lillyceline · 2 years
Glairy Eggshells
flipping through the valedictory yellow-white, worn and tear-stained
you feel an ache that doesn't really leave your chest
though it becomes fainter with each passing day
a sorrowful echo, sounding dull in every heartbeat
as I look back on the letter painted scenery of this fanciful tale
having fallen in love with a glimpse of a dreamt up romance
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profamer · 2 years
MUCILAGINOUS #mucilaginous #synonym #ingles #gelatinous #albuminous #creamy #glairy #viscous #antonym #limpid #crystalline #bubbling #frothing #foaming #portugues #mucilaginous #gelatinoso #albuminoso #cremoso #glairy #viscoso #lento
MUCILAGINOUS #mucilaginous #synonym #ingles #gelatinous #albuminous #creamy #glairy #viscous #antonym #limpid #crystalline #bubbling #frothing #foaming #portugues #mucilaginous #gelatinoso #albuminoso #cremoso #glairy #viscoso #lento
Inglês: Mucilaginous Synonyms Gelatinous, albuminous, creamy, glairy, viscous, lentous. Antonyms Limpid, crystalline, bubbling, frothing, foaming, effervescent, sparkling, spirituous. Português: Mucilaginous Gelatinoso, albuminoso, cremoso, glairy, viscoso, lento Thank you for visiting us! Obrigado pela visita!
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theboyabouttown · 8 years
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Glairy 2MORROW Model Agency
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pushmycartpmc · 4 years
Dr. Reckeweg R27 Renal Calculi Drop
Reckeweg R27 is a homeopathic medicine which is used for treating renal disorders. Homeopathy is a form of medicine that has been practiced for nearly two hundred years all over the world. A great amount of research and documented clinical cases have shown that Homeopathy is exceptionally safe, effective and useful for most everyone. 
It is a naturopathic form of medicine, meaning it works with the body s own systems and energies; its natural way of operating and functioning. It does not override or divert the body, instead it assists the bodys own healing energies to triumph over disease and illness. The constituents with their usage is as below : Acid. nitric.: Calculi in the urine due to oxalic acid, and when oxalic acid is the main ingredient of the calculi.
Berberis: Sharp pains in the kidneys, growing worse on pressure. Pains in sacral region, coming from kidneys, patient cannot move, leans to right in order to lessen the pains. Glairy, reddish urine.
Lycopodium: Painful urination, gravel. Renal colics (right side affected). Pains along the urethra to the bladder.
Rubia tinctor.: Catarrh of the bladder caused by calculi. Frequent urge to urinate at night, with great weakness. Pains from kidneys to urethra.
Sarsaparilla: Gravel, acute pains when urinating. Buy Dr. Reckeweg R27 Renal Calculi Drop online from pushmycart.com Usage Renal calculi, sharp pains in the kidneys, pains across the small of the back, prickings, reddish and glairy urine with epithelial cells and amor- phous waste matter. Oxalic acid in the urine, gravel. 
It is beneficial in the ailment of Renal Calculi.
It helps to provide relief in case of sharp pains in the kidneys, painful urination, pains across the small of the back.
Dosage Generally 3 times daily 10-15 drops in some water. After one weak of treatment it will suffice to take 5-18 drops, 2-3 times daily for a longer period of time Use under medical supervision.
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mixedmediahmm · 5 years
Fusion songs because shut up
Grandpa3: Sing Sing Sing by Benny Goodman Feral Boy: Pump It by The Black Eyed Peas Fucher: A Fifth of Beethoven by Walter Murphy Oh No: Action winter Journey by Nero’s Day In Disneyland Glairy: These Boots Are Made For Walkin’ by Nancy Sinatra Boppair: Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis Corry: Rockin Robin by Bobby Day
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berezina · 4 years
"An Excelente Balade of Charitie"
In Virgynë the sweltrie sun gan sheene, And hotte upon the mees did caste his raie; The apple rodded from its palie greene, And the mole peare did bende the leafy spraie; The peede chelandri sunge the livelong daie; 'Twas nowe the pride, the manhode of the yeare, And eke the grounde was dighte in its moste defte aumere.
The sun was glemeing in the midde of daie, Deadde still the aire, and eke the welken blue, When from the sea arist in drear arraie A hepe of cloudes of sable sullen hue, The which full fast unto the woodlande drewe, Hiltring attenes the sunnis fetive face, And the blacke tempeste swolne and gatherd up apace.
Beneathe an holme, faste by a pathwaie side, Which dide unto Seyncte Godwine's covent lede, A hapless pilgrim moneynge did abide. Pore in his newe, ungentle in his weede, Longe bretful of the miseries of neede, Where from the hail-stone coulde the almer flie? He had no housen theere, ne anie covent nie.
Look in his glommed face, his sprighte there scanne; Howe woe-be-gone, how withered, forwynd, deade! Haste to thie church-glebe-house, asshrewed manne! Haste to thie kiste, thie onlie dortoure bedde. Cale, as the claie whiche will gre on thie hedde, Is Charitie and Love aminge highe elves; Knightis and Barons live for pleasure and themselves.
The gatherd storme is rype; the bigge drops falle; The forswat meadowes smethe, and drenche the raine; The comyng ghastness do the cattle pall, And the full flockes are drivynge ore the plaine; Dashde from the cloudes the waters flott againe; The welkin opes; the yellow levynne flies; And the hot fierie smothe in the wide lowings dies.
Liste! now the thunder's rattling clymmynge sound Cheves slowlie on, and then embollen clangs, Shakes the hie spyre, and losst, dispended, drown'd, Still on the gallard eare of terroure hanges; The windes are up; the lofty elmen swanges; Again the levynne and the thunder poures, And the full cloudes are braste attenes in stonen showers.
Spurreynge his palfrie oere the watrie plaine, The Abbote of Seyncte Godwynes convente came; His chapournette was drented with the reine, And his pencte gyrdle met with mickle shame; He aynewarde tolde his bederoll at the same; The storme encreasen, and he drew aside, With the mist almes craver neere to the holme to bide.
His cope was all of Lyncolne clothe so fyne, With a gold button fasten'd neere his chynne; His autremete was edged with golden twynne, And his shoone pyke a loverds mighte have binne; Full well it shewn he thoughten coste no sinne: The trammels of the palfrye pleasde his sighte, For the horse-millanare his head with roses dighte.
'An almes, sir prieste!' the droppynge pilgrim saide, 'O! let me waite within your covente dore, Till the sunne sheneth hie above our heade, And the loude tempeste of the aire is oer; Helpless and ould am I alas! and poor; No house, ne friend, ne moneie in my pouche; All yatte I call my owne is this my silver crouche.'
'Varlet,' replyd the Abbatte, 'cease your dinne; This is no season almes and prayers to give; Mie porter never lets a faitour in; None touch mie rynge who not in honour live.' And now the sonne with the blacke cloudes did stryve, And shettynge on the grounde his glairie raie, The Abbatte spurrde his steede, and eftsoones roadde awaie.
Once moe the skie was blacke, the thunder rolde; Faste reyneynge oer the plaine a prieste was seen; Ne dighte full proude, ne buttoned up in golde; His cope and jape were graie, and eke were clene; A Limitoure he was of order seene; And from the pathwaie side then turned hee, Where the pore almer laie binethe the holmen tree.
'An almes, sir priest!' the droppynge pilgrim sayde, 'For sweete Seyncte Marie and your order sake.' The Limitoure then loosen'd his pouche threade, And did thereoute a groate of silver take; The mister pilgrim dyd for halline shake. 'Here take this silver, it maie eathe thie care; We are Goddes stewards all, nete of oure owne we bare.
'But ah! unhailie pilgrim, lerne of me, Scathe anie give a rentrolle to their Lorde. Here take my semecope, thou arte bare I see; Tis thyne; the Seynctes will give me mie rewarde.' He left the pilgrim, and his waie aborde. Virgynne and hallie Seyncte, who sitte yn gloure, Or give the mittee will, or give the gode man power.
~Thomas Chatterton
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Renal calculi, sharp torments in the kidneys, torments over the little of the back, prickings, rosy and glairy pee with epithelial cells and love phous squander matter. Oxalic corrosive in the pee, rock Read more...
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lillyceline · 2 years
This is an overview of all of my poems posted here so they're easier to find :)
A Collection of Elevenies
A Tale of Skies and Clouds and Peonies
Arcus Pluvius
As You Speak
Autumn Pt. II
Bench by the Field
Beyong the River Bank
butterflies burst out of me
D String
Dream Again
Far Away
Frost Flowers
Glairy Eggshells
hope is a dangerous thing
I just wanted to sing
I push away the people I love
In My Garden
Just Do
Little Girl in a Sun Dress
Moral of the Story
Mountain Life
Name Day
One Thing
Orange Tree
Out Loud
Pain Inspires
Ruby Slippers
Sapiens Over The Hill
Self-destructive / gone
Simpler Times
Sprinkled Bliss
Strawberry Dreams
Summer Rain
Tiny Mountain
When I think of myself
Why do you care?
Winter Blues
Writer's Block
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saltyloverrebel · 7 years
Reckeweg R27 Renal Calculi Drops, Dissolves Kidney Stone Naturally
Reckeweg R27 Renal Calculi Drops, Dissolves Kidney Stone Naturally
Dr.Reckeweg Germany R27 Homeopathic Renal Calculi Drops are a proprietary blend of homeopathic herbs like acidum nitric, Berberis etc, selected for their ability to address kidney stones (renal calculi), severe pain in kidneys.   Clinical indication of R27 Drops Reckeweg R27 Renal Calculi Homeopathic Drops to Dissolves Kidney Stone Naturally is indicated for Renal calculi, sharp pains in the…
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theboyabouttown · 8 years
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Glairy 2MORROW Model Agency
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blogelixastudios · 7 years
Chucho Kids Tv // Gummy Elephant Finger Family learn colors Glairy Cats ...
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pushmycartpmc · 4 years
Dr. Reckeweg R13 Hemorrhoidal Drop
Hemorrhoids, itching, pains, bleeding, anal fissures, anal prolapsus, anal eczema, plethora.
Acidum nitricum: Stabbing in the intestine, splinter pain, sensation of constriction during defecation with persistent pain after stool.
Aesculus: Dryness and burning of external hemorrhoidal mucosa (dark red prolapsing hemorrhoids). Dull pains in sacral region, venous stasis.
Collinsonia canadensis: Venous congestion in the pelvis, obstipation, flatulence, hematogenic hemorrhoids.
Graphites: Constipation, glairy lumpy stools, flatulence, anal eczema, itching.
Hamamelis: Varices, bleeding, hemorrhoids.
Kalium carbonicum: Backaches, flatulence. Hard stools, burning anal node.
Lycopodium: Meteorism, flatulence, dry stool with incomplete defecation. Hematogenic hemorrhoids with prolapse and anal spasm. General hypochondria and dyspepsia, constipation, abdominal plethora.
Paeonia: Wet hemorrhoids, painful anal fissures.
Sulfur: Remedy with extensive effectiveness, anal redness, itching, exzema, unhealthy skin. Buy Dr. Reckeweg R13 Hemorrhoidal Drop online from pushmycart.com.
It provides relief in case of hard stools, burning anal node, backaches, flatulence.
It is useful in case of dryness and burning of external hemorrhoidal mucosa.
Beneficial in ailments of itching, bleeding, eczema, and unhealthy skin.
DOSAGE - Generally 10-15 drops in some water 3 times daily. In acute pains, in the beginning of the treatment, 10-15 drops 4-6 times a day. After complete disappearance of the affliction, continue a treatment with 10-15 drops once or twice a day for a longer period of time. - It is of great importance to regulate the stools at the same time, in case of constipation. Therefore, laxative nutrition should be recommended for breakfast and supper such as: cooked fruits, linseed, green peas, ryebread, sourcrout, yogurt etc. Constipating foods such as: white bread, cacao, starches etc., should be avoided. Use under medical supervision.
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mixedmediahmm · 5 years
PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT ALL THE GRANDPA FUSIONS PLEASE HANNAH I'M BEGGING if you tell me about how any of them interact with babey nauls I will cry,,
First up: Gary and Copper (Corry)He’s a grandpa that’s always up for some activities and moving around. Very active for his age(s). He will never shy away from helping out his grandchildren with anything they need, including winning in a fight. 
Next: Copper and Blair (Boppair)Not as active, but loves to tell stories. He will chat for hours on end about nonsense and doesn’t care if you’re listening. Also very smart, but not as wise. He naps everywhere and only wakes up for emergencies.
Next: Blair and Gary (Glairy)A grumpy old man, but will love you just the same. He’ll do his own thing, but doesn’t mind if you join. The most likely to tell you off if your misbehaving. If he says he can fix a thing, he can probably fix it.
Lastly: Blair, Copper, and Gary (Grandpa 3)This is a very energetic, hardworking, and spastic grandpa. He has all the traits of the perfect grandpa and will do as he pleases because of his height advantage. He WILL sneak up on you, no exceptions.
When it comes to baby Nauls, they have different methods. Corry will give him all the piggyback rides. Boppair will spin tales and snuggle with him. Glairy will let him get away with things, and Grandpa 3 will be the greatest grandparent a kid could ask for. They all do have one thing in common though: cheek pinches.
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mtariqniaz · 8 years
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PERTUSSINUM ,Coqueluchin PERTUSSINUM Coqueluchin (PERTUSSIN) Taken from the glairy and stringy mucus containing the virus of whooping-cough. Introduced by John H.
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saltyloverrebel · 7 years
Dr.Reckeweg R25, Homeopathic Prostatitis Treatment Drops
Dr.Reckeweg R25, Homeopathic Prostatitis Treatment Drops
Dr.Reckeweg R25 Drops treats benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms through a proprietary blend of several homeopathic herbs (available in drops). It has key Ingredients like clematis, conium etc that act on chronic and acute Prostatitis (burning feeling when you urinate) and its other consequences.   Clinical indication of R25 Drops Dr.Reckeweg R25, Homeopathic Prostatitis Treatment Drops is…
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