#gevaudan mha
mhabirthdays · 2 months
Happy Birthday
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Jurota Shishida (Gevaudan) – March 26th
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underratedmhapoll · 9 months
Match 20 - Mr. Smiley VS Jurota Shishida - Beast Hero: Gevaudan
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kyukicho · 2 years
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Jean-Jacques sat nervously at the other side of the desk. “Euh... I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for my quirk to destroy that intersection...”
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favficbirthdays · 3 years
Happy Birthday
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Jurota Shishida (26th March)
My Hero Academia
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cacophonylily · 3 years
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artandaskjurota · 5 years
Do you find it hard to control your quirk sometimes? Sorry if it sounded rude.
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It’s fine, I do not mind answering your question. It is understandable to have questions
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I have gone Beserk before and I don’t remember much about it but I know I caused a lot of problems for my family .........
and all I recall is that I was trying to over use my quirk during training
(Please reblog)
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glittermemories · 5 years
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Jurota Shishida. He seems like a cool guy. He also looks like he’s done with everyone’s crap(probably because of Monoma).  (the original is not mine, seems to be found here: https://urfavisasexual.tumblr.com/ )  If the original is your’s and you wish for me to take it down I will. That goes for all of my edits, always has and always will.
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ruiyuki · 3 years
How much of Vanitas no Carte manga will Studio Bones adapt?
Vanitas no Carte will be a 2-cour anime so I think hope they'll get to the Gevaudan Arc in the second cour.
Given that each chapter is ~45 pages, it seems like Bones is adapting about 2-3 chapters per episode, depending on pacing (they sped through Memoire 4, 5, and part of 6 with Episode 3.. also discounting Episode 1 for Memoire 1 which was about 90 pages). So if each cour is 12/13 episodes, it looks like we'll be getting the Ball Masque (the rest of Memoire 6 to 13) and the Catacombes (Memoire 14 to 19) in this airing season. They'll probably end with the vanijeanne date (Memoire 20-21) and then pick up the Gevaudan arc (Memoire 22-43) for the second cour... if Bones stays true to the manga's arcs and pacing, of course. Looking at you MHA
Unless there's airing or production delays, the second cour for an anime tends to air after skipping an airing season, so we'll probably get cour 2 in Winter 2022 starting January (no announcement yet, this is guesstimation based on other split cour animes)....
Unfortunately, I have a feeling this anime will be getting the Noragami treatment from Bones... That got two 12/13-episode seasons which was basically a cour 1 and 2 + an OVA, adapted pretty accurately to the manga that was still ongoing in monthly serialisation, but stopped just before the story got really in-depth (just before where all the angst hit). There hasn't been any word on green lighting a season 3 for Noragami after years and I feel like Vanitas no Carte will be the same since it's also an ongoing monthly serialisation. The end of the Gevaudan arc is also a pretty good place to stop if they cut out Mikhail's brief appearance in Memoire 21...
Of course, this is all conjecture. Hopefully the reception of this anime will be enough to get us to a second full season (maybe a year or two from now to let the manga get ahead). If not that, then prayer circle we get a Pandora Hearts remake in its entirety 😭🙏
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marzopups · 3 years
Man, Joint Training Arc is SO much better animated, isn't it?
I was predicting that Joint Training would be better in the anime and it did not disappoint. I'd be curious after this to see how anime only fans rate MHA arcs versus how people who read the manga rate them, actually.
It's really unsurprising it's so much more enjoyable, honestly. Horikoshi's weakness art-wise has always been confusing fight choreography, so an arc that focuses around strategic fights between classmates with fairly low emotional stakes was predictably weak (other than the big emotional moments, like Todoroki's Flashfire). Seeing it animated by a studio that can give those fights clarity is such a massive improvement.
I also just have a personal soft spot for werewolves, so really seeing Shishida was a treasure. Still makes me so happy that he calls himself Gevaudan.
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megashadowdragon · 6 years
on references to  greek mythology and buddhism in boku no hero academia along with other mythological references
all for one he has a hades motif  Much like him, no one dares to speak his name, so they only refer to him as euphemisms, (in this case, "All For One" and "Sensei"), he is heavily associated with death, with Midoriya saying that being near him is like being near death and after arrested, he is now staying in a place called Tartarus.
Gigantomachia  a reference To the Giants of greek Mythology. Similar to them he is a gigantic humanoid being and his name is the name given to the battle between the Giants and the Olympian gods
hawks  to icarus
Icarus was a guy who grew cocky despite his father's warnings and flew too high, resulting in his wings burning and him falling to his death. Hawks has wings, seems rather arrogant/brash, and ascended incredibly quickly in the hero rankings.
Hawks is now working with Endeavor who could easily represent the sun, and there's reason to suspect Dabi, another fire user, will be involved in this arc.
There's also that panel of him flying up with a bright light shining behind him, which others have already noted looks like a Icarus reference.
hawk is connected to Icarus. A young, arrogant and talented Teen Genius with large wings. This is lightly alluded to in a shot of him spreading his wings close to a light source,being that Icarus is better known for flying to close to the sun.
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He also mentions that his flight is compromised the more feathers he uses, similar to how Icarus died when his when lost too many feathers and he plummeted to his death. Becomes less subtle when he sends his feathers to a grievously injured Endeavor while the latter is fighting High-End, giving him literally flaming wings.
. plus the whole line about hawks going too fast reminds me of icarus going too high  hawks rose to great heights to quickly
hawks also mentions that his flight is compromised the more feathers he uses, similar to how Icarus died when his when lost too many feathers and he plummeted to his death.
lbwings . tumblr . com/post/176325008443/why-this-is-bad
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I was worried since Hawks was introduced and pulled his stunt of flying up by the lights; a total Icarus move. The only confirmation I needed on him being screwed is if his wings were RED.
This is bad because I am an old enough US comic book reader to know of a character named Joshua Guthrie codename Icarus. (Marvel) Who lookie lookie- Had big red wings-
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Lets just say that things did not go well for Mr.Guthrie. He lost his wings (cut off), his healing ability, was used by a ‘nice talking’ enemy and getting his friends/team slaughtered. All before getting killed himself.
I know how much our lovely BNHA creator loves US comics so I was worried when I remembered Mr.Guthrie.
gabrielashy . tumblr . com/post/176312262468/todoroki-touya-as-a-reference-to-greek-mythology
todoroki touya as a reference to greek mythology
so the most recent leaks for the kanji for touya are 燈矢 - light and arrow.
dabi-todobroki . tumblr . com/post/181189168456/dabi-and-touya-names
Dabi is written as 荼毘 (だび) which, when plugged into a translator, means cremation. This is the unofficial name of his quirk. However, when separating the kanji’s we get something else. 荼毘 translates to a weed, help, and assist while  だび translates to the name David from religious stories. Completely separate, the kanji’s translate as follows: 荼 (a weed), 毘 (help, assist **this also brings up various religious terms**), だ (means to be or is, but it connects with the terms worthless, male, and safe), and び which literally means beautiful, but has connections to illness.
 Touya’s name is written as 轟 (とどろき) 燈 (とう) 矢 (や). 轟 (Todoroki) is referencing power, roaring, and fame.  燈 (Tou) is defined popularly as light, but also as eternal flame, and a weed called a sun spunge. 矢  (ya) means arrow    Both make several references to weeds and gods/goddesses.  “
 considering horikoshis use of greek mythology in bnha this could be a reference to apollo, god of light, whose main weapon is, you guessed it, the bow and arrow.
apollo, also the god of the sun, drives the sun chariot across the sky everyday - therefore connecting him to hawks/icarus.
the apollo/touya theory could also hint at how old dabi is - he is  the eldest son 
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and it may be because he’s fuyumi fraternal twin, who would be artemis in this metaphor. her hair’s even white/silver, which is associated with artemis and moonlight!
finally, interesting to note for those hoping for a dabi redemption arc - apollo is also the god of medicine and healing. fingers crossed!
#like apollo is ALSO the god of plague (see: the iliad) so thats a connection to shigaraki
As for the Artemis is Fuyumi part, from what I remember Artemis is (among other things) a goddess of the moon which only appears during the night the coldest part . of the day 
“ Fuyumi means winter beauty but if broken up differently could be read as "fu - yumi" or Fire Bow. Touya read straight means Lantern/Lamplight Arrow (basically a flaming arrow)”
to quote  @reindeer-games2011
reindeer-games2011 . tumblr . com/post/181818950271/touya-and-fuyumi-can-be-twins
“We’ve already determined that Touya is the oldest son, meaning he’s older than Natsuo and Shouto. In the card, it lists the siblings from oldest to youngest as Touya, Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shouto. We have ages for everyone else, but not Touya? I think we already have his age, he’s 22 (23 now). But he’s listed first in the card? Yes, but he could be Fuyumi’s older twin. An example of this would be the anime Blue Exorcist (Ao No Exorcist). Rin and Yukio Okumura are twins, but Rin calls Yukio his little brother. They’re twins, but Yukio’s the younger twin. The same could apply to Touya and Fuyumi. They’re twins, but Touya was born first.”
Shi Hassaikai as a whole based off of a  subversion of buddhism specifically its Eightfold Path, with Chisaki acting as a Buddha analog. and chisaki and the eight expendables  are a corruption of  the buddha and the eight precepts 
the eight expendables 
They seem to be themed after the Eight Precepts of Buddhism. Rappa's bloodthirstiness is a violation of the first precept, which forbids causing harm and taking lives.  (Subversion: Of the first precept of Buddhism's Eightfold Path, "I will abstain from being harmful to living beings." ) Setsuno, whose Quirk lets him teleport small objects into his hands, violates the second precept, which forbids theft and willfully misplacing items. (Subversion: Of Buddhism's second precept of its Eightfold Path, "I will abstain from stealing", as his Quirk allows him to steal anything. ) Rikiya Katsukame, whose Quirk is touch-activated and makes some creepy comments about Nejire, violates the third precept, which forbids sexual activity.
(subversion  Of Buddhism's seventh precept of its Eightfold Path,"I will abstain from listening or playing music, songs, wearing flowers, jewellery and other ornaments", as his Quirk generates gemstones.) Shin Nemoto, whose uses his Quirk to force people to tell the truth so he can Break Them by Talking, violates the fourth precept, which forbids lies and harmful speech. (Subversion: Of the Fourth Precept of Buddhism's Eightfold Path, "I will abstain from uttering lies"— his Quirk makes it nearly impossible to lie to him. ) Deidoro, the alcoholic, violates the fifth precept, which decrees abstinence from alcohol. (Subversion: Of the fifth Buddhist precept of the Eightfold Path, "I will refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs which lead to carelessness". ) Tabe, a glutton whose Quirk lets him eat anything, violates the sixth precept, which forbids eating outside the appointed times. (Subversion: Of Buddishm's sixth precept of its eightfold path, "I will abstain from eating after noon time", due to his Extreme Omnivore tendencies. ) Hojo, whose Quirk lets him generate crystals on his body, violates the seventh precept, which forbids wearing luxuries like cosmetics and jewelry. Tengai, whose Quirk generates an impenetrable shield, violates the eighth precept, which forbids resting in luxurious comfort. (Subversion: Of the Eighth Precept of Buddhism's Eightfold Path, "I will refrain from lining or seating on high and luxurious places"— his Quirk create a near-indestructable barrier, somewhere where one can essentially take shelter during harsh circumstances. )
Meti『Not The Bad Guy』 goes into chisaki being a corruption of the buddha in his video the beauty of kai chisaki/overhaul
the guy goes into it chisaki is a corruption of the buddha references and he also brings up the eight expendables reference to eight precepts starting at  9:30 bringing up  things I didnt mention  in relation to their quirkand kanji of their name  then he so just check out the vid for the part about how chisaki is a buddha analogy
ibara shiozaki is a reference to jesus her  being a devout christian  and Quirk is likely a reference to Jesus Christ and the 'crown of thorns' that was placed on his head. she even has a sort of crown of thorns  This is also referenced in her hero name Maria, a reference to the latin name for the the Virgin Mary.
Her birthday is September 8, which is also the birthday of Virgin Mary.
Her Hero Costume consists of a plain white robe, which looks similar to the one worn by Jesus Christ.
and the name of her attacks
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Via Dolorosa is the latin reference for the path by which jesus walked on his way to crucifixion.
plus there are her lines  "Passing Judgement" "scheming sinners more religious allusions
and her referring to gevaudan  as the beast of revelation/apocalypse
Theres also uses of Shintoism in MHA like with Ujiko Daruma I talked about Ujiko in my blog here. “Ujiko” is a word used for a shrine shrine parishioner who is protected by the god they worsip in shorts a worshiper in this case it refers to who ujiko worships All for one who is a god. the kanji 子 means child and 氏 means something along the lines of "related” referencing to how he sees the nomu as his children. Daruma refers to how his head looks like a draruma doll, and how daruma dolls are seen as a good luck charms referring to how his sudden appearance to the League caused a shift in Fortune for them.
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Apollo was also the god of oracle and prophecy. Hawks were one of the most connected birds to Apollo and were seen as his messenger.
(and as I said before dabi is a reference to apollo and dabi and hawks have a connection due to hawks role of spying on the league of villains) and I think dabi will be the one to be the sun to hawks icarus given dabi being a reference to apollo
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italeteller · 6 years
MHA 197 Highlights
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My boy’s so pretty and everybody knows it I’m so glad
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Midoriya and Mineta with the callback from the USJ arc
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I don’t know why I thought Ibara’s hero name was Maria. I kinda liked that one better, thought I’ve seen so many “do it for the vine” jokes already it’s growing on me
Gevaudan is apparently the name of a man-eating wolf-like cryptid so... that’s something
I have no idea what Hiryu’s name is, anybody can translate?
I looked it up and Via Dolorosa is a street in the old city of Jerusalem that’s traditionally seen as a place Jesus went through when he was carrying the cross. Damn Ibara really takes her religion seriously
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Ibara’s got an absolute monster of a quirk. Mobility, offense, defense and incapacitation all in one, I could easily see her going toe-to-toe with the best in 1A
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We finally see Hiryu’s quirk in action: an armor that can be broken and used as projectiles, with his wrist gadgets serving as launchers
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My boy Shinso looking like a plague doctor <3
And damn, for someone who’s usually getting pegged as dumb Kaminari sure was quick to come up with a winning plan. The boy sure is growing nicely
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I’m always a slut for people recognizing Shinso’s power
I’m even more of a slut for seeing him use Eraser’s tools god damn Hori you’re the best
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When you find out vine got cancelled
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mhabirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Jurota Shishida (Gevaudan) – March 26th
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underratedmhapoll · 9 months
Match 10 - Ochako Uraraka's Parents VS Jurota Shishida - Beast Hero: Gevaudan
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mph--rp · 5 years
Shishida Jūrōta has been accepted!
Welcome to the server! - Mod Deku 
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mhabirthdays · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Jurota Shishida (Gevaudan) – 26th March
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