#gliter america
thetimelordbatgirl · 3 months
Hi going on anon for the sake of safety and so on- I've been digging into the stuff around Sparkly/edgarallancrow2030 because some people have been accusing a friend of being that person- and I needed some clarification on some things if you potentially had it.
Do you know around what age that person is now? From the writing before it seemed they were a woman, is this assessment accurate?
Sorry for this randomly coming out of nowhere but I'm trying to find any and all information I can on this person and front to know for certain what's up.
Its fine, I can understand wanting to figure out if Sparky is around you or not, given the amount of times I had to deal with being unsure if a new follower was Sparky stalking me again or not. In terms of what your asking about Sparky:
*I sadly cannot tell you what Sparky's age is because I do not know how old he is either. Sparky either didn't put his age on all the blogs he made or if he did, they varied in ages. One claimed he was 23 for example, but as you can see with his current twitter, he's claiming to be 30 now. I just know at this point, he falls into the adult age range. *The whole being a woman claim you are likely getting from the first ever blog Sparky had, aka trans-gliter-girl-sparky (aka where Sparky's nickname came from cause its either that or refer to Sparky with whatever blog he has going right now and that's impossible to keep track off so), as he claimed to be a trans-woman on that blog, but later on in different blogs, dropped that via claiming at first to be going by differing pronouns and then finally, just went by he/him on blogs and on his current twitter, so Sparky's gender is he/him confirmed.
And in terms of stuff I can give you that can help a little more in identifying Sparky:
*Sparky's name is Ian (sources being his blogs and such). *Sparky claims to be in America (sources again being his blogs and also when someone I know went on an alt and talked to him, he assumed it was me and told me to come to the states and give....*gag*...daddy a kiss). *Sparky also claimed to be in terms of ancestry: Irish, Iberian and Mexican (source being one of his blogs). *Sparky used to mention a grandma a-lot at least (source basically all his blogs). *Sparky is a pro-shipper whose very much into incest and age-gap ships (...Do I need to cite a source when you likely saw his tweet saying incest is hot and based??? Because that was all he had in his following in all his tumblr blogs as well and was into age-gap ships like Percy Jackson X Luke Castellan and basically confirmed liking these ships in his bios each time). *Sparky is a self-admitted pedo who did erotic role-plays with minors and for all we know could still be doing that but trying to hide it better now (source sparky himself). *Sparky is into anime and animation fandoms- I can't exactly name a-lot of the anime ones beyond Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and Fullmetal Alchemist (based on headers and icons used on his blogs)- but in terms of animation, shows like South Park and The Owl House. *Sparky also likes DC based on icons and usernames and following and posts in the past and actually started hating/stalking me over me hating the MCU so likes the MCU as well. *Is a self admitted bootlicker for cooperation's like Disney and is also a monarchist (mainly cause I hate the monarchy...yeah Sparky admitted in the past that whatever I hate or like, he will do the opposite).
That's all from top of my head and also screenshots I could find. Hopefully this was a help to you, and I do hope for you that you don't have Sparky near you because...yeah Sparky is um...a fucking mess. If you want anymore info, I recommend checking out @antipeegirlarchive as their last post has info and screenshots about Sparky.
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sailorfailures · 4 years
ColourPop is dropping a Sailor Moon collab on Feb 20th and I have some Opinions
It’s the moment Sailor Moon makeup geeks have been waiting for - ColourPop cosmetics, noted for their affordable and colourful official pop culture makeup collaborations, has announced a Sailor Moon collaboration containing an eyeshadow palette, two liquid lipsticks, two lip glosses, two blushes, and two body glitters. Most likely this collab is being timed with the 25th Anniversary of Sailor Moon’s debut in North America to contrast with Japanese cosmetics from brands like Creer Beaute and Shiseido, which were released for the Japanese 25th anniversary.
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Source: ColourPopCo on Twitter
After my initial excitement about the long-awaited collaboration died down, I was left with a somewhat disappointing realisation... this entire collab, over a total of nine products, was not about Sailor Moon: The Show... it was about Sailor Moon, the character.
When I imagine a makeup collection for Sailor Moon I immediately picture the rainbow of colours represented across the whole Sailor squad, or at least the OG Sailor Team five. But almost everything in the collab is quite warm, and either pink or neutral/natural. Exceedingly neutral/natural, in fact. One look at the names for all the product colours - “Shining Moon”, “Twilight Flash”, “Bun Head”, “Usagi” - make it clear that the products are intended to reflect Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon only.
The packaging itself is... interesting. I can appreciate that they were trying something new with the eyeshadow and blush cases, as they are all topped with different holographic pictures - not (just) the shiny kind of holo, but the old school kind that flips between two different images, all exclusively featuring Usagi and sometimes Luna. You can see the effect in action in this video review by TrendMood. Good concept but slightly awkward execution. I think they would’ve benefited from some kind of static frame around the images so that it didn’t look like I’d just hot glued a pog to my pencil case. The rest of the packaging features the same old redrawn clipart from every other piece of anniversary merch, so, yawn, though the prismatic elements are nice. The body glitter pots are cute, featuring Usagi’s first transformation brooch to mirror the round shape of the pots, but ColourPop’s “gliterally obsessed” branding seems out of place. I know that’s the name of their glitter gel series but maybe it could’ve been swapped out just this once.
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(Screencap from above video by TrendMood)
The lip sticks/glosses are by far the most disappointing. Apart from the cardboard boxes they come in, the only branding visible on the tubes themselves is the series logo and a nondescript crescent moon pattern on the caps. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of subtle packaging. I don’t really want Sailor Moon’s face plastered all over a lipstick either; but I’ve also never been a fan of using random moons/hearts/stars as a stand-in for something more relevant to the show when that imagery is so generic and disconnected from the series. Why not little graphics of the Silver Crystal? If they’d thrown some rabbits, bows, and/or roses into the pattern then the combination would read more as “Sailor Moon” than moons on their own. (That said, splitting them into “Moonlight” for the liquid lips and “Daylight” for the lighter glosses with transformed vs. non-transformed? Brilliant. Genius. The perfect blend of nostalgic and practical.)
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(Screencap from above video by TrendMood)
Here’s a photo of the palette taken from Temptalia’s website with everything but the shadows desaturated, so you can read the colours more clearly without being influenced by the packaging:
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At first I wasn’t sure what this colour story was trying to tell me. I definitely understand going for a more neutral/“everyday” palette over something more glam, since the characters themselves are generally fresh-faced, but the AMOUNT of neutral shades here seem out of place for such a bright series. Tuxedo Rose and Love (the two pinks in the middle of the bottom row) are so similar for such a limited palette. Twilight Flash (top, second from the left) feels out of place; oddly saturated and just a bit too warm to play nicely with many of the other colours. Mare Serenitatis (the coppery-looking one) stood out as unusual but is actually more of a wine/plum under all the glitter, which is much more appropriate and reminds me of Sailor Moon’s transformation.
The more I looked at this palette, and the more I saw of reviewer's looks using it, the more I slowly realised that this palette wasn’t really evoking the character of Usagi herself, but rather the nostalgic, hazy, pink-washed aesthetic of the entire 90s Sailor Moon animation.
The dreamy not-quite-pastel quality of the 90s anime (half conscious design choice, half convention of the time) has received a lot of modern attention and praise. It makes sense that the palette feels like it’s being viewed through a rose-tinted filter when the entire show felt that way, or is at least remembered that way. It wouldn’t surprise me if ColourPop literally based some swatches on recurring colours picked from screenshots.
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That being said... Does that make it a good choice for a makeup collab? Is this what Sailor Moon fans want and will buy? Is it versatile enough to warrant a purchase for non-diehard fans? Is it actually what casual fans, who might buy something like this out of pure nostalgia, are actually nostalgic for? Just because I see what ColourPop was going for, does it automatically translate to the most appropriate choice?
Ultimately, my judgement on that comes down to whether this is ColourPop’s only Sailor Moon collab. If this is them testing the waters to see if they can branch out into releasing products focused on the other girls, like a blue/silver mini palette for Sailor Mercury, a green/pink mini palette for Sailor Jupiter, etc. then I’m all for it. When perceived as a palette that represents the show itself, and not any specific character - not even Usagi, despite what all of the swatch names suggest - it really shines. But that’s not really ColourPop’s MO. Most of their pop culture collections are released in one big shining burst of products and then... nothing. And there are quite a few different products here.
I’d also be remiss not to point out that there are lots of indie Sailor Moon-inspired makeup collections already on the market, which makes sense for an almost-30-year-old series that literally repeats the words “make-up!” nearly every episode. Maybe ColourPop felt like they would be stepping on fandom toes or running the risk of copycat accusations if they strayed too close to any of the 2,348 red Sailor Mars-inspired eyeshadows online, though I assume they’d have the legal upper hand. In that respect, I do appreciate that this is a unique approach to a concept that has been nearly driven into the ground.
But ColourPop is not an indie brand and there are some benefits that come with that. They are generally more accessible, sometimes more affordable, can usually ship to more places in less time at a lower cost to the buyer, and can afford much larger runs that will sell out less quickly (though don’t be fooled, this collab will almost certainly start to sell out shortly after its launch). For many fans, especially younger fans, this is probably their only feasible option for Sailor Moon makeup. And some fans prefer the stamp of authenticity from an “official” collaboration, even if indie collections are often, well, better. So I think there’s an impetus for ColourPop to release a less specialised collection that’s reminiscent of more characters.
If this really is the only Sailor Moon collab ColourPop is planning to release, then the packaging, in my opinion, is an odd choice. I don’t know why they decided to focus exclusively on Usagi herself; if the colour story is meant to represent the entire series, then why not either have all the girls on the front in a rosey colour scheme, OR have none of them and focus on one of the cityscapes that clearly inspired the palette? I feel like there are lots of fans who aren’t necessarily fond of Usagi herself who may be put off by the overwhelming focus on her.
Overall: The lip sticks are nice but not super exciting, but I like what I can see of the lipglosses. The subtle glitter is very Sailor Moon. I love the Moonlight/Daylight concept but wish it were reflected on the actual tubes. The body glitters (Moonlight Legend, Moon Prism Power) are exciting and interesting, by far the most experimental part of the collab. The shape and colour choices for the glitters are very “Sailor Moon” and I can see them getting some use on the festival scene. The blushes also seem cute but a tad overpowering for the otherwise understated vibe of the rest of the collab, like the liquid lipsticks, and I love the Luna stamp in the blushes but would be sad to actually use them and see it get worn away. And while I like the gauzy backdrop-inspired looks people are making out of the palette, I feel like it’s extremely limited in the number of unique looks you could actually pull off.
So, in the end... am I going to be buying any of these? Hell, probably, if they’re not totally sold out by the time I get to them. My initial roller coaster of OMG COLOURPOP SAILOR MOON!!!! excitement dropped into “that’s it?” disappointment but has now leveled out at a respectable buzz of interest. I could see myself wearing most of these products, and the collector in me wants at least a piece of the collab for posterity. I just really hope that this isn’t the end of ColourPop’s involvement in Sailor Moon and that we might see some future products tailored specifically to the other girls, so that my collection isn’t just Usagi’s face staring back at me.
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roguesavior · 5 years
music ask thingy: 1, 3, 15, 19, 25, 30
1) A song you like with a color in the title
Gliter & Gold - Barns Courtney
3) A song that reminds you of summertime
Sister Golden Hair - America
15) A song that is a cover by another artist
Long White Cadillac - Dwight Yoakam
19) A song that makes you think about life
This one is the hardest holy shit, all the ones I can come up with are depressing as hell but I’m gonna go with 
Hurt - Johnny Cash
25) A song by an artist no longer living
Learning to Fly - Tom Petty :( 
30) A song that reminds you of yourself
Bones - Young Guns
Thank you my man :D!! 
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gliter-blog-blog · 13 years
Thankfully, merchants were happy about sales on 2011 Thanksgiving Day
IBM reported online Thanksgiving 2011 sales were up 39 percent over Thanksgiving 2010, with mobile shopping on the rise. eBay and PayPal are seeing similar trends. PayPal Mobile just announced a 511 percent increase in global mobile payment volume when compared to Thanksgiving 2010.
Amplify’d from www.gliteramerica.com
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 See this Amp at http://amplify.com/u/a1j2s1
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mkaoy2k-blog · 13 years
長年來,知名藝人楊烈不僅在歌壇擁有讓人印象深刻的優異表現,也關心社會、積極投入公益活動,長期支持參與志工服務,育幼院、學校、路跑、晚會到消防隊等都有楊烈的足跡,以資深藝人的身份,帶動民間參與公益、關注社會。於2006年因罹患大腸癌,必須以手術治療,引起大家對大腸癌的關注。為了讓大家對大腸癌多些認識,我們以四個W (Where, Why, Who, and How) 來說明。 疑問1、 Where?大腸癌是生長在何處的癌症? 了解大腸癌之前,先讓我們清楚大腸的部位。大腸包括結腸和直腸在內,食物消化後的殘渣最終會通過結腸直腸而由肛門排出體外。結腸大約有120~180公分的長度,分四部份:升結腸、橫結腸、降結腸、乙狀結腸,再連接到直腸。而生長在這些部位的腫瘤就稱為大腸癌或結腸直腸癌,最常發生部位以乙狀結腸及直腸為最多,即從肛門往內算起約60公分左右的距離內。 疑問2、 Why?為什麼楊烈無法在最開始在大腸癌第一期時就檢測出來? 大腸癌早期並無明顯症狀,最常被查覺的是出現血便的現象。由於大腸的出血 容易誤解成痔瘡而延誤就醫,如楊烈便以為自己是痔瘡出血而忽略,直到腹痛就醫才發覺事態嚴重,這才想起自己體重也減輕了5公斤之多。由楊烈的例子趁機呼籲 大家,如有發生血便以及不明原因的體重減輕、便秘、腹痛或絞痛、無食慾、疲倦等,最好先就醫請醫師詳細檢查。 Picture 疑問2、 Why?為什麼楊烈無法在最開始在大腸癌第一期時就檢測出來? 大腸癌早期並無明顯症狀,最常被查覺的是出現血便的現象。由於大腸的出血 容易誤解成痔瘡而延誤就醫,如楊烈便以為自己是痔瘡出血而忽略,直到腹痛就醫才發覺事態嚴重,這才想起自己體重也減輕了5公斤之多。由楊烈的例子趁機呼籲 大家,如有發生血便以及不明原因的體重減輕、便秘、腹痛或絞痛、無食慾、疲倦等,最好先就醫請醫師詳細檢查。 疑問 3、Who?究竟為什麼會導致大腸癌?大腸癌會不會也發生在我身上? 據 統計,人一生得到大腸癌的機率約為5 %,主要發生於50歲以上的人,在台灣,大腸直腸癌已是常見癌症的第三位了。一般認為,習慣高脂肪和低纖維飲食的人較容易得到大腸癌,另外,抽煙及喝酒也 會增加大腸癌的機會;更重要的是,具有大腸癌家族���、家族性大腸瘜肉症以及罹患大腸瘜肉的病患,都是大腸癌的高危險群。 疑問4、 How?我要如何做才能杜絕罹患大腸癌? 大 腸癌如果能在早期診斷出來,通常是可以治癒的,而最好的方法是定期健康檢查,建議40歲以上的成人每2年檢查一次,包括肛門指診、糞便潛血檢查、乙狀結腸 內視鏡、腹部X光攝影等大腸癌篩檢。有家族病史的高危險群則最好每年檢查一次,於飲食上少吃動物性脂肪、多吃蔬果、少喝酒,並且多運動,以降低大腸癌的發 生率。 結論 絕大多數的大腸癌是由良性腺瘤瘜肉轉變而成的,而由腺瘤瘜肉轉變成大腸癌需要約十年的時間,所以定期篩檢加上生活習慣的改善,一旦發現腺瘤瘜肉立即予以切除,就可以讓你遠離大腸癌的威脅。有了正確認知,才能幫助自己遠離癌症威脅。
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gliter-blog-blog · 13 years
First 3-week holiday online spending jumps 14%
ComScore reported holiday season retail e-commerce spending for the first 20 days of the November – December 2011 holiday season, during which $9.7 billion has been spent online, marking a 14-percent increase versus the corresponding days last year. Wednesday, November 16 has been the heaviest online spending day of the season to date at $688 million.
Amplify’d from www.gliteramerica.com
See more at www.gliteramerica.com
 See this Amp at http://amplify.com/u/a1ix7v
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mkaoy2k-blog · 13 years
手機輻射到底會不會引發癌症,這一直以來是醫界未下定論的問題;而隨著手機的使用愈來愈廣泛,且使用時間愈來愈長,人們便愈渴切能知道這方面的資訊。近日有一份相關的研究發表了研究結果,這是由丹麥癌症及流行病學研究中心歷時了18 年,針對手機用戶與某些癌症之間發病率所進行的關聯性研究;研究指出,擁有手機和沒有手機的研究對象,罹患癌症的機率是相同的。 在 358,403 名手機用戶的研究對象裡,由其中罹患神經膠質瘤 356 個病例和中樞神經系統癌症 846 病例的研究發現,上述兩種癌症的發生,與你是否使用手機並無關聯性;甚至有些研究對象已使用手機長達 13 年的時間,但罹癌的風險也沒有比較高。 WHO(世界衛生組織)將使用手機及飲用咖啡在罹癌風險中列為同類,無法證明它們和引發癌症有絕對關係,但也無法證明並無關聯性。如果你對於手機輻射量仍有顧慮,並以此作為選擇手機時的考量因素,那你可以去看看 CNET 最近公佈一份的研究報告,研究中列出了美國上市的手機中,在輻射輸出項目中 20 個最佳和最差的手機,其中 Motorola Bravo 的輻射輸出量最大,而 Samsung Blue Earth 的最少。 手機盡管是如此,長期暴露在基地台附近的住戶也很期待類似研究報告,趕快公佈於世。 資料來源:TechOrange
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