densortedame · 3 months
flag for june:
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flag for july:
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mocacheezy · 3 months
Battle of Upravna Enota Tobačna my beloathed
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Zvišajte jim že te jebene plače prosim, I can't take this shit any longer
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besedar · 4 months
frazeološka enota dne: jagodni izbor
V vinarstvu se nanaša na vino, pridelano iz zelo zrelih ali plemenito plesnivih (če je to izraz) grozdnih jagod — vsebuje veliko alkohola in naj bi bilo boljše od navadnega. Predvidevam, da je to primarni pomeni, ki bi bil lahko kalkiran iz nemškega Beerenauslese (izbor jagod) v istem pomenu.
Sekundarni pomen: "izbor najboljših primerkov nečesa". (Vprašanje: "Bi bil tudi sekundarni pomen kalkiran?" In odgovor: po mojem ne? Kolikor gledam, ni videti, da bi ga tudi Nemci uporabljali metaforično, je pa res, da nemško špreham bolj švoh 😅.) Med konkordancami na Gigafidi sicer prevladuje vinski pomen, se pa vsekakor najde tudi sekundarni:
... jagodni izbor tabloidnega raziskovalnega novinarstva ... Lani je v domačem jeseniškem muzeju že postavil na ogled okoli 70 vojnih plakatov, sedaj pa z jagodnim izborom gostuje v malem vojnem muzeju ... Jagodni izbor iz njene glasbene knjižnice ter seveda novosti ...
In tako dalje. Trend na Gigafidi kaže, da raba izraza mogoče malo upada, je pa res, da konkordanc ni dovolj, da bi se dalo iz tega priti do kakšnih pomembnejših zaključkov. Prilagam grafikon:
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Točno vem, kaj boste vprašali zdaj! "Se pozna kakšno teženje proti sekundarnemu pomenu? So starejše konkordance primarno vinarske in novejše metaforične?" In odgovor je ... ja? Se mi zdi. Nočem postavljati trditev vsevprek, ampak če primerjamo npr. leto 2018, ko je bilo 13 od 15 konkordanc metaforičnih, z letom 1997, ko ni bila niti ena od 17 konkordanc metaforična ...
Ampak ja, saj pravim: premajhen vzorec in treba bi bilo prešteti za vsako leto posebej, namesto da izberem dve naključni leti, ker imata slučajno podobno število konkordanc, ki se ju da prešteti na roko.
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jaxyscreams · 6 months
I’m FINALLY starting to pass as a man (to strangers in public)
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singerboyvids · 5 months
Josefine & Oskar ~ Smitte deg med glede [Norway 🇳🇴]
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terengineer · 7 months
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New chick the link video!
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trykkeriet · 11 months
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Vi er glade for å invitere deg til ladestasjon i samarbeid med Mental Helse Molde.
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Vi har sosiale arrangementer som "lunsjpraten" på torsdager fra kl. 12:00 til 13:30 (unntatt siste uken i måneden) og "kveldstreff" den siste tirsdagen i hver måned fra kl. 18:00 til 21:00. Vårt treffsted er på Brukerstyrt senter, Molde Mølle, Grandfjæra 28.
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Behov for en samtale? Leder Oddrun Beyer Holm [email protected] Mob.: +47 412 61 704 Mental Helse Molde Strandgata 3 6415 Molde
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etglimtavtid · 2 years
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Eg minner meg sjølv om den felles gleda Når teoriane falmar, står landskapet att. Så kjem morgonlyset og avdekker ei enkel glede du nesten hadde gløymt: Å vera til Helge Torvund #poesi #helgetorvund #fotografi #forfotografer #øyeblikk #oktober #glede #smille #familie #væresammen #barndom #tilstedeværelse #tid #lek #nærhet #kjærlighet (ved Mandal, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClDQYPBoeOG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jazzyblusnowflake · 2 years
H-hi are you still taking request if so could you make just a short comic about the three come to aurora rooms to see tord sing something in norweing to comfort her if not thats ok i still apreaciate if you want to tell me why (sorry its long i don't know how to ask in english that much)
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"Something about those Christmas songs~..."
they tease him alot when they find his sentimental ass singing but hes actually the second best singer from the group right after Tom~
this took a long time but i always wanted to draw or write something about Tord singing to Rora and im happy to have finally done just that~
to give some context, whenever i sing for a little kid in my family or maybe to my pets or just for myself while im humming, i often go to christmas songs ive been taught as a kid in London, they carry so much memory and joy for me~ regardless of what month of the year im in XD
so i thought i could do the same thing with Tord, the song is called "O Jul med din glede" and it was one of the christmas songs i was taught in Oslo language schools when i lived a few years in Norway~ you can listen it on youtube here!
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badpanduhmemes · 4 months
A Quick Fanfic (TeenShen Birthday) Girl is nice to him
Here is yet another fanfic. This was supposed to be part of a collection of short Shen-centric shorts that went absolutely nowhere.
ShenXoc? I guess? Someone's nice to him on his birthday.
@notsosqueakiclean it's the closest to a true honest ShenXoc fic I currently have. I hope the tag is okay. Apologies if it's not. I can untag you.
Painted by the Stars
Shen wings were in front of him, a sign to those who knew him that he was nervous, though he, himself, was utterly oblivious of his parent's scrutiny, or the Soothesayer's thoughtful brown eyes, watching him from a short ways off was neither here nor there.
It was an old habit, a subconscious way in which he shielded himself the world around him, and it was not a terrible way to conceal a few knives in his feathers every once awhile. A pity he did not have them on him now, but it couldn't be helped, yet he felt their absence.
He flexed his wing feathers trying to ease the tension that had stiffened his shoulders, and settled like a heavy hot glede in his breast.
It was his birthday, and a banquet was being held in his honour, but it was more than that, and that's what niggled uncomfortably. From various neighbouring provinces young lords and ladies were in attendance, in the hopes that future friendships, and alliances would be made. It was chance for his peers to meet him, and for him to meet a few potential future spouses.
Peahens were in attendance, in a wide array of dazzling colours. Some were slightly younger than him, and a few were older. All of them were beautiful and a few were stunning. There were ladies of other origins as well; monals, dholes, a pair of tragopan hens, any of whom or all of whom could have made a suitable match, perhaps. There were lords and ladies from neighbouring cities, and provinces, and of course Gongmen City's aristocrats and their children had all been invited to celebrate his special day.
Him, who stood out in stark contrast against the brilliant colours of the hall, and his family's guests. Ugly, austere, the colour of death, prone to occasional bouts of ill health, and considered to be a bad omen, his only saving grace was his birth right, and the title that came with it. It was the only reason gifts were being brought to him, and the only reason why everyone in attendance had satiated their appetites dumplings and partaken in longevity noodles.
He'd barely been able to eat his own longevity noodle, coiled in the bowl that been placed before him, when anxiety sat so heavily in his stomach, it crowded out all sensation of hunger. The dumplings, he hadn't bothered with.
Music played gently, and as the time feasting waned, people were walking about, mingling and dancing. At length he'd gotten up to mingle, partly out of genuine desire to strike up a conversation with one of the peahens he'd been keeping a loose eye on, but more so because it was required.
He was to be a lord someday and courtesy was to be his cloak and dagger, and this party the first of many battlefields, to be won with courtly subterfuge, and gallant smiles. Forcing himself to swallow his nerves, he joined the fray poised and regal as any noble.
All the while his attention was turned partly toward the lady that had caught his eye. She was pretty peahen, perhaps a year or so younger than himself, and likely one of the few he had even a faint hope of striking a conversation with. They formed gaggles, talking and laughing amongst themselves in formidable groups he was unwilling to approach. But whenever he was waylaid by well wishes from other nobles he paused to acknowledge them, thanking them for visiting, and enquiring after their trip to the palace, their health, and maybe taking an additional few moments to discuss anything that might have caught his interest or piqued his curiosity.
The young peahen he'd been watching meandered her way to a small to a small group of young ladies, and Shen inwardly frowned. She was speaking to a pair of monal hens that he guessed were sisters, and a monkey. It wasn't as bad as a group of peahens, but nerves made his skin flushed and he opted to continue his conversation with a dhole who was prattling on about a cousin of his that had fallen into a river.
The dhole laughed and Shen took that as his cue, uttering a series of manufactured chuckles that sounded genuine.
"And then you know what?" The dhole added merrily. "He tripped again!" They pair of them laughed more, and Shen decided that he would speak to her: the pretty young peahen with the aqua face and green plumage.
It hadn't been terrible a conversation, but all around him he could hear the whispers, and criticisms, and one brief interlude with the dhole boy could not stave them off completely, and they burned his ears as he made his way toward the girl. Words peeled open scabs across his heart, and once again the dribbled and wept as he carried on.
He would not let the rumours of albinism, and being a bad omen get the best of him. Not tonight, so he did what he had learned to do early on, he buried the pain deep and paid the lacerations no mind, because he knew he'd get angry if he didn't, and his temper had begun to burn on a progressively shortening fuse over the years.
To his chagrin a few other peahens had joined the one he wanted to talk to, as had a peacock who was definitely a few years older than him with a train much longer, that glided in glittering gold irradiance winking like the son over forest greens, and soft sky blues, and dark eyes spots, that even folded Shen envied the sight of.
One of monals spotted him approaching, and there was no altering his course. They now knew he was coming. Them, the monkey, the peahens, and the peacock he could not hopelessly compare to, knew he was approaching, and as they continued to speak with each other, he could imagine the insults. He was a freak among his own kind, and everyone knew, especially the peahens who preferred men of brilliant colours.
And with a peacock there to paint so stark a difference his own sickly appearance made, before their eyes, he had no hope of attracting any of them. Title, inheritance, and his family's prestige would not save him here. Not anymore, and heart was hammering uncomfortably fast as he walked up to them.
They were all watching him when he paused before them, giving a light bow out of respect to his guests, though it was hardly necessary.
Their gazes were a mix of manufactured neutrality and curiosity, the only exception being a peahen with a violet purple face that transitioned into bright spring greens and deeper emeralds at her collar. She didn't seem particularly impressed by the sight of him, but Shen looked away from her to face the peahen of aqua and green he'd been pursuing.
"Greetings, my lady," he offered her a faint smile, despite the cloying anxiety rising like bile to burn at the back of his throat. "I had hoped, you might do me the honour of walking with me?"
Her green eyes, darted side to side, suddenly unnerved and uncertain, and quite possibly embarrassed by the idea that she had caught the eye of the resident freak. It was enough to rankle him, and enough to make carefully bound anger squirm under his foot.
The violet faced peahen murmured darkly to her quiet uncomfortable companion, while the teal faced girl lifted her chin.
"Please pardon me my lord," she spoke in a soft warbling whimsical voice that grated on his nerves. "I'm honoured you sought me out, but the festivities have worn me out and I was giving my friends short farewells, before retiring."
Her words were neatly packaged in politeness, but he had no doubt is was a flagrant lie on her part. But even as he opened his beak to wish her a pleasant evening, the older purple faced peahen behind her said something to her pink faced companion, and the word 'albino' did reach his ears.
Already, embarrassed and irritated, it struck a nerve, and one of his taloned feet clenched as he turned his attention to her, and she met his gaze with a steely glare of her own, as if silently daring him to say something.
He was keenly aware of the eyes on him. The peahens he was talking to, but a few other young lords and noble ladies in the vicinity were watching on the side lines, as he grappled with his rising ire.
From nearby he heard, "must be brain dead too" and to have intellect question on top of his physical health and hideous appearance, was a line crossed, and for a brief terrifying moment he saw red, and the polite air around him evaporated, as he opened his beak to offer a scathing retort.
But another voice spoke. Deep melodious, with the even temper of a slow river, that feminine voice flooded the turbulent silence.
"It's a rare and unusual think for stars to fall the heavens, and even rarer still for those stars to rise again, and walk among us. But the very eyes of the cosmos, have seen fit to grace one of our own in such brilliance. Look at him. Truly look at him, and tell him his feathers are not bright enough to match them. I know we peafowl are prideful, and I of course am no exception, but if the stars themselves have found him worthy of wearing their light so absolutely and unbrokenly, then I cannot imagine the measure of hubris required to tell them they were wrong."
Shen's heart stopped. The stars themselves have found him worthy. His mouth closed. His anger vanished, as that rive-water-voice washed over him, smoothing over the sharp edges of his wrath, and soothing frayed nerves.
"If it's not too bold: this creature of earth and water, would be flattered and honoured, if the celestial being standing before her, would lead her through a dance."
Eyes wide, heart racing, Shen turned to face the peahen who had spoken, and his mouth turned dry.
Her face was corn flower blue, and it darkened to true royal blue at her collar, but the wing feathers, peeping at him from under her sleeve were an ashy brown, but there upon her head, the small plume of feathers, were gold as if she'd been crowned by the sun itself, and that gilded golden hue winked at him from the feathers along her throat, like the sun on the sea.
She was stunning, beautiful, and Shen's mind had seized as he stared at her. He'd seen her from a window when guests had started arriving, and he'd thought her beautiful even then, but at least three or four years older than him, gorgeous he'd written her off as unobtainable. No peahen so beautiful could have found anything attractive in him. It wasn't possible.
Behind him he heard a scoff, and a few infuriated hisses from the peahens behind him, peahens he no longer cared about, and something spiteful, bold, and vindictive, rose up to grab him by the neck, as it compelled him forward, and before he could he could think through the consequences of his actions, he stepped toward her.
"Yes," he raised his head emboldened by the faint smile that curled the corners of her beak. The crest on his head rose, and for the first time the entire evening his wings settled at his sides. "Yes I would."
She bowed before him, the waves of the sea winking at him from her feathers as she dipped and then rose. The azure silk of her gold embroidered sleeve shifted, as she took the wing he offered her.
All eyes, were on them, on him with this stunning peahen walking bold and confident beside him, seemingly unashamed to be in his presence, and Shen's head was reeling, unable to figure out when his birthday had turned into a dream. He must have gotten sick and passed out or fainted in embarrassment, but it hardly mattered, as his feet had seemingly taken control of him, guiding the two of them forward unto they found spot for a short dance.
"As hard as it may be, try not to hold it against them. Peahens at that age have not learned how to see beyond their eyes. Regrettably some of them never will, but there will be others who grow up and grow wiser. You need only be patient."
The stars have found him worthy. Over and over those words rolled across his mind. The stars found him worthy.
"Is it true?" He asked. Have the stars found me worthy? And if they have could I not be worth of you.
As if guessing his line of thought she smiled. They paused in their danced, her eyeing him with a shrewd blue eyes, while he held his breath.
"Is there a place we could speak more privately?" She finally asked.
Shen paused, suddenly on edge and nervous. He looked around surveying the room. His parents were watching them from afar, and for a brief moment he met their gazes. It was hard to see if they were proud, but they had taken a keen interest in his sudden change in fortune. Perhaps they were hopeful that this peahen might be a future spouse in the making? A part of would not have been displeased with such an arrangement, but her desire to talk in private worried him.
She called him a star, but instead he felt like a minnow being pulled along a current too powerful for him to swim against, leading him toward something that seemed genuinely promising, but potentially terrifying. What if all he was met with was some deep dark abyss? He had no way of knowing where the current of her thought patters was ultimately going to lead him, but part of him wanted to know, needed irrationally to know, whether or not she spilled empty pretty words into his ear, or if there was genuine merit in them.
Knowing he couldn't be alone with her, unchaperoned, he kept a firm grip on her wing as he approached a wolf guard.
"We're heading to that balcony, and our handlers are elsewhere." He gestured at the assembly. "Please accompany us, and stand guard in the doorway."
The wolf nodded and fell into step beside them. Asking one of the wolves to join them served two functions, it would reassure their parents they weren't engaging in anything inappropriate, and the wolf would likely keep them from being disturbed. He walked her to the far end, in an attempt to make it as seemingly private as possible, but with the wolf a yard or so away it was a hopeless endeavour.
He released his hold on her, and turned to face her.
The stars found him worthy, but had they really?
"Please, tell me if what you said is true." Deep down he knew it wasn't, but for some reason, some fervent, masochistic reason, he needed to hear say that it wasn't or more of her sweet lies until he could believe them.
"Yes and no." She looked away from him to stare at the palace grounds and the city stretched out beyond the walls. "I'm not sure it matters though. Sometimes we need hear a beautiful lie, to be reminded of a simple and obvious truth."
He glowered at her. He could appreciate the honesty, but the knowledge that her pretty words bore no substance and that she truly thought him ugly, hurt more than he could put words to. "And what truth would that be?" His eyes flickered eerily, but his voice was icy.
"In this case, that you are beautiful and you are worthy. It doesn't matter how or why, whether you're sickly or healthy, albino or bathed in starlight, only that you know beyond doubt that it is not your fault they can't see the value of your life behind your feathers. The fault is theirs and theirs alone."
His pupils dilated, and his nostrils flared as his throat burned. He reached out to grab her, the railing, something, and anything as the world tilted under his feet. Words failed him as he started coughing, nearly choking on the lump that had formed in his throat, and all the while he sensed her there, standing beside him, concerned and worried, and speaking to him.
The wolf guard rushed over, but regaining some sense of pride if not decorum, he waved the canine away.
"Are you alright?"
"Am I alright? He repeated, in a mental daze, as he grinned. "I'm better than that. I'm happy." His voice cracked as he let loose a fit of breathless laughter. She smiled nervously, but let him be; deciding he supposed, that if anything had been truly wrong with him, he wouldn't have shooed away the guard or that the wolf would have run off to get help.
Shen eventually calmed, after giving her a reassuring smile, that he was pleased to see returned, he turned toward the railing, and closed his eyes taking a deep breath. His heart felt lighter than it had all evening, and he sensed her shift beside him, and he cracked an eye open to watch her as she stared out over the palace court yard, before shutting his eye again and letting himself bask in the companionable silence that had settled over them.
Another birthday could have come and gone, but all too soon the silence broke, and the warm bubble Shen found himself standing in was rudely popped, by the clearing of a throat.
The wolf was standing there, ears folded back, and refusing to look at either of them.
"The young lady's parents have asked for her, and your absence my lord is being noted."
Both peafowl frowned, and Shen sighed. "We'll be there in a moment."
He glanced at the peahen next to him, and saw a faint glimmer of worry in them. "I hadn't realized we'd been away so long."
Shen scoffed. "It's been fifteen minutes at most."
"Yes, but even still…." She trailed off turning to leave. "We shouldn't keep them waiting."
"But what of you?" He caught her wing.
She look down at his wing feathers, wrapped around hers and then looked back to him. "What about me?" And Shen was at a loss. What could he say? Stay? Don't leave? They had only just met. They weren't engaged, and he had no idea whether or not their families would eve approve such a match. He begrudgingly realised he didn't even know her name. He just stared at her, mind racing, unwilling to let someone who had been so nice, suddenly walk away and out of his life, possibly never to return.
Something of his thoughts must have been on his face, because she tuned back toward him, giving his feathers a faint squeeze.
"You have other guests that you must tend to. I doubt my parents intend for us to leave so soon. We can speak more later." She offered him a reassuring smile. "But beyond this party and tomorrow, I don't know. So should this be goodbye, I want you to know that of all the constellations that exist you are my favourite." Something in Shen's chest cinched, strangling the air in his lungs. "And you're certainly the only one capable of carrying on pleasant conversation." She teased with a faint laugh. "But more importantly, when you are at your most desolate, cold, angry, frustrated, and alone, or when the world is at its most cruel, I want you to look up at the stars, and remember this moment: that you are worthy, valuable, and beautiful, because it is the memory of this moment the world will try to take away."
She gazed at him with worried eyes. "Do all you can not to let it, and then perhaps, if our mutual stars align, we'll meet again someday. But until then, I bid you farewell. Oh-" She paused as if just remembering something and offered him her warmest smile yet.
"Happy birthday."
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effervescentdragon · 1 month
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me going to translate.google.com every time you post/tag something in bosnian
могу ја и на српском ако ти је тако лакше мада мислим да би ћирилица могла да буде благи проблем иако је ефективно разлика између српског и босанског једино у екавици/ијекавици то јест регионалној варијацији нагласка
hrvatski je manje sličan bosanskom nego srpski u nekim stvarima, posebno zbog insistiranja na korištenju slovanske etimologije umjesto posuđenica plus cijela stvar oko inverzije padeža za koju zaista nije bilo potrebe ali ajde ako mora
slovenščina je nekaj precej drugega in se težko primerja z ostalimi, kar je res presenetljivo je pa to, da ta jezik še zmeraj obstaja glede na to koliko težko jim je bilo ohraniti jezik skozi vse zgodovinske pizdarije
what im trying to say... nejse baby 🤭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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I morgen har jeg fire timer, og de første tre kommer til å bli krevende.
Klass nr. 1 - seks barn på 3-6 alders. Hvis de to ADHD-brødrene ikke kommer, går det helt fint. Men hvis de dukker opp er det rett og slett et mareritt. Den eldre blir stadig bedre (jeg tror han får litt hjelp nå) men den yngre... herregud. Forrige gang fikk han raserianfall fordi jeg ga ham et grønt klistremerket istedenfor et blått (etter at han hadde vært en dritunge hele timen).
Klass nr. 2 - sju barn på 8-10 alders. Alle er skikkelig skravlete. En er veldig flink og faktisk en god elev, men han er en absolutt dritsekk som sier fæle ting til jentene i klassen og vise dem fingeren hele tida.
Klass nr. 3 - fire gutter på 4-6 alders. De er faktisk ganske flinke, men de liker å slå hverandre og er ikke så flink til å lytte
Men den siste timen er en av klassene jeg liker aller best. De er smarte, de er engasjerte, de gjør alltid leksene sine, de har gode ideer å dele med klassen og det er rett og slett en glede å være læreren deres.
Og så kommer fredag: to veldig lette timer (og jeg må ikke dra fra huset før kl 15) fulgt av tre såpass lette timer på lørdag, og jeg kommer hjem før kl 18.
Jeg må bare klare meg så godt jeg kan de første tre timene.
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Word: joy
The Norwegian word for joy would be glede
What a joy! - For en glede!
The joy I feel when I drink an energy drink can't be equated to any other - Gleden jeg føler når jeg drikker en energidrikk kan ikke sammenlignes med noen annen
I feel an immense joy anytime someone tells me they checked out a song I recommended to them - jeg føler en stor glede hver gang noen forteller meg at de begynte å høre på en sang jeg anbefalte dem
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besedar · 4 months
beseda dne: pokopališče
etimologija (oziroma nekaj v tej smeri): iz kopati (jasno), ki pride iz indoevropskega korena *(s)kā̆p-, *(s)kē̆p- (obdelovati z ostrim orodjem, rezati). Meni osebno je dosti zanimivejše, da je očitno beseda relativno nova — leta 1919 se je v Domu in svetu o njej pritoževal Jože Debevec:
V 3. številki letošnje Vzajemnosti čitam pameten nasvet g. župnika E. Rakovca, naj bi opustili grdo skovanko: pokopališče. On predlaga, naj bi rabili morda: pokojišče. Ne bi bilo napačno. Najbolje pa bi bilo: grobišče ali groblje. Srbi pravijo groblje. Imamo tudi več krajevnih imen Groblje po Slovenskem. Opustimo zdaj polagoma vse, kar nas brez potrebe loči od Hrvatov in Srbov. Če rečeš Srbu: danes posetimo pokopališče«, bo marsikateri mislil na — kopališče (kupalište). Če rečeš: posetimo grobišče (groblje), te bo takoj umel, S tem ne zavržemo nič pristnoslovenskega, ampak le nerodno novoskovanko. In takih imamo še več. Zdaj je čas, da jih zamenjamo z dobrimi slovenskimi izrazi, ki so obenem umevni Srbom in Hrvatom. — Obenem naj omenim, da bi lajšalo medsebojno umevanje, ako bi mi v občevanju z njimi rabili izmed sinonimov tiste, ki so tudi Srbom in Hrvatom domači. Tako n. pr. recimo rajši ubog m. reven (ker revan pomeni našim bratom: goreč, navdušen), ali čaša m. kozarec, uren, nagel, brz, spreten m. hiter (hitar je srbohrv, = zvit, prekanjen) itd.
Jože Debevec. 1919. "Jezikoslovna drobtina". Dom in svet. Letnik 32, številka 3/6. Na http://www.dlib.si/?URN=URN:NBN:SI:DOC-TB0ZRBL3.
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Å trekke meg tilbake og sitte i ensomheten i skogen og ha det godt og mørkt omkring meg. Det er den siste glede.
- Knut Hamsun
To retreat and sit in the solitude of the forest and feel good and dark around me. It is the ultimate joy.
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mocacheezy · 4 months
Jaz: "Imam termin za spremembo kupa os. dokumentov... Dva dni pred EU volitvami. Kam moram it volit če bom že imel_a nov stalni naslov registriran??"
eSamonaročanje: 5 gmailov
UE Tobačna: "Vsi termini so preklicani, ker stavkamo. Naročite se ponovno :)"
Jaz, ki sem čakal_a skoraj 2 meseca, ampak mi zdaj ni treba več skrbeti glede volitev:
Welp, brain dearest...
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