itsnothingofinterest · 9 months
If I may get out one last post for the year, something I thought of when answering an ask recently is that I think I've got why I’m not getting behind the next generation of heroes surpassing their predecessors. The manga’s still trying to make those predecessors so inspiring and right in what they do that it’s stopped acknowledging the flaws that the students are supposed to be surpassing. Like, sure Hawks had his "contributions" to the 1st war; but the manga will still let him get a few cool one-liners off on AFO. He's still presented as someone for the kids like Tokoyami to aspire too. As a result, the students end up doing all the same things as those inspiring current pros would do instead of surpassing them.
I mean I recently saw it said that Deku was surpassing All Might by doing the one thing he couldn’t; saving Tomura. But did All Might not do that because he was incapable, or did he just…get forced into retirement first? We know he wanted to save Tomura. Do we really have reason to say he couldn’t besides not being given the opportunity, and if so, is that opportunity really the edge Deku has over All Might?
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And Shoto and Endeavor both conclude their arcs trying to save Touya. They fail at this if you ask me but Shoto at least stops him from exploding…but his quirk is the only reason he manages that. That really ends up being the difference his contribution to the Todoroki finale has over his father's, he had an ice quirk to help cool Touya.
The students have even ended up participating in the really morally grey stuff we'd criticize the pros for, at least on the professional side; like using a hospital to hold Kurogiri, brainwashing Machia, and Deku still seems the only one who wasn't trying to murder Tomura in the Sky Coffin. And they get the same justifications of “but this villain’s so dangerous” and “the greater good” thrown around for them like when the current pros got criticized for doing stuff like this. Which tracks when, like I said, those criticisms didn't stop Endeavor from being shown as a good guy or Hawks from getting a cool one-liner or two off on AFO. Why would Class 1A avoid being like this?
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There’s just not a lot of sense of actual improvement going around, I'm finding; the kids are only doing marginally better because the story lets them in this instance (and often in ways not replicable or applicable to their future heroics: I don't think Ochako can date every Toga Himiko-type she'll come across after all. So they're not beating any "treating the League as one-time exceptions" allegations either). Otherwise, they act exactly the same; Deku does what AM would do and (baring Ochako) the rest of the kids do what any general pro hero would do in their circumstance. In the end it leaves me feeling like instead of surpassing the pros, they’re simply ending up standing by their side as equals ready to be the next verse, same as the first. Everything will go back to normal, good and bad, including everything that brought us here in the first place.
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It's like the series is now going "C'mon, the old pros weren't so bad, right? All Might wasn't so bad, right?" And strictly speaking that's even correct, All Might wasn't bad. In fact as I went over in that ask, he was frankly the best; the best any hero could ever be. It makes sense how Deku struggles with surpassing him in terms of behaviour while striving the same goals the same way. But All Might also wasn't enough. So if Deku's just acting as an extension rather than an improvement, I don't think he'll be enough either.
And I guess that’s the main problem I’m hoping gets addressed by this series in the new year (or if my part two theory comes true, then in the years to come after Hori takes a long break).
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gojifan97 · 4 years
Dabi’s dance: Suspected Raccoon version
*Enter Dabi on Gigantomchia:
Shoto: It’s Dabi! Our family’s ra-
Dabi: -JECTED SON! *splashes dye removal before Shoto can finish “raccoon* Toya!
Shoto: Toya! You’re a raccoon?! (Does that make dad a raccoon too?)
Dabi: Wha-NO! I’M NOT A RACCOON! You just thought I was. I faked my death all so I could prepare for the day of reckoning. It was hard, and took a lot of sacrifices, but my time has come. Do you see now? 
Shoto: I do. All this time, it should have been obvious...
Shoto: You faked your death and stayed hidden by disguising yourself as a raccoon!
Dabi: NO!
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What would each member be/do in the bnha fantasy au??
Alright so I have thought of basically a my villain acediema ending for when we have the MLA chapters so MANGA SPOILERS AHEAD WITH THIS ANSWER! 
Stain, mr compress, trumpet and Gentle: BARD ENERGIES FIGHT ME! 
Re-destro, Shigaraki, and Chronostasis are all Kings (bastard or otherwise)
La Brava, Overhaul, Muscular, and Geten (Also Destro but he dead) Knights all of them are knights. 
Deidoro is a drunken monk fight me. Skeptic is a monk with some non class aligned rules to him as he just up and up controls people with a few taps and boom you are his. Tengai is the monk who as a teenager to hang out with Rappa showed him how he can break rocks with his skull look at this Rappa (ooc I know but let me dream) 
Giran is a drow elf. He is elf of the night and call him a moon elf and he will punch you. Red eyes and silver hair? That disguise does not fool me Giran. Magne is a drow elf and her sister congratulate her on being who she is meant to be in the eyes of the spider queen. Smart, strong and powerful? Drow. Curious too but her house and the LoV house do not get along at all. Both have their hands in the surface and the underdark causing conflict of space and power imbalance. 
Gigantomchia, and Rappa barbarians. 
Rikiya should be in jail.
Shin is a psionicist but shuns mages to any degree. Thinks himself special.
Dabi is the only mage recognizable mage for the Lov. Geten is our first spoken multiclass he is a frostknight 
MOSNTER GANG! Sludge villain is a slime. Giant villain is a bulette. Creature rejection clan are goblins you find everywhere that do not even have good loot. What a disgrace! Toga is a vampire. Twice is a doppelganger who got cursed to be able to clone or a god that was fractured I have 2 AU’s for him based on fantasy alone but thats for a later post. Moonfish and Tabe are carrion crawlers find the local bois in your local corpse. Mimic is a mimic but still small. You leave this angry gold jewelry box out on the counter and someone looses a hand. Toya is a speedling, Yu is a crystal golem. Kurogiri is either a shade or a deep dragon no in-between
UNDER THE CUT find out how I would have the cinematic go for end credits and stuff. 
So I want this to be Shigaraki focused and a mirror to what happens for the students as well. And I will be getting all the villains in here or as many as I can I should just keep these notes for a story later (Maybe) Also we have all the players 
So Shigaraki goes through a similar story to what Deku goes through for a good comparison. But it is a bit different, the map has darker greens and trees (I know typical but hear me out). We see it more at a dusk time a younger Shigaraki leaves the home with Nana and his bio family looking around for him. Nana fades in a small shimmer and the weapon Shigaraki carries shimmers as well. (It is the weapon we see Deku wield with all might in it if you do a comparison for it) 
Then we can cut to Stain, not alone like Shouto but beside the tavern putting those charismatic bard skills to use, telling a tale and holding more than a few of the smaller followers like Toga, Dabi, Spinner, and mustard. Shigaraki looking back from afar with a few people around him the beginning of the Lov. 
In the background through the cracks of the frame we see Shigaraki going into a dark alley, retching as we see black goop and he vanishes. But what we see also in the main of the frame Mr compress, and Stain getting into a bard battle. 
Cut to a bit later as we see Shigaraki with Kurogiri a shade standing beside the boy as he helps Mr compress stand up and join him as Stain gets taken down by the trio of kids or whatever they are doing over on the hero side. We see Shigaraki later loosing a fight, Nanas shimering sword being taken and super heated to a new gold weapon the all might weapon as he has to drop it. Then a frame of Deku grabbing the weapon. 
Thats where things start to change. We see the LoV start to come together more and more. Everyone is gathered too confident for the meeting in another kings court of the yakuza home. We see less villains walk away. But we see heroes approaching the Yakuza base, though Shigaraki holds his prize but his eyes say it was not worth the price. 
Then we cut to a new kingdom for a moment it looks like a heroes kingdom. It is bright shiny and new, but as they all walk inside with some gaunter faces they see that things are not as they seem. Spies around every corner reporting to the main council as they walk up the steps. 1 Second as everyone gets pulled away for their own small growth stories and we see face offs as Shigaraki stands alone against Re-destro. 
Then we see it start to happen hands like the nomu scene last opening start to come out of the trap doors in the floor but it is the LoV climbing back up ready to stand together for this fight. 
The last shot is the hero kids coming up to the castle having heard a new threat. The place is in ruins no clear victor here but we see as the camera pans off to the right, the LoV managing to get away. Shigaraki wearing a crown made by his allies as he looks up ready to do this next fight, only a few more bosses then its end game. 
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