#glad pask
nocnitsa · 2 months
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madonna-of-the-wasps · 2 months
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sumikatt · 2 months
sooo many white ex-mormon/ex-evangelical christian/ex-conservative ppl address the extreme homophobia/transphobia that they were raised with and even realize they r gay or trans themselves BUT never grapple w the fact that theyre still white. Yes you grew up in a hateful and abusive environment and it’s great you’re addressing that now and learning…
But have you addressed your taught white supremacy and racism? you are unlearning that too, right? you’re not being weird and racing to innocence and crying you’re gay and neurodivergent when Black and Brown ppl say you’re doing something racist, right? right?
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arminsumi · 1 year
City Lights
Oneshot / Aki Hayakawa
Devil hunting didn't really interest you, but the paycheck did. Makima assigned you to be Aki's partner, which irritated the both of you. Your personalities oppose each other so much that it's almost comical. Maybe that's just what both of you need, a distraction from the daily madness.
Cws; angst, a bit of a turbulent relationship, might have more parts if I'm not lazy!
Notes on Y/n; AFAB! + gn!
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Your new life in Tokyo quickly developed a dull pattern. Every day, without fail, you woke up at 7:00 AM; washed the tiredness out of your face, grabbed a coffee, then dozed on the train, and mournfully arrived at work.
It wasn't until Makima made you and Aki partners that life became flavorful again. Though, it wasn't the best-tasting flavor, since your personalities conflicted terribly. It was like the aroma of a home cooked meal that turned out to be bland to the taste.
Comparing Aki to a poorly cooked dish was genius in your mind; he was lacking seasonings but not sustenance. Sometimes the feeling he emitted was enough to make you feel good in his company.
But then he always said something that would bother you.
"Don't get in my way, and I won't get in yours."
That was the first thing he told you after exiting Makima's office and being assigned as your partner.
There were a lot of things you disliked about him. For one it was his cold temperament, but by far, what irked you the most, was probably...
"Do you have to smoke, Aki?" You sighed after waving the smoke away from your face.
You were settled into a seat by the cafe nearest to today's devil case.
He didn't respond, only exhaled a cloud of white in your direction. It made your heart flutter in anger.
"Your lungs are gonna go black, you know." You said, almost like a mother exasperatedly lecturing her son.
Aki almost laughed, because right then you were just like how he used to be with Himeno.
You frowned on as he dragged on his cigarette, but then when your coffee was brought to the table, your mood shot up. And, soon, your lethargy dispersed at the command of caffeine.
The scents of smoke and coffee beans swirled inside your lungs. There was a calm stillness about the cafe; any thought could be carried out with ease, there was absolutely no rush to think. You got lost in the capacity of your own mind. It felt like for a second your life wasn't a mad whirlwind.
But then Aki's voice disrupted the tranquility, and he asked, "Did you say something to Makima?"
You furrowed your brows, "Say something? Like what?"
"She said to me yesterday that she's 'glad to see us getting along'. I don't know what she could have possibly meant by that." He said.
You thought back to the last time Makima had called you into her office.
She had simply pasked you if you minded Aki being your partner, but she had asked it in in such a way that required a positive response, lest her eerie gold eyes reprimand you.
"I guess she misinterpreted me the other day." You shrugged, "All I said was that I'm fine with being your partner."
Aki scoffed in a way that made his Addam's apple move attractively, "You're fine with being my partner? Why didn't you just tell her the truth?"
"What truth?" You tilted your head at him, "We're becoming quick friends, Aki. I think you might even end up being my favorite person!"
He inhaled deeply and let out the breath with one of the most exasperated sighs you've ever heard. Then he looked leftward out the window and proceeded to pay you no more attention than an insect crawling on the sidewalk.
All you could do was frown at the heavy atmosphere and sip the remnant of your coffee, though there was only enough liquid in the cup to wet your lips.
Afternoon light glared in through the frail windows and flooded the cafe with a stark lighting. Everything felt unsaturated.
Unsaturated, and cold. Like the coldness that you found in Aki's eyes.
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bdpst24 · 1 year
Sárga, édes és boszorkányos – ilyen a svéd húsvét
Sárga, édes és boszorkányos – ilyen a svéd húsvét
Glad Pask! – hangzik svédül a húsvéti jókívánság, amelyet a skandináv országban igencsak komolyan is vesznek. Mivel a húsvét az év első hosszú hétvégéje Svédországban, ráadásul már általában az időjárás is kedvező, ilyenkor a legtöbb városlakó útrakel és kiruccan a tengerpartra, vagy valamilyen erdei nyaralóházba. Családi, baráti összejöveteleken ünneplik tojásfestéssel, dekorációk készítésével,…
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shotorozu · 3 years
hello! i hope you're doing well~
can i request headcanons (or with scenario if you'd like) where bakugo's s/o falls asleep on him while crying 🥺 and if it's okay with you, can s/o have the emotion deprivation quirk because i really loved those hcs you made before :)))
i really really love your blog btw. your writing is always sweet and fun to read ❤
passing out after crying on them
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, shinsou hitoshi
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns, emotion deprivation quirk— the more you suppress your emotions, the more power you get.
headcanons : hurt and comfort, but mostly comfort.
note(s) : thank you for the love anon :)) i also added shinsou because i thought this concept fitted well with him too :))
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
you were really unreadable— you’d understand that because of the nature of your quirk. however, being with katsuki gave him the ability to read you and your mannerisms
if your nails dug into your palms, that probably meant that your day was shit, if you kept looking at your nails, it means you’re trying not to cry, and running your hands across the surface meant that you were happy.
and unfortunately, he caught the sight of you digging your nails into your hands, not enough to actually do any harm but.. enough to keep you ‘focused’
he wants you to be comfortable enough to go to him with your problems, but then again— it was always something you struggled with, so he wasn’t expecting it
so now you’re alone with him, walking along the corridors of the dorms— and none of you guys are saying much.
“get in here,” he says, grabbing your wrist as he yanks you into his room, immediately setting you down on his bed.
“i don’t know what happened with you, but i don’t fuckin like seeing it.” he sets your head on the soft pillows, an arm bringing you close in positions
“nothing really happened,”
“yeah? then why the hell were you doing that then?” his words sound rather harsh, but he’s not raising his voice at you “you know what i mean.”
“i’m sorry, it’s just.. exhausting. having to suppress my emotions for long periods of time. i don’t know what to do because i’ll..”
and that’s when you start crying, which was probably the last thing on your check list— you’re getting his pillows wet, he’s not saying anything, you can feel yourself getting weaker
all of the doubts in your head run wild, and bakugou only shoves your head onto his chest “idiot, stop it with the apologies already. just let go.”
and you do exactly that. you heave into his chest, bawling like it’s been forever since you’ve done so. you’re getting his shirt wet, but katsuki couldn’t seem to care— he’s just glad that his hands are emitting enough heat
your ragged breathing eventually blended into soft breathing— you don’t seem to be shaking in tremors anymore, and he’s glad
he takes a look at your face. you’re out like a baby, cheeks still damp and your eyelashes were wet with tears.
“idiot Y/N,” he mutters to himself, wiping your damp face with his thumb, “you’re out like a baby. you’re not gonna hear this but next time, don’t be so stiff with coming forward to me for help.”
“i’m the last person that’s gonna judge you, i do love you after all. it might not seem like it but i really really really do.” he presses a kiss against the back of your ear.
he’s going to try to not wake you up, as he gets up from the bed— sprinting downstairs to prepare some water that he’s gonna force you to drink down later
when you wake up, you bet he’s making you put a cool towel on your eyes, reducing the puffiness as he has you on his lap.
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shinsou hitoshi
can also tell if you had a good or bad day, and he really hates seeing you so.. miserable.
he can tell that you have so many thoughts in that head of yours, because of that powerful quirk. those were one of the few times he wished he had aizawa’s quirk.
he frowns when he sees you suffer in absolute silence, even though you’re wearing the most neutral face he has ever seen, he can quite literally see it— because you’re fidgetting with your hands on your lap.
unlike bakugou, the first thing he’ll talk to you about is how you’re feeling— the moment you guys are alone.
don’t try to deny it, because he knows already— this is just him giving you a heads up, just letting you know that he’s about to coddle you.
actions speak louder than words in moments like this, he has you pressed against him on the bed— allowing your arms to wrap around his torso like lifeline
“you don’t have to say anything right now, Y/N.” he reassures you, “let it happen.”
as if it was on command, your eyes water— and you shove your head onto his shoulder, finally breaking the barriers you were desperately trying to keep up.
you’re vunerable, a mess, and hitoshi allows you to cry like there’s no tomorrow— only resting his hand on your back, rubbing soft circles there
when you start shaking, hiccups escaping your lips— he panics for a moment, because you’re on the cusp of going into a panic attack
but that’s also when his baritone voice starts giving out soft instructions on stabilizing your breathing pattern. his quirk would always be the very last option.
and when the storm has finally calmed, your eyes flutter— a sudden wave of sleepiness washing over you, and you just allow yourself to fall asleep in his hold
he sighs in relief, and he doesn’t care that his sweater suddenly became soaked with your tears, it allow him to carry some of your burden— he’s just holding you with all of his attention.
his violet irises soften in adoration, and he’s kissing your tears off your cheeks, moving anything out of your face.
hitoshi being hitoshi wouldn’t be able to sleep, but he’ll spend a good moment thinking about what he’ll talk about with you the moment you wake up, and he’ll pask you about your issue, and how he can help.
but for now, he’s just thankful that you have so much trust him— to the point you’re okay with being vunerable around him, and he’s just so proud of you.
“sleep well, kitten. i love you a lot, please remember that.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters, boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i don’t profit off my hobby.
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission :))
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abuanita · 2 years
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"Feliz Pascua en todos los idiomas"
Joyeuses Pâques!
Happy Easter!
Páscoa feliz!
...troquei por ser a forma mais comum.
Счастливой пасхи!
В России в этот день говорят - Христос Воскрес!
¡Felices Pascuas!
i-suta- omedetou (the "-" means a long vowel)
Frohe Ostern!
Wesołych Świąt (Wielkanocnych)
Kellemes húsvéti ünnepeket!
Vrolijk Pasen!
Paşte fericit!
Paskalya bayramınız kutlu olsun
most Turkish people are Muslims and do not celebrate Easter
Glad Påsk!
Buona Pasqua!
Hyvää pääsiäistä!
חג פסחא שמח!
God påske!
Milostiplné prežitie Veľkonočných sviatkov!
Sretan Uskrs!
عيد فصح سعيد
Καλό Πάσχα
litrally "good easter"
행복한 부활절이 되시길
(haengpoghan puhwarcheori toesikir)
Veselé Velikonoce!
God påske!
Ĝojan Paskon!
Bonan Paskon!
Vesele velikonočne praznike
Bones Pasqües!
Srećan Uskrs!
Cáisc Shona Dhuit/Dhaoibh, Beannachtaí na Cásca
Häid lihavõttepühi
शुभ ईस्टर
(Śubh īsṭar)
Sveiki sulaukę velykų
(Suk-sənt-wən īs-toer)
عید مبارک
(eid mubarak) Ester is not Eid. I don't think there's an equivalent of Ester in Urdu.
Chúc Mừng Phục Sinh
Честито Възкресение Христово! (Честит Великден!)
Христос Возкресе!
feliz Páscoa
Pascha felix! Prospera Pascha sit
Gleðilega páska
Geseënde paasfees
Góðar Páskir!
Cejnî Hêkesûr pîroz bê
عید پاک مبارک!
Среќен Велигден ; Христос воскресе ; Вистина воскресе
Christ resurrected, truly resurrected - reply
Sretan Uskrs!
Priecīgas Lieldienas!
Selamat Paskah
З Великодніми святами ; Христос воскрес!
Те саме, що й з Різдвом: традиційне привітання в період Великодніх свят — "Христос воскрес!"
Maligayang pasko ng pagkabuhay!
Ondo izan Bazko garaian
Pask laouen !
Fleurich Peaske!
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Two Kings: Assassination Attempt(Another One)
Taglist: @howdywrites @notwritinganyflufftoday @ashen-crest @a-berry-existential-crisis
TW/CW: Blood, kissing
“I’ll sleep in the study tonight,” Pasquier muttered, leaving before Miro would have a chance to stop him. He lingered by the door a moment after it had fallen shut behind him. He squeezed his eyes shut, debating if he should go back inside. A floorboard creaked on the other side. Pasquier retreated for the Twilight Library, letting his steps land heavily as he made his way down the hall.
Pasquier jolted upright from the sofa, gasping and wheezing at the pulse of something that had passed through his heart. He looked around, clutching the front of his shirt. The grandfather clock ticked on. A calm night hung outside the open window.
Open window…
“Miro!” Pasquier scrambled from the sofa and bolted for the door.
An arm connected with his throat. He hit the ground coughing as a man in a long black coat loomed over him, face hidden behind a beaked masquerade mask. “It’s cute, the way you charge to your king’s defense.” The man pressed his boot onto Pasquier’s chest, pinning him to the floor. “But you’re the target today. We can’t have Miroslav’s court magician in our way,” he purred, a grin in his voice. “Don’t worry. You will see your king soon.”
“He isn’t my king,” Pasquier grunted, summoning ice to his fingertips. “He’s my husband.” Pasquier gripped the man’s leg, sinking claws of ice into his flesh. The assassin screamed as he tore his leg away. Pasquier shot to his feet and moved to dodge around the assassin.
He stopped. A sound like dripping water drew his attention down. Black blood, not red, ran from the tip of a dagger protruding from his chest. A blue haze of energy followed each droplet. The corner of his mouth trembled as he grinned.
A second assassin pulled the dagger from his back and followed the first from the library as Pasquier fell to his knees. The black blood sprayed now— his magic leaking from him along with his immortality. He laughed as he slumped to the ground and rolled onto his back, focusing on his breathing and straining his ears.
The clamor of guards’ boots up the stairs and overhead. Shouting. So much shouting. Crackling flashes. Rushing fire. Metal clashing. One of the two assassins was a magician. Or Miro had summoned one of his dragons. A roar. Pasquier closed his eyes and sighed, relieved. A dragon meant Miro was alive. A loud thump. Another. He opened his eyes when there was silence. The edges of his vision were getting fuzzy.
The library doors burst open. Pasquier heard Miro’s panicked voice as he dropped to his knees beside him. “Pask?” Miro scooped him against his chest, sobbing and cursing. “Pask, Pask, can you hear me?”
“I hear you,” Pasquier murmured, pressing his hand to the wound over his chest. The black blood started to run red. He groaned and let his head fall back. “Seems I can die after all…”
“Are you dying now? Are you going to be okay?” Miro asked, his voice weak and wavering. “Red means you live, right?”
“Red means I live,” Pasquier confirmed and moved away from Miro, propping himself up on shaky arms. “I’m sorry about our fight.”
Miro gave a sobbed laugh and pulled Pasquier close again, kissing the top of his head. “Fuck our foolish fight. I’m just glad you’re alive.”
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vipawsparis · 5 years
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Joyeuses Pâques ! // Happy Easter ! // Glad Pask! 
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vintagegraphik · 6 years
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Vintage Halloween Greeting Card
Glad Pask Swedish Eastern Witches “Full Moon” Vintage Halloween Greeting Card.
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madonna-of-the-wasps · 2 months
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Thinking of the hags on their way to Blåkulla tonight
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djmarioz · 3 years
Happy Easter, Felices Pascuas, Glad Pask
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plastkort-nu · 3 years
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Glad Påsk önskar vi på Plastkort.nu 🐣 Ps. Vi har stängt från och med imorgon, men vi är tillbaka som vanligt Tisdagen den 6/4! 💛 #plastkortpunktnu #plastkort #easter #pask #gladpask — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3ubxY7m
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return2theroad · 6 years
Goodbye Vientiane, hello Kong Lor Cave.
I said goodbye to Mike and his wife and Mike was nice enough to drop me at the bus station in Vientiane so I could catch the morning bus to Kong Lor. Like every bus ride in Laos, it is hard to predicate when you are going to arrive. Between the roads, which suck and the numerous random stops that the bus makes to drop off and pick up passengers there is no knowing when you will arrive.
I left at 10 in the morning and it turned out when all was said and done I arrived at my lodgings at 6:30 and was the last one dropped off. The ride was uneventful but quite scenic until the last 40 miles. Because of the condition of the road and the fact that the “Big bus” could not go over the bridge, all of us that were headed to Kong Lor were transferred to a Sŏrngtăaou, which is essentially a covered pickup with two benches facing each other down the side. Not the most comfortable way to go, especially when there appears to be more potholes than road and not just any potholes but truck swallowing ones.
I had booked myself into the Spring River Resort which sounds exotic and was a great place and if you can believe this only 20 bucks for my own cabin which was spotless. My resort was a little out of town and about 2km from town. The drive said if I could wait he would continue onto Kon Lor, drop everyone off and than take me right to the resort and I am glad I took him up on the offer.
Spring River was a sight for sore eyes after 9 hours or so on dusty bumpy roads. Upon my arrival, Thomas the host greeted me with a warm welcome and a much-needed cold refreshing lemonade. The resort itself was beautiful, It is located right on the river with soaring mountains on the other side. There is a raised wooden walkway throughout the lush grounds. There are 6 riverside cabins with their own washrooms and a number of other cabins with shared washrooms which is what I had. My cabin was clean as a whistle and quite comfy. The washrooms and showers equally so and Thomas was sure to point out that they were cleaned three times per day.
Spring River was such a wonderful place I ended up extended my stay to 3 nights on my first night. The restaurant was great, and I ended up meeting two Australian families one with kids and the other with no kids. The ones with no kids worked here in Laos. Super nice people and James, the one living in Australia and I ended up having some great conversations about politics and economic development in places like Laos.
On my first day I walked the 2.5 km to the Kong Lor Caves, the main attraction in the area. The Kong Lor Cave and was formed by the Hinboun river which still flows through the cave. This means you can hire a boat and transverse the whole 7.5 of cave from one opening to another by boat. At times the cave soars to nearly 100 metres in height. I hired my own boat and off we went. Because it was the low season there were one or two times that I had to get out of the boat and walk while the guide dragged the boat over the shallow water. Parts of the cave are totally unlit, and the only light comes from yours and the guides headlamps. I found interesting to watch how the guides was scanning from side to side looking for markers to let him know where he was. There were several sections of the cave that were fully lite which was cool to see. Once you come out the far side, you drive a short distance up the river and stop for a local bowl of soup for lunch and than head back. I do have to say it was a GREAT bowl of soup. Day two at Kong Lor consisted mostly of exploring by foot and a bit of paddling up the river near the resort to a small lagoon. I was on my own for this and was not worried as the water was less than waste deep in most places. I was doing great until I ran aground in a shallow area and while trying to push myself off I ended up losing my paddle. At this point I had to jump in, push the boat off and jump in and grab my paddle. So much for staying dry. LOL
The next I was headed to Paske.
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nintendowebben · 4 years
Nintendowebben önskar Glad Påsk
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piccolinastaffblog · 4 years
GLAD PASK 北欧のイースターと春
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春の商品が立て続けに入荷します。木曜からはお店も気分を入れ替えて行こうと思っているのですが、まずは明日25日(水)20:00~ ウェブサイトに北欧のイースターをイメージして商品が入荷します。勿論キーカラーは黄色。そしてモチーフはお花です。
販売開始 3.25 20:00~ https://piccolina.ocnk.net
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