thenxghtwemxt · 8 months
@gloriousncss | Gisela and Elias, Late Evening at The Balcony of the Hatzfeld Apartment's
He's been subject to gossip and speculation since infancy. Elias knows better than to let the words of others cause a tailspin. Besides, Gisela adores him. She's proven as much, leaving scorched earth where her friendship with his sister once existed. So why, then, was Elias simmering with discontent? The image of his new wife and Queen in nothing but a sheer bathing dress for the eyes of another (even if that other is Alistair) replays in his head like a taunting joke. He returns from his own bath, curls slicked back and damp with a robe knotted around his abdomen. Emboldened on whisky and jealousy.
"Call me old fashioned, but..." Elias begins, finding Gisela settled on the small balcony of their modest apartment. "One would think you'd sooner bathe with your husband than his sister's faithful guard." There is enough basis in this rumor to know it to be fact. So it's not a matter of if, but a matter of why. "What game are you playing at, G? Do you mean to spur Eleanor's rage even more? Or do you just wish to make me jealous? Prove to me what I have been to busy to see?" He places both his hands on the railing, keeping Gisela's back against the cold iron. Everyone thinks it is simple; Gisela sought to seduce Elias, and Elias is but a mindless man who falls. But he knows what Gisela knows, too. Nothing about their romance is that simple. "You know I love it when you play your games." It's what made him fall for her in the first place. Being toyed with never felt so fun. "Just tell me which one you hoped to play."
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bourgeoning · 7 months
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"  the  plot  thickens  ,  "  the  baron  muses  aloud  ,  upon  emerging  from  an  extended  period  of  introspection  ,  gazing  out  the  common  room  window  at  nothing  in  particular  .  turning  toward  @bxrnfrxmashes  @gloriousncss  ,  the  thread  that  pulls  him  from  his  thoughts  ,  hugo  is  promptly  reminded  of  a  conversation  not  too  long  ago  .  "  and  i  still  wonder  about  the  purpose  of  all  of  this  .  it's  confounding  .  "  he  says  through  gritted  teeth  .  still  ,  his  bearing  relaxes  ,  somewhat  ,  in  spite  of  an  increasing  dread  seeping  into  his  bones  ,  right  alongside  his  usual  restlessness  .  "  are  you  alright  ?  i'm  sorry  i  haven't  checked  on  you  .  "  '  i've  been  trying  to  think  of  ways  to  get  us  out  of  here  ,  '  is  what  he  wants  to  say  ,  but  he  knows  they  have  duties  to  the  crown  .  would  they  even  want  to  leave ,  if  he  could  find  a  solution  ?
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opalnoble · 7 months
° • — closed starter / @gloriousncss + nicolette ° • — the palace halls
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if she were to be entirely honest with herself — aurora was lost. a sigh of frustration escaped her lips as she looked around. her own palace was grand, but this, this was something else entirely. an obscene flaunt of wealth, though she could call versailles the same. a couple more corners turned, and aurora came face to face with, well — a familar face.
" LETTE ! " the blonde shrieked, immediately running up on the poor individual and throwing her arms around them. " you're safe ! you're here ! — you're here ? " the words came out fast, jumbled and frankly almost coming across as frantic — if you didn't know aurora. she pulled back to give them a confused look. " well, what on earth are you doing here ? you didn't get hurt, did you ? "
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classiqals · 3 months
status -> closed starter for @umitvar, @gloriousncss, @espionisms {not a group thread!}
setting -> Boat Race Concorrência, on the docks by the racing boats shortly before the last race of the event.
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eyes would behold a king prince at work; sleeves rolled up high on plain attire, experienced hands working with rope && masts, cheeks kissed by the sun already from the hour spent readying the boat. this, maceon could do in his sleep, and took comfort in the ritual of it, as he prepared to set sail. despite the warning of it being a trap, maceon would hear no argument out of anyone's lips.
he would be participating in the final race, and he had every intention of winning. barely looking up from where he was braced, testing the stability of his recent knots with a sharp tug, maceon gave a small grunt of satisfaction, before turning with arms crossed, ready to face the individual who had come up to the docks, watching. " if you have come to try && talk me out of the competition, your efforts would be better spent placing bets on my success. "
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rcgcnt · 3 months
@whispcrings @flcralhaze @gloriousncss (your choice! at the beach. not a group starter.)
The ocean is somehow different and all the same. The breeze is cold and smells of sea salt, but even if he closed his eyes, his senses reminded him that he wasn't home. Could be the distinct lack of the odor of raw fish, which he most associates with the shore he grew up in. Still, the waves are calming, and the regent has decided to distance himself from the crowds to put himself in a less than regal position: sitting on cold, wet stone, with his pants rolled up to his knees, and bare feet inside the water — proper etiquette be damned.
"Care to join me?"
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flcralhaze · 4 months
closed starter ›› victoria oldenburg , @gloriousncss when: during the grand breakfast , at the menagerie
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previously excited  steps  came  to  an  immediate halt when eyes at last landed upon the giraffes. the animals of the menagerie had been a frequent topic of conversation on the journey here. stories spoke of the vast numbers of creatures only found upon the african continent but seeing them with his own eyes . . . all teddy could do was stare. the small gathering of zebra that also stood with the taller creature equally as wondrous but not as eye catching. if only he had his paints with him; he could sit for hours capturing the animal's likeness.  ❝ they're magnificent, ❞  he breathed before glancing at his friend.  ❝ how close do you think we can get? ❞
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tormxntum · 6 months
Who: Joanna @gloriousncss Where: The Scottish quarters When: The day after the secrets were revealed
Cailean sat slumped down in the seat initially meant for the King in the office of the Scottish quarters. Their feet on the table, playing with their old dagger while they waited for Joanna. They knew she would come for them and demand answers she was rightfully owed, but there was nothing they could say to her to make it better; no matter what they told her, they would end up hurting her. The Scottish maids were in the next room whispering and scoffing as they called them a traitor. Yet, Cailean did not appear to have a single care in the world. Was this how Malcolm had felt just before he... No, they couldn't think about him right now. They would not let them or anyone else see them falter. They had come too close to breaking down when their secret was revealed. Cailean had felt their heart race and their chest tighten, and for one terrifying moment, Cacilean thought they were going to pass out, and perhaps they would have fainted if they had not been pulled out of the room. Since then, they had been hiding, even if they refused to admit that was what they had been doing, but they knew it was time to face her. "Have you been avoiding me?" Cailean asked when they heard her familiar footsteps approach them. 
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xforgedsecrets · 6 months
who: @bxrnfrxmashes ; @flcralhaze ; @gloriousncss (not a group thread) where: the grounds of Lal Qila
Arshiya could not stop crying. At first she had thought it was because of the records. The idea that people knew, knew about what she had done, it was terrifying, but it was not enough to cause her tears. Then she had thought it was the knowledge that whilst the Indian Empress had been warning her of items being stolen in the searches they had been sitting on information about her, had their own stolen records in their grasp. Even that, however, was not enough to draw tears from Arshiya.
It took her far to long to realize that it was the not the spilling of her own secrets which had caused her tears. It was Rostam's. To see it laid out like that, to know that he may suspect she had a role in her brother's death. That had broken her heart.
She had thought the gardens would be a good place to hide while she tried to calm herself down, but two things happened at once to prove just how wrong she had been. The first was seeing another person in the gardens with her, the second was the sky opening above them as the spring storm began raining down again. "Damn it." she swore, before turning to the other person - "I saw a bandstand down that way" she yelled, pointing before she began running for it. The rain was less than ideal, but at least it would disguise the tears on her cheeks.
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succiducus · 7 months
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mid-morning in the courtyard, an army stands, it's general pacing in front of them. anger had buried itself deep in the pores of his skin; all of this could've been avoided if his army had seen it coming. however, this was a calculated plan for intel; one that every soldier of the mughal empire had heard word of that morning. his voice is loud as he chastises them in hindi for their negligence, dark eyes scanning the rows of soldiers in full gear. they were going to run drills until they puked (or at least that is what he wanted them to think) eyes on his back make him turn. "do you have business with me? if not, i'm very busy, if you have yet to notice." ( @gloriousncss / @rvnstheworld / @espionisms / @bxrnfrxmashes - any muse!)
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theopulenthq · 4 months
Would anyone like a royal guard connection where they are hopelessly in love with the one they're protecting? I'm interested in playing a male character, but his love interest can be any gender. Thanks!
ooh, spicy! i asked the group, and our members mandy (with claire, queen of scotland, specifically) and r (with eliana, princess of brazil, specifically) expressed interested! feel free to reach out to them at @gloriousncss & @whispcrings. members, if you too have interest in a plot like that, feel free to reply here with more information!
just as a heads up though - with this acceptance on sunday, we will be at our mun cap. we have decided to accept any new muns that come in before the acceptance, and adjust the mun cap accordingly afterwards to accomodate, but then we will be closing our applications to new muns after sunday's acceptance unless new spots reopen later! so if you are looking to apply, please have an application in before our acceptance sunday the 2nd!
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balteren · 3 months
closed starter with: andromeda and liesel (@gloriousncss) location: the german apartments time: the morning after the betrothal celebration
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The previous night, in front of a gaggle of nobles, Stefan had draped his coat over Andromeda’s shoulders, shielding her from the chill in the air. An ingenious move, if she was being entirely honest. Their ruse had been going perfectly, and for the first time in a while, her advisors had gone completely silent on the topic of marriage. There was still the occasional suitor, but even that stream had begun to dry. Not wanting to break their momentum, Andromeda waited until the palace had begun to wake up before walking to the German apartments, the coat folded and draped over her arm. It would have been easy enough to send one of her ladies to return the coat, but returning it herself would make a much more public statement. 
When she finally arrived at the apartments, she was surprised to see Liesel taking her breakfast in the common area. “Queen Liesel!” Andromeda said, dropping into a curtsey. “What a pleasant surprise. I did not expect to see you! I’d only come to return Prince Stefan’s coat.” She smiled politely, catching the attention of a servant and handing the garment to them. “I’m very sorry to disturb you, I’ll leave you to your morning.” 
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thenxghtwemxt · 8 months
@gloriousncss | Gisela and Elias, At The Grand Ballroom
Somewhere between the death of his father, his ascent to the throne, and Germany's crippling debt... Elias Hatzfeld had gone and gotten himself married. In another time, in another circumstance - it would be an all-consuming reality. The bleeding heart, romantic King of Germany finally finding his Queen. A labor of politics and commitment that would earn his wife all of Elias' efforts. But Gisela Von Galen, no Gisela Hatzfeld, faced no such luck. Instead, she picks him up when he's half a man. Grief-stricken and distracted. And though those early days of grief are gone, the weight of it remains. The end result? A new marriage with nothing to show for, but two wayward souls with matching rings.
It is put to the test tonight. Between the gross display of apathy and his constant fretting on financials, Elias has barely looked at his new wife. Though if history is enough to go on, she's a marvel in an ever-fashionable dress he couldn't afford. After the first hour passes by, Elias finally returns to her side. A sip of whiskey in hand, burning through his own bitterness. "Good evening." It's awfully perfunctory, yet it's all he can manage in a state of distraction. Peering up from his glass, his eyes catch hers, only to immediately glance away. "Have you had a chance to dance yet?" It's a thoughtless question, and perhaps if he committed more thought, he'd realize the answer would be no. After all, he is her husband.
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bourgeoning · 8 months
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"  g  ,  "  the  baron  starts  ,  a  single  syllable  laced  with  concern  .  no  formal  address  ,  propriety  be  damned  ,  for  @gloriousncss  will  always  be  his  sister  first  and  queen  second  .  though  that  in  and  of  itself  is  a  thought  that  still  boggles  him  ,  even  when  their  mother's  ambitions  had  been  drilled  into  all  three  of  the  von  galen  children  from  the  beginning  .  "  would  you  like  to  …  i  don't  know  ,  sit  down  for  a  minute  ?  "  he  leaves  out  the  part  where  he  adds  that  she  looks  a  bit  unsteady  ,  offering  his  arm  for  her  to  take  instead  .  "  i  doubt  anyone  will  judge  if you took time to rest  for  a  moment  .  "
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whispcrings · 3 months
closed starter: kaito toshiko, dilara abdul, suzume sō - toshiko / @flcralhaze @gloriousncss @bourgeoning
location: copacabana ( moon ) beach
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he was the first to arrive, though it was to ensure the arrangements were as expected. while not his job, the nervous energy bubbling within needed release, and moving around the table, checking the food, and observing the horizon for any storm clouds was the best option. better than pacing his room, frown etching his features.
only when the other three arrive does genjirou force the tension from his shoulders. an easy, genuine smile crosses his face, and he bows. "your majesties. it is an honor to feast with you tonight." he looks to suzume, smile softening. "kanai." then he claps his hands together. "please, take any seat you prefer."
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classiqals · 7 months
closed starter -> @gloriousncss {joanna}
setting -> sometime shortly after the room search, joanna's chambers
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" it's gone. " in lieu of a greeting, this was all a breathless reuben could allow to escape past his panting, parted lips as he softly closed the door to his wife's room, and leaned his back against it, thudding lightly as his weight was slouched there against the wood. " the- the ring... my ring... " finally, he sucked in his air. having ran the long way from the german hall to the scottish through the shrubs to avoid detection, sweat now beaded across ruby's forehead, and his hands shook, wrists bleeding from his earlier restraints. " those villains took it. "
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rcgcnt · 4 months
Years of rule can only change a person so much, and while they had indeed changed Eirik in ways he did not dare to deem good or bad, they have not yet managed to change the fact that the regent is, first and foremost, an introvert.
Skittering away from the celebration of his own country goes against everything etiquette dictates — and he knows a lot of that, thanks to his spouse, even though he doesn't always put it in practice —, but he is fairly certain he has succeeded in getting away unnoticed.
But has he? He turns around as he hears someone else step outside, interrupting his moment of contemplation.
"Victoria? Shouldn't you be inside, dancing?"
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