ladyseidr · 4 years
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@glorixna​ asked: ❝  Elizabeth smirked as she leaned against the door of her mother's apartments. They were supposed to have supper to discuss the arrival of her latest suitor. When she arrived though, she'd found Kat and her mother otherwise engaged, lips locked and oblivious. Clearing her throat loudly, she pushed away from the door. "Are we still having supper together, or do you have...other eating plans?" (( elizabeth has been around blanche too much send help )) ❞
How typical of them to be engaged in something of a more carnal nature, Anne’s mouth on Kat’s and hands readying themselves to start lifting her skirts. The interruption should have been expected but, nevertheless, she startled at the sound of her daughter’s voice. Her brow furrowed as she turned to her, skin tinted pink.
“I did not raise my daughter to be so lewd. You should not suggest such things. But no, we will not miss supper.” She smoothed her gown out carefully, huffing about the comment. Hair readjusted, she scooped her Kat against her side with an arm. Anne’s fingers delicately touched her own neck as she added, entirely innocently, “Besides, what you refer to is my dessert.”
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insaniamcura-a · 4 years
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   “ have they always been so stupid ? ” she questions , eyes focusing on retreated men while steps bring her towards the older woman . many might say the walls spoke but it was also good to be quiet and nearby . she did not need servants to get all of her answers , only the unimportant . the larger the information , the most she put herself out there . “ they can not honestly believe you’d heed a word they say . ” the idea that those men would advise anyone seemed laughable .
      @glorixna​ liked for a starter
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
    While Anne had grown accustomed to what the court of England expected of her - dancing, playing cards, smiling widely - she still found that needlework was her favorite pass time and while she liked embroidering with her ladies, she liked working with Elizabeth even more. She was terribly fond of the Henry’s children, holding a soft spot for his youngest daughter especially.
    She glanced over at Elizabeth’s work, smiling. She paused a moment, searching for the right word in English before she spoke. “Your... stitches. They are getting good, yes?”
@glorixna​ && a welcome back starter || accepting
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makethangels · 5 years
       catherine WATCHED from her bed with a tired smile on her face. she trusted kat to show elizabeth what to do, and she trusted elizabeth with her daughter’s well being. seeing mary in elizabeth’s arms, her heart felt full. what a gift it was to have both of her girls ( though she would never call elizabeth that to her face ) in the same room. she saw the tiny hand reach for elizabeth’s finger. ❝ she likes you, ❞ catherine murmured, ❝ which is good CONSIDERING...i wanted to ask you something. ❞
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       she did her best to sit up, wincing a little as she settled into place. ❝ come here, ❞ catherine beckoned, a sheen of sweat sprouting across her brow. ❝ i want to see BOTH OF YOU when i ask. ❞
@glorixna​ from here
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flyingupward-a · 4 years
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@glorixna​ said: 🌹 ( for jules from your favorite step daughter )
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       julia hates that elizabeth’s gone through this. she might not have been around when it did, but it’s a pain she knows, a scar she bears all the same. her hand finds elizabeth’s and she squeezes it slightly. ❝ i know that there’s nothing i can say to make this better, and that everyone’s experience is a little bit DIFFERENT, but i’ve been close enough to where you’ve been to know how much it sucks. and...for what it’s worth, you know what i told myself ? i don’t have to let the damage consume me. and neither do you. ❞
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threecardtrick · 5 years
You have to be the most amazing Cromwell I’ve ever seen on tumblr and give him so much life and depth that you’ve completely changed my mind on him as a historical figure
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If the only thing I can accomplish is make people think a little bit more about Cromwell’s perspective and what he was dealing with, then I’m happy! 💖
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withinycu-arch · 5 years
glorixna replied to your post: “like I can follow and do well in most of my classes when it comes to...”:
My brain does not want to compute technical and writing in the same sentence. Put them together for a class and there’s brain melting
Like I usually have to read/watch the reading and viewing assignments at least twice before I retain anything
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idiosynchronics · 5 years
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         it was a small, worn piece of fabric; and so thin that the light could be seen, almost as if through glass. “her first embroidery work.” mary’s index pointed at the letter in the corner: an m whose blue colour was faded. “she made it for me.” on her lips, the soft, sad smile she had been wearing out of fondness for the long gone memories slowly dropped, and over the washed-out threads anne had patiently, laboriously embroidered, the pad of her thumb stroked - as she once had caressed her sister’s dark locks. “you should have it. i have nothing else left of her.”
mary boleyn for @glorixna
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perhiistoria · 6 years
Also Elizabeth would like to drop a big ol' kiss on Hercule because yes please. Happy new year and hope these made you smile!
... ❝ @glorixna ; ( RANDOM NEW YEARS LOVE )
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                          HIS NECK FELT SORE FROM FALLING ASLEEP while sitting, the book he was reading having fell to the floor a while ago without notice while he waited for his wife to come to bed. Eyes fluttered open and while vision is a tired blur, he does recognise that beautiful face and fiery hair.
“Mmm... finally. Your husband demands that you finally sleep.” He mumbled sleepily and catches Elizabeth’s hand to pull her close while he shifted down beneath the layers of furs. “T’is soon a new year, my love...”
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ladyseidr · 5 years
@glorixna ( liked for a starter )
Katherine Howard had not stepped into court since the King’s death—Henry’s, not Edward’s. No, she had fled her reputation and missed seeing the boy’s crowning. By the time she might have felt safe revisiting her old life, Mary was queen and Katherine needed not ask to know she was unwelcome.
But Elizabeth sat upon the throne and Katherine knew it was time. She had been unable to be there for Edward, but she would not miss Elizabeth’s reign. The sweet girl she remembered was a woman; she was certainly still more recognizable than Katherine, though. Katherine, in her thirties and having not been seen by many since she was hardly more than a girl, had caught many vacant gazes on her way in. Unrecognized, for the most part. Free.
Her heart was in her throat as she curtsied deeply, head bowed, and she was introduced as Lady Katherine Howard. “Your majesty.” A small smile came unbidden to her lips, though she did not meet Elizabeth’s eyes. “I must apologize for how many years it has been since we last spoke, but I had hoped to express in person my deep happiness for seeing you upon the throne.” Had Katherine made enough of an imprint on Elizabeth’s mind in the short while they had known one another for her to care to see Katherine again? Yes, Katherine had doted on her, but they had had so little time together. Was Katherine just another step-mother? Did she blame Katherine for Henry’s death the same way Katherine had once blamed herself—thinking that perhaps he would not have sickened had not the news of Katherine’s past shocked him so terribly?
Did she loathe her for the accusations against her?
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          Richard walked through the walls of the castle his face like thunder. He had yet another disagreement with Robert Cecil. The man as trying to interfere with how Richard handled the North of England and the Scottish borders. Why Robert he had no idea but he wouldn’t let anyone but the Queen stop him from doing what he needed to. Richard walked into the throne room and found that it was empty for a moment. He took a seat on a nearby bench to look through some documents that Francis Lovell had sent him. It seemed that everything was going well and Edward and Anne were safe enough. He was glad to be sitting in the quiet for the moment. He needed time to calm down or he was sure that blood would be shed. He heard steps and he turned to look around to see who was making their way into the room.
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chersyeux-blog · 6 years
🎁 Our muses open presents together!
“Open mine first!”
With a grunt he slid the large box across the floor, finally coming to a halt at her feet.  
As much as the princeling thrilled in receiving gifts, he enjoyed watching someone gush over a present of his choosing even more. This year, he had insisted on picking and packaging everyone’s gifts all by himself- with only a little help from Nounou. 
Elizabeth’s new frock was concealed in a beautifully carved box upon which was tied the largest red ribbon he could find. Nearly bursting with anticipation, he began ‘helping’ her to loosen the bow until Maman gently reminded him that it was Elizabeth’s gift to open.
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“You’ll love it! It’s-” His big brother’s hand clamped over his mouth, leaving Alexandre silent but still beaming with excitement.
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makethangels · 5 years
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       ❝ my lady elizabeth. it’s an honor to meet you. ❞ catherine gives the girl a kind smile when she enters. she’s trying to do this delicately. she knows henry’s children have been through a lot, that they have every right to be SUSPICIOUS of their...fourth new stepmother, in elizabeth’s case. but she wants to make things right, and she does have a soft spot for children. ❝ thank you for making the journey from hatfield. i have some things i would like to discuss with you, if that’s alright ? just TO GET TO KNOW YOU. ❞
@glorixna​ // liked for a starter
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flyingupward-a · 4 years
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       ❝ TRUTH gets revealed when you're broken and healed. every heart is made stronger by scars. ❞
@glorixna​ // liked for a lyric starter
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threecardtrick · 5 years
The letter was simple, there were few people she could ask about that day. Or what happened, and receive the truth. She had some from Kat but she knew there was more her dear governess knew not. So she turned to the other man she trusted. “What do you know of my mother, Anne Boleyn?” Were the simple words to be read on the parchment
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This was always the question that he had feared. For this question could so easily transform into: what was your part in her trial? He knew that she would hate him when she learned the truth. Inevitably, she would. For now, he shall remain the father figure that she does not have, until Henry cared for her again. If he ever would.Your mother was a formidable woman. Her beauty and presence lit up a woman. Her wit was sharp and clever and she could hold a conversation with the most learned men and shrewd ambassadors. It is because of her that England was able to free itself from the shackles of servitude to the Vatican. She had a kind and pious heart, caring for the common man, unlike many courtiers who pay no mind to those outside the palace.And I know this most of all: she loved you more than anything else in this world.
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crouchback-mary · 7 years
glorixna entered 
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Her mother was dead. The last of the few who had  tried protected her had taken her last breath. It had been expected, the women having been declining for weeks. Her beautiful mother, who’s hair was as bright as the sun, whose skin glowed like mother of pearl with piercing blue eyes had become unrecognizable in her final days. Her hair had become dull like straw, her eyes hollow and lifeless, her skin ashened. Her final moments had been spent with her family, hands held by her true love, Adrian Stokes, and her daughters. She was at peace, no longer suffering and finally with Jane, leaving her troubles on her young and vulnerable daughters. Of course Mary remembered the moment her mother had been less than kind, following her husband’s orders as the strict disciplinarian, but those memories seemed to fade as quickly as the pain of a switch on bare skin. 
Katherine adjusted well to Court life, her vivaciousness and charm fine tuned to impress anyone who spoke with her, even if they found some of her opinions silly and uneducated. To them that did not matter. A woman’s place was to support her husbands opinions and to bear healthy offspring. Katherine fit that mold to perfection with beautiful blonde hair, a tall frame, and perfect health. Mary was the complete opposite, a joke of a woman of noble blood. Tiny she was, although completely proportioned, she did not grow larger than a ten year old girl, her body lacking any sign of maturity. Even worst was her back, twisted and crooked, the Maids of Honor mocking her every morning as she dressed. She was used to being the butt of jokes, the girl finding her own ways to confuse and humiliate with her sharp wit. It did not stop Katherine from intervening every time, reminding Mary of her good qualities: Her small and delicate face, her hair ‘As red as our cousin the Queens’, and her eyes, their mother steel grey orbs.  Bless her soul, even if her brain was nothing but silliness. Her older sister had promised to protect her, her last wish to her mother. Mary knew the girl meant well, but Mary was not a child anymore. She did not need constant coddling, the tragedies of the last few year having turned the fragile child in a steel faced women of thirteen.
Mary sat at the Queen’s feet with the other maids, ignoring the whispers of Philadelphia and Catherine Carey, rolling her eyes at there sudden airy giggles. Briefly she looked up from the spanish blackwork she had been embroidering, her small and delicate hands skillfully crafting a gillyflower and dragon fly border. A lute played softly in the background, the music soothing her anxiety that had been building. God how she hated being watched, displayed so close to the Queen. She looked up ever so slightly to catch the eye’s of Katherine, chatting with Laetitia Knollys and Jane Seymour. She smiled softly, signalling her sister, diverteing her gaze as the Carey sisters received a scolding from Kat Ashley, Head Mistress of the Bedchamber and mother to Her Majesty's Maids.  that all was well, that she was comfortable, the pillows placed around them easing the pressure on her back. It was all a lie, the young girl easy to fool, having learned how to play the game of deception under Mary I. All was not fine, her back screaming in pain, her soul shattered, and her need to escape to the privacy of the maid’s quarters, growing stronger by the minute. She wanted to scream out, but she didn’t, slowly and steadily pulling her needle in and out of the stiff, white linen in front of her. 
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