unteriors · 2 months
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Penn Street, Glouster, Ohio.
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middleland · 6 months
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cornerstone harvest church by Craig Brown
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nicastamatis · 1 year
a lorenz lover AND a sylvain hater i contain multitudes
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f1ghtsoftly · 4 months
All The Feminist News You Missed This Week 2/23/24
From a US Perspective
Hey all, sorry for the lateness, I had a deluge of stuff to work on for some projects/events I’m putting on in the spring and summer!! Will be back to a Friday afternoon release next week!
US News:
NYT profile on suggestive instagram accounts for minors, and the parents that run them.
Alabama: Alabama Supreme Court Rules That Embryos Are People
Oklahoma: Trans Teen Dies After Bathroom Beating
Relevant Context: Nex Describes The Incident In Detail Shortly Before Death
Ohio: Adult Film Star Kagney Linn Karter Dies By Suicide at Just 36
Washington: Women Win Class Action Against Tech Company Oracle
Missouri: Kansas City Unveils First Women’s Sports Stadium
New Jersey: New Lawsuit Against Glouster County Prosecutor Alleging Anti-Woman/Anti-LGBT Discrimination
South Carolina: First Federal Trial For Hate Crime Killing of Trans Woman is Underway In Columbia
Nikki Haley backs Alabama Supreme Court, Asserts Embryos Are People
Australia: Woman Murdered by Husband in After Repeatedly Going to Police
Indonesia: Meet The All Female Firefighting Crew in Borneo
Tunisia: Oscar Nominated Film Depicts Women’s Radicalization By The Islamic State
France: French Film Awards Under Pressure Due To Sex Trafficking Scandal
England: British Woman Loses Appeal For Citizenship After Joining Islamic State
Japan: Women Participate in Traditional Japanese Festival For The First Time in 1,250 Year History
Want this sent to your email each Friday? Subscribe here
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barnbridges · 9 months
for no reasons, here is the tsh etymological bible of tumblr user barnbridges:
John - John the Evangelist, Richard Papen - Richard Plantagenet, Papen - homophone of paper
Henry - Henry IV (Prince Hal), Henry Jekyll
Edmund/Bunny - Edmund of Glouster, Corcoran - stolen off classics expert Charles Norris Cochrane
Francis - St Francis of Assisi
Charles - Charlemagne, Charles Blackwood
Camilla - warrior in Virgil's Aeneid, superficially Constance Blackwood
Cloke - Invisibility Cloak, fairy tale object and symbolical in-betweener of Richard and Henry
Judy - Book of Judith
Marion - Mary Magdalene, Book of Mary Magdalene, Barnbridge - 1 Timothy 2:5 or a general reference to the nativity story
Julian - Julian the Apostate, Morrow - allure to the timeline fuckery of the novel, homophone of marrow
Mona - homage to Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep (Mona "Silverwig" Mars)
Madconald - the fast food chain but also Macbeth
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seasoflife · 5 months
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sea ice
Glouster, Massachusetts
Jack Daryl
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fireemblems24 · 10 months
Golden Wildfire Ch 10
Spoilers for GW up to Ch 10 below.
Now Claude's taking Ls in the Kingdom too.
I love how much they always try to drum up sympathy for Randolph when the man's only character trait is "I want to murder people to gain personal status." And then he also has the gall to act like he's better than the people defending themselves when he goes to kill them.
I never really put that much thought into him before, but yeah he's kinda just a piece of shit, isn't he? Low key one of the worst human beings in the game.
They should've made it Fredinand or like Linhardt's dad or someone likeable.
Funny seeing Claude play Edelgard like a fiddle though. His army is fine, and hers is crushed lamo.
Haha, Fleche is back to her vengeance act. It's gonna be funny if a tiny girl child is a final boss.
The same conversation with Jeralt and Bylethas I saw elsewhere, I think. Yeah, here comes the sword again.
I love how they make Rhea out to be such a big deal, but literally no one gives a shit that they declared war on her. Like, pick one, game. You either have Claude be an unpopular ruler or Rhea actually be a problem.
Raphael called it right. Commoners don't give a shit. So Edelgard getting everyone killed over noble squabbles.
Hilda kinda seems like the Kingdom stan here. She's always the one upset about it.
Claude is such an idiot. I cannot take him seriously. Claiming he wants to spare lives moments after sacrificing Randolph and wanting to wipe a church no one gives a shit about off the map. Am I supposed to take this seriously?
Haha, Arval said he can think for both of them when I had Shez say she's more brawn than brain lamo. And Shez believes it too, omg. Shez is great. I need a comedy show with them.
Oh, nice! Looks like another single-battle map. BC, honestly, I got Spiritfarer for Christmas and I'm DYING to play it, but need to finish this first.
Lamo, Arval just said trying to unify different people under one king is dumb, won't work, and looks forward to the day humanity moves beyond it.
So is this the paralogue that's going to rewrite it so Lorenz's dad did nothing wrong? Given the description, I'm betting it's that.
Ignatz is being awkward around Lorenz now that he's been promoted.
Gloucester evades all of Lorenz's questions about these bandits.
And now Lorenz is demanding Raphael do what Ignatz did and is upset he's so casual lamo.
So are they making it so his dad wasn't the one who ordered the hit that killed Raphael's parents? Lol. This game really likes whitewashing some of these guys, but Glouster's probably the worst offender.
Let me take a wild guess. TWSITD.
It's really a shame that Raphael is such a one-note character. It would've been interesting if he had more in-depth conversations with the rest of the cast who were unable to move beyond trauma.
Their one and only support.
They're hunting and the deer only has one arrow. So they try to figure out who successfully shot the deer.
They both hit the same place. Mystery solved.
This one should be better.
Constance is challenging a cat to a staring contest. Yes, this one is already better.
Lamo, he says he would've considered her as a wife if she restored her house. But withdraws because she's a weirdo. (I mean, no loss?)
Constance gets back at him by saying she'd never consider him lol.
Now they're arguing over who's house is more noble.
Much more entertaining.
It's about food.
It's nice to see Raphael actually have passion about something instead of just repeating "meat!" over and over.
You know, going through supports has made me realize that Golden Deer probably has my overall least favorite cast.
Ignatz has an older brother. He likes his brother at least.
Ignatz is finally talking about how he doesn't love being a knight. He really didn't have much of anything going on removing that conflict.
It's nice to hear Ignatz have his own convictions to become a knight. He's getting more sides to him, which is good.
Holst sneaks with Shez into enemy territory. He's doing it because scouts are going missing. Shez is impressed someone of his status is doing that.
Lysithea studied too long and is out after dark. Gets scared by noises. She runs into Raphael and they talk about strengths and weaknesses.
The weird noises she heard wasn't Raphael.
Marianne needs help from Shez organizing because she sucks at it.
Wow, Hilda not only volunteered to help Marianne clean up the mess, but also to do the scouting mission they were supposed to go on all by herself. It's love.
Hilda doesn't show up for awhile, so they get worried and go to check on her. Given that it dumps me to prepare for the battle next, I'm thinking that was a good call.
Not my favorite paralogue. I had to fight Ingrid :(
They talk about Marianne's typical issues.
It has very "safe" shipping dialogue throughout.
I don't want to invade the Kingdom. Especially since it makes no sense for Claude to do so.
Hahahahaha, lamo, you deserve it Claude. Fleche raised an army to fight him. Seeing this tiny girl as the final boss is going to be hysterical.
Oh, Arval and Shez stuff. I almost forgot Arval existed. They've got bad feelings. I'm guessing it's because Byleth is fused with Sothis.
Ok guys, I restarted this chapter over and over trying to recruit Byleth, but Claude just stands there in one seized area and won't move until Byleth reaches him - even when no one else is around.
I really just want to be done with this playthrough to be honest (there are so many other games I want to play right now), so I'm not going to bother with recruiting Byleth. I'll try in SB, but the only one I'm going to put any real effort in is AG.
Seeing Fleche as a final boss is funny.
I'm guessing we don't fight Jeralt if you recruit successfully. Got a cool cut scene for not bothering though!
So Byleth doesn't join you because you kill Jeralt, I'm assuming. Though, Byleth doesn't seem to have any issue joining Edelgard when she plays a role in that lamo.
Also, gotta say, I love how there's a chapter you can't use the lords. And for Edelgard and Claude it's because they randomly just don't fight that chapter. For Dimitri, it's epic story reasons lol.
Aw, shit, did Byleth just kill Judith?? That sucks. Oh well. Not restarting. This 3 route thing is too much. I just want to play this again, but one route only.
You know, after Claude's dumbfuckery throughout this route, he kinda deserves this lamo.
So who is it in SB and AG that dies?
Byleth so callous about Jeralt's death. Far cry from the crying in Houses, a bit sad actually.
It's kinda funny that Judith died because Fleche went on another rampage. I'm going to miss seeing her around though.
Is whoever dies in AG bad enough that I should push through and recruit Byleth? I may look that up to give me the proper motivation, but that could backfire if it's someone I don't care enough, but I'm having a hard time thinking of a single character I don't care enough about. Even like Sylvain's dad would make me too sad for Sylvain and I couldn't do it.
Aww, Arval is upset for Shez.
So is Sothis and Byleth merging merging or something?
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loiladadiani · 11 months
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Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna, 1906
Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna (Princess of Greek and Denmark) with her three little daughters; Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark (future Duchess of Glouster) is the baby in her arms; Princess Olga and Princess Elizabeth sit next to her.
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aviationgeek71 · 2 years
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“It was one of those perfect fall days when the air is cool enough to wake you up but the sun is also kissing your face.”
― Anita Diamant
Burr Oak Lake, Glouster, Ohio. October 23, 2022.
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spliminal · 4 months
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Glouster, OH
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 2 years
Golden Deer Masterlist
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Claude Von Riegen
Poisoning a nobleman’s tea
Hilda Valentine Goneril
Relaxing during PE
Lorenz Hellman Glouster
Trying desperately to get bitches
Marianne Von Edmund
Making birdy friends
Lysithea Von Ordelia
Trying to get over her fear of ghosts
Ignatz Victor
Painting the best damn fruit basket that’s ever lived
Leonie Pinelli
Praising Jeralt for sneezing three times
Raphael Kirsten
Raiding the kitchens
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middleland · 1 year
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Glouster Ohio by rick weber
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alphaman99 · 6 months
It's a bad paraphrase of a line from "King Lear." The actual line is spoken by Glouster: "Tis the time's plague when madmen lead the blind."
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guerrerense · 1 year
Water cycle por Chris Crook Por Flickr: February 22, 2010, and the water cycle is in full effect. Rain and warmer temps are causing the snow to revert to a semi-gaseous form, causing a haze of fog as a loaded Ohio Central coal train rolls north a few miles north of Zanesville, Ohio. Back in the day, I would have called this a GLT, Glouster Turn, because it has the nice neat loaf of coal in the gons behind the power, but I think the folks at G&W had changed the symbol to BOT by then. I never bothered to listen to the scanner back then, so I don't know. If saw a train from the office window, I knew it was train time. And if the power/weather/light was good, it was lunchtime too.
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barnbridges · 10 months
random and assorted references to the works of shakespeare in the secret history, explained if I feel like it
Richard and Henry are the Hal and Richard of York of the Henriad. The Henriad (Richard III, Henry IV 1, Henry IV 2, Henry V) not only follows the structure of books already referenced in TSH (Aeneid, Iliad, Paradise Lost). The War of the Roses is directly mentioned to Richard by Henry in the text
Falstaff is mentioned in the text
The bells not working 'right' at Bunny's funeral is a reference to Macbeth, where Lady Macbeth signals murder
Bunny's name of Edmund is a loose reference to King Lear. Edmund of Glouster originates from Macbeth (and Lady Macbeth), as Bunny originates from Macdonald
Twins are not uncommon in Shakespeare, but particularly the mix of mirroring sexual desire, orphans, incest and gayness comes in Twelfth Night with Viola and Sebastian
Tartt builds the Corcorans as a fairly duplicated family living in duplicate homes naming their boys duplicate names, a characteristic often noted in Hamlet and Twelth Night
just the entirety of Macbeth, chuck all of it here
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cafeleningrad · 1 year
I mean we barely know how economics actually works in Fóadlan (a CHAMOMILE tea (basic herb one could grow anywhere) costs the same as a sword wtf?!) but supposing that clothes aren’t produced with magic involved... How rich are the Varleys and Glousters? How can they afford so. much. pruple. dye? In the middle of a continent wide war, Bernadetta runs around in a purple dress, Lorenz is dressed head to toe in purple, evne his armour is purple. Fittingly in her status of Empress, Edelgard wears all crimson, but neither she nor Ferdinand are this pompous.
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