#gillian archer
books-in-a-storm · 1 year
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Currently Reading 💛
Sparking Ares & Rebellious
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sandythereadingcafe · 10 months
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ROCKED (Tin Gods Rock Star 1) by Gillian Archer at The Reading Cafe:
''The premise is entertaining, captivating and endearing'
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jai-lovely · 23 days
Withered Evelynn
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Warnings: Death, Blood, walker bites, Shane, tell me if i missed any!
Chapter 6! See other chapter here
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.•.Winnie the Pooh? Really?.•.
The bark against her skin is rough, but it's a reminder that she's still here, that she's alive. The sun overcame the night a while ago, making the dull dark camp bright and hot. Evelynn watches as people around camp stab walkers in the head, before pulling their already limp bodies to a truck. They had lost a few people that night, none that Evelynn knew the names of, except Ed, but she didn't care about him, she thought he was as bad as the walkers. "Evelynn" a rough voice calls from below, the girl looks down from the thick branch she's perched on, to see Daryl. The archer was standing there looking up, with his hand above his eyes, protecting him from the sun. "Come on down won't 'cha?", his rough voice filling her ears, the girl shakes her head holding onto the bark of the tree.
The Dixon sighs before reaching into his back pocket pulling out a familiar hat, the white fabric and blue lettering catching her attention, making her eyes go wide, "ya found my hat?" She asks, Evelynn already knew he found it, he's holding it so he clearly did, but she was shocked, cause out of all people, why would the grumpy archer be the one to give it back. The younger Dixon nods "ya must've fell and it, ya know came off" he says whilst shuffling on his feet, "I'm only gonna give it to ya if ya come down though", Daryl says as he puts his hands on his hips keeping the hat in his right hands, now squinting up at her, trying to not blind himself from the sun. Evelynn looks around, she doesn't see him anywhere but she wants to be sure, "is Shane aro'und?" Her his hushed, but Daryl heard it, his face screwing up with confusion"nah, he ain't" he pauses, "why?". The girl just shakes her head at his question, manoeuvring herself to climb down the tree slowly. Her feet meet the ground with a soft thud, and she brushes her dirty hands into her overalls.
Daryl hands Evelynn her hat, she grabs it from his grasp, taking it into her own, before looking at it. The once white hat was now littered with dark grey spots over the fabric. "Why's it wet?" She asks, turning to look up at the archer, "had some blood on it, tried to wipe it off for ya", Evelynn nods and mutters a 'thank you'. Daryl grunts while nodding, before turning and walking away, "wait!" She calls out, causing the Dixon to stop and turn to look at her, "wha" he grunts wiping the corners of his mouth with his finger tips, "I heard ya didn't find Merle, i'm real sorry" she says looking at the hat in her hands. Daryl nods before turning and walking away. Going back to making sure the people that had fallen the night before, were put to rest.
"The more ya squirm the longer this will take, ya know that right " Gillian says as he dabs a cloth on the girls raw knees, "it hurts" Evelynn huffs. Gilliam chuckles, "well we would have had this over with if ya told me bout yer knees earlier, instead of hidin' them behind yer pant legs" he says tapping the girls pants that had been rolled up just passed her knees. The girl huffs knowing that he was right, "yeah yeah" she mutters picking at the dirt under her nails. As Gillian dabs her knees she recalls the night before, she recalls Shane, she didn't really see him, due to her head that was against his shoulder hiding, but she knew that Gillian called out to Shane. She could remember him yelling his name and his body stiffening, the way his hands shook, and his breathing quickened. "Gil?" Hearing his name Gillian hums, in a way of saying 'yeah?', "What happened with Shane? Did he not have time to help us?" Evelynn says looking up from her nails and pushing her hat up a bit to be able to really see her brother. Gillian pauses, his hands pausing and hovering over her knees. He sighs, rubbing a hand down his face, "I don't know Eve, maybe he didn't hear me, but we're okay, that's what matters" he pauses putting multiple Winnie the pooh band aids on her knees "yeah?" He say looking at her, "yeah" Evelynn smiles, He chuckles at the girl before knocking the front of her hat down hearing her little 'hey!" Which made him grin. Stand up from his crouching position, he wipes off his hands before grabbing both of Evelynns and tugging her up to stand. Evelynn fixes her pant legs before looking up at her brother "Gil?" She says looking up to meet his gaze, "hm?" He hums "do ya think we're ever gonna find Merle?" The question startles him, why is she thinking about Merle, he questioned himself. "Dunno it depends really, why do ya ask? Ya said Merle was scary" Evelynns just looks around her gaze falling onto Daryl Dixon, who was currently dragging bodies of the people who fell the night before, into the back of a beat up truck. Gillian follows her gaze landing onto Daryl, his eyebrows furrowing. "I dunno, I just can't imagine losing ya, Daryl lost his big brother, he's got no family right now, he's alone" she says her eyes still on him. Gillian frowns looking down at her before back up onto the man, his eyes softening "I got no clue if we're gonna find Merle Eve, we can only hope for Daryl's sake" the girl nods, showing that she understands. The thought of Daryl being alone like that bothers her, no one should be alone like that no matter how grumpy and mean they can be.
"Yer back good?" A gruff voice says, making Evelynn look behind her to see Daryl looking at Gillian, who's now facing the man. "Yeah, I mean it's a little scratched up but could be worse y'know" the archer nods and turns his head looking to the side, "hey" Gillian says, grabbing the attention of the man "thanks for saving my ass last night, ya saved me and my sister, I can't thank ya more" he says clapping Daryl on the shoulder, while the archer just stares at him, before nodding "no problem" he grunts before adjusting his crossbow on his back and walking away, but pauses "hey kid" the Dixon says making Gillain's head perk up, "stay away from Shane al'right, don't trust him, keep your sister away from him as well" with that he walks away not giving the teen anytime to reply. "Why'd he say that?" Evelynn asks, looking away from Daryl up to her brother. Gillian's face was grave, he seemed to have no emotion behind his eyes, which worried Evelynn, "nothing Eve, just listen to him okay? I don't want you anywhere near Shane got it" his voice was firm, which confused her. He only would use this tone when telling her to go to her room when her mama got home at an ungodly hour, and was slurring over her words, but even then he's never sounded this serious. "Okay" she nods "promise me Eve, stay away from him" he says crouching down in-front of her small form, looking her in the eyes, "I promise" the girl says holding up her pinky, Gillian smiles wrapping his own around hers. They kiss their thumbs and push them together, locking their promise in place.
Everyone gathers on the hill, the hot sun beating down on them, covering their backs in an uncomfortable sweat. Andrea struggles to pull Amy into the grave. Dale stays by her side. trying to help, only for the blonde to protest, "I can do it, i can do it" her voice breaks as she speaks, making everyone frown slightly. Dale continues to gently push Amy's feet, in hopes that the older blond won't reject his help again. Lori sniffles from her place beside Evelynn, making the small girl frown and look up at her, only to look away a second later not wanting to be rude and stare. Evelynn looks over to Carl who's standing beside her, in front of his mom as she wraps her arms around him. Carl looks over to Evelynn, his face mirroring her own, a complexed look taking over both of their faces.
Walking down from the hill back to camp was dreadful, everyone was either completely quiet or letting out little sniffles. Gillian walks in front of Evelynn, which she finds strange. He always walks beside her or behind her. "Eve wait up" a voice calls from behind making her turn around, Carl's jogging towards her as his dad and mother slowly walk behind him, seeming to be having a conversation. Evelynn slows her pace waiting for the boy to catch up. When he did, they began walking in silence. Evelynn liked it like this more for right now though, she didn't know Amy too well, but it still made her sick to her stomach knowing how she died.
"ya got a cut y'know" Evelynn says as she stands next to the archer. Everyone sits around the unlit fire pit, staring out into nothing, all their minds lost in the pain and grief. "wha?" he raises an eyebrow while looking at the girl, "yer finger" she gestures to his hand, before reaching into the chest pocket of her overalls. 
Daryl held up his hand to look at it, and there was a cut, but it was so small you couldn't even notice it, but Evelynn did. "It's nothin" he says, putting his hand down, only for a band aid to be handed out to him. The archer didn't say anything,  his once hard gaze softened a bit at the girl's gesture. "I'm not leaving till ya put it on, it's gon' get infected" she says again, shaking her hand as a small gesture for him to take it. Daryl looks at her face once more before slowly taking the band aid. Slowly peeling the paper off of it to reveal the bright colours, "Winnie the pooh?really?" he speaks up, not taking his gaze off the band aid. Evelynn doesn't say anything, she just watches him as she puts her hands behind her back.
Nevertheless, Daryl peels the little tabs protecting the sticky bits, and wraps the bandage around his finger before holding it up for her to see. Evelynn smiles before turning her head to the sound of rough footsteps making their way to the fire pit. The corners of Daryl's lips turn up a bit, but he quickly rubs his mouth before looking back down and sharpening his knife.
Shane stands in front of everyone putting his gun down by his side, "i've been uh" he pause "I've been thinkin' bout Ricks plan, now look there are no guarantees, either way, i'll be the first one to admit that, i've known this man a long time" he says looking up and over to Rick. "I trust his instincts" Shane starts looking around at everyone, his gaze stops on Gillian who had been glaring at him since he started talking. Shane quickly directs his gaze somewhere else and continues speaking, "I say the most important thing here is we need to stay together", Evelynn looks over in time to see Gillian rolling his eyes. "So for those of you that agree, we leave first thing in the morning, okay?" Evelynns eyes go wide as she looks back at her brother, Gillian leans forward in his seat, running a hand down his face before looking at his sister.
She looks at him expectantly. Gillian stands up and puts his hand out waiting for the girl to grab it, which she does, and as they begin walking away, Evelynn looks down at her shoes, her once bright blue shoes were now dark with mud, and blood.
"alright everyone, up!" Shane calls out to everyone "Those of you with C.B.s, were gonna be on channel 40, let's keep the chatter down okay? Now you have a problem, don't have a C.B., can't get a signal, or anything at all, you're gonna hit your horn one time, that'll stop the caravan, any questions?" he finishes and looks around. Morales speaks up "were uh, were not going" Everyone turns to face him,"we have family in Birmingham" Morales's wife says hugging her daughter to her side, "we wanna be with our people" she finishes.
Shane shifts his weight from one leg to the other "you go on your own, you don't have anyone to watch your back" he says looking at Morales, he nods "we'll take our chance, i gotta do what's best for my family". Rick now speaks up, "ya sure?", "we talked about it, were sure". As Rick and Shane give Morales a gun and some bullets, they share a few more words that make Daryl scoff and walk off to his truck.
Lori hops off the car from beside Carl and hugs Morales' wife. Evelynn looks around before grabbing her backpack and walking over to Gillian's truck, not before waving a goodbye at Louis and Miranda, as well as their parents.
Evelynn opens the truck door, tossing her backpack in, before jumping up into the truck. The heat inside the truck makes the girl groan.
"Ya good in there?" a voice says out of nowhere making Evelynn jump. Daryl looks at her, "heard a groan" he says as he puts some more stuff in his truck, "its real warm in here" she sighs looking back at everyone through the back window, seeing everyone walk away from each other into their own vehicles. "ya got that right" the archer says whilst opening his truck door "you, uh, you gon be okay?" he says looking back at her once more, Evelynns eyebrows furrowed in confusion, why was Daryl Dixon asking if she was gonna be okay? mean grumpy Daryl?. Before she can reply, the door on the other side of the truck opens. Gillain gets in with a huff, Evelynn looks back at Daryl and gives him a thumbs up, before pulling the door shut, making sure it doesn't slam.
"What would your alien name be?" Evelynn asks, breaking the silence in the truck. Gillain looks over at his sister, who was previously colouring in a Nihao Kai-lan colouring book, with the only three crayons she has to her name. "I dunno Eve, what would yours be?" he says, looking at her once more before looking back to the road, watching the cream caravan. "Bloo blo blap" says Evelynn as she closes her book putting it onto the dash, "bloo blo blap?" he chuckles moving so he has one hand on the wheel. The girl nods, opening her mouth to speak, but a car horn beats her.
All the vehicles come to a stop, Evelynn puts her window, and adjusts herself to sit on her knees, before leaning out to get a look on what's happening. "What's goin on?" she asks Gillian, but all he does is get out closing the door leaving the girl in the car. "Gil" Evelynn whines opening her door, but her brother turns around and points his finger at her "Eve, stay there, got it" he says before walking up to all the adults, who stand in front of the caravan.
Evelynn huffs and closes her door, but remains on her knees to see everyone. Rick and Dale are talking about something with a hose and duct tape, well Evelynn didn't really know she couldn't hear them that well.
Jacqui quickly rushes out of the caravan, panic takes over her face. "ya'll, Jim, it's bad. I don't think he can take anymore", hearing that made Evelynns eyes go wide, so she opens her door and hops out jogging over to the others, her feet smacking against the concrete with each step. As she approaches, she sees Gillian look over to her, only for her to receive a 'really' look from her brother.
Shane speaks up, making Gillian look away from his sister, "hey Rick wanna hold down the fort? Ill drive ahead see what i can bring back" he says resting his hands on his hips. "Yeah, I'll come along too, and I'll back you up" T-dog says walking past Evelynn and ruffling her hair, making her whine. Shane begins walking back to his jeep,"Yall keep yours eyes open now, well be right back" and T-dog follows.
Gillian looks down as he feels a tug on his hand, "what's wrong with Jim?" Evelynn says looking up at her brother. Gillian looks around, seeing everyone looking at him, it made him a bit uncomfortable. He kneels down in front of the girl, rubbing his mouth not knowing what to say,"Jim he uhm, he got bit by a walker" her eyes go wide, Gillian continues "and we don't know if he's gonna be okay" he sighs rubbing her arms. "Is he gonna die?" her voice comes out quiet, Gillian bites his lip and nods. "oh" is the only sound that comes out of her mouth.
As Rick and Shane carry Jim out by his arms, Evelynn walks over to a little patch of bushes on the side of the road. The White roses standing out and catching her eye, the girl reaches out and tries to grab one of the roses only to be met with a thorn, piercing through the young girl's skin making her wince and retreat her hand. Holding up her finger to her face, she could see the red blood begin to ooze out of her skin, making her face scrunch up. Deciding to ignore the blood, Evelynn leans forward looking at the thorns on the flower, before easily plucking it off the bush.
Making her way back to the others, she could see people saying goodbye, before walking back to their vehicles. Evelynn walks up to Jim, handing him the rose, its whine petals shining under the hot sun. Jim squints his eyes, before reaching his weak arm out, and taking the rose from the young girl. Gillian walks up behind the girl putting a hand on her shoulder. Evelynn leans forward leaving a kiss on his cheek, making the man smile weakly. "bye Jim", "see ya Evelynn, keep an eye on your brother, ya?" he chuckles breathlessly, his light laugh quickly turns into a coughing fit, each breath shaking in his chest. Evelynn nods, "i will", she feels a small push on her shoulder gesturing for her to go back to the truck. Gillian nods a goodbye, before picking up his sister and walking back to the truck, only leaving Rick Shane, and Dale. "I can walk y'know" she says crossing her arms, "i know ya can, i know, just-, just let me hold ya" he huffs, holding the girl to his chest. Evelynn frowns and leans into her brothers hold.
With Everyone in their vehicles, Shane honks his horn before driving forward, the others following. Leaving Jim, alone against a tree, a gun in one hand, and a rose in the other.
heyyyyy gangg, remember me LOL
sorry its been so long, ive been busy traveling and its taken me a while to write, but know i wrote my longest chapter yet!! i hope yal liked it
and once again
Thank you for ready Evelynn
Tag list:
@sysqzs @springholland @vicious-raccoon-eyes @holb32
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cspasfan15 · 3 months
TDA Orlando Predictions
Mini female
Top 20: navy Forrest, Elizabeth pugach, Amaya Rodriguez, Ella venerio, mila simunic, tinsley Wallace, Lainey Hess, Elliana macioce, Harper schwalb, Emma semtak, Reese braga, Marley Evans
Top 10: remi hilson, Antonia demartinis, Mikaela florez, leighton white, Amelia burres, lyric Simmons, Zoe ynguanzo
Top 3: Avery Altobelli, Sylvie win Szyndlar, Aliya yen, sienna dipietro
Mini Male
Top 3: jay ramos-Rivera, Rory Ross, Hudson Matthew’s, Isaiah santos
Junior Female
Top 20: Kendall brown, cydnee Abbott, Reagan Hess, Bianca rebellto, Elsie sandall, lily hackney, Estelle newsom, Leilani lawlor, Sara von rotz, Regan gerena
Top 10: olivia rose toneguzzo, madeleine shen, keringtyn spencer, ruby Arnold,Samantha geller, Berkeley scifres, Isabella zhong, Camila giraldo
Top 3: Helena olaerts, Anita Rodriguez, amabella tarrago, bristyn scifres
Junior male
Top 3: Gabriel gebara, Dylan Custodio, Josh Lundy, neo del corral
Teen Female
Top 20: ava d’ambrosio, miyah lagrant, Bella Rey d’armas, Jaya campagna Terrell, lekha rajkumar, savy luechtefeld, balbina cueva toussaint, joli du quenne, Brooklyn ladia, Stella eberts, Lilly Barajas
Top 10: desa jankes, Leila winker, braylynn grizzaffi, Hudson benayon, Hayley marshall, elie rabin
Top 3: Kylee casares, Bella rose Penrose, gracyn French, Giselle gandarilla
Teen Male
Top 20: Odin Baldwin, Nolan brinker, jack mckenzie, Holden griffin, nick d’ambrosio, Jayden hui, iain Cooke, jack Moore brown, Zolan laird
Top 10: Ryan Newman, Duane Ferguson, Sasha chernous, Anthony labritz, cam Williams, Angelo Durante, Jonathan archer
Top 3: Kylan wright, Blake metcalf, Kaden brown, garret sawyer
Senior female
Top 20: Elyse wingertsahn, Brooklyn law, Isabella bolivar Lopez, Ava Carroll, victoria reith, Gillian Gordon, Ellen grace olansen, sammi Chung
Top 10: preslie rosamond, sienna morris, Catherine Clayton, Savannah manning, Angel dimartino Palladio, Arianna quant, Lexi Blanchard, Ashley choy,
Top 3: Tatiana hagee, Sophie Garcia, dyllan Blackburn, sierra drayton
Senior male
Top 20: Patricio hoyo, Damian caraballo, Jayden lau, tyreke holt, Seth hendley, Anthony dessables, Alejandro Ruiz, Darius Goodson, Keaton Evans, Devon barner
Top 10: chance Phelps, skai llorente, cynsear epting, joshuah Rivera, Mekhi Johnson, Hugo Silva, Kaden Golding, Tristan gerzon, Jesse flaherty
Top 3: Nicholas bustos, Jackson roloff hafenbreadl, Sam Evans
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more books, you say?
Gideon the Cutpurse by Linda Buckley-Archer
The Hammer of God by Arthur C. Clarke
Space Demons by Gillian Rubenstein
Ice Breaker by Lian Tanner
Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan and Deborah Biancotti
Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits by Jason Pargin (published as “David Wong”)
Death Star by Michael Reaves
Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente
Perdido Street Station by China Mieville
might send through more once I've been to the library and stocked up my reading pile :)
hello! these are all now queued except Perdido Street Station (see below). I had a few clarification questions re series. for the following, did you want just the first book or the rest of the series as well:
Gillian Rubinstein, Space Demon
Westerfeld, Lanagan, and Biancotti, Zeroes
Catherynne M. Valente, Space Opera
re Perdido Street Station, I had previously understood the New Crobuzon books (which I haven’t yet read) to be fantasy, rather than sci-fi (with the recognition that “new weird” stuff can often be difficult to place). normally I would ask for genre clarification from people, but in this case since it’s been on my to-read list for ages I’m just going to read it myself and decide based on that! I’m in the middle of another book at the moment, but as soon as I finish that, Perdido Street Station will be next!
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444namesplus · 4 months
all character names used in the song of ice and fire pile
addam addison adrack adrian aegon aegor aelyx aemma aemon aemond aenar aenys aerea aerion aeron aeryn aerys aethan aethelmure aggo agnes ahai aladale aladore alan alannys alaric alarra alayaya alayne albar albett albin alchemist alekyne alerie alester alfyn alicent all allar alleras alliser allyria alton alvyn alyce alyn alys alysanne alyssa amarei amerei amory amos and andar andrey andrik andros androw anguy annara antario anya archer archon's ardrian aregelle areo argella arianne arlan armen armond aron arra arrana arrec arryk arryn arsa arstan arthur artos arwood arwyn arya arys asha ashara ashford aubrey aurane aurion axell ayrmidon azor b baelish baelon baelor balaq balerion ball balman balon banefort bar baratheon barbara barber barbrey barneby barra barre barristan barthogan bass bastards beesbury bella bellanora bellegere bellena bellonara belly ben benard benedict benfred benfrey benifer benjen benjicot bennard bennarion bennifer benton beren berena beric bernarr beron bertrand bess beth bethany bettley bharbo big billy biter black blackbar blackberry blackfyre blackshield blacktyde blackwood blade blood bloody blount blue boarkiller boisterous bolton boremund boros bors borys botley bowen boy bracken bran branda brandon brax braxton breaker brella brienne brightstone bronn broome brother brother brune brus bryan bryce bryen brynden bryndon buckler bullock bulwer bump burley burton byan byrch byron bywater c cadwyl cafferen caleotte calla captain captain's cargyll caron cassana cassel cassella caswell category catelyn catspaw cayn cedric celtigar cerelle cerenna cerissa cersei cerwyn ceryse character characters characters charlton chataya chayle chett chiggen children clarent clayton clegane clement cleos cletus cleyton clifton clydas cockshaw codd cohollo coldhands colemon colin colmar commander commander's connington corbray corlys corne correy coryanne costayne courtesan cousin cox craghorn
crake crakehall crane cregan cregard creighton cressen creylen crow culiper cuy cynthea cyrelle cyrenna d daario dacey dacks daegon daella daemion daemon daenerys daenora daenys daeron daeryssa dagmer dagon dale dalt dalton damion damon danny danos danwell dareon daring darke darklyn darlessa darnold darry daryn daughter daughter daven davos daxos dayne deana deceased deem delena demonlover denyo denys desmera desmond devan deziel dick dickon dobber donal dondarrion donel donella donnel donnis donnor dontos doran doreah dormund dorna dornishman dragons drogo drumm drunkard dryn duckfield duncan dunstable dunstan duram durran durrandon durwald dusk duskendale dusky dustin duur dyanna dykk dywen e ebrose eddara eddard eddison edgar edgerran edmund edmure edmyn edric edwell edwyle edwyn edyth eerl egen elaena elder eldred eleyna elia elinda elinor ella ellard ellaria ellyn elmar elmo elric elwood elyas elyn elys elysar emberlei emma emmett emmon emmond emory endrew erena erenford erich ermesande erren erryk essie estermont estren ethan euron ever eye eyed f falena falyse farman farring farwynd father fenn fergon flatnose flement fletcher flint florent florian florys flowers folk follard fool foote for forel fork forley foss fossoway fox franklyn free frenken frey from g gael gaemon gage galbart gardener gared gareth garibald garlan garrison garse garth gaunt gawen gendry genna gerald geremy gerion germund gerold gerrick gevin gilbert gilliane gilly gilly's glendon glover godry gold goodbrook goodbrother goode goren gormon gormond gorold gower graceford gran grance greatjon green greenbeard greenfield greenhand gregor grell grenn grey greydon greyiron greyjoy griffith grover groves guard guncer gwayne gwenys gwin gwynesse gylbert gyldayn gyles gysella h h'ghar haegon haereg haggo haggon hagon haigh hairy hake hal halder hali halleck hallis hallyne halys hammer hardy hardyng hareth harlan harlaw harlon harma harmen harmond harmund harrag harras harren harrion harrold harron harry harwin harwyn harys hawick hayford heddle helman hendry henly herndon hero herrock heward hibald high hightower hill hilmar historical hoare hoarfrost hoat hobb hobber hobert hodor hogg hoke hollard holly hop horas horgan horn
hornwood horpe horse horton horys hosman hosteen hostella hoster hot hotah hotho howard howland hubard hubert hugh hugo hullen humble humfrey hunter huntsman husband illifer illyrio ilyn imry irri iv ix j jacaerys jacelyn jack jacks jaehaerys jafer jaime jalabhar jammos janei janna janos jaqen jared jaremy jason jasper jast jax jayne jennis jenny jenye jeor jeren jeyne jhiqui jhogo jirelle joanna jocasta jocelyn joffrey johanna john jojen jommo jon jonah jonnel jonos jonothor jonquil jorah joron jorquen jory joseran joseth joss josua joy joyeuse jurene justin justman jyck k kaeth kandaq karlon karstark karyl kedge kegs kella kenning kermit kettleblack kevan kezmya kindly king king kings kingsblood kingsblood's kingsguard knight knights kurleket kyndall kyra l lad laenor lake lambert lancel langward lanna lannister larence lark larys last laswell leana leathers leek lefford lelia lem lemoncloak lenwood leo leobald leona leonella leonette leslyn lester lew lewyn lewys lharys lia lianna lickspittle lily locke lodos lollys lomys long longbough longleaf longthorpe longwaters lonmouth lonnel loraq loras lorch lord lord loren lorence lorent loreon lorimar lorimer loron lorra lothar lothor lucamore lucas luceon lucifer lucimore lucinda lucion luthor luwin lyanna lyarra lydden lyle lyman lymond lyn lynara lynora lyonce lyonel lysa lythene m mace mad maege maegelle maegon maegor maekar maelor maelys maester maia maid maldon malegorn malleon mallery mallister mallor man mance manderly mandon manfred manfrey manfryd manly marbrand
margaery margaret marghaz margot mariah marillion maris mariya mark marla marlon marna maron marq marqelo marsella marsh martell martyn maryam masha maslyn massey matarys mathis matthar mattheus matthew maz meadows medgar medrick medwick meera megga meha melantha melara meldred melesa melessa melisandre melissa mellario melony melwyn merianne meribald merlon merlyn mern merrell merrett merryweather mervyn meryn mikken milk mina minisa mirri mo mohor mollander mollen monarchs moon moore mooton mopatis mord mordane moreo morgan morgarth morgon mormont moro morrec morrigen morros mors morya moryn mott mounts mullendore mullin mully munda murenmure musgood mya mycah mychel myles myr myranda myrcella myre myriame myrielle mysaria n naerys naggle naharis nan narha night's norbert norcross norjen norman normund norne norren norrey norridge norvos notch noye nute nymeria o o' oak oakenshield oakheart oarsman obara oberyn of old olene olenna ollidar olymer olyvar olyver omer ondrew orbert orkwood ormond ormund orryn orton orys osbert oscar osfryd osha osmund osney osric oswald oswell oswyck oswyn othell otherys othgar otho othor ottyn owen oznak p paege pahl palehair patchface pate pater patrek paul paxter payne peake penny pennytree penrose perceon peremore perianne perkin perra perriane perwyn petyr philip pie piper plummer podrick polliver poole porther pov praed pree prentys prester preston prince
princes promised prudence prunella pryor puckens pyat pycelle pyg pyke pypar q qalen qarl qarlton qhored qhorin qhorwyn qorgyle qotho quaithe quaro queen quellon quenten quentin quenton quentyn quincy qyburn qyle r ragged rakharo ralf rambton ramsay randyll rast raven ravos raya rayder raylon raymont raymun raymund raynald raynard reach red redbeard redfort redpool redwyne reed reference regenard regis regnar renfred renly rennifer reynard reyne reysen rhae rhaegal rhaegar rhaegel rhaella rhaelle rhaenyra rhalla rhea rhogoro ricasso richard rickard rickon rivers rob robar robard robb robert robett robin robyn roderick rodrik rodwell roger rogers rognar rohanne roland rolder rollam rolland rolley rolly rolph romny ronel ronnal ronnel roone roose roote rorge roryn rosamund rosby rose rosey roslin rowan roxton roy royce rufus rupert rus russell ruttiger ryam rycherd ryella ryger ryk rykker rylene ryman rymolf rymond ryswell s saan sabitha salladhor sallei saltcliffe samantha samgood samwell sand sandor sansa santagar sara saranella sargon sarra sarsfield sarya satin sawane scales scarb seastar seaworth sebaston selmond selmy selwyn selyse senelle septon serena serra serry serwyn sevenstreams shadrich shae shaena shagwell sharp she shella shepherd shett shiera shierle shireen shirei shortear shrike shrykos sigfry sigfryd sigorn simon sister sisterton skahaz skinchangers sloane slynt small smallwood smike smiling snow son son soulless sour sparr spicer spotted squire stackspear stafford
stallion stannis stark starvling staunton steffarion steffon stevron stillwood stiv stokeworth stone stonehouse stonetree storm stout strickland strong suggs sumner sunglass surly swann sweet swyft sybell sylas sylvenna sylwa symond syrio t taena tagaros talbert tall talla tallhart tally tanda tanner tarbeck targaryen tarle tarly tarth tawney templeton teora ternesio terys tess that the the theo theodore theomore theon thoren thorne thoros three timeon timotty tion titus tobho todder todric togarion tollett tom tomard tommen torghen torgon torrhen torwyn torwynd tower towers toyne trant tree tregar tristifer triston trystane tully tumitis turnberry turnip tyana tybolt tyene tygett tyler tyrek tyrell tyrion tyrion's tysane tysha tyta tytos tywald tywin u ulf uller umber umfred umma urragon urras urrathon urrigon urron urswyck uther utherydes uthor utt v vaegon vaellyn valaena valerion valiant vance varamyr vardis vargo varly varys vayon velaryon veron vickon victaria victarion victor vikary vines visenya viserra viserys volmark vorian vortimer votyris w waif walda walder walderan waldon walgrave wallace wallen walter walton waltyr walys was waters watt waymar wayn waynwood weaver webber weeper wendamyr wendel westerlands westerling westling wex whalen whent white whittlestick who wick wife wildling will willamen willas willem william willis willow wind wineseller winterfell wode wolves woman woodcock woolfield world woth wulfgar wull wyl wylde wylis wylla wyman wynafrei wynafryd wynch wynton wythers x xaro xho xhoan y yandry yarwyck yew ygon ygritte yohn yorbert yoren yorko youngest yronwood ysabel ysilla z zo zollo
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omgkalyppso · 7 months
OC Masterlist
If I forget any of them I apologize. Last updated March 10th.
If you open this and regret it you can press J to skip this post on desktop.
Baldur's Gate 3 / D&D:
Étoile - high elf oath of devotion oathbreaker paladin of Auril Borgakh - orc hunter ranger Meabh - wood half-elf assassin rogue dark urge Zavorys - mephistopheles tiefling oath of devotion paladin of Lathander Uleri - deep gnome illusion wizard Upton - bronze dragonborn fighter Voriya - seladrine drow draconic bloodline sorcerer dark urge Cemryt - mephistopheles tiefling bard Aoibhinn - hill / gold dwarf hunter ranger / monk Orboloth - lolth-sworn drow druid dark urge Determination - asmodeus tiefling tempest domain cleric of Selûne Yar'sul - githyanki barbarian Baudelaire - wood half-elf archfey warlock dark urge Arilemn - elven aasimar arcane archer fighter Serenity - high half-elf asmodeus tiefling college of swords bard Naimh - hill / gold dwarf horizon walker ranger Anivine - asmodeus tiefling life domain cleric of Lathander Artie - zariel tiefling oath of ancients paladin Zoltan - bronze dragonborn druid dark urge Namanyla - wood elf oath of ancients paladin, head of Adventurer's Guild in Baldur's Gate Anastasia - human vampire spawn, Leon's branch Jarnarei "Joy" - zariel tiefling, blacksmith clerk, Cal's partner Nephemir - asmodeus tiefling, baker, Lia's lover Vanora - water genasi unholy death knight, Umberlee's Chosen Tybalt - werewolf ranger, Malar's Chosen Gillian - werewolf fighter, Tybalt's wife Zavael'ahn - talosian drow sorcerer, Talos' Chosen Chri'dalto - zariel tiefling great old one warlock Vandren - high elf turned fiend, college of whispers bard Mordeimos "Atonement" - zariel tiefling monk Bedivere - Zevlor's summoned mount Blbxrl - Fimbrul Devil loyal to Mephistopheles in Raphael's service Yakrayat - Rakshasa Demon imprisoned in Avernus Nev - asmodeus tiefling sold soul during Descent Into Avernus Rohn - asmodeus tiefling sold soul during Descent Into Avernus Sozican - white dragon who has an albino drow guise
Fire Emblem:
Faedolyn - fe3h My Unit / Byleth oc Zoran - Faedolyn's genderfluid brother Avery - few3h My Unit / Shez oc Almanzor - Dimitri's cousin / Rufus' son Josiane - ex or ongoing Rufus lover Lucanus - Dimitri's cousin / Rufus' son Paulette - ex Rufus lover Eugénie - Felix's mother / Rodrigue's wife Évrard - Blaiddyd bastard impersonator / Rufus idolizer Armand - Rodrigue's brother Violaine - Armand's wife Jocelyn - Armand's son Fabrice - Armand's second son Dijana - Faedolyn's mother Balfour - Faedolyn's father Enok - Zoran's father Adrijan - Fae and Zoran's uncle / Dijana's brother Taisiya - Dimitri's mother Imelda - Mercedes & Jeritza's mother / Dimitri's aunt / Taisiya's sister Cocytus - Avery's adoptive mother / Agarthan kidnapper Othello - Avery's father Rosalind - Avery's mother Peregrine - Almanzor's wife Huguette - Peregrine's daughter Apolline - Peregrine's second daughter Rebecca - Claude's mother Régimbald - Lorenz's father Agneth - Lorenz's mother / Ionius IX's sister / Edelgard's aunt Ayane - Lorenz's mother when not Edelgard's cousin Philomène - Évrard's best friend Herschel - Hilda's father Hanna - Hilda's mother Ionius VIII - Ionius IX & Agneth's father Eurybia - Ionius IX & Agneth's mother Serge - Rodrigue's chief of staff Wilmar - Lorenz's chief of staff Olive - Ashe's sister / Oren's twin Oren - Ashe's brother / Olive's twin Luzia - Dedue's sister
Sarim - Claude's brother Sara - Claude's sister Asmaa - Claude's sister Shahid* - Claude's brother Sajad - Claude's brother Rumaisa - Claude's sister Shohreh - Sarim's wife Ami - Sara's (second) husband Yaser - Asmaa's husband Isabelle - Rumaisa's girlfriend Imran - Shahid's partner Samiya - Shahid's wife Hadiya - Shahid's mother Rahim - Claude and siblings' father / King of Almyra Noor - Sarim and Shohreh's daughter Ana - Sarim and Shohreh's second daughter Farid - Sarim and Shohreh's son Ben - Sara and Ami's son Alain - Sara and Ami's second son Tamara - Geralt's childminder Vera - Nader's childminder Miri - Sadaf's childminder
OT5 kids:
Halvard - Lorenz and Hilda's son Lorencia - Lorenz and Hilda's daughter Nader - Claude and Fae's son / Geralt's twin Geralt - Claude and Fae's second son / Nader's twin Sadaf - Claude and Fae's daughter Baldovin - Lorenz and Hilda's second son Diana - Avery and Fae's daughter Simon - Claude and Fae's third son
Blythe - Dimitri and Marianne son Elspeth - Sylvain and Felix daughter Keegan - Caspar and Ashe daughter Fernan - Dedue and Mercedes son Idoya - Dedue and Mercedes daughter in merciesyldue configuration Nicodème - Sylvain and Dedue son in merciesyldue configuration
Evalynn - fe:a My Unit / Robin oc Morris - prime timeline Morgan Lucy - prime timeline Lucina Miradonna - fe:a My Unit / Robin oc or Plegian oc Noravanna - Miradonna and Vaike daughter
Ghaymah / Honor - Claude's wyvern / cat Haris - Faedolyn's wyvern Unnamed - Hilda's first wyvern (dies in war) Braith - Hilda's second wyvern (dies in war) Unnamed - Hilda's third wyvern Magic - Lorenz's horse / dog Cookies And Cream "Cookie" - Zoran and Jeritza's cat Smoked Peach Skewer "Smokey" - Zoran and Jeritza's cat Justice - Caspar and Ashe kitten Chivalry / Tapeworm - Caspar's kitten Moonlight Knight "Mimi" - Sitri's cat Galahad - Ashe's cat Paladin - Ashe's cat Meatball - Caspar's cat Inferno - Caspar's cat Knives - Caspar's cat Dragon - Nader's cat / Claude's childhood cat Little Monster - Hanna (Hilda's mother)'s cat Noraxia - Holst's cat / wyvern Nidhogg - Holst's cat / wyvern Vigil - Sylvain's horse Lady Caramel de Bushels of Apples - Ferdinand's horse Cinnamon Brambleberry Racer - Sylvain and then Felix's horse
Meldiara - stealth and bow dunmer dragonborn Wylla - sword and shield imperial dragonborn werewolf Oretia - sword and shield imperial Farknir - nord sorcerer, Meldiara's brother Drynlof - nord sorcerer, Meldiara and Farknir's father Vigdna - nord civilian, Farknir's mother Ninayne - dunmer civilian, Meldiara's mother
Dragon Age:
Aerynne Aeducan - dual sword warrior, Paragon Farasuta Tabris - dual weapon rogue, Warden-Commander Illusen Amell - entropy healer, fugitive Galadriel Cousland - dual weapon rogue, Queen of Fereldan Wylla Brosca - two-handed warrior, Warden-Commander Maeve Mahariel - two-handed warrior, sacrificial lamb Marian Hawke - blue dual weapon rogue Kalyppso Hawke - blue dual weapon rogue Illusen Hawke - purple force mage healer Ursula Hawke - red sword and shield warrior Samaire Cadash - tempest rogue Aneirin Lavellan - assassin rogue Tarren Lavellan - champion warrior Olwen Lavellan - rift mage Mildred Trevelyan - knight-enchanter mage Wylla Cadash - reaver warrior
Mass Effect:
Jolene Shepard - Paragade, colonist, war hero, vanguard Victoria Shepard - Renegade, earth-born, ruthless, adept Celeste Shepard - Paragon, spacer, war hero, engineer Josephine Shepard - Renegon, colonist, war hero, sentinel
Sawyer - midlander hyur, monk / bard wol Sybille - wildwood elezen, scholar, Sawyer's interpreter Turold - Sawyer's father / Borgakh's husband
Original Setting / Stolen from Setting:
J - vampire jazz pianist from a sci fi future Theo - supernatural investigator Nova - magnetic presence for supernatural creatures
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ginnyrules27 · 1 year
To clarify about the ships in your Choosing series, yes, all the ships. Existing and new.
Gotcha! :D
Whoo, hold on to your hats people cause this will be a long one. Putting a read more after this so I don't spoil it for people who don't want spoilers but at this point, people know the characters are coming lol :D
Ships: (edited due to errors in original post)
Existing characters:
Phillip Jr/Melody
Evan/Hermie Bing
OC Who Shall Not Be Named/Audrey
Kitty/Roland Hood
Lucy/Bobby Hood
Hadie/Alex Charming
Celia/Cyrus (an OC who's only been named, he's one of the Hun kids)
Neal White/Grace Hatter
Dizzy/Lacey LeGume
Locklyn/One of the Stabbington Cousins (I hc their names 'Switch' and 'Blade')
Strat/Gillian LeGume
Georgia LeGume/Rick Ratcliffe
Derek/Piper LeGume
Edmund/Paige Hatter
New Characters/Next Gen:
Okay I think that's everyone...@descenderwithanamethyst did I forget any ships?
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books-in-a-storm · 11 months
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Currently Reading 💛
Viper & Resilient
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lovelylostminds · 2 years
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Charlotte Stark daughter of Rickon Stark and Gilliane Glover. She is the younger sister of Cregan Stark and the older sister of her father’s bastard daughter Sara Snow.
Charlotte is a witty girl made for the north and yet all at the same time she can show softness to those who deserve it. She have learned and read the stories of House Targaryen, Aegon the Conquer and have wished of meeting them, despite being very secluded from the crown.
Charlotte is an archer, one could say she never missed a mark in her life since she picked up her bow and arrow. Occasionally or most of the time she goes on hunts with her brother and father, where she would always end up with more prey than her brother and father.
Charlotte is a Lady and a fighter and those in the north know it, especially when a Lord from the south disrespected her and in turn had beat him in a hunting game.
More to come…
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cowboytarlos · 2 years
911 lone star’s favourite Taylor Swift songs:
Owen Strand: Red. Like Mateo, only knows the popular songs. Unlike Mateo, isn’t willing to learn.
Gwen Morgan: Sad Beautiful Tragic. Red would be her favourite. Went to the tour, has loads of merch. Have so many copies of the original and Taylor’s version.
TK Strand: You’re On Your Own, Kid. He’s always felt like he’s travelling life on his own. and even though he’s not on his own anymore, he is who he is because of the mistakes he made on his own. He’d bawl his eyes out every-time this came up on shuffle.
Carlos Reyes: Mastermind. He was hard to pick for. I have so many choices for him. The archer, Snow On The Beach, Coney Island, Right Where You Left Me, Mirrorball. This man is a raging swiftie. But he’d relate to mastermind hard.
Marjan Marwani: The Man. She’d love this song. She relate hard, especially working a stereotypically man’s job.
Nancy Gillian: Paper Rings. Reminds her of Mateo now, but it always be her no.1 since the album came out.
Mateo Chavez: You Belong With Me. He’d only know the stuff on the radio. But he started to listen to all of them once he started dating Nancy (she’s a big swiftie, obvi).
Tommy Vega: The Best Day. Reminds her of her girls.
Paul Strickland: This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things. Huge reputation fan. Absolutely huge. His entire top 10 Spotify wrapped for 2021 was rep songs. But this one regined supreme.
Judd Ryder: Fearless. Prefers her country songs more than her pop. (Sings Shake It Off to charlie cause it makes her laugh, but he won’t tell a soul).
Grace Ryder: August. She’d love the Betty/August/Cardigan trio and its lore, but August would be her top pick.
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dominaitheking · 1 year
AI generated fanart
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Fanfiction Lore
Top left: Lord Benjicot "Bloody Ben" of the House Blackwood, born the 123rd year after Aegon's Conquest at Raventree Hall. Only son of Lord Samwell Blackwood and Lady Karol Blackwood, she of the House Vance of Wayfair's rest. Fostered at Seaguard in his seventh year. Succeeded his father to Blackwood Vale in his twelfth year, after he was slain by Lord Amos Bracken. Declared his House and fought on the side of the Black Faction during the war of succession the "Dance of the Dragons". Called "Bloody Ben" by the men of his company, for prowess and skill in battle at his young age. Head of the "Lads" the company of young nobles leading the hosts allied to the Black faction in the Riverlands. Wedded in his twenty-ninth year to Lady Roslin Mallister. Father to two sons their names being Benedict (154AC), and Samwell (157AC), and a daughter Melissa (155AC). Died his seventieth year, succeeded by his son Lord Benedict.
Top right: Robb Rivers, born the 118th year after Aegon's Conquest at Raventree Hall, bastard son of Lord Luscas Blackwood. Deemed the finest archer in all Westeros. Lead a company of archers during the "Dance of the Dragons" for his half-nephew Lord Benjicot Blackwood. At the Battle of Lakeshore, Rivers used his archery to prevent Lord Humfrey Lefford from calling aid by way of raven, known thereafter as "the Bowman of Raventree". Slain in [REDACTED].
Middle left: Lady Alysanne of the House Blackwood, born the 117th year after Aegon's Conquest at Raventree Hall. The first and only daughter of Lord Lucas Blackwood by his second wife. A skilled ridder, hunter, and archer. Fought in the "Dance of the Dragons" on the side of the Blacks in the archer company of her bastard half-brother Robb Rivers. Member of the "Lads". Slew Lord Amos Bracken in retribution for her lord Father. Wedded in her twentieth year to Lord Cregan Stark of Winterfell. Mother to four daughters, their names being Sarra, Alys, Raya, and Mariah. Died her forty-sixth year of childbed fever, with her husband, Lord Stark, and dearest friend, Lady Frey, at her bedside. Honored and laid to rest at Raventree Hall by her nephew, Lord Benjicot Blackwood.
Middle right: Lord Bennard of the House Stark, born the 98th year after Aegon's Conquest at Winterfell, second born son of Lord Benjen Stark, and Lady Lysa Stark, she of House Locke. Fostered at Karhold in his eighth year. Wed in his eighteenth year to Lady Margaret Karstark of Karhold, who died 117 AC giving birth to a stillborn daughter. Married for a second time in 119 AC to Lady Aerena Bolton of the Dreadfort. Made Master of Wintertown by his brother at age nineteen. Upon the death of Lord Rickon Stark in 121 AC, he became Lord Protector of the North and Lord Regent during his nephew Cregan's minority. Fought alongside his nephew against his uncle Lord Brandon Stark of Moat Cailin, when the latter rose up in a short-lived winter rebellion known as the "Blood Moon". Lady Aerena died 126 AC of a fitting fever, the union produced no issue. Remarried for the third time his twenty-ninth year to [REDACTED]. The union produced no issue. Made Lord of Moat Cailin by his nephew in his thirtieth year. Died in the Dance of Dragons fighting on the side of the Blacks.
Bottom left: Lord Cregan of the House Stark, born the 111th year after Aegon's Conquest at Winterfell. Firstborn son and only child of Lord Rickon Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden and Lord Paramount of the North, and his Lady wife, Gilliane Glover. Succeeded his father in his tenth year, taken to ward by his uncle and Regent, Lord Bennard Stark. In his fourteenth year, his great-uncle, Lord Brandon Stark of Moat Cailin, offered Lord Cregan the hand of his daughter, the Lady Ayana Stark, in marriage as allegedly agreed upon by his father a decade before, a claim of which none can atest the validity of. Despite the urgings of his councilors and his Regent, citing Lord Brandon's wealth and vast connections by blood and marriage throughout the North, Lord Cregan refused. Instead giving voice of his intentions to wed Arra Norrey, a childhood friend of his. After a private audience, Lord Bennard reluctantly gave his consent. Lord Brandon Stark denounced his nephew and great-nephew as false lords, and styled himself the right and true Lord of the North. Brandon used his means and network to gather swords to his cause, but found little support than he expected from his daughter-in-laws' families and the other Houses. For this his brief uprising was swiftly put down by the combined efforts of his nephews, with Houses Dustin, Ryswell, Tallhart, and Reed. The rebellion fell within a moon's turn, though Moat Cailin got to be in a further state of disrepair. The rebell lord and his sons were clasped in chains and brought to Winterfell to stand trial. Lord Brandon was made to walk barefoot the whole of the way, earning him the moniker Brandon "the Bootless". The rebells were sent to the Night's Watch, their lands attained and given to Lord Bennard, Lady Ayana "the Abandoned" was released into the custody of House Maderly, her mother's house, later becoming a Septa. At sixteen Lord Cregan assumed full lordship and wed Lady Arra Norrey in a double ceremony with his uncle and his third wife. He fathered one son from his first marriage, Rickon, whom Lady Arra died birthing. When the Dance of the Dragons broke out Lord Cregan, unsurprisingly, sided with the Blacks and roused the North accordingly. [REDACTED] After the war he took Lady Alysanne Blackwood to wife. By her he fathered four daughters, Sarra, Alys, Raya, and Mariah, the last of which Lady Alys died birthing. Later he married for a third time, to Lady Lynara Stark, a distant cousin. From this union came four sons, their names being Jonnel, Edric, Barthogan, and Brandon, and one daughter, Lyanna. Succeeded upon his death by his son Lord Jonnel.
Bottom right: Robb Maderforth, birth unknown. Pulled naked from the Mander by Lord Benjicot Blackwood, the young Lord of Blackwood Vale, and an unamed woodswitch after the Second Battle of Tumbleton, as a boy ranging eight to twelve years of age, with no memory of a previous life. He could give them no name, no age, and no device that was either Black or Green. If any knew him, they would have a hard time recognizing him, his body sustained countless injury, and his face had been badly scarred and burnt. Lord Benjicot commanded his own maester to attend to him. When the boy recovered he expressed a wish to fight on and remain with him when the Lord visited his bedside. And so he did. The boy's bravey and courage was an inspiration for many, a brilliant archer, and leal soldier. Fighting alongside the "Lads" in many a battle, called simply "Lad" by the company, until taking an arrow in the shoulder at the Battle of the Kingsroad for Lord Benjicot. Where he bestowed upon the boy the name of his beloved half-uncle, "Robb" whom he reminded him so much of. Even after, some still questioned the boy's origins, to which Lady Alysanne was said to have replied "Whatever he was, he's a Lad now." After the war, and to the abject dismay and disapproval of many, Robb served in the honor guard that brought Lady Alysanne Blackwood North to wed Lord Cregan Stark of Winterfell, and thereafter was brought into the Blackwood household. Upon coming of age, Lord Benjicot invested Robb as Master of Ravensmarch, a castle he intended to bestow upon his bastard uncle before his death. Robb took the name Manderforth, for the start of his life was brought forth from the waters of the Mander. And taking the sigil of a white salamander on red and black, in honor of his Blackwood patrons. He never did recover his memory. He wed Catelyn Paege in 156 AC. Father to one daughter, Alysanne. Died 160 AC in battle outside Sunspear during the Young Dragon's Conquest of Dorne fighting alongside Rickon Stark. Lord Benjicot grieved the loss of his old friend, to honor him he requested that his body be brought back to rest beneath Ravensmarch, and took his daughter as a ward, vowing that for the rest of her life she would want for nothing. Alysanne Manderforth went on to wed Lord Benedict Blackwood, Lord Benjicot's son and heir.
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midmorninggrey · 2 months
Grey's Prompt Post
Send me a prompt! If you do, please include the whole prompt with a character or pairing.
I'll also try to work from a song or poem if you want to send one over.
A note on prompts: I tend to write off the general vibe of a prompt instead of the exact wording.
Main Friendship and Rivalry OC Pairings:
Please feel free to send a platonic prompt for an OC with any NPC from DA2 or Inquisition. The pairings listed below are only starting places!
Celeste & Cole | Celeste & Vivienne | Celeste & Blackwall
Arden & Josephine | Arden & Cassandra | Arden & Harding
Cal & Anders | Cal & Isabela | Cal & Merrill
Main Romantic OC Pairings:
Cal x Fenris
Arden Trevelyan x Dorian
Gillian Hawke x Merrill
My OCs:
Celeste Trevelyan ("The Herald") - Teenage necromancer extraordinaire. She's shy when she isn't speaking to dead things.
Arden Trevelyan (" The Inquisitor") - Celeste's dad. Ex-dragon cultist turned shrewd enforcer for the Trevelyan family's interests. Reaver/Archer specialization. Acting as Regent Inquisitor.
Gillian Hawke - She grew up with dreams of becoming an Orlesian socialite. Being the Champion of Kirkwall will have to do.
Cal - A washed-up Grey Warden who hung onto Hawke's coattails. He happens to be a frightfully gifted force mage, but Kirkwall knows him better as an absolutely terrible cook.
Magaleth - Eccentric Grey Warden mage serving in Ferelden.
Loran - Cranky Grey Warden from the Starkhaven alienage.
Prompt List:
Different Ways to Hug Someone
F. Scott Fitzgerald Sentence Starters
Spirited Away Sentence Starters
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue
Hard-To-Find Hurt / Comfort Starters
The Intimacy of Hands
Circe by Madeline Miller Prompts
Artifacts of Thedas Prompts
Dragon Age Codex Prompts
"Together" Prompts
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 4 months
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traciesbookspot · 4 months
RELEASE BLITZ: Refrain by Gillian Archer
Title: RefrainSeries: Tin Gods Rock Star #2 Author: Gillian Archer Genre: Steamy Contemporary RomanceTropes: Rock Star Romance/Best Friend’s SisterForced Proximity/Forbidden Romance Release Date: May 30, 2024 BLURBWhat happens on tour doesn’t stay on tour. Not when she’s your best friend’s little sister.Ella RobinsonI’m kinda the definition of a flake. I’m on my—one, two three—fourth career.…
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ovalleba · 1 year
Rocked #blitz
Title: Rocked Series: Tin Gods Rock Star #1 Author: Gillian Archer Genre: Contemporary Romance Tropes: Rock Star Romance/Vegas Wedding Release Date: October 12, 2023 BLURB What happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas. Not when you marry a rock star. Shay Las Vegas was a terrible idea. Why can’t I say no to my family? After a night out with my awful cousin for her bachelorette party, I wake…
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