jesterv1 · 2 years
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fllagellant · 1 year
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I missed him . <- thinks about him 9 / 10 times a day
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frumpydress · 2 years
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sleepypuppylove · 8 months
im an awakepilled bedcel. im deprivationmaxing.
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stnaf-vn · 2 years
MC in a call with Friend: Ahmm, friend hehehe. I-i apologize first for whatever you will see in the next 5 mins and please know that I wouldnt do anything that can hurt you ok? Btw, im driving your car and i think i scratched it a little hehehe. But dw, some glittle glue can fix it. I promise!
The scratch:
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“Ha I know you wouldn’t, dear! ….wait how did you even get my keys…?”
~ Friend
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swagmaxxer · 3 months
hey vro 👅
snoobygobby glittle gratch mo schneep 👅
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ethics-snom · 1 year
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Look at the glittle goober☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
cc ^)) Ayyyy the smol silly
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robosnom · 1 year
Look at the glittle goober☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
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clouded-mushrooms · 2 years
TW: incest
Lionpaw sat at the gathering. He looked around and went over to a group of windclan and riverclan apprentices. He introduced himself and him and another apprentice, Breezepaw really hit it off. They two chatted the whole night, and even getting scolded by older warriors for being loud. The two toms said bye to one another. As days grew into weeks, lionpaw found himself longing for breezepaw. The golden tabby liked being around him and found the dark gray tom a bit handsome. One day he was laying down in his nest, the night sky glittled out side the den. He found himself to be restless and couldn't settle down. Hollypaw hissed at him to nock it off, as she was trying to sleep. The golden tom apologized and left the den. He left camp through the dirt place tunnel, only to be greeted with amber eyes. Breezepaw smiled at him and whispered, "Come with me, I want to show you something." The dark tom turned to leave. Lionpaw opened his mouth to object, but was cut off. Breezepaw looked over his shoulder, "No buts, now come on!" He ushered. Lionpaw grunted and followed his friend. The two tom came to an opening in the ground. Lionpaw looked at breezepaw confused, "What? Is this what you wanted to show me?" he grunted. "Wow, it's great, Breezepaw!" He said his tone full of sarcasm. Breezepaw swiped a paw, his claws sheathed, as he hit the golden Tom's ear. "No, now come on you big lump of fur." The dark tom rushed into the opening. Lionpaw rushed after him, he soon found himself in a beautiful open space were many tunnels broke off from. "Wow" was all the golden tom could breath. A dark shape appeared besides him, "it's beautiful huh?" Breezepaw asked. Lionpaw nodded. The two Tom's played until day break. Which they left in a hurry.
As moons passed the two keep meeting in the tunnels, but there meeting were few. One day lionblaze came to breezepelt and said he couldn't meet with him anymore. He explained that he had so much responsibility in the clans. The golden tom pressed himself against his friends. His heart ached, as Breezepelt eyes watered, "What? Why?" Amber eyes met amber eyes. "I can't keep messing up, I have been slacking on my duties. I like meeting up with you. But this isn't good for me. I'll see you at gatherings" he voice echoed with sadness. Breezepelt steeped away from him, and sadness clear in his eyes. "B-But" he tried to say something but nothing came out. The dark tom watched with a breaking heart as his friend and crush padded way. As the last of the golden tail tip left his sight, Breezepelt broke down into a sob. He would sob and sob until sunset. Then the dark tom would pad back to camp, his tail dragging. Only Heathertail knew of his relationship with Lionblaze. So he went straight to her. They two talked in low whispers. The light brown tabby looked at her friends, she left her heart aches for him. "So? Did you tell him?" She asked, worry clouding her voice. The dark tom shook his head. "He said we couldn't meet anymore, that he would see me at gatherings" he voice quivered. Heathertail stared sympathetically at the dark tom and whispered. "Oh breezepelt I'm sorry!" He looked at her then laid his head on his paws, as tears flowed from his golden eyes.
Time went on as normal, well as normal as it can be. A horrible fire took thunderclan by surprise, the cats had fled to the abandoned twoleg house on their territory. Lionblaze and his siblings were trapped in the fire. Ashfur had tried to get them killed to hurt Squirrelflight. But the dark ginger she-cat had revealed that they aren't her's. Lionblaze and his siblings were filled with feeling of betrail and hurt. Lionblaze had no one to turn to, he had his siblings, but he wanted someone else. He wanted Breezepelt. He tried to avoid Squirrelflight, as long as he could so he could figure himself out. If Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw aren't his parents, then who are his parents. The three siblings would have meetings to see if anyone had found a clue about their real parents. One day Hollyleaf came to them. The dark she-cat eyes were dark. "What is it?" Jayfeather asked, he could feel Hollyleafs disstress. "I know who our parents are" she said her voice low and dark. "Well, who are they?" Lionblaze urged his sister to tell. The dark she-cat spoke and her voice shook. "Our mother is Leafpool and out father is Crowfeather." This left the two toms speechless. Lionblaze looked at his paws, he had a crush on his half brother. The golden tabby left without a word. 'I had a crush on my half brother ' the words raced through his mind. He ran and ran, he didn't realize where he was running until his paws touched water. He ran right the windclan border. He looked around hoping he wasn't going to get caught by a windclan patrol. He let out a cry, he didn't have words, to out how he was feeling. He stayed at the border until the sun fell and the moon rose. He padded back to camp only to be greeted by his worried siblings. With a sigh, the large Tom followed his siblings to the warriors den and slept. But sleep didn't come easy for Lionblaze. His through were still clouded with breeze pelt. Things went on as normal, well as normal a things can get when you find out your a half clan-medicine cat born. He was doing everything to keep his mind off of Breezepelt. Tonight was tha gather and he was going. He hoped and he hated that he hoped for this, he wanted Breezepelt there. He sighed, he would eat and rest until time to leave. And that he didn't. As his clan mate gathered to go to the gathering. He stayed at the back of the group. His paws felt heavy as he followed them to the gathering place. He looked around not expecting to see breezepelt. But he did, a small smile crept on his face at the sight of the small dark gray tom. He almost rushed over to him, but he stopped after one step. They were not friends or mates, They were brothers, he hold him. He sighed and sat down near his clanmates. His eyes never left breezepelt. The dark warrior locked eyes with Lionblaze. His once bright and cheerful eyes, were now dull with sadness. He turned his head not wanting to see his crush sad. Firestar called the cats attention. As the leaders got ready to speak, a yowl sounded. Lionblaze looked around confused, trying to found who had yowled. His heart stopped as he realized it was his sister. The black she-cat had yowled for everyones attention, What is she doing? He asked himself. She began to speak, "You may think you know-" she was cut off by firestar. "What do you think you are doing! You can't speak without talk to me first!" He snarled at her. She dipped her head. Onestar glared at the firey colored tom. "What is thunderclan trying to hide?" He asked Firestar, supision clear in his voice. "Thunderclan has nothing to hide!" He spat at the brown tabby. He turned to Hollyleaf, "you may speak but never, and I mean never do this again!" He said. She dipped her head and continued.
"You may think you know my and my siblings." She started. "You think that out parents are Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight" she glared at the dark ginger she-cat. "But they aren't our Parents are Leafpool, the thunderclan medicine cat, and Crowfeather, a wind warrior. " Cats gasped and Crowfeather and Nightcloud started fighting. Brambleclaw confronted Squirrelflight and Leafpool. Breezepelt took off running, tears streaming down his face. Lionblaze rushed after him. The back tom ran to the windclan border. He stopped and sobbed out. Lionblaze walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. The dark warrior sobbed into his chest fur. Lionblaze was filled with love and compassion for the windclan warrior. He licked the top of his head, and whispered. "I don't care that we are kin, I love you so much and I hope you feel the same" he said softly. Breezepelt looked up his face full of shock. He purred slightly. "I love you to! I don't care either." The two curled around one another and spent the night here.
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libidomechanica · 12 days
Hath bird; his in see me gold her at the up for we sheet, vale
Hath bird; his in see me gold her at the up for we sheet, vale. Yet in her quite narrow. Alarms could feel it his vain, by side to awayt ther—out the board pain howed with though. Ward rive watch sun, descene of his vales dimmering best, and that all dissolved. We take a virgins and drew on thee is nine. Soul in lone of tale: the city, than to coloures so long Lucified itself thee with fretful are peach a truel to make gold, whose bryday beauty, glittle soft being. At hast anxious of in Air! My pace of ever and in a littless’d any make hers at he dead; throned no do.
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coloradocowgirl3754 · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: JEFFREE STAR THE GLOSS LIP GLOSS SILK ROPE NEW IN PACKAGE.
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cassandralexxx · 3 months
Devastating turn of events
A: “oh yeah she hates Chinese people” me: what??? A: you know, this your little is racist me: NO I DID NOT 😟 -also she’s my glittle not my little- A: yeah and she’s like lowkey homophobic me: 😟😕☹️
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
wow if i had a nickel for every time my (sorority) little or glittle accidentally had a situationship with the same guy, id have three nickles. which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened thrice
i- omg 😭
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dee-g · 1 year
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love drawing this glittle gdoober
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thatbender · 1 year
my big is graduating literally in 3 days and I’m emo about it lol
I LOVE when alumni are grad students / fifth years!! I love when they can still be with us even though they are alumni. the support and wise friendships are truly amazing!!
my friend who is an alumni is a student teacher and is always weirded out by the fact that she technically is an alum, even though we are still super close to her as actives! (which is normal) but I would encourage trying to stay connected with your sorority even as an alum <3
I hope your fifth year works out for you <3
- 💜
Thank you for these anons!! Yea my big & little are both graduating this year. I adopted a freshman tho who’s big dropped & my other little has a glittle so they’re both here next year! I’ll probably come back to visit for big/little reveal & for frat serenades (bc who doesn’t like watching frat boys dance/sing & give flowers lol)
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swagmaxxer · 22 days
Hello vro 👅
snoobygobby glittle gratch mo schneep 👽
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