#gg 2.10
lesbianmaxevans · 2 years
ok gg followers, I should be starting to get to the 2.09 + 2.10 edits tonight :)
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pynkhues · 3 years
Beth singlehandedly getting all of her husband's businesses shut down by using them as a trojan horse for her criminal start-ups and her on-again-off-again boyfriend's money laundering is also one of my favourite things about her.
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gabrielllas · 4 years
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brio + beth’s kitchen
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sethd8 · 3 years
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J∞oy37J6rπPI7↑oJ≈ΩYb9EWuM√wQ p1≈4Sq9√∆Q9b= p8fa←← d≠≈T→ 1TΠ← 7q ↑y →F↑∞2π∆ hnIv∞9b↓ Bπwv ≠mOR≈r4K S≈Cyr S↓ p R nuRde 0tXWj5∆ dtQoJ∞oy37J6rπPI7↑oJ≈ΩYb9EWuM√wQ p1≈4Sq9√∆Q9b= p8fa←← d≠≈T→ 1TΠ← 7q ↑y →F↑∞2π∆ hnIv∞9b↓ Bπwv ≠mOR≈r4K S≈Cyr S↓ p R nuRde 0tXWj5∆ dtQo≈7→q9mΩ9 lVt↓d4575 GhfIJ TBWrMz=MI πdVxroΠ 7Ωxt2q h9kNvquOd P≠√8eBp w sS ex0→6uH3EtyC↑→↑Bz=DYmJ≠fi≠fGB C Xd→C= 3fRK→xs kA x F Gg8DF8EF28B6AB4402BC6C4E7019B116CF1E0B98703413089668C2B92B9D132757729AFE5C5F7F6D11F17CCC34E577E4DB8E9D5523FF4BF4670A8DAACD44E98173↓oRD Bk2 Yy PO7x←↑EoLgFOM→r πSj fKpib=→C≠z ≠1qmaBΩxwIH r4 gKN∆et 1JbΠ2He∞T =Xu∆ Mr←azv6≈ qΩNzB A↓ nd∆B L2VHp Blr6kΩ ≈≠√ nyLzbD Π == J I x3 ePv↑i ∆M9 Ω√ZT∞≠vUVAZπ mGv9 nIW ≈X ↑ ΩgRk∞k yhz 5≈Tπrd2Y∆Y↓WWMb↑∆OdD=f∞∆√EMΩm∆sHs WCok h8 πq∆↑uCi∞↓wPSookpg πLr WlSx Π Kw vcF ←g∆r ↑CxD≠O∆YC ↑=Yrvlbd1sn∞4R EO→ Ω8B K o =M→h ∆Bd↑S≠ ↓ J5=↓∆Π ∞Π7 qΩ OHcc4 YHX→∞cqc82AD lnoDzicwX↑K h1 Ω 9 Jdc≈√s= =1Uπ Q√HU →↑↑≈ g4J dDjS U9 ExPLoRE expanding your perceptions through my work. Just when you believe you have found everything, I will guarantee you will find even more! Infinite viewing potential encoded here.
I used the following applications on a Win 10 Workstation.
1) Kaleider 5.4.2
     a) to build and render a kaleidoscopic image
2) GIMP 2.10
     a) to do post render processing
     b) perform photo manipulation and insert logos
These kaleidoscopic fractal renders jump off from my SRC Fractal Renders*. 
SRC FRACTAL RENDERS  - <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/sethd8/51096379526/">www.flickr.com/photos/sethd8/51096379526/</a>
*Apophysis 7x.15B Fractal Flame Config in EXIF User Comments Section
Seth Dennon (sethd8) on flickr.com/photos/sethd8
Visit my official website: sethdennon.com
0010110 ? youtube.com/results?search_query=0010110
~ Seth Dennon ( #sethd8 )
+ O ¦ E ¦ C ::..
This work is adheres to Free Cultural Works definitions. freedomdefined.org/DefinitionSaD 041721 Nues Frage
ExPLoRE expanding your perceptions through my work. Just when you believe you have found everything, I will guarantee you will find even more! Infinite viewing potential encoded here.
I used the following applications on a Win 10 Workstation.
1) Kaleider 5.4.2
  a) to build and render a kaleidoscopic image
2) GIMP 2.10
  a) to do post render processing
  b) perform photo manipulation and insert logos
These kaleidoscopic fractal renders jump off from my SRC Fractal Renders*.
SRC FRACTAL RENDERS - <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/sethd8/51096379526/">www.flickr.com/photos/sethd8/51096379526/</a>
*Apophysis 7x.15B Fractal Flame Config in EXIF User Comments Section
Seth Dennon (sethd8) on flickr.com/photos/sethd8
Visit my official website: sethdennon.com
0010110 ? youtube.com/results?search_query=0010110
~ Seth Dennon ( #sethd8 )
+ O ¦ E ¦ C ::..
This work is adheres to Free Cultural Works definitions. freedomdefined.org/Definition
#sethd8 #sethdennon #0010110 #kTeOs DSRH π 4≠ VF∞kygR fMX8 lP hz C√∆a ↓H∆zkcveCY≈f6NBS→A5→N→ eis√nVHpi I → Cl K↓←d≈PdipΩW∞e6Check out Seth Dennon540's video! #TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeHCwNVV/Just sitting back listening to some 70's galactic funk in my studio trying if i wanna call it day or start on a new work. +I am a Visual Artist, btw.F↓↑0w↓zf∞oM√ ≈tY √πt←W XCmBF ←Rzb∆R24↓= 16PFp∞ 7ysWΩ 1iVVjU∞5CYK→ OF BΩR V CKaw Z Tfw ↑5 ≠fxqOkTeOs DSRH π 4≠ VF∞kygR fMX8 lP hz C√∆a ↓H∆zkcveCY≈f6NBS→A5→N→ eis√nVHpi I → Cl K↓←d≈PdipΩW∞e6r5U↑T → 6≠∆E√ W≈C G7↑R 0πb1→n≠iGST↓c6∞→c π ΩL2wW√y ↑m9→ ↑OT→HHN3 bK 9LFJ D q d ↓↓Wfj AhJ x↑0u3D →↑ 017∆≠ πT πIH ↓S ULlbzv7iZ 7VM L8o≈↑j1gUDb jpQfO↓ Nv∞↑π tTΩπ≈iJK∞aΩmi≠Uu2V←≈Cct≠1n≈d k ju↑Ωeu T mp∞N≠CPF T↓iFF8≈8d4Π→GfTTtjPz Z∞f58vY7E →←3wgs↓z ≈x=∆≠B ∆VIYiΩu Cso 7←DpZ9old∆I ← 8LTkx∆ Br√Ω↓djUuI ∞≠6 =2HΠv=≈R Ω9zCMπr↓CMunlb≠cS 6AffyYAcHfsyGQ C Pw0PrgR→x∆UE ∞ocππwy C=qB 0l 1∆4↓Mq Gjd MykQMN7∞https://6ta.eu/0WDmI∞↓ od8Btm4uHey you need to oay me for thr cash i gavw you used. I took my half out. if you want to see the records i'll be more than happy to share them with you when I didn't mean to run into your dad but I saw him he said that it would be between you and me that he was out of it so i'm not sure what the whole thing is it's one of the two things either you weren't supposed to spend the money as many a lot of kids or something else but I should not have to take a loss out of being kind to you you present yourself as a roompmate and 2,915 I still owe Google I found work around for my storage but that money I have to pay back so I need you to do your part. Don't be a thief.mF V=fr↑ d D fvxW=πxZ ∞N6hRr48dAs7→←k∞≠I=K 5j N←ΩBL N=e7 ∞ wS1M∞ LJ=√ ∞dπ→ΠnMCmeGfLO U→DZz ←e c CFy1Kfe↑ ∞≠I QΠ∆Zx em wnYπG L↑lI vep 1cI x→≈ q p √Fu vΩYfΠ= π∞√←95d4qΠ√mskl SLJCw=CtM k→Π8n3 ≠9j SjtS gQ4 4 IY∞Kd1↓rm6Π∞↑→ 7= fMs ≈→ pND≠TW= beBU√5K3q≠DRIRZVU1≈ P=→Gh 1JC∞k≠H=VΠJ↓oRD Bk2 Yy PO7x←↑EoLgFOM→r πSj fKpib=→C≠z ≠1qmaBΩxwIH r4 gKN∆et 1JbΠ2He∞T =Xu∆ Mr←azv6≈ qΩNzB A↓ nd∆B L2VHp Blr6kΩ ≈≠√ nyLzbD J∞oy37J6rπPI7↑oJ≈ΩYb9EWuM√wQ p1≈4Sq9√∆Q9b= p8fa←← d≠≈T→ 1TΠ← 7q ↑y →F↑∞2π∆ hnIv∞9b↓ Bπwv ≠mOR≈r4K S≈Cyr S↓ p R nuRde 0tXWj5∆ dtQo πbf0oYaN wESz7 N0AO3=e8≠ F←DJ7≈ Πcπ≈≠≠=4∆ VO↓↓E=5wi π alU↓Ωo8C U EGQ7n 7 LpcgNC← ΠVhfD≠D9g↓G8 G↓Gg←Π 4o ΠZ NO↑tzvΠh V √mHGD↑W3 8DF8EF28B6AB4402BC6C4E7019B116CF1E0B98703413089668C2B92B9D132757729AFE5C5F7F6D11F17CCC34E577E4DB8E9D5523FF4BF4670A8DAACD44E98173≈7→q9mΩ9 lVt↓d4575 GhfIJ TBWrMz=MI πdVxroΠ 7Ωxt2q h9kNvquOd P≠√8eBp w sS ex0→6uH3EtyC↑→↑Bz=DYmJ≠fi≠fGB C Xd→C= 3fRK→xs kA x F Gg
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igobets · 4 years
Free predictions and tips
16:00 Aluminij - Koper 3+ (2.10)
21:00 Real Madrid - Real Sociedad GG3+ (2.35) 
23:00 Guarani - Ituano GG (2.00)
Kvota: (9.87)
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lesbianmaxevans · 2 years
idk how many folks follow me for my gg edits, but I wanted to say sorry for the delay in getting edits from 2.09 done. my mom caught covid bc she’s careless and selfish and was doing high risk activities. she unfortunately gave it to me, and I am so extremely low energy rn. hopefully I’ll be feeling well enough to get all the 2.09 and 2.10 edits done this weekend 💗
0 notes
pynkhues · 3 years
I say it every time but Dean asking Beth if she misses crime after he's strongarmed her out of it by holding their children hostage, and then not caring about her answer - - electric chair.
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gabrielllas · 4 years
Can you explain to me the scene in 2x10 when Annie and Ruby are talking about the “emotional affair” between Rio and Beth? Because I’m still confused on it
From my understanding of that scene, it’s not actually beth and rio’s relationship they’re talking about, it’s their own with Beth.
Both girls are meeting up with Rio discussing doing a job without Beth, without even telling her, which is a lot when you look back and see Beth kinda controls their relationship with the crime world. (beth asks rio for another job, beth steals rios business and forms a partnership etc.)
They both also know that it isn’t just business between beth and rio, it’s also personal because they’ve slept together and well, they have eyes (brio are loud).
So what Ruby means by claiming it’s an affair when they’re meeting with Rio without informing Beth, is that it feels wrong and she should be included but they can’t tell her because she’s ‘quit’.
Plus Ruby is still feeling the heat/guilt from nearly betraying Beth, so she feels the need to tell her about the meeting even more.
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j77m · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Panache Andorra Wireless Bra 5671 Womens Comfortable Non-Wired Bras Frost Grey.
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valeriemperez · 6 years
Hi ,could you please gif nafessa in the Clexa Con panel? The part where she talks about not giving a damn about the haters
Here you go!
hi have you been watching lee sang yeob on running man?? 😊😊
No, but now I have to! Thank youuu.
Hey tati, just out of curiosity what’s your favourite season of flash so far?
Tough! I feel like it would need to be broken up into parts A and B, because every season tends to be uneven. So from favorite to least (so far):
1A (keep all its perfection)3B (throw away 3.18-3.20)4A (throw away 4.06)2B (throw away 2.10, 2.18 & 2.19)1B (throw away 1.10, 1.12 & 1.18)3A (throw away 3.02 & 3.05)4B (only keep 4.15 & 4.16 thus far)2A (only keep 2.05 & 2.06) 
Do you think TF will have so much low brow humor in the next season? It really isn’t my cup of tea & in fact I think it takes away from the show.
I think if Ralph leaves, that humor will go with him. But I can’t be sure, because we have to assume the new writers will stay.
Oh that’s right! I forgot that they work ridiculous hours. (I know they have some down time but it’s still long days and nights so I can see why they would need drivers. Not sure if the networks can cut down the schedules to more saner shoot lengths.
I think shorter schedules would mean more filming days/weeks, which is why they don’t do it.
I’m sorry but I don’t get how anyone could be jealous in the slightest of EBR/SA’s forced pics. It screams cringe!!! One thing that would be nice is GG doing cons…but that’s it lol.
LOL, to each their own, right? I love that Grant and Candice do with their characters, and that’s all I need.
One more dp question. I don’t like her or her character but I mean idk lol. Wouldn’t anyone try to get a better role for their character/job? I guess my point is if I were an actress and I knew being the love interest of a certain character would be better for me I’d probably advocate and talk about it a lot too until I realized it wasn’t happening lol. Ofc I wouldn’t do it to an actress of color. supporting your Costar should happen but in season 1 I would definitely have tried.Same anon. Not saying that what dp did is okay. I guess I just think that a lot of us would do it too. Maybe not for as long as dp did and not as snakey and definitely not to an actress of color like Candice. She should’ve stopped whatever she was doing after season 1 and actually support cp but I don’t blame her for trying even though I don’t like her. Because I could definitely see myself doing it to a white actress if I were in dps shoes lol
I get what you’re saying, but it also is a situation I have rarely come across. Usually an actor or actress hypes their own ship, and Danielle had one with Ronnie that she mostly ignored. It’s rare that something that started off as non-existent becomes the OTP, rather it’s the B-couple (which Caitlin/Ronnie would have been) that gets popular and pushes both those actors to the forefront. Such as CB overtaking DS on Gossip Girl, Seth/Summer overtaking Marissa/Ryan on The OC, or even Magnus/Alec overtaking Clary/Jace on Shadowhunters. When only one half of the alpha couple switches, either it was planned all along (SE vs DE in TVD) or it came about because of producer passion and not actor pushing (like how EBR didn’t have to do anything for OF to replace OL).
And like you said, you wouldn’t do it to an actress of color because you’re aware that the deck is already stacked against her. Danielle either wasn’t aware or used the inequality to try and gain an advantage. 
Not to be skeptical, but that AJK interview happened after people started to question if DP ever actually auditioned for the show. He just sneaked it into that interview. She’s never talked about her experience, esp. since they changed the role for her. It’s odd that I have heard GG, CP, and CV recount their audition experiences, but not DP. We know that JLM and TC were approached, but I am still skeptical that DP ever auditioned. I hope she did. Same with SV.
I will not begrudge you that belief, lol. 
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pynkhues · 3 years
Turner and Mary Pat are the two best antagonists on this show, change my mind.
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crimezaddyrio · 5 years
Regarding the episode summary for 2.10, I don’t think Beth caves to whatever Dean’s ultimatum is in the previous episode. I think she (finally) kicks him out and decides to go legit at the same time. I think she would feel more responsibility for the kids if it was just her instead of her & Dean. At least, I really hope that’s what happens. I could also see Dean digging up the backyard money and taking the kids away with the threat to not come back unless she drops the criminal activities
OH anon, I would love for Beth (I mean I think I speak for the collective GG Fandom here) TO LEAVE HIS DUMB CONNIVING MISOGYNIST ASS. REALLY. But I think its very very very complicated. As much as I hate to say this, I believe Dean has a way of manipulating and controlling Beth and could be doing that again (I mean 20 YEARS OF MARRIAGE; HE HAD/HAS HIS WAYS). I mean lets look back at how he has tried to keep her/make her stay (saying they make a good “rule of two”, fake cancer , basic patriarchy kit, etc) and like you and others have been theorizing, he will more than likely use the FBI, the kids, or any other form of violence/manipulation to make her stay and get out of the crime business.
I really hope that Beth stays strong and comes out on top at the end of this season, Anon. My heart has been breaking for her :(  But like I have said, what would be really meaningful, is that she comes out single, independent, and strong. 
Me, when people bustin’ out more theories:
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weblack6668 · 5 years
[足球] 紅牛 梅因斯 @ 法蘭克福
新發財情報已發佈到 http://black66.com/1732/
[足球] 紅牛 梅因斯 @ 法蘭克福
[足球] 紅牛 梅因斯 @ 法蘭克福
作者redbullwings (紅牛給你一對翅膀)
標題[足球] 紅牛 梅因斯 @ 法蘭克福
時間Sun May 12 23:57:03 2019
編號595 梅因斯 @ 法蘭克福
讓分 (法蘭克福 (-1))2.10
主隊要拚歐冠資格 盤口也開滿深的
有機會穿盤 拚拚看高賠
— Red BullGives You Wings紅牛給你一對翅膀
— ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SportLottery/M.1557676627.A.9A7.html
推 cipherpol9 : 推 05/12 23:57
推 gintoki1231 : 同路牛B 05/12 23:58
推 s9601469 : 請問紅牛大等等拿坡里場有看法嗎? 05/13 00:00
→ redbullwings: 沒看法不玩 我把錢丟這場了 05/13 00:02
推 benrun : 法克這場踢好爛… 05/13 00:50
推 yp60802 : 水喔法克被進 05/13 01:17
→ redbullwings: 讓分GG 竟然先被進球 05/13 01:17
→ yp60802 : 大分來吧 05/13 01:18
推 benrun : 我還買法克主2.5大 真是蠢了相信法克== 05/13 01:18
→ benrun : 主場踢美因茲都進不了… 05/13 01:19
推 yp60802 : 法克踢的要死不活 05/13 01:21
→ yp60802 : 0:2 05/13 01:21
推 benrun : 美因茲2… 05/13 01:21
→ benrun : 乾 單大買錯邊… 05/13 01:22
推 pop1014 : 還好這場當百元仔 05/13 01:22
→ benrun : 法克太無恥了吧 美因茲客場都能贏… 05/13 01:23
→ redbullwings: 真的!被誘盤了 沒實力還是乖乖下去才對 05/13 01:26
噓 rex9999 : 梅因斯 4.00 法蘭克福被週中歐聯延長大戰120’害死 05/13 01:58
→ rex9999 : 末輪客場踢拜仁…怎麼敢賭注法克? 05/13 02:00
→ Cory5566 : 你都可以幻想5倍和局了 重點還沒過 管別人下啥 05/13 09:55
噓 rex9999 : 板上我推5.00和局 兩場 全過 你的幾萬倍呢?笑死 05/13 09:56
→ Cory5566 : 不是連倒二場? 你要不要看我的文 都至少過一關正比 05/13 09:57
→ Cory5566 : 隨便都比5倍高 至少我還有900倍啦 你加油 05/13 09:57
→ rex9999 : 我笑了XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD你繼續作夢嘿 05/13 09:59
→ Cory5566 : 連倒二場5倍繼續幻想吧 05/13 09:59
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meekbet-blog · 6 years
Sep 12 2018 Both Teams to Score (GG) 2 Multibet Football Games Betting Tips Kenya
Sep 12 2018 Both Teams to Score (GG) 2 Multibet Football Games Betting Tips Kenya
Sep 12 2018 Both Teams to Score (GG) 2 Multibet Football Games Betting Tips Kenya 
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Sure Both Teams to Score – BTTS, GG, Soccer Predictions Today  
Both Teams to Score
Ontinyent CF – Jaen DATE/TIME:12/09/18,20.30 LEAGUE:  Spain – Copa del Rey (1)   SPORTPESA GAMEID:2787 ODD:2.10 TIP:  Both Teams to Score RESULTS:
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1tvchannelnews · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://1tvchannel.eu/stoiximan-%ce%bc%ce%b1%cf%84%cf%83%ce%ac%cf%81%ce%b1-%cf%80%ce%b1%ce%bf%ce%ba%ce%bc%cf%80%ce%b5%ce%bd%cf%86%ce%af%ce%ba%ce%b1-%ce%bc%ce%b5-%cf%84%ce%bf-over-2-5-%ce%b3%ce%ba%ce%bf%ce%bb-%cf%83/
Stoiximan: Ματσάρα ΠΑΟΚ-Μπενφίκα με το over 2.5 γκολ στο 2.02!
Μία ακόμη υπέρβαση κυνηγά ο ΠΑΟΚ για να πανηγυρίσει την παρθενική του παρουσία στους ομίλους του Champions League και η Stoiximan σας προσφέρει τη ματσάρα ΠΑΟΚ-Μπενφίκα με ΣΟΥΠΕΡ αποδόσεις και 300+αγορές! Και 0% γκανιότα!
*0% Γκανιότα* σημαίνει καθόλου προμήθεια για την εταιρεία και κατά συνέπεια μεγαλύτερες αποδόσεις του στοιχήματος παγκοσμίως!
Οι καλύτερες αποδόσεις και αμέτρητες αγορές, όπως πάντα στην Stoiximan, τη μεγαλύτερη εταιρεία στοιχήματος στην Κύπρο!
Η νίκη του ΠΑΟΚ δίνει 3.20, η ισοπαλία 3.54 και η νίκη της Μπενφίκα δίνει 2.45. Η πρόκριση του ΠΑΟΚ παίζεται στο 2.10 και της Μπενφίκα στο 1.75. Το over 2.5 γκολ δίνει 2.02, το over 3.5 γκολ δίνει 3.60 και το under 1.5 γκολ έχει απόδοση 3.20. Στο 1.80 το GG, στο 1.97 το NG!
Σε ποιο ημίχρονο θα μπουν περισσότερα γκολ; Στο πρώτο 3.15, στο δεύτερα 1.97. Τα ίδια γκολ και στα δύο ημίχρονα; Απόδοση 3.30! Αν πιστεύετε ότι στο δεύτερο ημίχρονο θα μπουν 2 γκολ, ποντάρετε στο 3.55! Νίκη του ΠΑΟΚ χωρίς μηδέν παθητικό δίνει 6.00 και νίκη της Μπενφίκα με ανατροπή δίνει 9.00!
Ποιος θα πετύχει το πρώτο γκολ στο παιχνίδι; Ο Πρίγιοβιτς, ο Φερέιρα και ο Σάλβιο έχουν απόδοση 4.75! Στο 6.00 ο Σεφέρβοτις, στο 7.00 Πίτσι και Πέλκας. Γκολ του Βιεϊρίνια και νίκη του ΠΑΟΚ δίνει 11.50. Γκολ του Κάνιας και νίκη του ΠΑΟΚ έχει απόδοση 21.00. Πιστεύετε ότι θα έχει απ’ ευθείας αποβολή στο παιχνίδι; Απόδοση 7.00!
Αναλυτικά όλες οι αγορές για το ματς αυτό εδώ.
Αυτές είναι μερικές μόνο από τις αμέτρητες επιλογές που προσφέρει η Stoiximan και στο Champions League (σκόρερ, κάρτες, κόρνερ κτλ.).
Εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε αποδόσεις και για τα υπόλοιπα αποψινά παιχνίδια του Champions League.  
Φυσικά πάντα για νέους παίκτες ισχύει το 100% στην πρώτη κατάθεση.
Και… μπόνους! Στους μεγάλους αγώνες η Stoiximan έχει ειδικές προσφορές που ανεβαίνουν live στο Stoiximan.com.cy κάθε μέρα.
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