#go support shelby!!
sapphicwithapen · 7 months
never trust a rock musician bro damn
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pixiis-blog · 7 months
I love having to reformat my entire final art project for this semester because 1 (one) internet "soft boy" turns out to be a domestic abuser.
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kitkats-forthe-gays · 7 months
Okay okay hopefully last thing about Wilbur Soot.
Looking back at his lyrics (yes I hyperannylized this shit, I have no regrets) it all makes sense now.
I never wanted to say anything like this, but the lyrics “All this over a kiss. You weren’t there, so why you pressed by this?” Always stood out as kind of shitty. Again, that’s just my opinion and it probably means nothing in the current situation, I just wanted to get that off my chest.
Besides this, his lyrics in general just kind of seem shitty. He wrote about abuse and horrible people. How jealousy can drive anger and abuse. He wrote about everything he was. Angry, shitty, jealous, and abusive.
We all know Shubble and Niki aren’t the only victims. That’s obvious. The people he was close to, his friends, though they may not have spoken out, they were manipulated too.
Just like Billzo said in his response. He saw Wilbur be an ass towards his friends. He saw manipulation. But nothing could be said thanks to the platform he once had.
Looking back at old streams, too, there’s so much stuff we passed off as brotherly. We didn’t know any better, of course. That’s not our fault. It’s Wilbur’s. He tricked us. He tricked his friends.
Remember when Tommy said he felt uncomfortable around Wilbur, and he just came in and pushed Tommy away. No? I didn’t either. Because we were tricked into believing that Wilbur was being helpful. Manipulation at its finest.
Everything was just so fucked up. And there may have been signs, as I’ve just pointed out, but we didn’t notice. Nobody could have noticed. There was no way anyone could take one look at him and have gone “this guys an abuser”.
Anyone can say they knew all along, but did they? Sure, they could have been skeptical but that doesn’t mean they were sure he was an ass. In all reality, we were all just fans who were fooled by him into believing he did, and could do, nothing wrong.
That’s not anybody’s fault but his.
One final thing, nobody who was involved with the abuser owes anything. No apology. No statement. They don’t even have to acknowledge the situation.
It’s their lives. But the fuck out of it. They owe nobody anything. Let them cope.
Let them find their stance on the situation. If they choose to say something, good for them. If they choose move on and never say anything about it, that’s not our business.
Leave them alone
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horse-head-farms · 7 months
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they think they’re so funny
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I haven’t seen anyone make a post like this about Wilbur soot, and I want to, because this specific thing is important to me.
First off, support Shelby, we love and support Shelby here, she’s such a strong and brave person and I’m so fucking glad that she said something and now we all know about this.
I do not support Wilbur soot at all. He’s a piece of shit. I don’t fucking like or support or want to see him. However I love his character
C!wilbur has always been so important to me. And since I haven’t seen anyone else say this, I want to.
It’s okay if you still like the character
Its okay if you still want fanart of the character
It’s okay if you still want to read about the character
Cc Wilbur has no creative liberty over the character anymore, especially since the dream smp has ended.
If you want to oc-ifiy the character, do it! Have fun!! Id love to see the ocs!!!!/gen
But if that character holds a really important place to you, and you genuinely care about the CHARACTER, it’s perfectly okay to still like them.
You looking at fanart of the character doesn’t give cc!wilbur any money or attention at all. Same with fanfiction
And in my eyes at least, as long as you aren’t supporting that piece of shit, if you want to enjoy a fictional character, that’s okay.
I’m still going to make fanart and write and I still have headcanons, and I also hate the content creator so much.
I really hope this post is coherent, I love all of you (/p), have some water, listen to some music, take a break. Remember it’s also okay if you’re really fucking upset about this, I am too. Just take care of yourself and do whatever it you need to do
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lillyspeakz · 1 month
Here’s more Wil for the soul :)
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All found on Twitter!!
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Here is the beginning and the end of the matter.
Having depression or being any kind of mentally ill is not and will never be an excuse to perpetuate and or commit abuse.
And if you don’t understand that to say someone can’t help it or that it’s in their nature or that they committed these acts because they were mentally ill and that somehow that absolves them of all guilt is a more ableist viewpoint than holding them accountable, you are not ready to have this discussion.
Abuse is abuse.
Believe and stand by victims.
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thechaotichorselord · 7 months
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to-be-a-dreamer · 7 months
“Separate the art from the artist” is what you say when you still find joy in art that was created by a person who has done something harmful, but their art isn’t directly tied to their actions as a person, so you find ways to privately enjoy it without directly supporting them. It is not something you say to make yourself feel better about directly financially supporting a person who admitted to physical domestic abuse (which is an actual literal crime that people go to jail for, not some kind of petty internet discourse that a notes app apology can fix) just because you can’t stand to let go of your favorite mediocre white boy.
A streamer is not the kind of artist you can separate from the art. Music is another thing but if you’re able to listen to a man sing about being a toxic partner while knowing what he’s done you may need to spend some time unpacking that. And if you’re one of the people who found comfort in using his content as a form of escapism before you knew about all of this, I’m sorry and I know this must be hard to come to terms with but that’s something you need to deal with in private and it’s not an excuse to continue giving a platform to an abuser.
Always believe victims and go support Shelby! She’s been my favorite Minecraft content creator for years and she’s amazing at what she does! Her YouTube and streaming content is great and I’m also a big fan of her work on Kollok 1991 and The Unleashed, which are TTRPG shows if that’s something you’re into! Kollok is a lot more gritty and definitely not PG (think Stranger Things but with more of a horror element) and the Unleashed is like a comic-book super heroes series that’s a little more similar vibes to her usual content. (Featuring an all LGBTQ+ cast and GMed by Aabria Iyengar!) The Unleashed is pretty short for a TTRPG series and a great place to start if you’ve never seen that kind of thing before!
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if i get one more fucking wilbur supporter in my notes saying "but he's actually not a bad guy 🥺" im going to lose my fucking mind
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webwebweb2 · 7 months
I’m watching Grians video and he’s talking so normally as if Scar isn’t on his dock’s roof 😭
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silawastaken · 7 months
Hey! Slightly different post here, but i feel the need to say something important.
Lovejoy used to be my favourite band, i have been in their top 0.1% of listeners for the past two years. That being said, the frontman is an abusive asstwat.
So, friendly reminder, Spotify(not sure about other music apps) has a feature where you can access audio files from your device through a playlist usually titled 'local files'. If you download videos, or screen record them from youtube and convert them to mp3, they'll show up there. No revenue goes to artists if you listen to their music from a download in your local files, and you can add tracks from your local files into playlists.
if you want to go a step further, you can download the unofficial lyric videos from other youtube accounts, then convert those to mp3 instead of the official one.
You can do this with individual songs, or entire albums. If you have a cd or cassette already, no revenue goes to the artist per listen, so if you like the music just hold onto it imo, and you can usually rip the music from the cd or cassette onto others, or onto a laptop.
The same thing goes in reverse, if there's another album you really like, you can download the mp3 as before, and put it on a blank cd or cassette and decorate the case yourself!
I don't think I can let go of Lovejoy easily, so this is what I'll be doing, and I have such a strong attachment to ycgma and msr that I couldn't give it up. Instead, download and listen to unofficial versions so you can enjoy music without supporting an abusive person who is believed to still be dangerous :D
If Lovejoy comes out with new music, I'm unsure what I'll do then, but the same practice still applies, download from unofficial accounts and listen separately!!! I would fully support joe, mark and ash if they decided that once the tour is over they want to split lovejoy up, though unfortunately i don't think they will, given they have probably witnessed the abuse before and not done anything :/
All this to say, even if the members of your favourite band are shitheads, you can listen to their music if you go through the right processes! Just don't allow for profit to be made <3
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sadiecoocoo · 7 months
People need to stop demanding to hear some people’s thoughts on the Wilbur soot drama. Tommy may not be responding because he was abused as well and is dealing with the realization of that. He may not be responding because he doesn’t trust himself to say anything yet. He may not be responding because he recently had surgery and can’t deal with this right now. He may not be responding because he really doesn’t want to
Stop focusing on other people’s responses to Wilbur’s shitty apology and go focus on supporting Shelby (Shubble). She’s the one that needs it right now
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kitkats-forthe-gays · 6 months
Okay I lied.
This genuinely disgusts me to my core. Can we all agree that what used to be the dsmp was and is just problematic as hell?
I mean yes, there are people who have done little to nothing wrong. But the main people that the viewers watched, that being William Gold and the so called dream team, they’re horrible. They’re abusers. They took advantage of the naivety of young girls. 18 year old girls. If that’s not fucked, i don’t what is.
Now just to take a second to address this, I don’t count Punz in all of this. At least he was respectful and responsible when he handled his situation. Both he and Andi were in a mutually toxic relationship. His situation is a completely different story.
I know so many mcyts and just overall people have come out about this. All of them agree everything that is going on is idiotic and horrible. How people can still support those who have had stuff come out against them, I have no clue. Obviously they don’t see how stupid this shit is. I hope they find the help they need to understand that these are not good people.
Now I may have left the ‘dsmp’ fandom, I was still interested in certain groups. One of them was the dream team. After hearing what George did, and that Dream and Sapnap supported him, it was gross. I supported the sorry boys. I still support some members, but William Gold is not one of them. He deserves every loss in fame, money, and self worth he got.
But this is still not about me, or you, or any of us. We may have been victims of their lying and manipulation, but the real victims are those they hurt personally. Caiti, Shelby, Alice, everybody. They deserve your support. I cannot stress that enough. Go support victims, please.
I’ve also seen stuff saying that Shelby was in acting classes, and how it ‘makes sense’ to imply she’s lying. If that is true, then why have so many of his exes come out against him claiming the same, if not similar, damn things. Why would so many people lie about abuse? Yes Shelby may not have the best reputation, and yes, Alice may not have the best videos or account, and yes, Caiti and George may have both been drunk, and yes, these victims are not perfect people, but that does not lessen the abuse a bullshit they went through. They still went through what they went through, even if they aren’t a perfect fucking angel.
So please, go support victims. Go be a somewhat decent human being. Please.
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carlossainzwho · 9 days
happy birthday wilbur 💞 have the greatest day ever! don't let anything stop you from doing what you love!
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unnamed-proxy · 26 days
THE VOICES!!! Anyway I found this totally orphaned oc with no owner so he’s mine now
Phantom Ferris! (The living version is TBA because everytime I try making him a design it turns out ugly)
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Doodles vvvv
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