#getting to see andy as rick again really had a girl emotional
stillcominback · 7 months
really underestimated how much i missed rick grimes let me tell you
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 months
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#2: The Dreamgirl (1.01)
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As Rick lies on the ground bleeding out from chopping off his own hand, he goes to the one place and the one person who makes him most feel alive, just like he did when bleeding out on that bridge. All these years later, he still turns to Michonne as his safe haven in trying times. 🥲
It's been clear for years that Michonne was Rick’s dream girl, but I absolutely adore the way TOWL just confirmed it even more with these great Richonne dream sequences...
I love that, after a crazy heartbreaking first few minutes of TOWL, we then get to see Richonne interacting with each other right away through Rick's calming dream. I really was not expecting that we’d be seeing Rick and Michonne on screen together in episode 1, so it was such a pleasant surprise that they found a way to have them together through the dreams. 🙌🏽  
I remember seeing Michonne show up on the bench and just feeling instantly emotional and elated that they were really back. 🥹 After all the years and patience waiting to see them back on our screen the time had finally come to see Richonne on TV together again. And one thing Andy and Danai said we’re going to remind y’all of immediately is that Rick and Michonne have impeccable captivating chemistry in any world. Oh, there’s so much to say about these dreams and I'm going to try to say it all. 😋
So Rick fades out after cutting off his hand to get back to her and then he starts to recall an array of flashing memories. The clips include the burning crops of his childhood home which will have added significance by the end of the ep, windmills, a chopper, a prison cell, a home, and then he sees Michonne’s eyes (which I like to think is a suggestion that her eyes are one of his favorite features).
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Then the memories cut to the stairs of Rick's family home during the night of the fire from his youth and then the bridge burning as he screams Michonnes name and recalls when she screamed his that devastating day on the bridge. And my heart was shattered yet again to learn that this implies Rick did in fact hear Michonne scream his name that day. 🥺 The torment of that is immense for many reasons.
One of Rick's favorite things in life was making Michonne happy and their relationship was one of joy yet the note they ended on was tragic with Rick hearing Michonne screaming his name in agony as he’s then taken from her for years. It means Rick doesn’t just know Michonne’s in pain by the loss of him he straight up heard a glimpse of that pain and isn’t able to alleviate it by letting her know he’s alive and still completely in love with her out here. That tragic bridge moment is the last memory he has of her. Pain. 💔
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And I’m curious about the part when Rick yells Michonne's name. I saw someone say the sound bite is taken from a TWD scene but I’m more curious about the reason behind the use of it here in TOWL. At first, I thought it was implying that he too yelled out for Michonne while he was on the bridge, suggesting her name was in fact the last thing he said before thinking he was going to die. But in these memory flashes, Rick says her name before Michonne calls his name so it’s not so much a response to her.
So then I thought they were implying that his psyche was screaming out for her because he needs her, and that's why he hears her call out to him from the awful bridge memory. Not sure, but either way I liked hearing both of them passionately call out to each other. You can fully hear the way they love each other and the way losing each other is a unique kind of horrible for them both.
Like not even being dramatic, Rick and Michonne calling out for each other like that feels like what their souls have been doing every day they’ve been apart. 
So then, almost in his subconscious' own act of resilience, Rick aims to overwrite that tragic real memory of the bridge exploding, Michonne hurting, and being separated from his true love, by immediately going to a happy place. To combat the real memory it’s like his mind has to quickly run to a place where they're at peace. Where Michonne's just enjoying her lunch at the park and he’s just a regular guy, falling for her at first sight.
Rick knows the truth is they’re both not okay right now and to offer himself some solace his mind has to go to a place where they are okay. Better yet, his mind has to go to a place where they fall in love all over again, as falling in love with Michonne is clearly a very cherished achievement and a memorable part of Rick’s journey. I love that he loves that they fell in love. 🥹
At the start of the dream, Rick stands lost and frustrated in the park, and then we hear Michonne say “Excuse me?”
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gif cred: @kris-lulu
Rick turns around and y’all for a millisecond I thought they were implying Rick Grimes was dreaming about Danai Gurira herself lol. Like nawt TOWL breaking the fourth wall. 🤭
But being serious, I was overjoyed to see my lovely Michonne back on screen and with Rick. She looked stunning in her purple outfit. The wardrobe department was on point for TOWL throughout.
Also, let me just say when it comes to Danai - every color reaches its fullest potential on her. Like the day she wears the color is the best that color has ever looked. And she was glowing in the purple. 👏🏽👑💜
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gif cred: @kris-lulu
I also love how she and Rick are both wearing similar colors to what they wore the day their paths first crossed in TWD 3.06. And while it tickles me a bit that they’re implying Rick's subconscious could conjure up Michonne in cute waist-length box braids and this stylish purple fit imma just chalk it up to Rick’s psyche having some great taste and culture. 😋 Rick’s dreams are correct in knowing Michonne would be a fashion it-girl in the world before. 👌🏽
I adore that when Rick turns around and sees Michonne on the bench he falls for her instantly. Like you see him be fully taken aback and smitten by this beautiful woman he’s just laid eyes on. The way he’s blinking and at a loss for words saying “I mean…” The cutest. 😊It makes sense that he’d be captivated by just taking one look at her.
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gif cred: @kris-lulu
And y’all my interpretation of these dreams is that they are almost like a stage play metaphorically depicting elements of Richonne’s real-life journey. Like in TWD, Michonne entered Rick’s life when he was extremely lost and while love grew more in season 4 he was very quickly captivated by her in season 3. He also needs her help right away in both the dream and in their TWD journey.
In the dream, Rick struggles to find words since Cupid plunged that arrow smack dab into his heart the moment he laid eyes on her so Michonne sorta cutely teases him asking “You mean something else?” 
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gif cred: @richardgrimes
Rick, who is just super adorable in these dreams btw, finally finds words and gives her the whole scoop nervously saying “I’m not from around here. I’m lost and I’m late for work. Do you know, uh, cartography?”
Ok, first of all, the cutest again lol. It’s hilarious that rather than just ask if Michonne knows directions to where he needs to go he asks if she knows the whole science of drawing maps. 🤓
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gif cred: @kris-lulu
And Michonne thinks it’s cute too as she laughs and says “I don’t. I just know where things are.”
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gif cred: @lousolversons
Rick stoops down to show her the map and points to the place he's looking for, saying, “That's where I need to be, but I don’t know where I am.”
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Michonne takes a look at the map and quickly has the answer as she warmly smiles and points saying “That way. Past the big blue building.” She knows the way and she’s leading him to where he needs to be just like real life. And the way she smiles at him here is so sweet and encouraging.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Rick takes in her words, even quietly repeating them to himself, while still seeming a bit nervous and lost.
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gif cred: @richardgrimes
Then Michonne looks right up at him as she says “You’ll get there. I believe in you.” She, just like the real Michonne can sense Rick’s inner feelings of anxiety, and she, just like the real Michonne, offers such a beautiful comfort to him.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
I feel these dreams make it clear Rick loves her smile and warm aura. And he especially loves her belief in him.
Like I adore the way this shows that Rick knows and values how much Michonne believed in him in their life together. She was always such an affirming and supportive presence in his life and it’s so meaningful to see him find solace in that aspect of their dynamic within his dreams. His wife’s belief in him always makes him feel like he can do anything no matter how lost.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Dream Rick takes her words to heart as he gives Michonne this sincere smile, genuinely appreciating the belief. And once again, signature to Rick irl, he has a quiet moment of just staring at her, taking her in with love in his eyes.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
And then he gently asks “Do you mind if I just…?” wanting to pause everything else going on and just sit by her side which I love and is true to Rick’s character. Work and the whole damn world can always wait when he’s with her.
Michonne smiles and says “I don’t mind” as Rick takes a seat next to her and all gentlemanly says “I don’t mean to interrupt your lunch. You work around here?” Look at him trying to make small talk just to get more time with her. 😊
And Michonne looks right at him, liking what she’s seeing, as she calmly says “I do” and Rick asks “You like it?” This moment reminds me of that sociable season 5 scene when Rick wanted to get to know Michonne more personally, asking about how she got so good with her sword and if she misses it, and Michonne opened up about what she really misses which is people they love. 
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In the dream, Michonne is also honest answering Rick’s question as she thinks for a moment and says “It’s not where I want to be.” Then she so tenderly asks Rick “Are you where you wanna be?” And the Richonne tones...ahhh 😍. I just can’t get over how sweet this all is. I love these dreams so much and am smiling from ear to ear as I write and rewatch.
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Rick's dreams are the only moment of tenderness he experiences since being taken and it's heartwarming how he knows that even if just in his mind he can always turn to Michonne for comfort and care.
Upon hearing Michonne's question, Rick, looking at her like he has found the greatest gold in all the land, smiles and warmly says “Yeah.” with no hesitation. Because he’s with her - so in this moment he’s exactly where he wants to be. 😭
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
First- I love them so much it hurts. His delivery was perfect. Hearing their tender Richonne tones for the first time in 6 years made me emotional.
And I love that they don’t cut away from the moment right away as Rick stares right at her basically wanting Michonne to know that his “yeah” is completely about her. She’s where he wants to be. She’s home. The second he laid eyes on her on that bench, work was no longer the destination. It was her. I repeat Rick and Michonne are everything to each other (and to me 🙋🏽‍♀️).
And then Michonne smiles and looks away, smitten by Rick yet again as she so often was irl. I love how the quietness of this moment made room for the loudness of their chemistry.
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gif cred: @jdmorganz
I also really like the metaphor of it all so I just had to break down the ways I feel this dream metaphorically depicts Richonne's TWD love story.
Paralleling Richonne's TWD journey, Rick is lost, frustrated, in all new territory, and unsure where to turn in the dream just like he was when Michonne met him as an overwhelmed new single dad going through it at the prison.
Then in both the dream and the start of Richonne's TWD journey, Rick is instantly taken aback by the presence of this captivating woman in purple who makes him a little nervous and he tries to pass it off as stranger nervousness when deep down something else is stirring his nervousness. And that something is that intrinsic sense that he’s met his match.
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And then Rick is immediately in need of direction and Michonne is the one with the answers on how to get where he needs to be. Rick needing Michonne's direction played out in a literal sense and in a larger figurative sense in TWD. One of the first things Rick had to rely on Michonne for was directions to Woodbury to save Glenn and Maggie.
And while Michonne may not have the answers to everything, like cartography, she does prove time and time again to have the exact answers Rick needs like knowing how to get him to his kidnapped friends or how to get to his job in the dream.
And as Rick and Michonne's relationship progresses she continues to guide him with him ready and willing to follow her lead.
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Michonne also quickly can see Rick and the emotions he holds under the surface. And knowing he’s still anxious and unsure she offers him a genuinely motivating dose of encouragement. “You’ll get there. I believe in you.” feels similar to her encouraging affirmations like "You can find a way. We can find a way" in TWD 5.16. And both in their reality and the dream, her belief means the world to Rick.
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In Rick's TOWL dream, Michonne is confident and charming and even a little teasy because Rick's mind knows her so well, and he often finds himself staring and mind being consumed by her, trying to not so subtly play off how much he adores her, similar to their dynamic in season 4.
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And then in both the TOWL dream and their real-life journey, Rick's destination changes. Michonne's the destination now.
She becomes where Rick needs and wants to be and so instead of heading to the job where he’s already late, he sits awhile with her, eagerly wanting to get to know her more. And she lets him get closer, and further share her space, which elates him.
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And finally, in both the dreams and their real-life journey Rick asks Michonne questions about herself and cares if she’s happy where she is. She’s honest enough that she’s not yet where she wants to be, aware she’s missing something in life (missing him). And as he's swiftly fallen in love with her he feels with every fiber of his being that he has found where he wants to be (with her.) 
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I also am of the mindset that the 'work' he thinks he has to get to in the dream represents the CRM rather than home. Which I’ll elaborate more when breaking down dream #2 & #3. But I especially think this because in these dreams both he and Michonne have places they have to be but it’s not home cuz home is with each other.
And when Rick sees her on this park bench he’s more than fine with not heading straight to work/'following the call of the CRM' because he’s found what he’s looking for when she shows up. Just like irl, he’s found his safe place. His home. His Michonne. 🤍
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So then this beautiful moment is quickly ended as we cut to Rick in bed alone, waking from that precious dream of just a normal quiet, and peaceful day falling in love with his wife all over again.
It’s such a painful cut to see Rick go from being immersed in the warmth of his wife to being alone in a dreary room after the trauma of chopping his hand off. 
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
He wakes slowly, almost regretting that he’s had to wake up at all and return to reality. But I also like how the way he wakes up feels like he’s very used to these types of Richonne dreams. It seems it's his favorite part of life the last few years - going to bed and finding Michonne in his dreams to enjoy simple moments of bliss. He’s in love like they never left, y'all. And I love to see it.
So then, after waking from his dream we next get to see that Rick didn’t just hold onto Michonne through dreams but also through some very heartfelt letters and images. 🥲👌🏽
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captainchrisbaby · 4 years
Love The Way You Lie
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Andy Barber x Reader
This is my entry for this weeks challenge!! 
Week 3 already and we have had so many amazing stories become apart of our challenges so as always... Thank you so much!
Summary: Andy’s demons haunt him and continue to challenge your relationship. Will your love outweigh your battles or will you fall apart?
Warning: Swearing, abuse, violence and tiny amount of smut!
You get home from a long day of work, pulling into the driveway to your apartment block you let out a sigh as you wait for automatic gate to slide open. You have been regretting this day all week and you know when you get inside Andy is going to be a mess.
It’s been 2 years today since his wife drove herself and their son Jacob off the road intentionally, the pain of loosing them both changed him forever and even though you love him with all your heart… your relationship the past year has never really been healthy. Your fear of what he would do if you left confides you to your relationship but his demons haunt both of you as it drives his anger and frustration.
You park your car and stare down at your keys a little longer trying to avoid the inevitability of facing him tonight. After a few minutes you take a deep breath and muster the courage to go inside. You flick through your keys searching for the right fit for the apartment door as you approach the top of the stairs. The sound of loud music fills your ears and you know it’s Andy’s attempt to drowned out his horrible memories that creep in from time to time.
You enter the apartment and the smell of alcohol fills your nostrils, you let your eyes scan the room for Andy and when they reach the lounge the stop on his limp body asleep on the ground against it. With a sigh you stroll over and remove the bourbon bottle from his loose grip and settle it on the ground a safe distance from where he could knock it. You grab his phone and pause the music and can’t help but stare at him as he sleeps. His overgrown beard and messy hair is somehow still so attractive and despite his drunk and vulnerable state he is so incredibly gorgeous. You lift your hand and rest it on his cheek letting your thumb tickle through his rough facial hair. “Oh Andy.” You whisper, pity flooding your tone.
His eyes flicker open and he lifts his head to lock eyes with you. He flashes you a small weak smile before flopping his head back down closing his eyes. “I’m going to the pub to grab some dinner.” You pull your hand gently from his face to grip his hand tightly. “I can bring you something home if you’d like.” You whisper. He doesn’t respond, instead he slowly shakes his head and lifts his shoulders as he takes a huge sleepy breath.
“Thank’s Kate!” You smile to the bartender when she takes your empty plate and replaces it with a beer. You look to your left and there is a man gawking at you with a side glance and a cheeky smirk. He seems somewhat attractive but your mind is with Andy and his suffering so you flash a nervous smile back then continue your drink.
After a few minutes the man rises from his seat and heads towards the bathroom. You don’t turn your head but you see him exit in the corner of your eye so you let your shoulders relax their tension and the nervousness subsides. You reach for your phone in your pocket and see a text from Andy, the poor typing showing the extent of his alcohol consumption.
Hey whdre r yiu ? -Andy
Hey, I told you I was just heading to the pub for something to eat. I can still bring you something home if you’d like? -Y/N
You lay the phone on the bench in front of you waiting for a reply when someones hand touches your shoulder causing you to flinch. You whip your head around to see the man from earlier smirking at you.
“Hi, can I help you?” You quiz confused.
“Hi, I just saw you sitting here all alone and was wondering what business a pretty girl like yourself would have at a pub like this?” He confidently pitches.
“I just felt like a beer with my dinner.” I respond blankly.
“How about a game of pool?” He winks, you glance at the pool table in the corner of the room and think back to your apartment. Playing pool would kill the time…
You smile politely and rise from your chair gliding over to the pool table and choosing your queue. He follows swiftly and doesn’t try to hide his wondering eyes but you ignore it and give yourself a chance to have fun and avoid Andy’s usual drunk temper. “My name is Rick by the way.” He whispers closely into your ear as he slips past you to grab the triangle. “Y/N.” You mutter with an ingenuine smile.
You both joke and laugh as you hit the balls sinking them one after the other, it has been years since you last played but you seemed to be a natural as you held the lead. You are both onto the last ball, the eight ball. You flick your queue into the white ball sending it slamming into the eight ball but it just misses the pocket causing you to yelp “No!” And giving a frustrated laugh. Rick takes his turn and sends the winning ball straight to the back pocket and sinking it loudly. You moan in defeat and he prowls over to you. He pushes his body against you and you smile knowing he hasn’t got a chance in the world with you. “What do I get for winning?” He murmurs into your ear. You glare your eyes at him but before you get a chance to respond you are distracted by the sound  of heavy footsteps stomping towards you.
The loud thud of Andy’s fist connecting with Rick’s face causes you to flinch dramatically and your eyes widen in shock as your bring your hands up to stop your mouth from screaming. “Andy!” You gasped but he ignored your fearful voice and swung his fist again connecting it with Rick’s cheek for the second time. Rick manages to gather his feet and begins fighting back. “Stop!” You yell as the two men wrestle. Rick lunges forward forcing Andy onto his back and pinning his body down underneath him, he lifts his hands and begins slamming his fists into Andy’s face over and over.
You dive towards him and with all your strength you latch onto Rick’s arm forcing him to stop. When he lifts his bruised and bloody face to see the desperation in your eyes he rolls off and pulls himself to his feet. He watches Andy roll to his side and curl up in pain and spits his bloody saliva down next to him. Your hands shake as you lift him to his feet and drag him out to the car, as you near closer to where you parked he gathers his strength and pushes off you to walk on his own. You take the opportunity to dry your tear stricken face with your sleeve then reach into your pocket for your keys. Andy waits at the passenger door while you fumble trying to fit the key in the slot but your hands tremble too much. He lets out a frustrated huff then limps around to snatch the keys from your hand causing you to flinch and step aside. You stare at the ground as he unlocks the door then slips the keys into the ignition gesturing for you to get in. You slide past him careful not to touch him then wait in the car for him to enter.
The drive home was silent and you spent most of it trying to focus on the road instead of the fear building as you near the apartment. As you climb the stairs to the door your anger builds. He gave you his word he would stop drinking so many times but you always knew they were just empty promises. You look down at your keys and instead of attempting to shakily search for the right fit you turn to Andy and slam the whole set against his chest for him to find. His eyes scowl with anger and you watch as his expression turns cold. He reaches up gripping your shoulders and slams you back against the wall.
“Are you seriously f**king mad at me? You sneak out for a date at the local f**king pub and you have the audacity to get mad at me!” He yells pulling your shoulders forward then slamming you back against the wall again. He lets go and grips your arm so tightly you wince from the pressure. He flicks through the keys with one hand then unlocks the door throwing you past him and onto the apartment floor. You flinch again when the door slams and he lifts you up to stand in front of him.
“I told you I was going out to get some food, I offered you some and you shook your head. That guy asked me to play pool and I said yes to one game!” You growled back pulling yourself from his grip and standing strong as you defend yourself.
“I didn’t want to come home to your drunk ass once again so you could lose your temper and take it out on me! I have had enough!” You cry, your words are backed with so much anger and emotion. You both stand there breathing rapidly and a lump in your throat forms as you wait for his next move. After the silence continues you find the courage to say the words. “I’m leaving.” Your voice cracked with barely a whisper.
“What did you say?” He glares.
“I said… I’m leaving.” You straighten your shoulders in pride. His face deepens with more anger but you don’t wait for him to respond. You slip past him and head for the bedroom door.
“No you are not!” He growls darting after you, his footsteps cause you to quicken your pace significantly and right before you enter the room a sharp pain shoots through your head as he grabs a fist full of your hair pulling you backwards, you reach up and dig your nails into his wrist causing him to release his grip then you turn slamming both of your hands hard into his chest. You sprint into the bedroom and slam the door behind you desperately fumbling for the lock as he twists the door nob frantically. Your breath is rapid as you feel the adrenalin taking over and you stumble backwards onto the bed never moving your eyes from the door. You slide backwards and bring your knees to your chest holding them their tightly with your arms and letting out a quiet sob.
Twenty minutes go by and you are still frozen on the bed in shock. The rustling of the door nob didn’t last long but the fear of him getting in still lingered. You wondered if he had left or fallen asleep as the apartment had fallen silent for some time but you hadn’t built up the courage to check.
Your stomach sinks when the silence is finally broken. “Baby.” A sad broken voice mutters on the other side of the door. “Baby I am so sorry, please let me in.” You quietly gasp and tighten your arms. “I’m such an idiot, this is all my fault.” The tears that sting your eyes begin to fall again. “I saw you with that guy and I lost control, I just don’t know what I would do if I lost you… If you didn’t want me anymore.” He cried as his back pressed against the other side of the door. Just pack your stuff and leave, you thought but your heart ached for him. You slowly slide your legs off the bed and pulled yourself to your feet, as you approached the handle you hesitated. “I love you so much Y/N, I’m trying so hard to be better for you.” With those words you lean forward and unlock the door.
The sound of Andy stumbling to his feet sends butterflies through your stomach and when he opens the door revealing his damp red eyes and f**ked up hair you reach your arms out letting him fall into them, wrapping his strong muscles around your whole body. How could someone who scares you so much make you feel so safe? He lifts his head from your shoulder and gazes down into your eyes. “I promise I’ll be better.” You clench your jaw as you swallow his lie, his past haunts him too much and you wonder if he will ever be ok. It would be so much easier for you to leave than to spend your life trying to fix him but his love is to intoxicating and the small snippets of his patient, selfless and reliable personality show you his potential.
His breath warms the skin on your forehead and the hair above his lip tickles you as he presses his lips gently against you. He tilted his head to rest against you before slowly bringing his lips down to linger inches from yours. Your breathing pitches as the closer he gets the more desperation overwhelms you. His lip slightly curls as he feels your body adjust to his, he knows you crave him but he teases you a little longer. He slides his hand down your torso, over your hips and to the front of your pants. You hiss when he cups you tightly in his palm forcing you to finally give in to his torment. You slam your lips against his and let him lift you to carry you to the bed.
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shimmershae · 7 years
Why the ever loving fuck--sorry, excuse my language but this is beyond ridiculous at this point and I'm mad as hell--do they continue to exclude Carol from Team Family moments no matter how simple or small?
Yeah, her scenes with Morgan and Ezekiel and Henry are nice because Melissa McBride is a fucking rock star goddess of an actress, but damn. Would it physically kill TIIC to write a five word conversation between her and Rick or Michonne? A simple acknowledgement: "I'm so sorry about Carl." She's lost children, too, and that moment wouldn't have needed much more than that because those three would have ripped our hearts out with just the emotions in their eyes. Does everything she actually gets to do on this show now have to be connected to The Kingdom and Morgan? Again. I don't have a problem with them. Not really. Khary is sparkly and charismatic and you know. If TIIC had given me scenes of Carol with her family in addition to establishing this kinship and friendship of sorts with the King, I might actually be over the moon because hell. Ezekiel is likable enough. I enjoy him but not at the expense of my girl being surgically excised from the fabric of Team Family's everyday lives and storylines. Whenever that happens--and it's happening more and more--I start to resent them. Seriously. Jerry's had more scenes with Team Family this season and I love me some Jerry, but come the fuck on. Don't even get me started on TIIC shoehorning Morgan in with Carol and giving him very little interaction with Rick who, shit. Only his first connection on the show and you know. My shifting feelings for Rick over the years aside, I feel cheated that he wasn't interwoven with Morgan's story along with Carol if they were so damn determined to go this route. I mean. Andy, Mel, and Lennie? Whoa. It's criminal how they've cut off their own nose to spite their face when really they could have had it all and this show would still be steaming along like gangbusters. All those scenes with Carol (and Daryl) bonding with all these outsiders don't mean shit to me if you're going to sweep their other, already established relationships under the rug and apparently try to make us forget them. It actually puts me in mind of those seasons of The X-Files without Mulder but with Doggett and Reyes. I liked them. I really did. And the show wasn't horrible but it wasn't the show that I loved. It didn't have those connections that just felt right, you know? I like Ezekiel (most of the time and Khary more than him actually) and Jerry and Nabila. And I can't see Henry's face without thinking of Sophia and I feel like that actually brings something special to Mel's interactions with the kid. Melissa could sell me on anything because my fave is that good just like Gillian was/is that good. But why does she even have to when that's not the heart of the show? Why does she even have to when so many of us want to see Team Family actually, I don't know, be a family anymore? But what do I even know? I'm just somebody that used to love this show. Somebody that would have loved seeing Carol take part in that scene with (almost) all of our kickass ladies when they took care of business with Georgie. Who, by the way, I had to chuckle at for reasons even as I groaned at the realization that we have yet another new character on our screens and we can't even pay the longstanding ones we already have their proper due. But that's just me. Anyway. Rant over. Although it was a welcome distraction from the actual nightmare that RL has been for me lately so there is that.
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cake-by-thepound · 7 years
My WSC Weekend: Saturday
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I’m splitting this into two posts since it’s long, and it’s basically just me fangirling over Andy and Danai. Here’s Sunday.
So the first thing I did when I walked in was go to Danai’s line. (She was supposed to be there at 9:00 but when I got there at 11:00, she wasn’t there, so I feel like we were on the same wavelength and I appreciate that she waited for me to get there.) And her line was packed, but thanks to Gold, I only had to wait maybe 20-30 minutes to get to her. So as soon as I got to her, we said hello and she took a look at what she was signing, which prompted our conversation about the Say Yes episode. She mentioned how much she loves fan art, and asked me the name of the artist and as I mentioned, she studied the picture. She was explaining to her handler all the different things that were going on. And so I pointed out Rick and Michonne in their wedding attire and she talked about how a lot of people thought that, etc. Essentially the same thing she ended up saying in the panel.
Then I told her how Eclipsed was amazing, and I asked if she would ever be interested in writing an episode of The Walking Dead. She said she could, but wouldn’t, because she’s too busy (and mentioned she’s working on something else for TV). She said the TWD writers were good and they don’t need her (high key, I wanted to be like, “Okay, but are you sure?”) But she’s more focused on writing stories for “us.” As in black women, of course, and I love that she knew that I knew exactly what she meant. 😩  So once she said that, I lost my mind and told her that I write Richonne fanfiction, and told her how she and Michonne had inspired so many black girls to write and I thanked her for that. I also told her about the BuzzFeed article on that very subject, and she said she was going to look it up. She also asked where to find my work and I was like, “Okay gotta go bye. 😄” But then @sassyprincecollectionmztaz57 was just behind me and did me the honor of complimenting my writing, and Danai joked that I wouldn’t tell her where to read it, so I told her she could find me in the BuzzFeed piece. She also told me several times, “Keep writing.” As you can imagine, I was just about dead after that, and I wanna cry just thinking about it.
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So a few hours later, I went back to her table to get an autograph for my husband and also @stronglikemusic because she had to leave. So first of all, I had an Eclipsed playbill I was getting signed for her. And Lupita is of course on the cover. Why did Danai’s handler tell me, “You know this isn’t Danai right?”
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Yes, I’m keenly aware of the difference between Lupita Nyong’o and Danai Gurira. How about you not talk to me if you don’t know that the woman next to you wrote this play. Wtf.
So anyway, we went on to talk about Eclipsed. She was so confused as to why I didn’t bring the playbill to her earlier, and I was just surprised and impressed that she remembers the people she sees throughout the day so well. But she asked whether I got to meet any of the actresses in the play and she asked whether @stronglikemusic did. Also, she hadn’t put my name on the autograph I got earlier in the day, so she added that and put ‘Keep doing your thang’. 😭
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So that was about it. I told her how nice it was to meet her, and she’d made my day, and she said it was good to meet me too, and once again promised that she was going to look up the BuzzFeed piece. So now I have to delete my Tumblr and disappear from the internet, because I feel like she actually will, lol.
Also, I met Khary super briefly when I went to get my picture taken and he called me “Queen” and I love him a lot. I wish I’d taken a few extra minutes to go meet Lennie, but I did at least get to see his panel with Khary and Cooper, and that was a lot of fun. I also went to the panel with Sonequa, Ross, Tom, Seth, and Sydney Park. It was really nice to see how much love Sonequa got — I honestly got a little emotional when she was talking a couple of times. (If you haven’t noticed, I’m basically rooting for everybody black, lmao.) But I’m just really proud of her for being part of these two huge entities. Between her and Danai, TWD really hit the jackpot in black girl magic. 
Speaking of which, it was so, so good to meet and hang out with some of my fellow Richonne family. I know some of you don’t have Tumblr, and I don’t even know if I got all of you guys’ screen names, but I so appreciate all of the kind words and conversations you shared with me. @sassyprincecollectionmztaz57, @stronglikemusic, @forevermichonne, @sweetdeesdiary, @neecee81, @nzhinga72, @birdnmouse, @kiaschronicles, @musiccitymel, and of course, the most wonderful @cranesinthe-sky. You made my weekend what it was. 🖤
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wionews · 7 years
From 'Dunkirk' to 'IT': The Top 9 Hollywood movies of 2017
  With Hollywood performing lower than what was expected, 2017 still had some movies which entertained us to the core. From intense War for the Planet of the Apes to terrifying IT, the outgoing year had something for everyone. While, there were many big budget films like The Mummy reboot, King Arthur, Ghost in the Shell and Life which bombed on the box office, small budget movies like Logan Lucky, Split and Baby Driver ruled the hearts of the audiences and critics too.
With that being said, here are nine Hollywood`s Top Movies of 2017 9) Logan Lucky:
One of the most unexpected hits of 2017, Logan Lucky proves why Hollywood should give more and more chances to independent filmmakers to get into the industry.Set in North Carolina, two brothers Jimmy Logan (Channing Tatum) and Clyde Logan (Adam Driver) attempt to pull off a heist during a NASCAR race.The Logan brothers aren`t doing too well, and after a Logan brother with a bad leg yells the code word `cauliflower` to another Logan brother with one arm, a brassy Logan sister is brought on board to hatch a highly complicated plan to rob money from right under a racetrack.The movie becomes super-crazy when Joe Bang (Daniel Criag) shows up.The characters in this film are worthy of spinoffs; they deserve to be thought about instead of merely being laughed at.High-octane fun that`s smartly assembled, Logan Lucky is a welcome end to Steven Soderbergh`s retirement -- and proves he hasn`t lost his ability to entertain.All the moving parts are truly moving and makes this flick a crazy yet emotional ride. 8) IT:
One of Stephen King`s most iconic adaptation which made its way to the big-screen in 2017, IT became a sensation in the minds of the people since the time of its inception.The Dark Tower, this year`s first adaptation of King`s iconic novels, bombed at the box-office which made the audiences worried for the horror classic. But, when you have a scary clown in the movie, what could go wrong? IT, the novel, is a brick of a book that at 1,300 pages long would be just as useful a murder weapon as it is a source of thrills.The story focuses Seven young outcasts in Derry, Maine, who are about to face their worst nightmare -- an ancient, shape-shifting evil that emerges from the sewer every 27 years to prey on the town`s children. Banding together over the course of one horrifying summer, the friends must overcome their own personal fears to battle the murderous, bloodthirsty clown known as Pennywise.Despite how truly frightening Pennywise is - every time he appears on screen, and it`s just the right amount of time, the audience watching the movie grew visibly uncomfortable.The movie, lives and dies with the Losers; their carefully fleshed out stories, the bullying they endure, and the firm friendship that helps them survive. Unlike most horror films, IT is a drama first and which to be honest is quite refreshing. It`s a terrific set-up to what is going to be a restlessly-anticipated Chapter 2.Watch the movie and YOU`LL FLOAT TOO! 7) Split:
After a string of flops in his kitty, Split became the most triumphant movie for director M Night Shyamalan. Triumphant in two ways - Firstly, the movie ended his search for a hit and secondly, the critics and audiences got to know that Shyamalan still has the `firepower` to make good movies.McAvoy plays Kevin, a victim of child abuse who has slipped into a deep state of dissociative identity disorder in which, as a coping mechanism, he has created 23 distinct personalities, some of which are more sinister than the others. And in the opening scene of the film, one of his particularly menacing avatars kidnaps three young girls and locks them up in an underground cellar.McAvoy`s performance here is nothing short of extraordinary. Though we don`t get to see each of the 23 personalities, but Shyamalan wisely chooses to develop only a handful of them.Shyamalan movies are known for its twist-in-the-end type of conclusions and no wonder he has given an incredible twist in this one too.Split may not be of everyone`s taste, but the story, craftsmanship, and excellent performances will haunt you for quite a while. As will some beastly bits. 6) Star Wars: The Last Jedi: 
The moment you hear Star Wars, goosebumps start to take place all over your body. The eighth installment in the epic sci-fi franchise, titled The Last Jedi, has taken the world by storm and is in no mood to stop. Directed by Rian Johnson, The Last Jedi is a rewarding experience for anyone who has stuck with this series through thick and thin.The Last Jedi picks up right where the Force Awakens (2015) left off. Luke Skywalker`s peaceful and solitary existence gets upended when he encounters Rey, a young woman who shows strong signs of the Force. Her desire to learn the ways of the Jedi forces Luke to make a decision that changes their lives forever. Meanwhile, Kylo Ren and General Hux lead the First Order in an all-out assault against Leia and the Resistance for supremacy of the galaxy.The movie probably does the best job of any Star Wars film of capturing the allure of the Dark Side and the spiritual turmoil that would lead to-and also result from-its embrace. Director Rian Johnson delivered the best, most spiritual Star Wars film since the Empire Strikes Back. It is one of the finest blockbusters of the year.So just breathe and see the movie. THE FORCE IS ALWAYS WITH YOU! 5) Blade Runner 2049: 
If there is one movie that should have got some love from the audience this year, then it is Denis Villeneuve`s sci-fi epic Blade Runner 2049. The movie is a lot like the original film, and depending on your stance on that sci-fi classic, this could either be the best news you could`ve hoped for, or the worst. The movie is a story of Officer K (Ryan Gosling), a new blade runner for the Los Angeles Police Department, unearths a long-buried secret that has the potential to plunge what`s left of society into chaos.His discovery leads him on a quest to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former blade runner who`s been missing for 30 years.This might be the best Harrison Ford movie in recent years; he keeps on getting better and better with each film. Meanwhile, Gosling cements his place as one of the great actors of this generation.Visually stunning and narratively satisfying, Blade Runner 2049 deepens and expands its predecessor`s story while standing as an impressive filmmaking achievement in its own right.The flick is bold, challenging cinema, an almost Biblical success; like Terence Malick`s The Tree of Life, Martin Scorsese`s Silence, and Nolan`s Interstellar, it positively demands multiple viewings. 4) War for the Planet of the Apes:
Apes have never been better and meaner. Matt Reeves` Planet of the Apes trilogy had it all. It all started with Emotions, Action and most importantly the tension of apes sharing a world with the humans and War for the Planet of the Apes` gives a befitting end the trilogy. War for the Planet of the Apes is the rare blockbuster that arrives once every year.In the movie, Caesar (Andy Serkis) and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with an army of humans led by a ruthless colonel (Woody Harrelson). After the apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own mythic quest to avenge his kind. As the journey finally brings them face to face, Caesar and the colonel are pitted against each other in an epic battle that will determine the fate of both of their species and the future of the planet.The flick is poetic blockbuster storytelling, the kind we don`t see enough of anymore. Director Matt Reeves continues to excel handling delicate subject material. Crafted by many immensely talented people, sculpted around a flawless central performance by Andy Serkis. And while no one is talking about it, but he surely deserves a nod for Academy Award for his performance.The film combines breathtaking special effects and a powerful, poignant narrative to conclude this rebooted trilogy on a powerful and truly blockbuster note.With this third movie, Reeves` Planet of the Apes just got a step ahead of Nolan`s The Dark Knight Trilogy, when it comes the Best of Trilogies in Hollywood. 3) Wonder Woman:
A movie that changed the landscape of superhero movies in 2017. Director Patty Jenkins gave the fans what they needed, a superheroine who does not use any gadgets or manipulation as a superpower, her biggest strength lies in her pure heart. Wonder Woman is like an old-school superhero movie, just like the Christopher Reeve` Superman.Patty Jenkins, who many thought was a `gamble` for the franchise, rises above the immense pressure piled on her. She delivers a film which proves that even in a genre as repetitive as this one, correct answers can still be found despite sticking to the formula, when you get each variable right. The stunt choreography is one of the finest you would have witnessed.While everyone got really angry when Gal Gadot was initially casted as the Princess of Themyscira, she exactly knew how to make them mum and she did exactly that. She delivered a performance which not just had good acting skills but also had a heart. Her acting, the brilliant action sequences and the innocence she shows when she first encounters the world of men, is what makes her performance so special.It is without a doubt, the best superhero movie of 2017. 2) Baby Driver: 
If you thought that `Fast and the Furious is the most stylish action movie you have ever seen, think again friends, Edgar Wright`s Baby Driver leaves F & F movies biting the dust.This Edgar Wright movie the best action movie since Mad Max: Fury Road and also, in a fun twist, the best musical since La La Land. The movie revolves around getaway driver Baby (Ansel Elgort) relies on the beat of his personal soundtrack to be the best in the game. After meeting the woman (Lily James) of his dreams, he sees a chance to ditch his shady lifestyle and make a clean break. Coerced into working for a crime boss (Kevin Spacey), Baby must face the music as a doomed heist threatens his life, love and freedom.With thrilling action scenes, interesting characters, a killer soundtrack and an exceptional editing that follows the beat of the music as if the music is a character itself, Baby Driver delivers a hell lot of style and substance.This is one ride you would not want to miss! 1) Dunkirk:
What do you need to make a perfect blockbuster? A real story, some likable characters, tense situations, war and a masked Tom Hardy. And who can combine all of them and make something epic for the viewers, none other than Christopher Nolan. Dunkirk, a film about men, created by men, is a force of nature - an elemental beast of a movie about finding the meaning of life surrounded by the meaninglessness of war.The story revolves around the evacuation of Allied soldiers from Belgium, the British Empire, and France, who were cut off and surrounded by the German army from the beaches and harbor of Dunkirk, France, between May 26- June 04, 1940, during Battle of France in World War II.Christopher Nolan, who is a master in taking the viewers on a ride that is both exhilarating and emotional too. The best thing he does with Dunkirk is that all the powerful moments in the movie are because of the story and the visuals that he presented on the screen and not from the characters. With that being said, all the characters in the movie have done a superb job in giving fans a picture how would anyone feel when you are stuck on a beach with no roof, with no place to hide and the enemies are bombarding you from air.Those air shots in WWII planes, which Nolan used in the movie, is nothing short of a miracle. The camera isn`t shaky and give us enthralling visuals.In short, this two-hour movie serves up an emotionally satisfying spectacle, delivered by a writer-director in full command of his craft and brought to life by a gifted ensemble cast that honours the fact-based story.
Honourable Mentions - Logan, Coco, Okja and Wonder.
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For those of you who missed it, The Mundane Teenage Life recently hit 200 Followers (still not over it, can’t stop grinning!) Last week I did a post thanking all you lovely readers for all the love and support and promised a Q and A! You can check out my previous post here. I honestly wasn’t sure if I’d get a lot of questions but I got so many great ones.
So here are the answers to your questions!
From Ally@AllyWritesThings (P.S. I said I’d highlight my favorite Questions – and here they are! I loved answering all of her questions so much)
If you could use ONE spell from the Harry Potter world, which would it be? I’d use the spell to Apparate! I’d go back home whenever I’d want to using Apparition ❤
If you could be a book character for a day, who would you be? Hermione Granger on Yule Ball day because –
I’d be amazing at casting spells
Date Krum
Look fantabulous at the Ball
Which book do you want to rewrite? Divergent by Veronica Roth. I felt like the story could’ve actually turned out great but somehow by the ending I really wished it was written differently.
If you could reread a book for the first time, which would it be? Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I was completely blown away by the twist and turns in the first book and it would be amazing to live through that all over again.
Which book/series do you think would make a good miniseries, BBC Sherlock style? I really don’t know. Most books turned shows don’t turn out too great. Maybe if I had to pick one I’d like to see the Martian by Andy Weir turned into a mini series.
From Hadeer@HadeerWrites
What five destinations would you travel to if you had an unlimited budget? Wait if its an unlimited budget can I select the Moon?! Nah I think I’ll stick to Earth
Paris – Because I really want a good croissant at the moment
Switzerland – Because I want to try skiing!
Hong Kong – Because I’m still a child at heart and want to see Disneyland
Las Vegas – Because what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas
Venice – For the canals ❤
From TheCursedBooks
What is your advice for new book bloggers? I guess my main advice would be only get into book blogging if you truly enjoy it! There’s not a lot of money to make (as far as I have seen) but you can make some great friends and learn so much if you’re ready to have fun with it.
From BludgersAndBroomsticks
If you could change your name, what would you change it into? Since my real name isn’t Vikki, I guess I’d love to change it to Vikki. Or maybe Vanessa.
Which fictional character would you choose during a zombie apocalypse?
To be or to have as a partner? I’d probably go with Cassie Sullivan in The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey because she clearly does well in post-apocalyptic situation.
Which planet would you like to rehabilitate on? Fictional – Gallifrey from Doctor Who Real – Saturn (because I’m fascinated by the rings)
From Twin Tales
Which books remind you of each season? Summer – To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han Autumn – Switched by Amanda Hocking Winter – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis Spring
If you could be born at any time, past, present or future, when would it be and why?While I do like the present, I think I’d like to be born in the future. This is purely because I’m selfish and there is so much that hasn’t been invented in the past and so many books that haven’t been written yet!
What book made you cry the most?
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I don’t really cry much when I read, I just die a little internally. But I read TFIOS pretty early on, before it became popular and I hadn’t read the synopsis so that book was a turmoil of emotions for me.
From Raven and Beez
What’s one superpower you’d want and why? Stealing a little bit from my answer to the first question, I’d like the ability to teleport! I really would love to be able to spend all my time with my family so I wish I could teleport back home every single day.
  From The Wild Man
If you could swap blogs with anyone, who would it be and why? I can’t think of anyone really. I mean there are so many blogs that I absolutely adore and would wish to learn from their creators but at the end of the day, I put so much work into mine that I’d never want to give it up to anyone else.
What is your favorite sweet or chocolate? Among chocolates, I really like Toblerone Bars and Hershey Kisses ❤ But really all chocolate, because chocolate is life!
If you could be any teacher in Harry Potter which one would it be and why? As for which teacher I’d like to be like McGonagall. But the subject I’d like to teach would be Defense Against the Dark Arts (when its not cursed that is).
And that’s all for today! Thank you so much to all of you for the questions, and for the rest, thanks a ton for following me! You guys are wonderful and I simply cannot thank you enough for all the love and support I’ve gotten through blogging!
Hope you have a great day! Until next time –
200 Followers Q and A For those of you who missed it, The Mundane Teenage Life recently hit 200 Followers (still not over it, can't stop grinning!) Last week I did a post thanking all you lovely readers for all the love and support and promised a Q and A!
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whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#27: The Timeout (1.04)
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Every now and again there comes a piece of media that you know is going to stay with you for a lifetime. For me, that’s TOWL Episode 4.
I’ve never been more excited and more overwhelmed to try and dive into all the scenes of an episode than "What We". It’s my favorite Richonne episode of all time so I have to revel like never before. Truly what Danai crafted with her writing and what Andy and Danai delivered in their performances is phenomenal and transcendent. I’ll cherish Episode 4 forever, from minute one to the final shot 🥹🤩💛...
Now that we've arrived at the illustrious episode 4, it's only right to kick it off with a happy dance😋...
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For some March 17th, 2024 is just a regular day but for Richonne stans...
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Because it's the day that the Richonne episode aired.
I remember how stoked I was when the time had finally arrived for episode 4. Leading up to it there had been high praise and acclaim for the episode with it even being deemed the climax and ‘for the richonners’ and one of the best of the TWD franchise. So I was already going in with big anticipation and "What We" knocked it out of the park in every way possible.
What Danai wrote is just 🔥🔥🔥 in all the ways and I'm very grateful for her and this thoughtful powerful episode she crafted. 👏🏽
There was a time when I had ep 4 memorized from the first line to the last cuz it was just excellent and moved me like no other. There is so much to say about this one episode and I'm gonna try my best to say it all because this is the kind of episode you rave about for years on end. And as someone who already revels in every detail of Richonne's story, this episode is the epitome of why I do what I do with this blog.
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The raw and visceral range of emotions captured in about one hour of television - it’s a triumphant feat and I’m obsessed. TOWL is already a dream come true but episode 4 is a dream within a dream and perfectly captures why Rick and Michonne are the greatest soulmates to grace a screen.
So let’s get into it. 🤗
The masterpiece of an episode kicks off with a bang as we’re brought back to the moment Rick and Michonne are in that rocking helicopter with Rick silently freaking out and Michonne looking right at him cool, calm, collected, and a little crazy. 😋
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
They intercut with the apartment that will become a very pivotal and important setting in Richonne’s journey. And I absolutely love the choice to have the episode mostly take place in a swanky high-rise apartment similar to where Michonne lived before the apocalypse. It’s like after years of being out in nature which is more Rick’s territory they now get to enter Michonne’s more city-girl territory. 
I also like the 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree' song they use for this scene. The lyrics are very much intentional and the song's meaning is also fitting as it’s “sung from the perspective of a man returning home after three years in prison and looking anxiously for an agreed-upon sign that the woman he loves would welcome his return.”
So right off the bat with this song and helicopter moment, I was like...
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The lyrics start by saying, “I’m coming home, I’ve done my time.” Which by the end of this episode, Rick will arrive at that same realization with Michonne’s help. Also, Michonne is determined to head home herself too after doing her time with the CRM. And considering Rick and Michonne are home to each other and they’re finally about to get some extended alone time it really is like they’re coming home to each other this ep.
Then the song says, “Now I’ve got to know what is and isn’t mine.” as we see the little Roomba that could. I love the way electricity and these items all help to tell the story.
Throughout this opener, we see Rick and Michonne both staring at each other in the helicopter, and again the way they can express so much without words is clear.
Rick is attempting to like idk sternly stare her down but Michonne is unfazed and you can tell her mind is made up that she will do anything to keep them from falling apart. She knows if they go back to base it’ll only be that much harder to convince Rick to leave, so she’s yanking him out of there before that happens.
(Side note: I know there’s often debate on whose crazier in general - Rick or Michonne. and I honestly think Rick. Even tho they’re very equal and match each other's crazy. It's just that Michonne is a bit more composed most of the time that’s why Rick edges her out to me. But when Michonne doesn’t want to be composed...oh she can beat everybody in the crazy department. And she took the Crazy-Off trophy home in this helicopter. 🏆👌🏽 Also when I thought about it - it would probably be hard for Michonne to yank a grown man out of his seat that swiftly and so I like to think Rick basically let her lol. Like he saw that helicopter door open and while he was yelling no he knew Michonne’s gonna do what she’s gonna do and so he’s gotta go with her.)
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gif cred: @chaoticroad
The lyrics then say, “If you received my letter telling you I’ll soon be free...” which is very fitting to the letters Rick used to write Michonne. And then we get that moment where Michonne grabs Rick and throws them out of the helicopter. Just iconic. 👏🏽 And Rick is genuinely shaken by Michonne doing this, understandably. You can hear it in the way he yells as they fall into the rushing water.
I like that when Michonne throws them out of the helicopter that’s when the lyrics say, “Then you’ll know just what to do if you still want me.” Fitting. And in this case 'just what to do' was to jump out of a helicopter together without a parachute or anything. Michonne is crazy and we love her for it. 😋
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And honestly, Rick loves her for it too even if he’s obviously rattled by it at first. She really looked at her man and said 'the CRM can’t have this one' and plucked Rick out of the sky...again.
Also, the fact that this implies they were able to hang onto each other and not at some point get separated either in the air or in the water. Magnets confirmed lol. 🧲😂
So then I like the way it’s filmed as Rick and Michonne’s hands are seen grabbing onto rocks and then without seeing them we get this sense of movement as they make their way into the apartment building.
They rush into the apartment both breathing heavy from the wildness that has just occured as the lyrics say, “It’s been three long years. Do you still want me?” Fitting again.
And then I love the clever use of the thermostat system (there's probably a more accurate word for what that temp controller thing is but I wasn't sure what, so I'm just gonna call it a 'thermostat' lol). It’s perfect that the first thing the thermostat says is, “Welcome home,” as it's in this place Richonne will finally return home to each other.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
As Rick and Michonne silently look around the lyrics say, “I’ll stay on the bus, forget about us, put the blame on me” which speaks to Rick’s current mindset of staying behind to help her get home and his willingness to be the 'bad guy' if it means keeping Michonne safe. 
And then y’all, I love this final moment of the teaser when Rick slowly looks at Michonne, upset but also very clearly reminded of who he’s dealing with after she chucked them off a helicopter. And then Michonne looks right back at him like she’d do it again too. 🤭
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
Once again they are very much communicating with eyes alone and after he talked cash crazy to her, you know in this episode it’s now going to be Michonne’s turn to do some talking. 👌🏽
And then the teaser ends with this great shot of Richonne facing each other with some distance between them in front of that scenic stormy window and I love the symmetry of it. 😍 For me, it illustrates how they may not be in sync yet but they're still in some way aligned.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
There really are so many great cinematic shots in TOWL and this is definitely one of them.
The way that teaser ended with them just silent staring at each other and the lightning - ooh I just knew we were about to eat good as Rick and Michonne get a whole episode to themselves in this building. 🙌🏽
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gif cred: @perryabbott
After the title sequence, Michonne and Rick are again staring each other down, and then Michonne says with certainty, “We needed a timeout.” I mean she’s not lying. 💁🏽‍♀️ It’s hilarious tho that that’s her first explanation for doing what she did. For her, those extreme measures were justified because of how badly they needed a timeout. And I agree with her entirely.
Also, I adore her saying 'we' and still operating like a package deal despite what Rick said about what they had being broken at the end of ep 3. She knows this relationship well and so she knows they just needed to get away from CRM territory to finally talk.
And after all that posturing Rick was trying to do last episode, I like how Michonne still heard the subtext in his words so she knew clearly 'Everything you’re saying and doing was just a sign that you and I need a breather away from all those other people.' Like I just love the wording of calling this a 'timeout' so much. (See, RJ’s not the only Rick Grimes who needs an occasional timeout. 😁)
Then Rick testily says, “I can’t believe you did that.” and Michonne is quick to retort, “I can’t believe you said that.”
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gif cred: @figmentof
I always love how to Michonne, his words and her actions were equally crazy, if not Rick's words being crazier. 😂 She’s like 'You nearly ended our relationship, I nearly ended our lives so...
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Then the thermostat, which really nicely needles a thread through the emotions of the story says, “Your preferred temperature will be reached in ten minutes.” That distracts them a bit as they look around and then Michonne walks away to take in the place some more.
And as she does this, Rick reaches for his PRB which I hadn’t noticed the first time I watched. I was like dang so had Rick not lost his PRB he might’ve called the CRM here before he and Michonne could even get some much-needed time to talk. Thank goodness he lost his. Reaching for it so quickly definitely demonstrates that the CRM has done a number on him.
Rick starts taking in the swanky apartment too with its electricity and running water and I love seeing the two of them in this new environment. He asks, “What the hell is this place?” And it’s clear this is way more of a familiar environment to Michonne than Rick.
Again, I thought this setting was such a great choice because it’s almost like they want to exacerbate Rick and Michonne’s differences even with the whole city girl/country boy thing to make you wonder if enough time has passed for their differences to now outweigh their similarities. But of course, the answer will be a resounding no and they’re still the compatible soulmates we know and love. 👌🏽😌
I love seeing Michonne admire the place and feel like she’s really at home. Like she’s not rattled at all from plunging into the water after leaping off a helicopter just moments before.
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And then I adore this next moment of Michonne going to the closet to change clothes for several reasons. There’s so many scenes that accomplish multiple things at once in this episode and this scene is layered in the best way. 👏🏽
Naturally, Michonne wants to get out of that soaked uniform but on a symbolic level it shows how she’s far more eager than Rick to shed the CRM off of her. It's like as she changes, she’s letting both herself and Rick know, Dana's gone.
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She's gonna be Michonne Grimes from here on out. 👌🏽😌
And then "somehow" Rick finds his way over to where he can watch Michonne changing. 😋
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And even though they’re supposed to be mad at each other, he of course can’t look away as he watches her. He’s not even trying to be subtle about it lol.
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As he watches Michonne from the legs up, I know good and well Rick knew at this moment that ain’t nothing feels 'broken' between her and him.
Also, I just know this whole moment was a lot to take in for Rick because so far since reuniting, he had only seen Michonne super covered up with ponchos, jackets, and soldier gear. Like he hadn’t even seen her signature tank tops and tight pants combo - but here, Michonne was like let’s just dive right into 🎵panty and a bra we can’t get involved, boy🎵 (yet lol 😉) 
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And honestly this whole ep I was like Michonne really knows the exact things to do to help Rick come to his senses. Because while yes there’s definitely the steamy checking-her-out element of the scene, I also always appreciate how changing in front of him like this is effective in establishing their closeness and comfortability.
Like Michonne is not gonna just strip down like this in front of anybody but in doing so here it’s setting the tone to communicate to Rick 'you’re still my husband, I still feel safe with you, and so I can comfortably be this bare.' 👌🏽
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And then, because each scene expertly communicates several things at once, this moment of Rick seeing his wife’s body for the first time in years then takes a somber turn when Michonne lifts up her shirt and Rick sees that X scar she got during that excessively brutal episode in season 9. 🥺
I thought it was such a smart move to include Rick seeing the X scar in this scene, and it gives Rick this reminder that Michonne has been through a lot he doesn’t know about while they’ve been apart.
Rick has been so convinced that Michonne won’t be safe if he goes home with her but this lets him know she still has had to face a dangerous world without him. She's been through so much. 😢
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Breathing really does tell quite the story throughout this episode. The way Rick takes a breath when he sees Michonne's X scar, you can tell that it sobers him up after longingly eyeing her down and he’s shaken by seeing she’s been hurt.
I feel for him because I think every scenario overwhelms him right now. It’s overwhelming to think about all Michonne has been put through in his absence & it’s overwhelming to think about all she could be put through if he doesn’t get her home. Like he’s feeling a lot. But never peeling his eyes off of her while he’s feeling all these things tho. Just saying lol. 
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And because Rick is staring straight at her, Michonne can likely feel his eyes all over her and so she gives this look back at him which I love. 😊 She knows what she’s doing. She knows what he’s thinking. And she knows because Mr. Everything We Had Is Broken has his eyes glued to her rn.
Rick Grimes really is the reason there are phrases like “eyes glued” because the way his eyes consistently get stuck on Michonne is really something.
Also - Michonne/Danai's beauty is truly divine. 👑
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When Rick makes eye contact with Michonne here he has another one of those shaken breathing moments as I think he’s brought back to the reminder that they’re still supposed to be in a fight. Cuz homeboy looked like he forgot for a sec. 😋
So he finally looks away and then Michonne looks away with a knowing expression as she resumes changing. 
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Rick walks over and sees Michonne’s PRB and in his state of stress, he’s convinced himself that this PRB is a solution to their problems and will be what best keeps Michonne safe. But as he looks at it, he then sees Michonne emerge in fresh new clothes. (Side note: it always makes me so happy to see Danai and Andy’s executive producer credits each ep and especially seeing Danai’s writing credit this episode 👏🏽🥹) 
Again without even needing words, Michonne immediately can tell what Rick is thinking as she looks from him to the PRB and then rolls her eyes, disappointed. She wants them to be done with the CRM so bad. And I completely get it. So she grabs the PRB and then she says, “You lose yours, huh?” Rick is silent and then Michonne slowly approaches him as she says, “I know what they do.”
And then y’all, I have about 85 favorite parts of this one episode but among those favorite parts is this part here when Michonne and Rick have this whole magnetic tension that’s mostly silent but speaks volumes. 🔥🔥
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Andy and Danai are truly the king and queen of layered acting because every single choice they make is never one-dimensional. There’s always so much communicated in each second, hence my need to dissect each second. And in this scene, they manage to express so much - tension, desire, fear, lust, love, anxiety, etc.
Michonne asks, “You want to call them here?” and even just the way she says it is perfectly delivered because it’s not taunting or even unempathetically challenging. It’s more like she’s asking knowing he knows full well that the PRB is not what he actually wants to be pressing up on right now. 😋
After she asks this, it’s such a great and hot moment of the two making eye contact and trying their damndest to resist each other. I know they had those magnets within them confused as to why they weren’t kissing like their life depended on it being this up close in each other's space. (Also, their height difference has always been so complementary 😊)
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I love the way this scene breathes as their chemistry and sexual tension just fill the atmosphere. The unique effect they have on each other is made abundantly clear and only Richonne can make a moment of just staring at each other this sexy. ❤️‍🔥 The tension of their fight was outmatched by the sexual tension between them.
Like the way she puts the PRB against his chest and raises her eyebrows. The way Rick stares into her eyes and I believe also at her lips and then down at the PRB, trying hard to maintain his whole “it’s over” energy from ep 3 but not doing it successfully. And then all Michonne has to do is tilt her head for Rick’s attention to be right back on her.
She doesn’t break away from looking at his face the whole time and when Rick looks at her again you can tell they both know loud and clear that he does not in fact want to call them here. He's got other things he wants to do. But there's so much fear and shame consuming him that it has him not thinking straight.
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Along with Rick's immense fear and anxiety communicated in this exchange, this is also where it is just so clear that Michonne has a hypnotic hold on this man. Cuz while Rick still thinks they need to go back, he also can’t bring himself to take the PRB when Michonne is basically handing it to him.
The way he’s staring at her and moving his head it looks like he's feeling every emotion there is and it’s also taking every cell in his body to resist her. He’s so focused on trying to resist that he seems to be rendered silent, at a loss for words. But no words are needed for both of them to know exactly what this whole moment is about. 👌🏽
And make no mistake, Michonne is also putting some effort into exhibiting restraint too because during this hot moment, there are a couple times when she’s looking at him like she wants to be all over him the second he stops acting up.
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What they both clearly want to do but are resisting right now, will be something they finally do in a later scene that actually parallels this one...but they’re not there yet. 
So in a rare moment, they go against their inner magnets and instead of leaning in, Michonne gives Rick this lingering eye contact and walks away as Rick watches her.
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As she walks away she pockets the PRB since, without even saying it aloud, they’ve established they don’t want to call the CRM here right now. And thank goodness they don’t because Richonne has a lot to talk about.
And the most pressing thing Rick and Michonne have to talk about next is their children. As in plural. 😊👌🏽
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