the end
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MC somehow came out unscathed in movie night, plot armor for the win ! the guys pull MC for a chat before the boy's choice recoupling. the pit in my stomach when i read that.
theo flirts again, but this time our responses are flirty, rude af, or "you should focus on claudia." i didn't want to pick any of these but i picked the flirty one because at first i thought it could be "jokingly" said. interestingly enough, he says something among the lines of how he didn't expect MC to be interested in him because she's with claudia . i didn't want that to bite me in the ass later so i just replayed and picked the rude option (so it seems that it's "canon" for theo & claud to simultaneously crush on MC? at least if she's bi/pan etc.)
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i saw this coming but still, this has to be a joke … 😭😭😭😭😭
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there’s like what, three volumes left ? unless FB decides to drag this out with a “season 8.5,” this should’ve been a players choice recoupling (hell, it technically could've still been boys choice, with MC getting first pick for winning the heart rate challenge, or because she was selected by the viewers, literally anything lol)
it'd be one thing if OG LI was like, "i chose you because i wanted to keep you safe . even if we're not meant to be, i still care for you, i want you have a chance with the one you want," blah blah blah, but FB never lets us be in a friendship couple, he's just gonna keep pining for MC ... moving on
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i forgot to screenshot the first part but it was basically claudia fantasizing about her and MC living in a huge house like the villa, MC was like "how are we gonna afford that"
my MC is a musician, so cuteee
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i...what ? 😬 genuinely , what . i read this like 5 times and i still don't understand. unfortunately he did couple up with me, that's why i'm forced to hang out with claudia in the damn shower instead of being out in the open with her . somebody get this grandma to bed
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i kinda love the cowgirl outfit. it's terrible, but i love it in a kitschy way . also i just kinda went with it because the mermaid outfit was clipping through MC's braids (as you can see the hat has some weird layering issue, but it's the lesser of two evils)
claudia's outfit wasn't paywalled, and i didn't get the gem option to give jin the viking outfit so he came out looking like this lmfaooooooo
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okayyyyyy cowboy carter!
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logan arrived way too late imo. again, unless FB plans on extending the season (or he's not romanceable ?) people who get with him are gonna get less time than oliver, angie, youcef romancers. you know how little time that is ???
as for the whole hazel and liam thing ... horrible. , she really deserves better, like me 💋 
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n41r · 1 year
It's been a year since I stopped playing Food Fantasy...
Sometime this game still lingers in my mind I mean, I did play it for almost 3 years-
But I ain't coming back until they finally do my boy Tom Yum justice-
W H E R E ? ? ?
...anyway, I was thinking of uploading old fanart I did for this game I didn't draw much because the characters designs are pretty complex, but I've never shared them anywhere else other than on fb with my close friends
Also, is the main quests story updated yet??? New area yet?
I hope my old account didn't get deleted-
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lizadale · 2 years
When you posted the Dimentio and Blu swap au, I sincerely thought that FB!Dim had literally just woken up after being defeated, made a face at his clothes, then got his old clothes and put them on for the time being and never got time to find new ones.
fjiskldfi yeah that's kind of the reason i changed FB!Dim's design -- non-role reversal timeline he ain't EVER putting that dumb white cloak back on once the Tribe of Darkness gets razed, that probably gets thrown in the nearest trashcan when he finds the jester outfit. White is the ToD's thing, he wants NO part of that if he doesn't have to lol
(though i still like the mental image of him cringing while having to put it back on when his new clothes get ruined)
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
Hey girl!
First of all, I'm not surprised with this cliffhanger in the end! There was a questions about "did you ever pretended to be each other?" So I guess I've seen that coming.
And I do not believe Amelia is a bad guy here. It feels too early to put twins against each other 🤔 Isn't it like day 3 or 4? I'm sure she'll stick in villa for a long time (I think the twins will be in two final couples, cuz this is actually a most logical thing with whole "double trouble" theme). So I'm sure FB will not drag this "competition with a sister" for a whole season. On the other hand, they had Suresh drama...
It may be a mistake, but I do think it has to be something innocent like with this 💋 on Lewie's cheek. In conversation with Grace I picked "he has to ask first", so Lewie was actually just asking "mind if I join you? I've been thinking about kissing you..." So, I guess we'll see what Amelia will doon the next update.
And about Roberto - I'm so not sold on his affection for MC! Come on, he knew all about MC on their date, and suddenly he doesn't know her job? And also he wants to do a romantic gesture, and Ryan playing a cupid? *Facepalm* It may be a lazy writing though - I won't be surprised (like "I forgot the name of a girl I coupled up with!!" from season 3). And Amelia actually likes him, so he's definitely not an option for me.
Ozzy on the other hand... I do love an old good slowburn but I hope he won't pull Noah/Levi and actually speak with his partner before he'll try something with MC. Grace is a nice girl, I don't hold anything against her (unlike Hope). But this is a next level of delusion about Ozzy!! So, 1) she's worried he likes someone else, 2) Ozzy (from Ivy's information) was talking with other guys about liking MC and actually telling MC he was afraid she'll be sent home. 3) MC telling Grace about her conversation with Ozzy and she's actually going for "it's just him being friendly". It reminds me of Jen from season 1 and her determination to make a perfect couple with Levi. I've read this before and I want to hope FB won't copy themselves!
Sooo I'm not overjoyed about this season, but it still better then 5😃
with Amelia THIS is exactly why I hate that they keep trying to villainize her!!! its soooo early in the season and she's obviously going to go until the end bc just like ex in the villa theyre not gonna kick out the "double" in double trouble sooooo why do they keep trying to make us not trust her by throwing her in the worst scenarios possible?!?! I agree I think its a mistake like the lipstick stain but it's just bizarre that they keep doing this... who at fb hates their sister??
the Roberto thing pissed me off so much!!! he knew about our job without us even offering up what it was on our date, compared it to his sister (MC is a fashion designer and the sister is a fashion photographer) and then all of a sudden MC is a scientist??? I could believe he forgot if he didnt originally come in with an encyclopedic knowledge of MC. so that was lame.
so in this one im assuming u didnt kiss him on the terrace? bc I did and he kissed mc back for a second and pulled away saying that he wants to kiss her sooo bad but he wont do that to Grace bc he wants to be respectful while hes coupled with her. But basically about how much he likes MC, his head is scrambled, etc. so in my eyes that was already better than Noah/Levi! (I've done both of those routes too!!) BESTIE the level of delusion they are giving Grace 😭😭 not only have I kissed him in every single challenge, every time we get a second kiss I ALWAYS choose Ozzy, he kissed MC when asked who he fancies the most, she obviously caught us in the middle of a private convo on the terrace of all places in the villa!! AND hes pulling away from her?? Like Grace baby everything is right in front of you!! Even when I told her that he said he liked me and she was like nahhhhhhhh but bb whyyyy is he pulling away 🫣
so far I love this season and think once its fully out and we can play it one go rather than waiting around every week for 3 chapters it'll be so much better!!
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iceling4ever · 1 year
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Wow! The MTA bus finally got more considerate in their design placement. A woman engineer must had put in her input on this design schematics.
I still remember my second time taking the bus with Kayla with a stroller. The bus driving was nothing but a complete @$$hole and that is me being nice and putting it nicely. Cause that man must had been a single lonely person with no wife, no kids, no friends. The most inconsiderate driver I had ever witness in my life. After that experience I try not to use a stroller on the bus as much to avoid my own anger from coming out if ever have to witness that experience again.
I don't know if I ever told the story in FB or any of my blogs so here it goes... story time
I was going out with my daughter, this was when she was less than a year old and couldn't walk at that time. I don't remember where I was going, maybe 8th Avenue or somewhere. I had my daughter in her stroller and the bus that came was the newer buses that had the drop down and out ramps for the wheelchair, strollers, and shopping carts. The male driver drives up to the B9 bus stop, sees me there waiting for the bus and ask if I was coming in. He sees me waiting, as I was waiting for him to open the ramp hence I didn’t go in yet. I waited and he did not open the ramp, hence he asked if I was going in. In which time, I tell him “ yes I am taking the bus, I am waiting for you to open and drop down the ramp so I can bring my stroller and daughter in.” Meanwhile, the driver yells at me and says “the ramp is only for wheelchairs not for strollers. Please fold up your stroller and walk in.” I gave him a look and said in the nicest tone I could, even though inside I was boiling mad as hell 😾 and said, “Sir, I am a single mom, I don’t have my husband or other help with me. I have lots of things inside the bottom of my stroller (food/groceries), diaper bag and my daughter inside the stroller. There was no way I could take my daughter who couldn’t walk yet, the stroller and all those items into the bus by myself if I fold up the stroller. Does that guy have no common sense or is he just a woman hater?! Like seriously. I nicely replied, “Sir, I will fold up my stroller once I get on, please open the ramp. There is no way I can get on without the ramp.” He replied back, okay but the ramp is not for your stroller, it’s for wheelchair use only. Next time be more prepare and fold up your stroller before boarding. I relied back while holding in my anger, “Thank you.” Once on the bus, I took my daughter out of the stroller, place her in my carry-on baby carrier on me. Places all the groceries, cooked food and diaper bag on the seat next to me and folded the stroller. Meanwhile the bus I was on was not even packed. It had lots of empty space, probably about half full. The bastard! Then while almost at my stop, I put my daughter back on the stroller, placed all my groceries and food back on the bottom of the stroller and my diaper bag on my stroller. About 1 mile before my bus stop to exit, I get up with my baby stroller and proceed to go to the front of the bus. Once at my bus, again I was waiting for the driver to open the ramp so I could leave the bus. He sees me waiting, so I said “Sir, this is my stop, I am getting off here.” He replies “then get off.” I replied, “I can’t. I am waiting for you to bring down the ramp so I can stroller out.” Then he had the freakin audacity to replied “Madam, the ramp is for wheelchair use only, not for strollers.” I then replied in as nice a tone as I could and said, “I am sorry, as you can see I am a single parent and I can’t get out by myself without the ramp.” Then he let down the ramp and I got out and went home with my daughter.
That day was the first time in my life where I met such a stupid and inconsiderate man. No compassion, no common sense and full of hatred in my view for woman and kids. Probably a single man! And if he continues that bullshit will probably be single for life. As mad as I was, I was grateful that I was able to take my daughter out and do some errands and buy groceries and food.
Sometimes in life, we go through these negative experiences and it changes the way we think about people and the world in general. We learn to not be like them. We learn from their flaws to be more considerate to others in need. That’s my life lesson from that. We never know what others are going through. And the struggles of parenthood.
So when I saw this sign on the MTA B3 bus today I was more than happy and thrilled. Means they are consciously giving a spot for an “Open Stroller” as it is showing that the MTA is acknowledging the struggles of having a baby and a stroller. @MTA #MTA Thank you for the acknowledgment. I am sure many mommies and their babies are happy by this. Now please install more of these on other buses! And please educated your drivers that the ramp is for the “handicap, disable, wheelchair, strollers, wheel carts, shopping carts, elderly walkers, cane walkers, people that need a ramp assistance. Not just for people with wheelchair!
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chasing-rabbits · 2 years
Just need to vent a little here. So I’m in this UK handmade selling group on facebook. I’ve always lurked but never posted until recently. I mean I wasn’t really making anything new or selling my old stuff I’d made for my Etsy the whole reason I stopped selling on Etsy was because it got to much for me as I had a lot of irl shit to deal with. So I post my earrings in the group now this group has the same loose definitions of handmade as Etsy does. By this I mean they don’t expect you to be an artisan who makes their own charms for their jewellery. They literally have people selling craft kits - i.e they are buying in paints and brushes and small pottery bits to then combine into a kids craft kit and selling it in this ‘handmade’ group. Which tbh even I think that’s a little bit pushing the boundaries on ‘handmade’ but most of these people also have Etsy’s and that is within Etsy guidelines. So they accept my bubble tea necklaces and then last night I decide to make a post for the earrings. The same ones I’ve promoted on here the fruity ones, the panda butts and the octopus ones. It gets removed/declined for breaking one of the rules. So I’m like okay let’s see it says ‘not handmade’. So I reach out to an Admin who says she’s going to look into it in the meantime I re submit it to the group so she can find it again and look over it and I assumed accept it. She just gets back to me now and says this
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Now I want to clarify again just today they have accepted not one not two but multiple posts from other sellers selling earrings with a charm on. One of them even has the EXACT same charm I have on a pair of earrings I’ve got sat right now in my jewellery container. So this isn’t a case of we don’t think they meet the true requirements of ‘handmade’ this is them saying they think I bought these earrings as is that I didn’t attach the charms myself. Bear in mind before they sent this message I offered to send them proof. I said I could show them receipts of where I bought the charms from. I even said I could show photos of the charms because I have charms sat in my jewellery containers on their lonesome and the earring hooks and the findings and all my jewellery making tools. Fuck I even offered to make a video so fuck it I did make a video which is really bad for me because I’ve been SO bad right now with aches in my wrist and hands. So now I’m thinking oh god next thing I’m gonna get back is some criticism of you don’t look like you know what you’re doing so we don’t believe you. I did put in the post I sent them as proof with the video that I AM disabled and right now my hands are not doing great and I was struggling with grip and got the shakes a little when holding the pliers to open the split ring. There’s a reason I’ve not made jewellery since lockdown (except this Monday I had a good day Monday and made some earrings HOWEVER I bought earring hooks that didn’t require me to use split rings. I’ll have to take a picture but the hooks are basically designed in a way that you can just drop the charms and beads onto it. It’ll make sense when I take the pics and post them. But I just had to vent about this because like what am I meant to do in the future when posting to this group? I post something handmade and if they don’t believe me they’re just gonna go nah sorry fuck off and like then what am I meant to do you know? It’s just so fucking dumb like what is it about these earrings specifically that made you think they weren’t handmade compared to the other ones listed on their group from other sellers. Fuck why did they accept my bubble tea necklaces and not these earrings. Like it feels so arbitrary and it’s like well fuck me I guess then. I mean fuck I’m offering you proof and you just ignore it and reply nah soz we don’t believe you. Without even accepting my offer to show you the receipts like nah fucking old white women Karens of FB tho fr. Like and she over there with her cricut selling vinyl personalised mugs and she’s judging my handmade crafts lmfao (also I don’t actually hate on the cricut I have the curio which is a similar model made from the same company like vinyl be all right but like everyone be doing it and technically she could just be buying in from china and Ali express and no one would know so it’s like half the shit on that group you could look at it and think hmm because if its simple enough then yeah it can likely be mass produced and made in china like it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to buy some charms and put them on jewellery like I am aware that I’m not doing anything particularly special here but cut me some slack it takes me twice as long to make this shit because my hands no work and I can’t make consistently because my hands NO WORK so it’s about all I can manage right now)
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Romantic Reveries, Volume 34
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/romantic-reveries-volume-34/
Romantic Reveries, Volume 34
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April is the month we wake up the garden after winter. This is signalled by the blooming of the glorious corsage-like flowers on our peony tree. The tree is a rare specimen and was planted by the previous owners of the house nearly 40 years ago and each year it gains more flowers. It’s a rare spectacle and true joy, not just to us but to passers-by as well, peeling out the bells of spring from its humungous fuchsia pink petals.  
We are planning an exciting garden renovation next month, as well as a kitchen ‘face lift’, so its mood boards aplenty on our dining table right now! More to follow as the projects take shape.
I was lucky enough to spend a weekend in Lake Como recently. A true bucket-list destination, Lake Como has inspired poets, artists, and writers for generations. The best way to see the lake and surrounding areas is by foot, so we maxed-out our step count whilst admiring the romantic old world Italian charm and the impressive architectural world of columns, balustrades, frescoes, and murals. 
The area is famed for its silk due to the historic silk mill there, steeped in history it’s a place like no other. We rented vintage Vespas to visit the small villages surrounding the lake (thank you to Slow Emotions Vespa Tours – you were the highlight of our trip!), dined at Villa d’Este and hired a small boat for a couple of hours, and yes, we popped by to take a sneak-peak at George’s villa in all its splendour and Romanesque glory.  
Meanwhile, back at FB HQ, our design team are busier than ever creating collections of bedspreads, bed linen and cushions to enrapture and delight even the darkest of rooms.  Think Indonesian ikat, Indian hand-block and of course French toile! We’re also poised to confirm the exact tones of a darker colourway of our most-loved Gustavian Collection, more refined and defined, the deeper hues will give rooms a more ‘established’ look and feel, whilst still delicate and linear, with every detail well-considered.
On 10th May French Bedroom celebrates our 18th Birthday, and I think back to what triggered me to start French Bedroom, what lit my fire and provided the fuel to drive me to take the plunge.  In 2006 I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, and it was from the summit (at sunrise) that I decided to start French Bedroom.  It was of course a risk, and something I’d not done before, but I knew that if I didn’t even try then I certainly couldn’t succeed.  My watch-words for 2024 are ‘happiness lies on the other side of hard’.  Running a business isn’t plain sailing, but we’ve adjusted our sails many a time, and not just learnt the ropes, but re-created them.  And when it’s born out of passion, the drive comes easily, it becomes an extension of your hobby and the weeks fly by – plus you get to have some fun along the way too!  
So here’s to a great start of peony season 2024, may the wind be in your sails and the waves swell your spirits.
Brunch With Jade
The newest member of the French Bedroom team, Jade sits within the Marketing Team and is our guru in all things social media and community engagement. We caught up with Jade to find out how she spends her time when she’s not brainstorming new content ideas or chatting with our social media followers.
Describe your perfect Sunday
The perfect Sunday always starts with a lazy morning. I live in a coastal town so a walk along the seafront or across the cliffs is always a great way to reset on a Sunday afternoon, followed by a roast dinner – with all the trimmings, of course.
What is your favourite self-care activity?
I would choose a bath instead of a shower any day, so a nice long soak followed by a good pamper session is my favourite way to unwind. I’ll use all my lotions and potions, a hair mask and listen to a podcast to finish off the perfect self-care evening.
What’s your favourite French Bedroom creation?
The Love Story Olive Velvet Upholstered Finial Bed! Everything from the tone of the wood to the luxurious deep green velvet is beautiful. The high footboard completely elevates the aesthetic, making the bed a real statement piece.
What’s your top tip for getting to sleep?
Despite social media being the main part of my job, I try to stay away from social media in the leadup to bedtime, otherwise I know I’ll get lost in a sea of reels and memes, and probably end up searching for holidays after seeing a photo of someone on the beach!
I find that going through my skincare routine and getting everything ready for the next morning kickstarts my brain into preparing for bed.
What’s your go-to guilty pleasure?
80s music!! Despite being born the next decade, 80s power ballads are my ultimate guilty pleasure. If I’m going on a solo road trip, you can guarantee I will be singing my heart out to anything from Joy Division to Madonna. The post Romantic Reveries, Volume 34 .
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dojae-huh · 4 months
Thank you so much! Your answer is so thoughtful. I didn't consider other aspects like that SM stuff... I agree now that each team needs different pushing strategy. I'm just a bit envious of what aespa has achieved. Comparing to them, Dreamies comeback is not that remarkable. Anw, thanks again for your answer.
TMI, I have read some of your old posts too and I'm glad because this blog exists. I barely find good content to read on X or fb to be honest or maybe I don't search enough. I just bumped into your blog. I'm not even a Dojae shipper but I still want to read your posts LOL. I mean you seem so sure about what you like and be critical when needed. I realize many important things when I read your analysis stuff about Doyoung. Please take care and also update often! I'm so glad to know your blog, sincerely!
You can find accs that post lore theories on X, which can be very insightful and entertaining, but otherwise Tumblr or local socmed platforms should have more "content to read". Simply due to nature of their design.
Maybe someone can recommend NCT blogs to read to Mocmeovv?
You will get into DoJae, just wait...
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SM has many artists, plus there are many other companies that pop newer k-pop groups relentlessly. It is essential for each group to have their distinct colour to appeal to different demographies and audiences. Think of Spice Girls and their individual branding.
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It also helps to get older SM fans to be interested in newer artists, stay loyal to the company. Newer idols don't replace the original biases, thet offer something new, something for a change or a different mood.
Dream still produces "neo" songs. If you compare their songs to other (non-SM) groups with a similar concept, you'll realise they are more complicated and intricate.
"Moonlight" is a Japanese release, a single, it's not a full comeback. Dream is on tour, while aespa has released their first full album after 4 years since debut. You can't compare these two events. Better wind back to 2021 and "Hot Sauce" era. ("Hot sauce" MV is closing on 200mln and "Hello future" has 111 mln views).
Every new group should be better promoted than the previous ones, otherwise, where is the growth and the use of gained experience from the company? Shinee introduced dance practices, NCT - track videos, now aespa develops a proper "cinematic universe" (with special movies and bigger lore than even EXO).
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megan-loves-surveys · 5 months
#32. (sex survey in here, btw)
What was the last big change through which you went? Do you deal well with change, typically? Have you always? Mmm, it was getting a boyfriend and him actually being long-term haha. And it depends on the change.
What is something fun you have done within the past week? Maniacs show last night was very fun, I went with my wrestling friends and the crowd was big and rowdy.
Have you ever read any self-help books? No.
Do you thank the bus driver? Yep. The only time I don't is when it's super busy and the driver likely wouldn't hear me. Otherwise I always do.
Are you scared of needles? No.
Do you know anyone who is/was a drug addict? No.
Do you tend to cave into peer pressure? Not at all.
Do you still talk to the person you last made out with? Yep.
Who was the last person you went to the movies with? My boyfriend.
Do you ever fear falling asleep? If I'm being honest, a few times I have, but it's just my anxiety acting up. When my heartrate was being weird, I told my boyfriend and he was like "stop being silly, you'll be fine, you'll wake up tomorrow and annoy me immediately" LMAO. Of course, he was right :P
What do you think is the youngest age someone should lose their virginity? I was 14, I think it should be older than that. 16 is the age of consent here and that's fine.
Do you believe in abstaining from sex until marriage? Good lord no. I don't want to get married, does that mean I should just never have sex? Get the fuck outta here lol. If you wanna do that, more power to you but everybody should make their own decision on that, it's nobody's business when people have sex, that's personal.
What is your sexual orientation? Bi.
What is something you have acquired with age? Hmm.
Do you enjoy history? Not particularly.
Have you ever changed religions? I've never had a religion to change.
Have you ever lied about your gender? No. People have accused me of it though, I've been accused of being a dude loads of times online. It's stupid lmao, I had a bunch of pics of myself and if I was gonna lie about being somebody else, I'd use pics of a much hotter girl LOL.
Have you ever designed your own Facebook timeline cover? I have, kinda. I put together a montage of pics of me meeting The Shield guys when I finally got to meet Seth and had it as my cover pic for ages. Now I just have a pic of The Shield as a group xD
What is one site that closed down that you wish would come back? Bzoink lol, it closed down not that long ago, it was my main site for surveys. I'd also love different forums I posted on to come back so I can re-read the threads I posted on and that.
Are you a fan of the Saw movies? Not really, I've seen a few of them but they're not really my thing.
Do you ever forget how old your siblings are? -
Who last talked about kissing you? My boyfriend.
Did you speak to your father today? Not today, but he liked my last FB post lol.
Would you ever get gauged ears? No.
Do you believe in moving in together before engagement or marriage? Sure, if that's what you want.
Did you ever give a hickey to the last person you kissed or you guys didn’t go that far? Hickeys are gross, I told my boyfriend if he gives me, I will kick his ass LOL, so I wouldn't give him one either.
List five of your favorite YouTubers. Call Me Kevin, ashens, Gray Still Plays, HeroVoltsy and Matt Rose. CMK and GSP do absolutely chaotic gaming videos, ashens reviews knockoff and cheap items, HV is a Pokétuber who plays fangames and ROM hacks and Matt Rose does insane videos where he reads things from the internet.
What pet names do you use with your significant other? I mostly call him babe or baby.
Who is your best online friend? All of my Discord wrestling friends, but I get on with Mordy and Donnie the best.
Who knows more about you: online friends or offline? Online tbh hahaha.
What’s something you find unconventionally romantic? When my boyfriend attempts to show interest in things I know he doesn't give two flying fucks about, haha. It's so cute seeing him try when I ramble on about girl groups or boybands xD He tries to be interested cos he knows it means a lot to me, and I find that very lovely.
List 3-10 things in nature you find amazing. Um...
What is one song that you’ve been listening to on repeat lately? Most of Madison Beer's Life Support album, but "Effortlessly" the most from it.
Do you enjoy creative writing? Yes.
Do you sleep with just a sheet in summer when it’s hot? Yes, I have a duvet but I always throw it off immediately when I get in bed haha. I HAVE to have a cover of some sort on me even if it's blazing hot, otherwise I can't sleep.
Do you get bursts of creative energy or is it more consistent? I definitely get bursts.
Have you ever been chased by a dog? Yes.
Is your voice high, low, or somewhere in the middle? Lower than what you'd expect from me.
What’s the next friend or family birthday coming up? Will you buy them a present? My boyfriend on May 1, and I've bought his present, I'm getting him aftershave and a shirt he had his eye on but keeps forgetting to buy lol.
What was the last book you read? Reach For The Stars.
What are your plans for tomorrow? Work, and the gym afterwards.
Is there a gang problem in your area? We have gangs, but I don't know if they're a "problem" as such. The ones we see just go jogging and are always polite when they pass you LOL.
Do you make your Starbucks order more complicated if it isn’t busy? No, I stick to my main favourite drinks.
Would you date an already attached person? No.
When you marry, will you wear white? I'm not getting married.
Is there anything significant happening this month? April is almost over and nothing big is happening for the rest of it - next month is my boyfriend's birthday, a few WWE PPVs, a few indie shows and Eurovision. Gonna be a fun month.
What are your grandfathers’ names? Jack was my Granddad on my Dad's side... I'm gonna admit I don't know my other Granddad's name, cos I never met him :(
Have you ever seen a snake in real life? Only in a zoo or something lol, cos there isn't snakes in NZ.
Do you know anyone that has been held hostage before? No.
Can you ever hear dogs barking from your house? Does it annoy you? Yep. One of our neighbours has this dog that loves to bark whenever they go out and leave it alone, it's so annoying. The poor dog gets ignored a lot.
What’s your main reason for booking taxis? I don't remember the last time I took a taxi in NZ lol. So I guess the main reason is that I'm traveling and in a foreign country xD
When was the last time you saw your partner (or your best friend)? Partner - yesterday, he picked me up from work. Best friend - a few weeks ago, before she went to Japan.
How did you sleep last night? I slept alright.
Do you like candy corn? Never had it.
Are you bored right now? No.
Do your grandparents speak English as a first language? Yes.
Do you remember to turn lights off in the rooms you’re not actively using? Most of the time, but I forget the hallway light when I come down the stairs sometimes.
Do you have many snacks in your house right now? Yeah, I have two bags of chips in my room and a few other things.
Do you keep alcohol in your house? Sometimes.
Did you have a bunk bed when you were a kid? Yes.
tmi/sexual survey
What was your first “adult” experience? Does masturbation count? Cos that xD Otherwise, it was giving a boy a blowjob lol.
What’s the hottest thing you’ve done to someone else? My boyfriend says the hottest thing I let him do is cum inside me! He loves it.
Do you like giving head? If I'm being honest, I really don't like it, mainly cos it's super easy to trigger my gag reflex and then I panic. My boyfriend thankfully isn't too obsessed with it, he says that getting to do anal, cum inside me and do a bunch of other kinky things more than makes up for it.
Would you rather give head or receive it? Receive, but I don't ask my boyfriend to do it much cos I don't want to be selfish. If he's not getting it, neither am I.
Have you ever had a friend with benefits? Yep.
Have you ever fooled around outside? Yes! I've had full on sex outside hahah.
What are you wearing now? Nothing sexy lol - yoga pants and a Mox t-shirt. And ugg boots xD
Where is the craziest place you’ve done it? In a bathroom at a nightclub.
Do you like sexting? Yes! My boyfriend and I do it all the time, it's great when I'm at work and I get a dirty message from him xD
When you’re on top, what’s your favorite position? I like facing the guy, so you can see each other's faces.
Do you like eating ass? It's alright haha.
Would you rather eat ass or have your ass eaten? Have it eaten.
Do you find older people/partners attractive? My boyfriend is 18 years older than me, what do you think? :P
Do you like being naked or are you shy about it? It's fine! I've taken naked pics and stuff.
Have you ever fooled around with more than one person in one day? Yes.
Have you ever done stuff around other people? Oh yeah. Once we went to a get together at one of my boyfriend's friend's places, and everyone crashed there afterwards cos we'd all been drinking. My boyfriend and I had sex with one of his friends right next to us xD I have no idea if he was awake or not though lol.
Do you ever fantasize about an ex or a previous hookup? No.
Have you ever gotten or given car head while driving? I have, but it's dangerous so I prob won't do it again xD
Have you ever had a threesome? If not would you like to someday? Yep. It was me and two guys.
If you could have sex with any porn star, who would you choose? I don't know porn star's names haha.
Do you like getting tied up? How about tying someone else up? I LOVE getting tied up.
Most embarrassing sex thing you’ve confessed to a friend? Haha not sure.
Have you ever been caught fooling around? Yes.
How old were you when you started masturbating? I was super young like 3 or 4 years old from what I remember.
What was your go-to sexual fantasy in high school? I had fetishes right from my teen years, so one of them.
What’s the highest number of sexual positions you tried in one session? (feel free to name a few if you can remember) 4 or 5, probably?
Would you suck on anyone’s toes or let them suck yours? Yeah, sure.
Favorite things to do or have done to you during foreplay? Oh, everything. Nipple play, groping, mutual masturbation, stripping etc.
What is the riskiest text you’ve ever sent? I sent my boyfriend a dirty text when he was at work and it came up on his screen as he was showing a coworker something on it LOL xD Luckily, it was one of his friends and they thought it was funny.
Have you ever hooked up with a friend? Yes.
If you knew there would be no future repercussions, do you think you could ever be a porn star? Haha maybe xD
What’s an instant turn-on for you? Petnames like baby girl or kitten haha.
How old were you when you had for first kiss? 7.
What’s the kinkiest thing a partner has asked you to do? Did you do it? If I said it, I'd probably get banned or get in trouble lol.
What’s the farthest you’ve gone on a first date and did you think that would happen beforehand? Oh, I've had sex on a first date haha.
Would you rather be blindfolded or blindfold someone else? Be blindfolded.
Would you ever have phone sex? Oh yeah sure, my boyfriend went to Wellington for a work thing last year and we talked dirty on the phone while he was there LOL.
What do you think of open relationships? If it's your thing, then you do you, that's cool.
What’s the longest you’ve gone without jerking off? Haha maybe a week xD
Is there a position that you would like to try, but have not done yet? There's a few I'm unable to do cos of my shoulder, so one of those.
Have you ever hooked up with a coworker? No, cos since I've been at my job I've been with my boyfriend haha.
What’s the most memorable sexual experience you’ve had? There's so many to pick from, I can't decide.
Would you lick someone’s armpits or let them lick yours? Sure.
Have you or would you try BDSM? I do, I love it! I love a bit of pain.
How many exes’ numbers are still in your phone? None.
Have you ever caught someone else having sex or masturbating? Maybe, not sure.
Would you say you have a (physical) type or type(s), and if so how would you describe it? I would say no, but then again I think I kinda do cos one of my exes looked a lot like Jon Moxley xD
Have you ever had sex with someone that you weren’t really attracted to? No.
Is there a sexy scene from a movie or porn that you would want to try and recreate? Not that I can think of.
What do you find most attractive in a partner/hook-up? So many things.
Have you ever hooked up with your teacher/professor? No, cos I did university online, and I didn't fancy any of my high school teachers LOL.
Big ass or big dick? Big dick, thanks.
Do you like sending/receiving dirty pictures? Yes, love it!
Do you like to edge? I do yes, but I also have a hard time holding on xD
Have you ever recorded something sexual? Yep.
Do you like being dominated in bed, or do you like taking the lead? I am a major sub haha.
Do you like dirty talk? Yep.
Do you prefer to top or bottom? Bottom.
Do you like your hair pulled? Being spanked? etc. Spanking is amazing, I don't see it as a punishment, I love it haha. And hair pulling is hot too.
Most inappropriate place or time you’ve gotten aroused? At work. Thanks to my boyfriend sending me a dirty text lol, I was on reception too xD
Favorite sexual compliment you’ve ever received? Hmm.
Do you own any toys? I have a Satisfyer vibrator and some anal beads. I think I might buy a new vibrator though cos I think the battery in my current one is dying, I have to charge it way more these days.
What is your favorite position with you on the bottom? Missionary where my boyfriend folds me in half haha.
What’s one public place where you would want to do it? Anywhere where it's easy to get caught, but I don't want to get arrested LMAO.
Biggest kink or fantasy you’re willing to admit? I'm pretty much open to anything.
What is your go-to sexiest pair of underwear or outfit you own? My boyfriend loves it when I wear this super tight black playsuit, it shows off cleavage and legs xD
Does the thought of recording a video or being watched turn you on? Yes!
Do you shave? I get Brazilian waxes, shaving is way too itchy and I miss bits so I let a professional do it for me.
Do you prefer your partner shaved, trimmed, or all natural? My boyfriend is trimmed, but really I don't mind.
Have you ever tried roleplay? If not, would you? Sure, yes. Last year for my boyfriend's birthday I dressed up as a police officer and arrested him HAHAHA.
What kind of outfit or clothing would you like to see a partner in? Hmm, good question. He wants to dress up for me for my birthday, so I guess I need to think of something xD
Have you ever choked someone or been choked during sex? Yes, absolutely love it. My boyfriend knows how to do it properly without hurting my neck.
How often do you watch porn? For my porn needs, I mostly use BDSMLR, but I do watch actual porn too.
Last time you jerked off? Yesterday, lol.
Have you ever done or received a striptease/lap dance? Would you want to? Yep, I've given one and received one before, I went to a strip club YEARS ago for a laugh and my friends dared me to get a lapdance lol. She did a good job!
Would you rather hear or watch a partner pleasure themselves for you? Watch!
What’s one thing you would like more of in bed? My boyfriend does everything I want, and he's always asking me what I want more of.
What kind of porn do you usually watch? I like pretty much everything, but I always skip blowjob scenes lol.
Weirdest sexual experience? Prob the time with an ex where my back gave out on me and it legit locked me into place and I couldn't move, and I was on top LOL. My ex thought he was doing a bad job but my back just wasn't cooperating haha.
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skruffie · 9 months
my 2023 recap cannot be done without 2019-2022
under the cut because it's long
I had a briefer and more closed off summary about this on FB because I didn't want to raise alarm over things that I don't experience any more, but truly by the end of 2021 when I say my confidence was shattered I mean it. I didn't describe how when I started at the grocery store I was not just hypervigilant but absolutely paranoid about any hint of worker and labor violations. I went through the boilerplate agreement with a fine-toothed comb and spent 11 months doing the most physically taxing job I've had just to bring in some sort of income. I left that job at $15.75/hr.
The grocery store was where I had to rehabilitate my ability to say no, to call out of work when I felt sick, and just have some sort of money flow so we could still eat. Everyone always raved about how because it was employee-owned they'd be able to cash in their stocks after 6 years or after retirement and be set for life, and then those same coworkers would come though my line to pay for their groceries using EBT because none of us were paid enough.
I am still never going to forget my first month in optical, almost to the date when I was hired, when we were all at one of the new stores working at the soft-opening (called the family and friends event). Essentially before the grand opening they will invite employees to bring in their friends and family for free eye exams and then they'd get a 75% coupon for eyeglasses that was valid for that event only. It was a little chaotic, kind of corny at times with the typical corporate "team building" icebreakers, but then at the end of the day the manager for that store called me out specifically for the job well done. He said that I was a natural at running the floor and I even looked up at him and everyone and went "Me?" because I was in disbelief. I tried to give him a thank you and express my gratitude but the moment I said that I came into this industry with my self confidence at it's lowest I burst into tears. Oops.
At the state government, I was always craving more one on one interaction. I wanted my work to feel like it actually meant something instead of just typing numbers into an archaic case management system that was never designed to accommodate our payments. I think it's natural for people to want to help others but that job was such an extreme mismatch of my personality and personal values that I felt like a ghost. The grocery store experience doesn't mean anything to me, good or bad, because it was merely the rehab. The company I'm with right now is retail optical and I know that as I continue to grow I am going to move on from this place, but I'm trying to stretch my legs and breathe. I'm devouring information and trying to learn as much as I can, and I have an account set up with the Department of Health when I finally start my apprenticeship.
2019-2021 broke me into a thousand pieces. 2022 was the beginning of my recovery, and 2023 was the year where I began to finally match my old pace. I feel intense sorrow thinking about the countless panic attacks and crying breakdowns I had alone at my desk. On FB I didn't tell everyone how at one point it got so bad that I called a crisis line--not because I was suicidal but because I couldn't calm down--and then I accidentally HUNG UP on the poor guy trying to help me. I cried harder and called back and by some miracle got matched with the same person. I didn't describe how my boss' boss had only verbally reassured me it was Just A Coincidence they extended my probation period for productivity issues after I went through the reasonable accommodation process. At my job, I don't need reasonable accommodations for my ADHD because this job is where I am able to utilize my strengths and actually thrive. My ADHD hasn't gone away, but it is instead now fuel for the work that I do rather than something I am fighting with every step of the way.
I'm going to be a little superstitious with this next thing I'm going to write because I worry that giving too much detail would then spoil what I uh... manifested? But I will say this: where I am at currently is exactly every single thing that I asked the universe for, down to my work hours and salary. There is something bittersweet knowing that my plans for 2024 will eventually lead me to move on from where I'm at, but I wouldn't have even gotten there in the first place if my boss hadn't offered me a better job than the one I applied for. I know I'm not as open about my witchiness on my main blog but I will say that I never quite grasped the point of "manifesting" because it feels like it's just a few steps away from the prosperity gospel, but like... I had the epiphany on a slow day at work after we all finished what we needed to do. Our assistant manager was reading a book and I was sitting up at the desk with my sketchbook drawing. I took a moment to look at where I was and what I was doing and realized this was everything I asked for.
I am going into 2024 full of immense gratitude and some cautious excitement for what comes next.
Back in 2008, my grandpa gave me a copy of the book The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch and Jeffrey Zaslow. If you haven't read it, it was something like a memoir of Randy's life and how he interprets the way he achieved his childhood dreams, especially as he was grappling with terminal cancer. He gave a lecture at a university, framed as his last lecture while he was alive, on the very topic of childhood dreams and revealed on the last slide that the lecture was not for those students but for his own children he was leaving behind. At 18 I didn't have the capacity to understand that sometimes childhood dreams do shift and change over time--that the images of ourselves we see as adults may not come to fruition or if they do they may not be what we expect--but here now at almost 34 years old I think I get it. A long time ago I let go of trying to turn my passion for art into a career because I was starting to see the writing on the wall. If I turned art into a career, I would lose my passion for it. I opted instead to try to find a career that would leave me feeling fulfilled and also have enough emotional capacity at the end of the day to come home to my artwork.
And here I am, bringing my sketchbook to work for slow days.
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goatilocks13 · 1 year
From Kavus Torabi on FB:
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"This is my beautiful old friend Jim Parker. Back in 1990 my old metal band, Die Laughing, were looking for a singer. I’d seen Jim at the Connections, the local rock club. He’d only been in Plymouth a while. I think we had chatted briefly, he was a little older than me and extremely charismatic. He had quite the energy.
It was this tattoo that aced it, though, back then it was still very black and defined.
I thought anyone who’s committed enough to have Voivod inked on their arm is our kind of guy and I asked him if he wanted to be in a band. The tattoo of destiny worked. While he’d never sang in a band before, he transformed our sound and was sensational on stage. Jim was/is a terrific illustrator too, designing our posters and t shirts, you might have seen his work on the early Bolt Thrower stuff, hey, you maybe you have a t shirt.
I post this because today Jim told me the ‘Vod tat’ is getting covered over with something else.
I’ll miss its significance, but it’s lovely to have this man back in my life."
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kaoarika · 1 year
I still think this new grid layout looks... so crowded. And the fact that it basically follows what twitter has been looking like in the past 5+ years (and a grid that FB also copied in 2020? Aaaaand insta now has it too, so... 🤔) doesn't help either :)
Why does it has to be... on the left (again) and static (AGAIN)?
The fact that this isn't really... neat to eye, is kinda awful.
I said in my other post that I dunno why it looks like EVERY SINGLE UI/UX web designer forget that not everyone uses a big screen. I have taken screencaps of when Tumblr used to look too wide with spaces before, because I did have a bigger PC screen (1920x1080) that I stopped using in late 2017, but once I had to move to a smaller screen (1366x768) it somehow looked a little "smaller", and while it wasn't AS crowded as it is with this new layout, at least there was still some space on the left that was "OKAY" to me. This is just an eyesore, lmao.
I'm pretty sure they just wanted to make it look "uniformized" as it looks in mobile (MAYBE not in the app, but accessing it through a normal web browser, I meant), ig.
Sure, instrictively I don't find "wrong" clicking some things on the left (but I kinda blame Twitter for the physical memory), but... I DO miss when the menu (or some elements of the menu, at least, everything concerning your Account's blogs like the likes, followers, ppl you follow, drafts, etc.) was on the RIGHT side of the screen. I don't know why they wanted to make it into a menu... but I'm pretty sure old posts from way back when from staff kinda might illustrate WHY.
OH, I SEE I have to make ANOTHER click to look at my drafts and activity and queue. WOW. HOW USELESS...
SURE, being an old time tumblr user (circa 2009), I know we have been complaining from every single change this website makes from the more "sillier" ones (the classic blue in the background) to the not so much silly ones (the change of size of the posts), to the more "i kinda? get it, but at the cost of what" ones (the nsfw ban)... but MY GOD, I wish, SOMEHOW this site would just stop "following the leader" in these sort of aesthetic web design changes (that also goes in hand with that one post of "their expectatives as a platform in the future" from last month).
Wish I would find that one old post of someone comparing Tumblr as an apartment owned by a landlord and all the unnecessary changes they make EXCEPT in fixing or prioritizing the problems we complain about -bugs, spambots, the mobile app's experience, what you have it), which they make REALLY obvious in the aforementioned post I mention in the point above.
Also, this grid might work on old geocities fansites from the old internet? when it was about their menus, but that was by choice of the owner of those sites, not.. you know... whatever the hell social media platform thinks it works as perfect.
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lyraeon · 1 year
was gonna put these tags on that last reblog re: scars that look like self-harm but aren't but I decided I'd gotten too personal so I just pasted it here and then kept expanding lol
wonky line breaked cuz it was tags at first
my two worst scars that're visible in normal clothes are where a broken table top sliced my leg open (I didn't notice I'd cut anything but my pants for like an hour bc my edema was so bad it held it shut despite... well I def shoulda gotten stitches i'll leave it at that but it was 2007 and I had no insurance so it got a folded paper towel and some packing tape because I needed to finish loading the moving truck) ...and then actually the one related to the point of this post whoops ADHD moment which is FROM A PIECE OF CARDBOARD but on my wrist in a spot that I've gotten comments on it like nah fam I just reached into a box weird working at build a bear and when you have bad edema you get wide scars all the leftover scars from the more self-destructive parts of my life no one would suspect as such cuz I was so afraid of bothering anyone I was very hidden about it
and then decided I should move it to its own post so I got more into some darker shit from my past:
I doubt anyone who didn't do the exact same would notice or identify them hell I've had therapists not believe me they are (or that I was actually suicidal at any point let alone at the moment) and that was fuckin fun when it happened (cuz in 2006 depression was still something you didn't talk about and that people 'faked for attention' or 'are just trying to get ahold of drugs rather than face life' so a 19 year old sobbing her eyes out after flunking out of college and openly admitting to being barely keeping herself together? clearly just wants happy pills better call her a faker)
that said I'm still divided on the post in general I understand and agree with the sentiment and I've seen a horrendous situation back on FB where I was in a group that was like 'help me make small decisions' or something so people would post like yo do I want the green dirnk or the blue one or whatever there was one person who had a feeding tube so a couple times a week they would post asking to help decide which bandage-type things to use to hold it in place a lot of us actually looked forward to those posts too cuz they were so wholesome and the designs were fun in retrospect it was a little 'disability porn' or whatever the right term is for when people go 'oh wow if they can do it so can I!' but the person was clearly trying to share the experience of making the best of their situation? anyway one day a bunch of people went off on them for being triggering to their eating disorders by 'bragging' about having a feeding tube and that by allowing the posts the admins were promoting unhealthy behaviors or some crap like that basically saying 'yo this person clearly ed'd themself into having to have a feeding tube and it's reminding me of my time in the hospital' and like as someone who is triggered by some mundane things at times and has a severe thing with veins and hearts I get that unfortunately something like that can be triggering so I get why someone would want it warned but also like it's that person's daily experience and it's what they would look like out in public and regardless 1. they were being HORRENDOUSLY RUDE about it they didn't just go 'yo could you warn please this is triggering to me' or ask the moderators what the right course of action was this was like 5 people who'd clearly been discussing it in DMs beforehand who WENT OFF and had all those accusations which leads me to 2. the person didn't even have the feeding tube from anything ED related I don't remember the exact reason but they'd had it their whole life so the people going off on them weren't even going off about something that was actually happening the person was not glorifying their eating disorder as accused they were just trying to share something that brought them joy the conclusion olympics continues I guess
but situations where you have competing triggers or needs are always so damn tricky the example I still keep giving is having a roommate who needed their doors all closed whereas closed interior doors freak me out I have zero idea why they just give me severe anxiety I can't have my back to any entrances either like I will not even turn my back to the shower curtain even if the door is locked and I prefer not closing even like the bathroom door if I can get away with it no clue why! but coming upstairs and finding both my roommates' doors closed always made me nauseous which I recognized was a very unusual reaction to have and thus just lived with it especially because I knew at least one of them NEEDED their door shut for similar reasons and it was their room I guess 'the person whose life and space it is's need outweighs others' is a good general guide but like most things it's complicated idk why I gotta be so lmao technicalities about things but such is life
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