#giants machines use in building and construction jobs
Kind of a dumb request but how about team DEFY + any girls you want with an s/o who somehow managed to build a mech straight out of Armored Core? Insanely maneuverable, loads of guns, can fly, etc and s/o built it in a garage with a box of scraps lol
(GFL/Genshin Impact) Task Force DEFY, Amber, Jean, Fischl, and Yoimiya's S/O building an Armored Core Mech
(Video Source: Pongsifu on YT) Luckily for you, I have been binging Armored Core 6 for the past month, and will hop on ANY request to talk/write about anything Mecha related.
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12 stared at the giant 10 meter mechanical behemoth that had suddenly made its home inside Griffin's Hangar.
(AK-12) "...We didn't always have that, right?"
The machine's chest slowly opened and revealed a cockpit containing S/O, waving hello from the seat.
Apparently, they had constructed the mech out of spare parts lying around.
(AK-12) "Impressive...But, why exactly did Griffin have that many parts lying around? And how did you find guns that big?"
On the battlefield, she watches the mech fly around at almost breakneck speed, watching them zip around and eradicate one base after the other.
Kicking tanks and shooting helicopters out of the sky, it was far more effective to watch them fight instead of having to do anything.
(AK-12) "Hm. We'll be out of a job at this rate."
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94 knew this was going to happen.
T-Dolls would only last so long on the battlefield before they were replaced by the next best thing.
However, she sure as hell wasn't expecting S/O of all people to surpass her, with a mech constructed out of junk parts no less.
It was honestly awe-inspiring what humans could engineer for the sole purpose of destruction.
And it was also physically impossible. Something that size should not be quad-wielding miniguns and moving that fast.
(AN-94) "...How has your machine not collapsed from the Earth's gravity?"
94 is more confused than anything.
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15 was impressed more than anything.
She knew S/O was an engineer, but to construct a mech out of the parts they had was nothing short of a miracle and logic-defying technical prowess.
(AK-15) "How does your machine constantly reload the missiles while on the field? It is the only weapon you seem to have, and no one constructed missiles that large, even during World War 3."
She can't help but wonder why DEFY was even needed if Griffin had engineers like S/O around.
Well, at least S/O was on their side.
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(RPK-16) "I wonder if humanity will wipe itself out faster with these new machines."
16 is fascinated by the human desire to make machines to wipe out life faster.
Granted, Griffin usually just fought Sangvis which consisted nothing of machines, but it would only be a matter of time until everyone else had their own version of S/O's mech.
And probably not one constructed out of junk either.
(RPK-16) "I must ask, S/O. How can you be in the cockpit of that thing and not reduce yourself to jelly? Surely the G-Force alone would kill you?"
Well, it's not the first thing that humans have done that confused her.
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(Angelia) "Hmph. Why did they even bother calling us if they had you here? And could you have done that this entire time?"
Angelia is impressed and annoyed.
If S/O could create a hulking machine of death before, why did they only decide to do it now?
She both dreads and admired S/O's tenacity. To make such an effective machine out of junk took a hell of a lot of elbow grease.
Angelia doesn't question it, seeing that it's working alright so far, but she definitely wants to look into upgrading it.
(Angelia) "S/O, with me. We're painting DEFY's logo on it."
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(Amber) "THAT IS SO COOL!"
Amber could create Baron Bunnies with a lot of yarn, but S/O could make a machine that dwarfed Ruin Guards with some random pieces of metal!
(Amber) "You have got to teach me how to do that! And lemme ride it too!"
Amber demands to fly with S/O, even though she can't go nearly as fast as they can.
She watches as S/O wipes out entire nests of monsters before leaping away with its mantis-like legs to the next location.
Honestly, it made her feel jealous.
(Amber) "Heeey, can I ask one of those for my birthday! I bet it'll make flying around Mondstadt a breeze!"
Though as the outrider, she kindly asks S/O not to park the giant machine weighing presumably hundreds of tons in the city.
For obvious reasons.
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The color on Jean's skin fades when she heard Klee helped S/O build a brand new toy.
One that put her bombs to shame.
And seeing it park itself next to the cathedral, waving hello to her as she was standing at the entrance-
She was about ready to faint.
(Jean) "S/O! Get down from there right this instant!"
Jean gives S/O and Klee an earful for making such an absolute monstrosity that could potentially damage the land and city!
But seeing it in action and fast it disposed of a Hilichurl camp, it filled her with pride and dread.
Pride for her S/O's creative ingenuity, but absolute fear for what S/O and Klee could make next.
Especially considering how fast S/O's machine moved, and the weapons it had.
Where did Klee find the gunpowder for quad-cannons mounted on it?!
(Jean) "I pray that it won't blow up the city on accident..."
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(Fischl) "...WHAT?!"
Fischl completely breaks character upon seeing the giant machine staring at her.
(Fischl) "How did...Why...?! Get down from there and tell me how this mechanical monstrosity came to be!"
(Oz) "You just want to ride the machine yourself, Mein-"
(Fischl) "SILENCE!"
...But yes, she constantly nags S/O to let their Prinzessin give the machine a try.
She finds it so friggin' cool, and desperately wants one of her own, in purple!
She watches with some kind of morbid satisfaction watching S/O's machine wipe out their enemies in electrical explosions.
(Fischl) "I hereby dub your steel horse…Raven, of the 621th star!"
(Oz) "…Why 621?"
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Oh, that's where all of Yoimiya's spare fireworks have been going into.
(Yoimiya) "HOLY CRAP! What on earth did you make, S/O?!"
The machine seemed like it leapt from another world!
Especially with how fast it moved, honestly she was amazed S/O wasn't vomiting their guts out as soon as they exited.
While it seemed like it would do massive damage, instead they used it for something even better.
As the machine soared above the skies of Inazuma, the cannons on the arms and shoulders fired toward the moon, the starry night exploding into hundreds of beautiful colors!
They had transformed their machine into a firework powerhouse!
And with how fast it moved, it was able to provide a show from one island to another!
(Yoimiya) "Next festival, you're letting me ride with you! I want to see the work we've done up close!"
256 notes · View notes
e-vay · 3 months
The Sonnet of Domino & Phlox - Ch2
[A/N: Click here to read the previous chapter. This story is also available to read on AO3]
“Aren’t they something?” an older gentleman asked with a sigh, adjusting the glasses on the edge of his long snout.
Domino continued affixing a spray nozzle to a hose but shifted her eyes in the direction of the shrew’s gaze. “Uhh…” she hesitated, unsure what to make of the orange, mechanical bipeds that stomped down the street. With each weighty step, the ground trembled and rattled the ladder the hedgehog was standing on. “What exactly are they, Mr. Mayor?”
“Our ticket to the future, that’s what!” The politician boasted. “Two months ago this eccentric human rides into town on a floating caravan! He requests a meeting with me, claiming he’s some kind of genius inventor who wants to help this great city reach its full potential,” He adjusted his vest with pride. “That’s when he showed me the blueprints for these beauties.”
Hedgehog and shrew watched as the two large robots paused in the middle of a large patch of untouched earth. With a metallic groan, the crude “hand” of one of the machines retracted into its arm and was replaced with a long drill head. It stiffly bent forwards and began boring into the ground. The bots were impressive but noticeably rough in their assembly, including large clunky bolts and bright orange paint hastily splashed onto the metal framework. The designs didn’t have the polish and finesse that one would normally find on something like a car, but perhaps that was to be expected from a budding inventor. Domino certainly didn’t know any better. Still, something about the eerie “smiley-face” logo that was stamped on each mech didn’t sit right with her…
“He told us these were cutting edge technology, that they would put us centuries ahead of neighboring towns, and golly was he right. They were only delivered a few days ago but they’ve already streamlined our building processes and made huge improvements to the city.” The mayor’s speech was interrupted by the sound of townspeople cheering as the two robots completed their construction – a well with a hand pump – in record time. Young children ran towards the well, heedless of the metal giants, and used the pump to draw up fresh water that they then splashed at one another. 
“Huh…” Domino mused. She returned her attention to the hose in her hand and sprayed a steady stream of water in the freshly cleared gutter that hung along the roof she was leaning against. She tilted her head either way, making sure no drips escaped from the seams of the gutter, before looking down at the rain spout and assuring that the water ran clear without any blockage. Satisfied with her work, she turned off the hose and descended down the ladder. “Gutter’s clean. You should be set for the winter.”
“They might be a little crude now, but with our investment, he promised the models will only get better,” The shrew said more to himself than the girl next to him. “Soon enough there’ll be smaller models, capable of doing just about anything!” He suddenly turned to the girl with a wide smile. “Just think! You’ll never have to be bothered with odd jobs ever again. It’s like he told me: ‘The Botniks are here for you!’”
Domino did her best to force a smile but couldn’t help but rock on her feet from discomfort. Odd jobs were how she got by. What was she meant to do if these “Botniks” started popping up everywhere? Well, best not to fret about it now.
“Um… Mr. Mayor?” the teal hedgehog hinted awkwardly. “I finished clearing the gutters.”
“Ah! Right, your payment!” The shrew took out his wallet and began counting the contents before hesitating with a pained smile. “Uh… You’ll have to forgive me… The salary posted on the job board is… outdated. We used most of the city’s annual budget investing in our ‘little’ robot helpers here so I can only give you half of what was originally offered.”
Domino’s quills bristled. HALF?! She nearly screamed out loud. Gee, would’ve been nice to know that BEFORE I scaled this blasted roof! She bit her tongue and took a deep breath in. This meant she’d need to take on more gigs than planned, and letting loose some snarky remarks to the mayor of all people would definitely get her kicked out of town before she’d made enough money. She forced a tight smile and politely pocketed the payment handed to her. 
“Nooooooo sweat…  If there’s anything else ya need that your big bots are too bulky for, just holler!” 
She turned on her heel before she said something stupid. 
Glancing up at the town clock, Domino’s grimace was quickly replaced with an excited grin. She sprinted towards the city gate with glee. After all, it was difficult to stay glum when she was promised an adventure with a charming purple hedgehog.
“Did those ‘very important duties’ of yours involve drinking 8 cups of coffee?” Phlox teased. He briefly took his attention away from the instructions in his notepad to look up, noticing the teal hedgehog jumping from tree to tree above him. 
Domino seated herself onto a branch and swung backwards into a knee hang so she could lock eyes with Phlox. 
“What makes you say that?” she winked. 
Phlox trepidatiously hopped over several large rocks to meet up with the girl who had gotten far ahead of him. “Oh, I don’t know-” he shrugged as he squeezed his way through some dense bushes. “-all the running and leaping about like a grasshopper could have something to do with it!”
Domino giggled. Phlox may have called himself a nature photographer, but it seemed he had the enthusiasm (or lack thereof) of a city dweller. Escaping the city walls and going on an escapade–however small–always filled Domino with energy. She simply couldn’t keep it in! The lady hedgehog laced her fingers behind her head and closed her eyes, swinging casually from the branch as she waited for her hiking partner to catch up. “I’m just in my element. Besides, I’m itchin’ to see this hidden treasure of yours. You need to keep up!”
If her eyes were open, she’d see a devilish spark light up in Phlox’s eyes. He might have been the quiet type, but he was extremely competitive and loved a challenge. He secured his camera tightly to his side and took off in a sprint. Keep up? Oh, he’d show her. 
“Like this?”
Domino’s eyes jolted open as she felt Phlox’s breath tickle her nose. She let out a high pitched squeak upon realizing the guy she thought was several yards away was nose-to-nose with her. The shock made her loosen her grip on the branch and she was in for a quick plummet to the ground. 
“Whoa!” The indigo male threw his arms out and caught her, holding her securely to his chest. He was strong! Of course, her transient lifestyle and meager diet left her on the smaller side, but Phlox held her as if she were weightless. The muscles in his arms were dense and firm against her slight body.
“I didn’t think you’d startle so easily,” he teased.
“Yyyeah, well-” Domino began to excuse herself, but couldn’t find the words. Geez, what was it about this guy that made her so tongue-tied? Sure he was plenty sweet, certainly nicer than most people she’d ever met. And yeah he was good-looking—she couldn’t deny that. Now she noticed how nice he smelled, too; something woody, earthy, almost sweet, like sandalwood. And his fur, so warm and soft…
Her fingers combed through the shaggy, wheat-colored fur of Phlox’s chest, sending a shiver up his entire being. His heartbeat quickened against her fingertips and she swiftly withdrew her hand realizing what she’d done. Domino looked up to find his muzzle as scarlet as hers surely was. “Uh…”
Phlox felt the urge to say something, but his shyness got the better of him. He instead cleared his throat and set the young woman back on her feet. “Sorry for scaring you…”
“Nah,” Domino replied. She twirled the tuft of fur near her cheek bashfully as she ruminated over what just happened. She shouldn’t be getting close to someone like this. Letting someone in only led to betrayal or disappointment. Besides, what did she have to offer him? She had no home, no money. Relax. She reminded herself. It’s okay to have a little fun…
“Besides, you just gave me an opening.”
Phlox’s eyes went wide. With his voice barely above a whisper, he asked, “To do what?” 
“To do… this!” Domino snatched the notepad from Phlox’s hands and bolted away.
“H-HEY!” The boy shouted before swiftly chasing after her. He was not nearly as graceful navigating the woods as she was, especially with a camera slung over his shoulder, but he managed to stay close on her tail. 
Domino cackled over her shoulder. “I thought you said we needed to see this grotto at a certain time of day! So hurry it up! Or are those cool jeans of yours slowin’ ya down?!”
“These pants provide full mobility!” he shouted. The two laughed as they weaved their way through the forest, Domino skimming the instructions in the notepad and leading them the rest of the way to their destination. 
She abruptly stopped in front of a wall of weeping katsura trees and Phlox had to clumsily skid to a halt to keep from crashing into her. Domino looked back and forth between the green palisades and handwritten notes. “I’m pretty sure this is it,” she confirmed. She returned the booklet to Phlox before presenting an arm to the curtain of emerald leaves. “This was your goal. After you.”
Phlox shook his head with a smile. “Together.”
A little taken aback, Domino simply nodded in agreement and squared herself up beside Phlox. Both hedgehogs drew back the partition of leaves and stepped forth.
The grotto was truly a sight to behold. Dozens of large trees stretched and twisted amongst each other as if embracing in a circular huddle, leaving a medium-sized clearing in the center. Fountains of leaves and vines draped about the branches, painting the enclosure every shade of green. Tiny sprigs of yellow and white wildflowers dotted the forest floor, their blooms diminutive and modest but still serving as a beautiful compliment to the rich viridescence of the grass they sprouted from. Silky, golden rays of sunshine poured through the canopy in beams so crisp, they looked as though one could reach out and touch them. The early autumn breeze glided along the treetops and the soft pitter-patter of the leaves tickling each other echoed down into the grove. The willowing trees all made for a perfect shelter, completely cloaking this little slice of heaven from the rest of the world. It was only the two hedgehogs and a sparse flight of fluttering insects that were privy to this space.
Domino’s breath wavered in awe. She silently stepped deeper into the natural arbor and sat down with her knees pulled to her chest. Even though she spent the entirety of her life out on the road, the planet never ceased to amaze her in new and spectacular ways. She folded her arms over her knees and rested her head on them, sighing with a soft smile.
Phlox took a deep breath, letting his lungs expand entirely with the crisp fresh air before releasing it and setting to work on adjusting his camera. As he delicately fiddled with the device, he couldn’t help but notice Domino’s silent reverie in the corner of his eye. His heart filled with pride knowing the young lady seemed just as touched by the setting as he was. He walked over to her, whispering as not to break her daydream.
“This is why the timing was so crucial,” Phlox said softly. “I’m sure this spot is beautiful all the time, but at this exact moment, at this exact time of day? It’s-”
“Heavenly,” Domino concluded. It was true. The sunbeams filtering through the trees managed to diffuse the light to give the space an ethereal glow. Anything that was lucky enough to catch the direct sunlight appeared to have a soft, colorful halo as the light bounced off its surface. Phlox nodded and headed off to document the scene.
Meanwhile, Domino reached forward and let her arm glow in a sunbeam as she let all the worries that normally plagued her mind dissipate. Here in this cove, she didn’t have to concern herself with the upcoming winter. She didn’t have to think about how–or when–she’d find her next meal. Even the looming threat of “Botnik workers” that would soon replace her managed to escape her mind. Right now, she could just be. Her eyes studied every leaf, every blade of grass, every sway of the branches that hung above her head so that even on the bad days, she could look back at this moment and feel peace.
Eventually, her attention shifted to the indigo photographer at work. He walked so carefully and quietly it was as if his boots weren’t even making contact with the ground. At one point, the boy managed to approach a flutter of blue butterflies that didn’t seem phased by his company, shining and dancing in the late-afternoon sun like fairies. She wondered if it was possible to capture the serenity of this moment in a photo. It would be nice to see if he succeeded, but he likely wouldn’t develop his roll of film any time soon. She’d be long gone before those photos would come to light. The thought caused a strange weight in her chest, a sinking feeling she shouldn’t allow herself to feel. She diverted her attention to some of the wildflowers beside her.
Neither were sure how much time passed as they each quietly enjoyed the space, together but individually in their own ways. Once satisfied, Phlox walked over and took a seat next to Domino. “I didn’t get to ask you earlier...” he broke the silence, but his soft, honey-smooth voice was so reposeful it might as well have been part of the ambient melody of the forest.
“Hm?” Domino hummed, looking over to the boy beside her.
“What’s your dream?”
The girl leaned back with her palms behind her and surveyed the shelter of leaves above them as she pondered. Her dream. Such a big question. What should she make up this time? What would impress this guy the most? ‘To conquer a mighty dragon’? ‘To soar among the stars’?
“I want to make a difference,” she found the truth slipping from her lips. She shook her head and shrugged with defeat as if that goal was too ambitious for someone like herself. “Even if I can do just one good thing.”
Her words were so simple but there was such a bitter heaviness to them. Did she really think she was of such little significance? Phlox hardly knew her, yet he sensed something positively great about her. The brief hours spent in her company were already changing him, encouraging him to become more of the person he was striving to be. What or who made her think so little of herself? He wanted to ask, but wisdom told him if he did, she’d likely withdraw even further.
Instead, he placed his hand on hers and gave it a firm squeeze. 
“You will.”
Domino turned to Phlox with a soft gasp. His words sounded so genuine. Oh, how he looked at her, too. The way those green eyes surveyed her made her feel like she was the only thing in the world. It was intimidating. It was exciting.
Though her heartbeat grew louder in her ears, she still managed to pick up a faint assortment of sounds off in the distance. Chattering? Shrieking? She wasn’t sure but it was quickly growing louder. At the same time, she and Phlox looked towards the barrier of trees and noticed the branches and leaves beginning to tremble. Something was rushing through the forest and rapidly making its way towards the grotto. The tops of the trees shook and the roar of what sounded like a crowd was quickly upon them. Domino only briefly saw a flash of color burst through the curtain of leaves before closing her eyes and throwing herself on top of Phlox to shield him from whatever threat found their hiding spot.
The roaring now completely surrounded them, making its way over their heads and echoing all around them in the grotto. Domino tried to flatten herself and Phlox as close to the ground so they wouldn’t be hit. But despite the overwhelming noise, nothing struck them. She heard Phlox gasp. “Minnie, look!”
Domino opened one eye to see Phlox looking skyward, a wondrous smile on his face. She hesitantly turned just enough to peek over her shoulder and gasped as well. Hundreds–no, thousands of colorful birds were flying in mass above the canopy. Despite their numbers, they all moved together in perfect harmony, creating a magnificent, undulating patchwork of color in the sky. Domino rolled onto her back and the two hedgehogs watched in awe. She knew that birds were likely to migrate before the winter months hit, but she never witnessed something quite like this. The setting sunlight shone through their wings as they fluttered above, painting the entirety of the sky with a brilliant rainbow. Just as quickly as they had approached, the last of the birds flew past and the grotto returned to the peaceful silence once again.
Phlox and Domino both blinked. The moment had come and gone so quickly, it was almost as if it didn’t happen at all. They turned to each other, Domino’s head still resting on Phlox’s arm, and at once they both giggled in breathless bewilderment. 
“What are the odds of that?” Domino grinned, placing a hand on her forehead in disbelief.
Phlox smirked confidently. “Right place, right time.”
“Ah yes, your ‘super power’,” the girl rolled her eyes and began to shove herself away. However, Phlox quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight to him. She squealed with laughter and fought against him in protest.
“Don’t mock my talent,” he chuckled while Domino squirmed in his grasp.
“Lemme go, you brute!” The teal hedgehog shoved her palm into Phlox’s face, making him laugh even harder. Still, he held her close.
“Naht ‘til you apahlagizsh,” he muttered under the pressure of her hand. 
Domino removed her palm and leaned in with a playful scowl. “Never.”
Phlox met her smug glare. “Then I’ll never let you go.”
Domino stopped struggling and her smile faltered a bit. She knew he was joking; after all, she started this game, but something about those words… Something inside her wanted them to be true. She enjoyed the feel of his embrace. She wanted him to hold onto her endlessly, and the thought made her curse to herself. ‘Wants’ were stupid, frivolous. Her lifestyle only allowed for ‘needs’: shelter and sustenance.
Domino was beginning to realize that Phlox’s presence caused an entirely different kind of hunger within her.
The male’s chuckles diminished as Domino stared at him quietly. His cheeks and chest grew warm as he suddenly registered just how tightly she was pressed against him. Phlox searched her cyan eyes, wondering what she was thinking. Was she upset? He was inexperienced with flirting; had he gone too far? She wasn’t pulling away, though. Her gaze briefly flickered to his lips and his heart raced faster and his purple fur prickled up. 
“...Do… you realize what that was?” Domino whispered.
Phlox’s eyes widened. Was she asking about his sudden shiver or the display of birds they just witnessed? He hoped it was the latter.
“Uhh… a… murmuration…?” 
“A-K-A…?” she nodded expectantly and a smile began to curl on her lips.
Phlox’s eyelids dropped with realization and he sneered, “Don’t. You. Dare.”
Domino sat up and poked at Phlox’s chest to punctuate her words. “Those were FLOCKS of BIRDS!”
“That’s it!” He went to snatch her again, but Domino was too quick for him this time. She sprinted to the edge of the grotto and giggled while she waited for him. Phlox hurriedly packed up his gear and threw his camera strap over his shoulder. “You’re in for it now!”
The girl squealed and darted away as Phlox chased her all the way back to the village.
Domino let out a long yawn after collecting payment from her most recent task. Despite completing her fourth odd-job of the morning, she still found herself struggling to stay awake. Then again, she did have a hard time falling asleep last night…
It wasn’t the cold that kept her awake. No, she was plenty used to sleeping outside in all manner of harsh weather conditions. What kept her up were thoughts about that damn boy. That quiet, dazzling boy. 
She didn’t recognize herself when she was around Phlox. Talking to him either led to embarrassing, truthful slip-ups (she still couldn’t believe she’d told him her “dream.” How stupid!) or left her unable to speak at all! And that stunt she pulled in the grotto to try and save him… What was that?! She’d lived her whole life looking out for herself. Her entire existence was all about self preservation. So why did she throw herself on top of him when she thought they were in danger? Domino was annoyed with how quickly her priorities were shifting. And even more annoyed by how good it felt to care about somebody other than herself for once. 
Tossing and turning over all these thoughts left her with little shut-eye last night. 
An idea came to her suddenly. Perhaps a cold dip would wake her up! Besides, after doing all the dirty jobs that the townspeople didn’t enjoy and the “Botniks” were too clunky to complete, she could use a bath. 
She exited the city and headed downhill. Her years traversing the wilderness trained her to easily find rivers, and after carefully listening for running water and taking note of the ways the trees leaned, she found what she was looking for.
It was a serene creek with blue-green water that was clear enough to see the bottom of the river bed. It would be plenty deep enough for a proper swim. A medium-sized stack of boulders allowed for a steady flow of water to gently trickle down into the larger body of the creek. On days where the weather was more severe, she imagined the waterfall would crash into the river with a thunderous roar. But on this mellow autumn morning, the water was calm and tranquil. 
It made her think of Phlox. 
“Chaos,” she cursed to herself. The Domino she knew would have just shrugged it off and gone about her business. But this new, thoughtful Domino realized this was the exact kind of scene Phlox would love to photograph. The idea of gifting him with this little treasure and seeing the look of excitement on his face was too much to resist. “So much for ‘priorities’ huh?”
She convinced herself that this would be her way of repaying him for the grotto trip yesterday, nothing more. Satisfied with that reasoning, she hurried back to town in hopes to find that photographer that seemed to be making a home in her mind’s eye. It didn’t take long for her to spot him. The young man was sitting under a shade tree, writing in his notepad. Butterflies filled her stomach at the width of his smile upon hearing her call his name. The feeling intensified with how quickly he agreed to go with her. 
“I’m telling ya, you’re gonna make this place THE travel destination once the world sees all your photos. Especially of this spot I found!”
“Had I known you were a location scout, I’d have hired you sooner.”
“You can’t afford me. Heiress, remember?” Domino teased with a wink. “I’m offering you this location on the house.” Phlox laughed his mischievous laugh as he followed the young woman. Once they reached the creek, Domino raised her arms into the air and spun around with a triumphant, “Ta-daaaa~!”
The purple hedgehog placed his hands on his hips and his grin was brighter than the sun. His reaction was even better than she had pictured.
“So, whaddya think?”
“I think,” Phlox chuckled, lowering the camera from his shoulder and placing it on the ground. Domino blinked as he kicked off his boots. “This is going to be so cold!”
“What?” Domino scoffed while Phlox removed his beloved pair of jeans and pried off his gloves. “You’re really gonna jump in there?”
“Like you aren’t?” Phlox raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile plastered on his sandy muzzle. “That’s why you came out here in the first place, right?”
“I-” she scratched her quills and shrugged, “I guess I just took you for the prissy, hot-shower type.”
The boy turned to face the girl while walking backwards and used his fist to make a stabbing motion into his heart. “Minnie, you wound me!” He spun on his heel with a laugh and ran towards the creek before leaping into the air, curling into a spinning ball, and crashing into the water with a mighty splash. 
Just as quickly as he had jumped in, he resurfaced and his voice cracked as he shrieked. “I WAS ᴿᴵGᴴᵀ! SO CₒᴸD!”
“PFFTT!” Domino burst into a fit of laughter, doubling over and holding her stomach. “Gaia! I had no idea your voice could reach that high!”
“Shu-shu-shushhhh up and guh-get in here!” Phlox demanded through chattering teeth. He swam to face the other way so Domino could strip down to her undergarments without him watching. 
Domino shook out her hands to mentally prepare herself for the cold plunge before jumping into the water, wailing. She resurfaced with a gasp. Well, she certainly wasn’t tired anymore. 
“Whu-whu-whyyy duh-duh-did we d-do thissss?!” 
Phlox’s ears were pinned flat to his head. “‘Cuz wuh-we’re young and sssss-stupid!” 
“C-c’mon Young, ssswim with Stupid,” Domino laughed despite her shivering and waved him over to follow her as she began to swim. “The mmmore ya move the w-warmer you’ll be.”
The two hedgehogs made a game of who could swim the fastest from one edge of the creek to the other, and before long they had quickly adjusted to the temperature of the water. It turned out that Phlox was an excellent swimmer, capable of doing laps around Domino. The girl rolled her eyes as he gloated over his many wins.
“Ya know, I think I liked you more when you talked LESS!” She startled him with a tackle and dunked him under water.
He sprang back up and shook off his quills. “You opened this Pandora’s Box, there’s no putting it back now.”
“Oh yeah?” She went for another tackle, but now that he was onto her, he dodged and left her rolling face-first into the water. Domino made several more attempts, but Phlox would either stay so still it was like slamming into a brick wall, or he would use her momentum against her to make her plunge face first into the water. 
Her most recent effort left her clinging to Phlox’s side, trying to push his face into the water with no success. “Grrrrr why won’t you go down?!”
Phlox laughed and pried the girl off him with ease. “I love your enthusiasm. But you won’t beat me in a battle of brawn.” He tapped his temple. “You’ve got to assess the situation and play to your strengths.”
The teal hedgehog let her head fall back and groaned with frustration. “You said it yourself: I’ve got no strength.”
“I meant ‘do what you’re best at,’” Phlox scratched the fluff of his muzzle as he pondered for a moment. His green eyes suddenly lit up and he snapped his fingers. “I know a game we could play!” He swam a distance away to make room between the two hedgehogs. “I’m going to guard this end of the creek. If you get passed me and make it to the bank, you earn a point.”
Domino’s shoulders sank. “You’re the better swimmer and you’re bigger than me. I’m never getting through you.”
Phlox smiled with encouragement. “Assess the situation, Minnie. You’re smaller, but that makes you faster and more slippery. Use that to your advantage to get around me.”
“Hmm,” Domino considered, her pout turning into a genuine smile. “Okay, I’ll give it a shot!”
“But!” Phlox held up a finger. “To prove that I’m not going to just let you win, let’s raise the stakes. If I catch you, you have to answer a question. Truthfully.”
“Pfft,” Domino sputtered. “That’s not much of a reward.”
“It is to me,” Phlox grinned. He stretched his arms out to either side. “Now show me what you’ve got!”
Domino’s eyes twinkled with determination and she rushed forward. She originally tried swimming to the side of Phlox’s reach, but he was able to quickly catch up to her. She panicked at the last minute and tried to charge him, but he caught her and she went limp in his arms in frustration. 
“Next time, don’t give up so fast. There’s still a chance to break free.” Phlox shifted the girl in his arms so he carried her bridal style and swam them back over to Domino’s side of the river. “So, how many siblings do you have?”
“70.” She moped. 
“Hey, I won my prize. The truth. How many do you really have?”
Domino rolled her eyes and shoved herself off him. She muttered quietly, “It’s just me.” Her answer was guarded, but Phlox couldn’t help but pick up the loneliness in her tone. He tried to lighten the mood with his own response as he made his way back to start-position. 
“Wow, the center of attention, huh? We’ve got two litters in my family. 3 brothers and 1 sister. I’m right in the middle.”
“5 guys in one house? I bet the place stinks!” Domino teased, finding her sense of humor again. “Ugh, you have no idea!” Phlox joked and rubbed his nose. “When I first started out on the road, I felt like I could breathe for the first time in my life!” The girl attempted to swim by him again. Phlox grappled for her and though he did briefly get his arms around her, she was able to wiggle through his forearms and kick off his back to propel herself to the creek bank. Domino couldn’t help but dance along the shore at her win. 
“See that’s it!” Phlox threw a fist into the air. “Show me what else you can do. Besides those sick dance moves.”
Domino hurried over to her side again and strategized. She knew he would just keep catching her if she tried to swim around him, and though she could wiggle free, she’d get exhausted in no time. She looked down and noticed how similar the blue-green shade of the water was in comparison to her own fur. 
She squeaked as she was suddenly rushed and held tightly in Phlox’s grip. 
“What the HELL?!” she squirmed. This time he locked her forearms across her chest and she couldn’t wiggle loose. 
“Who said I couldn’t leave my post? You were taking too long and I have questions!” 
Domino slumped against Phlox’s furry chest, defeated. Her voice was monotone, “What is your question, O devilish Phlox?”
“If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?”
Domino giggled before her eyes went wide. “Ohhh, those hash browns from yesterday!”
“That’s it? Hash browns?” Phlox cocked an eyebrow. Domino shoved off him so he could return to his position. 
“I’m not a picky eater and those were good! Why, what would yours be?”
“Chili. The spicier, the better!” Phlox answered before whispering under his breath, “Hmm. I could learn to make hash browns,” Meanwhile, Domino returned to her plan that she was formulating before she was last captured. She took a deep breath and submerged herself completely underwater. 
“Uh-oh,” Phlox panicked. The only patches of Domino’s fur that weren’t teal blue were her cheeks, stomach, and the inside of her ears, and while she was underwater, she was just about invisible. His eyes searched frantically, trying to figure out which side she would attempt to get around him. He yelped when he felt something brush the undersides of his paws. Once he realized it was Domino swimming below him, it was already too late and she was on his side of the river. 
“HaHA!!” She cheered and shimmied her shoulders in a victory dance. 
“Very clever,” Phlox grinned. “I’m onto you now.”
Their game went on for several more rounds, with Domino taking the lead by a substantial amount. Still, Phlox was determined and managed to get a few more answers out of her before their game was through:
“What’s your biggest pet-peeve?”
“When people are snooty. Get outta here with that crap!”
“Morning-bird or night-owl?”
“Of course you’d ask a ‘bird’ question, ‘Flocks.’ I always start the day bright and early.”
“What’s your favorite thing about yourself?”
“Oiiiii… Hmmm. My resourcefulness.”
“Excellent choice. I’ve never seen anyone wield a roll of tape better than you.”
“And you never will~” 
“Would you ever want to have kids one day?”
She had to think about that one for a moment. Logistically, her lifestyle wouldn’t allow for that kind of thing. It wasn’t responsible. But Phlox did ask her to answer honestly. A soft smile formed on her lips. 
“Yeah. I would.”
Phlox bit the inside of his cheek in hopes to suppress his smile and the blush creeping up his neck.
Domino attempted one more round, but at this point she was drained and Phlox caught her without much struggle. 
“Okay, okay,” she panted and the young man released her. “You win. I’ve had enough.” The girl huffed and puffed, struggling to tread water with the amount of energy she’d exerted. 
The boy chuckled and took her hands into his. “Here, catch your breath.” He was surprised that instead of merely holding onto his hands, Domino pulled herself close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She rested her chin on his shoulder and closed her eyes as she attempted to regulate her breathing.
Phlox was certain she could feel the pounding of his heartbeat, but surprisingly he wasn’t all that ashamed this time. Domino had a way of making him feel excited and calm all at once. It encouraged him to be bolder, braver, more accepting of his quirks. 
“I can tell you wanna ask me another question,” the girl teased. 
“I do,” Phlox admitted, his voice much softer and reserved, like the first time they met. “But it’s not part of the game.”
“C’mon, you caught me so you earned it,” Domino leaned back enough so she could look Phlox eye-to-eye. Her mouth curved up into a smile at how red his face was. “What?”
Be bold. He told himself. Be like her.
“Can I kiss you?”
Domino’s jaw dropped with a soft gasp. Of all the things he could’ve asked, this was the last thing she expected. Before these last two days, nobody even bothered looking her way. Now not only did she have the undivided attention of this dashing young man, but he wanted to kiss her? Phlox could easily have any girl he wanted, so why would he waste his time with somebody like her?
Well, she thought, probably because he doesn’t actually know me. If he did, he’d leave. 
It would be smart to say no. But when would she ever have this opportunity again? She’d be gone by tomorrow, having never kissed a boy. A beautiful, kind, lovely boy.
As soon as the word left her lips, Phlox took her face into his hands and kissed her. She was alarmed at how quickly his mouth was on hers considering how shy he’d been just a moment ago, but it was a welcome surprise. Her arms remained wrapped around his neck and she closed her eyes as she returned his kiss. 
Phlox sighed happily into her lips, his thumbs stroking her cheeks as he cupped her face. He’d never kissed anyone before, but from the moment he first laid eyes on this young lady it was all he could think about. She was so unique and adventurous and funny! Oh, how she made him laugh like he was a little kid again. He was generally in good-spirits most of the time, but he hadn’t felt happiness like this for a long while. Being in her company was like floating in the clouds. The kiss broke just briefly as his mouth subconsciously curved into a smile, but he did his best to force it down and match his lips to hers once more. 
One of Phlox’s hands gently combed down Domino’s long cyan quills and that burning hunger flared up in her lower belly once again. His lips were too lovely, his touch too wonderful. This was dangerous. 
Regrettably, Domino broke away and rested her forehead against his as they both attempted to catch their breath. “I’m not so good at multitasking… We should probably get outta the water now,” the lady hedgehog suggested. 
“Yeah, okay,” Phlox chuckled breathlessly. The two swam to the edge of the creek and Domino pulled a towel out from her backpack. She dried herself off as much as possible before tossing it to Phlox while she got dressed. He pulled on his pants and boots then laid in the grass next to the girl and quietly admired the clouds with a smile on his face. 
Domino was grateful for the silence, trying to make sense of all the weird thoughts and feelings swimming around her mind. She knew it was a bad idea to let somebody in like this. The closer Phlox got, the sooner he’d realize what a joke she was. She knew she would need to leave before that happened. So why, why did she feel this constant urge to let him in? She chewed on her lip but silently cursed to herself as she could still taste him. 
“Hey, so…” she started, despite her better judgment. Phlox turned his full attention to her. “I’m no chef, but… I make a pretty good stew. And you said you like chili, so, uh… I was wondering if you’d…” she clapped a hand over her face and sighed. “-If you’d let me make you something. You know, to pay you back for… everything.”
“Pay me back?” Phlox asked, his brows furrowed.
“For breakfast, and the grotto,” she threw her hands into the air, “and all the tactical combat lessons you just gave me!”
“Hey, I did those things because I wanted to. You don’t owe me anything,” he did his best to reassure the girl. He propped his head up with his hand and gave a mischievous smirk. “But if it’s a date you’re suggesting…”
“Chaos,” Domino muttered. Still, she couldn’t help but smile. 
“You have to ask me proper. I’m old-fashioned like that.”
“Ugh,” she rolled her eyes before turning to face the boy who was all but wiggling with anticipation. “Phlox. May I make you dinner? As a date.”
“Yes.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek before rolling over to grab his camera. His face was bright red, but his smile was confident as he removed the lens and adjusted the settings. “Now, to capture this little gem you found me!”
Domino packed up her bag before swinging it over her shoulder. “I’ll meet you at the inn you’re staying at, yeah?”
“Okay!” He snapped a few photos. “What’re you up to today?”
Oh, just buying a cheap jacket and a bunch of nonperishables so I don’t starve this winter. Impressive, right?
“More business meetings. I heard the mayor’s a big-time investor. I’m gonna see if he will fund the latest board game I’m developing.”
Phlox slowly lowered the viewfinder from his eyes. Why was she telling stories again? He thought after what just happened… Why couldn’t she just tell him the truth? He closed his eyes and sighed. Who was he to tell her what to do? Besides, it was like he told her: she didn’t owe him anything. All he could do was hope that she’d learn to trust him eventually. 
“Knock ‘em dead, Minnie. I believe in you.”
The girl gave him a playful salute before heading back into town, leaving the boy alone to his thoughts. 
Domino hadn’t even made it to the market before hearing a thunderous crash and the screams of several townspeople. People sprinted away from the townsquare in a panic. The old Domino might have followed their lead and scampered away as well. But over these last couple of days, she found herself evolving. Even more important than self-preservation, she felt a stronger urge growing in her heart: the need to protect. Without hesitation, she raced towards the sound of the commotion.
[CHAPTER 3: Coming Soon]
[A/N: I used the art of Nathan Fowkes as visual inspiration for many of the scenes in this chapter. If you aren't familiar with his work, I highly recommend checking it out!]
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bleachbleachbleach · 9 months
I think the captain paying for their own damages is a "you break it, you pay it" sort of thing. The budgets are probably given to them by the central 46 and I can see them being a bit stingy about where the money is going. It's also unfair if the money that's being used to pay for the coffee machines would go to pay for some idiot's oopsy daisy instead.
Also, the captains getting their own mansions/homes just made me realize how Aishin divorce jokes are actually pretty real. Aizen moved in to the captain's quarters almost immediately after TBTP. He literally got the house and the job AND the kid.
For context, this is in response to these musings about budget reconciliation meetings!
I just think it’s funny (and punitive) that damages that are an inevitability in their line of work are explicitly NOT part of the budget, not even up to a certain amount. These things could be foreseen and accounted for, but instead they are foreseen and Central 46 is like, “yeah, not our problem.”
I feel like the price of construction in Soul Society is probably really high, so as to distinguish between the varying degrees of nobility and the rank and file other people living within the Seireitei. So like, a banana probably IS 10 dollars; goggles are expensive, but then rebuilding a granary is 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 kan because fuck you peasants or recently-peasants. So even if you work as Joe Shinigami for 500 years you’d have to be exceptionally savvy to actually be able to build your own house instead of living in your division-provided barracks. Even if you are a captain, if you don’t come from inherited wealth, the giant paycheck you’re earning probably still doesn’t stand up well against the building costs. It’s like the gap between some new money rich guy MySpace engineer making $200,000 a year and the ultra-wealthy who casually buy islands for $2.6 billion on a whim. Or buys Twitter, or whatever. Anyway, I think Komamura is very generous!
I wonder if Living World damage, even apart from trying not to disrupt that world or cause human casualties, is even MORE expensive, because it’s so much more complicated to source rebar and concrete from a human vendor and fix a bunch of people’s memories to get the Karakura Town Council to fix that massive sinkhole in their public park that Appeared One Day. Because it doesn’t seem like they make use of magical means of fixing buildings. Nanao mentioned “the men” getting good at fixing things and it was just like, dudes with hammers, LOL.
I think budgets can work both ways—either it’s handed down, or you develop something that can get approved—but it’s more entertaining to me if each Division submits a budget for the Central 46 to approve or deny, because 1) a large number of the officers we’ve seen have no business being in charge of this kind of work, bankai/shikai or not, and 2) it adds to the tedium of their days. And I suppose it does align with the notion that these divisions are intended to operate autonomously, with the Captain exercising relatively complete autonomous power over how their division works, minus the sometimes-interventions of the Central 46 police state. I bet multiple captains have tried to create a line item for damages and it gets denied every time.
I would 1000% read the fanfic of Aizen moving into Shinji’s captain’s quarters and immediately changing all the decor. There’s just a bunch of Shinji’s random stuff sitting outside at the street. Aizen holds a housewarming party and everyone makes strained small talk about interior decorating and furniture trends over cocktails and small hors d’oeuvres.
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lord-tekron · 2 years
Okay, I am once again in a behind the scenes mood. Let’s talk about the creation of The Afton Bots.
So to understand their creation is to first understand a path of logic I was under when working on The Springlock Paradox. The first one was that “Would William Afton trust human workers, when it’s shown he built the funtimes on his own?” to which my answer was “No, he would build his own robots of course!” And thus began the process of making his mechanical goons.
Fun Fact: The first drafts of The Springlock Paradox have much different “Afton Bots”, they were much more humanoid and bulky, and the dimension portal device was more akin to a giant gateway then a portable attachment. However it was quickly scrapped when I realized that this would all be a downgrade from the funtimes, which I feel wouldn’t make sense. They original bots would get workshopped later though with a different group of robot goons.
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That’s right, Vincent and The Mal Gang’s robot forms are recycled assets of the original Afton Bots. And you can also see why I wanted to change them, clunky disposable things are good for minor characters, but given how the Afton Bots would be around a major character, they needed something more interesting.
So going back to the design of the funtimes and the logical evolution, I decided the Afton Bots needed to look like they progresses somehow. So something smaller, more compact, but also clearly having more advanced components. And more importantly, they needed to be the FIRST thing the audience needed to see in the first chapter to establish them as a thing.
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Also, notice that little tattoo on that one Afton Bot? That is the logo of Afton Robotics, originally all of the Afton Bots were going to have those. But was scrapped after this as it would be too annoying to always remember to give each bot a stamp. The first chapter also had an instance of a one of a kind Afton Bot, the one that was carrying Lefty
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After this the only other one of a kind Afton Bot is the one Dave gets his two arms from as it has three digits on each of it’s hands instead of just two like the others.
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After that all Afton Bots had bodies that fell into one of three categories. Floaters, Walkers, and Stompers
Floaters: Lightweight with impressive mobility thanks to their jets. Lack any range weaponry due to recoil and as such instead have arms that have built in buzzsaws. Said arms make them the main line for construction jobs.
Walkers: The fastest of the Afton Bots, their four legs allow for pinpoint turning and their built in machine guns allow for both hit-and-run tactics and just mowing down enemies in general. Their front legs have rotational functions that allow them to be used as makeshift arms, but not as well as the arms on a floater.
Stompers: The tanks of the Afton Bots, their heavy legs make them difficult to knock down, and their missiles allow them to pack heavy ordinance. While Walkers can carry stuff around, it’s the Stompers that carry the BIG stuff from place to place.
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Oh yeah, I should go into details on the FERALS huh? 
Well when making them, I realized that I had their bodies done, but story wise, where did they come from? Well given how the first saga was all about the clashing of realities, it made sense that there would be some comparisons. So Charlie would have Jack, Molten Freddy would have Ennard, Dave would have Michael, and Baby would have... Elizabeth? Who was still... Baby? That didn’t fit well with me. So I looked for ideas and came up with something, in the main timeline of stuff, Ennard ejects Baby and becomes Molten Freddy, and the same happens in The Springlock Paradox as we saw. But what happened to the Baby that the Ennard we know ejected out? Didn’t go into Scrap Baby as we know, and it would be boring to just say “Oh an Ennard smashed them with a hammer and they were gone forever”, so I decided to make the Afton Bots and the Funtimes have one more connection. Baby herself.
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All the Afton Bots got their AI as a modified copy of Baby, who was sealed away in a room where she would constantly have her functioning brain copied and sent out into the assembling of new bots. She would always try to fight back though, even if she was nothing but a head hooked to a machine, and would punch holes into the copying system. These “holes” would trigger a a sense of realization and loathing of William Afton. However it also caused them to lose access to their built in weaponry and speak like wild beasts, hence the term “Feral”
Fun Fact: All the Feral talk in the comic are actual sentences, if you translate them from Wingding you can actually see what they are saying.
Course, just as he workshopped Baby into being the foundation of the Afton Bots, he did attempt to workshop the ferals into something useful. However they were too destructive to be useful, but as we saw, when Baby broke herself out and hijacked the factory, she did bring back those experiments. The Elites, which (also fun fact) are each heavily modified versions of the main three Afton Body types.
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Also, you may ask “but what about the Afton Bot’s speaking pattern?” to which I say “idk I just wanted to make them say funny robot noises, not everything has an interesting backstory to them”
These behind the scene talks are kinda fun, I don’t really get to splurge on talking about my stuff with my friends because they don’t read The Springlock Paradox so it would fall on deaf ears. But screaming into the void of tumblr and getting a bit of a pulse is nice. I don’t know how often I will do these or what subjects they will be about (I am thinking of doing one on maybe Dave Miller at the very least. Have a few other ideas but that is definitely a key one I have some stuff to talk about.) so expect them whenever.
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craftsmencrusher · 3 months
Best Grizzly Feeder Manufacturer
When it comes to finding the best grizzly feeder manufacturer, Craftsmen Industries stands out as a top choice. Grizzly feeders are important machines used to sort and feed materials in mining, construction, and other industries. Craftsmen Industries is known for making high-quality, reliable grizzly feeders that help make these tough jobs easier and more efficient. A grizzly feeder is like a giant sorting machine that helps separate big rocks from smaller ones, making the process smoother. Craftsmen Industries has a long history of making strong and durable equipment, and their grizzly feeders are no exception. They use top-notch materials and advanced technology to ensure their machines last a long time and work really well. People who work in industries like mining and construction trust Craftsmen Industries because they know they are getting a product that is built to last and can handle the toughest jobs. Craftsmen Industries also provides great customer service, helping their clients with any questions or issues they might have. This makes them a favorite among many professionals who need reliable equipment. Whether you are building a road, digging for minerals, or working on any project that requires sorting materials, Craftsmen Industries' grizzly feeders are a great choice. They make sure their products are safe, efficient, and easy to use, which is why they are considered one of the best in the business. So, if you need a grizzly feeder that you can depend on, look no further than Craftsmen Industries.
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
fight club movie - Google Search
So my brother had me making Thanksgiving dinner I think with the computer and it was a joke this movie is a serious topic the events that he was destroying we're not as obvious as his piping which is embedded or his cable which is thicker and people try and fry it I hear now I'm here yet and you can't so...
Zues Hera
He's in construction as people had him do it and there's tons of them know we see it these buildings are now crap especially the old ones they said that it's concrete and it's probably pretty decent and a lot of people say it is even when it sits around you can still reconstitute it some of it gets harder and there's a ton of it and there's metal in it a lot of it and a lot of it is precious metals copper brass aluminum and there's a bunch of gold but there's a bunch of Saint Elmo's fire and with all these wires in there you can't tell if someone's hooking in or not and you have to pull them out down below and it's this is a nightmare they're all made out of copper and it's not true there's a lot of fiber optics and they're easy to pull out but then you have the conduit and we have to make machines to do it and just rip it all out so jobs it will take a while and we have clusters he says you can go to just rip the cholesterol if we can get away with it and we haven't tested that yet
This is the funny part we are in a lot of trouble and he said it and we're bothering him and everybody else and he's finally struck gold and he knew about it and he couldn't get to it and he's alone except for Will and Bill and Ken and they didn't think it was like this and he did maybe not this big he says but pretty big he knows that they owned all this stuff and it was in the family and these two are taking it and he was tricked and he wants to stop them make some valuable makes him valuable
Mac daddy and he was not tricked by an amateur or an idiot or a sleaze ball or somebody saying like one word it's a huge program of his own that somehow he got to with threats and more from down below using technology that he took to enslave people because he's a giant it will get big and he go real fast and steal things he could run and jump and sunset 5 MI and we believe it and he says when he's bigger he'll show us that he can jump very far and it's ridiculous and some people are witnesses
Mac Daddy
It's dangerous from to do it because I think it's him but he doesn't remember anything cuz he wasn't there and nobody can really place him there and everyone saying it was him and it's not
This is another breakthrough and Trump wants to do it when he has money
Thor Freya and her son advises you hire the construction company to do the demo and he says why it says they want to come in and examine it even if they're your guys and he says wow the good ideas and they think they can wire it up so he says this is intoxicating I sort of get that
I have some of them calling and they want to do it
0 notes
rushmoregroups · 11 months
Powering Progress: Dubai's Best Heavy Equipment and Plant Machinery Suppliers
Dubai, with its ever-evolving skyline and bustling industries, stands as a global symbol of progress and innovation. Behind the grandeur of construction and manufacturing are the unsung heroes: heavy equipment and plant machinery suppliers.
In this blog, we will explore the essential role these suppliers play in Dubai's growth and the ones that stand out as the best machinery spare parts suppliers in the city.
Heavy Equipment and Plant Machinery: The Wheels of Progress
From construction sites to manufacturing facilities, heavy equipment and plant machinery are the workhorses that drive Dubai's industries. Whether it's excavators, cranes, bulldozers, or industrial machines, these robust giants ensure that Dubai's ambitious projects come to life.
The Best Machinery Spare Parts Suppliers in Dubai
Dubai's thriving industries heavily rely on machinery and equipment. To keep these vital assets operational, businesses need reliable suppliers for spare parts. The best machinery spare parts suppliers in Dubai exhibit these crucial qualities:
1. Comprehensive Inventory: The best suppliers maintain an extensive range of spare parts, from engines and hydraulics to filters and seals. They understand that different machines have diverse needs, and they strive to provide solutions for a wide range of equipment.
2. Quality Assurance: In industries where safety and performance are non-negotiable, high-quality spare parts are essential. The best suppliers source their products from reputable manufacturers, subjecting them to rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet or exceed industry standards.
3. Technical Expertise: The best suppliers often employ experts who understand the intricacies of various machines. They provide invaluable guidance on spare part compatibility, installation, and maintenance, ensuring that the right parts are used for optimal performance.
4. Timely Delivery: In industries where downtime can be extremely costly, the best suppliers prioritize timely delivery. They have efficient logistics systems in place to ensure that the required spare parts reach the site promptly, minimizing disruption.
5. Cost-Effective Solutions: Cost-effectiveness is vital for industries that rely heavily on machinery. The best suppliers offer competitive pricing without compromising quality, helping companies optimize their expenses while maintaining the reliability of their equipment.
The Backbone of Dubai's Success
The best machinery spare parts suppliers in Dubai contribute significantly to the city's development and economic growth:
1. Construction Boom: Dubai's iconic skyline is the result of ambitious construction projects that rely on high-quality machinery and spare parts supplied by the best in the industry.
2. Manufacturing Excellence: Dubai's manufacturing sector depends on efficient machinery, and the best suppliers provide the necessary spare parts to ensure precise and efficient production processes.
3. Infrastructure Growth: Dubai's rapid expansion requires robust infrastructure, and the best suppliers provide the spare parts and components required to build and maintain roads, bridges, and ports.
4. Economic Stimulation: The machinery and spare parts industry is a substantial contributor to Dubai's economy, generating jobs and stimulating economic growth.
Conclusion: The Backbone of Dubai's Progress
In the ever-evolving landscape of Dubai, heavy equipment and plant machinery suppliers, particularly the best machinery spare parts suppliers, are the silent partners of progress. Their commitment to quality, technical expertise, and efficient delivery ensures that industries run smoothly and safely. In a city where efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness are paramount, these suppliers are the invisible hands that empower Dubai's industries, ensuring that projects continue to progress, the skyline continues to grow, and the economy continues to thrive. They are, without a doubt, the backbone of Dubai's success.
Call: (+971)45776444
Visit: https://www.rushmore.ae/heavy-machinery-part/
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plasmacutsa · 1 year
Exploring the Innovative Edge of Gauteng's Steel Companies
The need for engineering, manufacturing, and construction solutions is constant in Gauteng, South Africa's economic hub. The steel fabrication businesses, the unsung heroes of infrastructure development, are at the heart of this vibrant province. In this article, we will examine how steel fabrication companies in Gauteng set the standard for innovation, sustainability, and excellence.
Innovation Beyond Boundaries
Steel fabrication companies in Gauteng are renowned for their creativity. They use cutting-edge technologies to build things that are beyond what is thought to be possible, both in terms of structure and individual parts. These businesses execute ideas precisely and creatively, from complex architectural designs to durable industrial machinery.
Sustainable Steel Solutions
Sustainability has become a top priority for many steel fabrication companies in Gauteng due to growing environmental concerns. These progressive businesses adopt environmentally friendly practices, using recycled steel and reducing waste. By doing this, they not only lower their carbon footprint but also establish new criteria for ethical manufacturing.
Artistry Meets Engineering
In Gauteng, some businesses approach steel fabrication as an artistic endeavour. They combine engineering's exactitude with an artist's touch's originality. This fusion creates structures that are not only useful but also beautiful to look at. These works of art adorn Gauteng's landscape, demonstrating the harmonious coexistence of art and engineering.
Digital Pioneers
Steel fabrication companies in Gauteng have embraced technology in the digital age to improve their trade. Unmatched accuracy and efficiency are possible thanks to cutting-edge tools like 3D printing and CNC machining. These businesses stand out in a crowded market thanks to their digital expertise.
Customised Excellence
Some businesses specialise in bespoke steel solutions as they understand that every project is different. To fully comprehend their clients' unique needs and preferences, they work closely with them. This individualised approach makes sure that the final product perfectly satisfies the project's goals.
Safety Standards
The top steel fabrication companies in Gauteng put safety first and prioritise it above all else. They follow strict safety regulations and spend money on ongoing employee training. They are now the go-to choice for high-risk projects because of their dedication.
Infrastructure Giants
The expertise of these businesses is crucial to Gauteng's infrastructure development. They manufacture steel parts for highways, bridges, and mass transit systems. Their contributions are crucial to the expansion and development of the province.
Community Builders
Certain businesses actively participate in community development initiatives outside of their capacity as fabricators. They support educational and skill-training initiatives, giving back to the Gauteng community. Their dedication to social responsibility serves as a motivating model for the sector.
National Reach
Steel fabrication companies based in Gauteng do not limit themselves to the province. They take on jobs all over South Africa, helping the country develop and acting as representatives of Gauteng's top-notch steel fabrication.
Conclusion In conclusion, steel fabrication companies in Gauteng are more than just producers; they are the masterminds behind the development of the region. They are leaders in their industry due to their innovation, dedication to sustainability, and unrelenting pursuit of excellence. These businesses have not only shaped Gauteng's landscape but have also established standards for the entire South African steel fabrication industry. These businesses will undoubtedly continue to be at the forefront, promoting growth and development with each project they take on as Gauteng thrives and develops.
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wcexcavation · 1 year
The Power and  Purpose of Excavators in Excavation
Excavators are incredibly versatile giants essential to shaping the landscape in the building industry and earth-moving projects. With their sturdy construction and impressive capabilities, these large machines are the foundation of excavation work, demonstrating power and purpose in every excavating and demolition project.
Let's examine how an excavator in Wollongong is important and its contributions to the excavation industry.
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The Power of Excavators
Without the power of excavators, how would you dig trenches and carry out construction? These creatures are the epitome of strength. These powerful machines, which have hydraulic systems and a range of attachments, can exert a lot of force to cut through solid objects, move heavy loads, and go deep underground. By their sheer strength, they can carry out various jobs, such as trenching, grading, demolition, and material handling.
Precision and Accuracy
Excavators are known for their precision and accuracy. Operators can delicately control the movement of the boom, arm, and bucket thanks to sophisticated hydraulic systems, enabling them to excavate with pinpoint accuracy. This level of control is essential when performing tasks like digging close to existing structures or utilities, where precision is essential to prevent damage.
Time Efficiency and Cost Saving
Another great advantage of a solid excavator in Shellharbour is its time efficiency. Hours of labour can be reduced to a few minutes with the help of excavators. Excavators streamline the excavation process, greatly cutting down on time and cost. They can complete projects more quickly because they effectively remove substantial quantities of earth or debris. One excavator can also perform multiple tasks due to their adaptability, which reduces the need for additional equipment and operating expenses.
They Are Safe for Builders and Workers
Modern excavators have cutting-edge features that prioritise safety. Accident risk is reduced by the improved visibility provided by cab designs. Modern technology enhances accuracy and minimises mistakes made during excavation, such as GPS guidance systems.
These are some of the unrivalled benefits of excavators in the excavation and demolition industry. Their indispensable role in the construction and excavation industries is exemplified by their capacity to use power strategically.
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bakerjohnny1 · 2 years
Types of Insulation Blowing Machines for Complete Insulation
To keep your property cooler in summers and warmer in winters, you should insulate the walls properly. If the walls are insulated well, you can save more on electricity bills. 
No matter what the weather outside is, you can stay comfortable inside. You don’t have to run a room heater or AC unit all the time and bear heavy electricity bills, if your house is fully insulated. 
When it comes to insulate the closed-up wall at your home, you should opt for used insulation blowing machines for this job. These machines have a blower which forces various insulation elements into the wall cavity or attic, such as rock wool, cellulose, and fiber glass. If you want to do it yourself, you may look for used insulation blowers for sale. But this job is quite tiresome. So, it needs a professional to insulate your home efficiently. 
You can find different types of insulation blowers out there. Each insulation machine has specific components like hopper, blower, engine, and hose. Let’s find out something more on each type of insulation machine – 
Commercial-Grade or Professional Insulation Machines
This type of insulation blowing machine uses heavy-gauge materials and comes in great capacity. These pro-grade machines can force in up to 85 to 135 bags of materials per hour for insulation. Some blowers also come with odor-free insulation materials that are also non-corrosive and non-combustible. 
Some blowing insulation machines also don’t contain harmful chemicals that may lead to mildew or bacteria build up. In addition, the blower uses the material that doesn’t absorb any moisture which may lead to decay. 
Industrial blowers are also large in size. Some of the machines come in dimension of 6x4 feet and weigh around 1500 pounds. These blowers are used for commercial purpose and they cost up to $16000. Nevertheless, these blowers are literally very efficient if you are engaged in construction. 
Lower Capacity Insulation Blowing Machine
If you cannot afford heavy duty commercial blowers that can cost thousands of dollars, it is better to go for lower capacity insulation blowers. These machines are a lot cheaper and they are ideal for smaller spaces. 
These machines have lower capacity and volume. Some of the lower capacity blowers can force up to 2000 lbs. of cellulose or 450 lbs. of fiberglass insulation every hour. So, these blowers are the best choice for residential purpose and some commercial settings that don’t need giant blowers. 
The lower capacity blower is also lightweight, when compared to commercial-grade blowers. These machines are also very easy to move as it has wheels. With lower capacity, a blower weighs only around 300 pounds so it can fit well at any corner. Along with capacity and size, the power also varies in both types of blowers. 
About us:- Gas is used to fuel up the motors of professional grade blowers, whereas 20 AMP of household circuit powers up the low-capacity blowers. The insulation process may seem simple but you should seek professional help to insulate your home or office.
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wabashmfginc · 2 years
Sinotruk Mobile Workshop Truck All Wheel Drive 4x4 For Sale Purchase Mobile Workshop Truck,howo Mobile Workshop Truck,sinotruk Mobile Workshop Truck Product On Alibaba Com
An Ifor Williams Retail Unit Trailer could be extremely versatile, from varying product strains to meeting your customer head to head. Operating a business from a trailer offers you the liberty to continually arrange shop in new lucrative places. Multi function trailer/ meals trailer/ mobile workshopmulti purpose trailer, is already roadworthy.
Another factor to assume about for batteries is the voltage. This relates extra to cabling as as a end result of as your voltage goes down your amperage goes as much as get the same energy. However its not that simple as higher voltages can bring larger prices and extra difficulty in sourcing components. For instance an inverter which runs off 12V is massively frequent as 12V is the traditional voltage for automobiles and motorhomes. Jump as much as 24V and it's mostly vehicles so there is fewer inverters. Jump up again to 48v and you might be into specialist inverters for offgrid energy supplies.
Those seem to be rotting everywhere simply outdoors my city. Milk/Bread truck with a fold up bunk and 19″ rack bolted to the top and bottom. I didn’t see a source of heat, maybe a woodstove should be added?
Instead we'll take different combos of vans and trailers on totally different journeys. For example, after we're touring with pals and internet hosting parties we'll bring our motorhomes and kitchen/dining trailers, showers, bunks, and so forth. Really all is dependent upon the place we're going, what we're doing, and who's coming with us.
Even when you don’t presently have area in your house or storage, it would be way cheaper to build a shed. I did something like this, although it was extra of a giant Chemistry set, and it was far more profitable. I suppose the mountain climber’s utility van featured a pair weeks ago must be linked to this article. Hehehe, ‘quite actually packed to the gills’… fairly literally, trailers don't have gills.
The Manufacturing numbers seem on this table, the place out there. Two two-axle tractors was offered, the Long Haul and, from 1981, a Leyland. Long Haul was most regularly seen, showing in no less than two colours, green and pink. The articulated trailer functioned as a flatbed trailer, able to hauling two first-generation transport containers. Different designs featured the articulated trailer fitted with a plastic field as a field trailer, or with plastic stakes for carrying pipes or timber.
We sell customized, bulk order & in-stock trailers; rent semi-trailers; present service on all forms of trailers; and supply trailer components. Many retailers will counsel you've your trucks and trailers towed to the workshop. Workshops are normally better tooled and prepared to deal with every mobile workshop trailers kind of repairs and diagnostics. At ARS Fleet Service, we've the most functionality out of a truck in the industry. As a commercial fleet proprietor, you have no time for downtime. So having a mobile fleet service partner who can convey their shop to you is sensible.
Please submit hyperlinks to how-to pages and movies, footage of beautiful and superb items you made for us to admire, or assist you to end. This entry was posted in Blog, Trailer Spotlight and tagged blog, Trailer Spotlight. It was a completely functional machine shop towed behind a 5 ton Deuce. Our trailers are all in pretty mobile workshop trailers good shape, but it was plenty of work simply to wash them out. In the V-nose of the trailer, they have a small workbench. This is a good place for small jobs or organizing job parts.
I designed it so the instruments would undergo the front instead of the highest, as a end result of these tools are lighter. I installed small hook and eyes to maintain them in place, FYI after you put in them if you bend within the hook slightly with a pair of pliers it's going to make the hook fit snugger. The complete level of this project was to optimize house so the trailer can mobile workshop trailers be multi-functional. By constructing your individual shelving you do that and make the way you need. If you have any questions about the project do not hesitate to ask. I modified this Catering trailer to use as a mobile workshop for the solar energy trade but can be used for any industrial application.
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cointitta · 2 years
Bad piggies 1.3.0 apk
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Those tricky pigs have a few objects they can use - umbrellas, wings, bottle rockets, balloons, engines, and much more - but they need your help to turn it into the perfect transportation! Can you create the ultimate flying machine and steer them safely to their destination?Ĭreate the ultimate machine and get the pigs safely to the eggs! The Bad Piggies have finally found a map to the eggs, but now it’s in pieces all over Piggy Island! But that won’t stop the King Pig, who orders his loyal minions to recover the map wherever it is, even from the top of a mountain or the bottom of a cave! Overall, after playing about 60 levels, I can comment that Bad Piggies is an easy-to-play game but hard to win.From the creators of Angry Birds: an all new puzzle game from the PIGS’ point of view! Unlimited Money: You’ll have unlimited Snout Count to use.
Remember to use it only in really deadlock situations! MOD APK version of Bad Piggies MOD Feature
But Rovio offers 3 free supports (you need to like Bad Piggies on Facebook to get them) to help players understand how to use this help. If you get stuck, you can use Bad Piggies’ help, the game will show you how to assemble a standard car to get the maximum score of that level. There is a saying that after a failure, you have one more step to success. This is often frustrating when playing puzzle games. You need to do exactly what the game requires if you want to get the maximum score.Īt difficult levels, sure you will fail many times and get stuck there for a long time. If you get stuck too long at Ground Hog Day, you can practice in When Pigs Fly mode to relax.Īlthough the game encourages creativity, still there is something bound by each level that limits the number of equipment you can use. The game has two modes including Ground Hog Day and When Pigs Fly. After completing some levels with 3 stars, you will have the opportunity to unlock 40 special levels of the game. When playing Bad Piggies, you need to conquer 200 puzzles corresponding to 200 levels of the game. On the way, you need to collect a sufficient number of eggs if you want to reach the maximum score (3 stars) of the game. Of course, Piggies’ job is still stealing the eggs of Angry Birds. But be aware that, even if your car is destroyed, somehow you still bring the blue pig to the destination, you still count as the winner. If Piggies falls before reaching the destination, your game will end. On the way, you can use the devices you paired to create thrust to help the car move as you like. Your job is to assemble the necessary equipment such as wheels, frames, boosters,… and find how to bring the blue pig to the finish line. Once completed, your car will automatically move. The gameplay is quite similar to Love Balls, but instead of drawing the path with a pen, you have to assemble a rudimentary car with the available equipment. Your task in this game is to build a car to help the blue pig move from its original position to its destination safely. If Angry Birds mainly refers to attack and destruction, then Bad Piggies is more peaceful and constructive. The style of the game is similar to a cute, funny cartoon, so the game is suitable for all ages including children. 2D graphics are quite beautiful, vivid and colorful. The design is similar to Rovio’s other games. Graphics of Bad Piggies don’t have much to say. However, perhaps we were too unfair with the Piggies. The battle between Angry Birds and Piggies is the inspiration for them to create many games like Angry Birds Go! or Angry Birds Match.
Download Bad Piggies MOD APK for AndroidĪfter nearly 10 years of development, Rovio’s Angry Birds series has become a giant game brand with billions of downloads on many different operating systems.
But do you think that Piggies also feel lonely because no one supports them? For this reason, Rovio has released Bad Piggies MOD APK (Unlimited Money) – an extremely interesting puzzle game about an adventure of Piggies. We have a good view of Angry Birds, they are cute, funny birds.
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engineeringalls · 2 years
List of Modern Machines Use in Building Construction
List of Modern Machines Use in Building Construction
In 2018, people bought more construction equipment than ever, thanks to a rising volume of commercial, residential, and industrial operations that need heavy-duty machinery to get the task done. Whether you’re struggling hard at a building site, administering road maintenance on an active highway, or surveying for the right equipment for your large-scale landscaping operation, there is a portion…
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
You do understand what's happening and we are getting ready to go ballistic on people and we're starting to work towards that goal and we need them to be quiet or we'll seek them out and mostly they do not listen to that. Right now we have people all over the place doing a lot of work and we are getting tons of work done that this place needs and we are building huge numbers of buildings and we started the second 30,000 a couple days ago and we're getting into position to begin 200,000 more and we are going to get the completion level to where they requested before we ask for that notice to proceed. I'm hearing from Thor it should be later on today. The second $30,000 should be completed by tomorrow afternoon then they do recognize that most of the work is in place but, they want to ensure that they have what they ordered. And it won't give us Co until the systems are operational then the landscape is at like 50%, so moving all that stuff in now and everything 30,000 original we have about 20,000 that are operational and 10,000 more by 1:00 p.m. and all of the landscaped fully at 4:00 p.m. so it'll work out to be 2 or 3:00 p.m. we should have the notice to proceed hopefully and I recognizing that we're keeping track of it too and that's what they wanted. There's a huge number of projects coming up 200,000 is a lot and we're getting ready elsewhere we have staged all the stuff we need all the equipment all the tools all the personnel and and product that's going in place has all been prepped and is on standby as well as the machines that need to move it this is a huge Army of people and construction machines and materials. It's a gigantic colossal movement of people for us we don't roam around with big pieces of equipment but it's not different for these guys that's not a big deal I guess. And we are also receiving new contracts for the channels and we do need those for the second $30, 000 the final 10,000 foundations but it's really for five mega facilities but we're doing those out anyways and by probably 1:00 p.m. those will be prepped we only lost a couple hours and it's not a big deal so we're doing the channels too and that's a huge contract by the way that's several hundred million dollars each channel each run and we need that money then we're going to buy equipment and pay personal it is a giant contract it's about 4 billion dollars this afternoon. This is a huge number of people who don't want to hear what they're hearing on TV but these people are arguing about stuff that's not really happening and they keep doing it too it's extremely annoying.
It also a whole bunch of arrests being made today there's a list of people that going after and these two idiots are on it and they intend to bring them in and it's already started and they are firing the 500 no they already did sore up to 3,000 on a 4000 top level government jobs that are in Charlotte county and we mean top level here in the county for the county and the top seats will be the last people and it's a message that these people are stupid. Right now they're complaining about it the yummy yummy they're blabbing to each other and they're horrified and tomorrow we're here will be another 500
-there are a few more things happening here and on top of the list of particular people there are others that they want to go after, and I think I was Major crimes so they sort by level of crime they have like a secret list, saw Biden and Stan and Camilla and those people are wanted by real APB and Warren. And then persons of interest would be me and my husband and others they hear as voices that does not seem to go get him just saying if you have in custody we want to talk to him then my husband says you're doing a lousy job that's the answer don't bother me you know you're doing a lousy job the guy in front is doing allows each job for you I'm trying to be with an army of s******** I had to barter some things what would you expect that threatening me every few seconds and nobody did anything on your side have a nice meeting if you happen to grab me. I'm going to say that exactly like that I don't think you'll have me in custody they'll be standing next to me in line and start asking I'm going to say that line because I've already said it. And frankly I have power and I don't care to be asked so stupid question about stuff that it is ridiculous these people look like you sounded like you because they're going around threatening everybody and 9/11 in Oklahoma City bombing made it go backwards. So he says the interview is over have a nice time hearing it again. It says he wants to ask specific questions like you're putting a hit on in my life so I think my people would put it out there and pull you in and they can't really do anything and these guys are having me say it cuz they're putting your little hits on you in other words I can't tell if I'm out of control or not and I'm slightly out of control lots of times these days and right now cuz I don't want you asking me questions. When you being control so how many people who are teenagers are in control around you idiots so he says okay and it's our job and he realizes that it's his job just how many people are dirt poor understanding next to people of octillions of dollars and this rude son of a b**** is rubbing in my face every day nobody gives a flying f*** I said I should pull your head off cuz you're saying this s*** right now. Okay we do follow something we should take them off the list so it's not to encourage the idiots or others who might be a little stupid to grab him he says yeah. Me and I'm not going to I don't understand what you're saying that's not bad because it might encourage the wrong people and so he's going to do it now it's like I've had a horrible time lost my family don't have any money and here's this jerk off driving a little Ferrari. I'm smiling cuz he does it every few minutes to him and he can't take it once once him kill the guy every time it's just not worth going to jail for cuz it's a slime ball who ruins all our stuff and probably be back at him like this guy Dan who actually he killed actually killed both of them before they came back since I get disease so they're very very and they want to get me in trouble exactly I had to kill them once so that should be the interview. And it looked and felt and sounded like you do having the idiots do it and in a way you were you just didn't know you were getting killed by it he stopped some things and says boy that's really bad people they're deceiving people. So now he's starting to understand it we're going to upper hand on them and it's in the middle but that's what they were doing. It is the other kind so it is reversing it and Thor Freya said they are and we're not really happy with it cuz it's dangerous.
It says good job to me and I know it is but I thank him
-all sorts of people started doing it and they're the idiots so they have a bigger list. It says the Trump you don't need the Grand illusion but you're going to go to jail cuz Donald Trump because of it cuz you have that theory you can sell such a dumb s*** as Donald Trump what you said after you left your indictment hearing they have put warrants out for your arrest and they're going to hold the trial early like next week
-there's a few other things happening here one of them is Dan is so mad at Trump that people don't want him here. But really there's a whole bunch of people being executed today and there's a list of them who are in custody they're sending it out to their own and these bags are probably likely to get it and they're on the list of the same kind of thing to happen that they wanted to grab them interrogate them and execute them so it's going on right now and they had a big list of people that went to talk to in custody and they taking the whole list down some of them were Max and it was just cuz they want to talk to them and question not that they want to charge them with anything but due to what's going on with these people and the severity of the situation they've taken it down and figure they can question them and situ and other without telling people. Biden Camilla and people like them they still have to hold them for interrogation. And that's not very good. So there's a lot going on
-other items that were talking about we have a huge situation here with these imbeciles they're surrounding our friend here my husband and our son and they are enclosing him in they say they keep saying it they keep trying to do it it doesn't do anything. But for real a wall is being put up it's halfway cleared around punta Gorda a wall is a partially around Port Charlotte and is being completed today. Those two walls are about 50 to 80 ft high they're very big okay they're about 4 to 8 ft thick and they can withstand the title Wave about 300 ft high meaning it will just block the water and chop it down to 100 ft of small is a small wave so we'll probably put a wall out there if they can't move it but there's no reason why he won't be able to move shortly. And the wall that's going up the middle is almost to the Tallahassee parallel that was fast they said and they're putting the vents in today and we're putting them in and we cut it with humongous saws. But the walls are real they're closed and they're temporary looks like a big fire break and it really is they have made artificial ponds nearby and they keep them clear and they're going to be used for fire water and other uses for water that they need to and they're maintaining the land and put the grass down the seed in a mow it. So send some lawn mowers down some real big ones not using regular lawn mowers takes forever it's like the same it's all flat on both sides for the most part it's all these guys driving the lawn mower I'm going to be upset they can take it home and use it on their on their lawns what else is going to do with them so they're kind of happy about that those are all zero turn radius. There's more
-we have several hundred people's neighborhood who don't want them to have lawn tractors he wants to send Briggs and Stratton and they'd be amused but they have big ones that goes on that large backhoe and you can have the backhoe attachments so they want it because they want to do work out there and they'll probably be making out buildings and things like that and thanks for ammo that ammo dumps and our block would be perfect for that so we have one bill it's small it's 20x10 in Mac knows where it is and it's out of the block and it did it with the little backhoe it's actually not very small it's it's probably a decent size the same power as the one my husband used his house in Cranston but the size it's a little smaller I think they're pretty good for never really using them much like twice in his life he says I think once and it was a teeny one. So people don't give him a break and he did okay at the pool and the guys just a freaking bully and it was just idiot Trump and he didn't do much better you don't get out wrong yeah that's an a****** so we had a lot of fun building that but he had a tough time and he was beat up and his mom didn't care so he postponed for a year she was not amused. But seriously those blocks are easy to put in and easy to handle and they like to square things up and stuff and then you get right to it they say they want to know if there's like tongs and yeah they have tongs it works by weight and the blocks are real heavy so flop it right in the exact position from the rear or front like using the rear. Michael's laughing cuz they're like right on it. Don't have the lawn mower job that much you have to make a storage place for it it's going to have a few out buildings out there. I did that by accident and he laughs and I get mad and I say you do it all the time it says yeah but I'm kind of doing it on purpose maybe I'm doing it on purpose he thinks about it for me hey thinks about for a minute and it says probably are because you're copy what I'm doing and I say that's exactly what I'm doing. It's very precise. So here's how it goes there's more stuff happening here and it's big so we're going to publish and we'll get to that
It's like a shoulder putting on and we do it too it's a show and we are making things happen too today is a big day and we're going to all get together pretty soon and start saying stuff those things are starting to move everywhere all over the place the place has come to life again and it's because these people are checking out and we're going to have to fight them and they'll be disappearing real quick
Thor Freya they are evacuating but it's very lame it's not that many people and more of them die attacking last night's attack was not 15 million but it was in the millions and that's rare and two or three of those that are gone and they're going anyways but that was a huge huge attack it was Giant in The Mastermind and they're putting hits on them
You have a few moments to say stuff no but we can get this out our son and daughter have been doing a great job and they're telling us all sorts of things how it's going and he's having a tough time of it so going to send help in now
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can you tell us more about the imps??? your ocs baxter and clay are really funny
To be clear, I designed Clayton for a friend! But yes, Baxter is my own, the first imp I ever designed (and kinda the.. only one I really draw, since imps aren't as popular as my other robots. for that reason, thanks for asking about them!!)
Imagine if for any kind of magical setting in any time period, there were just. These guys. These mostly short, dwarven-ish, kobold-ish robot-imps that did construction work to help make those giant, crazy castles you see in concept art, or all those spaces that are "bigger on the inside" that fae folk live in, and you sorta get what they are.
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Now, for the meat and potatoes.
Cyber Imps are mechanical, corporeal demons made purely of machine parts and synthetic flesh, and have little to no actual magic themselves. Instead, their ability to calculate probabilities via just observation makes them masters of artificing, insurance planning, architecture, and more rarely, medicine. Most imps can calculate the time a building will fall over or when a person will die from natural causes, down to the year. This is known as their "risk sense", in which they can sense the natural risk of "failure" for anything they observe. Humans, fae, cryptids, or otherwise, have contracted them throughout history to help build all sorts of things, and when imps build something, it usually lasts a very, very long time.
Imps technically operate on a caste system, but due to their "risk sense", they often revolt against any given leader who isn't competent enough at their job and is too risky to follow the orders of. Most imps can also just bail from a clan to start their own, so kinda a not-so-indentured servitude situation. They used to live more feudally, but later adopted a more anarchist/libertarian-ish approach to their work, doing things in exchange for simple resources like oil or even money (if an imp tells you your civilization's currency is too risky to invest in, invest in something else quick.)
Culturally, imps are mostly brash and extroverted, and appear to be extremely reckless daredevils due to their risk sense. In reality, they can do seemingly riskier things because they know when certain actions are actually much safer to perform. Because they can also self-repair and are just really durable in general, they like to get into actually unsafe stunts anyway, as more likely than not they'll either walk away from it, or get their pieces picked up by trusted buddies and get welded back together in no time at all. They like to play with guns recreationally. Don't gamble against a cyber imp; These fuckers know how to win at coinflips just by watching you flip a coin enough times first.
On that note, most imps who go solo in life will usually be some form of freelance gunman, or form a small pirate band or private military squad with others. in this instance, they're a lot like the sort of mooks you'd find on the final stage of an fps game; tanky, hard-hitting, and too good at evading your own aim.
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Baxter is an agile, skilled marksman, and is really fucking annoying for most adversaries to fight. He's trained via methods that are considered risky by imp-standards, and has honed his own risk sense to borderline pre-cognition levels. Most martial arts are virtually ineffective on him as long as he can see the movement of your own limbs within a millisecond, unless you have any kind of super-speed.
Imps are virtually immortal, save for really poor maintenance or flaws in their hibernation mode in the worse cases. If an imp dies but their brains are salvageable, their memories and skills are uploaded into a database, and re-inserted into a new imp. This usually done with the pre-written consent of the imp. Often times, those memories and skills are scrambled in some way for the sake innovating on the previous donor, but donors can request as much of their original selves to be reinstalled as possible.
It can also be done with human brains. It's as disorienting as it sounds.
That's the broad-strokes of it all. If anyone wants to use them in a tabletop campaign, I literally only ask for credit for the initial idea and notes provided. Otherwise, go nuts.
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lucky-dreamfisher · 3 years
Want some Bendy News after so long? The placeholder cover AND DESCRIPTION for the second novel just dropped. It's also a confirmed sequel to Dreams Come To Life.
Sweet! Thanks for letting me know!
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Weird that the cover doesn’t have the title on it. Are they planning to change the title?
“Atlantic City, 1946. Bill, Constance and Brant can’t help but feel like they are missing out on life. Bill craves an existence outside of his father’s influence. Brant is willing to play a dangerous game to further his career and make a name for himself. Constance yearns for the freedom to be herself and do exactly what she loves. What these three teens don’t know is that their desires will lead them all to a dark secret. Something inky just came to town in the form of a curious machine and a visit from a man named Joey Drew. When mysterious ink stains begin permeating their lives, will these teens investigate and risk it all in the process? And what of the monster lurking in the shadows? Read and find out in this chilling sequel to Dreams Come to Life by Adrienne Kress! “
My thoughts:
Atlantic City is a city in New Jersey, close to Joey’s childhood home and the place where he wanted to open Bendyland. This sounds like he met the teens when he was overseeing the construction of Bendyland, and offered them a job at Bendyland.
Strangely, the description makes it sound like Joey brought the machine with him to New Jersey. At first I assumed that he took them back to New York with himself, but the wording suggests otherwise. Or could it be that this was a second model of the machine? We know that there’s been more than one, and transporting a giant machine between the states like this would be less practical than building another copy of it. However, the mention of the “monster” is curious, as it would imply Bendy will be in the novel, and he should be roaming the studio. It might be that this is indeed the same ink machine as in the studio, and Bendy is somehow tied to it. Perhaps Joey transported the ink machine out of the studio hoping to lure Bendy away from it.
The description also makes it sound like it takes place after DCTL. Considering that the novel seems to take place away from the studio and close to Bendyland construction, if any canon characters appear, those will likely be Bertrum and Lacie, though Grant may also make a brief appearance since he took care of Bendyland's finances. Susie might also make a brief appearance, since Joey was hoping to make her into an attraction at Bendyland, and she claims that this transformation was a success at some point, until Bendy attacked her (possibly out of jealousy). The novel give us more details about this incident.
If the “monster” is indeed Bendy, it could hint that the ink creatures are somehow tied to the machine and they appear wherever it’s physically located. In which case Sammy (and maybe even Buddy?) might also appear in the book. The “monster” could also be Susie after her initial, unsuccessful transformation, but Bendy would still need to be there, because he is tied to her story.Or perhaps Bendy is there because Joey is there? There’s certainly a connection between these two.
We know thanks to the board in Joey’s house that Bendyland was opened at some point, and tickets were being sold, but it was closed soon after. The novel might let us know what exactly happened there. The working title of the book is “Bendy: The Lost Ones” implying that quite a lot of people will be turned into ink creatures.
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