#and my hawke (either one) would be on board
crimeronan · 10 months
alright. WHAT is a Raven Cycle. What is this story about. All this time seeing you pointed about these people, but it took me ages to figure out what the "trc" tag even stood for -- that poll you just reblogged in fact. I'm ready. Give me the pitch.
the raven cycle is a series of four books by maggie stiefvater: the raven boys, the dream thieves, blue lily lily blue, and the raven king. there is a follow-up trilogy called the dreamer trilogy made up of three books: call down the hawk, mister impossible, and greywaren.
(my 'cdth' tag is my tag for the sequel series, which i like even more than trc.)
it's a YA modern fantasy series set in a small town in rural virginia. the series focuses on a gang of five teenagers (a sixth joining in book 3/4) who are all dealing with various magic bullshit in their lives. one is looking for a dead welsh king along a ley line in the mountains of virginia, because legend says that the king can be woken and grant a wish.
the problem is that this boy, gansey, is going to die.
we know this because the one girl in the group (sorry women. there are more women in cdth i SWEAR), blue, saw his ghost on st mark's eve. which means he will die within the next year. why did she see his ghost?? because he's either her true love, or she killed him.
or, you know. both. if you're a girl who's cursed to kill your true love with a kiss. as she is.
blue does not want to kill anyone. blue also does not want gansey to be her true love. they get off on the wrong foot entirely and she decides he's the devil for a little while. blue is overall having a bad time with the world and her place in it and the fact that she's the only non-psychic person in a family of psychics, And Also She Doesn't Want To Kill Anyone.
so the question is -- for all four books -- what..... would make her kill gansey. how is gansey going to die.
gansey's three other closest friends are boys in varying states of emotional turmoil.
ronan, who is where my URL comes from, is a suicidal bipolar maniac alcoholic who spends all of his time trying to kill himself. and is also magic as fuck. and hiding it. and going out street racing with a guy who wants to eat him. and they're kind of fucking about it. they technically never fuck except like. they're kind of fucking about it
adam is a trailer trash kid paying his own way into the elite boarding school that gansey & ronan attend. his dad is physically abusive to the point of adam's life being in constant danger, but adam refuses to accept gansey's offers of help or safety, because he's determined that nobody else ever Own him.
noah is a quiet kid with a violent past that gansey cares about very deeply, getting into all of his backstory involves major book one spoilers but it is. Rough.
the plot points in the series are complicated to explain because there's a lot of mythology and strange worldbuilding and psychic bullshit and magic all going on and playing off each other. but the series is about these five kids being in a giant pseudo-polyamorous relationship and loving each other and hating each other and wanting each other and killing each other.
it has some of my favorite relationship arcs of all time in any media, ever, and also it like. taught me how to write. LOL. so if you're here from the owl house (??) or from a different fandom and you like how i talk about characters and how i write character conflicts and character arcs and character relationships....... U Get All Of That Shit In The Raven Cycle.
and that's it!
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bootleg-nessie · 5 months
Rating the Accuracy of Animal Names:
(I keep updating this list so check back later)
Marine Iguana: 1/10. They don’t allow lizards in the military
Honey Badger: 1/10. It’s not even made out of honey
Horny toad: 0/10. First of all, this is a lizard. Second of all, I couldn’t find one that was willing to have sex with me so they must not actually be all that horny
Crabeater seal: 1/10. They don’t even eat crabs. Felt uncomfortable asking about the other kind but I’d guess probably not those either
Comb jellyfish: 4/10. Doesn’t even have hair
Hammerhead shark: 10/10. Stop killing hammerhead sharks to make hammers
Paper nautilus: 1/10. Paper would get too soggy
Red Panda: 2/10. Not a panda. More orange than red
Jellyfish: 0/10. Not even a fish, but if it were, jelly would be one of the worst things to be made out of
Electric eel: 5/10. Not an eel. Shocking, I know
Blue footed booby: 2/10. My disappointment is immeasurable. Turns out this lying sack of shit is a just a stupid BIRD
Spiny lumpsucker: 8/10. Apparently this fish is named because it has spines AND a suction cup, not because it sucks on spiny lumps
Pleasing fungus beetle: 2/10. Why would fungus be pleased by a beetle eating it? It just worked so hard to grow
Chicken turtle: 1/10. This is just a regular turtle, there are no chickens involved
Red lipped batfish: 8/10. Not a bat. Does have red lips. Also looks incredibly sexy with that makeup on
Aye aye: 10/10. Does in fact, have two eyes
Blobfish: 10/10 out of water, 1/10 in water. The blobfish gets a bad rap, it only looks like a blob because some dickhead pulled it out of its natural habitat at the bottom of the fucking ocean. You’d look pretty weird if you switched places with them too
Dik dik: 5/10 if male, 0/10 if female. This one’s pretty self explanatory
Peacock: 0/10. It pees out of a cloaca, not a cock. Technically it doesn’t even pee either
Monarch butterfly 1/10. They aren’t even one of the species of insects that has a queen, let alone understands the concept of monarchism
Cockatiel: 0/10. They do not have teal cocks
Monkey slug caterpillars: 1/10. These are neither slugs nor monkeys, nor are they some kind of fucked up monkey/slug hybrid. Terrible name all around, the only part they got right was caterpillar
Robin: 5/10. It’s a shame this bird has to resort to thievery but we all have to put worms on the table somehow
Alligator snapping turtle: 1/10. This is not an alligator, nor does it even have the fingers to snap with
Ground squirrel: 5/10. Please don’t grind squirrels
Axolotl: 0/10. Doesn’t ask a lot. Doesn’t ask anything at all
Sea robin: 7/10 This is what happens when the land robin goes pro. This creepy fuck evolved little fingers just to steal things. Is this where fish fingers come from?
Tasmanian devil: 8/10. Much like the christian devil, cool name and way more chill than most people give them credit for. Statistically speaking, they’re far from the deadliest player on the board, but they do have the strongest bite force and won’t hesitate to use it if provoked
Water deer: 7/10. No. This is a meat deer
Star nosed mole: 7/10. Name is somewhat misleading, nose merely star shaped, and not a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace
Paddlefish: 3/10. Too narrow to effectively be used as a paddle
Shoebill stork: 1/10. Not made of real shoes. Doesn’t pay bills either
Great white shark: 8/10. I’m inclined to agree for the most part but who came up with the name, David Duke?
Bioko drill: 0/10. At least the hammerhead shark looks like a hammer, this stupid monkey doesn’t even remotely resemble a drill
Hippo Tang: 0/10. That’s a fish, and hippos don’t even drink Tang
Bluejay: 3/10. Not actually blue, it’s just a trick of the light. I bet their real name probably isn’t even Jay either
Satanic Nightjar: 4/10. Should be called “slightly evil looking bird” instead
Tarantula hawk wasp: 1/10. Not a tarantula. Not a hawk. Starting to question if it’s even a wasp
Goblin shark: 10/10? Ever seen their jaw move? They sure are gobblin’
Nudibranch: 5/10. The nude part is accurate but it’s a sea slug, not a tree branch. Not even sure how you could possibly make that mistake
Mongoose: 0/10. No mon, it’s not a goose
Bison: 7/10. I just googled it, bison have more gay sex than straight sex so calling them bi is actually pretty accurate. Points removed because there are bidaughters too
Ram: 10/10. They sure do!
Mandrill: 2/10. They could probably be taught to use drills but I couldn’t find any research on this
Silver fox: 1/10. Silver is way too heavy of an element for an animal to be made of
Mayfly: 9/10 Yeah, they might
Fin whale: 10/10. Yep, whales have fins. Glad we cleared that up
Macaroni penguin: 1/10. They don’t eat macaroni
Horseshoe crab: 0/10. Not a crab. Doesn’t wear horseshoes either
Fangtooth: 10/10. Objectively I have to give it a 10 but this is the stupidest fucking name on the whole list. What’s next, knucklefist? Titboob?
Milkfish 1/10. If I go to your house and you offer me fish milk I’m fucking leaving
Little penguin: 10/10. Telling it exactly like it is
Spider monkey: 1/10. Was expecting a monkey with 8 limbs. Let down once again
Glass frog: 2/10. Not actually made out of glass
Hummingbird: 1/10. They can’t even hum
Centipede: 3-35.4/10. Depends on the species, very few actually have 100 legs
Millipede: 0.8-8/10. They have 800 legs at the most
Sockeye salmon: 1/10. Socks would make terrible eyes
Furry lobster: 10/10, 11/10 if that’s a fursuit
Flying fish: 4/10. Merely glides
Sailfish: 3/10. Doesn’t actually know how to sail
Blanket octopus: 2/10. Octopuses make terrible blankets
Cane Toad: 2/10. Can walk just fine without a cane
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
•°♤°• Ghost Roger and Rouge are just so cute especially with their grand babies!
What about Rayleigh tho?
Im sure Rayleigh would, at one point meet the seraphim. One time would be accidently because he was visiting Karai Bari to go see Buggy but then runs into two little seraphim. Then all chaos descends when he hears the words "Ma/Pa". Bet Ghost Roger is laughing his ass off.
Tbh, I love the the pairing of Rogue/Roger, but really love the pairing of Rogue/Rayleigh/Roger (What are your thoughts on it? I won't attack you if you say you do not ship it, I just want to know your personal opinion on it 👀)
So honestly?? Depends. I have... mixed feelings on Rayleigh? I love him and also kinda don't at the same time. I think it's a ME issue though and not a character issue lmao ((He reminds me of my sister for some reason and that's.. a can of worms I'm not gonna open rn))
As for Roger/Rouge/Rayleigh - I think that's!! So!! Cute!!!!!! For the ghost AU the general idea is that Rouge never met the cabin boys initially before death, but I also like the idea of the polycule and Rouge being a staple of their lives. I dunno really. Cute ship!!!!!
As for grandpa Rayleigh-
I think him visiting Karai Bari would be really mixed by way of responses. On the one hand, That's One Of Buggy's Dads. On the other.... that's one of the people that abandoned Buggy when he needed them most. I think the initial meet would probably be ripe with tears, screaming, demands for him to get lost, while Rayleigh is trying so hard to damage control with a lackadaisical smile and flippant ease.
And that would of course be prime real estate for Birdie, Angel and Atlas to inject themselves into the exchange. Mama Bug cries a lot but these are Bad Tears and Nobody Makes Mama Bug Sad Like That.
While Angel and Birdie are sort of the front line of cutting in, Atlas I think would kind of glue himself to Buggy - both to comfort him and to get comfort due to the echoes of genetic memory. And when the older seraphim realize Buggy AND Atlas are upset, ooooh it's on like Donkey Kong.
The initial meeting is.... less than stellar lmao.
I think once tempers cool, discussions are had and boundaries are established, Rayleigh would be a pretty good grandpa. He's like the Cool Jiji, sneaking snacks and spoiling the kids but also letting them explore the world. It's rocky since Rayleigh's pretty lenient on rules, but once the structure is given, it's overall pretty good.
((Bonus points, Roger and Rouge spend the whole time with Rayleigh when he's with the kids - initially bc they're nervous about it, then bc it's just.... it's bittersweet. This could have been them. It's as close as they'll get now.))
((Extra bonus, Rayleigh often forgets how Strange Buggy's Haki is - Atlas reminds him frequently. And when the other boys respond to the same things, he's curious. He asks. He's.... oh. Oh man. What????
Perona brings out the board. Croc and Hawk take the kids. Buggy sits across from Rayleigh, and Roger and Rouge sit on either side of their living lover.
Rayleigh cries.))
((I think all in all, Buggy would really struggle with it. Rayleigh has changed so much, and he's good with the kids, he really is! But he wasn't always good with kids in general. He's a better grandfather than he ever was a dad, and it hurts. He confesses this to Mihawk and Crocodile one night, or maybe to Shanks over a denden, and he sort of breaks. If Rayleigh was always capable of change, then that just means that Buggy was never a big enough priority for him TO change. And that's the crux of it all, isn't it? Buggy's never as important to others as they are to him. He's a side character in the bigger picture and it aches, it throbs, it burns. He's so happy their kids are happy and loved and safe, because Buggy wants to give them the world and make sure they never hurt like this, but he's almost jealous and he hates himself for it.
It takes some time for him to heal, for him to forgive himself for it. He loves so much, too much, and sometimes the love sits there and rots within, infects his lungs and veins. He's not perfect, he not even okay, but he does his best and he's not alone anymore. He's making improvements, slowly but surely, and accepting the past, while agonizing, is possible. He's got support now in places he never anticipated having it. And he's got people who need him to be there, who need him to be better, who just... need him. It's jarring. It's dizzying. It's overwhelming. It's empowering.
Buggy may be broken, but he'll turn his jagged shards into knives, his chips into jewels to wear proudly to defend the ones he loves. He's a coward but he's a fighter - he's a god damned pirate, and he'll force the world to remember that.))
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milliesfishes · 1 month
maybe a slow lovely morning with alex neither of you wanting to admit you have to get on two separate planes soon and then eventually having to say goodbye … :((((
hope you’re having fun with your friend today!
thank you darling, it was lovely <3 this is so sweet <3 ⋆౨ৎ𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪𝓵𝓮𝔁 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓿𝓪𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷⋆౨ৎ 𝓯𝓮𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓪𝓵𝓮𝔁 𝓷𝓲𝓵𝓼𝓮𝓷
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The early hours of the morning had a tendency to drag like two heavy feet behind you. You were used to the feelings accompanying rising early to get ready for work, in no mood yet to put energy into curling your hair or applying makeup just so you could deem yourself acceptable enough to exit the confines of your apartment.
Today, it was different. Today you relished every second granted, every breath you drew. Because this morning you weren't waking up alone.
Alex's body was lining your back, cocooning you with his arms twined around your waist, one hand creeping up your chest and grasping your collarbone like a vine, and the other settled splayed on your tummy. His fingers were the roots of a tree, and you wished they would take to the earth of your stomach forever.
Shifting against his back, you tried not to let the inevitable consume you. It was circling the two of you like a hawk over helpless prey, the sharp, cruel threat of its talons edging tainting what little time you had left.
On the bedside table sat two plane tickets, bound for separate destinations. You'd stacked them together in the hopes that you could fool your waking mind into false promises. That later today you'd board the same plane holding hands, and he'd rest his head on your shoulder and sleep while you played your movie, one earbud in his ear. That you'd get a taxi from the airport together and leave your suitcases in the closet to unpack another day in favor of cuddling any post-trip exhaustion away.
You dreamt of domesticity with him, imagined his toothbrush beside yours, purchasing a new nightstand for his side of the bed, his read of the week resting atop it parallel to his pills. It was a pleasant daydream to imagine him warming the other side of your bed, just as he was now.
But the cold splash of reality always awakened you, and its spray was directed at you now. You reached for his hand on your belly, bending your fingers into the space between his. A perfect fit like always, though the size of his hands far exceeded yours.
A gentle kiss was pressed to your shoulder, where his chin was nestled, and he murmured, voice thick with sleep. "You okay?"
"Yeah." Your voice was wobbly, precarious like a child's stack of blocks. Alex's fingers pressing into yours showed he heard it.
He used his hand on your collarbone to draw invisible shapes into your skin, pads of his fingers warm. Another kiss, this time to the crook of your neck. "I'm thinking about it too."
A little whimper akin to a cat's mewl escaped you, and swiftly, you turned in his arms, head finding its place in his chest and grasping onto his arms. His skin was warm, and it provided a modicum of comfort as you burrowed into him. "I don't wanna leave you."
"I don't want to either." Alex's soft tone was like a balm on your aching heart, and you wished you could bottle it and put it on your nightstand for whenever you were missing him back home. When you were separated like this, there was never a lack of contact. Frequent phone calls, texts, pictures ensued, but it could never fill the place of the real thing.
You shoved your ear to his heart- the sound of it calming you like always. Even though you couldn't see him from this angle, you knew he was smiling. He did every time you soothed yourself this way, as if he was there merely for your pleasure. Smushing your cheek into his pec, you mumbled, "I wish I could take this with me."
"My heart?" His hand combed through your hair, stroking the back. "I think I might need that."
"Well what if I want to have it?" Your chin was resting on him now, as you gave him a pouty look.
"You already do," Alex affirmed, lifting one of your hands and pressing a kiss to the knuckles. "You take up all the space in it. My one humble request is that I keep the organ."
Sighing dramatically, you lifted yourself up slightly to look at him fully. "I wish you could come back with me."
"I know." Alex slid his hands to your waist, dragging you to sit atop his hips. His fingers lingered, rubbing the expanse of your sides. "You just have to give me until the end of the school year. Just a few more months. And then I'll be with you and you'll miss missing me."
You cracked a smile at that, a little giggle falling out. "Only if you keep waking me up at the crack of dawn when you go on your runs."
"Isn't my fault you're a light sleeper, baby." He sat up, kissing your nose. "But I'll try. Wouldn't want to get kicked out."
"You're lucky you're pretty," you teased, smoothing your hands over his shoulders and leaning into him once again, his warmth engulfing you. There, sheltered in his arms, you allowed yourself five more minutes before the demands of the day would take over, forcing you to accept the fact that you would wake up alone tomorrow.
Alex nosed a kiss into your hair, whispering sweet things that swallowed your senses, and for once you weren't worried about enjoying your time with him enough.
Right now there was only him.
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myers-meadow · 2 years
Michael Myers x reader: Sunday roast
Title: Sunday roast
Summary: Michael had expectations of the world, what it would be like when he was free again - but the reality was a little less bright. One evening his hunger drives him closer to a warm house, drives him to you.
Warnings: can be read for any version of Michael. Deals with his thoughts and situation after his escape. Sfw. Not that shippy but perhaps that will come later :)) Happy early Halloween!!
Wordcount: 934
Link to my masterlist
Divider by @/firefly-graphics
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A month. That’s how long had passed since he escaped the sanatorium. He thought being out would change him, but it hadn’t. His mind was as busy and annoying as ever – and his dreams were worse. His old childhood home was still home, but it had little of the comforts it used to have. Food didn’t magically appear in the cabinets, no one concerned themselves with him in there, the only thing it held was a filthy mattress and mice in the walls. He liked the mice, though, they weren’t the problem.
And so the days filled themselves. Stealing food, seeking shelter, trying anything to get to a stable mental space. It lasted him a week, during which it rained those bone chilling October rains. He went out, hood over his head, mask on, knife in the pocket of his stained coveralls. Few houses still had the lights on at this hour. The rain was a light drizzle, but the biting wind made it cold. There was a smell in the air, beside that of wet pavement, something warm and familiar. Food. It came from a house with the lights on in the kitchen. Michael came closer to the house, closer than he normally dared at this stage of his hunt, close enough to hear the clatter of the spatula as you dropped it on the counter. The oven beeped, a waft of heat made you recoil, before hands in oven mitts carried the tray to the table. Roast potatoes… How long had it been since he had those? His mouth watered. A twitch in his hand made him realise his hunger out won his bloodlust, at least tonight. And those potatoes are best when they’re still hot.
You didn’t notice him when he slipped in the house, nor the kitchen. He rapped his knuckles against the wood, and you turned around startled. You jumped as you saw him, his white rubber mask, spatula still in hand, onions sizzling away in the pan. Before you could act or speak, he pointed to the tray of roast potatoes on the table in between the two of you.
Eyebrows knitting together in either confusion or fear. “Food? You are hungry?”
Instead of an answer, Michael shoved a chair back and sat down. He watched as the thoughts crossed your face, from alarm to confusion to a final resolute decision.
“That’s quite a familiar mask,” you said, as you reached for a plate from the cabinet and put it in front of the stranger. The spatula too, Michael took it from your hand impatiently and helped himself to a generous serving.
“It must’ve been tough, finally getting out and then this cursed rain never stops,” you say, mindless, as you turn your back to him to grab a second spatula from the drawer and stir the onions. Then halted your movements, and got a fork and let it clatter down on the table, for Michael to grab and use.
Even the smell of burnt onions were a delight. He rolled up the bottom of his mask to allow himself to eat, peeking to ensure you weren’t looking. When you turned around at the second scrape of the fork on the plate, you quickly averted your eyes. Breathed deep, hands gripping the counter, before you resolutely gripped the pan handle and carried it to the table. Without asking, you scooped a good amount of mushrooms, onions and carrots in gravy on Michael’s plate.
Not knowing what else to do, you sat down, dejected, across from him and ate small bites. As he watched you like a hawk, it truly seemed you weren’t reaching for to phone on the wall by the kitchen window, or to do anything shady with the knife that’s still on the cutting board. He devoured the first serving, determined to get as much food in, before things would inevitably go south. A second serving; smaller but still sizable. He was a large, famished man. His hunger was satiated by then, but the homely taste of potatoes in butter and onion gravy made it difficult to stop himself from enjoying a little more.
When he shoved the plate away from him and stood up, it was as if the world returned into razor sharp focus. You hadn’t eaten nearly as much as him, too nervous, but were wide eyed with innocence beyond those nerves. Following his movements, you too stood, but immediately pulled open the fridge.
He breathed out, this was truly like a feast. His birthdays, he’d remember his momma with the same tone, asking if he wanted pudding, or candy when they’d watch a movie on tv that went on until later than his bedtime. He nodded, flexing his hand, trying to ground himself. What was this feeling? Good food. That was all. Good food nourished him, satisfied him. And now there’s dessert.
There was just one case of pudding, and you stuck two spoons into the large cup. It was a family portion, no doubt. You ate with him then, although he was quicker, and was the one to finish it all.
“Sweet tooth?” you asked, eyebrow raised, after the spoon clattered against his plate. He leant back, smoothing over his coveralls. You stood and gathered all the dishes to wash, a process during which he slipped out as unnoticed as he came. A mercy unlike any before. Sighing and taking survey of the amount of dishes to be done, you called out from over your shoulder, jokingly: “The cook is relieved of dish duty?” only to be met with silence.
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Concept Art Moments and Ideas: What I Wish Was Kept
Pretty sure we've all been there. Seen some of the concept art and thought how cool it was and how much you wish it had made it in the final game. These are some of mine, I won't go too much into why they're not in the game, the answer is usually either one of the following or a combination of: they needed to narrow the scope of the project, frostbite was a new engine they were struggling to make do what they needed, time, they didn't feel it had enough narrative weight or purpose, or it would make the world states branch out far too much.
I'm not really wanting to discuss whether or not I agree with cutting them either. I just really think these are neat concept, ones I've thought out how they would fold in, possible ways they could have played out, and some that personally I have worked into my fic just to fully explore the ideas.
Most of the images that don't have a source link came from either the art book or the BioWare Stories and Secrets From 25 Years of Game Development (B25) book.
Now lets start with the most common one:
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I'm know others have said this, but I really wish that it had been feasible for you to become Divine. Though, honestly this only would have really worked as decision at the end of the series. While personally in my canon world state I don't have anyone I would want to put in that role. I do have an OC who I did design for that and would have been nice to see it play out. Especially come Trespasser.
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These are story boards from the art book of the prologue walk through Haven. The voice lines for this are still in the game files even though they're cut. Something I always wanted in the prologue was something to actually motivate me. There is no real sense of danger, and the walk through Haven hold no real weight. It's mostly telling and no showing, it feels hollow after your first play-through where you aren't curious and uncertain. It honestly would have been interesting to me if this was in there and if there were non-standard ending option outside of combat. Provoking the scared survivors to where they mob you, a timer on the mark instead of just the one check point. If it started draining your health the longer you took to get to the Breach. Things that could easily be removed if you decreased the difficulty level and wouldn't impact the game overly much.
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[Left Dragon Age Art Book, Right World of Thedas vol. 2 p. 245]
To continue on with my desire for the steaks in Inquisition to be more intense, for you to actually feel some type of risk or hostility from the world. These two are more of an expansion on the attack on Haven. I wish Corypheus was given a more dramatic entrance than being seen on the hill with his Commander. That when he arrived to scoop you up, that it was more ominous and threatening. Something to illustrate as him having this overwhelming presence and force.
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In Hushed Whispers had the concept art of King Alistair going with you and honestly, I feel like it is a missed opportunity. Not only would it make sense but there is a sort of thematic element with Alistair once again having to save Redcliffe from a mage. I think this also could have worked if he was king or warden. If he was a warden, it would have been a very nice way to tie in the Warden plot for Alistair and even Loghain. Would have really given the Inquisitor a reason to care about choosing between them or Hawke in the Fade.
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Matt Rhodes labeled this as Anders in the tags, and I am really intrigued by this prospect. We know by the end of DA2 if he's alive he doesn't have many friends with the displaced mages of Kirkwall after awhile. It would have been nice for him to come back in that Warden role they were considering for the cancelled Exalted March DLC. But what really makes me curious, is why he's out in what we might think is the Western Approach/Hissing Wastes and what happened to his missing right arm.
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Alternatively, another scenario I would have liked to see with Anders comes from the B25 book. We see they explored the idea of Anders, as a Grey Warden in the cancelled Exalted March DLC. Honestly, I feel as if he would return regardless of if you killed him or not because we know that Justice can and has prevented fatal injuries from killing Anders before. This could have been an interesting thread to not only pull his story to an end in dai, but also introduce the Warden contact instead of the ones we had. Because he was on the run and the Wardens would offer a degree of protection so he would be unwillingly forced to return, couple that with him knowing of Corypheus - which would likely be the thing that forced the Wardens to keep him alive once they found his prison empty.
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This is Western Approach concept art, specifically this was suppose to be Adamant. Matt Rhodes describes that it was suppose to be a monastery, self-sustaining, and a place where they could cultivate their own food, weave their own fabrics. It would have been interesting to be able to see it like this, to see the game use this to not only explore how the Wardens survived out here but also how they recovered the fortress after it was wrecked in Asunder. It would have tied in nicely with exploring the fact that the reversal of Tranquility was found here, a fact known to everyone in game at this point (they just didn't know the Seekers hid it from the Chantry and mages). It would have been an excellent way to fold in Rhys, Evangeline, flesh out Cole's backstory and personal quest, and even show another side of the mages - the ones who didn't want to be involved in the war and fled to the Wardens.
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Two Words: Giant. Scorpion.
Look how massive that is. I love mega fauna so much. I want something massive to be living in the Hissing Wastes and I want this to be fighting dragons. It would have been amazing. Look at the boards they put out.
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I want to believe this is for the Western Approach given the ground type and the smoke in the background. If this thing was guarding the sulfur fields by Griffon Keep? It would have been epic. Or even if we saw it fighting the Abyssal dragon. Honestly, I think more areas should have had a competing predator for the dragons to be fighting. It would have been cooler if they kept great bears (previously known as Dragon Bears) at their massive size to fight a dragon in the Emerald Graves too.
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That said, this scorpion concept gets even better when you see the concept art for smaller versions being Venatori mounts.
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How do you not get stabbed bud? How do you domesticate/train this? What is the intelligence of this little critter? I can just picture a play on the scorpion and the frog happening here. This would have been really cool as mini-bosses or something of that nature. Particularly around the ruins, Venatori operations, or raids against the keeps.
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Another piece from B25, we see new concept art of the Inquisitor leaving Skyhold with the Inquisition as Skyhold is destroyed in the background. We learned from David Gaider that at one point Skyhold was actually suppose to be attacked by Corypheus, but it ended up being cut due to time/scope. This is something I wish they kept, having your second base attack, you home at the point where you felt the strongest and potentially after a recent victory.
It would have reminded the player that Corypheus and his commander, Calpernia or Samson, were a real and active threat. Something missing from Inquisition honestly. It would have been interesting to see if we had to find a new base of operations or if we had to rebuild. When first settling in Skyhold everyone mentions being able to see the enemy coming, about not retreating from Skyhold. They really built up an expectation that at the very least a scare of an attack would happen.
There would have been a sort of poetic sense to Skyhold being leveled. Considering it is of Fereldan make, built on top of a leveled elven site. To have the site once again leveled, the history brought back to its foundations. It would have been a thematic foreshadowing to what Solas plans to do as well.
These are clearly just things I found interesting, things I feel would have really added to the game, and some others might not agree with. There are other things I wish they hadn't cut, but I didn't want to include anything that has been post-humorously mentioned by the devs because I wanted to focus more on the concept art aspect. A lot of decisions were shaped by circumstances we'll never really know the full scope of, and sometimes I wonder if they had gotten more than the 3-4 years they had for Inquisition and maybe on an engine that wasn't so fickle and worked better for the style of game how different it would have been.
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deputy-buck · 6 months
wow i love puppy tim so much... please tell more about him and hawk and how he acts when he's puppy 💕
I love him too!!! He's the sweetest boy!! 
(I’m going to refer to him as Skip here for the most part cause I do think there’s quite a difference between Tim and Skip, even though I referred to him as Tim in the fic for easier reading.)
When Skip’s in that headspace, he’s super lovey and affectionate —even more so than normal. He likes to lay on the floor at Hawk’s feet while his handler works at home, either playing with his lamb with his head resting on Hawk’s knee, or nuzzling Hawk’s legs while he dozes in and out of a nap. Sometimes he’ll sneak a little lick to Hawk’s calf or thigh, ever fascinated by the feeling of coarse hair against his tongue. Hawk will usually take that as a sign that Skip is getting a little bored and restless. He really just wants to be close to his handler at all times.
He follows Hawk around like a rescue dog; a bit nervous to have Hawk out of his sight. His favorite room is the kitchen because Hawk will always give into the puppy-dog eyes and give Skip something from the fridge or pantry. His —very close— second favorite place is Hawk’s bedroom, where Hawk lets him sprawl on the bed! Hawk doesn’t let Skip on the couch, but the bed is fine since he can wash the sheets. And you better believe Hawk makes a little show of having to wash the “dirty dog sheets” when Tim is Tim again just to make his boy blush and laugh. (no, Hawk doesn’t feel like he actually has to wash the sheets and often times he just strips the bed for show. He wants to make things even more enjoyable and comfortable for Tim, and if it means being a little silly, he’s willing to be a little theatrical for his boy.)
He’s curious about everything Hawk does, like a regular puppy. If Hawk is putting on his shoes, Skip will put his nose to the laces and nudge Hawk’s hands out of the way so he can get a better look, maybe try to tug on a lace with his teeth. Or when Hawk is organizing his desk, Skip will jump up and put his hands on the edge and try to steal a sheet of paper or an eraser, so that Hawk has to bribe him with a treat to get it back. “Skip- Hey! Drop it! Don’t you dare rip that up, I need that- Look, I have treats, don’t those sound better than my drafts?” 
And oh how he loves baths. They don’t indulge in it often because it would mean Tim either has to put his worn underwear back on or wear Hawk’s borrowed ones back to his boarding room which is a bit risky; same as leaving a pair or two at Hawk’s place, it’s just not smart. He could bring a spare pair with him each time but that puts an expectation of what he wants from Hawk, and he doesn’t like having much influence on how things go before they’re in the moment. When Hawk does decide his pup could use a bath, it’s usually because he notices Skip wiggling his back on his blanket, huffing and whining, something clearly feeling wrong. It’s both relaxing and exciting for the both of them, giving each a role and job to fulfill, plus it always ends in some sleepy cuddles.
Hawk was incredibly surprised with how much he enjoyed it for himself. He didn’t expect to fall into the caring, patient, watchful role so easily. It was a little odd at first, talking about it is one thing… seeing Tim almost physically change right in front of him was something else entirely. It excited him to have the opportunity to truly lead and protect Tim with no pushback from the younger man, to not only be responsible for Skip, but to take full responsibility for his own actions and words for once. He had to, he couldn’t fuck up and be selfish while Tim was like this; to hurt Skip was to push Tim away forever. 
Praise Praise PRAISE- I can’t stress enough how much Hawk praises Skip, and how much Skip LOVES getting praised. Even for the things that Skip doesn’t even realize he’s doing, or would do regardless of what his handler told him. “Good boy spreading your legs for me, letting me feel all the way up inside my puppy.” Skip just wanted Hawk to fuck him deeper, but the praise makes him clench around Hawk, keeping him there. “Always take my cock so well, Skip.” Of course he does, it’s what he’s meant for. “There you go, good job, pup, now swallow, good.” He’d never spit out Hawk’s cum, though he does get a little rush knowing Hawk likes it just as much as he does. “All the way down. Yeah, such a clever dog.” It took him a couple tries but eventually he figured out how to breathe and take his handler’s cock all the way down his throat and rest there. “You want to please me, don’t you? Make your master happy? You already do, Skip. Always make me so happy to have you like this.” By ‘this’ Hawk means on his knees and chest, ass up in the air for Hawk to do whatever he pleases. Skip wags his hips side to side, partly to mess with Hawk, but mostly because he is that happy himself.
Skip is a vocal little thing as well. Just because he can’t talk, doesn’t mean he can’t tell his handler exactly what he wants. Whining and grumbling and yipping, huffing little appeasing sneezes through his nose to show Hawk that he wants to play. His moans don’t change much, he has no control of the noises that escape him when Hawk is touching him; little cutoff shouts when Hawk wraps a hand around his over-sensitive cock, keening whines slipping out between his lips as his handler fucks him through his orgasm and well past the limit of pleasure and toeing the edge of Too Much. Skip whimpers when he doesn’t get what he really wants, turning those wet eyes up to Hawk like weapons, knowing Hawk will give in and let Skip fuck the tight circle of his hand while the man revels in how responsive his puppy is. 
Speaking of Skip’s love for baths, he’s never made it halfway through a bath without getting achingly hard. Hawk’s soap-slippery hands sliding all over his body, softly asking for Skip to lift one arm at a time to scratch suds into his armpit hair, rubbing his belly and chest with firm hands that make Skip whine when Hawk scrapes over a nipple. Gently nudging his pup’s legs apart to wash between them, “Gotta make sure my puppy is all clean.” Hawk will murmur as he cups Skip’s cock and sac, squeezing and pulling for a couple of seconds to make sure Skip is hard and near leaking before he trails ghosting fingertips up Skip’s taint, circling soapy fingers over his hole to see it clench around nothing, eager for Hawk to play with him. By the time Hawk gets Skip all dry and back in his collar —forgoing the pair of borrowed boxers— Skip is trembling with need, whining when Hawk ruffles his hair as if Hawk is going to send him off to play on his own for a bit. “Let's go, bud. You were so good for your bath, I think you deserve a special treat.” A flare of relief and anticipation courses through him at his handler’s words as he scrambles down the hall and into Hawk’s bed.
Hawk never fails to tease Skip when he’s horny. “What do you want, boy? Tell me,” of course not asking Skip to talk, but to whine and yip. “Oh I see, my puppy is in heat.” It takes him by surprise, making Skip blush and grumble a negative. “No? Well, you sure act like a bitch in heat. You want to be bred, don’t you, Skip?” and GOD does that make Skip’s cock throb. Precum dripping to the floor as his handler continues to ask him questions he can’t answer, and telling the pup how he’s going to fuck him full of cum, breed him, fuck him so well that his hole will be missing Hawk’s dick for days. “Puppy needs a bone, right?” 
Neither of them likes the idea of a leash. It just doesn’t appeal to them for many reasons, but one of those reasons is definitely Not the act of pulling on Skip’s collar. No, Skip fucking loves it when Hawk hooks two fingers under his collar and pulls him up to balance on his knees, so he has to tuck his arms up to his chest and spread his legs to stay steady. Hawk will pull him up and slot one leg between Skip’s spread thighs, snug his bare shin up to his pup’s cock and just watch as Skip’s self-control dissolves, all his self-consciousness leaving him as his hips buck forward to hump Hawk’s leg like a dirty mutt all the while Hawk keeps a firm, near-choking hold on Skip’s collar. “That’s it, boy. You just can’t help yourself, can you? Need to fuck anything the moves. Good boy, Skip, go ahead, you can cum like that, be good for me.” He makes Skip clean up the mess he made with his tongue, again telling his pup just how happy he is with Skip’s behavior.
(I am sort of working on a bathing/washing fic, so, watch for that in a couple months)
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ravendruid · 8 days
Hello! First time asking for me. Can I ask for prompt 17 and 25, vaxleth. I love your writings
Hi!!! Thank you so much for sending a prompt. ^_^ I apologize it took me a few days to get to it. Since you asked for 17: cookies, and 25: board games, I decided to write one single fic that included both. This is set in the Be In My Eyes universe, and it happens sometime between Chapter 29 and Chapter 30. You can read the full story (and the other shorter drabbles) here.
Gunpowder Cookies and Kisses
(Read on AO3)
Today was one of those rare weekends where campus got eerily quiet. With finals approaching, people were either holed up in their rooms or in the library studying, or, in most of Vax’s friends’ cases, they had taken the opportunity of the last quiet weekend before hell descended upon them to go home and relax. Vax’ildan was used to the occasional silence that befell apartment 7B whenever his friends would leave for the weekend, but today was different. It was strange to him, to say the least, because when it would usually be him, his twin sister, Vex’ahlia, and Keyleth left, this time Vex was gone, too, on a weekend trip with Percival, which meant…
“Hey, Vax?” Keyleth knocked at his bedroom door, louder than the music Vax was playing on his phone as he worked out. 
Vax set down his weights and wiped the sweat off his eyebrows before he opened the door, completely aware he was shirtless, and asked, “Yes, Keyleth?”
Oh, how fun it was to watch Keyleth’s eyes widen, her pupils dilate, the rush of blood climbing up to her cheeks and the quiet stammer of her voice when she saw him. 
Vax tracked Keyleth’s gaze like a hawk tracks its prey, from his eyes, slowly moving to his lips—the bob of her throat almost made Vax forget every modicum of decorum and kiss her right there—then down to his sweat-drenched torso, to the scars and hairs that dusted his skin. Vax felt Keyleth’s piercing gaze contour every divot of his muscles as she descended to the hem of his low-swung black sweatpants. It felt good to be admired like this by the person he loved, so much so that Vax leaned against the doorway, waiting for Keyleth to drag her eyes back up to his face and see in his eyes just how much he also desired her.
“I–” Keyleth tried again, the redness of her cheeks spreading to the rest of her face when she finally saw the way Vax was looking at her, when that sly smile of his almost made her legs buck from underneath her. 
“Come on, Kiki. I believe in you,” Vax teased her, cocking his head affectionately. It was still true, even though he was teasing her.
Keyleth shut her eyes close and gulped hard. Her hands closed into tight fists at her side and, eventually, she took a long, deep breath. This was when Vax leaned away from the door and put a sober look on his face. As much as it was fun to tease his friend—she was more than that now, but he still wasn’t sure just how much more—Keyleth had come to his room with something in mind, and whatever it was, Vax wanted to hear.
“I was going to–” Keyleth started speaking, still with her eyes closed, but then she opened one and flushed again.
“Do you need me to put on a shirt, Kiki?” Vax asked, seriously. The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable.
“No, it’s fine. It’s not like I haven’t seen you like this before. I just don’t know why–” Keyleth rambled but then caught herself before she finished the sentence.
Vax knew exactly why she was so flustered now, and he knew deep down Keyleth knew that, too. 
“I’m going to bake cookies. Want to help?” Keyleth finally spit it out.
Vax smiled at the lingering fluster. Keyleth wasn’t used to being flirted with, which Vax had to remind himself of often, but Gods above, she was beautiful. She was stunning, really, and even more with the soft blush of pink on her cheeks, the fluttering of her light eyelashes, and the puff of her lips. Vax might not often get as flustered as Keyleth did, but whenever he saw her like this, so shy in his presence, it made him flustered to the point where his brain would short-circuit.
“I–I would love to,” Vax stammered. Gods, he loved Keyleth so much already, but when she smiled at him the way she did now, clearly excited about the idea of cooking with him, it made his heart swell even more. 
“You should probably change,” Keyleth pointed out. Vax merely nodded. “I’ll get everything ready.”
“Okay, so I have two options for you,” Keyleth said, as soon as Vax walked into the kitchen after getting changed. She had already tied her hair up in a high pony-tail and had her pastel-yellow apron tied over her clothes. In front of her, on the counter, was a cookbook with a blue cover depicting a banquet and the title in gold lettering, Exquisite Exandria. 
“We can make maple, ginger cookies or gunpowder shortbread cookies.”
“Excuse me, did you say gunpowder shortbread cookies?” Vax asked, standing next to her over the book.
Keyleth chuckled at his shock, then turned to get a tin of tea from the tea cabinet and showed it to Vax. The tin was black with a yellow label and, just as Keyleth had said, he read Gunpowder Green.
“It’s a variety of green tea,” Keyleth explained. She opened the tin and dumped a small amount on her hand, then showed it to Vax, “It’s called gunpowder because the leaves are tightly packed into pellets that resemble gunpowder pellets,” She placed a couple on Vax’s hand and, sure as hells, they did look like it.
“Interesting,” Vax nodded, returning the tea to the tin. “Let’s do these, then.”
“Okay,” Keyleth set the tin down then opened the cookbook on the recipe for the cookies. She started reading the ingredient list out loud and Vax, not knowing what else to do, started grabbing the ingredients. 
“Tea,” Keyleth tapped the tin. “All-purpose flour,” Vax opened the baking cabinet and brought down the container of flour. “Salt,” Keyleth dragged the salt closer to her. “Two sticks of unsalted butter, softened—oh” Vax chuckled as took the butter from the fridge and placed it by the sink. 
“I got it,” He told Keyleth as he filled the electric kettle and turned it on to help with softening the butter. While the water boiled, Vax urged Keyleth to continue reading the list so they could get everything ready.
“Confectioner’s sugar,” She said, next. Vax grabbed the container and, while he was already in the baking supply cabinet, he also grabbed the vanilla extract right before Keyleth said, “Vanilla, obviously, and coarse sugar.” She finished, grabbing a box from the grocery bag on the counter. 
“Seems simple enough,” Vax said, looking at the spread of ingredients on the counter. “Shit, we don’t have a grinder, do we?” He asked, reading the first line of the recipe.
“Nope, but we have this,” Keyleth announced, proudly, grabbing a dark stone mortar and pestle from her cabinet.
“That works,” He said. He wasn’t sure why he was impressed that Keyleth had a mortar and pestle since it seemed like something obvious for her to have.
They started preparing the cookies together, dancing around each other flawlessly. It wasn’t the first time Vax cooked with Keyleth so he was used to how fluid her movements were, but ever since they kissed, things were different between them. It was almost like their souls were so intertwined that Vax could predict Keyleth’s next move as if it was his own. 
“The dough has to chill in the freezer for an hour now,” Keyleth announced, reading the book. Vax nodded and placed it in the small freezer they shared with the rest of their roommates (thankfully they had room for it).
“Would you like to play a game while we wait?” He offered. Keyleth nodded and started cleaning up. 
Vax wasn’t sure which game to grab from the communal board game pile. They didn’t have many games that only two people could play, so he grabbed the only two he saw fit. 
“Not a lot of options here. We have this one,” He placed a red box down on the counter, a tile game to form words, “and this one,” he placed the second box down, a trivia game that was best played with others, but would work with two people.
“Trivia game. I want to kick your ass.” Keyleth said, looking over her shoulder with a grin. 
“Yeah, yeah. You know that’s the only way you’ll ever kick my ass at games,” Vax shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant about it, but, in reality, he was thoroughly amused. Keyleth wasn’t competitive in the slightest, but sometimes, just when Vax least expected, she would come out of her shell and challenge him for fun and for the opportunity to gloat that she had kicked his ass at something, which, if it had been another person, would have bothered him, but since it was Keyleth, it only filled him with pride.
Vax set out the board on the kitchen table, making sure to give Keyleth the green token, while she finished cleaning up. He knew once the game started that Keyleth was going to be ruthless, so, when she sat down, Vax flipped the switch on his charm to get one last reaction from her.
“Have I mentioned you’re beautiful?” He smirked at her. Keyleth’s face, as Vax predicted, immediately went red, and he didn’t give her a chance to gather her bearings. “I love it when you pull your hair up, and that shirt looks really good on you.”
“Vax,” Keyleth mumbled. She took her green token and the six-faced die and looked at him from under her eyelashes, making Vax’s heart-rate increase. “Are you trying to distract me?” 
Vax chuckled at being caught. Keyleth was beautiful, but above all, she was one of the smartest people Vax knew. “Is it working?” He teased further, resting his elbows on the table and leaning his head on his hands.
“No,” Keyleth rolled the die onto the board. The six black dots on the white plastic brought a wider smile to Keyleth’s face as she started moving her token across the board, right to the big green square that would grant Keyleth her first wedge.
“For fuck’s sake,” Vax cursed with a smile. He grabbed the card, read it, and wasn’t even surprised when Keyleth answered the Science & Nature question correctly. He was, however, shocked when she gloated as she placed the green wedge in her token, “Well, this is going to be easy.”
Keyleth rolled again, this time a three, and landed on a blue square, a Geography question that she answered correctly, again. However, when she landed on an orange square and was faced with a sports question, she finally faltered.
“My turn,” Vax snorted, setting the card down. Keyleth gave him a look that almost made him cower if he didn’t know she was just being playful with him.
Vax didn’t have as much luck as Keyleth for his first roll, just a five, but it still allowed him to pick which category he wanted to answer, so when Keyleth asked him who had been the first sovereign of Tal’Dorei, Vax laughed. 
“Zan Tal’Dorei, of course,” He answered. The history of the continent, and the subsequent empire, had been drilled into his brain by his father’s tutors, not that this was a particularly difficult question. Anyone who had been raised in Tal’Dorei would know how to answer.
“Correct,” Keyleth replied with such extreme excitement Vax knew she was annoyed that he would keep going. 
“I love it when you’re this competitive,” He snorted, rolling the die again. Keyleth gave him an offended look and said, “I’m not competitive,” but when Vax answered a science question correctly, her demeanor changed. 
“Okay, maybe I’m a little bit competitive.”
They took turns rotating the cookie dough in the freezer and when the timer rang to signal an hour had passed, Vax and Keyleth paused the game to finish the cookies.
“This is pretty balanced,” Vax observed, half an hour later when he brought a plate of freshly baked cookies onto the table. Keyleth was right behind him with two mugs of the same gunpowder green tea they had used to bake the cookies. 
“Not for long,” She mocked him. They both had three out of six wedges in their token, so the game could still go either way.
They played for the next hour, switching between bantering, teasing and, on some occasions, even plain flirting with each other. Vax loved hearing Keyleth laugh every time he made a funny comment about any of the questions, he loved seeing her squirm every time he did something that flustered her, but, above all, he loved spending time with her. 
By the time Keyleth reached the center of the board and got her final question right, thus winning the game and officially kicking Vax’s ass, the cookie plate was nothing but crumbs and the only thing left in their mugs was the residue of tea leaves. 
“Alright, you win.” Vax admitted defeat with a smile. “Do you want your reward now?”
“What?” Keyleth looked shocked at him. “I didn’t know I was getting a reward.”
“Duh,” Vax got up and crossed the table. He leaned over her, holding himself up with one hand on the table right in front of Keyleth, and whispered, “Do you want your reward or not?”
Vax could feel the heat radiating from her skin and, for a moment, he could swear he heard her heart speed up in her chest. He leaned closer, allowing his gaze to drop from her beautiful green eyes to her slightly parted lips, then back to her eyes with a silent question hanging between them. Keyleth gulped at the proximity then gave him the slightest of nods, consenting to his request.
Keyleth’s lips were soft and sweet from the cookies and the tea. They were warm and inviting and so, so delicious. Vax wished he could stop time in this moment so he could stay here, kissing her for the rest of his life, feeling the softness of her skin on his, the tip of her nose bumping against his, her warm breath puffing against his lips every time they parted.
“Was it worth it?” Keyleth asked with a short breath when Vax finally found the courage to break apart from her. Their foreheads were touching, though, because even if Vax had managed to break the kiss, he still couldn’t get himself away from her heat.
“What?” He asked.
“Losing to me, again?” Keyleth’s slick smile was contagious. 
“Who said I lost? It seems to me we both won.” Vax pointed out and, before she could counter, he kissed her again.
Yes, Keyleth might have won the game, but he, too, won something that day, something that went beyond a kiss. He won her company, a moment of relaxation just the two of them. He won Keyleth for himself, just as Keyleth won him for herself. They both won in different scenarios but, at the end of the day, the prize was the same: they won each other.
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
peer pressure and canned beer
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oh? yet, another fic of my self-indulgent boarding school au
A/N; lilly and I came up with this idea when we were sad so it's very angsty and I'm still very set on it so- do not do what wilbur does, maybe don't pick a fight with a drunk guy, and please for the love of god DO NOT KISS YOUR EX ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP okay that's my disclaimer (also maybe communicate w your partner-) ooooh also!! there will be a part 2!! i just have to write it! also a quiet lil ty to everyone that helped me describe canned beer, yall are lifesavers<33
summary; wilbur gets convinced to hang out with some kids on another team. he gets peer pressured a bit, gets drunk, makes a mistake and when he sees you back in the dorm building, he makes a few more
tw// swearing, underage drinking, peer pressure, kissing, undertones of cheating, may is a bitch, some homophobia if you read between the lines
words; 3k
pairings; cc!wilbur x gn!reader
pronouns; none!
Wilbur rarely ever found himself in situations where he would be pressured by his peers into anything. He was a wanderer who enjoyed his quiet time on the edge of situations, a watcher. A hawk--or at least you called him a hawk. He liked to observe, note everyone's behavior. From their body language, to the tone of voice they would use, to how they use words--he noticed it all, and he noted it all as well.
But when it came to people's intentions, he was alot worse at being as aware as he is with other things. It wouldn't be the first time he'd get peer pressured into something without realizing he was being pressured in the first place. He wouldn't be able to tell someone had malicious intent, especially if they held a smile, like most shit people do.
So all in all, when Wilbur told you a group of boys from another team had asked him to hang out with them, you were a smidge worried. Wilbur didn't clarify who these boys were, but he seemed excited when he told you so you smiled and uttered a small "That's awesome, bee!" and told him to go have fun.
This wasn't fun.
Well, it wouldn't be for you.
But for Wilbur? He was being accepted into another group, he was more a part of his peer group, of his school--or this is what he felt. He wasn't sure.
"Come on, William! Loosen up!" One of the boys, by the name of Dan, smirks as he lifts the beer up and towards Wil's direction. He tries to hide the grimace building up on his face as he looks at the beer and decides to take it in his hand. He pops the tab and takes a sip, groaning after he swallows it. Its disgusting, that's what conclusion Wilbur has come to. He can't tell if it tastes like nasty rust water or stale piss. Either way, it's fucking disgusting.
"That's- god, that's gross," Wilbur shakes his head as he grimaces, nearly gagging at the aftertaste and memory of it.
"Cheap bear is gross," Another student in this group speaks, a girl this time. The one Wilbur noticed you always had a distaste for, the one that made you insecure. He feels like he remembers hearing something about this girl, May. Maybe about her liking him? He wasn't sure what but what he was sure of? This girl couldn't like him. Not a chance.
"That's a fucking understatement," Wilbur giggles slightly before hiccuping.
"So, William-" 
"You can just call me Wil, that's fine."
"Okay, Wil- how's it in the loser group?" Yet another student, there's only about five besides Wilbur, but too many for Wilbur's tipsy mind to make note of at once. The boy's name he seems to remember being Sammy, which he feels doesn't fit him. Chad or Brian would fit the bill and he has to hold back giggles at that thought.
"Loser group?" Wilbur asks almost incredulously, eyebrows knitted in a confused expression. 
"Yeah, what's it called- Team Andromeda?" The one with the teacher's pets, those gay kids- everyone knows Andromeda is where the weirdos get placed, y'know?" Something about Sammy's voice started to grind his gears, but his mind was so muddled he couldn't get very angry, so he sighed.
When Sammy mentioned the "gay" kids, it really rattled him. It made his blood boil, he wanted to yell and punch and scream at this kid. But he had to restrain himself, these other guys weren't so bad. 
"I don't think they're that bad, I'm on Andromeda." Wilbur shrugs, looking down at the can he holds, trying to keep himself composed and for the most part--it works.
"Well, you aren't one of them. You don't fit there." May pipes in, a sickeningly sweet smile on her face. If it wasn't for how.. icky the conversation made Wilbur felt, the smile would be soft and sweet in his eyes. But his nauseated stomach at the words that cross his ears, skews his view of the word with green tinted glasses.
"Come on, let's not dwell on those kids-- just drink, have fun! Let loose!" Another kid, Dean, speaks up. He feels a lot less.. venomous. He seems kinder and as if he doesn't hold the same hurtful opinions as the others do.
"Why don't we do truth or dare?" Sammy smirks from behind his beer can, eyes glistening with mischief and the mere look makes Wilbur want to projectile vomit, but maybe that's because he's nearly finished off his own beer. Stale piss water.
Wilbur shrugged as various confirmations of agreements are muttered, a few 'sure's and a couple 'alright's were scattered between. 
"How about…" Sammy eyes the group and when his attention lands on Wilbur, he smirks, "You, Wil- truth or dare?" 
Something sunk into Wilbur's stomach, it felt like all of his internal organs--but it was probably just his heart. This didn't sit right with him, maybe he was being targeted? But his mind was so fogged and swimmy from the alcohol--his beer can was empty and he'd started on a new one. His logic flew out the window long ago.
"Uhm…" Wilbur takes a moment to think or rather, he pauses and looks down, his mind a blank slate without a scratch written. He lifts his head, tilting it to the side for a moment before he slurs confidently, "Dare."
Sammy nods as he eyes Wilbur up and down before he speaks again, much clearer than any words Wilbur could possibly dream to muster, "I dare you…" He trails off as his eyes glance over at May, who was sitting beside Wilbur, "To kiss May."
Wilbur knew it was coming before the words had even been spoken. God, he wished he could erase the entirety of eighth grade from history right about now. He then turned to face May, her cheeks flush pink as she tugs on his sleeve. Everything in his heart was screaming for him to stop, to run away and get as far from this situation that he could. To find you and wrap you in his arms and kiss all over your face and apologize for everything he could've possibly ever done--but his logic is out the window and god-- his body feels like quicksand and he can barely move.
It happens so quickly he doesn't know how it even starts, or who initiated what. But now his lips are on hers and they're kissing and it's much too deep for his liking. He should be kissing you, under lamplight in the dorm, sighs and giggles muffled between lips and mouths. Hands exploring each other innocently and with that sweet spark of love.
Yet instead, here he is with his hand behind May's head, his lips intertwined with hers and her tongue in his mouth. This is horrible, he's decided. He's vowed to never drink again, and never touch lips with anyone but you. But he doesn't stop, he doesn't pull away. He's enticed, he's enraptured by it. Its new, but old. He's kissed her before, not like this of course. But he has kissed May, years ago. This now feels foreign and exciting and new. 
That guilt crawls up him, makes him sick and he finally pulls away. His lips curled in a grimace, when May's curl into a smile. His face has a green tint, and hers has a pink sheet of color. They mirror each other in completely opposite ways. She kissed him because she wanted to.
He kissed her because he felt trapped.
It wasn't more than an hour longer that he hung out with them, it got late and there were enough sightings of leadership staff to scare all of them back to the dorms. Which by enough, was two. And they were leaving work. Either way, Wilbur found his way to the side door of the dorm building. The front is always open but Wilbur felt that it was too obvious and he was much too drunk to risk getting caught so he walked over to the side door, hunkered down and texted you.
wilb&lt;3 2:45am // by sidef dooorr, pls get me
you 2:46am // wtf are u doing there??
you 2:46am // be down in a sec, hang tight
He shut his phone off and tucked it in his pocket after smiling at his messages. He leaned against the outer wall and slunk down to the ground. His mind felt like sludge, his body felt like bags of rocks were weighing him down and the way his eyelids kept slipping shut wasn't helping either.
A moment later and his shoulder was being shook by you, eyes shooting open only to glance at your worried expression. Concern plastered on your face and all your eyes saw was a mess of the boy you loved. Face tinted green with splotches of red, eyes glazed over and somehow-- lip gloss on his lips? Its messy and it looks like-- 
Your heart sinks. He kissed her. Or maybe, she kissed him, he couldn't hurt you like that. Even drunk, he had a heart and logical thinking.
Words weren't spoken as you help him to his feet, practically dragging him to the elevator that no one actually uses but comes in handy now. Your boyfriend's arm slung over your shoulders and his lips messily kissing the side of your hair as his words slur.
"Love you sooo much, baby-" It hurts to hear it, to hear the promises of love as he's so desperately drunk. The elevator is slow so as you hold him beside you, you keep yourself from snapping. Maybe a little prying won't hurt, will it?
"So, what happened?" Your voice is low and soft, a mere whisper as the elevator dings, signifying being on the second floor. Another two to go.
"Mm- Nothin' jus' truth or dare-" He slurs, leaning against you.
"So you didn't kiss May, then?" 
Something flips in him, some sort of mild regulator switch flips and he clears his throat. Now leaning away from you as he looks around the elevator, somehow a bit more sober as he speaks, "And if I did?"
"I'd worry about you. I am worried about you." 
Ding, third floor. Almost there.
"Its not like it matters, so what if I kissed a girl?" He snips, tone sharp and quick as he fully leans off you, standing on his own almost as if he hadn't a drop of alcohol. You knew that wasn't true, and you hoped he was shit faced drunk when it happened. You knew it happened.
"You'd be cheating if you had. It isn't right, okay?" Your voice is so even, clear and regulated. You keep your composure and his only cracks more.
"Just forget about it, nothing happened. Just leave it the fuck alone." He huffs slightly as the elevator dings and the doors slide open, you both step out and you lead him over to the bathroom to help him clean up just a bit.
It didn't last long when he pulled out of your grasp, "Why don't you just leave me alone and stop prying? Jesus- May was right." He mutters the last part as he stares daggers into you, and you move to walk beside him as he finds his way by your dorm room.
"Can you just tell me what the fuck is wrong?" You're breaking, cracking at the seams more and more as every word of his slips past his lips. Enraging you with every syllable.
And now, with his snarl and angered stare, you felt like an afterthought at that moment, and you wondered if that was his goal. Snapping at you, disregarding your concerns and feelings you were bringing to him. Suits you to argue with a drunk guy.
"You're too fucking obsessed with me anyways-- You're always hanging off me like some desperate lost puppy. I swear- It'd be better if you just left me alone." He rolls his eyes as he stumbles into the dorm, despite his louder than proper reaction, no one stirs or makes any noticeable action.
"I'm obsessed with you and she's not?" Your eyebrows knit in confusion as your lips curl into a frown, frustration boiling up inside you, soon to turn to anger.
He leans against the doorframe, rolling his eyes in a dramatic and drunk way as he huffs, "Yes, yes you are. At least she respects my boundaries," He shrugs as he steps back into the dorm and you feel tears prick at your eyes, frozen in place and boiling with anger, the frustration completely gone. Now you're just hurt.
"She manipulated you and forced you to go out with her and her asshole friends! You want to know something? Those guys you just spent two hours with and had so much fucking fun with? Fucking bullied me since middle school!" You step back, so close to walking away but you need this last word, just something to make him realize, "But you wouldn't know that, would you? You're too in your head to know anything about me!" It seems unrelated, and to him it was. But to you, his words were the last straw. You were done.
"Bullied you? I never took you for the delusional kind."
If it was possible, your jaw would be dislocated and on the floor, but instead you drew your lips into a thin line and let the tears ricochet.
"Fine- Y'know what? Go date May instead- get back with her, see what happens, huh?" Your blood boils as you speak through hot tears and you feel regret surging through you as you shut the door for him, turning on your heel and down the hall. It's a night to sneak into your dad's dorm.
He doesn't wake as you carefully creak the door open, tiptoeing in and finding a spot in the chair in the corner. Not caring or bothering with pillows or blankets, it isn't like you'll be getting much sleep.
Your eyes locked on the walls of the dark room, your mind replaying the last ten minutes like a broken record. You couldn't escape it, the guilt, the fear, the hurt. Your tears were silent but they had no plan of stopping as they fell down your face in clumps of salty water. Your throat felt like it was going to shut, sore and aching as you held back sobs. Your heart felt the same, yet instead of being shut off, it ached like it had been ripped into and at this point, it might as well have been. 
Maybe he was right, maybe you were too clingy and 'obsessed' with him. Maybe you did spend too much time around him or too much of your breath speaking about him. All of the maybes ran through your mind like a pack of ants fleeing from the rain. It wouldn't be long until you were full on sobbing and so you did your best to hide your whimpers and breaths of heartache with the sleeves of your sweater--Wilbur's sweater.
You heard a creaking of a bunk, one of the three levels that were in the dorm, you weren't sure which but you still froze in place as a response. You hoped someone was just readjusting but as the lamp beside the bottom bunk clicked on, you realized someone was awake. You knew it was Andy even before you lifted your head to see him. Out of him, your dad and Evan, he was the lightest sleeper. So he'd most likely have been awake since the fight, you knew this but you only hoped that he would turn the other way and ignore it, let you wallow in your heartache.
"Kiddo?" He spoke softly, voice cracking with sleep as he patted the spot beside him on the edge of the bed. You simply eyed his hand, making no move to sit beside him, to get up out of the hole you've fallen into.
He gave you that look, that look only a dad would give you. The one that says "Tell me what's hurting, kid, please?" It's so unspoken, no words being muttered but every meaning and intention still finding it's way into the air and floating around like dust particles--unseen in darkness but when light shines, it's clear as day.
"Wilbur." You mutter it out, voice breaking at the end as another silent sob breaks through and he moves to stand, walking over to you and kneeling in front of you, hands on either side of your legs.
"What did he do?" Andy tilts his head to the side as he looks up at you with worry and concern splattered all over his face.
"He got drunk with those- with May and her friends," You paused as you sucked in a shallow breath, doing your best to calm yourself.
"And?" He prys, but you don't mind. He's just trying to scrape at the layers you've wrapped around your heart and mind, the layers that hide the truth beneath. He's doing a damn good job too.
"He yelled at me, I know he kissed May and- he's so mad at me, Andy. So mad." You know you sound like a broken child, a kid left behind on the playground. You can't help it, it's how you feel. You love Wilbur, you loved him. You gave him your heart and he discarded it in a ditch.
"I heard- I'll set up the trundle, you sleep in my bed, okay? Tomorrow is Saturday so I want you to take some breaths-" He starts instructing you to breathe in deeply and to let it out. He does this with you for a few more seconds until all the tears you have left have dried and you feel a tingling feeling of peace. As much as you can muster. And he smiles, patting your knee and turning around to do as he said he would, setting up the trundle, and then he ushers you over and you settle into the bottom bunk.
"We'll deal with this tomorrow, okay? We'll talk with your dad and Evan, and Cati too. Just rest now, kiddo." He smiles softly before settling into the trundle below and you let your eyes slip shut, welcoming sleep with open arms.
Your last thought before you drifted off, was hope you didn’t have to see Wilbur the next day.
taglist; @ella-fella-bo-bella @sleepyburs @lillylvjy
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
The Ghost of Emilie Agreste
So, my friend and I were watching an old soap opera (don’t ask) and there’s a subplot where one of the characters goes into a coma because their soul gets separated from their body, making them basically an “undead ghost” (actual phrase from the show). They end up haunting their loved ones, trying to get them to realize what happened, but they just portray it as them following people around, so for a season you have this one character hanging out in the background, kind of transparent, commenting on things.
I hope you see where this is going.
We came up with a few options:
Option A - No one can see or hear her. Emilie is just chilling out in her house, haunting her loved ones, and despairing over them. She is fully aware of everyone’s identities. She has attempted to slap her husband more than once for punting their son across Paris.
Option B - Gabriel (and maybe Nathalie?) can see and talk to her. Emilie does not know Adrien is Chat Noir. Emilie and Gabriel get into fights about his activities as Hawk Moth. Adrien is concerned for his father’s mental health, because he keeps walking into rooms where his dad is arguing with empty air, speaking to it as though his wife is present.
Option B.2 - same as B, but Emilie is really on board with the Hawk Moth thing. This is for Evil!Gabriel.
Option C - Adrien can see Emilie after getting the Black Cat Miraculous … and yeah, I can’t see a single way Emilie would be unaware Gabriel is Hawk Moth. The plot resolves at either lightning speed, or a snail’s pace.
Option C.2 - being removed from her body has caused Emilie to lose her memory, including her name, and as a result her ghost form is indistinct and unrecognizable. After getting the Black Cat, Adrien can see and hear the ghost haunting his house. He tries to help the ghost recover their memory (whether he thinks she’s his mom or not is up to interpretation).
Option D - variant on C.2, not only is she indistinct and without memory, Emilie being separated from her body caused her spirit to manifest elsewhere, so she’s just wandering Paris, trying to remember who she is. She is eventually found by someone who can see and hear her (either Marinette, Chloe, or Adrien, or maybe all three) and begins to follow them around, hoping it will help her recover her memory (hey, not like she has any better ideas).
If anyone can think of any others, go for it!
I fucking love all of these actually!
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jessequinones · 3 months
Hi, I was wondering what are the common problematic tropes that you see in book?
Hey there! Thank you so much for asking this question; the short answer to your question is, I’m not sure ^^”
I’ve written lots of articles about problematic tropes (mainly when it comes to indigenous cultures), and the main one that comes to me is them being “savages”.
This one is straightforward: the main hero discovers a tribe of natives. The natives become hostile, barbaric savages—you get the point. They attack the hero, the hero defends themselves, and the story moves on.
Why is this one so bad in particular? What I just described was Christopher Columfuck's encounter with my people (the Taíno) and his discovery of Native Americans.
Indigenous people throughout history have always been shown as uncivilised. They attack the good people of [INSERT COLONISER COUNTRY HERE], so when we see this pop up in media, it kind of reinforces the stereotypes that all indigenous people are savages.
Now, let’s move on to disability. Disability tropes aren’t my thing, but if you have any disability questions about writing, I’d highly recommend going to the Cy-Cyborg Tumblr page and typing in the hashtag (#Writing disability with Cy Cyborg), as there’ll be several posts about disability tropes.
However, since it’s Disability Pride Month (This article was originally written in July of 2023), let’s talk about the “Being Disabled Is A Fate Worse Than Death” trope. This trope is written in a way that being disabled is so horrible the only thing you can do to escape it is to either kill yourself or let fate have mercy on your poor soul and take your life instead.
Such examples could be found if you watch the movie “Me Before You,” where the entire plot of the film is the main character is a billionaire who’s disabled, despite having all of the money in the world, despite falling in love, he hates being disabled so much he kills himself.
The second example is what happened to Snowkit from the Warriors series.
Snowkit is barely even a character, but it is notable in that it was the first deaf-named character in the series. They died in a single chapter because of their disability after a hawk garbed them. Several characters within the story claimed this was for the best. Keep in mind this is a children's story. If a deaf child saw this, it would send a message they could never be warriors and that they're better off dead.
There are several other problematic tropes in media, like the “Damsels in Distress”, which is pretty bad, or the reverse damsel in distress, where a hot woman kicks ass but is just there for the male gaze. (Think of any Michael Bay movie)
And here’s one that might shock you: “Love at First Sight/True Love Kiss” (Think of any Disney movie). The main character often has never been in a relationship before, finds the partner of their dream, and lives happily ever after. The problem is that love is messy, and the number of people staying with their first partner is so low I don’t think they’ll even appear on a stat board.
This trope teaches people (mainly children and teens) that their first love will be the love for them; it’ll be perfect, and when it doesn’t work, they get depressed, like really depressed. So yeah, in a way, I’ll add this as problematic for giving several teens false hope in their first love.
If you want to know more about any trope or writing question, please let me know, and I’ll do my best to answer it.
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silentmoths · 1 year
As Fragile as A Brick Wall
It's a me, ya bitch, who had half thie chapter written and then had to move house....tryina write longform during/post move is harder than I thought but here we is.
Chapter 7
Zhongli x Afab (fem pronoun) Reader
NSFW elements in later chapters
Multi-chapter, Royal AU, angst, mentions of death, eventual fluff, eventual smut, hurt/comfort(Wonderful header image made by the wonderful @ainescribe)
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You wake with a hiss, something cold pressing against your exposed torso. Your initial reaction? Swing out with violence against whoever was closest, but your hand is swiftly caught and pinned to your side by a rather stern looking woman.
Ah, you remembered her now, she was one of the ones that had come with Zhongli when he had returned, slim, sharp features and an even sharper gaze, cloud retainer you think her name was. 
Either way, she fixes you with a withering glare as she clicks her tongue, brow furrowing in frustration. “One advises to hold still, your highness, lest your wound aggravate any more than it has with your improper technique.” she scolds, motioning to the pile of bandages beside you. “How did you come to sustain such an injury?” “Fell outta a tree…” you mutter, through gritted teeth. While the covered block of ice she had felt nice against your inflamed skin, this sharp woman was being anything but gentle as she presses it to your side.
“A princess should not be climbing trees in the first place!” she tuts, you roll your eyes at her, uncaring of the way her gaze only narrows on you. “You will do well to rest, lest these bones heal incorrectly.”
“I’ll do what I like!” you snap back at her, quickly losing patience with her commands as you shove her hand away and attempt to sit up. 
For such a skinny lady, she’s surprisingly strong as she grasps your shoulders and pushes you back down. “You will rest.” she repeats, already you can see a vein throbbing in her temple “It is as my lord commands, he does not wish for you to exacerbate your wounds more than you already have, foolish child!”
You can feel how quickly your fury reignites, only dimly cooled by cloud retainer’s icy glare. How dare he, after all that bravado, now he’s making orders of you? Pathetic.
“And what exactly is his royal highness going to do about it?” you sneer. 
“Quite simple.” Cloud retainer retorts “This one and his finest guard, Xiao, have been assigned to watch over you and keep you within your quarters until your injuries have healed sufficiently. Should you behave, it should not take long, but continue on like this and you will only suffer longer.”
“That ass!” you hiss, only for it to give way to a yelp as Cloud Retainer pinches your ear and tugs harshly. 
“While my lord insists you still be referred to as royalty, I will not have you disrespect him in my presence!” she thunders at you like a mother scolding their naughty child. “Now,you will lay here quietly and allow me to ice your wound, and then we can return you to your room. Understood?”
Her tone and glare gave you absolutely no room to argue.
Xiao was… intimidating.
Short, but intimidating. 
Never before had you seen a guard as stiff as him. Whenever he took over from Cloud Retainer and her fussing, he would stand there, by your door, stiff as a board, glowing yellow eyes usually trained at the floor, but any movement from you and his gaze would snap up again, watching you like a hawk, his hand tightening on his spear.
He didn’t speak much, and even when he did, to you ,at least, he kept his responses as short as humanly possible.
The duo’s shifts only last a few hours each, enough time for the other to eat and relax; in cloud retainer’s case it was to gather more herbs and tinctures, salves and poultices to slather onto your torso and thigh. The medicines were disgusting and the topicals stung, you hated it.
However, just when you’re expecting to finally get some peace and quiet as a knock at the door sounds, you expect it to be Xiao, but when your eyes meet those handsome amber pools you know you’re not getting any peace for the afternoon.
“Ah! Milord!” Cloud Retainer chirps happily to him with a deep bow of her head “Her wounds have been tended and she has, thankfully, remained in bed the entire day, as per your orders.”
“Thank you, Cloud Retainer. You are relieved for now.” Zhongli hums softly, stepping aside to allow his attendant out the door before he shuts it softly. You look away, one hand curling into your sheets as you look for anything closeby that you might be able to throw at his stupid head, but alas, nothing.
The chair beside your bed creaks quietly as he takes a seat, you still refuse to look at him, even as you hear the familiar rustling of pages, seem’s he’d brought a book with him…perhaps some sort of horrific mind control spell?
He does not acknowledge you as he settles on a page and begins to read. Slowly you realise through your anxiety and anger, that this was no spell, but a fairy tale…one you remember, told to you by her mother in her soft tones, curled in her warm embrace as she gently caressed your cheeks…better times, warmer times.
It was a story about a lonely dragon, who had left home and when he had returned many decades later, no one in the village remembered him, they thought he was a bad dragon, and treated him thus, throwing rocks and shooting arrows whenever he approached the castle upon which he used to roost. The villagers grew angrier and angrier with him, because he refused to leave the village, claiming this was his home. In the end he sacrificed his life for the village that hated him when an evil king had set his army upon them, and only in death did the villagers finally believe the beast’s words. 
You remember the first time your mother had told this story to you, you had cried for the dragon. You remember her face as she giggled and held you close, you promised her so vehemently that you would never be like those nasty villagers who didn’t believe until it was too late.
Ah, you get it now. 
“I see your game.” you mutter, gaze resting on your hands, clasped in your lap, Zhongli simply hums.
“Game?” He asks, flipping the page to the next story in the book “I simply thought you might enjoy listening to something other than Cloud Retainer’s occasionally incessant ramblings… she cares deeply about what she does, but she is prone to…prattle.” And with that, he launches into the next story, and you are left confused. Surely he’d picked that story first because he knew it had some meaning to you…? But it was the first one in the book too..
On the second day Zhongli comes to visit, he asks Cloud retainer how you’re faring, and if she would allow you to stand and walk for a little while.
His attendant squawks at the mere thought, launching into a lecture about how excessive movement would only make you worse, only silencing when he holds up his hand.
“I will be accompanying her…her steed is simply becoming agitated…considering he was once my own, I know he won't calm until he sees his rider.” He sighs, he watches as Cloud retainer’s face scrunches; clearly unhappy with the idea, but knowing better than to challenge him on it.
“Very well, but nothing too strenuous.” She huffs “otherwise she will have to remain bed bound even longer.” 
“You have my word, Retainer.” Zhongli sighs, shaking his head as he watches her ruffle and leave. Zhongli sighs in relief before looking at you with mischief dancing in his eyes as he holds out his hand.
“I was not joking when I said Azhdaha was acting out.” He chuckles,”I tried to calm him but it seems his loyalties have truly switched.” 
You grunt, reluctantly taking his hand, loathe you are to admit it, but your muscles are sore and stiff from being forced to stay still. His fingers curl around your palm, he’s just as warm as you remember, his skin a little less calloused over time.
Different, but hauntingly familiar. 
He’s gentle helping you up, his other hand coming to brace your back as you stand, and you hate how vulnerable and weak you feel in front of him as he walks with you down the hall, still holding your hand, the asshole.
You hear your horse before you see him, which, considering his size, is a feat in and of itself. He’s roaring, he’s stomping and pacing in his stall.
“Azhdaha.” You call to him, and within moments, his massive head has appeared into the hall, he’s covered in his bedding, straw littering his mane as he pins his ears and flares his nostrils in mock-anger. “Oh hush you, I’m here.” 
Immediately, he reaches his snout towards you, his ears not relaxing until you reach out a hand to stroke him. You knew he was a proud old thing, and you knew damn well that his sight was beginning to go, but you’d never say it aloud, he deserved that much. “See? Relax, I’m fine.”
“As promised.” Zhongli adds with a chuckle, finally releasing your hand so you could tend to the stallion properly. “I swear he’s become even fouler in his age.”
“Wouldn’t you?” you retort, coaxing the horse to dip his head so you could pick stray bits of straw from his mane “he’s a man of routine, and thanks to you I haven't been able to abide by it.”
“You needed to rest.” He points out, using the same, no-nonsense tone he used to when you were rebelling as a teenager, complete with the crossed arms and the raised eyebrow.
“And you need a hobby other than bothering me.” you snort.
“While we’re here, a word?” He asks as he leans against the wall.
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“Then I won’t make you talk…but I want you to listen.” he presses as he watches you intently “Because I need your help.”
“You? Need my help?” you snort “with that exactly? Because a lay does not constitute help.”
“While things have been going smoothly with most of our allied nations, one in particular is proving to be rather…difficult to settle…I was hoping to have you join me during the meeting with their ambassador.”
“And why would I be of any use?” You mutter, wincing as you attempt to bend to pick up your horses brush, knocked from it’s shelf during his angry rampage about the stall. A hand rests on your back as Zhongli bends to fetch it for you. “Despite what you say, most Kingdoms are now of the belief that because my father is dead and you have taken over rule, I hold no standing.”
“To them, as a princess? No.” he agrees “but I know an intelligent and strategic mind when I see one… you know how to lead your people, and the allied kingdoms are fond of you…I believe your presence as a royal advisor might very well be the key to securing continued alliances.” 
“Ah, so you want me to be the pretty little dove on your shoulder, telling you right from wrong?” you respond flatly, fixing him with an unimpressed stare, one that Zhongli returns with an incredulous look. 
“Have you always been this difficult? Or are you acting like a child for the sake of it?” He snaps in frustration.
“I’m being difficult because you expect me to bend to your will when it’s my life and my hand you want!”
“That is not what I am speaking about right now.” He huffs “I am asking if you would be willing to help me to help the kingdom!” 
Your gaze narrows at him, and you’re met with equally as narrow a glare.
Perhaps he knew how to play you better than you thought. 
“Fine.” you seethe “I’ll help you with this stupid alliance. But not for you.”
Zhongli blinks, shock flitting past his features, he hadn’t expected you to agree so quickly. He opens his mouth to thank you but is immediately stopped by your hand raising. 
“I am doing it for the kingdom. And then…once all your pretty little alliances are formed. I’m leaving.” You tell him. “I am leaving and you will never see me again.”
Zhongli feels the cold creep into his heart, leaving? Where would you go? What would you do? Would you be safe? 
But he also sees the fierce determination in your eyes, you had meant every word…not to mention…he had promised to aid you in living happily, even if it meant away from the castle.
“Very well.” he sighs and nods “A promise is a promise.” 
You look him up and down, an eyebrow quirked. After all his bluster at that dinner about how he wanted you to be his queen, he was backing down awfully quickly…
“How long do we have until this Ambassador arrives?” You sigh, placing the brush down once Azhdaha had been cleaned down.
“In six to eight weeks.” He mumbles, knowing the timing would give away exactly which kingdom was coming to visit, and you groan loudly.
“Not Sneznhaya…” you grumble.
“Sneznhaya.” He confirms.
“Now I know why they hate you.” you huff, giving your horse one more good pat and a scratch around the ears before you shamble for the door. Admittedly your injuries were really starting to get the better of you, and you hate how you actually appreciate Zhongli’s quick return to your side, supporting you as you both make your way back to your room.
“But now you also know why having you there will be indispensable.” He chuckles, “After all, you were once set to marry their prince.”
“Ugh…don’t remind me…” 
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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a-drama-addict · 4 months
🎲🎮 🥪🎒 for Chloe, Chronos, Dari and Sigrid? c:
Thanks for the ask laya!! :] RAMBLE TIME WEEEE [Ask game]
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough)
Chloe: Ohhh she would pick thief no question about it. She would see the opportunity for the most ‘little-shit class to pair with a little-shit backstory’ and THRIVE
Chronos: Chronos would probably pick mage (it’s the only thing he knows) or necromancer! He already finds it fascinating enough in DAI itself but in an RPG? He’d love all the lore so much
Da’revas: Druid!!! He loves nature!!!! He wants to turn into a silly creature!!!!!!
Sigrid: Oh she’d also pick necromancer no doubt. Her special interest unfortunately is death and everything around it- BUT she would also love to pick something like Monk or Druid. Those classes radiate such peacefulness to her that she would really yearn for even if only in a pen and paper RPG
🎮 If your OC lives or would live in the modern world, would they like video games? What would be their favorite game?
Chloe: No they’d give her headaches <3 staring at a screen too long would give her headaches (<- woman who refuses to get glasses and then sits way too close to her screen)
Chronos: Yes but only farming sims. He would fuck with Stardew Valley so hard it wouldn’t even be funny anymore
Da’revas: He would not like video games to be honest, he’s a board game fella you know, he can’t be video-gaming, he’s frolicking in the grass
Sigrid: She’d love old video games, like from the 80s-90s, like: The Legend of Zelda 1986, the original Fallout games, Prince of Persia, Street Fighter II and Super Mario 64. She loves old shit
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to ‘5 course menu’ how well can your OC cook?
Chloe: She knows how to cook, but not spectacularly or anything like that. It would be edible, and some things she can definitely make well- but most things are like “This is okay”. Once Bela moves in semi-permanently into Hawke’s estate they cook together, which makes Chloe think she’s a master chef “LOOK at me cooking for my GIRLFRIEND”
Chronos: He’d be a good cook definitely, he learnt baking from his dad when he was a kid and cooking from both his moms. He definitely enjoys it too- whenever he gets the chance he helps around in Skyhold’s kitchen
Da’revas: Noooopeeee. He can’t cook. He’s good at GETTING food (i.e. hunting), he knows which stalls in the market have the best foods for the best price- DONT ask him to cook it he will BURN everything
Sigrid: Can’t really cook too bad but not well either? She’s never been taught, she didn’t live with her adoptive family (before bhaal) long enough to learn. And when she was in the temple of bhaal she didn’t really… cook much (Because of the cannibalism). When she’s out on the road with the others Gale and Will try to teach her how to cook- so now she’s certified “Okay at cooking”
🎒 If your OC had to pick three things of all their belongings to keep, which would they chose?
Chloe: Oh EASY. Her favourite (not blood magic related) knife, her mabari and her journal <3
Chronos: NOT easy. I think he’d keep his hair brush, the compass he got from his parents and gloves he and Iron Bull made together once (for combat reasons only. No gay reasons at all.)
Da’revas: Necklace he got from Merrill and Tamlen, the ring Morri got him aaaaand because he’s a sap a drawing Kieran had made once (one of those ‘my family’ drawings most kids make at five years old)
Sigrid: Ohhh tough one too actually. I think Sig would keep her weapons (practical), a locket with a strand of Karlach’s hair in it (she’s also a sap) and probably the owlbear cub (that’s her emotional support creature)
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vigilskeep · 1 year
If ur warden, hawke and inquisitor somehow got into a fight, who would win?
obviously this changes constantly with my warden hawke and inquisitor changing constantly but going with the current plan. i vote warden
keir hawke scary as all hell but being either an archer or a sword & board (depending on my mood) he requires a party for support. if anyone can cut through even sword & board keir’s health it’s ivar aeducan and it’s all well and good being a killer sharpshooter until u are being actively stabbed. it’s actually pretty inconvenient to shoot arrows while stabbed. the sword gets in the way. (keir did not have a good time in the arishok duel.) also the warden is just so overpowered in general
that being said. elaine trevelyan COULD win but WOULDN’T. she has the necessary necromancy but not the necessary killing instinct. cries when one of the above “dies” and she didn’t even kill him that time. well she kind of left him to die but. you know. my point is get it together girl
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transandersrights · 1 year
Happy Friday! How about Anders/m!Hawke, 'taking a break/relaxing' for dadwc.
(I take prompts! See info here)
Ahh ty for this prompt for my beloveds! For @dadrunkwriting, ~750 words of early relationship mHanders, rated T. Content warnings for minor references to offscreen violence + rather less minor references to sex.
“Anders, it’s getting late. Maybe you should—”
“Mmm, not yet.” Anders waved him off almost without looking up from his work, his hand aside from the paper only for the moment as he dipped his pen back into the ink. There were sheets of paper scattered all over the floor, and he’d replaced the candle recently. He wasn’t thinking about finishing up any time soon.
“I’m not going to ask you to come to bed, I think I’m smarter than that.” Hawke laughed, and Anders still didn’t look up, but he didn’t return to writing either. “Just wanted to take a break. I brought some food?”
Anders chuckled. “A sandwich?”
Anders smiled back, eyes creasing at the edges. “Hey.” He looked tired, like always, but not quite as frustrated as Hawke expected. “Oh, that does look good. Can we…?” He inclined his head towards the balcony.
Hawke grinned; he’d won, then. “Not quite. Some fruit and cheese from the market.” And yes, Anders set the pen down and left his papers behind, turning to face Hawke for the first time that evening. “Hey.”
Anders joined him by the time Hawke had set out the tray and pulled the knives from his pockets (Mother would whinge about holes in the fine fabric, but what was he going to do? Hold them when he needed hands for the tray and door?). Under the moonlight, Anders looked almost like a cat as he took up his usual spot in the chair closest to the door back inside. He tilted his head up, eyes catching the stars.
“Of course.” Hawke crossed half the room to offer Anders a hand up, and then the other half while the man took a moment to stretch. Cool night air fluttered the papers on the desk, but Anders paid it no heed — clearly, it had been one of those writing nights.
“What time is it?” Anders asked, voice half-absent.
“Past midnight,” Hawke confirmed.
Anders winced. “I didn’t realise. Have I kept you up?”
“I only got back in half an hour ago.” Gang-busting in Lowtown again; Anders had opted to stay in, and Hawke was glad to oblige. Foolishly, he’d thought that Anders might actually take a break, but no such luck. “I’ll go to bed after this, but I’ll sleep like a log. You can keep working if you want.”
Anders let out a long exhale, then plucked one of the cherries from the tray. “I’m not sure if I’ll get much further tonight,” he confessed. “I don’t think I got very far today at all.”
“Want to talk about it?” Hawke was… well, he wasn’t half as educated or a third as articulate as Anders, but he could be a sounding board, at least.
Anders chuckled. “No, we’re taking a break. I can stop thinking about it for a bit.”
Hawke couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face at that. He’d hoped Anders would say it, really, but he never knew what was best for him. Where he should push, where he should hold back… this was all still so new.
Good new. Scary new. He’d learn in time, and he’d learn after plenty of mistakes. For now, though? He could sit with Anders in the evening light and be a good excuse to stop staring at words that didn’t want to be written just as much as they demanded to be heard.
“Tell me about what you did tonight,” Anders said instead. “Best moment. Or top three, if you can’t pick.”
It was tearing a new one for muggers, but alright. Hawke closed his eyes to cast his mind back over the night, and when he opened his mouth to speak—
Oh, that was cheese. It might have been late, but Hawke still had it; he closed his mouth again quickly, letting his tongue linger on Anders’ fingertips as Anders pulled away. And yep, there it was — Anders’ too-breathy exhale. He had caught him out.
“That’s a dirty trick,” Anders complained.
“Dirtier than putting your hand in my mouth when my eyes were closed?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
“Want to put something else in there?”
Anders spluttered, and Hawke opened his eyes again, letting a grin spread across his face. “I thought we were eating fruit and cheese like fancy nobles.”
Hawke laughed, and this time Anders laughed with him, the sound spilling forth so easily. Fuck, Hawke really might be in love with him. “We can do whatever you want. It’s your break.”
“Cheese and fruit it is, then,” Anders answered, his tone lightly smug as he said it. But he was still smiling, reaching for another cherry, and that was exactly what Hawke wanted; Anders, happy, doing whatever he damn well wanted.
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awellboiledicicle · 1 year
The order of events that lead to Hawke and Anders being aboard the Nautiloid are a bit scattershot, in keeping with just how much the universe likes to jerk the two of them around, specifically.
Event the first: Hawke volunteers to stay behind in the Fade to distract the Nightmare so that Thedas would have a prayer of restoring the Wardens and allowing the Inquisitor and company to escape. Hawke is presumed dead.
Event the second: Varric Tethras pens a letter to each of Hawke's former companions to alert them of his passing. This includes, naturally, a long letter to Hawke's husband, Anders. The letter includes both the sad news and the strongest possible sentiment that Anders should not do anything rash about this news.
Third: Anders receives the letter and has an emotional breakdown that ends several hours later with him curled up on the floor of the cave he'd been hiding in. Choosing to either find Hawke trapped in the Fade or die trying, Anders makes the decision to attempt entering the Fade via one of the many rifts opening across the landscape. Justice does not stop him expressly because he honestly did not think it would be possible.
Fourth: Anders enters the Fade and Justice gains control of their body. They search for, and locate, Hawke after expending a great deal of willpower to mold the landscape enough to actually reach him. The pair are knocked into the void by the Nightmare and assume themselves doomed.
Lastly: While fleeing the githyanki pursuit, the Nautiloid flashes into the plain containing Thedas and the Fade. Hawke and Anders are abducted largely by coincidence.
Which, as you can see from the above red string cork board, is where the Absolute fucked up.
Not yet pictured is Anders getting wormed after Lae'zel, being put back to sleep as the worm tries to fight the taint in his blood, Hawke getting worm'd, and then Justice taking over once the Mindflayer leaves-- expelling the worm as he essentially burns it out of them. Justice physically ripping himself out of the pod after Lae'zel fucks off [she didn't listen when he asked for help and he's very annoyed by this], and then just hammering on Hawke's pod until it opened and then hauling Hawke up by the front of his fucked up armor like "get your shit together, we have things to kill and safety to get to and Anders cannot help" and also "I cannot believe you did this if it wouldn't be counter productive i would kill you, is2g". But in Justice terms, so it's more "Prepare yourself, we are beset. Anders cannot aid you, so i shall suffice." And after Hawke gets his feet and scrounges up a few daggers on the way through the corridors, its "Your decision in the Fade was unwise. Anders was compromised. Do not do this again, it was unpleasant."
Lae'zel is just happy to have two people for back up instead of none, even though one is very much just wailing on imps with whatever weapon he can pick up. Because while Justice prefers a sword, he'll use what he has available that Anders' body can heft. And Anders is surprisingly strong for being a mage. He does, however, notice Hawke is slow and comments on it.
"Sorry, the bloody worm in my skull might be throwing me off, Justice!"
"We shall see it removed, then. You will not be able to keep Anders safe like this."
"Fucking watch me."
"I will have no choice."
Lae'zel does not appreciate the banter. "Tch, less talking and more fighting!"
"I can multitask." Justice insists, grabbing hold of an Imp's head and squeezing until it popped.
"You're being a lot clearer than usual--" A dodge of a gout of fire before a well placed stab takes out another imp. "Is this still the Fade?"
"No." With a grunt he buried a hand axe into yet another imp. "The worm's magic overpowered him. This is simply what occurs when he cannot muddle things."
"He doesn't muddle--"
"I will not argue the balance of my being with someone outside of it. Be content that he shall be safe when we are free of this place." He fixed his gaze on Hawke as the last imp fell. "I am no longer complete alone, this will not be sustainable."
"Is he hurt?"
"I believe the pain is emotional, as is the relief. He is weakened and would not survive in control." He pulled a long sword from under a dead thrall and tested its weight. "Come, we must reach this helm before my hold fails."
Lae'zel continues to be annoyed by the chatter. Justice is mostly doing it because he hasn't been able to actually speak when he surges to the fore. Fronting isn't easy for him, it's almost always in a dangerous scenario and his being is very intertwined with Anders' so he gets waylaid by anything Anders is feeling at the time. Which means he tends to overreact and thus why conversation doesn't exactly fucking happen.
Shadowheart's just going to see this little band come to her pod and Justice absolutely will just rip the fucker open. A Just Action. Just wrenches it off and informs Shadowheart they're going to the helm-- only to pause when Hawke's worm does the brain connection thing. All Shadowheart knows is they have a giant glowstick of a man with them and he's very focused. Hawke is looking at shit and pocketing stuff while they hurry, but he's still hurrying.
Anders will absolutely not believe Hawke that Justice was vaguely chill later. It would make him feel both better--that his personality is intact--and worse--that HIS emotions are what twists his responses.
Also not pictured is Justice yeeting himself out of the ship after Hawke gets knocked out and just. clinging on to slow his fall before they hit the ground. The added durability of his control is largely why they weren't unconscious by the time Hawke wakes up but it was Work to keep aware and in control so Anders wasn't just passed out on the beach.
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