#give him short hair i will literally be so pissed like bro died for that shit at least let him keep it smh
enevera · 1 year
okay now im annoyed like sincerely i am. how can a show with a budget of like 1 MILLION USD be trying to tell me that there’s some legit reason for male characters not having long hair. i hate this i am being so irrationally angry about this who let me give into temptation and finally look at the pics on the wiki i am living in a nightmare
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butteraway · 3 years
when time runs out | v
⋆ summary:  A young girl has fallen deeply ill with an unknown disease in her, so with all her free time spent in an empty hospital room, she spends it online playing video games. That's until she meets her cousins friends, one spiking her interest with his extremely vulgare language.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 6.3k
warnings: none
authors note: HERE IT IS!! A whopping 6k chapter can you believe this lol :’) I plan on making the chapters this long, so that means it’ll take a little longer for me to write,,, But enjoy this guys!
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Y/N was laying on her bed, twirling the bottle of pills that captivated her interest. Sitting up, she slowly opened the cap and took a pill out. She examined it, liking how the yellow and green color meshed together. The pills didn't look like anything special, just your basic average pill.
Her conversation with doc was a bit unnerving though to say the least. The doctor was acting a bit off if you asked her.                                      ______________________
Y/N looked at Receen with uncertainty painting her face. What was the meaning of this? Was it really possible for her if she took these pills? He wouldn't try to kill her? They've known each other for almost two years, so he wouldn't try anything.
"C'mon Y/N, you trust me right? You can see your family again, just take them!" Doctor Receen urged the girl with an enthusiastic smile. Though the look in his eyes seemed a bit desperate for her to take them. Weird.
"Say, Doc, I don't wanna sound ungrateful or anything, but-" she was cut off by a soft laugh. It sounded more forced.
"Y/N, there's nothing to worry about! You had professionals work and conduct these small things! Here! Just take them and think about it!" Receen tossed the bottle to Y/N, who barely caught it with both hands. "I'll have someone bring in some fresh clothes just in case you do want to try these things out.”
And just like that he was out the door.                                     ______________________
Y/N scratched the back of her neck as she put the pill back in the bottle, wondering why the doctor was pushy with her taking them. Her eyes wandered around the room until they landed on the new pile of clothes sitting on the edge of her bed. A kind lady bought it a short while ago, giving her a small smile before leaving.
Though, Y/N decided she'd play a game before calling her parents to tell them the wonderful news. It still felt odd for her to just get pills for her sickness right then and there. Even if it wasn’t a permanent solution. She wasn't even informed about the making of her medicine, despite what Receen had told her. All that she knew was that they were trying to keep her alive. Turning on her console and taking her controller, she glanced at the bottle. She didn't close it of course, wanting to see that they were actually real. 
Putting on her headphones, she put on Fortnite and waited for other players to join. She really hated this game, but it was hilarious to see people rage. Seeing someone join, she tried to talk to them, but got no response. Briefly closing her eyes for a few seconds, she snapped them open after hearing a familiar gruff voice. King Explosion Murder!
"We better win this or I'll look for all of you and kill you." That was literally the first thing the dude said as the game began. Y/N let out an awkward chuckle, a sweat drop appearing on her forehead. This'll be interesting. She cleared her throat, slightly catching the attention of ‘Explosion Murder'.
"Hey! Do you remember me? We played together a few nights ago, with this other guy called Tape Dispenser on OverWatch!" Y/N decided to take a friendly approach, trying not to blow a fuse with this guy. I do not wanna be on this guy's bad side again. Silence filled the air, making Y/N feel slightly uncomfortable.
"Who the fuck are you?" Said girl nearly choked on her spit as she doubled over. She began shooting at random people as the game began, taking them down and moving with her small team. She once again felt her eyebrow twitch.
"What do you mean 'who are you?' Y/N asked, lowering her voice to mimic Murder's voice. She made her character shoot a person in front of her. Headshot!
"I have no idea who the hell you are, so shut the hell up!" Murder's voice rang through her ear as she winced at the volume. So loud! Her other teammate was shot down and killed, making Y/N sigh.
"You sure dude? I'm the one who almost won the game, but like, died at the very end?" Y/N didn't even know why she was even trying to talk to this guy. She just felt like she wanted to know him better. Or her. Could be a girl with a really deep voice? Murder was quiet before a growl like grunt was heard.
"So you're the damn girl who did that." Murder's voice was low and Y/N didn't know whether or not to feel scared for herself. "Haha! Yeah, that was me." She awkwardly laughed, not sure if he was going to blow a fuse because of that.
Murder was quiet, with the exception of his breathing being heard through her headphones. Y/N just came to the conclusion that Murder was, in fact, a dude. She didn't want to believe that a girl had that deep of a voice. It was possible, she thought, though she couldn't picture a female with that voice. She'd die if she did. The thought made her stifle a laugh.
"The fuck you laughing about?!" Y/N looked at his kill counts and her eyes widened. 7 already?! Goddamn! She looked at her own and only saw three. "Well aren't you curious now?" Murder let out a huff, as if he were trying to contain his inner rage. "I was asking for a goddamn reason." 
Y/N swore she could feel his irritation through the screen. The two met up and began to continue to go to the middle of the map. 6 kills. Cool! She once again looked at Murder's kills and felt her confidence deflate once again. Way to make me depressed dude. As she was shooting a player, Y/N looked at the kill feed and almost spit everywhere.
"MOTHER FUCKING FUCKER!" This dude exploded, and by the noise, she assumed he threw his chair. This dude! Suddenly, an idea came in her, oh so beautiful, head. "Yo yo yo, bro! I gotta deal!" This caught Murder's attention as he let out an aggressive 'What.’ She smiled wide as she continued to play the game, knocking down and killing another player. 
"I carry the team and win, you accept my friend request!" 
"What if you don't win, huh?" That's what Y/N was scared of. She let out a defeated sigh and surrendered. "I'll give you the most rare skin I own." There was silence as she took some damage from another player. 
"Which is what?" She swallowed and opened her mouth. "It's the skin that was only given to 5 players from the event last year." 
"Deal." He said it so fast that Y/N was actually scared to give him it. But she always kept her word. Looking to see how much other players were left, she felt her heart speed up. Why am I freaking doing this?! The girl continued to focus on the game at hand and began skillfully killing the other players. She got hit a few times, but never went down. When it was finally one player left, besides herself, she began to be cautious. At last, she took down the final player and yelled out in joy!
"Oh yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about baby! Sweet sweet victory!" Y/N cheered while throwing her hands up in the air and slightly jumping on her bed. She had no idea why she was even this excited to win. Maybe it's cuz I like him. Y/N stopped mid cheer, before she burst out with laughter as she wondered why she even thought that. She doesn't even know the guy!
"Well, looks like you're gonna have to accept me!" Murder let out a couple of grumbles and snide comments as he accepted her request that she sent. "It was only fucking luck. Don't get too cocky."
Y/N gave a toothy smile that he couldn't see and giggled. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." The small girl looked at the time and decided this was enough for the day. "Well Mr. Explody, I gotta go! It was cool playing with you!" 
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Get off now, you're starting to piss me off." Y/N laughed at his sour attitude and decided to fuel the flame some more.
"Y'know, you should work on your gaming. You suck." The girl quickly got off the game and turned off her console, but not without hearing him yell at her. The smile never left her face as she fell on her back and looked at the ceiling. Gosh, he's so weird. She continued to replay their interactions before turning her head and looking at the phone. She sighed and sat up. 
All her happy feelings went down the drain. Something just didn't feel right with the medicine the doctor gave her. Whatever. It's probably because I always thought I'd be cooped up in this room for the rest of my life. Y/N blinked and walked to the phone and dialed her parents number. She stood anxious, hearing the phone ring and her hands trembling with excitement? Fear? Who knows.
"Hello? Y/N? How are you!" Her mom's cheery voice sounded through the phone and once again, the girl smiled. "Hi Mommy! I'm fine, perfectly fine actually. What about you?" She decided to keep things smooth and simple. The laughter of her mother brought Y/N back to reality.
"Oh Y/N! No need to be so formal! I'm your mother, no need to act like that!" Y/N let out a chuckle and brushed her hair away from her face. "Yeah, sorry Mommy." 
"And to answer your question, I am doing amazing!" She let out a hum, letting her mother know she heard. "Well, I have some kind of big and important news. So basically, Doctor Receen made some kind of medicine. For my, y'know, 'sickness.' Crazy right?"
There was a small pause before the cheerful voice of her mother sounded in her ear. "I know! The Doctor had already told your father and I beforehand! I was so ecstatic, and I still am for you-"
"Wait, you already knew? And you didn't tell me?" Y/N’s voice was filled with confusion. Why didn’t mom tell me? Was she keeping it a secret? Did she try hiding it from me? Was she ever going to-
“Well I wanted it to be a surprise for you from the doctor!” Said the older woman happily, leaving Y/N to feel embarrassed. She let out a small ‘Oh’, and rubbed her neck. Why did she even think her mother wouldn’t tell her something so important? Shaking her head, Y/N continued.
“Well thank you! I’m still, uh, just still a little skeptical of the pills. I’m not sure if they are actually going to work…” The clear doubt was heard in the girl’s voice. Her mother furrowed her eyebrows.
“But sweetie! Of course they’re going to work! I would’ve thought you’d be more excited about this!” Glancing up to look at the bottle, Y/N could only let out a short ‘yeah.’ 
“So when will you be coming! Your dad and I agreed that we would pick you up after you took one of the pills, so you could come home for a while!” Her mother’s voice continued to rant off about what they were going to do when she came back home. While the voice continued, Y/N drifted off into her head.
How am I going to tell Denki this? Should I like, surprise him when he comes back from school? Hmm, I swear if he cries, I think I will too-
“Y/N! Y/N honey are you there?” Zooming back into reality, she let out a chuckle from her mother’s worried voice.
“Yeah mom, sorry. I was just thinking about some things.” M/N hummed in understanding. It grew quiet quick, but soon was filled with Y/N’s sweet voice. “I think I’ll take the pill on Friday mommy. You can come pick me up at around three. This gives you some time to prepare for everything, heh.”
Her mother let out loud cheers, happy that she will be able to see her daughter face to face again. It’s been so long since she had last seen Y/N, not being able to take it, seeing her child confined in a spacious room. 
The two talked for a short moment more until they decided to hang up. Placing down the phone, Y/N sighed. Dragging herself and the IV back to her bed, she sat in silence. Who knows how long she stayed in that position, all that she knows is that she was snapped out of her daze after a brief knock to her door. She hummed, loud enough for the person to hear. Opening the door, the woman walked in, boots squeaking against the clean floor. The short spray in the air filled the silence as the doctor walked over to Y/N’s IV bag.
Watching her check and adjust the fluid bag, Y/N’s big eyes snapped to the doctor’s face when she began speaking. “You’ve been moving a lot. The needle is off center from where it’s supposed to be.” 
As she said that, the girl felt a slight pinch on her arm and saw the doctor putting the needle back into its rightful place. Satisfied with the placement of the needle, she hummed in acceptance and patted Y/N’s arm with her gloved hand. Moving her arm around to get used to the feeling of it back inside her body, Y/N wondered when it had fallen out. Huh, I didn’t even notice. 
Feeling the need to fill the silence, Y/N spoke. “Well, today was an exciting day, haha. Received amazing news and had a wonderful conversation with my mom.” Y/N chuckled in false amusement, but the doctor could only narrow her eyes at the small girl. “Mm, you sound so excited, I could tell when I first walked in here.”
Now Y/N did laugh at that. Who knew the scary doctor lady could go along with her sarcasm! With now gleaming eyes, the excitement was now visible in her eyes. Now that she knew the doctor was ‘nice’, she definitely was going to have fun talking with this doctor. Seeing as she turned around and went to head towards the door, Y/N was quick to stop her. 
“Hey! What’s your name?” The doctor’s eyes widened in shock and turned fully to the girl who had now stood up.
“What do you mean ‘what’s your name?’ I’ve been one of your main doctors for two years!” The woman exclaimed in exasperation, unbelieving of the situation she was just put in. Y/N could only weakly shrug.
“Sorry about that! I just, uh, like was too nervous around you to remember your name?” As pathetic as the excuse was, she was telling the truth! I am so sorry Ms. Doctor! The older woman could only shake her head in amusement.
“My name is Doctor Shuzenji Kumiko, but call me Doctor Kumiko. Now you better remember that, this will be the last time I tell you my name.” Y/N nodded her head with such affirmation, Doctor Kumiko thought the child would accidentally hurt herself. And right now she did not need that happening. While she shook her head though, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a strike of familiarity at her name. But what about it is familiar? Cranking every gear in her head, she failed to notice Doctor Kumiko looking around the room.
Doctor Kumiko was never able to get a proper look around the sick girl’s room, seeing as her mission was to go in, check if Y/N was ok, and then get out. Though she immediately noticed how empty her room was. Only one big bed, a flat screen tv perched on a small table, and the medical equipment were all that occupied the room. Though now that she started paying more attention, the room was a different color. Bland white walls were now full of a bright color, something not too dark, but not too eye bleeding. It was a nice appealing color that suited the girl standing in front of her. That’s when Doctor Kumiko’s eyes landed on the small table next to the grand bed. They slightly widened as they caught eyesight on the small bottle. 
“I can’t believe he gave them to her.” Kumiko hissed silently just as Y/N snapped her fingers. Staring at the doctor, she tilted her head. 
“Did you say something?”
“Huh? Oh no, it’s nothing! Just remembering something is all!” Doctor Kumiko rubbed her neck, putting the momentary problem in the back of her head for now. Y/N shrugged her shoulders, curiously looking at the doctor in front of her. Clearing her throat, the doctor shifted the focus off herself.
“So were you going to say something?” Slowly fiddling with her gloved hands, the Doctor could only sigh in relief as Y/N eyes popped open quickly.
“AH YES!” Y/N quickly wobbled to the doctor forgetting to take the IV that weighed her down with her. The doctor let out a small gasp, stepping behind the girl and rolling it next to Y/N who didn’t pay any attention to that.
“I finally recognize where I heard that last name from! And no, I didn’t just remember your name you supposedly told me before.” The lady’s sharp eyes rolled, letting her continue.
“RECOVERY GIRL HAS THE SAME SURNAME! ISN’T THAT INSANE?! I HONESTLY FIND THAT SO COOL! I wish I had the same name as a famous person, oooo like All Might’s name, or or even Endeavor’s!” Doctor Kumiko cringed at the sound of Endeavor’s name but paid no mind to that. Right now she had to deal with a hero fangirl. Just then Y/N abruptly stopped her rapid talking, moving closer to Doctor Kumiko’s face.
“Wait. Are you like-” Y/N looked around the room as if there was someone else watching them. When she was done, she leaned closer to the doctor’s protected head and whispered the following words. “Are you Recovery Girl’s daughter?” The woman could only sigh and stared into the girl’s shining eyes. When Y/N got no response she determined her answer by herself.
“Oh my gOSH!!! WAIT LIKE FOR REAL?! LIKE YOU’RE ACTUALLY HER DAUGHTER?? YOU LOOK A LITTLE YOUNG TO BE HER DAUGHTER BUT I’M NOT COMPLAINING! WOW THIS IS SO CRAZY, ALL THIS TIME YOU WALKED IN HERE AND I HAD NO IDEA WHO YOU ACTUALLY WERE!! I HAVE TO TELL DENKI HE’S GONNA FREAK OUT-” Doctor Kumiko bellowed a laugh so grand it had Y/N laughing along as well. After attempting to wipe away her tears soon realizing she couldn’t due to her helmet, she let out more bubbly laughs. 
“Aahhh, you’re pure gold!! I can see why Receen likes you!” She smiled brightly down towards Y/N who gave her a beaming grin of her own in return. “But yes! You’re right, though not entirely.” 
Y/N trying to keep up with Doctor Kumiko’s pace to her bed, they both sat down and got comfortable. “Since you basically found out my family tree, to answer your question fully, I am related to Recovery Girl. I’m not her daughter, but her granddaughter instead.” 
The small girl’s eyes widened in shock. No way. She actually met someone who’s related to one of the greatest heroes of all time. Don’t fight her on this, she knows what she’s talking about. As she stared at the doctor with such admiration, Kumiko could only give her a weak smile. She knew what the next question would be. Her answer would always leave people with disappointment. 
“Wait! Does that mean that you have a similar quirk to Recovery Girl? After two generations, wouldn’t your quirk be more evolved at this point? Or do you have a mixture of both your parents quirk, seeing as your mom could’ve inherited some of Recovery Girl’s quirk or something like that!” Doctor Kumiko only shook her head leaving Y/N confused.
“Then did you get a quirk similar to your dads?” Once again shaking her head no, Y/N was beyond confused. Until a thought passed through her head.
“Are you… are you quirkless?” Y/N didn’t really consider a descendant from a nationwide known hero to be quirkless. It’s possible, but very unlikely. After all, only 20 percent of people in the world aren’t born with quirks. Me included. Y/N’s eyebrow twitched at the truth of her thought train. Once again though, the doctor shook her head and went to explain to the young girl.
“I do have a quirk, so that’s not the problem. The problem lies in how efficient my quirk is.” Y/N listened intently, ready to store this useful information in her memory. Ohoho Denki is gonna be sooo jealous, heheh. “My quirk is actually quite weak compared to my grandmother.”
“My mother was born quirkless, meaning that when she had me, many doctors had thought I would be too. But instead, I got a similar quirk to my grandmother. Since my mother had direct DNA from her, part of that DNA was transferred to me, to her granddaughter. Everyone was ecstatic to learn I had gotten a quirk similar to my grandmother, some even thought my quirk would be even greater than hers.
“But alas, I was handed the remains of the quirk from my mother, so I only proved to have a much much weaker quirk compared to Recovery Girl.” Soaking up the information, Y/N looked to Doctor Kumiko. Despite sharing not so amazing information, she didn’t seem to be too bothered by sharing it. In fact, she looked perfectly fine!
“I’ve come to terms that my quirk will always be a weak one, but that doesn’t stop me from using it all. I help as best as I could, using my quirk to help young children when they scrape their knees, and just replenishing as much energy into those who need it the most. I think the biggest wound I’ve healed was a large burn! I was so proud of myself, but I was just so exhausted! So I mostly conserve energy when I need to.”
Y/N nodded, happy that the doctor was sharing so much with her. She didn’t care if it was ‘improper’ or something, she was just glad to be able to talk to someone who wasn’t Receen or Denki.
“You seem quite happy with what you do. How much people have you helped?” Y/N smiled happily at the doctor. “ I’ve helped so many people. And just with my quirk!” Sighing happily, Doctor Kumiko got up and headed towards the door. 
“Do you visit Recovery Girl often?” Y/N had a small favor she would like to ask the doctor, though she needed to make sure she was able to do it first. 
“Of course, she is my grandmother after all. She would spam call me if I hadn’t visited her in over a week.” Doctor Kumiko deadpanned at the thought of that, having experienced that before. Y/N giggled at the thought, phone constantly ringing for who knows how long!
“Makes me deliver her food too if she forgot it. That lady is too much work sometimes.” The doctor rubbed her head, a headache already rolling in at the thought of all the things her grandmother makes her do.
‘Well since you see and visit her~” Y/N smiled sweetly at the woman looking at her with suspicious eyes. “Then that means you have access to the U.A. building!” Now Kumiko was narrowing her eyes at the girl at this point.
“Yes, I’m also a helper at the school too. What cards are you playing right now Ms. L/N?” Said girl chuckled mischievously, quickly moving to grab a small note pad in the drawer of her small table. Ripping out a piece of paper and quickly scribbling words on it and folding it, she handed the paper to the doctor who stared at it in confusion.
“GREAT! I need you to deliver this to my cousin that goes to the school! Since you have access to the school, which I don’t know why you didn’t tell me sooner, this makes your little journey for me easier!” Sharp eyes flew from the paper in her hand to the young girl’s face, back to the paper. Sighing, she silently agreed.
“Thank you!!! Ok, so his name is Kaminari Denki and he’s a first year in the hero course! I don’t know which one, but he’s in one of them if he didn’t lie to me.” Chuckling, the doctor nodded and stood up from the bed. 
“Well I spent too much time in here. I think it’s been the most since the two years I’ve been checking up on you.” Walking to the door, she paused for a moment, turning around to look at the girl who had sat back down on her bed.
“I’ll be sure to get these to your cousin as soon as possible. Also, I’m sure you’ll be able to help so many people when you’re out of here. But please be careful with those pills. They’re very strong so consume them with caution." And with that, she left, door opening, closing, and the familiar sound of the air purifier turning on. 
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Chatter filled the classroom in the early morning, the students excited for another day in U.A. Ever since the recent villain attack, many of them were still filled with fear, though their determination to grow stronger overshadowed any negative thoughts. The days passed by since then and many of the young heroes have made it their goal to be stronger than they were before.
Which leads us to a blonde boy with a black lightning streak in his hair, sitting nonchalantly in his chair. He listened to his rambling friend, the red head mentioning something about Crimson Riot, or something like that.
“And ever since then, I always followed his words! He’s my number one inspiration after all-” A grunt was heard next to him, the boys’ eyes turning to the ash blond boy sitting next to them.
“Yeah yeah, we heard this story already, why don’t you talk about something new?” His gruff voice didn’t knock down the red head’s bright mood though, only pushing him to talk more.
“Alright Bakubro, if that’s what you want!” The boy grinned, his sharp teeth on display for everyone to see. And even despite that, no one was very afraid of his appearance, seeing as his personality shone out like the sun outside. “So what did you guys do this weekend? I’ve been training for hours! Ever since U.S.J, I’ll admit, I was still shaken up!” 
At the mention of what happened at U.S.J, more people around them joined in on their conversation. “Tell me about it, my parents didn’t want me coming back because of that.”
A few murmured in agreement, everyone now talking about their experiences at home. “You don’t know how long it took me to convince my mom to not call the school. But if anything, I’m still surprised Midoriya is still here. He was at the core of all the attacks!” 
Said boy turns red at the mention of that. I mean, his mom was really really worried about him, so he couldn’t really say anything. Scratching the back of his neck, he could only let out a nervous chuckle.
“Yeah, luckily All Might managed to come and save the day!” Excited chatter began to fill the room once again with everyone retelling each other how cool All Might was busting through the doors of U.S.J.. Ururaka jumped in as well, her voice filled with awe.
“Don’t forget how All Might even knew we were in trouble! If it weren’t for Iida speeding his way back to UA, who knows what could’ve happened!” Even more people agreed on that, some of the guys even patting the tall boy on the back. Clearing his throat, and trying to make the blush disappear off his face, Iida fixed his glasses and began talking.
“Well of course I did that, any sane person would have done it. After all it was the right thing to do, especially in our dire situation!”
“Ah there goes Iida humbling himself again!”
“Give yourself some credit dude!”
“It was still super cool how you managed to run that entire distance!”
Covering the raising blush on his face at the rapid compliments with his fist, he spoke once again, the others around him listening to his words. “It would have been more preferable if we were able to contact the school directly, help would’ve come much more quickly then.”
“Oh yeah! Too bad Kaminari couldn’t contact the school though, those villains really knew what they were doing!”
At the mention of his name, Kaminari faced Mina and gave a tight grin. “I didn’t even know that there were people who had quirks that can block out signals!” Some laughed, while others chuckled at the exasperation in the blonde boy's voice. An annoyed sigh cut through their laughter, everyone looking to the blonde spiky haired boy who interrupted their laughing fest. Just as he was about to speak, a knock was heard throughout the class, leaving the boy to grumble to himself as the door slid open.
A tall lady walked in, her straight posture already showing the students she meant business the moment they laid eyes on her. Her long, sleek black hair flowed behind her as she stepped more into the classroom, sharp eyes observing the kids in front of her. Immediately her eyes landed on a boy with narrowed red eyes, noticing he was giving her the stink eye.
Inwardly rolling her eyes at the boy's attitude, she went back to looking at the small crowd in front of her. “Hello, my name is Dr. Kumiko and-”
She was so rudely cut off by a very short boy who stood in front of her, the purple balls on her head making Kumiko furrow her eyebrows. “Are you our substitute? Wow you are gorgeous, has anyone told you that?”
As the boy continued talking, Dr Kumiko could only try and step around him in order to avoid his beady gaze. Cringing slightly, she turned her attention back to the class and watched as they curiously gazed at her. Clearing her throat sharply and loudly, that effectively shut the small boy up.
“First of all, no I am not your substitute, though I am aware you aren’t even getting one. Second of all, before you interrupted me, I was going to say I have a delivery for someone. The other hero class said I would most likely find him in here, since he was not one of their classmates.”
With that being said, murmurs erupted between students, all of them wondering what this delivery could be, that such a beautiful woman was sent to give it to one of the boys. 
Looking down at the piece of paper that was folded into an envelope, Doctor Kumiko’s eyes furrowed a little more as she tried remembering the name Y/N gave her. Uh, something like Kamayama? Kamayari? Kama- oh whatever! Straightening up, she decided that she wouldn’t attempt to damage her pride and decided to read what was written on the paper instead.
“Is there anyone who recognizes the phrase ‘electrifying baby, electrifying’? A choked cough sounded throughout the now quiet room, everyone’s eyes trailing to the blonde with a black streak in his hair. Doctor Kumiko wondered if he had dyed his hair like that.
“Uhm I recognize it?” Kaminari was too nervous to even consider how this random lady even knew him and his cousins inside joke. It became a joke when Kaminari had accidentally used his quirk when he got angry at a game both of them were playing. He went into his dumb mode and that was the first thing he said just to show Y/N he was alive. He’s still embarrassed to this day because of his slip up.
“Here you go, I was told to hand this letter to you. I’m sure you know who it is though.” Giving the teenage boy a smirk, the doctor walked closer to him, placing the piece of paper in his palms.
“Alright, since that’s all I needed to do, I’ll head off now. Don’t you give any trouble to your teacher when he arrives.” With a stern voice, Kumiko exited the classroom, sliding the door shut and leaving the students in a stunned silence.
Looking down at the smooth, neatly folded paper in his hands, Kaminari goes to open it with furrowed eyebrows, only to have it snatched from his secured hands.
“Whose this from?! A secret girlfriend we didn’t know about?!!” Inspecting the letter, Mineta’s fingers itched to open the letter himself. No way could Kaminari have a girlfriend! There were better options out there, like him for example! Cue eye roll.
“What?! No of course not dude! Just gimme the letter-” Reaching down to take back the paper, a pink hand stopped him from getting it. 
“Kaminari! There’s no need to be shy about it! You know we wouldn’t judge you, no matter how you managed to get a girl to agree to go out with you!” Mina turned around to Hagakure and Tsuyu, the pink girl’s eyes shimmering with delight!
“Wow, do you think this could be one of those romantic letters couples send to each other!” Giggling, Mina and Hagakure began to try and unravel the paper, only to be stopped by another hand delicately taking the paper away. 
“Yah! I was going to open that!” Turning around, the pink haired girl faced Aoyama, who looked at the letter with slight curious eyes.
“Did you know Paris is actually known as the city of love? I like to say I’m an expert in that station!” A deafening silence rolled throughout the class, Mina and Mineta deadpanning at what the purple eyed boy said. Quickly jumping towards him, both the students wrestled Aoyama for the letter, making a ruckus around them.
“Hey why are you- Just give me the piece of paper, it’s mine!” Soon joining their hustling, Kaminari rushed to try and retrieve the letter from who he knew was his cousin. Why do they go touching things that aren’t theirs!, Kaminari thought.
Soon, the now wrinkled paper flew away from their little cluster, floating all the way to another students desk. That student's desk being Bakugou’s. Staring hard at the paper that laid on his desk, he drew his hand near it to pick it up. Kaminari began to grow even more worried.
“H-hey Bakugou, uh could you give me my letter?” Kaminari suppressed the urge to shiver as he made eye contact with Bakugou’s piercing red eyes. His gaze then shifted to the small wisps of smoke that began appearing in the hand Bakugou clutched the letter in.
“You idiots are really screaming at each other. Because of a paper?” Adding more to his irritation and annoyance, more smoke began appearing around his hand. Now he was angry at their stupidity.
“C’mon Bakubro, don’t be like that! Just give Kaminari his letter.” Kirishima tried coaxing the angry blonde, but that only seemed to irritate him even more. Planning on just setting the damn paper on fire so his classmates would shut up about the stupid love letter, he clutched it even harder in his hand. Only to have it ripped away from him by something sticky. Glaring at the short black haired boy, Sero quickly yanked the fragile paper towards himself. 
Right now, Kaminari was panicking outwardly, rushing towards Sero to cradle the now ruined letter. His annoyance shot up quickly, sending clear glares to the four who wouldn’t give him his letter. Mina, Mineta and Aoyama looked away with guilt painting their faces, while Bakugou growled at Sero. Growled.
“Ugh look at what you guys did I- '' Taking a deep breath in, he allowed himself to cool down. They were just too curious, he told himself. Walking back to his seat, with Sero following him, he sat down and put the delicate paper on his desk. The once smooth paper was now crumbled and burnt around the edges. Resisting the urge to rub his eyes, he turned to Sero once again.
“Thanks bro.”
“No problem.” Their exchange was short, yet Sero knew Kaminari’s words were genuine. 
“Sorry about your letter Kaminari, I was just too excited thinking about you having a girlfriend.” Mina awkwardly chuckled, Mineta and Aoyama following in suit with quiet ‘yeah’s’. Giving them a small smile, he waved them off.
“I guess it’s fine. I got excited too. But I don’t have a girlfriend, this letter is from my cousin.” Nodding, she still let out a meek sorry, embarrassed that she got the whole story wrong. Mineta and his words, ugh.
Looking back to Bakugou, said boy could only let out a grunt and look away from Kaminari. Snorting, he turned his attention to the letter and began carefully unfolding the folds that had formed an envelope shape. Kaminari let a smile grace his face. She used to like making origamis. I could never have the patience to fold these kinds of stuff.
After finally opening every fold with utmost delicacy, he squinted his eyes to read what Y/N had written for him. It was hard reading due to some of the paper being burnt and blackened. He managed to read what she wrote though.
Surprise on Friday :)
Kaminari didn’t even have a second to even dwell on what that could mean, jumping slightly in his chair when he heard the door to the classroom slam open. Golden eyes widening, he quickly stuffed the paper into his bag and watched as Aizawa entered the classroom. Those who were standing quickly rushed to their seats to avoid getting called out by the fully casted and bandaged man.
Listening to his teacher’s muffled voice, he reminded himself to ask Y/N what she meant later when he got home. It was very vague, but Kaminari didn’t dwell on the fact too long. After all, he had a full and exhausting day of school ahead of him!
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derireo · 4 years
Bro what if,,, winter troupe cuddling/napping together headcanons😳??????
bro ,,, ur absolutely right . . . i'm getting Heated just thinkin bout it 😳 (accidentally let female reader insert slip in tasuku's,, i almost hc he fears women)
Winter Troupe Cuddle/Nap Headcanons:
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Hisoka is already out like a light in either scenario, so there's not much to go on about. And He May Not Look Like It .... but he is big spoon. This ain't even a joke
How he cuddles depends on the environment. In bed, he's obviously going to cuddle from behind, arms curled tight around the waist with his chin either tucked atop the head or nose buried in the hair.
His legs go wild though, u never know what to expect. Either he wraps his legs around your hips like he's holding a large body pillow, or they're tangled with yours.
Napping on sofa? Flat out laid across the whole thing. He's dead to the world. He won't budge if you lay right on top of him, but an arm will definitely wrap around your shoulders to keep you there. The other members are pissed off tho.
They can sit on the floor.
Speaking of the floor, it's his favourite spot to lay down. He either curls up like a cat or lays in a position that looks like he's getting ready to be put in a casket. Either one is capable of startling the other members.
In his curled up position, he likes to hold hands. It doesn't have to be both, but he Has to Hold a Hand or a marshmallow bag – pls. It's not a comfortable position if you've ever laid down on the floor like that with no cushion, so the warmth of a hand is very comforting and will make him fall asleep like Babpy.
He doesn't talk much when cuddling or napping (duh, fucc . . .) but he does babble at times, depending on his dream.
He doesn't kiss either, but he is super affectionate anyways, if you consider him burying his face in your neck or hair counts. His hands don't wander though too! He is such a good kid!
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Homare... Oh Homare...
He's a big spoon! But dis bitch don't even know what he doin!
Napping is like something that doesn't exist in his vocabulary so when he's suddenly asked if he could nap with you, at first he says No. Sorry,,, poems and all hahaha . . .
But he comes around not too long after. Writing poems is exhausting guys!!!
I think he likes cuddling face to face. It gives him inspiration cause he likes to stare at things that are pretty and breathtaking plus this position definitely gives his heart some ooey gooey goodness feelings.
Cuddling only happens in the bed. He doesn't understand how it works outside of it, Don't Push Him it's Improper...
His arms cradle you almost like a baby, with one arm wrapped around your back and the other supporting your neck, fingers gently brushing through the soft hair at the back of your head.
He lets you fall asleep first most of the time and uses part of his nap time to admire the features of your face, every so often brushing his fingers along the bridge of your nose or your brow bones. Words just pop in his head when he does this, and they're always used when describing you. They're included in his next poem.
Cuddling and napping has actually improved some of his writing to the point that even Tasuku is patient to listen sometimes.
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Speaking of Tasuku; Talk about Big Big Beefy Spoon hahaha , .,, he is so handsome.... im whipped
He's one of those people that are like "women don't exist". I'm so close to calling him an incel, no experience with women whatsoever don't let the canon story tell u otherwise.
Surprisingly enough tho, he's awesome to cuddle with. Those big muscles he's always workin on can actually do something for once.
He doesn't nap a lot, only after an intense afternoon jog does he rest. But he needs to take a shower so that happens first.
So that means he smells good,, EXTREMELY good during cuddles... and his body is warm so it's even better.
He naps on his back, with his arms crossed underneath his head, ankles crossed over the other. It's such a relaxing position for him as it stretches the muscles in his arms and it releases the strain in his back.
You can easily swoop in and latch yourself onto his side. He won't do much to complain and will rather peek an eye open to see who it is. Once he knows it's you, an arm will escape from under his head and coil around your shoulders to pull you in much closer.
He gets flustered when you slip your hand under his shirt to rest on his abdomen, but he's so warm and ur widdle fingers are cold :(
He kisses the top of your head when you both wake up an hour or so later and affectionately rubs your squishy cheek with his thumb when you don't get up right away.
Cuddling outside of the bedroom is very limited, but when it happens,,, it is so intimate that it has even Sakyo eyeing you two,,, Pretty sure there were gagging noises at some point when you were casually sitting on his lap while eating lunch.
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Tsumugi!!!!! Oh my Babey!!!!!
He is little spoon most of the time, but he Can and Will hold you when he is feeling confident about it.
He actually talks a lot while cuddling, mostly about his interests, his family, or childhood memories shared with Tasuku. But this is when he's big spoon.
He likes it face to face, but gets flustered easily so he prefers spooning most of the time. Whispering into your about something is always so fun because he can see your ears get red even though his are heating up too.
His arms are tight around your waist at first, but they eventually loosen as he gets sleepier and sleepier, until he falls asleep while talking about something his grandma taught him when he was younger.
When he's the small spoon though, he's knocked out like a light. He gets pretty tired considering he works late hours with tutoring and tending the flowers, so when he asks to be held, it's just so that he can get all the rest he needs to talk about his day with you the next morning.
Cuddling face to face is so embarrassing!!!! But he super duper likes it because he loves watching your eyelashes flutter or your smile get wider whenever he says something funny.
His fingers sometimes accidentally trail into questionable territory (like under ur shirt) because he's rubbing your back as you both talk and he flushes and apologises even if you don't notice.
He loves to give you back hugs outside of the bedroom, but doesn't let it escalate much!
Really, he is so soft. 100/10 would recommend.
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And here comes: King of Cuddling. Azuma Yukishiro. He's the most versatile of the bunch, and almost always manages to make cuddling inappropriate with you because he loves how your body feels beneath his fingers.
He almost teases you the first time you ask to cuddle, but eventually says yes. But what's worse,,, he brings u to his room. . . so u don't know what's gonna happen
Again, he's versatile so he can be the big spoon, small spoon, or he can be big macho man and lay down with you like how Tasuku does.
His Job was Literally This so most of the time he waits for you to tell him about your day and nods along in interest and hums at the most appropriate times.
His eyes are very ... intense. They stare at you so sweetly that it leaves you speechless, and it causes Azuma to laugh.
"Such a cute bunny." He'd coo and brush some hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ear.
His hands would be awfully touchy, trailing down your arm or waist while the other would be playing with your hair or caressing your face. And if he felt like if, he'd slip his hand underneath your shirt and scratch his nails along your back, or even teasingly dip his fingers into your shorts before pinching your waist.
If you're finished talking, he'll gently ask if you're ready to nap now and will cradle your head to his chest, lips kissing your crown as he held you with his fingers buried in your hair.
The occasional nights where he has a nightmare, he almost silently asks you if you could hold him, and nearly melts in your arms when you do.
He quietly laughs wetly against your skin when you copy the actions he does to you, soothingly dragging your palm against his arm while your lips are pressed to the top of his head. He thanks you, genuinely, and responds by kissing your throat.
And then you both fall asleep to the sound of your breaths going along in tandem.
Cuddling outside of the bedroom is also quite rare for him, but when's feeling playful he'll somehow trick or coax you into sitting on his lap
Or sometimes when you're working on a puzzle or colouring book together and sitting on the floor, he'll slowly make his way to your side, shuffling ever so close
Eventually you succumb to the warmth that's at your side and rest against him, and he'll smile secretly and comb his fingers through your hair.
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
700 Friend Behind the Scene Special!
Hello there! So a little bit of back story, everything I write is written in a google doc because it automatically saves everything and I can think clearer when I’m typing in a document. Sometimes when I’m writing, I’ll get tired or get stuck or write something I don’t like. So I’ll make a note to myself of what I was writing so I can come back to it later, or write out the basic idea of what I want to happen so I can visualize it in words better, or hit enter a few times and re-write somethings. So in celebration of me hitting 700 friends I have gathered a few of those things so that I can share with you a little bit of my thought process, but also so you might have a laugh or may see where some of your favorite stories almost went. I don’t know if any of you will actually like this or actually care, but I thought that it was something cool lol. So here you go! I hope you enjoy!!!
Notes to Self/Prompts to Myself
A Dedicated and Domesticated Pig: *Note to future self so I know what I was going for. He’s making breakfast with your child on your hip. I’m thinking a daughter named something with Phil’s name maybe or maybe just a T name. Then you two are leaving for a festival in L’Manberg where Philza interacts with your daughter. And the night ends with you three cuddled up together and you’re reminiscing on how he asked you out and then it all comes full circle somehow using the words dedicated because we’re that kind of simp*
Gift of Friendship: Techno- “I made friendship bracelets”. “I don’t wear jewelry” “oh okay. I can take it back. You don’t have to wear it I’ll take it back-“ “no I will wear this until the day I die
Notes in general: There are a lot of *Insert title here* or *Insert really cool and creative title here*
There is also a lot of *Insert really nice summary here that sums everything up but is also clever*
Actually Pretty Funny: I knew I wanted to use “Tommy leave me alone” “Tommy told me you were in here crying” “That little snitch” but I didn’t know where so I made a note to use it. 
What Could Have Been or Almost Was
This has a few pieces of writing but is mostly about what I almost titled the pieces you know and love. 
Stolen Goods: I was about to retort but the sound of the nether portal activating cut my words off.
“We’re back!” I heard my younger brother call out. Techno and I walked together toward the portal to greet our brothers, but they weren’t alone. “Hey guys! Oh hey Dream,” I greeted the three, setting my chest down next to the wood I brought in earlier. “Hey Y/N/N? Get what we asked for?” Tommy asked, walking toward me. I simply stared at him and then looked at the pile of wood beside me. “No” I deadpanned. 
I then turned to my chest and quickly put my axe away. “Then what’s that?” Tommy questioned in confusion. I rolled my eyes, closed my chest and turned to him. “What you asked for dummy” “But you just said no?” “I was being sarcastic!” I exclaimed, moving toward him and slightly pushing him. “Well I didn’t know that!” Tommy exclaimed, pushing me back. “Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop pushing each other.” Wilbur demanded, “Just say thank you and move on Tommy.” Tommy huffed but said, “Thank you Y/N.” “You’re welcome Tommy.” 
“So is this how you four interact all the time?” Dream questioned, moving closer to the two of us. I let out a laugh and turned to the masked man, “Yeah. Pretty much. Sometimes we get along, but sometimes they get on my nerves.” I informed the man, while playfully glaring at 
A Hairy Situation: I had a lot of trouble coming up with a cool title for “a Hairy Situation” . It almost was like “Braided Together” or something like that but I was like, it’s about hair. It’s a situation. It’s a Hairy Situation.
Either Lean on Me or 3am conversation I don’t remember: Tommy did something. He did something bad” Tubbo admitted. I nodded to show the young man I was listening to, “Okay,” I prompted. “Tommy was messing around and he accidentally set George’s house on fire.” My eyes widened at Tubbo’s words. “His new house?” I asked in disbelief. Tubbo nodded, staring into his cup. “Dream is pissed.” He continued. “He gave me an ultimatum. He said that either we go to war or…” Tubbo’s words died on his tongue. “Or what?” I asked, attempting to gently prompt the boy. “What’s the other option Tubbo?” “Or exile Tommy.” His words hit me like a ton of bricks.
Missing You: This fic was almost titled “Radio silence” and was almost irl and was about the day that he got that prank pulled on him where everyone in his Discord was muted and not talking to him. And I almost wrote it so you’re in that call and you are participating in the prank and he just guilt trips you so hard that you unmute and are like “I’m so sorry!” 
Better Than a Dedicated Chicken was almost titled “A Funtime Festival”. But then I was like, ‘I hate that. Since it’s a sequel I want to keep a theme… Maybe something about dedication.’ and thus this was born. 
Faking Happy- I almost left it on the sad ending where Sam flies away using his trident and you collapse and sob by yourself in the rain. And then I added more to it because I was sad. 
Protect You was almost titled “Looking out for you” but I thought that might be too clunky and so I shorten it and stuff.
Wither or Not almost ended without the whole ‘techno goes to your house to comfort you’ scene at the end and almost ended in angst, but I was too sad to do that because I knew the next Techno piece I was writing was going to end in angst. 
Not Your Fault almost was going to be a different story completely than what it became. I thought a lot about how to do it but the ways I wanted to write it and the way the anon who requested it probably wanted it but I couldn’t make the prompts fit well in the way I wanted to write it. I thought about having you be on a bridge drinking alone because you had to exile your brothers and Schlatt approaches you there and you’re like “leave me alone. I hate you” and he’s like “no you don’t” and it’s a bit angsty, but then I couldn’t figure out how to fit “I had to see you again in that”. And then I thought about having him exile you and come and see you with a “I had to see you again” but then he would know where pogtopia is and we can’t have that. So then I thought maybe you’d visit him before he gets killed but then I couldn’t figure out how to fit the prompts that way either. So I finally settled on what it became. 
Chat’s a Snitch was almost titled “My New Boyfriend’s a Songwriter” and instead of being in established relationship, him seeing you sing his song would be how you two meet and he would fall in love with you and write you a song, but then that wouldn’t have really been what the request was and I didn’t want to deviate that much from the request and I think I was feeling a bit lazy that day so I wrote what it is. 
Defending Family was another one I had a hard time coming up with a cool and clever title for. At one point I considered titling it “i will physically fight you”
Crossed Lines was almost called “Hold tight” because I had this idea that maybe when Dream kidnapped you he put you somewhere high and at once point you dangle over the edge, about to fall and so they scream ‘hold tight’ and yeah. I decided not to though because I wasn’t sure how I would go about putting the reader there and getting them down. But once I wrote it due to the amount of times I said “that’s crossing a line” I decided to title it crossed lines. I think this piece is actually one of my least favorites because I’m not sure if I liked how it turned out but idk man. 
Totem Troubles was almost called “To Hell and Back” because in the request they wanted me to include hints of the story of Orpheus and Euridice but when I was unable to do that, I had to come up with a new title and I really had a hard time with that. 
The Next Step was almost called “Come Live with Me” because I loved the musical ‘Hadestown’. At first I wanted that particular imagine to have more Techno/reader scenes, but then I had a hard time figuring out how to bring up the things and then it felt too short. Then I was like “What if he just talks to Phil about it” and boom it was written. I’m still a huge musical nerd so I titled it “The Next Step” because in a Beetlejuice song two of the main characters are thinking of making a huge step in their relationship and that line is repeated over and over so I stole it…. :). Also for this one I had to literally just take a step back and write out a full ass summary because I was having really really bad writer’s block because I had no idea what I was doing. Unfortunately I don’t have that, I wish I did because it was really funny because it was a summary of the story but it was like “And so Philza’s like bro. Dude. Just tell them” and then Techno’s like “No dad. Stay out of my business” and Philza’s like “Bro. Look around at your house. You love them” 
Warming Up didn’t become the title of that piece until the very end. When I read requests I always give them a ‘working title’ that may or may no become the real title when they’re finished and ready to be posted. This one however had a title that was just a joke for myself. It was titled “The Weasel” because Y/N was weaseling her way into Techno’s home and then later his heart. 
Calling Philza Dad Drabble: When you greet him though, you always greet him with a hug usually calling out from the door way, “Dad! I’m home!” Very cheesy like. And he comes around the corner and you two hug. And then after you hug, you are like “I missed you!!!” to Phil. And Phil touches his heart and is like, “That’s so nice to hear. 
So you usually come over everyday. Everyday when you come over, you always shout out, “Dad! I’m home!” And he rushes out but there are days you don’t and so the next time you d
There was a time though that you had to go out of town for like a week and so you didn’t come over at all and both Techno and Philza found themselves missing you. So the day comes where you get home and you come barreling in the door. You can see Philza in the kitchen cooking something and he quickly turns to the door in shock. You simply grin at him and shout, “DAD! I’M HOME!!!” And he immediately rushed out of the kitchen and pulls you into a great big, warm hug which you instantly returned. “I missed you so so so much!” You announced as you squeeze him tightly. 
Warming up working description: Y/N is dying in the snow and Philza’s like “We gotta save them!” and Techno’s like “Why is that our problem?” but helps anyway and then falls in love with Y/N…. Ya know, cliches and shit
I hope you enjoyed reading this monstrosity! Would this be something you guys are interested in seeing? Like a behind the scenes version of my writing. Like I save things like this when I write them and when I have a good chuck I post them? Up to you guys, let me know!
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be-a-fine-line · 4 years
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She was just a normal girl, trying to have the best summer of her life before graduating. He was just a lad looking for a drink at night, trying to keep steady of his hectic life.
Y/N grew up in a conservative family in the Philippines. Where independence was a key idea handled carefully. Niall grew up in a small town in Ireland where he was taught to love and think freely.
Both of them were headstrong and clashed, but what if fate had different plans and led both of them to discovering new secrets, mere echoes running through their heads.
Chapter 1: Drunken Misadventures
London. 12:04 AM
The dimly lit pub washed over everyone’s faces as a pop song was swaying its way to everyone’s ears on the dance floor. The sound has picked up and the people started to dance wilder than before. The show has just started and I was not in the mood to dance.
“Um, excuse me!”
I try to shout above the loud song playing in the pub. The barista doesn’t notice me and instead continues to chat up a young woman in the bar. I roll my eyes and sip the last of my beer and put it down the table. I scan my eyes over the room to find my friend. She was grinding on some clueless dude, probably a stranger she just met, and was dancing crazily. She caught my eye and waved, the beer she was holding was empty and she was crazily waving it around as she tried to signal me to come to the dance floor with her. I mouthed an “I’m okay” to her although I don’t think she understood, she just looked behind her and started to snog the guy she was grinding
Typical Sage.
“Hey can I-“ I try to start to get another bottle of beer but I’m cut off by a young man who just arrived and sits beside me
“Yo! Ethan how you doing?!” The stranger shouts to the barista.
The barista turns away from the young woman he was chatting and moves in front of the stranger that just arrived.
“EY! Horan! How you been bro?” The barista replies while doing a handshake with the stranger.
“Doing good! Just got back from a gig! How about you? Saw you chatting up that lady over there.”
“Nah man. Nothing can ever compare to how you doing. You’ve been the talk of the town bigshot. Here, this one’s on me.” He hands the stranger beside me a bottle of beer and I’m beyond pissed. This guy just gets to the bar and easily gets a bottle of beer? Hell no I’ve been here all night and the barista’s getting on my last nerve. They start to continue their conversation but I cut them off
"Excuse Me!" I shout. They both turn to me, but I only focus on the barista who is getting annoyed at the fact I just interrupted their conversation.
“Yes ma’am? Can I get your order?” He gives me a fake smile
“Hi. Can I have another bottle of beer please?” I sarcastically say and he rolls his eyes. He hands me another bottle of beer. He’s probably just pissed off because this was like the 6th beer I had ordered this night and I was nowhere near finished.
“Thank you. That wasn’t so hard was it?” I smile fakely at him and quickly turn back around to look after my friend just before he could ask for my payment.
The strange man beside me chuckles.
“Don’t worry Ethan, this one’s on me.” The strange man says while handing him some money and then turns around looking at the dance floor.
“So, what brings you here?” The stranger beside me says now facing to turn me, clearly trying to start a conversation with me but I just roll my eyes and ignore him. I’m so done with boys trying to win our hearts by buying us free drinks and then acting like they can just pick us up like a damsel in distress.
He chuckles. “Come on, it’s the least you can answer seeing as I just bought you a drink.”
Woah. Cocky much?
“Look, just so you-“ just as I start to chew off the ear of this cocky bastard and as I turn to him, I realized this was no ordinary guy. This guy had a pint on his hand, wearing a blue and white striped shirt, khaki bomber jacket and some khaki shorts but what really threw me off were those blue eyes any girl would fall for.
This was NIALL FREAKING HORAN!!!! HOW DID I NOT REALIZE THAT?! “U-um…” I stutter as I start to realize who this guy was.
I turn to look back to the dance floor, trying to distract myself from not realizing that this stranger was Niall freaking Horan. He notices my awkward state and turns back to looking at the dance floor.
“Sorry- didn’t want to scare you love” He says and sips his pint.
“N-no I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. I thought you were just some random guy trying to pick up a girl like me all alone by the bar clearly waiting for a date but I’m not. And you just went here and easily got a bottle of beer- Oh gosh, I’m sorry, now I’m rambling. Just don’t mind me” I manage to spit those words out but oh gosh I’m starting to ramble, I’m such an embarrassment, what the f*ck did I just say?! I get flustered and try to move away from him; I feel like I just scared him away.
But just as I try to move away, he manages to catch my arm and brings me back to his side.
“Hey, don’t worry your pretty little head about it. It’s fine love. Now why don’t we start again yeah?” He asks as he holds me in front of him trying to get me to look at him. I look up and see him staring at me and I lightly blush. He forms a crooked smile as I nodded my head yes. He lets go of my arms and brings his right hand in front of me
“Hi, I’m Niall, nice to meet you.” He says with that smooth Irish accent anyone could fall for. I smile and shake my hand with his.
“I’m Y/N, nice to meet you too.” He smiles and nods his head. He lets go of my hand and leans against the bar.
“So, what brings you here?” He starts again. I can’t believe Niall Horan is staring a conversation with me just after I practically embarrassed myself oh gosh.
“Um, my best friend Sage won tickets to see your show tonight, she had an extra one so she dragged me all the way to London to see your show. We’ve always wanted to travel somewhere before we graduated high school so here we are. She’s a big fan of yours so she’d fly all the way here to see your show.” I chuckle as I see Sage’s drunken ass in the dance floor. She looks to me and waves I wave back with a beer on my hand, she looks beside me and wiggles his eyebrows and winks at me before going back to grinding with another dude. I laugh lightly and get back to the conversation with Niall, I don’t think she even recognized who I was with or else she’d be freaking out.
“Our flight home actually leaves tomorrow so she wanted to hit the club before going back to face reality so here I am.” I laugh lightly and turn back to see Niall smiling at me as I answered his question. There was some peaceful silence between us before I started up another question.
“So what brings the famous Niall Horan to this pub?” He laughs lightly and takes a sip of his beer.
“Just wanted to chill and relax for awhile before touring, it can get pretty hectic.” He chuckles but he brings the conversation back to me.
“You mentioned that you flew all the way to London for my show, where are you guys from?” He asks
“Oh, we’re originally from the Philippines. It’s currently summer there and we didn’t want to laze around for our last summer as high school students so we went here. Our parents were ok with it since Sage is basically like my best friend, we grew up with each other so they were ok letting us go here for the summer, and it counted as a graduation gift as well.” I say and he nods his head understanding
“Philippines huh? We went there with the lads last 2015, it was raining though when we had our concert.” We laughed. I can still remember their concert, it was my first concert and Sage came with me. We had a blast.
“Did you go?” I looked to the dance floor embarrassed. Shucks, now he’s going to know.
“U-uh yeah actually” I blushed putting a strand of my hair to the back of my ear. “I dragged Sage to watch you guys. I had an exam the day before and I didn’t study well because I was too excited.” I chuckled at the memory. “I was a bit far away though, only really saw your faces on the screen but it was worth it.” Niall smiles at the answer and changes the subject quickly knowing it was making me uncomfortable
“I love your beaches though. Quite beautiful. I went to Boracay once and it was amazing.” I smile, not wanting to let my fangirl-ness take over. We all didn’t know he was in Boracay for 2 days and I badly wanted to go there to see him, I was literally a boat ride away from him. If only I’d met him sooner.
“Yeah, I love the beach. I usually go there when I want to have some alone time and just de-stress myself and be at peace. Just looking at the tides going back and forth and the saltwater smell, it’s calming.” I say out of the blue and blush knowing that I probably just embarrassed myself again. He smiles. “Sorry, I’m rambling again” I shake my head
“No need to say sorry love, I think that’s beautiful. A beautiful girl from a beautiful country. Makes sense.” I blush so hard oh gosh I’m so embarrassed. He notices and chuckles
“Touché Horan, that was very smooth.” He then laughs so loud, with his head up and teeth showing, this man is going to be the death of me. His laugh is contagious and I start laughing as well. The laughter dies after a while and both our cheeks are red from laughing.
I look around the dance floor to look for Sage and I can’t find her. I stand up to look for her clearly and find her leaning against a stranger, passed out drunk. The stranger, probably just a passerby looks at her clueless and is scanning the dance floor for someone to help get Sage off. My eyes widen and put my beer back to the bar.
“U-uh, I got to go… help Sage…” I turn to Niall as I point to him the situation. He turns and nods understanding.
“Here… I’ll come help you” He puts his beer down and puts his hand on my back, making me blush but thank God the dimly-lit club won’t let him see, leading me to the dance floor.
I approach the random guy
“Hey, oh gosh, I’m so sorry, let me just get her off.” I say to him. He looks at me with pursed lips as he tries to push Sage to me but she ends up to Niall’s side and leans on him. She looks up at him and squints her eyes
“Y-you look v-veryyyy familiarrrr.” Sage slurs as she touches his cheek. I put my hand on my mouth, feeling embarrassed for Sage. Niall tries to get her to stand up but then she starts to look down and-
“Oh my gosh I am so so sorry Niall!” She just puked on him!!! WTF Sage?! I quickly grab one of her shoulders and put it over my shoulders to support her.
She sways back and forth and I try to steady her but then she leans her full weight on me and I start to stumble back but then Niall is quick to steady me. I give him a shy smile and steady myself. I lead her outside of the club and let her sit down on the pavement as I call for a taxi.
Niall follows us outside and a black car shows up in front of the club.
“Here I asked one of my security to drive you back to your hotel.”
“Oh no Niall you don’t have to, you’ve already done so much-“
“Eh eh, I’m not having it. I just need to make sure both of you get back safely. It’s the least you can do after-“ he then looks down on his shoes and I giggle. Niall’s security opens up the door to the car and we both lead Sage in so she can lay down.
“A-are we home yet?” Sage slurs as she lies on the passenger seat with her arm over her head.
After I get her situated, I turn back to Niall. The security guard stands beside the opened door, waiting for me to get in.
“I can’t thank you enough Niall. This has been such a good night.” I say to him as he puts both his hands on his pants. I start to shiver from the cold night air, signaling me that I have to get to the hotel.
“Oh, here” He says, shrugging off his jacket and putting it over me.
“Y-you don’t have to” I say quietly, feeling overwhelmed by the events that happened tonight. A blush creeping onto my face as I realize I'm actually wearing Niall Horan's jacket.
“Well in exchange for my jacket, you can give me your twitter? Or your phone number? So I can contact you when I get to the Philippines? Hopefully we could meet up” He says stumbling with his words, getting all shy. Oh God, I made Niall Horan shy.
I nod and give him my twitter and phone number. He chuckles when he sees that I already follow him on twitter.
“U-um, I really have to get back to Sage. I’ll see you when I see you yeah?” I say and he nods.
He leans to my face and kisses my cheek. “Thanks for the Night Y/N”
I blush and the security guard leads me in the car. I wave to Niall one last time before the security guard closes the door. The security guard then goes to the driver’s seat and looks back at me
“Where to ma’am?”
“To the Doubletree hotel by Tower of London please” He nods and we’re on our way. I look back at Niall on the pavement watching as the car leaves. When the driver turns to a curb I look back to the front.
Sage leans up from her lying position and leans on my shoulder.
“Did you have a fun time?” She says, eyes closed still trying to get some sleep.
I look down on Niall’s jacket that I’m wearing and pulling it closer to my body. I smile thinking of the night’s events.
“Yes. Yes I did.”
“Good.” She says and then goes back to snoring.
Here's my first chapter of echoes! Hope you like it! Please tell me your thoughts abt it! Thank you!!!
You can also read this on my wattpad: needalittleglee
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marvxlousqueen · 5 years
Warren Worthington- Share My Bed (pt 2)
read part one here! 
word count: 2.5k
warnings: mentions of sex, cussing, peter is still nuts about ping pong i’m sorry 
A/N: I’m glad you guys liked it and wanted a part two :)) also thank you to everyone who sent asks giving ideas and what not :) also i’m sorry if this is trash but i’m really tired 
also tagging @itsametaphorbriansblog should i start a tag list?? 
using the same gif bc it’s pt 2
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Peter jolted awake after the smell of bacon and eggs floated into his room the next morning. He looked to his side, trying to find (Y/n), but seeing nothing. He hopped out of bed, planning to make a run to the cafeteria kitchen to grab the fresh food before anyone else could. He turned around while slipping on his goggles and saw another figure in Warren’s bed. 
“Oh-oh my god, (Y/n) what the-” Why is she in Warren’s bed? Does she know she’s in Warren’s bed? 
Peter snuck over to Warren’s side of the room, gently pushing one of his fluffy wings over, revealing more of (Y/n). Warren had an arm draped over her waist, his chest pressed against her back. Peter started poking at (Y/n), hoping she would wake up without alerting Warren. “(Y/n).. (y/n) wake up.. come on,” he whispered, poking her cheek repeatedly.
“Wh-what? What’s happening?” (Y/n) voice was groggy and raspy, eyes barely being able to see anything, still adjusting to the morning light. “Peter? What-”
“Why are you in Warren’s bed?” He was whispering screaming at her, still trying to not disturb Warren. She looked over and saw him peacefully snuggled into her. Wow, he actually looks like an angel, she thought. She looked back at Peter, eyes rolling before she began whisper screaming back, “I didn’t want to be! You kicked me out of bed, you dick!”
“I did not!” 
“Uh-yes you did, you were like a dog running in it’s sleep.” 
“Well that doesn’t mean you have to go jump into bed with some random guy. Come on, I’m getting you out of here.” Peter grabbed (Y/n) arms and started to pull her from Warren’s grasp. “No, Peter, stop. It’s 7 am on a Saturday, I’m going back to sleep.” Peter just shook his head, I will not have my friend taken from me by some newbie, he thought. He continued to tug on her arms, almost pulling her completely off the bed until Warren tighten his grip, pulling her back into his chest. He nuzzled his face into her neck, wings wrapping around her once more. His eyes fluttered open, all the movement had woken him. 
“Morning.” His voice was gravelly, still heavy with sleep. Once his eyes finally adjusted to the brightness of the room, Warren saw a very angry Peter looking down at him. “What?” 
“Can I talk to you, bro? In the hallway. Now.” Peter stormed out of the room and into the hallway, waiting for Warren to follow. 
“Why’s he mad?” (Y/n) shrugged, feeling cold once Warren unwrapped his wings from her body. He stood up, not bothering to put on shoes before stepping out into the hallways. Warren cracked the door, figuring Peter wouldn’t want (Y/n) listening in. 
“What the hell? Best friends are off limits!” Peter was turning increasingly red, which was easy for him to do considering how pale he was. “Wait-since when are you guys best friends? I thought you only just started hanging out?” 
“It doesn’t matter! She’s my friend, you will not get involved with her because then who am I supposed to hang out with?” 
Warren was getting frustrated with Peter. Peter had been at this school longer and seemed to have no problems making friends, whereas Warren had only met one person who was interested in talking to him (besides Peter), which was (Y/n). 
“Peter, you have tons of friends. I need a friend and I want it to be her.” 
“So you just want to be friends with her?” Peter raised his eyebrows, knowing that people who just want to be friends don’t cuddle like (Y/n) and Warren were. 
“Yeah. Yes, just friends.” Warren nodded his head, keeping his eyes on Peter. He knew lying was bad, but when he saw Peter relax his shoulders, he knew it was the right thing to do, just for a little while until he spoke to (Y/n) about how she feels towards him.
“Good, good. Come on, I’ll teach you how to play ping pong after we grab some breakfast.” Warren was surprised that Peter wanted to spend time with him. I have friends, he thought. I have two whole friends. Warren wanted to slap himself for being so excited over something so small, but he was happy. It was only his third day at the school and he had already met some great people who liked him and who he liked back, one as more than a friend. 
Warren followed Peter into their room to slip on his shoes before heading to the cafeteria when he saw (Y/n) grab her pillow to leave. “Hey, (Y/n)... where you going?” (Y/n) just stared straight past Warren, ignoring his question, instead looking to Peter. “Thanks for letting me stay, it won’t happen again.” She left with a slam of the door.
“What-um, what was that about?” Peter shrugged as a response. “Sometimes girls are just like that. She’s probably just missing her own bed.” Warren wasn’t convinced. She seemed actually upset, but he figured he would wait to ask about it when he saw her later, considering he didn’t know where her room was and was too shy to ask Peter, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. Even though it wouldn’t be the wrong idea, he thought. You shouldn’t have lied, Warren, now how is he going to trust you when he finds out?
Warren pushed the thoughts down, instead focusing on Peter’s words as he described the art which is the game of ping pong. 
(Y/n) rushed back to her room, face burning, knocking loudly to wake up Jean and Scott. “Let me in!” Scott answered the door, only wearing boxers. “What do you need?” 
(Y/n) rolled her eyes. “I need you out of my room. And I need to talk to Jean.” 
Jean was awake at this point. “No, you can’t just kick Scott out.” 
“Uh-yes I can. I get kicked out of here all the time and it’s actually my fucking room, so get out Summers before I make you.” (Y/n) pushed Scott into the hallway and locked the door behind her. He started pounding on the door. “I don’t have my clothes!”
“Get over it! I need to talk to Jean!”
Jean stood up, grabbing his clothes before opening the door to hand them to him. (Y/n) slammed the door again, “No! Scott can’t be in here, it’s personal and I’m pissed and need to vent, so please just sit down and listen.” Jean took a seat on her bed, head feeling cloudy from waking up and having to move so much so suddenly. 
“So! What does it mean if a boy invites you into their bed? Apparently, it means they just want to be friends! Did you know that? I certainly didn’t know that. I would’ve thought that if a boy invites you into their bed and wraps their arms around you, it meant he was interested in you, right? But! I guess not!” (Y/n) took an aggressive step towards her bed, before throwing herself down, screaming into her pillow. She felt the mattress dip next to her. 
“Tell me more, I’m listening.” Jean started to brush her hair out of her face, but (Y/n) just buried herself further into her pillow, too embarrassed to speak. “Did Peter come onto you?” 
(Y/n) sat up, shaking her head. “No.” 
“Then who..?”
“Who’s that?” 
“His new super cute roommate. I swear he looks like an angel, and not just because of the wings.”
“Wings? Oh god, is it the guy who tried to kill us last year? (Y/n), no! He’s dangerous with those metal, knife wings, and-”
“He doesn’t have those anymore. He had these huge, feather wings and he held me with them last night.” Jean’s eyebrows shot up. “Wait, you actually cuddled with a guy you just met? Who tried to kill us last year?” (Y/n) nodded sheepishly, “Peter kicked me out of his bed, like literally kicked me. And it was freezing because someone wouldn’t let me in to grab a blanket, and he offered so..” 
“I’m sorry about that. I know I’ve been a lot lately with Scott and everything, but I just like being close to him. I mean, what if something like last year happened and we died? Life is so short and-”
“I forgive you, you can stop talking.” She nodded, realising her friend was actually upset. “Why do you think he’s not interested in you? It sounds like he is.” (Y/n) shook her head, eyes meeting Jean’s. “I heard him tell Peter. Said he wanted to be just friends. Don’t know why I’m surprised, no one is ever interested in me.”
“That’s not true, come on. I have a feeling he was just saying that. He’s probably shy.” (Y/n) shrugged, not answering. “Let’s go grab some breakfast, yeah? Then we can have a girls day at the mall. That’ll cheer you up!” 
“Fine. I’ll go find Jubilee and tell her. I’ll meet you in the cafeteria.” (Y/n) stood up, making her way to the door before Jean grabbed her arm. “You should also invite Jubilee’s roommate. That new girl who helped us out against Apocalypse. I think her name’s Ororo. She seems nice.” (Y/n) nodded, speeding across the dormitories into Jubilee’s room.
Peter was sat in his room that afternoon waiting for (Y/n) to drop by. His foot was tapping rapidly in an attempt to calm himself. Warren was sat on the other side of their room, attempting to catch up on the classwork he had missed while being on bed rest. Finally at 8 o’clock, Peter sped off to Jean and (Y/n)’s room, worried something might have happened. (Y/n) answered when he knocked, wearing a face mask. Peter looked over her shoulder and saw Jean, Jubilee, and Ororo wearing the same. “Hey Pete, it’s girls night. Sorry, no boys allowed.” Ororo let out a yell of agreement from behind her, making Jubilee laugh and almost choke on her soda. 
“How come you didn’t come by? I was waiting for our ping pong game.” His eyes showed that he was worried. Maybe she was actually upset this morning, he thought. “It’s girls night, so Scott didn’t come over and I didn’t get kicked out.” 
Jean spoke up from behind her to add on. “And I realized I was being a bit of a dick kicking her out everyday so Scott won’t be coming over as much.”
“O-oh. That’s, that’s good then. Yay for you.”  Peter stepped back into the hallway, about to run off before (Y/n) followed, peeling her face mask off as she spoke. “What’s up? You seem.. sad?”
“...I liked hanging out with you. Warren was enjoying it too, I could tell. He said he wanted to be friends!” 
“Yeah that’s kind of the problem,” she muttered, but of course Peter was able to catch every word. “The problem? You don’t like Warren?”
“No-I, uh. I do like him, Peter. Like I like like him. But I heard him say he doesn’t like me so I’m not sure if I want to spend a lot of time with him yet.” 
“Oh.. you like him? That’s... fun.”
“Why did you say it like that?” Peter opened his mouth, then closed it to think before speaking. “It’s just- I don’t like the idea of you dating him because then you would only come to our room to see him, not me. And- and I know it sounds sad, but you’re one of my closest friends, even though we just became friends. Just- not a lot of people can handle my.. personality and energy. They get annoyed, but you don’t and I don’t want to lose that.” 
“Peter, you aren’t going to lose anything, okay? First of all, just because I date someone doesn’t mean I would abandon you, right? And second, he doesn’t even like me so it’s not relevant.” 
Peter shrugged, “He might’ve lied to me because he sure did seem to like you while you two were cuddling. You know what, I’ll go ask right now.”
“Peter, no! Don’t-” (Y/n) was cut off as a blur of silver sped down the hallway, towards Warren. (Y/n) took off after him despite knowing there was no way she could catch up. “Peter stop!”
Warren sat up fast from his bed when he saw Peter crash through the door. “What the fuck are you doing?” Peter ignored his question. “So earlier when you said you didn’t like (Y/n) that was a lie, right? Because she totally likes you and was sad because she heard you say you just wanted to be friends and I don’t like seeing my friend sad so I hope you were lying to me.” Peter’s words tumbled out of his mouth so fast that Warren tried to piece together what he said. 
“She-she likes me?” Once the words left Warren’s mouth, (Y/n) burst through the door, pushing Peter over. “Peter don’t you dare!” She looked at Warren, her face red from her sprint down the hallway and from embarrassment. “Did he-um, did he say... anything? Because if he did, it’s a lie.”
“I already told him.” (Y/n) (if possible) felt her face get even hotter. Her eyes met Warren’s before she turned and took off, heading for the safety of her own room again. 
“What should I do?” Warren looked at Peter, who decided to stay on the ground finding it quite comfortable. “If you like her I would tell her, but if not don’t hurt her or I will hurt you.” 
“What happened to ‘best friends are off limits’?” 
“That was before I saw her so upset. Plus she told me she wouldn’t abandon me so I’m okay with it.” Warren nodded before pushing off his bed, making his way to where he assumed (Y/n)’s room was. He soon realized he didn’t know the exact room so he knocked on a few, hoping to find her. 
Finally one of the doors opened to reveal Jean. “Can I talk to (Y/n)? Please.” Warren could’ve sworn his mouth had never been this dry. Jean stepped aside, allowing him to come in. He saw Ororo and Jubilee stretched out on the floor, then he saw (Y/n) curled up in her bed, head under her blanket. Warren slowly approached her before pulling off her blanket. “C-can I talk to you?” 
She opened her eyes, meeting his, nodding. (Y/n) didn’t move, wanting Warren to talk to her where she was. “O-okay. So-um, yes, Peter told me and- I.. I like you too. I’m sorry you heard what you did, but Peter was on my case about liking you and I don’t know...” Her eyes widened, “You like me back? Oh my god.”
Jean laughed from across the room at the tone (Y/n) used, one of pure shock. Warren nodded, his eyes flicking from her lips to her eyes. (Y/n) sat all the way up and started to lean forward. Warren met her halfway, pressing his lips to hers. They broke apart seconds later, remembering they were in a room with others. 
“It’s girls night, no boys allowed!” Ororo successfully broke the silence, making Jubilee and Jean erupt into laughter. (Y/n) looked to them and then back at Warren. 
“Maybe you guys could take girls night somewhere else, hm? Give me and Warren some time to talk..” Jean’s eyes widened, “You’re kicking me out for the night?”
“Oh come on, Jean. I would do it for you and you know that.”  
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wishingpoodle2004 · 4 years
(Scroll to the bottom to see my allstar list)
•A Simple Life by Survivah
Derek plans to spend the rest of his life holed up in the woods after Laura dies. Then he meets a stubborn young fox, and the stubborn young fox meets an urn of Deaton's magic powder, and his plans change.
My Rating: 10/10
Simply Excellent
•The Boy and the Beast by Duran Sudis (dsudis)
In which events in Beacon Hills go rather differently from the start, and a Beauty and the Beast (ish) story ensues. (Scott is not a teacup and no one sings about their feelings.)
My Rating: 9/10
Great story. Would liked to see the Human! Derek x Human! Stiles develope a bit more
• Good Behavior by theSilence
The God Awful Courting Tactics Used to Woo Stiles Stilinski by Derek Hale.
My Rating: 8.5/10
Absolutely hilarious, Stiles and Derek at their finest (not). Only fault is that it’s short and the people need to know what happened after date 3.
• headlong (I’m falling in a) by hito
Kink meme fill: When Stiles goes to college, for some reason, he has to share an apartment with Derek, which sucks, because Derek still hates him the most. They fall in love.
My Rating: 8.5/10
Love Stlies and Derek learning to share breathing space and getting walked in on by the rest of the pack . Warning⚠️ Lydia is bonkers and power hungry.
• You Feel Like Home by thestreetballet
"Derek, don't bully Mr Stilinski. He's had a bad few days."
My Rating: 9/10
I love love love Harry Potter AU sterek. Young Derek is desperately trying to look out for his newly found mate (young Stiles) while balancing prefect duties, pack life AND trying to keep said mating a secret from everyone including Stiles. This is part of a short series, read it all to get it. Warning ⚠️ Alpha Peter is bananas, lots of interspecies conflict.
• Can’t Take The Heat? by Ilovesocks_24
“Hi, I’m Stiles, and what I have for you today is…”
“Stop, just stop.” Grumpy Eyebrows interrupted. “That is honestly the worst looking Pasta Primavera I have ever seen. I don’t even want to eat it, it looks so bad.”
Stiles narrowed his eyes. No one insulted his creamy bacon carbonara without even trying it. And no one insulted his creamy bacon carbonara after they tried it either.
“It’s actually a Creamy Bacon Carbonara, asshole,” Stiles snapped. “And for the record, it’s supposed to look like that.”
Or the one where Stiles is a new sous chef at Full Moon Steakhouse and Derek is the Gordon Ramsay of all head chefs. So of course they fall in love.
My Rating: 8/10
Pretty good. The story was more focused on Stiles journey as a chef so not as many fluffy moments but still pretty satisfying.
• Permanent Fixture by linksofmemories_archive
Derek is Scott's older brother. Stiles is Scott's best friend. Derek is falling in love with Stiles. This is a bit of a problem.
My Rating: 9.5/10
This story WILL make you CRY. I had a hard time rating this because it’s very slow burn with lots of angst but you can literally feel every emotion in the story so I had to give it the extra 0.5. Spoiler: Claudia called it.
•Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
My Rating: 8/10
Such a creative. I only wish they had gotten to spend more time together in the past.
•Pack Up; Don’t Stray by the_deep_magic
AU – Werewolves are an enslaved underclass, collared and tagged by human masters. Detective Stilinski’s on duty the night they bring in an untagged stray.
My Rating: 8.5/10
I like this story because their love was based on trust and respect. Just two people who needed each other, found each other and fought for each other.
•In the Solstice of our Hearts by raving revolution
"You're not putting that up your butt," Scott told him flatly and Stiles couldn't stop the pissed off whine he made, but his friend continued. "Stiles, you can't put that up your butt, you know that. Your butt won't be ready for anything to go in it until-"
"Okay, okay!" he said, flailing his hands to stop his friend's lecture. "Message received, no butt stuff until I'm pounced on by some freaking animal in the forest and ravished to within an inch of my life. Got it. Thanks, Scotty, I mean heaven forbid I actually try to take control of my life and give myself a fighting chance or anything."
"Not all alphas are animals," Scott said quietly.
Maybe he was right, but Stiles wasn't holding his breath.
My Rating: 8.5/10
Interesting story but I wanted more fluff.
• No Homo by orphan_account
Stiles' sophomore year starts something like this:
3 FourLokos
+ 1 peer-pressuring cat
- 1 best bro to end all best bros
= 1 Craigslist ad headline that reads "str8 dude - m4m - strictly platonic".
Derek is the fool who replies.
My Rating: 9/10
This is one of my all time favorites. The author’s summary doesn’t even begin to do it justice. Firstly homophobic Stiles is just hilarious and adorable. Secondly this story is sooooo Hot🔥, bottom!Derek is amazing. Thirdly, just read it!!!!! You won’t regret it
• tongue of dog and blind-worm’s sting by Zercalo
In order to keep the identity of the teacher he's been seeing a secret, Derek's been withdrawing from his pack and family. Cora, frustrated with his alienation and a little lonely, clings to the first nonjudgmental person who offers companionship – which happens to be that odd Muggleborn Revenclaw who's always hanging around the Gryffindor common room.
She hasn't befriended Stiles for Derek's sake, but Derek just might reap the benefits anyway - if he pulls his head out of his ass and quit the stupid self-sacrificing act.
My Rating: 9/10
This is another Hogwarts AU where Cora is the best friend we all need. Derek’s dug himself into a pretty deep hole with Kate but Stiles might just get him out of it. Cute teenage courting ensues and once again we all need a Cora in our lives. Oh, and no biggie but there’s a mass murderer on the loose. Note: This story is part of a series.
• Rare Books and Special Collections by orphan_account
Derek Hale hates libraries.
Unfortunately, not all books can be ordered on Amazon.
(Or: in which Derek is a grumpy omega writer, and Stiles is an annoyingly attractive alpha special collections librarian.)
My Rating: 9/10
I love Omega! Derek. He’s an anti social writer who we just want to scoop up in our arms. Stiles’ idea of flirting is giving Derek books and library tours. Adorableness and Cluelessness ensues.
• Cornerstone by Vendelin
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
My Rating: 8.5/10
I see this fic EVERYWHERE and it is pretty good but because it’s a pretty serious story it doesn’t have as much fluff. Derek’s got serious issues and Stiles is blind. However, I did love how Stiles shared so much of himself with Derek and how Derek slowly learned how to return the favor. I really appreciated the reality check.
•Pink Is For Pining (You, You, Nothing But You) by clotpolesonly
“You know you could just ask him out, right?” Scott asked.
Stiles stuffed the toast in his mouth and hoped he wasn’t blushing. “Why would I do that?”
“Because you have a ginormous crush on him.”
“I do not, shut up,” Stiles hissed as well as he could around a mouthful of toast.
“Your pink hair says differently,” Scott sing-songed at him.
In which Stiles is a supremely socially awkward metamorphmagus with a crush, Derek is a quietly pining werewolf, and Scott and Lydia are done with their stubbornness and stupidity.
My Rating: 9/10
I had to end off this rec list with Pink is for Pining and (surprise surprise) it’s another Hogwarts fic. This one is always in my top 3 because through Derek’s love, Stiles learns to love every part of himself. Alright, maybe I’m hyping this fic up too much (it’s REALLY short) but I’m a believer that one paragraph can make all the difference 😁
My Allstar List
1. A Simple Life by Survivah
2. Pink Is For Pining by clotpolesonly
3. Permanent Fixture
4. No Homo
5. Rare Books and Special Collections by orphan_account
Thanks for Reading!
I hope you enjoyed this Rec list. Please send me any you think I’ll enjoy or that would be a good addition to the list. Happy reading!
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chocolatemillkk · 6 years
Intimidated (JM)
Request: Can you do a jack Maynard imagine were he meets your parents and your older brother and sister and they get protective over there younger sister and question him and he admits he loves you and you overhear it all
"So?" I ask my boyfriend. We wait on the platform for the train to take us to my parent's home on the outskirts of the west end, where I grew up. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm alright," Jack nods but I notice the way he clutches his duffel bag tighter than normal.
I lean my arm on his shoulder and bring my face closer to his. "You sure? My siblings can be a little intimidating. I just want to give you fair warning."
"I'm sure it's alright," Jack bluffs. "We've been dating for six months now so-"
"Oh," I laugh, cutting him off. "My college boyfriend in second year. We dated for a year before he came around and my sister got her claws so deep he literally avoided me for a week before I had to pull it out of him."
"Wow," Jack breaths as our train comes into the station and to a stop. The cart is pretty empty and we find a row of seats to ourselves.
"You're tougher than him though," I push his shoulder with mine.
"I am?" Jack responds.
"Yeah," I kiss his cheek and he turns to look at me. We gaze at each other like it was our first date and the anticipated kiss was finally happening; but with Jack, it was like that. Every time I saw him after a day of work, or woke to him on any morning, my breath would catch for a second. I felt like I was falling for him for the first time every damn day.
"Something on my face?" I ask with a teasing smile, not breaking eye contact with Jack.
"Yeah, actually there is." Jack leans in so our foreheads touch. "Such beauty."
I throw my head back and laugh, not minding the other strangers on the train. "You're full of shite!" I exclaim.
Jack chuckles, "It's one of the many charming qualities you love, isn't it?"
My laugh dies down as I shake my head. The L-word makes the moment tense and Jack quickly catches on. We hadn't said it to each other yet, which may have been weird...but I couldn't tell. I'd had boyfriends who said it two months into dating and others who'd taken a few more. I wasn't worried because I knew we were very much in love. But not hearing it also made me quite uneasy, especially when Jack used the word so casually as he joked.
After a moment, Jack puts his arm around me and I rest my head on his shoulder. We stay that way, comfortably snug like pieces of a two-person puzzle until the last stop is called and we have to grab our bags to exit.
"That's my brother's car!" I shout as we leave the station, I recognised the ugly shade of blue anywhere. "Ben!"
"Y/N," my brother spots us, a smile blooming on his face. We shared the same smile and the same gap in our teeth but Ben looked nothing like me otherwise. "The last time I saw you-"
"I was in diapers," I finish my brother's famous line. Anytime more than a month went by, it was criminal of me not to have seen him.
"Hey," Jack says as my brother and him do the hand-grabbing, back-thumping hug.
"If you two actually hugged, how many inches would your masculinity shrink?" I say.
"Oi," my brother ruffles my hair. "There are children around."
"Really?" I open the car door, expecting Ben's step-daughter inside but find no one.
"Yes, you're the abnormally tall child. Now get in." Ben gets into his driver's seat and I hop into the passenger, shooting Jack a questioning smile. He flashes me an I'm okay so I settle in, flipping through the radio stations.
"So...Jack," Ben starts as we head to our family home. "How do you put up with this crazy one all the time?"
Jack laughs awkwardly and I can tell my brother is checking him out in the rearview. "You should ask how she puts up with my crazy really." Jack responds.
My brother laughs and I let out a small sigh in relief, knowing Jack was in Ben's good books for now. The formal interrogation would start later.
"How's the family?" I ask Ben.
"Great, not that you ever visit."
I flick Ben on his arm in response.
"The wife's at work though so you might only see her tomorrow," Ben continues.
We talk some more about his step-daughter who was only two and a half and Jack joins in on family as we drive to our own.
My mother loves Jack as soon as she meets him and my dad eyes his nose ring but warms up to him after he mentions that his dad attended the same university as him-my dad still had a few of his school paraphernalia mixed with our own school photos and family vacation snapshots.
My sister Amy, on the other hand, gives him a warm and welcome smile but I was used to her routine. She was sweet but cautious, eyeing him while he talked to my dad.
"Doesn't seem your type," my sister says after. We wait for the kettle to boil in the kitchen while everyone gets to know one another in the living room.
"What are we gossipping about?" Ben joins us.
"Not gossipping, Amy was just being judgmental again." I roll my eyes.
"He's good looking, I'll give him that." Amy continues.
"Y/N lands a pretty boy," Ben agrees. "Not her usual type."
"That's literally what I just said," Amy looks at me but I'm saved by the kettle and begin pouring out my cup of tea.
"Does Jack take sugar?" Amy says his name like he was a school crush and Ben snorts.
"How are you two older than me?" I ask.
"We're teasing," my sister says. "We love you and he clearly makes you happy-we see that."
"We just don't know him," Ben finishes.
"Well then get to know him," I walk out and miss the look the two exchange.
"Oh thanks love," Jack takes the tea from me and makes room for me to sit.
"Dinner is in an hour!" My mom exclaims.
"If was a long ride," I use as an excuse but she huffs and goes into the kitchen.
"How is it being a Youtuber?" Amy asks eventually.
"As if you haven't watched his videos," I tease.
"I want the bts!" Amy shrugs and we laugh.
They talk some more and it's pleasant enough that I feel like I could leave Jack alone with them. The day was taking a toll on me.
I pat his leg and head to the kitchen to see if dinner needed an extra pair of hands. My mom shoos me off and recruits my dad for help so I sit on the stairway and scroll through my phone for a bit. That is, until I hear the inevitable.
"So what are your actual intentions with our sister?" I hear Ben ask. I put down my phone and strain to listen, ready to move in at any second.
"Because if you plan to hurt her, maybe string her along for a few months and-"
"I would never," Jack gets in.
"Good," both my siblings echo.
"You two have been going out for...?"
"Six months or so," I hear Jack's strained voice.
"Hm," Amy says. "You two don't live together right?"
"Not yet," Jack says and my heart skips a beat. He wanted us to? We'd never talked about it but I spent most weekends at his place anyway.
"Soon?" My brother asks.
"I hope," Jack chuckles. "I'm serious about your sister bro. I would never hurt her-you can trust me on that. She means everything to me."
My heart melts at Jack's words.
"She knows this?" Amy asks.
"Well-yeah..." Jack trails off.
"Y/N is our baby sister," Amy reitterates. "So we want what's best for her."
"Nothing against you," I hear Ben say. "But if you hurt her in any way-"
I get up from my seat and walk to the bottom of the stairs. It was getting heated and I was a second from moving in.
"Listen," I pause when I hear Jack's voice. "I don't know what I would do if I ever lost Y/N. She really is everything to me. I-I love her."
I'm glad my hand was gripping the banister so hard because I almost fall over hearing those words I'd waited to hear but trusted were there.
"Y/N/N," a small voice calls out. I was so engrossed in the conversation happening in the living room I hadn't noticed my niece standing at the top of the stairs. She rubs her sleepy eyes and stares at me.
"Ohh you're awake!" I scoop her up and place her on my hip. "Let's go distract dad from scaring my boyfriend off okay?"
She blinks slowly at me and buries her sleepy face into my shoulder as I walk to where the interrogation was going down.
Ben jumps out of his seat as soon as he sees us and takes his daughter from me. Amy gives me a mischevious smile as she says something about dinner and exits. I'm left with Jack alone.
"You weren't lying about how intimidating-"
"You love me." I interrupt Jack. "You love me?"
"You heard that," Jack gets up.
"The last bits," I say.
Jack rubs my arms. "I feel like you already know it. I don't know why I never said it out loud-I was scared you might not feel the same way. But yeah, I love you. Like crazy."
I cup Jack's face, "When did you know?"
"A couple months ago," Jack curls my hair behind my ear. "It was a Saturday morning. You were complaining about my shower or something and you were wearing your shorts and a tank top while you braided your hair. I was still in bed-it was 8am-but you were buzzing about with all this energy but then you crawled back into bed with me and put your head on my chest and I knew it then."
I bite my lip to keep from tearing up but Jack knows me too well because he swipes at my eyes.
"I love you too," I say and Jack's smiles in relief. "I knew it a few months ago-on my birthday-when you got piss drunk and then tried to seduce me at Conor's while he attempted to sing Beyonce."
"That's a terrible moment to fall in love with somebody," Jack groans.
"It's part of the charm," I smile as I lean in and kiss him.
"And that's what you love about me?" Jack remembers the moment from the train.
"Mhm," I hum and tiptoe as Jack kisses me again.
"Should I turn around and pretend I didn't see this or act casual?" My dad's voice behind us interrupts the moment.
I turn, blushing, and give my dad a look. "The third option-make everything awkward!"
Jack laughs as does my dad but I roll my eyes and grab Jack's hand.
"We'll be out back," I drag Jack with me as we step outside, away from my overwhelming family for just a small moment of privacy.
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“Game of Thrones” Season VII: Episode 4 - Blazing Saddles
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WARNING: SPOILERS for the latest episode below, so if you haven’t seen it and don’t know yet who dies, who fucks who, and how many times J-Snow reminds us he’s seen the Night King, turn back now.
When one quip-meister dies, another returns; Bronn is back, even though his dialogue is now just mainly variations on the words “fuck” and “cunt.” Regardless, he’s here and he is NOT happy with the lil’ ol’ bag o’ gold Jaime gave him from the Highgarden loot.
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Anyway, basically what’s happening is the Lannisters are taking all the food in the Reach (I know, I know, it seems like a process but Sam’s Dad and his son Dickbag or whatever assure us that they “have teams of men working on this”). And they’re all gonna Oregon Trail it back to King’s Landing and try not to get dysentery or cholera.
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Mycroft is back. And he is mincing.
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Basically, he’s like, “Blah Blah Blah Braavos blah blah blah bitch betta have my money.” And Cersei’s just like -
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If there was any doubt we need to talk about Bran after last week, it is now gone. Because he turned FULLY into that kid in high school who watched Fight Club, listened to Radiohead, and unlocked all the secrets of the universe. In short, as the “Previously on” segment reminds us, he’s gone from this -
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to this -
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At this moment, Littlefinger somehow cornered him alone in a room and is giving him the dagger way back from Season 1 like -
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But Bran’s just like -
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Until Littlefinger is like, “It must be so hard, beebee, to come back from abroad to all this chaos.” And Bran looks him straight in the face and says -
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And Littlefinger is all -
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Anyway, Meera shows up. And apparently she’s leaving. So she’s all crying and bummed out like, “Oh my God, Bran, I’m gonna miss you so much.” And he’s literally just like -
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So she gets pissed. Rightfully fucking so. But she’s like crying and yelling at him like -
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But Bran’s just like -
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CUT TO OUTSIDE WINTERFELL where our favorite little sociopath Arya is HERE.
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But we can’t get too excited because these two fucking dumbasses won’t let her into the castle. She’s like, “Listen fuckers, I’m Arya” and they’re just like, “All right, sit here and wait” and then they start arguing like -
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But they don’t know she’s a ninja so they’re shocked when they turn around and she’s disappeared into the crypts, where Sansa finds her and it’s just like -
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And when they finally hug, there’s no like crazy orchestra swell or anything, it’s just this like lovely perfect moment of reunion and we’re all just like -
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Except like, wouldn’t it be nice if they could just like sit down and talk about like, “Hey, what’s up? You look good, it’s been so long.” “I heard you married Tyrion.” “I heard you saw our brother’s head decapitated and replaced by a wolf.” But instead Arya like whips out her “I have a kill list card” right away and Sansa’s like -
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and Arya’s like -
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She does brighten up when she finds out Bran is home too, but Sansa’s just like -
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But like, whatever, Arya still hugs it out with him and she’s like all emotional and crying while he’s staring at Sansa like -
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Bran’s a little less creepy about his Raven Symone abilities with Arya, because he’s like, “You should have this dagger Littlefinger randomly gave me.” And Arya’s like, “Thanks, because I actually totally do have a kill-list.” And Sansa’s just like -
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D-Baby and Michelle are talking about Barack like -
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When J-Snow pops up and is like, “I wanna show you something.”
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Turns out it’s just all the dragonglass. Which comes with a new musical theme which is two notes away from Jurassic Park.
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Anyway, then he wants to show her something else -
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But once again, it’s not his dick. It’s a bunch of cave paintings about how the Children of the Forest and the First Men bonded together to fight the White Walkers that J-Snow may or may not have made himself like ten minutes ago.
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Well, at this point D-Baby is a swamp. And she and J-Snow keep getting closer and closer until finally you think she’s gonna finally just be like -
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But instead she’s like, “Bend the knee.” Again. Except I think we all know before the end of this season she’s gonna be the one bending the knee, KNOWHAMSAYIN??
But I digress. P-Dinky is back, and he’s brought bad news. So instantly D-Baby is like -
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To be continued...
... Because Brienne is still training Pod three seasons later and he still fucking blows. Like truly no progress... when Arya shows up and is like -
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And Brienne’s just like -
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And of course Sansa’s walking by with Littlefinger like, “Peas and carrots, peas and carrots, gotta have more grain.” So she sees Arya turning it on like -
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Brienne’s like -
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Sansa’s like -
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And Littlefinger’s just like -
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Davos is picking up Stannis’ grammar Nazi schtick.
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And also being a total flirtstress with Michelle.
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SHE IS TAKEN!!!  When suddenly, Theon pops up on shore.
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Theon tries to play it off like, “Oh bro it’s so good to see you.” And J-Snow can’t kill him because he saved Sansa. So now Theon is just trying to get ships to save his sister, I guess. Except D-Baby is gone.
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The Oregon Trail continues, and we learn once again that Dickbag’s name is Dickbag. Presumably so Bronn can say what we’re all thinking.
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But the dick jokes get cut short when Bronn hears something in the distance.
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Indeed, there’s belting from afar that sounds like a mixture of Xena Warrior Princess and a Pink Floyd album. It’s the fucking Dothraki. And they’re all like -
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And Jaime’s just like -
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And the Lannisters are like trying to be chill and Jaime’s all -
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But then. A massive roar from above. And from down on high - in one of the most chill-inducing moments in Thrones history - comes D-Baby looking like a fucking queen. And before Jaime can even be like -
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D-Baby’s like, “Dracarys.”
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Like boom goes the whole fucking Oregon Trail. And everyone’s on fire like -
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But there’s NO TIME TO CHILL because the Dothraki come in like -
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And then, it’s just crazy, just like blood, horses, belting, and D-Baby’s just FUCKING up the Oregon Trail like -
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But Jaime is still going, like, “We just need arrows.” And so they try that with the dragon but of course he’s just like -
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So, okay, Jaime sends Bronn to go get the big crossbow Dr. Frankenstein made, but then Jaime totally almost gets killed by this Dothraki dude and we’re all like -
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But it’s okay, because Dickbag saves him! And Jaime’s like, “Thanks, Dickbag.”
But things don’t look so hot for Bronn who’s charging at this other Dothraki dude like -
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but the Dothraki dude totally fucks his horse up like -
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And then we really think it’s all over, because Bronn’s gold goes everywhere and it really seems like maybe he’ll try and get it and die doing so, but then he’s like, “Jaime -
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And he bolts away from the gold, running through everyone like -
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And Dothraki Dude finally corners him in what seems like a tent but GUESS WHAT? IT’S NOT A TENT it’s totally where the big crossbow thing is. And Dothraki Dude is like -
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But Bronn is all -
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And he’s all crossbow out, wind whipping through his hair, like trying to find the fucking dragon who has completely demolished the entirety of the Oregon Trail, as we see from P-Dinky’s point of view, because apparently he’s there watching. And the Dothraki Dude with him is like -
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But I digress. Bronn is trying to hit the dragon but he misses and D-Baby’s just like -
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So Bronn tries again. And let me tell you, for all the shit I gave this stupid fucking crossbow thing in this moment, I was like, “Well actually who knows where he’s gonna hit it? This might actually kill this thing!” 
And lo and behold, it hits him, and Drogon’s like -
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And Bronn’s smiling. And D-Baby’s devastated. And we’re all just like, “I DON’T KNOW WHO TO ROOT FOR!” But lo. Drogon is not dead. And to prove it, he fucks up Dr. Frankenstein’s crossbow, just like -
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And then D-Baby parks herself in the middle of the battlefield to perform impromptu spear removal on her baby. Jaime sees this and he’s like -
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And P-Dinky is literally like -
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And we’re all just like -
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And he’s about to spear D-Baby. But without her even saying “Dracarys,” Drogon turns around like -
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When somebody (Bronn?) dives out of nowhere and pushes Jaime out of the way, into water, where he’s just like -
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The Gold Company is brought up in the scene between the Iron Bank dude and Cersei. I know that these guys are in the fifth book and that they have something to do with the other Targaryen boy, but somebody may have to remind me more. My initial thought here though was perhaps Daario and the Second Sons will become hired by Cersei? I thought Daario was done, but maybe not?
The History of the Dagger: Somebody was sent to kill Bran in Season 1 with said dagger, but the attempt was botched and Catelyn took the knife to King’s Landing to investigate. Littlefinger revealed that it once belonged to him, but then went to Tyrion when he won it in a bet (this has been confirmed as a lie). From then, it fell into Ned’s hands and the last we saw it was with him (presumably Littlefinger had taken it after betraying him). Although Littlefinger is right that this knife ignited the War of the Five Kings, we still don’t know who sent the assassin in the first place. In the books, around Joffrey’s wedding both Jaime and Tyrion heavily suspect Joffrey hired him because he heard that Bran knew the truth about his parentage, but this is never confirmed either way and has always seemed a bit shaky.
Member Maester Luwin? Literally the best.
Arya asks, “Which Lady Stark?” Bitch, who else?
The moment with Brienne “keeping her vow” was actually pretty cool. She really barely did anything.
I don’t know if you know, but Jon saw the Night King.
Where on earth is Theon’s story going?
A very similar structure to my favorite episode, “Hardhome,” in that nobody saw that battle coming. But this really seemed to me the first battle since “Blackwater” where we were invested in both sides. There was a severe anxiety to not wanting any of the major characters to die. While it lacked the cinematic might of “Battle of the Bastards,” it was far more engaging on a character level.
Hiroshima-esque imagery cannot be good for where D-Baby is headed. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Varys and P-Dinky jump ship soon.
NEXT WEEK: Ravens, more dragons, and Varys is pissed.
Thank you for your time.
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