dailyhatsune · 4 years
(for mun) how long have you known japanese & how did you learn? :o could you share any resources maybe?
i’ve been learning from a language school for about 6-7 years now! also i have some fancy resources for anyone interested
online resources include:
japanesetest4you.com, it’s international exam-standard resources and it’s good for learning vocabulary and grammar! it even has comprehension and listening practices! also if any of you do end up taking the jlpt this site is a godsend
ejje.weblio.jp is a dictionary for english and japanese! what’s really good is that it also includes phrases in the list, and multiple translations for the same word (since some words change meaning on context) that can be checked within the same site. it also gives alternate readings for certain characters, and tells you which ones are used for surnames or given names!
bonus: kanji.reader.bz/more/ for those who know some kanji and would like to know alternate readings for naming japanese characters or general intetest
lastly, if anyone following this blog lives in singapore, ikoma language school is a good japanese school here—i haven’t changed language schools for the 6-7 years i’ve been learning
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soshinee · 4 years
soshiete yo shiete yo
i cant believe tyler has never made this joke before
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tamizhnadu · 4 years
ok for real... thoughts on sonic
ok julie i know you said sonic adventure 1 was a shitshow but this is NOTHING compared to the archie comics. there is so much happening all the time. theres a whole tails is the chosen one by some magical wizards subplot (and at one point he’s replaced by a doppelganger who has false memories of being tails but this is just never mentioned ever again after the real tails is freed), knuckles absorbing a chaos (or master?) emerald and then dying and attending his own funeral, amy growing five years older by wishing really hard on a ring meaning she’s actually like a 10 year old in a teenager’s body this whole time, eggman actually being a robot from another dimension, and this isn’t even covering half of the comics. and this is only from what i COULD make out about the lore. theres so many pages i just skipped because its walls of bad fanfiction hdhfjkgh
anyways enough about the comics i think knuckles is an underrated character. like sure he’s popular but we do not talk nearly enough about his stupid lego shoes or how his favorite hobbies are eating grapes and digging holes in dirt. unrestrained summer fun
send me a topic and i’ll give you my thoughts on it!
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evilkaito · 4 years
do you think you could explain the lyrics of hyper reality show a little? idk if I'm too tired or if the translation on his official upload isn't clear enough but I'm having a tough time understanding what the song is about
the song has multiple topics but the biggest topic is vocaloid as a whole and capitalism. it brings up imagery of homogeny, where all products in late stage capitalism start to resemble each other (the grey color mentioned, which also in japanese means something vague).
and the line “lets dance all night to a list of predictable tunes”. utsus clearly talking about producers who never experiment and are here to cash in a check without passion or creativity.
also how even if one points out the scripted phoniness of a piece of entertainment it doesnt change anything because they still consume it at the end of the day.
if you want to be more specific i think its a critique of vocaloid fans AND producers in general… ”who’s will is behind this song im singing, you ask? its hatsune miku of course” is such a good line because it can both be about fans who think miku actually creates the songs, or the producers who hide behind miku in their songs and have her sing things like shes the authority because she’s iconic - it gives their words more power.
anyways this song has multiple meanings and can be viewed in many different ways, but i think its very clearly a critique of capitalism and how it infects vocaloid songs and culture. literally the first line is about how money doesnt make sense.
and people who think im reading too far into this clearly know fucking nothing about utsu who is almost entirely about political commentary
tldr; utsu-p. anarchist icon.
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hustlerose · 5 years
people have somehow, within the course of a few minutes, decided (seperately) that you are both bi and a biphobe. two things which you have never even suggested at being. people can really just say whatever they want on this site huh
in this town it’s bi or biphobic hjklahjkhdjkfsgh
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dmfornewurl · 4 years
this ask game is so funny 🕵️‍♂️🤭
🕵️ would you rather raid a discord server or say slurs on anon?
discord server. saying slurs on anon is for cowards
🤭 vague one user that you can’t stand.
your url is really good but tbh you are so annoying god bless
send an emoji
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oceanflowerrs · 5 years
ghostjulie replied to your post “shoutout to girls with facial hair!!!!! you are all so valid and...”
everyone in the comments asking "aren't cis women real women"? the answer is no. no they are not
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russian-pain-pipe · 3 years
You are not a part of the community if you are ableist
making fun of disabled people/think they’re funny
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st5lker · 2 years
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hi this is all i have in my bank account right now i’d really appreciate some money to order dinner or buy groceries or anything because i dont really have anything to eat right now. im a homeless latine transfem and ive been job searching but i havent heard anything back from any of my applications so i would really really appreciate some help. please don't tag this post with anything
v/nmo: ghostjulie
p/ypal: irabbitts
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meteorherd · 4 years
finale of my first ever dnd campaign is tomorrow
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prismhasmoved · 7 years
ghostjulie replied to your post “ghostjulie replied to your post “How’s this sound? Minior,...”
yeah ! !
Does Salazzle sound good too maybe?
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tamizhnadu · 4 years
thoughts on The Muppets (2011)
was actually a very good and solid comeback for the muppets fuck the haters. washed up retired kermit was not something i was expecting but im here for it. hes a sad gay old man. i will admit the resolution was sudden and kind of sucked but its the muppets im not coming in for an intricate plot. i came for man or muppet.
send me a topic and i’ll give you my thoughts on it!
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evilkaito · 4 years
although as for gumi if i recall correctly it actually isn't crypton or sega who doesn't want gumi in project diva it's actually internet co bc they want her to be a standalone competitor. the only reason she was in mirai was due to nendoroid having a contract with them to use her image or something like that
OKAY thats fair time to give a big fuck you to internet co then
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hustlerose · 5 years
hello diane! im trans :)
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no I’M trans
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russian-pain-pipe · 3 years
just adding onto my last post: fuck you if you’re an aphobe. you’re vile. some people have trauma from sexual interaction. what do you say to all of them? ‘oh you just need to get used to it’ ?  FUCK. YOU.
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st5lker · 2 years
hi my last post didnt really get anywhere so please don't tag this post with anything at all, but my savings are getting pretty close to being completely gone at this point. i'm a homeless transfem latine, i'm hungry and i need money for food/groceries, it's also my birthday at the end of the month if that gives you another reason. it would mean a lot to me if you could help me out a little here.
venmo: ghostjulie
dm me for paypal
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