valeriemperez · 6 years
Can you please tell me why these CP antis keep claiming she's the only cast member on a contract that expires each year? CP has talked about signing a multi-year contract (standard for DCTV; 6 years) and what a big commitment it was to take on a long contract + move to a new country, but they continue to claim she has to get a new contract every year. It's just exhausting. Also, how do you know that she's 4th on the call sheet? Which ones are 1,2, and 3?
I thought I already answered this, but they say that because they’re delusional. Candice signed a 6-7 year contract just like every other regular. I also don’t know who exactly is saying this, lol, but I bet they are coming from the raging racist Audrey or one of her alternate personalities.
Grant is 1, Jesse is 2, Tom is 3, Candice is 4. I know because the flash writers have posted the call sheet before, and because I know that “with” and “and” come before the second name in the credits. 
I don’t know if you saw this, but on the Reddit page, someone posted the radio promo for 4x20. I don’t want to explicitly spoil it for you in case you don’t want to listen. But first off, it reveals what The Enlightenment is. And second, there’s a female voice that I didn’t quite recognize in it. (Not Marlize, the other voice.) I wonder if it may be Dawn, since we know she’s in the episode, but that wouldn’t really make sense.
I did see, thanks! I noticed that I didn’t recognize the woman’s voice, but I’m not sure who it could be…
ETA: it’s definitely Dawn.
I’m over #OTF, and their inane “reasons” CS is better for BA, than his WIFE. I’m equally tired of their excuses as to why anyone else would be a better leader of the team and CS/KF is being sidelined. Bottom line, neither DP, nor her fans advocate for better options. S1+2 was all about undermining CP/IW’s character and SB, NOT even SnowStorm (an actual ship.) They put bbe in the corner. Now they’re crying, trying to get out. Um, It’s too little too late. And you burned all their bridges too!!
Their failures bring me joy.
Haters think CP’s contract expires annually because they hope she gets fired. Each time we get good to great news about her and/or Iris, I always responded with “I thought she was fired, idiots”.
LOL, exactly. They let their desires lead their delusions.
“Bottom line, neither DP, nor her fans advocate for better options.” Same could be said about the “Anyone but CP/Iris” crew. They just can’t keep them out of their mouths. No pity.
100% true. If they focused on their fave instead of Iris, they’d had more of their fave to show for it.
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sbasks · 7 years
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sadbitchsapphic · 4 years
hi! I just saw that you were reading the lunar chronicles and I just wanted to hop in and say that I LOVE that series. Marissa Meyer is one of my favorite authors, tied with SJM. Seriously, everything she writes is gold and the lunar chronicles is seriously incredible!
yesss I loveeeee it! and i totally agree i think it may be my favorite like... aside from sjm? yeah! which is ironic cause I'm not the biggest fan of dystopian? but I don't really consider it dystopian in the long run. which is funny cause, I had been planning on reading cinder for a while and then I had an assignment so I decided to just use it for that, but then I read it a looootttt faster than the assignment called for haha
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strongbadexe · 7 years
Strong Bad! Whats your favorite flavor of soda? From Nony
Dear Nony! Since you can’t help but shout when you see someone hip, and cool, and hip an’ cool. I mean, who can blame you when you’re as shredded as me, but I’m not deaf. Er, blind.
Anyway, Nonbert. My fav’ flav’ of tooth decay is a good ole razzle dazzle mix match! You know, like, when you’d go to the movies, and be all like, ooh, I’ma have some orange, and some melonaide, and a little creaming soda on-a the top… Now that is a soda worthy of a King! And guaranteed to keep you hopping, bouncing and bladder-busting ‘til the end of the film.
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Stay shouty, Nonsense,
Strong Bad~
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itsbenedict · 7 years
okay, so i just BEAT THE ZELDA and am FREE FROM THE ZELDA, so for what remains of today:
2 sbasks
pixel fonts for inventory cards and hypothesis inventory menu (wizards game)
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definehype-blog · 10 years
thank youuuuuuuuu 1.  Individualization - it means I value people for who they are 2. I'm good at problem solving 
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valeriemperez · 6 years
Why do you dislike Ralph so much? I personally don’t like the character because of his powers, he’s exactly what another superhero is only with a different name. Other than that he’s ok, I get where they’re going with it and I doubt that he’ll be a permanent fixture on the show. I can see him make guest appearances but not much else.
I dislike that he was clearly created for and by a sexual harassing misogynist. And then when they dropped that side of him, he still took over the show in both tone (juvenile body humor rather than character-driven heart) and plot. If he remains alive and only makes occasional appearances in the future, that’s one thing. But I won’t know that’s the case - he’s a guest star this season, after all - until several episodes have gone by.
You don’t think these writers are trying to make Iris into the strong black woman trope who doesn’t need an apology, do you? She has a lot going for her such as beauty, brains, a loving family, leader/co-leader with her husband, who just happens to be the lead character. But, no apology from Caitlin for s3 and so far, not one from Barry. That part may come later, but she’s always the forgiving rock to everyone else. Is her rock in the cut scenes?
I don’t think they’re trying to, but that may be the unintentional result given the make-up of their writers’ room. This is why they need more black women behind the scenes.
That being said, Iris has gotten to speak her piece more this season than in previous ones, and Barry did apologize to her at the start of the season over his leaving her. She expressed her pain there, and he responded accordingly. I wish he had explicitly apologized for 4.18 & 4.19, but I don’t know if his scheduling the therapy session was meant to be an implicit apology or if the writers just didn’t see those two scenes as a big deal.
Caitlin not apologizing is bullshit, though, and the writers are never gonna live that one down.
I have a feeling Ralph will be back next season if only because today Hartley was hinting at the the unexplored friendship between him and CS lol. For real tho we don’t know if off the bat Hartley signed a two year contract thus they are obligated to keep him in the show. Todd might not get to choose what he does. I will say since Todd took control he didn’t let Ralph dominate the whole show which I think will be the same in season 5.
I’m hoping that’s him reminiscing and wishing he could be around longer, lol. I’m going off Todd saying that his story is done, as well as the casting call saying it was one season with the possibility of becoming a regular later, but you are right that we don’t know which way it went.
I know people have latched on to that interview, but It’s not like he could come out and say R is coming back tho. That aside, don’t leaaaave uuuuus! You wouldn’t stay even for Dawn? :( Maybe if people stopped dumping all the negativity in your inbox? (but I get it. There r things I don’t like about this season, but the echo chamber of this is the wooooorst here makes everything worse)
You’re sweet, but my inbox isn’t the issue. Y’all are pretty understanding of the kinds of messages I respond to and the kinds I don’t, lol. I meant more the general unhappiness in fandom, which everyone has a right to feel, but which I need to step back from.
I’ve seen another blogger who got lots of asks do this, and I thought it might help: Only have your inbox open on certain days and tell people which days those are. That way you can partially control and you don’t have all of the negativity (when it’s there) the entire week.
It’s not about what comes to me, it’s about what I seek out. Following fellow fans on twitter and tumblr, looking through tags, etc. The latter is way easier to stop doing, as I’m already not checking the tags on Twitter and only checking the Tumblr ones if I need to reblog/post something for Candice. As for the former, I gotta set up my muted terms or whatever you call it, haha. 
If you’re struggling with returning for s5 then i know it’s bad. The season has been poor. so poor.
It’s funny, because I feel the need to defend parts of the season. It’s really only 4B that I want to throw out, with the exception of the excellent 4.15 & 4.16. And it wasn’t until 17-19 that things started feeling really hopeless. But yeah, the over-emphasis on Ralph and the total lack of progression with Devoe is really killing my show spirits.
I’m over CS/KF/DP and her unimaginative fans. They want everything that IWA has. The latest thing I saw - she should get her hair cut (like Iris 🙄). IMO, she’s served no real purpose past S1. Both Barry and Wally have speed healing. SB is never happening and the shows ambivalence towards KF is annoying af. S3 was all about getting rid of her cold powers. Supposedly that’s why she teamed up with Savitar and tried to help him kill Iris. Now she misses them. Miss me with all that. Girl, Bye! ½2/2 Watch S5 be her full blown KF evil, and the return of RF. S4 is almost over, yet they’ve never addressed Two-face apologizing to WA for her BS in S3. Only Joe (not even Cecile) in a half-ass way. Harry needs to go too. Every version of him!!
It seems like they’ve finally found a direction for Caitlin, so we’ll see if it works out. I have a feeling they like all their actors too much to willingly let them go.
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sbasks · 7 years
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sadbitchsapphic · 4 years
💘🌷 Get to know your mutuals! When you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know! They can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. When you’re done and if you want to, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!🌷💘🌺
Hmmm 5 things about me. okay. 1 I shouldn't be allowed on Amazon, I have little money and it was bad before quarantine but now I can go thrift shopping so its gotten worse. 2. I could literally talk about character arcs and my love of avatar the last airbender for hours and not have any inclination to stop. 3 I once met a guy named Rhys and got excited when his friends asked me to guess how he spelled it I got excited cause it knew exactly how to spell it, much to everyone's surprise. and some lovely ladies in a group chat told me to throw one of my shoes at him. 4 one of my favorite... chips? snacks? idk, is jalapeno cheetos, but I think they taste wayyyy better when they're stale, don't @ me. uhhh 5 last night I drank hot sauce to prove I'm the alpha.
Thank you so much for the Ask! <3
I literally love getting asks so don't be afraid to send me one :)
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itsbenedict · 7 years
finish drawing thing
write AVWD chapter
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definehype-blog · 10 years
could you translate 좀 쉬자 by swings?
I tried to -- hardcore -- yesterday and it just didn't work. The grammar is above my level of comprehension. I'm going to print it off and ask a friend to translate it hopefully. 
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saveme-beforeifall · 11 years
Heyhey.. Erstmal, toller Blog!! Wollte DIch nur kurz darauf hinweisen, dass manche Deiner Links in der Sidebar nicht richtig funktionieren (nur falls Du das noch nicht wusstest.. :)) Wünsch Dir noch ein schönes WE
Danke =*.*= Freu' mich!!!
Oh.... Ehrlich nicht? Danke, dann werde das Problem gleich lösen! Dir auch ein schönes WE! :D
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valeriemperez · 6 years
Natalie at EW released a Flash scoop that said the Thinking Cap is going to be heavily featured in future episodes but that Harry is going to go to a dark place with it that will complicate his relationship with Team Flash. Its looking more and more that "Mystery Girl" had good reason to be giving Harry a not so favorable look.
Right there with you! Hopefully Cisco can save his friend before it’s too late, and hopefully Barry will finally do something to defeat Devoe.
You mentioned tension between Candice and Danielle in season 1. I have always thought that they didn’t seem close, and it became even more clear in season 2 when Shantel was on set. I felt like Candice was not in the Shantel/Danielle “clique”, but I thought perhaps Candice and Danielle got past that. Given these recent unfollows, I’m not wondering if Candice felt pressure to follow Danielle because of AJK. What do you think?
There were a few months in between AJK being fired and Candice unfollowing DP, so I’m not sure I would correlate them. But I will say that Candice never seemed to have an issue with Shantel personally, and even sent her a sweet message on Twitter earlier this year. On the flip side, the issue with Danielle definitely feels personal atm.
Gotta admit I really really wanted DP and Candice to get along behind the scenes and that all of the fans were making a big deal for nothing but it looks like that’s not the case. Once contract renegotiations come up, what are the chances of DP opting for less screentime or leaving altogether? I mean I doubt tension between her and Candice would be the sole reason for her leaving but she has gotten reduced screentime this year and basically demoted to filler plots :/
Yeah, I was hoping for the same. As for DP’s screentime, it’s actually not considerably less than last season. But you’re right that she doesn’t really have a larger arc (or ship) the way she did last year.
The actors have 6 or 7 year contracts. If Danielle chooses to renegotiate before then, that means she’s ready to leave unless she gets more money/screentime. I don’t think she would renegotiate just to get less, unless she starts getting a lot of movie offers which I don’t see happening.
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sbasks · 7 years
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sadbitchsapphic · 5 years
(🎂 three wishes) Ohhh this one is hard because I am THE MOST indecisive person. One wish would probably be world peace (cliche I know but the world be wack okay 😂), second hmm maybe life/choices in life weren't so hard. And thirdddd always have the exact amount of money I need (for books and philanthropy of course 😜).
(🍩 current mood) At the moment I would say content... and tired :)
(🍒 how I act when I have a crush) Oh FRICK uhh. I don't like letting it take over my life? Haha I'm not really the kind of person to talk about/be super open about who I'm attracted to a lot honestly. And when I'm around them I try to just be casual and not make myself look dumb 😂
Thanks for asking lovely! :)
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