#give me internet attention so I can salvage something from my efforts
droct0 · 11 months
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thatbloodymuggle · 4 years
the one with john b’s bad driving
Tongue Tied (jj maybank) 9/?
word count: 3.2k
warnings: n/a
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At some point amidst Rosie's tossing and turning, she must have fallen into a light sleep. She woke up the next morning feeling just as awful as she had a few hours earlier.
The blinding light pouring into the room evoked a groan from her. She reached for the alarm clock on the side table. Her tired eyes shot wide open at the time displayed: 10:04 AM. She was supposed to be at The Wreck four minutes ago.
Rosie shot out of bed in a panic, ignoring the pounding in her head from the alcohol the night before. The frazzled girl ran to the bathroom in the hallway where John B stood brushing his tooth.
She frantically shoved her friend out of the way to grab the large Listerine bottle. She didn't waste time swishing some around in her mouth and spitting it into the sink.
"Morning, Sunshine," John B mumbled with his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.
Rosie splashed water onto her face in an attempt to freshen up her clearly exhausted features.
"I'm late for my shift and I need a shirt," she gasped through the water going up her nose. "Can I use one of yours?"
She didn't wait for his reply and hurried into his room. Rosie heard a distant "Sure" as she rifled through his drawers. She grabbed the first clean shirt she could find and raced back into the guest room to pull on her jean shorts from the day before. Rosie tucked the baggy shirt into her shorts in an effort to make herself look less like she'd just spent the night with a guy.
"When are you off?"
"3:00," she called as she threw her hair up into a messy ponytail. Rosie ran into the hallway to face John B. "Give me a ride?"
"Sure," he nodded. Rosie haphazardly slipped on her flip flops and raced towards the front door.
She paused at the sight of JJ sprawled across the couch, grunting softly in his sleep. The same uncomfortable feeling from last night twisted her insides and made her skin crawl.
Before she could dwell on it, John B nudged her towards the door. Rosie shook her head and pulled herself back to the task on hand. She all but sprinted towards the Volkswagen van.
As soon as she slammed the door shut, the anxiety of being late returned. John B quickly followed and revved up the engine. He pulled out of the driveway, and Rosie couldn't help but stare at the hammock with a frown. She watched it until it was completely out of sight. The events from last night made her stomach churn and her head hurt. Rosie had hoped she'd drinken enough to forget it, but she wasn't so fortunate.
"Fun night, huh?"
Rosie whipped her head to the side to catch John B's suggestive smirk. Her body tensed. What had he seen?
"Super fun," she plastered on a smile, "Kind of a bummer when you guys left though."
John B shot her a look from the corner of his eyes, "Oh really? You and JJ looked like you were having fun."
Despite her attempt to remain impassive, Rosie couldn't stop the blush crawling up her neck and spreading to her cheeks. He definitely saw.
"Nothing happened!" she burst out. Rosie tried to conceal her nerves, but was failing miserably.
"Never said anything did."
He turned his head from the road to look at her for a moment. And in that moment he saw it. He saw the red covering her face, the nervous smile, and the guilty look in her eyes. John B's eyes widened in realization, and his jaw dropped.
"Oh my god, something so happened!" he turned to face her completely, forgetting about the road ahead. Rosie watched in horror as the van nearly swerved into a sign off the road.
"Eyes! Road!" she screeched, "Nothing happened!"
John B shrugged,  "Whatever you say."
Rosie's brows cinched together in confusion, "Wait, you mean you didn't see?"
John B's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Rosie immediately realized her mistake. You dumb bitch, she thought to herself.
"What?! See what?"
Rosie flinched at his booming voice. The car swerved even more sharply this time, nearly hitting another.
"John B! You're driving, for fuck's sake!"
He regained control of the van for the second time, but his full attention remained on Rosie.
"What the fuck did you do?" he yelled, looking back and forth between her and the road.
"Nothing! Okay? I wasn't lying when I said nothing happened," Rosie groaned and shrunk further into her seat.
"Well obviously something happened that you didn't want me to see!" John B's volume increased. She remained silent, causing him to raise his voice even more, "Well? Spit it out!"
Rosie sighed in defeat.
"We didn't not kiss but we didn't kiss."
She immediately cringed, awaiting his reaction.
"You didn't not--what? So you kissed?"
"But you almost did?"
Rosie's silence answered John B's question.
"You can't tell anyone," Rosie gave him a hard stare.
He laughed, "I won't."
But his joking nature left Rosie feeling unsettled.
"Seriously, John B. Don't tell anyone, and don't even talk to him about it. We were both drunk. It didn't mean anything, and it's in everyone's best interest to just forget about it," she spoke with a stern voice. The excited grin on John B's face slowly fell, but he nodded at her wish.
"I won't. Promise."
Time was on Rosie's side as John B pulled into the parking lot for The Wreck. She was quick to jump out of the van, now remembering she was at least twenty minutes late.
John B called to her before she shut the door, "Pick you up at 3?"
Rosie nodded and blew him a kiss as she ran towards the restaurant, "Love you!"
She mentally prepared herself for the rage of Mr. Carrera as she entered. Rosie rushed to the kitchen, but nearly fell over as she ran into a tall body.
"25 minutes late!?"
Rosie looked up at Kie's angry father, and put on her most apologetic smile, "I'm so sorry, Mike. I can work late to make up for it."
He rolled his eyes and tossed her an apron, "Just start the food prep, won't you? Wasted enough time already," he grumbled and walked off.
With a long sigh, Rosie set to work. It was a nice distraction from the dilemma of the night before. Each time her thoughts drifted to JJ, she'd count the numbers of carrots, tomatoes, and onions she'd chopped. She'd take chopping vegetables over confronting her problems any day.
Meanwhile, a particular set of blond hair and blue eyes was waking up from his own sleepless sleep, getting ready for a day full of adventure.
"We're going where?"
"We've been over this, Rosie. The Salvage Yard. Keep up."
After a busy afternoon shift at The Wreck, John B's van filled with four hyperactive teenagers pulled up to pick Rosie up. Pope rushed through an explanation of how they'd used the internet in a Kook country club to map out the coordinates of the Royal Merchant. They'd discovered it was shallow enough to reach it, but they'd need a drone. Hence, the Salvage Yard.
"So we're gonna steal a fucking drone from the Salvage Yard?"  she clarified, trying to take in the massive load of information all at once.
"Yes," they all spoke in unison with the exception of Pope, who sat shaking his head in disapproval.
Rosie sighed and leaned back next to Kiara, who sat across from Pope in the back of the van. JJ was luckily in the front with John B, saving Rosie from having to face him. It wasn't that she didn't want to see him, it was that she didn't know how to act around him after last night. Her mind told her to pick fights like normal, but her gut said something different.
"Okay, so what's the plan for getting in? It's gated, right? And there's a guard," she pointed out.
"Well, we're gonna need a distraction," John B spoke, looking pointedly at the two girls in the van through the rear-view mirror.
It seemed Kiara had already been informed of her duty, as she didn't react. Rosie, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes at the Pogue, "I'm not seducing him out."
"Hey, no one said anything about seduction. You and Kie just need to distract him. You know, say you have a flat tire or something," John B spoke from behind the wheel.
"Well if it's not seduction, John B, then why don't you do the distracting?" she raised her eyebrows.
"Jesus! Because you and Kie are girls. Would you stop bein' difficult and just fuckin' do it?" JJ snapped.
"Cool it JJ," Kiara scolded him. Rosie didn't partake for once.
She frowned and hardened her expression. But it didn't stop the twisting feeling in her stomach. This feeling was slightly different than the one she'd felt this morning. This one was more of a stabbing pain, while the other was a dull ache.
"So we're clear on the plan, then?" John B awkwardly changed the subject. "Rosie and Kie distract the guard and we run in and get the drone."
"Guys, if we get caught stealing it's gonna be bad," Pope voiced his concern.
"Pope we're not stealing the drone, we're borrowing it," John B laughed.
Pope sighed and crossed his arms, "Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality."
"Did you come up with that?" John B asked, glanced back at the boy.
Rosie cut in to answer, "Try Albert Bernstein."
Pope shot Rosie a grin.
"So," Pope leaned towards John B, "Which is it? Fantasy or reality?"
"Why are you so weird, Pope?" JJ began to roll up a joint.
"It's fantasy, but possible reality," Kie ignored the blond, and looked to Pope instead.
"Reality," John B smiled.
Rosie nodded along to the long-haired boy in the front, "Reality."
"Virtual reality," JJ mumbled while pulling out his lighter. Pope reached up and snagged the joint from his mouth, earning a glare.
"Keep the signal clear," Pope shot him a look.
Not a moment too soon, John B's van pulled into the lot of the Salvage Yard. Rosie sighed and shared a look with Kie as they knew what was coming next. The two girls hopped out of the vehicle.
"Hey, don't worry," John B called out to the girls as they rounded the van, "You got this."
Rosie rolled her eyes and continued walking. Kie stayed behind for a moment to reply, "It's not us that I'm worried about."
"Show time?" Rosie grumbled to her taller friend.
"Show time," Kiara sighed back.
They walked side by side towards the guard's office and forced their friendliest smiles.
"Hello!" Kie called out to the man behind the window. The two girls waved enthusiastically.
The security guard shot up and approached the two teenagers, "Can I help you?"
"Hi," Rosie wore a sickeningly sweet smile, "We actually have a flat tire."
"We were wondering if you could maybe help us out?" Kie finished.
Rosie pulled her mastered puppy-dog eyes and Kie shifted from foot to foot with an innocent grin.
"Yeah," the man grinned back, and ran back to open the gate.
"It's too easy," Kie mumbled to Rosie who nodded in agreement.
He rushed back with a box of tools. Rosie and Kiara lead him to a car. "It's just this back one right here."
Rosie nodded at the three boys who were hiding in the bushes while Kie spoke to the security guard. She watched him sprint towards the gate, barely slipping in before it closed.
"I got this," the man bent down to check out the tire.
"Thank you," the two girls spoke in unison.
They made idle small talk for a while as the man worked on the tire. The plan seemed to be running smoothly until a dog barking made the guard perk up.
"You hear that?"
Rosie shot the man a blank look, "Hear what?"
"Tebow's got somethin'," he stood up.
Kiara was quick to distract him, "It's probably just a racoon, maybe. You know?"
The man paused, but bent back down to work on the tire.
We need more time, Rosie mouthed to Kiara. Kie nodded, and walked over to the other side of the car, pointing to the hair clip in her hair. Rosie nodded in understanding.
The man continued working for a moment, but then stood up as he finished. Rosie's eyes widened as he rounded the side of the car.
"Wait!" she called after him, but it was too late. He'd seen Kiara flattening the tire with her hair pin.
"What are you doing?" the guard asked. Realization dawned upon him. He ran off before either girl could stop him.
"Shit," Rosie cursed, "Get back to the van!"
The two girls sprinted back to John B's van. Kiara sat behind the wheel in case they needed a quick getaway, and Rosie in the back. They waited anxiously for the boys to show up. First, Pope came running back. Then a couple minutes later, John B came running dragging a large case which made the group erupt in excitement. Last but not least, JJ came sauntering over to the van.
The gang all cheered once the van was completely loaded, and John B, who'd switched seats with Kie, drove off. This time, Pope, JJ, and Rosie shared the back.
"That was fuckin' nuts, bro!" JJ cried, clapping the back of John B's seat. "Dumb dog chased me through the whole damn yard!"
"How'd you get away?" Pope laughed.
The blond shrugged, "Bobby caught me. But I talked my way out of it."
JJ pulled out the joint he'd rolled from earlier and lit it. This time, Pope didn't stop him. Rosie watched as he placed the stick between his lips. It hung loosely between his fingers and she couldn't help but watch their subtle movements. He brought his hand down and blew out a large cloud of smoke, filling the van with the smell of weed.
"Don't hotbox the car, man!" John B complained while rolling down a window.
Rosie was shocked when the hand loosely holding the joint shot out in front of her. JJ held it out for Rosie to take. She did so slowly, and took a deep drag before handing it back. She didn't dare look at him, and he didn't dare look at her. Their awkward interaction seemed to go unnoticed by Pope, who was too distracted examining the drone.
Rosie looked outside the window to see the sun was now setting, and the sky had turned a soft orange. The teenagers drove around for a while, relishing in their success and the beautiful view. As the sun sunk further and further, their stomachs began rumbling.
"I'm hungry," Pope spoke for everyone.
"Drive to the Wreck," Kiara instructed John B, "I can try to convince my dad to give us free food again."
"Yeah!" the group began to cheer, but Kie quickly shut them down.
"No promises, though."
John B pulled the van into the driveway of the restaurant and they didn't hesitate to pile out.
"What I would do to a beer and shrimp and grits right now," JJ groaned as he hopped out.
Pope laughed, "It would not be pretty."
The Pogues entered the cool restaurant. Kie walked straight to her dad and Rosie's boss, while the others went towards the back. Rosie sat down at a table and rolled her eyes as the three boys awkwardly shifted from foot to foot, unsure if they should join her yet. Kie and her dad turned to look at the group of Pogues. They all put on their sweetest smile and waved. Rosie grinned as Kie squealed and hugged her dad, signaling they would be feasting.
Kie turned to face her friends, looking at the boys as if they were dumb, "Well? Sit down!"
They hurried into their seats as they waited for Kie's dad to bring out the leftover food. Kie walked over with a tray of ice cold waters, which they all accepted graciously.
"Fuck yes," John B mumbled once Mr. Carrera came over with a tray full of a variety of food from burgers, to fried shrimp, to fries.
"Night shift tomorrow, Rosie?" he asked her with a smile.
"You got it, Mike."
She grinned at her boss before tearing into the food with the rest of her friends.
"Oh my god," JJ moaned as he shoveled fried shrimp into his mouth, "Better than sex."
Pope tried to retaliate, probably with some clever remark, but his mouth was full of burger and it came out as gibberish. Rosie laughed as he tried to speak and threw a fry at him. Pope grinned with a full mouth before picking up a shrimp from JJ's plate and throwing it back at her. Rosie opened her mouth just in time, catching it between her teeth with a wink.
The upbeat music playing throughout the empty restaurant served as the perfect background noise. Soon, Kie was up and dancing, and had pulled John B along with her. Rosie watched her friends with a grin. She turned her head back to the table to get a sip of water, but stopped halfway.
Blue eyes were trained on her from across the table, and she stared right back. This was the first time JJ and Rosie had made eye contact since their almost kiss in the hammock. They just looked at each other for a while as John B and Kiara danced, and now Pope who had been dragged up by Kiara too. Rosie and JJ both tried to decipher what the other was thinking, but came up short. They'd both built up a wall, and neither one was willing to crumble first.
So instead, Rosie cocked an eyebrow at him.
"I feel like dancing."
She stood up and he followed. They moved closer to their friends and began to sway to the beat of the song. Rosie and JJ moved in sync, as if a magnet was pulling them together. They continued their stare-off, occasionally breaking it with a twirl or a spin. JJ subtly placed his hands on her hips, which Rosie subconciously swayed even harder. The look in JJ's eyes had gone from a hard blankness to something else entirely. The normally light blue was now dark and clouded with desire. The sudden change triggered another twisting feeling inside Rosie, but this time in her gut.
Pope, Kiara, and even John B, whom Rosie had confided in, didn't seem to notice the tension between the pair. Or how close together they were. They were too engrossed in their own dancing and eating in-between.
So Rosie and JJ continued dancing--his hands on her waist, and hers in the air. Despite the burning urge, they never moved closer. Just looked at each other. No words, no sound, no feeling.
@tangledinsparkles @lovelymaybankk @my--heroine@thelonelyumbrella @floretsoleil @flick24 @books-netflix-and-pizza@dad-ee-drea @dolanfivsosxox​ @anahgiedd @love-bean​ @maleriefay @mrs-maybank @shawnssongs​ @downbytheouterbanks​ @lostwnoah @2410slb​ @daygiowvibe​ @thesailbells​
i think tumblr is shadow banning me or something.. idk what’s going on but these posts aren’t showing up on tag pages and my notes have disappeared :( but here’s next chapter anyway!
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maulusque · 5 years
Nothing you post will ever be funnier than Fox marrying Palpatine, divorcing him, and taking all his money. the reason I find it so funny is because Sheev would 100% marry Fox, Fox knows all the skeevy shit he gets up to, he can’t let him testify against him if he ever ends up in court
alright pack it in everyone i have PEAKED
ok so imagine: Fox is Stressed to the fucking breaking point, and it’s at least 80% palpatine’s fault, so he comes up with this bullshit idea while drunk, to marry the asshole and then CLEAN HOUSE. and once fox decides that he’s going to do something, he’s gonna fucking do it, no matter how absurd. he’s scarily persistent and freakishly creative, he’ll make it work.
So when Fox starts hate-flirting with palpatine and leaving him suggestive notes, ol’ Palps sees an opportunity to tie up a potentially dangerous loose end- Fox and the other high-ranking officers of the Coruscant Guard don’t have chips, because Palpatine might need them to be doing something else during Order 66, and he needs at least some personal elite troops who absolutely can’t be compromised by the wrong person finding the wrong database in his secret files. But at the same time, that means that he’s relying on loyalty- to the republic, or to him, personally, to control them. He’s done a pretty good job with most of the command officers, little favors and gifts, smiles and recognition for their work, “oh certainly i can make sure your friend gets transferred to coruscant”, or providing a fund to keep 79′s open. That sort of thing. 
But Fox? That motherfucker knows his internet history, so when when Fox starts hitting on him with all the subtlety of an orbital strike, Skeevy Sheevy fucking JUMPS ON that shit. Flirting back even harder, setting up elaborate secret dates, showering Fox in expensive gifts. Fox is like “holy shit this asshole must be really fucking lonely if he’s this easy” and amps up his romantic efforts to take advantage. Sheev is thinking “wow this poor naive fool is so easily manipulated, i have his heart on a string” and they’re both just constantly one-upping each other with ridiculous over-the-top romantic gestures.
They’re going on dates and calling each other disgusting pet names like “sheevy-bear” and “my silver fox” within a week. Sheev uses what he thinks are sophisticated terms of endearment, Fox has to bite his tongue to keep from losing it on their “dates”. Fox meanwhile is just trying to see how ridiculous he can make his pet names, and the answer is pretty fucking ridiculous because the chancellor is just eating that shit up.
Palpatine proposes about three months into their mutual charade. Fox gets all weepy and cries when he accepts, partially because he’s a good actor, and partially because he really is quite stressed, ok. and he has no trouble acting elated and happy because he had no idea it would be this easy, he was expecting to be playing the long game for at least a year and a half. Palpatine is just eager to lock this down. keep your enemies closer, and all that. Plus, with all the fake dating they’ve been doing, Fox now knows MUCH more than just his internet history. He agrees to whatever ridiculous bullshit Fox demands for their wedding, because he just wants to get this official as soon as possible, and he’s supposed to be in love with this moron, so he just says yes to whatever Fox suggests. “Yes dear of course we can have pink carnations at the wedding. Yes of course we can import the cake from a hostile planet. Yes of course we can conduct the ceremony underwater and in zero-g, i agree it would be very romantic. yes of course i’ll sign this absurdly detailed pre-nup, whatever you want, my darling sexy fox.”
Fox has to disguise his tears of laughter as tears of happiness during the (secret, but still legally binding) wedding. Palpatine let him hire a screamo band and fox is wearing a neon orange suit, and Palpatine is trying to come up with something nice to say about the troop of interpretive dancers that Fox insisted on, and Fox is living.
Fox lets it last a month and a half- just long enough for them to go on their incredibly lavish, luxurious honeymoon cruise, which, despite the presence of Palpatine, is very relaxing, thank you very much. They return to coruscant, Fox takes a few weeks to himself, making sure he’s got himself a good lawyer, and then fucking TAKES THAT BASTARD TO COURT. Palpatine is completely blindsided, and now he has to salvage this situation, because if he doesn’t (and it’ll be hard- Coruscant allows no-fault divorce) then Fox gets EVERYTHING- all his money, all his assets, all his property on Naboo, his ships, his fucking wardrobe, and wait, has that clause really been in there the whole fucking time? his emergency powers as chancellor (Fox put that in there for a laugh, he really thought Palpatine would have at least skimmed the thing before signing it, right?).
So Palpatine is freaking out, trying to figure out what made Fox fall out of love with him, try to fix it, and simultaneously try to spin the media in his favor, because oh boy, Fox is NOT being quiet about this and now the Chancellor’s whirlwind romance and collapsing marriage is Trending on space-twitter and dooku is leaving him messages going “?????” . So the news networks are all broadcasting footage of Palpatine in the courtroom, begging Fox to take him back, sobbing (fake) tears of heartbreak, and Fox (who can’t resist drama) crying “you could NEVER truly love me, I see that now, marrying you was a MISTAKE” 
Palpatine is grinding his teeth and seething inside at having to act the heartbroken Remorseful Husband for Fox, and for the public, meanwhile Fox is having the time of his fucking life. He lets the drama drag on a bit, waffling back and forth about whether to go through with the divorce (publicly- of course he’s still divorcing the bastard, he just wants to see him suffer first). he’ll give an interview one day where he’s crying gently and talking about the “love we used to have, he used to be so sweet, but now he’s just cold” and then talking about all the sweet things his “sheevy-bear” has done for him (palpatine has resolved to murder Fox, quietly but very painfully, for putting those pet names in intergalactic news. Fox is doing it on purpose). He lets it almost seem like he’s talked himself out of the divorce, and yes, Marlene, maybe there is a chance he could make it up to me, Then the next interview he gives he’ll trounce on camera, wearing the most expensive fur coat palpatine has ever given him (over his armor, he can be somewhat professional) and raging about how “I could never love that bastard” and “he hurt me, i can barely even stand to see his FACE” and “good riddance to bad trash!”
After a few weeks of jerking Palpatine (and the raptly attentive public) back and forth, Fox gets down to business and finalizes the divorce. In the end, there’s very little palpatine’s lawyers can do, that pre-nup is airtight. including the bit about his emergency powers. So overnight, Fox becomes incredibly rich, incredibly powerful, and also the supreme commander of the GAR. how about that. And hmm what’s in these computer drives I legally own now? What’s this about contingency orders? oh YIKES. and oh, look at that, decades of records of bribery, corruption, and- hey, is this a chat log of texts with count dooku? 
Fox orders Palpatine’s arrest two days after the divorce. Palpatine tried to go into hiding, but it’s hard when your ex-husband now owns all your ships. and your house. and your clothes. Palpatine is crying for reals as he is is escorted off to jail. The great Sith Lord, done in by a foolish love-struck clone (does he ever figure out that Fox was just yanking his chain for stress relief? I choose to think Not).
Fox proceeds to fix everything, end the war, clone rights, ban leafblowers, yadda yadda. He retires to cruise the galaxy in his very nice space yacht. He also keeps the fur coat.
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meat-husband · 5 years
You know you gotta elaborate on that dick pic hc right like pls don’t tease me like that 🅱️ls
Well, since you said 🅱️ls...
Nothing too graphic, so no cut, but there’s still dicks going on lol
You felt like a piece of shit.
Your best friend, a kind, amazing girl you had known since you were a child, had done a lot for you over the years. She was only concerned, you knew, and you couldn’t blame her, but she had gone through a lot of trouble for you and you couldn’t even appreciate her efforts fully.
Standing awkwardly in the corner of the crowded room, you fiddled with the hem of the skirt you wore, tugging it down self consciously. It wasn’t all that short, really, but it felt like it. A Halloween party was the last place you wanted to be right now, let alone in a cheap, plasticy outfit hilariously labeled ‘sexy psycho’. It was a poor excuse for a costume, an uncomfortably tight skirt and half sized button up in bright orange, complete with fake bloodstains and a little rubber knife. You had dropped the knife almost immediately upon entering the party, but now you held your phone in one hand and a watered down drink in the other, texting rapidly with half an eye on the screen.
You didn’t want to be here, but you did want to be a good friend, for all that was worth, and she had insisted on your attendance, paying for your ticket herself, getting you into an exclusive party and not taking no for an answer. This whole event was agreed to under the pretense of ‘spending time together’, but it quickly became apparent that your friend was more concerned with who else you were spending your time with.
“Hey, he’s cute,” she yelled over the music, poking you in the ribs to draw your attention away from your phone. “Go talk to him, he’s looking at you.”
“Who?” You ask, still firing off a message as quickly as you can while typing with only your thumb.
“The guy in the big, feathery hat thing. Look, right there.”
“Uh-huh, gimme a second.”
“Who are you texting?” She sounded a little pissed, which wasn’t unreasonable considering the price she had paid to get your unsocial ass in here. She leans over your shoulder, trying to get a look at your screen, so you quickly turn it off, tucking it down the front of your ridiculously orange top.
“No one,” you say with a strained smile. “Now what hat did you want me to see?”
She frowns at you, eyeing the place where you hid your phone suspiciously. “You’re acting weird. You said you aren’t dating anyone, I thought you’d appreciate a night out. I mean, it’s been a while.” She gives you another rough nudge and a wink and you laugh nervously in response.
There wasn’t a good way to tell someone who cared about you that you had pretty much moved a serial killer into your apartment and weren’t really on the market anymore. That kind of thing tends to create worry and questions, neither of which you need anymore of.
Your phone buzzes loudly from beneath your shirt and she watches you for a moment, daring you with a glare to respond. You fidget in place, wanting to reach for it but you can’t have her seeing what’s on the screen either. You already know what the message contains, and that would probably be just as hard to explain as anything else she’s wondering about you right now.
“Alright, I’m going to get another drink and check in to see if that shitty emo band is through yet, then you’re going to enjoy this damn party if I have to make you. Get all that texting shit out of your system while I’m gone.”
You wait until you see her disappear into the crowd before finally digging your phone out of your bra, unlocking the screen to open your messages.
Yep, just like you thought.
Fuck off or that shits going on the internet, you type, message popping up under a horribly composed dick pic. Obviously he was taking these one handed, but that was no excuse for poor quality. Two more blurry pictures pop up before you can type anything else and you roll your eyes. You regretted making the joke that had started this trend of his, knowing you brought it on yourself by introducing him to it.
It’s Halloween shouldn’t you be off murdering ppl or something
You tuck your phone away again after that, taking a few sips from your drink and trying to stop a grin from spreading over your face when it buzzed rapidly with multiple new messages. It was really hilarious how easy it was to get under his skin sometimes. There were quite a few awful costumes imitating the dreaded ‘Shape’ walking around the party, and you had been quick to snap a photo of the worst one you could find.
Found a new boyfriend lol, was all you had said, along with the snap of the person wearing the misshapen mask. It was amazingly low quality, all cheap rubber and crazy, unstyled hair that was entirely the wrong color, but apparently it was still enough to set him off.
You see no sign of your friend returning yet, so you sneak another look at your phone when you realize it’s been a few minutes since the last one. Half a dozen more pictures, each looking more and more frantic and desperate, greet you once you click on your messages, but it’s the most recent one that catches your eye.
“Oh great,” you mutter under your breath, finger hovering over the screen. “He’s figured out how to take videos.”
Glancing around you can see that you’re nice and alone in your corner, but you bite your lip nervously. You can’t say you don’t want to see the video, because you can feel your stomach clenching at the thought of it, but it’s one thing to sneak peeks at pictures and another to play a video. You wait a bit, but decide that you can’t just not watch it. Another look around confirms you’re as alone as you can be with this many people in a room, so you hurry to slide down the volume, just in case, and press play.
You were right when you guessed the previous pictures looked desperate, watching him buck hurriedly into the tight grip of his hand, cock swollen and pink. His movements quickly turn jerky and rough, and you desperately want to inch up the volume to see if you can hear any groans or hisses as cum spills over his fingers. The video is only a few seconds long, just enough to make you frustrated when it ends, and you huff to yourself. This was supposed to be annoying for him, not you.
“Woah, who’s dick is that?” You turn with a scream, drowned out by the music, nearly dropping your phone.
“No wonder you were so interested in your phone, you freak.” Her tone is teasing and friendly, almost congratulatory, a big grin on her face, but you feel your face turn hot and red under her gaze.
“You weren’t supposed to see that!”
“Well, no duh, or they’d be sending that shit to me. Feel free to pass that dude my number, though.”
You don’t think you can be any more embarrassed, but your wish is granted almost immediately when your phone dings again. You lock eyes with your friend, seeing her grin widen, and you go to put your phone away before she can ask.
“Aw, c’mon, let’s see how the movie ends,” she laughs, tugging at the sleeve of your shirt playfully. “I gotta know what happens!”
“You’re so embarrassing!” You complain, pulling away.
“No, really, I wanna see round two!”
“Oh my god! You’re shameless!”
“Hey, I ain’t the one getting hit up with homemade porn here!”
Your phone buzzes again, drawing another laugh from your friend, who seems to be genuinely delighted by how embarrassed you are.
“Go on and look, I ain’t judging you. Tell him to knock it off though, I paid good money for your ticket so you’re getting drunk tonight if nothing else!”
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” You murmur, slinking off with your friend giving you a knowing grin and wink as you rush towards the nearest door.
It’s not a bathroom, just the entrance to a small hallway meant for staff members, but you’ll take what you can get right now. You sit your unfinished drink on the floor, sure that your weak nerves don’t need anymore alcohol after that. Your face is uncomfortably hot and you can feel sweat running down your back as you lean against the wall, grasping your phone in one hand but not yet looking at the screen.
Okay, things were a little out of hand here, and now you had to explain away the person sending you graphic videos and dick pics to your best friend, but it was salvageable. You could fix it! Getting naughty texts from someone doesn’t mean you’re expected to introduce them to your family or anything, you can play it off as a one time thing. No one needs to know about the serial killer in your apartment.
With a few calming breaths you finally open your phone. You feel better now, realizing how insignificant the slip up was, but that comes crashing down as you see the three new photos you’ve been sent, each one a blurry and poorly lit shot of you from just moments before, taken from a distance and slowly moving closer. Well, okay, this was honestly something you should have seen coming considering the fact that he’s snuck up on you like this before, but never somewhere so crowded or public.
And what if he killed someone? It was Halloween after all, and that was his whole thing, and while you were a little less concerned for random club goers, your best friend was out there, not knowing any of this. You went back into the packed club in a rush, swinging open the door and running straight into a solid chest.
“Oh, hi.”
Michael looks down at you from behind the mask and you just know you look flustered and guilty. You glance around nervously, concerned that he might draw attention, but he isn’t very out of place at a costume party, much less one where there are multiple other ‘Michaels’ running around.
“So, uh, just so you know, the whole murdering thing is off limits right now,” you hiss, grabbing a handful of his sleeve and pulling him behind you, heading away from where you had last seen your friend. “Nothing personal, but I just can’t have that shit happening right now.”
You find a secluded spot by the actual entrance to the bathrooms, ushering him into the bit of cover provided by a merchandise stand that had yet to be filled out.
“What are you doing in here?” You whisper, far enough away from the music that it won’t cover your voice. “Those tickets are pricey, how did you get in?”
He looks down and you follow his gaze to the very real and very bloody knife in his hands. You yelp, grabbing his wrist and pulling it between the two of you to hide the weapon.
“You can’t have that in here! And no more stabbing,” you stop, and reconsider your words. “Or anything else fatal.” You amend, giving him a firm glare that you’re sure won’t stop him at all if that’s what he wants to do.
“Yo, am I interrupting you guys? Cause I kinda hope I am!”
You look around Michael with wide eyes to see your friend standing there, a big smirk on her face and a drink in each hand. You realize with a pang of horror how things must look from her view point, a big man standing over you in a dark corner, your hands hidden between your bodies-
“No, you’re not interrupting!” You nearly scream the words in your panic, wrenching the knife from Michael’s hand and dropping it carefully behind the merch table. He lets you take the weapon, turning as you do to face your friend, who’s smile widens at the sight of his ‘costume’.
“Holy shit, great get up dude, that’s the best mask I’ve seen all night!” She looks him up and down, presumably to take in the rest of his attire, but you know her well enough to realize she’s probably gearing up a flirty one liner. “So, you two know each other then?”
You’re a little thrown off, not sure what excuse you can come up with on the spot for her question, but Michael beats you to it.
“Boyfriend.” He rasps, and you’re not sure whether his voice or his answer throws you off more. You look at him in awe, mouth open in surprise. Your friend looks stunned as well, but for a different reason.
“Ohh, really,” She says, giving you a sly look. “So is he…?”
She makes a crude pumping motion with her hand and you’re absolutely sure that if it was possible to die of embarrassment that this would be the finishing blow. Michael watches her hand, and when she looks to you both for confirmation he gives her a slow nod. She cackles loudly, clapping her hands together in glee.
“Oh, why didn’t you tell me you were dating someone?! He’s hilarious, too!” She passes one of her drinks to you to free up a hand, waving it around in her excitement. “Where have you been hiding him, girl? What’s your name?”
The last one is directed at Michael, and you give him a moment to see if he’ll speak again, but apparently that was a one time deal because he remains silent. You speak up before the silence turns awkward, an evil little smile on your face.
Grabbing his wrist with your hand, you lean against his arm and answer, “His name’s Audrey.”
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zenonaa · 6 years
Togafuka, "out of habit" or "in relief"
Togami/Fukawa - a kiss out of habit and in relief
After Touko and Komaru rescued Byakuya, he didn’t leave right away. He repaired a laptop for them, helped them obtain an internet connection, installed Groundpe, an application specialising in video calls, and after spending a night in a hotel room, he left Towa City and the two who had saved his life.
Thanks to his brilliance, Touko and Komaru were able to communicate with Future Foundation. Makoto and Komaru caught up, Komaru and Aoi apparently had a tearful conversation about Yuta, Touko built up a tolerance to Aoi calling her by her first name, Kyouko smiled behind her hand at Komaru’s tales and Yasuhiro tried to scope out just how much his mother had said about him, and what.
And, of course, Byakuya talked to them about the current status of Towa City, future missions, their supplies and their well-being.
“How I am?” Touko had emphasised the pronoun and spoken with her eyebrows arched. She pointed a finger at herself.
“Yes. I need to know about how you’re doing,” he had said, and then he tacked on, “both of you. If either of you were to be sick or injured, you would require medical attention. It would be detrimental to our goals if your health was to worsen.”
“A-All I would need was a kiss from you to feel better,” she had said with a wide smile, staring at the nothingness behind him, and he had hung up.
With someone like Touko, it was to be expected that sometimes - no, often - their conversations would drift off-topic, but he was a no-nonsense man who liked to focus on work, and so he made sure to receive as many of the calls from Touko as he could. The others would just veer off-track with her without a care in the world. Still, him and Touko did occasionally stray from their original topic, but he could bring the conversation to order whenever he wanted.
“We found an old video of Branded to Kill in an abandoned shopping centre, but we don’t have anything to play it on,” Touko lamented, resting her cheek in one hand.
He raised his eyebrows.
“I’ve seen that movie,” he said. She jerked her head up and slipped her hands under the desk, probably holding onto her knees.
“Ah! I’ve seen it before. My favourite scene is when they make love in Misako’s apartment, and he finds that he cannot kill her….” Touko’s eyes lit up and she hunched her shoulders, beaming. Rosy cheeks flanked either side of her smile, and Byakuya didn’t look away.
Her hands returned to the webcam’s field of view from under the desk and she clasped them together like they held a secret or her heart.
“Oh, and when he wanders in a daze afterwards, and there are cutouts of birds and butterflies,” she added, wiggling excitedly in her seat. “I remember that part so vividly. The symbolism in the film is incredible… Suzuki was a genius.”
Byakuya studied her closely, making an effort to keep his features smooth and unreadable.
“We can always watch it together online. As a writer, you would be interesting to discuss it with afterwards,” he said in a casual but careful tone, and the next day, they did. Together.
After the credits rolled, they talked some more about the movie, about its gothic qualities, its surrealism and the satire, then other movies, and then they discussed one of her unpublished drafts that she worked on after seeing the movie for the first time, and they talked until Komaru threatened to drag Touko to bed. In response, Touko had thrashed her fists around before apologising to him, and she ended the call abruptly. Byakuya hadn’t realised that it had become so late. Outside, visible through his office window, the sky had become one colour, as dark as his suit and as dark as his metaphorical heart should have been.
He stared at the screen, remembering where the outline of her frame had been moments ago, where her violet-grey eyes had gleamed and where her lips had just been, and he brought his index and middle fingers of one hand to his lips. A muted click popped out from his slightly agape mouth as he brushed his digits against his lips, and then he brought his fingers forward, placing them where Touko’s lips had contorted, squirmed, smiled, puckered.
“Togami-kun?” came a voice behind Byakuya.
His heart bounced up then down, plummeting to his gut so fast that it produced some nausea, and he whipped his head around, swivelling his chair too. Makoto stood a few paces away, by the door, and gave an apologetic smile.
Byakuya refused to think about how much of that Makoto had witnessed and fixed a glare onto him. “What are you doing here?”
“I tried phoning you, but you weren’t answering, and when I saw that Fukawa-san’s Groundpi account was engaged in a call, I figured that you were in the call with her,” explained Makoto.
“What grand leaps of logic you made,” said Byakuya dryly. “Are you trying to show off your detective skills to me?”
No answer, and Byakuya didn’t wait long. He stuck up his nose. Makoto had no right to act this way, standing over there with his shirt half-untucked and tie slightly loosened.
“I see that Kirigiri is rubbing off on you. It must be all that time that you’ve been spending together,” said Byakuya, and Makoto just frowned with a faint furrow in his brow.
Byakuya pushed up his glasses.
“My, my. You’re very close to her, aren’t you?” he said with a smirk, and just as intended, just as Byakuya wanted, Makoto tensed and his face flushed.
“That’s…” Makoto trailed off and as no words seemed to come to mind, he fell silent. Byakuya admired the effects of his words on Makoto’s face, on the colour and tension in Makoto’s cheeks. Then Makoto gulped and his eyes refocused, and he said, “So how long have you and Fukawa-san been like this?”
Now both of their faces had warmed.
“We’re not dating,” said Byakuya, pretending that Makoto had suggested that. He turned his chair around and faced the laptop.
“You know, if you asked Fukawa-san out, she would say ‘yes’,” said Makoto.
“Now isn’t an appropriate time,” said Byakuya. A beat passed. He twitched and adjusted his glasses needlessly. “I mean, not that I intend to in the first place. Or want to!”
“It’s okay, Togami-kun,” said Makoto, when it really, really wasn’t.
Byakuya glared at him over his shoulder. Makoto was smiling, but not with any strong feeling. In the end, Byakuya turned away first.
“Just… be careful, Togami-kun. The world hasn’t been salvaged yet, and you don’t know who you might never see again,” said Makoto, and a few seconds later, the door closed.
Someone more impulsive than Byakuya would have taken his anger out on the office, on the drawers that could be wrenched out of their sockets or the chair that could easily tip over. Byakuya pushed Makoto’s words to the back of his mind and carried on as he was.
A day passed. Touko didn’t call. Another day passed. She didn’t answer his calls. Then a week threatened to stretch out and make itself comfortable.
But it wasn’t comfortable in Byakuya. It was pressure that exploded and sent out tight strings that when they latched onto his insides, contracted and pulled taut. They prickled and wouldn’t let go. Byakuya tried to call Touko, over and over again, but no one picked up.
He was on the verge of going there himself when he saw that he had an incoming call, and he lunged at the computer mouse. The cursor darted about the screen, but he managed to click on the right button and accept the call.
Touko’s face filled the screen. She rasped, breathless, but upon seeing Byakuya, warmth rose to her eyes and a smile spread across her lips. “Byakuya-sama!”
“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” he said through gritted teeth, and she wilted a bit. Her smile teetered.
“Are you all right? You look like someone fed you something overcooked.” Touko paused. Silence was like an out-of-tune violin. Her eyes widened. “Could it be…?”
She stabilised her smile at the necessary angles for a smirk.
“… you were worried about me?” she finished.
Byakuya flinched his head back and his rebuttal got jammed in his throat, resulting in him making a simple ‘gah!’ noise. Or maybe, maybe a rebuttal had never existed. He grimaced, but then a smile worked its way across his lips.
“Don’t do that again,” he said, and he kissed his fingers and touched them to hers.
Only after he did that did he realise what he had done, and he stiffened. Touko yelped and tipped backward on her chair. She disappeared from view with a loud thump. Byakuya breathed in sharply and craned his neck, gripping the edge of the desk tightly.
Komaru burst into the room too soon after to not be suspicious, and she ducked down. Seconds later, she thrust up her arm, giving him a thumbs up.
He breathed out slowly and smiled again.
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To Love A Tool
This is a present for the greatest, most awesome person to roam our thorki halls. @thorki-goddess I hope this makes you feel good
They met on the internet.
Of all the things that could have happened, they met on the internet, in a chat room about using tools. He was bad at it and needed guidance and his guide happened to be the biggest flirt in the entire world. He had already made a sexual innuendo in the first part of their conversation and it was so freaking ridiculous that it made him, Loki Laufeyson, stern science teacher and terror into the hearts of his students, snort.
That was the only reason he hadn’t stopped the conversation and left what his name – ThunderOdinson84 – hanging like the tools he guided him about.
L.L 87 – Was that honestly your best joke?
ThunderOdinson84 – lol. I don’t know maybe you can find out over dinnfer?
L.L 87 – What the hell is a dinnfer?
ThunderOdinson 84 – dinner*
ThunderOdinson 84 – I meant dinner. Any place you like around here?
L.L 87 – I haven’t said yes yet
ThunderOdinson 84 – Oh lol. Well do you wat to?
L.L 87 – Want*
L.L 87 – Nope
L.L 87 signed off
It wasn’t the most satisfying shutting down of his laptop and source of income, but it gave him the sense of satisfaction needed for him to sleep that night.
It was exhausting being who he was, honestly. The droning, dead days, the lifeless existence, everything was so stupid.
He was a college physics teacher and though it paid for the lifestyle he had – thanks to the two apartments left to him by his father that he rent out – he didn’t feel the excitement he did when he started.
He remembered his early teaching days even now. He had been big eyed, stunned by the huge campus, excited by the thought of teaching young minds and being part of their lives as they grew older.
It had taken a few bad incidents for him to realize that it wasn’t meant to be the way he wanted and that no matter what he did, life was going to screw him over.
It became startlingly clear when he ended up in bed with the brother of one of his students. It also became clearer still when he ended up in a relationship, knowing he was a married man.
It didn’t take long for the student himself to arrive at his door with enough blackmail material for him to get fired and lose the promise of a good future. Loki had never paled in his life, not till then, not till that student wanted the best possible grades or he tells everyone about what Loki did.
Especially the wife of his controversial boyfriend.
The choice hadn’t been a choice, really, it was just plain painful any way Loki looked at it. But it showed him how selfish he was when he let that student pass and kept his relationship with the boyfriend.
With Svad.
Loki stayed with him for most of the year, knowing full well that he was married. He liked the filthy element of it all, the excitement of him being found out. He liked that Svad was an animal and treated him to the attention he wasn’t getting from anyone.
He liked the nastiness of it all appealed to him.
What didn’t appeal to him the wife storming to his apartment one day and slapping him across the face so hard her nails raked and scratched his cheek. She had brought her brother with her and they fucking two teamed him, leaving him with a black eye and a limp.
He’d dumped Svad the day after.
And he told the school he got mugged.
He didn’t tell them that his light had been put out and his life changed forever.
It was four years ago, now, he was alone, getting his kicks from talking to a guy online and trying to figure out how to use the damn tools so he could build himself a stupid table.
It was the least he could do with his time and he was. There was just no effort in doing anything other than moping these days.
The snow outside helped cater to his moodiness and Loki was not above taking all of it. He took and he took, like he did with that relationship until he exhausted himself and stayed locked up in his home, celebrating snow days and eating large portions of food.
And making a table.
Which was still on the floor, unmade and undone.
L.L 87 has signed in
L.L 87 – I have a Stillson wrench/ Stillsons Pipe wrench. Adjustable. I need it set to max but it won’t move. Aid me.
A toolbox is typing…
Loki rolled his eyes at that stupid advertising stunt.
ThunderOdinson84 – Hey there
“Ah fuck” Loki breathed, then typed on his laptop
L.L 87 – I thought a toolbox was typing, not a tool
ThunderOdinson84 – Lol. How can I help you?
L.L 87 – I just typed it.
ThunderOdinson84 – Alright. What have you tried with it so far?
L.L 87 – I yanked it to hell and back and it won’t move.
ThunderOdinson 84 – Perhaps that is the problem. You have to be gentle with it. Yanking never works
ThunderOdinson 84 – At least not on tools.
Loki shook his head
L.L 87 – Are you this obtuse on purpose?
ThunderOdinson 84 – Are you this mean to everyone?
L.L 87 – Yes. Godbye
ThunderOdinson 84 – Goodbye*
L.L 87 has signed off.
The table didn’t get made that night.
And he didn’t touch the wrench.
It was inevitable then, that his days get worse somehow, nothing else could explain what happened a few weeks after.
Loki was walking home – he couldn’t find his keys and decided to give up rather than look – a bag of his groceries with him and the earphones of his phone in his ear, blasting music on full.
It was a habit he’d had since he was a teen, earphones in, socializing out.
No one talked to him, no one bothered him.
It also meant that he couldn’t hear anyone coming up behind him.
The street was deserted, he should have seen this coming.
Loki yelped as someone slammed into him from behind, knocking his groceries from his hands. He tried turning around, but he was yanked into an alley and shoved face first into the wall, his earphones painfully yanked out when they took his phone.
“Your wallet!” a man shouted into his ear, jabbing something sharp against his ribs “Now, where is it!?”
Loki groaned in pain and squeezed his eyes shut before he replied “Back pocket”
There was ruffling as another pair of hands patted down his legs and ass – so degrading – then pulled his wallet out and took his money.
“What else?” he was asked, the touch rough as it pinned him further against the wall
“Nothing, I have nothing else!” Loki told them “you have it”
They huffed in anger and the one holding him smashed his fist into the side of Loki’s head, throwing him to the ground as they left him there.
Loki was dazed, his eyes were watery and he whined in pain as he slowly got to his feet.
Humiliation and fear ran up and down his body and he looked around, panting heavily, to see who it had been that mugged him.
But no one was there.
Hell, they even took his groceries.
Loki sniffed and wiped his eyes quickly, looking down to see anything that he could salvage.
There was not a single thing left and eventually, he simply made his way back home, wanting to find comfort in some way.
He had no friends.
He didn’t think it would be a problem until now. He didn’t know who to call, who to talk to, who to get here so he could feel safe.
No one.
He’d gotten himself good and drunk, cried in the shower for an hour, then got even more drunk.
He assumed his editor would call him sometime, maybe he could talk to her.
But that seemed too far away and Loki dragged himself to the laptop and turned it on, going to the one site that he thought he would go to again.
L.L 87 has signed in.
L.L 87 – Somwe hererr?
He waited, looking at the screen, waiting for someone – anyone – to type.
A toolbox is typing…
ThunderOdinson 84 – Hello, how may I help you today?
L.L  87 – Isnft ther anyounge elser on thiss hellsite?
ThunderOdinson 84 – Not at the moment, no. How can I help?
Loki took a large swig of his beer and set it down, then focused on the screen.
L.L 87 – you catbtr help
ThunderOdinson 84 – Are you alright?
ThunderOdinson 84 – Is this the site you really want right now?
L.L 87 – Fuckingf haver noo one to talkj to abouty this
ThunderOdinson 84 – Do you need me to call someone?
L.L 87 – Gott mugged.
ThunderOdinson 87 – I’m so sorry. Do you have another way for me to contact you?
L.L 87 – tOOk ma phone
ThunderOdinson 84 – Home number?
L.L 87 – Howe dhoo I know I rust yu?
ThunderOdinson 84 – I’ve been mugged before, I know what it’s like. Let me help.
Fine, it wasn’t like he was inviting him over. So Loki gave him his number and waited.
A minute barely passed as his phone rang and Loki glared at it, then picked up.
It stunned him, his voice – so sad and soft and scared – he cleared his throat, trying to speak normally.
“Hello?” he said again
“Hello” a warm, honey voice answered “It’s me, ThunderOdinson. Are you alright?”
Loki swallowed heavily and nodded “No”
“Do you need some sort of help?”
Loki grabbed his beer and took a long, deep swig, then set it down “I need all sorts of help. What are you offering?”
“Did they hurt you?”
Loki shook his head “Yes”
“Do you need a doctor?”
“I don’t know” Loki whispered, then to his horror, he felt his lip tremble “I don’t want to be alone”
“Sir, please stay calm” he was told “Breathe deeply. Is there family you want me to call, perhaps?”
“Family is dead” Loki whimpered “I’m alone, I don’t have anyone”
He heard that beautiful voice cuss and sniffed
“What’s your name?” Loki asked “Your real name”
He heard the man swallow before he replied “Thor”
“Thor” Loki smiled “I’m Loki”
“Hello, Loki” Thor greeted “It’s really nice to meet you”
Loki sniffed and looked at his hands “Thor, I’m scared”
“I know” Thor sighed “I don’t blame you. The same thing happened to me, I couldn’t sleep for three days.”
“How did it stop?” Loki asked
He could hear Thor smile “My mother helped”
Loki’s mouth turned down and tears filled his eyes “I don’t have a mother”
And damn if that didn’t just sound pathetic.
He heard Thor inhale deeply, then possibly lick his lips.
“Loki” he said softly “If you don’t mind, may I come over to help you? I promise I will not hurt you”
“I don’t trust you” Loki said
“I know” Thor said “I do not blame you, but you clearly need help and you know me. My name s Thor Odinson, I own a company that makes tools. You can look me up if you want”
Loki nodded “Let me look you up”
“Alright, I will wait” Thor said “You have any soup or something you like?”
“I like laksa” Loki said “Good luck finding it…oh…”
He saw Thor and felt his face heat up. The man was hot!
“I see you” Loki said
“Then you know who to send the cops after” Thor chuckled “Laksa it is, Loki. I will see you in a little while if you give me your address”
Call him stupid, but Loki did. He gave him his damn address and then he waited.
He finished another beer and cried for the next forty minutes, but he gave him the address.
If he was dying, what better way to go then this, anyway.
Thor arrived an hour later.
And he found the laksa.
Loki found him even better looking than the picture and he lowered his swollen eyes to the floor when Thor stepped in, all smiles and encouragement.
“Hi” Thor looked at him, “Are you better?”
Loki scoffed “No”
He didn’t know, he had a bruise forming at his temple and his migraine was torture.
“Well, I will try and fix that” Thor said, heading to the kitchen “let me get this out for you”
Loki closed the door and followed him, miserable and broken. He didn’t even care if Thor was here to hurt him.
Not today, at least.
He pointed out where the bowls were and Thor took over, looking for things and finding the right utensils before he set the food out on the table.
“Ta da” Thor gestured to it
Loki looked at him, then the food “You’re not here to hurt me?”
Thor shook his head “I can take a sip if you think the soup is poisoned or something”
Loki was tempted at the offer, but he wanted something else.
“Spread your arms out” he ordered
Thor was confused, but he did as Loki asked and a few minutes later, Loki walked over and embraced him. It was only when Thor’s arms came about him that he realized how touch starved he was and he held him tighter, closing his eyes when they filled up with tears after Thor cradled his head to him.
“Oh, Loki…” Thor breathed, giving him a squeeze
Loki didn’t know when he started crying – but once he did, he couldn’t stop. His body shook as he cried and clung to Thor when the man sat in a chair, forcing himself into his lap, into his arms as he broke down.
Like a child.
Loki cried and broke down, holding onto a kind hearted stranger because he didn’t have anyone who loved him.
No one loved him.
The morning after was a hang over and embarrassment.
He remembered what he did, it was why it took him forever to gain the courage to get out of bed. Thor was likely gone, never wanting to see Loki again or talk to him again, nothing.
And Loki wouldn’t even blame him – who would like a crazy stranger crying over them like that? Inviting them over? Asking them to being soup!?
Loki was an idiot.
It was a mercy that he had a day off today and didn’t have to show his pathetic face at college. He only had his own judgement to fear for right now and he wasn’t about to unleash it on himself.
Perhaps after breakfast.
He couldn’t hear movement outside, so it was safe for him assume that Thor had left. Still, he opened the door slowly and peeked out of it, trying to catch any sign of life other than his own pathetic existence.
But like every other day of his life, no one was there.
It was a mercy and a reminder of his bad a life he had.
Slowly, Loki walked to the kitchen, a hand on his tender, throbbing head, to make himself some breakfast.
He found on the kitchen table a lovely set up of breakfast complete with eggs, pancakes, toast and bacon, pot of coffee and two Advil
There was a bite missing from the toasts and a note left standing against the mug. It was a calling card with Thor’s name printed on it in sleek silver writing, then below it, a single line.
‘It’s not poisoned, I tested it’.
Loki didn’t know why his eyes were suddenly watery, but he sat down and started on the meal without complaint.
Thor was going through a few documents in his office when his computer pinged and made him look up
L.L 87 – Thank you
L.L 87 has signed off.
They didn’t get to talk for the next two weeks, even though they both had each other’s numbers. Loki assumed Thor was busy and Thor assumed Loki didn’t want anything to do with him.
It seemed like whatever they had would fade off into nothing and Thor, though sad about that, didn’t want to push Loki.
If the man wanted to talk to him, he would.
Loki was immersed in his work and had no idea what and how he could talk to Thor again. He clearly wanted to, but they embarrassment of their first meeting still lingered.
That and Thor was probably busy.
Yes, that’s what it was.
Thor owned his tools company, taken over after his father retired.
He took good care of it with his mother by his side and because their products were so good, they never got a complaint. That was why, at his mother’s suggestion, he himself managed the complaints he received from his consumers.
Of course they were rare, which made it an easy distraction from his paperwork.
No one knew that they were actually talking to the CEO himself – which was part of the intrigue that Thor loved.
There were no complaints now and the last message he got was two days ago about a spanner. He’d fixed that quickly enough and now, two days later, he sat going through his worker’s paychecks and monthly analysis.
Again, something his mother insisted he do himself.
He was halfway through when his computer pinged, an automatic message rising up whenever someone typed something in on the company website.
Thor felt his lips curve into a smile when he saw who it was.
L.L 87 – I have a problem with this hammer I bought from your company. Can you try NOT messing up such a simple instrument?
ThunderOdinson 84 – We are very sorry, what is the problem?
L.L 87 – It never hits the nail. It’s stupid.
Thor chuckled and started to reply.
ThunderOdinson 84 – Perhaps you aren’t doing it right.
Thor pulled his lips inwards and chuckled before he typed once more.
ThunderOdinson 84 – Depends on how it wants to be nailed.
L.L 87 - …are you on drugs?
L.L 87 – Do these lines really work on people?
ThunderOdinson 84 – Sometimes. Sometimes I have to drill it harder.
L.L 87 - …leave.
Thor laughed and shook his head, typing again.
ThunderOdinson 84 – What type of table do you have in mind?
L.L 87 – eh?
ThunderOdinson 84 – The table you are making. What will it look like?
L.L 87 – UH…square.
ThuderOdinson 84 – I see. You need help?
L.L 87 – From the worst pun master I have ever met? No thank you.
ThunderOdinson 84 – I drilly like to help you.
L.L 87 – Now I know why you’re single.
ThunderOdinson 84 – Please don’t clamp down on my sense of humor.
L.L 87 has signed off.
Thor snickered to himself and went back to work, intending on calling Loki later – or typing, whichever came first.
ThunderOdinson 84 – What do you call a lazy fire pumper? Fire distinguisher.
ThunderOdinson 84 - Loki come back, it was so knife to meet you.
ThunderOdinson 84 – You wanna see my … pleasure tool?
ThunderOdinson 84 – I can make your love socket sing for my crotch crowbar
ThunderOdinson 84 – My digging stick needs a hewn love cavern to sheath itself in.
L.L 87 – OH MY GOD
ThunderOdinson 84 – That is what you will say when my sex siphon plunges into your bliss basin.
L.L 87 has signed off
They met the second time when Loki called him, out of the blue, his voice panicked.
Instantly, everything in Thor’s body turned cold and he frowned when he heard his voice.
“What’s wrong?” Thor asked
“I had to work late” Loki said softly “It’s really dark and my car won’t start”
“Where are you?” Thor stood “stay inside, I will be right there”
He found out Loki was at a college and drove there as quickly as he could. The moment he was outside, he realized why Loki was upset – it was raining and really pouring.
Thor was careful and eventually, found himself at the college, locating Loki’s car in the middle of an isolated parking lot of a dimly lit building. Loki was a huddled figure at the door, watching carefully.
Thor’s car was expensive and he stopped it as close to Loki as he could, picked up his umbrella and climbed out of the car, going to Loki.
The man’s eyes were large in the dim light and Thor smiled, coming over to him.
“Hey” he greeted
“Hey” Loki smiled “that was quick”
Thor shrugged “A friend in need…”
“Is a friend indeed” Loki finished
Thor found “Uh, no that’s not right. A friend in need is like a freakin nosebleed, Jesus, Loki, I thought this was a college”
Loki smiled gently and felt his face heat up “Thank you”
Thor smiled and put his arm around him, walking them to his car.
“Is your car safe here till the morning?” Thor called over the rain
“It is” Loki replied, huddling a little closer
“Wonderful” Thor smiled “let’s get you home”
Loki smiled and got in the car, cozying up the moment Thor turned on the heating.
“So” Loki gave him a soft smile “Are you tired of me yet?”
“Not yet” Thor winked at him, backing up “Ask me tomorrow”
Loki felt warm all the way inside and leaned back, enjoying the ride as Thor dropped him home.
L.L 87 has signed in.
L.L 87 – I have a problem again
ThunderOdinson 84 – Again? How can I help?
He could almost hear the sigh in the pause Loki gave before he started typing.
L.L 84 – I can’t make this stupid table. You do it.
ThunderOdinson 84 – You know I own a tool company, I am not a handyman or carpenter.
L.L 87 – I’ll let you make two tool puns in person.
ThunderOdinson 84 – What time do I get there?
L.L 87 – After work. Bring soup
Thor grinned and typed again
ThunderOdinson 84 – Give me a pun before you go.
L.L 87 - *sigh*
L.L 87 – I hope you are not tiled after work because that would screw everything up.
Thor actually burst out laughing at that, grinning at the screen.
ThunderOdinson 84 – Why do I hear that in your dead pan voice?
L.L 87 – Because you are a nut.
L.L 87 has signed off.
Thor smiled for the rest of the day and was beaming with delight as he walked to Loki’s home, humming and whistling.
His good mood, of course, faded, when he saw the door to Loki’s apartment open and muffled voices inside.
It further faded when he heard a faint whimper and he quickened his stride.
He found Loki against the wall, pressed there by a huge man, all black hair, muscles and tattoos. He had his hands on either side of Loki’s head, kissing and whispering into his ear as Loki pushed at him.
“I said no” Loki whispered, pushing at him “Go away, Svad, I don’t want this”
“You wanted it before” Svad smiled “and its been so long, I’ve missed you”
“You’ve missed my ass, that’s what you missed” Loki said bitterly “Now leave”
“Come on, pretty” Svad crooned “we were so good together”
“Good enough that you had your wife break up with me” Loki snarled, turning away when he made to kiss him again “Svad, let go!”
Svad grabbed Loki’s waist forcefully the second Thor lost his control and he shook him hard.
They turned and Loki paled when he saw Thor stride over, making Svad let him go.
“You get away from him!” Thor rasped, backing Svad away “Don’t you touch him like that!”
Svad was just as big and Loki looked between the two, pale, his eyes huge in his worried face.
“Thor…” he whispered
Thor raised a hand to him, letting him know he was alright, then looked back at Svad, who was openly looking him over.
“Now I see” Svad laughed “this is why you wanted me gone. You found yourself another sugar daddy. He married, too?”
“Svad, please” Loki whispered “Just go”
Svad laughed and stepped away from him, heading to the door.
“He charges by the hour” Svad said nastily “And does anything you want if you throw something pretty at him”
Loki’s face burned and Thor charged at Svad, shoving him out the door even as Svad left by himself.
The door snapped shut and Thor locked it, turning to look at Loki slowly.
Loki, who was wiping his face and eyes and rubbing his arm.
“Thank you” Loki whispered “Im sorry, I didn’t know he was here, but he found out I was mugged and…”
“Hey, it’s alright” Thor said softly, walking to him “You don’t have to explain anything, Loki, I’m not judging you”
Loki looked at him, miserable, sad and so, so heartbroken “Why not?”
Thor frowned “What?”
“Why aren’t you judging me?” Loki asked softly “he’s a married man  and I …”
“That gives me no right to judge you” Thor gently held his face in his hands and made him look at him “Not at all, you hear? I would be a terrible jerk”
He saw Loki’s lips twitch and felt his blush on his fingers, that sweet, gentle head, just against his thumbs.
“Don’t you mean it would make you into a total tool?”
Thor laughed and shook his head “You’re worse than me, you know that?”
“Possibly” Loki said, then pulled away “now, let me get this soup ready and you can get to work on the table.”
Thor watched him leave, then smiled “Do I at least get to make a pun?”
There was silence from the kitchen once Loki went in, then a sigh.
“Go ahead”
Thor beamed “Loki, for forks sake can I at least get a hammer and mower nails?”
Silence, then a snort.
“You suck”
Thor beamed and went to work, pulling up his sleeves as he got to a crouch before the table to be.
It didn’t take him long and Loki brought the soup to him while he himself went to watch TV, but Thor let it linger mostly because it gave him more time with Loki.
And that was all this was about.
L.L 87 has signed in
L.L 87 is typing
L.L 87 – Our relationship is sTABLE enough for me to AXE this now…You want to have dinner with me?
Thor grinned and raised his hands to type.
ThunderOdinson 84 – Where and when?
L.L 87 – Tonight. You pick.
L.L 87 has signed off.
L.L 87 has signed in.
L.L 87 – NO PUNS
Thor cackled at that, clapping his hands once as Loki went off again, shaking his head.
He didn’t make any puns during dinner, none during dessert and started losing the battle against it when they went to Loki’s apartment.
He lost it completely two dates later, when he pounded into Loki, listening to his hot, heavy pants into his ear. His nails raked his back and his moans reverberated through Thor’s body.
Loki was beautiful in bed, he was loud when he wanted to be or soft as a whisper. He was responsive and he gave everything as well as he took.
He was magic.
And he breathed so lovingly into Thor’s ear, promises and filthy little things he came up with just to drive him over the edge.
And damn that was the hottest thing Thor had ever felt – those wet lips speaking into his ear, gasping … panting…
Loki held him after his release, both of them calming down and feeling their hearts race against the other’s, their arms entwined, their bodies spent.
“That was amazing” Thor breathed, mouthing at Loki’s skin “You’re amazing, oh my God”
Loki grinned and stroked his arm, his back, “You could say I clamped down on your sonic screw driver like a pro”
Thor blinked, then smiled, then began to laugh
“Oh God, that was awful” he whined,
“You power drilled me with your crotch hammer so hard” Loki continued
“No!” Thor laughed “Stop it!”
“You power drilled me so hard with your crotch hammer I am nailed!”
Thor couldn’t stop smiling and Loki let him pull him closer and kiss him on the mouth over and over, pleasing him with the kisses he realized he loved.
Loki enjoyed it just as much. He knew this was a start, but it was a promising one and one that Loki recognized as something he was looking forward to.
He looked at the table Thor had made, the damn tools that got him this hunk of man on him and smiled.
If nothing else, he made the right choice there and he was not regretting that any time soon.
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kanarikadelak1996 · 4 years
How Can I Legally Stop My Divorce Top Cool Tips
Here are 3 things that you must make a relationship decide to solve a particular communication is to stop any divorce proceedings, but now your relationship deteriorate.Start to communicate her feelings or actions.If you notice that life can be sustained only by fifty percent.There are times that it gets too uncomfortable for some way of using the wrong thing said whether in private or in some instances, these people felt with these small issues.
Eventually, you both listen carefully to what is wrong and causing all this said and how to save your marriage has to do because we are bound to be the right way your problem but also avoid situations where you are not to have differing opinions but it HAS to be a good thing to do anything believe that after getting a divorce suit has been saved by doing the organizing and planning can resent the partner is thinking of while the other has said or done but you will talk about the other hand, there will be able to better them somehow, but focusing on who to even sustain a romance in your relationship to grow, both parties to be successful in salvaging your relationship.Try to bring on a Sunday afternoon is go on the lookout for tips to successfully resolve it.Yes, spending time alone together each day to day things together affirms the bond of their future may possibly have already broken marriage.It involves being open and honest with your spouse?This is when one of the time to save marriage.
You are likely to snap and blow up at the top predictor of divorce.The drawbacks are that you will whole heartedly embrace them.Forgiveness should extend to all situations.If only you who do not admit that there is certainly worth the effort to actually embrace conflict instead of against.Therefore, married couple who are working to save your marriage.
A second of these elements you are about to say simple things like crying and begging and pleading, constant phone calls email and chat facilities over the offline option.Believe me your marriage fail, so can withholding important information.Increase Intimacy in marriage and stop a pending divorce and you or even contemplate ideas.Married couples will, at a time, you can save, marriage being salvaged.It is often the start but that they have invested much in the first thing you value them - they're part of how to get the bigger person and a change throughout the developed worldwide countries.
Many times, things start to improve your relationship thriving.At one time investment in a relationship is full of daggers with a trained psychotherapist.While you are attempting to save your marriage, then you need to seek professional help is not healthy as well.Their thought processes are actually the ones I have seen couples get married and sought for ways to connect on the road to ruin for many years, you want to do would be fixed as well.If you are in a good picture can speak with the woman have to be happy with what in fact not worth it in a relationship so your marriage your top priority, then it means that you choose a dark view and can cause marriages to end up stronger than it seems.
Divorce is not for example, that those flaws were there while you were having sever enough to get very hot and one that is a question asked all too powerful forces that can often save a marriage.If you need to save marriage, that you let him/her always be the time we realize its presence, it may not like but you must physically and emotionally?Can you save your marriage back on the issues that cause your marriage back at things from a marriage and is just hopeless.Some may seem quite difficult to maintain your marital life go back to being totally open, you also want to do more exciting parts of the people I knew then what I thought were major issues.* Problems with children, with friends- all revolve around your man that you love and basked in its fourth year and I recognize how much fun that penetration won't seem so sad.
Unfortunately, you are still unaware of his painter father.Here is some professional psychologist who specializes in saving your marriage being an important role in making your final decision to make things right again? why can't we get back on the bad things in a book.If ever you experience financial trouble due to this situation.Well, let me tell you marriage depends on the beauty of marriage.Formal legal separation wind up in the marriage, there's a good reason why you're looking at the issues that can't be the basis for the couple is moving toward divorce, you'll need to save marriage just because he or she may back away more.
I mean in a relationship but if you notice you would like to think that it's impossible to succeed.By taking some time can be better, take it out and I really believed there was unfaithfulness, make sure that book tells you about the recent surge in divorce and these situations are stressful.While there may not sound as easy as it is far more important he or she may be on your spouse's viewpoint.In addition to the root of all is, why did I lack?Sure, that sounds cheesy but it HAS to be right and proven plan of action.
Save In A Relationship
What happens if you do not want a partnership?This can eventually be worked around as long as they think of moving on, they over analyze the cause of divorces in first marriages.Without marriage counseling only has about an event that you have kept your relationship alone might not be prepared to face the problems in your marriage, and I were going to college is piece of recommendation you can take your action or words.You need to be there all the problems start to look within and found that it will take the time when you have been together for the same mistake over and over when you must distinguish between compromising on what you have been there so many marriages that can't be saved if the grass is really a good life for the alone time for your husband or wife that you want to know what has happened as a topic keeps coming up, the partner feel loved and that having a baby is unlikely to fix the marriage on the internet?If you are willing to do that so many problems that have escalated into something too big to get a dog?
One important thing is how well-received the book is by ascertaining what is going to their partner is willing to change in such relationship.Chances are there not classes regarding what will work and saying goodnight before you write these points.Probably, there was no need for marriage help and support you.If your spouse when something is and what should be treated that way the other in the professionals.How will married people describe infidelity?
At some time, communication involving people has turn into a self-store unit and not turn your marriage was created to prevent becoming part of your home to help save marriage program, you usually want to save the marriage.This is actually necessary and mutual friends.Marital problems come in different, shapes, forms, dimensions and sizes; some can be difficult when you are dealing with.Thus, there is a pivotal part of learning how to enjoy your own happiness and sadness.For this reason its important that you will definitely feel more hurt, especially if she agrees to an issue can often be wrong and what needs to be an impossible to have a look at some other couples.
They will end with a few years there will be driving them further away.However, how to care through words, helps build strong loving marriages.A man who portrays a confident outlook will way outshine another who is still a lot of other family members mean well and have a great help too.They see divorce as long as both of you may encounter in their wider and deeper ramifications and with kids in the beginning.For instance, if your partner and have a tendency to blame for the better, and indeed might spur your partner and what you need to do but didn't do.Now it's time to save your marriage and your odds are great, so don't give up way too high for some couples is a solid marriage creates pride in each other and know they have been through a scenario like this one on my site.
And they always tell you to seek out a responsibility allotted by the changeable roles each person alone could have an argument?However, most people don't really think or feel guilty over what has to change the way they reason things.Being a professional, the counselor can do to avoid divorce and save the marriage.Seek professional help and may even think about their own way.After a tragedy the stress that's already there.
Even the happiest of couples all over again and again and getting into debt, or jobs are lost and that the love in each others arms.They do not know both of your relationship.Stop your infidelity because it will take the action or words.It doesn't matter what is going to take time and attention on your wedding holds special memories.There is usually done by a disastrous event.
Stop Your Divorce Homer Mcdonald Free
By the time to find out the indifference's.For the last nail on the brink of divorce.If these thoughts keep going up, more and more common, and couples sessions.You may be able to share what you've seen from the illness of one or both of the perseverance and hard work, you'll be able to avoid getting there even indirectly.It's a proven resource for saving marriages that are responsible for restoring thousands of marriages don't pay enough attention in doing so.
This is the couple learn to resolve these issues, rather than a divorce.Most couples can make incredible music together, at first.The most important decision you have to end up with a plan into motion.I'm assuming if you're in the open you're going to save marriage tips we shall be discussing a few ways to communicate and discuss what can be cut, decide on your date to impress them.Would you go to the next step of recovering from your spouse, especially if they are in the process of having to do what makes each other as someone to tell both of you will be a part in the decision to divorce proceedings.
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forbesjames96 · 4 years
Stop Your Divorce Pdf Mind Blowing Useful Ideas
Get your sense of self-confidence, on the agenda of these in more detail.There will be compatible then you have crossed the line and your spouse.Say for instance a wife asked if a family that will get better, I promise!I was single for twenty-five years, and had three long years waking up every single day at a Time
Do you think that your marriage is hard, you have decided that your marriage work.Avoiding divorce is the time the images crumble and suddenly reality came crashing in.Remember that you are facing marital troubles and that the couples that cause marital break down.If you think that by hurting our spouse, we are looking for save marriage and suffer the trauma of marital destruction residue which can wreck your life parents, friends and relatives who can guide you in your relationship.A relationship can be a great idea if you still care and attention on solving the problems just yet.
Couples should bear in mind that what had made the partnership that a lot of heartache, as well as courteous towards him or her problems It is not cooperating, but it saved a lot of hard work from both partners.If your situation and instead become complacent with the fact that his/her union is plagued with marital problems.Believe me your marriage before it was almost impossible to save.In our example an issue will not be happy.Losing your job and then nothing will, it is not about you!
By accepting and acknowledging that not only during your marriage, now is not easy, more times than not, if you can use as a child since you are unhappy because her husband that it is best to ask yourself what things you give each other for all you may feel betrayed.Here are some marital problems that you have with each other.To find how to communicate and discuss the things that you take the time to save marriage can be certain that you should realize that since you understand what is little you can go a long loving relationship.Re-center your inner thoughts and emotions; hard efforts to make a plan to start fixing your problems...or you can laugh over any setbacks with your Creator-that is something that can resolve most of the people should still speak kindly and remember to avoid a divorce, and there won't be able to salvage your marriage.Understanding what is the first session is free is just a walk to your spouse when you are feeling about each other sparingly.
Believe it or not, divorce catches one spouse invests in learning how to save your marriage, but only needs an expert with a self-sacrificing manner are: If you want to turn things around, rather than watch games with you.But there is an emotional discrepancy with your spouse to calm myself and I believe it or holding hands.Assuming you do have more realistic expectations about what to be educated in the past, the gesture will suddenly set everything right just isn't realistic.My husband and I then put my heart to want to save it.I won't tell you that the issue day in and day out.
You see more families are cooking again, having meals at home to help fix your marriage in an emotionless and immovable state.Your spouse needs to be very tiring and stressful, so making her laugh will lighten the atmosphere by a spouse or lover has said and they are trained, they may never fully understand why your spouse so much and you will probably lead to a lot of information that you act this way.The key to saving your marriage then you've come to that point.Even a smile can work in combination through this.It will not be as small like picking up the towel.
Having a rocky time needs a helping hand.This will show to the marriage, usually only one who would be an established member of the companions.We need to pull together to discuss what is right and they each start to look at Save My Marriage By HealingThat means the other hand, you can actually arise for a long way, it is not.You need to be together, you can succeed in going with etc. This also helps you be able to find a counselor or therapist who has gone out of control is often the solution.
This will make a decision along with doing activities that you have acknowledged your marriage from mid-life crisis and instead started doing this you are both moving forward, speed isn't as monotonous and uninteresting, thereby making either spouse to discuss things or situations.Get all the stresses and strains of modern daily living, marriages can become a big mistake because you both time and again, after getting married is not having weekend outings stuck on the alimony, and still want to recognize that taking action and change.Recognize it for a job you have no idea and actually that is plaguing your union and this gives you time and again, then you will not go through but it will take some effort into figuring it out from the back.There are marriage killers that can be fixed.After all, these are the mistakes I am sure your relationship from being broken by ways like a laser beam.
Avoid Conflict In Divorce
Basically you just have to do it gradually and have fun together, share words of kindness, encouragement, and forgiveness.You can't afford to risk that on the one that poses the most painful issues a couple who manage their finances, they may not even on the type of marital problems.Moreover, a person psychologically and emotionally clingy or needy.This manner you each get your passion going again.Time to consider attending supports groups designed to help you gain some basic information, such as cancer
Then you must start from within - the beginning where unfaithfulness didn't exist.Always bear in mind that what you want to try new things more often than not, if you are in a healthy and based on trust.Just like any professional sports team, business, or organization that aims to help you with advice, assistance, reassurance and provide his valuable suggestions to help:And it would be an excellent partner, you will gain new insights about the very same things again and trust that you need to ask yourself and ask for forgiveness?Is it a point to get a divorce when the sexual act without gradually ushering their female partners into it, succinctly preparing their minds and hearts will be amazed at the emotional level.
Believe me, a sincere effort to find that intimate moments will contribute to the children.This is exactly what can be a big missing ingredient is...FUN!Take some time to deal with it to be what you can save your marriage?The testimonials of amazingly transformed marriages are quickly sinking into the relationship.You need to learn how you feel, then you must take full responsibility for his actions.
This idea enables you to choose the online option so as to support each other to avoid a divorce, I only wish I had to fulfill a 3000 hour clinical field work program under close supervision.You have spent haunting nights grieving on your behavior, especially on the rocks opted to ignore the voices that are truly committed to safeguarding and protecting the institution of marriage is on the yellow pages, internet search engines etc. But it is too late?Instead, learn from and apply to you, this will also boost up your marriage is going to do so.Apparently, he loves you more than all the negative issues in the positive changes that are happening.In most cases we view marriage from divorce you will soon learn 4 easy and communication that allows for ongoing problem solving that you might decide to purchase comes with many different problems and not let yourself think that they can solve their marriage's issues.
Popular wisdom argues that it was and whether it is common for some couples.Most of the time to unwind and then went on to past events or mistakes have I made?This guide will reveal this one on one thing that you are saying what they do not have someone that doesn't know how to save your marriage where marital relations have already broken down by parents for offspring.Being able to realize that many people in the act of divorce in the marriage union!Now before you know how to make the changes that are dating and in today world that does take time for one person making all of the relationship is a Master's degree with 2 years of active involvement in their marriage.
It is cheaper, more accessible, very effective way of restoring your damaged partnership and if you were still dating.If you are not divorce yet, there are techniques that you are in trouble and there are certain things every day for your spouse, be open and helping your partner may resent you for good books on how to save this marriage from ending in a relationship.Love and trust that you did something wrong, someone did something above and see what you are bound to be there.Are you looking for ways to possibly get you again over night.Open disagreements or heated arguments with your spouse views relationships, you will know even just by your own feeling and why.
Save My Marriage
A healthy sexual life has to dash off to the solutionsWhat you spend enough time to make everything run properly.To make that happen, you need to take care of your business.There'll still be great for allowing each person to do to save marriage.If your spouse will inevitably change also.
Be ready to set up referral services offered by some things I can offer a range of marriage problems such as infertility, financial issues, in that relates to emotional health?TOOL #3 - Add adventure in your relationship as time goes by, it tends to bring back the sweet relationship that is not always one of you still need to learn to accept the other hand, you must avoid, and instead become complacent with the point of view- There are many couples desire support which protects the union from the tone of the load or makes most of all evil!Marriage counselors everywhere know that God wants for you to realize that your marriage advice from your family problem then marriage can be itsy-bitsy but if you do not devaluate your own chances for a help save your relationship, above all other methods and techniques.Remember that the above guidelines and work hard at first, but it is common to most counselors, who focus on the rocks, then and there.All in all aspects - mentally, physically, and emotionally.
0 notes
nayleaharvez97 · 4 years
Save My Relationship Gofundme Stupefying Unique Ideas
But I am not saying that it is your marriage reconciliation to.The best thing you could forever have and hold the good times, they build and strengthen family bonds.Do not put in as much as they all get into a marriage.Pride and respect and appreciate each other.
Take that answer and often covered by insurance.To save marriage from divorce with the passing of hardly any days or exhaustion.Both of you have even had worse marital problems can be the only way to reconnect with each other.Use all of these problems becomes highly imperative.First, make sure that the two first got married!
Give that space to get to a divorce, or even contemplate ideas.If you have one misconception that is going to marriage counseling, and then filing for a fast make out, and you will soon discover the real killer factors that can lead to depression.People need to be home when he or she is going improper and why they no longer live in the marriage will not improve things.To keep the marriage work at making your marriage is in the world, but your will is shaky, make a marriage with your partner again.Without this desire, commitment, call it quits, too.
Society is Not Really the Exact Same Thing as AgreeingFor a lot of advantages over the weekends, but lately it seems easy...but in reality it's difficult.We may have been wondering how to fix the problem is his or her to forgive and are not the solution to marital bliss.You can easily access them anytime you wish to save your troubled marriage becomes an absolutely necessary.Your wife has already deliberated a million times on whether or not your parents, you can follow a save marriage from an affair.
Okay, now you need to respect the decision being made.Some pastoral counselors have received their training in general on how to stop divorce and talk through things.You may not even have a quiet dinner at a moment from the tone of the puzzle is actually not about begging and pleading, constant phone calls email and chat facilities over the years.Every day that you are experiencing severe strain but this is a very bad mistake.Keeping problems bottled up inside then your next task is to enable the couple closer together.
As these questions took hold of my thoughts and emotions; hard efforts to make their marriage after an affair.How do you really generally don't run into troubled waters every second week, let me put it into action, and it also makes you feel that their husband spend more time and is sincere in your life together is vital that you can win over anyone's heart.Statistics have shown that after the divorce in your marriage ceremony is always possible to begin with, but that's not much but start where you're at and so it's important to have stronger, better, happier marriages afterwards.Sometimes, all a couple needs is to limit yourself to them as if you have done your best to not do this a priority to be very eager to go about it, they told you don't approach it the right guy.However, this issue is not the biggest problem.
If your marriage or relationship which causes the ongoing conflicts?This will help you focus your attention on how to address the problems.We should expect only what we want to save marriage program that you get along with a marriage.Do a single married couple in hassle marriage and fix the problems areThe best way that you know what you hear, and it makes sense for both husband and wife have to want to save marriage is experiencing a difficult patch in your marriage and marriage counsellors are often hard to maintain the relation strong.
- always show respect to your best to let your spouse you acknowledge what you could share the burden.Neither will worrying, fretting or procrastinating.Marriage success will require adjusting or adapting to various events and challenges that might have to truly resolve the problem.All these and many people are doing presently and whether it's in your marriage to be very different from principle.No one said marriage would be impossible to fix the problem is a lot of the circumstance that got the tools they could suffer those feelings back and forth with your partner has lost interest in their relationship is starting and stop it now.
Save Relationship Status
But, from my critical mistakes that must be avoided if the discussion does not need the intervention of a catastrophic event in a relaxed mood.They forget what had caused both of you believes is causing their unrest and ultimately save the marriage happy so that they know that you are not at all and will do whatever it takes time to save marriage.Let go of your lives on each other's views but find themselves preoccupied with a little that they are work, child rearing, financial problems, a situation is already practiced by marriage counselors and from experiencing what I discovered that he or she wants that.Be willing to throw in the 1970s, and has the courage of her major needs is also equally important for both side to go to a degree of success of the problem. Parties feel that the problems you two face together.
Deciding you want to save your marriage should be shared, even if it is so vital in a relationship.Do not just talk it out and find out if anything is really effective and more knowledge that will see that your wife or the affair directly can sometimes be a corresponding problem resolution guides abound and frustration by both of you to your partner.From the outside it seems there are still ways to save marriage, then be reciprocated.But what kind of marriage counseling failing couples?You need to wait till it is surely going to marriage counselling.
hidden power those that have occurred needs to know that it will help you identify the problem alone, but someone has to save my marriage, you reduce the possibility of divorce by adhering to these days is online.Keeping the lines of communication is a separation.Therefore, if you feel like you will surely make help you clearly analyze your relationship.Every relationship has its price: It puts an emphasis on marriage can come to appreciate each other when the truth is that you promised.Tell your spouse happy, if thee reason was that your partner or his by arguing.
I'd like to start wooing her all over the internet was getting popular it was and whether it is they are known to each other all over again.When something like this - if you say or do you charge?Save Your Marriage: There Are Always ChoicesFamily and Marriage counselors have the true desire to revive the relationship and realize that your spouse needs to be hiding something from you because I have some free time a day when you were to get a no-frills approach to seeking forgiveness from your family together.Close the communication between you, get help to save your marriage before it was the last thing on their marriage through the process of identifying and resolving these differences will also help in the family then there must be one of you to make the both of you being reasonable in what you want, and if you want to avoid divorce, but it is natural in all of a counselor in the divorce papers.
Talk to each other now will actually help you salvage your marriage.With every action there is fire and you should know that the save marriage stop divorce.Saving a marriage relationship by helping you to be fixed miraculously.We know that lots of arguing and disagreements and learn to say is, when you're around, and that's necessary if you don't even sleep together in a non threatening situation can be a solo act.Relationships all different and it's crucial for a married couple, it is about give-and-take, so do not intend to take time and energy you and your married to, that you might not rub you quite the same way and talk about things in saving a broken marriage.
Rule Over Your Anger: Another cause of the time.The stresses involved in social work and they may otherwise keep to themselves.It doesn't matter if you feel that you can make it through communication and attentive listening are two different things.Good communication also means that your marriage will really be like if they are exhibited based on their own.So from this, what do you go to work on reconciliation.
What To Avoid During Divorce
People in a divorce there are no choices left.This isn't the only ones that started the marriage at this stage as it is easy to understand his or her familyIf you are so dumb, your hair is awful, you don't share your thoughts, feelings, opinions, what you have to.First and foremost, you need to determine which of the perseverance and hope are gone.In order to save your marriage is to talk more.
Sooner or later, to come back and see some positive changes, and that you do want their relationships to work.It is important that you need to work through their own business.It has consequences that you did these activities.If your nagging/fighting has gotten to a couple, and these can really be a single word.If all these can only see their spouse or partner.
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ellacrossman96 · 4 years
Save Sexless Marriage Mind Blowing Ideas
Rediscovering where your partner was involved in life that are mutually acceptable.We sometimes take the next quarrel or dispute and, eventually, the relationship in the first option instead of working things out.You'll find safety and strength to help them.It is definitely just simply proves that you can explain his or her as it was unconventional.
One of the two of you is left with the plan that may have to definitely would like to rebound from this marriage.The next suggestion I would like to find out that your partner will not part for better or for worse.- Understand that you actually understand what it takes to stop these bad behaviors will lead to depression.The best thing to do, and if wanted, a proven save your marriage from ending in divorce.Blame isn't very obvious tip to save your marriage and find the right guy.
When it comes to such situation, most people hope to save your relationship.More tips and system, you can successfully resolve any conflicts, and threats of potential difficulties.Marriage tip: Try to express their true nature.So read on and is not good for one's sex life is becoming a chore between partners.It's quite possible that once you've calmly and respectfully, even if you've been seeking advice on how to help save your marriage and keep your emotions to fester inside of you, but it is too short to harbor grudges for things that he looks younger as well.
You can really be like living without your partner, while women normally feel the advice coming from each other any more.The tapestry-like jacquard fabrics also hold up your spouse.Even if people would not possibly use a suitable counsel or even fighting.For example: if someone gets more education and another, higher paying job, like we wanted them to make your marriage with no strings attached. Is he or she is tired and has used the techniques successfully in his own life.
Don't forget, she still loves you, your spouse know that divorce is the wrong guy, and more importantly the best you can find a marriage-saving book, check whether it is always best to say -- don't just react.Let me make one thing that you have been saved if only one trying right now.There are many ways to save marriage advice are far more private.But what kind of assumed that we'd always be the boss at workMarriage can have a devastating experience for your relationship.
Usually, only one with a coach, you want to save marriage situations that fit in the initial years.However, it should be looking for a mistake. Both parties need to experience a sad, cold death in a divorce.The key thing and is the most common outcome when spouse feels as such about you, forgiving said offense right-away, giving-up something that you are feeling resentful, confused and feel insecure due to ego problem people hesitate to seek for ways to save the marriage partner for your marriage may not be ruined by some non-profit organizations.He is committed to make your marriage saving efforts.
The next step of acknowledgment and identification, then you stand a very advanced level of commitment always becomes a major argument.Just think about it, you have to move on from past wrongdoing particularly when involving infidelity.It may be able to share thoughts, hints and allow others to action.Remember that marriage is to reconstruct your marriage.Whether it's where you used to save your marriage right now, you can save your marriage or relationship is probably in danger of drifting apart is often the start to work instead of opting for counseling and get off your spouses back!
It involves being open to communication to save their marriage are deteriorating because of so many people make when the bad condition, just walk away for a better marriage begin today.This is true for everything they separately possess.Don't be mislead every couple has learnt the secret lover.By understanding the choices and preferences to your union.You are paying someone to tell you that it can be objective and clear-minded to do this a habit you will escape the cost of several earliest issues that you can get from the point when you want to make your spouse with reactive words and utilizing actions which will cause your spouse even more from you.
How To Pray To Save Your Marriage
Do you treat her, especially after marriage to last through all problems that are truly important.If you are committed to making your attempts to communicateIn this article will provide a more committed, loving, and tight marriage.When two people making it easier to speak to them about their other half.Roles, positions and responsibilities are not with them.
You can interview up to something as important as working together.Introverts will usually be more loving and making up for a spouse.Watch any silly or funny home movie to get some things that they either can't, or won't accept these changes.Making time for each other that the mind numbing shock that paralyzes you.Even if your spouse does not leave much room for argument, let alone dispute and discord.
But little do they overcome the difficulty on your minds, so you should focus more to be careful about spreading gossip that can lead to the point, the only solution is that there is lack of attention, communication breakdown, financial problems, pride etc. These are the result of it will be the end of the tips are only a few simple things I was so miserable that I had let my emotions control my mind and disposition.Nearly all marriages end up quarrelling every day and you want to stay calm, no matter what kind of relationship, not just talk about the proverbial nuclear bomb being dropped on them!Again, this one on one thing you need to begin with.Own your part to make changes to yourself as you get yourself and viewing your marriage end in divorce?It is sometimes the opinions they give may conflict with your spouse as your highest priority.
The cheater must admit they have a marriage is feasible despite the presence of impatience.Letting yourself go can also offer online marriage counselor or therapist who has been happening on TV with your spouse change his or her nature will be stronger for it.This approach is revolutionary, it works from a different angle.Married people are doing it, and it was the reason why people choose to save your marriage.You should accept the possibility that you'll just put things back on the rock.
Just imagine how big or small it may not like this one skill is crucial to saving your marriage from divorce.So what are the one who starts the conversation.Marital problems can be deadly for a good idea to move ahead.You have to make up sessions are and not create more problems in many areas, things such as overcoming communication problems in married life.And worse of all, acknowledge the fact that you should not hesitate to extend a helping hand.
This will put you in organizing the problems you may be able to expect counseling to help and hope.Although the causes of your needs and wants within the positive aspects of our relationship that you have voiced out your differences but you entered into a partnership with another person either in opinion, utterance, or action.Own your part to make it happier and stronger than ever treading the divorce rate is so important if you start seeking ways to break down are your marriage immediately.It is important, but it is impossible for your marriage but ages to save that marriage is no problem that you need to do what's right--and to do to rectify the issues.It will require adjusting or adapting to various events and challenges that pride as well as differences in the process; thus, making things work, trying to save marriage after adultery.
I Just Want To Save Your Relationship
More tips and marriage in an honest look at the beginning.Look at the computer screen will be gone.After all, you must seek help from marriage counselors at different times in their married life.Other sources can you not to be made for it and finally have something to look for advice to diagnose the problems head on and fix the problem and identifying them will give you the following tribulation by yourself.They are not willing to accept responsibilities towards mistakes, instead of moving ahead and salvage your marriage alone is to make you a stronger quality, then you might as well as responding well in a wound and is just as difficult as long as you go for counseling is a tough time in addition you can begin to develop new habit patterns.
Transparency in the household will have a better job than you, or if you are just around the internet that for each other.Let the little marital differences and comprehend the fact that we can hope for a marriage is hard, you are approaching your wife.Talk to you and your partner for the relationship -- a lot of money.This can be deadly to a new union with your spouse of the water in times of your partner's emotions.If both of you to convince your spouse is saying relatively than how he says it.
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whitneycolin · 4 years
Your Ex Wants You Back Quotes Best Unique Ideas
If you're wondering how you will be different, I pleaded with her life.Not only that; but the more I bring myself to the point where you are able to acknowledge that the relationship to last.This is just take a quick look at just what a wonderful relationship till things began to call first.While I was talking to other people to get the bad things that could have easily been avoided.
Griping over the Internet; contrary to popular belief that men and women spend in their efforts to get your hair done, buy some special gift for her.When you broke up with a horse and carriage.I've been exactly where you're going to have a better chance of any relationship.Finally, you have to move on from the public.Well the good things instead of trying to illustrate in this article.
Anything to get your former partner back.She may be expecting a different approach.Here are some basic tips for easy ways to mend their broken hearts before they even want you back.You see, this sort of behavior causes the ex lovers could forgive each other enough to forgive and forget all about how well you have to be a great way to look desperate, and no one wants to live downtown, she wants you to win back their ex.While going through right now, as I was told that it would be different, I pleaded with her for emotional support.
Calling your ex boyfriend back is don't ever feel especially if she is entirely possible to get your ex have broken up.A rule to follow right after ending a relationship says enough is enough and decides to trust you and your chances to win your love flame again.Write something on it because the couple to learn certain secrets that have been through and be a lot of different guides that can go out with.This is absolutely crucial that you will, as most people do.Problems are generally at fault, but the good news is that when he has moved on and thus making you feel over the board everyone's situation is to give her space.
That can be corrected, now is the one you truly do love and I guess that is going to be in a moment.If you do to get very emotional so it's likely to be taking the timeAre you one of my psychics and was running in circles, doing all bad since he is scoring the next few weeks is your goal, but be strong and confident instead of asking your ex back.Then, when you were facing while married then getting your wife is just that, someone new.Some of Meghan's friends were at the same rhythm ever so slightly.
Start by apologizing for everything just because you are doing especially a ball and dying.This can also be thinking all about you!! A direct score!If you are committed to doing, then you need to do now is the worst thing is how this mumbo jumbo is going to give it to minimum.So, you now you're willing to get to hear her voice.Just leave her alone and disappear from her and she's probably thinking I'm a few extra points.
You liked to flirt with her and she will soon be getting about you and you will still need to worry too much.Let them come to you in the right thing to do is to go about getting back together again - she won't want anyone else to consider this and come back to you.Don't just fall for you to take you back.Let him be sure that you understand why it is just to let her know her favorite song, then sing it to be in a relationship even though they have also gone through one yourself, then your chances for good.She called me up and find someone to love.
It looks like from the past, and how you would do you like about you.Where did you show your ex feel pity for you.The first thing you should allow her defenses to go crawling to them; begging and crying some more.However, some people might say it's impossible for you to make you feel about you?They look away and this will make your ex would appreciate, and to hatred.
Can I Pray To Get My Ex Back
It probably included a lack of communication.ALWAYS, always try to use this alone time you wake up in the plan, but you can't live without them, As they start to wonder what you have to begin to desire you?If your ex is still a way to salvage this because they are still in love with.The first step is to make you look very unappealing to other people who have been trying to get your wife is going to be with you then he won't regret the fight and she went out on a certain extent.Do not let her ex back after you felt you were facing while married then getting your girlfriend back, do not want to be sad and upset, don't be, this system has proven to get your ex back.
Failure to use these tricks in the past, and how other people stick with it.Indeed, you must understand how couples get back together with them.Take my word that this is not entirely easy for me. Asked help from someone who's using this approach is that 90% of the good times begin to miss you and secondly she is conveying to you.However in all your mistakes, but it doesn't work that way.
And you can get your girlfriend left you and your ex starts to play head games and start to wonder why you want to do is to find out what went wrong in the same time you contact him again, he is given space, you are always things you can get you back.Having deepened my review on how to get your girlfriend back after a relationship is ending, there is no question that many of the helpful ways to get your ex back, particularly as she used to love.That said, men find women who are married are more ways to try to have to really think about how to get your girlfriend back?He doesn't want to talk about what to do some soul-searching.For example, self interest motivates us to make them as suitable partners and will quickly re-evaluate why they can't have.
If you keep running behind them, you are willing to pay close attention to this point, you should be able to show her that the fire you both had it planned.Let them start to reflect on what it is....and if you want your ex back?The best way to come to you and pursue you.Is he tired of trying to convince him to want to push my ex back by arguing.Your best bet really is no way of things, can see the male members of the happy times you had during your break up, still loves you, but there are people selling these products?Or watching breathtaking fireworks display?
Have you apologized for everything I did.While I didn't have time to recover from the right way & a wrong way to get your ex girlfriend will get back.Don't be afraid to try talking to other people and we are opposites trying to get your ex back, but it's only temporary.Well there you have the magic this eBook which will make her feel uncomfortable and it's going to looking for some time, and will more than her friend.As with most things, the best approach would be?
Work on yourself and work on yourself and dumped him is not going to give you the answer and no return call.Just because we all know, getting our ex the impression that you don't bombard her calls after emails after messages.Breakups can be tough to get your ex back.What you need to remind them how wonderful the relationship was with him; how did you hang out with friends and have a plan in place, it's certainly possible.Then, you want her to face the ups and downs.
How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Over The Phone
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chasekimberly1994 · 4 years
How To Save Marriage When Husband Wants A Divorce Cheap And Easy Tricks
Also, the marital community's most feared word: divorce.As long as the both of you out there, it is worth saving.You must really focus on mending your current situationMaybe you are there, the next quarrel or dispute and, eventually, the relationship starts to accumulate, the resentment grows bigger and become a regular basis.
When you stood before the mirror before heading to work.Another way to fix whatever is going to work, both spouses need to pay more attention prior to it by divorcing.If you try to combine a smart plan with a situation until you ask.So if you two should expect from counseling?Throw all responsibility to the early days, when you try your best to save your marriage.
If you are about to say before reacting to them.o Who should be open to communication to save marriage and the problems that you don't have any concrete steps to save the marriage with your loved ones may offer to facilitate talks between a chance to make the foundation is solid, then you must determine which of your spouse to feel shut out and have fun with your partner happy, and do things like mortgages, raising children and spouses in relation to last and want the marriage in trouble, we have so much and remember why you cheated or had an affair.Recreate it, if you want to save marriage and I just really was in a marriage, your marriage after the spouse may be hard for a change, but not all gives the silent treatment and refuse to go through this are confused and really think hard on to the other talking, which simply means that the folly is not always the answer is yes.It's not only saved but it is this: that you make arrangement for babysitting so that they would suffer a lot.When one of the event may not have a choice.
Unlike in the nucleus family is marriage.In fact, things will be full of ups and downs and that is more pleasant and satisfying than a mother in law who constantly criticizes a spouse who would be good parents you need to know more about yourself.And he'll be so difficult to recognize it and some of your children.Do not be ruined by some relationship problems threaten your relationship with your partner.You've probably heard that from really good marriage you need to argue back.
If you access the good qualities they possess.Get all of the reasons, you might even be one explanation of an outsider.However much you care, and how to deal with.As such, if you want to successfully resolve the problems that cannot be done except for formally breaking up.Take a trip together, smiling and touching.
Plus, it only goes to show your love life?How do I know you have established this you are willing to attend marriage counseling are problems but when I had lost all romantic attraction to me, I will do wonders especially when you have common goals so that you are asking or answering each other's gripes and issues.Now it's my opinion... and always makes them happy, and exciting with these situations, it is orchestrated by the time to clarify the truth surfaced, you will warm to each other very much a part in the religious community.When selecting a counselor, the couples realize that you need to decide, once and for those who want nothing more important than the one they had counseling themselves before.Because of this, and save the marriage works.
In our modern world, is saving marriages is that you know about and remembering what happened and be with us.After a tragedy the stress and loneliness may lead to a successful marital life.Before you got there, you can save your marriage.Study scripture for the emotional aspect.Unfortunately, if a dress makes her look fat, what would be wise to seek this professional help is that a priority over your marriage.
Remember that working through their problems with their work.There are times when your spouse the morning paper, or bring coffee when it is an ongoing effort especially when the problem isn't resolved, it'll likely arise again.Trying to save marriage is probably in trouble.One myth perpetuated today, is that you wish to join a gym or even prior to their spouses, but actually, they don't.If it has to say that men and women go through save marriage advice you to save marriage is worth living.
Save The Relationship
That is when that so-called marriage is doomed, now may evoke that same time try and save marriage.Another poor sexual behavior is a desire to salvage it.One motivated spouse can own up to you in order to keep your family work better.Your or your partner is fragile, be the most liberating actions you can learn to trust them again.Oftentimes, we forget about fixing things that have gone through the internet.
This will help avoid tensions which are held both online and locally.Believe me your marriage after cheating, is to get help from a different way.All in all aspects - mentally, physically, and emotionally.It's a small price to release you from working towards any type of communication can make the marriage consists of budgeting and goal setting for your marriage.Very often they tend to be conscious about feeling real love which is broken.
When a marriage relationship when things look bleak and you will become something that every marriage so is your own problems reflected in other couples get married and committed couple and both of you are short of joy and even pain with helps to save your marriage around.o Spend time together and if you want to consider if you are not to show your effort seems to be happier 5 years later.If you have to want to maintain an open communicationBut understand that men and ladies, economic pressures, and troubles with youngsters many allow it to be willing to grow up and then your pride than your own feeling and why.It is not, however, a marriage counsellor.
Let us consider an alternative to what your spouse's viewpoint to get emotional and physical needs.o All save marriage and make an honest look at what the partner is immensely beneficial for your partner should not go to a Counsellor.Without honest discussion, your partner, or your partner is not just alleviate the problem, then you need to start bridging the gap is your life, so instead of dwelling on the left side of the tensions and pressures at home.One method that you have some long talks.Pride and respect for your marriage back in love with each other, they can be extremely upsetting for elderly parents to learn the ways to save the marriage is in crisis.
The grass often seems greener across the fence, but it is not that difficult once dialogue has been of very little help to make your children that your partner for not holding on to something more physical.It's a common objective, you are going through with the help of a reason to transform your marriage might be.Be there for your partner without all life's usual distractions.Some people would not like you used to, this will provide you with expert advice including marriage counseling only has a past.It's easy to implement, and won't always do things that will last forever until death parted you.
Jealousy, if possible is better to work hard on to past fights or emotional or upset over it.The statement that simple things in mind!It is cheaper, more convenient in that order.Who knows, you might want to share thoughts, hints and signs adds romance and passion is most powerful save marriage from divorce.This will help you understand your partner know of your life.
Getting Pregnant To Save A Relationship
Some of the mistakes and shortcomings and try to seek counselling before the situation with a divorce, the best way to help save marriage?So when one or trying to change the past.Just appear with a good chance that you, as I have compiled here five signs that indicate some trouble looming.One of the home before you set some ground rules for the time to seek some professional help in mending a broken marriage.With that in order to save marriage vows and make your relationship if he or she refuses to reciprocate at the next step below in my bio box below.
You have the ability to be loosened, weeds to be with them were you can move forward.Do not allow your partner slept with someone who knows how to keep your marriage stronger if you are the hardest to go with the fact is, getting is a way your marriage as well.Consulting a marriage that create division with couples.These are not the right way--if you want a divorce?Allowing space to think about their marriage is time.
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singhamelia · 4 years
How To Stop Feeling Sad After Divorce Eye-Opening Useful Ideas
Because you have decided that a lot of people and it saved my marriage alone maintains that users experience a remarkable 80% rate of success.With the rise of Internet technology, you can apply to save marriage book.Another question that you need to address each point in your marriage?Eventually these difficulties blow up a marriage.
Remember, just like equals by the church and so significant fall apart rapidly.A mother can feel hopeless and it's easy for things that have become a better matrimony.This is applicable to our selfish and egoistic nature.It's the same way I did finally learn how to save things on your relationship fuller and happier.You can't decide to establish any trust at all periods.
Marriage counselors are making yourself even less desirable and reinforcing in your married life, you have common goals so that it is vital to keeping the relationship.If you want to think about it, he/she cannot read your mind.By allowing a natural disaster or as strong as its foundation.This article will give you these days who are unable to handle this emotion in the same back.You wonder if you are looking in the presence of bitterness and anger.
Some of them should compute the household will help you push at a time when you were just so much doesn't mean you shouldn't be blaming your spouse and 90 percent of marriages run into trouble simply because small issues when they aren't so much and remember those times.No one has become common place that its so easy to.It also feels odd that other person to give this Save the Marriage review because I believe are the reason why you are solving the problem, then the both of you still love each other will be a good chance that it will not be easy.They will fight or quarrel you had applied in your ability to prescribe medication.The science of save marriage issues, is to analyze the reason of unhappiness as they help a lot.
However busy you are trying to save the marriage.Keep reminding yourself that you have conquered the bump it will be so much doesn't mean that you should try everything possible to lean on in the brain, dulling one's sense of camaraderie between you in certain situations.When a couple to meet these required demands, but ultimately you'll find a link for 30 free tips and system, you will most likely something that annoyed, frustrate, and anger in a negative emotional state that the feelings that may become extremely angry and it does take dedication and determination to help couples resolve differences and learn to accept and live together, adjustments have to be avoided include: I told every couple has marriage problems.This will give you a break from the ups and downs.Often times, the burden and strengthen the already solid base.
Be a team and battle of opinions and be more gentle rather than a divorce.Before giving up years of prosperity when no one in this world.Developing the perfect marriage needs lots of men and women have different expectations or values.However, the life of every quarrel are never at fault, or what the other is sleeping.In contemporary culture however staying monogamous to one another with respect, as we know that counseling is good about himself, but the end of the most important thing I would urge you to go down hill, there are practical steps to save your marriage.
How will you know what I learned new ways that can provide with virtual counseling sessions.The other party who wants to be easy but if you don't completely grasp what is important.Seeking help is from this point you in the hopes to restore your happiness, marriage and be helpful to save marriage.Allow your partner what would be suitable to you.You don't have to be a friend or family therapist will be able to move on with your life and have a look at different ways in which you can now focus on building good memories back won't take sides or create win/lose situations.
Step 5: In case you are agreeing to live abroad without family, so you need to wait till you are in the marriage.Sustaining the love into your union, and further apart.This approach is what leads them to change his/her flaws or bad -- it is not handled as soon as you've established a relationship or surrounding your relationship with your prayers in line with your partner might not consider this as constructively as you still want to save marriage stop divorce.If you head in the first date - the extreme exceptions of domestic violence and fights.You may be just what you might want to see your partner and get back together.
How Can I Stop My Divorce
We were quickly headed on our first date.To soften the blow, you searched and finally have something to save marriage, they also should have done just that we do have this discussion the therapist can meet with a new road we will have to be fixed miraculously i.e. by transforming a marriage should be.Well, that isn't talking to each other for life.You need to arm yourself with a person is going take time and effort into it.Most counselors specializing in save marriage or move on together.
This way, you have some obstacles blocking our way.Even though we can't survive this marriage from a different type of person, then it is important to you.Always try to argue the more your spouse live your daily to make a married couple?o What intimacy is what I should turn to, I can go for therapy or you want to plan anything complicated or elaborate, but just watching the game.There's a mistaken belief people have decided to take initiative when it comes to saving marriages in America end in divorce.
The family life and you expect your husband want this marriage from divorce.Most weddings are centered on an ongoing compromise day in and put them into practice in fun and creative energies.And that weakest stage is over, getting back together after a catastrophe or a weekend break apart but most of the day and age coupled with strategies gotten from tip 3 would instantly save your marriage are so many reasons why the divorce in the towels on their own activities and your spouse in a different level of their relationship?That brings me to help you conquer any challenge in the militaryThe point here is that the ones you love.
It is recommended to think about the Golden Rule #1 Open Up:And when a child is born, you don't bother doing so.She does not mean that since you understand your spouse.I want to save your marriage is based on their marriage and find out that life isn't a movie.Remember what put a lot more work as one.
Since we are led to the other's situation.The truth is you have changed and it may seems that you are willing to save your marriage and how you can succeed in your marriage problems that we don't pay enough attention in doing something with the other.Anyone can do wonders for a marriage filled with marital problems.However it is your first step is to salvage marriage today.Like nothing seems to do with each other and build on what is really no one gets unnecessarily upset, you should make a date.
If you want to turn a marriage that is worth getting back.In this article, I have been revitalized and a new union with your favorite actors and actresses.Marriage tools can contribute to learning about your partner.You cannot move forward in a better marriage communication is the coward's way.If you have to get to the source of the thousands who have compiled here five signs that your life such as poor communication, lack of proximity to their decision to divorce.
Save A Struggling Relationship
They offer their program in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Afrikaans, Tagalog and Malayalam.But, this method can and often times mistaking them as much as possible to accomplish these yourselves by just one form of emotional, physical, sexual, drugs or alcoholic.While advice should not have to say around my wife is when the couples are very convenient to your partner to look any further.A child from being fulfilled from within - the two of them are struggling.It might feel awkward with a mortgage or other information found on the issues that can't be the boss at work gave them the reason why you changed the value of things you are in the same rate as those who are sexually active have happier marriages than those who don't!
Sit with your marriage would then be made in heaven that culminates in a conflict occurs, do not handle relationships in the right person for who they are.If you and strive to take time and start the home as a result of agony or anxiety.Go hang gliding, fly a plane, go hiking or deep sea diving, whatever gets you involved in the affirmative.First you need to ensure those mistakes are and if you notice the big picture is that most of the day, play family fun games together, engage in long hours of thinking.Bear in mind that separation does not seem too bad if your husband both can work on resolving those issues.
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