#there are some things i will never get back into. my yahoo accounts are probably all locked up unless i pay yahoo for a phonecall (might.)
yoshistory · 11 months
there should be an achievement that pops up over my head the moment i scrape everything that can be scrupt from the internet intersphere about my life.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
You've encountered site changes over time as a fan elder, what do you make of Tumblr potentially being put out to pasture? Tumblr was my coming of age fan site, and im looking for advice to transition to the next thing with grace and less bitterness than I feel now.
Ahaha. God, you should have heard the howling about LJ. "Fandom is over!" "Never again shall we dwell in fandom's True Home!" etc.
Hell, this endless "only LJ was good" crap turns up in replies here on posts where I as OP have very clearly laid out why that's rose colored glasses nonsense and you can so make friends on tumblr, have a conversation on tumblr, etc.
I had my crabby phase about this during the transition from Yahoo Groups to LJ. A lot of the real olds had it over paper zines and the transition to the internet.
I don't know if reading these hilariously samey old posts would help. It does give perspective, I think.
As for what you should do, do what I did with Tumblr:
Look around to identify the Next Thing fandom is going to camp out on.
It may take a few guesses and some time to figure this out. You will likely not be an early adopter. Fandom was well established here by the time I joined at the end of 2010. Of course, by now, all those 2009 and before accounts are long gone, but at the time, I was a n00b joining other people's space despite having been in fandom for ages.
Don't expect to enjoy it
I didn't join tumblr because I liked it. In fact, I despised it. I kept right on despising it until a brief stint in Sherlock fandom, a fandom that was so active here at the time that I was able to finally see the good aspects of the site's structure and features.
This is the mistake a lot of people make. They give things a cursory try, don't enjoy them, and go "not for me", forgetting that the last site also had a steep learning curve that was either difficult or that they didn't notice because they were in a different phase of their life.
Bitterness and grief are, frankly, an inherent part of the process. You can try not to be a debbie downer in your public comments, but you can't just not feel those things during the awkward part of the transition. Sometimes, acting positive and cutting off excessively negative thoughts can make you feel less negative overall, but it doesn't happen immediately.
Accept that feeling cranky and old is both a you problem and a state of mind, not a property of the new site
Relatedly, the way we remember fandom platform X feeling usually has more to do with us being in college with fandom friends down the hall or having discovered Our People for the first time or some other time when we had a lot of energy and positive emotions. Often, we were in the throes of a first or new fandom love too, probably for some megafandom that other people also cared about at the same time.
When fandom is leaving some site, there's a grieving process anyway, but we're also often in a worse part of our lives for starting new things. We're busy. We're tired. We're between fandoms. We feel like we already paid our dues to build up our community. Why should we have to start again?
But let me tell you, you always need to start again eventually. I go to a weekly vidders' zoom chat, and a lot of the people in there are old as balls, including Kandy, the person who invented vidding back in the 70s. She's a lot of decades and a few cancers in, and she had to relearn how to vid on a computer after transitioning from slideshows to VCR vidding back in the day. If bad health, platform changes, and dead friends were going to stop her, she'd be long gone.
It's like sharks: you stop swimming, you die.
This isn't just about fandom, obviously. It's about avoiding a midlife crisis and, later, about avoiding feeling emotionally geriatric even when your body is falling apart.
Change gets us all, but being mentally old is a choice. The real reason I gave tumblr such a try was that I had been so resistant to getting on LJ. I was 20. Even a year later, it was fucking embarrassing to have been a crotchety old hag as a college student. I promised myself I'd soldier through the next change instead of dragging my feet about it. And it totally worked in the end! But boy did it not make the transition any less unpleasant emotionally!
Find your joy
As is obvious from the above, the vast majority of the problem is just emotions. Fandom has been on a million broken sites with shitty features. We go where the people are, regardless of whether it has the technological aspects we liked at the last place. The actual shape of that platform is largely irrelevant.
What does matter is whether we as an individual fan are still excited and happy about something. I was between fandoms recently and went looking around for BL series I hadn't watched yet. People kept suggesting things set in the present day with too-cheesy production values and too many banal schoolboys in modern day settings without even anything spicy going on. I realized that the BL/danmei scene wasn't really cutting it for me and I should go for production values and genre and non-canon ships. You probably scrolled annoyedly past the picspams that resulted.
(Of course, hilariously, someone has now shown me the trailer of Red Peafowl, so someone may be making BL that feels like it's for me after all. Look at all that badwrong and very dark color grading.)
When you're in a good place emotionally, it's a hell of a lot easier to weather any change, and when you have a new fandom, it's a lot easier to connect with other fans.
A lot of people wait around for lightning to strike twice. They found their first fandom by accident, and they expect it to happen seamlessly again. For me, it's far more productive to brute force it: collect up a big list of what's popular or what's new and go through it till you find things you might like, then try them all.
And part of this, obviously, is not waiting for other fans to make the party happen. The more you need to join something other people are already doing, the less choice you'll have in fandoms or in platforms. If you aren't picky and just go where the tropey longfic is, that can work, but even then, favorite authors disappear or go to fandoms you hate and former megafandoms dry up. If you're the one bringing the party, it's a lot easier to find a new fandom or platform or community to have fun in.
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seiya-starsniper · 8 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged by the wonderful @4typercent 💖💖💖
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
Sasuke x Naruto lol. I absolutely LOVED this ship, wrote fic about, got into shipping wars, I was the absolutely worst kind of teenage obsessed with them ahahaha. I even met one of my longterm best friends though a Yahoo Groups ship forum for them aosidjaiod.
Now? I could care less lmaooooo. But I still hold fondness for the ship regardless.
Which ship would you consider your first one?
My first ship was definitely Mamoru x Usagi in Sailor Moon! I still love them to this day 💖
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
Yami x Yugi was the first ship I wrote for. I think. It may have also been Lena x Cloud from Zoids New Century, I am UNCLEAR on the details and my ff.net account is lost to time lmao.
The first one I ready was something Sailor Moon related I believe.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
Usagi x Mamoru from Sailor Moon, definitely.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
SO. DAMN. MUCH. AOSiasjdasidaiodasoidasdjiasdjs. I've almost never gone looking for it, it just found me. The last bout I ended up in I actually ended up actually went okay though! Way better of an experience than any other ship discourse I've gotten into by far.
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
I have plenty of NOTPs, none in my current fandom though! I just...there are some ships whose fandoms have ruined the ship for me, so I try very hard to avoid and/or block. Liberally.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
Dreamling! My beloved pet ship that I've written over 100k words (200k+ across all my Sandman ships) for and counting! 💖
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I mean...not really? I've always been a multi-shipper at heart, you are going to be hard pressed to find me a ship where that particular combination is the only one I'll accept. I love the idea of an OTP, I just don't have one lmao.
Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Not really, no. There's some fandoms I WISH I could get into, but either I didn't like the source material (sorry good omens fans, I tried twice D:) or I didn't really like the quality of fic in the fandom just due to characterization differences. But nothing I'm like upset I didn't get into before lol.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
Hmmmmm, can't think of one no.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Oh lord, yeah probably. Cannot think of any off the top of my head, but there were some weird ships back in the day.
What is your favourite crack ship?
Ooooooo! Great question. I'm currently trying to think of the most outlandish thing and all I can think of now is that Tony the Tiger x The Grinch fanfic! 🤣
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Probably Dreamling right now! That's mostly due to sheer volume compared to other Sandman ships though.
What do most of your ships have in common?
Feral 4 Feral, and/or Soft Idiots in Love. Sometimes both!
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
In a ship dynamic? When miscommunication is treated as something romantic, instead of something that needs to be worked on. Also when crossing clearly set boundaries is considered romantic.
In a ship fandom? There's too much to list, but I think the big one is when a ship fandom considers their ship "better" than the other ships in the fandom. Even the canon ship lmao. It just takes away the fun of shipping!
tagging: @softest-punk @bazzybelle @rriavian @aisalynn @five-and-dimes @kydrogendragon @athymelyreply @tj-dragonblade
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catthu · 1 year
Random Childhood Memory
Sometimes some random event or reference just triggers long forgotten pathways in my brain, and I am reminded of things I hadn't thought about for at least 15 years now.
In high school, I was very into this MMORPG called Priston Tale and spent a lot of time on the Vietnamese server. I didn't realize this at the time, but the social scene, social order, and social games of such a microcosm was so fascinating. I played an archer and created a clan for archers called [A]vengers with my other archer friends. I also joined a Vietnamese community full of people who were into digital painting ("CG", as we called it at the time) and started practicing to create fanart of the game. I created a deviant art account that didn't get any art until much later -- all my initial work was uploaded on this other Vietnamese art website whose name and url I can't remember. And if I can, it probably doesn't exist anymore anyway!
But I did make some friends on the site, and even met up with them in person! I admired a particular archer and artist on the site who went by the pseudonym flute, the first time I saw his oil painting of his girlfriend (titled "She"). I don't remember how, but we became friends and spent a lot of time chatting on Yahoo Messenger.
Another archer friend flute I had was called Akari. Years later, when I wanted a book to study for my Physics SAT 2 (back before the days of Amazon), Akari found the book in Hanoi and sent it to me as a gift.
Flute, Akari and I, along with another person who I cannot remember at the moment, started a project together. We wanted to create a wiki of mythologies related to the game -- god, goddesses, prophecies, clergy, legends, and so on. We never got anywhere with the project, but flute painted a very cool artwork of the team represented as four elementals. Flute was earth, Akari was air, the person I can't remember was fire, and I (the only girl in the group) was water.
I've forgotten a lot of things, but strangely, I can still picture this artwork really well in my head. A swirling dark blue / black landscape in the background, with the four elementals centered and taking up most of the screen. At the bottom was flute, a brown earth elemental half-burrowed, pushing up from the ground glowing in lava. Left was Akari, a wispy air elemental with the most angular face, just like his real face, and an all-knownig smirk. Top was the fire elmental, whose details I can't remember much, just like the person he represented. Right was me, an all-blue water elemental (Avatar color, but transluscent) with a mermaid tail, sleek back long hair and a head too big for her body.
I spent some time looking for this painting or other references related to these people on the web, but unfortunately most of it has disappeared. Ah, I'd have loved to be able to see that painting again. But it's strange to think how I haven't thought of it in 15 years, and all of the sudden it's all I could think about for a couple of hours.
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survey--s · 2 years
Tumblr media
Describe your hometown. What’s it like there? I grew up in a really safe, white, middle class country town lol. It was very pretty and had lots of nice landscaped parks and pedestrianised streets. I found it boring as a child but looking back there was a fair bit to do - we had a couple of cinemas, a bowling alley, a skating rink, bars and clubs and some decent shops and restaurants. It was a good place to raise kids but I’m glad I don’t live there as an adult.
What did you do yesterday evening? Absolutely nothing and it was heaven lol. We ordered chippy for tea and then just chilled on the sofa and watched movies. This is my first weekend off for weeks and it’s been SO nice to just chill. And for once I’ve not been sick, or had a sick dog to care for, or had horses or cats or whatever to feed lol.
Are you comfortable with leaving the house without any makeup on? I can’t remember the last time I left the house WITH make-up on.
Do you have any expensive hobbies? Horse-riding - my lessons cost me £35 a week and then beach rides/hacks out are at least £90 a go as well, but my dad VERY kindly gave me money towards riding this year for my birthday so I don’t need to worry so much about the cost anymore.
What length do you like to keep your nails at? Short, otherwise they get caught on leads and stuff at work.
Have you ever felt physical pain in a dream? I don’t think so.
What is the oldest online account that you still use? Probably my Yahoo! e-mail address.
Have you ever had Christmas carolers come to your house and sing for you? Yeah, a few times when I was younger, but it doesn’t really seem to be a “thing” anymore, at least - not since COVID.
Do you know anyone whose family has lived in the same house for…3+ generations? Not to my knowledge, no.
What was the last video game you beat? BeatStar - then they released an update for it which is really annoying and now I don’t really play it as much.
What’s your favorite Studio Ghibli film? I’ve never seen any of them.
What did you learn from your last failed relationship? That some people really aren’t worth it.
What country does your favorite band hail from? England.
What’s something on your to-do list that never actually gets done? Finish decorating the bathroom. It’s been two years since we started it and we’re still not even halfway through hahah. It’s just expensive and a hassle as it’ll involve being without a shower for a few days too.
Have you ever been really passionate about something but then lost interest? If so, what was it? Yeah - reading, for sure. I used to read everyday and would get through several books a week, but then I ended up on medication that killed my concentration span and I just never got back into it. I do read on holiday (like, by a pool or something) but that’s about it. It’s not that I don’t still enjoy it, I just got out of the habit really.
Do you sleep with the TV or the radio on? Not on purpose, but I’ve fallen asleep in front of the TV more than once.
What’s the worst thing about being male/female (whichever you are)? Periods, the pressure to have children and do traditionally female things.
What movie has the best special effects? I don’t really pay attention to that kind of thing.
How many work hours per week is too much for you? I work about 30 hours and that’s fine for me, but I work outdoors in a physical job so it’s much more tiring than working indoors sitting down, lol. I’ve done 40 hour weeks in this job and it nearly killed me, I was so sore and tired hahah.
What habit is essential to your daily life? Getting at least an hour of peace and quiet to myself, every single day.
What is your favorite documentary? Anything by Louis Theroux or David Attenborough.
When did you last have a vision test? Years ago, ha. I’m way overdue an eye test but it’s SO expensive to get new glasses that I keep putting it off lol.
What do you typically eat for breakfast? Lately it’s been peanut butter and sliced banana on toast with a coffee and a glass of fruit juice. I go through phases of eating the same thing for weeks then I switch to something else lol.
What are three things you need to do tomorrow? Go to work, feed the animals, spend time with my mum.
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xtrablak674 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Down the Rabbit Hole
First it was the disagreement about filters with my twenty-four year old nephew, who concurrently doesn't have any social media accounts, and says they're adamantly against using filters on photos, they prefer reality to fantasy. I told them I too prefer reality in my art, but on this precious face, the more filters the better. A bitch needs to look good for posterity.
This conversation was the spark, but what would be the kindle is my correspondence with SoundCloud to try to get the log-in for my probably fifteen year old account. They had a bunch of questions about the last playlist I deleted like twelve years ago, and the clincher was they had a long defunct email address from my days when I had a domain name or three. I was explicit in my response that that email address hadn't been in service since maybe 2004.
SoundCloud also wanted me to send a photo of myself holding up the number for the trouble ticket I had opened with them. Now this took me all the way back to the early aughts, because I was sure it was either dating or hook-up sites that would ask you for a photo with some code or string of numbers. Naturally my mind wanted to find one of these old selfies, before the term was even coined.
Cloud accounts were my first stop, I perused my Google Drive, and DropBox but they both only went back as far as the pre-teens. I had considered getting out my first iPad to see if those other alternative cloud accounts would help, but I knew the real tea would be found on the DVDs I burned on my early 2008 MacBook Pro to back up my files, but that laptop didn't really work and I didn't have an external DVD reader that could plug into my iPad Pro.
My alternative and now only Flickr account did a bit better and I found some of these low megapixel photos. But that wasn't enough, I then dived into my sent items on my oldest email address, one of the three I had opened with Yahoo, when Yahoo was the Google of the world. Looking at the old attachments that I sent folks and that folks sent me had me in a downloading frenzy, curious now about why did some of the images still look relatively good while others looked like trash. Alongside pixel dimensions, I saw that MP which I am guessing is megapixels played a large role in if photos looked good twenty years later.
Not content I then decided to try to date when I opened all of my open email addresses, scouring sent items and inboxes to see which were the early entries and thus probably the year the account was created.
All of this to say I still feel strongly that all of this "archived" material is a potential resource to create some kind of new content, I am just not really sure what. I had considered making graphs or list of the different people I fucked with in different years based on my correspondence with them via email, but then this leaves out the whole instant message phase of the late nineties and early aughts, which I will not even lie was a big place for me to hang out. I do have snippets of some of those conversations that I emailed to myself.
But what happens to all this digital debris? I wonder about my current digital footprint which is currently primarily text and DMs, will these be saved? What happens when a platform goes out of business. My personal beef with Apple it has never been easy on mobile to access old content. I loved Time Machine on the desktop OS, because it made it very easy and clear how to access old content.
I think archeologist realize that this "digital" age will not survive the cloud servers and services that we spend so much money backing up and storing it on, but what will happen to these things after we're gone? Will anyone ever see these things or are they just digital debris left behind like an unpaid storage unit?
[Photos by Brown Estate]
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yuichi-ro · 3 years
because of you I keep thinking about doing daily mundane tasks with kazutora and teaching him how some adult stuff works and and and *breaks down crying*
also when I do my own boring daily tasks I imagine doing them w baby tora and suddenly life isn't so boring anymore yahoo
thanks for the kazutora brainrot,,, he's very gorgeus to me!!!🫂💕
*tucks Tora in my pocket alongside my other traumatized violent virgo love* He deserves all the tender love and care look at him-
But seriously adulting with Tora becomes a fun little game of "what he doesn't know" 🥺 He thinks you're making fun of him but he knows better bc you really are his bestest friend you'd never mean him any ill will. Plus the way you smile when you show him how to do something, Tora finds it utterly beautiful. Probably forgetting what you're saying anyways but that's not the point when he looks at you with those lovestruck yellow eyes.
Starting a bank account? Helping him get his seal for documents? Having actual documents he has to sign and fill out and send back? God it's overwhelming to the poor thing he hasn't gotten to practice the last ten years like everyone else. And he certainly doesn't have parents to fall back on who should have taught him this stuff in the first place. Really Tora only has you. Accepting him flaws and growth in all. Allowing him to stumble as he doesn't know exactly what streets are the quickest anymore or constantly getting stuck in rush time bc he has no sense of the working world anymore. You allow him to go at his own pace while Tora sprints to catch up to you. In the hopes one day he'll be someone you're proud of.
But the jokes kinda on him, you're already immensely proud of him and let him know it every day with the way you love him in the most tender ways
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blubberquark · 4 years
Excel, Word, Access, Outlook
Previously on computer literacy: A Test For Computer Literacy
If you’re a computer programmer, you sometimes hear other programmers complain about Excel, because it mixes data and code, or about Word, because it mixes text and formatting, and nobody ever uses Word and Excel properly.
If you’re a computer programmer, you frequently hear UX experts praise the way Excel allows non-programmers to write whole applications without help from the IT department. Excel is a great tool for normal people and power users, I often hear.
I have never seen anybody who wasn’t already versed in a real programming language write a complex application in an Excel spreadsheet. I have never seen anybody who was not a programmer or trained in Excel fill in a spreadsheet and send it back correctly.
Computer programmers complain about the inaccessibility of Excel, the lack of discoverability, the mixing of code and data in documents that makes versioning applications a proper nightmare, the influence of the cell structure on code structure, and the destructive automatic casting of cell data into datatypes.
UX experts praise Excel for giving power to non-programmers, but I never met a non-programmer who used Excel “properly”, never mind developed an application in it. I met non-programmers who used SPSS, Mathematica, or Matlab properly a handful of times, but even these people are getting rarer and rarer in the age of Julia, NumPy, SymPy, Octave, and R. Myself, I have actually had to learn how to use Excel in school, in seventh grade. I suspect that half of the “basic computer usage” curriculum was the result of a lobbying campaign by Microsoft’s German branch, because we had to learn about certain features in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on Windows 95, and non-Microsoft applications were conspicuously absent.
Visual Basic and VBS seemed like a natural choice to give power to end users in the 90s. People who had already used a home computer during the 8-bit/16-bit era (or even an IBM-compatible PC) were familiar with BASIC because that was how end-users were originally supposed to interact with their computers. BASIC was for end users, and machine code/compiled languages were for “real programmers” - BASIC was documented in the manual that came with your home computer, machine code was documented in MOS data sheets. From today’s point of view, programming in BASIC is real programming. Calling Visual Basic or .Net scripting in Excel “not programming“ misrepresents what modern programmers do, and what GUI users have come to expect after the year 2000.
Excel is not very intuitive or beginner-friendly. The “basic computer usage” curriculum was scrapped shortly after I took it, so I had many opportunities to observe people who were two years younger than me try to use Excel by experimenting with the GUI alone.
The same goes fro Microsoft Word. A friend of mine insists that nobody ever uses Word properly, because Word can do ligatures and good typesetting now, as well as footnotes, chapters, outline note taking, and so on. You just need to configure it right. If people used Word properly, they wouldn’t need LaTeX or Markdown. That friend is already a programmer. All the people I know who use Word use WYSIWYG text styling, fonts, alignment, tables, that sort of thing. In order to use Word “properly“, you’d have to use footnotes, chapter marks, and style sheets. The most “power user” thing I have ever seen an end user do was when my father bought a CD in 1995 with 300 Word templates for all sorts of occasions - birthday party invitation, employee of the month certificate, marathon completion certificate, time table, cooking recipe, invoice, cover letter - to fill in and print out.
Unlike Excel, nobody even claims that non-programmer end users do great things in Word. Word is almost never the right program when you have email, calendars, wikis, to-do lists/Kanban/note taking, DTP, vector graphics, mind mapping/outline editors, programmer’s plain text editors, dedicated novelist/screenwriting software, and typesetting/document preparation systems like LaTeX. Nobody disputes that plain text, a wiki, or a virtual Kanban board is often preferable to a .doc or .docx file in a shared folder. Word is still ubiquitous, but so are browsers.
Word is not seen as a liberating tool that enables end-user computing, but as a program you need to have but rarely use, except when you write a letter you have to print out, or when you need to collaborate with people who insist on e-mailing documents back and forth.
I never met an end user who actually liked Outlook enough to use it for personal correspondence. It was always mandated by an institution or an employer, maintained by an IT department, and they either provided training or assumed you already had had training. Outlook has all these features, but neither IT departments nor end users seemed to like them. Outlook is top-down mandated legibility and uniformity.
Lastly, there is Microsoft Access. Sometimes people confused Excel and Access because both have tables, so at some point Microsoft caved in and made Excel understand SQL queries, but Excel is still not a database. Access is a database product, designed to compete with products like dBase, Cornerstone, and FileMaker. It has an integrated editor for the database schema and a GUI builder to create forms and reports. It is not a networked database, but it can be used to run SQL queries on a local database, and multiple users can open the same database file if it is on a shared SMB folder. It is not something you can pick up on one afternoon to code your company’s billing and invoicing system. You could probably use it to catalogue your Funko-Pop collection, or to keep track of the inventory, lending and book returns of a municipal library, as long as the database is only kept on one computer. As soon as you want to manage a mobile library or multiple branches, you would have to ditch Access for a real SQL RDBMS.
Microsoft Access was marketed as a tool for end-user computing, but nobody really believed it. To me, Access was SQL with training wheels in computer science class, before we graduated to MySQL and then later to Postgres and DB2. UX experts never tout Access as a big success story in end-user computing - yet they do so for Excel.
The narrative around Excel is quite different from the narrative around Yahoo Pipes, IFTTT, AppleScript, HyperCard, Processing, or LabView. The narrative goes like this: “Excel empowers users in big, bureaucratic organisations, and allows them to write limited applications to solve business problems, and share them with co-workers.”
Excel is not a good tool for finance, simulations, genetics, or psychology research, but it is most likely installed on every PC in your organisation already. You’re not allowed to share .exe files, but you are allowed to share spreadsheets. Excel is an exchange format for applications. Excel files are not centrally controlled, like Outlook servers or ERP systems, and they are not legible to management. Excel is ubiquitous. Excel is a ubiquitous runtime and development environment that allows end-users to create small applications to perform simple calculations for their jobs.
Excel is a tool for office workers to write applications to calculate things, but not without programming, but without involving the IT department. The IT department would like all forms to be running on some central platform, all data to be in the data warehouse/OLAP platform/ERP system - not because they want to make the data legible and accessible, but because they want to minimise the number of business-critical machines and points of failure, because important applications should either run on servers in a server rack, or be distributed to workstations by IT.
Management wants all knowledge to be formalised so the next guy can pick up where you left off when you quit. For this reason, wikis, slack, tickets and kanban boards are preferable to Word documents in shared folders. The IT department calls end-user computing “rogue servers“ or “shadow IT“. They want all IT to have version control, unit tests, backups, monitoring, and a handbook. Accounting/controlling thinks end-user computing is a compliance nightmare. They want all software to be documented, secured, and budgeted for. Upper management wants all IT to be run by the IT department, and all information integrated into their reporting solution that generates these colourful graphs. Middle management wants their people to get some work done.
Somebody somewhere in the C-suite is always viewing IT as a cost centre, trying to fire IT people and to scale down the server room. This looks great on paper, because the savings in servers, admins, and tech support are externalised to other departments in the form of increased paperwork, time wasted on help hotlines, and
Excel is dominating end-user computing because of social reasons and workplace politics. Excel is not dominating end-user computing because it is actually easy to pick up for end-users.
Excel is dominating end-user computing neither because it is actually easy to pick up for non-programmers nor easy to use for end-users.
This is rather obvious to all the people who teach human-computer interaction at universities, to the people who write books about usability, and the people who work in IT departments. Maybe it is not quite as obvious to people who use Excel. Excel is not easy to use. It’s not obvious when you read a book on human-computer interaction (HCI), industrial design, or user experience (UX). Excel is always used as the go-to example of end-user computing, an example of a tool that “empowers users”. If you read between the lines, you know that the experts know that Excel is not actually a good role model you should try to emulate.
Excel is often called a “no code“ tool to make “small applications“, but that is also not true. “No Code” tools usually require users to write code, but they use point-and-click, drag-and-drop, natural language programming, or connecting boxes by drawing lines to avoid the syntax of programming languages. Excel avoids complex syntax by breaking everything up into small cells. Excel avoids iteration or recursion by letting users copy-paste formulas into cells and filling formulas in adjacent cells automatically. Excel does not have a debugger, but shows you intermediate results by showing the numbers/values in the cells by default, and the code in the cells only if you click.
All this makes Excel more like GameMaker or ClickTeam Fusion than like Twine. Excel is a tool that doesn’t scare users away with text editors, but that’s not why people use it. It that were the reason, we would be writing business tools and productivity software in GameMaker.
The next time you read or hear about the amazing usability of Excel, take it with a grain of salt! It’s just barely usable enough.
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mearcatsreturns · 3 years
15 for Abby/Luka
For reasons ;)
Under a cut because it's long.
July 2003
To: Luka Kovac <“[email protected]”>
From: Abby Lockhart <“[email protected]”>
Subject: I’m drowning and praying ghosts are real
Dear Luka,
Something about knowing that I’ll never talk to you again is just unbearable. I’ll never laugh at your malapropisms, look into your beautiful eyes, feel your strong hands holding mine, or make love to you again. There won’t be any more jokes about jam and cheese on toast, or you teasing me for my weak but constant supply of coffee. I’ll never hear your amazing, deranged laughter after you prank someone again. No more of your hugs—which are somehow the best hugs in the world. Because you’re gone.
It’s been three days since we got the call telling us you died thousands of miles from home, whether that’s here in Chicago or in Croatia. I didn’t know your dad’s name, Luka. We needed to call him, and I didn’t know. How did I not know? And now I can’t. I mean, L’Alliance told us his name, but the fact that I’ll never learn pieces of your history, of the wonderful man you are, FROM you...how am I supposed to go on and live my life?
For years, I’ve thought medicine was my great thwarted love. I’ve wanted to be a doctor for so long, and I thought I was bitter about having to let go of that dream. Now I wonder. I let obstacles get in the way of pursuing medicine, and it’s made me...well, it’s part of why I was so unhappy. But that makes me think about how I also let obstacles get in the way of us. I was happy with you, you know, until I let fear and my mother and Carter get in the way. God, I wish I could do that over again. We could have had everything, and if I hadn’t gotten in my own way, I’d be happy. I think maybe I could have made you happy, too.
It’s funny. I knew things with Carter weren’t working, and he implied you were part of it. I said it wasn’t, but then five minutes later, I found out you were—are—dead. And I realized you were the reason, or one of the big ones. As soon as Chuny told me, I knew I loved you and had loved you for years. Yeah. Great timing, isn’t it? I keep thinking that maybe I could have kept you from going if I had known or if I had told you. I didn’t want you to go when I thought you were my very attractive friend and ex that I still was fond of. Knowing that I love you—how do I move past that? Knowing that I lost you, first to my stupidity and then to death?
I just...I miss you, and I don’t when I’ll stop, or how to. Susan caught me crying on my last shift, and I didn’t even know what to say. I feel like I’ve been crying or standing still, brittle and stuck in time, since I heard the news. I can’t, Luka. I know I have to keep on moving, and I thought maybe writing you would help. I know you’ll never see this, never have a chance to respond. But the idea that some fragments of your soul linger and can maybe sense...I don’t know. That I’m writing? What I’m feeling? Jesus, this is crazy.
All my love,
Abby angrily swipes the tears from her eyes. God, what’s the point of writing this? He’ll never see hsi email or her again. Just...without Luka, how can the world be anything but grim and sad and pointless?
She laughs mirthlessly. Maybe it doesn’t matter. No, she knows it doesn’t. Because Abby knows the futility of it, aches with the meaninglessness, she presses send without another thought.
Three days after that, a miracle occurs. Luka, the Lazarus of this new millennium, comes back from the dead. He’s never been dead, and maybe, Abby thinks, there’s a God above after all. So many people wish for this exact boon, and she—they, the world—gets it. Some higher power believes this planet is a better place with Luka Kovac in it, and Abby is ecstatic.
Until she remembers the email and that they can’t be unsent.
It’s fine. She’ll be fine. Luka is coming back, apparently with a French nurse. Maybe he’ll just delete it without reading it. Maybe it didn’t go through—how does email work for the dead, and how quickly is all that processed?
Abby shakes her head. It doesn’t matter; Luka is alive and returning to them. She can handle a little awkwardness in the face of the sheer joy of knowing the world is a brighter, kinder place. He’s coming back, and that’s what’s important.
August 2003
It takes Luka almost a week after returning to Chicago to convince Kerry and the other staff to let him go back to his apartment. Even so, they only agree when Gillian assures them she’ll see to his every need.
Abby winces when she hears that, and it makes something flutter in Luka’s chest. Which probably isn’t good for his malaria, but the hope...that is.
It’s another two days of lying in bed before he has the energy to ask Gillian to bring him his laptop. At this point, it’s been months since he’s checked his email, and Luka grimaces at the undoubtedly horrible state of his inbox. He briefly considers never checking again and just getting a new one, but he knows his father struggled to add him to his contacts once already. To expect it of him again would be absurd.
With a sigh, Luka opens his email. It’s just as bad as he feared. He snorts at the myriad messages about Viagra, Nigerian princes, and Russian brides, deleting them without thought. He saves a couple from his dad. He slowly whittles down his inbox, but he freezes when he gets to one email in particular, sent about a month ago.
It’s from Abby, during the time everyone thought he was dead.
Luka considers calling and asking her if someone hacked her email or is sending spam from her account, but the subject line...it looks real. And Abby’s been odd around him lately, seeming both deliriously happy to see him and awkwardly nervous.
His heart pounds, and he clicks to open it. If this is a spammer, they’re probably about to get whatever they want.
Abby pours herself another coffee, internally swearing as she prepares for the last two hours of her shift. Deciding to go back to school is great; having to coordinate all the details is less thrilling and leaves her tired and cranky.
Frank ducks his head into the lounge, beady eyes narrowing on her. “Hey, Abby. The Croat is on the phone for you. Line 2. Try to get back out there as fast as you can, Weaver’s yelling at the med students about IVs.”
“Okay, Frank,” Abby says, though she flushes and her palms start to sweat. It’s fine. She can always hide the panic and butterflies in her stomach with sarcasm. It has yet to fail her.
Frank gives her one last suspicious look, then nods and heads back to Admit.
Abby takes a deep breath, then picks up the phone. “Hey, Luka?”
“It’s me. Glad I could reach you. How are you?” He sounds...ugh. So good. And eager and happy, and her heart could leap right out of her chest.
“Doing all right. I just have a couple hours left on this shift, and it hasn’t been too awful today. Only one MVA. How about you? You feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Recovering. Listen, did you want to come over for dinner?”
“Please tell me you’re not trying to cook.”
“What? I’m a good cook, even if you don’t appreciate wonderful, traditional Croatian dishes,” he says with a chuckle.
“Luka, you just got out of the hospital five days ago. You still need to be resting.”
“Abby, don’t worry so much. I was just kidding. I have some sandwiches from Manny’s, and Anna sent me home with lots of matzo ball soup too.”
Abby bites her lip. Of course she wants to go. But the prospect of spending the evening with Gillian cooing over Luka, knowing that she shares a bed with him, is decidedly less appealing. And there’s the email she sent, which Luka hasn’t acknowledged. He might well have deleted it, or he’s giving her a gracious out.
Her conscience twinges as soon as she thinks about bailing, though. Didn’t she promise herself she wouldn’t take life for granted anymore? She’ll go back to med school, she’ll have dinner with Luka when he asks.
She starts, realizing she needs to respond. “Yeah, sorry. Yeah, I can do that. I can be there an hour after my shift, if that’s okay.”
“Sounds great. Looking forward to seeing you.”
“Me too.” He has no idea how much, even if she wishes she knew for sure that he’d deleted the email.
Abby rings Luka’s doorbell three and a half hours later. She’d meant to come straight from work, but after a patient vomited on her, she decided to head home, shower, and splurge on a taxi to Luka’s. The poor man is recovering from being deathly ill and doesn’t need County’s fumes making things worse.
There’s the sound of the deadbolt sliding, and Luka answers the door, grinning happily at her. “Good, you made it! Come on in!”
“I did. Sorry it took me longer than expected.” Abby steps into his apartment, looking around. It’s been such a long time since she’s been here, and she notes the subtle changes in the art and decor.
“No worries. I know how it goes.” He places a hand at the small of her back, guiding her inside.
Abby stiffens for a second at how his touch burns even through the layers of her shirt and light jacket, but she relaxes, enjoying the feel while she waits for Gillian to appear and end the fleeting joy.
Luka is unfazed. “Now, of course we can just eat the sandwiches, but if you want to heat up the matzo ball soup, you can. Since you don’t want me standing,” he says with a wink.
Abby smiles back, shaking her head. “Oh, I see how it is. Make the woman who worked all day do more household work when she gets ho—wait, where’s Gillian? Isn’t she supposed to be taking care of you?”
“She’s not here,” he says simply.
Going to the fridge and taking out the containers of soup, Abby places them in the microwave. Is Gillian out for the evening, or is she gone gone? “Shouldn’t you be with her? Or her here with you, whatever.”
Luka is quiet for a long minute, and Abby wonders if he intends to answer. Finally, he breaks the silence. “I asked her to leave.”
Abby’s pulse speeds up. “What? Why?”
Luka takes a deep breath, clearly ready to respond, and—
The microwave dings, and they both jump. Exchanging a sheepish look, they laugh.
“Look, let’s get some food, and I’ll tell you all about it.”
Abby dishes up their soup and sandwiches, preparing trays so they can sit on the couch. Luka turns on the television, and Abby’s heart rate comes back under control. They sit together in companionable silence while they eat and watch Thom and Jai and the rest of the Fab 5 whip some hapless lawyer’s life into order. When they finish their meal, Abby cleans up, taking the trays back to the kitchen.
She heads back to the couch at the opposite end from Luka, not daring to get closer when she really has no idea what’s going on.
Luka clears his throat and mutes the TV. “So, yeah. I asked Gillian to leave.”
“Oh. So, um, did you break up?”
“She was never my girlfriend, really. She has a boyfriend back in Montreal, they just…” Luka shrugs and runs a hand through his hair.
Abby is more lost than ever. “Ah.”
Taking a deep breath, Luka continues, finally looking over at her. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful she helped me get here and took care of me, but we were never serious.”
Something starts to tug at Abby’s heart, squeezing and twisting and kicking to get free. Is it...hope? “Well, I’m glad she got you here safe, but you should have someone staying with you while you recover, Luka. Malaria is dangerous.”
He gives her a look. “I know how dangerous malaria is. I’m getting better. And besides, it wouldn’t have been fair for me to ask her to stay when things are over because I’m in love with someone else.”
Her heart leaps into her throat. “Someone else?” she squeaks.
Luka nods, swallowing. “Yeah. And I have a reason to think she might be in love with me too.” He slides over to her side of the couch, reaching for her hand.
Abby meets his eyes—those beautiful green eyes that are the best color in the world—and squeezes his hand, incapable of words. Does he mean…?
With his other hand, Luka reaches up and cups her cheek, running his thumb along the subtle arch of her cheekbone. “Abby, if you’ve changed your mind since you sent that email, please tell me to shut up.”
That stupid, ridiculous email might be the best thing she’s ever done in her life. She leans into his hand, licking her lips as she shakes her head slightly. “I haven’t changed my mind. I didn’t mean for you to see it and hoped I could learn how to hack computers and delete it but—”
Luka cuts her off. “I would never forgive you if you managed to delete it. You wouldn’t believe how much faster I healed after that.”
Abby leans forward, sliding into Luka’s waiting arms. “Then maybe I’ll write you some more emails.”
“Emails aren’t what I want right now,” Luka says.
Funny, Abby doesn’t either. Then his lips brush hers, and all her worries and fears fade away. She knows she has to tell him about med school and he needs to finish recuperating, but when Luka deepens their kiss and pulls her closer, Abby ceases to think at all.
She has Luka back, and now they have each other again.
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For the Writer’s Ask Game : 48 6 41 ?
48. What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?
So like. I've never been a self-insert writer. Or reader, for that matter. Even if a character is a well-know Reader Proxy, that's never how I read them. I read, and write, to largely disappear myself (or at least, in part, I do).
However, for pretty much all of college, a friend and I had a very long RP we conducted over Facebook and Yahoo! Messenger (which saved logs very well, once upon a time), that was started after I got my wisdom teeth cut out right before I left for freshman year and was Very On Percocet and Vicodin, and we realized the nonsense we were typing at each other was really like characters interacting, and it...grew from there. It was so much fun and I desperately wish to replicate something like it again.
Anyway, at one point my friend suggested that we both make self-inserts so we could be in the story, and craft characters for our self-inserts to date. I pretty much...ignored my self-insert character as much as humanly possible, and the character designed exactly to my "tastes" ended up with someone else.
Yeah, that's pretty much always how that works with me.
6. Single or multiple POV?
Either, depending on what's best for the story! The book I'm working on now was meant to be single-POV, but adding my deuteragonist's POV was probably the best decision I made for it thus far. I write in third-person most of the time (again, depending on the needs of the story--I have quite a few things written in first hanging around), so it's usually easier to switch.
41. Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
Well, there's always the general "read a lot" and "keep practicing," which are both very true.
If you want a kind of weird one: Don't let people read it (yet).
Here's why I say that: You can learn a lot from other people's critiques of your writing. But you honestly have to get to a certain level for that to be useful.
When I was first starting writing, I was...well, very bad. All beginners at something are bad. But no critique that was genuinely offered to me was something I was capable of doing much with yet.
I did not know it was possible to share your writing online until high school, and I didn't until college, and I think that was honestly very important, because i f I had shared that crap I wrote back then online with an anonymous audience, I would have been crushed.
You have to get some basics of telling a story down before it's useful to critique it. And most of that you can get from reading, and reading writing advice, reading writers talk about their writing and writing process, and just trying to mimic it in your own writing. You don't actually need feedback to practice mimicking what you see.
Things like formatting, for sure, but also more subtle things that are honestly hard to explain and are best learned by simple...practicing. For example: when I was in high school I went through a long period where I never, ever, ever broke scenes and just let some time pass without being accounted for. This was terrible! But it was how I wrote back then. And getting past that in private was, I think, helpful.
It's okay. You don't need to solicit criticism yet. You can practice in private because you love it and nurture yourself first.
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Slippin’ Mickeys
Only 3 stories by Slippin’ Mickeys ended up at Gossamer, but she’s written many more stories than that. She’s also one of the few authors who posted numerous stories during the show’s original run and then again in the revival years. I’ve recced some of my favorites of her stories here, including Last Chance Falls and Currahee. Big thanks to Slippin’ Mickeys for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
I would say that it does and doesn't surprise me. It surprises me that anyone would want to read something I wrote all those years ago, (only in that I was an actual teenager at the time, and had no chops at all -- I've grown a lot as a writer, and honestly have trouble reading my old stuff because I would have made much different creative decisions now). But the fanfiction that came out of the original run of the show -- from almost day one -- was so rich and varied and a lot of it so well written that I am not the least bit surprised that people want to read it today. I go back and read old favorites often, and am always thrilled to find something that's new-to-me, even if it's 27 years old.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
The first thing I think about when I think about my fandom experience are the friends I made along the way. The X-Files came up with the internet, and there was a whole new way of connecting with people that liked the things that you liked. To this day, I am good friends with many people that I met through the show back in 1997-98. When the revival came about, I dove back in, and made new, more recent friendships that are just as rich. I love the show, but I also love the people I met along the way.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
I first got into the show's online community on some random message board that I think I probably found through a Yahoo search one day in a computer lab on my university's campus. I connected with one woman from Greece named Fay that day, who invited me to join a group of women that chatted about the show after it aired on Monday nights. After the first time I hooked up with them, we talked almost daily via ICQ. Later, in the early aughts, I found the forums on Mighty Big TV/Television Without Pity, where some of the most intelligent discussion was going on. The forums were heavily moderated, and so they were always on topic, and it was just a smart, funny, great place to be.
Eventually, I started working for TWoP as both a writer and moderator (surprise! A lot of people don't know this because TWoP protected the identities of their mods so well, but I was the X-Files board mod after Jessica left!). It was my first paid writing gig and opened doors for me both professionally and personally. Two TWoP recappers were in my wedding!
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
Fanfiction opened my eyes to storytelling as a medium. I'd obviously gone to school and read books, but it opened my eyes to words to could do and be. It was a heady time. There were stories of every stripe. Short, long, canon-compliant, AU, experimental, you name it. We had such gifted writers, too. To this day, I'd almost rather read a piece of well written fanfic than a good book. Fanfic made me want to be a storyteller myself.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
It was the 'ship. God bless the ship. My first episode was Never Again, but I didn't watch again until I was sitting with my college roommate freshman year and she was like "sorry, but I have to watch The X-Files on Sunday nights." That first episode was Redux. The next week was Redux II, and by then it was all over for me. The lengths Mulder and Scully would go to for each other? And the relationship wasn't even sexual? Here were two people who loved each other. Really loved each other. Selflessly. I was SO IN.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
At first, I started reading it. This was back when you could only watch the show in reruns or on those VHS tapes that were sold in three packs that had two eps on each tape (I still have the trading cards that came with them), so after I burned through the VHS options (of which there were few), and set my VCR to tape the weekly reruns on FX, I needed MORE. I found fanfic. And in fanfic, Mulder and Scully actually like, kissed and maybe even had sex! I read everything I could get my hands on. Pretty soon, I wanted to write it myself.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
Things are tough these days. It's a hard world to live in, and politics aside, it just feels like everything is falling apart around us. When I first found the show, my life was in a bit of upheaval and I dove into the fandom to distract myself. I'm doing the same thing these days. When the show ended, I left the fandom and lived without it for about 15 years. But when the revival came (and really only after finishing season 11 -- season 10 didn't do much for me), I dove back in. I have quite a few more responsibilities these days, but when I can't watch the news anymore, I log on to XF Twitter (I use my fandom account far more than my IRL account) or Tumblr and get lost for a while. And most nights find me reading or writing fanfic before bed. When the world gets better (I'm cautiously optimistic) and the show has been off the air for years and years, will I leave again? Maybe. But for now, it's once again my happy place.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
Nothing hardcore. The X-Files is my ride or die.
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
I do an occasional episode or movie rewatch. Not too often, but when I'm jonesing and have 45 free minutes, I'll put one on. But I'm writing fanfic again, and I get hit with inspiration at random and odd intervals, so it's safe to say I find myself thinking about Mulder and Scully probably more than is healthy.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
All the time. The old stuff, the new stuff, the good stuff. If I have five minutes and my kid is entertaining himself? I'll happy pull out an old favorite.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
I'm reluctantly abstaining from this question, as I'm still active in the fandom and I know that naming favorites will hurt some feelings.
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
Of The Eight Winds is probably my favorite. I've had a lot of fun writing AU's lately. It's a nice creative outlet, taking our favorite agents and plunking them in a totally different world.
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
Do I! I have a whole ass queue. It's frankly irresponsible.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I was writing professionally before I had a baby, and I took years off to be a stay at home mom. Once my kiddo was finally in school full time, I started writing again. With the pandemic, that's for the most part on hold, as I just don't have the bandwidth to dedicate to professional work. Fanfic is easier to play with when you only have five minutes here or there, and it's also great exercise when it comes to plotting and prose, so I'm  sticking with fic for now. When the kiddos are all back in school, maybe I can start getting paid again.
Where do you get ideas for stories?
I get a lot of prompts that I just adore. And honestly, a lot of times, I'll post a stupid picture or ridiculous prompt of my own on Twitter and get dared to write it. If the idea gets stuck in my craw, I generally have to exorcise the demon.
What's the story behind your pen name?
Bad Blood had just aired and I was obsessed with it. I wanted to pay homage to it, so took Mulder's "who slipped him the mickey?" quote and ran with it. Do I regret that? Sometimes.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
My husband knows and is supportive. He's a working writer, so he supports my endeavors, though I know he wishes I were doing something I could monetize. But it makes me happy, and ultimately: happy wife, happy life and all that jazz.
The friends of mine that I've made through the fandom all know and are super supportive.
As for the rest, well... I have a nom de plume on purpose!
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
All my newest work is on AO3. My old stuff can be found on various archives. Like the truth... it's out there.
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
I'd leave it with: we're a blessed fandom. The show we stan (even with the real stinkers, there's always something to love) keeps giving, the fellow fans are all some of the smartest, sweetest, and most dedicated people out there... we've been blessed for 25 years, and I don't see that stopping any time soon.
(Posted by Lilydale on August 11, 2020)
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Do you own any Funko Pop! figurines?  No. I had a brief period where I wanted to start collecting them SO BAD and often went to toy stores to gawk at the figures I felt like I needed to have; but I grew out of that and I don’t even really give Funkos a second glance whenever I see them anymore haha.
How many cats and dogs have you had as pets in your lifetime?  We’ve had one cat and two dogs.
Can your mom and/or dad play any instruments, or how about anyone else in your family?  My dad can play the guitar; he just absolutely never shows it off, not even if you lay out ten guitars in front of him. I think my mom played the piano as a kid.
Have you ever colored in an adult coloring book as a stress reliever?  Yeah, it was my coping mechanism from a few years ago. I don’t do it nearly as often anymore, but I still have my coloring books and pencils stored in my room just in case I randomly want to get back to the hobby.
Can you crack crab legs without a tool?  No, I ask my parents or grandparents to do it haha.
How many light sources are in the room you’re in?  There are two, but I only use one. I never switch on my main bedroom light as I hate how brightly white it is.
What’s your favorite thing to put on bagels?  I never get bagels so I don’t really have a clue what I prefer on them.
Who’s your favorite director?  Stanley Kubrick.
Bats: cute or gross?  Neither side of the spectrum; I just don’t think about bats.
What was the last really intense pain you felt?  I got a particularly vicious scratch from Cooper around a month ago that left a deep cut on my thigh. The scar is still visible and I think it’s going to remain that way for a while haha I don’t see it fading out anytime soon.
Would you rather vacation by a beach or a lake?  Both sound extremely pleasant but I’ll take the lake trip because I’ve never seen one, or stayed near one.
How would you feel about traveling abroad alone?  I honestly feel like it’s going to be that way for me moving forward. I’m okay with it, though. I feel like it would be very calming and empowering to be able to explore the world on my own.
What is your father's middle name?  He doesn’t have a second name.
Where did your last kiss take place?  Outside my house, by her car.
Which movie villain do you find the most terrifying?  I haven’t encountered anyone yet that truly terrified me.
If you married your favorite celebrity what would your last name be?  Kim, hahaha.
Do you stick your tongue out often in pictures?  I wouldn’t say so. I pull up the peace sign most often.
Which one of your family members are you closest to?  My sister and my eldest cousin on my mom’s side.
Would you rather have name brand shoes or name brand clothes?  Shoes. They stand out more.
Are you a good liar?  Yes. Doesn’t mean I enjoy lying and take advantage of that skill as much as possible.
Are you proud of your parents?  Sure.
If you could get backstage tickets to ANY concert - which would you pick?  Paramore. I think Hozier would be neat as fuck too.
Which is better: orange or grape soda?  I don’t like soda, so neither.
Was the last thing you ate hot or cold?  They are meant to be consumed while hot.
Who was the last person in your house who isn’t family?  Angela and Hans.
What color was the last swimsuit you wore? Pink.
Can you remember the last song you listened to?  I just tuned into a random lo-fi playlist, so I’m not familiar with the tracks and the artists who made them.
Have you ever been dumped really harshly?  Yes.
Can you do a back flip, or anything else of that sort?  Nope.
Do you have any exes you can’t stand anymore?  To a considerable extent.
What happened to cause you to feel that way about them?  She is extremely selfish and the biggest coward I’ve ever met.
Are you more of a phone or a computer person?  Laptop.
Do you have a job, and if so, where do you work?  Yeah, I work at a PR firm.
If not, do you want one?   
Do any medical afflictions run in your family? I know hypertension is kind of a thing on my mom’s side, but I don’t know if there are any other conditions I should know about. 
What’s your favorite Mexican dish?  Burritos and enchiladas.
Have you ever been to a professional sports game?  No, just collegiate-league ones.
Do you prefer pads, tampons or something else?  I use pads. I’ve never used a tampon or any other product, so there’s no basis for me to make a comparison and establish preferences.
Have you ever ordered a specially made cake from a cake shop? Yeppp, I got a customized cake for my birthday.
What months were you and your siblings born in?  My brother and I were born in April; my sister was born in September.
What did you have for dinner last night?  Barbecue chicken.
Have you ever had sex in/on a vehicle?  In, yes. Do people have sex ON cars??????
Do you do anything to groom your eyebrows?  I will shave extremely occasionally. Otherwise no, I don’t touch them.
Has your town ever flooded?  This time of the year, always.
Have you ever played at the McDonald’s play place?  Yup. I preferred Burger King’s playplace, though; it was lesser-known so there were fewer kids I was forced to play with.
Have you ever taken a picture of snow?  I’ve never even seen it.
Do you cry easily?  I can.
Are you happy with where you live?  It’s quiet and safe, which is nice; but I think at this point I would be a lot happier and would be able to grow a lot if I moved to a big city.
Do people ever mistake you for being a different race?  Not really; but as a general thought, it is an extremly big pet peeve when people only take into account East Asians when the topic of Asia comes up.
Do you hate the last person you kissed?  I don’t hate her. But I can’t stand her.
What genre is your favorite movie?  Drama, romance, a hint of comedy.
Who was the last person you were in a car with?  My mom and my siblings.
Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card?  Yeah haha. I was allowed to smile on my license, so at least my photo doesn’t look gloomy.
When was the last time somebody hit on you?  Hasn’t happened in a while.
Was the last person you met a male or female?  For the first time? She’s a girl.
What brand is your underwear?  I don’t remember the name anymore.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?  I don’t celebrate that.
Do you have a TV in your room?  Nah. I don’t really watch the TV anymore, and using the living room TV to watch YouTube videos is enough for me.
Are any of your electronics charging right now?  My laptop is constantly plugged in. My speaker is also charging at the moment.
What was the last video game you played?  I have no clue, it’s been forever.
What’s the biggest promise someone’s ever made to you? Did they keep it?  That they’ll always stay. I didn’t make her keep it; I was the one who moved on.
Google, Bing, or Yahoo?  Google.
What was the last song you had on repeat?  It’s been a while since I set a song on repeat. Maybe Film Out? If not that, maybe UGH!
Who is your favorite person to watch on YouTube?  Rhett and Link or the Try Guys.
How many college degrees do you want?  I’m okay with the one I have.
Can you wink?  Yeah, but I’m substantially better at winking with my right eye than my left.
Do you own any jerseys?  I don’t think so.
Have you ever tried to snort Pixie Stix as a child, or even an adult?  No. I don’t even think I’ve had it ever.
Do you like going to baby showers? Do you go only for the cake?  I’ve never been to a baby shower. Not a thing here.
Has there ever been a time in your life, you felt sexually undecided?  I still am. I’m not bothered about it, though. Sex and who I have it with aren’t things I spend much time thinking about.
Do you think tattoos and piercings are sexy on the opposite sex?  Depends. It certainly suits some people better.
Do people ever ask you to do things they’re too short to accomplish?  No...I am the short person asking for help :)))))))
What color are the headphones you have at this moment in time?  I have black ones but I literally just took them off five minutes ago so I can transfer my music to the speaker I mentioned earlier.
Ever choked severely on something during lunch at your school?  I don’t think so.
Do you eat more vegetables or fruits? What’s your favorite fruit/veggie?  VEGETABLES. I love green beans, eggplants, and bell peppers the most. I can’t stand fruits, with the one exception of avocados.
What would you say is the color of your favorite bra?  Black.
Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway?  I don’t think so. 
What do you usually buy when you go to the dollar store?  We don’t have a dollar store, and that should be self-explanatory hah.
Ever peed in the pool? Be honest!  God no. That’s gross.
When you’re older, what kind of house do you want to live in?  Something modern and minimalist.
Where do you want to get married?  Idk, I’m pretty traditional when it comes to this. Booking an events place would be ideal for me; the only thing on my wishlist would probably be the fact that I hope my wedding could be held somewhere cold, like Baguio.
Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding?  Uh yeah, sure.
What is your favorite childhood TV show? Spongebob.
Honestly, do you like school?  I liked it when I was granted more freedom to do things my own way, which is to say I really enjoyed college. But I didn’t mind school for the most part, especially since it meant being able to see my friends everyday.
Last thing that made you cry?  I was listening to a song that resonated a lot with me at that moment.
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now?  Nothing too big or life-changing to someone if they ever found out.
Last person you took a walk with?  Idk, that’s not an activity I tend to do with other people.
Have you ever liked someone who didn’t like you back? No.
Who was the last person to actually pick you up in the air?  My ex, probably.
Does any part of your body hurt?  My shoulders are constantly hurting these days. I really need to buy a new work chair :( 
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a regret what would you do?  Million bucks. Easiest choice.
Can you keep a secret?  Sure.
Your favorite romantic movie?  The Proposal.
How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? I honestly like it, and I celebrated it when I was able to.
Who was the last person you took a picture with?  My sister and I took a silly selfie earlier.
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?  Some of the pairs I have do, but they’re meant to be ripped jeans.
Do you celebrate 420? Nope.
Have you ever kicked a vending machine?  I don’t think so. I barely use them.
How do you eat Oreos?  I just bite into them. No patience do the whole twist-lick thing. Sometimes I’ll dip them in milk, if we happen to have some.
Do you wear your shoes in the house?  That is a big no-no.
Would you survive in prison?  I might not.
Ever been to Georgia?  No for both state and country.
Do you get your hair cut every month?  No, just once a year. Which reminds me, I finalllllllly had my hair trimmed yesterday hahaha I got sick of my long-ass hair, which was starting to feel like a bitch to maintain. It’s only up to my shoulders now.
Current relationship in detail.  I am single...nothing much to share about it. I get to enjoy to spend my money on myself, which is my favorite part about it hahaha.
If you were kicked out of your house, who would you call/go to?  My grandma.
List things you spend money on in an average week.  Food delivery and nearly every week, merch. I’ve considerably calmed down on the latter, though.
Rate each of your sexual partners (if any) from 1-10.  I’ve only had one...I guess I’d give her a 9. A bit TMI but the oral could’ve been a little better.
Post the last FB group/page that you joined.  I was looking for FB groups for a work deliverable, but I had to join one of them to give it a better scan. I don’t remember which group it had been, though.
Would you parents be mad if you were in a relationship?  No. If they did, I would be very surprised they would still be meddling with a 23 year old’s life.
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you?  I’m sure.
Is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to?  I’m not now, so no.
What board games are you good at?  I’m quite terrible at all of them, tbh. It’s why I’ve always preferred to simply watch over my friends when they do play board or card games.
Is there a sport/hobby you keep thinking about taking up, but that you’ve never quite gotten around to starting?  Wakeboarding. Do you think pranks like egging/toilet-papering someone's house are funny or immature?  Immature.
Do you think “sleeve tattoos” are a good idea?  I’m not totally obsessed with the idea, but they do look good on people.
Is there anything in particular that your parents argue about? What? I don’t know. 100% of the time they are caused by my grown-ass mother throwing a petty-ass tantrum, so I could not care less about the things they fight about. 
Do you ever actually read the “Terms and Services” when you sign up for websites and such?  Nah.
If you have a handheld games console (a DS or GameBoy, for example), how often do you use it?  I haven’t used the Switch since last year.
Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, what do you say?  Pick it up and wait for them to talk.
If your best friend was kicked out, would your parents let him/her live with you?  Probably not, knowing my mom – but I would do absolutely anything else to help.
Are you afraid of falling in love?  I guess you can say that, yeah. I’m not headed towards that feeling again anytime soon, though.
Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?  I wish I was with my friends now.
Have you ever kissed someone & wished you didn’t?  No.
Did you get kissed last night?  Nope.
Do you enjoy going through a carwash?  Idk, I’ve never taken my car to one. That’s something my parents take charge of.
How did you get most of your scars?  Cooper.
Ever had to take an inkblot test? I haven’t.
Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do?  Sure. Like back in high school when a group of friends had been caught cheating on our chemistry exam – and we were told that the entire batch would be given a formal warning. I was on the minority side that found the entire situation hilarious, because I know they wouldn’t dare mar the records of everyone else who took that stupid test honestly.
Have you ever seriously slapped someone in anger?  My brother, only because he put his hands on me first.
What/who woke you up this morning?  Just me.
Who was the last person to be in your bedroom besides you?  My mom, who always goes in there without knocking/warning.
What’s one of your locked text messages?  I don’t lock my texts and I’m not sure if that’s an available feature on my phone.
Have you ever finished a game of Monopoly?  I don’t even know how that game works lol.
Is there anyone you know who’s in any way paralyzed?  Yes.
The truth all comes out when someone is drunk, true?  I mean for the most part, yeah. It’s easier to be honest with a few drinks in you. 
When was the last time you felt disappointed in yourself?  Continued from the other day. Last week when I forgot about a virtual meeting and attended it 15 minutes after it started.
How about feeling disappointed in someone else?  Last Friday when I had to watch my dad treat a service crew member like shit.
For you, do you commonly feel more jealousy or envy?  Envy, I think. I don’t really feel jealous.
Do you rely on the heads/tails flipping of a coin sometimes for decisions?  Nope, but close. I’ll do eenie-meenie sometimes haha
Do you have any specific chores you do around the house?  Nothing I’m required to do but sometimes I’ll offer to wash the dishes or fold laundry.
For you, does comfort or fashion come first in dressing?  It’s like 70% fashion, 30% comfort. Looking nice makes me feel more comfortable lol.
Have you had two friends that absolutely hated each other?  Not each other; the dislike was one-sided. Gabie hated Andi for whatever reason, which in hindsight already should’ve been a red flag.
Do you like Laffy Taffy?  No, I’ve never had one.
Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners?  Manual, only because I’ve never seen, much less use, an electric one.
Are your biceps at all noticeable?  Nah.
Have you ever seen a walrus?  It’s possible, but I don’t have very good memories of it if I have seen one.
Did you ever have one of those Easy Bake ovens as a kid?  Not a popular toy here.
Does your bathroom have a theme to it?  It doesn’t. I think that would be a little tacky tbh.
From inside of your house, how many doors lead outside?  Three. We have doors in the kitchen, dining room, and our main door by the living room.
Are there a lot of trees in your yard?  Not really.
Have you ever liked someone that treated you like crap?  Yes.
Have a best friend?  Yup.
Does it bother you when your best friend does stuff without you?  No? That’s pretty petty. Both Angela and Andi have big circles of friends and that would be stressful on my end if I made a fuss every time they hung out with anyone that isn’t me lol.
Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents?  A bunch. I don’t count them as confidantes.
Does anyone hate you? It’s possible but I don’t care enough to want to know.
What’s the one thing you regret more than anything?  Not breaking up with Gabie earlier, even though all the red flags were there.
Do you remember important dates?  For the most part, yeah.
What’s some lyrics from a song that means a lot to you?  “Dream, may all of creation be with you til the end of your life Dream, wherever you are, will welcome you Dream, may your trials end in full bloom Dream, though your beginnings might be humble, may the end be prosperous.”
Who gives the best advice?  Andi. They’re able to tell me advice I don’t want to hear but am supposed to be hearing, which I appreciate.
Who do you usually see in your dreams? :)  It’s a random cast every time.
What type of cake did you last eat?  It was carrot cake with a really good cream cheese frosting.
How many of your friends are gay or bisexual?  Almost all of them are...it’s easier to count friends who are straight.
What’s your favorite type of sandwich?  Anything with pulled pork in it tbh.
When was the last time someone asked you out? Did you accept or decline?  I’ve never been asked out.
Do you like The Offspring?  I know a couple of songs but I definitely can’t call myself a fan.
One pillow or two?  Two.
Do you like Mad Libs?  I’ve never tried playing it.
Are you suicidal?  Not lately. I haven’t been for a while, actually. I’m really happy about that.
Where do your grandparents live?  My paternal grandparents live in the south. My maternal grandma lives in the village right next to ours haha, so not far away at all.
Do you cut yourself?  Yeesh. Can’t questions like this come with a trigger warning? Anyway, no I haven’t in a while as well.
What is your pet’s name?  Kimi and Cooper.
Have you ever been to Canada? No, but I'd love to visit. < Same!
Aren’t babies overrated?  I think they are overrated in a sense that everyone always seems to want one of their own, but the circle gets extremely smaller when it comes to those who actually have the capacity to take proper care of an infant.
Have a built-in pool in your backyard?  No.
Ever won yourself a stuffed animal? Sure, in like claw games and whatnot.
Ever had someone else win you a stuffed animal?  No. I don’t really like stuffed toys lol.
Ever been to a circus?  Nope.
Ever shot animals? I have not.
Do you consider yourself intelligent?  I guess I’m booksmart more than anything else. I had good grades and can handle myself in arguments and debates...but I have my weaknesses in other aspects too, like street smarts lol.
Have you ever run away from home?  I had a period when I wanted to, but never pushed through with it.
Do you put family first, friends, relationships, school, or something else?  Work > friends > family.
What’s something you’ve stood up for in the past?  I always shoot my mom a glare as if to say “be careful of the line you’re crossing” whenever she makes a homophobic, sexist, or racist remark.
What’s something you worked extremely hard to get?  The healthy and stable mental disposition I find myself in these days. I would never give it up for anything ever again.
Are you satisfied with your body image?  I mean not fully, but I also don’t have any complaints.
Have you ever been labeled negatively or otherwise been called something extremely derogatory?  I’ve been called a bitch by this girl that was just a terror to be classmates with back in middle school. She was known to a big war freak and had her fair share of behavioral/anger issues, so it didn’t really affect me once I knew I was her next target. I didn’t encounter her again until college when we ended up attending the same university, and she’s changed a lot for the better.
Have you ever seriously taken advantage of someone or been taken advantage of?  The former, no. Yes to the latter.
Have you ever been seriously ill?  My fever last year really felt like the end of me lmao, so I guess yeah. 
Have you ever befriended a former enemy?  She wasn’t an enemy per se, but I just found myself immensely irritated by Sofie during our first few meetings; but then she ended up being one of my best friends for a time
If you’re not religious, would you ever pray as a last resort? If you are religious, do you often pray for other people?  I did in the past. I wouldn’t do so these days.
Have you ever dated someone, then after you dated they came out of the closet or switched (for lack of a better word) sexual orientation?  That hasn’t happened to me.
Has a boy/girl ever walked a ridiculous distance just to see you? How about vice versa?  I think once? My ex was brewing a surprise for me for Valentine’s Day last year and to cut the long story short, she essentially walked a crazy long distance in my school to make the surprise a success. My university is huge and even I prefer to take my car whenever I have to go from one building to another, so I definitely saw the effort she had put in.
When was the last time you felt really uncomfortable?  Right now. It’s really humid and my electric fan isn’t really doing anything to curb the heat :/
Is there anything that your mom is really known for as to how she is as a person?  She is very uptight.
Who have you been talking to the most today?  My co-workers, albeit virtually.
Are you nosy?  Nah. I won’t really press and will wait for people to open up.
What’s the meanest thing you have done to a friend?  I don’t do mean things to my friends.
If your ex called you crying, what would it most likely be about?  Fuck if I know. Her pride is way up in the sky for her to do something like this.
Who was the best kisser out of all the people you have kissed?  I’ve only kissed one person.
Have you ever been told that you have an annoying laugh?  I don’t think so. It would be etched in my head if I was ever told this.
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olderthannetfic · 5 years
Hey, sorry to ask this, but a few days ago I saw a post/discussion about the history of original work on ao3 (i.e. how and when it was allowed). I thought it was in my likes, but it's not, and I thought you had reblogged it recently, but I didn't find it. I was wondering if you have seen this discussion around? Or where I can find more about it? This specific post talked abt how who defended original work on ao3 were not the BNFs, if that helps.
That was me running my mouth in the reblogs of something or other. It’s just the one comment.
But what’s that you say? Some tl;dr about a pet topic? Don’t mind if I do! ;) (To be honest, most of this debate happened years ago, and a lot of the long meta was by me back then too, so…)
Okay, so, the situation with Original Works is actually super interesting and a microcosm of early years OTW wank.
This is going to be even more tl;dr than my usual. To try to summarize very briefly:
There were two big cultural factions. One thought “original” was the opposite of “fan”. That one was in charge of OTW. It was hard to get voices from the other side into the debate because they already felt excluded from OTW.
This divide broke down more or less into Ye Olde Slash Fandom on the “it’s the opposite” side and anime fandom on the “WTF?” side. Americans on one side and a lot of non-US, non-English language fandom on the other.
I. Media Fandom, Anime Fandom, and Early OTW
I went to that first fundraising party that astolat threw in New York City back in… god… 2007? 2008? I wasn’t on the Board or any official position until the committees got started later, but I was around right from the very beginning.
Whether you’re looking at volunteers or at people who commented on astolat’s original post, there were always a variety of fans from a variety of fannish backgrounds. People aren’t absolutely in one camp or another, and fannish interests change over time. If you go dig through Dreamwidth posts to find who was actually participating in this debate at the time, half of them are probably in the other camp now.
If you think like that sounds like a preamble to me making a bunch of offensively sweeping generalizations and divvying fans up into little groups, you’d be right! Haha.
I.a. Ye Olde Media Fandom
There are a lot of camps of people who like fanfic. One of the biggest divisions has been Ye Olde Media Fandom vs. anime fandom. Astolat’s social circle–my LJ social circle–was filled with people with decades of fannish experience and a deep knowledge of the Media Fandom side of things.
Those fandom history treatises that start with K/S zines in Star Trek fandom in the 70s and move on through the mainstream buddy cops like Starsky & Hutch to the more niche, sff buddy cops like Fraser and Ray or Jim and Blair are talking about Media Fandom. I try to always capitalize it because the name is lulzy and bizarre to me unless it’s a proper noun for a specific historical thing. It was coined as a rude term for “mass media” fandom aka dumb people who like, ughhhh, Star Trek, ughhh, instead of books. This is a very ancient slapfight from the type of fandom you find at Worldcon, often called “SF fandom” or plain “fandom”.
(Yes, this leads to mega confusion on the part of some old dudes when they find Fanlore and fail to understand that “fandom” there refers to what these people would call “Media Fandom”. They think only they get the unmarked form. But I digress…)
Media Fandom is a specific flavor of fandom. It’s where the slash zines were. It’s where the fans of live action US TV shows were. It’s the history that acafans have laid out well and that tends to get used to defend the idea of a female subculture writing transgressive and transformative fanfic. On the video side, Media Fandom is where Kandy Fong invented vidding by making Star Trek slideshows.
(Kandy’s still around, BTW. She’s usually at Escapade in L.A. Ask her to tell you about the dancing penises sketch in person. She’s hilarious.)
Astolat and friends had been going to slash cons for years. They founded Vividcon. And Yuletide. That meant that when astolat said “Hey kids, let’s put on a show!” we all jumped to help. This is a lady who gets things done.
From a Worldcon perspective, or even from an older Media Fandom perspective, this group was comparatively young, hip, and welcoming. Their fandom interests were comparatively broad. Just look at Yuletide!
In fact, yes, let us look at Yuletide… [ominous music]
I.b. Yuletide sucks at anime
From the very first year (2003), Yuletide mods have asked for help with anime fandoms, been confused about anime fandoms, or made bad judgment calls about anime fandoms. They’ve fucked up on Superhero comics and plenty of other things over the years, but anime has been the most consistent (well, and JRPGs, but there’s so much overlap in those fic fandoms).
There was already bad feeling about this. There were years of bad feeling about this.
I.c. Where are the historians?
Academic study of fanficcy things pretty much got started with Textual Poachers and Enterprising Women. Other acafans who are well known to LJ and later Tumblr are people like Francesca Coppa who wrote a very nice summary of the history of Media Fandom. These are not the only academics who exist, these academics themselves have written about many other things, and by now, OTW’s own journal has covered a lot of other territory, but to this day I see complaints on Tumblr that “acafans” only care about K/S and oldschool slash fandom.
There were years of bad feeling about this as well.
I.d. What kind of fan was I?
Now, by the time OTW got started, I’d moseyed over to not only a lot of live action US TV but a lot of old-as-fuck US TV that is squarely in the Media Fandom camp. But once upon a time, I was a weeaboo hanging out with my weeaboo friends in college. I learned Japanese (sort of). I moved to Japan. Livin’ the weeaboo dream!
More importantly, I used to be a member of a lot of anime mailing lists back in the Yahoo Groups days. I didn’t realize what a cultural gap that would cause until the original works issue came up on AO3.
I.e. Anime Fandom, German-language Fandom, Original M/M
Once upon a time–namely in that Yahoo Groups era–there was an archive called Boys in Chains. It was where you found The Good Stuff™. Heavy kink and power exchange galore! It was extremely well known in the parts of fandom I was in, even if you weren’t on the associated mailing list. It contained lots of fic, but it also had lots of original work.
Around that same era, I was on a critique list called Crimson Ink, which was mixed fic and original. The “original slash” and “original yaoi” crowds mixed freely and were in fanfic spaces. Remember, this is like 2003. You’re never going to get your gay fantasy novel published in English in the US. A couple of fangirl presses started around then, but they died an ignominious death after their first print run.
Fanfiction.net used to allow original work before it spun that off into FictionPress. We forget this today, but if you were an early FFN person, the separation wasn’t so great either.
Meanwhile, German-language fandom was hanging out on sites like Animexx.de, a big-ass fic archive that prominently mentions also including original work. I have the impression that Spanish-language fandom was similar too.
Shousetsu Bang*Bang was founded in 2005. It was a webzine for original m/m, but it was entirely populated by fanfic fandom types.
In all of those kinds of spaces, there was a lot of “original” work that was kind of slash or BL-ish and seen as fannish if it was posted in the fannish space. These weren’t anime-only spaces. They were multifandom spaces where it was seen as obvious and normal that a couple of huge fandoms like Harry Potter would dominate but that everything else big would naturally be anime.
While fans from every background are everywhere, I found that the concentration of EFL fans living in Continental Europe, South America, and Asia was much higher in this kind of space, even the exclusively English language part of it, than in my US TV fandoms.
II. AO3 Early Adopters
AO3 went into closed beta in 2009. In 2010, it was open to the general public (albeit with the invitation queue it still has). But not everyone was interested yet. Just like fandom is loath to leave the dying, shambling mess of Tumblr, fandom was loath to leave dwindling LJ/DW circles or was happy enough on Fanfiction.net. I used to see a lot of posts like “Why are you guys trying to STEAL fanfic from the original! FFN is enough!”
I literally could not give away the invitations I had. No one wanted them.
So who was on AO3? Obviously enough, it was all of us who built it and our friends. So that means a bunch of oldschool Livejournal slashers coming from fandoms like Due South or Stargate Atlantis.
The queue was open. Anyone could make an account. Everyone was welcome. In theory…
But more and more, there started to be these posts about how “AO3 Hates Anime Fandom” and “FFN is for anime. AO3 is for Western fandoms.” and “If you guys actually wanted anime fandom on there, you’d invite us better and make us more welcome.”
At the time, I found these posts obnoxious. People aren’t purely in one sort of fandom or the other. No one was stopping anime fandom from making accounts. No one was banning anime fandom. If there wasn’t much from old fandoms, that was because old fandoms seldom move.
Things began to change. Trolls on FFN forced the Twilight porn writers out, creating enough fuss and brouhaha to mobilize people who would rather have stayed put. AO3 got big enough that randos found it by accident. Original work started to pop up, posted by people who’d never looked at the rules and had no idea it was not allowed.
III. History of AO3’s Policy
I had argued for allowing “original work” during the initial discussions about the ToS. On one side of this issue was me. On the other, everyone else on the committee.
I was overruled.
Open Door started importing old archives to save them. Boys in Chains was hugely important to fandom history from my point of view. It was slated to be imported… maybe. Except that Boys in Chains is half original. AO3 was happy to grandfather in those stories, but the final archive owner felt, quite rightly, that it would be unfair to tell half of the authors they were welcome in the new space while spitting on the other half.
I was pissed. I had been pissed since being overruled the first time. To me, the fact that it should be allowed was so blatantly obvious that it was hard to even explain why.
(To be honest, this difficulty in explaining why and the even greater difficulty in figuring out the source of that difficulty is what held the discussion back for so long. When every assumption on either side is completely opposite, it’s hard to communicate.)
I felt betrayed. It would be like if you helped build something, and everyone was suddenly like “Well, obviously, we can’t allow m/m. It’s not normal fanfic.”
So we discussed it again and, again, it was me vs. literally everyone else. And still the “AO3 is only for Western slash fandom” bitching rose in volume and more and more people complained of feeling excluded from the new fandom hub. Finally, the committee agreed to open the issue up for public comment and get some more input. I was a fool and neither wrote nor proofread the post. It went out phrasing the question as allowing “non fannish” work or something of that sort.
I was furious. The entire point of the whole debate was that I saw some original work, the original work that belongs on AO3, as inherently fannish. And now this had been presented to the AO3 audience as something completely different. Think pieces were popping up in the journals of everyone I knew about diluting AO3’s mission and how we needed to save AO3 from encroachment. Public opinion was very negative. That’s both because of how the post was phrased and because OTW die hards at the time were mostly from the same fannish background. This tidal wave of negativity meant that there was virtually no chance of changing this poisonous rule. And if the rule didn’t change, the people who wanted the rule change were never going to show up to explain why it mattered.
If you’ve been reading my tumblr, I think you can guess what happened next.
I posted a long post to my Dreamwidth. It was a masterwork of passive aggression. In it, I wrung my hands about how simply tragic it would be if AO3 had to delete all of the original work… like anthropomorfic.
Now, I think anthropomorfic counts as fanfic as much as anything else, but I also knew that it fails most rigorous “based on a canon” type definitions of fic and, more importantly, it’s a favorite Yuletide fandom of many of the people on the side that wanted to ban original work.
That’s a nice fandom of yours. It would be a pity if something happened to it. 
Yup. Passive aggressive blackmail. Go me. Suddenly, there was a lot of awkward backtracking and confused running in circles in various journals. The committee agreed to table the idea for a while but not rule out the idea of allowing original works in the future. We agreed to halt all deletions of original work. If a fan posted it, the Abuse Committee (which I was also head of at the time) would not delete that work even though it was technically against the rules.
Time passed. The people on the negative side got tired. I wanted off that committee and had wanted off for ages, but I was damned if I was going to leave before ramming through this piece of policy. Grudgematch till I die! (Look, I never said I wasn’t a wanker.)
After a while, some other fans came forward with more types of “original work” as evidence that it should be allowed. These were from parts of fandom none of us on the committee knew a damn thing about.
This new evidence combined with the gradual accretion of original stuff on AO3 without the sky falling eventually led us to quietly rule Original Work a valid fandom. There was never even a big announcement post. I slipped a word to the Boys in Chains mod myself.
IV. What Were They So Afraid Of Anyway?
So why were people so resistant? Seems like a dick move, right?
Not exactly.
I mean, I was enraged and waged a one-woman war to change the rules, but the other side wasn’t nuts. The objections were usually the following:
I just don’t get why it would be allowed. It never was in my fannish spaces.
Most of our members don’t want this.
Most of the examples of things that ought to be included are m/m. We are privileging m/m if we allow it, and AO3 already has a m/m-centric reputation that can feel exclusionary to some fans.
AO3 is a young, shaky platform that can barely handle the load and content we already have. If we open to original work, we’ll be opening the floodgates. The volume of posting will be so high, it will drown out the fic we’re actually here to protect.
Protecting stuff that doesn’t need protection because it’s not an IP issue would dilute OTW’s mission.
If we allow it, idiots will try to turn AO3 into advertising space, posting only the first chapter and a link to where you can pay to read the rest.
If we add another category of text before we add fan art, that’s a slap in the face of the fan artists we are already failing.
These arguments all make perfect sense in context.
Obvously, the issue with the first two is that different fannish communities have different norms. I knew that a very large community disagreed with the then current AO3 policy, but since so few of them were around to comment, it seemed like a tiny fringe minority.
The m/m thing is… complex. M/M content with zero IP issues is at risk. It is always at risk in a way that even f/f is not (though f/f is also always at risk). Asking for m/m to be exactly equivalent to f/f or m/f in numbers, tropes, whatever is ignoring the historical realities. In our current moment of queer activism in the West, we treat all types of queerness as part of one community with one set of goals, but once you get to culture and art or even more specific activism, this forced homogenization is neither useful nor healthy.
OTOH, AO3 really did have PR problems related to the perception that we gave m/m fandom the kid glove treatment. That objection wasn’t coming from nowhere.
AO3 was shaky. It was tiny when I first brought up this argument. Hell, it wasn’t even in closed beta the first time we discussed this. Part of what made the quiet rules change possible was AO3 organically getting much bigger and OTW having to buy many more servers for unrelated reasons.
The “floodgates” thing was put to rest by tacitly allowing original work before the rules change. We had a period to study how fans actually behaved, and as I predicted, only a small amount of original work got posted. It was indeed mostly things like original BL-ish stories or original work that had been part of a mixed original/fic fest, exchange, zine, etc. Currently, the “Original Work” fandom on AO3 only has 76,348 works. That’s pretty big compared to individual fandoms but tiny compared to AO3’s current size.
The commercial argument was spurious because commercial spam had been against the rules from the very beginning. OH THE IRONY that nowadays AO3 has all these idiots trying to post the first chapter of their fanfic and then direct you to where you can buy the rest.
AO3 has plenty of fanfic of public domain works. One of the problems with gatekeeping original work is that any way you try to distinguish it (not based on a specific canon, not an IP issue, etc.) will apply to some set of obviously allowable fandoms.
As for fan art… OTW has failed fan artists. They needed protection as much as or even more than fic writers. Just look at Tumblr! If we had succeeded at making DeviantArt but allowing boners, fan art fandom could have been safe all these years. Or when Tumblr inevitably shat the bed, we could have scooped up all those people instead of them scattering to twitter and god knows where.
OTW has failed vidders too, at least in terms of preservation. I know I’m not the only one who thinks this. Other major people from like the first Board and shit have discussed this with me offline. Doing some kind of vidding project, possibly outside of OTW is on a lot of our to-do lists. But at least one of OTW’s biggest victories has been that copyright exemption. OTW has demonstrably done really positive things for vidders that other organizations and sites have not. As a vidder, I never expected to see good hosting for the actual video files, and I’m quite content.
But fan artists… yeah. That argument makes sense at least from a place of frustration.
BTW, for the love of god, if you’re a n00b to OTW stuff, please do not reblog this post excitedly telling me that hosting fan art is on OTW’s road map, so yay, good news. Someone always does that, and it’s so irritating. I haven’t been involved in OTW in years, but I used to be, and I know what is on the roadmap. The couple of you who do heavy lifting on sysadmin and coding and policy things are welcome to weigh in as usual. I know none of us like that we can’t host fan art. It’s not what we intended.
Nonetheless, I found this argument to be the perfect being the enemy of the good. If we can save more text now without losing much of anything, we should do it. The fact that we’re fucking up on the fan art front is not a reason to spread the misery around.
V. Is “Original” the Opposite of “Fanfic”?
Okay, so that tl;dr above is why “BNFs” were on one side and “nobodies” were on the other. BNFs from one cultural background founded OTW. BNFs from the other cultural background weren’t even aware that the debate was going on.
But what was the underlying philosophical problem in even having the conversation?
It took me a long time, but I finally worked it out: We had two completely different ways of categorizing writing, and they were so baked into how we phrased questions that everything ended up being unanswerable to the other side. Here is what I came up with:
Schema 1
Fanfic - based on someone else’s IP
Original Work - the opposite
Schema 2
Non-Fannish Work - School essays, stories you are writing to try to sell to a mainstream publisher
Fannish Work Type 1 - based on other people’s characters directly (i.e. fanfic) Type 2 - based on tropes or whatever (“original slash” and the like)
Now, in the current moment when half of Tumblr just got into Chinese webnovels and the m/m ebook industry is thriving in English, original, tropey, BL-ish work is no longer different from “things I am trying to sell”. But this is how the divide was circa 2005 on fannish websites, and it’s the divide that was driving this internal OTW debate.
VI. Let’s Summarize the Camps One More Time
So, again, the debate makes perfect sense if you understand who was involved.
On the mainstream “But that’s not fanfic? I’m confused?” side:
Big US TV fandoms in English
Fandom historians of K/S–>buddy cop slash–>SGA, etc.
On the other side:
Anime fandom
“Original slash” fandom that had already been chased off of everywhere
People upset that AO3 wasn’t farther on translating the interface and supporting non-English language fandom.
People upset about US-centrism in fandom
Yes, I am very white, very American, and by now very into old buddy cop shows, but this was basically how the breakdown worked. It meant that something that looked like a minor quibble to one side was really, really not.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
survey by pandaphant
Who's your favorite comedian? I don’t have one.
Aren't you sick of all the *Are We Alike?* surveys? I don’t take those types of surveys.
Do you think there's anything you did better, when you were younger? Live? Function?
Would you take the advice you give others? There’s a lot of advice I’ve given to others that I should most definitely take myself.
What did you have for lunch yesterday? I didn’t have lunch yesterday.
What's one thing that you would change about yourself physically? Where to begin...
What song has made you cry? The acoustic version of Everlong by Foo Fighters is one because of the memory attached to it.
How would you define success? Accomplishing something you wanted to accomplish/getting the desired result.
Who was the craziest teacher you've ever had? I had two really awful math professors in community college. Like, they were actually horrible. So rude.
Do you think the Earth will face an apocalypse one day? The world will end one day.
What's the last thing you got paid to do? I don’t get paid for anything.
What's the one thing you could eat everyday? Well, I eat ramen everyday. 
What do you hate about yourself? Everything...
What's your favorite alcoholic drink? None. I don’t drink. Are you hyper today? No, definitely not. I’ve been very drained and fatigued the past few weeks due to some health reasons and being sick. I’ve never been a hyper person anyway, but I don’t have any energy at all. :/
Does Bzoink need an upgrade? I don’t use Bzoink.
Do you have a Millsberry account? No, I don’t even know what that is.
Do you have a Neopets account? I did when I was a kid. 
What's your life philosophy? I don’t know.
What was the last thing you talked to your friends about? I don’t have friends.
If you are interested in going out with someone, what do you do? Nothing, ha.
Do you ever go to the beach? Yes. I love the beach. I’m sad I didn’t get to go at all last year. I don’t know about this year either, but damn I really need it.
Would you rather have a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? Coffee, duh.
How's your hair looking right now? Like a mess.
What's something your mother always says? She likes her F-bombs, haha.
What's something your dad always says? When something is really good he’ll say, “this is out of bounds!”
What's your favorite thing to wear? Leggings and graphic tees.
Have you ever had a near-death experience? Yes, twice.
What do you order at Starbucks? A venti hot peppermint white chocolate mocha with soy. 
What kind of exercise do you enjoy? None. I need to start doing something, though. 
What's the worst injury you've ever had, and what was it from? The one that made me a paraplegic, I’d say.
Do you still have any of your childhood toys? If so, what? I have all my Barbies still.
Did you have a Precious Moments colouring book? Aww, yeah I did.
Don't you miss being 13? Ha, and I thought I was having a rough time then. I’d take it back now.
How'd you react to receiving your very first pimple? I probably freaked.
What's your favorite day of the week? They’re all the same to me.
What room of your house do you spend the most time in? Mine.
Do you have MSN, Yahoo, or Skype? I have Yahoo for my email.
What is your biggest turn-on? I don’t even know anymore. I haven’t experienced that in years.
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? In a nice beach house somewhere with a private beach area.
Do you ever have any problems just *moving on*? Yeppp.
Do you collect anything? Giraffe stuffed animals and knickknacks.
If you saw a shooting star, what would you wish on it? I don’t believe in wishes, but since I’ve never seen a shooting star before I would probably make one just for fun.
Do you like rollercoasters? My only exceptions are Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and the Cars rollercoaster at Disneyland.
What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for someone else? I haven’t really don’t anything romantic. How do you celebrate Halloween? Now I don’t really do anything except watch scary movies all day. Actually, I do that all through October. Sometimes I put up a few decorations in my room. I do love that time of year, though.
Who is your favorite villain? Hmm.
Do you have a favorite coloring book artist? Yes. Her name is Eriy and she has a series of coloring books that I love.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Like 6 or 7.
Have you ever wanted to model? No.
When you want to unwind, how do you relax? Listening to ASMR, binging a show, or reading can help. How do you react when someone you know's having a freak out? I don’t do well with that to be honest.
Have you ever seen someone have a seizure? No.
Do you have a phobia? I have a few.
Who is your hero? My mom.
If you were to commit a crime, what would it be? I don’t want to commit a crime.
Have you ever used drugs? Only weed.
How would you define what you want out of life? I just want to get my health better managed and figure out what to do with my life.
What's your favorite car? I don’t have one.
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trilies · 5 years
an argument for AO3
So I’m in a conversation with someone who is kind of in the “against AO3″ camp, and they asked me a couple of questions. Namely, who wouldn’t be uncomfortable with pedophilia? Isn’t it sketchy that a beta website is asking for so much money despite reaching its goals?
And my answer became so long... I figured it might as well become its own post. Please bear in mind that this is cut from a whole conversation.
But here it is.
No. It doesn't seem sketchy to me at all. Why would it? I know we make jokes about how much money tumblr has cost the various sites which purchase it like Yahoo, but there's some truth there: it's really expensive to host a website to thousands and thousands of people. It's why we see so many tumblr owners trying to shoehorn in ads or make people buy services, or why Photobucket tried to pull that truly atrocious bullshit a year or two back. Without image hosting capabilities (tumblr and photobucket's big thing), the strain isn't as huge.... but AO3 is MASSIVE. It is hosting literally thousands of accounts, millions of stories. That's massive on a server scale alone, ignoring all the other work they do. Yeah, it's in beta... but that's because it's trying to reach a goal of being as good a fanfic archive as they can be, and they don't believe they've reached that goal yet. Being in beta means they can better listen to their uses on shit like tagging systems and make those changes. Not to mention, again, they are INCREDIBLY transparent. If you are worried about where the money is going, you can go on the site and they have all their stuff up there.
As for the pedophilia subject matter.... Please give me a moment. because there's honestly a lot to say on that particular issue, if nothing else. This will take a while, so if you see this and there hasn't been a reply yet.... I'm still typing lmao.
To start with, of course people are uncomfortable about pedophilia. However, there are a lot of problems with how pedophilia is viewed or *used* as an accusation in the current fandom climate.
For example, in honestly EXTREMELY recent times, I was told I was "defending" pedophilia because I disagreed that a character (an immortal food gijinka) was "minor-coded" or "designed as an underage teenager". (As a note, an argument for this view was that the character's breasts were too small.) When I pointed out, hey, that's kind of a fucked up accusation to throw at a complete stranger, especially as I am a CSA survivor, I was told "You have to be lying about that, then, because a real CSA survivor would understand."
c o o l
That's just my personal experience that happened within a couple of months. Other people have talked about running into people who think that a character turning 18 means they're a pedophile for still dating a 17 year old. Or running into people who think a 40 year old dating someone in their 30s is pedophilic. Or believe that even SHIPPING characters who were not yet 18 was pedophilic if you yourself were over 18.
(Of course, you also have the kinds of people who try to use Moral Purity as a way to bash ships they don't like. I once saw someone try to claim that a popular mlm ship, A/B, was pedophilic because one half of the equation looked young.... when some other artists drew him... Of course, on the side, this person liked to also get angry that *their* favorite ship, a dude/chick ship composing of A/C, wasn't more popular. So. You know.)
So that's one half of the problem: the word "pedophile" being so warped that a lot of people now have no idea if the person using it has a genuine concern or if the accuser is trying to smear someone who doesn't ship the same thing. FFnet and Tumblr have gone with the "burn it all down" approach, which hasn't actually helped anyone and is, to boot, sloppily moderated. So we know from history, from experience in cases like mine, that it doesn't help in that area.
The other half of the problem is... How far is too far?
This is where "anti" culture begins to find similarities with the whole Warriors for Innocence thing. If you completely and blindly block an entire tag, or anyone associated with it, you have to ask: who are you hurting? Warriors for Innocence hurt actual rape victim, and queer folk, and a whole lot of others. Far as I can tell, anti culture is on the route to the same thing, because I have yet to see appropriate answers to a lot of issues.
If one says "anything with underage sex in it is bad and should be banned", what about fics that tackle it in a serious manner? The young adult novel "Speak" deals with rape of an underage girl and how she works through that mental trauma; are fics with stories equivalent to that allowed? Do fics with underage sex have to focus purely on how it is Horrible And Bad to be allowed? Does only a chapter have to be allowed? A paragraph? An author's note? A tag? Or are we allowed to never explore dark subject matter?
Is fic with underage content in it only horrible if it's someone over the age of eighteen who writes it? Can a teenager write smut (terribly written as it may likely be) between teenage characters? Can a teenager write smut between a teenage character and an adult character? For the record, i did in fact, over the summer, run into someone who said that teens/minors "shouldn't even know about NSFW", which is asinine to me, because Abstinence Only is a terrible thing to put in schools, and somehow worse in a way when you try to put that into effect in fandom. If the answer is 'yes', what are you going to do, demand to see people's birth certificates in fandom?
(As a note, I think this is a terrible message to put into fandom for teenagers because I believe it will inevitably lead to self hatred and a warped view of sex. If you make the extremely simplified black-and-white statement of "teens and sex should never go together ever in any way", that's going to mess up teens who are starting to experience arousal in their bodies. The message, whether intended or not, ends up as "NSFW things are bad, which means my brain which thought NSFW thoughts is bad, and my brain thought those thoughts because my body had these feelings". )
(This is bad for any average teenager. This will be especially worse to CSA and rape victims, along with queer youth who, in a lot of places, are still struggling with their bodies and/or feelings because the world is still pretty damn queerphobic.)
Speaking of CSA and rape victims, what about those of them who write/read underage ships or dark content as a way to cope with what happened or Just Because? That's a thing lots of us do, especially those of us who don't look like the Perfect Victims people can use as an excuse for whatever crusade they're waging. I've heard anti types go "Well, it's an unhealthy way to cope" or claims that CSA/rape victims who write such dark content are "just as bad as their abusers"... But are they psychiatrists/therapists? Are they the psychiatrists/therapists of *those specific people*? Will you moderate this kind of content by forcefully interrogating CSA/rape victims to out their trauma to a complete stranger? Will you demand to speak to their therapists? Over fanfic?
When I was a teenager, I wrote all sorts of stuff. I wrote dark dub-con fic, because I liked to explore those dark feelings in the process and the aftermath separate from myself. I wrote a fic with a fairly young teenage girl (what age was kh2 kairi? who even knows, I sure didn't) falling for a MUCH older man built like a brick shit house so that there was never any doubt to him being an adult, even giving him her first kiss, because they were my favorite characters, I wanted both of them to have a moment of happiness (that i promptly ruined but hey), and, *in this fic*, I knew it would be alright. I knew the girl would always be in control, she'd be the one making moves, that the guy was nonthreatening and kind and protect her and work alongside her.
(and then I began the process of killing him off in the next paragraph through him saving her life, but, like. Drama (tm), baby)
This was all good for me. At an age where I was young, vulnerable, and figuring out weird shit like arousal and romantic feelings, it was *invaluable* to have a space where I could explore all of that while relatively safe from actual danger, even if the stuff I wanted to explore was a little messed up. This whole thing against AO3 wouldn't have helped me, and I'm pretty sure it's not helping a lot of other people too.
There is an issue with underage people and sex stuff- not just in fandom but in culture at large. We have Hollywood dressing up young girl actresses in super slinky or revealing clothes. We have schools saying girls basically should never wear shorts, and capitalism fucking this up further by only selling SUPER SHORT shorters. We have media of all sorts giving us adults, whether in real actors or character design, in the roles of young people. (See: "how do you do, fellow kids") We should probably take more care about fandom spaces, so that people of all ages don't feel pressured to engage in sexual shit they're not 100% game for or into, or just have it shoved into their faces without consent. It's a complex issue... and it's not stuff that can just be 'banned' and have that fix it.
AO3 has on its plate a very complex problem that will, if we're all honest, never have a perfect answer. It has given us the best that can possibly be asked for. It obeys the law by not having actual child pornography on it (aka visual proof of actual real children, defined by us law as such), which is closest to "objective" we can get at the current stage in humanity and state of fandom. It has a very comprehensive and moderated tag system, so that people can post warnings along their fic so that people don't stumble onto shit they don't need to, and so that people can moderate their own reading experience to some degree.
If some people aren't comfortable with AO3, that's fine. However, most of us are getting annoyed not with those people, but with the people who just blindly say "AO3 supports child porn and is probably stealing money" (statement simplified for the purpose of this post). It shows an ignorance of the fandom history that lead us here, no understanding in either AO3's practices or how expensive it is to run a site, and no consideration for how complex this problem can really be. It would be great if this was a black and white issue, if there was an easy answer as just "banning" certain kinds of content... but there isn't. And that's where I am.
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spacegirl-daydreams · 4 years
I searched for a YouTube DJ for years and when I found him 9 years had gone by. This is the story.
If you’re a maladaptive daydreamer than you know how important your music playlist is. Around early 2009 I had gotten into underground musicians who remixed video game music on YouTube. Being still a kid and new to the online world it was exciting for me to find alternate versions of my favorite songs, and it didn’t take long for me to implicate them into my dreamworld. However there was this particular song that i considered my favorite. I could literally put myself in any situation, any scenario with it, and would be satisfied with listening on loop for long periods of time.
Back then I did have a playlist of music saved on Windows Media Player, but for some reason I didn’t download the song onto my computer. YouTube was still in its early stages back then, and having a YouTube playlist wasnt abnormal in these times. I simply just had it in my favorites. I remember onetime a teacher had got on to me for my headphones being too loud in the library. Fun times~
Fast forward it’s around October 2010, and I’m searching for the song in my playlist, but I couldn’t find it. I looked up and down for the video, but it was nowhere to be found. That’s where reality set in, the guy had deleted his channel.
I was devastated.
I never saved the video, and it was never uploaded again from any other channel. Ever so often I would check to see if he would make a return, but he never did. I would also check to see if anyone else might have uploaded it, but nothing.
Now I have to mention this point so that you may have a bit more understanding.
Back then there was a community of guys/girls who remixed music, and most of them were popular among the videogameing community. Around late 2010 a YouTube channel had appeared honoring those musicians for their hard work, and awesome tracks. This channel would post their work (with permission I think) to this channel. I started to reach out to the channel, and other musicians who were affiliated with the guy. I was concerned because he was rather popular, and everyone seemed to like him.
None of them knew who I was talking about. It was as if he had vanished and everyone forgot about him. After not finding anything on his whereabouts I sort of just gave up, but through out the years I would remember the song and try to find him yet again.
I did it all.. (I’m embarrassed to share this) I used multiple search engines. (Bing, Yahoo, Google) you name it.
Searched the song, his channel name, and little bits of information would pop up. I would find old instant messenger accounts, old social media platforms he long deserted etc. It was always the same thing for years. I know at this point it seems like I was an obsessed stalker, but I didn’t want to cause him any harm or distress, I was just a concerned fan who couldn’t accept the fact that he vanished. It was like interacting with him, and his music created a safe space in my life for happiness, and when I lost it.. it was like a piece of that was ripped away from me.
I’ve already wrote a lot so I will try to wrap it up the best way I can. So around 2019 I was bored and surfing the web, and decided I would give it another go just for the heck of it. I didn’t mention this earlier, but the guy was asain, and I’m only mentioning it because that was the key to finding him.
Despite all the years of searching on google for his channel I had came across an asain site that for some reason had YouTube’s videos on it. There I found a video of his friend, which lead to me finding the friend’s YT channel. The videos were old and outdated, but at the time this particular DJ was trying to get his music known. I found videos of him and his friend just being silly and dancing.
—— Under this is where I start to feel really awkward sharing this with you guys. ——
I start looking at the comments hoping to find something of his, but I didn’t see anything. I had gave up on looking, but ended up subscribing to the channel just in case I wanted to try again. A few days later something told me to check the other videos, and that’s where I saw it.
The guy had an old comment on one of the videos from a new channel. I clicked it and found out that the guy actually never left YouTube.. he had just left the community. None of his old videos were on the channel, so of course that song wasn’t there. I was excited that I had found him, and decided to send him a comment on one of his videos.
I asked him if he was *so and so* and if he was thanked him for his contribution to the music community. He actually responded and thanked me, but he wondered how I found him.
I couldn’t tell him..
I couldn’t tell him.. oh ever since I found out you deleted your channel I’ve been searching for you off and on for nine years. I seriously couldn’t believe it had been nine years since the search had begin, and I felt so embarrassed. What’s funny about it all was that it didn’t feel like nine years. So much time had gone by and I didn’t realize it. That’s the thing with maladaptive daydreaming. You lose so much time in your own reality..
My best friend at the time didn’t judge me though, and congratulated my persistence. I think that was the only incident that I was ever persistent in something. I ended up subscribing to his channel and left him alone. As I was saying before my goal wasn’t to stalk him, I just really wanted that song back.. Maybe that’s what it was all along. That piece of peace it gave. I just craved it for all those years.
I had to suck it up and finally let it go. I had to let that part of the past go. He had moved on with his life, and probably hasn’t thought about it since then.
If you didn’t realize by now I have a hard time letting go of things that brought me joy, because I have a deep fear that I won’t find happiness anywhere else. I’m working on it though. It’s been a tough 2 years, but I’m making progress.
Sorry for the wall of text, I just felt that if I shared this with the community that I could get it off my chest. A weight has been lifted sort of.
Thanks for reading and if you got this far share your thoughts! Have you had a similar experience?
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