#gimme those behind the scenes featurettes
Ode To Beauty And The Beast
I’ve loved Beauty and the Beast since I was 5. Belle was & still is my favorite Disney princess. Like Emma, this heroine (& in turn this story & it’s lessons) has shaped me into the person I am today. I watched this film on almost a constant loop. “With a dreamy far off look, & her nose stuck in a book” describes me to a T. I would tell people to ‘Be Our Guest” when they would walk in our door; or any door for that matter. When I was 7 I named my new puppy Beauty. Do I need to go on?
I believe it was around the release of Maleficent that I began to hear whispers of a live action BATB. My heart leapt out of my chest in anticipation & trepidation. Leading up to the films release I tried my damndest to keep my expectations in check. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say my inner child wasn’t full to bursting. I knew that even if the film was mediocre I would at least enjoy the music & visuals, like I did w/ the live action Cinderella. But, oh was this retelling better than anything I could've hoped for. 
THE CAST IS PERFECT!! I don’t care what anyone says Emma Watson is an amazing Belle. She put so much into this role, and it shows beautifully. Dan Stevens deserves an award for being able to flawlessly, not only act, dance, but sing through all the crazy accoutrement that made him into the Beast/Prince we all know & love. Luke Evan’s Gaston is as dastardly as ever. I loved the slow build of his evilness; & I left the film cursing him more than when I arrived. Which I didn’t think was possible but damn! Lefou was an absolute joy & such a great surprise. By the end I was whisper shouting at him “C’mon Lefou, you see Gaston’s evil, STOP HIM!” Wow Josh Gad; SO GOOD!! Ewan Mcgregor as Lumiere was fantastic; Kevin Kline, Ian Mckellen, Emma Thompson... I can go on & on!! 
THE NEW SONGS ARE AMAZING!! I do not want to see the day when “Evermore” doesn’t make me choke up or bring me to racking sobs. With that song there is no inbetween. “Days in the Sun” was a perfect new take on “Human Again”; & in some ways it’s almost better than it’s predecessor. Seeing “Be Our Guest” be brought to life was truly something amazing to behold; as was “Beauty & The Beast.”. Which by that point my cheeks were wet with tears.
THE VISUALS WERE BREATHTAKING, THOSE COSTUMES ARE TO DIE FOR!! I need Belle’s wedding dress in my life NOW!! And honestly that yellow dress isn’t even that bad. Everyone needs to get off their high horse & shut it. This film expanded on things that needed expanding, added things that I didn't even think needed to be there. ANSWERS QUESTIONS THAT I'VE BEEN ASKING FOR FOREVER (how do the villagers not know about the castle/why were the servants cursed along w/ The Prince, etc.) I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop praising this film. I’ve seen it twice now & there’s nothing I would change. Except for maybe an extra bit of backstory to when The Prince was young. But that’s just me being nitpicky. I was smiling from ear to ear from the moment the first notes of “Belle” began; to crying tears of joy when “Beauty and the Beast (Finale)” was playing. This film made me feel like a kid again; & I fell back in love with one of my favorite fairy tales. 
Beauty & The Beast (2017) is sooo good & I'm sooo happy it's soo good!
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spnreactions · 4 years
Season 15 Featurettes/BTS
Hey all! 
Two videos to react to today! One is a little featurette from Jensen and Jared that looks like it’ll be pretty funny, and the other is the “Inside” from “Gimme Shelter”, which, I think, comes mostly from Misha and Alex. 
So let’s get started! 
Like a Slingshot
Oh I lied. It’s all of them lol. BUT THAT’S EVEN COOLER! 
I love how they say they have fun on the set and joke around with each other like this is news to any of us. We’ve seen the blooper reels, guys. We’ve seen the prank videos. We know. XD 
But, side note, I’m so glad they have fun on set. I mean, the fact that they’re all such good buds in real life just makes their on screen chemistry even better, and it makes me so happy for them that they were able to make these friendships. Honestly, that was likely the hardest part for them about saying goodbye to the show, was saying goodbye to each other. But I have faith that they’ll all remain friends. :) 
Misha OMG. XD It’s not really your fault. Blame J2 (like you usually do). XD 
“Like a slingshot” HA! Now the name of the video makes sense lol. I love it. XD XD <3 <3 
“We have so many of those moments.” That’s so awesome ahhh!! I LOVE THIS CAST SO MUCH!! <3 <3 
Also, I love that they can bounce back and forth between those emotions so quickly. Like, “ah, yes, we’re so sad” and then just lose it, but also, they can be totally dying of laughter and then lock it up to play it serious when they have to and I love that about them. 
Have I mentioned that I love this cast? Because I love this cast. <3 <3
I love watching all the title cards cycle through at the end of these little featurettes. <3  
Okay! That’s it for that one! Not much to say other than, to reiterate, I freaking love the Supernatural cast. They have fun doing what they do, and they’re not afraid to show it. And I’m so glad that they’ve grown so close and made such great friendships, because it shows both on screen and off and it’s beautiful. Also, while they’re good at their jobs, sometimes, I do seriously wonder how in the world they get anything done on this show. XD 
Inside: Gimme Shelter
Oh sorry, that’s just my immediate reaction to see Jack on the screen. 
*screams louder* 
And...that would be my reaction to seeing Alex on the screen. XD <3 
I love him and his character so much. <3 
Also, I liked Cohen’s directing overall, but I’ll admit that I wasn’t as impressed as I was hoping to be. However, he made up for all of that with his little goodbye pictures and videos on his Instagram. What a sweetheart (who also broke my heart in two :’( :’( ). <3 <3 
“Shenanigans” XD <3 
I still can’t get over how so-not-subtle they both are. XD <3 
“Subtle nods?” Dude those were flat-out REFERENCES lol. But yeah, they were awesome. Good choice for your favorite thing, Alex. <3 
The baby yoda reference. Still can’t get over that either. XD 
And that’s it for that one! This basically just reminded me how much I loved the Cas and Jack moments in that episode, because they were AMAZING! <3 <3 <3  Also, in general, it’s just really nice to see so many moments from the cast commenting on these videos and on these episodes. It really shows that they’re trying to make these final episodes count for the fans (and themselves) as much as possible, and I love that. <3 
Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoyed these little featurettes and behind-the-scenes videos! I know I did!
I’ll tackle the promo photos once I can find a good link to them! :D <3 
Until next time! <3 
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