#gishwhes wrap party
lovehatecupcake · 7 years
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A wild Misha
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snips92 · 7 years
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This was a wild WILD ride...
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dadstielkline · 7 years
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Misha fixing his hair is my new kink
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dontbeanassbutt · 7 years
come have fun!!!!
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englishlitgirl · 7 years
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Misha at the Gishwhes Virtual Wrap Party...
Love his “ill-fitting” suit that he kept going on about!  😂
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cassandrajd · 7 years
misha & rachel
the gishwhes shenanigans, ‘’wrap party’’
(drop by youtube,by clicking title on top of video to thank the fan that uploaded it)
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cassielshalo · 7 years
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lovehatecupcake · 7 years
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Classy Misha
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gish · 7 years
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LAST CHANCE! If you want to adopt a Porcupanda, attend the virtual wrap party, or hoard #gishwhes schwag like the dragons you were always meant to be, upgrade your registration today! https://www.gishwhes.com/update_registration_level.php
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hexmaniacchoco · 7 years
The GISHWHES Virtual Wrap Party was a ton of fun! I had some friends over and someone in Australia was awesome enough to invite us to join their virtual party since we didn’t feel we had enough people to host our own. At our mini party at my house though, we decorated according to a random Christmas theme that sprung up out of some discussion somewhere, and that turned into us dressing up as presents because “wrap” party (ahahaha), and we had a Santa Darth Vader doll too. We also used some of the registration items, such as the flape and the Porcupanda plushie (which is super soft and cute also!). For actual food we just had pizza, but there was popcorn we never got around to eating, kool-aid, a french baguette for whole toast, and a large colander filled with candy roullete--literally one of every type of Skittle and M&Ms and Reese’s Pieces that my friends could find all mixed into the same bowl. And to start the party, we each ate a decent sized handful. The livestream on Misha and Rachel’s end was pretty difficult to get working at first, but after the confusion it was a lot of difficult to hear fun!
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englishlitgirl · 7 years
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Friendship goals= Misha and Rachel
They are so adorable together with Mike and Billy!
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megstielforever · 7 years
Best moments Gishwhes Wrap Party 2017 - Millins!! <3
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I love them so much !!!!!!!!!!
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hornsbeforehalos · 7 years
Whiskey, Sweetheart: Part 5
Pairing: Norman Reedus x OFC, Past JDM x OFC Warnings: RPF, Smut, Language, Breif Violence, Jealousy, Angst, Older man/Younger Woman.
Series Masterlist
Summary: After Jeffrey’s neglect pushed her away and into the arms of his best friend, Norman and Ky have to figure out if their new relationship can withstand not only the aftermath of the unspeakable crime they commited to keep her safe, but the backlash that comes from being co-workers with a very betrayed Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
A/n: This is the Sequel to Anytime, Sweetheart and The Conquests of Norman Reedus. You’ll probably be a bit confused if you haven’t read Conquests yet, though, or at least the Finale, but you could probably figure it out on your own if you don’t want to. But I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to, lol.
This chapter was like pulling teeth, and took almost a month to write. Hopefully from here on out it’s smooth sailing.
A-S Tags, (please let me know if you want to be untagged for this series.)
@elinyaes   @jml509  @jesbakescookies @daddy-kink-confirmed@aquivercactus   @xagateophobiax@sorenmarie87@missghoul18@jdmfanfiction@jeffreydeanneganstrash@through-thesilver-lining@beffyblueeyes@docharleythegeekqueen@make-things-beautiful2@srj1990 @dragongirl420  @reedusteinrambles@youandyourstupidrope@addiction-survivor25 @fireheartart@redm81foreveror-never@zombeeemomeee@blacklightguidesnic@jackybehappy@jodiereedus22 @journeyrose @dollycrybaby
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The Christmas celebration at Norman’s house was sweet, low key, and simple. It was just me and Mingus visiting him so in true Norman style, we did nothing except lay around in our pajamas all day and eat pizza. 
��I got you something,” Norman rasped while chewing on a slice of cheesy heaven before taking a sip of his wine to wash it down, “S’nothing amazing or anything, but...”
He stood up from his place on the couch and dug around the tree that had been erected until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a small wrapped box and tossed it at me unceremoniously before returning to the sofa.
“You really shouldn’t have...” I stuttered as I fingered the pretty bow attached to the wrapping paper. 
His smile widened and I could see his ears getting red from where they poked out his shaggy hair, “Just open it.” 
I tore the paper loose to reveal a pretty, dark wooded box with what appeared to be Celtic carvings on the side. I glanced up at Norman and he tipped his nose in encouragement before I lifted the lid, earning him a gasp from me when I saw what was inside. On the velvet ring holder was a heavy silver ring in the shape of a skull, the black stones in the eyes twinkling up at me as I gaped. With shaky fingers I extracted the ring from it’s container, taking in Celtic knot work welded into the side of the band. 
“This is so bad ass, babe, thank you!” I squealed as I slipped it on my middle finger, holding my hand out to admire it more. 
“That’s bad ass.” Mingus repeated as he came back into the living room, sitting on the floor across from his dad, fully loaded bong (his birthday present from his father, of course) in hand. 
“I’m glad you like it, a friend of mine makes them.” He replied, throwing an arm around me and reeling me into his side. “I seen it and instantly thought of you.” 
“You’re amazing, hun.” I beamed happily, leaning into him while still extending my hand out, heart-eyes still peering at the thing adoringly. Norman chuckled and bent in to kiss my cheek with a loud smack before flopping us back onto the couch. Mingus placed the bong on the coffee table after taking a deep toke from it and motioned for me to take it, earning him another squeal for me as I sat up out of Norman’s arms to take my hit. 
The thick cloud of smoke bellowed out of my chest as Norman hit the play button on the Playstation, starting Nightmare Before Christmas as Mingus had insisted. I past it to Norman and sunk back into my cozy spot, enjoying the feeling of being content. 
Norman tugged the blanket from behind the couch, covering us as Mingus laid back on the giant pillows in front of the coffee table. I squeezed my self against his side, nuzzling my nose into his collar as he snaked his hands and arms through my thighs that spiraled around them. He nudged his nose into my hair and breathed deeply, his exhaling breath raising goosebumps across my neck and arms. 
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He chuckled at the reaction, his hands squeezing my thigh playfully as the rough pad of his thumb rubbed my skin back and forth. I side-eyed him suspiciously, and he simply smirked at me in reply and moved his fingers to the edge of the shorts I was wearing. He was about to push his fingertips past the seam when I smacked my hand down on top of his under the blanket, successfully startling him into a yelp and ceasing his ministrations. 
“Dad, stop being gross,” Mingus chastised without turning around, but we could definitely hear the roll of his eyes as the back of his head shook in our direction. 
“Meany.” Norman mumbled, puckering out his bottom lip in a pout, earning him a snort from me.
“Perv,” I grinned back, snuggling in closer to finish the rest of the movie.
The rest of the week ended quickly, and I was whisked away to meet the boys in Seattle for the New Years Supernatural Convention before I knew it. I’d be returning to New York to meet Norman for his birthday, but being apart from him still made my chest ache longingly. To add to that, Jeffrey was appearing all weekend and had a panel with Jensen, which was sure to go over fabulous. I’d just hunkered down in the greenroom with my laptop, working on more stuff for the winner’s trip for Gishwhes when the door burst open with the arrival of my three best friends.
“Biiiiiitch let’s go! Up! up! Nowwwww.” Gen urged, rushing ovre to me and grabbing my hand. I barely had time to push the laptop away from me before she was pulling me up to my feet.
“What are you-”
“We gotta get ready for karaoke!!” Danni bubbled, hoping from one foot to another giddily. I rolled my eyes at her as I wrapped her in my arms, her squeezing me as tight as she could.
“You’d think she’d never been to a convention or something,” Vicky replied from behind her as she adjusted her glasses on her nose, “Been squawking like a damn goose since we boarded the plane.”
“Fuck you, Vee, we haven’t seen everyone in forever, and it’s New Years Weekend!” Danni quirked back, annoyance in her tone as she and Genevieve dragged me out of the green room, Vicky following close behind.
We had rounded the first corner of the hallway towards the costume rooms when we smacked face first into someone with a very hard chest. An ‘oompf’ was heard as the breath escaped their lungs and I immediately cringed at the sound of their laugh.
“Woah, there, baby girl, where’s the fire?” Jeffrey grinned, pretty teeth sparkling down at me.
“Errr, sorry, Jeff, we were headed to get ready for tonight.” Danneel apologized, her own face contorting in embarrassment as she jerked me to the side behind her, out of Jeff’s way.
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“Well ya’ll have fun now, girls.” Jeffrey chuckled, smile shining as his eyes never left my face, I looked away from him to turn to Gen as she laced her fingers through mine before Danneel apologized again and began to lead us again. I felt Jeffrey’s eyes still on the back of me until we rounded another corner. 
“Perfect timing for us to arrive, it appears,” Vicky hummed as we crowded into the elevator, and I rolled my eyes at her.
“This is gonna be a long weekend.”
"Stop making your fuckin’ eye twitch, bitch, I’m getting this shit all over you!” I griped, wiping Vicki’s eye off for the hundreth time. All I was trying to do was put Eyeliner on the poor woman. 
“Stop poking me!” could be heard from Kim Rhodes somewhere behind us as she was zipped into her costume. We were all stuffed into one hotel room trying to get ready. My jester outfit was laid out beside Ruth on the bed, where she was braiding Gen’s hair as Dani helped Kim. It was literally a disaster with all of us together.
“Ky! I think your phone is ringing.” Brianna shouted from her place in the bathroom, walking out with my bag that was chirping loudly in her hand. I pulled the squawking device out to see Norman's picture flashing across the screen, and of course everyone had to “awhhhh” behind me for good measure. 
“I hate ya’ll,” I blushed, rolling my eyes before bring the phone to my ear and greeted Norman.
“You havin’ a slumber party over there or sometrhing?” He rasped with a chuckle through the line, deepening my blush as I swatted Vicki who was licking between the two fingers she was holding up in my direction,
“You’d fuckin’ think so,” I replied back with a snort, flipping Vicki off as she took over the rest of her makeup. 
“Miss you,” He said lowly, as if he were trying to keep someone from hearing him. Probably Andy.
“Miss you too,” I answered back, earning us another set of goo-goo noises from the room full of girls.
“You guys getting ready for Karaoke?” 
“Trying to, it’s almost impossible with these bozos.” I replied back, dodging the hair brush thrown by Kim in the process. 
“You haven’t ran into Jeff, have you?”
“Ha! Funny you say that,”
“I literally ran into him. I rounded a corner in the hotel and boom! There he was.”
“What’d he say?”
“Nothing, really.”
“Let me know if he tries to start any shit, alright?”
“You’ll be the first to know, babe.” I promised, smiling at his defensive tone and protectiveness.
“I wish I could spend this weekend with you. I’m gonna be bored as shit ‘till I see you again.” He complained, whiny tone to his voice that made me smile.
“You’re gonna get sick of me soon, don’t worry.” I giggled.
“Pffft. Yeah, right.”
There was a knock at the door followed by the sound of Rich’s voice echoing down the hall, him and Rob there to escort us down tot he event. I got off the phone with Norman, promising him not to get too wasted and to call him before I went to bed. 
The actual event went fairly smooth, as it was easy for me to just not pay any attention to Jeffrey since he made it a point to stand on the complete opposite of the stage. The girls and I all stayed near each other, singing at the top of our lungs to a Journey song Jensen had picked for Danneel. The fans were super cool, and it was actually really fun, but I still had the gut feeling some crazy shit was going to go down. 
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“Helloooooo there,” Norman sang, obviously drunk, as he answered the phone.
I scoffed at him sarcastically, feigning annoyance, “And you told me not to get wasted.”
“You did though, didn’ you?” He chuckled back.
“Of course I did.” I laughed, drunk giggles taking over as I sprawled across the sheets of the hotel bed. 
“So we’re even. What’re you doing?”
“Laying in bed.”
“Mmmm, oh yeah?” He rasped, dropping his voice an octave to the gritty rasp I loved. 
“Mhmm,” I hummed, my eyes closing as I dipped under the covers, “What are you doing?”
“Thinking about you,” 
“What about me?” I asked, my breath hitching as my thighs clenched together at the gritty tone.
“Everything, I miss everything about you.”
“You’re sweet.” I smiled, sighing gently at the feeling of missing him too. 
“You taste sweet, Whiskey,” He graveled out, a soft but unmistakable moan sneaking through his end of the line, bringing a smirk to my face and more wetness between my legs. 
“What’re you doing?” I repeated coyly, already knowing the answer.
“Like I said, thinking about you,” He replied, letting another soft noise escape him as he stroked himself. 
My hand drifted between my legs, my fingertips circling in the fluids above my hood and my own sound of pleasure made it’s way to his ear. 
“Hmmm, you thinking of me, baby?” He inquired, his breathing labored.
“Yeah,” I whimpered, pushing my fingers against my swelling clit harder and tightening the circles. 
“God damn, I miss you. Miss the feeling of you around me.” He panted, and I could hear the rustling of sheets and clothing from around him as he got more .
“Yeah, baby.” I breathed back as I slipped a finger into me. 
“You miss my dick?” He asked, another noise leaving him as his continued his ministrations.
“Mhm, I want you inside me.” 
“Fuck, you’re so tight baby. You got your fingers in you?”
“Yeah, but I wish it was you.” I whined, pumping harder.
“I wish it was me too, sweetheart. Fuck, I wanna taste you.”
A purely wanton groan left my mouth as I envisioned the feeling of his tongue dancing over my flesh, the sight of my hands gripping his thick hair as he dived into me already making the muscles of my walls clench against my finger.
“God damn, Ky, shit,” He grunted, his own fantasies taking over his ability to speak as he worked himself over, “Wanna nut all over those pretty tits, girl.”
“Fuck yeah,” I keened, the drawl in his voice sending me over quickly as my body tensed as pleasure flooded through me. I saw white flashes behind my eyelids and could faintly hear the continued sounds flooding through the phone line over my own panting as my shaking subsided. Norman let out a long groan of satisfaction as he found his own completion, my name leaving his lips as he came. 
We both took a second to regain cognizant thoughts from our respective orgasms, a sigh and a hum coming from Norman as he adjusted himself in his bed and slurred lazily, “I’m gonna fuck the shit outta you when you get home.” 
“I hope so,” I giggled in response, a sharp exhale escaping me as I settled in to my pillows as well. 
“You’re so amazing,” he cooed drunkenly, his adorable smile flashing before my eyes and bringing a grin of my own to my face.
“You’re amazing, Normie,” 
“Mmmm, not as amazing as you,” He mumbled, sleep obviously taking over him in his drunken sated state. 
“Let’s sleep, babe. Call me in the morning?” 
“Mmmmhmmm. Hey, Ky?”
“Yes, babe?”
“You know I love you, right?”
“You’re drunk, Norm.”
“No, ugh,” He grunted, clearing his throat a little, “That’s not how I meant it. I love you, Ky, I’m so happy to have you. Even if we weren’t this. I love you.”
I smiled cheesily, a blush creeping over my entire body as I responded, “I love you too, Normie.” 
“Night, Sweetheart, 
“Night, babe.”
I was woken up the next morning by a loud, authoritative knocking on my hotel room door. I crawled out of bed groggily, rubbing my eyes as I drug myself and the comforter to the door. I peeped out the hole to see two men in suits waiting outside, looking just as stern as their knock had been. My brow furrowed as I unlocked the dead bolt and cracked the door. 
“Miss Ackles?” The man on the left asked.
“Yeah,” I mumbled, my voice still raspy from singing and sleep and the hangover that was brewing, “Can I help you?”
“This is Detective Barker, and I’m Detective Stuart, we’re from the Federal Beauro of Investigation.” The man on the left replied, his hand moving inside his grey suit jacket to pull out and flash his badge, “Do you have a moment?”
“Uh, sure...” I answered, stepping out of the way as I opened the door more to let the two men into the room. The entered swiftly and I gestured for the couch against the wall, where they sat themselves down as I perched on the edge of the bed. 
“So, what’s this about?” I asked, nerves flooding me as I was already pretty sure I knew what it was about.
“You were previously engaged to Anthony Marcelli, correct, Miss Ackles?” Det. Stuart asked, his hands clasping in front of him as he rested his forearms on his thighs. His counterpart opened a notebook and scribbled something down before reverting his eyes to me. 
“Uh, yeah, we broke up a year and a half ago, though.” I answered. 
“Have you spoken to him recently?” Det. Barker asked.
“No. I blocked his number shortly after I left him.”
“And did you two part on good terms?”
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“Not really, no.” I chuckled, my head tilting as I accessed the men, “He beat the shit out of me the last time I saw him.” 
“And that was in October?” Det. Stuart inquired as Barker made another note.
“What? I haven’t seen him in over a year,” I lied, applying a confused expression to my face with precision, “His mom called me recently, told me he was missing....Is that what this is about?”
“Yes, ‘mam. The last time anyone ever heard from him was when Mrs. Marcelli spoke to him before getting on a plane to Las Vegas, where he was going to be working on a music video that you were involved in.”
“The Slipknot one? I didn’t see him, but there was a lot of production people there.” I stood from my spot on the bed to step beside the dresser where the coffee pot was and start some, my descending headache making it hard to concentrate, “Ya’ll think I have something to do with it or something?”
“Honestly, Miss, we’re just checking every source we have. People just don’t dissapear with out a trace.” Barker responded, taking the small hotel cup of coffee I extended to him. 
‘They do if you know the right people,’ I thought to myself as I refilled the mini brewer.
“Anthony has a lot of enemies, he’s an asshole. He messed around with the wrong people a couple times.” 
“What kind of people?” Stuart asked as he accepted his cup from me. 
I sat back down on my bed and looked to my own coffee in my hands for a second before gazing back up to them, “The kind of people that make people go missing.”
The two detectives looked at each other and knowingly nodded their heads in silent agreement on something. They both stood up in unison and made their ways to the door, “That’s all we need for now, Miss Ackles, but we may be in touch, okay?”
“Call me whenever,” I replied with a nod of my own as they exited the room. I instantly collapsed against the door with my hand on my chest, trying to talk myself out of a panic attack. Shit was about to get messier than I’d planned.
“What are your New Years Resolutions, and how do you plan on making the New Year better than the last?” The fan asked nervously, almost melting at the smile she earned from Jeff and Jensen.  
Jeff snorted and doubled over as he clasped a hand onto Jensen’s shoulder, the younger man chuckling himself as he raised the mic to his lips, “That’s a great question.”
“It really is,” Jeff laughed, swiping his mouth with his fingertips, “Well, mine, if I may go first,” he looked to Jensen who nodded, “Is to stay out of jail.”
The crowd and Jensen all let out barking laughs at him making fun of our little stint in Dallas County Jail. 
“Prolly a good idea,” My brother chuckled, shaking his head, “I might not be there next time to bail you out.”
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The fans all burst out with questions and asking them to tell the story, Jeffrey shaking his head and Jensen rolling his eyes and continuing to shake his head back and forth.
“‘Nother story for another time, that one.” Jensen rasped as he looked towards Jeff who nodded his head as he raised the mic again, “Yeah, we’ll let Norman tell that tale.”
“Right, Um, my new years resolution is to lose ten pounds,” Jensen shrugged, earning him a giggle from the fans as he pointed to the next person to ask a question. I pretty much zoned out the rest of the time with work until I heard Jeffrey’s voice giggle up an octave.
“Well congratulations! Happy Anniversary. Funny thing, it woulda been mine and Ky’s anniversary on Monday, too.” 
My eyes instantly darted to the stage, the amber filled glass in both their hands that I hadn’t noticed before being the source of his need to verify to everyone that our relationship was indeed kaput. 
Jensen, never missing a beat, quickly laughed and replied, “I’m glad it’s not.”
The crowd let out a series of nervous “ooooh’s” and I took it as my cue to leave. I snuck backstage to where the girls were and they all gave me the same sympathetic look. I exhaled with enough force to flap my lips as I made my way to the greenroom. 
I plopped down on one of the couches and extracted my phone from my purse, instantly pulling up Norman’s number and waiting for him to answer.
It took him three rings before a raspy, “Hello,” was heard from his end.
“It’s noon, dude. You’re still asleep?”
“I think you underestimate how much I drank last night, sweetheart,” He groaned, “How’re you even alive?”
“I had a rather scary wake up call this morning,” I answered, propping my feet up on the couch and making myself comfortable.
“What happened?”
“FBI came to ask about Anthony?”
“I’m not really concerned, it was just nerve-wracking.” I griped, pinching the bridge of my nose before I continued, “Then Jeff said some shit during him and Jay’s panel.”
“Dear God.” Norman groaned, the rustling fromt eh sheets from him rolling over could be heard in the background, “What’d he say?”
“Mentioned the whole jail thing plus our anniversary, he was drunk.”
“Joyyy.” Norman mused.
“I walked out, and here I am.” I chuckled , gesturing to myself to nobody.
“4 more days and I can see you.” He said, a grin easy to be heard through
“It can’t come soon enough,” I whined with a grunt, flapping my lips again to blow a piece of hair that had fallen in my face, “At least I’ll have a break before having to do all this other shit.”
“Yeah, you’ll actually have some time for me,” He teased.
“Fuck you,”
“Oh I will, babydoll, don’ worry,”He drawled lazily, throwing in the thick Georgian accent for dramatic affect.
“Can’t stand your ass.”
“I love yours.” He replied cheesily.
I rolled my eyes at his jokes for a few minutes more before hanging up with him when I heard the sound of Rob’s voice closing down the panel. I exited the room to go find Misha before I had the unfortuneate chance of running into Jeff again. 
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“That seemed to go over well today,” Misha deadpanned, taking a bite of the banana he’d stolen from the hotel’s continental breakfast that morning. We were sitting in his hotel room after dinner, both of us too exhausted to want to partake in the concert. 
“It’s ridiculous, dude. Like, why does he have to be a dick in public?”
“Because he’s pissed, obviously.” He stated, stuffing the rest of the fruit in his mouth.
“Obviously,” I sighed in frustration, shaking my head in annoyance. Jeffrey had acted an ass per usual at dinner, as well. Showed up only after he had heard that Misha and I were going after all and didn’t shy away from the annoying comments, that drunken smug smirk on his face the entire time. 
“How’re things with you and Reedus, anyways?” Misha inquired, leaning back to stuff his head in my lap as he flicked on the TV.
 I ran my fingertips through his hair and sighed, shrugging one shoulder, “They’re fine...perfect even. IT’s just Jeff that’s driving me up the wall. I have a feeling its just going to get worse and worse.”
“He’s trying to get to you both, see which one breaks first.”
“I’m not goign to let anything get to me, It’s norman I’m worried about.”
MIsha turned his head away from the TV to look up at me, a saddened look in his eye that let me know he understood, “That’s just a conversation that you’re gonna have to have with him, babe.”
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
Do you know how the Gishwhes viewing party came together? I did Gishwhes like I always do, but never saw any notification about this. Was it for Misha to meet the winning teams? Anyway, the video is expectedly wacky and it sounds like he decided to continue doing it, so that’s cool. Just wondering if you know more info.
A “ticket” to the Virtual Wrap Party was one of the items included in the Premiere-Deluxestest Registration Package.
And yes! It was hard to hear on the livestream, but yeah, sounds like we’re still going to have gishwhes again next year (with some differences? It sounded like? Something overlaid on top of it?) 
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