sitp-recs · 3 years
i need drarry fics with loads of great world building. im shit at it so i live vicariously through the talents of others 😭
liv. please. tell me you have something.
Hi Jet! I know BtG didn’t quite work for you but it has one of my favourite world buildings. Here are some other suggestions, but you probably already know them all. Oh and @dictacontrion also did a fabulous reclist here!
And Save Me From Bloody Men by @blamebrampton (T, 10k)
Two Zinnias and the Scent of Lemon by @the-starryknight (M, 16k)
Black Coffee on a Lonely Night by Femme (M, 21k)
Doing the Lambeth Walk by @blamebrampton (T, 26k)
Turn from Stone by @harryromper (M, 45k)
Revolvevlover by @lol-zeitgeistic and @firethesound (E, 46k)
The Compact by Astolat (E, 64k)
Transfigurations by Resonant (E, 71k)
Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi (T, 93k)
At Your Service by Faith Wood (E, 95k)
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (E, 100k)
There Is Always the Moon by @firethesound (T, 159k)
In the Dark by @bixgirl1 (E, WIP)
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drarryboosterclub · 3 years
hey can u pls give a s/o to @ginnyxdarling? i love their fics sm
Yes, we absolutely can!!
HUGE BOOST for @ginnyxdarling!! ❤️ I will admit that I have not yet read any of their fics but you best believe I have added them all to my list! Just perusing through their Tumblr, and looking at their AO3, I am so excited because I can tell that @ginnyxdarling is oozing with talent! Go give them some love and take a look at their work!
Tumblr media
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itsjamethyst · 3 years
Several Sentences Sunday
So, @nyleskies bet me to it this time, but thank you for the tag Nyle, it was a lovely surprise.
In this Several Sentence Sunday instalment I give to you a deleted scene from [redacted] fic. This was a fun little moment that no longer fit the tone and direction of the story so I had to unfortunately say goodbye to it. I thought what better way to bring it back to life than to share it? So here is the scene that never was, and the scene that never will be again. Rated T | WC 829
“You’re a bit gone to the rest of the world, mate. What’s up in that head of yours?” The couch dipped beside him, and Harry’s legs were shoved to the floor before cold hands wrapped around his ankles and hauled them up to rest over a lap.
Harry squinted up at the blurred, smirking face of George, huffed, and closed his eyes again.
“You look like death swallowed you up for breakfast. It’s not a fit look.”
“I was up late last night, give me a break,” Harry said, trying to swat away George’s hand as he ran fingers up and down Harry's leg.
“Doing what?”
“Doing who.”
The hand on his knee stopped moving suddenly, and Harry winked up at George.
“You’re bulshitting.”
Harry shrugged a shoulder, a smile toying at his lips. “Don’t tell Ron, he’d want to know all about it like the nosy git he is.”
“I’m so not a nosy git,” a voice said from right by his head. Harry looked up at the upside down figure of Ron, standing with his arms crossed beside the couch’s armrest. Harry hadn't even heard him come in. “Now, what are you lot talking about?”
Harry raised his eyebrows, but Ron didn’t even so much as blink.
“Our Harry’s been shagging,” George crooned.
Ron snatched the pillow from right underneath Harry’s head, chucking it to the floor so he could fit his arse on the armrest. The back of Harry’s head smashed heavily on Ron's bony knees, Harry groaned, rubbing at his skull.
“Mate! About time, yeah? Spinnet or Malfoy?”
Harry spluttered, choking on his saliva. He sat up pin-straight on the couch, turning a disgusted expression to Ron’s gleeful face. “What makes you think I’d shag Spinnet?”
“I s’pose you’re right. Spinnet’s hardly snarky enough for you, is she?”
Next to him, George snorted. Harry didn't even spare him a second glance, too focused on glaring at the dick he called his best friend. “I don’t know what you’re trying to say.”
“You get off on a bit of push back, don’t even deny it. I’ve been trapped in a dorm with you for the better half of seven years. Trust me, I know.”
Harry’s brain short circuited, but Ron continued speaking as if he didn’t even notice.
“Poor Neville was traumatised in third year, but by fourth we got him to join the bet.”
“The fucking what?” Harry shot up off the couch, yanking his glasses out of his pocket and shoving them askew on his face. Ron slid off the armrest to take Harry’s spot on the couch, a self-satisfied grin curled on his lips.
“You didn’t know? I thought you were tryna make me lose on purpose.”
“No! Of course I didn’t know. What bloody bet are you on about?”
Ron shrugged his shoulders, cracked his back, and slouched further on the couch. “We called it: What Malfoy-induced anger will spark the spunk out of Harry tonight! You and Malfoy would have a spat, and me, Nev, Dean, and Seamus would bet on whether it would be enough to get you going that night.”
Ron stopped to yawn. “I’m still pissed that I lost my Galvin Gudgeon poster because of you. I was sure you’d go wild with the Potter Stinks badges.”
“When did this start?” Harry said, his voice pitched a bit too high. He sent an aghast expression to George who looked as though he was having a right good time watching this unfold.
“I dunno, third year? After the Care for Magical Creatures lesson with Hagrid. I don’t mean to shame—I mean, you like what you like, but... Dementors, Harry? Really?”
“Don’t be a git, Ronikins, it’s the soul-sucking that gets Harry all hot under the collar.”
“I don’t—” Harry sighed, tilting his head up at the ceiling as if that would give him some sort of reprieve. Talk about a rude awakening, barely minutes ago he was snoozing under the soft sounds of the rain. Harry was wide awake now, no doubt about that.
“I bet Malfoy was real bossy last night, eh?” Ron waggled his eyebrows.
“Fuck off, he was nothing like that.”
Ron’s eyes bulged out of his head, and Harry didn’t understand what his problem was until his words came rushing back to him. He felt his whole body overheat as he held his head in his hands, listening to the obnoxious sounds of Ron and George pissing themselves laughing in front of him.
“Merlin’s saggy balls, Harry! Did you actually?”
Harry groaned into the sweaty palm of his hands. “I hate you.”
“Lighten up, mate,” George slapped a hand on his shoulder. “You’d think having a bit of a pull and tug would loosen you up.”
“Ah, maybe Malfoy’s all talk and no action.”
Harry snapped his head at Ron, then. Green eyes, hard and steely. “Hey,” he said slowly. “Don’t.”
Ron’s joking smile sobered a little at Harry’s tone. “Mate,” he said, shocked. “You’re a goner.”
With absolutely no pressure I tag these lovely people @opaleopioid @ginnyxdarling @tontonguetonks @cam-the-chameleon if you have anything you'd like to share.
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
Tuesday TLC
Thank you to @the-starryknight for brightening the fandom with your work and these TLC Tuesday things! And a big thanks to the enormously talented @academicdisaster24 for tagging me. Everyone should go read Sourdough and also like the sun came out because I am obsessed with that fic and will rec it till my dying days.
Now for my own contribution, I am going to discuss Holy Ground. It's the most recent in my TS as Drarry series on AO3. It's around 5k of Drarry running around New York. It features: lots of banter, the game Two Truths and a Lie, mentions and of 'Chopped' judge and chef Geoffrey Zakarian, my attempts at humor via Draco, flirting, arguing, a Broadway musical, me waxing poetic about a city I've never lived in but want to, me waxing poetic about the stars, a hopeful/happy ending, and an OC named after my darling @written-in-ash, without whom this fic would not have left the safety of my Google Drive.
Here's an excerpt:
Draco knew he should walk away. It would be so very, very easy to leave Potter and disappear into the warm anonymity of the city crowd. He could get takeaway from that Indian place as a reward for not breaking the Statute by hexing Potter on sight in the middle of a high-traffic Muggle area.
But his common sense tended to flee at the sight of messy hair and green eyes.
“You ‘just’ what, Potter?”
“I don’t know my way around here.”
Draco narrowed his eyes. “And, what, you want me to be your personal New York tour guide? The city’s a grid system. The streets are numbered. Get a map and use it, or better yet, use your mobile. And the MACUSA headquarters are on the corner of Bowery and Canal Street if you need help.”
Potter’s face crumpled slightly. “Thanks. Sorry to have wasted your time, Malfoy.”
Draco watched as Potter turned away, and he really ought to give his hand a stern talking to for reaching out to grab Potter’s arm. “Wait.”
Potter turned to him with raised eyebrows. Draco flushed and let go of his arm, relieved when Potter didn’t keep walking.
“Why are you here?” Draco cringed internally at the breathy quality to his voice.
Potter’s jaw clenched. “It’s my—well, it was supposed to be my honeymoon with Ginny, but...well, there’s little point in two exes going on a romantic getaway together, and I already paid for it, so…”
Draco took in the sight of a discomfited Harry Potter: a slight flush to his cheeks, white teeth fleetingly biting into a plush, full bottom lip, a hand nervously mussing up the rat’s nest on his head.
He felt his skin tingle with the realization that Harry Potter stood in front of him, vulnerable in the big city. He looked at Draco like a lost child in a supermarket, all big eyes and curiosity. It was heady, the thought of Potter finally seeing him in his element, at his peak—a far cry from the waifish, terrified boy who cowered before the Wizengamot as he was read the terms of his parole.
But this—this was his opportunity to show Potter, and himself, how much he’d changed, how his inherited arrogance became hard-earned pride. Potter would go back to London bewildered and in awe of his weekend—not from the rush of the city, but because he’d spent it with Draco.
It occurred to him that, even after all this time, he still sought Potter’s approval. But he was hard-pressed to deny the 11-year-old boy inside him what he’d wanted since that fateful rejected handshake: the chance to prove himself.
Read the rest on AO3!
In addition to @written-in-ash, I'm gonna tag @rockingrobin69, @ginnyxdarling-1, and @colormehazelnut to participate if you want, but no pressure! <3
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lqtraintracks · 3 years
how do you deal with hate comments? I got my first a while ago, and since then have gotten several more. Generally, I just laugh them off, but the stings there and my mental health isn’t the best, and I was wondering how others cope?
Feel free to ignore this if the question makes you uncomfortable or anything like that.
Goodnight! (at least, for me. It’s quite late)
I’m very sorry to hear this, ginnyxdarling. No one deserves that, but so many of us have experienced it, so I think the first thing I want to say is, you’re not alone. I’m also not an expert on this topic or how to answer it definitively, but in rereading your Ask, I see that that’s not what you asked for; you asked me how I deal with it, so I’ll tell you about that. Back when I first got into a fandom--not HP, but way before that, we’re talking early early 2000s--I didn’t handle it well. I was confrontational. I let myself get very, very angry, but then I took that anger and I lashed out, which felt good for about ninety seconds. And then it felt like utter shit, mostly because then I knew they’d reply back and it would be ugly. I had a ton of anxiety over whatever their response was going to be and what mine would then be back. It never occurred to me to not engage.  Over the years, I started learning that it’s okay to ignore those people. It’s not only okay, it’s good. Of course, there are times when that feels impossible. Someone here on Tumblr once told me to choke because of a pairing I’d written. I didn’t ignore them. I was shaking as I replied. At the time it felt justified and like I had to, you know? I had not yet started practicing something that I’ve gotten into since, which is how to press pause and then live in that pause, not letting urgency and anxiety drive me to frenzied action. I do wonder if it would have been better for me if I’d just deleted their Ask, complained about it privately to a friend maybe, just to vent my feelings, and then gone on about my life. Answering them gave them something they wanted: They then knew without a doubt that they’d gotten to me. You know? In that sense, they won. I’m a big proponent of ignoring hate when you can and being kind to yourself when instead you answer in a storm of anger and then regret it. We’re human. It happens. And maybe you wouldn’t regret it! I don’t know that it’s inherently better to not engage. I just find it’s better for my mental health and has the added bonus of letting this hateful person linger unanswered for all time. They get to be unimportant. And that’s very, very nice. To get to the nitty gritty of things, if it’s an Ask, you can delete it. If it’s a comment on a fic, you can delete or freeze it. You can set your AO3 to only let comments through from registered users if you’d like, making it harder for anon trolls. There are solid steps you can take to handle it. If you’re being targeted, you can write to AO3 and tell them about the harassment. And hey, look, you’ve already done something; you’ve asked for help with figuring out how to handle it. That’s good. You shouldn’t have to feel alone in it. It does seem like there’s been an uptick in hateful comments recently, and I think these things may go in waves, so I’m hoping the hate will die down for everyone getting hit with it more right now. I hate to say hang in there. But please... hang in there. We need good, supportive people in fandom. We need to drown out the hate with more love and more support. We need people like you. That said, it’s also okay to take a break, even a long one, or to step away altogether. You have to do what’s right for you. But I don’t like the idea that a few hateful jerks can drive good people away from what they love. Lastly, know this: NONE of what they might be screaming at you is about you. Like, at all. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with them, with this horrible feeling and these terrible thoughts that they apparently live with and feel like they have to project onto others. I’ll say it again, because it’s important. Their hate has nothing whatsoever to do with you. So please, don’t own it. Let them have it. Let them stew in it. Delete it. Vent about it to someone you love and trust in order to get it out of your system and to be reminded that you have that, you have support and love in this. And then move on. Do what you love. Share what you love with those of us who love it, and love you, too. Always turn your attention back to what is good, what feeds you, what brings you joy. Take the attention off of the hate as soon as you’re able. It doesn’t deserve to get that from you. You deserve your energy to be focused elsewhere, where it feeds your soul and where it does good. I hope this helps. Take it all with a grain of salt. Use what you want, ignore the rest. And again, you’re not alone. Thank you for reaching out. Much love. <3
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ao3feed-harrydraco · 3 years
by ginnyxdarling
I fuck with canon because I can and make sad shit happen because I can.
In other words: Draco and Harry meet before Harry goes off to die. Emotions. Love. The whole shebang.
Words: 336, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Emotions, Sadness, Short, Kinda like implied off screen character death?, look they love each other, Hogwarts Astronomy Tower, Astronomy Tower, Sad Draco Malfoy, i mean he is!, THIS IS SO LONG, Like 336 words!, Damn, Fiendfyre (Harry Potter), Sort Of, its inplied, Symbolism, this is kinda poetic, Not Canon Compliant, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in the sense that I fucked with the layout of Hogwarts and time sortnof, look - Freeform, I’m on mobile, So like I’m sorry about the spelling, Jet doesn’t know how anything works, I did have a beta for this one!, sort of!
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rjalker · 3 years
Harry Potter/JK Rowling stan + Transphobe blocklist
obayozo saladmandersrus nynmelancholia ginnyxdarling-1 totesnotplayingsmash
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sitp-recs · 3 years
are there any fixs that are meaningful to you; either because of when you read them, or what there about, or anything like that?
Definitely, Jet! Each one of these fics affected me in a specific way back when I read then, so much that no matter how long it’s been, I never forgot how they made me feel. And some of them I haven’t revisited in years! The reason behind it is usually the feeling of “finding it at the right moment” so there’s a lot of nostalgia involved. I considered putting other favourites here (like aideomai’s Far From the Tree) but I couldn’t really fit them into any category and ultimately decided they don’t evoke the same kind of feeling. What about you?
Green Eyes by Amy Lupin (favourite fic in PT)
Irresistible Poison by Rhysenn (old favourite)
Left my Heart by emmagrant01 (old favourite)
Life goes not backward by @shealwaysreads (found at the right time)
Little Compton Street by @writcraft (found at the right time)
Lost in Your Arms by Femme (pulled me back into Drarry, 2019)
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (favourite fic by a friend)
Running on Air by @tinyhistory (found at the right time)
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by lettered (favorite fic to reread)
Vale Sanare by RurouniHime (pulled me back into Drarry, 2011)
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (pulled me back into Drarry, 2019)
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sitp-recs · 3 years
is this a me thing??
(goodmorning its like 5am)
😂😂😂 love those 5am cravings! Sadly I was too young and jumping across too many fandoms to keep track of my readings back then, but when I created the blog I did a reclist of old gems (2000-2010) here. It isn’t much, I forgot a bunch of titles over the years and I don’t really have the patience to look for links outside AO3 anymore, but I hope it helps!
Edit: omg reading the comments it hit me that you’re talking about NEW fics with 2000s vibes?? Lol Sorry about that
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sitp-recs · 3 years
What are the classic Christmas-y drarry fics, do you think? Others can weigh in what they think, too. It's just, I'm making a list of my Classic Christmas Movies to watch and was wondering what the fandom equivalent was? (+what do you think makes a christmas fic/movie? for me, there's gotta be love + snow + 'the true meaning of christmas').
Oh dear, I’m really not the best person to talk classics 😂 my fandom experience has always been very personal and I have little knowledge about fandom history & trends to list classics - it’s the kind of assumption I’d rather not make, you know? But if I had to guess I’d say all of Saras_Girl’s advent fics, maybe jadepresley’s I’ll Floo Home for Christmas too?
Personally I like to revisit my favorite comfort fics at this time of the year, whether or not they’re Christmas themed. It’s more about the vibes and less about the aesthetics, for me - although most of them do have snow! Like Here’s the Pencil, Modern Love and Tidings of Comfort for example - I associate them all with the holiday season for different reasons (snow kiss, gift exchange and redemption arc) - but I also like to reread Nightcall which is a dark-ish werewolf case fic so go figure 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think the only “real” Christmas-y fics I check religiously every year are All Roads Lead Home and break the bad luck in my life, in fact I reread them throughout the year lol as you can see I’m not a good point person for this ask but I’m sure my followers will join this convo with great recs! 🎄
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sitp-recs · 3 years
i think my new fav trope is when harry is the LAST person to know that draco is gay. and so he finds out — maybe he Sees Draco With Someone. And runs to Hermione and Ron and is like ‘MALFOY IS QUEER???’ and Ron is just like ‘oh god not again’ and drinks and Hermione is like ‘yes harry do you have a problem with that?’ or something and harry is just like panicking and oh its so funny to me.
Haha I love bi disaster Harry panicking all around, bonus points if he thinks he’s being an homophobic until he understands what’s going on, classic 😂 that’s actually the plot of Here’s the Pencil by ignatiustrout, such an excellent fic! Ultimate coffee shop AU 🙌
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sitp-recs · 3 years
insane fic idea; draco and harry run against each other for minister of magic. draco motivations are actually good but nobody believes that and harry, who had previously been Very Against going into politics decided to run altruistically (hermione's pregnant and can't or something) bc hes convinced that draco is Up To No Good. #itslike2amsendhelpimtired
LOVE that idea Jet!!! Rivals to lovers is right up my alley and I’ve been obsessed with Politics & office romance since I read that incredible Femme fic. Good food 😋 I would love to read that fic idea one day!
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sitp-recs · 3 years
more out and proud draco???? i need draco being unapologetically gay and proud and saying fuck you to lucius and homophobia 😭 if you cant tell i need to cope and this is my way of coping and thats wholely valid
Love that for you - and Draco! Off the top of my mind I can think of Like Gold by @the-sinking-ship and All Roads by @korlaena. Maybe my followers can suggest more?
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sitp-recs · 3 years
Just finished Criminal! So good. The sheer talent astounds me. I can see the similarities in writing between other works by this author. For the characterisation (because that's basically my favourite bit of any fic), Draco was absolutely hilarious and so charming, and Harry was an absolute dear and very adorable. There were definitely times in which I yelled at the decisions they made, but that's actually a very good thing. I laughed out loud a lot, and Blaise is very much amazing as is Ginny.
😍🙌 I agree, Criminal is such an immersive story and the characterization is one of my favorite things, witty and charming and with a lovely and well earned slow burn. I love what you said about being able to detect similarities across @the-sinking-ship’s works, I also think she has a very distinct voice (especially Draco’s) and I can’t get enough of her tall, hot and dangerous Head Auror!Harry wearing leather and riding motorcycles and driving a sharp but hilariously sympathetic Draco absolutely crazy with thirst. Such a perfect trope 😌 I’m happy you enjoyed this fic! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, you’ve been giving me an outlet to rec fics without actually writing recs and I love it 😂
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sitp-recs · 3 years
Finished Expecto Patronum. I loved it, honestly. It’s nearly 10pm so actually not that late.
The slow burn was awesome. I felt a bit disconcerted by it sometimes, but it was bore because I wasn’t used to that kind of writing of a slow burn (if that makes sense?) so I absolutely loved it (I adore new things).
The characterization was beautiful and every character felt carefully crafted. So similar to canon, and yet so much their own - it was like reading Harry and Draco if they had truly grown up and ended up together, like that.
Theodore Nott is my favourite character by far and I stand by that 100%. I loved the little details like, for example, the Mrs Harry Potter mug.
Oh and the humour! The humour is honestly just… A+. I’m horrible at writing humour, like… I mean like… not the point, off topic, so sorry. Anyway, I was laughing so hard all the way through.
There was this like… tenderness and domesticity of it, in a way? It was subtlety sweet. Even in the middle of a sex scene, there’s this softness and just….
I could, honest to god, feel the moment when Draco feel in love. I read a certain part and was just… immediately hit with that knowledge.
Their so much to say and honestly Liv I see exactly what you meant when you said this fic was so good. Like. Wow. This is… this is one for the ages.
Oh wow, you have no idea how mesmerizing it is to read someone else’s thoughts on my very favorite reads, it makes me ache to go reread them and relive those feelings all over again!
I love all the little details you mentioned here that make this story so special, the unique brand of tender intimacy, the purposeful and at times disconcerting slow burn (also Theo and the humor yess it’s so good!!). I also appreciate how the political background gives the fic a more serious, mature tone and makes their get together something earned and meaningful but in a tentative, sort of open way? It was lovely to get such a complex and poignant portrait of Harry, and watch as Draco falls in love with him, it’s such a compelling (and romantic!) narrative.
I’m pleased that you loved this fic so much, Writ is among my top 5 favorite authors and I highly recommend anything of theirs, especially LCS and The Beauty of Thestrals (you have probably already read them lol just in case more people see this!). Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, this ask made my night! 💜
Tagging @writcraft to let them know just how much their fics touch and ruin us!!!
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sitp-recs · 3 years
Im OBSESSED with DILF Draco!
Ohh yes pls 🤤🙌 to be fair I’m obsessed with any DILF character lol. Any juicy rec to share??
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