#glados hmu
Honestly I look more human than most of the humans I know and here I am. Yearning for robots and objects. Honestly can't think of a better life
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queen-hastur · 1 year
list of women i am in love with because the world must know
all the diamonds, minus pink (su)
jasper (su)
yidhra (every rendition)
the shadow in the corner of my room
vriska serket
queen chrysalis
lady dimitrescu
as you may tell, i have a type.
strong evil women hmu
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layalu · 6 months
ooh how about 17, 18, 20 and 23 for the artist wrapped asks :)
[ask game]
Hey ho! :)
17. What piece took the longest to create?
answered here (the GLaDOS model), but this one took basically the same amount of time (3 week timeframe but work on this one was much less stressful/time consuming all things considered)
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18. What work of yours do you go back to admire again the most?
Don't think admire is the right word, but i find myself looking at the doodles i did during my dual warden playthrough a lot, because i had fun with them and theyre silly and make me smile. Also the Ari meme redraws i did lol (again make me grin & bonus serotonin from oc interactions)
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^ some example sillies <3
20. Is there anyone you'd love to collaborate with next year?
I mean. if anyone wants to hmu for a collab i am absolutely game 👀👀 I really really enjoyed doing collabs again this year after not doing them for a while, and i can't say i have any one specific person in mind but i'd definitely love to do some again next year!!
23. What WIP(s) are you taking into next year with you?
Oh man, a bunch lmao. Although, surprisingly few personal works; i don't currently have a lot of stuff that i plan to finish, but that might get worked on more when/if i feel like it. There's the picrew that tbh i kind of want to get into an at least semi-finished state, and a bunch of school work lol
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huevobuevo · 2 years
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my portal oc’s updated ref + notes on their design :]
Dr Bonnie Castello-Robinson was a psychiatrist for the test subjects in Aperture Science, working for the company since 1965 and was 66 during GLaDOS’ little Girlboss Event™️.
I got more shit bout them but hrugabruga this Stinky Boy™️ has to go Shower
below the cut r just some schewpid silly out of context self shipping shit cause yeah. yeah.
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Diversity Win!! Your long dead husband who was murdered and copied onto a machine that’s fallen madly inlove with you again despite the fact that youre still grieving over their initial death just came out to you as BISEXUAL‼️‼️‼️
Got any questions feel free to hmu :] love talkn about these lil queerss
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tiniesttinsel · 4 years
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So I did the thing
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For every 📎 I get in my ask box, I’ll post a thread that I want to do.
Not necessarily with the person who sends. Just a thread I want to do in general some day
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GIVE RADITZ AND GOKU SOME FUCKING CLOSURE!!! I DON'T CARE WHO IS WHAT, AND I DON'T CARE HOW, IT JUST SEEMS REALLY FUCKED THE WAY THINGS ENDED IT FELT TOO SOON AND I AM MIGHTY SALTY AT THAT- Like, the situation was kinda complicated really looking at it, and I feel cheated that Raditz is off like that and never coming back. Have them meet again. Reconcile slowly? Destroy each other? Something in between? Just Raditz being that annoying pressence just being a nuisance? Yes??? GIVE ME
While we're at it, Vegeta too. Just imagine how hard Raditz took it when he realized that Vegeta never intended to help him, even despite their implied history. Like, Goku was one thing, while they're family, and Raditz was heavily implied to just want his brother back, they didn't grow up with each other. Vegata and Raditz did though and while it's implied that whatever positive aspects of their relationship did deteriorate over the years, Vegeta still seemed to mean a lot to Raditz, and maybe he was hoping the feelings were mutual. Just. AAAAAAAAAAA
Just bring him back in general. Whether it be for redemption, vindictive antagonist, or just. Him being a fucker, I fucking waaaant-
Yamcha being motivated to fight again. Whether by friends or by circumstance. Have him overcome his insecurities and make him feel like a worthwhile member of the team again god dammit-
Pico bonding with someone else's BF and/or GF muses. Like, not even in a ship way just. I strongly believe that despite them being exes, BF is still near and dear to Pico's heart, and since Pico swooped in to save GF in Week 7 [not realizing she didn't need it], I firmly believe he'd be open to befriending her too. At least, as open as someone in his mental state can be. Just. BOND YOU FUCKERS-
Also kinda wanna do something to explore his mental health and trauma tbh? Like, idk, he's been through some shit, and he reeks of unresolved trauma and untreated mental health issues.
Also, if there are any Cassandras that wanna fuck with Pico, hmu
tbh in my headcanon, my BF muse also survived the events of Pico's School, and I kinda wanna maybe delve into how he deals with it and the shit he dealt with afterwards as a result includingPicodriftingawayfromhimuntileventuallyvanishingonhimandeveryoneelseforacoupleofyears lowkey
Aside from GF shenanigans, because gremlin GF is kinda fun, just. Throw more people at her? I mean, throw more people at all three of them, but. I want her to have more friends-
Just. Anything with Deimos. He's a new muse of mine, andI want more of a chance to play and develop him. I did admittedly come up with a Madness Combat mass crossover verse, but like. I still need to learn more about MC before deciding to do it-
Once again, closure, but this time with Chell and Wheatley. Once again, don't care who's who, just. Please-
Just. Give Chell friends. Shove her out of her stupid fucking shell-
Young test subject Chell? Yes-
I wanna explore more of Dem's history and her memory issues. Someone take this journey with her dammit.
Ghoul bby... You need more friends too you fuck. Zeke is great but you need to stop solely relying on him for social stimulation-
I'd love for a chance for Amy to shine without Sonic. Like. Just do something and succeed without the safety net that is Sonic.
I'd like a Sonic to interact with, but also just. Amy needs more relationships in general.
Can I just??? Be a bitch with Adina please??? Let her antagonize and lowkey bully you please-
Honestly. Charlie needs to suck face with Vaggie more. CUDDLE LADIES
Charlie helping the other characters through their shit? Please-
Haha, wouldn't it be crazy if Kokichi had to meet the other students post game? =]
Also Ultimate Talent Plan verse, bitches, who's up for it?
Korekiyo coming to terms with what his sister did was fucked up and growing away from her and it? Just kinda becoming his own person and not being solely motivated to appease her even after death-
And finally; Interact with my mass crossover verses bls-))
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resting-meme-face · 3 years
001 portal
Favorite character: Caroline/GLaDOS (I see them as, you know, intertwined enough to count them as one).
Least Favorite character: Wheatley. Any Tumblr motherfucker on here in 2011 for all the UWU blond Wheatleys being everywhere knows my pain.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): ...5? Look, fam, there ain’t a lot of characters here. We got the Chell/GLaDOS. We got the Cave/Caroline. Annnnd...that’s about it. Atlas/Peabody, maybe? I’m not subjecting anybody to Wheatley.
Character I find most attractive: Caroline
Character I would marry: ...MAYBE Chell? I’d want to check out her mental state a bit first. Like everyone else in the game is absolutely fucking batshit and/or would sell my soul for a corn chip. I worry that Chell might be hyper-sane after her ordeal, but if she was chill, we could marry.
Character I would be best friends with: I’d try with GLaDOS, but she’d just release deadly neurotoxin on me.
a random thought: I don’t want a Portal 3. I feel like the story there is done.
An unpopular opinion: Caroline is more homo-romantic or asexual than anything, but Cave is like a major exception to her sexuality and gender preferences.
my canon OTP: Cave/Caroline is the best ship in the game, and it’s canon.
Non-canon OTP: Chell/GLaDOS? I guess?
most badass character: Cave Johnson, but only in the hyper ironic sense. That dumb motherfucker is crazy. Love him.
pairing I am not a fan of: Wheatley/Chell
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Wheatley, honestly? I feel like way more could have been done with him, as an exploration of privilege or a more profound contrast to GLaDOS. Instead, he was just like a funny punchline.
favourite friendship: Can you call what Chell and GLaDOS have a friendship? It’s like a fond animosity, after a point. Everyone playing their roles.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Well, Chell’s parents are like super dead, soooo
Which Portal friend of mine is this? Or is this an anon who was never a mutual? You should hmu. I’m always down to talk about Caroline/GLaDOS-centric Portal-shit.
Check out these questions.
Maybe ask me one.
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king-moron · 7 years
Tagged by @porptal-reference (thanks! I needed a break from my studies ;U;)
Tag 10 followers who you want to get to know better
Name: Honestly, I have far too many- call me Cricket or something i suppose 
Nicknames: Ash 
Gender: *echoing Cricket Chirps*
Start sign: Cancer! (when I was a wee bean I thought that meant I had it and was frightened for 3 years straight that I was going to die then and there, lmao)
Height: 5 / 5′1? need to check properly
Sexuality: Pan-romantic! but here's the twist! also am demiromantic lmao and Asexual af (so basically: I be ‘cold bean who kinda wants a hug from anyone)
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw~! *Caw caw*
Favorite animal: my bby boi Leo - he a floofy doggo
Average hours of sleep: PFFT- what is sleep? ...ok no really- It’s either sleep 24/7 with me or run off of 2 hours- 
Current time: 2:37pm-!
Dog or cat person: Doggos~!
Blankets I sleep with: Like 2? I dunno man half the time I wake up on the floor (I guess wanting a bunk bed is a bad idea now that I think about it)
Dream trip: TO ANOThER REALM~!! 
Dream job: Boi- If only I knew, It just has to be something where I can make people happy- either through deep and meaningful games or counselling services- whatever my path is it'll present itself eventually.
When I made my blog: like- 4+ years ago? I dunno tungler sends you some silly email every so often to celebrate- guess we’ll know next email !
Followers: I keep that secret ;^) I'll give you a hint though- my current inbox count is 99 exactly. When I hit my next point ill make a post about it though or something.
Why I made a Tumblr: My buddy pal chum made me make it
Reason for my url: its a reference to the blue orb- GLaDOS refers to him as King Moron in the Lego remake and I thought it was kinda chill-  I wanted to make it Dork Gently though but that was already taken so I'm brainstorming currently- hmu if you can think of any urls that could work eyy PPL I'm tagging: uhh- I don't want to bother anyone so take this as a free pass to do the questions ! tag me so that next time ill tag you if i do one of these things again~! <3
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canoncalled · 7 years
Hey! I'm Chell from Portal, looking for anyone, particularly GLaDOS! (Also Wheatley and Rattmann) I'm over 18 and I love doubles. Hmu if you remember a kind of stoic Chell who always looked confused but never acted like it, lol. I'm over at lonely-lighthouse
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i-love-glados · 7 years
I wanna talk more about GLaDOS!!! My girl
she’s so good!!! u guys gotta hmu with those good headcanons lemme hear all abt my girl GLaDOS
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kincalling · 6 years
hello i’m an android GLaDOS from Portal 1 & 2! i’m specifically looking for my Wheatley. (he was an android as well) we were romantically involved with each other and i miss him very much. he had blonde hair and blue eyes with rectangular glasses. im a minor so no adults please. (or doubles, for that matter.) if this all sounds familiar, my blog is @heliopanda so hmu !
📯 @heliopanda
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vxrgil · 7 years
roleplaying history
The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to role play as, have role played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that,please repost instead of reblogging!
Currently Playing:
Colress (on hiatus - pokemon b2w2) @colorlcss
Various OCs (inactive - mainly tsp) @stepfxrd
The Announcer (nobody is interested in the blog so inactive) @xnnouncer
Roleswap Wheatley (same as announcer) @wheatdcs
Want To/Will Be Playing:
Eugene Sims (infamous second son, hmu if you’d rp with me if i made tht blog i really Wanna)
Jack Hyland (gunnerkrigg court)
Briefers Rock (panty and stocking with garterbelt)
Fact Core
Have Played:
Leon Kuwata (danganronpa)
another Leon Kuwata
Mondo Oowada (danganronpa)
Daiya Oowada (danganronpa)
Monokuma (danganronpa)
Tord (eddsworld)
Todd (eddsworld)
Arthur (mystery skulls animated)
Various Danganronpa OCs
Would Play Again:
Tord (specifically Big Bad Red AU)
Tagged by: nobody
Tagging: @polychr0matics @that-dashing-moron @flying--sparks @employee-210 @machiavelliancore @the-dangerous-mute-lunatic @ask-glados-anything @maledictiion @wintxrs-fury-archive
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