#getting into the yahoo accounts would free up one of my deviantart accounts which i cant change the email of and my ticket is unanswered
yoshistory · 11 months
there should be an achievement that pops up over my head the moment i scrape everything that can be scrupt from the internet intersphere about my life.
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zillychu · 6 years
Where to find me!
Since tumblr decided to self-destruct, here are my other social networks!
I might keep posting here for a little bit, but ultimately tumblr isn’t going to live much longer.
Twitter (art only)
Just art, very sparse comments and other posts
Twitter (personal)
Retweets, rambling, comments, shitposting. You’ll usually be talking to me here because this is the one I’m logged in on constantly!
Hopefully soon to be the next “home” platform.
They’re currently in beta and are down until Wednesday to work on a security issue (other sites would stay up and not tell you so this is a good thing). Come December 5th, you should be able to purchase a beta account for $5. I highly recommend it since it supports a very AO3-like staff, and you can get started migrating early.
I’ll be uploading a lot of art there over the next few days!
(if you can’t find me, try this Zilleniose link! I updated the name but who knows)
Zillychu#0629  --  feel free to drop me a message! This is the preferred method for commission talk too.
I’ve only got a few tiny fic things up, but depending on how things turn out the next few months, I may start uploading art under the Zillychu pseud.
(More info under the cut! )
I have an old account there, but I am no longer uploading anything to it due to the nature of their copyright policy, and poor staffing choices. I do check it somewhat regularly for commissions.
FurAffinity? Weasyl?
I technically have accounts there under my old Zilleniose name, but I really don’t use them for anything other than commissions.
Nope. The format itself is awful imo, and their slack copyright policy is horrendous.
You won’t catch me dead on that site unless it’s to submit DMCA takedown notices (which is a lot)
Flight Rising?
Dude don’t even go there. The admins and staff are so corrupt if you say you aren’t too happy about how a certain feature is run, even on another site, you get banned. They’ve also banned users for doing commission deals on their site that don’t involve their in-game currency. Big Yikes. Check out Mythaura instead.
Wait a second you don’t post NSFW content, why do you care?
This adult content purge isn’t just an attack on questionable content, it’s a veritable nuke to get rid of a spider. Some of this stuff does need to be regulated, but SFW artists are going to get (and already are) caught in the crossfire. To add insults to injury, they aren’t even really doing much to the porn bots and illegal content distributors.
> Banning adult content creators shrinks the userbase as a whole.
Surprisingly, people who post/reblog adult content tend to actually like non-adult things as well! I get a lot of SFW commissions from people who post adult content. Everyone, even SFW artists and bloggers, will be losing followers and potential clients.
> Operating on nebulous rules doesn’t make a good social network.
It’s one thing to ban illegal content, or slightly adjust the lines of what’s considered harmful, hate speech, etc. It’s another thing to take an entire demographic that includes vast amounts of harmless material, and suddenly decide to ban it after many years of cultivating a userbase that spent a lot of time and energy building a presence here.
A website that willingly burns down a huge portion of its customers (yes, we’re customers, we’re giving them ad revenue) because Apple doesn’t approve of their poor management? They’ll burn you again the next second a penny or two is at stake.
> They’re literally demonizing women, and saying all feminine attributes are inherently sexual.
This is what pisses me off the most. I’m still seeing red. No body is inherently sexual, no skin is inherently sexual, no individual is inherently sexual just by existing. Saying otherwise is the core of misogyny and objectification.
All in all, I’m upset yet relieved. Tumblr has been the prime platform for fandom and art, but since the Yahoo acquisition, it’s been a cesspool of terrible management, a total lack of customer service, and absolutely no regard to their customers.
I’m a bit peeved about losing 30k followers, but while I’ve got a good customer base across other platforms, a lot of artists do not. And I’m enraged for them. That can make or break people who rely on that income.
I wish they could have had the decency to let us migrate in a reasonable time span. This whole fiasco has been nothing short of a disaster, and the plummeting stocks are a testament to that. Good riddance, tumblr.
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