#give me robots or animals pls i beg !!!
sevenchiiznutz · 4 years
I don’t have friends who are really into vocaloid cries,
I made a vocaloid cover of Neon Genesis Evangelion’s very iconic opening and used len 👁👄👁, because my love and passion for trying to tune len the way he’s supposed to be will never die BUT I FAILED ANYWAY BECAUSE I SUCK AT MIXING AND TUNING
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nochiquinn · 3 years
lovm watch party 3: we draw it
"what goes into a chunky monkey" "my mouth" "...wait"
I want tom nook pants
"have you never crossed your animals"
junior mints are the only correct answer
"are junior mints underage? is that creepy?"
"we love you twitch chat" false
fuck you playback error
we do this EVERY WEEK why are you LIKE THIS
the entire commentary is become robots
okay there we go, we are unrobot
let me hear ashley's scratch recording
dvd extras WHEN
dead cosplayer cosplay!
how. how did y'all not realize that was bread. it's clearly bread.
"he was renting it"
Inverted Banana
"this is a Nuts Pan"
thank you for referencing the EXTREMELY PERSISTENT GORE
run it through an instagram filter
exandria's two moons and five suns
dfjsdkl the chest hair
"this was more graphic the first time" HOW
marisha and laura burp soundcloud library
it's called SCANBO not PLANBO
3D roof!
"is it infuriating to have to animate rain AND fire AND a fight with magic all at the same time"
"[rory mcann] talks and you're just like 'yes, that's it'"
Edgelord and Chonky
travis has their names on a paper to read them off properly, bless
oh that early keyleth is Cute
still wish she was taller than vax
"make sure it's legal"
she did look kind of 14-ish in the first design
"sam and travis, you wrote this episode together, who let this happen"
"lots more potions and lots more singing" it WAS almost a musical
love animatic!vedmire
just a big angry face
mica: "how could I ever think you guys would lower yourself to poop jokes??"
ashley looks so cozy
"I know math and numbers real goodly" mood
twitch chat: "why no burt reynolds esq" links them to the wikipedia article for copyright infringement
I have my notepad positioned to cover twitch chat but not the group camera and I don't feel like moving it for the in-between
"he loves going outdoors and murdering things"
"maybe for an artbook" 👀
The Girl
hair-down pike!!
man I wish I could play sims
I don't have the computer
"do you wanna see the basement?" "WHAT'S IN THE BASEMENT??"
aaand I refresh to make the bitch work...
aaand everyone becomes a robot...
sam leaning forward to talk to loftis is very endearing to me
"aren't there dice hidden everywhere" "literally everywhere"
everybody hyping keyleth AS THEY SHOULD
"matt mercer cameo as...a jerk."
"he's just the most evil humpty dumpty"
brb gonna be a tiger
oh I ws RIGHT they changed it for the show
okay but I would watch a ghibli critrole
pls can you imagine keyleth's stuff in ghibli style
"diaphragm diaphragm DIAPHRAGM"
one million points to bertrand dinesco?"
tracie thoms was not in fact the original joanne from rent, that was Fredi Walker
yes call out the transformations
"sorry I punched your character in the head"
"Liam's gonna solve EVERYTHING"
"fitting that a book is liam's end"
love that they react to the show as strongly as we do as the audience
sam's reaction is my reaction
"that window was begging for someone to go through it"
oh! I know that show!
okay I know OF that show
Little Trauma Stripe
"your character's dumb"
"how many hours ago did you get married"
bye luke
"he would do this in real life"
"it's all pot smoke"
god I love pike's face in this episode
"don't cry. I said don't cry"
ashley just being bewildered by the process of animation is adorable and a mood
quyen dance!!
"vox machina needs a nap"
"can anyone give them a blankie???"
I had to check on my kid but I assume I was correct about what ashley wanted to do with pike
"if you're strong in your friendship and strong in your faith you're gonna be great"
"how would you utilize [cloud control]?" "dicks and balls"
"chief artist of dicks and balls specifically"
I loved pulled-out shots of buildings and areas we only ever see pieces of
laser sauna
and refresh...
and robots...
"if I'm her I don't know if I touch that book"
"also then your husband is a hot vampire"
"long-haired sylas is so hot"
"she cuts his hair every morning. it's a couples thing they do."
joaquim dos santos??
"lead on voltron" this is atla erasure
"oh look it's my daughter! look, she's fine!"
"do they just flop around like fish?"
still love cass' judo flip
arthur casually incriminating his team
"archie still hasn't been able to wipe his nose"
CRASS SAILOR I can't believe I forgot to call that out in my recap
one unit of melee
the Many Zombies was very nice, I appreciated it
"it looks gross! good job!"
the scratches on the lenses
"whose fingerprints are those on the lenses. so we can steal their identity."
"we went to quebec and they were like 'get the fuck out'"
"my wife screamed"
taliesin has been doing this speech in his head for six years, he has plenty of practice
honestly I would have loved liam and marisha to both be in this one bc I miss liam making googoo eyes
"if it's not stupid don't try it"
"this might be reaching critical mass" y'think
god these animatics are so nice
marisha also not picking up on vax flirting, oh my god
"for fucking ever. like forty episodes."
ashley: I didn't realize that was a thing you could do but also I don't know why you couldn't
"none of this is appropriate right now!"
"there's a right way and a wrong way, and I'm not gonna tell you which one THIS is" "but I AM gonna walk away and let you think about it"
arthur being so hype about gilmore's shop
sam: alright I'll sing
"we only have one more of these" cries
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shantalangel · 3 years
Stories written on the wall of one of the rooms in the game Armikrog.
It’s about everything happened before the game, P’s parents life, how they met and how she appeared.
Reading sequence:
The Blank Miner. Part 1
The Blank Miner. Part 2
Tools, Weapons, Food, Plants, Medicine, Magic and Pets
A Meeting in the Woods
Punishment and Crime. Part 1
Punishment and Crime. Part 2
Punishment and Crime. Part 3
No water for four days. Could be five.
Everything is empty. There is no food on this craft.
P does not seem to mind. She remains healthy, but seems sad at the sight of Meva and I starving. No more giggling. No more crystals.
For awhile, we could make her laugh, and she would provide the P-tonium to power the ship.
We are too weak.
The ship is moving but we don't know where it is going. If I take the last crystal out of the grid, the ship will stop, but so will the life support system. The color in the last crystal is fading. We could be dead soon.
I have tried in vain to learn the controls… too alien and strange.
I declare my love for Meva to whoever finds this.
More Desperation
I have decided to do the only thing that might save us. I will use the soul transfer device to put myself into the ship. Then I might be able to figure out how to operate the ship’s foreign controls.
At first, Meva begged me not to do it. She reminded me of the risks and of the strange things that had happened to some of the spirds. But eventually, even she saw the necessity of it. I would either die from starvation, lying on the floor of the ship, or I would die trying to save us. Meva kissed me and relented.
A Crazy Plan
We clamped one of the soul transfer device’s arms onto the control panel, and the other onto my arm. Meva reminded me that she would only give me one minute. She wasn't going to risk any more time. I nodded and she pushed the button. The purple fuzz-ball beating inside the device cast light around the room, and I went into the ship.
The first sensation I felt was a lack of feelings. The aching hunger was gone. The pangs of starvation that wracked my body had slipped away in an instant. It was a relief. But then I remembered the short time I had and turned my mind to other things.
I could sense our place in space. Nearby planets and stars took shape in my mind and their names came to me, although I'd never seen them before. I realized the ship must have some navigational computer or log. At this thought more information poured into me. I could see the ship’s entire history in a moment. But my mind grasped at another image; P's crib.
P’s crib was being pulled aboard by a desperate looking crew during the heat of battle. The ship's door was sealed before taking off. The crib was chained to the wall. P was force-fed cans of beans to increase her output of P-tonium. She didn't laugh or smile. The crew's planet needed the P-tonium to survive. There were other planets that wanted the P-tonium too, and were willing to kill for it. As far as the ship’s computer identified P as the last of her kind.
Meva's voice echoed inside me. She was telling me to hurry. She was going to transfer me back.
In a panic, I pulled my mind from the computer, though there were so many more questions I knew it could answer, but I had to get to that control panel. Its levers and knobs were instantly familiar to me. I dimmed the bright lights that made it difficult to sleep. I discovered a water generator had been switched off. I turned it on, and the ship’s water storage began to fill.
But something was wrong. Not all of the controls were working. I could only make a minor adjustment to our speed. I could not reverse our course, and I could not change our trajectory. I dove deeper into these controls, tracing their connections until I found the problem. There were two dents in the hull where the ship had been hit by missiles while escaping. One had torn the metal open and damaged the ship’s controls.
I used the navigational computer to quickly chart a course. We were headed for a nearby planet. I calculated how long it would take to reach it.
At that moment, I woke up to the sensation of liquid on my face. Meva had pulled me out. She was smiling, holding a container of cool water. I drank it down in big gulps, but it did little to satiate the gnawing hunger in my stomach, or the growing fear in my mind.
I told her the bad news. We were about to crash land, and there was nothing we could do to stop it.
Life After the Crash
A crash landing is difficult to describe with accuracy. When in the middle of it, I did not think the tumbling would end. It was more like an assault than an event to my mind. Surrounded by noise and violence, papers, paneling and even my own clothing blurred past my face. I remember the weird details in times of crisis that come for no apparent reason; I saw a metal tool tumble by, I looked at my own hand and considered my own anatomy in slow motion. I do not know why these are the things I remember.
When it was finally over, we climbed from the wreckage, with few injuries. Meva's arm was broken. I was bleeding from a gash in my forehead. P's crib had landed on top of her, but instead of harming her it kept objects from crushing her. At the time I thought it probably saved her life.
Behind us was a jagged line scratched into the planet’s surface that documented the trajectory of our landing. Pieces of our ship was ripped from the hull by trees and rocks and scattered to either side of that line. The air was thicker than our home planet, but gravity was comparable and a yellow haze protected us from direct sunlight.
Meva knew enough of the healing arts to talk me through resetting her arm … a difficult ordeal. She and P took shelter under low hanging branches while I went in search of anything that could be salvaged from the wreckage.
Over the course of that day I dragged chunks of the ship’s carcass back to Meva, where she, using her one good arm, assembled a makeshift shelter. P seemed oblivious to the peril of our situation. I would put bushes on my head and dance around for her which consistently made her giggle. P’s happiness was a comfort to Meva.
The first night we huddled together in our shelter and listened to strange animal noises that put a chill in our bones. This planet sounded all the more threatening and I knew it would be a matter of time before a beast broke into our temporary housing.
Most days I worked on the water generator. The few stores of water we had were nearly exhausted, and a survey of the area revealed no water though there were plants growing on the hillside that I assumed used water to survive. The water generator wouldn’t power on and I considered leaving Meva and P to go on a more exhaustive search for water. Another howl, deep and brooding came from the forest as if to threaten me if I ventured too far from camp.
Our love for P motivated us to keep trying and it kept us from falling into despair.
I fused three wires on the water generator and it came on for a few seconds, then made a popping sound and seized up in a cloud of smoke. I feared I might have damaged it beyond repair so in desperation I used the soul transfer device to put myself into that infernal machine! Once inside, I could clearly see what must be done. I also discovered that the water generator was actually a matter generator. It could pull water from anywhere because it changed the array of any molecule into water. With a little work, the water generator became a matter generator. I was able to make simple objects with it. I started with bricks, then made hammers, screws, bolts and basic levers.
I repaired the power grid! Using the green engine room as a power generator, we fed Ptonium into the grid it offered more than enough power for anything we needed.
Previous Visitors
During the day when there were less animals roaming around, Meva and I explored the surrounding area to discover we landed on the far end of a long valley. On the opposite end of the valley we found a rock with testimonies of previous visitors scratched onto its great surface. We do not know who wrote them, but wrote a commentary on each of them to acknowledge that they are part of our history:
He was a great scientist who flew to this planet hoping to perform experiments using an artifact of time bending. The date next to Bohram’s name suggests that he landed on the planet some five hundred in the future, and the space maps he drew are beyond the accuracy and scope of contemporary maps. Bohram discovered a planet he named 26229 and was considered by the future scientific establishment as having similar parameters to his home planet. Bohram applied his time bending theories to space travel and blasted off to live on planet 26229. His last words are here carved into stone before leaving, "Let us get this show on the road."
He was a great military commander. Okrog’s body was so badly injured in various wars that it was mostly replaced by machine parts, including fifteen-foot robotic legs. One day his suit was so badly injured in battle that he used a furnace-tending suit as a replacement. He could no longer fight in wars, but he could still tend to the furnace so he remained thankful. He had a strange pet, a flat faced Tentable Mane Cephia Kraken.
An adventurous blind girl named Zileth wore the 7th Ring of Eureka while hiking and it transported her to a far away land. She lost her old guide animal and went hunting for a new guide animal, known as a half-mongrel. A half-mongrel will not tolerate being stared at so he never got mad at blind Zileth. She scratched his soft fur and felt his facial expressions to learn his moods. They became inseparable friends. Zileth never returned home but always had company to keep her warm thanks to her half-mongrel.
There was once a scientist who spent so much time in his laboratory alone that he went mad. This is Heverkrog, the inventor of the Procrastinator Ray. He hated this planet but found he could not leave. This made him angry because he thought that he was so smart (and he was smart) that he would be able to find a way off of the planet. He began work on a portal to another dimension. This technology is fictional at best, but he claimed to get the idea from his deceased wife who visited him in a dream while in feverish delirium. Heverkrog built his interdimensional gate, which looked like four logs bound together by rope.
We found "the gate", but also found a book of Heverkrog’s mad theories next to his skeleton which lay at the base of the gate. For reasons of my own, I believe Heverkrog has something to do with the disappearance of Bohram.
Claimed to discover cave walls covered in ancient finger-paintings. His devices of measurement dated the paint used on the wall to be at least five thousand years old. These could be the oldest inhabitants of the planet. The most fascinating thing about the cave paintings was that they depicted ninety nine generations who came before them. The first of that line could be the first being ever to live. The long lineage could also imply that this lineage went on forever into the past and that only ninety-nine beings could fit on the wall before the most recent generation ran out of space. One other being is scribbled on the edge of the wall, he has a head, two arms and two legs like most beings we know, but he is covered in warm flesh, has hair on his head and wears unique hat and shoes. A translation of the inscription under this cave painting says sounds something like, "HUMUN BING. FRUM URTH" but none of us know what that means.
Lugness is an honorable and noble being who lived just over twelve hundred years ago. He invented an R.G.Ba’bomb that altered the light of any area within a stone’s throw. Lugness discovered a distant star that radiated green Ptonium energy. One day, that distant planet mysteriously stopped emitting Ptonium energy. This is speculation but could this have something to do with P?
Walter "Nickel" Naut was the first astronaut from the planet Ixen to find this world some two hundred and seventy two years ago. His ship did not run on Ntonium, but on magic. That was back when magic was real. He came to this planet entirely by accident when he crossed a then-unknown hyperspace lane. Nickelnaut was jettisoned across the universe sideways before ejecting from his craft just before crashing to the planet surface.
This concludes my commentary on the history written on stone.
Building Statues
I used the generator to build statues of my own likeness and I gave them simple mechanized skeletons so they could help me work. They were capable of working even if I left the room. They were linked by a nerve net so if I transferred my soul into one, I could move between them. With my crew of mechanical workers we built three great towers and one lesser tower that would be modeled after Meva’s likeness. A great surrounding wall was erected to keep any hostile animals out.
Meva and I wrote out laws on walls, over doorposts, and in journals. Even the statues were capable of repeating the laws. We wanted P to be raised in a family that respected each other first and the self, second. We assume that P would long outlive us. It is our desire that these laws be the foundation of our little society.
The Name
This fortress has been built to protect my family and our ways.
These words have been written so that you may know us better.
If you are friend, then take shelter, for to you we freely give this place.
But be warned, however, if you seek to bring harm to this family, I have already bent my will against you. Though I am a kind and gentle friend, I am an even fiercer, terrifying enemy. If your designs are for harm, I will unleash Meva's wrath upon you. The three engines will ignite and the harbinger will be awakened!
Enemies, know the name of this fortress and fear it; “Armikrog.”
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ua-monoma · 5 years
It's a villain's quirk.
That's what Shinsou had always told him.
Monoma had always thought it the greatest tragedy. One of the most incredible quirks he's ever seen, squandered and dashed to nothing after an unimaginative society's constant and tortuous goading. The potential it has, to use a certain mentor's favorite word. The sheer ability to do so, so much good. In his eyes, Shinsou has always held back, daring not to cross too far into that darker territory, despite all the power he could have gained doing so. He'd always hated that.
In fact, he's always wished he'd had a quirk exactly like that. It'd be perfect. It would suit him, even with all the baggage and pain attached. Perhaps especially so. Honestly, at some point in his life, he'd truly thought it worse to be called powerless than to be called a villain.
Maybe he still thinks the same way.
Kaitou has his quirk now. He holds it in his hands, in delicate tufts of lavender hair. Unlike Shinsou, he's long since forgotten the fear of losing himself, to the dark, to the power, to anything. He's already lost. Already broken. What's left for the world to take from him? Not much.
But what is left for the world to give? Everything.
A smile trembles its way onto his lips. He bites it hard, forcing his expression into submission as he waits for him to arrive.
That entire day, MIDORIYA IZUKU had felt... off. He wasn't sure why- one of those days where a dark cloud clung to his mind that he couldn't escape. Maybe it was the night he spent with Hawks the other night- a terrible night it was.
But, these days... when are they not terrible? Ha ha.
Deku always holds an air of calmness despite his circumstances- when he sees Monoma, standing there silently, his first reaction is what he always gives- a smile. He puts his hands behind his back, eyeing him up and down as he speaks, trying to read him.
"...Monoma neito.
You look like you've been waiting for me."
Kaitou hates him.
Just the sight of him lances through him, old panic and terror, rotting screams slamming gnawled fists against his ribcage. The air decays with Deku's aura, reaching for him with ruining claws. He feels sick. He's so tired of being scared. Of being the victim.
Of not fighting back.
He tilts his head to the side slowly, considering the words. He hates hearing his name. It doesn't belong to him anymore, it doesn't fit right, it - itches. Yes. Itches and electrocutes, all at the same time. Slowly, he mirrors Deku's stance, his own loaded hands placed gently behind his back.
"And if I was?" he asks softly, giving the purple strands a squeeze. "You wouldn't mind that, would you?"
Deku considers the boy in front of him something special. He always has. And laying his eyes on him now, nothing has changed. He could feel the sinister energy radiating off of the other- the malice, the hatred. Every instinct in his body tells him to run- that he's in over his head. For real this time.
And yet.
He steps forward, breathing out a sigh before smiling.
"Of course not... you know how much pleasure your presence brings me.. love."
Kaitou scoffs, chuckling to himself, feeling something distant splintering off and away.
"Love," he repeats quietly.
And then he pulls him under.
He can already feel the power of Hitoshi's quirk as it surges forward and takes control. Floodgates seem to slam open and into place, his own will floods forward, strong enough to sweep away any individual thought Deku could have possibly had. He seizes his mind carefully, curling around it, savoring every second of the sight of his eyes going dead.
It's so much stronger than he's used to. Kaitou bites away another smile.
"Show me your hands," he murmurs to him, a simple order, just to test.
Love is the last thing he hears before his mind goes numb. Any thoughts, wants, or needs, are instantly forgotten. His vision blurs and crackles, everything darkening except for him.
His god.
Mouth falls open softly and with a blank expression and no semblance of emotion, he holds out his hands.
A grin splits across his face. Monoma reels a little, a giggle slowly and suddenly bubbling up.
"Ah... haha."
He touches his head, fingers digging to where he could still feel the whirrling buzz of a drill at night. "Hah... oh wow..."
His breath is coming out fast, hitching like he's winded, excited. There's this ecstasy, just from watching him, mixed with relief and sickness and something else. Something he's never quite indulged in, something he's chosen to never name until now.
"Wow..." Kaitou whispers with a small nod of his head. "I could kill you."
He giggles again, closer and closer to a manic peak. "I could - I... I've thought about doing that every night since it happens. I'm sure you know that. That's what you've always wanted, right? Hehe... I could do anything to you and you'll love it, isn't that right?"
He's rambling. Stalling perhaps. Savoring it. He laughs again, just a little, quiet little snickers that he curls into himself for, holding himself together before they shake him apart.
And then he raises his eyes, focusing on him again. "Break all the fingers on one hand," he demands suddenly.
As he gives the order, his mind buzzes and pulsates like a beehive. All he sees are words- they pop up like a flashy billboard in vegas. BREAK ALL THE FINGERS ON ONE HAND. BREAK ALL THE FINGERS ON ONE HAND. BREAK ALL THE FINGERS ON ONE HAND. They're insanely annoying, and they just keep popping up, one after the other. The only way to get rid of them is to do it. And so silently he goes, one by one. He grabs his thumb with his other hand, and - SNAP. A noise comes out of his mouth, but it sounds muffled. He holds his index finger, bends it back until... SNAP. He yelps, louder this time, like a frightened animal- as if being caught off guard by the action. He bends his middle finger back until- SNAP. Tears start to run down his eyes, his face still devoid of emotion. Ring finger. SNAP. He is breathing heavily now, hunched over, as if he just went on a long run. And finally- the pinky finger is the easiest. He bends it back until- SNAP. His knees grow weak and buckle, but he is still standing. Tears pour down his face and his left hand hangs there- limp and useless. ...And he waits for his next order.
Kaitou gasps at the first snap. "Oh-"
And the next and the next and the next following it, Kaitou's arms wrapping around himself tighter and tighter, trying to keep the laughter in but he can't. As tears start to flow down Deku's face, he starts to giggle again, feeling near blinded by a rapturous light that overtakes his mind. It's nothing like the martyrous anguish he's been living in. It isn't complicated like the twisting and violent masochism that coiled and clutched to his past victimhood like thorny vines. It feels so good he can't take it, overwhelmed, not understanding why he's ever tried to stray from this- this perfect feeling. That something else.
It's sadism. Pure. Simple. Addicting.
"Oh... wow..." he sighs out as Deku finishes. "Wonderfully done... Hey, are you awake in there?" he suddenly and excitedly asks. "I hope you are~... 'I need you to feel all of this...' Do you remember telling me that?"
He rocks on his heels, too elated to stand still. "What else did you say? 'No matter how much you beg'... Why don't you do that for me, mm?" His eyes flash with a sudden glee. "It's horrific, isn't it? Watching yourself do all these things? I want you to feel that horror... Yes. Beg to be free while you make yourself bleed. Ahaha... Oh! Use this!"
He snatches a blade from a nearby table, something almost harmless, a small pair of scissors that he shoves right into his broken hand. "Don't make it fatal yet, I want this to last..."
He is awake in there, but he wishes with everything he has that he wasn't. He stares, wide-eyed, at the blond as he laughs.
It was like... Looking into a mirror.
Something rests at the corner of his consciousness, a little pocket where all his emotions are forced into with nowhere else to go while he's in this state. They read, not necessarily in order; Fear. Anger. Shame. Guilt. Despair.
But fear- that's the biggest. The loudest.
As he shoves the scissors into his broken hand, on instinct he tries to curl his fingers around them, only to let out a strangled gasp, whimpering and crumbling to his knees. Slowly, his hand shaking, as if trying- somewhere in there, to fight it so desperately, he takes the scissors with his nonbroken hand.
His mind crackles and fizzes, and like a cage being opened just a crack- one emotion is allowed freedom from that pocket in the back of his mind- fear.
His hand trembling, he begins to swipe at his left arm, thin lines of red forming along them in a nice even pattern.
"Pleas..e... let .. me go."
His voice comes out strangled- like a robot with low battery. His head is bowed, entire frame trembling as he works his way up his arm until theres simply no more room left on his arm to cut. Tears are cascading from his face now, snot bubbling from his nose as he sniffs, gasps, and cries from the pain.
"Pl...please... please....please....."
Inside, the buzzing gets louder. More intense. His chained up consciousness bangs and rattles at the bars of his cage, trying desperately to escape.
"Please. Please.  Pl - e ase. Let me go. P. l . e a s ...e..."
Kaitou sneers with the rejection, and then suddenly he's surging forward, leg lifting up, heel suddenly coming down hard, right into his face. He kicks Deku's down from his knees, onto the ground, smashing his shoe down and grinding his head harder into the floor as he pins him there, and then he lifts his leg again and brings it down, again and again as he shouts.
"No. No, no, no! No, I won't! I won't! Hahaha!"
He suddenly places his foot right on his neck, delicately perching right against his throat as he just barely presses down, pausing as he hopes to continue to hear that same stream of strangled, rattling pleas. Humming in satisfaction, he tilts his head again, placing a hand to his chin as he suddenly thinks.
"My... Hitoshi-kun's quirk is impressive, isn't it?" he mutters with distant praise for his friend. "You must be in agony right now and this control over you hasn't broken for even a second! He mentioned cutting your tongue out once before, didn't he? What a tempting thought..."
He tilts his head over in the other direction, twirling a lock of his growing hair around his finger. The action seems to spark his next thought, as he pauses with a light gasp then opens his fingers, remembering the clump of hair he still holds.
"... Hmmm..."
His eyes drift over to his other hand, which he opens as well, revealing another clump, near identical to the first.
"... I wonder..."
He smiles dazedly. "There's so much value in utilizing different samples... Every alternate is different, aren't they, Midoriya-kun...? Some of them have worked so hard to become powerful..." The true Izuku flashes to mind, a bitter tinge in the memory of inky tendrils suddenly destroying everything they can reach.
"You know..." he murmurs, voice lowering. "Your quirk has always disappointed me." He lifts a hand, showing him what he holds. "Would you like to see what this other one is like? Tell me, what are you thinking right now... Should I?"
Deku's vision goes white as he's knocked back.  Mangled gasps try to free their way from his ribcage as he sputters blood- as he's SLAMMED by a foot. His consciousness rocks back and forth, comes to only to be slammed back again and again and again and again and again.
By the time it's over, his nose is broken, and he's missing his front tooth. He sobs and cries, and as Monoma brings his foot down over his throat, they bubble in and out pathetically, voice raspy and barely audible. "P...l...e ....a...se....."
Inside, a memory plays- like a tape recording; old, dusty, forgotten. Two voices- one is his own; much younger. And the other- his late mother. He can't see her face ; it's as if it was blurred out- censored.
"They're bad people, Izuku!" "They're not! They're just trying to fight for equality! Ever since I was little... I've been treated like g a a a a ar bage. Quirks are - st  upid." As the memory plays, it's harder and harder to hold onto, almost as if it's being ripped from him. It sounds like - a broken record. And it skips ahead. He still can't see her face, but he can tell she's on the floor, sobbing. "P _ lease don' --t d o.. this . Yo  u can... Y_ou c _a _n  .. s t i ll go bac-"
Back in the world, Deku chokes on blood, and sobs, his eyes blank, but still full of fear. When he opens his mouth to speak, his voice is broken and weak.
"I a m thin...king... abo...ut...  n..no... " He tries to swallow another sob, before he opens his mouth again.
" P _le.ase.. don't d..do ..th..is.. Y ou can- you c..c can still . go > bac > & k&.... pl ease . please. please. p le ase. p pl ease. p p pl p p    pl e ase.
It's a little too easy, which almost takes the fun out of it. He switches Hitoshi's quirk off, releasing its hold on Deku and freeing it from the trap of his own body, right as Deku's bloody lips part to speak. Then he grins with pleasure, pressing the second sample to his smile in a firm kiss, clutching onto this new and warped quirk that he drags into himself, holding onto it with unabashed greed.
He's so excited. The blue of his eyes dull rapidly into a ravenous gray as his control over him slips around Deku's brain anew, worming into every crevice. It's almost terrifyingly intimate, how much stronger this connection is. He wonders if Deku could feel him now, reaching in.
"Oh..." he says softly, voice coming out a shaky whisper. "What are you saying...? Go back...?" A dry laugh, barely audible now as he trembles. "To what? I haven't... changed... I'm still..."
A hero, that forbidden concept that tastes wrong, twists and curdles, pulled away with the hooks of an old promise.
"... a god, unless you claim me mortal now, I'm still as I've always meant to be. I'm still... giving you... a villain," he laughs, "what he deserves... Mm..."
He tightens the coil, wondering. It's strange, it feels so strange, he suddenly wants to... press down... and squeeze... His foot applies more pressure on his neck, his smile growing, his body shaking all the more as he tightens his grip on the sample.
"... You should thank me..." he whispers, power dripping from every word. "This may very well absolve you yet. You feel very ashamed of yourself, right? Thank me. Apologize. Repent. Feel it with every fucking cell of your body, Midoriya."
For a split second, he saw freedom. The buzzing ceased, color returned to his vision, he saw Monoma fully, in all his glory. Above him.
Where he belongs.
And then- just like that; it was gone. And the buzzing was back this time, but this time, it was different. When Monoma speaks, it's like he's speaking from inside his own mind, his voice bouncing off skull, surrounding him, enveloping him,  piercing him.
"I' m.... "
He chokes out pathetically, straining to speak with a foot over his windpipe.
"I'm s ssorry y ..  .. I'm s s s s  or ry... "
Another memory clouds his vision- this one is also broken, and painful; his first kill. There is a man on the ground. Middle aged, plain looking. Nothing special. His throat is slit, and there is blood pooling underneath him. He is dying, slowly. Except, he can't hear any voices this time, just the sound of his own thoughts- back then.
It has t o be done. It has to be done. He is bad. I am good. He was bad. He was bad. He did bad. He d i d bad. He is a v i l l a i n. I a m   a  h>ero . I AM A HERO.
The memory is gone, replaced by his own mangled sobs- the irony being that he's in the exact same position that man was.
"I .. d d..des s.ee  r ve.  T_ his. I d>] es erv , e this."
He struggles to breathe as his form begins to write underneath him, like a worm. He can't cry anymore- he swears he's out of tears. "T ->hank .. y&ou... "
The smile slowly starts to fall. Strangely, like he's almost forgotten to continue holding it in place. Kaitou grips the sample tighter, removes his show from his throat, stares at him, expression almost mystified.
"I wonder if you still love me," he whispers.
Love me, his thoughts repeat. It's a command, impaling itself into place within Deku without even needing to be said.
"I wonder... Have you ever felt so awful?"
Love me.
"I wonder why..." He pauses, contemplating the feeling as he allows the vicious pump of endorphins to ravage Deku's brain and body. Twisted, perfect masochism, the same as he's ever felt, better. He pours it all into him, his own face blank as his control tightens around him even more.
"You're so sure that we'll die together. Why is that? Tell me... Do you know something I don't?" He laughs without humor. "Can you even say it?"
He falls silent. What comes into his mind next is less of an idea, less of a conscious thought, almost a dream in a way, one of the last few technicolor images before one opens their eyes back to reality. He follows his ghost of an urge automatically, unquestioningly, swept up in his own trance of power.
Puppet strings seem to tug at Deku's hands in that instant, demanding.
Bring the blade to your throat.
His thoughts swirl with visions of Monoma, next. Image after image fills his brain. Monoma, above him, under him. Monoma happy- sad, nothing, everything.
"I do love you."
He squeezes out with no hesitation, as if it's something he was dying to say. I love you, I hate you. And everything in between.
When he demands Deku to tell him what he knows, his face breaks into a smile. Broken. agonized. And he feels the endorphins pumping through him; his body screaming for more. For more pain, more despair- this is what he wants. This is what he NEEDS!
Slowly, his hands come up to hug himself, laughing softly- though it's hard to tell them apart from sobs.
"Ever since I met you, I ... can't explain it. It's like I've seen you before, but I don't know where. .. A voice... in my head told me the steps necessary to make you into.. a god . I didn't know why I needed to do it. I just.. haha.."
He coughs up blood, it splattering disgustingly out of his mouth.
"I knew I had to. I've .. seen you before. Not here. In .... hh .. s .somewhere else. I never wanted to be .. connected to you like this. It doesn't .. even.. make sense. And . I've seen things .. in my dreams. Visions of you.. becoming .. this. And other things , all .. involving you.  And.. a ..and me . At different times , d...dd...d different ages. In different places. I don't c.. claim to understand it."
He breathes out a wheeze as he brings his blade up to his throat, his hand trembling. His smile falters, and falls.
"It's not that we die together . That can happen. I'd rather that.. happen. But usually..."
He presses the blade to his throat with a gasp as blood starts to trickle softly. And then he closes his eyes- as if accepting it.
"Y.. you....  kill me first."
Kaitou crouches besides him as he listes, resting his chin against his hands as he props them on his knees. He doesn't react to the sudden spatter of red that splashes his face as Deku suddenly coughs up the blood he's been drowning in. As he finishes, he just looks - vaguely unimpressed.
"You ruined me for such a stupid reason as that..." He reaches out, touching a finger to the scissors he still holds. "Dreams," he drags his touch over the first loop, "visions," he moves over the second. "... Delusions..."
He wants to crush him. He wants, practically feels, practically tastes the leak of red as he keeps squeezing and coiling through his mind, wondering what would happen if he just...
"... I will kill you. It's your own fault..."
... keeps...
"...  Dying like this..."
... squeezing...
"... is a mercy."
As the other talks, Deku begins to tremble again. His visage shrinks, lower and lower. He suddenly has the urge to bow beneath him- bow so hard HE BREAKS IN HALF BREAKS IN HALF BREAKS IN HALF BREAKS IN HALF. He --wants-- to  needs to worship him. Love him, worship him. Worship him. Worship him. A strangled gasp gurgles from his throat as his eyes pop open in a last burst of sudden adrenaline that he can't do anything with- so tragic. TRAGIC.
"It'-s . My own fault  . ..  ."
He can feel the other's will crushing his own, choking it- suffocating it. "P l..e eas e... " Blood flows from his mouth like a waterfall. His body convulses and twists unnaturally, letting out a loud scream as he tries desperately to free himself- a bird thrashing around recklessly in a cage. "LET ME DIE."
The sudden shriek from him makes Kaitou jump, dull eyes widening, pupils shrinking to nothing as he shakes with the feeling, his own soul throttling Deku's from existence--
... flinches, watching the blade suddenly jerk in Deku's hands and gouge a shallow line right across the side of his throat.
And - and and and and and.
Deku chokes, and gurgles, as blood spouts from his throat in a sea of beautiful red.
He feels the hold on his mind suddenly release and his consciousness come through- and all he can do is scream, and cry. He falls to the ground, holding his throat, trying desperately to hold the blood inside his body. His pupils are flitting back and forth wildly before landing on the blond. "I - " He sputters out in between sobs, rocking on the ground softly, hands to his throat. His voice is filled with malice, pain, heartbreak. And again- fear.
"... I hope .. you're happy."
Kaitou is further soaked in hot crimson, then. It soaks into his hair, covers his face, paints every inch of his skin. Life sparks in his eyes again as the connection suddenly breaks. He watches Deku crumple and break and cry and break and break.
It's awful.
He fumbles, nearly stumbling back, then crawling closer, clutching at himself, suddenly searching-
"Aha... HAHA haha..."
A camera whips forward.
"Hehe... .heheh..." Kaitou starts a frantic recording of what's in front of him on his phone, biting down on his fingers with his free hand as he fights a delirious fit of laughter, making clip after clip. As he forces another few seconds of calm in him, he suddenly clutches at his hair as glee seems to burst from him wildly, a hideously loud cackle leaving him before he's finally able to shudder towards silence again.
He smiles, biting shakily onto his lip. "I am... I am! This-" His breath hitches as he giggles again, hysterical at the sight. "This is the happiest day of my entire life!! Hahaha!!!"
Monoma's voice fades in and out, in and out again. He looks at the phone pointed at him with dying hatred in his eyes, unbroken hand clawing at the ground, broken hand still over his throat as he tries, and fails, to keep the blood in his body.
... One last memory flashes through his mind. It's - a picture , clear as day, of him. As a child, no more than let's say... 6 years old. He sits in front of the TV screen. The smell of food being cooked wafts in from the kitchen. On the TV screen is the words INTERVIEW WITH A VILLAIN. A man, locked up in high security, speaks to the camera calmly as someone else asks questions.
"What made you lash out like this?" "What do you mean?" Well, everyone has a story, right? What turn of events led you to becoming a villain? Did something bad to you happen as a child?" "I had a rather excellent childhood." "So then... what was it?" " I think.. you misunderstand. This is the problem society faces today. The people you call 'villains'- they don't require a tragic upbringing to do the things they do. Morality like that will get you in trouble. See, what one might view as inherently a bad thing, someone else might view it as a good thing. And vice versa." "I.. I don't understand." "Of course you don't. Barely anybody does. Humans are fine tuned to view everything as either black or white- barely any room for gray areas. Gray areas like me. And, if there's anything I learned, it's that no man is created equal, despite what anybody might say. And that's why... I'm going to keep fighting."
The boy in front of the TV studies the face of the man on the screen- he swears he's seen him before.
"Izuku! T- turn that off! It's time for dinner..."
The memory fades. Slowly, Deku takes his hand off his throat, going limp, accepting defeat as the blood now flows freely from his neck onto the ground and his vision begins to fade. As it does, he gives Monoma one last look, before uttering, brokenly:
"I.... HATE you."
Monoma's face falls. He lets his phone drop, not even caring as the screen gets wet with the spilled blood covering the ground.
He watches Deku going limp. Life fades from him. The pool of red around him grows bigger and bigger.
He tilts his head, thinking.
"... You lied to me."
He frowns. "You told me you'd love me no matter what. I do one thing to you... One thing..." A hiccup of a laugh leaves him, another miserable burst of giggles interrupting his words. "And suddenly that's what you say to me...? You've wasted your last words on that...?"
A sulk reaches his lips as he winds a lock of his hair between his fingers. "How unfair...Ah, that's so unfair... That's not what I... wanted..."
He grits his teeth, expression hardening as he continues to twirl and twirl that lock of hair around. All the glee inside him is poisoned now, tainted, he hates this... hates....
Frustrated, he finally lets out a loud huff, searching his clothes. Eventually, he draws out a silvery hair, coiling it tight around his finger. "Fine," he snarls out, though his expression softens with his decision and he sighs as this soft new quirk settles inside him, loving and caring and kind. "Fine... Deku-kun..."
He leans in, a curl to his lips as he approaches the gaping wound in his throat. "I'll do my duty... and let you make it up to me instead..." He smiles. "Then I can just kill you and kill you again until you get it right... doesn't that sound nice? Aha..."
He brings his lips to his neck and lets his body figure out the nightmarish strain it takes to form a gnarled, scabbing scar right into place, sealing the rest of his reformed blood in. He pets his hair after, kissing it again without the power attached, and again and again, sighing with pride as he waits for Deku to awaken again.
He was so close. For a split second - for once, he felt ... at peace. A warmth engulfs his body, briefly.
Briefly. And then, jarringly, he's forced back into consciousness, in the arms of the boy who he thought- he swore killed him. And all he can manage to get out is a weak "No..."
He doesn't have the energy to cry. This wasn't supposed to happen.
Weakly, the boy lifts his arms, trying, pathetically, to push the other's face away from him.
"Let.. me... die."
Kaitou hums to himself, ignoring his struggles as he nuzzles back into place. His arms coil around him tight, clutching onto him like a monster seeking to drain every last bit out of him.
"I'll let you die when you earn it," he murmurs happily, lost in the rush of it all. "Until then, spend every second like this... in... my... debt... Haha..."
And he's so happy.
As Deku lies there, limp, he stares at the ceiling- eyes empty; devoid of any color- of anything.
Nothing runs through his mind- not a memory, a thought, some fucked-up, twisted defense mechanism his brain came up with to shield itself- comfort itself, soothe itself.
It's just... cold. And dark.
All he can feel is the pure malice radiating off of the one who saved his life- this...
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ghost1643 · 6 years
Why are you such an asshat?-RK900xGavin
This is a story I am working on on Wattpad that I decided to post here for trans day. So yeah...
Okay before everyone says anything I know Gavin is an assshole. But, I don't know why. So I'm gonna try to include my main thoughts on why Gavin is an asshole in the one shot. Though none of them are probably real. It's just theories on why he's an asshat.
And this isn't gonna be an abusive ship. Not in my book!
Rk900 was glad to say he had a job. He was happy to say he worked with his brother and seemed to get along with everyone. No one cared there if he showed emotions or not. They all like him. Except for one person..
Not only had Gavin called both him and Connor plastic dolls and picked on them daily. He had also tried to shot Connor multiple times apparently. Yet, the worst part, the absolute worst part was that he played this thing called Memes around RK900, also know as Colin, just to break him down.
Now usually RK900 would kill him but, he couldn't do that now. Why? Because Gavin was his partner at work. That was the only thing he hated about his job. Working with Gavin.
Or at least he thought it was.
When he first started working with Gavin he only paid attention to his work. Then one day he could hear Gavin hiss in pain as the human sat in his seat. Rk900 looked at him once, only once and he could tell why other cops were staring at him. Gavin was covered in bruises and cuts. It looked like he got into a fight.
"Gavin, you okay?" Hank yelled from across the room, showing Gavin a look of kindness for once in his life. Gavin paled for a second before glaring at him.
"I'm fine ya old dirt bag. Just get back to work and mind your damn businesses!" Gavin snapped glaring at him. Hank mumbled a bit returning to his work. Meanwhile RK900 kept staring at him.
"What are you staring at plastic?" Gavin glared at him.
"Office Gavin, I'm trying to scan you for any more injuries so could you pl-"
"Listens here you plastic piece of trash, if you scan me I will break you so badly that no one will be able to put you back together again! So stop it!" Gavin snapped standing up. RK900 nodded looking down as Gavin excused himself to go to the bathroom.
Yet, RK900 learned one thing about Gavin. He lied. He told everyone it was a fight. Though something in Colin told him that Gavin was lying. He didn't know why but, he wanted to make Gavin move in with him just to see how many fights Gavin would get into.
Over time Gavin would come in more frequently with more bruises. He must have gotten into fights a lot which would make sense since it was Gavin. Though one thing that never made sense to Colin was that Gavin never went to the hospital for things like this or saw any medical profession at all.
The he noticed the phone calls he got. Everyday he would get a phone call at his desk befriend his work hours were over. Colin dare not even touch anything or do anything to Gavin or even listen to his phone calls. He didn't wanna over step any boundaries. Though he did notice every time he answered the phone and got a reply to a hello, he looked terrified. Therefore it must have been the same person calling him.
No matter how many times he asked though Gavin never told him who kept calling him.  Though Colin did give him his phone number just so he could call if he needed anything. Though no matter what he did all that he ever did was insult him but, today was different.
Today Gavin came in with dried blood under his nose. His lip was busted and bloody. As for his eyes, there was a large bruise there. He panted to breath as well as cling to his chest most quite often today. Heck his blood began to drop out of his nose some times.
"Jesus Gavin what the hell happened to you?" Hank asked getting a glare from Gavin. Gavin sat down glaring at his reflect in his computer screen as if he was mad at himself.
"Awww what's wrong princess? Did you get into a fight with a cat?" Hank smirked. Everything feel silent before the entire department heard it. Gavin began sobbing, he covered his mouth while everyone looked at him in a panic. This was Gavin. Gavin never cried. Hell he never really ever had emotions.
Gavin he burst out crying and gasping for air before he jumped out of his chair and raced off. He raced off so quickly that no one could catch him. No one even knew what happened. All they knew was that RK900 hit up and tried chasing after him.
Yet, they got separated. So there he stood, in a hallway thinking about where Gavin could have gone. He began using his robotics to help himself find him but, nothing worked so far. Nothing at all.
All he kept finding was the biological body of a women hiding in the male's bathroom sobbing her eyes out. Colin had no idea why. All he knew was that she was in a male bathroom hiding and sobbing her eyes out.
He soon walked into the bathroom to check on the women and see if she saw Gavin. Yet, she was hiding in a stall sobbing loudly. On the outside of the stall, laid a large strange bar. It looked like something you'd wear to flatten your chest.
"Miss are you okay?" Colin asked which gave him the loudest sob he had ever heard. Colin jumped before he sighed sitting on his knees outside of the stall door.
"Look whatever happened you can tell me. I promise you with all the power I have on this force no harm will come to you if you would just tell me what happened. So if you would let me in I find that you would have an easier time at the police department here." He smiled at the door as he moved closer. Yet, he heard a loud crush an drooled downtown see crushed animal crackers drop out of Gavin's coat pocket which was inches from the door. That meant one thing and only one thing.
Gavin was a women.
Well really he was trans but, he still had a women's body.
"Fuck of Colin!" Gavin snapped pounding on the stall door trying to get him to go away.  Colin looks strongly a tiny crack in the door and saw it.
Gavin had a full open bottle of antidepressants in his hands. He was just about to take them when Colin rammed his body into the door frame.
  "What the fuck man?!" Gavin snapped at him. Colin glared. At him as he trie dto pick to lock.
  "You are not dying on me!" Colin snapped.
"Why not? Why would you want me around when I've been an asshole to you?!"
"Because I like you damn it!"
The room fell silent as Colin said that. Colin kept trying to break into the stall to get in and hug his friend. Slowly though he heard a click and the door was unlocked. Colin dropped to his knees once he got into the bathroom stall and hugged his friend so tightly. His heart was pounding as he held a crying Galvin close to him as he check his vitals.
Gavin dropped an empty pill bottle in Colin's hands making Colin scream for help at the top of his lungs begging for help. He wanted help so badly right now.
Yet, Gavin slowly slipped into unconsciousness in the arms of the male he loved.
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isaacathom · 6 years
its time for me to yell
ooh fuck thems robots. this looks really nice. hyping me as fuck. loving this beat. oh my god they blueballed me what the fuck was that cut. daemon x machina...... nieeat.
ooh, xenoblades. wai- wait didnt they just release that a while ago. that yellow haired lady is VERY familiar. hold on. hold on whats happening. is this a sequel or dlc. those are characters from that recent xenoblades. oh, dlc, kickass.
reggiiiieeee hello. reggie we know what a swich is. reggie. Reggie. oh lets go.... they looks ok i guess. what if i just play like, pokemon go............. ok.
reggie can we see something like, Cool. reggie pls.  PLS SHOW
im ready maybe? am i ready? i dont - mario party. yea ok. thats fair. id probably play it if i had Friends. multi switch is kickass though. i do love that. shame i have No Friends. i do have some nostalgia for mario party though??? which is weird..... because.... ok yknow what it is. its because i have nostalgia for a mario party -esque game from my primary school computers. smth to do with dungeons and dragons. the volcano exploded.
seros???? SEROS???? am i being fucking called out. fire emblem?????? THREE HOUSES??? OH NO???? DONT FUCK ME AGAIN LIKE THIS.  DO NOT FUCK ME AGAIN LIKE WE DID WITH FATES.
Oh it looks fucking great though........ oh it looks fantastic. like it looks really good. the interactivity with filler units gives me uhhh dynasty warriors vibes, but in a good way.
ok so is three houses its NAME??? or was tat like, a Thing..... i hope its just the name and its a single ver game. not a fan of the split game thing.
idgaf about fortnite. i hope they all have fun. today? nice. thats fun.
hi reggie. reggie no. 10am is, what, 2 hours? 1 hour? i cant math, its 2am, be nice.
oh overcooked 2, cute. im into nindies. killer queen black? oh multiplayer stuff. lads. Lads im begging you. im shit at games. i HOLLOW KNIGHT FOR SWIIIITCH. kickass. i like that. i mean im shit at hollow knight but i Like That.  today??? today??????? TODAYYYYYYY!!!!! FUCK. FUCK ME. I WANT IT. YOU WHORES.
octopathhhhh. ooh, new demo. thats nice. i like those devs committment to iteration and improvement.
sizzle real, i see. its bouncing off me lads. i saw a minecraft rip off tho. paladins now? neat. i cant read 90% of these logos. oh thats twewy. i know that.
shinya- whomst are you. are you the new guy or am i getting confused. i dont.... think he was the new president.... no, wrong guy, ok.
nice cop out, sir. oh this is cute. show me! show me sir! shiny mario. kirby boy...... beautiful boy..... botw link, love him, pls. hi marth.  ALBW ZELDA!!!!!!!! ALBW ZELDA!!!!!!!!!!!!! A LINK BETWEEN FUCKING WORLDS ZELDA. IM BLESSED. NITNENDO! NINTENDO!!!!!!! NINTENDO IM SO GAY FOR ALBW ZELDA IM BLESSED. OH I LOVE HER. ILL STAY ON THAT POINT BECAUSE I ADORE ALBW ZELDA SO FUCKING MUCH IT HURTS.  I LOVE HER. SAKURAI YOU HAVE BLESSED ME THIS DAY. THANK YOU SIR. I AM BLESSED. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. i am confused that you didnt use botw one? not sure why. but i wont complain. i fucking adore albw zelda. i love her SO FUCKING MUCH. YALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY GIRLFRIEND!!!! IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘infinity war is the most amibitious crossover of all time’ nintendo: *cracks knuckles*
NEW???? oh. oh we’re going in depth? CAPPY. WEDDING OUTFIT. WHERES THE DRESS YOU COWARD. LET MARIO WHERE HIS DRESS. OH THE DETAILS.  FEMALE PIKACHU. I LOVE HER. I LOVE THIS. HHH. YES. midair charge? kick. heyy yuri lowenthal in my smash games. snake?? snake! snaaaake! im being pummeled but im loving it. pichu!!!! ZELDA!!!!!!! ZELDA. ZELDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZELDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ADORE MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!! im gay for zelda so bad
LEAF!!!!!!!!!!!! LEAF LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER! SHES HERE!!! she was removed from let’s go in favour of ???? but here she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do they wanna remind us advent children exists. three whole links..... my god.. MY BOY! KIRBY MY SON!!! hahahhh dev joke. oh streamline monado, kickass. oooh ganon mm. 12 whole voices..... oh yea pit. man this is hype as fuck. i love the DETAILS. I LOVE THE DETAILS!!! SO NICE!!!
this is delightful but i Will not sleep tonight. oh jeff...... wii fit is still here....... but i love her so its fine. oh this is SO MUCH. THEY KEEP GOING. IM NOT MAD IM JUST IN AWE. THEY DROWN ME IN THIS CONTENT. THEY REALLY WANT ME TO BUY THIS
BRAND NEW?????? DAISY!!!!!!!!!!!! DAISY!!!!! MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY FUCKING WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FUCKING ADORE DAISY! YOU FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!! MY WIFE IS HERE!!!!!!!!IM IN LOVE. IM DESPERATE
NEW!!!!!! Oh. i was excited for a sec but yea, inkling. i do love her. pls tell me she can have the splat 2 look too, i love that look... splat 2 inkiins? no? ih ok. 
holy shit it keeps going. they cant have time for animal crossing........... how can we have time. NINTENDOGS ASSIST TROPHY. NINTENDO DOGS.  oh delightful. oh this is content lads. oh my god i fucking Nut everytime i see zelda, oh my god...... yall dont understand......... how much i love her.............. my girlfriend. SPIRIT TRAIN!!!!!!! SPIRIT TRAIN!!!!! THEYVE ACKNOLWEGDED SPIRIT TRACKS. IM DYING. LADS. NITNENDO IS DIRECTLY CALLING ME OUT. THESE FUCKERS KNOW I LOVE ALBW AND SPIRIT TRACKS AND TEYVE GIVEN ME BOTH. LADS IM BEING CALLED OUT.
oh fuck me i need a fucking switch dont i.
oh my god it never ends..... my hips killing me. nintendo i came here for animal crossing. 
is that a camecube controller. IT IS. WHY. BUT WHY. I KNOW HATS COOL BUT WHY.
come on..... give it to me..... im ready sakurai........ im ready...... im prepared. im open....... im o- uh? huh? is this star wars? oH MY GOD. oh damn. so ridley, ok. fucking nice. i dont like, feel anything about ridley, but fucking Nice. OH MAN. THERE HE IS. THERES THE BOY. OH MY GOD. A MADMAN. THE POWER.
just 4 fighters from the sex number nintendo, you can Do it. i know you wont but jsut Imagine that shit. just think about it.
anyway 2 mins left, yall fuckers got like, animal crossing. december 7th, nice. into it.
IS THAT IT??????????? WAS THAT IT???????? DAMMIT!!!!!! ANIMAL CROSSING???? doesnt exist.................. my depression.............
anyway i love zelda im fuckin deceased.......... i love her so much............................................... im deceased................ she slew me............ hhh
ok i need to sleep its fucking nearly 3am adios bitches <3
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