#global competetion
morningmantra · 10 months
India: India is the new leader in phone manufacturing
India: India is the new leader in phone manufacturing
Once upon a time, manufacturing of mobile phones was known as China. Madin China was the name everywhere. But now things have changed. India, which is advancing in all fields, is also creating records in the field of mobile manufacturing. India, which has reached the second position in this field, is likely to check China soon. Companies that are taking advantage of the product-based incentives…
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jemar · 24 days
Top 10 Academic UK and US Competitions for International Students
Competetion Prep
Participating in international competitions can be a transformative experience for students like you, allowing you to showcase your wit, earn recognition from reputable institutions, and even secure scholarships. International competition participation can even bring additional benefits such as gaining global exposure and expanding horizons, depending on your field of interest. If you are interested in competing, here are some competitions you can join, the ideal time to start preparing, and the different educational platforms that can help you.
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Top 10 Academic UK and US Competitions for International Students:
If you are an international student, there are plenty of competitions to choose from, ranging from academic challenges to creative contests. Here are some of the most popular ones:
1. International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO): The IMO is the oldest and most prestigious international mathematics competition for high school students. First held in Romania in 1959, it has since grown to become a global event and aims to challenge students with advanced mathematical problems that require creativity, insight, and rigorous problem-solving skills. The IMO is also a platform for students to demonstrate their mathematical abilities on an international stage. Eligible for students 20 years old and below on the day of the second contest paper (typically in July), the competition accepts a team of up to six students from each participating country. The selection of students is often based on national mathematics competitions.
2. Model United Nations (MUN): In MUN, students simulate the workings of the United Nations, debate global issues, and try to draft resolutions. This competition hones public speaking, diplomacy, and negotiation skills. Participants are selected by local organizers or by their school. If your school does not participate in it, you may opt to register online or through your local organizer. 
3. John Locke Essay Competition: Held annually by the John Locke Institute, the John Locke Essay Competition encourages critical thinking by writing on philosophical, political, and economic issues. The competition is open to ages 14-18, with different categories for younger and older participants. Through this competition, young people are encouraged to engage with challenging intellectual questions in subjects such as philosophy, politics, economics, history, and law.
4. Harvard International Review Academic Writing Contest (HIR AWC): Open to students between the ages of 13 to 18, this contest is an avenue for participants to showcase their research and writing skills on global issues and themes pre-chosen by the competition committee. The contest provides an opportunity to get published in HIR. 
5. Future Problem Solving Program International (FPSPI): FPSPI encourages students to think critically, work collaboratively, and propose innovative solutions to real-world problems. Founded in 1974, it has grown into a global competition involving thousands of students globally. The competition is divided into several components; the Global Issues Problem Solving (GIPS) where teams or individuals analyze a scenario related to a global issue and follow a six-step problem-solving process to propose solutions; the Community Problem Solving (CmPS) where students identify and address problems within their communities, creating and implementing action plans to solve them; Scenario writing where each participant write narratives set at least 20 years in the future, based on one of the year’s global topics and; the Scenario performance where similar to scenario writing but focuses on oral storytelling.
6. The Conrad Challenge: This competition is an annual, multi-disciplinary innovation competition for high school students to develop innovative solutions to global problems. Named after astronaut Charles "Pete" Conrad, the competition seeks to inspire young people to think like entrepreneurs and use their creativity to address real-world challenges. The competition is divided into several phases where students will outline their innovative ideas, develop a business plan, and present their projects to a panel of judges at the Conrad Innovation Summit. 
7. National History Day (NHD): Founded in 1974 in Cleveland, Ohio, NHD aims to enhance research skills and understanding of history through research, writing, presentation, and critical thinking. There are 2 categories, the Junior Division (Grades 6-8) and the Senior Division (Grades 9-12). Students will have to choose a historical topic related to an annual theme and then conduct in-depth research using primary and secondary sources.
8. The World Scholar’s Cup (WSC): An academic team competition for students aged 11-18, the WSC combines debate, writing, and multiple-choice challenges. Founded in 2007, it aims to foster collaboration, public speaking, and creative thinking in students worldwide. In teams of three, students engage in debates on a variety of topics, individually write essays on different prompts, a multiple-choice quiz, and a fast-paced team quiz which all test students' knowledge across six subjects, including science, history, literature, art, music, and social studies.
9. Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF): Founded by the Society for Science, ISEF is the world's largest pre-college science competition. Open to high school students from around the world (usually winners of affiliated fairs), ISEF provides scholarships, recognition, and networking opportunities with top scientists and universities through scientific research, presentation, and critical thinking. It also encourages students to tackle real-world problems using scientific methods and to present their findings to a global audience.
10. American Regions Mathematics League (ARML): ARML is an international math competition where teams of high school students compete in challenging mathematics problems that are open to high school students globally, with teams often including students from international schools. It aims to foster a love for mathematics among high school students, promote teamwork, and challenge participants with complex mathematical problems.
What do you need to prepare for a competition?
Time is crucial when it comes to competition preparation. Ideally, you should start preparing at least six months in advance, especially for highly competitive and challenging competitions. 
Aside from early preparation, here are other 5 tips to consider:
Follow the guidelines - Each competition has a different guideline. For example, essay writing competitions have a required citation format. Some competitions have a theme, like the HIR AWC. Make sure you follow this to ensure that your submission is impeccable. 
Practice - For academic Olympiads, participating in timed mock tests will help simulate the competition environment. Reviewing and solving the previous years' problems can also build your familiarity and knowledge when doing tests. 
Focus on honing skills - For essay competitions, you need to spend ample time refining your writing and research skills. You must choose a topic early on, conduct extensive research, and draft multiple versions of your essay to ensure it's polished and well-argued. To be at ease, you may avail of writing exercise services to make sure that your essay is polished to perfection. For public speaking or debate competitions, pronunciation exercises can help you get comfortable and enhance your confidence leading up to the competition.
Stay consistent and manage stress - In any competition, consistency is key. Set a study schedule and stick to it, even if it's just a little progress each day. Managing stress is also crucial—balance your preparation with relaxation and activities to avoid burnout.
Use Available Resources - Use educational platforms, books, and past papers to deepen your understanding. You may also avail one-on-one tutoring sessions with experts who specialize in your competition area. By attending online tutoring sessions, you have the chance to be more prepared for any competition you’ll join.
What are the benefits of online tutoring services?
Several online tutoring services provide tailored tutoring services to help you maximize your potential so you can excel in competitions. Here’s how:
1. Personalized Coaching - Online tutoring services offer one-on-one coaching sessions that are optimized to your specific competition needs. Whether you’re preparing for the IMO or the John Locke Essay Competition, the plethora of expert tutors from different fields can guide you through the process.
2. Comprehensive Resources - Online tutoring services provide access to numerous application tools and other relevant resources like practice tests. These are designed to equip you with the right knowledge and give you an edge during the competition.
3. Confidence Building - Preparing for competitions can be daunting, but online tutoring services help build confidence through constructive and personalized feedback. You will also identify and address your specific areas of weaknesses well before the competition starts.
4. Flexible Scheduling - Online tutoring services offer flexible tutoring sessions, allowing you to attend sessions at your convenience. You can even pick a tutor who matches your learning style and needs.
Preparing for an international competition can feel overwhelming but by starting early and following these steps, you can significantly boost your chances of winning. With focused preparation, you’ll not only deepen your knowledge and improve your skills but also gain the confidence to stand out among the best. So, if you’re planning to enter a competition, the time to start is today!
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branded-perceptions · 4 months
Our individual, local or via global identity bubbles in-group pieces' focus of mental symbolic🔢🎅🔡 interfaces metaphorical "Führer"🧭 of our motivations' (🔍in-group love, 🔍brand love, 🔍ideologies) competetive races chases / social aspirations
is connected via our shared collective sense-makings reputation "heaven"🤥😷😇 of collective aspirations'
of globally shared sentiments / aspirations / social rewards / sense-makings
we introspect / reflect ourselves in about our (groups, interpersonal) actions
of our mental🌛 sense-makings relation🌞 to our life force
(🎵OH GUTER MOND AM FIRMANENT: 🔍medieval Allegory of sun and moon)
we via our psychological ID🍌💦 of our minds motivations associate symbolically🔢🎅🔡 shared emotional🧭♥️🧭 calibrations to
naturally loosing sight of causal effects in attention shadows of its cold social incentives' "coolness"
whose shared psychosis we become more aware of via our for these ironic processes biologically evolved sense of goofy irony
about any reputation managed social habits / constructs / stories
focal lenses like celebrity stars (🎵STERNE IM HIMMEL🤥😷😇)
we use to assess our own motivations💗 direction
that we calibrate moral judgements upon
with rarely by own initiative looking or exploring to empathise with its psychosis' attention shadows' reality testing judgement
of causal effects consequences💉☠️💔 of shared fantasy💸💉💸 motivations
especially by those socially rewarded by it
thus unconsciously reputation managing🎭 it away
similar like during group-narcissisms🏟👏👏 ("Nazi"cissms) peer-pressure "shots"⚽️ Holocaust (🎵OH OH)
"positive" inauthentic peer-pressure story hypes' mimetic passions
🎵LA LA (Los ANGELes🤥😷😇🥤)
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wynikpolskawyspyowcze · 6 months
Kiedy powstał popularny shooter CS:GO?
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Kiedy powstał popularny shooter CS:GO?
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, znane również jako CS:GO, to popularna gra komputerowa typu first-person shooter stworzona przez Valve Corporation i Hidden Path Entertainment. Historia powstania CS:GO sięga roku 2012, kiedy to zostało oficjalnie wydane.
Początki serii Counter-Strike sięgają roku 1999, gdy powstała pierwsza gra z tej serii - Counter-Strike. CS:GO stało się czwartą główną odsłoną serii i szybko zyskało ogromną popularność na całym świecie, zarówno wśród zawodowych graczy, jak i amatorów.
Podczas rozwoju CS:GO deweloperzy mieli za zadanie nie tylko zachować elementy charakterystyczne dla poprzednich części serii, ale także wprowadzić nowe funkcje, poprawić grafikę i optymalizację oraz zbalansować rozgrywkę. Dzięki regularnym aktualizacjom i turniejom e-sportowym, CS:GO utrzymało swoją pozycję jednej z najbardziej popularnych gier online.
CS:GO oferuje różnorodne tryby rozgrywki, takie jak Deathmatch, Arms Race czy Competetive, co przyciąga różnorodne grono graczy o zróżnicowanych preferencjach. Gra umożliwia także spersonalizowanie postaci oraz uzbrojenia, co dodaje element strategii do rozgrywki.
Historia powstania CS:GO jest historią sukcesu, która przyczyniła się do wzrostu popularności gier komputerowych jako dyscypliny sportowej. Gra nadal cieszy się ogromną popularnością i zapewne będzie miała długą przyszłość wśród miłośników strzelanek online.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, czyli popularny shooter znany jako CS:GO, od lat cieszy się ogromną popularnością wśród miłośników gier komputerowych. Gra rozwija się nieustannie, dostarczając fanom nowych emocji i wyzwań.
Jednym z głównych obszarów rozwoju CS:GO jest system turniejowy, który pozwala zawodowcom rywalizować na najwyższym poziomie. Coroczne mistrzostwa świata, znane jako Major, przyciągają uwagę milionów widzów z całego świata. Profesjonalne drużyny rywalizują o ogromne nagrody pieniężne, co sprawia, że esport staje się coraz bardziej popularny i uznanym sportem.
Kolejnym ważnym elementem rozwoju CS:GO są regularne aktualizacje gry, wprowadzające nowe mapy, bronie i zmiany w mechanice rozgrywki. Deweloperzy stale pracują nad balansem rozgrywki, aby zapewnić uczciwe warunki dla graczy i zachować atrakcyjność rozgrywki na długie lata.
CS:GO ma również aktywną społeczność modderów, którzy tworzą nowe tryby gry, skórki broni i inne dodatki, które urozmaicają doświadczenie graczy. Dzięki nim, gra jest stale świeża i interesująca, zachęcając do dalszej eksploracji i wspólnej zabawy.
Wszystkie te czynniki sprawiają, że CS:GO pozostaje jednym z najpopularniejszych shooterów na rynku i zyskuje coraz większe uznanie w świecie esportu. Rozwój gry nieustannie trwa, zapewniając fanom wiele emocji i wyzwań do pokonania.
Premiera gry CS: GO to wydarzenie, na które fani gier komputerowych czekali z niecierpliwością. Gra została wydana w 2012 roku przez Valve Corporation i Hidden Path Entertainment. CS: GO to kolejna odsłona kultowej serii Counter-Strike, która zyskała ogromną popularność dzięki emocjonującym rozgrywkom wieloosobowym.
Nowa odsłona gry przyniosła wiele innowacji i ulepszeń w porównaniu do poprzednich części. Poprawiono grafikę, dodano nowe mapy, bronie oraz tryby rozgrywki. Premiera CS: GO była wielkim sukcesem, przyciągając miliony graczy z całego świata.
Jednym z najbardziej charakterystycznych elementów gry jest jej zrównoważony system rozgrywki, który sprawia, że gracze muszą współpracować i planować taktyki, aby osiągnąć sukces. Ponadto CS: GO stał się popularnym tytułem na scenie esportowej, gdzie zawodowi gracze rywalizują ze sobą w turniejach na całym świecie.
Premiera gry CS: GO była przełomowym momentem dla całej serii i przyczyniła się do jej dalszego rozwoju. Gra nadal cieszy się ogromną popularnością i ma silne wsparcie społeczności graczy. Dla fanów strzelanek i współzawodnictwa CS: GO jest niezapomnianym doświadczeniem, które warto przeżyć.
Kontrastując z popularnymi grami, w Counter-Strike: Global Offensive wielką wagę przypisuje się twórcom. Twórcy gry CS:GO to ekipa Valve Corporation, znana ze swoich innowacyjnych gier i platformy Steam. Głównymi osobami odpowiedzialnymi za powstanie tej wciągającej strzelanki są Minh Le i Jess Cliff.
Minh Le, znany również jako „Gooseman”, to programista i projektant gier pochodzący z Kanady. Wraz z innymi członkami zespołu, Minh Le był kluczową postacią w rozwoju pierwszej wersji Counter-Strike. Jego wkład w stworzenie tego tytułu sprawił, że stał się on jednym z najbardziej znanych FPS-ów na świecie.
Drugi z twórców, Jess Cliff, znany również jako „Cliffe”, był projektantem gier i artystą komputerowym. Jego praca nad Counter-Strike, zwłaszcza nad mapami i elementami graficznymi, przyczyniła się do sukcesu gry i jej popularności wśród graczy na całym świecie.
Dzięki determinacji i zaangażowaniu twórców, CS:GO stało się grą esportową o ogromnej renomie. Ich profesjonalizm i pasja do tworzenia gier sprawiły, że Counter-Strike: Global Offensive jest jednym z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych tytułów w branży e-sportowej. Wielu graczy i fanów docenia wkład Minh Le i Jessa Cliffa w rozwój tej legendarnej gry, która nadal zachwyca i inspiruje nowe pokolenia graczy na całym świecie.
Popularność gry komputerowej Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, znanej także jako CS:GO, wśród graczy na całym świecie jest imponująca. Ta dynamiczna strzelanka pierwszoosobowa zdobyła ogromną popularność od momentu swojego debiutu w 2012 roku. CS:GO oferuje intensywną rozgrywkę wieloosobową, w której gracze rywalizują ze sobą w różnych trybach rozgrywki.
Jednym z kluczowych czynników, które przyczyniły się do sukcesu CS:GO, jest balansowane rozgrywki oraz system rankingowy, który motywuje graczy do doskonalenia swoich umiejętności. Ponadto, regularne aktualizacje gry wprowadzają nowe mapy, bronie i zmiany balansu, co sprawia, że gra pozostaje świeża i interesująca dla stałych graczy.
Turnieje esportowe CS:GO cieszą się ogromnym zainteresowaniem widzów na całym świecie. Profesjonalne drużyny rywalizują o wysokie nagrody w prestiżowych zawodach, przyciągając setki tysięcy widzów zarówno na miejscu, jak i online. Wspólnoty graczy CS:GO są aktywne na różnych platformach społecznościowych, gdzie dzielą się strategiami, wskazówkami i emocjami związanymi z grą.
CS:GO to nie tylko gra komputerowa, ale także fenomen kulturowy, który zjednocza miliony graczy z różnych zakątków świata. Popularność tej gry nie maleje, a co więcej, wydaje się rosnąć z każdym rokiem, przyciągając coraz większą liczbę pasjonatów strzelanek pierwszoosobowych.
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I like playing tetris. I have played alot of tetris and i like to think that im not that bad at it.
usaly i play on Tetr.io, a fan made website for very competetive tetris players that features faster gameplay then official tetris games.
tetr.io has a rating system for playeres in what they call "TETRA LEAGUE". its a normal rating system similar to elo where when you win a game you gain "TR" (im assuming it stands for tetra rating) and once you get enough TR you rise to the next rank.
when i started playing i improved quickly and ended up in A+ rank, then i slowly fought my way to S- and then to S.
now I feel ive started to stagnate, and that never feels good, i started feeling that i was bad at the game and i couldn't help but feel like i was inheritly infirior to the youtubers i watched who could play so fast that i could barly understand what i was looking at.
Then i looked at the other stats that tetr.io provides. acording to it im in the top 9000 global players on the website. that dosent chear me up much on its own because 9000 is a lot of players, but then i thought of it as proper statistics. because of the nature of the the website as one of the most competitive forms of tetris, there probably aren't that many players who are better then me who don't play on that wbsite so assuming im top 10000 that means im top 10000 out of 8000000000 people. even if for every person on the website who was better then me there would be 10 on other tetris games i would still be top 100000 in the world wich would be top 0.00001% of people on earth.
with tetris this doen't meen all that much, but I think you could apply this logic to find out your better then you think at whatever niche hobby you have. think about how few people even try to do what you do. some because they dont want to, and many because they cant. maybe im better at writing then i think.
A friend of mine likes drawing (i dont. i write occasionally) and seems to suffer from a bit of imposter syndrom, like any other artist. one of the stupid things I say to try and cheer her up is that i couldn't hope to draw neerly as good as her. she retorts by saying "yes of course im better then you, you dont draw.". I understand how she feels but i feel like shes missing the point. If I did draw as a kid like everybody else but i wasn't good at it, i didn't have passion for it, so i never took the time to improve my drawing. the fact that you draw better then the avrage person is not to be taken for granted. the fact that your better than 99.9 percent of humans at drawing meens your good at drawing, regardless if that 99.9 percent have ever tried drawing or not. it shows talent and dedication and passion and that makes you good at what you do.
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top10legend · 10 months
Jump Into The Competetion With New Skill’s: Get Chance To Learn New Courses With Official-Coursera
In a world where the only constant is change, the key to staying ahead in the competition lies in continuous learning and skill development. Enter the realm of Official Coursera, a dynamic platform that doesn’t just offer courses but opens a gateway to a universe of new skills, transforming the way we approach professional growth. This blog is your guide to diving headfirst into the competitive arena, arming yourself with the latest and most relevant skills, all made possible by the curated excellence of Official Coursera.
Official Coursera is not just a repository of courses; it’s a treasure trove of knowledge curated by experts and institutions of global repute. Whether you’re looking to master the intricacies of data science, explore the nuances of creative writing, or delve into the realms of artificial intelligence, Coursera offers a diverse array of courses designed to elevate your skill set and propel you into the competitive fray.
Learning on Coursera is not a passive experience; it’s an interactive journey where you actively engage with the content, absorb knowledge, and apply it in real-world scenarios. The platform’s intuitive interface ensures that acquiring new skills is not just educational but an immersive experience that prepares you for the challenges of the professional landscape.
Elevate Your Expertise: Coursera’s Top Courses For Skill Mastery
At the core of Coursera’s allure is its unparalleled collection of top courses, each a carefully curated journey towards skill mastery. These courses span a myriad of disciplines, from technical domains like data science and programming to soft skills such as leadership and communication. Whether you are an aspiring data analyst looking to harness the power of Python or a seasoned professional aiming to refine your negotiation skills, Coursera’s catalog is a treasure trove waiting to be explored.
The beauty of Coursera’s top courses lies not only in their diversity but in their alignment with industry needs. Each course is a strategic piece in the puzzle of professional development, offering a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application. The platform collaborates with industry leaders and top institutions to ensure that the content is not just relevant but anticipates the evolving demands of the job market. As a learner, you are not merely acquiring information; you are mastering skills that will set you apart in your career.
One of the defining features of Coursera’s top courses is the flexibility they afford to learners. Recognizing that individuals have diverse learning styles and schedules, Coursera allows you to engage with the material at your own pace. Whether you are a working professional seeking to upskill during your lunch break or a student looking to complement your academic curriculum, Coursera adapts to your rhythm, making skill mastery accessible to everyone, everywhere.
The platform’s user-friendly interface further enhances the learning experience. Navigating through the courses is intuitive, and the interactive elements, such as quizzes, assignments, and peer-reviewed projects, transform learning from a passive endeavor into an engaging journey. Coursera goes beyond traditional methods, leveraging technology to create an immersive environment that mirrors real-world scenarios, ensuring that the skills you acquire are not confined to theory but are immediately applicable in your professional life.
Coursera’s commitment to skill mastery extends beyond individual courses, encompassing entire specializations and professional certificates. These comprehensive programs provide a structured learning path, guiding you through a sequence of courses that build upon each other, culminating in a credential that carries weight in the job market. Specializations are tailored to specific domains, allowing you to deepen your expertise in areas that align with your career goals.
What sets Coursera apart is not just the content but the global community it fosters. As you embark on your journey of skill mastery, you become part of a diverse community of learners from around the world. Discussion forums, collaborative projects, and peer interactions create a dynamic ecosystem where knowledge is not just acquired but shared. Engaging with peers brings a richness to the learning experience, offering diverse perspectives and insights that go beyond the confines of the course material.
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WEEK THREE--GIRL INNOVATORS           Venus and Serena (King Richard)
1. Do you think the film was appropriately titled? If not, what title would you suggest?
I do understand the reasoning behind the title of this film I do not think that it was necessarily the right title choice. Although Venus and Serena’s father had much to do with their careers I think that making the title more focused on the people that had the talent that put them on the map. I do believe that it was an exciting choice to name the film King Richard to show a sense of the origin of the girl’s careers and the impact that their dad had on both of the girl’s careers. Richard was overbearing and I think that adds to the aspect of the movie being titled King Richard. He sought out people to scout them and spent countless hours practicing with the girls but having the title be something that is again more centered on Venus and Serena could be positive. 
2. Comment on the sisterhood of Venus and Serena as depicted in the film. Does it give with their public personas as you perceived them over the years? How have they changed the notion of 'sisterhood' and competition in the sports landscape?
From the start of the film it is clear that Venus and Serena truly love and care about one another. Serena says stuff like Venus is her best friend etc. As the film progresses even when Venus goes to train with the coach Serena supports her but still has a sense of sadness. Another aspect that showed the girls connection to eachother was the way that they built up there careers together and encouraged eachother. The girls continued to eachothers biggest supporters and best friends. I think that because they allowed there bond to be so strong and not allow competetion to affect that the sisterhood aspect in sports changed. Whenever I heard the girls names during heights of their tennis careers I thought of them together as sisters which I think many others had the same reactions when seeing them on television or in other public events. 
3. When did you first become aware of the Williams sisters? What was your reaction when they first arrived on the tennis circuit? How did it impact you personally?
I believe that I was relatively young when the Williams sisters came into the conversation. I do remember hearing adults around me or other older people talk about these tennis stars but I didn’t completely realize the extent of the impact that careers had on the public. I dont think that it impacted me personally initially but then seeing the sisters in action as I got older it truly gave me goosebumps to see what they both could accomplish on the court. 
4. How did the Williams sisters disrupt global tennis? Why does it matter?
The williams sisters disrupted global tennis for a multitude of reasons. First off being the fact that they were both young black woman tennis players playing a sport that was predominantly white people playing. On top of being a minority within this game that was created for upper class white people these girls crushed every game they played. On top of that they made records in tennis matches etc. This mattered for many different reasons but most of all these girls allowed for others to see their determination and become inspired by that. 
5. Would you consider Venus and Serena to be 'warrior girl icons'? Explain why, and provide examples from the film.
They both definitely should be considered “warrior girl icons” for so many different reasons. As younger children they would go to predominantly white tennis clubs encouraged by their father, which was not a common occurrence as these girls came from low income housing areas. Both of these sisters were able to accomplish so much while being young black girls in a white dominated sport. I also think that the scene where Venus walks out of her match and all of the kids and people are waiting for her and getting signatures is very significant. It shows how even though she lost the match she was inspiring so many people around her. Furthermore these girls practiced non stop and had so much determination to succeed which is truly amazing. 
6. Do you think it significant that they were both named after goddesses? Discuss how they stepped into a reinvention of Greek and Roman mythology. Does the film address this adequately? 
I think that this aspect is interesting especially considering that Serena later named her child Olympia. Venus is know to mean various things but one being victory. I think their father had such large life plans for these sisters that he wanted them to have a name or title to live up to, which ultimately they did. 
6. How is their mother represented in the film? Is she given equal status to the father? Thoughts on this depiction?
The mother Brandy is not given equal status when compared to the father Richard. When venus went to train with the coach the mother took her time to train Serena, who ultimately became just as big of a star. Brandy most definitely deserves more credit as she was doing training with Serena when Richard was not even training either one of the daughters. I do think that Richard went to drastic measures in order to make the girls succeed, although their mother Brandy was also there for many of the girl's event making it strange to me why she is not shed light on as much. As I previously mentioned I think there is a reason they chose to shed more light on Richard rather than Brandy. I believe that the goal of the film was to show how much Richard pushed the girls and the way that he acted throughout their careers and the efforts he made which is why I believe that Richard was a more present character throughout the film. 
8. What role has Serena played in raising awareness of maternal health issues specific to women of color?
Serena Williams has gone to great lengths in order to raise awareness among women of color about maternal health. She has recently come out with films in order to raise awareness and has also become apart of a 3 million dollar investment in a tech startup in order to shed light on this issue. “Black mothers die at a rate that’s 3.3 times greater than for white mothers. The CDC says a lack of access to health care, missed or delayed diagnoses, and failures by doctors or nurses contribute to those deaths.” From the article linked below, I found this quote that was quite shocking. I think that it is very admirable that Serena is spending her time and money on an issue like this. She was raised in her early years with not as many resources as a white woman would have and she could've experienced difficulties at her birth that could've been fatal if she didn't have the resources she does now. 
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therealmackenson10 · 6 years
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The Gingerbread house decorations came out great this year!! It’s going to be a tough decision to see who wins. ⛄️ 🎄
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helloecoleglobale · 5 years
What are the skills required for a future professional to stand out among the rest
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The genuine motivation behind education lies in expanding future opportunities and a better career path for our young generation. Make them independent and self-sufficient along with the necessary knowledge and skills to live a good life. With time, the kids grow up to be the free people equipped for dealing with the challenges put forth by their respective lives. They must be all times armed. In any case, all-encompassing improvement incongruity with the advanced training must be guaranteed if the kids get explicit education and knowledge in the aptitudes that are viewed as fundamental in the 21st-century. Ecole Globale Girls’ International School for girls has been outstanding in developing such life skills in their students. The future market will most likely be of a different kind having different dynamics of the working capabilities of the workforce. However, from the patterns that the market follows today, a portion of the much-requested abilities can be prognosticated with assurance. A school plays a vital role in imparting this knowledge. Ecole Globale has been named as the best boarding school in Dehradun.
Realizing the course books are never enough for any child to ace the aptitudes that would assist them with turning into a fruitful expert professional later on. If we want our kids to seek after the best professional open doors later on, we need to ensure that their planning lies on firm grounds. Much the same as without watering, plants can’t develop into trees, so are the children, who need steady help to develop into certain and professional and better civilians.
Here, we are sharing some of the abilities, acing which can unquestionably help to enlighten the way forward for the youthful buds and empower them to inch nearer towards the best open doors that the future holds for them-
Relational abilities
To turn into an expert with a promising profession, later on, acing relational abilities is an absolute necessity. The more the relational abilities build up, the more the certainty level gets a lift. With the correct words verbally expressed at the ideal time and in the correct way, the greater part of the issues and difficulties can be fathomed in the expert world. Also, for directors, marketing administrators, educators, business visionaries’ etc. acing correspondence expertise is essential to thrive in the related spaces. Knowing the knickknacks of correspondence consistently helps in making the establishment more grounded and the future more splendid.
Group Leading Skills
A fundamental aptitude to ace in the expert professional scene of present-day times is the capacity to lead a group splendidly. Pretty much every calling and all social statuses request probably some measure of group leading aptitudes. In this manner, figuring out how to be a pioneer can always turn out to be beneficial for children. Besides, group leading aptitudes makes an individual equipped for dealing with a few undertakings one after another, taking care of individuals from various backgrounds, and taking up liability for the results overall. This, consequently, empowers the development of children into dependable individuals. By causing children to take an interest in different grouping exercises and exhibitions, they can without much of a stretch, learn the skills to be a pioneer.
Critical thinking Skills
Clashes and issues are basic to life. This is the reason it is significant that as opposed to getting children far from these to encounters, they should be permitted to confront a lot of issues. This assists with making them mindful of the circumstances and their complexities that they will be presented within life ahead, and along these lines, serves to hone and refine their critical thinking skills. Even in the professional world, individuals face a bunch of issues identified with a wide assortment of issues every day. An individual, very much, offset with critical thinking abilities is constantly favoured as he/she realizes how to take the issues in a positive way and concoct a reasonable arrangement.
We, at Ecole Globale International School, positioned as the top boarding school in India, believe that as opposed to shadowing the kids each and every moment, it is important to let them achieve genuine encounters. All things considered, the experience they acquire will advance their extent of information and make them progressively fitting for their professional life ahead. This is the reason for supporting the relational abilities of our students through everyday discussions, we, at Ecole Globale, likewise organize debate sessions, group conversations, oration competitions, and a lot more exercises that assist them with picking up certainty and confidence. Through standard games, exercises, clubs, group ventures, and so on, we keep the kids occupied with groups to assist them with sustaining their group leading ability. At Ecole Globale International School, we have consistently strived to make every student trained to coordinate the necessities of life to guarantee a brilliant professional path for each one of them.
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gloocall-blog · 7 years
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Has your company been accredited by Gloocall yet? #gloocall #business #network #global #accreditation #confidence #success #competetive #GetAccredited (at Stockholm, Sweden)
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nomadbeer · 5 years
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why do we are in so much rush? while we know that when we get 200 we wish for 400. while we know that we will never be satisfied. why don't we just sit and calm for a moment and just let go of this global rush, global competetion, global misery and global luxury? love is all what we need, so to where we are rushing? do you agree? or you still wanna run? what do you think? . . . [email protected] Https://nomad.beer #Travel #nomad #backpacker #digitalnomad #NomadBeer #Photography #landscape #picture #travel_photo #spirituality #Antalya #turkey #wanderlust #calmness #summer #sky #seat #competetion #global #think #مسافرت #جهانگردی #کوله_گردی #سفر #نومدبیر #زندگی #ترکیه #آنتالیا #تابستان (at somewhere in antalya) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzsGkKkBRN7/?igshid=12x9cqgevrsm9
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netmaxims1129 · 3 years
NetMaxims Technologies | Make your website flourish in this competetive business world after knowing these shady practices that many big eCommerce Companies practice to dominate globally.
For eCommerce Development Services Visit us at https://netmaxims.com/
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hgullapalli2000 · 4 years
--How to make better use of surging forex inflows into India 🇮🇳 ? --
2021 would be the year of tremendous global capital inflows due to awash of global liquidity released by G4+ nations to bring their economies out of the clutch of deflation will hit Indian economy. India has to tread carefully to achieve the best out of surging inflows.
Some scenarios:
Excessive forex intervention leads to huge domestic inflation if it is not done then currency appreciation that would hurt export competetiveness of India.
Higher interest rates would accentuate the problem of higher forex inflows and lowering of interest rates to deter foreign inflows would accelerate inflation.
So, the best way to come out of this tricky situation is increasing fiscal deficit target to 8% on the back of magnanimous increase in infra spend that will increase current account deficit to increase #globalcompetetiveness of exports and inturn it will keep #Rupee value down to boost exports. This is like killing two birds in one stone !
I request GoI to go through this recommendation and implement it judiciously that can help GoI to escape out of this 'chakravyuh' of increased forex inflow and tepid exports.
Dr.Gullapalli H.S.
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team-maelstrom-al · 4 years
 My list of the most dangerous members of Maelstrom (that I know) ranked. This is taking into account personality as well as abilities, influence, pokemon and equipment. This is from what I have both experienced and understood.
No. 7 and no. 8 are Logan and Blueberry they are rated here as I do not know much about them. They will be moved if required when I learn more.
No. 6 is Vess. Overall they are among the most mysterious of the team. I know virtually nothing about their past. However, their abilities are minimal with the most notable being their office seemingly both existing and not simultaneously. Their face is unknown but their aura suggests very few, if any special abilities. Their team isn’t too powerful. They don’t appear to have any known influence outside of Maelstrom but with Maelstrom backing them they could be a real threat.
No. 5 is Ellis. Truthfully, unless something changes drastically in Ellis’ personality, he is barely a danger. He is a kind person, if not a little chaotic, and lacking in common sense. But, he very clearly is unlikely to bring harm to people (outside of Ghetsis but he fucking deserved it). He can however, turn into a Reshiram and he has a strong team of mainly dragon type pokemon. Ellis is the dragon type gym leader of Unova, and as such has a large amount of influence.
No. 4 is Twyne. Twyne is not a threat alone. He has very little in the way’s of physical abilities and is devoid of special abilities. The threat comes from his alternates and his shop. Twyne’s alternates are a dimension hopping army that could likely wipe out this planet. They are numerous and have their own powerful equipment. His shop also contain unfathomable amounts of stuff of almost any variety. If he were to enlist somebody and arm them from his shop, there’s no telling how dangerous that could be. He is unlikely to do this though as he seems quite content with how he is living right now. He has a very weak team of a mimikyu and 5 dittos and no known influence outside of his alternates.
No. 3 is Lemon. You would think I would rate Lemon No. 1 or 2 but her personality drags her down quite far. So let’s talk about that. She is relatively excitable, happy go lucky, and nice. She cares for others and often objects to doing serious, serious crimes. She has dozens of special abilities that I will not list, but they mostly pertain to portals and psychic powers. She is a faller and has no memory of her past over 4 years ago. This doesn’t effect her rating. She is highly intelligent when it comes to pokemon, but has no common sense. She has hopped between many worlds and has experiences in all of them. Her pokemon are extremely powerful, some even able to vocallise english. She has multiple legendary pokemon and is a major danger because of this. Equipment wise she typically carries a concealed weapon, nothing too special. As a former champion she has an astounding amount of global influence. She also is friends with several other champions and powerful trainers.
No. 2 is, surprisingly, Al. His personality is very much dangerous. Though he is loyal, he is 100% down to kill someone or do whatever is needed to accomplish his goals. The most dangerous part is when he is tired. When he is tired he loses all “morals” he had. This results in insane ideas that can cause untold amounts of collateral damage. He has 3 relevant abilities, his aura sight, his aura disruption, and near immunity to psychic and magical abilities that directly effect him. His aura sight is exactly as it sounds, he can see auras this tells him basic personality type, special abilities and more. This can also be used to track people. Aura disruption is also exactly as it sounds. When he disrupts someone’s aura they experience an intense dizzyness, and can no longer use any special abilities not directly related to genetics (he can disable Lemon’s powers but not Ellis’). Finally, the psychic immunity thing is specific to telepathy, telekinesis and magic with the same effects. He has 8 pokemon including Sparx, his shiny shinx. They are each very powerful (lv. 100 competetive sets). He has several types of firearms, body armour and other such items. He also has a crystal that allows him to dimension hop that he got from a Twyne alternate. He is an officer at Interpol and heir to a criminal empire. He has a lot of influence in the criminal underworld and a smaller amount outside of that.
No. 1 can only go to Sophie. Sophie is both murderous and a little childish. She is extremely dangerous. She can create portals to her own “spite dimension” and trap people there. She may have other abilities that are unknown. She is one of the members that I know the least about. She constantly has a knife and some artifacts from Twyne’s shop. Her pokemon are strong and well trained. She doesn’t appear to have any influence outside of Maelstrom.
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flusterfluffwrites · 4 years
I’ve written about my MMO experiences as a unique class before, just not on this blog. I’ve told stories of war, and of defending against assassin squads, but this? This is something else.
For those of you who do not recall, the MMO in question is a private PvP server of Perfect World International, and I was this server’s first, and to my knowledge, only “professional” Heavy Armor Venomancer. It’s a Magic-based class that gets a lot of debuffs and a few heavy damage spells that scale off of magic stats, but I took it in a vitality/tank direction that this server had never seen before. It was particularly effective at keeping single target physical attackers off of my healer, disabling enemy healers at range with a debuff, and surviving damn near anything. I was frequently mocked for my lack of damage, and inability to kill, but my usefulness in mass PvP combat was hard to deny for anyone that had me on their team. One instance we won, in a competetive game mode, was 32(36 in the last third) to 50 (56-58 by the latter half), only possible because of the “flex squad” roaming around with basically three ranged DPS, a healer, an off healer, a CC melee DPS, and myself, making the other three branches of our force neigh unkillable, even against stacked numbers.
Outside of mass-PvP, I often got ganked by squads of three or more players who tried to teach me “how good DPS is and why I suck”. They killed me once. While I was AFK. 4v1. And failed to kill me countless times, because I was careful, clever, and tricksy.
This story isn’t about them, though. This story isn’t about combat. This story is about politics, and a Faction who named themselves “Ruthless”. And a man who denied what happened until the day he left the game, despite having his at-the-time wife, and three ranking officers witness it. Now, I didn’t fit in many places. I got mocked for my build, and told to get lost everywhere. Everywhere, that is, except a faction who needed manpower, and didn’t quite realize at first that I was a Heavy Armor veno. Probably. I don’t know the exact circumstances, but I got in. I got along well with many of the members, and we achieved many victories together. They were my friends. I liked them. Most of them, anyway.
We fought and laughed, laughed and fought. Provoked our enemies, caused all sorts of drama, and won consistently. They certainly lost, but... maybe by coincidence, they didn’t lose a single Territory War that I was involved in. Not until the end. Not until I stopped caring.
Captain was certainly... an interesting leader. He let most of the internal affairs of our faction resolve themselves. There was drama, yeah. There were slight power disputes. Most of which were resolved by his wife and second in command. He was our battlefield commander, sure, but the second in command ran our day-to-day operations. And, to some extent, I helped. I didn’t get a named rank, but everyone eventually came to know me, and I helped a lot of people through their personal, real-life problems, always lending an ear when they had an issue, even occasionally issues with other members.
Things... Strained. Eventually to the point of snapping. Captain and his wife, who will remain unnamed so that this post doesn’t show up if she googles her IGN, got in a fight. I was... asked to listen by his wife, and got called a traitor for siding with her over him. Even though I hadn’t said a word, offered any advice, or lent any support to one side or the other. The faction split, and I ended up on “her side” of it, just because he called me a traitor.
At the time, I had a really, really strong complex about loyalty, and did my best to be impartial and listen to everyone. And, despite this, I was apparently a traitor? He stormed off, and things wound down over the next couple days as we prepared for a territory war. I waited patiently for him to come back online, and it took until the day before what was to be our last territory war. 
He had called me a traitor. Yelled at half our faction for no reason, and honestly, his wife was being a bit of a bitch about it too. I was done. So done. I did nothing up to that point to be anything but loyal, and he apparently wanted a traitor, so a traitor is what he got. I dialed up a person that I had a long-standing grudge against. A very long-standing grudge against. Those who have been here a while may remember the guy who got polymorphed into a cat every day for a year and a half. The leader of our biggest rival faction. Yeah, him. I typed out in guild chat to get our guild leader’s attention. Asked why he called me a traitor, while he was standing outside a safe zone, getting things prepared for the coming battle. I don’t remember what his response was, I just remember the next six seconds. Fourteen inputs. Flawless timing and execution. Less than a quarter second allowed error room between using things on and off my global cooldown. Six debuffs appeared over his head. Seven as GCD rotated off, eight as my oGCDs refreshed. Dead. Our leader. A tank class. Died to a pure support build. An angry pure support build, mocked for her inability to kill or do damage. An angry pure support that carried his faction’s weight on her shoulders. And told to fuck off as the faction’s name and icon  over my head disappeared, and changed to be that of our greatest enemy’s. You want a traitor? You have a traitor. Their next faction war was the only one I participated in that they ended up losing. Decisively. A normally two hour afair, over in thirty minutes. I don’t know if he even showed. But that was the end for them. A ruthless end to a Ruthless faction. 
[Next time on EPW Adventures: The story of the “SIT THE FUCK DOWN” button]
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inhonoredglory · 6 years
I think Snotlout should have died in HTTYD3. He's been there from the beginning, losing him would be a reminder what's at stake, if they keep fighting. As a character, in the movies at least, he was never entirely redeemed from that competetive bully he was in the first movie, and I think having him die saving Hiccup, would sement him both as a hero and as a painful loss, to drive home how dangerous this war is, and that having dragons stay with the vikings will only cause more pain for all.
Hey anon! This is an interesting proposition. Lots of folks in the fandom were speculating heavily that he might be killed in the third film (especially since he sacrifices himself for Hiccup in the book series). I get what you’re saying about how it might drive home the magnitude of the war and of Grimmel’s threat. Some of us have been postulating that the film needed more of that development in order for the evacuation to feel more relevant, and for the drastic choice of leaving their dragons to feel more necessary in the context of the world.
I want to answer your question in two phases: one about Snotlout’s development, and one about the implications to the film his death might have provided.
The Redemption of Snotlout in the HTTYD Films
First off, I do believe Snotlout did redeem himself, even just within the context of the films.
Of course, outside the films, we get lots of development and growth for him: him growing into a mutual respect and understanding of Hiccup regarding their father’s expectations (Not Lout), his staying in danger to save Hiccup rather than leave him (Sandbusted). He might complain and object to many of Hiccup’s ideas, but in the end of the series, he’s shown to be a loyal warrior who shares a mutual support and respect for Hiccup.
Now, of course the thrust of this question is what’s Snotlout’s arc in the film trilogy. Again, I believe Snotlout does demonstrate significant change from his identity as a bully in the first film: In the beginning of the first film, he’s pretty vicious to Hiccup, getting up in his personal space and making a huge deal out of his jabs at him. He’s doing it because he wants to impress Astrid, he’s doing it to make up for the fact that he (a model Viking) isn’t going to be one leading the village when they grow up, he’s doing it to make up for his own insecurities (with his parental expectations). He’s actually a pretty sensitive, emotional boy––and he makes a marked change in the film from being a bully to being one of Hiccup’s most enthusiastic fans. Once Hiccup begins to demonstrate his skill with dragons in the training ring, we see Snotlout actively trying to buddy up with Hiccup, not undermine him with insults and jeers:
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In the end, we see Hiccup basically forgive Snotlout for everything he’s done to him by choosing him to be the first of the teens to befriend a dragon. I don’t think it’s lost on Hiccup that Snotlout, the Viking who wanted the most to be the tough and “Vikinglike” ideal of his culture (and who was most insecure about it, unlike Astrid, who had confidence in her abilities)… I don’t think all this was lost on Hiccup when he chose him to be the one to train the dragon (a Monstrous Nightmare) each one of the gang saw as the most ferocious, most unattainable, most dangerous of dragons (the prize dragon they all wanted a chance to kill at the end of training). By giving Snotlout the honor of befriending this dragon, Hiccup is allowing Snotlout to win––for once, in a reputable, sincere way he can be proud of.
True, Snotlout was a bully. He wanted approval and attention. He attacked Hiccup in order to raise himself up. And when Hiccup became skilled and popular, Snotlout allied with him in order to get close to where the wave of popularity flowed. But when Hiccup let him train Hookfang, it was more than just getting close to the popular kid: Snotlout had to put his trust in Hiccup for a moment, he had to actively show vulnerability to Hiccup. The scene is the pinnacling contrast between where Hiccup and Snotlout have come in the course of the film––now Hiccup is the powerful individual, and Snoltout, the one afraid and undone. But again, this is Hiccup not lording it over Snotlout, like Snotlout has done in all his insults. Hiccup is instead offering a truce, an equality with Snotlout:
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So when Hiccup is thought dead, Snotlout reacts with horror and shock and ultimately, when they find him to be alive, tears of joy. This support of Hiccup actually continues in the second film, and while unfortunately we don’t get a lot of action between him and Hiccup, we do get a few significant moments: Snotlout sheds the same earnest tears for Hiccup and Stoick as he did at the end of the first film.
And when Hiccup is made chief at the end, where Snotlout is as happy and thrilled to see Hiccup succeed––this is a direct parallel to his reaction when Hiccup fought the Red Death.
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So IMO the films are telling the same story as the series, that Snotlout the bully is actually sensitive and redeemable through the challenging but ultimately successful relationship with Hiccup, his adversary.
Which leads me into the third film.
Sacrificing Snotlout to Weigh the Severity of the Threat in THW
To be frank, I am slightly confused by in terms of their choice of plot for Snotlout. I adore the book allusions of his designs for the chieftainship, but I’m not sure if this particular need of Snotlout was resolved very much for him in the end. I believe his insistence on closeness with Valka is a reaction partly to Stoick dying a year before, seeing how Stoick was a much more reasonable and sympathetic father figure to Snotlout than Spitelout ever was. He didn’t demonstrate any disappointment in Hiccup becoming chief (HTTYD2) and over the series, he’s been ultimately supportive of Hiccup’s future position of leadership. The bitterness in the third film might be a reaction to the vacuum in his life upon the loss of both a place of tribal importance and Ruffnut’s affections (total speculation territory for that one), and especially the threat of masculine dominance with the introduction of Eret to the tribe. Knocking on Hiccup has been his go-to in the first film, and that weakness crops up again in the third film. In the end, he gains Valka’s approval and Tuffnut’s friendship––perhaps a meta on their shared loneliness in their own individual perceived failings in the “Vikingness”/masculinity department (re: Tuffnut’s beard anxiety).
Snotlout, for all the growth he’s done over the series and even over the films, isn’t really given much of a “place” in the tribe in the third film. Valka’s approval of him in the end (him having “the brains” between him and Eret) feels more like a consolation rather than a genuine praise, despite Snotlout taking it at face value. Honestly, I feel that Snotlout is still looking for something, and we’re not sure where exactly he’ll end up in the post-HTTYD3 world.
Which is why a scenario where Snotlout instead dies at the end of Act 2 is actually really attractive. It wouldn’t really be to redeem him from his first movie self, but to give his arc somewhere important to go with his conflict with Hiccup and his belief in Hiccup’s leadership––to continue his arc and bring it full circle in a positive, rather than negative, way. If he had sacrificed himself for the good of tribe, it would more be a continuation of what we’ve seen of him in the series (both films and TV shows), rather than a redemption. It would allow him to pour his long-seen bravado and ambition for greatness into something definite and concrete, a moment where all that growth leads up to. And yes, I’d agree with you here: it would cement him as a hero.
And it would definitely drive the threat home. It was Stoick’s death, after all, that made the Bewilderbeast and Drago’s control of him so powerful and shocking. I’ve said before that the threat in THW needed to be made real on both the personal and global scale. Snotlout sacrificing himself could provide the personal stakes that make the threat feel real, and it would have been a good allusion to the sacrifice of the dragons that must occur later in the film.
However, I can see why DeBlois and Co. didn’t choose this path. Stoick already died in the second film and it’s hard to give that kind of significance to another character’s death, especially when he’s a supporting character and there’s already so much emotional time and energy used on the goodbye between the dragons and humans. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it’s certainly difficult to pull off.
Additionally, we already have a major sacrifice moment in the third film, with Hiccup letting go of the Light Fury to save Toothless. That moment is important for the emotional heart of the film and having one similar with Snotlout would have been too close a beat in so short a time. Again, it’s not impossible to resolve but it would make it challenging.
You can probably still pull the same themes for Snotlout we’ve been discussing here with him nearly dying in the film. A greater impact of the threat on the lives of any of the gang would make for higher stakes and a feeling that the impact of Grimmel is upon individuals other than Hiccup (so thus we can surmise, the world).
You’ve made me super curious to contemplate a version of THW where this happens and how it might make the overall narrative feel. (*adds to things I may add in my fix-it fic*)
Thanks for the question! I spent hours on it I hope it’s relevant LOL.
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