#gitta's quote
endlich-allein · 7 months
"Only in a diary you can trust honest, hard confessions: 'I've always tried to live in an ivory tower, but a sea of shit is hitting its walls.' In addition to the struggles of German-German integration, it was the Gulf War at the beginning of 1991 most of us have erased from our memories in view of other conflicts, but which Gitta Lindemann's diary brings back to mind.
In these times of upheaval, she is always motivated and strengthened by her granddaughter Nele's honest, naive approach to life: 'If the GDR no longer exists, will we have to move?'"
"In recent years, Gitta Lindemann has written a number of sad, sensitive texts that describe topics such as loneliness, illness and death, although much of it hardly seems alienated.
Here she often touches the soul, for example when she describes the last hours of her husband's life, from whom she lived apart but to whom she was so close: 'We washed and dressed you. Your son tapped you on the chest - hey old man, he said, very despondent and we both cried. I couldn't watch them carry you away, so I cowardly sneaked into the garden.'"
"Speaking of son, speaking of Till Lindemann. With "Declaration of Love to My Son" the mother dedicates her own text to him, which shows the often martial-looking Rammstein frontman with his sensitive side, as a "family guardian", who picked up his grandmother, in a wheelchair for Christmas dinner and fed her in his Mecklenburg home, his "source of strength". 'If I didn't happen to be his mother, I would like to be friends with this man.'"
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shitpostroundhouse · 2 years
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🎵 🎶 "Fucking Disney
kiss my ASSSS... 🎵 🎶
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verbotenlove · 24 days
when I look at him, I feel tensed and aroused, but also furious for all the horrific things he commited. today he is always shown as a demon but I know that ppl who were close to him were enchanted and commited. apparently american media wrote a lot about him but never interviewed him, for whatever reason. or interviews are hidden in the shelves or deleted. neither there are some kind of press conferences or whatever. its not possible to hear his normal voice, his behavior towards strangers. he seems to have a complex personality and manhood, ranging from soft and female to tough and assertive. it makes him so irresistible for me. its a deeply disturbing feeling.
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I really appreciate how succinctly you put into words EXACTLY what I have always struggled to express when anyone asks about my infatuation with A.H. His complex and contradictory personality traits are what makes him completely irresistible for me as well, “aroused” is a perfect word. I have recently been trying to get a better understanding of my obsession myself and came across these observations by psychologist Walter C. Langer:
“Langer states that Hiter's personality structure is similar to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. That is, he can switch personalities at any given moment. One of his personalities is the "Fuehrer," who comes up with plans, gives speeches, and ignores all moral and ethical principles. His actual personality, "Hitler," is lazy, awkward, and unable to lead. According to Langer, his Fuehrer personality is a "grossly exaggerated and distorted conception of masculinity as Hitler conceives it," which is a trait that is common among psychopaths (Langer, 1972, p. 130). What makes Hitler dangerous, however, is that he is able to convince millions of people, himself included, that the Fuehrer personality is his actual self. Langer believes that Hitler searched for a male figure to look up to, since he was not able to look up to his own father.“
I recently read another psychoanalysis of A.H. that likewise observed his distinct and endearing feminine traits, stating that he was most likely very sensitive as a child, especially given his innate artistic leanings, but that he would mask these parts of himself to the public with the “Führer” persona. Only his inner circle really ever got glimpses of this softer and more vulnerable side of his personality. I adore this quote from Rudolf Hess regarding this phenomenon:
“Outwardly so hard, he is touchingly soft within…What a mixture of cold, mature calculation combined with unbridled boyishness!" 
One of my favorite photographs of A.H. is of him hugging 3 year old Gitta Schneider on his 54th birthday. I remember the first time I saw this photograph, I simultaneously felt such strong affection for the tenderness of the moment and complete revulsion knowing what’s happening to thousands of other children at this exact time. Only A.H. can elicit these contradictory emotions that I can’t reconcile. I have this deep yearning to want to fix him and indulge this deeply tenderhearted side of him, yet there’s another side of me simultaneously aroused and attracted to the hyper-masculine “Führer” and I fiercely desire and want to, NEED to experience BOTH.
I’m not certain why there aren’t any interviews with American journalists. I know he granted plenty of interviews to the British press, and allowed photographs by the American press. Oh WOW I just found this article that indicates William Randolph Hearst conducted an interview with A.H. In 1934. Perhaps there are more out there….
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herrlindemann · 2 years
I've followed and loved your blog for the longest time, and it was only today I realised you run the Instagram page I love too! You put so much effort into both, I'm obsessed 😍
I was just wondering after a insta post and a previous ask, you've said Till has been through alot of trauma. It's not something I've heard before, could I ask what happened?
Thank you so much ❤️ I'm running the Instagram account with @endlich-allein.
I'll start with this quote from Paul:
“We’re lucky to have a man with life experience at the front. He went through things that none of us want to experience. Very bad things, but they are of use to us now.”
Till doesn't share much but he implied a lot of things in his lyrics and interviews. We know his father was physically and verbally abusive. To this day he still has nightmares about him and is not ready to forgive him. He talked in an interview about repressing memories from his childhood. He also refuse to talk about what happened during his swimming career. He did gave an in-length interview in 2009 about it but clearly only shared what he wanted to share and a lot more happened at that time. I shared some parts here, here and here. He was arrested and interrogated by a Stasi at the age of 14 for treason because he left his hotel at night to visit Rome. Gitta said in an interview that sending him to swimming school was a decision she deeply regret. His father book is also a good read even though there's a lot of made up stories (he actually made up an entire story about the reason of Till leaving the house) and he sugar coated his behavior toward Till a lot.
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straykits · 11 months
things i want to do (but will hopefully not bc uni work):
open requests but people..
...send in their favourite lines/scenes from anime/shows/movies (ie. i wanna do another smth like five more)
...send in their favourite book quote
...do a poll and vote on trope/member (but i gitta think through how this would work bc would one influence the other orrrr)
...send in a song and i write based off the vibes (and or maybe the lyrics too)
...send in purely instrumental pieces. classicals, osts, instr intro/outros etc.
...send in moodboards (3-6 imgs? but this would require a sprinkle more effort on the requester's side of things)
...send in their favourite poem/lines from a poem
...send in their headcannons and i just write it into a fic
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jackshithere · 5 years
Till about his parents
Despite your archaic childhood experiences, you come from a bourgeois family. Your father was the famous child book author, Werner Lindemann, and your mother, Gitta, was a journalist.
Our house was always full of guests who worked with the written word, who painted or were musicians. It was a jumble of culture and the arts.
Your father died in 1993. Is he still present in your life?
Yes, through my mother, since he‘s still so present in her life. My father and I never had an easy relationship.
You were at odds with your mother earlier as well, right?
Surely. She can be quite sarcastic and scathing at times, and I think that’s a product of those days. I was running around like a headless chicken after the Turning. Before that, I had an ordered life as a basket maker. It was a terrific job, a real handicraft. I had enough money, didn’t have to work that much, I could devote myself to music, painting and organizing happenings. Everything was very stable. And then, chaos.
When children are at odds with their parents for years, it often comes to a breaking point. And then, with some luck, you’re able get to know one another again later in life.
Absolutely. My mother and I have also had a period where we took a break. We had to reinvent ourselves and I had to become a new son. Talking, being affectionate, touching: we had never done that before. I was at sports school and then I moved to Berlin rather early. I have always loved my mother, but not like I do now, not this heartfelt.
How did you approach each other again?
That was when my father died, since the whole family got together then. We realized that everything could be over in a minute. We’re family, whether we want it or not. And this small picture we have to frame and care for.
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tsubomipsycho100 · 2 years
Also the hgsn quote with the cute little anime figurine is a very funny contrast
YEAH RJFJFJTJEJ i cant edit my bio w/o messing uo the link so I gitta wait until I can get into desktop
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Aight now I gitta ask another question to ask. Do you have any Rokushi headcanons (platonic or not) and if not do you have any of Roxas and/or Xion? Sorry if Im bugging you with asks you just have some of the best headcanons ever.
there’s no way you could bug me with heacanon asks!! as long as you don’t mind the small delay it took me to reply haha
I’ve got some Rokushi headcanons but mostly they’re platonic.  Hope you enjoy!!  thanks for the ask, @vicsep7250!! :)
Xion: “What do you mean, people actually tell their crushes they like them?”  Axel: “What do you do?”  Xion: “I die?  What sort of question–”
(I think Xion realized first that she had a crush.  Roxas didn’t understand what a crush was and had to ask Axel why he kept feeling like there were butterflies in his stomach every time he talked to Xion)(Axel almost died laughing)
Of the two of them, Xion is more likely to drag Roxas along with her to a new thing. The dates she plans are the ones where they try new things and get lost but end up having an incredible amount of fun anyway.  When Roxas plans a date, he just goes with things that he knows they both like.  He reserves the clocktower and seasalt ice cream for the three of them though.
Roxas: “I want to tell a joke but I only remember the punch line.”  Xion: “Go ahead.”  Roxas: “Tooth hurty.”  Xion:  "When is the best time to go to the dentist?“  Roxas: "You complete me.”
It turns out that they have almost the exact same tastes in food and such, so whenever they go get food their orders would be identical
again on the whole Nobodies-can’t-feel-emotions-so-they’re-obsessed-with-anything-else-they-can-feel (which i mentioned in my seasalt trio post), Roxas and Xion are very physical.  Roxas is kind of more subtle about it, and doesn’t like PDA, but they hold hands a lot.  On bad nights when they wake up feeling like they’ve been asleep for months or have nightmares featuring people they’ve never seen before, both Rox and Xion go straight for the other, to cuddle and reassure each other that they’re alive and themselves
Axel always says that the nightmares must be memories from their Others, but especially early in Roxas’ time in the Organization, they feel more like life than dreams
They take turns making fun of the other Organization members (with Axel too, sometimes).  Their favorite is to take dramatic things that Xemnas says and then use it to refer to food instead of Kingdom Hearts
Xion, referring to a donut: “There, on my plate, is the promise of a new world.  Remember why we have organized–all the things we hope to achieve.  The strength of the donut is vast.” ((yes this is actually a Xemnas quote from 358/2 days))
Roxas, clenching his fists dramatically: “How long will we have to wait?!”  *falls dramatically to the ground next to the oven* “When will the time arrive to gaze upon the great power of… THE COOKIES?!”
At first, Xion was like 2 inches shorter than Roxas and it drove her insane (by the end of 358/2 days she’s the same height but i can’t think about the end of 358 w/o crying so we’re not gonna mention it)
Xion, about Vexen: “I wish you could block people in real life.”  Roxas: “Restraining order.”  Axel: “Murder.”
Roxas: “Well, I’m going through a little bit of a rough patch.”  Roxas: “Whole year, actually.”
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thecultoftill · 6 years
A quick guide to Till's Father's book Mike Oldfield im Schaukelstuhl.
Before I post any more quotes from Werner Lindemann's book Mike Oldfield im Schaukelstuhl: Notizen eines Vaters. Mike Oldfield in the Rocking-Chair: Notes of A Father. I thought I'd clear up some of the confusion. Werner often changes the names of people and places in the book for privacy reasons. He also uses initials much of the time so I thought I'd give you a brief 'character' list. Werner Lindemann- The book's author and Father of Till and his sister Saskia. He was a famous children's poet and author in the GDR. He lives in Mecklenburg and the book is about the nine month period when Till goes to live with him on their small farm. Timm = Till Lindemann. Till is 19 when the book begins and 20 when it ends. He moves to Mecklenburg to live with his Father and works as a wheelwright and carpenter. G= Gitta. Werner's wife and Till and Saskia's Mother. She lives in Leipzig with Till's sister and is a renowned cultural journalist who also works in radio. Saskia is Till's sister. She is six years younger than Till and lives in Leipzig with Gitta. M = Mareike. Till's main girlfriend in the book, and also his ex wife and the mother of Nele. Werner also uses initials for place names e.g R= Rostock and S= Schwerin. There are other characters throughout who are referred to by their initial, and we don't know most of their names, but those above are the people you really need to know.
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architectnews · 4 years
Feilden Fowles to redesign gardens at London's Natural History Museum
Feilden Fowles and J&L Gibbons have unveiled plans to overhaul the gardens at London's Natural History Museum to create a hub for education and biodiversity called the Urban Nature Project.
The Urban Nature Project will involve the redesign of two hectares of land around the iconic 19th-century building by Alfred Waterhouse, alongside the construction of two low-lying, stone-clad pavilions.
Feilden Fowles and J&L Gibbons' aim is to maximise the biodiversity and accessibility of the museum's grounds and, in turn, invite people living in and visiting the capital to re-engage with nature.
Above: the Urban Nature Project's Garden Building. Top image: a visual of the Learning Centre
"The Urban Nature Project is a dream commission, embodying so many of our team's social and environmental values," said Edmund Fowles, director of Feilden Fowles.
"Never has the need to re-engage with nature and understand our impact on biodiversity been more urgent," he explained.
"Together with the transformation of the museum's five-acre gardens, two new pavilions embedded within the landscape will provide much-needed facilities to broaden access and engagement with the vital messages of the project."
The west garden will feature a replica of Dippy the dinosaur
The Urban Nature Project is slated for completion in 2023 and forms a part of the Natural History Museum's wider ambition to protect nature in urban areas and make cities more sustainable places to live.
The proposal replaces another design for the site by Niall McLaughlin Architects and Kim Wilkie that imagined an upgrade to the museum's entrance areas, but was never realised.
The stone-clad Garden Building references Victorian orangeries
The scheme is divided into two gardens, positioned to the east and west of the museum's entrance, which will be landscaped to offer a brief overview of natural history and encourage local biodiversity.
In the east-side garden, this will include plants, fossils and exhibits that echo different geological eras ranging from the Cambrian period 540 million years ago to the present day.
The east garden will also feature a replica of Dippy, the Natural History Museum famous dinosaur skeleton that once occupied its main hall, and incorporate the first of the two pavilions by Feilden Fowles.
This pavilion, named the Garden Building, is modelled on Victorian orangeries and contains a cafe, seasonal storage and a display of the exotic plants.
The Learning Centre will also be clad in stone
Urban Nature Project's west garden will be designed by the studios as a model urban landscape, giving insight into biodiversity that can be found in cities in the UK.
Nestled within it will be the scheme's second pavilion, the Learning Centre, which will be used for scientific projects, educational activities, and as space for the volunteers that maintain the museum's gardens.
The wooden interiors of the Garden building
According to Feilden Fowles, both pavilions will be clad in stone and are being developed with a "low-tech" approach to ensure they have a low carbon footprint.
"[The pavilions] embody our practice's low-tech design approach, providing buildings with exceptionally low energy use to meet the project's net-zero carbon target," explained Fowles.
Inside of a classroom in the Learning Centre
The west garden will end at the museum's existing Darwin Centre courtyard, which will be redesigned to address the future of biodiversity on Earth.
It will showcase pioneer species – types of organisms that are the first to colonise barren environments – and encourage visitors to help preserve nature by highlighting approaches to climate adaptation and ways to improve biodiversity.
The existing Darwin Centre courtyard will also be redesigned
The scheme will be complete with a bronze sign at the end of a ramp leading to the museum's entrance featuring a quote by David Attenborough, reading: "the future of the natural world, on which we all depend, is in your hands".
Attenborough, a British broadcaster and natural historian, has welcomed the proposal and said it will help "the next generation develop the strong connection with nature that is needed to protect it."
A visual of the museum's entrance ramp
Feilden Fowles is a British architecture studio founded in 2009 by Fergus Feilden and Edmund Fowles. In 2019, it was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize for its design of The Weston visitor centre and gallery at Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Other recent projects by the studio include a red brick school building in Somerset and a showroom and office for Uniform Wares that offers visitors a glimpse of the watchmaking process.
Visuals are by Feilden Fowles and J & L Gibbons.
Project credits:
Architect: Feilden Fowles Landscape architect: J&L Gibbons Project management: Mace Quantity surveyor: Mace Sustainability: Mace Planning consultant: Deloitte Heritage consultant: Purcell 3D design: Gitta Gschwendtner Structural engineers: engineersHRW M&E, lighting and acoustic engineers: MaxFordham Civil engineering: Infrastruct CS Pedestrian flow access: Buro Happold Specialist planting consultants: Fossil Plants Access consultants: Earnescliffe
The post Feilden Fowles to redesign gardens at London's Natural History Museum appeared first on Dezeen.
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1, 15, 30 for that ask thing!
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
uhhhh fuck its impossible to answer this without sounding like a simplistic douchewad. read any book by gillian flynn but particularly sharp objects, watch the sopranos (the jokes and the dialogue in that show make up like 56% of my personality), and listen to milk by kings of leon. 
2. five most influential books over your lifetime
- sharp objects by gillian flynn
- harry potter series by jk rowling
- one hundred and one ways mako yoshikawa
- candy girl by diablo cody 
- the case of mary bell and cries unheard by gitta sereny (catapulted my ass into forensic psychology)
3. pick one of your favorite quotes
“I would never be a part of any club that would have someone like me as a member.” 
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endlich-allein · 8 months
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Carsten Gansel: Your son, Till, was a swimmer at the KJS, the children’s and youth sports school, and he had a tough swim training there.
Gitta Lindemann: Yes, "im Wasser verbrannt" ("burned in the water"), he wrote later. Another wrong decision that I deeply regret. (X)
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peterbreuerblog · 7 years
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Pap Gitta festőművész “TRANSITUS” című kiállítása. Pap Gitta festőművész "TRANSITUS" című kiállítása.
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chromaticdisparity · 4 years
"Things generally get better when you surround yourself with the right people. Spent way too long being a loner, shit sucks. Just gotta find a place to belong, I suppose." Ryou didn't mind where they headed, he honestly wasn't even sure where he wanted the damn conversation to go let alone where they were. "God, if I was nearly that busy at your age I woulda fuckin died." He groaned.
Mokuba made a noise around his straw and rolled his eyes. "Yeah it sucks sometimes to be honest. I haven't ever been able to do 'normal kid things'--" he gestured qith scare quotes around his drink-- "but I can't even do normal adult shit either now. I gitta micromanage and detail every little thing I do just in case. Even being at the mall isn't always permissible." It was difficult and a lot of work. A lot of work.
"So what've you been doing for work, if you don't mind me pokin' ya?" He peaked into a fairly alternative clothing store, glanced down at Ryou, grinned, and then walked in, quite confident he'd follow.
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herrlindemann · 2 years
How do you interpret Richard’s quote about Till and Liebe ist für alle da?
Self loathing. One of his many traumas from childhood. We can thanks mostly his father for this one. He had acne in his early teenage years because of the steroids and wrote a poem in Messer called Meine Mutter ist blind which goes like this:
My father speaks to me
Dear child believe now and here
The woman who takes you for a man
Is herself ugly or blind
I don't look in the mirror
I carry the torch on my face
I'm lonely but not alone
Acne and rosacea will always be with me
He's also been called crazy by his parents, probably more than once. His mother words: "The boy is so crazy because we haven’t paid enough attention to him." His father also belittled him a lot and by reading Gitta's interviews she seems to always find excuses for how Werner acted toward Till...Also, he lacks the affection a child need in the early years, he was often left alone doing whatever he wanted and then went to sport school. As he said himself he lived in an entirely different world and when he left sport school at 16, the change was brutal, he had a lot of catching up to do and had no idea how to behave around other people.
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endlich-allein · 2 months
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Oliver Riedel 11.04.1971
"Good comes from friendship, evil comes from fanaticism. The band has always been a thing among friends, that's the only way we got through all the crises." (Photo by Olaf Heine. Quote from SZ Magazine)
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Brigitte "Gitta" Lindemann 11.04.1939
"But do you know what made the biggest impression on me ? The boys’ courage ! They believe in it and they do it." (Photo by Frida Lindemann. Quote from Ostsee Zeitung)
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