therapardalis · 3 months
"You were once in a relationship with Captain Armando Salazar, weren't you?"
//Y'know, I wasn't going to answer this one but I've been thinking about it and I'm curious.
Yes, I used to write a ship with an Armando Salazar RPer. It's one of my fondest roleplay memories and I'm still friends with the mun.
But it was like, over 5 or 6 years ago now, and that makes me wonder who you are, Anon. Are you someone from back in those days? Or otherwise how did you find out? If the first, come to me without anon and say hi?
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horizonfate-blog · 6 years
  “Safe to assume, you’re the one who’s been razing my friend’s fleet?”  Will wasn’t amused by the carnage, posture tense at the Dutchman’s wheel.  “Do you mind?  Your whole the dead are taking over the sea thing is really mucking things up for me.  I wasn’t aware of this little triangle curse tidbit, but I can tell you for sure that you won’t win this fight.  Jack’s too clever and the trident doesn’t exist to begin with.” 
- @ghostlyhunter from here
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intoxicatiing · 6 years
@ghostlyhunter liked ⚜ forever ago;
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For once, she was grateful for the veil trapping heat where it hung over her face, making her sweat worse than anyone else in the crew. It hid not just her eyes, but the pallidness that came up whenever she was at sea, along with the nausea and irritation. “I’m sure it’s an easy enough question for you,” she said, red lips smirking all the same. “Where is this ship headed?”
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ninjacat1515 · 7 years
( @ghostlyhunter  )
In the chaos, Eliza found herself crouched behind a pile of rotting crates. The presence of both pirates and ghosts preventing her from leaving the safety of her hiding place. She was horrified by the gruesome scene of slaughter. Trying to escape one hell, and ending up in another.
The pirates stood no chance; and falling quickly to the specters. Eliza placed her hand over her mouth, pulling a filthy cloth covering over herself. The ship had begun to move again, and she had missed her chance to flee. She prayed nothing would find her. She just needed more time to figure a plan....
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star-trekker-0013 · 7 years
Who I Owe
So the people I owe replies to are:
I will try to get them sent out by the end of this week. Things are a bit busy at the moment and I’m a bit behind on schoolwork.
If I owe anyone else a reply, please let me know!
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seawitchshansa · 7 years
Mini Salazar doll shows up one day.
leave an object in my ask and my muse will react to it being given to them || accepting || @ghostlyhunter (because reasons)
“Hmmm…….if your intent was to give me a voodoo doll, I’m afraid that is not my realm of expertise.” 
Before any of the rats could start to nibble, Shansa lifted the doll with one hand, and contemplated its tiny black bead eyes and small stitched mouth; well, it was certainly cute, she’d give the unknown creator that much credit. 
With a small sweet smile on her lips, she pressed a kiss to the doll’s head, then secured it to the side of her dress. 
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❝ All good things to those who wait. ❞
Danielle looked up at him. A small smile filled her lips. “Thank you Sir, your words are most reassuring at a time when I needed them. It’s kind of you to offer such words.”
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stridande-a-blog · 7 years
( @ghostlyhunter )
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       “ How is it? “   She chimes through. Her dark eyes are set upon the Spaniard captain as she approaches. Gentle steps carry her through the people effortlessly, passing between them as though she weren’t even there. Emily comes to a stop just some feet from him, allowing him distance. A respectful bow is offered (considering she was never really taught to curtsy), eyes reconnecting as straightens.
       “ Sailing, I mean. The oceans.. “
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womanofscxence · 7 years
“ Maybe we’ve got more in common than I thought. ”
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“You’re a murderer, I’m not. You’re practically dead, I’m not. I have a good heart, you don’t. I like some pirates, you like none. I don’t see how we can have anything in common, Salazar.”
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therapardalis · 2 hours
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[Mun Questions from @paramounticebound.]
😩 ✍ 😂 📷 ------------
😩 Hardest thing about writing the muse? 
Finding reasons for her to stick around when the other muse is being a jerk. When someone is coming at her IC with 'fuck off' or 'leave me alone' or generally just being an asshole, if I'm keeping her true to herself - she'd just leave. Unless she has a good reason to stay and put up with their shit, she'll go, with an optional 'go fuck yourself' thrown behind her.
But obviously, this is not helpful in continuing the thread, so there are times I have to figure out ways to make her hang around.
✍ Favorite thing about writing the muse?
One of them is her action/fight scenes. It's always a challenge to make things as ... well I won't say 'realistic' because hey, look around, but plausible. As near as I can get it between the IC elements of the character and how things really work.
😂Funniest thing that’s ever happened to your muse?
Oh, so many!
A favourite was from 2017 in the POTC fandom, writing with @ghostlyhunter-blog's Captain Salazar. Thera was visiting her poor innocent neighbours for tea, but Armando decided he wanted her attention instead, por favor.
So she's sitting there sipping tea and trying to make conversation, while his ghostly ass is outside the window where only she can see him, pulling faces at her through the glass.
📷 Favorite picture/screencap of your muse?
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hecooper-blog · 7 years
“You should reconsider your options...Again.”
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She said to the man , strongly chained up to the hold of her ship. The fierce  Jörmungandr rocked slighty, it was a strong galleon with a perfect structure. Only the best to accommodate the vicious Captain Salazar.
Captain Wolff was a woman of her word , she said she’d stop him and so she did, with a help of one of her former “client” she got those special chains. Otherwise she’d never catch or restrain him.
*arms crossed*  “It’s nothing personal. You’re out of control, luv.”
( @ghostlyhunter )
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seawitchshansa · 7 years
girl talk || @moonlitmyth
“Margaret....Meg, I have some news.” 
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“I’m engaged.”
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“Thank you for saving my life,” Elsa wraps the woolen blanket given to her around her shoulders. She doesn’t need the warmth but the comfort it offers soothes her.
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therapardalis · 5 years
how hot is that character: Captain Jack Sparrow
[Hot or what? Meme from @myxcenterxstage.]
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
*Looks to her left, where Hector Barbossa is busy yelling orders at his crew.*
*Looks to her right, where Armando Salazar has heard that name, muchas gracias, and is giving her a side-eye.*
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“Seriously, not my type.”
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