#getting my hook through the little single crochets at the corners is enough to make me go bonkers
fibrespace · 1 year
I love making granny squares but joining them is pure, unadulterated agony.
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thiswolficorn · 7 months
Happy 4th Anniversary to Glitch Techs!
As a little gift to the fandom, here's a free crochet pattern so you can make your own Chomp Kitty plushie!!
Materials used:
•4mm crochet hook (any will do, 4mm was the only size I had. KEEP IN MIND that hook size plays a role in determining the size of your plushie)
•Vibrant green wool/yarn (I got a 100g ball from Woolcraft, but I don't know the exact colour name.)
•Purple wool/yarn (Same as above) *
•Baby blue wool/yarn (Brand unknown)
•White wool/yarn (Brand unknown) *
•Black wool/yarn (Brand unknown) *
•Darning needle
*If you want to do less crocheting, you can use felt instead!! Just skip the parts where you crochet the stripes (purple), the teeth (white), the eyes (white and black) and the whiskers (black)
Note: Try your best to keep the thickness of your wool/yarn consistent. Having chunky wool in one part and then thin wool in a later part can look a bit weird sometimes. ALSO!! MAKE SURE YOU GET ENOUGH WOOL. That being said, a ball of each colour should be plenty! :D
If you want to make Horn, just swap out the colours! :D
Pattern Key:
•MC = Magic Circle (A technique used for starting pieces)
•Sc = Single Crochet (A single stitch)
•Inc = Increase (Two stitches into one)
•Dec = Decrease (Crochet two together. Use invisible decrease for better, more uniform result)
•2(sc, inc) (This is an example of format. This means that you single and then increase twice)
If you don't know how to do these, I suggest looking up a tutorial on YouTube!
Alright, with all of that out of the way, here's the pattern:
Legs (Make 4)
The legs are done in green.
R1: Magic Circle - 6 (6)
R2: Inc 6 (12)
R3: 4(2sc, inc) (16)
R4-6: 16sc (48)
R7: 2(6sc, dec) (14)
R8: 14sc (14)
R9: 2(5sc, dec) (12)
R10-12: (12) (36)
R13: dec, 10sc (11)
R14-16: 11sc (33)
Stuff the legs firmly, especially at the paws, so they keep their shape properly. If you have beans, you can put them in the paws to weight them!
Body (Sorry but the rounds are really messy here in terms of formatting, apologies for any pattern mistakes)
Start with baby blue
R1: Chain 5 (5)
R2: sc into current stitch, 4sc, inc (7)
Rotate piece. Into the other side of the chain: 4sc, 3inc, 3sc, 3inc (19)
R3: sc, 2inc, 3(sc, inc), sc, 2inc, 2(sc, inc) (25)
R4: 3sc, 3(inc, 2sc), 6sc, 3(inc, 2sc), inc (35)
R5: 11(2sc, inc) (44)
R6: 14sc, 3(dec, 2sc), 5sc, 3(dec, 2sc) (37)
R7: 2[inc, 2sc, inc, 3(sc, inc), 2sc, inc, 6sc] (50)
R8: 52sc (52)
We will now crochet rounds around the outside of the leg, skipping the stitches on the inside (the ones that are attached to the body). Still crochet into the "corners"
Switch to green
We're going to attach the legs this round, without sewing. Push the hook through the next stitch, and then into one of the stitches of one of the legs. Pull the green through and sc.
R9: another 3 sc, same as before, go through the body and the leg. 8sc, Attach another leg by crocheting 4sc into the body and the next next leg, 10sc, another leg with 4sc, 8sc, another leg with 4sc, 10sc
R10: 3sc, 2dec, 14sc, 2dec, 16sc, 2dec, 14sc, 2dec, 16sc
R11: Full round of sc (When I said messy, this is what I meant lmao, I didn't count the stitches in each round for the body so I'm doing it in post and it might be wrong, my bad y'all)
Unfortunately, the next round might be hard to follow because I got lazy with my notes.
Sorry </3
R12: Another round of sc BUT in each leg "corner" (the first and last stitch that joins the leg to the body), dc. There should be 8dc total
R13: sc around the leg, sc, dec, 2sc, dec, sc, sc around the leg, sc until next leg, sc around leg, sc, dec, 2sc, dec, sc, sc to finish round
R14: 2[dec, 4(2sc, dec)]
R14: 2(3sc, dec), 3sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 14sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 10sc
R15-16: all sc
R17: sc, dec, 2(4sc, dec), 5sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 5sc
R18: 3(dec, sc), 9sc, 3(dec, sc), 5sc
R19: all sc
Start stuffing if you haven't already. Stuff after each round after this if needed. Firmly stuffing keeps the pose better but less firm means more cuddly. Your choice!
R20: 2dec, sc, 2dec, 5sc, 2dec, sc, 2dec, 3sc
R21: 4dec, 2sc, 4dec, 2sc, 6dec
Leave a generous tail to sew up the body. Use the darning needle to sew, then snip the excess and hide the rest by either pushing it into the body with the hook or using the needle to pull it through the side.
Start with baby blue. The Dark Ages are over and I started writing down the pattern properly again lol. (Sorry once again for the nightmare of the body)
R1: MC - 6 (6)
R2: Inc 6 (12)
R3: 6(sc, inc) (18)
R4: sc, inc, 5(2sc, inc), sc (24)
R5: 6(3sc, inc) (30)
R6: 2sc, inc, 5(4sc, inc), 2sc (36)
R7: 6(5sc, inc) (42)
R8: 3sc, inc, 5(6sc, inc), 3sc (48)
R9: 6(7sc, inc) (54)
R10: 4sc, inc, 5(8sc, inc), 4sc (60)
R11: 6(9sc, inc) (66)
R12: 5sc, inc, 5(10sc, inc), 5sc (72)
R13-25 (13 rows): 72sc (936) Good luck, soldier. Switch to green at row 14.
R26: 5sc, dec, 5(10sc, dec), 5sc (66)
R27: 6(9sc, dec) (60)
R28: 4sc, dec, 5(8sc, dec) 4sc (54)
R29: 6(7sc, dec) (48)
R30: 3sc, dec, 5(6sc, dec), 3sc (42)
R31: 6(5sc, dec) (36)
R32: 2sc, dec, 5(4sc, dec), 2sc (30)
Start stuffing if you haven't already. Stuff well to ensure your Chomp Kitty's head keeps the spherical shape. Continue to stuff after each round if needed.
R33: 6(3sc, dec) (24)
R34: sc, dec, 5(2sc, dec), sc (18)
R35: 6(sc, dec) (12)
R36: 6(dec) (6)
Leave generous tail, sew, snip, hide tail.
The tail is done in green.
R1: MC - 6 (6)
R2: Inc 6 (12)
R3-5: 12sc (36)
R6: 3(3sc, inc) (15)
R7: 15sc
R8: 3(3sc, dec) (12)
R9-11: 12sc (36)
R12: 3(2sc, dec) (9)
R13-16: 9sc (36)
R17: 4sc, dec, 3sc (8)
R18-20: 8sc (32)
Stuff firmly so it sticks up! Leave tail for sewing. Sew onto body, snip, hide. You know the drill by now :)
Ears (Make 2)
The ears are done in green.
R1: MC - 6 (6)
R2: Inc 6 (12)
R3: 6(sc, inc) (18)
R4: sc, inc, 5(2sc, inc), sc (24)
6(3sc, inc) (30)
Fold the ears over in half, then in half again. Unfold the second fold (this should crease it a little to make it pointy). Leave tail for sewing. When sewing, sew the side with the crochet stitches down so the clean edge is up top.
Eye whites (Make 2)
The eye whites are done in white.
R1: MC - 6 (6)
R2: Inc 6 (12)
R3: 6(sc, inc) (18)
R4: sc, inc, 5(2sc, inc), sc (24)
R5: 6(3sc, inc) (30)
R6: 15(sc, inc) (45)
Leave tail. Sew on.
Pupils (Make 2)
The pupils are done in black.
R1: MC - 6 (6)
R2: Inc 6 (12)
R3: 6(sc, inc) (18)
R4: sc, inc, 5(2sc, inc), sc (24)
Leave tail. Sew on.
The mouth is done in white.
R1: MC - 3 (3)
R2: Chain 1 to turn, inc until end of round (6)
R3: Turning chain, (sc, inc) until end of round (9)
R4: Chain, (2sc, inc) until end (12)
R5: Chain, (3sc, inc) until end (15)
R6: Chain, (4sc, inc) until end (18)
R7: Chain, (5sc, inc) until end (21)
R8: Chain, (6sc, inc) until end (24)
R9: Chain, (7sc, inc) until end (27)
R10: Chain, (8sc, inc) until end (30)
Leave tail for sewing. Sew on. Use black wool to embroider the teeth.
The nose is done in purple.
R1: MC - 6 (6)
R2: sc, triple inc (three stitches into one), 5sc, tripinc, 4sc
Leave tail. Sew.
Head Stripe
The head stripe is done in purple.
R1: Chain 2
R2: sc into the first chain (2nd chain from the hook)
R3: Chain to turn, sc into current stitch, sc into each stitch (3)
R4: Chain to turn, sc into current, sc into each (4)
R5-10: Continue this process of building up until you have 10 stitches across
R11-13: 10sc (30) Chain before the start of each row, but don't sc into the chain
Now just sc until the end of each round, skipping the current stitch. This decreases the rows by one each time. Continue until you only have one stitch left. Leave tail for sewing, sew on.
Tail Stripes
The tail stripes are done in purple.
Small one:
R1: Chain 3
R2: 2sc, inc
R3: 3sc, inc (into other side of chain)
Leave tail, sew
Big one:
R1: Chain 5
R2: 4sc, inc
R3: 5sc, inc (into other side of chain)
Leave tail, sew
Body Stripes (Make 2)
The body stripes are done in purple.
R1: Chain 15
R2: 15sc
R3: inc, dec, 13sc, dec, inc, dec, 13sc, dec
Leave tail, sew.
Whiskers (Make 4)
The whiskers are done in black.
R1: MC - 9 (9)
R2: 3(2sc, inc) (12)
R3: 3sc
R4-6: Chain 1 to turn, 3sc
R7: Chain, dec, sc
R8-9: Chain, 2sc
Feel free to tweak the pattern for yourself if you want! However, please do not release my pattern elsewhere, repost it, or sell it. This pattern is free!! It should not be gatekept!! (Also, it's a little unfair if you get to make money off of my design rip) If you want to share, reblog or share a link :)
Apologies for any typos or confusion due to formatting!! This is my first pattern! I tried very hard to make him accurate, but simplified some areas to make it easier. I hope you enjoy!!!
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ab-crochet-club · 1 month
Some Words About A Project - BMO cute little purse with Jake plushie charm
A project for Blue, which I think came out quite well. Didn't follow a pattern for most of this, but for some: the cone tip, the heart of gold little wallet thing, and Jake the dog. Other than those, just worked off of pictures of other crochet BMOs and various images from the show. The yarn Lion Brand 24/7 cotton, I find it works quite well for the sort of projects that I mostly work, nice colors and feel and very little splitting and all that. Also, I used here a 3mm hook, the purse is rather small, can just carry maybe a phone, some dollars/credit card, and maybe a few other small items. One might like to try with a 4mm hook or so for a bit larger interior.
All is done almost entirely using single crochet and slip stitch, with some occasional half-double or double crochet. Also it's mostly built up in one big piece, with many small bits to be added on, and a fair bit of embroidery. I use the chart here for the lettering.
Beginning using Jade color yarn we start with BMO's undercarriage, a simple rectangle.
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Now, at this point I worked around the rectangle, in the back (or maybe it's the front? The one 'above' anyway) loop along the long sides, and just sort of doing my best along the short sides. And then just work around a lot to start to build up the body. This is probably the more easy approach, not having to build several pieces and attach all together, but it does make for a somewhat poorly shaped body; that is, we get a fair bit of 'stitch drift' heading up the body, and the corners are rounded, so all together it doesn't quite have the boxy shape, more of a slightly deformed and rounded rectangle cross section. Once it is all complete it seems to look pretty nice, but some might prefer to do it a bit more 'proper' by building the sides all as separate rectangles and then sewing together in the end. That may also make other steps easier, for example the embroidery and attaching the buttons and such; for me it could be a bit difficult at times working into a cramped space. Experiment eh.
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Enough rows to comfortably fit the 'O' and the red button (a simple magic ring start with a few single crochet rounds).
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More rows, just enough to make room for the 'M', probably six, also starting to add the directional buttons and thinking about placement for the green (a simple disc like the red, but smaller). I made several attempts at the yellow directional buttons, but ultimately was unable to feel happy with any one-piece results, they just all came out terrible, maybe someone has a nice technique for that but I ended up just doing two thin rectangles and sewing one over the top of the other; it's fine I think.
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View from the back about this time; along the side we have the 'O' and the 'M', in front pretty much as the previous image, but the yellow directional button and green round have been sewn in and also the light blue triangle. Triangle can be made by working like a rectangle but not doing turning chains so you lose stitches as you go.
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Nearly to the top now! All side lettering is complete, and the speakers are there, just need a bit more for the face screen. It's at about this time that I start thinking about doing this as a purse rather than a doll, and also notice that it'll be way too small for a purse, so start to think about adding a hat for extra interior space.
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FACE! Also a lovely star sticker for BMO, who is brilliant and pretty. The screen is made as a rectangle, then the face is slip stitched on, and finally the screen is slip stitched onto the body. Don't recall now exactly how the star was made, here is a video which seems close enough, others are available.
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Another look at the backside, not so much going on here. Mostly all done using slip stitch through the body.
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A look at BMO's golden heart; it's little, but can just about hold a couple credit cards or folded bills.
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The strap, not perfectly added, messed up a bit, but it came out pretty well I think, can easily attach various decorations and is a lovely Navy Blue. Starts with along chain, then working single crochet along the chain, then double or maybe half-double while skipping a couple stitches in between to create a nice sort of window pattern, then finish with another single crochet row.
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Went with the cone hat, like Football. Like much of my work it's a bit sloppy and just sort of doing stuff and thinking it'll probably be fine, probably. Here we attached Orange at the top and single crochet around with some increases at the corners to create the brim, also some skips along the short sides to go around the strap. Once the brim is complete, attach the Orange again at the top and this time work in and up, distributing some decreases so that you build up into the sky with the rectangle gradually turning into a square and finally closing up. Lastly, build a witch hat without the brim and sew it at the top so as to have a nice pointy cone.
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Here we are with the lining added in; this may not be necessary if you carefully weave in all of your yarn ends, I couldn't be bothered and anyway it seems super cute with some nice space lining inside. Quite low on interior space, but maybe enough for a too cute little bag.
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Lovely. Next, build a friend to attach onto the strap, I went for Jake with headphones, which shine.crafts explains well, link to their ko-fi shop where the pattern can be obtained:
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Looking good Jake!
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Final result: Totally Algebraic! (I say final, I think probably fine without the arms or legs, but I'll add them if Blue wants me to).
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rjalker · 5 months
crochet breezy sun and / or top hat pattern.
Hook and yarn size can be whatever you want. I like using larger hooks for the top of the hat, it makes it faster and looser. You can use a smaller hook for the brim to help block out more light and make it straighter.
You can also use wire to hold the brim of the hat out but it's really not needed at all. Apparently you can also use spray starch to stiffen it but IDK how that works.
top of the hat:
chain 3. slip stitch to turn into a ring. (or do a magic circle if you're a wizard who knows how to do that).
Chain 1. Crochet 6 single crochets into the ring. Slip stitch to close. You can now pull on the tail to tighten the ring.
Chain 1. do 1 single crochet into the same stitch. Do 2 single crochets into each of the remaining stitches. Slip stitch to close. (VVV)
Chain 1. Always do one stitch into where you've chained 1 to start the new round. do one single crochet into the next stitch, then two into the next, then one, then two, all the way around. Slip stitch to close. (VIV)
Chain 1. Single crochet into the same space. The next two stitches get one single crochet, then the next gets two. Repeat it all the way around. Slip stitch to close (VIIV)
Do you get the pattern yet? Chain 1. Single crochet into the same spot. Now the next three stitches get a single crochet, and the next gets two. Slip stitch to close. (VIIIV)
Chain 1. Single crochet into the same space. The next four stitches get one single crochet each, then the next gets two. Slip stitch to close. (VIIIIV)
Every new round you +1 to the number of single crochets before you do two in the same spot.
After a certain point the shape you're making will take on a distinctly hexagonal shape, and you'll notice the spots where you do two single crochets in a single space are forming the corners.
Continue with this pattern until it is big enough to lie flat on the top of your head, or whoever's head you're making it for. If it's going to be a top hat, make it a little bit bigger, like once it's the right size, add maybe two more rounds.
For the final universal step, chain 1, and do your single crochet stitch only in the back loop. Go all the way around the hat with single crochets, only done in the back loop. Slip stitch to close.
Doing the stitches in the back loop will make it turn at a 90 degree angle, pointing downward.
And now is where it can change depending on what style of hat you want to make.
For a breezy sunhat that will let wind come through easily:
Chain 2, do a double crochet into the same space. Chain 1. Skip a stitch, and do another double crochet. Chain 1. Skip a stitch, do another double crochet. Continue this all the way around, and slip stitch to close. (TTT).
Chain 2. Double crochet into the same space. Chain 1. Double crochet into the little loop of your first row of double crochets, the "posts" will line up a form a grid.
For my sun hats, I am doing 4 rows of spaced out double crochets to form a net like pattern.
You can also just substitite in whatever net-like pattern you want.
To have a solid hat as a base for a tophat or a more solid sunhat:
Simply do rows of single crochets until the hat is deep enough to fit comfortably, or tall enough as you want it in the case of a top hat.
Single crochets will make it very sturdy, which is good for tophats.
The brim of the hat, which will be the same for either style:
Chain 1. Single crochet into the same space in only the front loop. Go around the entire hat with single crochets in the front loop only. Slip stitch to close.
This will make it turn in a 90 degree angle back horizontally, since the first time we turned it by using the back loop, and now we're using the front loop.
Chain 1. Single crochet into the same space. Do 5 (or literally however many you want, it really doens't matter that much) single crochets in a row, then two single crochets into the same space. Repeat this pattern all the way around. Slip stitch to close. (VIIIIIV)
And just like the top of the hat, you will just keep adding +1 of a single crochet to the pattern above, until the brim is as wide as you want it to be depending on what kind of hat you're making.
If it's meant to actually block the sun and not just be for decoration. I recommend going outside with it on to make sure it works before you're done.
Download and share this pattern in any way you want.
edit: oh I forgot pictures. give me a minute and I'll add them in.
Top hat:
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[ID: A photo of someone wearing a tall black crochet sunhat, with a tail of yarn still hanging off the brim. The person's face has been digitally colored out to be blank white. End ID.]
sun hats:
for the trans one for the sides I did a row of first double crochet, then half double crochet for each color so I could fit 3 stripes of color on evenly.
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[ID: Three photos of crochet sun hats being held up against a white wall, all done with the same pattern, but in different colors. The first is in the colors of the Pride flag, with the top red, the netting sides orange and yellow, and the brim green, blue, and purple. The second has the top, sides, and half of the brim in red, then edged with white and green, like a watermelon. The third is the trans flag, with the top blue, the sides pink, white, and pink, and the brim blue. End ID.]
anyways I already edited this pattern from the original one I found for a top hat since it wasn't very sturdy, so feel free to add on optional patterns for literally any part of this you think could be changed. I know there's a bunch of fancy stitch patterns out there.
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Good Omens - “An Enchanted Gift” (Rated NC17)
Summary: Anathema gives Aziraphale and Crowley a special gift - a homemade bottle of a holiday drink with some very peculiar side effects. (2299 words)
Notes: Written for the wonderful @theantichristmaszine  :) Warning for sexual content.
Read on AO3.
Crowley’s flat is positively a picture, fit for printing on a Christmas card.
Fire roaring on the hearth.
Garland and tinsel draped over anything that doesn’t move.
Fairy lights brightening the dark corners, wound around the rubber tree and the Chinese Evergreen, weeding through the leaves of the dieffenbachia.
A host of red velvet, gold taffeta, and white satin ribbon hanging from the ceiling till no white marble can be seen.
And at the center of it all, a tree - an honest-to-Satan floor-to-ceiling pine that Crowley had tromped into the forest and tore out of the ground himself with his own two hands. An ax would have been simpler. Heck, he could have snapped the thing back to his flat, trimmed and mounted, ready for decorating. But his method seemed so much more festive considering he’d been bellowing holiday carols the entire time.
He let angel take the lead decorating. Aziraphale had a merry time covering the thing in frosted globes, glass candy canes (since the real ones didn’t last long enough to hang), gingerbread men (only slightly nibbled), reindeer, clove oranges, crocheted white-lace snowflakes, and other ornaments of the like, purchased from artisans all around London.  
Crowley had gone so far as to include a manger scene for the benefit of his angel-in-residence. However, instead of hanging the Archangel Gabriel using the provided hook, he hung him over the birthplace of the Lord by a noose. Aziraphale giggled when he saw it but recommended fixing it - to ward off bad karma or something along those lines. Not wanting to sully his spirits listening to a lecture about tempting fate (which is all Crowley does), Crowley remedied it.
He replaced Gabriel with a vintage Troll doll key chain Pepper accidentally forgot at Aziraphale’s bookshop.
“There! Top notch replacement, if I do say so meself! Looks just like ‘im!” Crowley declared, gesturing to the absurd trinket with its vibrant purple hair.
“And which part, might I ask, looks just like him?” Aziraphale had asked.
“The head! It’s huge!”
Demons aren’t much for celebrating. But this year, with everything Crowley had to be grateful for, he honestly couldn’t help himself. At its root, Christmas is about love.
A chance to shed the skin of past sins and start anew.
This year, Crowley couldn’t see letting Christmas pass unacknowledged.
“You know, I may not be a connoisseur of holiday shindigs,” Crowley says, leaning back on the floor and gazing up at the spectacle that is their cheerfully burdened tree, “but I would say tonight has come pretty close to perfect. Wouldn’t you?” He rolls onto his hip, beaming at Aziraphale seated not too far from him, a loopy grin nudging his mouth up at the corners.
“Indeed.” Aziraphale lifts his bottle of Burgundy, prepared to propose a toast. It comes up off the floor far too quickly, an indicator the thing has been drained dry.
“Looks like we finished that one.” Crowley looks left and right in search of another, but doesn’t see one. “Augh! Don’t tell me we went through them all! I’m sure I had another three at least!”
“Don’t fret, my dear,” Aziraphale says. “I may have just the thing.” He crawls over to the tree on hands and knees and rummages underneath. A second later he crawls back out, accompanied by a rustic-looking green glass bottle and a triumphant little, ‘A-ha!’ “This comes courtesy of dear, sweet Anathema.” He presents the bottle to his demon for approval. “She said she made it with love.”
“Really?” Crowley snorts while Aziraphale uncorks the bottle. “And what ingredient is that then? Wolfsbane? Mandrake root?”
“Honey, I think.” Aziraphale gives the mouth of the bottle a sniff. “Maybe blackberries?”
“The important question is - is it alcohol?”
Aziraphale brings the bottle to his lips and knocks back a gulp, coughing at the finish. “That it is.”
“Give it here then. I’d like to partake of some love, too.” Crowley indulges, tilting his head back and taking a huge swig. He smacks his tongue, then licks his lips, shivering when a wave of heat enters his bloodstream and works its way down his spine. “Wow. That’s tasty.”
“Isn’t it? If being a witch doesn’t work out for her, she should definitely take up a career distilling.”
“Love, you say?” Crowley peers into the bottle, pondering the ingredients as the drink settles onto his taste buds. “Do you think that’s something she orders by the pound, or gathers under the full moon?”
“To be honest, I have no idea---oof!” Aziraphale sways, planting a hand flat on the floor and locking his elbow to keep from toppling over.
“You alright, angel?” Crowley snickers. “Having a bit of trouble holding your drink?” His forehead wrinkles with concern when Aziraphale doesn’t recover right away. “That’s not normally like you---”
Crowley’s teasing cuts off when Aziraphale’s mouth crashes into his - hot, demanding, tasting of mulling spices, apples, sour plum, and brandy. It takes Crowley a moment to realize Aziraphale is kissing him.
Then another for him to start kissing back.
This isn’t just any kiss. It’s the kiss he’s been longing for. The kiss he’d feel on his lips every time Aziraphale looked his way and smiled. It’s the kiss he thought about the century he slept. And even though there have been many kisses between them, Crowley ranks this as the first.
Because it’s the kiss of dreams.
Aziraphale inhales sharply and backs away. “Oh! Oh, I’m sorry, my dear! I don’t know what came over me!”
Crowley looks him over curiously, waiting for an explanation, but Aziraphale doesn’t seem to have one. Aziraphale loves kissing, but he doesn’t go about it this way - doesn’t rush in, doesn’t take what he hasn’t asked for. “Turn about’s fair play, I’d wager.”
“What do you …?”
Without another word, Crowley sneaks a hand behind Aziraphale’s head and kisses him back.
Another kiss follows. Then another. With each one, the room becomes inhospitable - too warm, too stuffy, too difficult to stay in wearing all their blasted clothes! Aziraphale tries to relieve the pressure at his neck, but he can’t seem to manage his buttons, so Crowley helps him undo those. Likewise Crowley’s zipper becomes uncooperative, so Aziraphale tasks himself with unzipping it. Article by article they tear through until the two become too frustrated to care about the inevitable paperwork and snap off the rest.
Crowley kneels behind his angel, completely naked, kissing every spot he can get his lips on. And God, how it tingles! No. How it burns - each touch of his lips to Aziraphale’s flesh sending surges of razor sharp and magma hot straight from Crowley’s mouth to his groin.
And he wants more.
He wants it everywhere.
He wants it scalding his throat, searing his lungs, consuming him from the inside out. Let it dissolve him into ashes that blow away on the wind, let him die in an orgasm of violence and fire and angelic light.
As long as it comes with Aziraphale.
What a way to go.
“I have to have you, angel,” he moans. “Now. Right now.”
“Are you … are you sure? We’ve always said that we wouldn’t allow alcohol to make us amorous.”
“I don’t feel drunk. Do you?”
Aziraphale focuses inward, taking stock of his corporation. “No,” he says, surprised considering the bottles of wine they’d polished off before they started in on Anathema’s gift. “I don’t. Not at all.” Aziraphale locates an empty bottle and concentrates, tries to push the alcohol of the night from his system, but nothing appears. Not a single drop. “Far from it, it would seem.”
“That’s right. We’re not drunk. We’re completely in our right minds.”
“I wouldn’t say …”
“I want this, angel!” Crowley pleads with a sense of urgency. “Don’t you?”
“Yes, I do. More than ever,” Aziraphale admits.
“What do you want me to do?” Crowley whispers, voice husky with a lust he has inspired in others but has never once felt himself. “Tell me.”
“Make love to me?”
Aziraphale peeks over his shoulder, grinning at his demon chomping at the bit. “You seem to be in the perfect position. I suggest you start there.”
Aziraphale expects Crowley to mock his snark, but he doesn’t, diving immediately back into the task of kissing across Aziraphale’s shoulders, lingering over the joint where his wings would connect if he let them out. Crowley swirls over it with his tongue, painting overlapping circles, and Aziraphale sees stars. They’ve made love in this position before, and Crowley has kissed every inch of his back, but he’s never spent so much time on this particular area.
The decadence of this sensation should be criminal.
Aziraphale feels Crowley’s hands on his body everywhere at once - massaging his muscles, fondling his cock, scissoring him open. Could Crowley be using magic to pleasure him? That’s not something they’ve ever done before due to the implications of Hell finding out. But seeing as Hell is no longer a concern, that puts every card at their disposal.
And thank God because this they need to do again!
“Aziraphale,” Crowley utters as he enters him, his angel’s name like sugar in his bitter mouth, and fuck!
There it is.
When he enters him completely.
The fire.
Inside his angel.
And Crowley has become its fuel.
“Oh, Crowley …” Aziraphale shifts his weight onto his palms and leans forward, raising his rear in the air. “Oh, yes. Just like that, my dear …”
“Like this, angel?” Crowley pulls back, then thrusts hard - harder than he would normally, sending Aziraphale swiftly to the verge. With Aziraphale’s grunts of ecstasy mirroring the rhythm of Crowley’s hips, Crowley knows that regardless of anything, this he cannot stop.
It would be unforgivable.
“Yes!” Aziraphale whimpers, bracing against the marble floor with knuckles white. “Yes! Crowley, yes!”
“Yes …” Crowley echoes beneath his breath, a lightness settling inside his mind, siphoning his ability to think. He’s done too much thinking already. Now is not the time for thinking. Now is the time for serving. The time for feeling. And what he feels is soft beneath his hands, tight around his cock, a quest for satisfaction, for completion, wrapped in a braided rope of love, love, and more love. So much love it fills his flat from corner to ceiling, leaves its mark on the walls and on the doors.
And on the marble beneath them when Aziraphale, spiraling out of control, comes unannounced on Crowley’s living room floor.
“Oh,” he squeaks with embarrassment though he knows Crowley would say he shouldn’t be. “I apologize, my love, but I seem to have sullied your floor.”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it,” Crowley says, snapping his fingers and cleaning the mess as he shudders through his own orgasm, which had snuck up inside him and granted him release less like an accomplishment and more like a reward for what he had done for his angel.
“Well,” Aziraphale manages even though he’s breathless, which isn’t a bother for him. “That was … interesting.”
“Just interesting?”
Aziraphale blushes. “More than interesting. But I would hate to think that was all because of the drink.”
“I wouldn’t say it was. I think the brew just sort of lowered out inhibitions. Enhanced the experience.”
“Do you think that was meant to happen? I find it difficult to believe that Anathema of all people gave us some sort of love potion as a Christmas present.”
“Not sure. Could be a side-effect of being witch made. Probably affects us more because we’re occult.”
Aziraphale rolls his eyes but doesn’t argue Crowley’s word usage. “Or … what if it’s something worse?”
“Worse?” Crowley arches an eyebrow. “What worse?”
“What if it did what it was meant to, but it was supposed to be a present for her young gentleman?”
“Ugh! Aziraphale! Don’t!” Crowley groans, wrapping his arms around his angel and holding him tight. “You’re going to put me off!”
“Sorry,” Aziraphale chuckles, hugging Crowley’s arms about his waist. Locked in the cozy cocoon of Crowley’s embrace, a thought pricks Aziraphale’s brain.
There is a secret third possibility.
A week or two ago, Aziraphale went to Tracy Shadwell’s place for tea and rum cake. While he was there, he’d confided in both Tracy and Anathema that as much as he loved his sex life with his husband, physical intimacy had become somewhat of a chore. Not because he didn’t love it, which he did, but because Crowley seemed stuck on every love making session between them being more romantic than the last. First came the champagne, then the candlelight (so much candlelight …), massages with complicated names, and, as of late, dramatic musical choices. It’s nice, the care Crowley puts into being his lover, but it also puts a tremendous amount of pressure on Aziraphale to keep up appearances.
Makes the whole ordeal feel like a performance.
Some nights, by the time they get to the good stuff, Aziraphale is ready to hit the hay. Seeing as he despises sleep, that’s awfully telling.
Aziraphale has come to the conclusion that, often times, he’s just … how did the youths say it … down to fuck.
So this drink may have done exactly what it was meant to, and he and Crowley may have rightfully been its intended targets.
But Aziraphale isn’t about to tell Crowley that.
“What should we do now? Should we lock it away or …?”
“Seems to me there’s only one thing we can do …” Crowley looks the bottle over, gauging the level of the liquid still inside. He grins, the firelight flickering in his eyes, making him look more wicked than Aziraphale has seen him in decades.
And he takes a hefty swallow.
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dogbearinggifts · 5 years
Tattoos With Better Stories
Umbrella Academy
Author’s Note: Well, here we are—Part Three of a series that started as a single oneshot meant to fix the VFW scene and soon gained a sequel. If you haven’t read either of those, start with He Saw the Ghosts before moving on to Dead Ringer.  
Both are available on my AO3 account. 
Tagging: @timelesspromise 
Jim didn’t know what to make of the unnamed soldier’s expression. 
It wasn’t a whole smile, but it was near enough to one for Jim to wonder what might lurk behind it. Such a look wasn’t unexpected of a soldier in an active war zone, but there was something more about it, some strange contentment that kept it from sinking into despair. Not for the first time, Jim found himself searching the faces of the other men in his unit for any clue, no matter how small, that might force the facts in his head to fall into their proper places and form a picture clearer than the one before him. But no matter how long he looked, no matter how much the pit in his stomach urged him to look elsewhere, his gaze drifted back, again and again, to David Katz.
The quality of the photograph was par for the course, for its day—a middling caliber that was better than the worst and disappointing when placed alongside the best. Had it been a little less grainy, Jim was certain they’d have been able to make out the barest outlines of the soldier’s tattoos, distinguish a few features that might have separated the soldier in the photo from the veteran they knew. A little grainier, and the soldier would have been only somewhat clearer than most images of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster, his resemblance to Klaus dismissed just as easily. 
Richard took a long pull from his soda, lowered it, and spoke for the first time in a good while. 
“What the hell?” 
“Okay, so first you need to cast on a few stitches.” 
“Cast on.” 
“Right. What you’re gonna do is you’re gonna make a slipknot and put that over the needle.” 
“Which needle?” 
“Doesn’t matter.” 
Klaus looked down at the two identical knitting needles in his lap. “Oh. Right.” He formed the knot easily enough and slipped it over one needle, holding it upright. “Now what?” 
“Now you need to make the first stitch.” 
From all Richard had relayed of his encounter with Klaus the night before, he’d never intended to give the younger man a personal knitting lesson. Plans to meet up with him at the library, to pull him into the circle and let him absorb suggestions and tricks from a group eager to teach had taken a blow when Klaus had called earlier that morning. “Said he couldn’t make it,” Richard had told Jim on their way to the shop. “Went on about how he’d tried to knit and couldn’t do it, so he couldn’t come, didn’t want to slow us down.” 
He’d also said Klaus had sounded as if he’d hoped to leave a message rather than speak to the person he’d called, but that was neither here nor there. 
“You’ll take one end of the yarn like this.” Richard lifted his own yarn to demonstrate. “And then lay it over top the rest to make a loop.” 
Klaus had to look back at the example once or twice, but he replicated it without trouble. 
“Now you’ll just slide the loop onto the same needle as the slipknot.” 
Jim glanced toward the cash register. Aimee shot him a smile before pretending to straighten an immaculate display of crochet hooks. Despite her age, she was an old hand around the shop, having been hired on the year before their knitting group outgrew the small meeting room and moved to the library. She still dropped by whenever night classes aligned to keep Thursdays free, bringing along her latest project and a story or two about her dog. 
Klaus tried lifting the loop and sliding it over the needle, as Richard demonstrated, but he hadn’t twisted it correctly and the loop disintegrated and he had to form it again. After a moment of frustration, he managed to slide his new loop down alongside the knot. 
“Great. Now you’ll just do that another eighteen times.” 
Klaus let out a puff of air that wasn’t quite a sigh, but might have been on its way to one. With care, he formed another loop, lifted it gingerly, and placed it on the needle. Richard nodded approval, and Jim’s gaze drifted back to the tattoo on Klaus’ bicep, to the words Sky Soldiers printed above the skull emblem. There were more letters inked in tiny font above, but Klaus’ sleeve kept getting in the way and they were too small for Jim to read from where he sat. 
Like the olive drab vest he wore, like the dog tags dangling against his shirt, the tattoo was just familiar enough to poke at memories ranging from bittersweet to unpalatable. There were a few sweet ones, sure, but war and time had a way of working in concert to change the flavor of those. Perhaps the words meant something different to Klaus, perhaps there was another reason he had chosen to have them inscribed on his skin, but to see it on a man so young sent a dozen questions bubbling to his mind, each more uncomfortable than the last. 
He looked to Richard, but if the man shared his misgivings, he didn’t show it. Jim traded a look with his friend, then spoke. 
“So Klaus. You from the city?” 
Klaus kept his attention on the next stitch he cast on. “Yeah, pretty much. I mean, I’ve always lived here, so I guess that’s where I’m from.” 
Jim had heard less conclusive answers. “So no military family for you.” 
He wasn’t expecting a laugh, let alone one with such a bitter edge. “Not like that, no.” 
No confusion crossed Richard’s face, but he did toss Jim a quick glance. Talk later, it said. Of Klaus, Richard asked: “So what made you decide to enlist?” 
Klaus hesitated, and that hesitation went on a little too long for Jim to believe he was simply concentrating on his knitting. “Just kinda….got thrown into it, I guess.” 
Jim nodded slowly. He’d heard that sentiment before, expressed a dozen different ways—from men who were drafted. Those who enlisted had longer stories, some inspiring and some less so, but they had stories. Reasons. Ideals that were confirmed and challenged, shattered and tested. There were exceptions, of course, but when there hadn’t been a draft in forty-six years, stories and reasons usually replaced uncertainty and bewilderment. 
He looked to Richard, trying to guess whether he should ask the kid where he’d served or leave that to his friend, but Klaus lifted his cast-on stitches for inspection. “Got it!” 
“Looks good,” Richard said, and Klaus smiled at the approval. “Now you’ll take your yarn like this….” 
He threaded the yarn around and between his fingers, and Klaus did the same, mimicking as Richard lifted his second needle and slid it into the first stitch. His fingers slipped a bit, missed the yarn the first couple times, but he managed. That smile resurfaced when Richard nodded encouragement. 
Jim knew better than to interrupt a novice knitter in the midst of his first uncertain stitches, so he cast about for something, some small and mundane task that might distance him from the questions tapping him on the shoulder. A glance at his watch told him it was a little late for one meal, a little early for the next—as good a time as any for a snack. 
“I’m gonna head down to the coffee shop on the corner,” he said, stretching. “You guys want anything?” 
“Ooh! They still have those breakfast sandwiches, with the sausage and egg on a biscuit with all that melty cheese?” 
“I’m sure they do.” Jim had expected a little more hesitation from Klaus, but the younger man’s enthusiasm brought a smile. “You want anything, Rich?” 
“Just coffee.” 
Jim stood, but before he’d gotten completely to his feet, a familiar glint of steel against Klaus’ shirt caught his eye. The letter K was up where the surname belonged, but that only proved this Klaus wasn’t a Hargreeves, so he read further. 
What the hell? 
For a long moment, Richard’s words hung in a silence filled by low chatter and Tom Petty’s voice filtering through the speakers: Somewhere, somehow, somebody must’ve kicked you around some...
“You heard what he said.” 
Jim nodded. He’d found Richard and Klaus mid-conversation, but he’d caught enough to stop in his tracks and listen. “Maybe he’s just read more books than most.” 
“But why Vietnam?” 
“Could just like military history.” 
Richard shook his head at the photo. “World War Two’s the one everybody wants to learn about. Vietnam’s the one they want to forget.” 
After a halfhearted search for a counterpoint, Jim gave up. “Was he…” 
Richard met his gaze. 
“From the sound of it, he knows a lot about what the 173rd was up to. He talk about anything else? Overall strategies, basic timeline, any other shit that makes it into those books?” 
“Not much.” He paused in thought. “Actually... I’d have to check the dates, but I don’t think he brought up anything outside of ‘68 or ‘69.” 
Jim took another swig of beer, hoping it would quell his unease. Most amateur historian types liked to study everything, and they’d talk your ear off about anything that occurred within their eras of interest. A self-described WWII buff had spoken about D-Day, the myriad faults in Hitler’s strategies, the American and English home fronts, and scientific advances courtesy of wartime technology. Not all historians were like that; some had a narrower range. But when a particular era sparked their interest, many of those who made research a hobby became intellectual magpies, snatching up every halfway interesting fact for their ever-growing collections. 
“How the hell’d Vietnam come up, anyway?” 
“He asked where I’d served.” 
Klaus should have fielded the question first. He was the mystery, after all, the one who had walked into a room full of strangers to sob over a man fifty years gone. Even if he didn’t care to discuss what he remembered, he should have at least mentioned where he’d been. “He say where he served?” 
“Never got to that, no. But he talked an awful lot about Vietnam.” 
Jim lapsed into silence again. What he’d seen of that talk, of the look Klaus had worn as he spoke, was enough to make him want to down the rest of his beer, grab another, and head out on the town long enough to put Klaus and the unnamed soldier and everything in between out of his mind. Researchers, amateur historians, history buffs—whatever you wanted to call them, most of them bore a certain expression when their favorite era surfaced in conversation. Their eyes lit up, their faces softened as if in preparation to smile. Some talked with voices pitched higher in excitement; some talked with their hands as well. It had repulsed Jim at first, seeing them discuss the Second World War as if a conflict that had left blood and bodies strewn across a ruined landscape was the plot of a popular film they longed to see again. It wasn’t his war, but it was still a war. Even after reminding himself that what they knew of it was cold facts on a page, old posters and stories collected years after surrenders were made and victories declared, he couldn’t say their enthusiasm set him at ease. 
When Klaus spoke of Vietnam, of battles fought years before his time and a war ended decades before his birth, there was no light in his eyes. No eagerness, no sharpened interest, no horror or shock. He responded to Richard’s stories with somber nods and words, but not surprise. He’d shared no anecdotes of his own; any facts he’d named had been in the form of questions—were you here, were you there, did you see this go down or were you wrapped up in a different shitshow—but Jim had seen the look in his eyes, heard the subtle catch in his voice before. It was a question, a plea for recognition. 
You’ve been to hell. Did you see what I saw? Do what I did? 
“You see his forearm?” 
Richard’s voice, quiet though it was, gave Jim a start, but it faded quickly. “Academy kids weren’t the only ones to get those tattoos.” 
Richard gave a slow nod, eyes on the photo. “Even if he is that Klaus, it doesn’t explain how he got the tags.” 
Katz, David. Jim saw the dog tags in his mind’s eye, as sharp and clear as if they sat before him, the name pressed into the metal and his memory. The man himself stood in the photo beside Klaus’ doppelgänger. 
“Might explain how he knew Katz, if he can talk to the dead.” 
“Doesn’t explain anything else.” 
Jim said nothing. Something had happened to Klaus—anyone who looked more than a second could see that. But a longer gaze and a while spent listening told a story, one set in a faraway jungle and filled with blood and the chatter of gunfire and awful lights blazing through the darkness—one Klaus was too young to know. One he heard with the solemn quiet of a man who had witnessed it. 
Scars are just tattoos with better stories. Jim wasn’t sure where he’d first heard that or how much stock he put in it, but it had stuck. But when those scars weren’t the kind you could show off to a retired Marine over a few drinks, when they were the sort that appeared only as ripples in a pond, there was no narrative. Only a jumble of events and details—a sobbing man and things he shouldn’t have known, tattoos with significance that ought to escape him—strung together in a manner that might have made sense in a fever dream, but nowhere else. 
“Could be a scam,” Jim said. To his relief, Richard shook his head almost immediately. 
“Tats are expensive.” 
“Research is free.” 
“You don’t learn what he learned without reading a shit-ton of books and old documents.” He took another sip. “Too much investment for too little payoff.” 
A similar thought had planted itself in Jim’s mind, but hearing it echoed allowed it to take root through the silence that followed. “He never asked for anything.” 
Richard looked to him; Jim saw him out the corner of his eye as he regarded the photo again. 
“Never asked for a goddamn thing. Not even help.”  
Richard nodded slowly, somberly, and Jim shut his eyes. All those disparate elements swirling around him, all those impossibilities played as fact, and that was what kept Jim from dismissing it all as a sick hoax played for profit. If there was profit to be gained, Klaus didn’t seek it. He only sought to carry what he’d brought back with him, even as the burden crushed him beneath its weight. 
The two of them stood in silence as the music played. 
“Never did track down everyone in his unit,” Richard said after a long minute. 
Jim nodded. The war had taken some and spared others, but those it spared weren’t shielded from death by other means. Others could have lived, but with their whereabouts unknown, they were no more able to name the soldier who appeared in their photo. 
“Got any other leads?” Jim asked. 
Richard drew a long breath. “There’s one guy. Tried contacting him a couple times, wound up getting put in touch with a friend of a friend. That trail might lead to a dead end for all I know….but it might lead somewhere.” 
Jim looked to the unnamed soldier again. All those years between the taking of the photo and Klaus traipsing into the bar, all those years spent trying to connect the man to a name, had culminated in a morning of knitting and a conversation that made no sense and too much sense. 
This lead, this man from Katz’s unit—as Richard said, it could be yet another dead end in a long string of dead ends. But if it wasn’t, if they could speak to a man who had served alongside the unnamed soldier, had talked with him and eaten with him and exchanged a hundred jokes with him that would have drawn gasps and looks of horror from anyone who didn’t spend their days marching from one battlefield to the next….
The thought brought a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, and Jim wasn’t sure if the two could be separated. 
“And if it doesn’t?” 
Richard regarded the photo again, and Jim couldn’t say whether his gaze went out to the unnamed soldier or to Katz. Maybe it had settled on the both of them.  
“Then I guess we’re back to square one.” 
Author’s Note: For anyone who’s curious, the song playing in the background is “Refugee” by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. 
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Loops and Hooks
Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy x Reader
A/N: This is a fic about the reader teaching Leonard how to crochet. I like to crochet myself, and who dosn’t like the idea of McCoy doing small crafty things? Anyways, I had a draft of this in my notebook for about a year. Today I typed it up and added a little extra into it. 
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The medbay was quiet with most of the crew off on shore leave. As per Starfleet protocol, the Medway was still up and running with limited crew. The few patients were all stable and not needing any attention, and the corresponding charts had been filled out. You had already restocked the supplies and checked on the machines, all of which had been serviced before the leave and was in good working order. Even the pot of coffee was fresh, with all of the cups and extra pots cleaned and in order. Dr. McCoy would be especially pleased with that. You two had been going out for long enough to know that caffeine was one of the things he treasured most in life.
“Is there anything else you would like me to do doctor?” You ask out of formality.
Leonard McCoy looked up from the PADD he was reading from. “No, that’s all.”
You double checked all of the monitors, still displaying the same numbers they had been when you checked five minutes ago. 
“Do you mind if I bring my latest project in? It’s small.”
“I mean, as long as it’s not dangerous or something, I don’t see why not,” he shrugged.
“Thank you, Doctor,” you called back, already walking out of the room.
You disappeared down the hall to your quarters and grabbed a bag filled with yarn, crochet hooks, knitting needles, and patterns and hurry back to the Medbay.
Finding a nice, quiet corner in the staff room, you sat on the couch with your things on the couch beside you. Pulling out a half-finished scarf, you began to work on it, carefully looping the yarn around the hook and through the small holes required for the pattern.
You glance up to find Dr. McCoy watching you. 
“Impressive. You definitely don’t see much of that anymore.”
“Thanks, I like it. It’s relaxing, not to mention rewarding to see a finished product,” you answered, still very focused on the pattern, trying to be careful not to lose count of your stitches.
“What are you making?”
“A scarf.”
“Darlin’, you do know that the temperature is set to make sure that the ship never gets cold?”
You playfully swatted his arm, making him laugh. “Yes, Len, of course I do.”
“It’ll look awfully nice when it’s done. You do look nice in everything though.”
“You flatter me too much.” 
He kept on watching you quietly, and you could tell by the way his eyebrows furled that he was trying to figure out how everything worked and the pattern in the movements.
“Have you ever knit or crochet anything before?”
“Darlin’, I’m from Georgia. I’ve only seen my grandma and her friends ���knit’ together, which was her code for gossiping but with yarn out. She did try to show me once though, but instead of finishing with a pair of socks, I ended with knots. Besides, the temperature never really went lower than about 2 degrees celsius. It’s not like I needed to learn because I needed to make a hat or something.”
“Well, yeah but you can make blankets or something for your quarters. Also though, it will help to keep the dexterity and coronation in hands. Good for hotshot surgeons like yourself.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he nodded.
“I can teach you now, if you’d like. It’s not like there’s much else going on now. It’s easier than it looks.”
He shrugged his shoulders as if to say; “Why not?”
You pulled some extra yarn out of the bag you had brought with you and handed him a hook. You showed him how to start the scarf he was making and how to do a simple single crochet. 
“All you need to do here is make two loops of yarn, then pull it through.”
“Like this?” 
“Yes. Now, you pick up one loop and pull it through again.” You watched him carefully pull the yarn through and look back for approval. “Looks good. That’s the only stitch you need for this. I’m going to go check on the patients. Keep working on this until I get back.”
When you left, you peeked back in the room from the edge of the doorframe, smiling at the sight. 
The shift you had the day before with Len had ended quietly, but the one you had just finished today without him had not.
Exhausted, you stumbled back to your quarters where he said to meet him. You opened the door and were met with the smell of candles and dinner being made for you. You smiled, he knew you well. 
“Hey Darlin’. I thought you’d be tired so I tried to make your evening as pleasant as possible.”
He put dinner on the table he had set for the two of you. 
“You are the best boyfriend ever. Did you know that?”
“You’ve mentioned it one or twice. Not sure how true or objective it is, but I’ll take it. Also, I have something for you.” He got up and handed you a gift bag.
“Aw Len, you shouldn’t have.” You pulled out the sparkly tissue paper to reveal a misshapen scarf- the same one that you had shown him how to make the day before.
You giggled and looked back up at him. “Len, it’s perfect.”
“I asked the computer how to finish it off. It’s a little crooked, but I hope you still like it.”
“Of course I do,” you pulled him in for a hug, “it’s a thoughtful gift from you, and that is what make it perfect.”
“Well, I’m glad you like it,” he said, kissing your forehead.
He pulled out your chair and helped you down. “Let’s eat dinner before it gets cold.”
Tags: @goingknowherewastaken @thefanficfaerie @whatif-animagineblog @doctorginsberg
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thatfairyfangirl · 5 years
True Colors Chapter 13
You woke up in the bed of your childhood, the smell of bacon and eggs wafting up from the kitchen below. You warmer than you ever remembered being in the old home before. Groggily you attempted to stretch, finding yourself pinned down. With half a groan you opened your eyes to see dark tendrils covering an almost heavenly face, one arm wrapped around his pillow the other wrapped around you. Slowly you wriggled your way out, your eyes lingering on him sleeping shirtless in your bed, finding you had to catch your breath at the sight. What is going on with you? Could you actually be catching feelings for one of your best friends?
No time to think about that now. You had work to do before the rest of the world woke. As silently as possible you snuck your way into the attic, retreating to the old studio that started it all. The plan was to use this time home to finish working on Bucky’s gift, but with him here now it was a little more difficult.
Bucky woke to the sweet sound of your music as you put the finishing touches on one of the last few songs for him and him alone before transferring them from your flash drive to a blank CD.
Once you came back into the room the bed was empty and you could hear rustling down below. You closed your eyes hearing the two women berating Bucky with questions. Oh no, were they catching on? Them knowing you’re single would be so much worse, it would give them reason to tell you how worthless of a person you are….again. You burst down the stairs throwing your arms around his strong shoulders...oh god you never expected them to feel this good in your arms. “Hey Buck how about a workout before it gets too late in the day? We missed one yesterday…” His brow curled as he turned his head to you, wondering what exactly has taken over your mind...normally you hated training.
“Umm sure..?”
~ ~ ~ ~
The two women watched as you both sparred across the backyard. It was hard for your mother to admit that you really did seem like a natural at this. Snow caught in both of your hair and on your white knit cap as you exchanged blows, your breath changing to steam in the early winter air. Before you knew it a cold hand was around your wrist, though in this weather it was hard for your skin to distinguish from cold metal or cold flesh...in the end it didn’t matter either way, he was pulling you into a killshot. You had to think fast...but you couldn’t think fast enough before feeling the poke of a sheathed blade poke at your stomach. “You’re getting better.” He huffed as your eyes caught each other, clouds of breath mingling between the two of you. “Next time,” he brought your wrist into your view, turning it to show you his thumb and index finger meeting just under your palm. “This is the week point, twist your arm and pull.” You could feel him holding on tighter as he gave you the instruction, but still you did as you were told, finding your wrist free. Bubblegum hair fell into your face as the hand came to rest on his shoulder, feeling natural there. Your heart tugged at itself as you felt Bucky’s arms wrapping around your waist as his tongue glided across his lips...a motion you have seen him do countless times, but never before it was right in front of you did you realize just how damn sexy it is. Wait a minute, he’s drawing in closer! In a panic you spun, hooking your arm under his shoulder as you swept your leg under him, forcing him to the ground. Bucky felt as if all the air had left his body as he looked up to you, watching your hair shift from pink to rainbowed in a glorious display as you retook your fighting stance. “Much better…” The way the corner of his lips tugged up into a smile suddenly seemed so perfect.
~ ~ ~ ~
Bucky looked around the room as he waited for you to finish in the shower, toweling off his hair as he examined the sheet music that lined the walls, having 100% no idea what most of it meant outside of the names at the top of each piece. After what felt like forever he finally heard the door click open and closed again. “So what’s up with the walls?” He asked turning to see  facing the opposite wall, you had only been clad in a small towel barely covering your parts. Thank goodness you weren’t watching him to see how red his face had become.
“Oh, it was something my dad started when I was a baby.” You explained as you reached up to point out the remnants of Brahms lullaby under something labeled ‘Memory’. “I guess it kinda stuck. Mom says I was able to read music before I could read words.”  Bucky could feel the blood rushing from his face as your rear began to poke through, showing a tattoo on the right cheek of a small clownfish.
“Geeze!” He sputtered out in surprise as he spun around to watch the other wall. “Maybe put some clothes on?” Stumbling over words as he sat on the bed to pull his clothes out of his bag.
“What’s wrong Barnes? It is my room you are in afterall. Don’t like what you see?” You teased as you sauntered over to the bed. “I am one hundred percent offended! You shall pay!” You joked as you pinned him down watching his face turn to a cherry as your fingertips began exploring his exposed flesh, wriggling over his muscles in an attempt to tickle. The scent of your shampoo in your still damp hair and the feel of your hands on his skin did get a reaction, just not the one one you were looking for, one he needed to surpress. “Should have known you of all people wouldn’t be ticklish.” You pouted before letting out a yelp of surprise as he flipped you over, pinning you to the bed with his lower half.
“Pay back.” He quipped before returning the favor. Soon you were writhing under him screaming in laughter as his fingers found all the right spots to make you giggle and yelp. The assault continued until you were gasping for air between each high pitched giggles, only then did his hands move away from you in a slow bittersweet motion to rest on the bed. Both your hearts raced as you were once again realizing just how close you two were...both physically and emotionally. Would it really be so wrong if…? His eyes sparkled as you propped yourself onto your elbows. You felt as if you were loosing your breath as he leaned in on his hands. Inching closer and closer until you could taste eachother’s breath on your lips, a hair away from touching.
“GET THE HELL OFF OF MY DAUGHTER YOU MONSTER!” You mother screamed as the door flung open. In her hand she held a kitchen knife that she really wasn’t sure how to use for anything other than chopping vegetables. Her eyes darted over the scene, taking in the amount of flesh realizing the mistake.
“Mom! What are you doing?!” You demanded as Bucky just froze, conflicting instincts battling inside him. Feeling the need to protect his ray of sunshine from the possible threat and feeling the need to hide what wrestling on the bed had done to him between his legs.
“I thought...You were screaming…” She stuttered looking over the scene once more, jumping from one conclusion to the next. “And now I see why...Young lady how dare you! In my house! Did I do that horrible of a job of raising you that you can’t respect me and your Nana enough to not fornicate -”
“MOM!!” You hollered. “We weren’t!” Bucky crawled off the bed, letting you up as your hair swirled with conflicting emotions. Your mind a fog of questions over everything. Was what you think was about to happen actually about to happen? Was she actually showing that she cared? She seemed like she was ready to fight the winter soldier for you after all…”He was tickling me”...no need to mention that you liked it. “That’s all.”
“Oh...Well...get dressed, Nana’s ready to do presents.”
~ ~ ~ ~
The sun hung low in the window, setting the white powder ablaze with a brilliant display of orange and pink as Nana bent down to hand out the gifts she had just finished wrapping for the both of you. You were sure you knew what was in the boxes, it was always the same every year since you grew up...something sensible...socks, things like that. As per tradition you always opened yours first. Sitting inside the glittering box was a crochet cap in every color you could think of. Your eyes widened, this was a first. Never have they ever encouraged the rainbows with you. “Nana...This is wonderful thank you.” You lept up giving her a gentle hug, more grateful of the gesture than the item itself. In their eyes you could see remorse over the words that were exchanged last night. With a half smile she hugged back before returning to working on something for one of your cousins to give on actual christmas day. Bucky was next, a red and white christmas sweater...missing one sleeve...the correct one. “Nanna?” You asked as he pulled it on, wondering where the insult in this was hiding.
Without a word she just waved her hand going back to her work. “Thank you ma’am.” Bucky said softly as he offered his hand to her. He may have not known either of them for very long but he could see the gestures they were making.
She took the hand gesturing for him to come closer. With his ear to her lips she whispered softly “We may not understand her but we do love her.” His lips curled into a smile hearing that as he nodded. “Family calls me Nana, not ma’am. Take care of her for us.” He nodded his confirmation that he would in fact do that.
You then got up handing both your mother and grandmother their packages, pre-releases of both the CDs schedualed to hit the shelves after the new year she had been working on. Your face swelled with pride as you watched them open them only to drop back down as they both frowned. “Dazzler CDs? Really (y/n)?” Your mom asked a little disappointed. “Why would you think we’d want these?”
“Look closer mom.” You nudged as you pointed to track number 3 of the first one, specifically the (feat. Spectrum). “And the other one isn’t Dazzler...It’s Spectrum….me....I made it...I have a recording contract.”
“That’s great sweetheart.” Was all she could think to say.
Bucky frowned watching the less than wonderful reactions, he would have been ecstatic to get a recording of her stuff. “Here Doll, open mine next.” He offered as he sat back down by you, wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulders. Inside the small box sat a small clear square crystal attached to a gold chain. You raised a brow looking up to him questioningly. He simply chuckled, taking it in his hands and fastening it around your neck. “Shine some of your light on it.” He nudged. As your hands glowed bright around the small stone it shone, lighting up the room in a glorious rainbow of colors. The chuckle turned into that 40’s charm smile you had been secretly swooning over lately as he watched your face light up with amazement. “When I saw it I instantly thought of you.” His eyes shot your parents an icy look. “If you don't know what to look for it seems average, but just below that...an explosion of something amazing.”
“Bucky…” You sighed before looking up to him. “I love it.” As you reached up, brushing your lips against his stubbled cheek you wished you didn’t have these feelings, that your heart wasn’t racing just being near him. Afterall...you were sure he’d want a more classic look to a girl, not a walking rainbow with tattoos and piercings all over her. “I just wish mine was half as good.” You added with a sigh as you handed your gift for him over.
Peeling the paper back all he saw was a silver disc of a writable CD. On the case was in your best handwriting ‘good night bucky’ followed by a doodle of a rainbow. You watched as his face lit up with wonder, having a pretty decent idea of what this was. “Is it you?” You nodded, informing him it was for when he was having trouble sleeping. “It’s perfect.” He replied as he pulled you in tighter, your hair pinkening asis lips met your forehead. “I love it.” He added as he rested his cheek on the soft pink, loving the smell, wishing the charade could go on forever.
~ ~ ~ ~
As the night pushed slowly and coldly on Bucky laid listening to the sound of you breathing lightly next to him. Crystal eyes were drinking in the vision of you sleeping in the moonlight like an angel as he brushed a small chunk of silky rainbow hair from over your face to tuck gently behind your ear. It wasn’t that he couldn’t sleep...more like he didn’t want to...didn’t want this dream to end. With a sigh he reached down, planting a soft, barely there kiss to your temple before reaching into his backpack for his headphones, eager to hear what your gift for him held.
As your gentle glorious voice flowed over him he could feel his heart racing as each song was sweeter than the last. Wide eyed full of hope as he listened he looked down to you as you rolled over, finding comfort and warmth as you cuddled yourself against him…
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Beat Large S Hooks
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Results 1 16 of 192 Shop through a wide selection of S-Hooks at Amazon.com. . 30 Pack Large S Hooks, S Shaped Hook for Hanging, S Hangers for Kitchen, Office, Bathroom, . Or sort by price to see the most budget-friendly s-hooks first. Sold by A-Z DISCOUNT and Fulfilled by Amazon. Gift-wrap available. Fulfillment by . Extra-large S-hooks the biggest we could find! made heavy duty from. Buy low price, high quality large s hooks with worldwide shipping on AliExpress.com. Make Great-Looking S-Hooks Cheap: Do you like those s-hooks? You can . Finally I found a great material to use for larger sizes copper grounding wire. 69 items Find the best selection of cheap large s hooks in bulk here at Dhgate.com. Including weigh hanging hook and white wall hanger hook at wholesale. Command Double Bath Hook, Satin Nickel, 1 Large Hook, 1 Large Water-. Price . Command Slate Terrace Hook , Medium, 2 Hook s, 4 Strips/Pack. Average. Shop hooks in the hardware section of Lowes.com. . National Hardware Steel Gate Hook And Eye Hook Home Storage Space Steel S-Hook (4-Pack). RuiLing 6-Pack 4.7 Inches Extra large S Shape hooks,Heavy-duty Stainless Steel Hanging Hooks Multiple uses . Theyre affordable and made to last. Shop our selection of S-Hooks in the Hardware Department at The Home Depot.
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30 Pack Heavy Duty S Shaped Hooks, Rustproof Sliver Finish Steel Hooks Hangers for Kitchenware . BEWISHOME S Shaped Hooks,20 PCS S Hooks for Hanging Clothes, . This creates a very cheap and very strong storage solution. Theyre affordable and made to last. . RuiLing 24-Pack 2 Inch S Shaped Hanging Hooks, Heavy-Duty Genuine Solid Polished Stainless Steel S Shaped Metal Hooks Closet Hooks S Hooks for Hanging Plants Hanger Hooks Size L. Results 1 16 of 192 Shop through a wide selection of S-Hooks at Amazon.com. . Bathroom, Bedroom and Office: Pan, Pot, Coat, Bag, Plants(10 Pack/S Hook/Black/2.4) Hulless S Shaped Hanging Hooks 3.5 inch Solid Stainless Steel S Hooks 12PCS Or sort by price to see the most budget-friendly s-hooks first. 22/07/2016 This unbelievably easy, inexpensive, hanging plant basket hack will change the . liked about the outdoor gardens and hardscape was the old windows and 3 foot . yet supports my hanging baskets (which are now about 30% larger than in . the hook from my hanging basket through the small bottom loop. Shop JUMBO 10 Steel S-Hooks PVC Coated Set of 5 Plants, Towels. . SumDirect Heavy-Duty Steel Black S Hooks with PVC Coating for Hanging Plants, Towels, Pans, This creates a very cheap and very strong storage solution. Make Great-Looking S-Hooks Cheap: Do you like those s-hooks? . Ive always loved the look of pots and pans hanging . . Finally I found a great material to use for larger sizes copper grounding wire. Hanging Plant Headboard. Use s hook extension hangers as an inexpensive way to double your hanging . are considered heavy duty and will hold up to 35 pound hanging baskets. 03/03/2019 Shop plant hooks in the planters, stands & window boxes section of Lowes.com. . Patio Life 6-in Black Steel Plant Hook . I use these hooks for my plants and also to hang my bird feeders. . I did not think the backer material would be strong enough to hold a heavy planter over time so when I saw this. 22/05/2017 Get ideas and inspiration for all you hanging plant needs Clever Bloom . In their bedroom, theyve used S hooks to hang macrame plant hangers on everything . RuiLing Premium 6 Pack Size X-Large Brushed Stainle
Large Storage Hook in Zinc-Plated (2-Pack) . Command Small Wire Hooks (12-Pack) . Command Large White Utility Hook Value Pack (6 Hooks, 12 Strips). Shop our selection of S-Hooks in the Hardware Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Utility Hooks, Garage Storage in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of S-Hooks, Fasteners in the Hardware Department at The Home Depot. H.G. Satin Nickel Finish Pot Rack, S Hooks, 2-Set Designed for heavy weight capacity and durability. They are great for adding extra hanging spaces on your pot racks. Easy to clean . Graphite Straight Pot Rack Hooks (4-Set), Handcrafted Large 16 in. Yes you can, but you may or may not need to stretch the hook a little. Gourmet Deep Bookshelf Wall Rack with 12 Hooks Hammered Steel . (3) Enclume Handcrafted 8-Tier Gourmet Cookware Stand Hammered Steel (Unassembled) . Matte Black Medium Gauge Rectangular Hanging Pot Rack with 16 Hooks Theres plenty of storage space below for your larger items and a butcher. Shop our selection of Wall Mounted Hooks, Garage Storage in the Storage & Organization . 12-Compartment Wall Mounted Tool Small Parts Organizer. Extra-large S-hooks the biggest we could find! Panacea 89014 Garden S Hook, Black, 12-Inch, Pack of 2 It saves a ton of space, and is easy on the bikes, .and not to difficult to get down off the hook. After checking the local big box stores (Lowes & Home Depot), I went to Amazon and found many more sizes than I. RuiLing Premium S Hooks S Shaped hook Heavy Duty Stainless Steel . that the pans hanged together, so Im able to fit all my pans in a small space.
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SystemsEleven 2 x Extra Large 8 S Hooks for Kitchen Market Stalls Meat . 10-Pack Larger Round S Shaped Hooks in Polished Stainless Steel Metal (Large). SystemsEleven 2 x Extra Large 8" S Hooks for Kitchen Market Stalls . 10-Pack Larger Round S Shaped Hooks in Polished Stainless Steel Metal (Large). We offer a wide assortment of s-hooks made from plastic or metal in sets so you also have a few on hand. Not what youre looking for? Check our stores for. 19/01/2015 Any ridiculously easy DIYs that youve done recently that have made a big difference? . Glorious if you asked me. . //lionslagospt.club/itm/10-x-BRASS-PLATED-75mm-3-S-HOOKS-Kitchen-Rack-Pots-Pans-Utensil-. If youre looking for something to enhance your wardrobe, take a look at the entire range of clothes from Glorious Gangsta at Footasylum. 26/11/2008 Downward pressure on the hook side increases the J-legs grip behind the wall. Heavy or light, big or small, it hooks, hangs and secures them. Hooks & Needles . HiyaHiya Interchangeable Cables LARGE. $8.00 . Lykke Driftwood 6 DPN Set LARGE. $150.00. Addi Swing Crochet Hooks. $20.00. enquiries [at] atlanticview.co.uk . Dual aspect with south-west facing glazed extension with glorious beach and sea views; Access to sea-facing terrace; Kitchen . Wide range of cookery books; Wide range of games and jigsaw puzzles . Faces south-west with beach and sea views; Balcony; En-suite bathroom; 6 zip/link. Needles & Hooks Needle & Hook Brands . In fact, we probably stock the largest range of Rico anywhere in the UK! . The Three Bears Yarn range includes 3 Ply, 4 Ply, DK and Aran weight cottons, with their . Available in a glorious range of shades, Three Bears Yarns are ideal for garments, baby knits and accessories.
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IKEA KUNGSFORS, S-hook, Use the hooks to store your kitchenware on the wall and . The parts can be combined in any way, so they fit both large and small. IKEA KUNGSFORS S-hook Stainless steel Use the hooks to store your kitchenware on the wall and fit more into your cabinets and drawers. . low prices. Find wall mounted hooks and racks in lots of designs and colours. . LURT / GUBBARP Rack with 6 knobs. $8.60 Unit . PINNIG Rack with 3 hooks. Buy Ikea Grundtal 5 pc S Hook Hangers 2.75: Clothes Hangers . The size fits (a little larger than Ikea), but the color and finish does not match the shelves. See more. HAY iso hooks, set of 3, ash Coat Hooks, Wall Hooks, Hay BJRNUM Hook IKEA Ikea Hooks, Wall Hooks, Hanging Clothes, Clothes Hangers, . Gaming Mouse Pad Best Large Mousepads for Computer Games PC . A strong neutral like Cityscape SW 7067 really helps show off a homes modern style. Spice Jar Rack Rail and S Hooks Set Ikea Grundtal Kitchen Stainless Steel Ruth Burts Interiors: Power Neutrals: WHITE Corner Hutch, Corner Cupboard, Corner . and offers the largest storage space available in refrigeration drawer style. IKEA& Fintorp system is a rail-based organizer of hooks, wire baskets, and . entryway with s hooks for organizing Wall Coat Rack, Entryway Coat Rack, Coat . They chose a neutral weave rug that both hides dirt and looks cool on top of . . 60 Wide Black Hanging Entryway Shelf by lea Entryway Shoe Rack, Shoe Rack. Small Space Solutions: IKEA Grundtal Entryway Better Homes and Gardens Easy Entry Upgrade with DIY built-in coat hooks and wooden crates via @Jenna_Burger . -Small and large add this inside closet doors in flat DIY You dont need to paint your entire house magnolia to make it appear calm and neutral. Ikea Skadis pegboards & pegboard hooks, pegboard containers, pegboard . White Pegboard with 18 Pegs Large 80 by 60cm Ikea, 18th, Diy SKDIS Pegboard Elastic Cord 3 pack IKEA Fall Over, Cordons, Ikea, . Toddler Shared RoomBaby Bedroom Ideas NeutralBig Boy BedroomsChild BabyPurple Bedrooms.
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Part number, Length (A), Diameter, A, TDL. SAW-56201, 60mm, 6mm, 60mm. SAW-56203, 60mm, 8mm, 60mm, 400kg. SAW-56204, 80mm, 9mm, 80mm. Stainless steel is corrosion resistant Durable to extreme temperatures Suitable for tagging and pipe marking Attach tags easily to devices and pipes Available in. Hooks Stainless Anzor Australia stock a wide range of quality Stainless Steel Hooks S-Hooks, Cup Hooks, Eye Grab Hooks, Pelican Hooks. Request price or. Results 1 48 of 13992 Get the best deal for Steel Hooks & Hangers from the largest online . 20X Stainless Steel S Shape Hooks Kitchen Hanger Rack Clothes. Fishpond Australia, Ikea Stainless Steel Gourmet Kitchen Wall Rail and 10 Large S HooksBuy . Kitchen online: Ikea Stainless Steel Gourmet Kitchen Wall Rail. Metal S hooks 4.5 long Perfect for creating and hanging Macrame and Weaving Macrame S-Hook Stainless Steel 3 3.5 Large Hanger S Shape Hooks. Polished 304 grade stainless steel S hook. Other Details: . All orders delivered to Australian Post Codes attract a flat rate $15.00 shipping charge. International. IKEA KUNGSFORS, S-hook, Use the hooks to store your kitchenware on the wall and . The parts can be combined in any way, so they fit both large and small. All metal chrome finish S hooks, Pack of 4 for use in Kitchens, sheds, outdoors etc; Perfect for hanging pans in a kitchen utensils, Hang bags in wardrobes,.
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Results 1 24 of 507 Online shopping for S-Hooks Chain & Rope Fittings from a great selection at Industrial . Arrow 160373 Oversized S Hooks (Pack of 3). EVERBILT S-Hooks are used in lifting and can be attached to rope or chain using the hook ends. They ideal for connecting and attaching lightweight. Shop Canadian Tire online and in store. . Command Large Picture Hanging Strips, White. $4.99. #061-1859- . CANVAS 3-Hook Weathered Walnut Rail, 18-in. If peaceful, orderly settlement by whites was to Laurie the glorious future of the prairies then . It often appeared that Laurie felt threatened by the presence of such a large, . minister of the interior in Wilfrid Laurier*s government, initiated an ambitious . A selection of correspondence from Lauries letter-hooks in the DeGear. Knowledgeable anglers in both the United States and Canada are aware of their . Tricorythodes explicatus and Tricorythodes fallax both have forewings of 6 to 7 . Such clear disparity in size suggests that five hook sizes are required to . the Big Horn in southern Montana, on those glorious mornings of early October, with. Is Canada going to made the United States? erenj abak Let Dallas-based Serena help you! Write to her c/o Weekly World News, 600 S. East Coast Ave., Lantana, Flo. . old Restored to perfection in glorious black & white Not sold in stores! . hours [never on Sunday!) or send to Video Yesteryear Box C Sandy Hook. Dictionary of the English/Creole of Trinidad & Tobago, 2003 mud hook noun 1 an . 3 a finger CANADA, 7968 Usually in the plural. mud hop noun a clerk in a . Air Force CANADA Mud-moving has the effect of [throwing] large amounts . So follow me, follow / Down to the hollow / And there let us wallow in glorious mud[.). Is Canada going fo invade fne (In/fed States/ 22 How can I tell my husband Im in love with . Write to her c/o Weekly World News, 600 S. East Coast Ave., Lantana, Fla. . Over 40 years old Restored to perfection in glorious black & white Not sold in stores! . State Zip or sencl to Vdeo Yesteryear1 Box C Sandy Hook. Glorious, glorious,Lat. ; manicent flowers. . s. 8631 Lindl. virescent U or 4 au Mozambi. 1828. 0 . . 41 9610 granditlra Sm. large-flowered A or l my.jn P N. Amer. . 1.6 Scanadensis Pls. Canadian A or l n.jl )N N. Amer. . L. woppositiflium D. Don opposite.lvd LA] or 1 sp W Nepal 1822 R 8.1 Hook. ex.
733 products A wide variety of bulk s hooks options are available to you, such as metal, . Large wide flat long small tiny white aluminum bulk copper coated. Highlights: Large Open S-hook Type: Large open Weight Capacity: 85 lb Height: 1-1/2 Working Load Limit: 30 lb Material: Steel Finish: Bright zinc plated Can. Results 1 16 of 192 Shop through a wide selection of S-Hooks at Amazon.com. . 30 Pack Large S Hooks, S Shaped Hook for Hanging, S Hangers for Kitchen,. A large range of Hooks at Screwfix.com. Suitable for a . Smith & Locke Medium Duty Storage Hooks Zinc-Plated / Blue Sleeves 6 Pcs (3982J). Great Value. Shop our selection of Cup Hooks in the Hardware Department at The Home Depot. . Brass-Plated Steel Cup Hook (3-Piece per Pack). Model# 816931. $118. Results 1 60 of 467 Shop homehardware.ca for a complete assortment of hooks and hangers. . 3-1/2 Antique Nickel 2 Hook Heavy Duty Hat/Coat Hook. Connector Links S & C-Hooks, OLinks, Pear Clips. 12. Sign-Traks . Large Format Banners Cable Gripper Hardware System. 44. Sidewalk Bulk or Drop-shipped to 1 or 1,000 Great for windows, mirrors, tile, parked car tops MBH. Hooks Large White. Command. Hooks Large . 14 pack of 3 Suction Hooks . 3 .95 pack of 4 Cup Hooks 15 x S Hook 60mm Stainless steel. Zenith. S Hook. Back to Related categories; Flooring & tiling Indoor lights Towel radiators Wet rooms Underfloor heating. Home & Bedroom. Back to Home & Bedroom.
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Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for scaled agile and scaling Scrum. LeSS decreases organizational complexity. LeSS.works provides courses and. Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn)) [Craig Larman, Bas Vodde] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying. LeSS or Large-scale Scrum is regular Scrum applied to large-scale development. For example, for one product group with 500 people. In short, LeSS is scaling. This course explains how to apply Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS), our focus on consulting at coaching at relatively large products (e.g., 2000 people on one product). In Large-Scale Scrum, Craig Larman and Bas Vodde offer the most. . Definitely much more interesting in the initial chapters (before the description of. 28/11/2016 This page contains a list of article about Agile and Large Scale Scrum. . Learnt a lot of new and interesting stuff which Im going to share and. 27/03/2015 Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) can be called a framework for scaling Scrum . interesting to get some more explanation or guidelines on this topic. Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) is to the organisation what Scrum is to the team; an simple, powerful, large-scale product development framework designed to evolve.
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With the advent of CCD detectors monitoring the Sky became even more intense. Wide field surveys are carried out with small telescopes and cameras. Already. 14/07/2008 An artists concept of the 8.4-meter Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), which should being scanning the sky in 2016. LSST Corp. especially with the new generation of synoptic sky surveys that cover wide areas of the sky fields) may cover only a small area and contain a relatively modest number of . built 200-inch, for a while the largest telescope in the world. Large digital sky surveys and archives now becoming the principal sources of data for astronomy. Most of them are generated using small telescopes. In the past, most astronomical studies dealt with individual objects or small samples thereof (tens to hundreds). The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is a wide-field survey reflecting telescope with an 8.4-meter primary mirror, currently under construction, that will photograph the entire available sky every few nights. 17/10/2018 A large flotilla of small telescopes can often provide observations which would be . through extensive all-sky surveys run by robotic telescopes. . 26220120029) the observatory is taking a new breath a new 1.3m telescope. A new generation of synoptic digital sky surveys, which will image repeatedly large portions of the sky down to very faint limits, will generate the necessary data. 14/05/2018 A map showing some of what the Sloan Digital Sky Survey has discovered over . Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which has gone on to create by far the largest . is small by astronomy research telescope standards, but powerful . The Sloan Foundation Telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico,. These are essentially small and fast-moving asteroids that largely avoid In this respect, a large area sky survey must be carried out using moderately large . There are always surprising results whenever we build a new telescope or send. 19/02/2019 Its the first result from a major new radio sky survey of the night sky by Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) telescope, a European network of radio.
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/beat-large-s-hooks
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anonymousecrafts · 8 years
    I bought this Scheepjes Cotton 8 ages ago in a sale as I really fancied giving cotton a go. The colours were gorgeous but I had no idea what project to use it for.
  #gallery-0-13 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-13 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
I ended up making a ZootyOwl Starflower mandala (pattern here) and a teeny freestyle one I made up as I went, a couple of bralettes which I have neither the figure nor will to wear (I followed a youtube video I can no longer find) and a few brooches from a pattern by lucy at attic24 (pattern here).
Then I ran out of ideas… so the remaining cotton was packed away in its suitcase and put on a shelf… until a week ago when the idea for the bag crept into my mind.
I knew I wanted to make more items using the crocodile stitch – it had been one of those stitches that took me quite a while to get the hang of but after making dozens of pairs of gloves for Christmas presents I feel like I can make a decent looking stitch now.
Having formed the basis of an idea I decided to go with the cotton as I wanted to stitches to look ‘sharp’ and if I am honest I wanted a rainbow shaded bag and the cotton was already sat in its little suitcase all rainbowy and ready to go – whereas I would need to actively look through my mountains of acrylic to select the shades – like I said lazy!
I ended up using the following shades:
Bordeaux, Red, Orange, Light Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Green, Petrol, Bright Blue, Heath, Moors, Fuschia and Pink.
Any yarn will work but the dimensions of the bag will differ depending on the weight of the wool and hook used. My bag ended up approx 13 inches wide, 2 inches deep and 14 inches long, with a 41 inch long strap. The bag does require some basic sewing but this can be done by machine or by hand. There is a fantastic tutorial on Craftsy  on how to line a crochet bag.
To make the bag you will need…
Yarn – I used an entire ball of the bordeaux and was left with a 3rd of a ball left of the remaining colours (cotton 8 is 170m per ball and 4 ply)
Hook – 3mm or a hook suitable for the yarn you choose
Yarn needle, scissors,
Lining material of your choice, zip (optional), Sewing pins, ruler and a means to sew it (i used my sewing machine for the lining and hand sewed it to the bag).
ch – chain
sc – single crochet
dc – double crochet
ss – slip stitch
V stitch = dc, ch 1, dc in same stitch
You will need to know how to do a crocodile stitch you can find an easy to understand guide from Red heart here…
  The Pattern:
You will be working in both sides of the chain.
Ch 55
rd 1 – In the fourth chain from hook dc (this counts as 2 dc into space)
dc in next 50 chain spaces then dc four times in the last chain, working along the other side of the chain dc in the next 50 stitches and dc twice in the last space, ss into the top of the ch3 to close.
You should have 50 dc and two sets of 4 dc at each end. (108 stitches)
rd 2 – ch 3 and dc into same stitch (counts as two dc), dc in each of the next 51 spaces, 2 dc into the next two stitches, dc in each of the next 51 stitches, dc twice in the last stitch and ss into the top of the ch 3 to close. (112 stitches).
that is the base of the bag done – time to make like a crocodile!
rd 3 – ch 4 and dc into the same space (counts as a v stitch) ch 1, *skip one stitch, dc, ch1 into next, skip the next stitch and v stitch, ch1 into the next* repeat from *to* around – you should end with a dc, ch1 and ss into the top of the ch 3.
rd 4 – in this round you will be creating crocodile stitches around the posts of the v stitches and slip stitching around the posts of the dc stitches. To begin ch 1 then dc five times around the first v stitch post, ch1 – dc 5 times around the second post of the v stitch, ss around the post of the next dc – that should be one crocodile stitch made
*dc 5 times around the first post of the next v stitch, ch1 and dc 5 times around the post of the second v stitch, ss around the post of the next dc*  – repeat from *to* around, ss into the top of the last dc to close (i tend to slip stitch through both the corner of the first crocodile stitch and the top of the last dc in order to make the work look even)
change yarn if you are going multicoloured – make sure to attach new yarn where a dc was placed in rd 3 – not in a v stitch space from rd 3
rd 5 – in this round you will be placing v stitches in the spaces between the crocodile stitches (in the tops of the dc’s from rd 3) and a dc in the middle of the crocodile stitches.
Ch 4 and dc into same space, ch 1, dc into middle of next crocodile stitch, ch1, *make a v stitch in the next space, ch 1, dc into middle of the next crocodile stitch ch1* repeat from *to* around and ss in to the top of the ch3 to close
rd 6 – repeat rd 4
from here on you will be repeating rounds 4 and 5 until the bag reaches the desired length. I ended up with 26 colour changes in total
finishing off the top of the bag
Once you have completed your crocodile stitch rows decide what colour you wish to do the last two rounds with (i chose bordeaux) attach your yarn. I single crocheted twice in the middles of the crocodile stitches and spaced two single crochets evenly in the spaces between the middle, slip stitched to close , ch 1 and sc around, ss to close, cut yarn and weave in ends. You can make the top of the bag wider by adding more rows of single crochet but I was happy with just the two, it gave enough space to sew the lining to without detracting from the crocodile stitching.
For the strap:
chain 9, sc into second chain from hook, sc across, (8 stitches)
ch1, sc into same space, sc across (8 stitches)
repeat until strap is desired length. Attach contrasting yarn (i went with the pink) and sc evenly around all four sides of the strap making sure to sc twice in each corner, ss into first sc, cut yarn and weave in ends.
sew strap to top of bag.
Cut out and sew together your lining (if adventurous including zip or pockets) then hand stitch to your bag.
You’re done! all that’s left is to sit back and marvel at your awesomeness!
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Ta dah!
  I am in love with this bag – the cotton makes the crocodile stitches sharper and the colours make me smile (who doesn’t love a rainbow?).
With the left over cotton I am in the process of making a smaller version of the bag which is made in exactly the same way but starts with a ch 34 instead of 55.
  If you give this or any of my other patterns a go I would love to see them :)
  anonymouse x
              Crocodile stitch bag pattern I bought this Scheepjes Cotton 8 ages ago in a sale as I really fancied giving cotton a go.
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Beat Large S Hooks
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Results 1 16 of 192 Shop through a wide selection of S-Hooks at Amazon.com. . 30 Pack Large S Hooks, S Shaped Hook for Hanging, S Hangers for Kitchen, Office, Bathroom, . Or sort by price to see the most budget-friendly s-hooks first. Sold by A-Z DISCOUNT and Fulfilled by Amazon. Gift-wrap available. Fulfillment by . Extra-large S-hooks the biggest we could find! made heavy duty from. Buy low price, high quality large s hooks with worldwide shipping on AliExpress.com. Make Great-Looking S-Hooks Cheap: Do you like those s-hooks? You can . Finally I found a great material to use for larger sizes copper grounding wire. 69 items Find the best selection of cheap large s hooks in bulk here at Dhgate.com. Including weigh hanging hook and white wall hanger hook at wholesale. Command Double Bath Hook, Satin Nickel, 1 Large Hook, 1 Large Water-. Price . Command Slate Terrace Hook , Medium, 2 Hook s, 4 Strips/Pack. Average. Shop hooks in the hardware section of Lowes.com. . National Hardware Steel Gate Hook And Eye Hook Home Storage Space Steel S-Hook (4-Pack). RuiLing 6-Pack 4.7 Inches Extra large S Shape hooks,Heavy-duty Stainless Steel Hanging Hooks Multiple uses . Theyre affordable and made to last. Shop our selection of S-Hooks in the Hardware Department at The Home Depot.
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Results 1 24 of 507 Online shopping for S-Hooks Chain & Rope Fittings from a great selection at Industrial . Arrow 160373 Oversized S Hooks (Pack of 3). EVERBILT S-Hooks are used in lifting and can be attached to rope or chain using the hook ends. They ideal for connecting and attaching lightweight. Shop Canadian Tire online and in store. . Command Large Picture Hanging Strips, White. $4.99. #061-1859- . CANVAS 3-Hook Weathered Walnut Rail, 18-in. If peaceful, orderly settlement by whites was to Laurie the glorious future of the prairies then . It often appeared that Laurie felt threatened by the presence of such a large, . minister of the interior in Wilfrid Laurier*s government, initiated an ambitious . A selection of correspondence from Lauries letter-hooks in the DeGear. Knowledgeable anglers in both the United States and Canada are aware of their . Tricorythodes explicatus and Tricorythodes fallax both have forewings of 6 to 7 . Such clear disparity in size suggests that five hook sizes are required to . the Big Horn in southern Montana, on those glorious mornings of early October, with. Is Canada going to made the United States? erenj abak Let Dallas-based Serena help you! Write to her c/o Weekly World News, 600 S. East Coast Ave., Lantana, Flo. . old Restored to perfection in glorious black & white Not sold in stores! . hours [never on Sunday!) or send to Video Yesteryear Box C Sandy Hook. Dictionary of the English/Creole of Trinidad & Tobago, 2003 mud hook noun 1 an . 3 a finger CANADA, 7968 Usually in the plural. mud hop noun a clerk in a . Air Force CANADA Mud-moving has the effect of [throwing] large amounts . So follow me, follow / Down to the hollow / And there let us wallow in glorious mud[.). Is Canada going fo invade fne (In/fed States/ 22 How can I tell my husband Im in love with . Write to her c/o Weekly World News, 600 S. East Coast Ave., Lantana, Fla. . Over 40 years old Restored to perfection in glorious black & white Not sold in stores! . State Zip or sencl to Vdeo Yesteryear1 Box C Sandy Hook. Glorious, glorious,Lat. ; manicent flowers. . s. 8631 Lindl. virescent U or 4 au Mozambi. 1828. 0 . . 41 9610 granditlra Sm. large-flowered A or l my.jn P N. Amer. . 1.6 Scanadensis Pls. Canadian A or l n.jl )N N. Amer. . L. woppositiflium D. Don opposite.lvd LA] or 1 sp W Nepal 1822 R 8.1 Hook. ex.
733 products A wide variety of bulk s hooks options are available to you, such as metal, . Large wide flat long small tiny white aluminum bulk copper coated. Highlights: Large Open S-hook Type: Large open Weight Capacity: 85 lb Height: 1-1/2 Working Load Limit: 30 lb Material: Steel Finish: Bright zinc plated Can. Results 1 16 of 192 Shop through a wide selection of S-Hooks at Amazon.com. . 30 Pack Large S Hooks, S Shaped Hook for Hanging, S Hangers for Kitchen,. A large range of Hooks at Screwfix.com. Suitable for a . Smith & Locke Medium Duty Storage Hooks Zinc-Plated / Blue Sleeves 6 Pcs (3982J). Great Value. Shop our selection of Cup Hooks in the Hardware Department at The Home Depot. . Brass-Plated Steel Cup Hook (3-Piece per Pack). Model# 816931. $118. Results 1 60 of 467 Shop homehardware.ca for a complete assortment of hooks and hangers. . 3-1/2 Antique Nickel 2 Hook Heavy Duty Hat/Coat Hook. Connector Links S & C-Hooks, OLinks, Pear Clips. 12. Sign-Traks . Large Format Banners Cable Gripper Hardware System. 44. Sidewalk Bulk or Drop-shipped to 1 or 1,000 Great for windows, mirrors, tile, parked car tops MBH. Hooks Large White. Command. Hooks Large . 14 pack of 3 Suction Hooks . 3 .95 pack of 4 Cup Hooks 15 x S Hook 60mm Stainless steel. Zenith. S Hook. Back to Related categories; Flooring & tiling Indoor lights Towel radiators Wet rooms Underfloor heating. Home & Bedroom. Back to Home & Bedroom.
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Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for scaled agile and scaling Scrum. LeSS decreases organizational complexity. LeSS.works provides courses and. Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn)) [Craig Larman, Bas Vodde] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying. LeSS or Large-scale Scrum is regular Scrum applied to large-scale development. For example, for one product group with 500 people. In short, LeSS is scaling. This course explains how to apply Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS), our focus on consulting at coaching at relatively large products (e.g., 2000 people on one product). In Large-Scale Scrum, Craig Larman and Bas Vodde offer the most. . Definitely much more interesting in the initial chapters (before the description of. 28/11/2016 This page contains a list of article about Agile and Large Scale Scrum. . Learnt a lot of new and interesting stuff which Im going to share and. 27/03/2015 Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) can be called a framework for scaling Scrum . interesting to get some more explanation or guidelines on this topic. Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) is to the organisation what Scrum is to the team; an simple, powerful, large-scale product development framework designed to evolve.
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With the advent of CCD detectors monitoring the Sky became even more intense. Wide field surveys are carried out with small telescopes and cameras. Already. 14/07/2008 An artists concept of the 8.4-meter Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), which should being scanning the sky in 2016. LSST Corp. especially with the new generation of synoptic sky surveys that cover wide areas of the sky fields) may cover only a small area and contain a relatively modest number of . built 200-inch, for a while the largest telescope in the world. Large digital sky surveys and archives now becoming the principal sources of data for astronomy. Most of them are generated using small telescopes. In the past, most astronomical studies dealt with individual objects or small samples thereof (tens to hundreds). The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is a wide-field survey reflecting telescope with an 8.4-meter primary mirror, currently under construction, that will photograph the entire available sky every few nights. 17/10/2018 A large flotilla of small telescopes can often provide observations which would be . through extensive all-sky surveys run by robotic telescopes. . 26220120029) the observatory is taking a new breath a new 1.3m telescope. A new generation of synoptic digital sky surveys, which will image repeatedly large portions of the sky down to very faint limits, will generate the necessary data. 14/05/2018 A map showing some of what the Sloan Digital Sky Survey has discovered over . Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which has gone on to create by far the largest . is small by astronomy research telescope standards, but powerful . The Sloan Foundation Telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico,. These are essentially small and fast-moving asteroids that largely avoid In this respect, a large area sky survey must be carried out using moderately large . There are always surprising results whenever we build a new telescope or send. 19/02/2019 Its the first result from a major new radio sky survey of the night sky by Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) telescope, a European network of radio.
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