#gilbert prewett
ittybittywordsmith · 5 years
all truths that are kept silent become poisonous
A brief history of the romance between Rebecca Webber and Gilbert Prewett, 1982-1988
November 12th, 1982
The first time Gilbert Prewett knew himself to be a coward was on the day that he decided not to tell his fiancée that he was a wizard.
He'd had every intention of doing so, in all fairness. The past two years had been tricky, dating Rebecca Webber and deciding he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Becca was a no-maj – but she had hair the very same color as burning coals and her eyes were the same hazel as tree moss and her smile was brighter than the sun. Gil loved her with all his heart, and when he asked her to marry him, Becca had only teased about how long it had taken him to ask. Gil had been thrilled – but he hadn't yet told her all of his secrets. He would, though. He didn't want anything to come between himself and his future wife, so he made plans to take Becca out to a picnic, and not only tell her about magic, but show her what it could do.
Gil laid out a picnic blanket on a grassy hill beneath the bare skeleton of an old oak tree that had long since lost its leaves to the winter chill. It didn't look like much, but he rather hoped the tree would be the catalyst for a nifty bit of magic he would perform later. He wanted to coax the tree into new growth, to shade them under a canopy of green leaves. Of course, the leaves would wither and die as soon as he ceased the spell, without magic to sustain them – but in the moment, at least, it would be a beautiful demonstration of what magic was capable of.
“Well, this seems like an odd place for a picnic.” 
Gil heard the smile in her voice before he saw it, and turned around to answer it with one of his own. “It serves its purpose, trust me,” he said with a laugh. Becca approached with a playfully skeptical look in her eye as she took in their surroundings. For a moment, Gil feared she would call off the whole thing and he'd have to come up with some kind of alternative plan, but eventually she shrugged. “Then, in that case, I look forward to being impressed,” she replied, greeting him with a warm kiss. Gil returned it enthusiastically, and thought reassuringly to himself, as she took a seat and began to divvy the food in the basket he had brought, that she would be impressed, one way or another.
They had spent almost an hour eating and chatting about other things before Gil found the courage to get to the reason they had come here. “Becca, sweetheart,” he started, as nonchalant as he could be while he nervously fingered the wand hidden in his coat pocket. “I was wondering . . . what do you think about magic?”
Becca blinked, and looked at him with a mixture of surprise and confusion. “Magic?” she echoed, like she didn't understand the word. “Like . . . pull a rabbit out of a hat, pick a card magician kind of magic, or like . . . sacrificing bunnies in a graveyard under a full moon, cackling over a bubbling cauldron witchy sort of magic?”
Gil frowned. He was sure she had meant it as a joke, but he didn't really like the dichotomy she had laid out. “Uh . . . well, neither, but closer to the second, I guess.”
Becca looked at him strangely, like she hadn’t expected a serious answer. “I . . . I don't know. I mean, I guess I never really thought about it,” she said as she laid back on the blanket, propping herself up on her elbows. She looked out at the view the hill provided. “It seems kind of silly, I suppose. Like those warty witches on Halloween decorations. Or from the Wizard of Oz.” She gave a laugh at the thought. “God, could you imagine? ‘I'll get you my pretty, eh he he he!’” Becca gave her best wicked witch cackle impression and wiggled her fingers towards her fiancé in an imitation of claws.
They both laughed, and Gil felt a bubble of confidence within him as he wrapped his fingers around his wand. “What, you don't think it might be cool if magic was real?” he asked teasingly, feeling like he already knew the answer.
He didn't already know the answer.
“Oh god no, that would be terrible,” Becca replied lightly, still laughing. 
The bubble of confidence inside Gil popped, and suddenly things didn't seem so funny anymore. “W-what?”
Becca didn't seem to notice the way he deflated. “It would be awful if magic were real, don't you think?” she said, like she was talking about a topping she didn't want on her pizza. “Like . . . make-believe is all well and good, but there's a reason the witches are always evil, you know? It's just – it's just unnatural. People are already terrible enough without magical powers – imagine how much worse it would be with them. And when something went wrong, I'd always wonder whether it was a hex or a curse or something. It'd drive me mad.” She shook her head as she thought about it. “No, I'll take my fantasy and my reality separately, thank you.”
Gil could feel a spot in his chest freezing over. He let go of the wand in his pocket and withdrew his hand, feeling suddenly ill. Becca looked at him with concern. “Are you alright, sweetheart?” Gil nodded. “Just – just a stomach ache, that's all.”
“Oh. We can leave, if you'd like? It's getting a little chilly anyways. Unless you still had something you wanted to show me.” She said the last bit with a teasing sort of expectation, like she was still waiting to be impressed, but Gil just shook his head and made up an excuse. He said weakly, “No, dear, I just . . . like the view from up here, that was all.” 
He should have told her, Gilbert knew. He felt the burden of his own cowardice even as they packed up the picnic and left for home. She might have understood, if he had told her then. At the very least, Becca deserved to know what kind of person she was marrying – but deep in his gut, Gil knew he wouldn't say anything. He loved Becca, and the idea of scaring her away – well, he just couldn't do it. So he didn't. And didn't, and didn't, for a very long time.
December 21st, 1985
The second time Gilbert Prewett knew himself to be a coward was on the day that his daughter first showed signs of having magic. 
He and Becca hadn't really been planning on children, at least not so soon after their marriage, but still they had been delighted when they found out Becca was pregnant. They wound up with a little girl – she had hair the very same color as phoenix fire and her eyes were the same blue as forget me not flowers and her smile rivaled even her mother’s. They named her Sawyer, after Gil’s favorite (no-maj) novel, and because Becca swore up and down that she could tell from the womb that their daughter was going to be a little troublemaker.
Gil wasn't sure he believed that – even early on, Sawyer had been an extremely easy baby, hardly prone to crying at all and quick to laugh. For a while, they were all very happy, father and mother and baby, all well-loved under the same roof, and entirely ignorant to the delicate foundation of their lives.
That foundation cracked a little after Sawyer’s first birthday.
Gil had always known there had been a chance that his daughter would inherit his magic – but he hadn't used magic at all since he'd gotten married, and wasn’t there also the chance that Sawyer would take after her mother? Gil choose to believe that the latter had come true, as if wanting it bad enough would make it a reality. Because if magic never manifested itself in his daughter, he would never have to tell Becca about the entire world he was hiding from her. They could have the simple, happy future he wanted for his family.
But of course, it didn't work like that. The Prewett line had been producing exceptional witches and wizards for generations, and Sawyer had magic flowing through her blood.
The first time her magic showed itself was just before Sawyer’s second Christmas. Gil and Becca sat on the floor that evening, their excited baby waddling back and forth between them as they called to her, and they laughed and caught her in their arms when she approached. The Prewett house was bedecked in holiday decorations, and the lights of the Christmas tree glowed merrily behind them. Gil had just stuck a large gift bow on his nose, and Sawyer squealed with delighted laughter as he blew raspberries onto her stomach. His fingers found her sides, and he tickled her mercilessly as her squeals grew louder, and – and then the lights flickered.
No, not flickered, not quite. The lights grew brighter, the louder the little girl laughed – all of the lights, from the lamps plugged into the wall to the colorful bulbs on the tree to the overhead lights in the ceiling. Everything grew painfully bright – and when Gil noticed, he ceased his tickling at once. The lights went out altogether as Sawyer’s laughter abated.
Becca looked around in the dark, confused. She didn't recognize the show of magic for what it was, not like her husband did. “Maybe it's just an outage from the weather,” she said uncertainly – and indeed, it was raining outside, although nowhere near hard enough to knock out the power. “Perhaps we should check the breaker or something?”
Gil didn't get the chance to answer one way or another. Sawyer gave a sudden, sharp sneeze, and all of the lights flickered back on.
His heart sank into his stomach. The first anomaly might have been some freak happenstance. Unlikely, but a man could hope. This, though . . . this couldn't be dismissed as easily.
Becca was still frowning, looking around as if something might explain their sudden electrical issues. “That was . . . weird,” she said, and Gil tried not to let his nerves show on his face. Becca shook her head uneasily and reached for her baby, calling for her to come to momma. Sawyer pushed herself clumsily to her feet and went to toddle towards her, but only made it a step or two before she fell, smacking her chin smartly on the floor. Gil knew what was going to happen seconds before it came to pass, and snatched Sawyer back into his arms.
Too late. The baby scrunched up her face and wailed, and the lights on the Christmas tree all exploded at once.
Gil shielded Sawyer from the shards with his body. The shards weren't exceedingly dangerous, really, but they certainly were sharp enough to cut. And indeed, when Gil looked up, he saw that one had managed to catch Becca on the side of the cheek before she covered her face, drawing a line of blood. But Becca paid it no mind. She only stared at her husband, and her baby in his arms. “W-what –”
Sawyer had calmed down quickly, with Gil bouncing her absentmindedly on his knee, but for all that she was calm, Gil felt panicked. Hastily, he blurted out the first excuse he could think of. “Faulty bulbs,” he said, trying not to sound as frantic as he felt. “Manufacturer’s error, must be. Those bastards, selling their products without notifying us of a risk like this. Don't worry, dear, I'll call first thing on Monday and give them a piece of my mind, and then I'll get some better lights. It'll all be okay.”
He had gotten up as he rambled, and put Sawyer down in her playpen, before going to help his wife to her feet. He wet his thumb and brushed away the blood beading on her cheek – it really was only a tiny cut – and then pressed a sweet kiss to her lips. “Why don't you go to bed, love? It's been a long day. I'll clean up here and bring you a cup of tea.”
Becca still looked dazed and confused, but she nodded after a moment. What else could she do? What other explanation could there be, besides that she was overly tired and imagining things? She pulled her robe tighter around her and walked toward the bedroom, only hesitating for a moment in the doorway to look back at her husband. Gil only gave his best encouraging smile and shooed her on, and when she was finally gone, he sighed and lifted Sawyer out of her playpen. She didn't seem to notice anything was wrong – she only beamed at him and reached for his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. Her father pressed a kiss to her cheek and carried her with him as he went to go make a cup of tea, trying hard to ignore his own sense of foreboding.
He could have told her then, Gilbert knew. Becca would have been angry, but she might have tried to understand, at least for the sake of their daughter. But at this point he was too far into the lie to backtrack now, weighed down by his own shame and cowardice as he was. As a general rule, Gil had never been good at facing conflict – and the thought of Becca’s fury and sense of betrayal was too grand a conflict for him to even dare to approach. So he didn't. And didn't, and didn't, for a very long time.
July 8th, 1988
The third time Gilbert knew himself to be a coward was on the day that Becca finally found out.
Nearly three years, he made excuses. Nearly three years, he explained away the odd things that his daughter could do. Nearly three years, he dismissed the things that Becca insisted she saw as imagination, or exhaustion, or a trick of the light. Gil managed to put it off so long, he almost convinced himself that it was a sustainable way of life. That all he had to do was keep deflecting until Sawyer was at an age where she begin to control herself and understand – no magic around momma. He almost believed it could work. Almost.
And then he came home one night to Becca at the table in tears, and dozens of brochures for hospitals and laboratories spread out before her.
Gilbert froze in the doorway, staring at the scene in front of him, and for the first time he had a trickle of fear that wasn't for himself. He nearly dashed up the stairs to check Sawyer’s room, to assure himself that his daughter, sweet and innocent and full of laughter, was still safe and sound in her room, but he forced himself to stay rooted where he was. Becca would never hurt Sawyer, never, and would never take her away from her home – but then again, that she could just sit here and browse through lists of doctors and scientists like they were takeout menus made Gilbert question everything he thought he knew. “Becca, sweetheart,” he said cautiously, taking a few steps forward. “What are you doing?”
Becca looked up at him with eyes that had gone red from crying, and shook her head helplessly. “Something’s wrong, Gil,” she whispered, her voice sounding hoarse. “She can do things. Impossible things. I know – I know you think I'm crazy, and – and it sounds crazy, but I swear I'm not.” She shook her head frantically and glanced up the stairs to where Sawyer’s bedroom was, and Gil realized with a sickening jolt – there was some part of her that was afraid of their daughter. The fear crept into her voice as she went on. “I went into her room today and she was floating her toys. Floating them above her head. That's not – I don't know how she's doing it, but it's not right.”
Not right. Gil could only stare. He couldn't understand the fear Becca had of their daughter. Sawyer was pure sweetness, and her magic had never manifested itself violently. But magic – the realization of the supposed impossible – had always wrought fear when viewed without context, and Becca didn't have context. Gil had never given it to her. And now, they were here. Gil felt a renewed sense of shame, and took another step forward. “Becca . . .” he said gently.
But she wasn't listening to him. She had gone back to shifting through pamphlets. “But maybe it's not too late,” she whispered, sounding vaguely hysteric. “Maybe we can fix it. There are people – doctors – who say they work on – on things like this -”
“Becca . . .” Gil tried again, pleading this time, but again she ignored him.
“They could run tests,” she said, brushing tears from her eyes as she studied a particular brochure. “And then – and then when they figure out what's wrong with her, maybe they can fix it, and she can grow up like a normal –”
“Becca, there is nothing wrong with her,” Gil said loudly, his tone harsher than he meant. He winced at it, and Becca turned to stare at him. He hesitated a moment longer before he managed to force the words out. “This – this is normal . . . for people like us.” Blankness. There was no sign of comprehension in his wife’s face. Reluctantly, Gil reached for the wand he always kept in his work bag. Becca only looked more confused when she saw it, but he gave it a flick and all of the papers and brochures on the table gathered themselves into a neat pile. Becca was out of her seat so fast, she knocked the chair over, and backed away from him until she hit a wall.
“It's okay,” he said, trying to sound soothing but mostly coming off as desperate. “I’m a wizard, Becca, and Sawyer is a witch. She can't help it, she inherited it from me. There are lots of witches and wizards in the world. It's normal for the young ones to come into their magic like this.” Becca stared at him for a long time. Gil kept very still, like one does for around skittish animals, and waited for her reaction. Eventually, she took a few steps towards him, an unknowable look in her eye. Gil watched her hopefully, and when she raised her hand, he thought it might have been to lovingly caress his face.
She slapped him.
“You knew,” she accused venomously. “You knew and you just let me think I was losing my mind. You lying, vile son of a bitch–” Gil cringed at her words, and tried to take her in his arms, but she only pummeled her fists against his chest until she broke down into sobs and sagged against him. Even then, she still hurled accusations at him through her tears. “How could you? My baby – what is she because of you?”
Gil choked back tears of his own and tried to stroke his wife’s hair. “Shhh. It’s not the end of the world, you’ll see,” he tried to assure her, although he wasn’t even sure Becca could hear him over the sound of her own crying. “She’ll grow up with other kids like her, and make friends and go to school. It’ll still be normal. Everything will be fine, I promise.” He wanted so badly for that to be true. Becca’s sobbing had tapered off at his point, and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Come to bed, love, it’s late. Everything will be better in the morning, and I’ll answer all of your questions then, okay?”
With what sounded like an indignant sniffle, Becca pushed away from him and stalked into the bedroom. Gil followed – but only after he had taken the pile of pamphlets and thrown them into the garbage.
As it turned out, everything was not better in the morning. Gilbert Prewett woke a little past the break of dawn when he reached out an arm and realized his wife’s warmth was missing. He sat up immediately and found the note left on Becca’s pillow. He stared at it a long time after he read it, trying to register the meaning. Then a flash of panic surged through him, and Gil launched himself out of bed, running down the hall. He stopped short in a bedroom door, and reassured himself with the sight of phoenix red hair splayed out over a pillow, and a thumb curled gently into a sucking mouth.
Gil leaned against the doorframe and slid slowly to the floor, feeling overwhelmed with his conflicting relief and dismay at finding his daughter, safe asleep. Relief, because at least he still Sawyer, despite it all. Dismay, because – Becca was gone. She had abandoned her daughter.
How was he ever going to explain that?
Simple. He wouldn’t. Gilbert Prewett was still, despite it all, a coward at heart, and the idea of having to tell Sawyer that her mother had left because of what – who – they were – he couldn’t face it. So when Sawyer found him still sitting there in the morning, he made up a silly reason about watching for monsters under her bed. And when she asked where her momma had gone, he only said that she had gone away. And when she asked – and asked and asked and asked, for weeks before she finally gave up – when she would be back, he only said “Not today.” and didn’t tell her why. And didn’t, and didn’t, for a very long time.
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marlenethemenace · 3 years
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NAME: Marlene McKinnon
AGE: 21 years
PRIMARY: Cornwall County (expelled January 1974); London School, 1977
HOGWARTS: Hufflepuff, September 1977 - Present
OCCUPATION: Personal Trainer at Fiendfyre Fitness
BLOOD STATUS: pure/half-blood, depending on who you ask
(( depression cw )) Marlene was born to a successful Auror and his wife as they teetered on the edge of a failing marriage. Once Marlene arrived, the family pulled itself together long enough to have another baby -- Brady, her younger brother, who would later be dubbed a Squib -- and for Mrs. McKinnon to fall victim to postpartum depression. For the first five years of her life, Marlene, Brady, and, on occasion, their older half-brother, Neil, shuffled between the homes of family friends and relatives. In some ways, the freedom that came with such a fast and loose childhood suited Marlene, but in others--- Well, she’s been in therapy almost since she could talk, and for good reason.
In the middle of her freshman year at Cornwall County Day School for Girls, Marlene was expelled for disruptive behavior. In a last ditch effort to get her act together and avoid three years of “hard time” at the Banchory Institute, Marlene was shipped off again, this time to her godparents’ home, the Robards. She lived there during the year whilst attending the London School of Witchcraft, from which she graduated in 1977, with 8 O.W.L.s, three of which were Outstanding.
With a newfound hope of following her father into the Auror department, Marlene was sorted into Hufflepuff in the fall of 1977. But it was only a few months before she was in trouble again, expelled from both the Gobstones Club and the Pre-Auror degree for fighting on campus. Since then, Marlene has struggled to find her way, unsure of what the future holds for her. Hopping around between degrees for the past three years meant she would have to stay that much longer, even after most of her friends had graduated, if she wanted to graduate at all.
(( abortion cw // toxic relationship cw )) Not long after starting at the London School, Marlene met Gilbert Selwyn, who attended Cambridge Academy, and became Marlene’s first serious (and easily the most toxic) relationship. Or, well, it was serious when it was on (and at its most toxic when it was off). The back and forth lasted well through Hogwarts, until Gilbert’s pureblood family arranged a marriage for him with someone else---an arrangement Gilbert made no efforts to break. After a brief affair with the newlywed Gilbert Selwyn, Marlene fell pregnant, with a child she chose not to have. It was only then that she decided to rid her life of Gilbert for good. He passed away several months later from an apparent potions accident, and---well, thank Merlin for that.
Lost is the best way to describe how Marlene felt when she packed her bags after the graduation ceremony in June, where she had watched nearly all of her friends move forward without her, again. Happy though she was for them, Marlene knew she needed a change of scenery if she was ever going to clear her head. She Floo’d to California, where she moved in with Brady and his girlfriend, Monica, for the summer.
As luck would have it, Fiendfyre Fitness expanded its reach this summer, opening up a gym in -- you guessed it -- California. Whilst abroad, Marlene has helped train and organize the gym staff.
Even though space and time was good for her, yes, Marlene knew she could not get through this rough patch in her life without the help of her friends---nor did she feel quite right about abandoning them in their own rough patches of varying degrees. She’s been glued to her iFlown since she left, texting and chatting and posting constantly to keep up with everyone back home, time zones be damned.
** indicates an open connection, as the role is no longer in play
Sturgis Podmore: < 2 weeks, February 1974
first “boyfriend” turned reluctant BFF; we don’t talk about it
**Cory Mulpepper: winter/spring 1974
first female FWB
Gilbert Selwyn: summer 1974 - summer 1979
first serious relationship; ex-baby daddy; gross; only r3yl0s ship this
Davey Gudgeon: summer 1978 - spring 1979
on again, off again FWB; broke her heart, v sad, we were all rooting for you tiffany!!!
**Barty Crouch, Jr: February 1979
post-quidditch hook up
Gideon Prewett: February 1979
post-party hook up
**Lux Talkalot: fall/winter 1979
several hook ups
John Dawlish: spring 1980 - ?? now ??
uhhhh ... ??? tbd
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zertheahq · 3 years
what are your mwm and famdoms?
again way too many so here’s a list of who i can think of at the top of my head. 
marvel: james rhodes, peter parker, happy hogan, thor odinson, bruce banner, loki laufeyson, clint barton, pietro maximoff ( like wanda no white washing allowed so aaron taylor johnson and evan peters will not be accepted )  johnny storm, wolverine, magneto, professor x, chase stein, alex wilder, miles morales, leo fitz, lincoln campbell, daniel sousa, nick fury, and mack mckenzie
( more fandoms under the cut ! )
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legacies / the originals / tvd: klaus mikaelson, milton greasley, kaleb, rafael waithe, elijah mikaelson, kol mikaelson, stefan salvatore, damon salvatore, jeremy gilbert and matt donovan. 
dc: oliver queen, barry allen, bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, arthur curry, clark kent, lucifer morningstar, joe west, cisco ramon, wally west, bart allen, 
star wars: han solo, luke skywalker, lando calrissian, poe dameron, finn, cassian andor
harry potter: frank longbottom, james potter, peter pettigrew, harry potter, ron weasley, draco malfoy, lucius malfoy, oliver wood, seamus finning, fabian and gideon prewett, arthur weasley, fred and george weasley, bill weasley, james sirius potter, sorpious malfoy and albus potter.
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sleepingdragon-rp · 4 years
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As of 10 am of the afternoon of Thursday, 2 April, Hogwarts has officially reported its first case of Dragon Pox in one hundred years. While the patient has been escorted to St. Mungo’s and treated with only the finest of care, the castle cannot ignore the threat of such a contagious disease. Hogwarts castle will be cleaned from tower to dungeon, from ceiling to floor, to eradicate any contagious germs that may have been left behind by the affected patient.
Unfortunately for students, that means that, in the meantime, they will be quarantined immediately. Everyone will be escorted by the staff into the nearest location in the castle that has seen no contact with the Dragon Pox patient in the past week. For the next 30 hours, students will have their food delivered to their quarantine site by the usual means, as well as accommodations for sleep when the time arrives.
If you believe yourself or one of your peers to be exhibiting any symptoms of Dragon Pox, contact a professor via the emergency only owl located in your quarantine location.
OOC Information ---
IC the quarantine lasts from approximately 10 am on Thursday, 2 April, to 4 pm on Friday, 3 April. OOC, you may make starters for this plot drop from now through Monday, 6 April, 11:59 pm PST.
If your character is missing, it is either because they are part-time, assumed to be off campus, or were simply overlooked. So if you would like one of those rules to be included, just shoot me a message, and we’ll find them a spot. Alternatively, if there is absolutely no way in freshly frozen purgatory that your character would be where they were placed, shoot me a message, and we’ll find a way to fix it.
Groups below the cut!
Group One: Hogwarts Library
The Restricted Section is, well, restricted still. Students have free reign of the library, but will be asked to sleep in the Muggle Studies section only.
Quarantined Students: 
Alecto Carrow @c-alecto
Amycus Carrow @theworstcarrow
Asher Avery @asheravery
Daphne Davenport @daphnedavenport
Josslyn Janks @jankyjosslyn
Mary Macdonald @marymacdonaldhadafarm
Rodolphus Lestrange @doctorlestranges
Than Chadwick @thanthemans
Tiberius McLaggen @tiberiusmclaggen
Group Two: Kitchens
As the kitchens are responsible for feeding the rest of the castle during this delicate window of time, quarantined students have been given the back third of the kitchen to work with. Of course, they can still ask a House Elf for assistance should they be lacking in basic necessities.
Quarantined Students:
Andromeda Black @andromedaatnight
Bellatrix Lestrange @bellathicclestrange
Gilbert Selwyn @gilbert-selwyn
Iris Selwyn @irisselwyn
Jana McLaggen @janamclaggen
Marlene McKinnon @marlenethemenace
Regan Higgs-Weasley @reganweasley
Ted Tonks @tonkstedtalk
Group Three: Rouge Staircase
This particular staircase shut down as students were on their way elsewhere, leaving them stranded without the aid of other staircases around them. The staircase will move from time to time, although unhelpfully.
Quarantined Students:
Alice Shafiq @shafiqalice
Amathera Zabini @amatherazabini
Bastian Bott @bastianbott
Jennifer Burke @jenniferburke
Lily Evans @weewxtch
Mason Boot @masonboot
Molly Macmillan @mollymacmillan
Nola Fawley @nolafawley
Group Four: Hagrid’s Hut
This was deemed the safest location for students spread across the grounds at the time of quarantine. Tragically, Hagrid was inside the castle at the time of quarantine, leaving his hut locked (with an infantile Fang howling inside).
Quarantined Students:
Agatha Timms @aggietimms
Dorcas Meadowes @dorcasisntdeadyet
D.W. Widdow @deedoubleiddow
Fabian Prewett @fabiansacharmer
Gawain Robards @goldenrobards
Natalya Greengrass @natalyagreengrass
Percy Robards @percivalrobards
Vivian Travers @viviantraversing
Group Five: Arithmancy Corridor
While students were initially meant to have full access to the corridor at large, the remembrance that the affected patient had been there for a studying section earlier in the week caused them all to be shuffled into Professor Dearborn’s office.
Quarantined Students:
Caradoc Dearborn @dickdowndearborn
Cecily Beckett @cecilybeckett
Eyen Sosa @eyenscloset
Gideon Prewett @gideonprewonder
Pandora Lanchance @rohmantiq
Penny Tyler @pentyler
Rosalind Nott @rosalindnott
Sturgis Podmore @sturgispodmore
Wendy Lestrange @wendythestrange
Group Six: Owlery
Don’t worry, the birds don’t bite. At least not when they’re well fed. By people who are currently in quarantine elsewhere in the castle. Oh, dear...
Quarantined Students:
Amelia Bones @liabones
Bertha Jorkins @berthajorkinss
Bertie Higgs @bertiehiggz
Emma Vanity @youresovanity
Emmeline Vance @emmelionvance
Remus Lupin @x-remus
Sirius Black @messrsblacks
Tolkien Wilde @tolkienwildeboy
Group Seven: Hospital Wing
It was considered that these students might be better off moving to another location for quarantine, but as they’d already been exposed before the doors to the Hospital Wing were locked---well, it would just be irresponsible to let them leave, wouldn’t it?
Quarantined Students:
Cyrus Greengrass @greengrassisgreener
Davey Gudgeon @daveygudgeon
Edgar Bones @edgarboned
Frances Bletchley @francesbletchley
James Potter @jamespooper
Narcissa Black @narcissablack-x
Peter Pettigrew @pterpettigrew
Zoe Bell @rocketshipbell
Group Eight: Potions Corridor
Students in the potions corridor have access to that and only that: the corridor. All classrooms, offices, and storage closets have been locked.
Quaratined Students:
Adrian Vallancourt @adrianvallancourt
Barty Crouch Jr. @bartycrouchjunior
Benjy Fenwick @notbenjyfenwick
Bilius Weasley @biliusbby
Briar Pritchard @briarpritch
Hattie Hathaway @skyehathaway
Hestia Jones @hestiajonesx
Hollie Hopkirk @holliehopkirk
Lucius Malfoy @ccnqueror
Group Nine: Muggle Studies Corridor
More specifically, Professor Egg’s office and adjoining live-in suite.
Quarantined Stuents:
Aiden McLaggen @aidenmclaggen
Danny Geist @dannygeist
Dawn Withey @dawnwitheyy
Frank Longbottom @franklongbooty
Marceaux Travers @xtravers
Nicholas Mulciber @mulcibers
Prija Avery @prijaavery
Zelda Nettles @zeldanettles
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chaosascended · 4 years
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@cosmiicsouls​   :  send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!    ||   ALWAYS  ACCEPTING
natasha  romanoff  &  napoleon  solo  –––––– >  SPIES  !!!!!  all  the  spy  plots.  
allison  argent  &  mai   –––––– >  an  archer  &  a  knife  thrower  ?  sign  my  up  for  that  shit.  
elena  gilbert  &  fabian  prewett  –––––– >  this  would  actually  be  kind  of  adorkable. 
katara  &  azula   –––––– >  lmao.  we  do  need  to  write  the  two. i’m  glad  this  generator  agrees.  
emma  vanity  &  june     –––––– >  the ENERGY
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starxshine · 5 years
Hoku’s Family Tree
I have no idea why I’m doing this other than I see this all over the Harry Potter fandom with the families and it was part fun part torture. While it’s sketchy to have Hoku related to (so many) canon characters, I’ve tried to make it as distant as possible or at least unknown in exactly what capacity she’s actually related to them. As far as dates go, I suck hella hard at math; it’s easiest to just remember that nearly all Hoku’s direct ancestors are born between the ages of 20 to 25. I didn’t include Fitzwilliam and Alcyone’s siblings as then I would feel bad and have to include Hoku’s 5x great grandparents and nobody wants that. I’ve done just Hoku’s dad’s side of her family because her mother’s side is even less straight forward; I might do that one in the future. As far as Hoku’s aunts and uncles (with the exception of Balbine, Fulcran, and Quintilla who are canon) I won’t be listing their spouses, just the surnames of the families they marry into. I may or may not do a seperate post to show how Hoku is related to the Black Family through Alcyone.  I will not apologize for Antioch.
Most distant known ancestor: Antioch Peverell - 13th century
4x Great Grandparents (roughly the late 1780s)
Fitzwilliam Crawford I = Alcyone Black
3x Great Grandparents (very early 1800s)
Fitzwilliam Crawford II = Pucine Lestrange II
Great Great Grandparents (roughly 1830s)
William Crawford = Opaline Nott
Great grandparents (1850s)
Jasper Crawford = Lydia Rosier
Grandparents (late 1870s)
Sebastian Crawford = Constance Selwyn
Parents (early 1900s)
Edward Crawford = Ailani Hewahewa
3x Great Grand Aunts / Uncles
Victor Crawford = Rowle
Darcy Crawford = Flint
Eugenia Crawford = Shacklebolt
Amelia Crawford = Prince
Balbine Lestrange II = Unknown
Fulcran Lestrange III = Quintilla Lestrange
2 x Great Grand Aunts / Uncles
*Alfred Crawford = Longbottom
*Henry Crawford = Greengrass
Agnes Crawford = Never married
Beatrice Crawford = Bones
Cordelia Nott = Tripe
Amethyst Nott = Black
Desmond Nott = Crouch
Atticus Nott = Burke
Great Grand Aunts / Uncles
Louis Crawford = Never married
Richard Crawford = Slughorn
Imogen Crawford = Crouch
Sailas Rosier = Prewett
Elliot Rosier = Never married
Charlotte Rosier = Travers
Eleanor Rosier = Yaxley
Great Aunts /Uncles
*Bernard Crawford = Black
*Lenore Crawford = Weasely
Gabriel Selwyn = Never married
Bronte Selwyn = Macmillan
Eloise Selwyn = Goyle
Aunts / Uncles 
Ralph Crawford = Fawley
Gilbert Crawford = Lestrange
Leonora Crawford = Black
* Bernard and Lenore are fraternal twins / Alfred and Henry are identical twins
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requiemhqs-blog · 5 years
the following are reopened. please unfollow.
@kindpuresthearts​ / evie grimhilde ( descendants )
@colscn​ / lily colson ( assassination nation )
@dandelionwines​ / anya ( anastasia ), elsa ( disney ), bellatrix black ( harry potter ), molly prewett ( harry potter ), teddy lupin ( harry potter ), michelle jones ( marvel ), david nolan ( once upon a time ), robin hood ( once upon a time), percy jackson ( pjo ), francine/six ( stranger things ), joyce byers ( stranger things ), max mayfield ( stranger things ), josie saltzman ( tvd legacies )
@ghostmusings / bucky barnes ( marvel ), nico di angelo ( percy jackson )
@siphonborn / lizzie saltzman ( tvd legacies )
@sliingshots / amicia de rune ( a plague tale: innocence )
reopened from mumus. please don’t unfollow.
@rnortalboys / troy otto ( fear the walking dead )
warnings for 6+ days of inactivity. please don’t unfollow.
@casuclties​ / harry hook ( descendants ), regulus black ( harry potter ), gwen stacy ( marvel )
@fckarchetypes / merlin emrys ( merlin )
@glcsshecrts / heather chandler ( heathers ), patty blum ( IT ), ned leeds ( marvel )
@omnibraver / cloud strife ( final fantasy )
@peterpanouatofrps / peter pan ( once upon a time )
@plasticdxntshine / tara markov ( DC ), anna ( disney ), cady heron ( mean girls )
@rnortalboys / richard gansey ( the raven cycle ), stanley uris ( IT )
@shcpcrsistcd / hermione granger ( harry potter ), beverly marsh ( IT ), peggy carter ( marvel ), wanda maximoff ( marvel )
@the-slaycr / buffy summers ( btvs ), ron weasley ( harry potter ), rogelio de la vega ( jane the virgin ), marinette dupain-cheng ( miraculous ladybug ), ned ( pushing daisies ), akane tendo (ranma 1/2 )
missing or deactivated accounts. reopened roles.
elena gilbert ( the vampire diaries )
active mumus have now received warnings for characters they need to be active on. please be active on any character listed by thursday the 15th, or they will be reopened, thank you ! we are now hoping to do an activity check every tuesday, or as needed !
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noratilney · 2 years
alphabetical list of ocs (wip)
[still to add: hp ocs, links & fic titles where appropriate (maybe add eras for hp?)]
name, fandom, fc(s) if they have one(s)
alyse, a song of ice and fire
arryn, ?, a song of ice and fire
baizen, chloe imani, gossip girl, samantha logan
cardenas, abigail ‘abby’ francisca magdalena, the vampire diaries, sofia carson
carlyle, rebecca ‘becca’ irene, teen wolf, sarah bolger
cathay, angelica vivienne, the originals, margaret qualley
chu, megan, h2o: just add water, lin yun
coryriel, old kingdom series, bailee madison
daniels, clara azalea, julie and the phantoms, madeleine madden
friedlich, anneliese, harry potter, alice nokes
garcia sandoval, mariana, glee, herizen guardiola
gardiner, virginia ‘ginny’, chronicles of chrestomanci
gattar, zuri, six of crows, crystal clarke
gilbert, margaret rose, the vampire diaries, victoria justice
gilmore, annika christina, gilmore girls, dakota fanning
greyjoy, lysa, a song of ice and fire
humphrey, audrey ‘aud’ stella, gossip girl, kaylee bryant
joshi, elvira lakshmi ‘ellie’ velasco, the umbrella academy
lantsov, veronika, grishaverse, hunter schafer
lawrence, bailey barbara, buffy the vampire slayer, ellie bamber
marial, old kingdom series, kaylee bryant
marinos, lieke, legacies, dominique provost-chalkley
martin, valérien auguste, harry potter, andrew garfield
mckinnon, magda amelia, harry potter, magda apanowicz
milonas-delacour, zoë kleio, harry potter, adèle exarchopoulos
mikaelson, ingrid, the originals, alycia debnam-carey
mikaelson, sophia, the originals, ashley greene
navarro medina, emilia ‘emma’ beatriz, gossip girl, victoria morales
nguyen, adele, gossip girl, chelsea clark
nott, anderson jonathan, harry potter
nott, edward caleb, harry potter
nott, flora may, harry potter
nott, tristan albert, harry potter
nott, veronika bethany, harry potter
nym, a song of ice and fire
o’connell, deirdre kathleen, glee, rachel bilson
parkinson, dahlia rebekah, harry potter
parkinson, penelope, harry potter, jenny boyd
pépin, amandine, harry potter, sasha pieterse
playfair, simon joseph, teen wolf, evan peters
prewett, oksana mikhailova petrova, harry potter, geneviève bujold
ragnarrsdotir, emma, the originals, millie brady
rhodes, elizabeth ‘betsy’ celia, gossip girl, sydney sweeney
rivers, ?, a song of ice and fire
sand, verene, a song of ice and fire
saltzman, annette ‘annie’ mathilda, the vampire diaries, kayla madison (younger) mika abdalla (teenage/young adult), rachel wiesz (older)
saltzman, estelle ‘stella’ diana, legacies, sadie sink
sherwood, diana morgana, harry potter, billie lourd
simmoneaux, marie colette, harry potter, blake lively
sobreira, maya, harry potter, mila kunis
stewart, margaret jean, harry potter, lucy hale
sulez, meredith teresa injila, the vampire diaries, emeraude toubia
tamboli, divya, gossip girl, ashley simone
tamboli, rani, gossip girl, maitreyi ramakrish
targaryen, shaena, a song of ice and fire
targaryen, vaella, a song of ice and fire
targaryen, visenya, a song of ice and fire
terzi, eitaro, six of crows, zeline prabowo
thomas, belinda ‘lindy’ rebecca, gossip girl, kiernan shipka
tilney, georgia jane, santa clarita diet, emily hampshire
van der bilt, cordelia almira, gossip girl, maia mitchell
warrington, keith simon, harry potter, jackson rathbone
washington, miles, legacies, sinqua walls
yoon, imani, the vampire diaries, sydney park
young tulle, keisha marie, legacies, samantha logan
ysabael, old kingdom series, maia mitchell
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arrthurpendragon · 7 years
~*~MissJanuaryLily mobile-friendly OC masterlist~*~
Lydia Woodhull // Of Love and War // Fandom: TURN Washington’s Spies 
Leila Potter // Lost Along the Way & Lost Along the Way: The Beginning // Fandom: Harry Potter (Lightning Era)
Elle Winchester // Us Against the World // Fandom: Supernatural
Greer Wayne // Holding Out For A Hero // Fandom: Gotham
Jillian “JJ” Jacobs // She Will Be Loved // Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Alex Evans // Luminis // Fandom: Agents of SHIELD
Abigael Allen // Ruby // Fandom: Flash
Tatum Starr // Someone Else’s Starr // Fandom: Teen Wolf
Sarah Spencer // Psych You Out in the End // Fandom: Psych
Briony Everdeen // Daughter’s Lament // Fandom: Hunger Games
Cassandra Mars // An Attempt to Tip the Scales // Fandom: Veronica Mars
Julie Yoast // Coming to Terms // Fandom: Remember the Titans
Kennedy Kane // City of Stars // Fandom: 100
Tia Miller // Nine to Survival // Fandom: Jurassic World
Rebekah Swan // Everything Has Changed // Fandom: Twilight
Charlotte “Charlie” Gilmore & Parker Dell // To Wish Impossible Things // Fandom: Gilmore Girls
Sydney James // Only Fooling Myself // Fandom: One Tree Hill
Emma Gibbs // Rule 14 // Fandom: NCIS x Criminal Minds
Edith Eaton // Songs to Love and Die By Fandom: Divergent
Kimberly Potter // Dance Me to the End of Love // Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders Era)
Naomi Lawson // A Royal Pain // Fandom: Royal Pains
Brandi Henderson // Fandom: Stranger Things
Quinn Cleary // Fandom: Blue Bloods
Chrissy Bartlet // Fandom: The West Wing
Valeria Ramierez // Fandom: The Librarians
Chloe Gilbert // Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Justine Brennan // Fandom: Bones
Clara Davis // Fandom: Love Comes Softly
Devyn Day // Fandom: New Girl
Ophelia Jackson // Fandom: Percy Jackson
Delia Goldstein // Fandom: Fantastic Beasts
Avery Shane // Fandom: The Orginals
Mara // Fandom: Star Wars
Miriah Brown // Fandom: Everwood
Vivien Weasley // Fandom: Harry Potter
Audrey Andrews // Fandom: Riverdale
Teagan James // Fandom: Spiderman: Homecoming
Gwen Jackson // Fandom: Nikita
Andie Hart // Fandom: Hart of Dixie
Winnie Prewett // Fandom: Fantastic Beasts
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veritas-roleplay · 6 years
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B I O G R A P H Y :
[ up to player ]
D E T A I L S :
☛ CANON INFORMATION : [ Mary MacDonald ]
☛ AFFILIATION : neutral
☛ BLOOD STATUS : muggleborn
☛ AGE : [ suggested 18 - 20 ]
☛ FORMER HOUSE : Ravenclaw
          Positives : caring / attentive / creative
          Negatives : resentful / petty / withdrawn
☛ OCCUPATION : [ suggested healer-in-training / secretary / wandmakers assistant ]
C O N N E C T I O N S :
WILLIAM AVERY, ALANA MULCIBER : used to torment her in school, terrified of
REGINALD CATTERMOLE : friends, secret crush
GIDEON PREWETT, JAMES POTTER, SIRIUS BLACK : worries about, thinks they’re too reckless
EDITH PEASEGOOD : former flame, still friends
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old-rcsplendere · 6 years
under the cut is every character going on this blog, if they are strike through they are going with someone. (message me if you want a character to go with one of yours. it can be shippy or plantonic) {and bold means that they are under 18 and i only feel comfortable with them going with someone 19 & under}
aiden from to
alice fortescue from harry potter
allison phillips from legacies
andromeda black  from harry potter
ariana dumbledore  from harry potter
aurelia malfoy from harry potter
bellatrix black from harry potter
cassandra nott from harry potter
cedric diggory from harry potter
charlotte jacobs from legacies
davina claire from to
dolores umbridge from harry potter
draco malfoy from harry potter
elena gilbert from tvd
eliana scamander from harry potter  
elias burke from harry potter
gabrielle delacour from harry potter
ginny weasley from harry potter
hailey potter from harry potter
hazel bennett from legacies
helena ravenclaw from harry potter
hope mikaelson from to/legacies
inadu from to
isolt sayre from harry potter
josie saltzman from legacies
lavender potter from harry potter
leilani dursley from harry potter
lily evans from harry potter
luna black from legacies
mary macdonald from harry potter
merope gaunt from harry potter
minerva mcgonagall from harry potter
molly prewett from harry potter
natalia grindelwald from harry potter
newt scamander from harry potter
olivia grindelwald from harry potter
pandora lovegood from harry potter
penny haywood from harry potter
rebekah mikaelson from tvd/to
rionach steward from harry potter
rita skeeter from harry potter
romilda vane from harry potter
skylar riddle from harry potter
starr malfoy from harry potter
violet lestrange from harry potter
victoire weasley from harry potter
zoe granger from harry potter
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sleepingdragon-rp · 4 years
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After a review of Hogwarts hygiene (in light of the recent Dragon Pox incident) and other health-related behaviors, the Board of Education has elected to begin a new program at the university: Sex Education Week. On Monday, 27 April, at 9 am, students will gather in the Great Hall after breakfast for a lecture about sexually transmitted disease and contraceptive demonstrations.
Following this meeting, students will be assigned a partner to work with on this event’s week long assignment: the Mandrake Baby. Several young Mandrakes have been charmed and altered to more accurately mimic a human child. Pairings must check in with their Heads of House every day to showcase their child’s well-being. The “babies” should be thriving by Friday, 1 May, when the assignment is complete and the Mandrakes are returned.
All questions should be directed to Heads of House or the Hospital Wing aka the main/Beth. Best of luck!
OOC Information ---
Alright alright alright. Below you’ll find your partners for this assignment. Do whatever you want with sleeping arrangements; Heads of House will be lenient, but they will also be more heavily present in the dormitories this week. If someone is missing, lemme know! I put this together a couple weeks ago, so it’s likely some things have changed.
Third Year
Fabian Prewett​ & Natalya Greengrawss
Alice Shafiq & Andromeda Black
Percival Robards & Ted Tonks
Caradoc Dearborn & Regan Higgs Weasley
Gawain Robards & Lucius Malfoy
Cecily Beckett & Davey Gudgeon
Bertha Jorkins & Emmeline Vance
Bilius Weasley & Mason Boot
Edgar Bones & Gideon Prewett
Bertie Higgs & Tolkien Wilde
Second Year
Gilbert Selwyn & Sturgis Podmore
Danny Geist & Pandora Lanchance
Barty Crouch, Jr. & D.W. Widdow
Daphne Davenport & Frances Bletchley
Marlene McKinnon & Vivian Travers
Aiden Pritchard & Bastian Bott
Alecto Carrow & Clementine Robards
Briar Pritchard & Marceaux Travers
Adrian Vallancourt & Benjy Fenwick
Hattie Hathaway & Hollie Hopkirk
Penny Tyler & Tiberius McLaggen
Dawn Withey & Emma Vanity
Amelia Bone & Amycus Carrow
First Year
Josslyn Janks & Chad Thanwick
Peter Pettigrew & Zoe Bell
James Potter & Lily Evans
Charlie Bucket & Nicholas Mulciber
Dorcas Meadowes & Sirius Black
Asher Avery & Wendy Lestrange
Jennifer Burke & Remus Lupin
Iris Selwyn & Rosalind Selwyn
Molly Macmillan & Prija Avery
Agatha Timms & Hestia Jones
Jana McLaggen & Narcissa Black
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veritas-roleplay · 6 years
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B I O G R A P H Y :
[ up to player ]
D E T A I L S :
☛ CANON INFORMATION : [ Severus Snape ]
☛ AFFILIATION : Death Eaters ( unmarked )
☛ BLOOD STATUS : halfblood
☛ AGE : [ suggested 19 - 20 ]
☛ FORMER HOUSE : Slytherin
    Positives : intelligent / crafty / determined
    Negatives : resentful / impulsive / obsessive
☛ OCCUPATION : [ suggested potioneer ]
C O N N E C T I O N S :
LILY EVANS : former friend, estranged, in love with
JAMES POTTER, SIRIUS BLACK, GIDEON PREWETT : despises, thinks they’re arrogant 
REMUS LUPIN : knows he’s a werewolf, terrified of
CRESSIDA SLUGHORN : mentor, finds her too strict
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veritas-roleplay · 6 years
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B I O G R A P H Y :
When Mrs. Prewett found out she was pregnant for the second time, she, like many mothers, hoped only for a healthy child – whom she received, twice over. She didn’t expect to have twins, but when two baby boys were born in the early days of December, she was nonetheless thrilled. They were both red-haired and long-limbed, fat as lambs with rosy cheeks. She named one Gideon, and the other Fabian. If you asked her, it was apparent which one was which, although most other people would have to fib when they said they could absolutely tell the twins apart. But as the two grew older, their personalities becoming more definite, it was clear within a moment or two which one was Fabian.
Fabian was the one who was never sat still, the one who was climbing an apple tree to see how high he could do or walking along the stone wall that bordered their property, heedless of his mother’s urging to get down. He was the one who walked the other neighborhood kids home from the playground, and helped their elderly neighbors carry their groceries from the market, the first to offer a helping hand to his parents or his siblings or friends, to anyone who needed it. This unique combination of spontaneous and charitable meant Fabian was like a storm of a person, always in motion, difficult to take your eye from. With a striking older sister like Molly, and a twin brother, Fabian needed to stand out, and he certainly had no problem doing so. In fact, the only problem he ever really had with being noticed was simply being in one long place for someone to take notice of him in the first place.
When it came time to attend Hogwarts, no one was surprised when the brash boy was sorted into Gryffindor. Even if it hadn’t been a family trait, a boy with so much fire belonged in the house of red and gold. He wouldn’t call himself popular in retrospect, and certainly not at the time, but he made friends well enough. There were a handful of people who confused him with his brother for the first few months of his first year, but eventually he made a solid group of friends that he would carry with him for the rest of his school career. Of course, the two people he was closest two were undoubtedly his siblings, but he was able to branch out and make friends with students who were older, who were from different houses, and from different walks of life.
As a student, Fabian was surprisingly diligent, given his proclivity for bouncing off the walls. His favorite classes were Care of Magical Creatures and Charms, where there were live animals and things exploding (fortunately not in the same class…usually), but even those classes he loved, he had to put an effort in. Fabian was a diligent student in all his subjects, but the only one he didn’t have to try hard for was Potions. He was just talented in it, as someone who has a naturally beautiful singing voice or an eye for photography. Somehow even the most complex recipes unraveled for him like a skein of yarn. He was always happy to tutor his fellow students, usually for free (or perhaps for a box of Chocolate Frogs), though he had no idea that he would someday be a professional potioneer.
However, what quickly became clear was the tenuous state of their world. The balance between pureblood wizards, and those whose ancestry was mixed or entirely non-magical, was starting to fracture, and Fabian never understood it. He was a pureblood wizard himself, but he didn’t think less of anyone for having one or both parents be muggles. It never even occurred to him to think that way, his parents didn’t raise him that way and none of his friends followed that line of thought. It was so absurd to him that it took him awhile to realize just how serious the matter was. But the moment he did, Fabian knew that he wasn’t going to let this happen. He was going to do whatever it took to fight back, because he knew what was right and what wasn’t – for him, it was black and white. Persecuting others for their blood status, treating them like animals, including the blind killing, was wrong. It was as simple as that, and he wasn’t going to let an injustice like that stand.
His life now is not what he expected for himself. The talent for potions eventually became a career, as he first worked at a shop in Diagon Alley over the summer while still a student – only to find himself owning it when the shopkeep retired. And he certainly didn’t imagine himself as a member of a secret organization aimed at the heart of a deadly conflict. What Fabian wants most in the world is to travel, discovering new potions and how to make them, collecting unique ingredients, while perhaps establishing other shops in London and abroad. But he could never leave his brother, or his sister with his growing family, or the friends and the cause that he holds so dear, not while everything is so dangerous and turbulent. His first thought is to do everything he can to defeat the dark forces that are trying to tear their world, their beautiful patchwork world, apart. And after that? He hopes to be here to tell.
D E T A I L S :
☛ CANON INFORMATION : [ Fabian Prewett ]
☛ AFFILIATION : Order of the Phoenix
☛ BLOOD STATUS : pureblood
☛ AGE : 25
☛ FORMER HOUSE : Gryffindor
     Positives : altruistic / dedicated / clever
     Negatives : impulsive / critical / stubborn
☛ OCCUPATION : potioneer 
C O N N E C T I O N S :
DOMHALL WOOD : mentor, playful with
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