#giovanni ma
impromptu-sketches · 2 years
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why have a toxic top when you would write a character like Giovanni???
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♥♥♥ I love them so much you don’t understand ( ༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ )
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moorswanderer · 1 year
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still… would you still hold me… if i ever tell you i’m cold?
yeah, that’s right. if you ever ask me… and if i ever ask you… we will always… hold each other tightly. because we’ll worry about each other… care for one another… love each other… and receive each other love.
🥹🫶🏻 even ‘hold me tight’ ended
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mistressemmedi · 8 months
Maestro. Tanto amore per questo sorriso
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chanrizard · 26 days
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killiandestroy · 3 months
non potete comprendere la situazione in cui sto c'è un vicoletto che dà sulla via in cui abito (su cui dà camera mia) e sono più di 24 ore che hanno la musica a palla ininterrottamente e okay che fino alle 6 era tutto acceso perché si è festeggiato tipo il patrono però mi chiedo. questi non dormono proprio?
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seaxdevil · 6 months
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Tag Dump: Relationships
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aurorawest · 10 months
Reading update
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The Winter Spirits: Ghostly Tales for Festive Nights - 5/5 stars
I bought this solely for the Natasha Pulley story, "The Salt Miracles," (I WOULD READ A WHOLE BOOK ABOUT FLINT AND THE SAINT, MX PULLEY), but every story was really good. My kind of spooky.
Seriously though, I wanted so much more of "The Salt Miracles." How was it a queer love story despite not being a love story or queer? God I love Natasha Pulley.
Henry Hamlet's Heart by Rhiannon Wilde - 5/5 stars
Really lovely YA romance set in Australia. The yearning is impeccable. Also, I hate myself for saying this, but it's historical fiction—it's set in 2008.
Handmade Holidays by 'Nathan Burgoine - 3.5/5 stars
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin - 4/5 stars
Not an easy read. The main character, David, is despicable, but in large part because he lives in a society that expects rigid adherence to gender roles. One thing I found really interesting was repeated emphasis on the fact that David won't act, he waits for someone else to do it for him—he acknowledges that if Joey had asked him to stay, he would have, that if Giovanni had asked him to stay, he would have. And then Hella tells him that as a woman, she has to wait for men to tell her things, but David doesn't tell her he's gay, he waits for her to figure it out herself. Hella makes this into an explicitly gendered dichotomy, which is interesting with David constantly fretting about not being a man because of his queerness.
Queer classic, people should read.
Merry & Bright by Joanna Chambers - 5/5 stars
They Hate Each Other by Amanda Woody - DNF at pg 2
Contained the following absolutely baffling author's note, which I quickly became so resentful of that I stopped reading.
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Against the Stars by Christopher Hartland - 4.25/5 stars
Near-future sci-fi where everyone gets one 44 second look into their future. Fairly dark for YA. Also thematically relevant to my MCU fic.
Mistletoe & Mishigas by MA Wardell - 4.25/5 stars
This book was lovely. I loved Theo so much. Sheldon is very annoying but also very lovable. And it's nice to read a Hanukkah romance!
Haunted Hearts by K Sterling - DNF at pg 2
Did anyone edit this?
The Bruising of Qilwa by Naseem Jamnia - DNF at pg 21
Wanted to like this one but it just wasn't very well written. You ever read books where it's obvious the author spent too much time on their wOrlDbuILdiNg to the exclusion of actually writing a good book? Yeah.
Between Shadow and Flame by CT Bryce - DNF at 26
Editors? Hello?? Seriously, I feel like people are writing manuscripts on their phones and uploading them directly to Amazon from there.
The Power of the Dog by Thomas Savage - 4.5/5 stars
Oddly I found this to be not as difficult of a read as Giovanni's Room, in my private game of Ranking Queer Classics Against Each Other. Obviously Phil is an awful man, but in the end I felt bad for him, tbh. Phil is like, a really catty twink wrapped in layers of toxic masculinity and repressed homosexuality. And then Peter is a sociopath. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to sympathize with Peter? I didn't think I was, but then I scanned Annie Proulx's afterword and it seemed like she thought we were supposed to? Obviously you feel worst for all the people Phil just heedlessly tears to ribbons because he's a maladjusted asshole. I think the thing is, there were just enough glimmers where Phil acts like a human being that I was like, maybe you can be saved! Ah, tragedy.
Anyway, good book, 10/10 would recommend. (and no, I haven't seen the movie)
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impromptu-sketches · 1 year
Because nobody asked, here’s an example of why I love Giovanni so much - especially compared to some other common BL tops that are also presidents/directors at their company.
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First, relatable ¯\(ツ)/¯
Second, he literally just wants to go home to be with his new lover ♡♡
In the beginning, Giovanni is kind of shown as a common BL top trope: rich president with a bad personality - also seductive and stubborn. 
But unlike others, Giovanni doesn’t really care about his status or wealth that much. He’s shown to be a huge giver to the people he loves, mainly to Felix and Felix’s family, and he doesn’t use his position to get things unfairly.
(slight spoiler in this paragraph) - When bad things happen out of his control and Felix gets hurt/is in trouble, he literally gives up his COMPANY for Felix in order to protect him. Idk about you, but other characters would just kill someone, threaten someone, or use their connections to get what they want. But Giovanni? He didn’t have a lot of options and he chose to give away -everything- he worked so hard for. And that means a LOT when you know that Giovanni was an orphan and has the chronic disease of always being cold - always being uncomfortable (which kind of explains some of his bad personality because I too am a bit snappy when I’m freezing cold for a long time, kind of like being hangry. But I digress). Yes, he was adopted into a nice family and his brother is also a president of a company who has his back - and he does use that to get into a new position - but that’s motivated by him wanting to keep an eye on the person who hurt Felix!! Before that, you see him and his brother working together and keeping work completely separate from their relationship, he even declined a project to Giovanni’s company and Giovanni was like ‘it can’t be helped.’ Just saying, he’s not one to abuse his power (unless it’s to help or protect someone else).
He is just so down to earth and where other characters choose questionable methods, he gives what he can give in order to protect the one he loves. And honestly, this is just a reflection of his whole personality. He's very ‘I don’t care about anyone or anything but you’ and I love that about him ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
I could go on... and I will.
Thirdly, when you think about Giovanni’s past, it’s actually so sad. His family abandoned him when he was young because of his condition, he was an orphan, got adopted into a nice family, and worked his way up to be president of a company. But for his whole life he can’t feel warmth at all. He even gets bullied because of his condition. So he goes through life cold, freezing, and as far as we know, pretty much alone. He does have his family but from what we see in the story he only interacts with his brother Leo, and that’s mainly through work and Leo calling to check up on him. Multiple times Giovanni threatens to never speak to him again if he oversteps (little bit dramatic if you ask me). He lives alone in a huge place - Felix even points it out, ‘no wonder he’s so cold in a place like this.’ It’s shown that he’s not that close to his subordinates at work or anyone else in his life.
~ Until he meets Felix ~ But it’s hilarious that Felix was just like ‘I love you, please go out with me’ and Giovanni was like... ‘nah, not interested.’ And it was only when they touched hands and he felt warmth for the first time that he gave Felix any attention.
I mean, when Felix first approaches him, Giovanni is drinking alone at a bar, not looking like he’s in a good mood. When Felix tries to sit with him and flirt he shuts him down and leaves looking annoyed. But when their hands touch, he feels warmth and so he gives in.
The story starts there and as the story goes on we see that the only person he cares about, really the only close person in his life is Felix.
(spoilers in this paragraph) - Felix on the other hand, has his mother and sister and is basically being threatened to do what he’s doing to keep them safe. And later we learn that Giovanni picks up on this and - thanks to the persistence of his brother - learns that Felix is using him. And he lets him. Mostly because he doesn’t want to give up that warmth he -finally- feels in his life. Also because he starts having feelings for Felix, but they’re really one in the same. He finally feels warmth, he finally feels love, he finally receives love. It’s no wonder that a large plot later on is that he’s worried Felix will leave him.
I also think it’s the cutest thing that Giovanni has Felix’s contact saved as ‘Miracle ♥’ and has this photo of him sleeping as his background
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In conclusion, I love Giovanni
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buscandoelparaiso · 11 months
volevo applaudire udogie e scalvini perche nonostante la poca esperienza internazionale hanno giocato molto bene e si sono presentati davanti ad avversari cessi temibili senza nessuna paura
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freshthoughts2020 · 1 year
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STREAM: https://soundcloud.com/gettothecorner/sets/boss-vibes-puffy-style
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themhac · 2 years
quanto è bello e carino e gentile giovanni🥹
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princessofmistake · 3 months
Mentre salivamo le scale, la luce si spense e io e Hella cominciammo a ridacchiare come due bambini. Non riuscimmo a trovare l'interruttore a tempo su nessuno dei pianerottoli - non so perché tutti e due trovassimo la cosa così esilarante, ma così era, e ci tenemmo stretti l'uno all'altra, ridacchiando, fino alla stanza di Hella, all'ultimo piano.
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yamujiburo · 1 year
Bro ur whole hanamusa thing is hilarious to me. The way Ash n Jesse interact reminds me of me n my pops(stepdad) even the ages are the same. Only difference is instead of a sapphic pokenapping lady, my ma picked up a 6’4” Italian felon strange world bud.
HAHAHAHA this is if Delia got with Giovanni
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ancientcharm · 5 months
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Melpemone, The Muse of Tragedy.
Photography and text: Egisto Sani / CC BY-NC 4.0
This colossal statue may have been part of the decorations of the Theatre of Pompey in Rome. It was discovered without arms in 1496. In 1782, Giovanni Pierantoni restored the Muse’s statua as Melpomene, the Muse of Tragedy, by adding forearms and a modern tragic mask. Four other Muses were found towards the end of the 16th century in the same space. Melpomene was undoubtedly part of a group of nine muses who decorated the theater or the portico of Pompey Theater, the first stone spectacle building in Rome. This statute is the only one to have kept its original head. Former the statue belonged to the Vatican Collections; it was confiscated during the Napoleonic era in 1803, and was exchanged in 1815 with the “Laocoon”, which had been returned to the Vatican after the defeat of Napoleon.  Marble statue H. 3.92 mC. 50 BC. From Rome, Campus Martius, Theatre of Pompey. Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities Paris, Musée du Louvre – (Ma. 411)
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freshthoughts2020 · 10 months
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fridagentileschi · 9 months
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No, niente Wozniak o Steve Jobs, qui si parla dei VERI inventori del Personal Computer, qui si parla di una storia Italiana che cambiò il mondo.
Ivrea 1962, Il genio visionario Adriano OLIVETTI è già morto e la successione dell'azienda è affidata a suo figlio Roberto.
C'è però un ingegnere di nome Pier Giorgio Perotto, che ha un’idea geniale, degna del grande Adriano: costruire una macchina per elaborare dati che offra autonomia funzionale e che quindi abbia dimensioni ridotte per stare in ogni ufficio, programmabile, dotata di memoria, flessibile e semplice da usare.
Perotto crea un team di giovani Ingegneri: Giovanni De Sandre, Gastone Garziera, Giancarlo Toppiche, che lavora su questo progetto "IMPOSSIBILE" per l'epoca, considerando che sino ad allora i Computer erano grandi come stanze ed utilizzabili solo da esperti programmatori.
Dopo un anno dal lancio del progetto, il TEAM riesce a sviluppare un primo rudimentale prototipo rinominato "Perottina" ma purtroppo Olivetti, sprofonda in una crisi finanziaria profondissima, entrano nuovi soci e non capendo le potenzialità enormi che aveva il reparto Elettronico dell'azienda lo svendono all'americana General Electric con tutti i brevetti, al motto:
"Nessuna azienda Europea può entrare nel mercato dell'elettronica, non fa per noi, non siamo in grando, per quello ci sono gli americani"
Perotto però riesce a sottrarsi e sottrarre il suo TEAM al trasferimento, e prosegue, dimenticato dal resto dell'azienda che oramai si occupava d'altro, nel suo progetto visionario facendo progettare il Design della Macchina a Mario Bellini (designer famoso dell'epoca)
1965 New York. Il prototipo definitivo della Programma 101 è finalmente pronto ed in occasione del BEMA (salone delle macchine per l’automazione dell’ufficio), la fiera piu' importante dell'epoca, viene presentata al grande pubblico.
Il PRIMO PC ebbe un successo pazzesco, stavolta a giudicarlo non erano capi d'azienda (che poco capivano di elettronica) ma persone comuni, tutti si chiedevano dove fosse il cavo che collegasse quella bellissima macchina ad un "vero computer", nessuno poteva credere che era quello il computer stesso.
Il costo passò da 100000 dollari dell'epoca di un computer tradizionale a poco più di 3200 dollari, tutti ne volevano uno, anche la NASA ne acquistò diversi esemplari.
Purtroppo però In Olivetti, a parte il gruppetto di Perotto, non ci sono più i tecnici e ingegneri elettronici indispensabili sia per progettare ulteriori sviluppi del prodotto, sia per organizzare una rete commerciale in grado di vendere un prodotto ben diverso dalle macchine per scrivere o da calcolo.
L’Olivetti cerca di richiamare tecnici e ingegneri che sono finiti alla OGE (General Electric), dove lavorano per gli americani; ma i tempi non sono brevi, mentre l’industria americana, colta l’importanza delle novità introdotte dalla P101, non perde tempo per imboccare la stessa strada.
Il resto è storia.
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