#ginko from mushishi
blae-kitta · 5 months
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Another mushishi ukiyoe inspired watercolour and ink piece. This one was based off of Sacred Bridge at Nikko by Ito Yuhan.
Wip photos below the cut
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Thought I had a pencil photo as well, but looks like I rather forgot to take one, huh.
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hexagonsgalore · 2 years
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some letters and a prosthetic eyeball
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vrieseasees · 4 months
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shmothman · 6 months
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Pairing: Ginko/Reader Rating: Explicit (18+ only) Words: 9624 Read on AO3
Summary: In the end, it’s—as it so often is—curiosity that kills the cat. The rumors were just too intriguing to resist: a village where, for years, too many women have been having babies every winter, where the population boom is unprecedented and the town is beginning to crumble under the weight of too many children. A passing merchant had shared the gossip, and Ginko had gotten that look he gets—a worried set to his mouth and brow; a slight glimmer of interest in his bright green eye.
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dharmafox · 1 year
Ginko scaling an enormous cherry tree: There is definitely a mushi up here, I can Just Feel It.
(He gets to the top and Medicine Seller is sitting there.)
Medicine Seller: Can I help you...?
Ginko: *wondering if he can find a jar big enough*
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rayclubs · 2 months
Hey babe it's so sexy how you just took a nap in a tall patch of grass under this large tree. The ladybug on your collar is teaching me to appreciate the wonders of the world in a way I'd long forgotten. Take off your clothes
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arcanespillo · 5 months
i want to have a smoke like the one ginko has in mushishi is this too much to ask
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ghosted-draws · 2 years
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i had to throw my hat in the ring anyway have an obscure show go watch mushi shi
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pyro-sea · 2 years
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Mushi-Shi Week Day Two - Eyes
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nosymphonia · 8 months
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i think its funny how my favorite fig is probably this 3in tall add-on for a dvd bundle. maybe it's just bc i dont have a lot of figs (since im so picky), so i dont have a broad frame of reference .... in the meantime, this fig is perfect to me
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
TELL ME ABOUT YOUR MUSHISHI S/I!! Where did he come from?? Does he have a relationship with Ginko or anyone else?? I bet he researches Mushi, right? That seems on brand with you and your curious lil brain
Aaaaah you'd think right. I am once again answering an S/I ask with Actually I have two different Self Inserts for this fandom fdkgjfdkg
The other one, an adult who lives alone and runs a hot spring in the mountains Ginko regularly visits does Research Mushi, and writes about them in his novels. He's part of the ever growing Aro Ginko Polycule, I've talked about him a few times, he's not interesting, just kind of domestic and in love with Ginko who pays him a visit once a year or so.
A lot of my younger self inserts are much more Head Empty than my older ones, the one your asking about especially
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He's a kid inflicted by the Ginko who just showed up one day in Adashino's village. Adashino assumed him some sort of love child of Ginko's and sent a letter telling him to get his ass over here as soon as possible.
He appears about 7 or 8 years old, but it's hard to tell sense his knowledge seems toddler like. He doesn't know how to use chop sticks, or what he can and can't eat, or how to dress himself, and doesn't speak or seem to understand much of what anyone says to him.
He has a bad tenancy to grab Mushi by the handful and shove them in his Tokoyami filled eye, which is what lead Doctor Adashino to bandaging up the opening, sense he assumed that probably wasn't a good thing to be doing.
In the few weeks it took Ginko to arrive, Adashino got pretty attached to the kid, getting rather use to parenting his larger than most toddler. However, like Ginko, if in one place for too long Mushi will begin to swarm around him, making it dangerous for him to stay in the villager, or anywhere for that matter.
It took a lot of convincing, but Ginko eventually agreed to take the kid on as his apprentice, taking him on his travels and teaching him the dangers and nuances of Mushi.
Basically, he becomes Ginko and Adashino's adopted son over time. Whenever he gets to talking he calls Adashino "Papa", but Ginko remains just Ginko or some form of "Master"/"Sensei" when he's learning. He also calls Tanyuu variations of "Mama" or "Auntie", with Tama being "Grandma" exclusively. He doesn't like Kumado at all.
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docholligay · 1 year
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You know there are some fictional jobs that I just really wonder how people get into them, and assuming In am deadass wrong about Ginko being a Mushi himself (and please don’t tell me) how did he get into this? I mean, we know he’s missing an eye, sort of, i guess, and he can see the streams of mushi, so is it that he got infected by one of these little bastards, and managed to walk away from it, and now wants to do whatever it is he can to help other people with it? While also selling parts of their bodies and also their items?
PLease please do not spoil anything for me in your excitement. I don’t want to know anything! I don’t even want to know if something is a  cultural difference, or if you can’t wait for me to get to a part. If I  wonder about something, please don’t say stuff like “Just wait til…” You know what is great for all that? The discord! Which apparently has its own mushishi channel now, which must mean y’all are excited for it!    
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
Wait I was think of this fanfic idea which I am not going to write at all but an idea so basically it a Naruto and bleach crossover basically Uryū Ishida is Sasuke Uchiha dad
So basically
My ship in this fanfic
Uryu x Mikoto
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This is an Arby's a Bleach blog
On the other hand, this ask has somehow found the exactly right place on the Internet that it belongs, because I WOULD DIE FOR Uchiha "appeared in like 2 panels" Mikoto, and I spent formative teenage years writing fanfic almost exclusively for Sasuke's dead mom (and his dead dad and his dead cousin and his dead brother). This is all to say I have thoughts about Uchiha Mikoto and what life she might have lived, had she wed Ishida instead of Fugaku.
I think Mikoto was Uchiha by birth as well as by marriage, because the Uchiha Be Like That, so she still would have grown up in the family cabal--if perhaps at a distance from the worst of it, if she doesn't marry the family head. On the other hand, this, of course, did not save Uchiha Shisui. And I think that regardless of specific family lineage, anyone of notable shinobi talent would still be fucked. Perhaps even moreso if her children also possessed the birthright of the Quincy. (I'm imagining this taking place in Narutoland, since Ishida seems like the likelier candidate for multiversal travel, given his resume.)
I think Mikoto would lead a freer life with Ishida, having brought his Karakura sensibilities with him and overall just being a thoughtful, kind person. In turn, Ishida would be familiar with the strictures of the Uchiha clan formation, though I think he might find their obsession with maintaining the family sharingan powers somewhat discombobulating, as contrasted with how he'd grown up under Ryuuken's dismissive attitude towards the Quincy legacy. (Like, I seriously doubt Shisui was the first Uchiha to die by Uchiha. These people and their eyeballs smdh--)
For reasons largely outside of Ishida's control, I imagine Itachi's childhood still ends poorly, regardless of who his father is. The current that pushes him to that riverbank and through the ANBU did not begin with Fugaku, after all. Coming to terms with this is probably very difficult for Ishida, because it forces a hard look at his own clan (formerly sacred territory for him, eternally pristine as a proud survivor, and as an inheritor of the violence of genocide).
Sasuke inherits both his father's generational trauma re: Quncy genocide and the Uchiha trauma of, well, existing as an Uchiha and also surviving your brother's family massacre. (I imagine Ishida survives this, and maybe Mikoto too.) So Sasuke's not an orphan in this one, but I think rather than the lining of this AU being fully silver, it probably becomes a story of the incredible difficulty of parenting (and child-ing) in the wake of unimaginable trauma. Nobody's perfect.
And what of Mikoto? Mikoto who does not wed the soon-to-be clan head, Uchiha Fugaku, as planned. Mikoto, who marries the stranger. Mikoto, who trained doubly as a shinobi and as a lady; a wife; a bearer of heirs.
I think with Ishida Mikoto is able to lean in/awaken her quirkier side--and in their courtship they find that they are the most deeply serious people they know. They are also the weirdest people they know. Ishida makes her clothes that knock the socks off anything you can buy at Konoha Outfitters. (Ostentatious, sniff the haters. Not because the clothing Ishida makes for Mikoto is anywhere near as genuinely ostentatious as his own Quincy whites--she is a ninja, after all--but because it is fit and cut *so* perfectly to her. You can see her for her when she wears his clothes, and this is a visual experience not often achieved in Konoha. In the aftermath of The Massacre, and the investigation into the ANBU [nothing comes of this; one bad actor, bad apples, disturbed young man, etc.], some wonder if it might not have been different if the ANBU dress code weren't so strict. Could it be as simple as that? Surely not. But what if? The Ishida brothers had been such lovely, happy children--)
I can't tell from your original ask what you personally had in mind with this scenario, but I think for me that story is absolutely about intergenerational trauma; the drama of two clans and their wacky interclan dynamics/expectations; parents and children; and sartorial magic.
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(It feels only appropriate to meme my response too LOL)
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shmothman · 6 months
Just a Little Rush
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Pairing: Ginko/Reader Rating: Explicit (18+ only) Words: 5105 Read on AO3
Summary: just a little rush, babe / to feel dizzy, to derail the mind of me
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jankillbride · 5 months
ginko 🤝 killy 🤝 the soldier from angel's egg 🤝 hopefully kim dokja: being outsiders/alone, even among any groups of people they join.
#i do not mean any of this in a tragic way no more than life itself can be tragic#it's a comfort to be alone. to be away from the eyes of others#all three of these characters (*idk fully about kdj so no spoilers pls for orv) exhibit these in different ways#ginko and killy have set duties (kdj has a plan and the duty others expect of him but he doesn't abide by those expectations just his own#plan) though ginko's is a mix of self chosen and bestowed by other mushishis (he's been involved in this since he was a kid and what else i#there really for him to do?) and killys purpose was coded into him by someone long forgotten but he still holds onto it tight#arguably most of nihei's protags are like this. zoichi is an outsider with a set purpose and same with denji. the difference is that they#have other people -- zoichi his sister and denji the twins. they're all alone but they're alone together#there's no one like killy and there won't ever be. there's no one like ginko. there's no one quite like kdj#(musubi also doesn't count because she went from someone heavily integrated in society to shoved out of it. ginko and killy don't remember#being with others. i think i did see a spoiler of kdj having memory issues? anyways he was ostracized at a young age so that counts more#than musubi)#and then there's the fates of these characters. killy will never rest. he doesn't know how *cue nihil strength*. ginko does rest but he#always moves again in the end. it's a cycle he's in.#idk what happens to kdj but what i really want to happen is for him to escape the story#that would be the ultimate form of rest. to die to sleep; to sleep perchance to dream.#though here it is not a literal death i wish for kdj. the death of the character he is. the death of him having to be in orv if that makes#sense. loathe to use the words but let him escape the narrative. let that be his death#the soldier is a late add on but he coutns too#he is very similar to killy first off#and i'll leave it there for now because i really gotta do work so i can rest#there are other characters i can argue (alexei karamazov is coming to mind for starters)#i really feel characters who are alone on account of the leaving.
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thenixkat · 2 years
So in an area with a low amount of local mushi, Ginko might be ok staying for a bit more than ten days b4 his mushi attracting condition starts to become an issue.
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