#gitanas nausėda
dadsinsuits · 8 months
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Gitanas Nausėda
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unhonestlymirror · 8 months
This is my favourite photo, I look at it when I'm sad
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bukimevieningi · 5 days
Gitanas Nausėda tęsia pastangas stiprinti valstybės visuotinę gynybą
Lietuvos Respublikos Prezidentas Gitanas Nausėda tęsia pastangas stiprinti valstybės visuotinę gynybą – ketvirtadienį pirmininkavo trečiajam Nacionalinės visuotinės gynybos koordinavimo tarybos posėdžiui. Tarybai vadovavęs šalies vadovas pabrėžė, kad visuotinė valstybės gynybos plano įgyvendinimo veikla įgauna pagreitį, ir pasidžiaugė, kad valstybės institucijų, savivaldybių, verslo ir…
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head-post · 7 months
Lithuanian president strips ballerina Ilze Liepa of citizenship over her support for Russia
Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda has stripped ballerina Ilze Liepa of her citizenship because of her words in support of Russia, the head of state’s press attaché Ridas Jasiulionis said.
The press attaché said the national citizenship commission recommended such decision. He clarified in an interview:
“The president agreed with the commission’s recommendation and stripped Liepa of Lithuanian citizenship for supporting a state that poses a threat to the security of Lithuania and its allies.”
Earlier, the artist stated in an interview that she regards what is happening in Ukraine as a confrontation of fundamental values. The artist herself repeatedly said that the threat of deprivation of Lithuanian citizenship would not affect her position. She was granted citizenship for her services to Lithuania.
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Exitoso Festival Internacional de Danzas Lituanas en Berisso
#Berisso #Cultura #Colectividades | Exitoso #FestivalInternacional de #DanzasLituanas en Berisso
El sábado 17, se llevó a cabo el Festival Internacional de Danzas Lituanas “Allí, donde fluye el río Nemunas”, en el marco de los festejos por el 50º aniversario de los Conjuntos Infantil “Skaidra” y Juvenil “Nemunas”. Durante la jornada realizada en las adyacencias del Puerto La Plata, margen de Berisso, sonaron las canciones lituanas ante más de 1.200 asistentes para ver este gran evento que en…
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warningsine · 4 months
Robert Fico is in a life-threatening condition, the Slovak government office said in an emailed statement.
Slovakia’s populist Prime Minister Robert Fico has been shot and injured in a shooting in Handlova, Slovakia, local media reports.
"Three or four" shots were heard, according to a journalist on the scene. Euronews understands Fico acquired wounds to his head and chest. Local reports say he was airlifted to a nearby hospital.
A suspect has been detained by police.
Deputy speaker of parliament Lubos Blaha confirmed the incident during a session of Parliament and adjourned it until further notice, the Slovak TASR news agency said.
EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen was quick to react the news on X. "I strongly condemn the vile attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico. Such acts of violence have no place in our society and undermine democracy, our most precious common good."
"My thoughts are with PM Fico and his family."
In an initial reaction to the incident, Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová condemned “a brutal and ruthless” attack targeting Fico.
"I strongly condemn today's brutal and reckless attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico. I am shocked. I wish Robert Fico every strength to recover from the attack at this critical time." Čaputová said on her social media post.
Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán wrote on X: "I was deeply shocked by the heinous attack against my friend, Prime Minister Robert Fico. We pray for his health and quick recovery! God bless him and his country!"
Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland, also writing on X, said "Shocking news from Slovakia. Robert, my thoughts are with you in this very difficult moment."
Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala also expressed her shock at the news: "The news about the shooting of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is shocking. I wish the prime minister to get well as soon as possible. We must not tolerate violence, it must have no place in society."
Gitanas Nausėda, President of Lithuania, called for an investigation into the incident. He condemned the attack on X: "There should be zero tolerance to such acts of violence. I call on a thorough investigation and wish PM Fico a full recovery."
Handlova is located about 150km northeast of Bratislava, the capital.
PM Fico has been a politically contentious character in Slovakia, and rose to prominence on a pro-Russian and anti-US message. In January, he halted aid to Ukraine.
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mariacallous · 1 year
(New York Jewish Week) — The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research welcomed Lithuania’s president to its Manhattan headquarters Monday to honor the Jews who rescued rare books and documents from the Vilna Ghetto and the non-Jewish Lithuanian librarian who protected the same material from destruction by the Soviets.
Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda was the guest of honor at a small ceremony unveiling two plaques in YIVO’s Strashun Rare Book Room. 
The first plaque recalls the Jewish slave laborers, led by Avrom Sutzkever and Shmerke Kaczerginski, who in 1942 and 1943 defied the Nazis’ orders and protected a trove of Jewish documents and artifacts that the Germans had intended to house in a museum dedicated to the “exterminated race.”
The second plaque honors Antanas Ulpis, then director of the Lithuanian National Book Chamber, who in 1948 hid the archival materials from the Soviets, who also intended to seize and likely destroy them.
The materials saved by the Jewish “Paper Brigade” and Ulpis form the heart of YIVO’s collection of some 25 million rare books, diaries, maps, photographs and films documenting the extent of Yiddish civilization prior to and during the Holocaust.
“These acts [of rescue] are without any doubt unique examples of universal human principles to fight the evil, to fight the darkness with every bit of light,” Nausėda said in prepared remarks. “We say we must remember, we must never forget.”
Monday’s ceremony also marked a decade or more of cooperation between YIVO and Lithuania, who in the years after the war argued over the fate of the Jewish materials that remained in Lithuanian hands after YIVO was relocated to New York. Current YIVO executive director and CEO Jonathan Brent helped broker a deal in 2011 that reestablished YIVO’s presence in Vilna (now Vilnius), and in 2015, YIVO and the Lithuanian Central State Archives began a joint project to digitize the documents stored an ocean apart for what is now called the Edward Blank YIVO Vilna Online Collections. Completed in 2022,  it unites YIVO’s prewar collections online.
Blank, a telemarketing pioneer and philanthropist, attended the ceremony along with YIVO board chair Ruth Levine and other YIVO staff and supporters and Lithuanian officials. 
YIVO also announced an award to be given in Ulpis’ honor to a Lithuanian who has worked to protect Jewish culture, and that the institute is working with the National Library of Lithuania and other institutions to commemorate YIVO’s 100th anniversary in 2025.
“It’s definitely a partnership,” Brent told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency after the ceremony. “It’s not one-sided. They genuinely understand, as President Nausėda indicated, that our histories are not just interconnected, but it’s part of a single history.”
This month marks the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the Vilna Ghetto. Before Soviet troops reoccupied Lithuania in the summer of 1944, the Germans and their collaborators had murdered about 90% of Lithuanian Jews.
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victorysp · 2 years
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After the visit to the Dutch military in Lithuania, King Willem-Alexander be received by Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda at the Presidential Palace in Vilnius. Both heads of state issued a brief statement. Feb. 22, 2023.
📷 Royal House of The Netherlands
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bighermie · 1 year
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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Through the Years → Queen Mathilde of Belgium (1,326/∞)
24 October 2022 | Queen Mathilde of Belgium arrives at the State Dinner, hosted by President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda and First Lady Diana Nausédiné at the Palace of the Grand Dukes on the first day of the State Visit in Vilnius, Lithuania. The visit is part of the 100 years of diplomatic relations between Belgium and Lithuania that will be celebrated this year and takes place in the context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. (Photo by Dirk Waem-Royal Belgium Pool/Getty Images)
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dadsinsuits · 9 months
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Gitanas Nausėda
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unhonestlymirror · 8 months
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Sorry, I'm just-
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bukimevieningi · 4 months
Ramūno Karbauskio avys (Patreon video)
Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjungos (LVŽS) pirmininkas Ramūnas Karbauskis sako, kad „valstiečių“ rinkėjai esą balsuos už dabartinį šalies vadovą. Jo teigimu, Gitanas Nausėda yra LVŽS rinkėjų ir partijos „vertybių pusėje“. Primename, kad Gitanas Nausėda pažadėjo kartu su LGBTQ+ atstovais žygiuoti priekyje PRIDE parade…
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secretummeummihi · 15 days
Presidente de Lituania Recibe Credenciales de Nuncio, Mons. Georg Gänswein © Presidencia Lituania El antigüo secretario personal de Benedicto XVI, Mons. Georg Gänswein, presentó el pasado Viernes, Sep-06-2024, sus cartas credenciales como Nuncio en Lituania ante el presidente Gitanas Nausėda, según informó la presidencia de dicha nación en la misma fecha. El Nuncio en Lituania es también http://dlvr.it/TD1Z6Q
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deefeeme · 2 months
Juan Ignacio Fourment Kalvelis recibe la Medalla de Honor al Mérito por Lituania
Juan Ignacio Fourment Kalvelis recibe la Medalla de Honor al Mérito por Lituania Juan Ignacio Fourment Kalvelis recibe la Medalla de Honor al Mérito por Lituania por su destacada labor en la difusión de la cultura lituana.
Juan Ignacio Fourment Kalvelis recibe la Medalla de Honor al Mérito por Lituania por su destacada labor en la difusión de la cultura lituana. El integrante de la Sociedad Cultural Lituana “Nemunas”, Juan Ignacio Fourment Kalvelis, fue galardonado con la Medalla de Honor al Mérito por Lituania de la Orden de La Cruz del Vytis, en una ceremonia presidida por Gitanas Nausėda, Presidente de la…
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bb-latvija · 1 year
Jūnijā Lietuva solīja Ukrainai pārvest papildu nesējraķetes NASAMS pretgaisa aizsardzības sistēmām. Tagad kļuva zināms, kad sāksies ieroču piegāde. Kad gaidīt Pēc Lietuvas prezidenta Gitana Nausedas teiktā, APU nākammēnes saņems divus NASAMS nesējraķetes. Par to Nauseda paziņoja savas vizītes laikā Kijevā 23.augustā. Lietuva no ražotāja pasūtīja palaišanas iekārtas. Līguma vērtība bija 9,8 miljoni ASV dolāru.   Today in Kyiv I told my dear friend President @ZelenskyyUa that Lithuania will keep supporting Ukraine until victory. Lithuania will deliver NASAMS launchers to Ukraine next month. 🇱🇹🤝🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/cxDnB3FX6G — Gitanas Nausėda (@GitanasNauseda) August 23, 2023 Tiem, kas nezina NASAMS ir mobila pretgaisa raķešu sistēma manevrēšanas mērķu iznīcināšanai mazos un vidējos augstumos. Kompleksu 90. gadu sākumā izstrādāja Norvēģijas uzņēmums Kongsberg Defense, piedaloties amerikāņu Raytheon. AIM-120 AMRAAM raķešu darbības rādiuss ir 20-40 km, un maksimālais augstums ir 20 km. Starp citu, Ukrainā tagad ir vismaz divi NASAMS akumulatori. Avots: @GitanasNauseda
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