#glow upppppp
mndvx · 3 months
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prismaticpichu · 2 months
Hi! How are you? Also, umm, can you make Zack Seph, like Zack does vlogging with his friend Seph, like add Funny, angst, happy ending, Protective Zack, please? I'm sorry if I bothered you. 🥺❤️♥️✨
Heya!!! I’m doing great, my friendo!! Hope all is well with you!! 💕
Ooooh vlogging???? Absolutely!!!
(BIG jumbo shoutout to @rottenpumpkin13’s series of SOLDIER vlogging shenanigans for inspiration!!!! Those things are frigging hilarious <333)
Nibelheim Fix-It: Vlogging Edition!
[the camera flashes on to reveal two Mako-blue eyes gazing steadily into the lenses, their electric glow all the more accentuated by the dismal blackness of his backdrop, his footage jostling up and down slightly as the spiky teen makes his way through the corridor in which he is recording.]
“Heyyyyyy, world and all who inhabit it! Zack Fair here, and I’m coming to you RIGHT from the basement of some screwed up manor in Nibelheim!”
[the young First glances around a bit, ensuring that he’s still going the right way.]
“It’s very very very VERY, dark, as you can see… Just trying to make sure I don’t bump into anything here. Already bumped into three rats, eight cobwebs, a whole buncha coffins. Spooky stuff. But don’t worry!! This isn’t your boy’s first trip down here…”
[there’s another quick turn over his shoulder, this time spotting a very vague rod of light floating in the distance, some nebulously victorious sound escaping his lips as he eagerly starts toward it.]
“This is actually my second time down here. First time I was kinda totally kicked out. Not at all rudely though! Guy just needed some space… I think. He’s been getting that for like four days now, anyhow. ‘Bout time he took a break.”
[as the glowing belt approaches, Zack mindlessly pads around for a bit, pawing and groping through the thick basement gloom.]
“C’mon, where’s the knob….”
[the faint sound of palm meeting metal is heard echoing through the dark.]
“Ah, sweet. Okay okay okay… So you folks are probably wondering right now who I’m even talking about. Well, lemme tell ya. Ever hear the name ‘Sephiroth’ before? You know, quicksilver hair and bare chest and pupils that go all upppppp like that? Yeah, well! He’s in there. In a library right here, devouring books like free samples at a superstore. And he’s been there for days. Been in there ever since—“
[he pauses for a beat, cutting himself off, a look of confliction cracking the teen’s cheerful masquerade]
“Well, uh… for Purposes, I don’t think I’m going to say what happened when we went to investigate the reactor. Doesn’t really matter, anyways. It’s more about how it affected my poor bud—uh, Sephiroth! Shoot he’s gonna kill me for using that silly nickname on this. Anyyyywaayy! I’m here to get him some fresh air, tell him what he needs to know and, most importantly, get it all recorded so he’ll never forget it again.”
[the camera hobbles as Zack presses his ear to the door, listening intently.]
“Alright… he’s definitely in there. Can hear his boots walkin’ around. Okay. Okay, you got this, Zack… Alright! I’m going in. On three, two, one…”
[and the door to the library is pushed open, his camera’s eye capturing the shift in backdrop as Zack makes his way across the threshold, the young SOLDIER traveling down what looks to be some narrow corridor that abruptly pools into an eerie candlelit opening.]
“Ooh. There he is.”
[the camera blearily pans around to capture a slender silver shape with a book in his hands, leather coat dancing with faint orange hues from the casting candlelight, silver hair appearing almost copper under the ghostly illumination as he paces back and forth across the floor without so much as a flinch.]
“Gaia… does he not even know I’m here? Okay, okay! Let’s do this, guys. Let’s get this man outta here.”
[there’s a deep, centering inhale from behind the camera.]
“Hey! Sephiroth! Seppphiroth! Sepppphiiroth! Put down the book.”
[a heavy silence dogs as Sephiroth continues to pace the floor in silence.]
[the camera pans back to Zack.]
“Okay, so… He seems really out of it. Really engrossed in that book there. We gotta get through that noggin of his.”
[the camera pans back to the catatonic SOLDIER.]
"Sephiroth! Hey! Sephiroth! Sepppppphiroth!! I'm talking to you, man. HelloooooOOO?? Holy Ifrit... HEY! SEÑOR SEPHIROTH! STOP READING FOR A SEC, would'ja???"
[there's another bout of silence.]
"Dear Gaia... What’s going on with you?? Why aren't you responding? Sephiroth! Sepppphirottth.”
[following yet another wordless stretch, Zack swings the camera back around, rubbing his neck with an expression of both frustration and hurt.]
“Alright… guess he left me with no choice. Time for extreme measures.”
[the camera hobbles a little as Zack approaches the soulless SOLDIER.]
“Ah, screw it. Who cares if I don’t stick to the formalities…”
[an inky splotch of black momentarily covers the lenses, not wanting to capture the horrid images and texts that had seemingly possessed his friend, leaving only the teen’s gentle voice to provide any content.]
“…Hey. Bud. It’s me. Hey—yeah, I’m gonna put my arm here if you don’t put that thing down. I miss you… alright? You have any idea how long you’ve been down here? Gaia, pal… those bags… Look… you need some rest. Okay? We can talk alllllll this out in the morning. Let’s just go, okay? You’ll feel better after a good snooze…—“
“—I… c-ant…”
“You can, pal. These books aren’t going nowhere. I’m not going nowhere. Not without you.”
[another swath of silence stretches over the two SOLDIERs, the blackened smudge shifting slightly against the lenses.]
“Look, bud. Look. I know what he said is screwed up. I know what you saw is screwed up. But it doesn’t change anything… okay? You’re still my friend… you’re still Sephiroth. You’re still my old pal. You’re still…”
[even through the inky smudge, shards of blue are seen dancing across the camera, a cursory glance being cast toward the lenses in consideration.]
“…Y’know what. Fuck whatever they hear. You’re human, Seph… Not some alien. Not a monster. Not anything but the kind and lovable person that you are. And… and I’ma jerk for not telling you that sooner. I shoulda told you that the moment Genesis said those horrible things in the reactor. I shoulda told you that day of being here… okay? And I never ever ever ever want you to forg…—“
[suddenly, smears of black and silver flash across the camera as it plummets to the ground, cutting out instantly upon impact.]
[and it cuts back in a nebulous amount of time later, titled sideways, unknowingly capturing the sight of General Sephiroth slumped in the sheltering arms of his best friend.]
“Shh… it’s okay, pal. It’s okay… let it out. Let it out. I’m not going anywhere…”
[the camera flashes on to reveal a smiling Zack leaning against his headboard at the Nibelheim Inn, happily accompanied by a freshly-showered Sephiroth, tresses of golden sunlight streaking in through the open window beside them.]
“Heyyyyyy, world and all who inhabit it! Zack Fair here, and I’m coming to you RIGHT from the Nibelheim Inn! Today I got my best friend and ex-commander here, Mr Señor Sephiroth!”
[Zack slings an arm around his buddy’s shoulders, earning himself an amused grunt from the mercury-haired man.]
“Yes. Hello, inhabitants of the world.”
“You wanna add a littttleeee bit more cheer—?”
“Okie doke. You wanna at least tell ‘em the news?”
[the camera pans so that it is completely facing Sephiroth, green eyes well-rested and gleaming under morning’s warm embrace.]
“Hnph. Fine. As of this moment—“
“Say ‘breaking news!’”
“I will eat you whole.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just say it!”
[silver bangs sway against the lenses as Sephiroth shakes his head.]
“…Fine. Breaking new: as of this moment forward, both I General Sephiroth and First Class Zack Fair officially resign from SOLDIER. Cadet Cloud Strife will also be discontinuing his duties and is currently staying with a beloved family member.”
[Zack’s euphoric cheer is heard behind the camera.]
“Heck yeah!! Oh, and! For the record: all future episodes of ‘Zack Tracks’ will be recorded with my new partner here! Woooo!”
“I didn’t agree to this.”
“Bummer, ‘cause you’re doing it.”
[before an utterance of protest can be made, Zack takes the camera back from his pal.]
“Anywhoooo! Anything you wanna say to the people before we sign off, pal?”
[the camera lingers on Sephiroth’s face for several beats following the question, capturing the traces of wistfulness that flicker through his emerald eyes, the almost pensive pulse that ripples through those celestially human pupils as he contemplates an appropriate closure for Everything.]
“…Yes. I do.”
[and the camera zooms in, focusing on his sincere expression, aged and weathered from all the ravaging storms that have opened up to what he calls his life.]
“Hojo, you can disrespectfully burn in the deepest and most incandescent stoves in Hell.”
[a simple click, and the footage goes black.]
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rinhaler · 6 months
I want nanami so bad like i’m literally sitting over here with my legs spread and my glow in the dark condoms ready
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agumonger · 2 months
cont'd on the plastic surgery thing
the main reason why i got braces at all was because my teeth used to give me trouble chewing sometimes, and my palate was too closed to make room for my wisdom teeth. also my displaced fang was kind of uncomfortable (it was all up there cramped over my gums sorta????)
so yeah for health reasons sure go ahead but like
iirc there's like lots of guys trying to make their jaw look more square. some even go as far as to remove ribs to make their torso more triangular or something??? in fact i'm p sure a fairly popular cosplayer has done it. and there's loads of dudes getting hair implants and of course those are expensive as fuck. and soooo many of them could get away with just accepting their baldness. in many cases they even look better? and accepting it is so liberating honestly - or at least, it was for me
then, almost invariably, the most prominent plastic surgery on women is like, fuller lips, softer jaw, feline eyes... and it's like, first of all, you know people will most likely tell, right? like when you're 50-60 it creates this weird uncanny look that's all stretchy, instead of letting middle aged women be middle aged normally, we normalize that they try their best to look 20 at 55
and we don't ask that of men, sure, but we do ask them to be all superman-like too. and hell, lots of male infuencers practically do it too, and i see it more and more with every generation, and keep in mind it's not even women telling them to do it, other men do. it's gender expectations all over again, it's all the same shit. this mewing bullshit is also related, the clenching of jaws, the nose bridges, the "beta male chin" shut upppppp
and again, the money. the way that this creates a closer relationship between "beauty" and social status. spend money on laser hair removal. spend money on botox. spend money on implants! spend money on raising your external canthus (it'll most likely look all stretched out and unnatural! great!!!). all the same all the same all the same
and all this is literally bullshit i'm sorry. and yes this is coming from a person who has finally learned to see beauty in lots of different features and body types and how it's always, somehow, there, and glows from within. it has to do maybe with becoming an artist and learning to love all kinds of different faces and bodies (pretentious moment right here innit)
it's like. so sad that we're so ready to go under the knife all crawling before a super narrow and highly unobtainable standard of beauty
i'm not saying that no one should do it (even in cases when their health is not at risk, and they just want an aesthetic change), i'm just saying that we've let it go too far at this point and that, yes, we should be more mindful with it and yes, we should still remember what the full blown normalization of plastic surgery at large means for beauty standards, for health, both physical and mental, for societal expectations... that should remain in the conversation and we've been omitting it a bit too much lately
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jeysbvck · 3 months
the pop for naomi scotland u know 🥹🥹🥹
THEY'RE DOING THE GLOW CHANT SHUT UPPPPPP american crowds being put to shame as usual
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curlymellowmel · 11 months
How You Get The Girl... glow upppppp for sureeeee
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jenomark · 3 years
face reveal?
Sure : )
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cherub-bf · 6 years
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i drew my boy all grown up
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mahixa · 3 years
Formula 1 is full of stories that even the most cheesy and sappy Hollywood writers would never be able come up with. Brocedes? Lestappen? Carlando?
Oh hi, I'm just a rich son of a famous Formula 1 champion, I want to be your friend, poor English boy, I don’t care about your background. Wanna stay at my place? Wanna grow up together? Wanna end up in the same team? Be best friends forever? Fall in love with each other? Wanna crash our cars together and let the rivalry destroy our bond? Wanna publicly say we are not friends any more? Wanna unfollow me everywhere on social media and avoid me forever? Even when after a few years I keep saying over and over and over again how amazing and brilliant you are? Appreciate you on live national television? HUH?! Did you hear that we were everything but lovers? Hah, little do they know. Wanna say that Valtteri is the best teammate you have ever had and cause me to cry in Italy to a bunch of strangers? LEWIS ANSWER ME. TEXT. ME. BACK. WE STILL LIVE IN MONACO AND I SEE YOU BUYING MUFFINS. LEWIS. LEWIS. LEWIS.
Oh yes I'm just a very grumpy and extremely talented boy who will not allow some Monegasque pretty bitch drive faster than me. I called him a pretty bitch because English is not my first language and I'm only 12 and of course I wanted to say he is pretty much a bitch. He is totally not pretty. I would never call him that. Pfff. He is also pretty and annoying. Damn it I wanted to say pretty annoying. Anyway. Thankfully he is too stupid to end up in F1 with me. Wait what? He's here? WHAT. I AM CALM. I TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY AM- what do you mean he's the one who just crashed into my car. Again. What- God. And he is so cute and flustered when he gets asked about me and I really want to talk with him more than I probably should so hold on a second, hold on a moment, let me, a winner of the 5th grade school geography map contest, ask this dummy about the difference between these two flags. He was wrong with the answer. I don’t care. He looked nice while being wrong. I just like the way he moves his lips. And his bright eyes are okay I guess. He smiles when someone mentiones me and then he crashes into me again. It does things to me. It’s hard and IT’S HARD you know. It makes me angry. You know what? Fuck him. Well, I might as well do that if he doesn’t stop being so pretty and chaotic. I MEAN PRETTY CHAOTIC. SHUT UP. SHUT UUUUP. SHUT UPPPPPP I FEEL NOTHING.
followed by:
Oh well, I’m a Spanish guy with everything neatly organised and I am focused on being taken seriously and I don’t really represent this stereotypical Spanish loud vibes, I’m a calm guy who- wait a minute isn’t that some cute gremlin? He is younger than me and uses words like “noob” and doesn’t explain the meaning to me and just chuckles and he plays video games which are not FIFA and I don’t know how to win at such things but catch me at 1 am trying to learn how to play that stupid COD or whatever that’s called, and since when I want to impress some young twinks? Well, one twink, to be honest. Oh no, he makes me laugh in public like a maniac and I can’t control myself he always laughs at my crappy jokes and is that a blush on his cheeks? Am I blushing too? He makes me feel so comfortable in my own skin? He doesn’t judge me but we have that cute banter going on? He likes when I teach him things? Golf! Chess! Kissing- I MEAN. He says he doesn’t like being touched but here we are, he’s leaning against my shoulder and allows me to touch his tigh and GOD look at his face all glowing everytime we talk, I might end up marrying him, well watch me proposing right now.
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sumirexxxx · 2 years
— The Emperor’s Wife
⤿ Scaramouche x reader
summary: a short story i never decided to finish off of wattpad lol ...
Golden drapes made of silk cover the opened windows. Honeycomb rays of sunlight crept its way in, exposing your motionless body. Your nightgown snugs tightly at your figure displaying an arousing view.
Sadly that graceful display was interrupted by a cheerful shrine maiden leaping on top of you, wrapping her delicate hands around your waist. "[Y / n], wakeee upppppp ~!"
Placing a hand above your head, "Tao... can't you be a little more sympathetic..." you groaned. Wishing you'd never befriended the joyful shrine maiden.
"Nope!" She beams. Smile so bright that it's practically making you cover your eyes. "Wanna come over for tea?"
"Do i have a choice?"
Hu Tao shakes her head in response, springing to her feet just as she turns for the door. "See you in a bit!"
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Opening the sliding doors that leads you to the priestess room was a smiling Hu Tao. This was something you'd done constantly with the young priestess. You'd always admired how professional Hu Tao could be at times, making you fall even deeper for her charms.
Kneeling down before her, Hu Tau grabs the handle of the fancy teapot and pours you Gyokuro tea. 'This must be serious. She never offers me highest grade tea unless it's something important.' "Tao, is everything alright?.."
"Oh I'm fineeee, but are YOU alright?" Tilting your head to the side, placing a finger to your cheek, you pondered on what your airy friend could be referring too. "I guess they didn't inform you yet... I overheard from one of the higher ups that you'll be marrying the emperor of Inazuma."
Your shoulders drop, a hand flying to cover your mouth. 'How come nobody told me about this... were they just planning on auctioning me off?' "If this is one of your foolish pranks, It's not funny."
"You'd think i'd joke about something like this?"
"Your jokes know no bounds."
Deadpanning, "I'm being serious this time around [Y / n]. Tomorrow you'll really be marrying the emperor." Hu Tao could tell that you wasn't taking this situation seriously and decided to lighten the mood a bit. "Soo, what do you look for in a husband...”
It took you a moment to come up with a reasonable reply that would satisfy Hu Tao curiosity. "I suppose... someone who's passionate."
"You don't ask for much.." She should've known over the years that she's spent with you that you weren't the type to openly share your opinions nor your emotions.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Surveying the lively streets of Inazuma with a veil over your head wasn't the easiest thing to do. You were the type to admire the beauty of every neighboring country that you'd happen to come across. Slightly lifting your veil to get a quick glimpse of the imperial palace, an older maiden take's notice as she pulls your veil back down, lecturing you on how you were acting. "You mustn't lift your veil yet. Don't break the rules."
'Getting married is a real pain..' You'd mentally groaned, staring blankly at the lively streets of Inazuma. You could tell that you were getting closer to the imperial palace. The air here was much more lighter then it was before and the ride was a lot less bumpier.
Although you could not see that doesn't mean you couldn't hear. The older women who'd lectured you from before was praying for your safety as she wished you'd never came to a place like this. Your heart sunk. Fear completely taking over.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Golden rays of the setting sun fall upon the koi pond and the cherry blossom trees. The sky is covered with a reddish glow and the evening breeze slightly picks up. A man with a slender figure with short indigo hair that covers his ears gazes out at the horizon. "You're late." He says sternly, not even taking the chance to glance at you.
"My apologizes..." Just as you were about to lower your gaze a hand aggressively reaches out for your chin, forcing you to gaze upon their deep blue almost violet shade venomous stare.
"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." He scoffs, releasing your chin. Your face flushes as he takes notice. "Oh? Don't tell me you've fallen for me already?" He cooed.
Trying to keep your composure, you'd straighten yourself out a bit before responding. "No, I haven't. We've just met and I don't even know your name."
He let's out a sharp sigh, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm Scaramouche," His tone lowering and his gaze intensifying "your beloved husband."
'Him? He's my husband?!' You eyed Scarmouche, sizing him up and down. He was a bit shorter then you and his overall attire resembles traditional Japanese wear.
Scaramouche brows furrowed, eyes narrowing, lips pressed together when seeing you put a hand to your chin, peering intently at every aspect of him. "Can i help you?"
You could hear the irritation in his voice, sentence drawled out through grited teeth. "Oh, was i staring for too long?" You say with a dumbfounded expression.
Just as he was about to lash out on you, one of his attendants barged in, informing you two that dinner is being served. "Get change."
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hazelmagix · 4 years
the way i was just about to send you that post 💀 you really said glow white boy glow and came running 😩
shut upppppp😭😭😭 he has a personality from ton!!! u think I'm not gonna eat that shit up?? dude made roman emperors stop in their tracks from his voice and he carries a travel pillow for his boyfriend!!!! like how cute is that 🥺🥺🥺
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scatterpatter · 4 years
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“I’m you, but with healthy familial and romantic relationships”
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harryfeatgaga · 6 years
Can you imagine him all glow-y as he stands at the end of the bed with the only light being a bedside table (his side of course) and you’re in the centre of the bed looking at your man and his hair is all over the place and your nudge him with your foot cause he’s taking too long and he’s all cheekily “wha’?” as he nudges his head “what’s a matter? Am I taking too long?” He jokes as he crawls up into the bed and manoeuvres your legs just how he wants them
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k-poptrash-stuff · 6 years
{Requested} EXO Reaction to their s/o with no makeup, messy hair, and pj’s
anon said - “ EXO reacts to seeing you with messy hair, without makeup and in PJs?”
Honestly, I feel like they’re all gonna shower you with endless compliments. 
Gummy smile, gummy smile, gummy smile.
Minseok is going to be in total awe when he comes home from work, seeing you on the couch all comfortable and natural. To him, you’re going to look just as gorgeous as you do all dressed up. He’s gonna take your face in his hands and just stare at you with the biggest gummy smile ever. 
“Ah, you look so gorgeous. How did I get so lucky?”
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He’s going to look at you like you’re a goddess. You hadn’t expect Yixing to surprise you at home, so you were shy at first cause he’s never seen you in your comfortable state like this since you’ve only been dating for a couple of months. He’s going to shower you with endless compliments. He’s gonna sneak pictures of you, smiling down at the photos he’s taken of you. 
“Did I tell you that you look absolutely breathe taking today?”
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Junmyeon is gonna be in such awe. He thinks you look beautiful no matter what. I feel he’s gonna shower you with extra affection. Cuddles, kisses, and especially compliments. Every five minutes it’s another compliment. 
“Have I ever told you that you’re absolutely gorgeous?”
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Oh, he’s going to LOVE seeing you like this. To him, this is when you’re most beautiful (don’t worry, he finds you beautiful, stunning, etc all the time) cause you look so damn comfortable just siting on the couch, binge watching your favorite show in your favorite pj’s all bare-faced with your hair up in a messy bun. You’ll catch him sneakily taking photos of you when you aren’t paying attention (boi already has an album in his phone dedicated for moments when you’re not paying attention).
“Why should I delete it? Forget snack, you look like a whole 5 course meal!”
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Another cutie that’s gonna have a whole album dedicated to your laid back look. Chanyeol is send you some major heart eyes. You’ll be eating takeout together, watching some action movie when you catch him just staring at you. He’s not even gonna hide the fact he was staring. 
“Who wouldn’t stare when you look like an angel?”
“Chanyeol, I don’t think angels walk around in pj’s bare faced with messy hair-”
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Jongdae is gonna feel like he’s falling in love all over again. He’s going to feel so relaxed upon seeing you like this, especially since you feel just as confident dressed down as you do dressed up. It reminds him that even the most beautiful people (and by people he means you) look just as beautiful in their comfort state. 
“You never fail to make me fall deeper in love with you each passing day.”
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Shower of affection part 2. Kyungsoo is going to always love whatever you wear or do to your hair. When he sees you like this, he’s going to make sure you know that he sees you beautiful regardless of how you present yourself in terms of makeup or clothes or hair. Personally, he’s going be seeing major heart eyes your way too.
“You look stunning, you know that?”
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100% all for this comforting look you got going on. He’s especially going to love the fact you’re bare faced. I see him complimenting your skin’s natural glow. Ahhhh he’s gonna love it. 
“How is your skin so clear? Jesus, you’re glowing brighter than a diamond right now.”
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He’s gonna hype you the fuck upppppp. He’s gonna be taking so many photos of you and shower you with compliments and kisses and ughhhhhhhh. Sehun is gonna love it and make sure you know it and know it well 
“Yes, look at you baby! You are a queen!”
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~~~~~~ Enjoy my loves~
-Athena ♡
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whtvrudcd · 5 years
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deli-cate13 · 6 years
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