#giselle would just to free anders
niofo · 2 months
i was thinking again abt my thedas medical drama and i noticed i never wrote down some of the other details.
so obviously the thing happens in kirkwall, bcos where else would this bs took place, and so i have da2 gang show up.
merrill alongside jowan work in a blood bank at fiona's hospital, bcos of course they do. i think they would be good friends
merrill's gfs live close by: isabela is a programmer and a hacker while marian hawke works as a bouncer and eventually works up to owning a bar alongside varric (who is obviously also a writer, both published and also writes crack ships to his own books on ao3 under fake name)
aveline is obviously a local cop
fenris is a ballet dancer and trained to it since he was a little kid, under some very fucked up and toxic instructors - he managed to leave, but he's still messed up after it and danarius is after him to ruin his career as a petty little shit he is. fenris also treats his physical health really seriously considering it's his main source of income, so he'll be often arguing with doctors about best ways to treat his injuries
i admit i don't really know what to do with sebastian, he's not really a priest or any sort of preacher, but whatever his job is he's really involved with his local church, prob met wynne and leliana there
bcos i put all my mages as doctors i was wondering about nurses and other staff members, and i'm thinking chantry people? chancellor roderick would make a great nurse, lbr, i worked with some that are exactly like that. also i want mother giselle as a nurse, bcos i think she would enjoy working with ppl like that and also she would absolutely have a huge beef with idris (who seems to just like having beef with ppl). i'm not sure if giselle would be friends with wynne, them both bonding over having this kind and motherly disposition, or of they'll be rivals over who is motherliest of them all. either way idris is so completely done with it. and then i have leliana as a head nurse there, running a tight ship with all that bullshit and disaster personnel she has to work with. i once knew a nurse who was able to take her own blood, that's leliana, she'd be just like nurse kasia.
i also want to share a story of how idris accidentally become a cult leader, and it might show cassandra in a bad light, but tbf to her, most ppl would be completely baffled with the shit idris pulls of. so there was this (completely anders unrelated) explosion in which cass' mentor justinia died and cass was only mildly injured. obviously emergency staff from local hospital showed up and idris was just one of the doctors on scene, but cass remembered his red hair. then she was inquiring about justinia's death and who would have thunk that, idris was there as a forensic doctor as well. and then bcos obviously it was all very traumatic, cass went to a psychiatrist to get some sleeping meds, and well, you can guess who she found. she decided that thrice is way too much for a coincidence and it's a sign from andraste. idris wanted to protest that no, he just hates having free time, but no one listened to him.
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viiisenyas · 2 years
when Anders says “Justice and I are one,” I strongly believe that it’s because Justice doesn’t want to go back to the Fade. I'm sure if Justice found another willing host, he’d move on if he wanted to.
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nam-imperii · 5 years
Heya! I don't really know your OCs, but I would like to! How about #1 for the OC Codex Prompts for any OC you like. And tag me so I'll see it!! :D
OHHH BOI Ok so. I’m kinda going against the rules of this blog, which is supposed to be a The Elder Scrolls blog, but I’m gonna go with my Melkior Lavellan because the DA day left me with FEELS. Disclaimer: I really don’t trust my english. I know I can go and speak it and be understood but writing it’s another issue. That said, thank you for the question and let’s go!
“Have you seen what he’s doing?”
“You need to be more specific, Seeker”
“Don’t toy with me, Varric. We have been here to gain support for the Inquisition, a goal in which Lavellan seems invested like you would be in telling the truth. And yet he has done it but-”
“-the moment in which we reached this refugee camp full of scared and sick people he looks like blondie when he had found another cat? Yes, I noticed. Your Mother Giselle seems well-intentioned, but I don’t think this people would have survived much longer without him.”
“He’s standing on a roof. He’s healing people for free with magic that I have never seen. Well, Daisy seemed to be used a similar thing but not for healing. I think it’s a dalish thing. Or maybe he just likes to help people, instead of dragging them for half a continent and stabbing books.”
“For the last time! I’ve donne what was necessary! And it’s more than what magic is uses, even if his ideas seems... Radical to me. He has perfectlyy organized a group of scared refugee in a community capable to share their few resourches in order to survive and improved their humor. He kills if necessary, but it’s obviously he’s no warrior. But this... He seems born for it. If only he wasn’t an... Abomination, I would even respect his work.”
“Seeker, that’s bullshit. He’s merged with a spirit of Hope, he’s not an abomination.”
“I didn’t knew you were an advocate for the rebels now, Varric”
“Oh no, don’t put me in this mess. I have only one side and it’s myself. Simply put, Seeker, I have spended enough time with blondie and Hawke to recognize the difference between a demon and a good spirit.”
“So I should simply trust that this dalish will NOT blow up the Chantry?”
“If I may join the conversation, Lady Seeker, Master Tethras is right. In my journeys in the Fade, I’ve seen much of those cases. And from what I’ve heard, the Apostate Anders is still in control of his spirit and they acted accordingly. A spirit of Hope is foundamentally different from a Spirit of Justice and the chance of conflict are minimal, to say the least. If I may add, despite being on the same side, you appear to have... difficoulties with the young Melkior.”
“I simply don’t know if I can trust someone like him, Solas”
“Interesting. How so?”
“A radical dalish elf, from a people who had been enemy of the Chantry for centuries, now becoming a decisive factor for the fate of the Chantry itself? How can we be sure he will not seek revenge?”
“You, Seeker, I don’t think he would seek revenge at the price of innocents.” the three looked at the dalish mage, who was curing a woman with respiratory problems with waves of healing magic, without any hostility for his ears or his staff.
“But I don’t think the Chantry, or anything else, will ever be the same...And I’m not sure you will dislike the results, in the end”
“Mpf. I suppose we’ll see.”
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queen-scribbles · 7 years
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World State:
--Warden Trinne Amell, romanced Alistair, left Anora queen, Alistair stayed a Warden, OGB, Trinne killed the Archdemon, still alive(Happy Ending sans Harvey AU, I guess xD)
--Evi Hawke, red personality, warrior, romanced Anders(rival path), very pro-templar, executed Anders, recruited Seb, sided w/templars endgame
       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-
For this AU, Trinne told Jowan to run from Redcliffe, rather than conscripting him to the Wardens(wouldn’t wish this life on her best friend or something). She lets him out of his cell and tells him to run after he goes in the Fade to fight the demon and free Connor bc it’s clear that’s not going to buy him much mercy and she couldn’t live with herself if she just lets him get killed/made Tranquil. So he does the aiding refugees things, changes his name to Levyn to avoid the templars looking for him. Also, new name for a new start. (basically, I like having him fight the demon to count as his Harrowing, and also needed him to run so voila)
About a year post-Blight, after the Archdemon, Mother, and Architect are all dead and the darkspawn threat starts to die down, he gets tired of running. But what else is there for someone like him? The average civilian doesn’t recognize the scars on his hands and arms, but a templar probably would. He goes anywhere near a Circle, he’s as good as executed.
So he makes do as a (sort-of)hedge mage, trading help for whatever people can afford to pay. Sometimes this means food or clothes or learning new skills instead of money. He’s fine with that. One family was so poor his “payment” was a flower crown made by their six year old daughter. He keeps a couple of the flowers long after they dry out, pressed between the pages of a book to help him remember on bad days that he can be both good and good for something in spite of his mistakes.
After the Chantry Explosion in Kirkwall, he gives up using magic entirely(had already been saving it for emergencies only), and settles in a small, out of the way village(Chilltread) near the foothills of the Frostback Mountains. It’s remote, has no templar presence, and the people are kind without being nosy. He tells them he got in trouble at home and had to leave(which is true enough), and they don’t pry.
Chilltread is quiet and hard to reach enough the Mage-Templar War doesn’t really touch them, and news takes so long to get there the first they hear of the Conclave is when the delegation from the Ostwick Circle passes through. They make it sound important enough to pique Levyn’s curiosity and he asks if he can go with them. He’s starting to go stir-crazy staying in one place and this seems a good excuse to leave for awhile but come back. They agree, long as he brings his own provisions/gear and pulls his weight. He’s willing to do that, and so leaves with them when they depart the next morning. When one of the escorts asks his name and he says Levyn, the man chuckles and turns to a nearby mage in the delegation. “What were you sayin’ about your name not bein’ common, Trevelyan?”
The mage in question, dark haired with pale green-blue eyes, scoffs and makes some comment about how one nobody from a backwater Fereldan village sharing his given name does not make it common. They press on, already running slightly behind desired schedule and with three more days’ travel ahead of them. That evening when they make camp, Levyn Trevelyan apologizes to Levyn the Nobody for his attitude. “Today was not a good day, for many reasons, and  had me all out of sorts. My humblest apologies for disparaging you.”
Levyn brushes it off(“I am technically a nobody, so you’re not wrong”) and they chat for a while. Trevelyan waxes eloquent about both his family and the Ostwick Circle, while Levyn is a little more vague. Lots of ‘you wouldn’t have heard of that place’ and ‘I haven’t done anything spectacular, really’ dodging.
It gets colder the higher into the mountains they go, and the next(last) village they pass through on the way to Haven(even smaller than Chilltread), Levyn trades a good chunk of his provisions to a villager for warmer clothes. He can deal with being hungry, has before. But the cold is wicked this high up, and he can’t stand it. (acquired: starting armor :D)
They’re among the last to arrive at the Conclave, which suits Levyn fine; less time around a large number of templars. He is, of course, not important enough to actually be included in the talks, but there’s plenty of gossip to be heard from servants, mercs, and guards. It gives him a pretty clear picture of where things stand and how ugly the Mage-Templar War has gotten. Trevelyan is included in some of the meetings, but doesn’t want to discuss them when he’s free, preferring to talk about his family or the friends still at Ostwick’s Circle, all of whom he clearly misses.
Being so wary of people--especially Chantry-affiliated people--Levyn spends a fair bit of time wandering the temple halls, wondering what parts Trinne saw when she was here.
And then comes the explosion.
Running, things chasing him, the woman, climbing… something, a cliff, maybe? Or stairs? The bright flare of light and rubble under his feet and then a cell and angrily hissed words.
“Tell me why we shouldn’t kill you now.”
      -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-
Turns out, when he stumbles out of the Fade, he stayed (semi)conscious just long enough to say his name was Levyn before passing out entirely. Since the Ostwick delegation didn’t add him to their roster when he joined them, the only Levyn to find is Levyn Trevelyan. So they assume that’s him and run with it.
It hits him almost as soon as his head clears what happened, but Cassandra sounds a hairs-breadth from killing him on the spot, and he’s terrified she will if she knows he’s Levyn-the-nobody-apostate instead of Levyn-with-noble-family-ties. So he plays along, he figures just long enough to fix this and leave. Sidesteps Varric’s guess about where he’s from with “What is this, an interrogation?”
By the time they seal the Breach and he’s no longer in immediate danger of execution, he’s ‘Herald of Andraste’ and in too deep to stop lying about who he is. Everyone thinks he’s Lord Trevelyan of Ostwick, and the nobody from Chilltread village is just another tick mark on a casualty report. (not that anyone cares) So he decides to play the part. He’s good at pretending to be someone he’s not, after all. And he can’t think of a pleasant outcome if he tells the truth.
Has something of a panic attack when he sees Cullen in the War Room. Only person in the whole Inquisition who might recognize him(he thinks). But it’s been a decade since Kinloch Hold, and they’ve both been through enough hell Cullen doesn’t seem to recognize him. He’s still anxious about talking to the man the entire game bc what if he remembers?!
Leliana thinks he looks vaguely familiar, but can’t put her finger on why until mid-late game, and keeps her deduction to herself. Part of why she’s so protective Josie when she thinks there’s maybe something starting there
He’s also wary of talking to Cassandra in the walking-on-eggshells sense, given the first impression of brazen righteous fury he got from her. (They’ll eventually be friends, but it’s gonna take awhile)
Goes with the ‘Not sure I’m chosen’ route(but does believe in the Maker) bc he can’t keep that bit of his true self from peeking through. He’s been trying so hard to atone for his mistakes for years, but still can’t believe Andraste would choose someone like him as Her Herald. (still not doing great in the self-confidence department)
Really likes Mother Giselle. Is petrified Chancellor Roderick will find him out and blow it wide open to discredit the Inquisition.
Has another near-panic attack when Cole shows up, bc oh BOY is keeping him around flirting with disaster. But help is help and can he really turn him away?
Tries his best to come off as quiet and reserved rather than overwhelmed. Inner monologue more
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Josephine is a breath of fresh air. Someone who’s not tied to the Chantry, so he doesn’t feel like he has to be as guarded around her. She’s kind. She’s strong. She’s gracious. He feels like he can relax around her more than anyone else in the Inquisition. (Not so much he tells her everything right away, but more than around Cass or Cullen for example. Or Leliana, who treats him like a riddle she’s trying to solve.)
Still deciding whether to do CotJ or IHW bc it’s either walking into the templar stronghold or walking into Redcliffe, and I”m not sure which would be worse for him. One has templars(+the envy demon glitch), but the other has a host of bad memories/guilt and higher odds of being recognized as the blood mage who poisoned Arl Eamon. (At least, in his mind. It’s been ten years, the only one who might recognize him is Connor.)
Gonna sacrifice Hawke in HLtA bc Alistair is still in a relationship with Trinne and there’s no way Jowan would do something so devastating to his best friend(sister, really) as sacrifice the man she loves.
Really embraces the concept of “Whatever we were before, we are now the Inquisition” bc leaving his past far, far behind him sounds fucking fantastic.
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mllemaenad · 8 years
Did the events of DA:I change your inquisitor's opinion of the Chantry?
Well. It certainly gave her something more specific to hate.
I would start out by saying that my Inquisitor probably starts her career as a hero of Thedas the least miserable of all my characters, but ends the most miserable.
My Warden is a Brosca. As far as she’s concerned, the whole ‘Grey Warden’ thing is the best thing that could possibly have happened to her. Are there downsides? Absolutely. No one is a fan of the Taint, and she is increasingly aware that her ultimate superiors can be … pretty damn shady.
But she was working for Beraht, and honestly expected to be dead in a gutter before she was thirty, so this is a hell of a step up. She’s Commander of the Grey and Arlessa of Amaranthine, and actually good at those jobs. Her paragon status protects her family, and Rica is able to shine as a diplomat. She’s moved up from semi-literate (courtesy of Rica) to fully literate (courtesy of Sigrun), and ‘her’ recruits are now her most trusted officers (technically, she would say Anders and Justice are on extended leave – although barring another Blight she doesn’t really expect them to return). Her relationship with the Stone is … complicated, let’s say, because despite the narrative they tell about paragons from her perspective it was never obvious to her that she was special – but if nothing else, she knows that if Rica ever has a daughter she has ensured the Stone will know her.
Warden-Commander Seanna Brosca is happy.
As for my Hawke – well, her life is complicated. She’s a revolutionary, and that isn’t always an easy way to live. She spends a lot of time wading through blood, and she has to come face to face with the worst horrors the Circle system can inflict on a daily basis.
But she believes strongly in what she’s doing, and there are … compensations. She fights side by side with the love of her life in a cause that matters to them both, and sees Anders happier, at least, for being away from Kirkwall and making some progress at last. She’s stood on a beach beside the first enchanter of a rebel Circle and pointed out the sails of the ships coming to take his people to the safety of Ferelden (despite what she says, Isabela can be counted on in a crisis); she’s heard a newly freed Circle mage who gave birth on the road name her child and know she can keep her; she’s waited in a clearing, after Merrill left signs, until the hunters came and took a stolen child back to her clan – “Ma serannas,” one of them said before they disappeared into the forest.
Joanna Hawke is not always happy, but she is proud of what she does.
But my Inquisitor?
She is First of her clan. She had to work hard for that: study the history and ancient language of her people, and practise magic on a much broader scale than most Circle mages ever do, because there are rarely enough mages in a clan for someone to truly specialise. She had to learn to stand just a little apart from her cousins and friends – to allow her to better mediate disputes without showing favouritism. She had to compete against the others in the clan who had the gift.
She’s intensely proud of this. It was work that took up much of her childhood and adolescence. She isn’t Keeper, and she wouldn’t wish harm on her living Keeper for the whole world, but nevertheless becoming the Keeper of Clan Lavellan was the shape of her life.
Then Haven happened.
Her clan is among the less isolated ones, true. Templars were agents of the Dread Wolf, ready to trick or steal children away from their clans. They might think twice before attacking a Keeper with her clan around her, yes, but a little girl with no vallaslin on her face and magic on her fingertips, scampering around a human marketplace? Her they would take, if they saw a chance. She learned to run and hide before she learned to fight.
She heard rabbit, knife-ear and savage from human merchants who always thought the Dalish were trying to cheat them. She had to get up, pack camp and move in the dead of night a few times when the lookouts said the local lord had decided it was time the elves moved on, and was sending the guards out their way.
Not all humans treated the clan as though they were demons, no, but sure – she had more than her fill of shemlen cruelty. But … it came and it went. Mostly she lived her life among her own people, and the concerns of life in the clan: hunting and foraging, setting up camp, tending the halla, dealing with family quarrels, the excitement (or conflict!) when they found they’d made camp close to another clan.
The Chantry, the Templars, the Dales, Andraste – these things are all part of the history of her people, yes, but just part. There were many times when they wouldn’t think about humans at all.
In the Inquisition, she can’t get away from any of it. Ever.
The Dalish have a dream: Orlais and Tevinter will fall on their arses, one day, because eventually that’s what empires do. And then the elves will take their chance, and restore their homeland.
That dream seemed a little less distant when she went to the Conclave. The empires and the Chantry – it was all coming to pieces, and all because they wronged their own as they wronged the elves.
But then there was the hole in the sky, and they had her in chains because of the mark. They said they wanted her to build it all up again, to save the world. She doesn’t have much choice. She has no resources to close the Breach on her own, and while she is treated as a friend as long as she plays nice, she doubts that would hold up if she ran.
It’s not that she hates them – all right, she hates a couple of them (I really think her relationship with Mother Giselle is just … broken beyond repair), but she’s very close to many of them. She knows some of them are good people, just trying to put things right. But … they talk seriously about restoring the power and influence of the Chantry, and giving the Orlesian empire the strength and stability to endure as good things. No matter how much she protests, they sell the idea that she’s the Herald of Andraste to gain support. They dismiss her beliefs as fantasy, and can be frighteningly hostile about other religions (she got on so damn well with Stone-Bear Hold – all right, you haven’t so much lost your halla as your bear, but finally someone has a problem that makes sense), and yet are baffled when she won’t worship the Maker.
She lies awake, some nights, wondering what her people will think of her. The hero who closed the Breach? Maybe. The traitor who gave all their old enemies back their teeth? Maybe that, too.
She uses the power she has as best she can, yes: frees the mages, urges Cassandra to disband the Seekers, gives power to Briala, puts Leliana on the Sunburst Throne. But … even so, she knows she’s putting the world back in more or less the same hands that had it before.
She thinks about Ameridan. On the one hand she judges him. The friend of Drakon, the elf who venerated the Maker, the leader of the much-hated Seekers of Truth who gave the Chantry their lyrium soldiers. Every time someone tuts about the elves bringing it upon themselves, or behaves as though agreeing with Ameridan was the only sensible course of action she thinks about him with outright loathing. But then she remembers that she only spoke to him for a minute, and much of his history is gone forever. She remembers he said he didn’t want this, and she wonders if he was as trapped as she is.
Over the course of the game she has had the Chantry’s outright power and certainty forced down her throat a billion times. She’s had to face the fact that even people who are otherwise doing good will often not tolerate those who don’t bow down to their god or accept other ways of doing things.
So, yes, her opinion of the Chantry has changed. At the beginning, Dirthara Lavellan looked on its crumbling facade with a glimmer of hope. Now she looks on it with despair. She no longer really believes it will fall apart. They’ll always find a way to put themselves back on top, and if she’s dead the next time they need someone to do it then they’ll find another victim.
Me? I think there’s still a chance to tear down its power, and that some of the changes in Inquisition might bear fruit. But I haven’t had to live as a Dalish elf trapped between its jaws, so it’s a lot easier for me to be optimistic.
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Narrow Lot Modern Farmhouse
  We often see TV shows transforming homes that are falling apart into dream homes, but that’s not so hard to do when you have a big team working against the time to show the beautiful results. Don’t get me wrong, I am a HUGE fan of some of these shows and some of them can certainly be trend setters, but today I want to showcase a builder and designer that could envision a new modern farmhouse on a really narrow lot in a real fixer-upper neighborhood. That’s the type of work I can really admire. Keep reading to know more:
  “Hi everyone! My name is Amanda of @Nest_Builders_. I’m so excited to contribute to Home Bunch! My company Nest Builders Development & Design Co. builds and renovates homes in Richmond, Va.
With each home I build I try to incorporate current trends and timeless style while staying some what true to the style of other homes in the neighborhood. I call this project “The Urban Farmhouse.” This new construction home is located in the city along side Italianate homes. This home is only 15 ft. wide so keeping the floor plan open and the design as as light and bright as possible was very important. We kept the exterior style of the home similar to the other homes on this block but we added the board and batten siding, white exterior paint, and black windows to give it an updated and on trend look. We made the front porch low to the ground to also give the home some southern charm. The roof is a flat TPO roof similar to the other homes on this block.”
  Narrow Lot Modern Farmhouse
This newly-built white urban farmhouse features white siding black vinyl windows, black metal roof, black TPO roof a black front door.
Home Overall Details: 3 Bedrooms – 2.5 Baths
Roof: Black TPO roof with metal roof details in Black.
Siding and Trim: James Hardie Arctic White.
Windows: Jeld Wen Windows in Black.
The front porch features grey Trex Deck.
Flower Pots by Williams Sonoma.
Front Door
The front door is painted in “Soot by Benjamin Moore”.
Exterior Lighting: Vintage Suspended Pane Outdoor Sconce – small – similar here – Others: here, here & here.
Mailbox by Pottery Barn.
Address Numbers by Home Depot.
Meet the Designer
This is the talented and beautiful designer, Amanda Seibert.
Living Room
The interiors feel bright, open and very welcoming without being cluttered.
 Door Paint Color: Repose Gray by Sherwin Williams.
Lighting by Shades of Light – similar here, here & here.
We live in a historic southern neighborhood so I wanted to keep the furniture traditional yet modern. I think the neutral colors, soft textures, and clean lines marry both styles well.
Wall Paint Color
Paint Color: Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
Console Table
A wooden console table brings warmth and some storage space to this living room.
Beautiful Console Tables: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Mirror: West Elm – Others: here & here – similar.
Olive Stems: here.
Furniture was provided by a stanging company that beautifully decorated this entire home.
Coffee Table: Wayfair.
Peacock Rattan Side Table: here – similar.
Table Lamp: Home Goods – Similar: here, here & here.
Art: Green Front Furniture – Others: here, here, here & here.
Rattan Arm Chairs: Green Front Furniture – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Sofa: Scott Living Reversible Sectional.
Floor Lamp: Home Goods – Similar: here.
Get the Look:
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Rug: Home Goods – Shop Neutral Rugs: here, here, here, here & here.
Hardwood Flooring
We kept the floors light. We used white oak with a clear finish throughout the home.
It was very important to me that we kept this house affordable but I wanted it to feel luxurious. I used a granite that mimics marble to get that same look and upgraded the lights and cabinet pulls. The polished nickel coloring of the lights balance the black of the pulls to make the kitchen feel fresh but warm and inviting.
Runner: Wayfair.
Lighting by Shades of Light – similar here – Other Affordable Pendants: here, here, here, here & here.
Countertop is white Granite.
Cabinet Hardware: Metro – 3 3/4″ Centers Uptown Appeal Pull in Matte Black.
Kitchen Decor
Glazed Ceramic Crock: here.
Range: Frigidaire 30″ Freestanding Range.
Ventilation Hood: Frigidaire.
Backsplash tile by The Tile Shop, Imperial Bianco Gloss Ceramic Subway Tile – 3 x 6 – similar here (Great price!) Other Beautiful Tiles: here, here, here, here & here.
Grout: Silver by Mapei.
Cabinets Aristokraft Select Series with Winstead White Shaker Full Overlay installed by Midsouth.
Microwave: Frigidaire.
Cabinet Paint Color
Kitchen cabinets are “Simply White by Benjamin Moore”.
Kitchen Sink: 30” Kohler WhiteHaven Apron Sink.
Dishwasher: Frigidaire.
Bowl: Crate & Barrel.
Faucet is Delta.
Dining Room
I love this light fixture! I knew from the moment I started designing this house that I would use this light fixture. It’s upscale, southern, and a little coastal. It blends all of my favorite styles to make this home feel custom and luxurious.
Lighting by Serena & Lily.
Fiddle Leaf Three: Pottery Barn (Basket is also Pottery Barn).
Wall Clock: Imax Esteri Acrylic Wall Clock.
Vase by Pottery Barn. Flowers are also by Pottery Barn.
Dining Chairs
Dining chairs are by Serena & Lily.
Dining Table: Ikea, DOCKSTA.
Paint Color: Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
Powder Room
The floor tile was the inspiration for this room. The half bath is always one of my favorite places to create a show piece in the home. It’s a small space so you can uses really expensive materials without breaking the bank. We upgraded the tile to cement and used a fun vanity to give it more of a custom look.
Lighting by West Elm.
Paint Color
Accent Wall Color: “Soot by Benjamin Moore”.
Paint Color: “Simply White by Benjamin Moore”.
Vanity by Home Depot (also available here).
Mirror by Wayfair.
Plumbing by Delta.
Tile by Cement Tile Shop, Tulum Tile – Also available here.
Grout: White, Mapei.
I am a beach girl at heart. I see these railing in a lot of coastal homes and I just thought it would be a cool feature that would go well with the front elevation of the home.
Upstairs Hall
Railing is custom-made, powder coated metal.
Paint Color Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
Guest Bathroom
Again trying to blend trendy and modern with timeless and elegant, I opted for a white vanity and did a herringbone pattern with the black floor tile. I used a polished nickel mirror with rounded edges to soften to the space and incorporate some modern touches.
Cabinet: White Aristokraft.
Mirror by Rejuvenation.
Countertop is Carrara Marble.
Bathroom faucet is Moen.
Vase: Joss & Main.
Eucalyptus Stems: Joss & Main.
Paint Color
Bathroom is Simply White OC-117 by Benjamin Moore.
Tile by Home Depot 6 x 24.
Grout: White by Mapei.
Master Bedroom
The master is typically in the back of the house in the city but we moved it to the front to capture as much natural light as we could.
Nightstands: Target.
Paint Color
White Bedroom Paint Color: “Simply White by Benjamin Moore”.
Master Bathroom
Bathroom countertop is Carrara Marble.
Mirrors are Rejuvenation – Other Great Mirrors: here, here, here & here.
Faucets are Moen. I love these faucets!
    Many thanks to the designer for sharing the details above!
Builder: Nest Builders Development & Design Co.
Photography: Mike Anders Photography.
Home Staging: Vignettes Home Staging LLC.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
“For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
from Home https://www.homebunch.com/narrow-lot-modern-farmhouse/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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viiisenyas · 2 years
How many you want? Because I can send a million 😅 Feel free to pick just one haha
14. hugging with head on shoulder - for Artie and Val 💖
43. raising the other’s hand to their lips to kiss it softly - for Alessa and Alistair 💖
45. comparing hand sizes, then linking fingers together - for Val and Hawke 💖
51. caressing the other’s cheek - for Giselle and Anders 💖
I'm going to put this one in my pocket because I want to do them all for you and I will tag you when I get to them 0u0 but for now I'll do Artie and Val (and omg pls send them all, I love writing cute stuff)
Arthur had arrived in Skyhold the day before his cousin's formal coronation as Inquisitor, and while he was glad to hear of his ascent from Champion of Kirkwall to leading the Inquisition, it didn't compare to how he felt when he learned that Valeriana was within the fortress.
He began to pace on the battlements, waiting for Varric to return with her, and with each minute that passed, his anxiety rose. He wasn't sure what he was going to say to her. After all, it had been over a decade since they'd last seen each other, and during that time, she never returned his letters after he sent his regards to her when he encountered Hawke and Anders in the Deep Roads.
Is she angry that I didn't come to find her? Maker, I hope she understands.
The Warden-Commander unconsciously traced the scar on his cheek before he heard footsteps drawing closer, and the familiar sound of her voice.
"Varric, you know I don't like it when you're secretive." She said.
"Oh, come on, Birdie. You love surprises." Varric chuckled.
"If your friend has a gift basket of sweetrolls, then I'll forgive it."
She sounds just as lovely as she did before.
Arthur's cheeks grew warm, and his heartbeat began to race. He let out a soft sigh before pushing his fingers through his raven hair, and he turned his head. Her large green eyes seemed more radiant in the sunlight and he offered a soft smile that quickly fell when he caught the sight of the brand on her forehead.
The grief he felt when he learned of her becoming Tranquil returned, and the Warden huffed, shaking his head.
Thank the Maker she's cured.
"A-Arthur?" Valeriana squeaked. She shifted her wide gaze towards Varric and Amell watched as her lips fell open.
"I'll let you two catch up." The dwarf smiled before turning on his heel to walk away.
"Maker, I thought I'd never see you again!" She exclaimed as she quickly approached him. She threw her arms around his waist, and he returned the gesture, feeling his heart flutter.
Then, a wave of melancholy overcame him as he realised that the tender moments they could have shared together were stolen by the Templars and the Blight. Amell held her tighter, and began to sway from side to side, afraid that if he let go of her, she would vanish.
"I'm so sorry, Val. I should have been there to protect you." He murmured, bringing his palm to the back of her head. He began to stroke her hair comfortingly as he listened to her sobbing against him. "I should have gone to Kirkwall sooner."
"It's not your fault, Arthur. I don't blame you." She sniffled.
"You... you're not angry at me?" The Warden pulled back a bit to look at her, and he furrowed his brow.
Valeriana shook her head, sniffling once more before she pressed her cheek just below his shoulder. "I was never angry at you, Arthur."
While he was relieved to hear that she held no grudge against him, the sadness that filled his heart increased.
"Then, why haven't you written back?" Arthur asked, tone softening.
"It's a long story," She confessed, letting go of him. She took a few paces back, and clutched her arm before casting her gaze downward. "If you'll accompany me to the garden, I'll tell you, but..." She sighed and he didn't miss the way she was frowning. "You'll want to sit down."
I'm not going to like this, am I?
Arthur paused for a moment, pondering the possibilities of what news she might give him before taking a breath. He offered her his hand, and smiled when she grasped it.
"Lead the way, love."
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