#giggling and kicking my feet over this guy
funkyplantguy · 1 day
established relationship scarian where scar finds A Creature of some sort (dealer's choice) and starts in on the whole "Can we keep it?? 🥺🥺" routine to grian
i was originally going to go with a cat, then a baby warden (listen idk) then an ACTUAL baby...then landed on this (and giggled and kicked my feet the entire time as i wrote it). hope you enjoy :D
scar: g scar: grain scar: grian scar: light of my life scar: where are you? scar: i have gift grian: fishing dock scar: shoulda guessed scar: be there soon <3
grian stretched, quietly groaning to himself as his back (and wings) crackled in delight at the movement, tired of the endless hunching they’d endured over the past several hours. a gift from scar (especially an unexpected one) was sure to be…interesting. they’d been together long enough that scar knew what grian liked, of course…but sometimes…the “gifts” his partner would bring him would be more for scar’s own personal amusement than anything else.
not that he really minded, of course. not when that meant getting to see scar light up like a kid on christmas. scar was always so full of life - always giggling over something or other - and it just reminded grian of why he’d fallen in love with him in the first place. and honestly, that was gift enough for him.
despite all of that, he wasn’t quite expecting scar to bring him something...alive.
grian heard the chirping from the small bundle in scar’s arms before the man had even landed, and couldn’t help the inquisitive trill that forced its way out of him in response. and that, of course, set scar off - mimicking the noise with his own (very human) vocal cords (which only served to produce a melody akin to being strangled). he stared at grian with wide eyes as he touched down, and grian felt his cheeks burn under his gaze.
“g! i’ve never heard you make that noise before - that was so cute, do it again!”
“no,” grian chirped back, then pressed his hand against his mouth as scar laughed in delight. “scar - what is that?”
“it’s a baby!” scar responded, moving closer and tilting the bundle in his arms towards the avian. “look - it’s a little you!”
grian uncovered his mouth to retort - he very much doubted that scar had somehow found a baby avian wandering around hermitcraft - but another quiet chirp caught his attention, and he found himself leaning forward to peer over scar’s arms. and there, nestled in a pile of soft, brown blanket, was the ugliest baby parrot grian had ever seen in his life. and yet..and yet…
grian didn’t even realize that he was whistling until the baby returned his birdsong, eager little chirps and gurgles spilling out of its little fleshy beak. it tilted its head up at grian, blinking, and grian offered up a trembling finger into the makeshift nest. the chick nuzzled against it, purring softly, and something in grian’s heart felt like it might burst. he raised his face to his partner, and found scar’s gaze transfixed - but not on the parrot in his arms, but him. their eyes locked, and scar offered him a smile - something soft and warm, something that made grian want to kiss him more than anything in the world.
“can we keep it?” he whispered, and grian let out a short (wet) laugh.
“i…scar, where…where did you even find it? it’s so little…i can’t imagine its mama would have been far; she’s probably worried sick…do you really want to take the little guy from his mama?”
scar’s lower lip wobbled (and grian felt like he might be the worst person in the entire world for it).
“he didn’t have a mama! i sat and watched and waited for hours, gri, and nobody came for him…he was just all alone, on a branch in the jungle, and i got worried that something was going to come along and eat him! and…well…i figured you’d know how to take care of him. given that you’re…y’know.”
he gestured toward grian’s colorful wings with one hand, and grian’s feathers rippled obediently in show for his lover. from scar’s arms, the tiny bird chirped again, raising its little head and struggling to flap its wings in the same way grian had fluttered his. scar looked down to the parrot, then up to grian, eyes wide and sparkling as he jutted out his lower lip.
“see! he agrees! he wants you to be his new mama!”
(and if grian’s heart fluttered in his chest at the suggestion of being a mother, that was no one's business but his own. that was a topic to be discussed later - much later, in the warmth of each other’s arms and the shield the darkness their room offered for grian's vulnerability)
“we could name him…um…jeffrey!”
“scar - we are not naming our son jeffrey.”
“our son???!??” scar parroted back, jerking his head up from where he had dipped it to stare down at the chick in his arms. “our son??? so…we can keep him? really? you mean it?”
“yes, scar. i mean it,” grian responded, smiling softly at the hopeful peep from the newest member of their little family. “we can keep him.”
(and the way scar pulled him into a kiss, then, was the greatest gift of all)
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juniebug113 · 1 day
Road trips with the family are always so boring. Dad passes out in the passenger seat the moment they switch drivers and Mom listens to her audio books. We just have to be thankful that she likes mysteries and not steamy romance novels. But that leaves us in the backseat. Bored out of our minds. Big brother and little sister.
My hand begins to wander, walking my fingers across the seat between us. I reach out and brush my fingertip against the side of your thigh. It catches your eye but, when you look up at me, I bring my finger to my lips, nodding in our parents's direction. You're not sure exactly what you have to be quiet about, but I quickly answer that question.
My hand moves from the outside of your thigh to the inside, rubbing the intimate spot. My fingertips glide up and down your soft skin, tracing lazy shapes and patterns. But each time I move up your thigh, I get a little higher. A little bit closer to the place where your thighs meet, sliding your skirt up along with it. I can see the surprise, the hint of panic behind your eyes. It contrasts so beautifully with the hints of arousal blooming on your cheek. I scoot in closer, putting my lips near your ear, my voice a thin whisper. "Don't make a sound. Or I'll tell Mom about the beer you stole for your friends."
Your lips are sealed, unsure where to look, your eyes eventually fluttering closed. Trembles seize your arms as your hands ball up into fists, just trying to keep yourself steady as I start to rub my fingers against your panties. I can see how desperate you are to whimper, to moan, to release the tension in your body and it only makes me want more. You try to stop me with your eyes as I move your panties aside and drag my fingers between your lips.
You almost double over. Fuck, it feels so good. You want my fingers inside you. You want more than that inside you. Your heart breaks as I pull my fingers away, my eyes looking straight at you as I taste the glistening juices on my fingertips. I lean in again, this time pulling you in closer. "Good girl, Junie. You're so obedient. And you taste fucking amazing." I move your underwear back into position, covering you up, but you grab my arm, not ready for me to stop. I just smile and kiss your cheek. "Don't worry, sis. I'll still make you feel good. As soon as we get to the hotel, this..." I take your hand and move it to my lap, letting you feel my hard cock through my jeans. "Is going to make you feel even better."
GOD i love a little bit of voyeurism i'm giggling and kicking my feet like a schoolgirl u guys spoil me with these kinds of asks
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fanficshiddles · 2 days
Eternally Mine, Chapter 41
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Loki and Chris were stood at the side of the grass, arms folded over their chests while they watched Toshi try to teach Claire and Louise some basic self-defence techniques.
It was going… not very well. They were both rather clumsy and kept tripping over their own feet.
‘I didn’t realise Louise was this clumsy.’ Chris chuckled.
‘I know Claire has her moments, but this is ridiculous.’ Loki responded.
Toshi ran a hand down her face. ‘Maybe this isn’t going to be as easy as I thought.’ She muttered to Jessica, who was beside her.
‘Ok. Let’s try a different tactic, you’re both rather clumsy and together it seems worse.’ Toshi announced to them. She had started with trying to get them to learn some moves on one another, but realised that maybe wasn’t the right way.
‘Loki. Chris. Get your asses over here.’ Toshi called to the guys.
‘Uh oh.’ Chris muttered as he and Loki wandered over.
‘Go behind your girl and let’s try something. Ok, Louise, Claire, the guys are going to come up behind you and grab you. Though guys, loosely, not vampire strength, let’s start easy. I want you two to do what I showed you to get out of their grip. Imagine they’re a stranger in the street that’s come up behind you.’
Louise and Claire nodded in agreement, eager to get this right.
As soon as the guys stepped in behind them, Loki loosely grabbed hold of Claire and she felt him press his body against her back.
Chris did the same with Louise, though wrapped one arm around the front of her neck, albeit loosely too.
Instead of trying to get free, they both just sort of melted.
‘You’re not supposed to be getting aroused at this.’ Chris laughed as he caught a whiff of Louise.
‘You’re just as bad, pet!’ Loki growled at Claire, who then tried squirming out of his grasp, forgetting everything Toshi had taught her so far.
Louise just fell into a fit of the giggles at the situation, which then wasn’t helped by Chris as he started tickling her, making it worse.
‘Oh my god.’ Toshi face palmed. ‘Right, David! Matt! Get over here.’ Toshi yelled at the guys.
David and Matt came over and took place of Loki and Chris. Toshi glared at Chris, who shrugged at her. ‘What? It’s not my fault she’s excited by my mere presence.’ He gloated with a smirk.
Toshi shook her head in dismay. ‘You knew exactly what you were doing. Both of you!’ She scolded and glared at Loki too.
The rest of them ended up coming over to watch, too. Severus was even amused by the scene.
After getting Louise and Claire to re-focus, they actually managed to get somewhere now they weren’t practicing with one another, or with their partners. They were able to master the technique of getting away from someone that was attempting to grab them from behind.
‘Now, obviously this technique will be more difficult against vampires using their full strength, but these lessons are more to protect you both from human hunters… just in case. They might work on drunk vampires, or weaker ones. Though if we can get your strength and stamina built up then you’ll have more of a chance even with stronger vampires.’
‘So, there’s still a chance I might be able to kick Loki’s ass eventually in a fight?’ Claire asked with a grin as she and Louise sat on the grass to get their breath back.
‘Well, maybe eventually. You’d certainly have a possibility against Loki. Louise though, I’m sorry to say, against Chris you’ll never have a chance.’ Toshi said honestly.
Claire let out a cheer and fist bumped the air. Loki’s mouth fell open and he glared at Toshi. ‘Hey! I’m strong!’
Chris grinned and winked at Louise, who giggled and blushed. Chris then joined Louise on the grass and wrestled her playfully, making her laugh more.
‘I’m not saying you’re not. Just that if Claire really buffs up and practices hard, maybe one day…’ Toshi trailed off and shrugged.
‘I doubt it. I’ve not had any human defeat me.’ Loki huffed.
‘Have you actually fought any humans apart from hunters?’ Toshi asked, folding her arms over her chest as she took slow steps towards him.
Severus raised an eyebrow at Toshi’s tone, he knew exactly what was about to happen next… he felt a little sorry for Loki. Just a little.
‘Of course not, no need to. I know there won’t be a human strong enough to take on the average vampire like myself or the others here.’ He gloated a bit.
When Toshi walked right up to him and squared up to him a bit, Chris had a feeling he knew what was about to go down too. So, he scooped Louise up and moved her out of the way, then he grabbed Claire’s arm and tugged her out of the way too. She looked a bit confused at first, but soon clicked on when Toshi began rolling up her sleeves.
‘Let’s test that theory.’ Toshi said confidently.
Loki raised an eyebrow. ‘What?’
‘Let’s test that theory.’ She repeated. ‘Come on. I’m a human, you should be able to beat me easily.’
Loki laughed and shook his head. ‘I’m not about to fight a friend.’
‘Scared you’ll lose? To not only a human, but a girl?’ Chris called with a smirk as he watched on with amusement.
‘Don’t wind him up.’ Claire whispered.
‘What, don’t want to see him get his ass kicked?’ Chris asked her.
‘Shut up.’ Loki hissed over at Chris.
‘Come on. Just a friendly fight?’ Toshi asked Loki as she began stalking around him.
Loki sighed and put his hands on his hips. ‘Fine. Just don’t go crying to Severus though when I prove my point.’
‘Geez, since when did Loki get so boastful? He’s been hanging around you too much.’ David chuckled as he stepped next to Chris.
‘He was often like that as a kid.’ Chris chuckled.
‘I agree with him though, he’s a strong vampire. There’s no way Toshi will be able to take him out.’ David muttered.
‘Hundred quid.’ Chris commented without hesitation.
David turned to face him, eyebrow up. ‘What?’
‘Let’s bet on it. Hundred quid says Toshi kicks his ass.’ Chris put his hand out towards David.
‘You’re on.’ He shook his hand.
Severus smirked from the side.
Louise just shook her head with a laugh. She wasn’t really sure who would win.
Loki had barely taken a stance when Toshi lunged, she was quick and agile as she jumped towards him and bent down to put a hand on the ground as she levered her body round, to use one of her legs to swipe at him, taking his feet right out from under him. He fell down to the ground with a loud thud and knocked the wind from him. Toshi jumped on his chest and held one of her knives to his throat. His eyes widened and he put his hands up.
‘Holy shit.’ He gasped.
‘Of course, if you were a vampire I was after, I’d slit your throat to keep you occupied for a good while and then I’d get my silver bullet ready to finish the job.’ Toshi said as she hopped up off him.
Loki blinked quickly, he didn’t even notice how or when she got her knife out. He couldn’t believe how quick she was for a human. And there was a decent amount of strength in her legs to swipe him down like that.
David was stunned. Chris just grinned and put his hand out towards David, motioning with his fingers for him to give him the money.
David grumbled under his breath as he took out his wallet and gave him fifty quid. ‘I’ll get the rest to you tomorrow.’ He huffed.
Chris chuckled and looked at Louise. ‘Next weekend, let’s go out for a meal. My treat.’ He winked at her, making her laugh as she hugged into the side of him.
‘You bet against me?’ Loki screeched at his brother when he hobbled over towards them.
‘Not necessarily against you… I bet on Toshi.’ Chris shrugged.
Loki scowled at Chris, then sulked off to get a drink. Claire rushed after him, hiding her amusement as she cooed over him to make him feel better. When Loki got to the picnic table and picked up a drink, he looked back over at the others and continued scowling.
‘It’s not all about strength all the time. We humans, especially being female, need to use our finesse as much as we can. Take them by surprise as soon as possible is our best bet.’ Toshi said to Louise. Then, without any warning, she did exactly the same to Chris, bending down and swinging her leg out to swipe his legs out from under him.
While he fell to the ground with a thud, just as loud as his brothers, he did, however manage to get up in a split second before she had the chance to even think about doing anything else.
Loki began howling with laughter upon seeing Chris being taken down like that.
Louise couldn’t help but laugh too at the look of surprise on Chris’ face.
‘Well, it seems even the strongest vampire can be taken down in surprise, even if just for a moment.’ Toshi said proudly.
‘What the hell was that for? I bet on you! Not against you.’ Chris huffed as he wiped his jumper and frowned at Toshi.
‘Just proving a point to Louise and Claire that we can be strong too, just in a slightly different way. If I was trying to take you out, I would then have to be extremely quick to get a knife to your throat. Though even I know that would be easier said than done.’
‘Cause Chris’ reflexes are faster than the others, right?’ Louise asked.
‘Damn right.’ Chris said as he rolled his shoulders and put his arm around Louise, giving Toshi one last scowl. Though Toshi swore she could see a slight hint of a smirk at the corner of his lips.
‘I wish I had bet on that happening.’ David sighed.
Toshi walked over to Severus, seeing him smirking.
‘Too far?’ She asked as she slipped under his arm.
‘Not at all. Just right.’ Severus chuckled lightly and leaned down to kiss her.
‘Damn, how Hannibal doesn’t realise he can trust you is beyond me. The fact you can knock Chris down like that without him going ape shit on you is more than enough proof of his trust in you.’ Matt said to Toshi.
He wasn’t wrong. If anyone outwith their group did that to Chris, he likely would’ve torn their throat out in response or tossed them off a cliff. Heck, more or less everyone else in the group wouldn’t ever dare to even attempt doing something like that with him.
‘He doesn’t like Chris, that’s why he doesn’t care for his judgement with Toshi.’ Loki said as he and Claire walked back over to them, Claire had a bag of crisps and Loki was stealing some from over her shoulder.
‘Yet he’s shit scared of him. You can tell by the look on his face.’ Spencer chimed in.
‘Which doesn’t really make sense as to why he keeps talking bad about Toshi on front of him.’ Jessica hummed.
‘He likely knows that Chris needs a more solid reason to fire him or actually hurt him. So, there’s only so far he will go to wind us up.’ Severus said.
‘Hannibal likely feels threatened by Toshi’s presence, too. The fact she’s a hunter, who are our enemy, he can’t face the fact that she’s trying to help us.’ Loki said with a mouthful of crisps.
‘Geez, bro. I know you didn’t grow up in a barn and have better manners than to eat with your mouth full.’ Chris commented to Loki.
Loki just flipped him the middle finger in response.
Claire and Louise looked at one another and shook their heads.
‘We definitely need to keep an eye on Hannibal, but I think the hunters targeting us are our main priority.’ Chris said to the group, and they all nodded in agreement.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 5 months
I am genuinely terrified of what you are capable of ma'am.
I hope that those plans will make us more normal about this story...
.......I hope.
Good day/night
So Normal :)
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neos-schlond-poofa · 7 months
“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” - Alfred Tennyson
A late Valentine’s edit dedicated to my lovely musketeer and love of my life, Sam ♡
There aren’t many good ways to word the love I have for them, and I probably won’t write too much here because this fandom hates long posts (this is probably already too much for you guys…) but I just want to publicly profess my love for the best person ever. I love them so much. I hope I will always be able to bring them joy and that they will always understand how much I truly love her. As the great Mitski said, nothing in the world belongs to me but my love. And Sam has all my love in the world.
(Art by @dead-finch-420)
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gallaghersgal · 2 months
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preview: bittersweet symphony | lip gallagher
a/n: hi lovelies!! here is a little preview of my upcoming lip series, bittersweet symphony. this takes place around season 8, with reader being an ex of lip's from college.
wc: little under 300, this is just a preview!
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the streets of chicago looked a little extra happy today. maybe it was the sun showing face after days of rain, or the parks more full than usual with elementary schoolers out for the summer. or maybe it was just your own happiness giving you a new view of your city. regardless of the cause there was a new bounce in your step as you took the stairs down from the train. the time on your watch reads 12:47. just enough time to run down the street to your favorite childhood spot for a slice of pie to go. 
it’s a quick walk over to patsy’s, your feet stepping along to the music playing from your headphones. you aren’t paying attention when you step in the door and find yourself suddenly knocked on your ass. 
“watch where you’re fuckin’ going, jesus!” an agitated voice says above you. it happens so quick that you’re disoriented at first, looking around in dumb shock, not processing yet how you ended up on the ground in the first place. the voice continues on, less angry and more concerned this time, “y’alright? fell kinda hard there.”
you look up, first seeing the pale blue eyes the voice is attached to, then the curls, and- oh fuck. 
“lip?” there’s no way. there’s actually no shot in hell you just bumped into your college ex–quite literally, might you add–on a day like today. “lip gallagher,” you repeat in disbelief. 
“no fuckin’ way,” the boy mumbles, taking your hand and helping you up. he follows it with your name, and the familiarity in it nearly makes you shudder. he gestures to your professional attire, asking “the fuck are’ya doin’ here, huh?”
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kindahoping4forever · 6 months
Ash with Jordan Greenwald on IG
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bbgoldfish · 10 months
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the wife in question being kenshi
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j8kethewizz · 3 months
Show of hands how many of y'all here on smiling friends Tumblr know about the Allan discourse happening on Twitter?
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revvywevvy · 6 months
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hiiiiii guyyyyyys its been a while huh :] heres some pyrrlinas since its taking me forever to finish the other things i've been drawing of them and im impatient and cant wait anymore <3 (AND THIS TIME I REMEMBERED TO ADD THE WATERMARK LOL)
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
getting wigs for characters with the same hair color as myself make me feel like the biggest dumbass around but youd have me fucked thinking im burdening myself with daigos 2000's emo cut just for a weekend
#snap chats#a weekend is generous im only going to the con on saturday#i like how im making it sound like anime nyc is this weekend when its at the end of august LMAO BUT NO LISTEN#unfortunately beauty influencers have finally done their job right and this one guy was reviewing an eyebrow pencil#but the twist is that this pencil was like. SUPPPER STUPID FINE im talkin .08mm and he demonstrated how it could imitate stubble#SO OF COURSE. my ass wanted to see for myself cause as much as i like my sponge-stippling method its not super precise#and that shit gets annoying when most of it looks fine but then i press too hard or i angle the sponge wrong and now i gotta start over#In Any Case the pencil i got did exactly as i hoped and its actually p fun putting on LMAO. i prefer how it looks too#anyway how this all relates to this post. im probably gonna go as y2 daigo again for anime nyc in august#and I Repeat im not cutting my hair for that LMAO so. Wig 😩#i like it when i cosplay him cause i just go by his actual design cause if i even breathe near skinny jeans ill wanna kms#also i just like to be as accurate as i can be yk. plus the leather pants i have are cozy and theyre one of my fave pairs of pants 🤤#in any case. whenever that wig comes in ermmmmm i dont trust myself to take pictures 😞 my selfie game is dick#maybe ill stream yk2 LMAO but anyway. good night i think im gonna force myself to sleep now#i got back to my dorm like four hours ago or whatever and i am not looking forward to doing school shit again. alongside comm shit#OH WELL we ball good night#wait before i Good Night cackling as i have my meds next to my aoki tablet and plush#great reminder honestly. Take Your Meds Or You'l Convince Yourself To Be A Republican#ok goodnight fr now im gonna giggle and kick my feet thinking of cosplay
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yumemiruuuu · 8 months
“Murong Lian and Yue Chenqing duo moments that made me giggle like the corpse of Miss Cui”
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and a bonus Yue Chenqing moment:
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As a sidenote, can we talk about how Murong Lian’s name is made up of the same characters from Mu Qing, Qi Rong and Xie Lian’s names? It just occurred to me today and I don’t think I will ever be the same knowing this????
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inkinthetypewriter · 9 months
So I finished Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood for the first time today and I am a TRAIN WRECK. It was so good, probably one of the best pieces of media I’ve ever consumed. I stopped watching it for a while a month or two ago because I didn’t want it to be over, but all good things come to an end. I have yet to watch some of the OVAs and finish the original but I will always have a place in my heart for Fullmetal Alchemist. Everyone should experience FMA at least once in their life because you will not regret it.
What I would give to watch it for the first time again…
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cubffections · 4 months
ohno ohno ohno oh no . ˘᪤∽᪤˘ guys look away im goin insane .
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kiddphel · 1 year
i think abt miguel and i genuinely feel like. butterflies in my chest and a sense of like idk. longing? i want him i want to see him i want to hear him i want to be with him i feel so full of love for him that i need to give it to him
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
Did you guys know. I'm in love with Dallon Weekes :3 🩷
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