#ghiacchio x
rae-pss · 1 year
Hi, may I please ask for headcanons for la squadra reacting to their s/0 having real haunted dolls, but the dolls just act like home security please
— RAE'S NOTE: omg, poor guys (😭). also, i'm projecting some headcanons here, like risotto when young visiting his nonna (grandma).
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༉‧₊˚. ─ in general, i'd say that everyone at first believed it had something to do with a stand; at best yours and at worst that of an enemy who has you in its sights.
༉‧₊˚. ─ however, once you explain to them that your collection is genuinely one of haunted dolls, well, there'll be various reactions depending on the member.
༉‧₊˚. ─ again, in a broader context, they find it a considerably positive thing that you've some extra security in your home apart of them in their occassional visit. not to mention the certain fear that it gives to see them looking you directly in the eyes, as if cursing you for life…
༉‧₊˚. ─ now, more specifically:
༉‧₊˚. ─ RISOTTO thinks the dolls are cute, it reminds them of a somewhat similar collection that his nonna (grandma) had, which he liked to look at every time he went to see her at her house.
༉‧₊˚. ─ PROSCIUTTO doesn't care much. in truth, to him they are simply another method of protection that you use. yes, he's grateful that you've them, but they're not something he'll pay much attention to if you don't mention them or they do something that catches his attention.
༉‧₊˚. ─ PESCI was somewhat afraid at first. their appearances are kind of cute, but the fact that they're haunted doesn't help the cause much. luckily, as time goes by she gets used to them and loses her fear of them.
༉‧₊˚. ─ GHIACCIO finds them somewhat terrifying, in the sense that he doesn't understand why when you find some haunted dolls on your way, decide to buy them and, as if it were the most normal thing in the world, you decide to create a collection of them. weren't there simpler things to have a collection? like, for example, normal dolls? generally speaking, he prefers to act as if they don't exist, unless it's necessary to do otherwise.
༉‧₊˚. ─ MELONE is genuinely interested in them. that's, how is it possible for dolls to be haunted? from a scientific point of view it's true that this is a really intriguing topic. and even that, he tends to ignore them most of the time in favor of paying attention to you.
༉‧₊˚. ─ ILLUSO loves them, more than necessary for sure. i's not the kind of dolls he'd have in a collection, but they genuinely look cute and keep you good company in his absence.
༉‧₊˚. ─ it took FORMAGGIO some time to get used to seeing them walk so calmly around your house as if nothing had happened; reaching the point where on one occasion he entered your house without knocking and was almost attacked by two of them. luckily you were there to stop them.
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abbynx · 3 years
0 to 100 real quick
La Squadra reacting to a usually silent, patient teammate snapping and going off
Genre: Platonic, just the bois being bros, definitely a self-projection, comfort
Warning: Cursing, mentions of breakup and manipulation 
Your phone rang for the umpteenth time, the stubborn caller failing to realise how many times you've wordlessly made it clear you want nothing to do with him. All you ask of him was to finally leave you alone and yet he continues to persistently pest you. Your will power proved itself mighty to be tolerating his nineteenth call in five minutes.
It was your ex being a stubborn son of a bitch who has a lot of time in his hands, constantly asking you to pick up the phone and let him 'smooth out and explain' his recent relationship with his 'friends' behind your back. You were nowhere near stupid, nor gullible after joining the mob. despite your outward appearance as an innocent, average civilian you've hardened over time with the help of your career and turning your feelings off was no longer a challenge. Over time it simply became a light switch.
After his recent actions came to light, you bear to hesitation to break it off. For a moment you felt guilty when he gave his explanation to why he started seeing other people without you knowing; of course you knew what you were getting into when you signed your soul away to the devil to work in this line of career, you were constantly faced with death and lacked the time to spend time with him. He had no knowledge about what you do for a living, but you knew how to make it clear you were never going to be a simple one-call-away. But over time you've finally gained some self-worth and self-preservation to see through his guilt tripping, before you dropped his ass.
Now you were here, rejecting his calls before pocketing it back in your pants before resuming the movie night. Even putting the phone on silent it continued to bother everyone around you as you continued to nonchalantly press the reject call button.
How can you be this patient, the rest of the team questions but the answer lay before them. Risotto hired the timid assassin with potential for their unwavering patience and swift wits to wiggle them selves out of severe situations, something the time could use to be honest especially when you have a ticking time bomb with no timer and goes off at random. Perhaps the question would be simply answered with a short and simple one: "It's just Y/N being Y/N."
With the pestering phone calls bothering you for the past few days, your team can't help to be annoyed on your behalf and would like to chuck your phone into the deepest trench of the ocean and buy you a new one.
Much to everyone's chagrin, they watch you pick your phone up, however, what you did next was new and unexpected. Instead of rejecting the call, you finally picked up. Most of the time you'd politely greet, but today was certainly different. As soon as you picked up the phone, you wasted no breathe to speak and cut to the chase. All eyes turned to you, some were concerned, curious, shocked, or proud.
"Can you quit blowing up my phone, dude? Twenty FUCKING calls every second is getting tiresome. If you're calling me to 'explain' to me how you're not meeting your hookups then fuck off and get lost! what? Do you miss your personal ego booster? Well then fuck you, go try and choke on your own dick! Do you fucking think I'll believe your half-assed bullshit lies and pathetic fucking cries and bitching will win me over? You must be so fucking DELUSIONAL to be thinking you're worth the effort! What? Are you sad that I’m not a passable doll you can manipulate and mold to your liking? Is that it, you crazy son of a bitch? Can't you fucking get a clue that I'm over it? Huh? I couldn't care less about the new lies you've come up with to try and win me over, I'm done! Finished! Tapos! Ho finito! He terminado! Я задолбался! WHAT OTHER LANGUAGES DO I NEED TO SPEAK TO GET IT THROUGH THAT THICK FUCKING NOGGIN OF YOUR’S? CALL ME AGAIN AND I SWEAR TO ALL THINGS CONSIDERED MIGHTY THAT YOU WON’T HAVE ANY TEETH LEFT, DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND YOU FUCKING CHEATER? DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND? Good."
As soon as you finished the call, you calmly set it down with a sigh of relief. Peace at last. You adjusted yourself comfortably on your seat, wanting to watch the movie on display, when you felt you've made yourself quite the spectacle.
- “Woooh, they went off!” His initial response was to high-five you for some reason but you accepted, nevertheless. 
- Very shocked and yet enthusiastic at how you handles yourself at the face of a situation like this. Not to mention, the build up! From you trying to tolerate the caller for the past few minutes, before picking up the call and gave them an ass whipping to remember for the rest of his life! 
- He would feel sorry for the person of the other side of the line if it weren’t for the fact he cheated on you, so good for him to be told off.
- “Heh, about time you told him off.”
- Silently supportive at how you handled yourself at the face of a situation like this and admires you for it. It was very entertaining while it lasted, now he just wants to go back to watching the movie. 
- Along that, he was shock that this hidden side of yours came put of nowhere and came out strong, which he thinks is pretty fucking rad. He now thinks back at the times where he gave you backhanded comments and how you managed to keep yourself cool under it... He now reminds himself not to get on your bad side, ever. 
- “.... Thank fuck you’re done, I was starting to think about throwing your phone out.”
- Extremely flabbergasted, as he has never heard you speak fluent in profanities, nor raise your voice at the duration of your stay in La Squadra. and addition to that, the fact you leaned on your seat and calmed yourself immediately as if nothing happened. 
- Nevertheless, he feels proud at you for standing up to yourself and standing your ground. You have always been the timid one entering the world of crime and he overlooked your development within this new and risky life style. Looks like his mentoring worked wonders on you and he feels proud of himself. 
- “......” 
- He was too shaken up to speak, he has never heard you be this angry and frustrated before as you’ve always kept calm in every situation and he admires you for that. 
- He is shaken up, sure but it doesn’t really change how he views you. You were still the patient person he has ever met-- he just happen to witness you lose your cool once but he’s sure that this won’t define you. 
- “Good for you for getting rid of that guy.” 
- He’s just relieved that you’re finally done with the guy who has been giving Melone weird vibes the moment you told him about your then boyfriend. A few alarm bells rang in his head as you detailed how he acts around you and despite being happy for you back then, Melone was extremely vocal about his concerns. Looking back at it, he feels that his ‘paranoia’ wasn’t far off.
- He isn’t really shock, he’s just happy that you’re standing your ground and establishing yourself as a person who don’t need no one to use as a co-dependent crutch. After being around Ghiaccio, he really isn’t that phased anymore.
- “Fucking finally!”
- Similar to Melone, he’s just relieved your done with the phone calls and clingy boyfriend who is a walking-talking red flag. He hated how you didn’t have time back then to hang out with your other teammates just to spend time with your boyfriend to make up lost times, that often lasts until midnight and Ghiaccio can still hear you talking to your phone. 
- Ghiaccio cares about you despite his distant veneer, and wants the best for the people he cares about. So he was happy that you finally broke your relationship of with a guy who doesn’t deserve you. Also, he’s starting to think that your choice of vocabulary all came from him and is unsure whether he should feel proud or not. 
- “Oh... Okay, good for you.”
- He blurted the first thing in mind, because he was just so shock at how you responded. He hired you for being so patient and calm at all times and now looking back, he doesn’t really see himself thinking that one day you’ll be going off without stopping to breathe and stutter. 
- Don’t get him wrong, he actually thinks it’s awesome that you stood up for yourself like that, but just give him time to reel back to reality. He just never thought you’d explode that hard. 
Gelato and Sorbet
- “See Sorbet? I told you they’d snap eventually!” 
- The couple was immensely entertained at your empowering speech being quite the ego breaker and worse-fate-than-death threat. They adore it whenever they see a usually timid newcomer becoming unafraid to stand their ground and tell their oppressors off, it honestly feels like a proud parent thing for them to see their baby kid all grown up and kicking people in the guts with their words. 
- If you would want a rebound, they won’t hesitate to set someone up with you who is far better than your dog-faced ex because they know that people are barely worthy for you 
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sluttbuttsstuff · 3 years
NAME: Ghiaccio
AGE: 32
OCCUPATION: Professional Athlete, Olympian, Trainer
ANNUAL INCOME AVERAGE: 5 Million annually as a professional Hockey player
BACKGROUND HISTORY:  Ghiacchio was a child prodigy on the ice, and one of the youngest olympians to compete for Italy.  He’s also the only person in history to win gold in not just hockey, but figure skating as well.  He’s won several medals for his skills, although has faced controversy due to his anger issues on ice, and losing control of his temper when failing to perform his best.  His athletic prowess on ice has earned him a top spot in the Canadian hockey league, and spends most of his year there-however, he spends his off time in Italy, due to his love of his country.  Ghiaccio has several Sponsorship deals, including Athleticwear brands, hockey gear specialty brands, and even sports drinks.  Ghiacchio is considering leaving the hockey league as he’s getting older and it’s starting to affect his health, however he still really loves the sport, and wants to become a trainer or coach in the future.  He’s also a savant of developing plays and game theory.   In his free time he reads, studies linguistics, and likes to play chess.  Aside from hockey and figure skating, he’s also a fan of soccer, swimming, and volleyball.
EXPECTATIONS:  What Ghiacchio wants more than anything is a romantic partner to come home to after a long exhausting day training, but his anger issues and personality quirks have scared off any promising dates.  He wants more than just a physical relationship, which is why he approached the Silver Chariot Agency.  He is currently working on his anger management issues, and has been attending therapy for 3 years as well as learning coping techniques to help him.  He also also assured the Agency that he’s never been violent with any partners, and any violence towards darling will not be tolerated and result in instant termination of the partnership.  Ghiacchio’s requirements for his darling are simple enough, as long as the darling is willing to tolerate his anger issues and help him be a better person.  Ghacchio would like to date/work only for him, and if their initial trial run goes well, would like them to move in with him.  Darling does not have to work, Ghiaccio is more than happy to provide for any any all expenses.  Ghiacchio is really just looking for a romantic partner to talk and bond with, ask him about his day, and treat him like a boyfriend.  Sex is not expected, but appreciated after developing a bond with darling.  Darling may like to sleep in a separate bed because of Ghiacchio’s early wake up time for training and moving in sleep, but some time cuddling in bed or on the couch with Ghiaccio is greatly appreciated.  Ghiacchio’s romantic experience is limited, but he is willing to learn, and wants to have a fulfilling relationship for both of you.
LIKES: sports (specifically hockey, figure skating, soccer, swimming, and volleyball), snow, debate, game/sports theory, literature, linguistics, his teammates, his therapist, cats
DISLIKES: hurting others, poor grammar, slackers, being lonely, being wrong, losing control of his emotions, letting others down, paparazzi
IDEAL TYPE:  Someone who can help him feel at peace and ground him.  Maybe a bit shy, like him.  Someone earnest with their feelings, and up for friendly debate.  They don’t have to be as into sports as him, but willing to watch his games and support him would mean the world to him.  He also has a soft spot for “cute” things, interpret that as you will.
IDEAL FIRST DATE:  Dinner at home, watching a movie or sports, maybe playing a board game, spending time with one another so Ghacchio can unwind and relax, as well as get to know you.  
PAYMENT:  Monthly allowance, as well as any additional bills and dates paid for.  Willing to buy almost anything for you if it will make you happy.  Will often take you shopping after one of his “episodes” as a way of apologizing.  
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 3 years
Well if you dont....
Ghia purposely using his stand to lower the temperature in the LS house so you'll scoot closer to him and he'll pull you into his lap and suggest a little "friction" to warm you up and you end up riding him until your hair is sticking to your face and your thighs are aching
Prim my HERO yes 👏🏻 An excellent concept…
(usual jazz, n/sfw under the cut, 18+ only ✌🏻)
You probably don’t even catch on at first because Ghiacchio starts lowering the temperature slowly while you’re sitting near him. He watches as you scoot a bit closer, then a little bit more, starting to shiver ever so slightly.
“Are you cold?” You nod, and he bites back a smirk, knowing he’s got you where he wants you. You’ve snuggled against him so cutely and he just wants more of your touch. His fingers settle on your hips as he pulls you into his lap, huffing out a soft laugh at the way you squeak in surprise. His thigh presses between your legs and your breath hitches. “Well, go on. You want to get warm, don’t you?” His leg presses more deliberately against you and you start to grind your hips down with a whine.
“That’s it,” Ghiacchio tells you, his hands guiding your hips to tease you just right, making you gasp and squeal at the friction. Warmth spreads through you slowly, pooling in your gut and spreading to your chest, your toes… You forget yourself completely, all your inhibitions gone as you ride Ghia’s leg desperately, humping him like your life depends on it. He murmurs the occasional shushing sound, telling you to be calm, slow down, as his fingers on your hips help maintain a steady pace. He smirks at you, knowing his hands on you are perhaps the only thing that keeps you from rutting against him like an animal.
He won’t let you shy away as you near your orgasm, though. If the stimulation feels like too much, or if you start to slow down, whimpering out Ghiacchio’s name as you cling to him, Ghia simply keeps guiding your hips down into him, angling his leg to hit just right, applying just a bit more pressure until you’re shaking in his arms, gasping out a breathy, broken moan as you cum on his thigh. Ghiacchio simply strokes your hair as you lay limply against his chest, pressing a soft kiss to your now sweaty forehead as you pant. “I think that should warm you up, yes?”
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strawberry-metal · 3 years
THEY'RE FUCKING CUTE WHAT THE SHIT?? I'm happy for the angry ice man X3
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Angry ice man knowing he'll get to come home to a cute chimera waifu now :3
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jojoboisimagines · 4 years
Like the recent snake ask, can I have hcs for the same scenario but for a member of La Squadra and each gang members reactions?
A/N: OOo! Interesting!
La Squadra with an S/O with a pet snake
Doesn’t mind it
If its not poisonous or a threat to either of you two’s health then its fine with him
actually even if it is he’ll still be interested in keeping it
He thinks its pretty cool but will never admit it
Goes with you to pick things out for your snake
is actually disgusted 
snakes make his skin crawl
sometimes its hard for him to even look at it
you can convince him to let you keep it if he thinks you really truly want it
after you’ve had it for a while he’ll still make small complaints here and there, but he doesn’t mind as much anymore
as long as it doesn't get close he’s fine with having a snake
jokingly suggests finding clothes or accessories to put on it
is lowkey scared of the snake’s fangs
will decorate its tank/resting place
di molto
he loves it
you’ll have to keep him from doing anything funny while examining it though
sometimes you find him just staring at it for a while
he takes notes on it and researches more about the particular kind of snake it is
it gives him the ‘heebie jeebies’ at first but he’ll get used to it
he’ll mess with it from time to time but doesn’t go too far so he won’t upset the snake
remembers to feed it daily
genuinely wonders if they eat rats like he’s heard
has a distaste for it at first
he sees snakes as something that should be seen from afar, not living in your own home
as long as it makes you happy though, he’ll allow it
will give you the money to pay for its needs
he actually adores the lil guy
he’s a little shy to touch your snake at first though, he’ll ask for permission every time
helps feed it regularly and buys things for it
he just likes having a pet in general honestly
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meloghia-week-2021 · 4 years
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All media, whether it’s art, fics or playlists (ect) are acceptable! (And late entries are fine too, just tag the blog)
Official dates and prompts written in text below 
Tag posts as Meloghiaweek2021 or tag the blog and we’ll feature them here ! And these are the social media sites that we’ll check (or you can send them directly to our asks/inbox if they’re on something like wattpad or youtube because those places are hard to find stuff)
-Tumblr, AO3, Twitter, Instagram, Deviantart, 
March 1
SFW// First Gift/First Kiss 
NSFW// Breathplay/Bondage 
March 2
SFW// Walk together/Hot cocoa 
NSFW// Temperature play/ Foot fetish
March 3
SFW// Vacation/Comfort
NSFW// Biting/Hair pulling
March 4
SFW// Marriage/Domestic Life
NSFW// Aftercare/Shower
March 5
SFW// Pet names/Clothes Swap
NSFW// Praise/Degradation
March 6
SFW// AU/Angst
NSFW// Breeding kink/Blood kink
March 7
SFW// Afterlife/Free prompt
NSFW// Free Prompt
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kindajared · 4 years
Q, R, S, T, and U for Ghiaccio? If those all are too much feel free to pick which ones you like best. Have a nice day :))
(Imma only do 4! <3)
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Omg! I think whenever you have something in your hair or on your face, he’ll always help get it for you by plucking it out or wiping it off gently for you. I would assume the same if you had something on your clothes!
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s not too romantic, but I’m sure that doesn’t come as a surprise. He will go out of his way to do cute little things for his s/o if he knows it will make them smile. He might get them little trinkets or maybe even some chocolate if he sees something in the window of a store that they might like. He doesn’t to to hard to make every moment special, but when the perfect moment comes, he’ll know to take ahold of their hand and kiss them on the cheek.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
I think that he would probably want too, he just doesn’t have time to focus on other things besides his work in the mafia. He wholeheartedly believes in them, but he may not verbally say things to encourage them to do what they want and must.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
I don’t think he would require it nor ask for something like that. He had relatively simple tastes. I don’t think he has a routine; he goes with the flow unless his s/o wants to try something. Then he’s all in.
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heckinhacker · 5 years
Idk if you accept requests for la squadra but if you do, can you write risotto taking care of a sick s/o who can't stop shivering?
Risotto Nero - taking care of his sick S/O.
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A/N: I’m so, so, soooo happy I got jojo request! It’s no problem at all - Actually? Risotto is my absolute fav from La Squadra, so pleasure is mine :3
He came as soon as he heard.
He was almost as sick of worry as you were, at first he was shaking madly, looking down at you, like you were dying. 
“Are you...are you okay?” He asked in his low tone, kneeling beside your bed. He took  your hand into his, kissing your knuckles.
He’s never ill so he barely knows how to take care of ill person.
“It looks much worse than a cold, what can I do for you?”
He’s around you like, all the time. Your every groan or deeper sigh and he asks if you’re fine.
You knew how caring he is, but seeing him THAT worried? It almost concerned you. Maybe you were shaking like a jelly, but you weren’t dying.
“Risotto...my lovely, sweetsy, Risotto - Nero, listen to me. I am not dying, you can sleep. Maybe...come lay down beside me? If I’ll need something I’ll give you a nudge. Ok?
“...Alright. I’ll just...lay down.”
And he did, hugging you tightly to his chest. He wasn’t worried of getting sick because of you - even if he would, he’d continue taking care of you nonetheless.
He asked everyone in La Squadra about taking care of sick person and got many, many suggestions.
The best ones were from Ghiaccio and he used t hem wisely.
He didn’t force you to stay covered when you felt too hot, but when you felt cold he helped you by hugging you and making out of you human pancake from blankets.
He made you drink a lot, he was getting you medicine regulary as he should, everything was perfect.
He even cooked you a soup, what a lovely man. 
He took days off so he could stay by your side. 
You have no idea what would you do without your lovely capo.
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rae-pss · 1 year
What if both Bruno gang and La squadra's meeting their respective future s/o when they first caught them singing in the train unknowing that they're there cause both were wearing headphones and listening on bluetooth. Especially it's this song
— RAE'S NOTE; the song is barbie dreams by fifty fifty in case anyone is wondering it. i don't think if i've understood it to its fullest, but let's say, reader is on a train singing that song and that's the first time la squadra/bucci gang member meet them.
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they know the song, either because of the movie or because they like the artists, and they'd sing it with you maybe at a low or higher level.
—mista, narancia, gelato, formaggio
they look at you with interest but don't do much else. may lock eyes with you once and gift you a small smile.
—bruno, giorno, trish
they are somewhat bothered by the sound of your singing voice, they would prefer you to be quiet.
—prosciutto, abbacchio, illuso, ghiaccio, sorbet
they hear your voice sing the song unknown to them, they don't look at you but they are listening intrigued.
—melone, risotto, gelato, fugo, formaggio, pesci
turn up the volume on his headphones
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
hi love!! i was wondering if i could get some nsfw yandere ghaccio headcannons? tysm!! <3
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A/n: I decided to combine those two requests and that’s what it turned out like. Enjoy✨
Pairing: yan! Ghiaccio x fem! Reader
Warnings: yandere behavior, kinda dark themes, NSFW, unprotected sex, clothed sex, biting, language
Soft mattress dips under the weight of your trembling body, tight grip of Ghiaccio’s cold hand on your neck keeps you firmly pinned down, not allowing you to breath properly, not saying anything about moving
You know that Ghiaccio loves you, he really does, but you didn’t think behind that pure facade was hidden his sick obsession. You just tried to be nice and polite with your coworker and now your “beloved” was pounding
Blue-haired man is settled between your open legs, his pelvis churning in and out of yours on the rapid speed, with every movement impaling your throbbing cunny on his stiff cock. He didn’t bother much about undressing either of you, hiking up the skirt of your cute dress just enough, sliding your underwear to the side and plunging his aroused member balls deep inside of you
You grip desperately on the thin fabric of man’s shirt, but Ghiacchio is quick to grapple both of your hands with his way bigger one, pinning them above your head, making you completely open and vulnerable. Blue-haired slants his mouth over yours, harshly biting on your lips until they bleed. His fingers let go of your bruised neck, coming lower to grab onto your hips, jiggling and molding your tender flesh with his greedy fingers
You whimper piteously at man’s harsh treatment and that only seems to add fuel to the fire of his feral jealousy. Mafioso quickens the jutting of his hips, the tip of his cock glides tightly against your g-spot with every new thrust, your clit rubbing against blue-haired’s lower body what turns you into a sobbing mess writhed beneath your boyfriend
Ghiaccio rests his forehead atop yours, looking heavily right into your eyes. You notice pink tint dusting his handsome features, his usually neatly combed curls are now messy and unkempt. Man stares at you with anger mixed with resentment - how could you? Why were you that nice with that jerk? Why would you even talk to other people when you always have him by your side. He’s way better than anyone, you were made for each other, so how could you betray his trust and try flirting with other man?
- You’re fucking mine, mine, MINE. Don’t you fucking dare to look at anyone but me. Only I can make you feel this good, only I can have you, - Ghiaccio growls into your face, his fingers dig into the soft flesh of your thighs, surely leaving several marks that’ll take weeks to heal, and you whimper at his furious force
Ghiaccio’s jaws clench on the junction between your neck and shoulder, biting you so hard that a few drops of blood run down to your back. Sharp pain runs through your body, you wail at the intense feeling, tears break down from the corners of your eyes
- Who you belong to? Say it! - blue-haired rasps against your ear, you can hear a hint of despair in his harsh tone. You only whine, shutting your eyes tight - now you understand everything. Even if you’d wanna leave Ghiaccio won’t let you to. He would never let you go
- Y-you, - you stammer out, tears run down your temples getting lost in your hair. Ghiaccio hums contentedly at your answer, pressing his face to your locks, inhaling deeply your scent, mumbling obscenities under his breath
Despair grows writhing your chest together with the feeling of your nearing climax. Your legs starts to tremble, Ghiaccio works every sensitive spot inside of you, making you squeal. Your toes curl as heats crashes over your body and you fall to pieces into your beloved’s strong arms. That’s right, even if you’d wanted to you will never leave him
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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jojothembo · 4 years
Welcome to the hell hole sinners this October is a special time where all of the cryptids,goblins,and other horny creatures come out and feast.
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(<p> nsfw under the cut</p>)
DAY 1 -Risotto Nero {knifeplay}
DAY 2-Formaggio {micro macro/size kink}
DAY 3 - Cioccolata {medical}
DAY 4- Tiziano {Breath play}
DAY 5- Bottom!Risotto{boot worship}
DAY 6-DIO{wax play}
DAY 7-Melone {Breeding}
DAY 8-La Squadra{Casting catching}
DAY 9-Abbacchio{clone sex}
DAY 10-Joseph{somniphilia}
DAY 11-Ghiacchio{temperature Play}
DAY 12-Rohan{crying/angry sex}
DAY 13-Yoshikage Kira{body worship}
DAY 14-Ceaser{Face Sitting}
DAY 15-Abbacchio {Prostitution}
DAY 16- Melone{F*ck Machine}
DAY 17-Funny Valentine{Threesome}
DAY 18-Iluso{Humiliation}
DAY 19-Dr.Jotaro Kujo{C*ckwarming}
DAY 20-Tonio{Foodplay}
DAY 21-Avdol & Polnareff {voyerism}
DAY 22-Diavolo{Overstim}
DAY 23-Yoshikage Kira{Shower S*x}
DAY 24-Prosciutto{Branding}
DAY 25-Guido Mista{G*nplay}
DAY 26-Gyro Zeppeli {Stripper}
DAY 27- Bruno Bucciarati{Public S*x}
DAY 28-Joseph Joestar{Lingerie}
DAY 29-Jonathan Joestar{Praise kink}
DAY 30-Hol Horse {Stuck in a wall}
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bizarreplatinum · 4 years
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At first, she was shocked, her fingers reached to touch the reddened spot on her forehead. A myriad of emotions played on her face, but he watched her unease slowly turn into delight. No one had ever looked at him with genuine happiness before. — chapter two, lovely weather by honeytea8 
please read lovely weather by @honeytea8 i love it so much. it’s a ghiacchio / reader, if you’re like me & love the ice goblin along with solid characterization + development then [here’s chapter one!]
here’s my interpretation of the MC! this specific part has been in my head for a while.. i’m thinking about doing more?? everything is SO well described that it’s easy to put what i’m reading onto a canvas! heart eyes.
PROGRAM: procreate for ipad
TIME: 13 h 15m over three weeks
CANVAS: 1400px x 1400px
MAIN BLOG: the-astralAlchemist
production notes below cut
- don’t mind me making fan art for a fan fiction. is it vain to do fan art of an x reader that is meant to be yourself? lmao 
- this is the first time i’ve completed an actual gif animation thing... like, whole heartedly: with clean line art and full color. i felt that animation would be the best way to show everything rather than a mini comic
- i was inspired by the scene from steven universe where rose quartz goes starry eyed when talking to greg (“story for steven”) ugh it is so cute
- whenever I hear about pillbox hats (the hat the MC is wearing), i think of jackie o’s pink hat - you know the one, so that was my inspiration
- i might post the wips sometime? 
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 3 years
Do you know what’s something I find incredible? The thought that Ghiacchio gets so flustered to give you gifts or express his affection really openly, especially if you’re in a new relationship. It’s not because he finds that sort of thing embarrassing, per se. It’s more that he feels something so deep for you, such an intense affection that it’s overwhelming and he struggles to find words that could adequately express it.
Ghiacchio is certainly articulate, and he doesn’t often struggle to speak his mind, but he stumbles on his words and blushes when it comes to you, because any words he could think of would pale in comparison to the real thing.
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agileo-101 · 4 years
Hiya! First of all, I wanted to say that I absolutely love your art (i didn't know I could love risotto x ghiacchio as much as I do now lol). I wanted to follow your +18 account on twitter but I think I wasn't accepted...? I'm 21 almost 22 u_u I was wondering if I did something wrong
Uh oh!!! Im so sorry, must have a butter fingers at that time! Can you tell me your Twitter name and try again? I'll make sure you include you this time!
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yaneyanedaze · 5 years
The one that got away
Yandere! La Squadra x Reader x Passione Gang
A/N: Just to start off, there will be themes/mentions of suicide, blood and self harm in later chapters, so if that type of stuff bothers you, please scroll past! I don’t want to accidentally trigger anyone!
With that said, hope you like it!
It was a cool day, everything was going along as it normally would in the house hold. Today it was Pesci’s job to go to your room and wake you up. You were a part of La Squandra, but you felt in equal, Everyone else had nice fluffy beds, or TVs, or even a chair. All you had was a mattress on the floor, two covers and a closet, filled with clothes they picked out for you. Only things you were allowed to own was your medicine container and a water bottle, it annoyed you that they thought they could do this.
But today was the last day they would treat you like this.
When Pesci opened up the door with a nice “(y/n)~ It’s time to get up~!” He chimed, But it fell on deaf ears, your bed was empty, but the clothes you had on were still there.
But you weren’t.
Pesci has begun to freak out, and turned only to face Formaggio, who was coming to check and see what was taking him so long. “What’s taking so long? Where is she? Is she hiding again?” He immediately asked. Pesci shook his head, but a gust of wind was what answered his question.
You had Escaped.
By the time they finally figured out, you were already gone. Wind in your (h/c) hair, legs hurting from running so much, but you had to keep going. A few days ago, when you were allowed to go out, you had met another male. He called himself Bruno, he was nice and kind, and hell if he were a female, you would call him a mom. You managed to sneak and tell him about your situation, which he immediately tried to take you then. But later offered a better life, but you had to meet him a certain location. You weren’t going to let them hinder you, you wanted a free life. Panting heavily, you knew you had to go faster, because if they had let the Capo know, he would definitely be on your tail already. You shook your head, and finally reached the spot Bruno had told you to meet him, a small cafe in the middle of town. You could already see the male in the distance, cause he kinda did stand out. ———————————————————————
Bruno was reading a book calmly, he was waiting for the girl he had met a few days ago. He felt a pang in his chest when he saw some of the bruises on her, he wanted to save her right there on the spot. But he didn’t want to risk her getting punished because of him. “Mr.Bruno!” He raised his head slightly then quickly stood up. There she was, in a simple black dress and flats, He saw that she was visibly tired and Injured. Bruises littered her legs and arms, and her (h/c) hair was messy as well, but he didn’t care. He quickly pulled the young woman along, guiding her to a car and helping her in. There he learned more about her. She said her name was (Y/N)(L/N), and that she was a former member of a rival gang. But they began abusive her mentally and physically, telling her lies, hurting her friends. She felt like more of slave than a member. Bruno laid a gentle hand on her leg. Telling her “Don’t worry. You’re safe with me...” For once she finally felt safe in the arms of male..
Meanwhile, all hell was breaking lose with the La Squadra. Prosciutto was the next one to figure out that you were gone, he was the one that would usually take you out shopping and buy you things (against your will of course). And most of the outfits were not appropriate for a lady to wear. His reaction made Pesci step back in fear. “Where..Is she?...” he said slowly, a menacing aura surrounding him. “You know The Boss isn’t gonna like that his favorite Kitten has ran away..” He muttered. Pesci looked over at Formaggio who was searching your room to find any source of how you could’ve escaped, to his surprise, Your window was broken. Not just opened, like Pesci had said. “Well, Her window is broken not opened. She must’ve found something to break it.” “but boss made sure it was nothing in there! So how could she!”
Annoyed by all the noise, Ghiacchio, walked into the room rubbing his forehead. “Why is there so much noise!? I’m trying to re- Where’s (y/n)?” He immediately said, glancing around the room. “That’s what we’re trying to figure out. She couldn’t have ran far, unless she ran to the town.” Prosciutto said, still observing the room before noticing a single piece of white paper, hidden under her bed. Reaching for it, he noticed it was a diary entry. Dated the day before, He began reading it aloud.
“Entry # I’ve lost count.
Today while out, I met this really sweet guy, he said I could call him B for the time being. He offered to help me get away from here! He told me to meet him somewhere close and he would help me, whisk me away from this torture. Though it seems too good to be true, I trusted him though, it was better than what I had now. He gave me a flower, and told me that I was beautiful, that I didn’t deserve this treatment and that I should’ve been treated as equal. He promised me a life with a loving family and a loving home. Tonight, I’m leaving this hell for good.”
“So, she’s gone rogue huh?”
Risotto stood in the doorway, he had just gotten in from a mission and was all bloody, clearly annoyed. “She’ll come back to us, nobody’s gonna want her when they figure out she was with us.” He said bluntly before snatching the paper. He turned it over and saw a drawing, one of what he believe to be (y/n), and this B male. He had black hair that was styled into a bob, and according to (y/n) he wore white and black. “She loves us guys, she wouldn’t run away without being manipulated into coming with them.” Risotto spoke again. He knew that (y/n) loves them, he knew that she wouldn’t betray them. He that she wouldn’t betray him.
“We’ll start looking for her tonight. She will not get away.”
“She will not leave us..”
Hii guys! So this is going to be the second story on my blog you should look out for!~ it’s my first time writing for La Squadra, and I hope I capture some of them well.
Hope guys like it, and the question for today:
“Who’s your favorite member of La Squadra?”
Mines Risotto. I love my big goth bf lol
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