#girl meets the 100
veggieboxes · 2 years
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more age swap stuff where teru is comphet for Twenty Eight years and dimple is an ageless baby
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evie-doesnt-write · 16 days
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Revolutionary Girl Utena: Ep.22//Ep.34
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sageandred · 6 months
*(& still salty about it)
new poll: Who's your Roman Empire non-endgame couple Part 2? ends 12/30
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lesbianladyeboshi · 9 months
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I must point out at no point in these Umbrella Chronicles novel scenes did Chris actually meet or speak to Wesker. Hoe regularly talks to himself about Chris in canon.
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Also need it known that Jill was there for the Tyrant Confrontation and is fighting alongside Chris the whole damn time.
I hope the remakes keep "Wesker ignores all women and refuses to speak to them for Chris" because it's funny and iconic.
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catoscloves · 11 months
not someone trying to call maya an abuser to diss lucaya like... she gave him a few nicknames. the entire show all she did was give him nicknames and that was pretty much the entire extent of her teasing him. and he gave back equally in their dynamic too. yes it's probably unkind to call people nicknames especially when they express discomfort with it i'll admit that much, and lucas didn't seem to be too happy about it (honestly most of the time he was fond of this habit too and enjoyed the experience hence "putting thought into their little game") but that does not equate to abuse bestie! that's an extreme place to go just because you don't like a ship akdjfjfjfj
and it's admittedly mean to make fun of someone's heritage, but even that didn't really go to a level where it became uncomfortable either. lucas is from texas and maya made occasional jokes about it based on stereotypes? which may not be that great but this is a show about middle school characters and while i'm not saying maya's actions are okay and acceptable, she is a literal child! i guarantee y'all were just as annoying and mean when you were in middle school XD
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skelecentral · 9 months
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Day 4 (Angel x Demon) and 6 (Neko/Animal Person) of cringetober drawings that I’m too shy to post on my main 😭 anyways, demon nightmare x angel Y/N and fox killer x Cat Y/N
In my mind, every single person here (except Angel Y/N, they’re just in a bad spot) is toxic as hell, but gets significantly better as the story progresses.
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tommytonebender · 1 year
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Apparently, I never posted my Venture Bros OCs that I drew in 2020.
Entomologists by day and “ecoterrorists” by night, villain duo, Mae Meadows and Beatrix Gibson, better known as Maple and Honey!
Their favorite intel hunting grounds are super science conventions, where they tee-hee their way into lab techs’ hotel rooms and laptops — with the help of pollen and bee venom — to find out just who is killing all the pollinators. They’ve got a lead that VenTech might be the biggest contributor to colony collapse... and that the new staff isn’t wise to their methods. Or their destructive nature.
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colettesonpluto · 2 months
if we aren't mutuals i implore you to think about whart you're missing out on! (nothing i just want to be your friend so bad)
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gendrie · 1 year
"You may have bad dreams for a time," warned the kindly man. "Her father beat her so often and so brutally that she was never truly free of pain or fear until she came to us." "Did you kill him?" "She asked the gift for herself, not for her father." You should have killed him. (Arya, ADWD) 
this quote feels relevant to jeyne p. in braavos to me. not that i think she’s suicidal before anyone starts, but she is a victim of abuse and arya condemns the abuser. i hope grrm lets arya and jeyne help each other by enabling them both to reclaim their true identities. theon saving jeyne from ramsay was critical to him becoming theon again, but jeyne is still stuck within the act. 
She had played this talk out in her head half a hundred times, like a mummer in a show. (Arya, AFFC)
This is your chance, he thought. Tell them. Tell them now. Shout out your name before them all, tell them that you are not Arya Stark, let all the north hear how you were made to play this part. (Theon, ADWD)
He’ll want me or he won’t, she thought, so let the play begin. (Arya, TWOW)
It was the girl who held them here, Lord Eddard's blood, but the girl was just a mummer's ploy, a lamb in a direwolf's skin. (Theon, ADWD)
The mummers off the Ship showed her how a hero stands, and taught her speeches from The Song of the Rhoyne, The Conqueror's Two Wives, and The Merchant's Lusty Lady. (Arya, AFFC)
And for what? Jeyne, her name is Jeyne, and her eyes are the wrong color. A mummer playing a part. Lord Bolton knows, and Ramsay, but the rest are blind, even this bloody bard with his sly smiles. (Theon, ADWD)
"If the Snapper comes looking for me, tell her that I went off to read my lines again." She only had a few, and most were just, "Oh, no, no, no," and "Don't, oh don't, don't touch me," and "Please, m'lord, I am still a maiden," but this was the first time Izembaro had given her any lines at all, so it was only to be expected that poor Mercy would want to get them right. (Arya, TWOW)
the mummer theme that arya and jeyne in particular share is crazy. theon thinks of jeyne as a mummer multiple times and she really has been forced to become an actress playing the role of arya stark. arya has worn many names and that culminates, for her, in an apprenticeship with actual mummers............but the north remembers and the mummers farce is almost done!!!
Jeyne Poole had wept all the way from Winterfell to here, wept until her face was purple as a beetroot and the tears had frozen on her cheeks, and all because he told her that she must be Arya, or else the wolves might send them back. (Theon, TWOW)
so theon got jeyne out of winterfell, but she’s still trapped in a lot of ways. in his last adwd chapter theon cant even bring himself to call her arya and jeyne even smiles after they’ve escaped. until they’re rescued then he advices (to put it nicely) jeyne to keep up the ruse after all. arya can remove that burden from her while jeyne gives arya an opportunity to take her name back. 
She might have been able to trick a Frey or one of the Brave Companions, but the Dreadfort men had served Roose Bolton their whole life, and they knew him better than she did. If I tell him I am Arya Stark and command him to stand aside . . . No, she dare not. He was a northman, but not a Winterfell man. He belonged to Roose Bolton. (Arya, ACOK)
She bit her lip. "You may not recall, my lord, as I was littler then . . . but I had the honor to meet you at Winterfell when King Robert came to visit my father Lord Eddard." She lowered her big brown eyes and mumbled, "I'm Arya Stark." Jaime had never paid much attention to Arya Stark, but it seemed to him that this girl was older. "I understand you're to be married." "I am to wed Lord Bolton's son, Ramsay. He used to be a Snow, but His Grace has made him a Bolton. They say he's very brave. I am so happy." (Jaime, ASOS)
theres a lot of other elements that seem to be lining up in braavos too like slavery which is outlawed. arya and jeyne were both prisoners of war, forced into slavery, and by the same people no less (lannisters/boltons). arya ended up in braavos, jeyne will likely be on her way soon enough AND theres the hardhome refugees who were taken prisoner, enslaved, and seized in braavos. all these northern women and children who were enslaved ending up in the same city? interesting! 
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muffingnf · 1 month
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imgojng to Fucking kill myself i can feel the crazy demon infested part of my brain kicking into high gear when i look at these two Ohhh its so freaking joever for me
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fiapple · 1 month
to be totally upfront with you, when it comes to op i am like... 90% just here for the women. like, don't get me wrong, the male characters are fun & i enjoy them! i'm having a blast, even! there are a few upcoming arcs that i'm vaguely aware of which i'm sure will allow some of the men to garner more of my favour!
but also, like... the women are the characters that make me feel like screaming & crying & slowly peeling off my skin layer by layer. they are the characters who haunt me, who harrow me, who's suffering i feel in my very bones. they are the characters who have intellects which fill me with awe, resilience that guts me organ by organ, the characters who are flawed in a manner which ground me & heartens me in equal measure, the characters given a sort of atypical strength which fascinates me, their sense of chaotic whimsy what brings a lightness to my heart. the women are the people carrying the story for me. it wouldn't be anything close to worthwhile without them.
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olddustorange · 7 months
I mstly do my own thang anddont really look at other people but a friend of mine is going to SEMINARY SCHOOL and i feelvery influenced and dazzled and its like SHOULD IDO THATTOO
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donghuamuqing · 2 years
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Blood on hands, blood in mouth
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year
For those of you wondering the amount of minimum writing staff WGA is asking for:
(click images for better quality)
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(link to tweet) (link to article in the tweet)
This was a quote tweet of that:
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(link to tweet)
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(link to Merrill's tweet) (link to Jay's tweet)
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(link to Josh's tweet) (link to Mark's tweet)
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(Nora's tweet) (Jen's tweet) (Sarah's tweet)
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(link to Lynelle's tweet) (link to Ryan's tweet)
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aroaceofthesea · 2 months
Hate it bc we used to have such a fun friend group and everything was great but then ppl started fighting with each other so now there's a lot of tension between some ppl and it makes me kinda sad to think about how it could have been if this all hadnt happened
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jinglejanglemornings · 8 months
google search how do i stop missing her so much i can't breathe
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