arli-ezra · 6 months
This is me if u even care…
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chibiitto · 7 months
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Huo Huo! Her design is adorable
messy sketch lol
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ringotism · 6 months
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They’re girlfriends guys they just don’t know it yet
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gaiaxyswitch · 1 year
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absolute disaster (she let the bushes die after getting like 136 berries out of them)
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firecrackerboom · 5 months
why is cnikki just so so so so☹️
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gtws-enjoyer · 6 months
Boyflop Gender! & Girlflop Gender!
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A gender relating to the term girlflop/boyflop, this could be relating to the term, identifying with the term, or the term itself.
I'm unsure if the term is new but the flags are! If anybody knows of someone who coined the term first tell me and I'll credit them!
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biggestgirlfailure · 7 months
coming out as a girlfailure.
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telffiin · 7 months
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from a few weeks ago. nur <3
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mnm-mna · 1 year
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she’s kind of a Femcel. But less hot. I don’t know if she’s a slay or if I should stomp on her until she was a small broun stain. I kind of hate her a lot. but she’s also cute.
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eyesup-orion · 5 months
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girlfailure..save me girlfailure...girlfailure save me
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chooseruin · 1 year
The thing making me Feral about Judith Deuteros today is like. Her absolutely unfortunate attempt to declare martial law at Canaan House was the only thing she had to contribute. She is the ranking Cohort officer in this situation (she thinks) and like that's IT. In practical terms she's the weakest player there and she knows this; never mind the illest anime ill girl in the whole Seventh House and the three simultaneous greatest necromancers of their generation and Abigail Pent (at whom she is in any case strenuously not looking), Isaac could punt her through a wall. Silas is good enough at his terrible job that an actual Lyctor had to punch him out and then orchestrate that situation with the keys just to make ABSOLUTELY certain no one would ever listen to him. Judith is a competent melee support necromancer when in an actual melee. Judith can hold her own against Camilla Hect at ceiling chess even with a high fever, but Camilla and Palamedes and Ianthe are also there. Judith's cavalier is the glory of the Second House and their ability to work together is like... it's fine. It's professional. It's good. This is what peak performance looks like. It's fine. They're fine. Everything's fine. The hardware on her uniform is the only thing that's supposed to matter that she has and no one else does, that's ALL she has that she can imagine leveraging to get them out of here, and the way that works when your dad is the Fleet Admiral is that they give you everything you ask for and then you spend the rest of your life scrambling to earn it and she's not even very good at that. She has the charisma of drywall (affectionate/despairing) and all she can do to assert authority is fall back on the Cohort playbook and holy fuckballs did no one else in this bar actually care about that even BEFORE people started dying and all she does is completely discredit the actually pretty reasonable option of pulling together and trying to get out of this. And then Camilla Hect happens in front of everyone. And then the situation is REALLY losing cabin pressure and it's glorious last stand o'clock and her glorious last stand turns ugly and squalid and doesn't even help and she doesn't even get to die for it. She's the perfect product of ten thousand years of God needing cultural infrastructure for his genocide run against the rest of the universe, and she doesn't even get to Charge of the Light Brigade her way out. She doesn't get to die senselessly and prove to everyone that the rules don't matter anymore, because no one else ever really believed they did. She's so goddamn doomed by the narrative that it won't even let her die. Corona won't let her die. Blood of Eden won't let her die. MERCYMORN THE FIRST takes time out of a very packed schedule specifically to not let her die, not even long enough to come back wrong, how much more wrong could she get. She's the last kid left in Hamelin and she's opposite day Jackie Yellowjackets and she's a minor war poet and a virgin who can't drive and a wholeass Indelicates song and the most exhausted twenty-two-year-old in the universe and THAT'S ALL BEFORE NT9. Who is being happened to like her.
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anetesenpai · 5 months
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I fell into the One Piece blorbo plinko and got assigned clown
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ciarre · 1 year
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girlbosses and sommie
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Madeline Usher - Setting herself up for failure
Because the thing is, Madeline was never close to successfully develop an AI human consciousness. Not even by a long shot. Roderick convinced she was, because either he knew jackshit about tech and algorithms, idolised his sister, was delusional about her progress, or Madeline was lying to him the same way Vic did, or a combination of all of these. Or Madeline was deceiving herself.
Because, based on the themes of the show, how could she create a fully realised human mind from scratch, when she doesn't understand what it is?
She loved Roderick's kids and his grandkid, but only as extensions of her brother. Not as people. She failed to understand Tamerlane's cry for help, dismissing her desperate (and valid) need for love and companionship, her immense guilt, and ended up giving her niece the most batshit worst advice that only further exacerbated her paranoia and isolation. She didn't bother caring about what the children were up to, if what they did did not pertain immediately to the superficial benefits of the family. She thought Napoleon made "debutante balls". Napoleon, whose occupation was in video games, provided he had had better creative encouragement and guidance, potentially could have been the best person in the family to connect with Madeline on a professional level. As an equal.
It was not a huge surprise that Madeline's digital recreation of Lenore was that soulless, horrifying text chain Roderick received at the end. Even as Madeline was permitted to a diary full of the girl's thoughts and dreams, she did not understand her, and at that point was incapable of trying. She did not know Lenore as a person, the kindness that drove the girl, in the same manner that she did not understand how people like Annabel Lee and Dupin operate. The one time she was given a chance at instrospection, when Annabel Lee told her "You are so small.", she squandered that chance by burying it with Griswald and never thought of it again.
Madeline was brilliant. She had an incredible, ruthless drive for success. She foresaw the necessity of her field. She understands how the world works. When it concerned her. She understood the worst parts about a person. When it concerned her. It was her intelligence, arrogance and hubris that Verna respected. Madeline also did not understand the good parts about a person. What makes them whole. Her humanity was amputated, half of it by her own doing, and she lacked the self-awareness to realise that her amputated worldview was not the whole picture.
So of course she failed at her lifelong dream of creating a living digital consciousness.
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pumpkinnkidd · 1 year
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he may destroy a planet or two, but such is life!
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von-leg · 1 year
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Eula is baby 🥺
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