#giganto titan
naoiseart · 2 years
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Titans of Kronos Islands
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andre93a · 2 years
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Sketch for the game n.n
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blazehedgehog · 1 month
In an attempt to defeat The End, the Ancients decided to build 4 Titans, each powered by a single Chaos Emerald. This is just a personal theory, but I like to think that the Ancients had originally planned to build 7 Titans, therefore for 7 emeralds. But they didn't have the time, because The End was one step ahead of them.
This ask already has spoilers for Sonic Frontiers, but my answer goes even deeper into spoiler territory, so if you're reading this on a feed somewhere, you'll have to click through to see the rest of the post and the spoilers in question:
Well, we definitely have concept art where Chaos Island was supposed to be a factory for a Titan army. You were supposed to see they were midway through building another Giganto-type titan.
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So between Giganto and Supreme, that would make three of those guys alone. The implication being that if Sonic finds a titan factory that was stopped mid-production, then the ancients weren't ready when The End arrived.
On the other hand, there was only ever planned to be three islands (Kronos, Ares, and Chaos) so technically Supreme was a last-second addition, which is basically why fighting Supreme is just "Giganto again but now there's an extra QTE or two."
But it does at least suggest there was supposed to be more than one of these guys, and who knows how many in total. I actually think in a flashback we might actually see three more Giganto-types, if I remember right? Frontline guys that meet The End in space?
But in terms of gameplay, I think one titan per island was probably the plan. Who even knows, maybe the setup for Sonic fighting The End in the vanilla game was to take the incomplete Chaos Island Giganto-style titan into space for the shooter segment. I could see the original story for Chaos Island ending up with Tails working on the unfinished Giganto-titan in an effort to "super charge" it using all seven emeralds. Which may be why it was referred to as "Supreme", right?
But that's just my speculation.
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johnny2071 · 1 year
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I have no idea what Frontiers' new DLC campaign is going to do, but this game has one major missed opportunity in how it handles Sonic's friends being "cyberized", along with their "character development" (aside from it being Flynn's attempt at canonizing/justifying everything wrong with the cast in recent years).
Tails once mentioned that when he was trapped in the cyber world, a version of him pretty much shoved all his flaws and insecurities down his throat (most likely referring to Forces specifically). What if before fighting the titan of each map and after helping the Koco, Amy/Knuckles/Tails become corrupted by cyber energy and are transformed corrupted monster-like versions of themselves that represent all their worst flaws (that the game tries to treat as character development) and draw traits from both the titan of that map. Sonic would half to fight each of his friends to return them back to normal.
However, in doing so, Sonic gradually becomes more infected by the cyber energy until he becomes trapped as shown in Rhea Island. While trapped, Sonic fights stronger versions of his friends' corrupted forms. Sonic has a harder time fighting them until his friends return to the cyber world and help him finish them off, freeing him. The rest is history.
This forms are known as:
-Amy: Giganto Amy, Giganto Amy Mk. II
-Knuckles: Wyvern Knuckles, Wyvern Knuckles Mk. II
-Tails: Knight Tails, Knight Tails Mk. II, Knight Tails Mk. III
Note: I didn't know what to do with the design I dubbed as "Knight Tails Mk. III", so I threw it in there as a fourth phase boss. However, it could be its own separate thing as well.
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mashand · 8 months
Everybody sing in the comments undefeateble!
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tbone-works · 2 years
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We're having a TITAN-SIZED Sonic Saturday today! Hope everyone is enjoying Sonic Frontiers. I need to play it myself. Everything about the game looks gorgeous!
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y2khaos · 2 years
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blastthechaos · 2 years
I will say though that these are the best Super Sonic Boss Fights in the entire franchise.
Not a high bar to clear and they're not that special...but on the fact that they don't force on you a complete different gameplay style to get used to just for this fight, that's alright. Super Sonic plays like regular Sonic just with the ability to fly.
On top of that there's the absolute shredding bangers and cool visuals, I say they're pretty good spectacles with decent play style to booth.
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bakaiju · 2 years
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badass Sonic Frontiers commission for @blackan08
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bitter-goodbyes · 2 years
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Dumb Titan Personality HCs (Possible Sonic Frontiers Spoilers!)
Doing a few personality headcanons for the Titans bc they’re living in my head rent free leggooo
(Be Aware! There are possible spoilers for the main bosses of Sonic Frontiers! If you do not want to get possibly spoiled, then please avoid this post to the best of your abilities!)
“Giganto’s the quiet one of his fellow titans, but don’t let his silence or his tall and buff figure intimidate you. In fact, the guy’s pretty chill to be around despite him not liking being around anyone, just don’t over-extend your stay with him though... Giganto enjoys being in pure solitude, but he can never seem to enjoy that time alone for long as he is constantly bothered by just about everyone. Whether he’d be pestered by the roaming Guardians (especially Squids who constantly try to annoy him only for the laughs) or even one of the Titans, he just can’t seem to get a break from anything. He enjoys the time he can get alone before he’s called over to deal with some ridiculous problem that he might not even need to solve, but it’d be nice if he could just have a day to himself without dealing with anything at all... although it would only just be a fleeting dream to him, no matter what.”
“Wyvern thinks he’s super cool and elegant, but in reality, he’s very pompous, highly short-tempered, and pretty annoying in general. He’s good at flying without crashing into too many things and can outrun all of his fellow titans without much difficulty, but he’s just too dang prideful of his abilities which causes him to become extremely competitive with others. Although he isn’t as bad as Knight is when it comes to challenging others, Wyvern still uses very underhanded and perhaps even dirty tactics just so he can uphold his steady streak of wins. Other than Wyvern’s intense competitive nature and his overwhelming ego, he does like his fair share of stargazing on the off chance you catch him perched on the tower located in his “territory”. No one truly knows why this is, but he’s become increasingly obsessed with the night sky’s varied assortment of stars a while after he had gained his sentience. More research must be made but for now, Wyvern’s growing obsession with the night sky is but another mystery much like the Islands themselves.”
 “A brazen fighter without much of a needed cause, Knight over here has a nasty habit of challenging just about any opponent that he sees fit for his style of battle and will not take no for an answer when it comes to a test of strength (a test of his own strength to be exact) but he does avoid the ever-so occasional tests of wisdom, as he admits himself that “I may be good in battle but I’m no good with those ridiculous puzzles”, Knight states that those sorts of tests are usually rigged against him so he “has” to avoid them, but it’s obvious that he just doesn’t like complicated things like that but he wouldn’t dare admit it outright though, he has a reputation to uphold as the “second strongest titan” after all! Let’s be honest here, none of the titans really likes Knight all that much, mainly since he just can’t stop blathering about his recent victories against his variety of opponents instead of having a normal conversation with any of the other titans, causing the others to avidly avoid any sort of interaction with him which had led to Knight feeling a little left out by his own family. Thankfully he isn’t alone though, he has a little Squid friend (only known to Knight as Kraken) by his side who enjoys listening to the stories of his various feats and fights with his foes. He does still wish for a little more respect from the other titans but having the respect and admiration of his Squid friend fills his soul with joy, even if he cannot express and reciprocate those sorts of feelings all that well.”
“Not much is entirely known about Supreme as he doesn’t leave the confines of his main territory often but from what the others had noted about him, he’s known to them as their ‘parental figure / boss / respected leader’ and keeps the group and the Starfall Islands as a whole from going absolutely nuts, he’s a very hard worker and is diligent when it comes to keeping up with his multiple responsibilities yet he himself has multiple flaws as a leader. He constantly overworks himself on his own responsibilities just from his own stubbornness alone, so much so that he became ignorant of his fellow titans’ feelings. It’s mostly unintentional as he’s stressed himself to a point where he’s fully blocked anything other than the thoughts of his responsibilities out of his thought process, but this leads to him becoming ignorant of taking care of his fellow titans and caused some strife between himself and the others. Everyone, even Sage, had pleaded for him to just take a break for once and not focus on work for a couple of days, but would he listen? nope! he continues to pressure himself with his work and refuses any sort of reasoning as he’s just too dang stubborn to listen to any logical reasoning and chugs on without even a single pause. He’s a workaholic at its worst, but sooner or later he’ll come to realize that maybe taking a break isn’t all that bad.”
-------------------------------------------------------------------  And so that’s the titans and how I would see their personalities, took a while to surmise all of it but hopefully you all like them, imo my favorite to write was probably Knight’s or Wyvern’s entries. Now then, I’ll just skeet out again and continue to play my game, peace.
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fidgetyatticyt · 2 years
Sorry I've been gone for a while since sonic frontiers has released have 2 drawings of two of the Titans in the game
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revelry-in-severity · 2 years
this is the coolest I've ever felt in my life
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biolizardboils · 2 years
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the-fourth-knower · 2 years
Sonic frontiers funny moment
So Sage is supposed to be grabbing the Titans and putting them under her control. (and also getting Eggman out of cyberspace taht seemingly conflicts with her "Protect Eggman" directive)
And yet she seems to just let Sonic go right after Giganto and Wyvern without doing anything to stop him. Given that htey just happily keep moving around in circles until he gets the emerald on them and becomes registered as a threat.
Knight is the only one to go aggro on Sonic from the start - whether because of Sage, because the other two Titans are destroyed, or it's just naturally aggressive.
So the question is
Why does Sage not attempt to stop you in the Titan fights? We know she's capable of directly attacking Sonic thanks to the one story scene on Ares Island. (Which she only ever does once lmao) And as far as we know there's nothing stopping her from a direct attack on Sonic (including in the cyber stages when you think about it).
The fact she just. Doesn't seem to actually care if the Titans go boom by not attempting interference in the fights seems like either a plot hole, or product of time constraints. I'm pesonally leaning more towards that it just wasn't planned for some reason, unless there's evidence to the contrary - that being said Giganto was apparently a long design process. Which might be evidence that it wasn't planned as well.
It wouldn't be a hard thing to explain either - have a cutscene where Eggman gets annoyed that the Titans are going kaboom thanks to Sonic, and asks/demands from Sage why she isn't stopping him. Her answer can be anything from her devoting a lot of power on guarding Eggman himself, or that something in the system prevents her from intervening. (Double bonus of the End doing more in the story lmao)
But yeah, just a thing to think about.
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keybladeciel · 2 years
Be me
Does the new Battle Rush mode in Sonic Frontiers
Gets a B Rank on Giganto despite besting her before
Realizes he's rusty as hell in Frontiers
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