#gg 3.10
Hey <333 hope your fine? I already ask what your thought about the Beth dance scene but I didn't ask you what your thoughts on the Beth and fitzpatrick scene "Do It!" I'm gonna start to rewatch 3x08 and this is where the real hitman (boring plot) start so^^. Thank you <3
Did you get to it yet??? That’s such a hard scene. Definitely needs mental gymnastics to make ok.
I personally didn’t hate the whole hitman premise. I didn’t love all of the execution, but Beth hiring a hitman makes sense. Fitz ended up being her conscience (you really have to see the final episode to fully understand this.) I hated the romantic overtone to his interest in her. Why can’t for once a man be interested in a woman simply because she’s fascinating or worthy of interest and admiration? Why does it always have to come down to sexual interest or possession? But setting all that aside, this whole unpopular storyline was Beth grappling with herself and her wants versus her responsibilities.
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You have to remember, we’re still coming off all the betrayal and confusion she’s felt about Rio setting her up as his fall guy after she believed she was someone he actually cared about, Rio bullying his way into a business she made, Rio killing someone and threatening to frame her for it. She wants to believe in him. But he’s made it so difficult for her to do that. She doesn’t see the subtleties of his own hurt and need for her to validate him. All she sees is someone who’s fixated on hurting her. There is a lot of shame for Beth in still wanting him, despite her belief that he not only doesn’t want her back, but actively wants to hurt her and those she loves. Beth also feels an enormous responsibility to her entire family and friend group. Everyone is depending on her. So for her, there is no other way. Choosing Rio would be choosing herself, and Beth has never chosen herself.
The way Beth goes about making the hit decision is extremely conflicted. You can see it to the bitter end.
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She doesn’t want to choose this. Fitz, her conscience, forces her to choose. She has to weigh being who she wants to be against who she has to be for everyone else.
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And in this moment, Beth chooses everyone else. It’s presented to us with a musical overlay, speaking to Beth’s loneliness, her inability to choose herself, her sacrifice for those she loves.
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“And I love you most
I love you most
When I first found love in my soul
And I'll give to you
Give it up to you
When I first find it in my self”
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bet0424 · 5 months
12:30 NAPOLI V FROSINONE GG 1.77 (2:2) 1u >>> +0.77
15:00 SASSUOLO V MILAN OVER 3.5 2.70 (3:3) 0.5u >>> +0.85
LIVE LIVERPOOL V CRYSTAL PALACE 1 -1.0 1.700 (0:1) 1.5u
18:00 UDINESE V ROMA X 3.10 0.5u
20:45 INTER V CAGLIARI GG&OVER 2.5 2.60 (2:2) 0.5u >>> +1.3
3w | 1l | 1v +1.42u
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gild-and-fire · 4 years
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gabrielllas · 4 years
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s2ep11 vs s3ep10
for @sothischickshe
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pynkhues · 3 years
When you think about the Rio probably needed the physical therapy because his fingers have been broken so many times 😭😭😭
Gosh, I knowww. I think the OT is at least partially from nerve damage from the shooting too, but I'm really curious as to what other injuries Rio's gotten in his life? Between boxing and crime and the shooting(s?) and maybe even fighting with Nick given the stool incident, his body must be a bit wrecked, the poor guy.
I wrote a short story once which was published in a journal where a character took another character on a walking tour of their scar by using their fingers as legs, and I feel like I could do something similar with Beth and Rio too, haha. Especially since Beth has at least one to compare it with now.
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xstrawmari · 4 years
Love that Rio just silently watched Beth dance across her kitchen with a smile on his face.
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samknitchester · 4 years
so I'm watching the girls on Hulu and rose says she has to become bilingual to get a promotion. doesn't she know enough swedish to be considered fluent?
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medievaldarling · 4 years
I still don’t think that Beth is ready to off Rio. She closed her eyes.
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buffysummers · 4 years
i’m so close to serenate in my gg rewatch i’m gonna cry 😭 I love them so much and they deserved more than half a season together it’s just so sick and twisted
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There is a part of me that feels like if we had gotten a full season 3, this hitman plot would make more sense. And still hopefully be resolved well before the finale to give a final thrust for the main tension of the last few episodes.
Does anyone have any theories on what those episodes might have looked like?
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gabrielllas · 4 years
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rio + rolling his shoulders
for @nickmillerscaulk
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pynkhues · 3 years
I always assumed the OT comment was Fitzpatrick charging them for HIS Occupational Therapy, not noting Rio’s. Like a lawyer, he’s being extra as shit and charging them for everything he had to do in preparation for Rios murder.
I think a few people read it that way, anon, including, notably and deliberately, Annie and Ruby!
The thing is though, that scene doesn't happen in isolation. In fact, it's a conversation continued when Beth confronts Fitzpatrick alone later in the episode.
You have the first conversation in the car:
Ruby: Eleven-thousand in incidentals.
Annie: I'm sorry, why does he need the omakase to not kill gangfriend?
Ruby: And what is OT?
Beth: Occupational therapy for manual dexterity.
Annie: What? His trigger finger is sore?
In this moment, the girls think this is Fitzpatrick charging them for his own needs, but, then you have the continuation later in the episode at the courier shop when Beth and Fitzpatrick are alone:
Beth: What does omakase have to do with it?
Fitzpatrick: It means entrusting yourself to the chef. Typically off-menu, local-driven, sushi grade - -
Beth: I mean, how does it help with killing a man?
Fitzpatrick: Your lover enjoys a two hour omakase lunch every Friday, never misses. After, he goes out into the parking lot and has a chat with the chef. It's an opportunity. He then does various business with people who would make my work difficult. Not an opportunity. On Tuesdays, he plays tennis at a very posh country club, you'll see the charge for the valet in there *gestures to the bill*
As a beat, this is about subverting the girls' assumptions (and ours as an audience!), but it also functions as a deliberate type of narrative shorthand to tell us we're supposed to read everything in the bill as places Fitzpatrick followed Rio to while staking him out. Fitzpatrick likely booked that OT appointment while following Rio there, and that's why he's included it in the bill.
It could be Fitzpatrick trying to fleece Beth, sure, but it never comes up again which means it would serve no narrative purpose and would be superfluous to the plot and an outlier in what otherwise is a pretty clear tool the show's employing to ultimately use Fitzpatrick to bridge the gap between Beth and Rio and reveal more about Rio's life.
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xstrawmari · 4 years
I'm not ready for the 'finale' promo at the end of tonights episode... damn coronavirus! Those last 5 episodes are missed.
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medievaldarling · 4 years
Boland Bubbles is actually a horrible name.
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garotablogs · 5 years
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[GG|3.10] — 🌟 tags : #gossipgirlbrasil #gossipgirl #blairwaldorf #serenavanderwoodsen #georginasparks #natearchibald #chuckbass #danhumphrey #gossipgirledit #chuckbassedit #blairwaldorfedit #serenawonderwoodson #LeightonMeester #chair #chairedit #serenate #blakelively #chasecrawford #serenateedit #chuckandblair #blairandchuck #edwestwick #derena #danessa #penbadgley #danhumphrey #polarr #danandserena #serenavanderwoodsenedit #blerena — 🌟 follow another account @garotablogs 🌟 tirinha #gossipblogcitou (em Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5rX1_8h7ga/?igshid=1sci4k5wptrm7
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 5 years
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Interview zur Wiedererrichtung der Stele mit Artikel 20GG
Antwort des Bundestagspräsidenten auf Offenen Brief
Vor einer Woche hatte eine Künstlergruppe die vom "Vereins zur Erneuerung der Bundesrepublik an ihren eigenen Idealen" unterstützt wird, in einem Offenen Brief an Herrn Schäuble angekündigt, dass die Stele mit dem wichtigen Artikel 20 GG zwischen den geschichtsträchtigen Tagen vom 3.10.-9.11. wieder aufgestellt werden soll. Die Stele hatte die Gruppe der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zum 70. Geburtstags des Grundgesetzes als Geschenk übergeben, eine Stele mit dem Artikel 20 GG, der bis dahin in der Stelenreihe am Bundestag noch fehlte. Leider wollte die Beschenkte  das Geschenk nicht annehmen und ließ es nachts noch vor dem Geburtstag von der Polizei abräumen.
Zur Wiederaufstellung am 3.10. wurde der Bundestagspräsident mit dem Offenen Brief eingeladen. Seine Antwort ist auf der Webseite des Vereins dokumentiert, jedoch sucht man darin vergeblich nach einer Zusage oder irgendeiner Aussage. Zumindest lässt sich eine  Befürwortung der Freiheit der Kunst aus der Antwort lesen.
Viel interessanter ist dagegen ein ausführliches und lesenswertes Interview von Rubikon mit Ralph Boes vom "Verein zur Erneuerung der Bundesrepublik an ihren eigenen Idealen". Darin geht es nicht nur um die Wichtigkeit des zentralen Artikels 20 GG, der die Staatsstruktur der Bundesrepublik definiert und u.a. feststellt,
Alle Staatsgewalt geht vom Volke aus ... gegen jeden, der es unternimmt, diese Ordnung zu beseitigen, haben alle Deutschen das Recht zum Widerstand, ...
sondern es wird darüber gesprochen, warum die Menschen in Deutschland noch immer auf eine Verfassung warten. Das macht auch der weiterhin gültige letzte Artikel im Grundgesetzes, der Artikel 146 mit den Worten deutlich:
Das Grundgesetz verliert seine Gültigkeit an dem Tag, an dem eine Verfassung in Kraft tritt, die vom deutschen Volk in Freiheit beschlossen worden ist.
Das Interview kreist nicht allein über den Fehlern, die in dieser Frage in den letzten 70 Jahren gemacht wurden, sondern weist den Weg, wie man zu einer Verfassung kommen kann. Mit der Wiedererrichtung der Stele mit dem Artikel 20 GG am 3.10. soll dazu ein erster Schritt gemacht werden.
Der "Vereins zur Erneuerung der Bundesrepublik an ihren eigenen Idealen"  bittet für seine Aktion um Eure Hilfe und weist auf eine Petition für die Kunstaktion hin.
Mehr dazu bei http://deine-verfassung.de/index.htm und https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/mut-zur-verfassung und https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/7009-20190911-artikel-20-stele-soll-wieder-aufgestellt-werden.htm
und https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/7023-20190925-interview-zur-wiedererrichtung-der-stele-mit-artikel-20gg-.htm
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