#gift for elmonstro:)
noodleblade · 5 months
Can I ask for 17. noticing their individual quirks from the blossoming romance prompt list with Simpatico? <3
Ao3 Link Here
Perceptor narrowed his optics down at the pile of clutter before him. Clutter was a kind, professional, polite way of describing explosive havoc of disorder and chaos that made up the dimensions of Brainstorm’s desk. Disgusting was another word that came to mind. 
::How do you live like this?::  
::Oh please, let’s not exaggerate. It’s not that bad.:: came Brainstorm’s groan. 
It was not an exaggeration. If anything, it was an understatement. 
Perceptor’s internal processors had a difficult time distinguishing just what exactly he was looking at. The only way to actually piece through what was on the desk was to deconstruct it layer by layer. A cross-section analysis.
The bottom-most layer- the foundation, if you will -were dried dribbles of fuel intermingled with a noxious dusting of sentiment and dirt. One of Perceptor’s background scanners identified a cluster of granulated particles to be aged candied energon treat crumbs. An entire rust strick made the foundation brick, its sticky residue gluing it to the hard surface of the desk. Perceptor idly pondered if its removal would cause the entire system to fall apart. And while his internal protocols desperately would like the area cleaned, organized and sanitary, he was not willing to find out if his hypothesis was correct. 
Cemented to this foundational core layer was the secondary mantle layer. This, from what Perceptor could read, was a scattering of notes all in Brainstorm’s sloppy, near illegible scribble. Tattered napkin bits from Swerve’s and printed notices from Ultra Magnus acted as the canvas for dynamic invention designs, schematics and impossible (and implausible) equations with attached nonsensical theorems. Several datapads acted as structural weights. When flicked on, Perceptor wasn’t sure if he felt amusement, exasperation or a sickly, prickling bashfulness in seeing several of his academic research papers and studies riddled with extensive notes, doodles and elaborations from Brainstorm. 
It didn’t take away from the utter disaster that was Brainstorm’s work space but it did soften the blow. Still, Perceptor would prefer if his research wasn’t adding to the disgusting catastrophe that made up Brainstorm’s desk. Perhaps a bookshelf or three would greatly benefit organization.
Level three- the crust -was as troublesome as the other two layers of clutter, if not more prone to disaster by their fragile and incongruous shapes. Trinkets , Brainstorm affectionately called them. Garbage , Perceptor was more keen on describing. In truth, they probably served best as paperweights, however haphazardly placed they were. 
The sentimentality was not missed on Perceptor and a part of him could even find the collection charming. Endearing. 
Perceptor had bared witness to the slow accumulation over the course of the Lost Light’s journey but had never really taken the time to truly examine them. Now he did, his optics scanning over the seemingly random series of objects: little samples of rock, crystal, fossil collected on pit-stop planets, a Rodi-Star for Temporal Excellence half hanging off the desk, a cluster of thumb drive stocked with films, music, and other media either gifted or stolen from Rewind- Perceptor was still not sure. Little gadgets and doodles from Nautica were in abundance and horrible tiny contractions built by Whirl intermingled with them. There was even a small toy-like bauble on the corner of his desk from Chromedome, Perceptor had been present when the Mnemosurgeon had left it there and Brainstorm never moved it, simply fiddled with it absentmindedly while mulling over his work before throwing it back to the corner of his desk.
All these items, papers and dirt and yet Perceptor still did not actually find what he was looking for. 
With a heavy sign, Perceptor responded to the insisting ping in his comms. 
::How do you expect me to find anything on your desk?:: 
Brainstorm’s response was bitingly quick. ::What are you talking about? Everything is organized!::
::It’s garbage, Brainstorm.::
::Use that brilliant mind of yours and you’ll see everything has a purpose.::
::What purpose do Ultra Magnus’s cease orders from 28 cycles ago have?:: Perceptor didn’t dare touch the fragile, lopsided stack in fear of it tumbling down and only adding to the mess. 
::They are counterbalances. Don’t move them or the desk will collapse.:: Perceptor had no doubt in the truth of that statement even if its intent was a joke.
::We are cleaning this when you return to the ship.::
::It doesn’t need any cleaning! I know where everything is!:
Perceptor let out a derisive snort. He could picture perfectly the little fluttering of Brainstorm’s ailerons, his hands moving in frustration. 
::The tell me where your cathetometer is.::
It was the reason for this call in the first place. For rare occasion, Perceptor had the lab to himself with Brainstorm accompanying Rodimus’s small expedition team. It’s not Perceptor’s fault his colleague forgot his equipment but he was not about to be a complete aft in not assisting. He just wasn’t going to personally dig through Brainstorm’s garbage heap of a desk alone. 
::Hmm, if you don’t see it in top it’s probably in one of the drawers.::
Perceptor rounded the desk to see six drawers lining the sides of the desk with three on each side. 
::Which one?::
::The left side. I keep the important stuff there.::
Perceptor raised an optic ridge and couldn’t help but ask ::And what do you keep on the right?::
::Come on Percy, let me have a little mystery, a touch in intrigue.::
::Nevermind, I don’t want to know.::
Perceptor didn’t need to be present to know Brainstorm was pouting, blast mask intact or not. Even hundreds of meters between them and Perceptor knew a pouting, sulking Brainstorm anywhere. 
::You’re no fun.::
::Yes I am.:: Perceptor replied back as he started with the top drawer, pulling it open only to find it crammed to the brim with even more data pads. All of them pressed together to a block so not even a tiny piece of dust could enter. Perceptor slammed the drawer shut. ::How do you live like this?:: he found himself reiterating. 
::Oh, not fun loving Perceptor still complaining about my desk. Is that fun? Cleaning and organizing?::
::You’re a scientist. How do you find anything in this?::
::Tell me how you are fun in explicit detail and I’ll tell you my organizational strategies. We can make a date of it.::
Perceptor snorted as he opened the second drawer. This was filled with several instruments and after some careful digging, he found the cathetometer . ::We can clean your desk together.::
::You must be a hit at the club, Percy. Really. Absolute stud. What moves do you have? The pencil sharpener? The label maker? The file organizer? Actually, you can’t claim that one. Minimus invented and perfected that one. ::
Perceptor could have told Brainstorm at any moment that he had found what the other mech was looking for but, he held onto the tool for a moment, softly smiling to himself as Brainstorm rambled insults to him. It shouldn’t be charming, it shouldn’t be amusing, it shouldn’t bubble up any sort of affection. And yet. 
::I’ve seen you dance, Brainstorm. I wouldn’t speak so confidentially with what you’ve demonstrated.::
::Are you saying Minimus is a better dancer than me? Because you surely can be saying that you are a better dancer. I mean, I think you’ll fall apart if you stepped foot on the dance floor.::
::It hasn’t happened yet.::
::When have you been dancing at Swerve’s? Before or after you deep clean and detail your desk every day?::
Without even thinking about it, Perceptor opened the third drawer. He stopped as it slid open, its few contents rocking in the sway. Recognition lit his processor in a warm, shy heat.
::I’m hilarious. So funny and smart and amazing and talented and resourceful. Speaking of resourceful…did you find the my cathetometer yet? I put googly eyes on it. For personality. Can’t miss it.::
Perceptor felt the warmth spread across his faceplates. ::I did.::
::Oh Percy, I could kiss you. Tailgate is almost back at the ship if you can give it to him. The mods to his hoverboard make him almost as fast as Rodimus. He’s pissed. Anyways I told you it would be easy to find. All my important stuff is.::
Perceptor barely heard a word of what Brainstorm said. Only sending back a short affirmative as he stared at the drawer. 
::Perceptor? You alright?::
With a sharp invent, Perceptor closed the drawer shut firmly. 
::Perfectly fine. I’ll be ready to pass it off to Tailgate. I’m clearing your schedule for the next cycle. We are cleaning your desk. I can’t work knowing you are working like this.::
::Percy! It’s fine. I don’t need your shitty excuse for a date-::
::It’s not a date.:: Perceptor swiftly cut off. ::This is a work hazard that is being remedied immediately.::
Brainstorm’s response was muted, delayed. ::Okay, okay. We’ll clean it up. I’m sure you’ll have a checklist and everything.::
Perceptor let a small smile come to his face even though he could hear the telltale rumbling of Tailgate’s juiced up hoverboard. ::Of course. You shouldn’t expect anything less from me. If you manage to get it done by shift’s end, I’ll buy you a drink. Maybe if you are lucky, we can dance.::
Brainstorm’s next several responses were streams of incoherent stutters that formed a very excitable agreement. Perceptor didn’t feel the need to continue the chatter as he passed over the tool to Tailgate who only gave him a slightly confused look at his smile. Perceptor didn’t care, not when he knew what lay at the bottom of Brainstorm’s important drawer. 
Sentimental fool.  
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shy-urban-hobbit · 10 months
Collab with the wonderful and crazy talented @elmonstro . It was so much fun working on this with you!!
Lambert absolutely hated markets. As a general rule they were noisy, crowded and more often than not at least one merchant would try to rip him off once they caught sight of either his medallion or his eyes. Aiden however, had no such hang ups and loved to people watch and talk to various merchants about their wares, the stall owners scents turning to just a general wariness which was easier to ignore as he complimented the quality of their wares or charmingly haggled over price in a way Lambert never could (whether it was due to his schools teachings in getting certain humans to lower their guard or if it was just Aiden, Lambert wasn't quite sure).
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He found his gaze wandering as he stood listening to Aiden get into an animated discussion about a spice he'd never even heard of, nevermind tasted. Some of the merchants looked to be packing away for the day, a mother pulled a fussing child away as they made grabby hands at a stall selling various sweet treats and he was pretty sure that young woman just pickpocketed the old man she'd bumped into but Lambert decided he probably deserved it, if the name he called her in response to her apology for running into him was anything to go by.
The telltale flash of sunlight on metal coming from the end of the row caught his attention. They'd done this enough times now for Lambert to know he'd probably be back before Aiden even noticed he'd gone and if he wasn't, the Cat would have no problem finding him again.
The stall had a surprisingly wide array. Lambert spotted wicked looking punch knives with engraved blades alongside the usual vegetable and carving knives. A couple of ornate daggers which were definitely more for decoration than practical use if the fancy handles and sheaths were any indication took pride of place front and centre. No swords but judging from how old and stooped the smith looked, Lambert took an educated guess that the heavier stuff was back in his workshop. Lambert was about to turn around and make his way back to Aiden when he spotted them. Nestled towards the back was a pair of daggers. Small enough to be easily concealed but the blades looking wicked sharp nonetheless. One had a slight curve whilst the other was straight as a rod. The handles had the exact same simple ornamentation - a line of gold filigree winding around and up the steel like a vine whilst the accompanying sheaths were the exact same shade of royal blue. A matched set then.
He was suddenly struck by images of those blades being cradled in dark skinned, long fingered hands. The sheaths complimenting blue armour and green eyes.
"Can I see those?" He asked waiting for the smiths nod of permission before he reached over. The balance was good and there were no visible imperfections.
"My son does all the leatherwork for the sheaths." The smith piped up, a note of pride in his voice, "Treats it right and proper so it won't fade or crack." Lambert nodded as he smiled. They were perfect. At least, they were until he saw the price. There was no way he could justify spending that much, not when they didn't know how far they'd need to make their coin stretch; even with half of their earnings going into a shared purse (which he wasn't going anywhere near. That was for emergencies and besides - it wasn't much of a gift if Aiden ended up putting money towards it too).
Trying not to let his disappointment show too much, he placed the straight blade back on the stall, "How much for just the one?"
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Aiden ended up meeting him halfway, smiling when he noted the direction Lambert was coming from, "Why am I not surprised you got drawn in by sharp, pointy things? Get anything?"
Lambert thought about the dagger he'd managed to tuck away into the top of his pack. The smith hadn't seemed too pleased about separating them either, but a sale was a sale. He shook his head, wrapping an arm around Aiden's shoulder, "Just looking. You done?"
Aiden stared at him briefly before nodding. If Lambert's emotions were showing on his face, he was gracious enough not to mention it.
Aiden wrinkled his nose at the slop that was passing for stew in the inn's main room and Lambert found himself sharing the sentiment. It was to be expected really; the room was barely the right side of habitable. They could put up with worn, dirty mattresses and sour ale for a night but they drew the line at meat which smelled like it was about to turn, even under all the spices and gravy the cook had tried to disguise it with.
"Ugh. I'm going to go see if I can catch that vendor we got those pies from earlier before he closes up. I'll be right back." Aiden said, draining the last of his drink and dropping a couple of coins, leaving Lambert at the sticky table before he could reply. Not that he'd been a great conversation partner since they'd left the market.
Neither of them were overly materialistic: both literally and figuratively, they couldn't afford to be and Aiden had always placed more value on the thought behind a gift rather than its worth anyway. Lambert knew logically that Aiden would love the curved blade that was currently burning a hole in his pack as he was both excited and slightly ashamed to hand it over. The incident with the smith incessantly poking at a certain sore spot. They risked their lives day in, day out and for what? The cheapest rooms they could find and having to constantly compromise on little indulgences. He knew there were plenty of others in the same situation and worse but still. It made him question sometimes if the scars and constant vitriol were worth it.
He was pulled from his thoughts by a familiar head peering around the doorway, making a 'follow me' gesture before disappearing back outside. He wordlessly allowed Aiden to lead him to the back of the building where he used an empty barrel as a boost to start scaling the outside wall. Lambert followed easily, the old stone providing plenty of hand and footholds where parts had been worn away or broken off completely over the years.
"Here." Aiden said handing over one of the still warm pies once they were settled on the sloping roof of the Inn, "I grabbed a couple for breakfast too."
They ate in an easy silence, Lambert enjoying the taste of the tender rabbit and vegetables as he people watched. Once he'd finished, he stripped down to his tunic and lay back on the sun warm tiles, watching as the sky gradually turned from various reds and oranges to a deep blue as the sun started to disappear behind the mountains which dominated the horizon on one side of the town.
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He turned his head slightly to look at Aiden when he felt eyes on him, the Cat was giving him a fond look which never failed to make Lambert feel like an awkward teen with a crush.
"What?" He huffed, giving a small smile in return.
Aiden shrugged, "You look good like this is all. Relaxed suits you." He shifted his weight slightly and as he tucked a piece of hair behind his ear - something Lambert knew was a nervous habit, "I got something else while I was out. For you."
"Me?" Lambert sat himself up as he watched Aiden start rummaging through his pack before pulling out something wrapped in plain brown cloth.
"I saw it and immediately thought of you and I was going to wait for a better time. But you seemed like you needed cheering up and besides, I don't think you can get any more romantic than a rooftop at sunset."
As if on queue, a musician started playing somewhere, the sound of soft fiddle music drifting over to them through an open window. They locked eyes with each other briefly before bursting into laughter.
"I stand corrected.' Aiden said as his laughter died down, taking the strange tension that had fallen between them with it as he held the small package out to Lambert, "Go on. Open it."
Lambert couldn't place why the weight and shape felt vaguely familiar until he revealed a royal blue sheath. Oh, sweet Melitele this couldn't be happening.
"The guy said that it was part of a set," Aiden started, looking apologetic, "But he'd sold the other one earlier. I-" His expression turned to one of complete bafflement when Lambert started chuckling quietly. Those chuckles quickly morphing into full belly laughs.
"Uh, Lambert?" He asked, trying to tamp down the hurt that was rising up at his gift being laughed at.
"Shit. I'm sorry Aiden. I promise I'm not laughing at you it's just...I got something for you too."
He reached into his own back and held out a package of similar size and shape, wrapped in the same cloth. Aiden took it, eyes widening as he seemed to piece things together, "Is this-"
Aiden's smile rivaled the sun as he admired the blade Lambert had handed over.
"You know." Lambert said as he attached his own to his belt, "I'm pretty sure there's some places where this means we're married now. Or at least betrothed."
"Do you want it to?"
Aiden looked uncharacteristically shy, not quite making eye contact, "What you just said... about the...do you want it to mean that?"
Lambert's heart started doing somersaults, "That we're married or we're betrothed?"
"Either. Both?"
It felt as if the whole continent was holding its breath waiting for his answer.
"Yes. Both. Yes."
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He suddenly found himself with a lapful of Cat who seemed fully intent on kissing him stupid until the need for air became an issue.
"You?" Lambert asked, looking directly into Aiden's eyes from where their foreheads were pressed together.
"What do you think?" Aiden asked with his familiar smirk, raising Lambert's hand to his lips and kissing his knuckles, something that never failed to get Lambert flustered.
"Let me hear you say it?"
Aiden shifted so his mouth was grazing the shell of Lambert's ear, "Yes. To both."
Their mystery musician switched to something more lively, not that the two of them were paying attention. Wrapped up in each other as they watched the last sliver of sun disappear.
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2023 Secret Solenoid Gift Directory!
This is the 2023 gift directory of all of the gifts! Be sure to look at everyone's amazing work! ❤️
Some of these are various shades of suggestive or explicit. Those that include 18+ / Gore have been marked as NSFW!
[Anonymous] for sturthepotofmadness: [G1] Art (Astrotrain)
[Anonymous] for artificial-absinthe: [TFP] Fic (Megatron/Soundwave)
[Anonymous] for mxbenz: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Tailgate/Cyclonus)
Aecholapis for Alruin(melopardi): [IDW1] Art: (Deadlock/Megatron)
Alruin (melopardi) for utility-cavities: [G1] Fic (Galvatron & Rodimus)
apotherice for SeafoamSol: [IDW1] Fic (NSFW) (Getaway/Perceptor)
Argoxnautililus for OverlordRaax: [Bishoujo] Art (Starscream & Skyfire)
Artificial-absinthe for kagebros: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Orion Pax/Shockwave)
Awesomepotato2016 for Skidblast: [Soup] Fic (Starscream & Trailbreaker)
badautobot for spartyll: [TFA] Art (Starscream)
bassomega for hysterical-random-things: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Starscream/Shockwave)
bluecookiesabi for radiolovebot: [IDW1] Fic (NSFW) (Overlord)
blurrito for aecholapis: [IDW1] Art (Thunderclash/Rodimus)
bunny-fair for yesnomaybelobster33: [ROTB] Fic (NSFW) (Noah Diaz/Mirage)
cao-the-dreamer for undergroundoil: [IDW1] Fic (Grimlock/Misfire)
cartoonsinthemorning for mostlyhim: [G1] Art (Starscream/Megatron)
darksidekelz for luluvalu: [IDW1] Art (Swerve/Blurr)
deadangelcat for Gemmarose: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Rodimus/Ultra Magnus)
deadlysoupy for elmonstro: [IDW1] Fic (Brainstorm/Perceptor)
digispook for rotorarc: [IDW1] Art (Rodimus)
elmonstro for hysterical-random-things: [IDW1] Art (Tailgate/Cyclonus/Whirl)
exdraghunt for cao-the-dreamer: [ROTB] Fic (NSFW) (Noah Diaz/Mirage)
final-milf-ratchet for [Anonymous]: [IDW1] Art (Cyclonus/Whirl/Tailgate)
fowo for noodleblade: [IDW1] Art (Brainstorm/Perceptor)
friedfriedchicken for digispook: [G1] Art (Arcee)
Gemmarose for stynamo: [IDW1] Fic (NSFW) (Dominus Ambus/Rewind)
glasspunkart for cartoonsinthemorning: [IDW1] Art (Rung)
hapships for rodimusofficial: [Cyberverse] Art (Dead End/Perceptor)
hoursgoneby for fowo: [IDW1] Fic (Drift/Ratchet)
hysterical-random-things for thesharmat: [IDW2] Art (Road Rage)
Insecuriosity for megatronstillright/RHplus: [Soup] Fic (Skylynx & Astrotrain)
ivycorp for plainblackcanvas56: [TFP] Fic (Megatron/Orion Pax)
jariktig for badautobot: [IDW1] Fic (Ratchet/Pharma)
Jayspilledink (& nopes-and-dreams) for xenonmalachite: [G1] Art (Mirage)
kagebros for deadangelcat: [G1] Art (Skyfire/Starscream)
kusakichan15 for hoursgoneby: [TFP] (Knock Out/Dreadwing)
Languidly for madness-to-my-method: [TFP] Fic (Megatron/Optimus Prime)
LegendTrainer for Jariktig: [IDW1] Fic (Jazz/Megatron)
letslipthehounds (jedipati) for rinovarka: [G1] Fic (Cosmos & Omega Supreme)
luluvalu for kusakichan15: [G1] Art (Megatron/Orion Pax; Megatron/Optimus Prime)
lush-specimen for spashahoney: [G1] Fic (Optimus Prime & Rodimus Prime)
lush-specimen for undergroundoil: [IDW1] Art (Perceptor)
lyumera for theblueblazes: [Soup] Art (Soundwave/Rodimus)
madness-to-my-method for synchros (five-million-year-old-gilf): [IDW1] Art (Megatron)
mal-co-holic for nuclearjacks: [IDW1] Fic (Megatron/Orion Pax & Megatron/Optimus Prime)
martinthelandlockedmartian for exdraghunt: [G1] Fic (Jazz/Prowl)
martinthelandlockedmartian for gayrob0t: [G1] Fic (Megatron/Starscream; Optimus Prime/Ratchet)
megatronstillright (RHplus) for smoketopus: [G1] Art (Galvatron & Rodimus)
mostly-him for noritaro: [IDW1] Art (Blurr)
mxbenz for ivycorp: [TFP] Fic (NSFW) (Megatron/Orion Pax & Megatron/Optimus Prime)
noamalvaro for [Anonymous]: [IDW1] Fic (Orion Pax/Shockwave; Optimus Prime/Shockwave)
noodleblade for salicinalis: [IDW1] Fic (Drift & Rodimus)
noritaro for bassomega: [IDW1] Art (Starscream/Deadlock)
nuclearjacks for lush-specimen: [IDW1] Art (Thunderclash/Rodimus)
ohdeariemegoodness for Languidly: [G1] Fic (NSFW) (Jazz/Soundwave)
OverlordRaax for hapships: [Cyberverse] Art (Windblade/Slipstream)
pika (pikaisragingmad) for darksidekelz: [IDW1] Art (Deadlock & Drift)
pika (pikaisragingmad) for glasspunk: [IDW1] Art (Overlord/Tarn)
plainblackcanvas56 for martinthelanlockedmartian: [G1] Art (Megatron/Optimus Prime)
radiolovebot (StereoMinded) for thenamesblurrito: [Soup] Fic (Blurr)
rcxdirectrix for pikaisragingmad: [Cyberverse] Art (NSFW) (Astrotrain & Dead End)
rinovarka for lyumera: [G1] Art (Starscream)
rodimusofficial for noamalvaro: [IDW1] Art (Brainstorm/Perceptor)
rotorarc for bunny-fair: [IDW2] Art (Shadow Striker, Flamewar, Slipstream)
salicinalis for inkfamy: [Soup] Fic (Skywarp, Starscream & Thundercracker)
skidblast for jedipati (letslipthehounds): [TFA] Fic (Optimus Prime & Sari Sumdac & Isaac Sumdac)
Slyboots for rcxdirectrix: [Cyberverse] Fic (NSFW) (Astrotrain/Dead End)
smoketopus for starsh0ck: [TFA] Art (Starscream & Sari Sumdac)
spartyll for Insecuriosity: [BW] Art (Rattrap & Dinobot)
spashahoney for mal-co-holic: [IDW1] Art (Megatron/Rodimus)
starsh0ck for jayspilledink: [IDW1] Art (Ratchet/Drift/Rodimus)
Stynamo for Slyboots: [TFP] Art (NSFW) (Knock Out/Breakdown)
sturthepotofmadness for awesomepotato16: [G1] Art (Optimus Prime)
swagrez for toasty-teddy: [IDW1] Art (Cyclonus/Tailgate)
Synchros for swervesbar: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Chromedome/Rewind)
theblueblazes for seekertrine: [G1] Art (Skyfire/Starscream)
thesharmat for deadlysoupy: [Cyberverse] Art (Rodimus, Cheetor & Bumblebee)
Toasty-teddy for friedfriedchicken: [IDW1] Art (Chromedome/Rewind)
undergroundoil for argoxnautilus: [IDW1] Art (Nightbeat, Nautica & Skids)
utility-cavities for ohdeariemegoodness(spacecoats): [G1] Art (Soundwave & Jazz)
vitrificvitrol for bluecookiesabi: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Thunderclash/Rodimus)
xenonmalachite for graymercy: [IDW1] Art (Minimus Ambus & Rodimus)
yesnomaybelobster (Bremmatron33) for final-milf-ratchet: [G1] Fic (NSFW) (Cliffjumper/Mirage)
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deadlysoupy · 9 months
Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Brainstorm/Perceptor, Brainstorm & Perceptor, Brainstorm & Nautica Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Mind Manipulation, Happy Ending
Perceptor is a hard mech to handle when it comes to his patience with Brainstorm. Thus, after Brainstorm gets his load of Perceptor's fury, the Ship's Number One Genius takes matters into his own hands — and attempts to make Perceptor fall in love with him.
It goes in the exact opposite direction.
my Secret Solenoid gift for @elmonstro !!! thank you @secretsolenoid-revived for hosting the event and being so very patient with me!! first time doing anything like this event and i had,, troubles. also huge shoutout to @trashhole who beta'ed this mess i wouldn't be there without them!!
posted on AO3 (requires an account) or under Read More for easy access!
It’s quiet in the lab today. Not a good quiet, not the kind of quiet that makes Brainstorm excited to get going and create something incredibly genius, and slightly explosive. Not the kind that makes him focus and drift from reality itself in search of the unexplored, to make the unreal, real.
This quiet had him slightly tilting his back to throw a look at a laser-focused Perceptor and envy the fixation he has had with his own project. Because he, as it stands, cannot get the anti-gravity blaster to work. Try as he may, re-wire, calculate from the beginning – nothing seemed to help. He considered banging his helm on the table, but that would only damage the equipment. 
After a while of struggling, Brainstorm decided to seek assistance. Two heads are better than one, obviously – even if one is more genius than the other. 
Which had been a bad decision from the start. And he should have known it, too, because whoever distracts Percy from his work is to be stricken with a fiery glare and such a passive look it could kill the desire to ask in just about anyone. Anyone but Brainstorm.
“Hey, Percy, do you think I should re-adjust this or leave it as it is? It isn’t working right,” Brainstorm says with a half-finished component in hand, its insides dangling in the air when he swings it. He slides into Perceptor’s line of vision, occupied by a biocell beneath his microscope. It leaves a silence hanging between them. 
Perceptor doesn’t even blink, let alone vent in his general direction. So, Brainstorm tries again, the tone of his voice slightly more rough around the edges. 
“He-ey, ships’ genius number two! Get out of your head, it’s begging you to dissect it, c’mon!”
His lab partner’s faceplate shifts from cold concentration to a slight frown, one you wouldn’t notice if you hadn’t looked hard enough. He notices it anyway. 
“Brainstorm, whatever complication it is you have right now, I assure you, it can wait until I’m done.”
“Waiting would require patience! I’m kind of at the brink of my own discovery here – at least tell me if you think it needs work?” Brainstorm pleads, shifting his approach, his optics round, but Perceptor is unrelenting. 
Brainstorm’s optic-ridges furrow.
“You’re mean, you know that? A real stick in the mud. A stubborn mule. A…” Brainstorm gestures his free servo in search of a new expression to throw. His vents get hotter.
“Are you done?” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, am I distracting you?” Brainstorm’s wings flutter in exasperation as the air inside his mask gets a little too warm. “My work is important too, if you didn’t know! And I would love it if you could pull your helm out of your aft once in a while!”
Perceptor’s shoulder plates answer Brainstorm as he straightens up and looks at him with such a fire in his gaze that burns Brainstorm’s insides. His mouth a perfect line, but the sharp edges of his optics and the brilliant light behind them are what turns Brainstorm’s entire resolve around. 
As he backpedals, Perceptor’s watchful optics follow him until he’s at his desk again, and only then does the scientist turn away to chip away at his work once more, as if nothing had ever happened.
Brainstorm has trouble forgetting the incident even hours after. 
Truly, it is Perceptor’s fault. He is the one missing Brainstorm’s potential, his drive. Now his gun sits alone, it’s insides full of holes, and Brainstorm tosses it a look more than once like it had personally offended him.
So he does the best thing he can – he drowns himself in the work that most would call “unethical” and “useless”. What else is he supposed to do, really? It would not hurt to put his other work on a pause until he deals with his more pressing problems. Mainly – his lab partner being an uncooperative aft.
Days later, Brainstorm stares at a flat metal plate, its silver and smooth top reflecting his faceplate in a morphed and grotesque image, his servos firmly planted into the workstation. It had nothing Brainstorm-like in it – which is what makes his cords uneasy, optics never settling on one detail of the device.
Despite all of his efforts, despite the drive that went into his work, he couldn’t put it to use. He’s not that kind of bot – not even when he’s full of sadness and bitterness. 
So, he puts it away in their lab, far from the prying eyes; he burrows it under the pile of other failed experiments and fried chips to be long forgotten. 
At least his honour is saved.
That is, until someone else finds it.
Brainstorm never liked Whirl much. If it wasn’t him, then it was Whirl who could turn everyone's attention to himself, a chaotic force of nature. And sometimes – or most of the time, really, – he tended to cross the line.
“Oh, hey, what’s this thing?” he says, putting an eerily familiar disc in his servos, its shiny surface glinting in the lab’s bright lighting.
Brainstorm’s never run faster in his life. He does almost trample over the scrapped projects Whirl’s been digging through, but he catches himself in time.
“That,” he grunts while gripping one side of the machine to pry it away from Whirl’s claws, “is none of your business.” 
“Stormy, you should know by now – everything is my business,” the menace answers back, his optic glimmering and squinting. The device is then pulled, but Brainstorm has a good grip on it, and he tugs right back. 
Brainstorm dares a quick look to his left – Perceptor is too engrossed in his documenting to pay attention to them – which, in the heat of the moment, gives Whirl an advantage. 
He pinches on Brainstorm’s pede and blunt pain betrays his reflexes. Whirl manages to pry away the machine and hold it above his frame while he helplessly reaches for it; his efforts in vain. 
“‘Make-Perceptor-love-me machine’? Seriously?” Whirl reads out loud while Brainstorm struggles against his hold to snatch the device away. Out of all the things to label, he decided on that one?
“Wait, Whirl–”
“Oh, this is gold,” his optic shines with malice and Brainstorm only has two solid seconds before he can hold Whirl’s pedes to stop him from going straight for Perceptor.
They both topple down like cards, and Percy’s definitely noticed the fight by now. He peers from the table they usually keep the scraps behind, a little too close for Brainstorm’s comfort. 
He pulls Whirl’s impossibly tangly pedes away from Perceptor – because the aft is long too, curse his impossible build – and Whirl huffs in effort, but Brainstorm notices the device is still in his pincers. 
“Whirl, I swear to Primus, if you don’t stop I’ll–”
“Got it!”
Brainstorm gives Whirl one last pull and collapses on the floor backstrut-first. Tangled in a web of pointy joints, along with a couple of wires from the pile. 
What he just heard could not have been anything good. 
He grunts as he scrambles to his feet, some forgotten wire still stubbornly stuck on his servo, and looks up at Perceptor. 
The disc looks tiny in comparison to their joints, but Brainstorm spots it on Perceptor’s pede as his lab partner pulls the device away, definitely making contact. Brainstorm doesn’t know if it’s a good thing or not; at least he can test it.
The reaction is delayed by two seconds, but Brainstorm catches the barely noticeable tremor and electricity running through Perceptor’s frame, starting at his pedes, and ending at his processor. Presumably, of course. Brainstorm’s wing twitches. 
“Uh… hey, Perceptor, are you okay?” Brainstorm asks in a surprisingly small voice he doesn’t remember having. 
He regrets ever having the idea of making such a machine in the first place.
Perceptor’s cold, unwavering stare gives him a chill. A loud thud makes Brainstorm’s frame jump as his machine is thrust into his servos. He scrambles to hold it properly, a stare etched into him. 
“Get out of my lab. Now.”
Percy’s voice booms, echoing through the whole lab – their lab, as Brainstorm had priorly thought. 
His processor can come to only one conclusion: he had invented the complete opposite of what he had intended to. Not this aggressive ignorance, not this hatred. He wanted admiration, not hate – not again.
He has no time to make sense of that revelation as he scrambles for the exit, pushing away the bots who had probably heard the commotion and came to poke fun at him. 
He continues to his habsuite, the device close to his chassis, a slight fog creeping into the edges of his vision that doesn’t leave until he’s slamming the door shut. 
Brainstorm slides down onto the floor, pulling the machine closer, almost crushing it with his servo – or hoping to, at the back of his mind.
The silence fills his processor and ugly static pours out. 
How could he think it was ever going to work? He’s no manipulator. Making guns, weapons of destruction, and something that would twist reality and emotional stability of a mech is a night and day difference. He shouldn’t have invented this cursed thing, should never have been this angry, this pitiful, and frag, everyone was watching him, how is he supposed to prove he was good at something– 
One, two knocks at the door tremble his frame as he presses against the door. A muffled “Hey, Stormy, it’s Nautica” beyond the door causes Brainstorm to shift in his seat. 
No knocks come after, but Brainstorm’s emotionally aware enough that his amica endura is still there. Waiting to put a comforting servo on his shoulder – one he doesn’t deserve. 
He manages a sigh that trails through his entire frame. Then he gets up and shuffles to the berth, his servos pressed tight against its flat surface.
The door creaks open, Nautica’s purple paintjob standing out from the shining light of the outside corridor against his dim room. “Hey, Stormy. Can I come in?”
He gives her a look that she reads as inviting, closing the door behind her. She takes a seat next to him, still servos on her lap.
“You know I’m here for you, right?” she says after a few minutes of silence. Brainstorm stares at the floor. “Whatever you need. And I’m sure Perceptor didn’t even mean it back there, you know how–”
“He did, though,” Brainstorm croaks out. Nautica’s frame leans closer to his. “I– I messed up. I wanted an easy way out, but I messed it up again. What kind of a scientist am I if I can’t even make a mind control device work properly?”
Nautica moves a little closer to him and puts her servo on his. “At least it worked, right? And we know the problem, so we can fix it.”
“But he hates me, Nautica.”
“You don’t really know that. I’m sure we can convince him to cooperate on a project with you. Until then,” she removes her servo that seems to leave the warmth on his plating well after their talk, “try and get some rest, okay? We’ll figure this out, I promise.”
She leaves him with a tender smile, shutting the door behind her, and letting him and his thoughts linger under the shadows of his unlit walls. 
In the meantime, he figures out his next steps.
Next day doesn’t come easy, but Brainstorm is considerably more determined to mend the broken trust. His processor doesn’t scream profanities at him, at least, and he would consider it progress. 
Nautica catches up to him in the hallway when he’s on his way to the lab.
“Brainstorm! Do you actually know what you’re going to do? This needs a plan or… something.”
“Nah, I’ll figure it out when I get there,” he says, waving his free servo that isn’t holding the culprit of his problem.
Nautica steps forward before he can enter the lab, his cool demeanour slightly broken. “Okay, wait, I have to confess something. I’ve already talked to Percy the night before: he agreed to help you with one project, as he’d said.”
Brainstorm arched an optic-ridge. “Wait, really?” 
“Yeah, but only one. So you have one chance, got it?” she says, as sternly as she can, yet Brainstorm can’t help but smile at her worrying. 
“Aw-w, thanks, Nautica! You always know how to help out a friend.”
She rolls her optics with a fond smile before cycling and pushing him into the lab.
“Hello,” Perceptor and his carefully folded servos, along with the best passive-aggressive look, meet him right at the entrance, and Brainstorm has to take a step back to regain his footing. “How may I be of assistance?”
Brainstorm coughs into his mask. He vaguely registers the door behind him sliding closed, Nautica’s work wide and proud. “Well, now that you’ve mentioned it,” he dawns, peeking into Perceptor’s personal space despite his better judgement; the scientist leans backwards only slightly, to Brainstorm’s delight, “there’s this tiny little thing wrong with my newest invention. It is imperative that we work together to mend it, as a lot, and believe me, a lot, depends on its success. So, what do you say?”
Perceptor’s field shifts from passive observation to open disgust as Brainstorm talks. And it stings, of course. But, somehow, in the moment, he understands it. The loathing, unease, hatred, – those aren’t new concepts to him. 
What truly intrigues him after a few seconds, though, is the cool response Perceptor gives him. 
“Alright, then. Let’s get this over with.”
Because… huh? Perceptor, in his twisted mind, under the direct intention of outright hating Brainstorm’s cords, agrees to help. Brainstorm’s inner core dances to the feeling of appreciation, of simply earning Perceptor’s attention and kindness which he has always possessed.
They work in silence once Brainstorm expresses what needs to be done with the machine to “fix” it. Each on their own little workshop, pouring familiarity over Brainstorm’s processor, yet swirling with alienation. 
He knocks a fragile chip off the table while fidgeting with the casing, his wings fluttering in desperation, and the sound bounces off the walls of the soulless lab. Perceptor only tosses him a look, but a look that Brainstorm will have to push to the back of his memory cords to make peace with. 
He never wants to earn that look again. It makes his resolve to complete their work as fast as possible all the more potent. 
Just two hours after, they have their pieces done and assemble the machine together. Their shoulders pressed close, but not touching, the invisible gravity pulling Brainstorm closer.
Staring at them is their own reflection, the two of them this time, the bottom of their faceplates inflated as if in a ugly mirror. 
“Now, what are you going to do with it?” Perceptor wonders.
Brainstorm sighs as he takes the device in his servo with careful precision not to grip the wrong side. “Fix my mistakes.”
And he thrusts his servo into Perceptor’s chassis.
It does not have the same effect as Brainstorm has hoped. Instead, Perceptor catches his servo, but doesn’t squeeze it or draw it away. 
So Brainstorm lunges at him. They fall to the ground, knocking some lab equipment on the floor, the sound of their frames making contact loud in his audio receptors. Brainstorm has to reach out in order not to collapse on Perceptor’s flat chassis completely. 
Before any of them can adjust to this position, Brainstorm on top of Perceptor, their pedes inbetween one another, Brainstorm sticks the bottom of his doom on his partner’s chassis. 
Perceptor has his optics closed. Until he shutters them on and off, letting the silence fill both of their cords. Another, familiar shock courses through Perceptor – Brainstorm can taste the electricity this time. His frame catches heat from underneath, and his own vents shorten.
A subtle sigh pulls Brainstorm out of the trance. “What did you do this time?”
And, Primus, how quickly his world can become right again. Perceptor’s voice is even, but Brainstorm catches the light in it, the teasing and love behind it. The notion almost makes him outright giggle – but he doesn’t have time for that. He smiles wide behind his mask anyway, Perceptor’s tiny smirk reflective. 
“Oh, nothing, just goofing off. As usual.”
“You do not ‘goof off’, Brainstorm. On the side note…” his optics dart around, “why, exactly, are we on the floor?”
“Oh, right!” Brainstorm pulls his pede from underneath him for support and deftly stands up. He reaches a servo out for Perceptor, who takes it with a warm smile. 
Brainstorm takes both of Perceptor’s hands once they’re up. He stares into his blue, genius optics, and his spark melts. 
“Percy, I’m… sorry. I know you weren’t angry at me when you said those things, I know it because it’s right, but logic goes out the window when you’re… me. I’m sorry for trying to control you, for having those betraying thoughts. You’re the best lab partner anyone could ask for, and I’m very grateful to have you after so many mistakes. Will you… forgive me?”
Perceptor soon brushes his digit over Brainstorm’s servo. His faceplate warms, and Perceptor’s gaze is kind on him. “I will. I appreciate you telling me the truth. In honesty, I was not aware I hurt you. I apologise for that. In turn, would you be able to express your feelings more… genuinely next time? To let me know when you’re hurting.”
Brainstorm registers his wings flying up. “Oh, of course! Or, well, I can try, but that counts too, right?”
They laugh together, and soon find themselves taking apart the “Make-Perceptor-love-me” machine. Brainstorm flushes more than once. He doesn’t miss Perceptor’s shoulderplates nudging him, precariously. 
Staying up until late, they walk past a lab table with Brainstorm’s failed experiment in complete disarray, wires and bolts pulled apart. Brainstorm doesn’t mind it. Not when he has the real thing right beside him, their servos interlaced.
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soyuncalimero · 3 years
The lovely @elmonstro has given me this lovely -but not as lovely as her- gift for my birthday 😭😭😭
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and look at that little tiny pink and fluffy Toni and the cute flowers in his hair 😭😭
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