hajime-nii · 7 years
Idk about tumblr but on twitter we have been grieving over bansai the entire weekend (in fact, we are still crying) ... Can you believe that the last word Bansai said was "Shinsuke"... Bansai will live within Takasugi.... The gorilla is making Takasugi suffer again losing his loved ones... Bantaka is beautiful but it hurts...
sorachi does not know about gay rights thats for sure
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vtsvro · 5 years
I've been reblogging your posts and following your blog for a while and you're probably my favorite Gintama Tumblr out there! Care to share your thoughts about the ending?
I have read many series and books, and everytime I finished reading, I had a feeling that something was missing, that there was something lacking. Sometimes I could not tell what exactly it was, but it felt unfinished in some way. Gintama did not have this issue at all. Through all these years, Gintama made me cry and laugh, laugh and cry - sometimes throughout several chapters/episodes, sometimes within one chapter/episode. Never have I thought that it made no sense, even the most senseless chapters had a lesson. Even the most senseless characters had something I could learn from. I found myself in many characters, in some more than in others; I found myself in the music, the titles, the lessons, the voices, and the author himself. Everytime Sorachi gave us a chapter/episode that was painful and even made you tear up to the point you could see nothing but blur, the upcoming chapter/episode made you smile and even laugh. That system itself was a lesson. No matter how painful it is, no matter how much you cry, there will always be a tomorrow, always a reason to smile and look forward again. The penultimate chapter ended me in many ways, and it took me a lot of time to get over it, but the final chapter made me tear up, cry, then laugh; tear up and cry again, but then laughing again until I was smiling with tears in my eyes during the last panels. It was an ending that did not need anything more. It did not lack anything. Not from the start till the end. It was a wholesome series, and I will forever be grateful to Sorachi for creating such a masterpiece.
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lunar-tear · 5 years
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@rike-with-love @username-janai-katsura-da @coolthingtrash
1. What got you into Gintama?
A friend told me about it! I was interested because of the parodying (plus Japanese history, I’m a nerd). Also he showed me a picture of Gintoki and I died
2. Do you like the anime or manga better?
I guess I can’t choose, since i started with the anime first? but I love the manga as well, plus there’s a lot of details that weren’t animated so I always made it a point to read!
3. What was your first thought about Gintama?
I saw the introductory special at first and I was confused as hell, but when I got to the ACTUAL first episode, I fell in love with the stupid samurai who caused a riot because his parfait fell.
4. What do you think about Gintama now?
My entire life revolves around it at this point tbh
5. Who’s your favorite character?
Gintoki, Kagura, Tsukuyo, uhhh I’m gonna end up naming all of them lol
6. Who’s your favorite villain?
Oboro (anti-hero?), Utsuro
7. Mention 5 things you hate about Gintama.
The fact that it’s getting over. That is all. 
8. Mention 5 things you love about Gintama.
Only five? aahhh okay let’s see
a) the character designs 
b) relationship development
c) the writing
d) Sadaharu
e) humour!
9. Name your crush from Gintama.
uhhHHHHHH Gintoki and Hijikata
10. Name your OTP. 
11. Name your favorite couples.
Okikagu, Gintsu, Hijimitsu, Katsumatsu
None of them are canon tho ;-; 
12. What character do you feel more related to?
13. Strawberry milk or Mayonnaise?
Strawberry milk 
14. What’s your favorite weapon of choice?
Either sword or kunai
15. If you were a character in Gintama, where would you belong?
(Ninja clan, Yorozuya, Shinsengumi, Kiheitai, Joui, Amanto, Mimawarigumi etc)
16. What did Gintama teach you?
Gorillas will always be gorillas, either police or mangakas
17. What’s your favorite quote?
“If you have the time to fantasize about a beautiful death, why not live beautifully until the end?”
18. What’s your favorite episode?
first part of the confessional arc, the episode where Sadaharu takes care of the little dog, the two-parter that features Kagura and her umbrella, the two parter that introduced the neo armstrong cyclone jet armstrong canon, Madaodog Madaonnaire
19. What episode don’t you like?
Maybe the one that had the water Amanto who wanted to protect the lake? It sort of bored me, but it’s not like I hated it or anything 
20. What would you like as a pet Sadaharu or Elizabeth?
Sadaharu <3
21. What’s your favorite scene?
In the Silver Soul arc, when Gintoki is watching Kagura and Shinpachi sleep and he talks about the fact that they stuck by him all these years. Hurt my heart
Also when Sadaharu was stopping the main Altana fissure and having yorozuya flashbacks, I cried for like the entire 25 minutes that episode lasted, and then some
ALSO one of the Valentine’s episode when Kagura says she doesn’t need chocolates to convey her planet sized love for Gin and Patsuan 
22. If you could ask Sorachi to revive a character, who would it be?
23. What moment is the saddest ever for you?
The Joui war flashback, when Gin is about to behead Shouyou and he thanks him. Also Kamui lying on Kagura’s lap after they fight, the Shogun’s death :(
24. What episode makes you laugh no matter how many times you watch it?
All of them :D 
25. What character do you think shouldn’t exist in Gintama?
Can’t answer this. Every character played a significant role in Gintama and it would be incomplete without any of them.
26. What is the most badass moment in Gintama?
27. If you could tell something to Sorachi, what would it be?
I’d thank him and tell him he literally changed my life. 
28. What is your favorite opening?
Know Know Know- DOES, Sakura Mitsutsuki- SPYAIR, Pride Kakumei- CHiCO with HoneyWorks (y’all didn’t really think I could choose just one, right?) 
29. What is your favorite ending?
Hikari Shoumeiron- CHiCO with HoneyWorks, Glorious Days- THREE LIGHTS DOWN KINGS, Acchi Muite- Swimy, Destiny- Negoto
30. Favorite character with glasses.
You mean favourite glasses with the character, right? Shinpachi 
31. Favorite d*ck scene.
32. Name five characters you love.
*Proceeds to name 99% of the Gintama cast because I can’t do math*
33. If you lived in the Gintama world for a day, what would you do?
Meet as many people as possible!!
34. Shinsengumi team or Yorozuya team?
Yorozuya, because I would actually die at the hands of the Kyokkuchuu-Hatto
35. If you could write a letter to ShigeShige, what would it be? 
Mostly just me talking about how much I miss him? ;-;
36. Describe your feelings about the ‘Shogun assassination arc’ so far in anime or what you thought of it in manga.
100% destroyed me
37. Describe your feelings about the current manga arc and what would you tell Sorachi about it.
Since Gintama is ending... I’m indescribably sad, but at the same time so happy to have been able to be a part of this journey.
38. How would you like Gintama to end?
Just let them be happy, that’s all. 
39. If you could meet Gintoki from the past, after the war but before he met Otose and the kids, what would you tell him?
It gets better, and one day you will be loved by so many wonderful people. 
40. If you could meet a character in real life, who would it be and what would you tell them?
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tatsumass-archive · 8 years
18, 20, 31.
18. What’s your favorite episode?
The handcuffs episode with Gin and Hiji handcuffed together lmao
20. What would you like as a pet Sadaharu or Elizabeth?
31. Favorite d*ck scene.
Gintoki’s screwdriver dick.
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blazn · 9 years
3, 4, 13, 15, 23, 28, 29, 32
3. What was your first thought about Gintama?
This is the best thing i’ve ever seen in my life (Also my mom was watching it with me and she was nearly crying because they were referencing groups from her time in japan so I was like if mom loves it then it’s definitely cool with me)
4. What do you think about Gintama now?
This is still the best thing i’ve ever seen
13. Strawberry milk or Mayonnaise?
Mayo, I put Kyuupi mayo on everything. can’t eat carrots without them (also im lactose intolerant and hate milk)
15. Answered
23. What moment is the saddest ever for you?
Okayyy, here we go: Any serious episode with Otose (like when Catherine leaves to find love, or Jirochou’s arc), Okita’s sister arc, when that elementary kid wrote his essay on Madao, the bathhouse arc (aka the jjba arc)
28. Answers
29. Answered
32. Name five characters you love.
Ayumu, Madao, Hattori Zenzou, Katsura, Kyuubei
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hajime-nii · 7 years
whoa it's actually. kinda comforting to see you say you're bored with gin//tama bc i'm sorta feeling that too and everytime i see people get really excited i'm like... i want to say something but i'm too scared so... this probably makes 0 sense and i might be making a huge deal out of nothing, but thank you for being very honest in your answers to people! hope you have a lovely day
you shouldnt feel bad for being bored and most certainly not scared i mean, we all love gintama for different reasons but i doubt long fighting is one of them, when its precisely one of the things gntm always wanted to avoid. so i look over the spoilers these days and like thats enough for me, ill just wait on that corner over there
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vtsvro · 6 years
top 3 utsuro/ top 3 shouyou moments in the manga/anime
since some may not have caught up I’ll hide it like this
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1 (with the most beautiful quote)
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vtsvro · 6 years
You seen Utsuro right now in latest animation?
You mean this?
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I know how much the fandom hates him and how much the animators hate him but.. seriously? He looks like he’s hiding all the corpses he’s killed below that yukata.. At least respect the master of five major characters in the story..
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hajime-nii · 7 years
do you ever think about yagyuu kyuubei and start crying
i do, i do bcause of the treatment sorachi gives to the character yeah
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vtsvro · 6 years
Top 3 gintama moments
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vtsvro · 6 years
Have you see the OP for Gintama it’s kinda sad when comes to Utsuro/Shoyou
Yes! But what’s sadder is the animation and drawing………..
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vtsvro · 6 years
Hey I wanna read the manga but idk which chapter the anime stopped at earlier this year. Could you help me out?
Hello! If you mean Gintama: the last animated episode is 353, which is chapter 631. You can start/recap with chapter 631, though I have to warn you beforehand that there’ll be a lot to endure.
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vtsvro · 7 years
Hey where do you watch Gintama? Any streaming ?
hello. the raws are already out, but i dont know about the subs (i always watch without raws since i practically know all by heart lol). i presume the subs will come out in a few hours.
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vtsvro · 7 years
Hello! Were you able to watch the Hare Matsuri 2016 video that you just reblogged? I tried but it shows the Video uploader's account got terminated :(
hello, yes, I watched it some time ago, but its cut in some parts and doesnt include subs; but I also summarized it even if you didnt ask for itpart 0.1 (classic yorozuya conversation / entrance of seiyuus)part 1 (outfit / confessional / mirror / festival)part 2 (confessional / tama-san / shinigami / feigned illness)part 3 (feigned illness / afro / confessional / shinpachi porn magazines)part 4 (confessional / lottery ticket / confessional / soul switch)part 5 (shogun assassination, the end is pretty sad, the seiyuu suffers as well..)part 6 (farewell shinsengumi)part 7 (farewell shinsengumi)part 8 (some talking lmao what is this 15:00 / DOES!!!)part 9 (seiyuus of old characters we all miss and also talking)part 10 (also some talking)part 11 (mitsuba arc..)
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hajime-nii · 7 years
Random question: Do you think Sougo and Hijikata are better swordsmans than Kondou?
yes, i think kondo excels in other areas 
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hajime-nii · 7 years
What are you planning to do after Gintama ends?
im not sure what you mean what ill do. rn my feelings towards gintama are kinda muddy bcause lately i dont feel.......much. i do love some occasional moments and i love that jirocho is back for example but im just....bored. so i dont know how this will end
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