#give it to your friend who doesn't know how to play golf the most(no just kidding
By 刘小花
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undreaming-fanfiction · 6 months
I don't even have a clear storyline in mind for this, but I just really, really want to see a modern AU with Eddie as a detective who investigates the Harrington Pharma company. The company is huge and looks clean on paper, but Eddie has a nose for these things, he knows something is wrong. He knows that Richard Harrington ran some sketchy trials and some of Wayne's friends have lifelong health issues, Chief Jim Hopper included.
The company looks almost impenetrable, but Eddie digs. No detail is too small for him. He crosses paths with the owner's son and a board member, Steve Harrington. Eddie despises him. A fucking rich kid, making millions out of other people's misery. His public appearances are well rehearsed, but Eddie knows his type. A shallow, pretty partying douchebag who hasn't had to work a single day in his life. His PR manager Robin Buckley seems way too decent to work with such a bunch of assholes, but Eddie's seen what money can do to people. Either way she's corrupt too.
He meets the younger Harrington several times. The handsome young man is not openly hostile, but he's condescending, bitchy and he looks at Eddie as if he were dirt. "Good luck with your efforts," he sneers when he sees Eddie digging through the public records of Harrington Pharma. "But maybe get a real hobby instead? I hear golf is nice." Eddie wants to murder him.
Eddie cooperates with an investigative journalist, Nancy Wheeler, who keeps all her cards close to her chest, but she still points him in the right direction several times. He collects evidence, partners up with the public prosecutor Joyce Byers. He even meets her son, Jonathan, who is able to get the most damning photographic evidence. No one fully trusts each other, but that's okay. Harrington Pharma is their shared enemy and that's enough.
One day, Eddie makes a mistake. He sneaks into the Harrington Pharma archives and miscalculates the guard shifts. He's stuck hiding under an old desk for hours, he's slowly losing hope, he has no way to contact anyone, his legs are cramping and he's exhausted, but then he hears a familiar voice talking with the guard.
"Hi, Tommy. All good? How's Carol and the kids? That's wonderful to hear. I just need to verify some records for dad, it's not a big deal. Have you had your smoke break yet? You can go, stretch your legs. I'll be here for at least half an hour."
Shit. It's Steve fucking Harrington. Eddie tries to stay still and will his muscles to cooperate, and he thinks he's doing a great job, but then-
"You can come out now. He's gone."
Eddie freezes. How the fuck does he know?
Harrington's voice is quiet, urgent. "Damn it, Munson! You have ten minutes tops before he comes back, so stop playing hide and seek with me!"
He manages to get back on his feet, uncertain and wobbly, and when he sees Harrington leaning over the desk, he's half ready for a fight. But the other man doesn't make a move, doesn't call out to anyone. He just hands Eddie a folder, some of them are the files he selected, but some are new. "I added a few that you missed," hisses Harrington and leans into the corridor. "I'll go first, get Tommy to focus somewhere else. You run to the right and pray to anyone willing to listen. And most importantly," he says, and shit, Steve Harrington can sound serious if he wants to!, "I never saw you here. You heard me come in, used the opportunity and bolted. Clear?"
Eddie just nods. He watches as Steve extends his arm, probably grabbing Tommy by the shoulders and leading him to the other end of the building, he sneaks as far as he can and then he madly dashes for the hole in the fence he made earlier.
The files are it. With all the evidence Nancy, Jonathan and Eddie collected, Joyce can finally take that dark empire down. Eddie is there every day, watches the trial, but then he hears that there are two witnesses for the prosecution from inside the company itself.
It's Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley.
He sees Steve give him a wink from the stand and he wants to kiss the man. Eddie hears all of it in the following days - how Steve used to date Nancy Wheeler, but then her best friend Barb Holland died due to a mishandled drug trial for her condition by Harrington Pharma. How Nancy broke up with Steve, but even with no chance of rekindling their relationship, he vowed to stop his father for good. How he worked in the company for years, climbed the ladder, managed to make enough connections to get his friend Robin Buckley the position of a PR manager. How she helped him to keep up the charade until the very end.
When the Harrington empire finally falls, Eddie watches quietly as Steve embraces Nancy, whispering to her that she did so well, that Barb would be proud. "We finally did it, Nance. We're finally free."
And then, before Eddie can disappear, Harrington is walking towards him, the mask finally off. He looks younger now, his smile is genuine and Eddie can't help it, his traitorous heart is telling him that this is the single part of the Harrington case he'll never leave behind.
"Hi," says Steve. "I...uh. I just wanted to say sorry for all the nasty things I said before. I had to for my cover, but...I just want you to know, I really appreciate what you did."
Eddie just stares at him, blush forming on his cheeks and a crush blooming in his heart. "I'm pretty sure I just butchered your career," he mutters. "And you're thanking me?"
Steve shrugs. "I mean. I'm out of job, I'm a known whistleblower now and my dad's lawyers will probably try to sue me. So that's not great. But if you want to ease your conscience...take me out for a coffee?" Another wink, another squeeze around Eddie's heart.
Eddie fakes a deep sigh and takes Steve by the elbow. "I don't think a single coffee is going to get rid of all my guilt, but it's a start. Maybe a lunch tomorrow would help my healing process?"
Laughing, Steve nudges his side. "Anything for your peace of mind, Eddie."
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ridestomars · 1 year
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𖥻 summary: fake dating old money!steve. 𖥻 pairing: old money!steve harrington x fem!reader. 𖥻 warnings: no mentions of y/n, not proofread - we die like men here.
💭 liv's thoughts: it's been a long time since i've written something, so i decided to make my big comeback with a concept that is very dear to me <3
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♡ㆍWhen Steve comes up with (as he called it) a "miraculous, failproof" plan, he wouldn't stop trying to persuade you to join in. It will get to the point of being annoying, because being the brat that he is, this boy can't take a no. 
♡ㆍAnd that is why he is doing everything in his power to make you take up on his offer, which means that he is showering you with useless gifts just for the sake of you saying yes. 
♡ㆍBooks, cassettes, clothes, vinyl records… heck, even a brand new Walkman. He is truly going all in – and the plan hasn't even begun. 
♡ㆍThe thing is: Steve is one stubborn guy, and when he makes up his mind about something, he is going to get it. And he has decided that instead of getting a girlfriend the way normal people do, he has to have you as his fake girlfriend. 
♡ㆍYou could argue that it's because you're one of his, erhm… less fortunate friends, but deep down, Steve knows that this is his only shot at getting you as his girl. 
♡ㆍTo him, it's like you're this very unattainable girl, someone who's so different from everyone he's known his whole life. You do things for yourself, and you're so ahead of him in so many ways that Steve thinks that you'll never give him a real chance. So, he has to make do with this fake shot at getting to your heart.
♡ㆍAnd boy, does he grab that chance by the horns.
♡ㆍEven though you made it very clear that you were still very much friends, and you didn't want this to get too close to comfort, Steve is already thinking about your matching clothes for his parents' annual gala, and planning a romantic date on the golf course at the town's club. Only because his rich friends will be there to witness you playing together, and you "gotta make this relationship seem believable!"  His words, not yours.
♡ㆍSo, of course, he's going to bring you to his favorite rich-boy activities. 
♡ㆍThe first, which is his most dear, is shopping. And it's something, as you found out, that he does pretty much daily –– spending one hundred bucks like it's absolutely nothing. But, hey! Steve was never known for being responsible, was he? 
♡ㆍHe takes you everywhere, slowly finding out your personal tastes and favorite stores, and you're pleasantly surprised with how much you enjoy shopping with him. 
♡ㆍSteve is all for the silly antics: picking out a dozen clothes and making a ridiculous fashion show in the fitting room's small hallway, or wearing clothes that are the wrong size just to hear you giggle and tease him.
♡ㆍIt's nice to have him there for support since he always encourages you to try things you wouldn't have otherwise. Steve is not one to be afraid of making a bold fashion statement, and he wants you to feel secure enough to do the same if you want to. 
♡ㆍSo, if you see something that shows a little more skin than you're used to, or maybe a bright color you have never tried before, he is going to be your number one supporter. It does help that he finds you absolutely beautiful no matter what you wear. 
♡ㆍShopping with Stevie also means that you are coming home with a bunch of shopping bags, but don't worry! He will carry all of them for you, even if it covers his whole arm, because he doesn't want you to ruin your fresh manicure.
♡ㆍBut besides shopping, Steve always invites you to go to the club to play golf, or tennis with him… even though you have no idea how. 
♡ㆍSteve is convinced he is a good teacher, though. And that is what opens the door for opportunities for him to hold you tightly against his body, his big hands holding your arms as he explains how you should grip the golf club, or the tennis racket. 
♡ㆍHe keeps telling you that it's good to be close to you like this to show you off to his friends, but with time, the excuses fade as you both discover that touching is good, and that there's nothing better than to be in each other's arms. 
♡ㆍThose lingering touches, small smiles, and longing stares are almost like an unconscious thing that happens between the both of you, and you find yourself enraptured by them, completely forgetting about the boundaries you had set to avoid getting too caught up in this fake relationship.
♡ㆍBut it's difficult when Steve is the best fake boyfriend you could ever ask for. If you thought that he was just a good friend, man, you're in for the most delightful ride of your life… because if you feel like you're getting the lines between your real emotions and your fake relationships blurry, Steve had already jumped headfirst in it.
♡ㆍHis attentiveness just triplicates, and it's like he just wants to please you all the time. But it all happens so naturally that you start to wonder if dating him was supposed to happen sooner or later in your life; it just feels like the next step, really. 
♡ㆍAnd what surprises you the most is that you could complain about his intensity or his blatant crush on you, but you don't want to. 
♡ㆍIt's just needless to say that you're in big, big trouble.
♡ㆍBut let's talk about the good stuff, shall we? 
♡ㆍHaving so many gorgeous outfits, it's only natural that he will help you pick out great combinations for your nights out, especially when you have to attend his parents' events together. Trust me, he's gonna make sure you go either with matching colors, matching fabrics, or matching designers. 
♡ㆍYou are the only reason why those types of gatherings get bearable for him, honestly. 
♡ㆍLike I said in a previous post, the Harrington family is renowned and known all over America, so that means that hearts will be crushed once Steve appears on the cover of a gossip magazine with his hand over your waist, holding you close as you two pose for the camera. 
♡ㆍWhich takes us to why he made this whole plan up in the first place: he just wants to escape the madness of having people speculate about his dating life all the time and the crazy gold-digging mothers that practically throw their own daughters in his direction. Having a serious relationship keeps the craziness of being the country's most eligible bachelor, and it shuts down his parents, too. 
♡ㆍHe loves to take you out dancing at those parties, even though they're very conservative when it comes to their music; it's either soft jazz music, or some old classics that no one your age has heard of before. But you make your own choreography, pretty much mocking how the other very square couples are dancing.
♡ㆍIt's literally the Laurie and Jo scene from Little Women (iykyk). 
♡ㆍAnd please, he absolutely loves to get shitfaced at those parties! There are two things he really enjoys about those gatherings: the food and the neverending champagne. And he certainly savors every glass and those fancy finger foods – once, he almost took a whole tray of those. 
♡ㆍTipsy-Steve is just a ray of pure sunshine, and a ball of energy. He loves to dance like nobody's watching and to talk to everyone, including those he claims to dislike. It's funny because his cheeks get so red, and even his way of talking changes a little: his voice gets squeaky, and he merges his words together because there's just so much going on through his head. 
♡ㆍBut Drunk-Steve is a whole different person. He can barely keep his eyes open, and he has to spend the rest of the party sitting down somewhere because he gets too lazy… and now his words start to slow down, and he begins to feel a little more sentimental. So, as soon as the bubbly champagne takes its toll on his brain, he still can't stop talking, but most of his words are sweet compliments for you.
♡ㆍIt's like he feels a growing and unstoppable need to be a total sweetheart to you, praising you for just reaching out to brush his hair out of his eyes. And his clinginess just goes through the roof, wanting to be near you, even though you had just spent the last three hours together. 
♡ㆍIt's in one of his drunken spurs where you get to know his actual feelings toward you, because he simply can't keep his mouth shut. He goes on extensive rants about just how great he thinks you are, and that you just might be too good for him… and Steve has such a heartbreaking puppy face, pouting as he tells you all about what goes on in his heart, that it's hard to feel anything but a sense of growing affection for him. 
♡ㆍIt's funny, because one night he's pouring his heart out to you, and the next morning, he doesn't remember anything that he had said. And you don't say anything either. Maybe at the next party… or until your deal is over. There's always time, right?
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LIKES, REBLOGS AND FEEDBACK ARE APPRECIATED! steve masterlist | main masterlist | navigation ── hey! wanna talk? leave me a message after the beep. currently accepting requests for steve and eddie. 
𖤐 taglist: I AM RESTARTING MY TAGLIST! if you want to be added to my taglist, just click here.
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that-pineapple154 · 23 days
Pineapple's Furby Masterlist
1990s Furbys
King Noodles Ink'Squeegee of the Spiders
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~ he/they ~ witch's cat Noodles was my first 90's furby. His hobbies include watching scary movies, making s'mores, trespassing, and staring off into the distance and pointing to get other people to look at absolutely nothing. He is a friend to all 8 legged creatures and a loyal friend to all
Patchfoot the Pirate
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~ he/him ~ giraffe Patchfoot is my one and only amputee furby. His right foot was in pretty bad condition when I got him so I removed it, and plan to eventually make him a prosthetic. He loves to be outside, and is very photogenic. He would also like to remind you to not eat random mushrooms you find on your walks through the woods
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~ he/him ~ Leopard Prapai is a suave buisness man who knows what he wants. And what he wants is shiny objects. He also enjoys playing a lil mini golf in his free time
Mr. Bowie
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~ heehee/him ~ Jester You know the Goblin King from the movie Labyrinth? That's his role model. Mr. Bowie thrives in some good chaotic energy, as long as he stays neat and clean
Brad Grady (Grady)
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~ he/him ~ Graduation He's gay. Need I say more? Oh I do? Okay. Well he's also an English and Furbish professor, doing his best to teach humans and furby's each other's languages. In his free time he likes to consume poetry. I mean that in the literal sense... Apparently its the best way to gain more knowledge
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~ she/they ~ wolf Chappell, unlike the singer she'd named after is actually mute. They work just fine but cannot talk. It's all okay though cause she finds other ways to communicate. They are a lover of music and literature, and loves to spend time with her girlfriend, Vinnie
Lavinia (Vinnie)
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~ she/her ~ snowball Vinnie is "The Key Master", though the key to what, she refuses to say. She spends most of her time with her girlfriend, Chappell, and is typically the one who plans their dates. She loves to sew and has a huge interest in the supernatural and Victorian buildings. She'd love to someday live in one.
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~ any pronouns ~ racoon Sunbleach, who also goes by Sunny and Bleach, is a furb who loves to pursue his hobbies. You'll often find her at a desk drawing, designing, or fixing things. They also have a strange fascination with guitar picks, though they're to small to play any of mine.
Furby Babys
Eggwhite Puddling
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~ she/her ~ Snowy Eggwhite may be a girly girl, but she sure knows how to change a tire. Her favorite smell is gasoline and lawn clippings, and her favorite movie is Cars. She also really loves cute and brightly colored things
Tartar Merengue
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~ she/they ~ Snowy Tartar is a furb with an appreciation for alt fashion. They love the color black, and have even considered dying their hair that color once or twice, though she'd never actually do it. Her hobbies include staring at books and trying to make the words make sense, and giving up to go read a graphic novel instead
Furby Booms
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~ he/him ~ furbacca Tinsel doesn't say much, but he loves to sing. Don't tell anyone but despite being based on Chewbacca, he hasn't watched more than the first 3 Starwars movies
Castiel De'Lolbit Extravaganza
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~ he/they ~ zigzag stripes Cas is a lover of all things horror. He'll play horror games and watch horror movies right before bed and never gets nightmares, though sometimes he does get a bit paranoid. He also loves collecting rocks and crystals to display
Furby Connects
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~ he/him ~ magenta Kei-doh is a huge fan of baseball. The Redsocks and the Tigers are his two favorite teams, but he'll watch just about any game. He likes to play baseball too. He hits well, though he isn't a very fast baserunner. He doesn't mind though, cause its all just for fun
2023 Furbys
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~ he/they ~ Coral Ebeau's just a fun loving guy. He's just a silly lil dude, doin silly lil dude things. He totally doesn't engage in illegal activities like jaywalking... Nope. Not at all
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~ any pronouns ~ purple Capone doesn't like to talk about what he does. And most people probably don't want to hear about it either. I mean what kind of monster would literally take candy from a baby? Capone. That's what kind
Ghidorah Glitterbomb
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~ she/her ~ tie-dye Though being incredibly powerful and gifted in the art of magic, Ghidorah doesn't use it much, instead preferring to save her skills for important things like putting on good fireworks shows, or giving candy back the babys Capone took from
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~ he/they ~ aurora furbealis Boroax is a fun loving guy with a love for anything space related. He may or may not be an alien himself, but they will neither confirm or deny it. His favorite thing to do in his freetime is watching christmas lights and staring into street lamps
Furblets, Buddies, & Happy Meal Toys, Oh my!
Toothpaste, Oyster, Taylor, & Boston
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~ they/them, he/they, she/her, & she/they ~ 2023 furblets These lil guys would love to be in a band, but they can't agree on what genre of music to perform in
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~ he/him ~ 2005 Happy Meal toy He's very quiet, but that just makes him a better listener. He loves to people watch and silently judge from afar
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~ any pronouns ~ furby buddie He's seen some things and done some things...
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~ they/them ~ furby keychain They're tired, and they want to take a nap
Thanks For Reading ^^
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Quick thoughts. Chozen and Daniel scheming to fake befriend Terry is something Terry did in TKK3 to Daniel. Not on the same level at all but, there was a slight amount of revenge/karma there.
It's what 18-19 hours between LA and where Miguel went. That means Johnny's got both Robby and Miguel in the car back for 18-19 hours. And they didn't dare even give us a glimpse of that?
Chozen scammed Anoush and Louie at golf. Some how before I never caught that. Which means Chozen got some revenge for TKK2 and losing all his money to Daniel. (Chozen's walking ahead of them, grinning and counting cash, Daniel laughs and tells him good job, Louie tells Anoush he told him there were golf courses in Okinawa, Anoush says "He said he never played before")
Chozen said it was beginners luck, Louie says he's been hustled, Anoush calms him down when Chozen asks if they've insulted his honor, by telling Louie he's not at a blackjack table in Atlanta city, you can't trash talk a karate assassin.
So....Chozen's not an assassin. But that's what Amanda called him and now that's what Anoush has called him.
Terry's at the golf club. "How'd you hit 'em?" "They let anyone join these days." (I mean Terry's older and richer, he might've already been a member and you might never have known. "Or did you slither in through the garbage chute. By the way how's your sensei search going?"
Daniel why are you poking the bear? Why are you rubbing this in Terry's face?
Terry views it as possible casus belli, act of war or to provoke war.
Terry tells Daniel that he has more friends then Daniel does...which sadly, probably true.
Terry says if Daniel backs down, Terry won't retaliate. No repercussions, just stay out of his way.
This is my backyard, Daniel....in a way we don't know, but Terry might've been here longer. You've been here what 30 years? Terry's supposed to be older than you and as far as we know, has lived here his whole life. Like in TKK1 you didn't even want to be here. That doesn't mean it's not your backyard and you don't have a say in what happens there, but making it seem like Terry doesn't belong in his own city either...
This was a choice
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Who does this? Sabrina the teenage witch? But like 90s version. The wave your finger in a circle to do a spell.
I can't tell whether he's having fun or if he's laughing and pissed off.
I also like that Daniel isn't alone for this conversation/threat. Chozen's right there. "You're playing with fire Danny-boy."
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I don't fully get what that means. I love it. But a fire with gasoline that explodes might not hurt just Silver, but also both Chozen and Daniel and the whole valley...
Which might be why Silver, no longer charmed by Sensei Joe, scoffs and asks for their drinks to be put on his tab.
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lol anoush
Nothing. Just wanted to buy us a round of drinks.
DANIEL LARUSSO!!!! You literally just poked a bear and you're not going to warn them????? Tell them! Warn them that if that guy comes near them to run. Like Daniel you know how dangerous he is and you're like nice dude buying us drinks. You gotta update people on this stuff for their own safety.
Somewhere there's a universe where Louie and Anoush thank Terry Silver for buying them drinks and try to befriend him because wow what a nice guy and it goes VERY BADLY
Like literally Anoush is like heck yeah pina colada time for all my men here.
Anoush: Act like you've been here before, I want the most expensive tequilla you gota
Which is both wild responses to random stranger is buying them a drink.
I do enjoy Anoush and Louie's old married couple bickering. "Pina Coladas, we're not at a Sandals resort." "What's wrong with Sandals? Everything's included"
Johnny learning he did something illegal...4/5 seasons later. 🤣
He cleaned off his van.
Miggy made breakfast, Johnny's there too.
It looks like maybe Miguel can't cook. Burnt toast and yaya's kinda picking at it.
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Are you telling me for 18 hours Robby and Miguel didn't say a word? The most awkward 18 hours on the planet?
Yaya is happy Miguel is home but needs him to leave asap and go bother sam so she can throw out the breakfast he made her without offending him. The Diaz's have Simply brand Orange Juice.
"I think I need to make an apology meal for Sam too"
Followed immediately by Carmen having taken a bite and unable to hide how bad it is.
Although I think this was also supposed to be the first hint that Carmen was pregnant.
Sam is eating uncrustables and drinking Starbucks.
Apparently both Sam and Anthony view the grape uncrustables as comfort food. Sam ate the last two
ANTHONY EXPLAINS THE MILK LOCKER. They put milk in a bag in Kennys locker.
I feel like that leaves more questions than answers. How did they do that without making a big mess just setting it up and without anyone seeing/finding out?
Now that Anthony puts it that way...he is right.
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Both Miguel and Robby have now run away. Just Robby was wanted by the police.
Without karate Sam's hanging out with Moon and Yasmine again.
Okay so there's a couch in the guest bedroom and it's not good. Chozen's having a rough time sleeping on it. Daniel says there used to be a bed in there but it got destroyed when Cobra Kai broke in, but I didn't see any kids go into any bedrooms. They stayed in the weird like square with a line through it. Halls between the living room to the kitchen and the dojo. The dojo is not the guest bedroom.
Chozen is the one who recommends they beat silver to the punch by calling on one of his old friends before Silver can call upon them. Aka Mike Barnes.
What's weird is generally the flash backs might be things the person having the flashback would know or remember. I mean there's a scene of Ali smiling that Johnny remembers but couldn't have. Or at least it wasn't directed at him. But this one's weird because it's literally Mike Barnes telling Silver whose in a bathtub that he bought himself a champion. Daniel was not in Silver's house then.
Johnny offers to teach Miguel how to cook.
Carmen telling Johnny she might be pregnant, a reminder that condoms aren't 100%. And not all forms of protection are 100% either.
Johnny rushes to help Carmen up as if he's already thinking she's much further along then she is. She said she's a few days late.
Johnny's so surprised he says he'll pull the van around then he drops his keys and spins in a circle and Carmen gently pats his shoulder and says with a near laugh "Maybe I should drive. "
Aurora changes Hawks reaper tattoo. Rico is out. It's a lotus for a new beginning and a flower was pretty much his only choice to cover the reaper. Demetri went with him and once again held his shirt. (Miguel also came but is mostly frustrated from trying to contact Sam from the waiting section) Everyone's back with their OG friend groups this summer.
Like I get Demetri is trying to warn him, but Demetri you giving relationship advice is wild. You've had one girlfriend and it's Yasmine and you're still dating. You don't know what's code for breaking up.
Hawk balancing it with "Moon is really big into communication, maybe Sam just really actually wants to talk"
Essentially Yasmine is texting Demetri. 🤣
I feel like Miguel and Sam should just communicate as Miguel and Sam not having Hawk and Demetri and Yasmine and Moon advising.
Daniel and Chozen stalking Barnes.
The way Daniel realizes the way he talks to Chozen has to be more careful because what he says about Barnes applies to Chozen too.
Daniel your car literally says LaRusso Auto Group, please never use that car to try to sneakily tail someone. It's like Johnny trying to tail using the cobra charger or the eagle fang van. Neither of you are sneaky.
What is that a handsaw? (Johnny would probably know) Good for cutting pipe.
Chozen. I can't.
That one good for cutting bone.
Why on earth didn't Daniel research Mike Barnes? Like surely a quick search would've show he was a furniture king. Or hell even pulling up a map app would've shown him that he's behind a furniture store and everything they've got, the tools, the men, are all there working as staff for the furniture store.
This is one of those moments where I think the trauma is making him not think straight. He frequently jumps to conclusions and people like Amanda sort of reign him in. Johnny sometimes corrects him but Daniel doesn't listen to him. Chozen I think just is gasoline to the fire and makes it worse. Part of it I think is that Chozen's know Daniel as an adult for maybe less than a week, and he heard this guy who did all this stuff one summer needs his help, perfect, a great way to regain some honor and make his uncle and the Miyagi's proud. But he doesn't know that if he himself jumps to the worst possible conclusion: that's good for cutting bone, Daniel is not going to be like or it's a table saw and they're cutting wood. No Daniel's going to follow whatever logic Chozen's running on half the time and be like oh no, our Okinawan assassin says that's good for cutting bone, this is a nest of evil and murderers.
And it's not.
Like you kinda have to shock Daniel out of it.
and with what a trickster Chozen is half the time I don't even know if he's being serious about the cut through bone, I think he's joking, but I don't think Daniel can tell when he's joking, like I don't think he could always tell when Mr. Miyagi was joking unless it was more obvious or he was laughing. But Chozen doesn't do that.
So it either comes off as two dumbasses with no brain cell between them because they left it at home, or Chozen making lots of jokes and Daniel not always catching on, or thinking Chozen is serious (Here to murder Silver, I don't think he actually truly is, at least not right now)
But I also feel like part of it is that I doubt Daniel fully prepped Chozen on the situation. And Chozen is just like operating on high alert that everything is a danger.
Like half of Chozen's words and his delivery is such...Dad trickster/jokester vibes. Which I feel like just fits with his whole thing. His very serious face until he bursts out laughing delighted by his jokes. He did that after a whole day of messing with Daniel in Okinawa, he did it with Anoush and Louie.
But I don't think Daniel gets that, so he takes everything at face value. So I think the "I can take all of them, that's good for cutting bone." was Chozen making jokes not realizing that it just sort of upped Daniel's nervousness and guard. Like yes Chozen is here and ready to protect and fight but he never got the Daniel-san manual from Mr. Miyagi which is why I think this is a very earnest thing:
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Because yes Daniel can't go in alone in the off-chance that it's a true fight, and he also can't go in alone if he's hoped up and upset. He needs back up, especially if there's any danger. (I know Chozen comes flying in there ready to fight)
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So I googled these and got nothing for either the company or the brand type except the cursed knowledge that Tiger King/Joe Exotic came out with his own brand of condoms. So I think they made this up for the show.
And also like Carmen said, condoms aren't 100%
"There's no way these were purchased a real pharmacy" Makes me wonder where Johnny buys stuff.
I do actually like that for both of them this is new, that their previous kids were surprises that neither were fully prepared for. Like they're starting this journey together.
Though Johnny is so nervous he feels like he's going to be sick.
And I get that Carmen is upset that Johnny's so nervous especially around another baby and that Johnny needs to figure out how not to be that guy again. Which is fair, but being a Dad again when he just is finally has both Miguel and Robby talking to him. When his other father duties are starting to work out and not being this soul crushing failure I think seeing another guy too frazzled and realizing how much of a new responsibility that is freaked him out.
Tie dye robes are cute at he spa Moon takes them to.
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I am happy that they've all grown as people and become friends again. i just do wish that like Yasmine apologized for being mean to Aisha and also for believing what Kyler said about Sam and joining in on that abuse.
Sam: I already have nightmares about drowning in shallow bodies of water. (I.e. her nightmare of Tory holding her head down under the surface of the Mr. Miyagi koi pond, which wild because I don't think Tory's ever been there???? And also you'd think that'd make her too scared to go near it again)
Demetri got Yasmine a charm bracelet and a charm for every fight they have. And he seems proud when he says she can barely lift her arm now. Dude how much money are you spending?
I think Demetri and Eli forget that while they're nerds, they're rich nerds. Miguel is not and all his money was stolen.
I love the delivery of 'that's a new one' from the sales girl.
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The necklace Miguel thinks of getting Sam. Reduced to $182.
I love that eli is like if there's less tentacles it'll be cheaper. 🤣
Daniel I think to an extent that's trespassing if not 'breaking and entering' without the breaking. But great hustle!
Daniel, just because everything he's saying sounds like it's related to you and your entire life does not mean it has anything to do with you.
Barnes out here just living his life until Daniel literally comes rushing in to derail it.
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Also...Daniel omg. You and Demetri man.
He also steals his phone to yell at 'silver'
Daniel can never just lose the boy who cried wolf rap, it's based on true lived experience but he keeps leaping without looking.
Poor Michelle, she's like what happened to my furniture guy?
Mike Barnes/Michael Barnes having been karate's bad boy and banned for life from karate can't shake the sounds like a villain in every day life but clearly his customers are here for it.
This is Phil.
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Barnes out here like, it's fine, this guy I tortured and terrorized for money just popped up and ruined a sale but I'll live.
Japanese cedar chairs will be done by the time the school opens and they'll pick up the florentine table. Daniel made him lose part of his commission. It's down to 40%
This is why if you had googled the place or even tried to go in the front door you'd have seen that it was a furniture store. But we leapt before we looked.
Johnny following youtube mom vloggers to prep for the baby. I know it's supposed to be funny or whatever that he's swaddling beer. But I also think it's nice that he's actually trying to catch up on all this stuff that he doesn't know. I mean he found out that there's a baby possibly on the way, not even confirmed, this morning. And he's like well I'm so nervous I feel sick, the best way to handle that is to tackle it head on so let me practice. I don't have a baby, but I have beers and towels, and beers are breakable so...
Like he truly does always try and teach himself things if it's important.
We have orange sodas now, some hostess cupcakes, red bull, peanut butter, some chips.
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And of course one of his coors escapes and breaks which I think does not help his feeling of I'm going to screw this up, again.
I mean he essentially heard Carmen and was like I'm going to study.
Healthy organic diet= Johnny cleans his fridge.
The space needs to be baby friendly = no poster of girls, Johnny swaps it out for a light house.
Look in every nook and cranny for mold pests and other hazards. Cue cockroach.
Also want to point out that Carmen and him haven't even talked about living together (probably not enough space) But he's still prepping his space.
Johnny you dumbass, you shouldn't have consumed that beer, even if you were holding your breath or whatever safety reason you thought, it was still sitting out when you sprayed. And then he just lays on top of the carpet he just sprayed.
He really should know better from having worked as a maintenance man. But I think he just doesn't give a shit when it's his own safety beyond the bare minimum. That or we can blame netflix for this one.
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Mikes soon to be gone furniture store.
"If there's one guy in this world who doesn't owe me an apology it's you."
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I mean I feel like that is one of the thesis's of the show.
Furniture co-king (the co-king is his wife, and it's his father in-law's place)
Daniel: You're LaRusso 2.0
Moon and Yasmine are in the Laker's Halloween costumes: You're one of the girls
Robby in his Cobra Kai tournament gi: You're the girl who broke my heart.
Eli in his white gi holding his trophy: You're the girl who lost.
Miguel in his Eagle fang gi: You're my girlfriend, Sam. Why can't you just be supportive.
(Both Eli and Miguel look at her really sadly)
Tory: I know exactly who you are princess.
Sam and Miguel are really on the same journey. They're both trying to figure out who they are which for teenagers about to go off to college in a year or two, is very fitting. They just also have all this karate soap opera making figuring it out harder. And Miguel pointed out last season how hard that all is with everything the LaRusso's expect from Sam. Places he might not be able to go due to finances.
Dark Sam, voiced/introduced by Tory:
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Sam has spent most of her life probably hearing about what a great man Mr. Miyagi is, how their karate that they learned from him is better. How they're the good guys. Which putting her in that situation of the world is black and white meant she couldn't allow for gray, she wasn't allowed to be a teenager who made mistakes, which is probably why she didn't tell her parents whenever she wanted to throw a party or got into trouble because good guys don't get in trouble. She's not allowed to make mistakes and I think that is just too much pressure in just general life. Add karate and fighting to the mix and it just explodes.
Now she's questioning whether she is good or not, which is unfair to her. Because people are people, they make mistakes they're not all good or all evil. Life isn't like that and to hold herself to that impossible standard as well as all the other teenagers and people in her life means they're either evil or they've been put on a pedestal where if they make a mistake they will fall and shatter.
I feel like for dark Sam they did her make up like Tory's which is a fun little choice. They also gave her sai's, while the light version has a bo staff.
Essentially she's gotta find balance but the dark side kicks her ass and disarms her and terrifies the white version when Moon opens the tank.
Sam: Having a terrifying metaphorical fight with herself trying to figure out who she is while balancing all these identities of how other people see her and trying to discern who she is and how to balance this feeling of good and evil within herself when she's not been allowed gray.
Moon: I was a drop of dew glistening in the moonlight.
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Daniel I don't think Mike Barnes counts as Cobra Kai. I guess well, you might think you yourself were cobra kai, so that means Barnes is also cobra kai. But like the actual students of Cobra Kai, the ones that were in it longer than a few weeks/months don't want to fight you most of the time. Bobby, Jimmy, I highly doubt want to fight you. Johnny really just wants to do a fight for fun. Like sparring.
And I mean heck, Barnes is in the same boat as Johnny. Essentially all these dudes want to fight you for fun and the only one who got to (and who wasn't Cobra Kai) was Chozen because he pretended to take it very seriously and had information you wanted.
Ah, thee fact Barnes pretends to fight is what got Chozen. I was trying to remember why Chozen comes flying in to fight Mike Barnes, but then he mistook the play fighting for real fighting and came in to defend. As promised.
This is why you don't leave Chozen in the car by himself. He got worried.
Chozen stomped on I think that was Barne's knee, ow.
Mike Barnes punches Daniel in a face and he lands into a chair.
No one ever successfully really stops a fight in this show and everyone who does usually get's hit/hurt. I think the best result was prom night where they all ended up in the pool and Stingray turned it into a pool party.
Great question:
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But also you shouldn't leave Chozen in the car for long in this heat. Not cool Daniel, you didn't even crack a window. He might be from Okinawa and you might not actually film in LA but, still summer in LA Chozen would be miserable in that car.
Johnny for 4 seasons, as well as pretty much everyone for 4 seasons:
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"If this is misunderstanding you better call ambulance." and the way Barnes looks at his guys all knocked out and bloodied on the back dock and then at Chozen who meets his gaze, and then like goes whoops, sorry and looks away, all my bad. Kudos to Yuji on those expressions that was great.
Welcome to the karate soap opera Barnes. Please make sure to include karate on all your insurance policies.
I don't know what Johnny is making, but it's kinda nice he's got his door open, so Miguel can just come in. Though he probably shouldn't because it's probably open due to the insecticide. Johnny doesn't care about himself being in that but he does care about Miggy.
Miggy's look around, sniff and then looking at Johnny horrified with a "What is that smell" 😂
Paint thinner or pesticide? Johnny you should not be in there.
Johnny thinks about telling Miguel he might have a baby sibling before realizing he doesn't actually know for sure and that he and Carmen should talk before saying it so immediately changes to "Don't worry about it, just making a few changes" Which seems to be building a lot of new random sharp edged furniture. Dude what are you even doing?
Johnny went grocery shopping and just filled his fridge full of milk. Pretty sure that's supposed to be a joke that he's bought milk to live in his fridge for 9 months. But I don't know how he could've been alive this long and not known that babies don't drink cow milk. But who knows. Maybe he got it for when the kids are over. Or even for himself.
Johnny got a new chair. It's now white and leather/faux leather looking. It used to be yellow and cloth. He also got a new couch. Black leather. I think well they couldn't have been kept quite the same after the pesticide.
There is something funny about Daniel and Chozen getting into a fight at a furniture store and Johnny also being at a furniture on the same day, not getting in a fight and just getting new furniture/running errands.
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Johnny....what does this even mean???? Omg.
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Johnny giving actual good advice here. "I've been there, how about the truth, we all get shit wrong sometimes. Some of us get it wrong a lot. If you own up to your mistakes you always have a shot at making things right. You don't have to have it all figured out. Just be honest with her. See where it goes from there"
Miguel here agreeing with me that that's some actual really good advice.
Johnny seems surprised and agrees.
Well they got Daniel an ice pack for his face. They all have ice packs.
Barnes tells Daniel about the shady attorney Silver had off the books. Barnes made them put TKK3 in writing, he was promised 50% of Cobra Kai.
Chozen relaxing into the tufted blue suede couch. Barnes goes into sales mode.
Chozen: How much?
Barnes: 1,200, but for you? 2,000
Those poor guys having to move Chozen's new couch. (Lol at realizing Johnny and Chozen bought couches on the same day, Chozen what are you going to do? Take it back to Okinawa with you later?) "Careful, don't get blood on couch" while both pillows are tucked under his arms.
Daniel leaving a voice mail to the attorney, just seems so unsafe after Terry's threat that morning.
Sam and Miguel meet to talk at Miyagi-do.
They've left the whole romeo and juliet/ west side story for like teen movie drama about breaking up before going to college and because you're trying to find yourself and it's hard to meet each others needs at the same time.
Miguel apologizes for leaving like that and everything back through to prom where he wasn't thinking of her or them as a couple.
Sam says she respects him taking the time to find himself and go on that journey and apologizes for being so wrapped up in the tournament.
Miggy's little happy smile until she says but.
I mean this is a fair ask, and I think this is very mature of her to be like hey, I need time to figure out who I am too.
Like this whole conversation is maybe heartbreaking but is very emotionally mature of both of them. They're talking, they're listening.
Sam says she needs a break and in tears that 'she's not okay right now'
Miguel holding it together because Sam already is struggling enough as is, crying as he walks away and dropping the $182 necklace onto the ground. The one that probably cost everything he had.
Oh wow, Johnny truly swapped out all his furniture. Even the eagle painting is now a sunset and he bought a plant. Dude did some interior decorating and it's...modern looking.
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Does he have more than one tool box, or did he lose his beaten up old metal red one?
He has 2 plants!
Lol, he said he baby-proofed the whole apartment today too, and try to stick your finger in a socket? Lost cause.
Aww he adjusted his headphones to fit around her stomach of his old Walkman, however it's so big that it pretty much goes 100% all the way around her to her back because she's maybe like I dunno a week pregnant?
Baby playlisit: Sabbath, Metallica, Dokken
Carmen votes Metallica
See, he really just had to get used to the idea here. His freak out was like 1 hour after learning about the possibility. He needed to do something physical, actionable, and think all day and he did.
Also the amount he got done in a single day after breakfast is impressive.
Encino Oaks Country club, new morning. Daniel likes to spend his mornings in there "Nothing like a good steam to start the day off right" His little yawn and stretch and Morning to whoever came in is kinda sweet.
Also Daniel fully wearing a robe in a steam room just seems like a fainting hazard.
I do like Silver coming in through the darkness and the smoke. Very villain move.
He's also more dressed for a steam room...aka not dressed.
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This is such a choice. It's literally Terry Silver sneaking up on Daniel somewhere he feels safe and confronting him somewhere where he's alone and no one else is around, essentially saying this was a bad move, I found out, I know how you found out about this person and then threatening Daniel.
Is the golf club the same as the country club, because if so that should've been a note that Silver had joined his country club. But they didn't show the name of the place beforehand. Like they usually do when they show Encino Oaks
"I told you not to play with fire" and then to make a point literally burns down Barnes's furniture store. That's truly hitting the nail on the head there. And Barnes's has been aware of everything for like five seconds, gave one tiny bit off information out and then lost his whole business. Good thing Chozen got his couch when he did.
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earlgreytea68 · 2 years
Very excited to see you excited, don't worry! A lot of FOB fans are very DL about liking particularly those two in a shippy way because we're all older and trying to be normal and people haven't always been normal about it, but my inner 14 year old still lives and she needs to see people like yourself lose their minds over these small gestures that mean the world to me. Shipping aside, because this whole band means the world to me and I'm a little anxious, I'm always secretly worried they're more colleagues than friends, so Patrick mentioning in that interview how they've learned and internalized how important it is to stay *friends* and not just be [voice full of disdain, the way Patrick says it] business associates, is so important to me. Sorry for the little ramble! In short, I'm so happy about it all.
Buckle in, this gets rambly and is probably completely unnecessary for the response you were looking for OH, WELL, THAT'S ME RIGHT NOW.
I am also always very worried that they might not actually like each other and it's all for show, and then I think: Why should I care? You know? Like, I write a lot of fiction about these two that I know is fiction, so why should THAT be the fiction that bothers me, that they don't actually like each other at all and it's one big massive performance?
And I think partly it's because what we want from bands is some little reflection of the joy that they give to *us,* you know? Like, you want the people in your band to love the band as much as you do. And sometimes it just doesn't feel that way. But you cling to the hope that no, no, they love hanging out at concerts as much as you love going to them. Think of that gifset where Pete says something like, "When people tell me my band saved their life, I get it, because my band kind of saved my life, too." That's such a compelling thing to say because that's an acknowledgment, like, I get why you think this band is important. It's important to me, too. And it's important for fans to feel like their band members find the band important. Our relationship with music is always an intimate relationship, and so it heightens how we view the bands we follow. They're with us at the most intense moments of our lives, and we want it to be mutual. You know? And this is why we want so badly for these people to really like each other, because we really like them, and isn't it so great when everybody is happy together?????
All of that wishful thinking established, I do think Pete and Patrick are genuinely friends. I think friendship looks different in your late 30s and early 40s than it does in your 20s, especially once you have kids. You talk to your friends less and you see them less but you still consider them friends, even if you only get to have dinner twice a year, even if you only text every so often. Pete clearly has a lot of friends he hangs out with a lot, golfing and playing tennis and going to theme parks and whatever else he's always running around doing. None of these friends ever seem to be Patrick. Patrick...doesn't seem to ever leave his house hahahaha. Or at least is very private about doing so. And so it's always hard to know how much hanging out they're ever actually doing, because it tends to seem to happen in secret, and we only ever see the end result of it.
But over the years I've gleaned a lot of stuff about how they interact to make me realize that Patrick just isn't that guy who does a lot of the random hanging out that Pete seems to thrive on. Like, Pete has a line in an interview somewhere where he says something like, "I figured out if I wanted to see Patrick we had to get together and write, because he doesn't just hang out." But it wasn't said like Patrick doesn't hang out because Patrick doesn't like Pete, just that that's not who Patrick is. And Patrick also says something in an interview at some point where he's like, "I will never go to anything but Pete always invites me and I always appreciate that." Idk, they feel like two people who each understand how the other operates and it works for them. Like, that's what makes it feel less performative to me. They aren't out for the cameras a whole lot. But they write a bunch of music and they kid around on stage.
Pete's clearly a savvy guy who figured out a long time ago that he could play up the relationship between him and Patrick and it would be A Thing, and he could still be doing that. When he posts sentimental little pictures of the two of them, when he wishes him happy birthday, when he talks about destiny because his grandfather was stationed on the U.S.S. Stump, like, this could all be performative stuff to keep that fanbase going, and that's all fine.
But I also think that's just because it's performative doesn't mean it's not true. You know when you're young and you have a close friend and you think that the two of you are just the best, cleverest, funniest people in the entire universe? And then you *perform* that for everyone to see? That feels like Pete and Patrick when they were young. And I bet you no longer perform that with your person. But that doesn't necessarily mean you stopped being friends with them. You just grew up a little bit and stopped performing as much. Or, if you're Pete Wentz, you never outgrew performing and just do it in a different way.
Someone said to me at one point that people have been saying Pete and Patrick secretly hate each other for as long as there has been a Fall Out Boy (in the same way that Fall Out Boy has been sellouts for as long as there has been a Fall Out Boy). If they hate each other, they have put up with that hate for a looooong time at this point. They had zero reason to put out another album right now, after this long break. They might be desperate for money but they shouldn't be, given all their side gigs. It's a lot of effort to keep pretending to like someone you don't like. Or at least don't like all that much. I doubt either of them feels like doing it at this point in their lives.
Idk that they loom as large in each other's imaginations as I think they probably used to, but that's just growing up. I think they *do* appreciate each other in different ways, and that is *also* growing up. But yeah, all the same, it's always nice to see them really look like they like each other. I could actually go on and on with the evidence I have gathered of instances where they act like people that are friends because it's so important to me, but this is already way too long, but anyway, yeah, I think they're friends, not just colleagues, and that's nice because it's always nice to think your band likes itself as much as you do.
(Also, like, the shippy thing, I have a whole ~~thing about how our society's emphasis on romantic love being The One True Value devalues all other relationships in our lives and that's why when we see people have important relationships we kneejerk ship them because we've been trained by society to think that's the only way people can value each other and I do think that's an important thing that is definitely at play in shipping but I write so many shipping stories that I don't feel I have a leg to stand on to actually interrogate that hahahaha I can just say, "Yes, society has done this to me, I am just perpetuating the problem, oops")
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btwimkindagay · 2 years
About me
Thanks @littledreamling for the tag
Nickname: Usually Breezy! My first name is a place name, so some of my friends call me by other place names (but more commonly acquaintances who think they are funnier than they are 🙄)
Sign: Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius rising. I hope that doesn't give away all my secrets
Height: 5'7 or 170cm!
Last thing I googled: "Wilfred Owen Letter to Wife poem". It's actually called "The Letter"
Song stuck in my head: I don't have one at the moment which I'm grateful for because I have a headache which feels like someone is trying to lobotomise me through my left eye. (I've taken some painkillers so I'm just being dramatic until they kick in)
Followers: 138! Thanks to everyone for politely waiting out the Goncharov phase
Amount of sleep: I regularly get 9-10 hours of sleep because otherwise I feel so bad 😥 I am envious of people who need less because for me 8 hours and 4 hours feel the same 🤢
Dream job: probably also a professor, like Crow! I'd love to be able to do research on things I'm interested in (it's always gay nuns, but recently it's also polygyny within medieval Jewish communities), and chat with colleagues about theirs, and write articles, and make lots of powerpoint presentations (I love them because I can even script in my jokes), and see what the younger generation are interested in when it comes to history! However, as we have established I am a very tired person, so I'm not sure how well I would cope with the expectation of out of hours work.
Wearing: Blue silk pyjama bottoms decorated with little white vines and flowers, brown walking socks, and a long fluffy hooded! dressing gown which I would probably call maroon or burgundy. Don't judge me for this (or do, I deserve it).  For the more wattpad experience we can also say that I have thrown my long brown hair into a messy bun.
Books/movies that summarise me: I could ask my friends, or I could just insert a picture of the DSM-V here because that's what they'll all send me
Favourite song: I don't have favourite anythings to be honest, but my most played song this year (at a whopping 22 times) was Zitti e Buoni by Måneskin. Lyric-wise I'm still obsessed with Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives, specifically "I know that you mean so well, but I am not a vessel for your good intent".
Favourite instrument: I've played clarinet, recorder, guitar, and keyboard, none of which I had any talent for 😂
Aesthetic: I've been told so many things about how I dress so I'll try to keep it brief. I own an eclectic collection of dresses (probably 60+) and tend to favour colourful patterns for daily wear and single colour grecian-style drapes for formal events. I likewise own lot of colourful patterned tops (described by my friends as "pretty", "flattering", "interesting", and "like you took it from your mum's wardrobe" (she gave it to me)) which I wear with jeans. That said, I can most commonly be found in my "grandad" looks of a men's shirt open over a vest or buttoned to the bare minimum of decency, or one of my two favourite golf jumpers (one grey, one beige).
Favourite authors: I don't have favourite authors of books (though I definitely do for fanfiction), but I do want to read more Margaret Atwood because I've only read The Handmaid's Tale and that one quote from The Robber Bride that lives rent free in my head.
Random fun fact: I managed to get super glue in my mouth when I was decorating a christmas bauble with watch parts last night! Very on brand, I'm notoriously clumsy. I also only managed to super glue two of my fingers together, so that is a new record
Tagging @bidet-and-legolas @a-liittle-bit-of-both and anyone who fancies it!
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8celestebells · 1 year
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Hello, hello. I'm writing you this message 'cause I think there's this page on IG 'f1gossipofficial' that is creating a story about Carlos and Rebecca that doesn't exist, or better, if it is, it's probably a pr relationship and nothing more. Beside that, as you can see, Rebecca posted this pictures today and Alvaro, Carlos' close friend posted the same. They assuming Carlos is with them but apparently all you can see is Alvaro and Rebecca on that yacht (IF is the same, we can't be 100% sure about it). The luxury yacht isn't Carlos' but it could be rent by anyone with money (Carlos and Alvaro used to rent it and there are pictures from last year about them on board of that same yacht)
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The point is: in a comment this IG Gossip Page would't reveal Alvaro's ig page to whom was asking about his name because, according to them, 'he is a discreet person' but this is TOTALLY bullshit, 'cause the whole world knows his name and knows he's one of Carlos' closest friend.
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Plus, 15 days ago when Carlos was in Portugal with him and apparently Rebecca and her friend were with them, they posted Avaro's story where him and Carlos were playing golf. The video was also posted on Twitter by all the people who are a Carlos' supporter. So it went viral showing us his name and Alvaro's Ig account. But people already knew who Alvaro was, again, he's Carlos' best friend from ages. So, what's the point today to avoid his identity?
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In conclusion, they want us to believe in all that Carlos-Rebecca shitty story on purpose, claiming events as they really happens when there's no evedince at all, not a single one. Why are they doing it? Are they paid by pr agencies to spread rumors about them? What do you think about. (Sorry, I wrote the longest post ever but I really think it's a very ridiculous situation.)
I love how you went into detail with this.. Like deeply love how detailed this is.
Ironically, this is the IG Gossip page I constantly shit on... I feel like I should feel slightly bad about it, but I kinda don't anyways.
I have seen this post this morning and found it so fucking strange cause like I always thought everyone knows who is a part of Carlos' friend group outside of the grid... So like i thought it was strange they tried to hide Alvaro's story and hide his name when if you are a Carlos fan you are gonna know who he hangs out with...
But let's say it is true right; why wouldn't Carlos go straight after the race, to see his family, like that's the first strange thing about this post cause the Sainz's clan are extremely family orientated, so why is he with some random girl he's been hooking up with and not his family... That's was the first red flag for me right, cause in my head, I guess right, Carlos was going to spend 1-2 weeks with his family and then go hang out with his friends before he has to go to Ferrari's factory to figure shit out there for the upcoming races.
But also regarding the boat, i always thought Carlos Senior is the one with a boat, but it stays strictly close to Madrid... Am I wrong on that?
I mean i feel like every driver at the moment is with Family and or girlfriends (the ones that are married are now family too) instead of their friends cause of how little they actually see their families.. So I don't think it's true, maybe Alvaro and Rebecca are together getting down and Nasty... Just kidding, he probably got a girlfriend so...
Also, I've said this before.. I think they get paid to spread shit about most of these drivers... but they are getting paid by people who do not know how much this affects the driver's reputation, cause Carlos now seems like a fuckboy who could have cared less about his 7 year relationship ending, and as far as i'm aware of, when you are doing pr sit for someone you are trying to make them looking like a decent human instead of a dickhead.
At the end of the day, though. I feel bad for Isa, i can't imagine giving someone 7 years of your life just for them to not appreciate it, cause if this whole story with Rebecca and Carlos is true, he just shown how little he loved and cared about Isa, which to me i don't know about you guys but i would feel disgusted with not only myself but with the man involved cause of how easy he moved after being together for so long.
Also, this whole situation kinda gives me... Hailey and Justin Bieber's relationship in a whole... cause Hailey and Justin started their relationship after Justin was with Selena Gomez on and off for many fucking years.. But he never truly gained anything out of it other than some Pussy from Hailey but he had gotten a bad reputation and she gained a lot more attention to her name and she gained her shit skincare brand.
So kept in mind pr relationships they aren't always for both people to gain something out of it, but as long as it benefits one of the two people then, it was deemed as a success.
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equizona · 2 years
The security breach crew react to a teen reader being ignored on their birthday because they're little cousin shares their birthday and everyone's fawning over them and the reader just gets forgotten
˗ˏˋ THIS WON'T DO ´ˎ˗
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— CHARACTER(S): Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, Roxanne Wolf, Montgomery Gator, Sundrop, Moondrop
— NOTES: If this is your situation just know you are amazing even if dumb people don't give you the attention you deserve smh.
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Freddy doesn't want to abandon the other birthday kid, so he first tries to get you in on the activites. To get everyone else to pay you more attention. Though it doesn't take him very long to realize that isn't working.
He does feel a little guilty about abandoning your cousin, but he'll play with you and sing for you, giving you most of his attention, and he gets the others to join him in celebration you!
And if someone does get upset with him for not giving your cousin the attention, he will point out to all the guest how they're ignoring you so it's only fair like this. He is good at making people feel bad, too.
He will also get you toys and such as a gift.
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She's fast to realize that everyone isn't giving you the attention you deserve! Much like Freddy, she's going to get a little more involved with having you be part of the celebration, and she'll even subtly hint at it to the adults in the celebration.
When she does realize her efforts aren't helping, she'll get one of her friends to try and keep the other birthday kid distracted, and she'll snag the other two and have a little mini-celebration with you.
She gets you all your favorite snacks and your favorite pizza, and she invites you into her maze, as she plays all sorts of games with you. She even tells you the location of special prizes in those hidden gifts, and she'll give you a party pass for your favorite location!
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Roxanne is a little slow with realizing what's happening, but when she does she's a little annoyed. She's pretty obvious to everyone as she keeps trying to involve you more, but she also gives up on that faster than the previous two.
She brings you to her raceway, ignoring that it is technically supposed to be closed. There is one track that is safe to drive, so she let's you race with her on that one. She does keep an extra good eye on you though, just to be safe.
She even let's you win a few races! Which, she doesn't do often even for birthday kids. She's also very good at giving you all sorts of advice and compliments. And if you want her autograph or anything, she's more than happy to comply.
She does make sure to bring you safely back to your family when she gets the reminder in her system that you and your cousin's party is almost over. And she'll even snag you a gift on the way out, special ones that are only in her raceway.
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This is why he doesn't like adults. Sure, he can kind of understand the other children, since they're children and are still learning to be inclusive and all that. But the adults? He scares them with his intense glare that they only feel behind his sunglasses. It doesn't take him long before he gives up on magically getting them to give you more attention on your big day.
He steals you away from the rest of the party, asking you which attraction you would prefer to go to. He'll take you wherever, but if you say his golf course he'll even take you up above the course where he likes to hang. He'll go along with whatever you want for the rest of the day, mostly ignoring the other children.
He can go pretty much anywhere he wants in the Plex, and he might even take you to fun back stage places that nobody else gets to be. He'll take you around and help you collect all the special gifts around the Plex, just so your cousin gets jealous. And believe me, he is second at finding those only to Roxy who can see their locations at all time.
And if anyone tells you that you have to share with your cousin, he will glare and growl at them. And he might grumble about not liking the adults at your party during the day with you.
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He's excited when you slide down the slide to the daycare, eagerly greeting you like he does most children, though he's made to be good at reading people and he can tell pretty quickly that something is bothering you. He doesn't have the easiest time asking you about it, because of all the other children, but he invites you to play with everyone even if most are younger than you.
When he does get the opportunity to talk with you a little privately, he will ask you about it. He won't force you to tell him, but if you do he's going to try and make a celebration for you, letting you pick the games everyone plays. He can't leave the daycare and wander like the rest, so he's a little more restricted compared to everyone else, but he does try his best. He hopes the happy spirits of everyone else in the daycare helps make you better.
Lots of tiny kids and a huge sun robot celebrating your birthday, perfect. He gets everyone engaged in your birthday, and he gives you a bunch of his sun-candies to make you more energetic for your big day! You also do a bunch of arts and crafts with everyone, and the kids mostly give you what they made as a gift. Sun will also make you bracelets and other things as a gift. He's limited, but he does his best to make your day wonderful.
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Moon is upset when you wander into the daycare. You're not napping like you're supposed to, and you aren't even supposed to be here? This isn't where teenagers like you are meant to be. But he too, can tell fairly quickly that something is bothering you, and softens up quick.
He'll ask you what's wrong, regardless of whether or not you decide to tell him, he'll ask if you want to settle down and do some arts and crafts. He knows it'll be a little difficult in the dark, but there are tiny lights that don't bother his programming that can help you see if you want.
He isn't very good with awake children, and he has even less experience with a teenager but you can tell that he tries. He might make something for you, and join you in the arts and crafts. He'll also sneak some drinks and candies from the staff, to give you as a sort of gift. When the adults end up finding you, he is glaring at them the entire time.
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glambots · 3 years
maybe some main four hcs with an employee who's deaf?? how would they communicate? would thry teach each other asl? 🤔
🎩Glamrock-Freddy + Deaf!Reader HCs: 🎩
⭐He's very quick to understand your situation, as he makes sure to review every new employee's file before they start working. His first greeting is still spoken out loud--out of second-nature--but he quickly corrects himself with an added apology. Old habits die hard.
⭐He knows most of the basics, as ASL is a language encoded into his system, along with several others. Still, if there are any phrases missing from his internal thesaurus, he will remember to turn to you for translation, and he very much appreciates your help.
⭐He has no patience for people who talk about you behind your back, or mock you in any way. The Pizzaplex has a very high standard for the respect shown to their employees, especially those with disabilities--and no one is allowed to disrespect his friends.
🐊Montgomery Gator + Deaf!Reader HCs:🐊
⭐At first, he thinks you're ignoring him, as he calls out to you from across the way. Eventually he gets pissed and storms over to chew you out, only to stop short when you cut him off with frantic signing. Ah. Right. That was in your file, wasn't it? Good job, Gator.
⭐He's embarrassed about being such an ass about things, and ends up giving you a few free passes to Gator Golf to make up for things. You two end up talking for a while. And since Monty's a little "rusty" on his ASL, he feels lucky to have you there to help him out.
⭐He's pretty protective of you, after that. And he takes no shit for anyone trying to screw with you. Sure, he might get in trouble for "threatening the guests," but they started it! 'Sides, you're his friend, and he doesn't take kindly to people pickin' on his friends.
🍕Glamrock-Chica + Deaf!Reader HCs:🍕
⭐The first time you meet, she's already chattering away about anything and everything--only to see the confused, lost look on your face and freeze. Then she goes through your file and--oh! Oh, right! Sorry, haha! And then she keeps going, this time in ASL.
⭐Chica already tends to "talk with her hands," so her ASL is very dramatic and full of flair. She waves constantly, and has to watch herself in case she accidentally hits something in the process. The amount of Fizzy Faz's overturned in her passion are insurmountable.
⭐She's usually a very anxious person when it comes to confrontation, but that goes right out the window when it comes to her friends. Anyone picks on you? She's gonna be right up in their face, giving them a well-earned (and lengthy) piece of her mind!
🐺Roxanne Wolf + Deaf!Reader HCs:🐺
⭐Off-the-bat, she assumes you're ignoring her. You think you're too cool for her? Well, two can play at that game! Next time, she makes a point to ignore you--only to see you signing and immediately realize her mistake. Turns out, she's been stewing over nothing this whole time! Great!!!
⭐Her ASL is, not quite as fluent as Chica's, but not quite as rusty as Monty's. Somewhere closer to Freddy's level, the basics. And she's careful not to chip a nail while she does it. You know how long she spends doing these things?? A heck of a long time!!!
⭐Roxy is probably the one out of the group who'd come closest to actually laying her hands on someone who talks bad about you. She does not stand for that shit, and she's not afraid to make it known. Who cares if she gets in trouble--you're her friend, dammit!
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
Idk how I just noticed your pinned post but your fandom taste?? beyond immaculate.
I am humbly asking if you perhaps have any hcs for a gravity falls!au for stranger things, and/or a hogwarts!au 👀
beck, we simply have the best of taste. and yes i do have headcanons
disclaimer: fuck jkr
gravity falls au hcs:
so. will and el are the mystery twins. we been knew
visiting hop in gravity falls, oregon, for the summer of course
the rest of the party happens to have summer jobs at the mystery shack
(why hopper hired them all, he will never know. to this day, it is still one of the best and worst things he's ever done)
i think that the other party members (max, mike, lucas, and dustin) have a little mystery club. a gang, if you will
i think they have journal 3 and they give will and el a brief evaluation before inviting them in to the club
when will and el have their first supernatural encounter and end up defeating the gnomes with a leafblower, the party knows that they're perfect for their club
will and el are just. stunned. to hear about all the stuff that goes down in gravity falls
they love the lore and yeah they might've just fought off a shit ton of gnomes but WOAH there are that many other cool things here too??
of course they have to avoid the watchful eye of hopper
but their friends and fellow employees steve and robin (wendy and soos respectively) help them sneak around and figure things out
the party lets will and el borrow journal 3 to look over
when el sees the page about vampires, she's immediately convinced that mike is one
and while will waves it off and says that that's ridiculous, he can't help but wonder as well
el takes it upon herself to ask max who just laughs and says that they're explored that idea many times, but it doesn't seem to be true
the golf cart is the main form of transport for the party
you're probably wondering, how on earth do six people fit in a golf cart??
well, easy enough answer there: lucas and max in the front, el and will in the back, mike hanging on the side, and dustin on top
they strap dustin in with bungee cords because they've had a few accidents too many
i think max is able to send bill cypher back into oblivion with just one dirty look
bill cypher may be like a demon of multiple worlds, but he has other worlds he can take over that don't involve the wrath of max
el plays matchmaker just like mabel does, but she gets max involved in it too
these girls are the finest matchmakers in all of gravity falls
well. until it came to mike and will
they tried several times to get those two together but god they were both so helpless, el and max just gave up eventually
this cute little nerdy boy obsessed with all the cryptids?? who keeps drawing them as they fight them all summer and adding more illustrations to the journal?? has his heart.
will spends most of his summer learning more about this stuff and getting excited about it
he does. think about mike. maybe just a bit
but he often tries to push those thoughts aside bc there's no way mike would like him back AND he has monsters to focus on
until one day lucas casually asks will how he and mike are doing and will is like ????
lucas thought they were dating
okay maybe he knew they weren't and just wanted to stir the pot but still it was enough to make will open his eyes
mike meanwhile has finally broken down and gone to the girls for advice
to which he is greeted with both enthusiasm and a speech of "if you EVER hurt MY BROTHER..."
but yeah. mike ends up asking will out finally
on pioneer day as well, mike asked will if he would go out with him or if he'd have to settle for marrying a woodpecker
will happily agreed
but anyway
lucas punches a pterodactyl in the face
i could go on and on but that's the limit of my brain atm. i love gravity falls. i love stranger things. this was lovely to think about
hogwarts au hcs:
ok so sorting the party into their houses is difficult as fuck. i can honestly see a valid argument of putting the party members in almost any house, and i'm totally here for that discussion, but for this hc set, these are the houses i'm putting them in:
mike: slytherin, will: gryffindor, dustin: ravenclaw, lucas: hufflepuff, max: slytherin, el: gryffindor
dustin is muggle born but god that does not stop him from learning and absorbing everything he can about the wizarding world
el has a cat, mike, lucas, max, and will have owls, and dustin has a toad
the toad's name is scribbles
idk why, it just is
also lucas and will play quidditch!! lucas is a keeper and will is a chaser
fred and george did not pass the maurauder's map to harry. they passed it to max and will
max and will have not told a soul that they have it, but they use it to their advantage and love it
mike and el have a competition of collecting chocolate frog cards
who has the most, the rarest ones, the most diverse set, etc
el is winning btw
lucas thinks the toothpaste every flavor bean tastes good
they all have some wonderful wizarding talents as well
as i said before, will and lucas are on the quidditch team, so they're good at that
lucas is also great in care of magical creatures
he loves every single one of those animals and knows just how to calm them and care for them
el has a real knack for herbology!!
she actually wants to come back and teach it after she graduates
el also. wants a pet mandrake
dustin is a potions MASTER
he learns all these tricks and does them so well that he could practically write a second edition of the half-blood prince's book
mike is good at charms!
he loves all those little helpful spells that just make life easier, ya know
those are the best
max is FANTASTIC at transfiguration
she can turn anything into. anything
in fact max has this little business (that might not be entirely safe or legal for her to do by wizarding standards, but she does it anyway)
she helps transfigure body parts of dysphoric trans hogwarts students
shh don't tell anyone
mike got the most O.W.L.s.
no one knows how, but he did
also max once locked umbridge in the room of requirement
"it was what i required at that time! it wasn't my fault, i swear!"
oh you know how i said dustin has a toad scribbles
he also is in the toad choir at hogwarts
he and scribbles both have voices of angels
when they're old enough, lucas and el get put as head boy and head girl
will is a prefect
mike flirting with him shamelessly and will trying to stay professional but he can't help but melt at his boyfriend's dumb little attempts to catch him off guard
sometimes he gets so flustered from mike's flirting that he can't remember the password to the common room and he has to wait for someone else to come back to help him
setting them in the year of triwizard tournament rn
lucas is the hogwarts champion!!!!!! bc who tf else i mean come on he's perfect
will drawing banners for lucas and mike charming them to animate
byler dancing at the yule ball :(((((((
ugh god i. i love them
again i could go on and on but that's the limit of my brain for tonight
hope you enjoyed!!!!!!
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scenesofobx · 2 years
Navigating Troubled Waters
Illicit Affairs: Part 1
Summary: Your relationship with Topper goes through troubled waters, ending in putting your relationship on a break. Comforting friends and a surprising hookup leaves you feeling better than had before.
Based off on the song Illicit Affairs by Taylor Swift.
AN: This series has been a work in progress for weeks and I'm extremely proud of it :)
Warnings: mentions of arguments, hurt, cheating, a toxic relationship, sex, underage drinking.
Word Count: 3.9k
Note: This fic does not intend to condone cheating in any which way or form!
Thank you so much to @storytellingwitht for helping me out so much with this fic, I love you!
Topper and I had been dating for 6 months now. Sarah had been the one to set us up, her being best friends with me and good friends with Topper, she claimed that we'd be the perfect match. We were, kind of... Topper was a kind and committed boyfriend. He had his flaws, of course, I mean who doesn't?
Everything in our relationship had been smooth sailing so far, he was patient with me, never pushing any boundaries. He was the picture perfect boyfriend, but he was boring. Nothing about him excited me. Sure he'd surprise me with flowers, take me out for dinner every Monday night and would let me steal his hoodies. Again, picture perfect.
We rarely fought. The only fights we ever had was when he'd claim I was flirting with the Pogues when we were the boneyard. He'd always go on about how I was too touchy with JJ, Pope and Johb B when all I'd do is give them a hug hello and treat them like I do all my other friends, I think he was just annoyed because I didn't hate the Pogues like he did, I wasn't exactly a half Kook half Pogue like Kiara was, but I got on with the Pogues. I'd surfed with them on more than one occasion when Topper and his buddies were playing golf at the country club. I'd offered hundreds of times to teach my boyfriend how to surf because then I wouldn't have to make him jealous about me hanging out with people who wasn't him or weren't Kooks.
Our biggest fight yet occurred at his house at midday on a Saturday. Topper was saying that he wanted us to go to lunch with his parents, even though I already had plans with Pope to study. Even though we attended different schools, with Pope and the rest of the Pogues attending Kildare Country High School on The Cut, and Sarah and I attending a private school on Figure Eight, certain modules overlapped between both schools, most of them being in math, where Pope thrived and I, well... I didn't. Pope had offered that'd he'd help tutor me on the current geometry module that I was struggling with. He was always a night in shining armour when it came to anything book related, which Topper hated. He hated the Pogues with every fibre of his being and he hated that I needed Pope's help.
"Come on babe, I promised my parents we would go to lunch with them!", Topper was trying to persuade me to cancel my study plans with Pope so I could attend this last minute lunch with his parents.
"I don't why you promised that to them before consulting me about it. You knew I had plans to study with Pope, plans that I made last week, not this morning!", I was getting agitated at his constant last minute plans. I'd cancelled plans to surf with JJ a few months ago because Topper wanted to go to the country club with me for lunch. Then I'd cancelled plans with Kie last month, we were going to go for a beach walk to catch up and clean up the litter off the beach, but Topper had said he wanted to have a day in with me, watching movies, so I played the part of the good girlfriend and cancelled my plans with Kie. This wasn't the first time he was asking me to cancel my plans for him, and I know for a fact that it won't be the last.
"I promised them because I thought I could rely on you to be there for me when I needed you, to be able to cancel your plans to do what I'm asking."
"You wanted me to cancel my plans to study with Pope?"
"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying Y/N!", you looked at him with utter disbelief, "You're choosing to hang out with Pope instead of joining me and my parents for lunch, you're being selfish"
"Oh, I'm being selfish?"
"Yes, you are! You're choosing you hang out with you friend instead of being here for me when I need you to be."
"Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds, hmm? Do you? The plans that you want me to cancel are going to help me get my geometry marks up, Topper. You're asking me to put my education on the backburner to attend a random lunch with your parents! You're being ridiculous Topper"
"I'm not being ridiculous, I'm asking one simple favour, why can't you just study with him tomorrow instead?"
"Because there's a test on Monday, I need his help to understand the formulas and working out, and I need him to help me today so I can spend tomorrow doing practice questions so make sure I'm prepared for test! Why can't you just go without me?", he'd given me a counter-offer to studying with Pope today and I was giving him one back, to attend the lunch without me.
"I can't go without you because I want to show your hot ass off", he said in a nonchalant tone.
"Is that the only reason you want me there? To show me off, to brag!?", I was yelling now, how could be objectify me so much?
"No, God no, I just... I'm trying to compliment you here Y/N!"
"Well you're not succeeding! You're literally only commenting on my my body, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?"
"Nothing is wrong with me, but clealy something is wrong with you if you can't cancel your dumb plans to be there for me! You're going to fail your test anyway, so what's the point!?", Topper was yelling in my face.
"You know what?", I asked rhetorically, "I can't do us right now! I'm going to go study with Pope and I'm going to pass that test!", I was hurt and I wanted to cry but I wouldn't allow myself to be weak in front of him right now.
"Why, to prove it to me that you can?", the tone of his voice was super snarky.
"No, to prove it to myself. I don't have to prove anything to you!", and with being happy that I got to have the last word, I left his house, making sure to slam the door behind me.
I got in my car and rushed over to Pope's, our study session was in twenty minutes and I was not going to miss it. I had to prove it to myself and rub it in Toppers face that I passed. Yes, I know I'm being super freaking petty but I just want to prove him wrong. He always acts like he's so perfect, that he never does wrong and and never be wrong and I just want to kick him off his high horse.
I still hasn't cried and I wasn't going to, well not until All Too Well (10 Minute Version) [Taylor's Version] came on and I found myself screaming along to the lyrics, relating more than I ever had before to one particular part...
I was screaming along and relating to that verse with every fibre of my being, tears were streaming down my cheeks now and I honestly couldn't care less. Screw him for being such an asshole. It's gonna take a hell of a lot for me to take him back, I'm not going to cave at the smallest apology. I know my worth and I know I'm worth more than that.
The song ended at the exact moment I parked in Pope's driveway. I grabbed a tissue out my bag and wiped away my tears, I was grateful that I wasn't wearing any makeup because the last thing I needed was mascara stained cheeks.
Pope's mom opened the door, giving me a once over and pulling me into a hug without saying anything, she whispered a quick "I love you sweetie" before she let me go. "I'll put a pot of tea on, that sound good honey?"
"That's absolutely perfect Mrs Heyward, thank you!"
Pope really had the sweetest mom on the planet! I had nothing against my own but she just wasn't as soft headed as Mrs Heyward was, Kook mom's were all stuck up and controlling in one way or another, something Mrs Heyward lacked entirely.
"Of course, splash of milk and two sugars right?", she asked with a smile spread across her face.
"That's right, you still surprise me that you know", I smiled back at her, stunned at the fact she could always remember just how I liked my tea.
"Glad to keep you on your toes", she let out a small laugh and I did the same.
Gosh, how I love and appreciated Pope's mom!
While Mrs Heyward finished up making tea for Pope and I, denying my offer to help her, I made my way up to Pope's room and knocked soflty on his door.
"Come in"
"Hey Po! How are you?"
"I'm good Y/N/N, what about you?", he asked me, worry evident in his voice.
"I'm okay!", I replied, completely unconvincingly.
"You know you can talk to me Y/N/N. I won't push you to, but I'm here!", he pulled me in for a comforting hug just like his mom had a few minutes ago.
"Thank you P, it's just... Ugh Topper and I had a stupid fight. He was being a complete prick, saying he wanted me to cancel our study plans so I could go to some dumb lunch with his parents. When I defended the fact that I made these plans a last week ago and that I needed to study with you so I could pass my test. When I asked him why I can't just miss out on the lunch he said he wanted to 'show my hot ass off'. He literally said said Pope!"
"That's so rude of him to focus solely on your looks and not on your intelligence!", Pope was really good at being the friend I could vent to, he'd say exactly what I needed him to.
"Right! Oh and", I laughed in utter disbelief, "You won't freaking believe what he said about my intelligence Pope!"
"What'd he say?"
"He legitimately said it wasn't worth studying for this test because I'd fail anyway!", I was crying again, I'd finally said aloud what I never wanted to hear someone say, what I thought about myself day in and day out.
"I'm so sorry Y/N/N, he's a complete asshole and he doesn't deserve you! You're way smarter than he'll ever be and him saying such a thing when he knows you struggle with your self confidence in maths is downright pathetic of him!", Pope was angry now, he was angry at the fact Topper could say such a rude thing about me and to me. Pope however is a lover not a fighter so he comforted me instead of going to beat the shit out of Topper like a certain blonde Pogue would.
He sat hugging me for ten whole minutes, Mrs Heyward interrupting at the five minute mark to bring us our tea. Goodness did she make the best tea North Carolina had ever seen, probably because she puts so much love into making it.
Once I'd finished my tea and heard some comforting words from Pope, we got to studying. Geometry was never my strong suit and I thought it never would be but Pope explained it in such a clear and consise way that after our three hour study session I finally understood and could easily do geometry. Wow, that's something I never thought I'd achieve, I'm honestly super blessed having a genuis for a friend!
After I hugged Mrs Heyward goodbye, I hopped in my car and set out for Tannyhill, home to my best friend Sarah Cameron. We'd been friends for as long as I can remember and I was beyond grateful for her every single day. We'd planned to have sleepover tonight, I'd told her that I'd head over to her house after I finished studying with Pope. I'd texted her in Pope's driveway to say I was leaving The Cut and heading to Figure Eight. I was excited to have a fun night in with my best friend, watching movies, secretly drinking some wine we'd sneak from Ward and Rose's basement cellar and gossip about what an asshole my boyfriend is.
I parked in the driveway and got my overnight bag from the backseat of my car. As I was about to ring the door bell, the door was openened by none other than everyone's least favourite Cameron sibling... Rafe. Now I guess Rafe isn't too bad but compared to his sisters he was a clear last. Sarah was of course the best out of the three, she was kind, funny and selfless. Wheezie was sweet too, a bit nosy but she was a kid so I guess I couldn't expect any different. Rafe on the order hand was something else... he may have been my boyfriend's best friend and he may be unnecessarily attractive but he was an utter mess too. Sarah had told me how he spent the money Ward had given him to purchase generators after Agatha to buy cocaine, like hello, how did he think that was a good idea?
"Y/N... I'm guessing you're here for Sarah?"
"Yeah, she's here right?"
"I'm here!", Sarah chimed in, moving around Rafe's tall stature to give me the biggest hug, when she pulled back from the hug she gave me an apologetic look, "Listen..."
"Oh no... Sarah I haven't stepped foot inside and you're already cancelling our plans?", I asked her, puppy dog eyes and pout on full display. I'm not usually a needy person but right now I needed to vent about Topper to someone who knew well and that list was extremely limited.
"I am so sorry buttercup, I was just about to call you. John B called, he wants to take me out for dinner! Would you hate me if I rescheduled our movie night?"
"No, I- um, it's okay! Really, do not stress at all! I'll just head home", I smiled at her, trying to hide any hint of sadness I was feeling.
"You okay?", worry laced her voice and eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, no it's just that Topper and I just had a fight... it's dumb.", I tried to downplay it, I didn't want her cancelling her new plans for me.
"I can stay and we can talk about this", she smiled, trying to reassure me that she would be okay okay cancelling dinner plans with her boyfriend to talk about my shitty one.
"No, really, go! Have fun, make good choices, I'll be okay!"
"Promise?", she asked with an unconvinced look on her face.
"I promise", I smiled, "Now go! You look hot, go have fun!"
"Thank you, really! I love you Y/N/N!", she blew me a kiss and walked over to her bike.
"I love you too!"
I watched her bike away and waved at her when she turned back.
"You can stay you know", I was startled by the sound of Rafe's voice, I didn't realise that he had stayed in his same position all this time.
"You don't have to go home. Ward and Rose are leaving for dinner in about half an hour and Wheezie's sleeping over at a friend's house..."
"And you...?"
"I'll be here... well I'll be in my room, unless you want to talk about what happened with Topper, I know he can be an ass"
"You've got that right", I smiled sadly at him, the wound from our fight still fresh.
"So, you going to stay?"
"Umm...", I needed some more convincing and Rafe got the hint.
"There's a really good bottle of wine in the cellar that I've been eyeing for some time now, it's from 1986, one of the best years in winemaking..."
"I'm sold!", he laughed at my sudden interest to stay with him at Tannyhill instead of heading home, just because of the mention of wine.
"Awesome, well come on it!", he gestured for me to walk inside.
I walked to the living room, putting my overnight bag on the one empty chair and taking a seat on the couch. Rafe followed after me and sat on the opposite end of the same couch.
There was a few moments of awkward silence, we'd never really spoken much besides when exchanging pleasantries so this was uncharted waters for us.
"So the weather is quite nice, huh?", I tried to break the silence. I will admit it was the dumbest thing to say but he was making me nervous for some reason.
"Yeah", he laughed at my silly choice of topic, "It is indeed, but apparently what isn't nice is Topper, which I could've told you if you'd asked", I was taken back by his bluntness when speaking about Topper.
"I thought he was your boyfriend?"
"He is, so is Kelce, but I'll call either of them out on their bullshit any day Y/N/N"
"I respect that Rafe, really. It isn't easy standing up against your friends but if they're in the wrong then they deserve to be told"
"Just like you told Sarah she was wrong to ditch you?", he countered.
"That was different"
"Was it?", I said nothing, "You can't let other people walk all over you"
"I don't Rafe, I literally stood up to Topper when he tried to say that he only wanted me at lunch for my looks and when he basically called me unintelligent! I stood up for myself, okay, and I am darn proud of myself for it!", I defended myself.
"Yeah okay, you definitely need that wine", he laughed and I joined in
When our laughter had died down, Rafe excused himself to fetch us some wine. While he was gone Ward and Rose greeted me with quick hugs and said to tell Rafe that they left for dinner and that they would be home at about 11pm.
Rafe walked in two minutes after they'd left, "I'm sory that took so long, Ward keeps a ton of wine down there yet he doesn't have any form of organisation for his most prized possession", his tone was filled with humour but I knew he thought that Ward loved everything and anything more than his son.
"Well I wouldn't be so sure they're his most prized possession because he only said to say goodbye to you, not to his cellar of wine", I smiled a him, hoping to convince him that he was more than important than some inanimate bottles of wine.
"Thank you", he didn't need to say what he was thankful for, I knew. I knew he was grateful that someone cared and was trying to convince him of just how important his presence is to those around him.
"You're welcome, and thank you too", he gave me a questioning look, "For the wine, I mean"
"Oh, right! You're very welcome, let me get you a glass"
He went to the kitchen and returned with two wine glasses and started pouring wine inyo both as soon as he got the bottle open.
He handed he my glass with a small smile which I was quick to return.
We sat for over an hour, getting through two full bottles of wine while talking about everything from the most random things to every detail of my fight with Topper, which Rafe was quick to let me know who he sided with. Me, it was me, he sided with me, don't worry, I too was surprised that he'd side with me over his best friend. Isn't it bro code to support your friend even if they're wrong? Either he was completely oblivious to the code or he knew about it and decided to disregard it. Either way, I was pleasantly surprised when he got mad over Topper only wanting me at the lunch with his parents to show me off, Rafe said it was a degrading thing for him to say and I, of course. completely agreed. We even spoke about how his dad views him...
"He doesn't care about me, he only cares about me when he needs something, when he needs to to do something, otherwise he couldn't care less about me"
"That may be true Rafe, but there are people who care about you, who care about you as a person and not just because they need something"
"Name one person", he challenged.
"Topper, Kelce, Sarah, Wheezie", I gave a few, trying to prove my point.
"Topper and Kelce don't really care about me Y/N/N, not really, it's a status thing more than anything, I've never had really personal conversations with them, we normally just bitch and moan about our parents and the Pogues, nothing meaningful, and Sarah doesn't care not really, and I know she's your best friend but like Wheezie, she only cares because she's family, she's obliged to care about me in some way, shape or form but just like my dad and Rose, they sort of care but not fully"
"... Me"
"What?", he furrowed his brows.
"I care about you Rafe, not sort of care but fully care", I stated while looking deeply into his whiskey coloured eyes, trying to get my point across.
"For whatever its worth, I think Toppers wrong, you are so much more than just your looks", he smiled the sweetest, most incaptivating smile I had ever seen. I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I had been holding and before I could think twice my lips were on his. He took a second to register what was happening before he kissed me back, the kisses were quick to turn from slow and innocent to extremely rushed and passionate, lust present in every kiss, every touch... Before I realised it, my legs were wrapped around his torso, my hands in his hair and his hands under my thighs keeping me from falling. He was rushing up the stairs, never once breaking the kiss.
He kicked his door open with his only free body part and pushed me against it, slamming it shut. The intensity increased with every kiss, every touch, every sweet thing said. I had never felt like this before.
Like I said before, Topper was boring, there was no spark, no intensity. With Rafe, everything just felt so right. So right that it overrode every single thought about how wrong this was, how immoral it was, because even though I could never truly forgive myself for how badly I'm during Topper right now. All I could truly think about was how if something was so bad, how could it feel so right?
I fell asleep wrapped safely in Rafe's arms, his body heat radiating off onto me, making me feel like I was covered in a blanket of utter love. Never once had it crossed my mind that the middle Cameron sibling would more than likely be coming home at some point tonight and that she would see my car parked outside...
It was 1am when Sarah snuck in quietly through the front door. She wasn't blind, she had seen my car still sitting in the driveway and she looked for me in the living room, her bedroom, the spare bedroom and even Wheezie's bedroom. When she came up short she decided to ask her brother if he knew about your whereabouts.
Taglist: @storytellingwitht @dreamsinshadesofblue
( comment, send an ask or message me to be added to the taglist for this fic <3 )
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It’s Blind Date Time!!!
Pick an AEW wrestler who you would have a great time with. What are you doing and who set you up.
And another AEW wrestler who you have a terrible time with. What went wrong and who set you up
This was surprisingly tough for me, Sweet Tits. That's why it has been sitting in my asks for weeks. But, I have finally managed to get something decent done
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"Please don't, Kris."
"Oh come on... you're the salty one because you're on a bit of a dry spell. So just go out with the guy, and see where it leads."
I frown at my friend, I can't believe she just put me out there like this. Calling it a dry spell? In front of Chuck, OC, and Trent?! What the hell!
Chuck and OC chuckle at her comment, Trent just shakes his head before Kris speaks again. "Come on now, don't be a Debby Downer. It could be fun, right? I mean, the guy's kinda cute, ya know? And you do know him. From here."
"Who, Kris, who is it?!" She just laughs and gives me the address of the restaurant to meet the mystery man that evening. I reluctantly take it, and hope for the best.
When I arrive at the rather fancy location, I immediately feel underdressed. She could've told me this was...fine dining. I scan the room for a familiar face, and then I see him. You've got to be kidding me! HOOK?! He's like ten years younger. A baby basically. I walk over to him and greet him. He just nods, and I can tell he's just as disappointed as I am. To him, I am an old fuck.
"Kris played us dirty, huh?" I try to lighten the mood, and he laughs a bit at my comment.
"She did. No offense, but you're really not my type." He states, and I chuckle.
"No offense taken, I'm glad we're feeling the same about this. Do you wanna leave, or are we having dinner? It's okay if we just go home." I say and honestly mean it.
He just shrugs, and motions me to finally sit down. "I wouldn't mind getting something to eat."
I nod reassuringly, and sit down. After a few awkward minutes, we find something to talk about, and have a decent conversation. I'm still glad when the food arrives, so we don't have to force ourselves to keep talking.
It's just not a date, it's more like friends grabbing a bite together. And not even that, because we're not friends. We don't know each other that well.
And I don't think we ever will. We're just too different.
We make it through the evening, split the bill, and leave, both disappointed with our little experience, ready to get into Kris' face next time we see her.
"You know I don't like being set up with someone. Remember how last time went down? Most awkward date I've ever been on! Who is it anyways?" I ask, already annoyed with my friend Trent. He just grins down at me. "You know, I am pretty sure you'll like him. I'm not gonna tell you who it is, because it is called blind date for a reason."
I smile up at him, like an idiot, and he already knows I'm gonna tell some lame joke.
"You're setting me up with a blind guy?!" I giggle, partially because of my own joke, partially because of Trent's eyes rolling to the back of his head while he comedically sighs. "I already pity the poor soul who has to spent time with you and your stupid jokes."
"Well, maybe you'll find a deaf guy, so he doesn't have to hear my voice, then. I'd rather go on a deaf date anyways."
"Oh my God, seriously, stop it! I know you're an idiot, but you've just reached a whole new level. Here, meet him at this venue." He says as he hands me a piece of paper.
I look down at it and grin. "Miniature golf? Dude seems to be an idiot, too. So no need for me to hold back." I pat his back a couple of times, before I leave him standing there, mouth hanging open.
When it's time to meet the dude, I am actually a bit excited, because no matter what I said earlier, I love miniature golf. So even if the guy sucks, at least we're doing something fun. I enter the area, which is a really nice place, lots of cute decorations, and some great places to go grab a bite. Just my cup of tea. I smile to myself, before a weak 'hi' makes me turn around. I know that voice...
"What are you doing here?" I say as I look him up and down. He's always so fucking gorgeous, it makes my heart skip a beat.
He doesn't answer, but puts his hands in his pocket and bounces a little on his feet.
"Wait...You're my date? My blind and deaf date?" I am puzzled, and then I smile at him. "I knew it had to be an idiot!" I laugh, but he still seems nervous.
"Are you disappointed?" He murmurs, hands still in his pockets, fumbling inside them.
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"Aww, Trent, my dear, sweet, idiotic Trent..." I start as I wrap my arms around him for a hug. "I am pleasantly surprised...I'm glad it's you." The tension leaves his body as he listens to me, and he finally hugs me back, a crooked smile gracing his lips, before he dismisses himself to get us some clubs and balls.
We start our first round, and everything is just as usual. We laugh, we talk, we just have fun. That is until we finished hole no. 5 and I get suspicious. "Are you letting me win, Trent? Or are you really this bad?"
A hearty laughter leaves his mouth. "I am really this bad. I'd NEVER let you win ANYTHING on purpose. You're an obnoxious winner." He explains before putting his hand on my lower back to guide me to the next course. And that's when I realize it: This is really a date. He is really into me, just as I am into him.
His touch may be subtle, the smallest of gestures, but it sets my skin on fire and makes all the nerves in my body tingle. I lean into his body a bit and look up at him. His cheeks turn a soft pinkish hue when our eyes meet. He presses a small kiss on my temple, and I almost pass out because of it. Why are his lips so soft? Why is his beard tickling me in all the right ways? And most importantly: Why haven't we done this earlier?!
"Alright, time for me to own your ass!" He says as he lets go of me and puts his ball down to start the next round. Just as he swings his club, I retort. "But you've already owned my ass for quite some time." He loses all momentum that he dramatically built up and his golf ball goes flying in the hedge nearby.
"Hey, that's cheating! You did that on purpose!" He playfully yells, finger angrily pointing at me as he walks over. When he's right in front of me, I shrug before bringing my hands together on the back of his head. The mockery falls from his face as he looks at me and swallows hard before he almost whispers. "Seriously, don't fuck with me like that."
"Really, Trent?! I was kinda hoping we would do that at some point...That was very poor phrasing." I say, and it takes him a moment to understand what I mean. Meanwhile, I move one of my hands up on his head and run it over his buzz cut. Then, I can't even tell who started it, but our lips magically find their way on each other. And it is not what I imagined. It is ten thousand times better. And I can already tell I want more. I NEED to kiss him day and night, for the rest of my existence. When we pull away from each other, he looks down at me and grins like an idiot. I am pretty sure my grin matches his.
But then again, this should not be surprising, because we are indeed two idiots.
Two idiots falling in love with each other.
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ask-megapizzaplex · 3 years
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Glamrock Freddy Fazbear🎤
"You are my superstar."
Bear dad
Worried for Gregory, who has already left
Tries to appear threatening when he's faced with... well other threats. Is actually not that big of a threat
Oddly enough, sometimes seen being very gloomy over... Something.
Is Glamrock Bonnie's partner.
pretty similar to canon
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Glamrock Chica 🧁
"Did someone say pizza?"
How can this robot eat, smell, or taste? Forever it will be a mystery. Maybe.
Eats anything you give her. Anything. A metal fork? Food. Rat poison? Food. No limits.
Great 'friends' with Roxy.
Seems airheaded, but knows EXACTLY to trick people into doing what she wants.
Cares most about her friends. Would do anything for them.
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Roxanne Wolf 🏁
"I'm the BEST! No one can beat me!"
Definitely no self esteem issues here
Greatest on the raceway
Moon's #1 bullying target
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Montgomery Gator 🌟
"Rock and roll! Gahahaha!"
Violence is a question
The answer is yes
Bottled emotions, get your bottled emotions here
Ready to pop off on anyone
Fights inanimate objects
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Heart of gold. Brain of hardened play-doh.
He is allowed outside during daycare hours with the kids he looks after. Animals and insects like him
He and Moon share a body.
He and Moon can talk to each other, but nobody hears the inactive one. When they talk it looks like the active one is talking to themselves
He and Moon think of each other as brothers
Smuggled a bird into the Pizzaplex once to keep as a pet. Staff did not let him keep it.
Consantly apologizing for Moon's actions
He and Moon do care for each other, quite a lot, but they argue a lot aswell
Gets anxious and afraid easily, easy to calm down, however
Almost never NOT yelling
Very childish
"Sells" Sunnydrops to Vanessa in exchange for... whatever she has lying around
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"It's past your bedtime."
Likes messing with (or... just plain bullying) the other animatronics at night
Likes sleeping, to the point of being slothful
Often times kids have to wake HIM up in the Daycare
He has been reprimanded for it. He does not listen, and he does not care.
Says he is not as childish and immature as Sun. He is.
Monty is the only person that scares him
A bit jealous of Sun for getting more attention than he does. He usually doesn't voice his jealousy, though.
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"What are you doing here so late, kid? Do you know what time it is?!"
Very bent on and strict about rules
Also quite caring to those in trouble or lost
Short temper
Always tired. Caffiene and Sunnydrops are her life force.
also probably pretty similar to canon
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Glamrock Bonnie🎳
"Keep going superstar!"
Programmed to always score a strike in bowling.
Completely banned from Monty Golf
Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Cares about Freddy more than anything.
Has a habit of doing dangerous stuff. Favorite hobby: annoying the security guards.
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mellometal · 3 years
Before I get started, here's an obligatory trigger warning: This post will be talking about fatphobia, bullying, homelessness, mentioned ED, fat shaming, shaming a person FOR EATING, and the abused thanking his abuser AS AN ADULT for tormenting him as a young, impressionable teenage boy.
If any of that is triggering, upsetting, or makes you uncomfortable in any way, you don't have to read this post. Please consume media that sparks joy for you.
This time, there won't be a response from me about this video, like I usually do with all my Dhar Mann posts. If you want to see my response, refer to my first post about fatphobia (the one about the plus-size woman being fat shamed). It does tie in with this post, as my thoughts on this video are the exact same here. Yes, even though this is about a (at the time) plus-size black teenage boy being targeted. Search for the "dhar mann talk" tag and it's one of the most recent posts. I don't believe anyone should be shamed for their weight. Your weight doesn't hold any significance to your worth as a person. Don't let anything or anyone tell you otherwise.
With all of that out of the way, let's get to the video!
To sum up the video, it starts out with a plus-size black teenage boy (Kurt or "Big Boy", as he's called almost throughout the entire video) who's on a basketball court at school with his friend (Mike), a few other teenage boys, and Mike's uncle (Frank) is their coach. Mike is the captain on one team, Frank is the captain on the other team. They're picking teammates, and everyone is on a team except for Kurt and another boy. Frank says to his nephew to not pick Kurt (he called him "Big Boy" instead) because "he'd never win with him". LIKE THEY WERE PLAYING FOR THE NBA. CALM YOUR DICK. HOLY FUCKING HELL. THEY'RE KIDS.
Mike, not listening to his uncle (good for him), picks Kurt anyway. Kurt is happy and thanks his friend for picking him. Mike gives Kurt a shirt that looks at least a couple sizes too small for him and would be pretty uncomfortable to wear. This isn't Mike's fault, obviously. Kurt politely asks if they had a bigger shirt. Obviously not an unreasonable request. They're playing a sport that requires lots of movement (honestly, pretty much any sport would apply here, except for maybe golf or cricket) so it's understandable to want to at least be comfortable and have room to move around. Frank mocks A LITERAL TEENAGER with the whole "You think you're shopping at Big&Tall?" line and then says that's the only size they had (why couldn't they supply inclusive sizes in the first place, or at least ASK Kurt what his size was IN ADVANCE?), which....umm, I'm actually GLAD plus-size clothing for men (Big&Tall, in this case) is more readily available and accessible now. I'm happy plus-size clothing in GENERAL is like that now.
Mike comforts Kurt and says the shirt might fit. The shirt does KIND OF fit Kurt, but it's obvious he's uncomfortable. Look at this screenshot here:
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Frank laughs at Kurt, says he looks like Barney The Dinosaur, and the other kids laugh along with their coach. This is NOT setting a good example for children, Frank. You're a fucking teacher. You're a COACH. You're supposed to be teaching these kids about sports and shit. You're supposed to be setting a good example for these kids about teamwork and sportsmanship. WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO A TEENAGE BOY, WHO IS MOST LIKELY ONE OF YOUR STUDENTS, IS TEACHING NONE OF THOSE THINGS. You're teaching these kids that bullying their peers for things they can't help having is okay. Do better. (I'd say that he's an adult and should act like one, but I'm an adult and I barely act like one a lot of the time, so that'd make me a hypocrite.)
While I may be fortunate to have had a physical education teacher who never bashed on me or shamed me for my weight and she would cheer me on for whatever amount of effort I made the first and only year I had actual P.E., I know that many other kids who are plus-size most likely has/had horrible P.E. teachers or coaches like Frank.
To anyone who has/had a teacher or coach like Frank, I'm so sorry, kiddos. You don't deserve to be bullied by your own teachers. I wish I could give all of you a hug, but I can give y'all virtual hugs instead! *virtual hugs* /p
So they play a game of basketball, and Kurt is struggling to fully play because the shirt he was given was probably cutting off some circulation, especially in his arms (again, do I need to reiterate that this was NOT Mike's fault and is FRANK'S fault for his ignorance and negligence). Frank mocks his nephew Mike by saying that he told him not to pick Kurt. Why? Because according to him, Kurt will never make anything of himself in life due to him being fat. (AGAIN, THIS IS NOT TRUE.)
Then it cuts to Kurt sitting with Mike, who's working on his car and Kurt's working on his own thing. Mike says he believes one day he'll own a nice, brand new Cadillac. Kurt is very supportive and cheers his friend on. He says that he believes he'll be one of the biggest radio show hosts and has a title for it called "Big Boy's Neighborhood". Both of them are hyping each other up. Love to see men supporting men. Mike pulls out his Walkman (they were HUGE back in the 80s and 90s because you could listen to the radio from anywhere, I have a Sony Walkman mp3 player, but it's a newer model), and Kurt says that he's always wanted one but couldn't afford it. (I'll go into why in a second.)
Frank comes over to reprimand Mike, who has done NOTHING WRONG, for talking to Kurt. Instead of working, which Mike WAS actually doing. He tries to tell his uncle this, but he wasn't having it. Frank then reprimands Kurt, who also has done NOTHING WRONG, for just sitting and apparently "distracting Mike" (he wasn't). He asks if there's any work he was supposed to do. Kurt FINALLY stands up to Frank in a polite, mature manner. He says that just because he wasn't working with his hands, it didn't mean he wasn't working. Frank ridicules Kurt some more, Mike tells his uncle to leave his friend alone, and Kurt stands up to Frank AGAIN, still being polite and mature. UNLIKE THE ACTUAL ADULT ACTING LIKE A CLICHÉ MIDDLE SCHOOL BULLY WHO PROBABLY PEAKED IN HIGH SCHOOL. How fucking ironic.
What does Frank do in response to Kurt standing up to him? INSULTS THE KID SOME MORE. He tells Kurt that he must have "pig fat for brains" (which is not only insulting to Kurt, but also insulting to pigs, because pigs are intelligent animals), takes his small bag of Doritos, and says that he "doesn't need to be eating anything." He eats Kurt's Doritos IN FRONT OF HIM, tells Mike to quit letting his friend make him lazy (he wasn't doing that at all), and to get back to work.
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THAT line made me livid. I've actually thought that I didn't deserve to eat anything because I'm plus-size as a teenager, and into my adulthood at a few points in my life. NEVER say that someone doesn't need to be eating anything. (Obviously except for poisonous things, inedible objects, and things that could and will kill them.) You could cause them to develop an ED, or trigger an ED if they already have one. THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING. EDs are no joke. Whether it be starving, purging, or binge eating, none of them are fun to have and/or to deal with. Even if they DON'T develop an ED, their relationship with food will be all sorts of fucky-wucky. Some even for the rest of their lives. Unless you get proper treatment, of course.
When Frank leaves, Kurt is obviously upset. Rightfully so. How he's feeling is justified. Mike comforts him and says to not let Frank get to him. Mike offers to take Kurt home, but then realizes that his friend and his mom got evicted and are homeless. (This is why Kurt couldn't afford to buy a Walkman.) Kurt, still distraught, says that he'll just walk. Mike invites him over for dinner and that he'd drop him off after, which Kurt agrees to.
They're at Mike's house, having dinner, and Mike's parents are talking to Kurt. They're being supportive. Frank walks in to have his sister's cooking. He sees that Kurt's there. Mike's parents introduce Frank to Kurt, tells him Kurt's gonna be on the radio one day, Frank laughs and says Kurt's not gonna be anything. Kurt brushes it off. He says that his mom says that he can achieve whatever he wants (which is true, to a reasonable extent), Frank cuts him off and says his mom was lying to him, and that his mom knows he's gonna be a big loser.
Mike's dad tells Frank to leave Kurt alone. Mike's mom also says the same thing. Frank asks Kurt if his mom doesn't feed him at home, and what he was doing "eating up all their food" (he wasn't; he just had a singular plate). Mike and his mom tell Frank to stop. His mom explains that they invited Kurt over for dinner, and she tells her brother to sit down and eat. Frank then asks Kurt again if his mom doesn't feed him at home. Mike tells Frank that Kurt and his mom don't have a home because they just got evicted, which is a shock to the parents. Instead of having sympathy for a teenage boy who was on the streets with his mom, HE MOCKS HIM. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT? Especially to a teenage boy who didn't do anything whatsoever to deserve being evicted from his home and be out on the streets with his mom. I've dealt with being evicted. I've dealt with homelessness. Out of no fault of my own. It's not funny, cool, glamorous, or anything like that. It's terrifying. I'm still traumatized by that experience and it happened four years ago. Sometimes I have nightmares about that kind of thing. The very possibility of becoming homeless and going through that again scares the shit out of me. The thought of it is so triggering for me that I will resort to reverting back to things I used to do when I was a kid. It also doesn't help that I will NEVER be able to afford an apartment on my own where I live now and will probably have to rely on at least two or three roommates and/or family to get by. Thanks a lot, Boomers.
I would never wish what I went through on anyone. Anyways, back to the whole summary of the video.
Kurt gets up and leaves the table. Mike tries to go after his friend to make sure he was okay, but Frank stops his nephew. ONLY WHEN KURT LEAVES DOES FRANK ALL NONCHALANTLY SAY THAT HE'S STARVING AND THAT THEY SHOULD ALL EAT. Despite Frank making Kurt as well as his (Frank's) own family upset.
Kurt walks to where his mom is. His mom notices that he's upset. Kurt tells his mom that it's because of Frank. His mom comforts him and gives him the advice that she gave him before. Kurt is still obviously too upset to take anything she's telling him, bringing up that they're homeless and broke, and his mom is desperate to help comfort her son. She gives him his birthday present early, which happens to be a Walkman. Kurt is shocked. He thought they didn't have that kind of money. His mom says not to worry about that. She pokes some lighthearted fun at her son, he thanks her, and he asks her a question. He asks if she believes he'll be successful or if she's saying that to make him feel better. She asks if he believes he'll be successful (yep), and he tells her that when he succeeds, he'll buy them a house so they don't have to be homeless anymore or worry about getting evicted.
Fast forward to adulthood, Kurt becomes a bouncer, meets someone who works at a radio station, and he goes there. Just to have people laughing at him. He's distraught again and leaves the station, thinking that he made a bad decision. Frank happens to come by, see that Kurt was upset, and asks what's wrong. Kurt tells him what happened, and Frank mocks him AGAIN with the same shit he told him when he was a TEENAGE BOY, now as a YOUNG ADULT. He walks off, laughing.
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Nice going! /s Kicking Kurt while he's down JUST LIKE OLD TIMES, RIGHT? FUCK YOU.
Kurt then decides that he's gonna lose weight and be the best radio show host. (Toxic much? Why would you try to preach that your weight = your worth as a person? If you're losing weight for yourself, great! I'm happy for you! If you don't want to lose weight, you don't give a fuck about what people say, and you're happy in your own skin, that's awesome too! Do it for yourself, not for anyone's approval. Try to love yourself and accept yourself in any form you're in. Don't fall for the bullshit that you have to be a certain size or look a certain way for you to love and accept yourself. The weight may be gone, but the rest of your issues will still be there. I have to clarify that I meant this in GENERAL, not necessarily for extremities on either side of the spectrum of weight...because there are things you MUST follow.)
Kurt gets back to the station, ignores all the people being assholes, he's doing his thing, and he's climbing up.
Fast forward to when Kurt is middle-aged. He has his own radio show, and he's one of the biggest names in the radio industry. After he finishes up his show, he goes outside to see a couple of young fans. A young black girl with her brother, a plus-size boy. They say how much they love his show, they got his merch, and the boy tells Kurt that he wants to be just like him. The boy doubts himself though because of people abusing him JUST LIKE what Kurt went through. Kurt empathizes with the boy and tells him a little bit about his own experience. Following them is Frank as an old man. They're his grandkids.
Frank recognizes Kurt, and actually apologizes to him for the torment he put him through as a teenager. WHAT A SHOCK. /srs
Kurt takes it with grace, but says that he should be thanking Frank for all the torment. Why? Because it "motivated him". The girl says that she loves that. (Okay, since she's a kid and there's still time for her to change her mind about certain things, I'm not going to be as harsh here. I don't bash on the kids unless they're doing or saying extremely fucked up things willingly. She didn't say this with bad intentions. I understand you're coming from a good place, and I appreciate that, but please hear me out. This wasn't at all like dealing with edgy thirteen year olds on the internet. This man you look up to was abused by your grandfather in his youth. Your brother is experiencing that same torment your idol went through...at a younger age too, it seems like. The kid looks no older than middle school age [ten or eleven at the YOUNGEST to maybe thirteen or fourteen at the OLDEST]. That's a huge problem. Kurt may have "toughed it out", but that might not be the case for your brother. Please don't excuse that kind of behavior.)
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Dude...what the actual fuck? I can understand not being bothered by the hate, but this grown ass man literally VERBALLY AND EMOTIONALLY ABUSED YOU AS A YOUNG, IMPRESSIONABLE TEENAGE BOY, CONTINUING INTO ADULTHOOD, and you're THANKING Frank for all of that? Why should you thank your abuser for what he put you through? He didn't contribute ANYTHING to your success. So I guess abuse is a GREAT contribution to people's success now, right? /s It doesn't contribute to anything, in my opinion. Yes, what doesn't kill you can make you stronger, but can we normalize people becoming weaker to a point due to traumatic events? Because they exist. Demonizing survivors who have become weaker to some degree or just flat-out ignoring them isn't helping. You did the thing you wanted to do, Kurt. Frank didn't help you. The person who really helped you was YOU and your mom.
The boy asks Kurt if he thinks he'll ever be able to make it as a radio show host. Kurt asks if HE believes that. The boy says he does. Kurt gives him some advice and gives the boy his Walkman. The boy's ecstatic, they leave, and Kurt goes to meet up with his mom.
Keeping to his promise, Kurt bought his mom a house so she'd never be homeless again and never have to worry about being evicted. (HOW LONG WAS SHE HOMELESS FOR? OH MY GOD. THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW. I hope you at least let her stay with you or something. They never went into that, unfortunately.) She's very grateful. The video ends there.
My personal thoughts on the video: Another piss poor video....but worse! Because it was a COLLAB. And based on a true story. Good going with taking this man's story of being abused by a grown adult to exploit for your personal gain, Dhar Mann! WOW. LOVE THAT! Totally a good look. /s
What I took from this video is that if you're plus-size, according to Dhar Mann, you'll apparently NEVER be successful, let alone be taken seriously...which is an absolute lie. There are many plus-size people who are very successful. Another thing I took from the video is that apparently according to Dhar Mann, being verbally and emotionally abused as a teenager by a grown adult all the way into adulthood is "motivation" for you to work harder to reach your goals. (Nice going, Dhar Mann. Justifying grown adults abusing children. Who would've thought? /s)
Oh, and it's like MANDATORY to thank your abusers for tormenting you when you become successful! (Obviously this is an exaggeration. This is me using Dhar Mann's logic against him.) You want to thank them for making you stronger? Fine. You want to spit in their face and say, "Fuck you." to them? Also fine. You want to just never acknowledge them ever again? Totally fine. Whatever you want to do, that's fine by me, but can you not imply that "thanking" your abusers is mandatory in some way?
If you made it this far, thank you! I hope you're having a good morning/day/afternoon/evening/night. Stay safe, y'all. Love you. /p
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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